n 1994 my father died and
I’d just signed a deal with
indie label, and I flew to N
I record with Mitch Easter a
I called the album Duffy but as
it I thought of myself as Harris
that was going to be the title. I
on a long tour. But something w
happening. I realised I could no
longer simultaneously hold a
glass of wine and a cigarette.
I’d literally lost my grip.
I made my ninth album.
Indolent, RCA’s boutique
North Carolina to
and Velvet Crush. have Seventeen, a song which sees me as a
s I was making Billy Liar who actually gets on the train only
son Browne and to continue his daydreams when he gets to
embarked London. I was the “empty-headed libertine”.
was Everything in the songs would now be true.
no I saw different doctors and they did many “I swore to write just poetry and live upon
tests but there was no physical damage. a hill” as I say in Twenty Three. I mention
The conclusion was depression. I began and allude to The Lilac Time on I Love My
a long relationship with Jungian therapy. Friends without knowing that my next three
In her attempts to understand what I was records would all be back with The Lilac Time.
going on about, my therapist asked if she The record that follows this reimagining
could hear some of my music. I played her of I Love My Friends will be our tenth.
the Duffy album. She thought the lyrics
were a nonsensical, vaguely poetical, code. At this point, the tunes and the words were
So for my next record, I set about writing coming easily. That is the dichotomy of I Love
something that she would understand. My Friends. My interior world was
falling apart, but creatively I was shitting
in high cotton. We started work at Maison
Rouge studios in West London on November
11th, 1996, with Stephen Street producing,
and a month later we’d made the whole
album. Ric Menck from Velvet Crush came
over to play drums and Alex James came
over from Covent Garden and Blur to play bass.
Back in 1986, I’d written a song about Julie On this album I wrote and sang about death
Christie in Billy Liar. On this record we whilst still grieving and recently bereft.
I’m not sure this explains the presence of went back into the studio to record two
Eucharist and The Postcard on the record. songs with Andy Partridge producing –
On both songs I’m facing up to my past, You Are and What If I Fell In Love With You?
even if some of it was merely weeks ago.
In order to make room for those we lost Mao
The Deal was written in a flat in Albert St, Badge and In The Evening Of Her Day. Two
C amden, opposite the house where Bruce of the best songs I’ve written. At that point
Robinson wrote Withnail & I. Now even the you really just want the record to come out
hopeful songs were beginning to sound sad. so you can move on. But first you have to
One Day One Of These Fucks Will Change endure inane meetings and hear moronic
Your Life was also inspired by what was feedback. Someone in marketing tells
happening around me. It was the tail end you that they don’t like to hear the words
of another beat boom and maybe this is the “Shangri-La” in a song. We were in the
perfect example of writing about yourself middle of shooting the video for Seventeen
when you think for sure it’s about someone when the call came through to tell me the
else. She Belongs To All was written before record wasn’t going to be released. That’s
my therapist cracked the code. I’m singing how well managed it all was. I was making
about physics, but essentially it’s an answer a video for a song that wasn’t coming out.
song to Bob Dylan’s She Belongs To Me.
A year passes and when the album finally
Whatever else was going on in my life I felt does emerge on Cooking Vinyl the reviews
good about this record. My tenth. I also are unanimously positive. But they weren’t
thought it was my best album. But actually for the record I had intended. The record you
the game was up. I handed it in just before hold in your hands is I Love My Friends
Christmas. I could tell something was wrong as it was originally
because I was asked if I could make One Day meant to be.
One Of These Fucks Will Change Your Life
“more trip-hop”. Next it was the inevitable dusfftyeppehteepnapahs itdoledsto
“we don’t hear a single”. That was why I January 2019
All photography courtesy of Neil Stewart at neilstewart.studio apart from the centrespread photo taken by Kevin Power.
Remastered in 2018 by Guy Davie at Electric Mastering London www.electricmastering.com. 2019 design by Schein at www.
schein.co.uk. Needle Mythology would like to thank Ben Duke and Alan Brown at Sony Music Entertainment UK Limited.
Deal I thought I was in motion your lover once removed
A liner on an ocean of desires
Did I see you flying or did I see you land
Is passenger or pilot in command?
But don’t follow me for I’m not moving you see
I ’ll be lying here with you in the morning
No don’t follow me for I’m not moving you see
I’ll be lying here with you in the morning in the morning
I worry you’re not eating when we are apart
You worry I fulfil a wandering heart.
I want to love forever and never be alone
Yet I’m always on the road away from home
But don’t follow me for I’m not moving you see
I’ll be lying here with you in the morning
No don’t follow me for I’m not moving you see
I’ll be lying here with you in the morning in the morning
1Tune If you cannot sleep with me will you be my friend?
In[Instrumental] And if you cannot be my friend, must this be the end?
I think that you are broken I know that I can’t heal
If no more words are spoken here’s the deal:
I will follow you through whatever you do
If you’re lying here with me in the morning.
You can follow me for I’m not moving you see
I’ll be lying here with you in the morning and in the morning
3Eucharist We see them every day
I know you want to say we won’t forget
I was born in poverty We’ll always love you
But when I was about nineteen When you’re young and you fall down you’re trying
I wrote a song called Kiss Me When you’re old and you fall down you’re dead
And soon it was pay day. And I am in between there and never been
A terraced house in the country Anywhere or sincere with anyone that I’ve held dear
I thought that would do for me
It seemed to be the lilac time Checking in around twilight
But when the lilac died The hotel readies for the night
I went back to town and cried I run a bath unpack some books
I need someone who’ll always love me On which we will embrace
You told me that your father died
The day after someone dies And when you buried him you cried
You wake a little less alive You were sorry and you are surprised
Why do the wicked seem to survive He died and you were born
For Eucharist and song? So you don’t have to mourn
And we’re a little more alone You’ll live your life
In moments that they’ve never known I’ll always love you
They’ll never see my happy home
Badge Pushing and pulling and trying to make my way
Through the crowd on the underground
I’m just a man and I hope that I can be true
Like I’ve never been true before.
I know that you’ll be here for the good and the bad times.
I hope you know I’ll be here for the bad and the good times.
Pushing and pulling why can’t they leave us alone
Pay the rent and the telephone.
Let’s just stay in play old records and watch TV,
Something you taped on video.
I know that you’ll be here for the good and the bad times.
I hope you know I’ll be here for the bad and the good times.
Mao badge and arts lab a cigarette on the bus
Bus to school Comprehensive school
Music and books before girlfriends and looks come in
Anaglypta in cinnamon
I know that you’ll be here for the good and the bad times.
I hope you know I’ll be here for the bad and the good times
I hope that there aren’t too many bad times.
If it’s only love why do I want to die?
Is it just to possess a desire to caress and pacify?
I sit by the phone I check my machine at a quarter to nine
Now it’s eight forty six and I’m off the rails at the end of the line
If it’s only love if it’s only love If it’s only love,
A single thought I want to be your lover
Lover beware She’s too good for me I’m too down at heel to her I’m a fool
What if this is our only love? With her monogrammed fags her elegant drags and Miss Sweet school
Lover lover beware I was born to build cars hang out in bars and play folk guitar.
What if this is our only love? She was born yesterday I feel her going away I’ve got to make her stay.
If it’s only love if it’s only love if it’s only love
A single thought I want to be her lover
Lover beware
What if this is our only love?
L over lover beware,
What if this is our only love?
Do you think that I’m the one that you don’t want until he’s gone
And then you want him back by blue of noon?
You know that I’ll bomb without you
Can’t breathe when I’m without you?
What if you’re my one and only lover.
Lover beware
What if this is our only love?
Lover lover beware
W hat if this is our only lonely love?
Her Day
Getting high every night
Until I couldn’t see the sunshine in the light
Start again draw some fire
Defy the built in obsolescence of desire
The night drum always plays a requiem
In the evening of her day Ophelia comes to court me
Not that I could stay away her kisses seem to haunt me
It’s an accident of birth that had me born a loser
When love’s the only thing it hurts to lose Hanging like a bird of prey but fated not to capture
Her tender touch.
In the evening of her day Ophelia comes to court me
Not that I could stay away her kisses seem to haunt me I fell so high from the Ferris wheel
I t’s an accident of birth that had me born a loser And all the fairground lights
Hanging like a bird of prey but fated not to capture W ere flickering sweet delights.
Her tender touch. So so tell me why is it bad I feel
I tripped stumbled slipped and fell
Sleepless nights I walk the streets Left drowning in the wishing well
It was kind of like a movie but not as deep as
What might’ve been and what will be In the evening of her day Ophelia comes to court me,
Embraced each other in conspiracy Not that I could stay away her kisses seem to haunt me.
It’s an accident of birth that had me born a loser
Hanging like a bird of prey but fated not to capture
Her tender touch that I need so much.
Hands With
Grace Holding hands with Grace,
C an there be a better place
T han this world when
Y ou’re holding hands with Grace?
There’s a smile upon her face
That’s saying
G race can be the virtue you embrace
And you will know the love you get.
Holding hands with Grace,
Can there be a better place
T han this world when
You’re holding hands with Grace?
There’s a smile upon her face
That’s saying,
Grace can be the virtue you embrace
And you will know the love that comes with Grace.
I don’t remember receiving your postcard
I never got much post so it shouldn’t be too hard
You were on holiday with your school in some French town
And when you were away I took Debbie to the Crown
I feel as though the past is closing in on me I feel as though the past is closing in on me,
I found a photograph of me and Kimberley I found a photograph of me and Kimberley
I found your postcard and I put it on the wall, We hardly used to even drink, we didn’t smoke
I found your picture you know, tears were bound to fall We’d walk home from the pub cause we were always broke
I didn’t write you songs when we were going out So when your mother called and said that you were dead
So why should I start now you are not about I thought she was talking of another Kim instead.
I feel as though the past is closing in on me,
I found a photograph of me and Kimberley
She said it seemed you accidentally overdosed
I t was so long since I’d talked to her and once we were so close
And I am left with all these things I didn’t say
And a picture of you in my arms the day you went away
I feel as though the past is closing in on me
I found a photograph of me and Kimberley
I feel as though the past is closing in on me
I found a photograph of me and Kimberley.
Seventeen 9
I was born in Birmingham but soon I would escape
With education incomplete and two songs on a tape
W hen my girlfriend was expelled we took the London coach
H er sister gave her daffodils her mother an old brooch
And she smiled and she smiled and she smiled
She was so beautiful seventeen
We didn’t have much money then no Hi Fi or TV
So we made love I’d sing her songs and she would read to me
But we were young I didn’t know what love was all about
And when I slept with her best friend of course she threw me out
And we cried and we cried and we cried
She was so beautiful seventeen
I was looking for a deal looking for a hit
The affectations of success the airs that go with it
While she was looking for a man who didn’t need a maid
She modelled for an agency who made sure she got paid
When she smiled when she smiled when she smiled
She was so beautiful seventeen
I was an empty headed libertine.
10T went y It wasn’t her my love it was me,
Three Looking for another way to see
Looking for another place to be
I moved to town at twenty three
And I’d betray my childhood
And launched myself in society Betray my class if I could
From a squat in Archway N19 For a moment truly understood
Looking for a thrill A reason to believe
I fell in love with ecstasy In ornamental flower beds
Which seemed to fuel my vanity There in blooms the memory
I swore to write just poetry Of all those who can’t come back to me
And live upon a hill The love we have to leave
It wasn’t her my love it was me It wasn’t her my love it was me,
Looking for another way to see Looking for another way to see,
Looking for another place to be. Looking for another place to be.
I sang my songs of Birmingham
How did you relate to them
Did you dig the proletarian way
I got it wrong
I bet you never thought I’d dream of you
More than that I’d fall for you
Walk just to bump into you
Like you bumped into this song
I’m not very bright but I know right from wrong
A nd I’ve not been right for I don’t know how long
I cry in my sleep I laugh when you weep
I lie and I cheat I talk with my feet
I ’m running away I’m lost and I long for oblivion
You gave me your life I gave you make believe.
You wanted to be my wife I wanted you to leave.
I cry in my sleep I laugh when you weep
I lie and I cheat I talk with my feet
I ’m running away I’m lost and I long for oblivion
I took the darkest way down and doubtful.
I ’m sorry I heard you say We can work it out.
I cry in my sleep I laugh when you weep
I lie and I cheat I talk with my feet
I ’m running away I’m lost and I long for oblivion.
To All
She belongs to all
She talks as she undresses She belongs to all.
Among the facts and fictions,
T he love that she expresses
W hen nothing can be said The crutches and addictions
Pennies in a stream Of everyday
My love songs unrequited
And all the dicks you slighted Even in the grey
Are at your door Solar energy is transmuted
The one thing that can’t be disputed
I won’t erase your teenage writings from my wall Is on its way
Where you wrote Love Is All
You meant it you know you did I won’t erase your teenage writings from my wall
Where others see the mother of another child Where you wrote Love Is All
I still see your eyes ablaze and wild You meant it you know you did
Outside your faculty. Where others see the mother of another child
I still see your eyes ablaze and wild
Outside your faculty.
13One Day
One Of These
Fucks Will
Your She’s snogging the industry
Life Each showbiz divinity
Cloaked in transparency.
We met at an aftershow
Courted with backstage snow
Where everything’s said but no
Do you play with fire just to warm you?
One day one of these fucks will change your life
One trip across and opening night for god and gold card
Your time in the sun accommodation free for tinsel gods like me.
She’s out with the buying team One day one of these fucks will change your life
Youth opportunity scheme One trip across and opening night for god and gold card
A major label dream Your time in the sun accommodation free for tinsel gods like me
Fame so perfectly fatuous,
Its gift is gratuitous We only want someone to hold us
I ts fear is ubiquitous We only want someone to tell us please
There’s nothing you should do
If I go away, don’t forget me F or you can light up a room by just being you
I know that you’re a liar but I love you
One day one of these fucks will change your life
O ne trip across and opening night for god and gold card
Your time in the sun accommodation free for tinsel gods like me.
love is all
NEMYCD001 This Compilation ℗2019 Sony Music Entertainment UK Limited | ©2019 Needle Mythology Ltd