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IIUM Press of International Islamic University Malaysia is one of the leading university presses in Malaysia.
Since its establishment more than three decades ago, IIUM Press has published over 2000 scholarly
books and journals in our selected subject areas across the humanities and social sciences, combining
cutting-edge scholarship with high editorial and production values to produce academic works of lasting
importance.The IIUM Press is a global ambassador for the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM),
distributing our books and journal worldwide each year. Malaysia, as part of the Malay World has a long
tradition of learning and intellectual debate in Islamic Studies. IIUM Press is part of that tradition. As well
as being a leading Malaysia academic publisher, we aim to be the preeminent publisher of serious books
about Islamic Knowledge. Our Islamization of knowledge books cover Islamic Finance, Islamic Banking,
Waqf, History, Politics, Literature, Language and Linguistic, Art and Architecture. IIUM Press also publish
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reach an International readership.
Among our latest books is Pentafsiran Baharu Falsafah Pendidikan Kebangsaan dan Pelaksanaannya Pasca
2020.This is an edited volume by Dzulkifli Abdul Razak & Rosnani Hashim.This book discusses the National
Education Policy in the post 2020.The book is published after 30 years of the National Education Policy
was introduced. A joint publication between IIUM Press and Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka is a book by our
National Laureate; Zurinah Hassan.The book is entitled A Journey Through Prose and Poetry.
The high quality of content and book-production to which the IIUM Press is committed has become the
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5. Backlist Titles 56
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The International Islamic University Malaysia: Islamic Financial System:Theory and Practice
The Garden of Knowledge and Virtue
Salina Kassim
Abdul Rashid Moten
ISBN : 9789674910365
ISBN : 9789674910440 (Hard Year : 2020
Cover), 9789674910358 Pages : 364
(Soft Cover) Price : RM 150.00
Year : 2020
Pages : 478 Amid the rapid growth and increasing
Price : RM 120.00 (Hard Cover), presence of Islamic Finance industry
RM 80.00 (Soft Cover) across the globe,interests in detailed
information and knowledge in Islamic
This book analyses the International banking and finance are increasing,
Islamic University Malaysia described as the “Garden of not just by those involved in the industry for commercial
Knowledge and Virtue” and its multi-dimensional features. reasons, but also by those who would like to have a deeper
The University provides excellent educational facilities for understanding of the Islamic financial system.Islamic finance
its students and is internationally recognised for providing now,is seen as a viable alternative to the conventional financial
high-quality learning environments. It contains chapters, system,which has the prospects of high growth and application
contributed by the first five rectors themselves, on the that could potentially provide the panacea to address issues
contributions they made during the duration they occupied and problems currently facing the conventional financial
the office. It also contains a chapter by the current rector that system. Since Islamic finance is growing at a rapid pace and
focuses on the challenges the University is likely to face and has started to make a meaningful economic contributions in
alerts the University community to face these challenges and many countries,there is a growing interest on the role of Islamic
lead the way.The book also contains chapters contributed by finance in contributing to efficient functioning of the overall
the deputy rectors and directors of the University explaining financial system and its relation to the real economic activities.
achievements in various areas that make IIUM a leading The unique feature of Islamic finance which requires the
international centre of educational excellence.Finally,the book compliancy to the Shariah in all its aspects, would result in
contains chapters written by academic administrator heading an economy achieving the maqasid al-Shariah,and obtaining
the faculties and departments providing a brief overview of the the noble objective of socio-economic justice for all, which
historical development of the institution,its current set-up and is the major characteristic of an Islamic economy.This book
the contributions it makes towards achieving the University’s aims to provide a comprehensive understanding about the
mission of Islamisation, Integration, Internationalisation characteristics,structure and operations of an Islamic financial
and Comprehensive Excellence. Taken as a whole, the book system, particularly in performing its role as an integral
provides readers with a deeper understanding of the core component of the overall economic system.This involves an
concerns of IIUM from its inception to its current position. understanding on the foundation as well as evaluation on
the concepts and structure of the Islamic financial system, as
well as the legal and regulatory framework facing the system.
Comparisons are made between the Islamic financial systems
with its conventional counter-part so as to highlight the unique
features of the Islamic financial system in mobilising financial
capital in a Shariah-compliant manner, while pointing-out
the economic implications of the differences between
the two systems. Key principles and characteristics of the
Islamic financial system, as well as the financial products or
instruments traded in various segments of the system are
highlighted.This includes the operations of each component
of the Islamic financial system, starting from the Islamic
money market, Islamic equity market, sukuk market, Islamic
6 iiumpress.iium.edu.my/bookshop
unit trusts industry, Islamic banking institutions, and Islamic mengikut kaedah tersebut; pembahasan ayat-ayat permisalan
non-bank financial institutions.Also critical to the functioning mengenai hakikat iman dan kufur; serta pembahasan ayat-
of the Islamic financial system is the monetary system, which ayat permisalan mengenai orang mukmin dan kafir.
in essence, relates the Islamic financial system to the overall
economic system. Titian Akhir Zaman
Permisalan Dalam Al-Quran Mek Wok Mahmud, Raudlotul Firdaus Fatah Yasin,
Mohd. Puzhi Usop
Rahmat Hidayat Lubis, Gamal Abdul Nasir Zakaria
ISBN : 9789674910419
ISBN : 9789674910341 Year : 2020
Year : 2020 Pages : 128
Pages : 294 Price : RM 25.00
Price : RM 80.00
Akhir zaman merupakan suatu
Salah satu kehebatan Al-Quran zaman menghampiri saat
adalah keindahan bahasanya yang berakhirnya usia dunia. Suasana
diungkapkan melalui ayat-ayat mencabar dapat dirasakan dengan
permisalan.Kata Mathal tidak hanya hadirnya satu persatu tanda-tanda kiamat kecil dan sederhana
bererti permisalan,bahkan memiliki sebagaimana ternukil dalam hadis dan riwayat Nabi
banyak erti, antaranya keadaan, persamaan, pengajaran, Muhammad SAW dan para sahabat. Rentetan dugaan hebat
sifat, contoh teladan dan tandingan. Keindahan makna yang melanda segala aspek dan penjuru termasuk akhlak,
serta corak penyampaian ayat-ayat tersebut akan memberi aqidah, syariat, ekonomi dan ibadat, orang yang beriman
kesan yang mendalam kepada minda dan jiwa pendengar pasti akan tercati-cari apakah bekalan dan persiapan untuk
dan pembaca. Al-Quran menyeru manusia untuk merenung menyelamatkan diri dari fitnah ini dan apa yang dapat dibawa
dan memikirkan ayat-ayat permisalan sebagai peringatan ke alam barzakh nanti. Buku ini adalah yang julung kalinya
bagi mereka: Dan Demi sesungguhnya Kami telah membuat diterbitkan sebagai salah satu usaha pengurusan Masjid
dalam Al-Quran ini berbagai-bagai-bagai perumpamaan Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah, Pusat Islamisasi CENTRIS, Universiti
bagi manusia supaya mereka dapat mengambil peringatan Islam Antarabangsan Malaysia,dengan kerjasama Persatuan
(Al-Zumar,27).Ayat-ayat permisalan dalam Al-Quran menjadi Ulama Malaysia (PUM) bagi memberikan beberapa panduan
salah satu korpus kajian dan pembahasan para pakar ilmu dan pecerahan dalam memahami hakikat akhir zaman dan
balaghah, yang membincangkan tentang keindahan makna, tips menghadapinya berdasarkan dalil dan nas yang sahih
cara menyampaikan serta kesan yang ditinggalkannya. daripada sumber al-Quran dan al-Sunnah. Semoga dapat
Terdapat beberapa keistimewaan ayat-ayat permisalan, menjadi pegangan yang praktikal bagi mendepani cabaran
antara lain:Pertama,permisalan dalam Al-Quran tidak meniru akhir zaman.
atau mengambil daripada sumber-sumber terdahulu. Kedua,
permisalan dalam Al-Quran mengandungi keistimewaan
gaya bahasa yang tidak dimiliki dalam korpus bahasa selain
Al-Quran. Ketiga, betapa tingginya nilai sastera pada ayat-
ayat permisalan. Jadi jelas bagi kita bahawa permisalan
yang disebutkan oleh Allah membuktikan kehebatan Allah
meletakkan sesuatu selaras dengan tempatnya, yakni
memberi misal sesuatu dengan sesuatu yang bersesuaian.
Selain itu, permisalan turut menzahirkan hakikat sesuatu
yang tidak terlihat agar terlihat. Buku Permisalan dalam
Al-Quran mengandungi tentang konsep dan teori ilmu
permisalan; kaedah baharu untuk mengenal pasti ayat-ayat
permisalan dalam Al-Quran; pemilihan ayat-ayat Al-Quran
iiumpress.iium.edu.my/bookshop 7
Green Transportation System Pentafsiran Baharu Falsafah Pendidikan
Kebangsaan Dan Pelaksanaannya Pasca 2020
Ataur Rahman, Rafia Afroz, Abdul Hassan Jaafar (Edisi Semakan)
ISBN : 9789674910211 Dzulkifli Abdul Razak, Rosnani Hashim
Year : 2020
Pages : 256 IISBN : 9789674910594
Price : RM 120.00 (Hard Cover),
Environmental sustainability (Soft Cover)
is largely measured by the Year : 2020 (Revised Edition)
transportation system. Green Pages : 448
transportation revolves the efficient Price : RM 95.00 (Hard Cover),
and effective use of resources, RM 70.00 (Soft Cover)
makes the low carbon and healthier environment for the
nation by reducing the greenhouse gas emission. Promising Falsafah Pendidikan Negara (FPN),dan kemudiannya Falsafah
innovative technologies could be the ultimate solution, but Pendidikan Kebangsaan (FPK) sudah berusia tiga dekad.
innovation comes to fruition if society plays a crucial role in Dalam jangkamasa 30 tahun, dunia telah banyak berubah,
the development of electric vehicle focused on decarbonised sesetengahnya berpaksikan kepada perkembangan pesat
transport. Developing effective and affordable policies to pendidikan tempatan dan sejagat, dan sebaliknya didesak
ensure the introduction of low carbon technologies in line pula oleh pelbagai pihak, khususnya industri serta ideologi
with political aspirations requires an understanding of how lain,ke atas dunia pendidikan.Faktor ini sudah cukup memberi
markets work to save fuel. Green Transportation System, First isyarat bahawa pendidikan wajardipandu dan dibimbing
Edition, gives aspiring and practicing engineers a fundamental supaya ia tidak diheret ke sana ke sini hingga terkeluar
understanding of technologies for electric vehicle design and daripada matlamat serta acuan kita sendiri. Ini sekali gus
development that meet the national goal of environmental meletakkan keyakinan bahawa apa juga penilaiannya kelak,
sustainability. Green Transportation System presents the FPK masih relevan dan sesuai untuk abad ke-21 dalam
basic of design, components selection and sizing, system melangsungkan agenda pendidikan negara dan sejagat.
integrations of electric vehicle development, the utilizing
battery recycling and policy for green transportation system Al-Diyah as Compensation for Homicide
initiation.This edition would receive a wide assessment at the Wounding in Malaysia
system level for electric vehicles.The authors bring this new
edition “Green Transport System” to a new level, significantly Syed Ahmad S.A Alsagoff
expanding the possibilities of designing and developing
electric transport while maintaining an integrated systems ISBN : 9789833855049
approach. This publication is presented as a resource for Year : 2020 (Second Edition)
practising engineers and graduate students interested in the Pages : 436
latest developments in electric transport. Price : RM 45.00
This book concerns itself mainly with
the law of diyah as compensation
for homicide and wounding. It is
an attempt to show that this idea
of victim of compensation, that
conforms to the dictators of reasons, justice and humanity,
is applicable as common law for all Malaysians. Human life
is sacred and historical survey of how earlier communities
responded to homicide and wounding shows and underlying
8 iiumpress.iium.edu.my/bookshop
common thread of victim compensation. The notion of The curriculum of teacher education and Islamic Studies
crime against society later superseded this practice. Society programs are evaluated.The third part discusses the necessity
vindicated itself by punishing the offender with death, of reclaiming Islam’s pragmatism and reviving philosophy and
in prisonment or find and the idea of conpensating the philosophical inquiry in Islamic education as a prerequisite
victim or his family when into oblivion. There is a growing for the advancement of critical and creative thinking. Finally,
acceptance amongst western and common law countries the fourth part examines in depth the identity issues affecting
on the importance of victim compensation. It has brought Muslims as minorities in multicultural settings,and the nature
them closer towards the law of Diyah. The syari’ah has in and role of women education vis-à-vis men education. The
variably upheld the victim’s right to compensaion and a objectives of the book will have been attained if readers reach
study of recent legislation in Pakistan, Sudan, Iran and the a better understanding of the principles and issues, and are
state of Kelantan in Malaysia in implementing the law of moved to act and transform Islamic education.
Diyah shows its suitability for application in Malaysia. The
practice of punishing the offender with fines payable to the Japanese Contribution to Islamic Studies :The
state of homicide and wounding need reappraisal in favour of Legacy Of Toshihiko Izutsu Interpreted
compensation to the victim.A compulsary insurance scheme
using the system of takaful will ensure compensation to all Anis Malik Thoha
victims of homicide and wounding. Without such a scheme,
the state should compensate victims in cases where the ISBN : 9789675272639
offender is impecunious. Year : 2020 (Second Reprint)
Pages : 370
Towards an Islamic Curriculum Principles and Price : RM 50.00
This volume is a selection of papers
Rosnani Hashim and essays that have been improved
throughly by their respective authors
ISBN : 9789674910044 based on the discussion,comments,
Year : 2020 (Second Reprint) remarks, suggestions, criticisms etc,
Pages : 320 transpired at the sessions of the three-day-conference, i.e.,
Price : RM 50.00 the International Conference on Contemporary Scholarship
on Islam: Japanese Contribution to Islamic Studies – The
Many books have been written Legacy of Toshihiko Izutsu (ICONSIST), 2008, in Kuala
on the principles of curriculum, Lumpur. It contains 19 essays covering different issues and
its foundations, theories, designs, topics relevant to Izutsu’s works, ranging from worldview
practices and issues.However,these (weltanschauung), philosophy, mysticism/sufism, semantics,
curriculum foundations and theories linguistics and ethics to scientific study of religion. It includes
are largely based on Western ideas knowledge whose also three articles in Arabic, which evidently show that the
foundations is liberal and secular. Although knowledge has interest in Izutsu’s thought and works have gained a good
been variously classified by great Muslim scholars, there is a deals of attention among the Arab scholars and readers as
dearth of curriculum texts based on the Islamic epistemological well. Not only are the topics of these articles varied, but so
framework.This book was written to fill this vacuum.The first are the methods and approaches adopted by their respective
part discusses the principles and philosophical foundations authors.Some fall under the so-called“descriptive approach”,
of an Islamic education curriculum, and then moves on to and some is analytical in nature. Still some others are critical
deal with the problems of liberal and secular education, and “normative”. However, we believe that this should be
focusing specifically on dualistic educational systems that academically acceptable as long as all are based on the
have beleaguered Muslim nations worldwide.As a resolution, sound arguments from academic perspective. Needless to
several curriculum models of higher education are examined. say, the book taken as a whole, shall undoubtedly be of a
The second part examines the issues with traditional teaching great interest to anyone who wants to study the legacy of Prof.
methods applied in Muslim education in light of globalization. Izutsu’s scholarship on Islam.
iiumpress.iium.edu.my/bookshop 9
Media & Muslim Society and finance and it will be beneficent not only for students
but also for the laymen. I believe that the approach to Islamic
Mohd.Yusof Hussain banking and finance taken in this book will provide a solid
foundation towards understanding the concept of Islamic
ISBN : 9789833855087 finance. An effort has been made to provide an overview of
Year : 2020 (Third Reprint) the principles of Islamic commercial law in business and
Pages : 256 Islamic financial dealings.This book has been written with the
Price : RM 45.00 objective of conveying an understanding of Islamic banking
and finance, without introducing unnecessary technical
The book contains twelve essays on terminology and procedures. It was written to develop a clear
topics related to the subject “Media understanding of the prohibition of Riba, the instruments
and Muslim Society.” It is compiled of products offered by Islamic banks, the contemporary
as a textbook for students taking the approaches and practices across banks worldwide, and the
course of the same title at the International Islamic Universiti challenges and future prospects of Islamic banking.
Malaysia. Thus, the topics selected are those covered in the
course. The topics include media at various stages in the Madkhal ‘Ila Al-Sunniyyah Al-Hadithah Litalabah
development of a Muslim society, the role of communication Al-Marhalah Al-Jami’iyyah Al-‘Ula
in a Muslim society, media control, media effects on Muslim
society and the roles of ulamas in influencing the media. Asem Shehadeh Ali
A special topic on Muslim society is also included at the
beginning of the book. The contributors of these essays are ISBN : 9789674910372
experts in their field. They have also helped developed and Year : 2020 (Second Edition)
taught the course.In this first edition,most of the examples and Pages : 198
discussions are based on two Muslim societies,i.e.,Peninsular Price : RM 40.00
Malaysia and Indonesia.This is understandable because most
of the writers in this first edition are from the Malay world.We Language studies are currently one
hope to include examples from other Muslim societies in the of the main topics that students
next edition when we get contribution from writers from other in universities should be familiar
parts of the Muslim world. Finally, we welcome criticisms and with the various topics that focus
suggestions to improve this book from our readers. We shall on the study of the Arabic language at the four levels. In this
certainly consider these criticisms and suggestions in the sense, contemporary linguists began to study contemporary
next edition. linguistics through different titles.These books introduce the
concepts of language, the view of points of ancient Arabs
Islamic Banking and contemporary westerners of the scholars. These books
including levels of language and details, and address the
Hassanuddeen Abdul Aziz position of the issues related to linguistics; in this study,
we dealt with various topics. The first chapter studied the
ISBN : 9789675272486 ancient Arab language theories, interpretations of the origin
Year : 2020 (Second Reprint) of human language, schools of contemporary linguistics the
Pages : 94 development of linguistic studies,the efforts of contemporary
Price : RM 35.00 scholars and their contribution to the development of linguistic
studies, and the principles of descriptive linguistics schools.
Islamic Banking is designed to In the second chapter,we have the theory of transformational
provide an introduction to Islamic generative theory of Noam Chomsky and the developments
banking and finance for students based on Chomsky’s idealist theory, and the relationship
at universities and similar tertiary between language and thought. Third chapter conducts
institutions.This book also a source linguistic analysis,the vocal level,the morphological level,and
of general understanding of the concept of Islamic banking phonetics lesson of ancient Arabs, the definition of phoneme
10 iiumpress.iium.edu.my/bookshop
and its concept,the stress,the syllabus in Arabic,the intonation 2019
and the morphology.The second examined the grammatical
level in the synod structure and its analysis,and the verbal and History and Theory of Islamic Architecture
moral clues; the semantic level is aware of the meaning of
the ancient and temporary level of language, the relationship Spahic Omer
between heritage and contemporary in linguistic studies, the
position of contemporary ancient linguistic heritage, and ISBN : 9789674910037
Islamic principles in linguistics. Year : 2019
Pages : 276
Madkhal Ila Dirasat Wujuh Al-‘Ijaz Al-Qurani Price : RM 70.00
Radwan Jamal Al-Athrash Islamic architecture is a
misunderstood subject. Quite
ISBN : 9789674910426 often, as elementary -- and even
Year : 2020 (Third Edition) trivial -- themes as defining Islamic
Pages : 384 architecture, the relationship between Muslim and Islamic
Price : RM 55.00 architecture, and the prospect of existence of un-Islamic
architectural expressions hijack the entire intellectual
This book reviews the hierarchical discourses on Islamic architecture.This is so despite the fact
structure of the secrets of the that Islamic architecture existed since the dawn of Islamic
Qur’anic expression by focusing on culture and civilization approximately fourteen centuries
the aspects of miracles that ancient ago. Islamic architecture, more often than not, was the
scholars have dealt with, such as the system, Al-Jahid, Al- most recognizable feature of that cultural and civilizational
Rummani,Al-Khattabi,Al-Baqalani,Abdul-Jabbar Al-Hamdhani, consciousness,serving at once as its face and epitome.Some
Al-Jarjani, Al-Qadi Ayyad, Al-Razi, Al-Qurtubi, Al-Zarkashi, Al- of the reasons behind such misunderstandings could be due
Beqai,Al-Sauti, and others. In addition to what was dealt with to the absence of a comprehensive and appropriate theory
by contemporary scholars who were interested in revealing of Islamic architecture. This book intends to fill somewhat
these harmonious and tightly structured secrets such as Al- the glaring intellectual gap in the sphere of authentic
Alousi,Al-Rafei,Abdullah Draz,Saeed Al-Norsi,Sayed Qutb and Islamic architecture. It provides a theoretical or philosophical
Ibn Ashour. The book reached results, the most important of framework for studying and teaching Islamic architecture on
which was that the Qur’an was miraculous in its wording and the basis of some of the most authentic sources of Islamic
meanings, and its methods made by means of the al-Jazzel scholarship.Against the backdrop of such a broad framework,
system have made strides in which the Arab masters were various Islamic architecture themes and dimensions could
unable to match them and come up with similar ones,despite be more accurately studied and understood.The book is also
what they possessed of an enormous ability to distinguish the envisaged as an invitation to other researchers and scholars
balance of speech. from across the spectrum of especially Islamic scholarship
to embark on similar undertakings and do justice to the
fascinating phenomenon of Islamic architecture, enriching
in the process academic communities and their libraries.The
book is divided into seven chapters. Each chapter represents
an individual study on a vital subject relating to the theoretical
and epistemological foundation of Islamic architecture.Those
chapters are as follows:
1. The Qur’an and Sunnah as a conceptual foundation
of Islamic architecture;
2. The form and function of the Prophet’s Mosque
iiumpress.iium.edu.my/bookshop 11
during the time of the Prophet (pbuh); Sharh Manzumat Wan Ahmad Al-Fathoni: Lii’
3. God as the only Creator: some implications for Awamil Al-jurjani Mamzujatan Bii’ Rabi Ayati
Al- Istidlal
conceptualizing Islamic architecture;
4. A conceptual framework for sustainability in Islamic Abdul Hamid Ahmad Hanado Az-Zawi, Solehah Yaacob
architecture; ISBN : 9789674910204
5. Rationalizing the permissibility of mosque decoration; Year : 2019
6. Towards an Islamization of housing and housing Pages : 144
Price : RM 40.00
7. Al-Wasatiyyah and Islamic built environment.
The Law On Domestic Violence in Malaysia The work of the ninety-eight verbal
factors that the sheikh organized
Daleleer Kaur Randawar, Najibah Mohd Zin among the 100 factors of Abdul-
Qaher al-Jarjani is not a tampering
ISBN : 9789674184834 with absurdity,but rather educational
Year : 2019 factors to teach the language.The present tense, as they are
Pages : 202 two factors that are caused by the second and third ills, are
Price : RM 45.00 not suitable for the modern linguistic lesson in any case.
The Law on Domestic Violence in Leading The Way : Realising the Distinctive
Malaysia discusses on domestic International Islamic University
violence related to Muslims and
non-Muslims in Malaysia which is Dzulkifli Abdul Razak
generally based on the Domestic Violence Act 1994 and
several other supplementary statutes. With the changes in ISBN : 9789674910327
the law in this area, it is important that the book reflects Year : 2019
the latest amendments and developments, whether they Pages : 78
be statutory or case law.This book clearly explains the legal Price : RM 20.00
principles governing Domestic Violence in providing protection
towards the victims. Reference is also made to other related This study analyses IIUM:The Garden
legislation pertaining to domestic violence which impact on of Knowledge and Virtue and its
the functioning of family law.The analysis and the discussion multi-dimensional features. The
provided by the authors will assist readers to grasp the basic objective is to bring back what the
as well as the more intricate aspects of domestic violence. University aspired to be when it was
Comparison with certain selected jurisdiction is made to established 35 years ago as an International Islamic University
provide an insight and suggest necessary reforms to suit the Malaysia.The theme adopted is CHANGE and the objective is
modernization of communities and the changing society. to chalk out strategies to ensure that the University is really
The book intends to provide invaluable resource for scholars, “leading the way”. The change emphasised begins with
students, researchers and practitioners regarding the law on intergrity as one of the virtues that are so intimately intertwined
domestic violence in Malaysia and some selected jurisdictions. with the Garden that the community professes to grow.Indeed,
Triple I-CE (Internationalisation, Integration, Islamisation and
Comprehensive Excellence) is about knowledge and virtue
to nurture the Garden as a source of inspiration, reflection
and consciousness. It lays down some of the strategies of
change for IIUM to grow like a good tree that bears fruits
in abundance to be shared with everyone and to serve the
good cause and to be a blessing for the people of the world,
rahmatan lil alamin. A good tree is one that provides ample
12 iiumpress.iium.edu.my/bookshop
shade to everyone as a way to relieve from exhaustion and Human Anatomy from the Islamic Perspectives
stress of living.A good tree, therefore, must itself be steadfast
and blooming as well as firmly grounded to enable all these Nurul Asyiqin Yusof,Che Anuar Che Mohamad,Ahmad Nizam
virtues to grow on a daily basis. The University community Hassan, Akmal Khuzairy Abd Rahman
must strive continuosly to keep this tree provides goodness to
the world.This requires the university to be truly autonomous ISBN : 9789674184858
and its members self-aware, self-disciplined and above all Year : 2019
self-conscious of the amanah.They must cooperate with each Pages : 92
other at the individual, departmental and kulliyyah levels and Price : RM 35.00
share the knowledge for sustainable development and to
produce well-balanced and harmonious graduates. This book is designed to be a quick
revision on the normal anatomy
Solar Energy : Fundamentals Inverters and of various systems namely the
Systems cardiovascular, respiratory,
musculoskeletal, gastrointestinal,
Othman O.Khalifa, Musse Mohamud Ahmed, Sheroz Khan reproductive, nervous and urinary. Each of the system is
discussed in their own chapter. Although not exhaustive, the
ISBN : 9789674184827 authors have attempted to extract as many Quranic verses
Year : 2019 and hadith from Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). that relate to
Pages : 122 each system. In addition, each chapter is presented with
Price : RM 50.00 contributions from early Muslim physicians and surgeons on
the clinical-related knowledge and techniques during the early
Solar energy becomes the most era. It is hoped that this book could be one of the sources for
promising ways in meeting the the integration of science and revealed knowledge for future
increasing energy demands of the references.
future when conventional energy
sources are being depleted.Growing Spiritual Health Conceptual, Philosophical and
interest in solar energy is a consequence of the concern to Practical Aspects of Iman Restoration Therapy
identify future sources of energy that are inexpensive and eco-
friendly.This book focuses on the contributions of photovoltaic Abdul Latif Abdul Razak
cells. It covers a relevant topic so as to get a broad overview
on the different aspects of Solar Energy,with special emphasis ISBN : 9789674910167
on photovoltaic which the technology that allows converting Year : 2019
energy transported in light directly into electrical energy. Pages : 106
Price : RM 50.00
The book provides a general factual overview on solar energy
as the renewable energy sources of green energy. It is cost- Spiritual Health: Conceptual,
free in producing electricity used by all types of consumers. Philosophical and Practical Aspects
Solar energy system components are also introduced. The of Iman Restoration Therapy
solar radiation,Photosphere,Astronomical,Irradiance,Inverse illustrates in detail about Iman
Square Law, Irradiance and Irradiation were presented. The Restoration Therapy (IRT), a new
book end with a topics relating to Solar Power Inverters and psychotherapeutics approach which is based on the study of
Converters, the multi-level inverters’ design, topology types the Qur’an, Sunnah and the works of early Muslim scholars.
and transformer-based or transformer-less were described. IRT has come to restore in man his true spiritual human
nature and upholds the platform that human spirituality is a
major factor in man’s psychological and mental problems. Its
main foundation is Iman (faith) which is the first fundamental
principle among the pillars of Islam and what makes a Muslim
a true servant of Allah (SWT).The raison d’etre of this book is
iiumpress.iium.edu.my/bookshop 13
to make the readers know the causes of their psycho-spiritual Internet Content Regulation: Contemporary
problems and be able to fix the problems themselves. The Legal and Regulatory Issues in the Changing
book is being presented in a simple way with simple language Digital Landscape
that makes it readable by readers from different background
even to readers with n basic psychology, counseling and Mahyuddin Daud
psychotherapy. For the experts and professionals in the field
of counseling,psychotherapy and even motivations,this book ISBN : 9789674910198
provides very important inputs to ensure the sustainable Year : 2019
positive improvements happen to the clients. It nutures a Pages : 368
deep,strong and healthy root that produces a tree with strong Price : RM 85.00
branches against all challenges of life.
Internet Content Regulation:
Divine Revelation as Source of Knowledge Contemporary Legal and Regulatory
Issues in the Changing Digital
Mohd Shah Jani, Raudlotul Firdaus Fatah Yasin Landscape is written as reference
book for legal and ICT researchers,
ISBN : 9789674910181 policymakers, practitioners, academics, and students that
Year : 2019 intend to deepen their understandings on how Internet content
Pages : 312 may be regulated. Although Internet content regulation has
Price : RM 80.00 been sceptically equated to censorship, more States have
realised that leaving the Internet free is no longer safe
This book is a composition of many for various reasons, including exposure to content risks
unpublished articles that we have online. States and international community have realised
written as lecture notes of an Elective that because of exposure to content risks online, ethical,
Course, RKQS1030: Revelation as moral and religious values of younger generations were in
Source of Knowledge, offered by depleting state. However, there is also a need for balance
Department of Qur’an and Sunnah Studies,Kulliyyah of Islamic between regulation and freedom that has posed many legal
Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences. Throughout the and regulatory issues and challenges to both regulators and
years, many have been done to revise the articles including Internet stakeholders.Hence,this book offers perspectives from
some of the relevant views raised by the Distinguished Prof.Dr. both Internet freedom advocates against Internet regulation
Tan Sri Mohd.Kamal Hassan,who was the Advisor of CENTRIS, proponents and justifes why Internet censorship is deemed
and former rector of IIUM, particularly on fundamental issues necessary to face issues resulting from exposure to content
related to the application of Divine Revelations, namely the risks. It also deliberated the self-regulation scheme currently
Qur’an and Sunnah, as a source of knowledge in our efforts practiced in Malaysia and offers provocative insights on
towards Islamisation of human knowledge and sciences. how the scheme can be improved to face the issues and
The book is a humble effort not only to incorporate pertinent challenges brought by the ever-changing digital landscape
new findings pertaining to the subject matters covered in of the Internet.
the course, but also to make it a humble contribution in the
realisation of the University’s vision of knowledge.
14 iiumpress.iium.edu.my/bookshop
Women in The House Leadership in The A Guide Book On Short Case Examination in
Malaysian Parliament Internal Medicine for Medical Undergraduates
Ummu Atiyah Ahmad Zakuan Muhammad Naimuddin Abdul Azih
ISBN : 9789674910297 ISBN : 9789674910228
Year : 2019 Year : 2019
Pages : 210 Pages : 276
Price : RM 40.00 Price : RM 75.00
This book examines the Internal Medicine (IM) is a major
representation of women in the posting for Bachelor of medicine and
Malaysian Parliament with a focus Bachelor of Surgery undergraduate
on the substantive representation program of Internal Islamic University
of women in th 10th and 11th Dewan of Malaysia, MBBS (IIUM). In clinical
Rakyat, the lower house of the Malaysian Parliament. It aims, years,the examinations for this posting consists of theory and
in particular, to see whether or not female MPs acted for clinical examinations.The clinical examinations consist of long
women by proposing women-related issues in the Dewan and short case examinations.This book is intended to serve as
Rakyat, the female MPs in the forefront of representating a guide to the techniques and knowledge required for short
women are called critical actors. An in depth look at who case examination in IM posting. Basically, there are 5 main
these representative are and what were the issues they areas that are covered, namely, cardiovascular, respiratory,
proposed has been carried out through content analysis of abdominal, neurological and other examinations (covering
the parliamentary debates.A series of face-to-face interviews endocrine and rheumatological examinations).To familiarise
was conducted with these critical actors to examine what students with the real examination settings, in each clinical
made them critical actors; considering the factors motivating scenario,a series of questions are put forth in the sequence of
them to represent women and address the problems women provisional and differential diagnoses,relevant investigations,
face. All of these components offer important insight to final diagnosis (after the main investigation results are
explore and understand the substantive representation of revealed), followed by the principles of management.
women in the Malaysian Parliament. Experience and gender
awareness were found to be the major factors that contributed Indeks Syariah Malaysia Aspek Perundangan
to thier effective representation of women in the Parliament.
Additionally, information and networking appeared to be Zaleha Kamarudin, Ainul Jaria Maidin, Sahari Nordin,
crucial in facilitating this process.This book is suitable for both Azizah Mohd., Badrudin Ibrahim, Roosfa Hashim
academic and public reading.In particular,it can be useful for
politicians, policy makers, academics, practicioners, activists ISBN : 9789674187798
and student of politics who are interested in understanding Year : 2019
about women representation in the Malaysian parliament. Pages : 150
Price : RM 80.00
Indeks ini merupakan satu produk
pelengkap tadbir urus Islam di
Malaysia, yang boleh dianggap
mempunyai nilai-nilai perintis.Dalam
erti kata ia adalah menyeluruh,
komprehensif dan yang pertama seumpamanya di dunia.
pada 10hb Februari 2015,YAB Perdana Menteri telah melakar
satu dimensi baru dalam pentadbiran Kerajaan Malaysia
apabila melancarkan Indeks Syariah Malaysia sejajar dengan
hasrat dan kesungguhan kerajaan untuk melaksanakan
iiumpress.iium.edu.my/bookshop 15
pendekatan Maqasid Syariah dalam pentadbiran negara. Miftah Al-Lughah Al-Arabiyah
Indeks Syariah Malaysia ini adalah model tadbir urus Islam
yang pertama seumpamanya di dunia dan boleh dijadikan Mohd Puzhi Usop, Hussein Mohd Gamiel, Zairul Mat Zain
rujukan oleh negara-negara Islam lain untuk mengukur tahap et.all
pelaksanaan prinsip-prinsip Maqasid Syariah dalam semua
aspek pentadbiran kerajaan. ISBN : 9789674184698
Year : 2019 (Second Edition)
Fikah Kekeluargaan Pages : 302
Price : RM 30.00
Mohamad Som Sujimon, Abdul Basir Mohamad
This book aims at teaching Arabic
ISBN : 9789832957928 language for non-native speakers
Year : 2019 (Second Reprint) at basic level. It is easy to be
Pages : 238 understood as it uses simple and
Price : RM 40.00 standard Arabic language.It begins
with fundamental lessons that related to writing Arabic
Buku ini dihasilkan melalui alphabets and its pronunciations.Moreover,it is equipped with
gemblengan dua orang pensyarah short conversations and articles that touches the surrounding
yang membuat penyelidikan of students’ life and activities. What make this book more
dalam bidang fiqh munakahat attractive and valuable is the combination and integration
atau fikkah kekeluargaan. of worldly knowledge such as sciences, medic, economics
Perbincangan ditumpukan kepada tajuk-tajuk utama yang and etc. with Islamic values particularly relevant with Quranic
sering dibincangkan dalam bidang tersebut terhadap verses, prophetic traditions as well as the du’as and Islamic
undang-undang Islam khususnya secara keseluruhannya. rituals to strengthen the spiritual of the learners. Finally, this
Diharapkan pendedahan sebegini dapat membantu pembaca book excels with language games and lessons on basic Arabic
memahami secara mendalam persoalan yang berkaitan grammar that are presented attractively provided with effective
dengan fikah kekeluargaan. Perbincangan berkaitan dengan exercises. We do hope Allah SWT will grant us His mercy and
fikah kekeluargaan ini dibentangkan dalam lima belas bab, blessing upon all parties involved in producing this book as
merangkumi tajuk-tajuk pengenalan kepada perkahwinan, well as all institutions and learners who have chosen our book
galakan berumahtangga,rukun nikah,kesetaraan,perempuan- as their textbooks to gain knowledge.Amin ya Rabbal‘alamin.
perempuan yang haram dikahwini, maskahwin, nafkah,
pembubaran perkahwinan, iddah dan berkabung, rujuk
zihar dan ila’, pengasuhan anak, beberapa jenis tuntutan
harta, status kanak-kanak dan konsep nasab. Justeru, buku
ini sangat sesuai untuk dibaca oleh ahli akademik, para
pegawai Mahkamah Syariah,pengkaji undang-undang Islam,
pendakwah, pelajar dan pembaca umum.
16 iiumpress.iium.edu.my/bookshop
Al-Shura wa Tatbiqatuha fi Majal al-Nushuz wa as reflected in the Qur’an al-Karim, the Prophetic life and
al-Shiqaq the examples of the Companions of the Prophet (pbuh).
The study gathers all Qur’anic ayat and relevant ahadith of
Muhammad Faizul Haque, Noor Mohammad Osmani the Prophet and the Companions related to family disputes
and its amicable solution. It investigates the main reasons
ISBN : 9789674189846 and conditions of Nushuz and Shiqaq between spouses.
Year : 2019 (Second Reprint) The book describes the relevant terms, such as al-Shura,
Pages : 180 Usrah (family), Nushuz and Shiqaq. It asserts that the above
Price : RM 50.00 marital problems could be resolved or at least be minimized
through consultancy.Mutual respect,gratitude,understanding,
The disobedience (Nushuz) and preaching, counseling and advising are among the most
dissension (Shiqaq) in marriage effective means to resolve family crisis and restore peace
are among the major issues faced and happiness in the family.The book demonstrates, through
by Muslim families. The disputes numerous examples from the life of the Prophet and his noble
may occur due to trivial reasons companions, that the spouse may discover the causes and
resulting in divorce and permanent separation among the solutions of Nushuz and Shiqaq in their marital life based on
spouses. The Qur’anic scholars (Mufassirun) laid special consultancy.Its application in family increases mutual respect,
emphasis on resolving the marital disputes by applying love and affection and decreases in-home fighting, constant
the lessons from the Qur’anic ayat and Prophetic ahadith shouting and irreparable disputes among families.
(traditions). The family problems could largely be reduced
by applying the Qur’anic method of Shura (consultancy)
iiumpress.iium.edu.my/bookshop 17
18 iiumpress.iium.edu.my/bookshop
iiumpress.iium.edu.my/bookshop 19
List of Award Winning Books
1 2019 Pentafsiran Baharu Falsafah Dzulkifli Abdul Razak & Kategori Perdana
Pendidikan Kebangsaan dan
2 2019 Pelaksanaannya Pasca 2020 Rosnani Hashim Perniagaan Dan Ekonomi (Ilmiah)
Maqasid Al-Shariah Abdul Ghafar Ismail,
Salman Syed Ali & Kategori Sains Sosial Terbaik
3 2019 The Law on Domestic Violance In
Malaysia Achmad Tohirin Kategori Buku Mewah Terbaik
Daleleer Kaur Randawar &
4 2019 Through The Years : Penerbit Buku Ilmiah Prolifik
“The Debate Legacy of IIUM” Najibah Mohd Zin Buku Umum Terbaik
IIUM Press
5 2018 IIUM Press (Kategori Bahasa Arab)
IIUM Press Buku Umum Terbaik
6 2018 Dirasat fi ilm al-Jurh wa al-Ta'dil: Saadeldin Mansour
Tadribat wa Tatbiqu (Kategori Kewangan Islam)
Abdul Ghafar Ismail, Best Book for
7 2018 Regulation & Supervision of Abdelrahman Elzahi Saaid Ali
Islamic Microfinance Asst. Prof. Dr. Mohamad Ismail Criminal Law Category
Best Book
8 2017 Indecent Assault Under the Mohamad Yunus
Criminal Justice System Mohamad Zain Musa & Political Science Category
Nik Hasan Suhaimi Nik Abdul
9 2017 Sejarah Masyarakat Champ Best Political Science Book
10 2016 Muslim Women Promoting Peace Zaleha Kamaruddin & Best Islamic Book
Abdul Rashid Moten
11 2016 Islamization of Modern Science and Prof Muhammad Mumtaz Ali Buku Umum Terbaik
its philosophy (Teknikal)
Zainul Ibrahim Zainuddin
12 2015 Introduction to Medical Imaging Anugerah Pengajian Tinggi
Spahic Omer (Buku Islamik Terbaik)
13 2015 Architecture and Society Some
Lessons on Muslim Architecture from Muhammad Mumtaz Ali Buku Umum Terbaik
India (Pemikir Islam Kontemporari)
Munjit Mustafa
14 2014 Issues of Islamization of Buku Umum Terbaik
Human Knowledge Prof. Zaleha Kamaruddin & (Kategori Bahasa Arab)
Prof. Rashid Moten
15 2017 Diwan Ar-Rahalah Ibn Jubair Buku Umum Terbaik
Al-Andalusi (Kategori Korporat)
16 2017 IIUM:The Premier Global Islamic
20 iiumpress.iium.edu.my/bookshop
iiumpress.iium.edu.my/bookshop 21
Zainab segi tiga yang menjadikan Stevan sebagai korban. Meskipun
terjerat dalam perangkap percintaan yang melukakan hati
Author: Dr. Muhammad Husayn Haikal Majdulin dan Stevan, namun setiap insan ini masih waras
Translator: Adli Yaacob dan menerima ketentuan takdir dengan sikap yang terbuka.
Novel ini pertama kali terbit dalam bahasa Perancis pada
ISBN : 978-967-491-051-8 1832 oleh Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr dengan judul Sous
Year : 2020 les Tilleus bermaksud “Di Bawah Naungan Pohon Tilia.” Karya
Pages : 333 ini kemudian diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Arab oleh
Mustafa Lutfi AL Manfaluthi, seorang sasterawan terkemuka
Zainab sebuah novel yang Mesir dengan menggunakan judul Majdulin.
mengisahkan kehidupan Zainab
yang berasal daripada sebuah Anak-anak di Lorong Kami
keluarga petani miskin yang
mencintai Ibrahim, seorang Author: Naguib Mahfouz
pemuda yang juga datang dari Translator: Adli Yaacob
keluarga petani miskin.Walau bagaimanapun,selain Ibrahim,
Zainab juga berdepan dengan kemunculan dua lagi lelaki ISBN : 978-967-491-055-6
yang juga berusaha untuk memikatnya.Lelaki kedua,bernama Year : 2020
Hamid, anak sulung seorang pemilik ladang yang kaya. Pages : 524
Pemuda ketiga, Hassan, seorang petani yang hidupnya lebih
baik sedikit daripada Ibrahim. Walau bagaimanapun, Zainab Novel ini merupakan karya
dijodohkan oleh ayahnya dengan lelaki kaya daripada tiga terjemahan Bahasa Arab ke
orang lelaki yang berusaha menambat hatinya. Kisah ini Bahasa Melayu yang menceritakan
dijalin oleh pengarangnya dengan suasana dan kehidupan tentang kehidupan masyarakat di
masyarakat desa yang indah, tenteram dan aman damai sebuah lorong sempit di Kaherah.
di Mesir. Pada masa yang sama pengarang menyulam Lorong terpencil dan kumuh tanpa
penceritaannya dengan perubahan nilai budaya masyarakat di kemudahan asas ini dihuni oleh orang miskin,hidup melarat,
pedalaman negara Mesir yang bergerak ke arah pemodenan. terasing dari dunia luar dan ketinggalan dalam serba-serbi.Di
kawasan sempit ini merumahkan orang dengan bermacam
Majdulin watak, sifat, profesion, cara fikir, serta konfliknya tersendiri.
Meskipun lorong ini terasing daripada kehidupan masyarakat
Author: Mustafa Lutfi Al Manfaluti elit serta mewah namun masyarakat di sini tetap bernyawa
Translator: Adli Yaacob dan hingar-bingar dengan cara yang tersendiri. Kehidupan
masyarakat di lorong ini sangat sederhana kerana terpisah
ISBN : 978-967-491-047-1 daripada dunia luar khususnya dari sudut pendidikan. Oleh
Year : 2020 kerana itu, mata pencarian penduduknya juga benar-benar
Pages : 244 sederhana, iaitu jenis pekerjaan yang tidak memerlukan
pendidikan khusus dan biasanya hanya bermodalkan tenaga
Majdulin - sebuah novel percintaan dan sedikit keterampilan seperti membuka kedai kopi,menjaja
dua insan yang tidak direstui oleh kedai kuih atau roti,tukang gunting rambut,tukang kutip sewa
keluarga dan terbelenggu oleh rumah pangsa, tukang cari jodoh, pengemis dan ‘pencipta
kelaziman adat. Cinta tulus dan pengemis’ sekalipun seperti yang tampil oleh sosok Zaita
murni Majdulin terhadap Stevan dan para pengemis yang diciptanya. Bahkan kerjaya Dr.
itu terhalang dan berakhir dengan Busyi sebagai seorang ‘doktor gigi’ yang begitu tersohor dan
tragis. Stevan jejaka yang dipandang rendah oleh keluarga begitu diagungkan oleh hampir seluruh penghuni lorong itu
Majdulin kerana perbezaan darjat serta dianggap tidak ada pun hanya kerana beliau pernah bekerja sebagai perawat
masa hadapan. Keluarga Majdulin menerima Edward yang kepada seorang doktor gigi di Jamaliyah. Pada hal, beliau
lebih setaraf dengan kedudukan mereka. Stevan dan Edward sendiri bukan lulusan mana-mana institusi pengajian bidang
adalah kawan lama yang akrab.Maka berlakulah konflik cinta
22 iiumpress.iium.edu.my/bookshop
perubatan. Pendapatan mereka sangat rendah dan sekadar baik, malah perbezaan serta keunikan telah diserasikan
memenuhi keperluan harian sahaja. Begitu melaratnya dengan keterangkuman yang terjalin dalam ruang lingkup
kehidupan di lorong ini, sehingga beberapa orang rela pengajian terjemahan, menjadikan himpunan makalah ini
matanya dibutakan,kakinya atau lengannya dikudungkan agar sesuatu yang mesti dimiliki oleh mereka yang ingin meneroka
menjadi seorang pengemis. Bahkan, seorang gadis cerdas ruang penyelidikan pada masa ini dalam pendidikan
seperti Hamida, memilih meninggalkan ibu dan lorong yang penterjemah.-Don Kiraly, University of Mainz, Germany.
telah didiami olehnya sejak sekian lama dan menjadi seorang
pelacur di kota untuk kehidupan yang dicita-citakannya. Penyelidikan sebagai sebuah bidang dalam pendidikan
penterjemahan dan interpretasi semakin mendapat tumpuan
Pengajian Berterusan Bidang Penterjemahan dan perhatian sejak beberapa tahun kebelakangan ini,
dan Kejurubahasan sejajar dengan berkembangnya profesionalisme sektor
pengantara bahasa yang semakin menekankan perlunya
Editor: John Kearns pekerja mempunyai repertoer bahasa yang lebih luas.Trend
Translator: Noor Ida Ramli ini jelas terbukti dalam buku yang menghimpunkan makalah
berkenaan isu dan aspek pedagogi dalam pelbagai ranah
ISBN : 978-967-491-060-0 penterjemahan dan interpretasi ini. Para penyumbang
Year : 2020 makalah juga merupakan warga global yang membincangkan
Pages : 301 isu pengajaran, penilaian, profesionalisme dan kompetensi
dalam latar situasi pendidikan dan linguistik yang pelbagai.
Buku ini merupakan kompilasi
penulisan para ilmuwan dalam Himpunan ini diterbitkan secara bersama dengan International
bidang pengajian penterjemahan, Association of Translation and Intercultural Studies (IATIS).
merangkumi kedua-dua kumpulan Continuum Studies in Translation (tajuk asal buku ini)
penulis iaitu ilmu yang tersohor dan bertujuan untuk menampilkan siri buku yang menjurus pada
penyelidik yang sedang meningkat isu teras dan penting dalam penterjemahan dan interpretasi.
naik. Kepelbagaian yang menyeluruh berkenaan kaedah-
kaedah penyelidikan yang inovatif telah ditampilkan dengan
iiumpress.iium.edu.my/bookshop 23
Translation Books
1 Zainab Dr. Muhammad Husayn Haikal Adli Yaacob
Adli Yaacob
2 Majdulin Mustafa Lutfi Al Manfaluti Adli Yaacob
3 Anak-anak di Lorong Kami Naguib Mahfouz Noor Ida Ramli
Noor Ida Ramli
4 Pengajian Berterusan Bidang Penterjemahan dan Editor: John Kearns Ustaz Muhammad Hanief Awang
5 Leading the Way IIUM Dzulkifli Abdul Razak Wardati Md Sheriff
6 Pendekatan Mudah untuk Memahami Ilmu Shaykh Dr. Mahmud al-Tahhan Noor Ida Ramli
Mustalah Hadith
7 Keganasan Rumah Tangga Daleleer Kaur Randawar, Najibah
Mohd Zin
8 Biografi Ho Chi Minh Chu Duc Tinh, Ph.D et. al.
24 iiumpress.iium.edu.my/bookshop
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2018 MYR USD
1 Farrah Diebaa Rashid Ali ‘Juara’Vs. Champion:Translation Of 978-967-418-538-1 2017 580.00 145.00
Cultural Elements 978-967-418-568-8 2017 580.00 145.00
978-967-418-790-3 580.00 145.00
2 Badmas Abdulhameed “E-Fatwā”: A Comparative Analysis Of 978-967-418-672-2 2017
Yusuf, Bouhedda Ghalia Islamonline And Islam Q&A 978-967-418-751-4 546.00 136.50
978-967-418-795-8 2017
3 Zeti Suhana Zainudin, A Case Study Of Advanced Persistent 978-967-418-681-4 2017 161.00 40.25
Nurul Nuha Abdul Molok Threats On Financial Institutions In 2017 580.00 145.00
978-967-418-609-8 634.00 158.50
Malaysia 978-967-418-589-3 2017
978-967-418-709-5 580.00 145.00
4 Ahmad Waqas, Zulkefli A Cloud Computing Framework For 978-967-418-641-8 2017
Muhammed Yusof, Sharing Of Cloud Reseources And Attacks 978-967-418-820-7 2017 580.00 145.00
Asadullah Shah Information Amongst Cloud Networks 978-967-418-864-1 70.00 17.50
978-967-418-662-3 2017
5 Azlina Daud A Meta-Synthesis On Nursing Students’ 978-967-418-764-4 546.00 136.50
Perception Of Problem-Based Learning 978-967-418-495-7 2017
978-967-418-490-2 2017 322.00 80.50
6 Ali Raza, Asadullah Shah A Model For Social Media In Higher 978-967-418-869-6 2017 580.00 145.00
Education Institutions Of Pakistan 978-967-418-868-9 552.00 138.00
978-967-418-867-2 2017
7 Hamwira Sakti Yaacob, A Novel Emotion Profiling Based On 2017 580.00 145.00
Abdul Wahab Abdul (CMAC) “Based Computational Models Of 2018 196.00 49.00
Rahman, Mariam Affects” 580.00 145.00
Adawiah Dzulkifli, 2017
Norhaslinda Kamaruddin 580.00 145.00
8 Salbiyah Rahmat, A Social History Of Johor: Migration And 207.00 51.75
Fauziah Fathil Inter-Ethnic Relations During British Rule 2017
1885-1941 100.00 25.00
9 Sazna, Nora Mohd Nasir A Social Semiotic Analysis Of Two Malay
10 Atiqah Selamat, Ailin A Speech Enhancement Improvement
Razali,Tang Howe Hing In Communication Through Hearing
Protection Device
11 Mohamad Yazid Mohd A Study On Life Cycle Of Maintenance
Yunus, Maisarah Ali During The In Use Phases Of Flexible
Pavement From Pagoh To Machap
12 Musa Saeed Taha Idris, Abdulallah Tayyib Wa Al-Itijah Al-Klasiki Fi
Nasreldin Ibrahim Diwanih “Banat Rama”
13 Mahmoud Marghany, Adab Al-Manfaluti Al-Nathri Wa Khasaisuh
Nasreldin Ibrahim Al-Faniyyah
14 Brunilda Basha, Fadzidah Adaptive Reuse Of Heritage Building
Abdullah, Ali Raza
15 Farah Akmar Ahmad Zaki, Adibah Amin’s Selected English Prose
Mohammad A.Quayum Writings: A Study Of ‘Panopticism’
16 Ma’an Fahmi Rashid Adsorbed Natural Gas Storage By
Alkhatib Experimental And Simulation Approaches
17 Mohammed Saedi Jami, Advances In Bioenvironmental Engineering
Ahmad Tariq Jamil, Ma’an
Fahmi Rashid Al-Khatib
18 Hani R. H. Awad, Ahkam Al-Asra Wa Al-Mu’ataqalin Fi Al-Fiqh
Mohamed El Tahir El Al-Islami Wa Al-Qanun Al-Dawli Al-Insani
Mesawi Wa Al-Waq’i Al-Filistini
19 Ahmad Shamil, Ahkam Al-Hayawanat Al-Mubahah Al-
Mohamad Sabri Zakaria Ma’lufah Bi Al-Aa’laf Al-Mukhtalitah Bi
20 Subhanllah Muchtar, Ahkam Al-Mudayanah Fi Al-Muasasat Al-
Hossam El Din Maliyyah Al-Islamiyyah
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2017 MYR USD
21 Muhammad Hizbi Islami, Ahkam Salat Al-Musab Bi Al-Shalal Al- 978-967-418-866-5 2017 219.00 54.75
Arif Ali Arif Dimaghi: Dirasah Fiqhiyyah Tahliliyyah 150.00 37.50
22 Mohd Al-Baqlish Mohd Aims65 Score In Kuantan 978-967-418-714-9 400.00 100.00
Firdaus, Mohammad 2017
2017 580.00 145.00
Hadzri Hasmoni, Khairul 2017 210.00 52.50
Azhar Jaafar 580.00 145.00
23 Muhd Burhan Abdul Akhtaa Al-Tarjamah Min Al-Lughah 978-967-418-865-8 580.00 145.00
Hamid, Akmal Khuzairy Al-Inghliziyyah Ila Al-A’rabiyyah: Dirasah 2017
Abd. Rahman Tahliliyyah Li Kitab (Namuzaj Al-Musta’mir 2017 580.00 145.00
Lli A’lam) Al-Mutarjam Li Blawt Anmuzajan 2017 580.00 145.00
2017 580.00 145.00
24 Radwan Jamal Yousef Al- I’jaz al-Qurani al-Bayani fi Ayat Qisat 978-967-418-989-1 2017 312.00 78.00
Elatrash, Hossam El Din Adam ‘Alayhi al-Salam wa Ab’aduha al- 2017 353.00 88.25
Makhlouf 2017 580.00 145.00
Waqi’yyah 2017 580.00 145.00
548.00 137.00
25 Hanafi Dollah Al Masdar Al-Mutasyyad Wa Mawaqiu’hu 978-967-418-518-3 2017
Al-Arabiyah Fi-Allughatul Al-Arabiyah 2017 580.00 145.00
2017 580.00 145.00
26 Majdi Hj Ibrahim Al Tarjamah al-Aliyyah fi Tarjamt Nusus 978-967-418-946-4 212.00 53.00
Hasubiyyah min al-Inghliziyyah ila al-
’Arabiyyah: Dirasah wasfiyyah Muqaranah
bayna Nithamay Google wa ‘Ajib
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Nadwah Daud al-Dirasat al-‘Arabiyyah wa al-Islamiyyah
fi al-Jami’a al-Islamiyyah al’Alamiyyah
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Shahid, Arif Ali Arif Mara´Ti Min Al-Manzur Al-Islami –Jaziratu
Jawa´ Namuzja
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Hilalat, Nasreldin Ibrahim Mania’ Said Al-’Utaybah: Dirasah
Ahmed Hussein Dalaliyyah Balaghiyyah
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Wok Al-Jamia’ Al-Islamiyyah Al-A’lamiyyah
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Munjid Mustafa Dahjat
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Salamat Farj, Arif Ali Arif Mu’asarah
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Nasreldin Ibrahim Ahmad Al-Talibin” Li Amir Al-Muaminin Muhamad
Hussein Bello Al-Nijiri: Dirasah Balaghiyyah Wa
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Lubis, Nasreldin Ibrahim Bin Al-Mu’taz
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Bari Awang Al-Usrah Al-Islamiyyah Fi Wilayah Kedah
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Dicko, Hossam El Din Muta’thirah Fi Al-Masarif Al-Islamiyyah 978-967-418-899-3
40 Miszairi Sitiris, Koutoub Al-Huquq Al-Maliyyah Li Al-Mutalaqah Fi 978-967-418-916-7 2017 95.00 23.75
Moustapha Sano Qawanin Al-Usrah Al-Islamiyyah Bi Malizya 978-967-418-980-8
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Zaim, Mohamed El Tahir Al-Muslimin Wa Ghayrihim Fi Indonesia 978-967-418-886-3
El Mesawi 978-967-418-885-6
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Bouhedda Ghalia Al-Usrah Al-Mua’sira 2017 580.00 145.00
978-967-418-894-8 2017 580.00 145.00
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Mazouri, Arif Ali Arif 978-967-418-593-0
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Nasreldin Ibrahim Ahmed Surah Al-Kahfi 978-967-418-884-9
Hussien 978-967-418-876-4
45 Mardiah Saljuki, Hossam Al-Jirahah Al-Tajmiliyyah Fi Al-Qanun Irani: 2017 552.00 138.00
El-Din Ibrahim Mohamed Dirasah Fiqhiyyah Muqarinah 978-967-418-879-5 2017 580.00 145.00
46 Masitah Abd Aziz, Mohd. Al-Kalimat Al-Shai’at Fi Al-Mudawwanat
Feham Md. Ghalib Al-Nassiyyat Al-Akadimiyyat “Al-Munaqqob
47 Khadijah Khalilah Abdul Al-Kalimat Al-Waridah Fi Al-Kutub Al- 2017 580.00 145.00
Rashid, Haslina Hassan Muqararah Li Madat Al-Lughah Al-
’Arabiyyah Bi Al-Madaris Al-Thanawiyyah Bi
Malizya: Dirasah Lughawiyyah Hasubiyyah
48 Abdul Rauf Sekkal, Al-Katl Al-Khataa Al-Mani’ Min Al-Mirath 2017 578.00 144.50
Bouhedda Ghalia Fi Al-Fiqh Al-Islami Wa Al-Qanun Wa
Tatbiqatuh Fi Al-Jazair Wa Malizya: Dirasah
Tahliliyyah Muqarinah
49 Nor Zatu Amni, Sofiah Al-Khitab Al-Tijari Fi Al-Quran Al-Karim 2017 580.00 145.00
Samsudin 2017 580.00 145.00
50 Ainul Rasyiqah Sazali, Al-Khushu’ Fi Al-Quran: Dalalatuh Wa
Abdul Hamid Mohamed Atharuh Fi Binaa Al-Shakhsiyyah Al-
Ali, Sofiah Samsudin
51 Abdulhameed Yusuf Al-Kuliyyat Al-Daruriyyah Between 2017 120.00 30.00
Badmas, Mohamed El- Limitation
Taher Mesawi
52 Taysir, Mohamad Sabri Al-Layth Bin Saa’d Wa Manhajuh Fi Al- 2017 580.00 145.00
Zakaria Ijtihad: Dirasah Wasfiyyah Tahliliyyah 2017 291.00 72.75
2017 90.00 22.50
53 Rizki Fibrain, Sofiah Al-Liwat Fi Indonesia: Dhahiratuh Wa I’lajuh
Samsudin Fi Dhawoa Al-Quran Al-Karim
54 Zainah Hussin, Asem Al-Lughah Al-’Arabiyyah Al-Fusha Wa
Shehadeh Ali Makanatuha Mundho ‘Asr Al-Nahdha Al-
Hadithah Ila ‘Asr Al-’Awlamah
55 Mahmud Muhd Awwal, Al-Manhaj Al-Qurani Fi Hifdh Al-Huquq 2017 580.00 145.00
Jamal Ahmed Badi, Al-Malliyyah
Sufian Umar
56 Khalid Chtaibi, Majdi Haji Al-Maqbuliyyat Fi Al-Tarjamat Al-I‘Lamiyyat 2017 580.00 145.00
Ibrahim Baina Al-Nazariyyat Wa Al-Tatbiq:Tarjamat
Al-Akhbar Fi Al-Mawqi‘ Al-‘Arabiy Li
Wakalat Al-Anba’ Al-Maliziyyat Barnama
57 Fakriya Ibrahim, Al-Masuliyyah Al-Ijtimai’yyah Lil Masarif Al- 2017 790.00 197.50
Mohamad Sabri Zakaria Islamiyyah Fi Dhawoa Maqasid Al-Shari’a
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Mohamad Jiffry, Abdul Dirayah Fiqhiyah Tahliliyah
Bari Awang
59 Ibrahim Omar Mohamed, Al-Mufaraqah Inda Si Muwik Wa Tawdhifiha 978-967-418-878-8 2017 665.00 166.25
Asem Shahedah Ali Fi Fahm Al-Khitab Al-Nabawi: Dirasah
60 Abdul Razak Alkindy, Al-Mufatirat Al-Tayyibah Al-Mu’asirah: 978-967-418-881-8 2017 1,028.00 257.00
Hossam El Din Dirasah Tibiyyah Fiqhiyyah Muqarinah 2017 203.00 50.75
61 Nur Aini Ariffin, Rahmah Al-Muqaranat Baina Surat Al-Mar´Ah Fi 978-967-418-951-8
Ahmad Osman Hayatiha Al-Usariyyah Fi Al-Hikayatain Al-
62 Khaled Dershwi, Arif Ali Al-Muqasah Bayna Al-Duyun Fi Al-Fiqh 978-967-418-880-1 2017 694.00 173.50
Arif Al-Islami Wa Tatbiqatuha Al-Mu’asirah Fi
63 Mohammad Sirajul Al-Musinnun Wa Ria’atihim Fi Al-Quran Al 978-967-418-992-1 2017 580.00 145.00
Mohamad Sultan Ahmad, Karim Dhawoa
Sofiah Samsudin
64 Mohammad Jamiu Al-Muwazanat Baina Al-Wazir Junaid 978-967-418-950-1 2017 580.00 145.00
Abdullahi, Rahmah Wa ‘Isa Albi Fi Dau´I Al-Shi‘Ri Al-‘Arabiy
Ahmad H. Osman
65 Muhd Hakim Rusli, Majdi Al-Naql Al-Salbiy Fi Al-Nusus Al-Mutarjamat 978-967-418-875-7 2017 580.00 145.00
Haji Ibrahim Min Al-Malayuwiyyat Ila Al-‘Arabiyyat Lada
Al-Darisin Al-Maliziyyin
66 Mohamed Zaini Yahya, Al-Qawa’id Al-Usuliyyah Wa Furui’ha Al- 978-967-418-998-3 2017 580.00 145.00
Mohamed El-Tahir Fiqhiyyah Fi Nihayat Al-Matlab Fi Dirayat
Elmesawi Al-Mathab Li Imam Al-Haramayn Al-Juwini:
Durasah Tahliliyyah
67 Muhammad Annur Al-Qisah Fi Adab Al- Sheikh Ali Al-Tantawi 978-967-418-887-0 2017 340.00 85.00
Ahmad, Nasreldin
Ibrahim, Badri Najib
68 Sanogo Oumar, Rahmah Al-Qiyam Al-Islamiyyat Fi Adab Al-‘Arab Wa 978-967-418-957-0 2017 580.00 145.00
Ahmad Osman Al-Mading 2017 580.00 145.00
2017 580.00 145.00
69 Moheb Qais Mohammed Al-Rashwah Fi Al-Fiqh Al-Islami Wa Al- 978-967-418-892-4 2017 580.00 145.00
Ali, Hossam El Din Qanun Al-Jinai Iraqi
2017 50.00 12.50
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Hossam Qadhaa: Roayyah Fiqhiyyah Mua’sirah 2017 580.00 145.00
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Razali Ibrahim, Sohirin M. Afkaruhu al-Mu’asirah min Khilal Tafsirayhi
Solihin al-Nur wa al-Bayan 2017 580.00 145.00
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Haque, Noor Mohammad Nushuz Wa Al-Shiqaq
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As’ad, Munjed Mustafa, Muwahiddin Fi Al-Andalus
Nasreldin Ibrahim
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Amalina Ibrahim al- Lughah al-‘Arabiyyah Biwasfiha Lughah
Thaniyyah wa al-Ist’idad Nahwah
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Wok Al-Maliziyyin: Mushkilatuh Wa Hululuh
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Arif Ali Arif Dirasah Fiqhiyyah Taqwimiyyah 978-967-418-909-9
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Amin Dusuki, Arif Ali Arif Haramayn Al-Juwini 978-967-418-905-1
78 Anis Wizana Abu Bakar, Al-Tadabir Al-Waqiyyah Min Al-Zina Fi 978-967-418-956-3 2017 405.00 101.25
Mek Wok Al-Fiqh Al-Islami Wa Tatbiqatuha Fi Wilayah 978-967-418-903-7
Trengganu: Dirasah Fiqhiyyah Tahliliyyah
Maydaniyyah 978-967-418-962-4
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Sitiris Sabab Dharb Al-Zawjah 2017 580.00 145.00
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Moustapha Sano Qanun Al-A’illah A-Islamiyyah Bi Wilayah 978-967-418-874-0
Selangor 978-967-418-948-8
81 Radwan Jamal Yousef Al-Tafsir Al-Maqasidi Lil Al-Quran Lil Al- 978-967-418-996-9
Elatrash, Nashwan Abdo Quran Al-Karim: Ususuh Wa Tatbiqatuh 978-967-418-685-2
Khaled 978-967-418-792-7
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Ab Latif, Abdul Bari Awang Al-Dharar: Dirasah Muqarinah Bi Qanun
Al-Ahwal Al-Shakhsiyyah Li Wilayah Kuala
Lumpur Al-Fidiraliyyah
83 Nur Farhana Abdul Aziz, Al-Taghdhiyyah al-Raji’ah fi al-Qira’ bi al- 2017 580.00 145.00
Nadwah Daud Lughah al- ‘Arabiyyah Lughatan Thaniyyah 2017 580.00 145.00
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Maaruf Haji Wahimi ‘Arabiyyah li Riwayat Qasab al-Mukhayam
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Shiidow, Ahmad Shehu Ijtimai’yyah Fi Jaridah Al-Ahram
Abdussalam, Abdul
Rahman Chik
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Hossam El Din Al-Masarif Al-Islamiyyah: Bank Al-Rajihi Bi
Malizya Anmuzajan 2017 319.00 79.75
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Raudlotul Firdaus Fatah Tasawurat Al-Khatia: Al-Maraa Al-Muslimah 2017 660.00 165.00
Yasin Fi Malizya Anmuzajan
2017 746.00 186.50
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Samsudin 2017 580.00 145.00
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Munjid Mustafa Bahjat Al-‘Arabiyyat Li Al-Hajjaj Wa Al-Mu‘Tamiran
90 Asar Abdul Karim, Al-Wilayah Al-’Amah Lil Maraa Fi Al-Fiqh
Bouhedda Ghalia Al-Islami Fi Al-Waqi’a Al-Malizi
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Mustafa Bahjat Al-A’tahiyyah
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Huda, Husnayati Hussin Implementation In Higher Education
Institutions In Indonesia
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Koondhar, Asadullah For Pervasive Learning From Students’
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Kartiwi Adoption:The Case Of Electronic Tax Filing 2017
Among Indonesian Corporate Taxpayers 978-967-418-493-3 266.00 66.50
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Muhammad Ibn Ibrahimy, System 978-967-418-596-1 2017 580.00 145.00
S. M. A. Motakabber 978-967-418-705-7 2017 75.00 18.75
978-967-418-859-7 2017 592.00 148.00
96 Zuraini Ab Hamid Anti-Human Trafficking Laws In Malaysia 978-967-418-663-0 2017 480.00 120.00
978-967-418-417-9 460.00 115.00
97 Luqman Zakariya, Application Of Maqasid Al-Shari’ah In 2017
Muhammad Abdul Aziz Indonesia 978-967-418-862-7 580.00 145.00
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Hirakawa Yoshiaki Weight Stabilizer System For Actual Ship 2017
978-967-418-767-5 2017 280.00 70.00
99 Li Hai Ling, Bouhedda A’raf Al-Muslimin Fi Al-Khutbah Wa Al-Nikah 978-967-418-870-2 580.00 145.00
Ghalia, Hassan Ibrahim Wa Al-Talaq Bi Muqat’at Khinan Al-Siniyyah 2017
978-967-418-871-9 2017 668.00 167.00
100 Zulkefle Ismail, Asiah Architectural Programming For Adaptable 978-967-418-487-2 2017 277.00 69.25
Abdul Rahim House 978-967-418-551-0 168.00 42.00
101 Jamilah Othman, Asas Pembinaan Taman Terapeutik 978-967-418-443-8 2017 580.00 145.00
Nurhayati Abdul Malik, 978-967-418-855-9 2017 580.00 145.00
Nor Adeena Raslee 978-967-418-858-0 580.00 145.00
102 Hjh Rafidah Hj Abdullah, Aslub Al-Taqdim Wa Balaghatuh Fi Al-Quran 978-967-418-941-9 348.00 87.00
Nasreldin Ibrahim, Abdul Al-Karim
Rahman Chick
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Rahman Chick Lil-Natiqin Bi Lughat Ukhra Fi Al-Madaris
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Rozina Abdul Ghani Conventional Essay Writing
105 Nafa Zahsn Hamood Athar Al-Qawamah Al-Zawjiyyah Fi Al-
Salim Alrahman, Arif Ali Usrah Al-Mu’asirah: Dirasah Tahliliyyah
Naqdiyyah: Muhafadhah Masqat
106 Bakht Rahman Osmani, Athar Al-U’rf Fi Tatbiqat A’qd Al-Ijarah Al-
Bouhedda Ghalia Mu’asirah
107 Mohamed Hadi Habaebi, Autonomic Internet Of Things
Qazi Mamoon Ashraf
108 Mohamad Fadzli Mat Bancatakaful: Concept And Implementation
Jubri @Shamsuddin,
Mohd Fuad Md. Sawari
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Hassan Research and Application
110 Saleh Mustafa, Hossam Bay’a Al-A’qar ‘Ala Al-Kharitah Fi Al-Laiha
El Din Al-Sa’udiyyah
111 Islam Yusri Ali Alhadaqi, Bina’ Miqyas Hasubiy Li Al-Kifayat Fi
Fuad Mahmud, Mohd Al-Lughat Al-‘Arobiyyat Bi Wasfiha Lughat
Feham Md. Ghalib
Ajnabiyyat Fi Kuliyyah Dae Al-Hikmah
Pahang Wilayah Selangor: Barnamaj
112 Siti Rusilawati Ramlan, Binaa Manhaj Ta’lim Al-Lughah Al-
Asem Shehadah Ali ’Arabiyyah Li Aghradh ‘Ilmiyyah Li Talabat
Al-Dirasat Al-Islamiyyah
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Shehadah Ali Al-Lughah Al-A’rabiyyah Li Aghradh 2017
Mihaniyyah Li Talabat Al-Tamridh Bil 978-967-418-856-6
Kuliyyah Islamiyyah Al-’Alamiyyah Bi 2017
978-967-418-670-8 2018
Wilayah Selangor 978-967-418-752-1 2017
978-967-418-756-9 2017
114 Wan Abdul Aziz Wan Binaa Wahadat Dirasiyyah Li Ta’lim 978-967-418-713-2 2017 375.00 93.75
Daud, Abd. Halim Salleh Al-’Arabiyyah Li Darisi Al-Teknolojiyyah 978-967-418-628-9 2017
Al-Zira’yyah Fi Kuliyyah Mara Teknolojia 978-967-418-939-6 2017
978-967-418-711-8 2017
Kelantan 978-967-418-611-1
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Poisoning Using A New Biomarker,The 978-967-418-925-9 2017
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Beta-Glucuronidase 978-967-418-704-0 2018
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Mariam Muda, Hamizah Community 978-967-418-738-5
118 Azwanis Abdul Hadi Burden Among Caregivers Of Stroke 170.00 42.50
Patients In Kelantan 580.00 145.00
476.00 119.00
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Arshad Islam Political Strategies
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Raudlotul Firdaus Fatah Factors And Solutions From The Qur’anic
121 Akmal Azim Ahmad Alwi Chitosan Dressing: A Clinical Trial 55.00 13.75
552.00 138.00
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Mhd Omar, Haslina And National Evangelical Christian
Fellowship (NECF):Their Responses To
Contemporary Issues
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Adibah Abdul Rahim 580.00 145.00
124 Nazih Shaaban Mustafa, Clinical, Laboratory Histopathological 594.00 148.50
Basma Ezzat Mustafa And Ultrastructural Study Of Secondary
480.00 120.00
Sjogrens Syndrome 224.00 56.00
125 Nur Atika Hairi, Coalition Politics Among Opposition Parties
Muhammad Rashaad In Malaysia
126 Nur Nazifah Mansor, Coastal Ecology Of Pahang Water (South
Mohd Zaini Mustapa China Sea)
127 Sinan Mohammed Common Issues In Diabetes
Abdullah Al-Mahmood,
Syamsul Ahmad Arifin,
Mohd Khairul Zul Hasyimi
128 Ashraf Elfatih Abdullahi, Community Formation In The Asean: An 560.00 140.00
Ishtiaq Hossain Analysis Of Regional Cooperation Against 382.00 95.50
Piracy,Terrorism And Air Pollution 235.00 58.75
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Mariana Mohamed Intangible Cultural Heritage: Case Study Of
Osman, Syahriah Bachok Malacca
130 Omar Abdul Jabbar, Comparative Study Of Giant Cell
Bashar Hj. Abdullah, Lauy Granuloma Of The Jaw And Giant Cell
E. Al-Khauri Tumor Of Long Bones (Histopathological
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Handayani, Abdul Wahab (Cmom) Based On Neurophysiological 2017
Abdul Rahman, Wahju 978-967-418-692-0 2017 580.00 145.00
Sediono Stimuli Of Affect 978-967-418-781-1 2017
978-967-418-582-4 2017 580.00 145.00
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Sarif Abdullah, Roslina Quality For Frbr User Tasks Resources 978-967-418-706-4 2017 230.00 57.50
Othman Discovery In Institutional Repositories 978-967-418-612-8 2018
978-967-418-743-9 2017 470.00 117.50
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Ashgar Ali Ali Mohamed Reference To It’s Practice In Nigeria And 978-967-418-523-7 2017 193.00 48.25
978-967-418-632-6 2017
Malaysia 978-967-418-712-5 2017 480.00 120.00
978-967-418-830-6 2017
134 Tias Nurul Fauziah, Contemporary Discourse On Gender 978-967-418-829-0 2017 90.00 22.50
Muhammad Mumtaz Ali Equality In Indonesia An Analysis Of The 978-967-418-598-5 2017 468.00 117.00
978-967-418-828-3 2017
Views Of Siti Musdah Mulia 978-967-418-627-2 2017 588.00 147.00
978-967-418-689-0 2017
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In The Prespective Of The Land Acquisition 580.00 145.00
Act 1960 476.00 119.00
136 Norbaiyah Mohamed Contraceptive Effect Of Trigonella Foenum 530.00 132.50
Bakrim, Ahmed Kaid Naji Graecum (Fenugreek)
Allow 580.00 145.00
137 Mahya Abolmasoomi, Md. Convert Experiences In Lena Winfrey 804.00 201.00
Mahmudul Hasan Seder’s And Kristiane Backer’s 580.00 145.00
Autobiographies 682.00 170.50
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Response Issues
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Nor Zalina Harun To Campus Courtyard For Students’
Learning Environment
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Ahasanul Haque,Tahir Grocery Stores In Palestine
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Farok, Ishtiaq Hossain Malaysia
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Nazri Mohd Yusof Vaccination Response
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A’rabiyyah Wa Al-Inghliziyyah: Madkhal
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Shehadah Ali ‘Amr Bin Al-’Alaa Wa Al-Kasai: Madkhal
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Rahman Siddiqi, Society: A Case Study Of Tokyo Mosque
Muhammad Mumtaz Ali
146 Uthman Ibrahim, Dawr Al-Rahn Fi Idarat Al-Makhatir Lada
Mohamad Sabri Zakaria Al-Masarif Al-Islamiyyah
147 Febri Priyoyudanto, Wan De-Islamization In Java During The Dutch
Suhana Wan Sulong Colonial Period From 1800 To 1942
148 Rasheed Mohammad Developing Text-Based Measurable
Nassr Mohammad, Murni Reliability Factors For Islamic Websites
149 Ahmad Jazlan Haja Development Of A Myoelectric Interface For
Mohideen, Shahrul Na’im Indirect Hand Grip Force Measurement And
Sidek Analysis
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2017 MYR USD
150 Muhamad Hafiz Abd Development Of Affective States Model 978-967-418-474-2 494.00 123.50
Latif, Hazlina Md.Yusof, Based On Thermal Imaging 978-967-418-475-9
Shahrul Na’im Sidek 978-967-418-653-1
151 Sado Fatai, Shahrul Development Of Discrete Event System 978-967-418-821-4 2017 652.00 163.00
Na’im Sidek (Des)-Based Controller For Robot-Assisted 978-967-418-833-7
Upper Limb Rehabilitation Platform 978-967-418-793-4
152 Noor Suzilawati Rabe Development Planning In Sabah 978-967-418-921-1 2017 468.00 117.00
978-967-418-832-0 2017 436.00 109.00
153 Amin Sylla, Muhd Fuad Dhaman Khasarat Al-Sharikah Fi Al-Fiqh 978-967-418-974-7
Md. Sawari Islami 978-967-418-687-6
154 Abdul Manan Ismail, Mek Dhawabit Al-Fatwah Fi Majlis Al-Iftaa Al- 2017 580.00 145.00
Wok Wadani Malizi 978-967-418-630-2
155 Hafsoh Hayi Sama, Dirasah Al-Idhrar Bil-Zawjah Fi Wilayah 978-967-418-673-9 2017 580.00 145.00
Miszairi Sitiris Selangor Fi Dhawoa Al-Fiqh Islami 978-967-418-486-5
156 Akram M. Zeki, Dirasah Ihsoi’yah Fil Quranul Karim 978-967-418-715-6 2017 1,092.00 273.00
Mohammed Zeki
Khedher 978-967-418-680-7
157 Faruq Salami, Arif Ali Arif Dirasah Maqasidiyyah Fi ‘Uqubat Al-Khataa 2017 781.00 195.25
Fi Hawadith Al-Murur Fi Al-Qanun Al-Jinai
Irani Wa Al-Fiqh Islami
158 Mohd Noor Habibi, Arif Dirasah Tahliliyyah Taqwimiyyah Fi Dhawoa 2017 580.00 145.00
Ali Arif Al-Fiqh Al-Islami: Al-Bursa Fi Malizya 2017 95.00 23.75
159 Mahmoud Abdul Dirasah Taqwimiyah Lil Muhtawa Al-Thaqafi
Rahman, Abdul Rahman Fi Kitab “Al-’Arabiyyah Bayna Yadayk”
160 Amr Moussa Ghadan, Diwan Rawai’ Al-Azhar Min Rawdhi Al- 2017 580.00 145.00
Nasreldin Ibrahim Ahmed Jinan Of A Wazeer Junaid Of Nigeria: An
Analytical Descriptive Study
161 Nurul Liyana Mohamad Dna Computing Model: Watson-Crick 2017 580.00 145.00
Zulkufli, Sherzod Turaev Grammars 2017 568.00 142.00
162 Khairul Bariah Chi Adam, Does clinical assessment really reflects
Siti Malzipah Ismail, what cleft patients wants?
Mohd Haikal Muhamad
163 Adam Andani Domestic Violence In The Tamale 2017 580.00 145.00
Mohammed, A.H.M Metropolis, Ghana
Zehadul Karim 2017 602.00 150.50
2017 612.00 153.00
164 Md Rafiqul Islam, Elfatih Dust Storm Attenuation Studies For
Abdelrahman Ahmed Microwave Links Design 2017 580.00 145.00
2017 580.00 145.00
165 Abdulrahman Abdullah Dynamic Fuzzy Logic Traffic Light
Alkandari, Imad Fakhri Intergrated System With Accident Detection 2017 580.00 145.00
Al-Shaikhli And Action
166 Mohamed Tahir, Dynamic Spectrum Management In
Mohamed Hadi Habaebi Cognitive Radio Networks
167 Mpawenimana Abdullah East African Community And Hutu-Tutsi
Saidi, Wahabuddin Conflict, 2000-2011
168 Nur Fariza Ramly Effect Of Colloid On Acid-Base Balance
During Colorectal Surgery: Balanced
(Tetraspan) Versus Non Balanced
(Venofundin) Hydroxyethyl Starch
169 Haifa Fahad M Aal-Zuabi, Effectiveness And Performance Of 2017 726.00 181.50
Imad Fakhri Al-Shaikhli E-Government In Saudi Arabia
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170 Nur Shazwani Rosli, Effects Of Road Humps On Residential 978-967-418-545-9 373.00 93.25
Abdul Azeez Kadar Living Environment 978-967-418-472-8
Hamsa 978-967-418-616-6
171 Abdul Rahman Siddiqi, EMG Based Continuous Thumb-Tip Force 978-967-418-695-1 2017 175.00 43.75
Shahrul Na’im Sidek Model For Prostheses Design 2017 95.00 23.75
172 Kamaruzzaman Abdul Employees’ Behaviour On Smoke-Free 978-967-418-588-6
Manan, Che Mahzan Policy
Ahmad 978-967-418-481-0
173 Muhammad Ashraf Noris, England Relations With The Osmanli 978-967-418-635-7 2017 560.00 140.00
Hafiz Zakariya Caliphate During The Reign Of Elizabeth I 978-967-418-530-5 2017 580.00 145.00
174 Sufyan Salim Mahmood Enhancement Of Lightweight Block Cipher
Al-Dabbagh, Imad Fakhri Algorithms 978-967-418-626-5
Alshaikhli, Muhammad 978-967-418-816-0
Reza Zaba
175 Wan Mazwati, Rosnani Enhancing Thinking Through Doing 2017 580.00 145.00
Hashim Philosophy 978-967-418-469-8 2017 258.00 64.50
176 Silmy Safura Mohd. Jaya, Enhancing Urban Governance Through The
Norhaslinda Jamaiudin Implementation Of Local E-Government:
A Case Study Of Kota Kinabalu City Hall
177 Nor Sazwana Sumairi, Ethics In Islamic Finance: Qur’anic Guide 2017 646.00 161.50
Nadzrah Ahmad & Consumer Perfection 2017 580.00 145.00
2017 168.00 42.00
178 Siti Norhaizum Mohamad Evaluation Of Authentication Latency Using 2017 65.00 16.25
Hasnan, Zulkefli Predictive Context Transfer To Support Fast 2017 570.00 142.50
Muhammed Yusof Handover
179 Aisyah Saiful Bahri, Md. Experiences Of Diasporic Muslim Women:
Mahmudul Hasan A Study Of Mohja Kahf’s And Umm
Zakiyyah’s Works
180 Nor Hasliza Ahmad, Nor Exploring The Influence Of Power In
Zainiyah Norita Mokhtar Parasocial Interaction Between Public
Figures And Young Adults
181 Nur Fadhilah Rozali, Exploring The Relevance Of Outdoor
Maheran Yaman, Classroom For Adaptive Problem Based
Fadzidah Abdullah Learning (Pbl) Among Students In Selected
Malaysian Universities
182 Khairul Bariah Chi Adam, Expression of growth factors upon 2017 568.00 142.00
Mariam Abdullah, Mohd exposure of dental pulp stem cells to 2017 231.00 57.75
Haikal Muhamad Halil
eluded dycal solution
183 Mohd Ridha Ali, Asem Fa‘Iliyyat Al-Lahajat Al-Malayawiyah Fi
Shehadah Ali, Syamsul Mustawah Al-Kifayah Al-Nutqiyyah Lil-Nas
Al-A’rabi: Lahjata Wilayah Kelantan Wa
Kedah Anmuzajain
184 Nur Najihah Muhd Fa‘Iliyyat Istikhdam Barnamij Biat Al- 2017 580.00 145.00
Mokhtar, Mohd Feham Ta‘Allum Al-Iftiradhi (Frog Vle) Fi Ta‘Allum
Md. Ghalib, Radhwa Abu
Bakar Al-Lughat Al-‘Arabiyyat
185 Fahmi Sanober, Wan Fabrication And Characterization Of 2017 624.00 156.00
Wardatul Amani Wan Graphene-Based Immunosensor For E.Coli
Salim O157:H7 Detection
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Haque, Abdul Rahman Intention On Innovation Capabilities
Ahlan, Mohamed Among Faculty Members Of Selected 978-967-418-794-1
Public Universities In Malaysia And 978-967-418-679-1
Jalaldeen Mohamed Razi 978-967-418-686-9
Bangladesh 978-967-418-625-8
187 Muhammad Malook, Factors Affecting The Acceptance Of Mobile 2017 580.00 145.00
Asadullah Shah Commerce In Pakistan: An Empirical 978-967-418-488-9
Analysis 978-967-418-707-1
188 Golooba Moses, Abdul Factors Affecting Value Co-Creation 978-967-418-557-2 2017 678.00 169.50
Rahman Ahlan Effectiveness In Digital Library Service 978-967-418-446-9
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Abdul Rahman Ahlan In Nigeria Institutions Of Higher Learning 978-967-418-652-4 2017 580.00 145.00
190 Nadhera Mohammad Faith-Based Organisation And Social 978-967-418-510-7
Qassem, El Fatih Development In Markazosshabab Al- 978-967-418-674-6
Abdullahi Abdelsalam Muslim Fil Filibbin, Lanao Del Sur
191 Kasule Twaha Ahmed, FDI And Economic Development In Uganda 2017 634.00 158.50
Gairuzazmi M Ghani,
Noorihsan Mohamad,
Alias Mat Derus
192 Mohamed Hadi Femtocell Part Loss And Interference 2017 193.00 48.25
Hababebi, Alhareth Mt Modelling In 4g Wireless Networks
Zyoud 2017 123.00 30.75
2017 152.00 38.00
193 Ahmed Kaid Allow, Amer Fenugreek A Plant-Origin Oral 2017 375.00 93.75
Abdy Mohamed Yehdih Contraceptive Product Present And Future
2017 1,002.00 250.50
194 Siti Yuliandi Ahmad Financial Security Of Single Mothers In
Malaysia 2017 714.00 178.50
195 K. M. Zakir Hossain Forensic Evidence An Analysis Of Sharonah
Shalim, Sayed Sikandar Tests Of Admissibility
Shah Haneef
196 Kamaruzzaman Yunus, Frontiers In Science And Technology
Ahmed Jalal Khan
197 Naizura Abd Rashid, Functional Requirements For Subject
Yushiana Mansor Authority Data (Frsad) And Collaborative
Metadata Models In Islamic Finance For
Interoperable Bibliographic Databases
Among Libraries
198 Siti Asmahani Saad, Geopolymer Concrete: Effect Of Rice Husk 2017 137.00 34.25
Mariana Mohamed Ash To Compression And Its Microstructure
Osman, Muhd Fadhil Properties
199 Norzailawati Mohd. Geospatial Analysis On Open Space 2017 468.00 117.00
Noor, Wan Ramlah Wan Effectiveness As A Social Place
200 Roslina Abdul Rahim Ghrelin The Novel Hormone 2017 530.00 132.50
2017 186.00 46.50
201 Sherrif Abobakar Kaisi, S Good Governance In The Health Sector Of
M Abdul Quddus Malawi: A Case Study Of Queen Elizabeth
Central Hospital
202 Ahmad Barroon Isma’eel, Health Information Technology Acceptance 2017 654.00 163.50
Abdul Rahman Ahlan Model A Study On Diabetic Patients’
Perspective In Nigeria
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203 Md Sayed Uddin, Hazizan Health Service Utilization Among 978-967-418-603-6 552.00 138.00
Md. Noon Bangladeshi Workers In Malaysia 978-967-418-661-6
204 Siti Asmahani Saad, High Performance Fibre Reinforced 978-967-418-732-3 2017 560.00 140.00
Mariana Mohamed Concrete (HPFRC) In Tropical Climate
Osman 978-967-418-786-6
Condition 978-967-418-835-1
205 Md. Asadur Rahman, Hindu-Muslim Religious Encounter In 978-967-418-836-8 2017 550.00 137.50
Md.Yousuf Ali, Ibrahim Bangladesh: A Case Study In Dhaka 978-967-418-990-7
Mohamed Zein 978-967-418-575-6
206 Raed Hamzah Human Brain Plastination 978-967-418-981-5 2017 826.00 206.50
Mohammed, Emad
Mohamed NAfie 978-967-418-691-3
207 Zuraini Ab Hamid Human Traffiking In Malaysia 978-967-418-708-8 2017 100.00 25.00
978-967-418-976-1 2017 630.00 157.50
208 Mek Wok, Abdul Rahim Ali Huquq Al-Mara’ Al-Siyasiyyah F- Al-Quran
Al-Karim: Muqaranah Ma’ Al-Waqi’ Fi 978-967-418-521-3
Malizya 978-967-418-654-8
209 Tarek Hamiche, Sayed Huquq Al-Mara’ Bayna Al-Sharia’ Al- 2017 205.00 51.25
Sikandar Shah Haneef Islamiyyah Wa Al-Qanun Al-Firansi 2017 1,186.00 296.50
210 Ibrahim Zakaria, Arif Ali Huquq Al-Ta’lif Wa Al-Ikhtira’ Fi Maldives:
Arif Nahwa Siyaghat Mashru’ Qanun Lil
Dawlah:Roayah Fiqhiyah
211 Radwan Jamal Yousef I’lm al-Munasabat ‘Ind Sayyid Qutub: Surat 2017 263.00 65.75
Elatrash, Mila Azkiya al-Kahf Anmudhajan 2017 300.00 75.00
2017 536.00 134.00
212 Ibraheem Musa Tijani, Ibn Taymiyyah As A Islamic Historian 2017 580.00 145.00
Arshad Islam
213 Manal Ahmad Aljubbah, I’dad Al-Fard Al-Muslim Siyyasiyyan Fi
Muhammed Abu Lais Dhilal Al-Sunnah Al-Nabawiyyah Al-Sharifah
214 Mohamed Rouh Amin, Idaratu Al-Sayala Fi Al-Masarif Al-
Muhammad Amanullah Islamiyyah: Derasatun Fiqhiyatun
Maqaranatun Bin Masraf Bangladesh
Al-Islami Wa Masraf Malijia Al-Islami
215 Sharif Ali Hassan Identification Of Knowledge Management 2017 580.00 145.00
Rajab, Mohamad Requirements In Bahraini Schools
Fauzan Noordin, Hilal
Mohammed Yousif Al-
216 Nurul ‘Ain Abdullah, Md. Images Of Islam And Muslim In V.S 2017 180.00 45.00
Mahmudul Hasan Naipaul’s Travel Writing 2017 284.00 71.00
2017 772.00 193.00
217 Ahmed Kaid Allow,Yesar Immunological Infertility –Diagnosis And
Al-Shamma Treatment 2017 342.00 85.50
2017 468.00 117.00
218 Mahbubul Haque, Rafikul Impact Of Supply Chain Management
Islam, Moussa Larbani And Knowledge Management Practices
On Business Performance In Bangladesh
Pharmaceutical Industry
219 Abdul Rahman Ghassan Implementation Of TQM In Public
Alseddiqi, Rafikul Islam, Universities Of Saudi Arabia: Challenges
Noor Hazilah Abd Manaf
And Resolutions
220 Farjana Rahaman, Asiah Inclusive Educational Environment For
Abdul Rahim, Fadzidah Children With Autism In Malaysian Primary
Abdullah Schools: Addressing The Issues Of Way
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Mohamad Yunus Justice System 978-967-418-779-8
222 Zaleha Kamarudin, Ainul Indeks Syariah Malaysia Aspek 978-967-418-728-6 2017 580.00 145.00
Jaria Maidin, Sahari Perundangan 978-967-418-578-7
Nordin, Azizah Mohd,
Badrudin Ibrahim, Roosfa 978-967-418-736-1
223 Norhashimah Ismail, Induction Of Labour With Prostanglandin In 2017 30.00 7.50
Zalina Nusee, Hamizah Previous Scar 978-967-418-473-5 2017 217.00 54.25
Ismail, Razman Mohd Rus 978-967-418-771-2
2017 760.00 190.00
224 Nurul Hafizah Maarof, Influence Of Middle East On Pondok 978-967-418-733-0 2017 145.00 36.25
Arshad Islam And Madrasah Education In The Malay
Peninsula In The 19th And Early 20th 978-967-418-918-1 2017 45.00 11.25
Centuries 978-967-418-516-9 2017 315.00 78.75
978-967-418-601-2 2017 516.00 129.00
225 Binyamin Adeniyi Ajayi, Information Technology Governance And 978-967-418-561-9
Husnayati Hussin Higher Education In Malaysia 978-967-418-667-8 2017 255.00 63.75
226 Norhayati Mohd Yusof, Interdelivery Intervals For A Vaginal Birth 2017 600.00 150.00
Hamizah Ismail, Zalina After Delivery 2017 434.00 108.50
Nusee, Razman Mohd 2017 468.00 117.00
Rus 2017 480.00 120.00
2017 600.00 150.00
227 Mohammad Naqib International Refugee Law: Practice And 2017 580.00 145.00
Ishan Jan, Ashgar Ali Ali Procedure 2017 580.00 145.00
Mohamed, Muhamad
Hassan Ahmad
228 Aimi Shazwani Ghazali, In-The-Loop Emotion Recognition System
Shahrul Na’im Sidek For Human Machine Interaction (HMI)
229 Wan Hazwani Wan Mohd Intra-Family Relations And The Residents
Nasir, Raudlotul Firdaus Of Pertubuhan Kebajikan Warga Tua Nurul
Fatah Yasin Saadah,Terengganu: Guiding Principles
From The Qur’anic Perspective
230 Limes Husam Invitro Activity Of T4 Bacteriophage On
Almanseekaana, Uropathogenic E. Coli
Mohammed Imad Al-
Deen Mustafa Mahmoud
231 Izratul, Mohamad Sabri Ishtirat Al-Siyanah Ala Al-Mustaajir Fi
Zakaria Tatbiqat Al-Masarif Al-Islamiyyah
232 Noor Suzilawati Rabe Iskandar Malaysia: An Analysis Of Regional
Planning And Development
233 Ahmad Faris Naqiyuddin Islam In South Korea: Progress And
Mohd Ghazi, Fauziah Challenges Of Da’wah Activities Since The
Fathil 1950s
234 Mohd Firdaus Ahmad, Islamic And Buddhist Perspectives On
Adibah Abdul Rahim The Issues Of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, And
Transgender (LGBT): An Analysis
235 Mohamad Zaharuddin Islamic Jurisprudence Perspectives On The
Zakaria, Akhtarzaite Abdul Practice Of Asset-Based And Asset-Backed
Aziz Sukuk In Malaysia
236 Marwah Fauziah Amri, Islamic Political Parties And Elections In
Muhammad Rashaad Indonesia
237 Muhammad Junaid Islamization Of Human Knowledge An
Mughal, Mohd Mumtaz Overview Of The Concept, Scope And
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238 Sofiah Samsudin Ismail Haqqi Al-Barousawi Wa Manhajuhu 978-967-418-954-9 2017 296.00 74.00
Fi Tafsirihi Ruh Al-Bayan 978-967-418-520-6 2017 794.00 198.50
978-967-418-961-7 2017 151.00 37.75
239 Zaini Zainol, Abubakar Issues In ERP Implementation And 978-967-418-972-3 193.00 48.25
Malami Computerized Banking System 2017
978-967-418-919-8 580.00 145.00
240 Sariyati, Nadwah Daud Istratijiyat al-Kalam al-Fa’lah lada al- 2017
Mut’alimin al-Natiqin bigayr al- ‘Arabiyyah 978-967-418-763-7 2017 580.00 145.00
978-967-418-920-4 238.00 59.50
241 Nurul Husna Mohamad Istratijiyat Ta’ziz Dafi’yat Al-Talabah Ghayr 2017
Tawpik, Radhwa Abu Al-Natiqin Bi Al-Lughah Al-’Arabiyyah Li 978-967-418-610-4 580.00 145.00
Bakar 2017
Ta’lim Al-Lughah Al-’Arabiyyah 978-967-418-505-3 2017 580.00 145.00
978-967-418-580-0 385.00 96.25
242 Nik Farhan Mustafa, Istratijiyyat Al-Qiraa Lada Talabat Al-Lughah 2017
Abdul Rahman Chik, Al-A’rabiyyah Wa Taathiruha Ala Istiabihim 978-967-418-556-5 2017 266.00 66.50
Wajdan Haji Soleh Kenali Al-Qirai 978-967-418-562-6 2017 490.00 122.50
978-967-418-968-6 580.00 145.00
243 Fitria Maulida Machfud, Ita’leem: Evaluation On Usability And 2017
Murni Mahmud Emotions 978-967-418-669-2 2018 580.00 145.00
978-967-418-755-2 70.00 17.50
244 Shuhaidah Hanim Muhd Itijahat Al-Nadhm Al-Qurani Inda Aalam 2017
Suhani, Nasr El Din Al-Balaghiyyin 978-967-418-977-8 63.00 15.75
Ibrahim 2017
978-967-418-531-2 121.00 30.25
245 Syed Alaudeen Seyed Jainul Abideen’s Approach To Qur’anic 2017
Ibrahim,Thameem Interpretation 978-967-418-759-0 2017 568.00 142.00
Ushama 978-967-418-651-7 362.00 90.50
246 Salih Eltingari Jamaa’ Al-Taksir Fi Al-Quran Al Karim 978-967-418-491-9 622.00 155.50
Dirasah Sarfia Wa Dalalia
247 Mohamad Firdaus Japanese Policy On Islam And Malay-
Mansor, Majdin, Arshad Muslim Community During Its Occupation
Islam Of Malaya, 1941-1945
248 Nurasna Isa, Sayed Juvenile Delinquency Laws In Brunei
Sikandar Shah Hannef Darussalam: A Juristic Analysis
249 Al Fathan, Che Amnah K. H. Noer Alie’s Role In Islamic Educational
Bahari System
250 Iman Saad Abdel Kitab A’yan al-Bayan li Hassan al-Sandusi:
Rahman, Munjid Mustafa Dirasah Wasfiyyah Tahliliyyah
251 Moey Soo Foon Leadership Styles And Job Satisfaction
252 Mohd Said Nurumal, Learning Styles And Its Significance In
Khin Thandar Aung, Wan Health Personnel Education
Solihatul Hafidzah Wan
Mohd Annuar
253 Basma Ezzat Mustafa Leptin Hormone Changes In Patients With
Alahmad Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome Treated By
Aromatase Inhibitors
254 Nur Azwin Zulkarnain, Nor Lie To Me:Verbal And Nonverbal Cues
Zainiyah Norita Mokhtar Indicating Deception Versus Honesty
Among English Speaking Students In
Higher Education Institution
255 Labdah M H M Alghafran, Load-Balancing Algorithms And Mobile Ad
Zulkefli Muhammed Yusof Hoc Networks
256 Ainul Ashiqin Ahmad Locational Study Of Schools For Children
Shuhaimi, Mariana With Special Education Needs In Selangor
Mohamed Osman Malaysia
257 Mokhzanni Mustapa, Lutein Production By Scenedesmus
Raha Ahmad Raus Obliquus Cultivated In Stirred-Tank
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Ahmad Osman, Riwayatay “Mawakib Al-Aírar” Li Najib 2017
Al-Kailani Wa “Usrat Harb Al-‘Iîabat” Li 978-967-418-965-5 2017 580.00 145.00
Muhammad Anwar 978-967-418-813-9
Ahmad Biramudiya 2017 50.00 12.50
978-967-418-995-2 2017
259 Muhammad Taufik Abdul Mabadi’ al-Adab al-Islami fi al-Adab al- 978-967-418-975-4 2017 580.00 145.00
Talib, Rahmah Ahmad Malayawi 978-967-418-988-4 2017 580.00 145.00
Osman 978-967-418-496-4 2017
978-967-418-544-2 2017 580.00 145.00
260 Muhammad Amir Gadzar, Mada Mashrui’yat Al-Azan Wa Al-Iqamah Fi 978-967-418-803-0 2017
Sayuthy Abdul Manas, Uzun Al-Mawloud 978-967-418-527-5 2017 504.00 126.00
Mohammed Abdullais 978-967-418-539-8 2017 581.00 145.25
Shamsuddin 978-967-418-807-8 2017
978-967-418-801-6 2017 0.00
261 Ahmed Hasan Mohamed, Mafhoum Al-Dhiyafah Al-Mua’sirah Fi 978-967-418-993-8
Sohirin Salihin Dawoa Al-Sunnoh Al-Nabawiyyah 2017 525.00 131.25
978-967-418-799-6 2017 490.00 122.50
262 Lah Sally @ Ghazali Mafhum al-Hayat wa al-Maut fi Sh’ir Abi 978-967-418-800-9
Salleh, Munjid Mustafa Nawas 2017 580.00 145.00
Bahjat 978-967-418-930-3 2017 0.00
978-967-418-805-4 2017
263 Radwan Jamal Yousef Mafhum al-Shafaa’h al-Ukhrawiyyah inda 978-967-418-804-7 580.00 145.00
Elatrash, Luqmanul al-Imam al-Zamakhshari fi Tafsirih al kashaf
Hakim 646.00 161.50
150.00 37.50
264 Qutub Shah, Amilah Mafhum Jaza, Al-Amal Inda El-Budiyah El-
Awang Abd Rahman Islam: Dirasah Muqaramah Byna El Nirfana 580.00 145.00
580.00 145.00
265 Mootaz Munjid Mustafa, Making Telecommuting Happen For Female
Abdul Azeez Kadar Workers 584.00 146.00
266 Rahmah Ahmad H. Malamih Al-Khitab Al-Ijtima‘iyyah Fi Al-
Osman Qisas Al-Malayuwiyyat Wa Al-Urduniyyat
Al-Nisawiyyat Al-Hadithat
267 Samshul Amry Abdul Latif Malays Consumer Racism Ethnocentrim
And Animosity
268 Ahmad Rauyani Ab Malaysian Medical Tourism Hospitals
Hamid, Nuraihan Mat Readiability Index Of Their Websites
269 Muntaha Artalim Zaim, Ma’lim Al-Taysir Fi Fiqh Al-Aqaliyyat Al-
Hassan Ibrahim Muslimah Inda Sheikh Yusuf Al-Gardawi
270 Gapur Oziev, Arif Ali Arif Manhaj Al-Ifta Inda Al-Imam Al- Nawawi
271 Maryam Dawud Manhaj Al-Quran Al-Karim Fi Islah Al-Sarair
Ahmad, Radwan Jamal
Yousef Elatrash, Sofiah
272 Dhari Usman, Jamal Manhaj Al-Sheikh Abdelrahman Al-Dusri Fi
Ahmed Bashier Badi Muwajahat Al-Masuniyyah
273 Mousa Abdullah Albalawi, Manhaj Al-Sheikh Bakr Abu Zayd Hawla
Fatmir Shehu Fikrat “Wihdat Al-Adyan” Min Khilal Kitabih
“Al-Ibtal Li Nadhariyat Al-Khalt Bayn Din
Islam Wa Ghayrih Min Al-Adyan
274 Nurul Hanilah Mohd Maqamat al-Zamakhshari: Dirasah nahwa
Ismath al-Nass
275 Asma Abdul Hadi, Maqasid Al-Shari’a Fi Khadamt Al-Diyafa
Muntaha Artalim Zaim, Lil Muhadhirin Al-Wafidin Ila Al-Jami’a Al-
Luqman Zakariya
Islamiyyah Al-’Alamiyyah Malizya
276 Saleh Hizazi, Hossam El- Maqasid Al-Sharia’ Fi Silat Al-Arham Wa
Din Ibrahim Mohamed Al-Waqi’ Al-Mu’sir
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978-967-418-997-6 2017 252.00 63.00
278 Sabah Mirghani Othman Maqasid Hiwar Al-Adyan: Roaya Quraniyyat 978-967-418-812-2 2017 580.00 145.00
Mohamed, Sohirin Solihin 978-967-418-573-2 434.00 108.50
279 Phayilah Yama, Saadeldin Marasil Musanaf Abdelrazak Fi Kitab Al- 978-967-418-964-8 580.00 145.00
Mansour Gasmelsid Taharah Wa Al-Haydh Wa Al-Salat 2017
978-967-418-810-8 504.00 126.00
280 Munira Arshad, Arshad Marriage Is Definitely Made In Heaven: A 2017
Islam Phenomenological Study On The Marital 978-967-418-608-1
Satisfaction Of Indian Muslim Women 2017
281 Muhammad Sayid Amir Mashhad al-Shi’r al-Omani fi al-‘Asr al- 2018
Hijri, Rahmah Ahmad Bos’idi 978-967-418-746-0
Osman 2017
978-967-418-604-3 2017
282 Bahauddin Faqe Ahmad Mashru’Taqnin Zakat Fi Iqlim Kurdistan 978-967-418-806-1
Aziz, Arif Ali Arif Iraq Fi Dawoa Muswadat Qanun 2017
Muasasat Zakat 2010: Dirasah Naqdiyyah 978-967-418-522-0
Maqasidiyyah 2017
978-967-418-783-5 2017
283 Xia Yongzhong, Masjid In China 978-967-418-748-4 2017 580.00 145.00
Mohammaed Farid Ali 978-967-418-734-7 580.00 145.00
Al-Fijawi 2017 153.00 38.25
284 Aziah Mohd Shauki, Masraf “Fi Sabil Allah” Lia’mal Al- 2017
Hossam Hossam El-Din Ber:Dirasah Halat Markaz Zakat Fi Wilayyah 978-967-418-784-2 2017
Ibrahim Mohamed Kedah Malizia 978-967-418-802-3 2017
978-967-418-682-1 2017
285 Siti Roshaidai Mohd Maternal Health 978-967-418-671-5
Arifin, Nurasikin
Mohamad Shariff,
Aniawanis Makhtar
286 Md. Jahirul Haq, Maududi’s Discourse On Ilóh, Rabb, Dôn 578.00 144.50
Thameem Ushama And Ñibódah 580.00 145.00
287 Tengku Ainul Farha Ma’yir Taqwim Kutub Ta’lim Al-Lughah Al-
Tengku Abdul Rahman, ’Arabiyyah Lighayr Al-Natiqin Biha
Abdul Rahman Chik
288 Shafie Sharif Mohamed, Measuring Performance Of Universities In 567.00 141.75
Rafikul Islam, Dolhadi Fragile Countries
289 Norjihan Ab Aziz Mediation In The Criminal Procedure Code 792.00 198.00
Of Malaysia
290 Aniawanis Makhtar Medication Adherence Among Elderly 226.00 56.50
203.00 50.75
291 Nasreen Mohammad Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus
Alarosi, Mohammed Imad Aureus (MRSA): Epidemiology And
A. Mustafa Mahmud
292 Noor Khairin Nawwarah Middle Managers’ Stories: Understanding 580.00 145.00
Khalid, Che Mahzan Culture In A Malaysian Organisation
Ahmad, Aini Maznina A.
293 Noor Shuhadawati Migrant Workers And Social Security 580.00 145.00
Mohamad Amin Protections In Malaysia 235.00 58.75
580.00 145.00
294 Mohamed Chourana, Milkiyat Zakat Al-Naft Wa Al-Gaz Fi Dhawoa 468.00 117.00
Bouhedda Ghalia Al-Maqasid Al-Maliyyah
295 Khaled Alenezi, Imad Minimum Capabilities And Requirements
Fakhri Al-Shaikhli For Establishing A National Cert For AGC
296 Norfazrina Abdul Gaffur, Modeling Perception Of Fibrovascular
Mohd Zulfaezal Che Redness
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297 Zulkarnain Abd Karim, Modelling The Relationship Between 978-967-418-698-2 640.00 160.00
Mohamad Fauzan Intelligence, Knowledge Management And
Noordin Innovation Among Knowledge Workers In 978-967-418-729-3
Malaysia 978-967-418-517-6
298 Ruztini Jenal, Zalina Modified Viennese (VMPP) Technique For 978-967-418-999-0 2017 512.00 128.00
Nusee, Hafizah Pasi, Perileal Protection During Labour 978-967-418-579-4 2017 580.00 145.00
Hamizah Ismail 978-967-418-757-6 2017 580.00 145.00
2017 510.00 127.50
299 Abu Bakar Idris, S.M. Motivation And Job Satisfaction : A Case 978-967-418-935-8 2017 90.00 22.50
Abdul Quddus Study Of Academic Staff Of Bauchi State 978-967-418-584-8 2018 284.00 71.00
University Gaday, Nigeria 978-967-418-798-9
300 Siti Hafizah, S.M. Abdul Motivation And Job Satisfaction Among 978-967-418-622-7
Quddus Customs Officers: A Case Study Of Kuala 978-967-418-683-8
Lumpur International Airport 978-967-418-969-3
301 Muhammad Najib Abdul Muhamad Quraish Shihab: Minhajuh wa 978-967-418-690-6
Kadir, Sohirin Solihin Afkaruh fi Tafsirih al-Misbah 978-967-418-618-0
302 Semir Omercic, Mohd Murad Wilfried Hofmann’s Views Of
Mumtaz Ali The Western Worldview On Religion: An
303 Thandar Soe Sumaiyah Musculoskeletal Disorder
Jamaludin, Norfadzilah
Ahmad, Masmunaa
304 Suraiya Sulaiman, Muslim Diaspora And Its Representation In 2017 580.00 145.00
Mohammad A. Quayum Selected Post-9/11 Literary Works 2017 1,064.00 266.00
2017 580.00 145.00
305 Maulana Akbar Shah, Muslims In Myanmar 2017 0.00
Thameem Ushama 2017 408.00 102.00
2017 580.00 145.00
306 Nawal Abdullah, Abdul Mustahat Ta’lim Al-Lughah Al-’Arabiyyah
Rahman Chik Lighayr Al-Natiqin Biha 2017 604.00 151.00
307 Gapur Oziev, Arif Ali Arif Nadharat Fi Mustajadat Al-Ghidaa Wa
308 Mariana Mohamed National And State Housing Policies Of
Osman Malaysia
309 Mohammad Makram, Neo-Orientalist Narratives: Representation
Mohammad A.Quayum Of Muslim Societies In Selected Post-9/11
Literary Works
310 Khamis Faraj Alarabi Neurophysiological Computational Five-
Aljribi, Abdul Wahab Factor Modelling Of Affect For Analyzing
Abdul Rahman, Mariam Human Behavior
Adawiah Dzulkifli,
Norhaslinda Kamaruddin
311 Gibo Khaled, Munjid Nizar Qabani fi Mandhur al-Adab al-Firansi: 2017 580.00 145.00
Mustafa Bahjad Dirasah Tahliliyyah Muqaranah 2017 580.00 145.00
2017 630.00 157.50
312 Juliahana Ishak, Luqman Noise Exposure Assessment During Movie 2017 252.00 63.00
Al-Bashir Mohammed Screenings At A Movie Theatre In Kuantan
Fauzi, Ailin Razali
313 Rawad Abdulghafor, Nonlinear Stochastic Operators To Control
Sherzod Turaev, Akram The Consensus Problem In Multi-Agent
Zeki Systems
314 Nuruljannah Usop, Non-Standard Language Structures On
Rozina Abdul Ghani Facebook: An Analysis Of The Influence Of
Topics And Purposes
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315 Arif Maulana, Megawati Nurcholish Madjid And Beyond: An Analysis 978-967-418-587-9 2017 580.00 145.00
Moris Of The Contemporary Discourse On 978-967-418-744-6 2018
Religious Pluralism In Indonesia 978-967-418-754-5 2017 383.00 95.75
978-967-418-688-3 2017 470.00 117.50
316 Norfadzilah Ahmad Nursing Students’ Perception On Their 978-967-418-585-5 2017 638.00 159.50
Clinical Learning Environment 978-967-418-693-7 2017
978-967-418-761-3 2017 580.00 145.00
317 Noratikah Othman, Obesity Awareness Among Malaysian 978-967-418-647-0 2017
Wisam Nabeel Ibrahim 978-967-418-470-4 2017 580.00 145.00
978-967-418-494-0 2017 580.00 145.00
318 Raini Hassan, Imad Fakhri Online Feature Selection Based On Input 978-967-418-660-9 2017
Taha Al Shaikhli, Salmiah Significance Analysis (ISA) For Evolving 978-967-418-769-9 2017 468.00 117.00
Samad 978-967-418-727-9 2017
Connectionist Systems (Ecos) 978-967-418-722-4 2017 580.00 145.00
978-967-418-700-2 2017
319 Nurzaidah Ab. Aziz, Online Games Among Adolescents A 978-967-418-730-9 2017 294.00 73.50
Norbaiduri Ruslan Study Of Time Displacement On Family, 978-967-418-735-4
2017 580.00 145.00
Academic And Religious Obligations 978-967-418-543-5 2017 580.00 145.00
978-967-418-595-4 580.00 145.00
320 Siti Fatimah Mohd Tawil, Ontology Development For Islamic 580.00 145.00
Roslina Othman Supplications 580.00 145.00
480.00 120.00
321 Saleh S. Al Zeheimi, Open Source Software Adoption For
Akram M. Zeki, Mohamed Academic Libraries 295.00 73.75
Razi M. Jalaldeen
354.00 88.50
322 M. Zainora Asmawi, Open Space As An Influential Factor In
Norzailawati Mohd. Noor, Housing Prices In Klang Valley, Malaysia 580.00 145.00
Abdul Razak Abdul Aziz
323 Farrah Aida Arris, Wan Optimization And Characterization Of
Wardatul Amani Wan Graphene Nanocomposites For Glucose
324 Abubakir Ibraheem Optimization Of Amylase Production From
Khalaf, Md. Zahangir Bitter Manihot Esculenta Using Aspergillus
Alam Niger
325 Mohamad Ridzuan Yahya, Organizational Communication In Building
Asiah Abdul Rahim Maintenance Management
326 Nur Aainaa Bajuri @ Mok, Orientalist Representations Of The Muslim
Hafiz Zakariya Opening Campaigns (Futuhat)
327 Suhaiza Samsudin Osteoporosis In Men: Knowledge And
328 Muhammad Syukree Outcome Of Distal Clavicular Fracture
Abot, Nazri Mohd Yusof Treated Conservatively
329 Mohamed Sufian Mohd Palm Olein Emulsions: Potential Vehicles
Nawi, Kausar Ahmad For Drug Delivery
330 Nor Zamzila Abdullah, Paraoxonase Activity In Healthy Population
K.N.S. Sirajudeen, H.A. Of Major Ethnic Groups In Malaysia
331 Mohd Afzal Alias, Nor Paraoxonase-1 Activities And Procalcitonin
Zamzila Abdullah, Mohd Levels In Sepsis And Non-Infectious
Basri Mat Nor, Azlina Md Systemic Inflammatory Response
Ralib Syndrome Patients In A Tertiary Intensive
Care Unit
332 Sharifah Adibah Alyia Parking Demand Of Park And Ride Facility
Syed Adnan, Abdul Azeez At Public Transportation Terminal
Kadar Hamsa
333 Mohd Afandi Awang Participation Of Women In The Malaysian
Hamat, Mohd Kamarul
Amree Mohd Sakram
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Moniruzzaman Comparative Study Of Bangladesh And 978-967-418-770-5
335 Yahaya Musa Yusuf, Peoples’ Democratic Party And Selection 978-967-418-717-0 2017 580.00 145.00
Elfatih A. Abdel Salam Of Gubernatorial Candidate In North-West
Nigeria 978-967-418-739-2
336 Zainora Asmawi Perancangan Sumberjaya Semulajadi 978-967-418-701-9 2017 552.00 138.00
Dan Kawasan Sensitif Alam Sekitar Di 978-967-418-737-8
Negeri Selangor: Isu, Cabaran Dan Potensi 978-967-418-665-4
Pembangunan 978-967-418-750-7
337 Thandar Soe Sumaiyah Perceived Social Support On Quality Of Life 978-967-418-574-9 2017 298.00 74.50
Jamaludin, Chong Mei In Patients Awaiting For Coronary Artery 978-967-418-655-5 2017 580.00 145.00
Chan Bypass Grafting (CABG) Surgery 978-967-418-623-4
338 Belqees Ahmed Qaid Perfect Evaluation In Dental Clinic 978-967-418-504-6
Allaw, Imad Matloub
Al-Ani, Nazih Shaaban 978-967-418-639-5
Mustafa, Muhannad Ali
339 Zurainie Abllah Abllah Performance Of Specialist Oral Surgery 2017 468.00 117.00
In Primary Dental Care, Sheffield, United 2017 580.00 145.00
2017 580.00 145.00
Kingdom 2017 468.00 117.00
2017 622.00 155.50
340 Niferiti Aminuddin, Noriah Perinatal Programming Of Hypertension: 2017 165.00 41.25
Mohd Noor Does Maternal Dietary Salt Intake Plays A 2017 468.00 117.00
Role On The Offspring’s Blood Pressure? 2018 501.00 125.25
2017 468.00 117.00
341 Bappaditya Chatterjee, Pharmacokinetic And Sub-Chronic Toxicity 2017 63.00 15.75
Pinakisengupta,Tapan Study Of A Fixed Dose Combination And A 2017 567.00 141.75
Kumar Pal Sustained Release Tablet 2017 361.00 90.25
342 Mohd Hafiz Arzmi Phenotypic Switching:The Virulence Factor 2017 260.00 65.00
Of Candida Krusei
343 Zurahani Abdul Rahim Phonics, Phenomegrapheme Awareness
And Hearing Loss
344 Muhammad Kamil Che Physical Health And Cardiometabolic Risk
Hasan Markers Among The Elder People
345 Mohammad G. Mostafa, Piezoelectric Micro-Energy Harvesting
S. M. A. Motakabber, Technique
Muhammad Ibn Ibrahimy
346 Syed Arabi Idid Pilihan Raya Kecil: Sungai Limau, Kajang,
Balingian, Pengkalan Kubor
347 Anizah Mohd Salleh, Nor Plant Composition And Arrangement
Zalina Harun, Mazlina Of Agroforestry Systems In Oil Palm
348 Ismail Sheikh Yusuf Political Information-Seeking And
Ahmed, Syed Arabi Idid Political Efficacy: Applying The Uses And
Gratifications Theory
349 Suleyman Temiz, Arshad Political Leadership In Turkey And Recep
Islam Tayyib Erdogan
350 Elmira Akhmefova Politics And Islam At The Age Of
Nationalism :The Concept Of Pan-Islamism
And The Issue Of The Caliphate In Russia
And Turkey
351 Suhaila Abdullah, Postmodern Elements In Mohja Kahf’s The
Mohammad A. Quayum Girl In The Tangerine Scarf And Mohsin
Hamid’s The Reluctant Fundamentalist
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352 Qazi Mamoon Ashraf, Powdered Activated Carbon For Removal 978-967-418-489-6 289.00 72.25
Nassereldeen A. Of Phenol And Treatment Of Palm Oil Mill
Kabbashi, Md Zahangir Final Effluent 978-967-418-723-1
Alam, Suleyman A.
Muyibi, Emad S. M. 978-967-418-492-6
Ameen, Rashidah Funke 978-967-418-570-1
Olanrewaju 978-967-418-572-5
353 Nuha Zammarah, Predicting Online Banking Fraud Using 978-967-418-719-4 2017 580.00 145.00
Asadullah Shah Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System 2017 580.00 145.00
(Anfis) 978-967-418-985-3
354 Mohd Norhisham Azmi Primary Patency Rate Of Arteriovenous 978-967-418-815-3
Abdul Rahman, Ahmad Fistula (Avf) And Factors Affecting Its 978-967-418-814-6
Faidzal Othman, Junaini 978-967-418-480-3
Kasian, Mohd Salehudin Patency Among Malaysian 978-967-418-535-0
Che Zan, Ismail Ahmed 978-967-418-606-7
Ali 978-967-418-766-8
355 Mohd Jamil Aizat Production Of Intracellular Recombinant 2017 515.00 128.75
Jamaluddin, Azura Amid Bromelain By Escherichia Coli BL21-
AI Using Shake Flask And Stirred Tank
356 Ibrahim Mohamed Profit Sharing And Risk Management Via 2017 478.00 119.50
Haji Bulushi, Mek Wok Mudarabah In The Modern Practcie Of
Some Financial Institutions
357 Yasin Mohd Rafangi @ Prophet Ya’qub’s Parenting Style: A 2017 580.00 145.00
Md Rafee, Che Amnah Thematic Book From Some Selected Tafasir
358 Muhammad Adli Musa Prophetic Business Ethics 2017 580.00 145.00
2017 580.00 145.00
359 Nabilah Ong, Prostanglandin Versus Oxytocin For
Nurkhairulnisa Abu Ishak, Induction Of Labour In Prelabour Rupture
Raja Arif Shah Raja Of Membranes
Ismail, Mokhtar Awang,
Ghazali Ismail
360 Mohammad Abdulateef Protection Of The Digital Holy Quran Using 2017 580.00 145.00
Alahmad, Imad Fakhri It Techniques
Alshaikhli 2017 534.00 133.50
2017 234.00 58.50
361 Saleh Al - Mutrafi, Sohirin Qadhayah Al-Marah Fi Afkar Al-Imam Al-
Solihin Wahidi Wa Ibn A’shur: Roayah Quraniyyah 2017 375.00 93.75
2017 361.00 90.25
362 Ahmad Ali Abuzraida, Qai’dat Muraa’t al-Khilaf inda al-Malikiyyah 2017 604.00 151.00
Hassan Ben Ibrahim wa Tatbiqatuha fi al-Ijtihad al-Mua’sir 2017 438.00 109.50
Hendaoui 2017 552.00 138.00
363 Nurhasrinawati Hj Yusuf, Qanun Al-Tabani Bi Dawlat Brunie: Dirasah 2017 336.00 84.00
Miszairi Sitiris Tahliliyyah Fiqhiyyah
364 Radhwan Hazim Khalid Qanun Munahadat Al-’Unf Al-Usari Fi Iqlim
Al-Kojari, Arif Ali Arif Kurdistan Iraq
365 Adlina Ariffin Reading Strategies Of A Specialised
Rhetorical Genre: Case Of Law
366 Afiza Mohamad Ali Reasoning Strategies, Dispositions And
Identity In Critical Reading-Thinking
367 Muneer Kuttiyani Religious Co-Existence In Malappuram
368 Bilkis Akhter, Aimillia Representations Of Orientals In Selected
Mohd Ramli Novels By Marmaduke Pickthall
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369 Nan Noorhidayu Megat Retakāful Operation In Malaysian Practice: 978-967-418-553-4 2017 215.00 53.75
Laksana, Akhtarzaite Issues And Solutions 978-967-418-677-7 2017 580.00 145.00
Abdul Aziz 978-967-418-703-3 420.00 105.00
370 Fauziah Abdul Wahid, Retrieval Performance Of Quranic Texts In 978-967-418-509-1 2017 550.00 137.50
Roslina Othman Jawi And Rumi Malay Scripts 978-967-418-827-6 2017 431.00 107.75
978-967-418-471-1 2017 598.00 149.50
371 Mohammad Nasrin Abdul Rheology Profiles Of Gelling Agents For 978-967-418-605-0 2017 580.00 145.00
Rahman, Samah Hamed Food And Pharmaceutical Applications 978-967-418-636-4 580.00 145.00
Almurisi, Saeid Mezail 2017
Mawazi, Bappaditya 978-967-418-749-1 2017 224.00 56.00
Chatterjee, Abd Almonem 978-967-418-586-2 2017 580.00 145.00
Doolaanea 978-967-418-742-2 2018 83.00 20.75
978-967-418-747-7 2017 202.00 50.50
372 Nurul Huda Yaakob, Abdul Ri’iyah Al Aitam Fil Islam: Dirasah Fiqhiyah 978-967-418-721-7 580.00 145.00
Bari Awang 2017
978-967-418-549-7 2017 580.00 145.00
373 Nur Syafiqah Sabri, Ria’yat Al-Laqit Fi Al-Fiqh Islami: Muasasat 978-967-418-716-3 2017 580.00 145.00
Miszairi Sitiris Al-Ihtimam Bi Al-Aytam Wa Luqataa Bi 978-967-418-555-8 154.00 38.50
Petaling Jaya Anmuzajan 2017
978-967-418-718-7 2017 580.00 145.00
374 Benoudjit Abdelmohsen, Robust Electrochemical Transducer Using 978-967-418-826-9 138.00 34.50
Wan Wardatul Amani Conductive Polymer (Pedot:Pss) Composite
Wan Salim For Glucose Biosensor Application
375 Abdul Vasih Lakkal, Salafism In Kerala
Thameem Ushama
376 Akilu Aliyu Muhammad, Samuel Margoliouth’s Views On The
Adibah Abdul Rahim Prophethood Of Muhammad (P.B.U.H)
And Revelation Of The Qur’ón: A Critical
377 Nik Noor Kaussar
Nik Mohd Hatta, Raja Assessment
Lexshimi Raja Gopal Satisfaction Factors Among Immobilized
Orthopedic Patients Towards Care Given
378 Noor Mohammad
Osmani By Nurses
Sayyid Mawdudi’s Tafhôm Al-Qur’ón:
379 Ikamaya Mohd Ariffin,
Mohd Said Nurumal Salient Features
School Based Cardiopulmonary
380 Lee Siew Pien, Nurasikin Resuscitation And Automated External
Mohamad Shariff
Defibrillation Program
381 Mohd Nazli School Health
Kamarulzaman, Muhd
Zaki Azre Redzuan, Scoutting Uroflometry: A Modern
Hamid Hj Ghazali Investigation Toward Syariah Compliance
382 Mohd Syamsyul Shuib, Security Determinants In Building
Maisarah Ali Automation System
383 Hairul Aini Hamzah Sequence And Genome Analysis Of
Hepatitis C Virus
384 Muhammad Afif Mohd
Badrol, Sayed Skandar Sex Corrective Technologies On The
Shah Haneef, Abdul Bari Intersex: A Juiristic Analysis In The
Malaysian Context
385 Karimah Hanim Abd Aziz
Sexual And Reproductive Health Among
386 Rahmah Ahmad Early Adolescent A Program Effectiveness
H.Osman Sharh Qasidat Ghurat Al-Zaman Fi Madih
Sulatan Oman
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387 Ahmad Mawardi Mohd Shariah Screening Methodology Of 978-967-418-552-7 224.00 56.00
Nor, Mohd Fuad Md Securities Commission Malaysia: An 978-967-418-825-2 2017
Sawari 978-967-418-966-2 2017 373.00 93.25
Analytical Fiqh Study 978-967-418-991-4 2017 580.00 145.00
978-967-418-699-9 2017 580.00 145.00
388 Noormasitah Johan, Sharikat Muwang Thai Takaful Bi Thailand 978-967-418-724-8 88.00 22.00
Miszairi Sitiris 978-967-418-563-3 2017
978-967-418-600-5 232.00 58.00
389 Munirah Ismail,Yasir Shawahid al-Mamnu’ min al-Sarf fi Kitab 978-967-418-629-6 2017
Ismail Riyadh al-Salihin 978-967-418-934-1 594.00 148.50
978-967-418-512-1 2017
390 Abdullah Yousef, Munjid Shi’r al-Zuhd inda Abi al-‘Atahiyyah: 978-967-418-947-1 580.00 145.00
Mustafa Bahjat Dirasah Tahliliyyah 978-967-418-514-5 2017
978-967-418-542-8 2017 580.00 145.00
391 Sharifah Nurul Akilah Sintok Natural Sources Of Antioxidant 2017 580.00 145.00
Syed Mohamad, Siti Compounds 978-967-418-528-2 468.00 117.00
Zaiton Mat So’ad 978-967-418-564-0 2017
978-967-418-760-6 2017 580.00 145.00
392 Norlelawati A Talib, Nor SLC6A4 And HTR2A Gene Polymorphisms 978-967-418-823-8 392.00 98.00
Zamzila Abdullah, Farah In Malay-Malaysian Schizophrenia 978-967-418-824-5 2017
Wahida Aladzemi 978-967-418-741-5 361.00 90.25
393 Mohammad Nazmus Social Teachings Of Catholic Church And 2017 288.00 72.00
Sayadat,Thameem Islam 203.00 50.75
Ushama 2017
580.00 145.00
394 Md Sayed Uddin, Hazizan Socio-Cultural Adjustment And 2017
Md. Noon Performance Of Bangladeshi Workers In 2017 580.00 145.00
502.00 125.50
Malaysia 2017
492.00 123.00
395 Zuraida Abd Rahim, Sociologies Of Ibn Khaldun And Ali
Hazizan Md. Noon Shari’ati
396 Nur Asmira Anuar, Socio-Political Role Of Adat Perpatih In
Fauziah Fathil Negeri Sembilan During British Period
397 Abdol Moghset Bani Soft Power And National Interest:
Kamal, Wahabuddin Evaluating The Islamic Republic Of Iran’s
Public Diplomacy Strategies
398 Majdi Hj Ibrahim, Sorat al-Mar’ah fi Riwayat ‘Abdel Hamid
Maimana Sammouri al-Sajar
399 Abdul Wahed Jalal, El State-Building Under Foreign Occupation:
Fatih Abdullahi Abdel The Case Of Iraq, 2003-2008
400 Farah Diyanah Ismail, Stated Preference Approach Towards The
Abdul Azeez Kadar Adoption Of Telecommuting In Higher
Hamsa, Mohd Zin Learning Institution
401 Nurul Jannah Mohd Nor, Steve Job’s Technological Battle
Farah Diebaa Rasid Ali
402 Arifuddin Abdullah, Study On Collocational Competence Of
Rozina Abdul Ghani Malay Students In Their English Speaking
403 Nafisat Toyin Adewale, Subjective Task Complexity And Uncertainty
Yushiana Mansor, Imad In The Information Seeking Behaviour Of
Fakhri Taha Alyaseen Lawyers
404 Habeebullah Hassan Sukuk Al-Ijarah Fi Dawoa Maqasid Al-
Bature, Bouhedda Ghalia Shari’a
405 Siti Mariyam Kamaruddin, Suo’bat Al-Nahw Al-’Arabi Min Wijhat
Nik Hanan Mustafa Nadhar Darisi Al-Lughah Al-’Arabiyyah Fi Al-
Jamia’ Al-Islamiyyah Al-’Alamiyyah Malizya
406 Sanisah Saidi Supporting Self-Care Of Patients With Type
2 Diabetes In Malaysia
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Ahmad, Abdul Haseeb Against Ships And Maritime Terrorism:
Ansari, Ashgar Ali Ali 978-967-418-599-2
Mohamed, Mohammad Global & Regional Perspectives 978-967-418-945-7
Naqib Ishan Jan 978-967-418-678-4
408 Zahid Zamri, Muhamad Syed Husin Ali’s Socio-Political Thoughts 978-967-418-949-5 2017 560.00 140.00
Fuzi Bin Omar And Contributions 978-967-418-931-0 2017 580.00 145.00
409 Mohammed Obaid Al Haq Syeikh Muhammad Amin Al-Islam 978-967-418-845-0 2017 620.00 155.00
Kamali, Noor Mohammad Wamanhajah Fi Ta’sir Nur Quran 978-967-418-844-3
Osmani 978-967-418-852-8
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Salloom, Sherzod Turaev, Automata 978-967-418-853-5
Imad Fakhri Al-Shaikhli, 978-967-418-428-5
Mohd Izzuddin Mohd
Tamrin 978-967-418-843-6
411 Muhammad Sabri Sahrir, T’alum ‘Ilm al-Bayan abra al-Mudawanah 2017 580.00 145.00
Muhammad Amnan al-iliktruniyyah 2017 580.00 145.00
Awang Ali 2017 250.00 62.50
2017 580.00 145.00
412 Khairun Nisaa Mohd, Ta’lim al-Lughah al-‘Arabiyyah fi Masajid 2017 365.00 91.25
Nonglaksana Kama Kuala Lumpur wa Selangor 2017 580.00 145.00
2017 580.00 145.00
413 Nuruluddin Syarif Uwais, Taathir Al-Thaqafah Al-’Arabiyyah Al- 2017 398.00 99.50
Nasreldin Ibrahim Ahmad Islamiyyah Fi Shua’raa Al-Hawsa 2017 580.00 145.00
Hussein 2017 580.00 145.00
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El Din Wa Al-U’rf: Makkah Al- Mukarramah
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