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Transportation Department (TD)
15. School Trips (This section has been deleted) (Revised 10/01/02)
16. Regular Run Days Off
Operators signing for regular runs will be required to take two consecutive days off so long as
two consecutive days are available, except should a situation arise where there are no
Saturday or Monday off days left, and there still remain Sunday off days, then an operator
may take such Sunday off day together with some other day of the week.
17. Picking Runs (Rev. Effective 06/01/08)
A. When mark-ups have been posted for picking, operators will sign for their runs on the
date and at the time they are scheduled or leave written run choices. Any operator who is
not present at the scheduled time or who has not turned in written run choices will have a
run assigned to them by the supervisor in charge. The run assigned shall correspond as
close as possible to the operator’s current run assignment, line operated, hours of work,
and regular days off.
B. A form will be used by operators to pick their choices of runs. It will be completed in
duplicate with the original copy to be turned in to the markup supervisor. The carbon
copy will be retained by the operator.
C. Beginning in FY09, senior operators (those at top pay) will continue to pick their work
and days off according to the current procedures. All open runs/days off remaining after
the last senior operator marks up will be packaged. After the conclusion of two markups,
DART or ATU may elect to discontinue this pilot and return to current procedures.
18. Report Time - Prior to Pullout / Relief
A. In order to ensure that each regular run (including the second part that pulls out), tripper,
charter, flyer service, or similar special work gets out on time, operators are required to
report to their division office fifteen minutes for bus and twenty minutes for rail before
the scheduled pullout time to sign in, pick up the run schedule, inspect the assigned
equipment and make it ready for pullout. Therefore, each regular run (including the
second part that pulls out), tripper, charter, flyer service or similar special work will pay
fifteen minutes for bus and twenty minutes for rail report time.
B. Operators reporting to work who have a run that relieves are required to report prior to
relief at the time equivalent to the report time plus travel time allowed (e.g., a bus
operator who has a run that relieves downtown at 2:30 p.m. gets 15 minutes report time
and 10 minutes travel time, and is required to report at 2:05 p.m.).
19. Travel Time (Rev. Effective 03/02/05)
A. When an operator is required to report to a relief point, or is relieved at a point other than
the station relief points, the operator shall be paid the actual travel time required from
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his/her regular division or station to the relief point, as determined by the schedule, but
not less than five minutes.
B. DART will identify those runs with insignifican travel time, and make the appropriate
adjustments. Adjustments will consist of adding ½ of the half-way, on the modes used to
arrive at the relief location.
20. Accident / Incident Report
A. Operators will be paid actual time required to complete a written accident/incident report.
This report must be completed and turned in at the station office immediately following
completion of the run or relief from work, except when approved by the Senior Manager.
Such payments will be deducted from “allowed time” or “tripper time” paid in the same
B. Operators will be paid actual time required to make a formal statement, when requested,
by a DART official. Such payment will be deducted from any “allowed time” or “tripper
time” paid in the same week.
C. Operators will be paid actual time required for reporting to the Divison Manager‘s or
Senior Manager’s office to be counseled when requested to do so. They will sign the
miscellaneous assignment sign-up sheet in the Station Office after being counseled. Such
payments will be deducted from “allowed time” or “tripper time” paid in the same week.
21. Training Pay (Rev. Effective 06/01/08)
Regular or extra operators will be paid run pay for re-certification and refresher training.
All other required training in safety and operation procedures will be paid at their base
rate of pay.
22. Instructor’s Pay (Revised January 1, 1998)
Operators who are designated as instructors will be paid a designated amount over their
base pay rate for the period they are classified as instructors (i.e., not just when they are
actually instructing student operators).
23. Temporary Assignment Pay
Hourly paid employees requested by the Authority to temporarily perform work at
other than their regular classification shall be paid at their base rate of pay; however
any employee performing work of a classification receiving a higher rate of pay shall
receive the higher rate, beginning with the first hour of such assignment.
24. Student Operator Pay
Student operators will be paid 86.66% of beginning Operator’s base rate of pay until their
training period is completed.
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25. Scheduling Vacation Leave and Vacation Pay (Rev. Effective 06/01/08)
A. Scheduling Vacation Leave
(1) Sign-up for vacation will begin during the first week in January each year, with all
vacations to be selected and signed for during the month of January. At least one-third
will be signed in each ten-day period during the month of January.
(2) The seniority lists, for vacation purposes, posted in the various organizations for the
previous year are correct and remain in the same form unless a change is made by January
1 of any year.
(3) Vacation leave scheduled during the annual markup will normally be in periods of at
least five days (except that up to five days may be scheduled in one-day increments).
B. Vacation pay for regular operators will be computed on the amount of “pay time” of the
operator’s run one week immediately preceding the time vacation leave is expended.
C. In the event a regular operator, through the general markup procedure, has signed on a
tripper and has worked said tripper, vacation pay will be based on the amount of pay in
the operator’s regular run, excluding bid trippers.
D. Extra Board operators will be paid vacation leave on the basis of an eight-hour day.
26. Part-Time Operators
A. DART reserves the right to employ part-time bus operators for the express purpose of
working any assignment, provided that the seniority rights of full-time operators are not
denied and the part-time operator is qualified.
B. Part-time operators shall be paid at the prevailing beginner rate for full-time operators.
27. Attendance and Loseout Policy (Revised January 1, 1998)
A. This policy supersedes the Operations Department Attendance Policy established May 3,
B. Definitions
(1) Absence Occurrence - An Operator is not available for scheduled/assigned work
assignment and has not received prior approval. (See Section 27.B.10.)
(2) Absence Without Approved Leave (AWOL) - An Operator does not report to work at
the scheduled assigned report time or takes leave without approval from the division
supervisor or manager.
(3) Approved Union Business - Pre-approved absence to conduct business on behalf of
the Union. The request must be submitted for approval to the Station Supervisor
before 11:00 a.m. the day before the absence. Emergency requests must be approved
by the Senior Manager or designee.
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(4) Decision Making Leave Day (DMLD) - A paid Administrative Leave day given to an
Operator in lieu of disciplinary action. It is designed to allow Operators time off to
decide on their future at DART. Operators who accumulate seven absence
occurrences or seven loseouts in a 12-month period will receive a final written
warning with a corrective action period from their immediate supervisor. Upon return
to work they are required to provide their immediate supervisor with a written plan of
action for improving their attendance for a period not less than 90 calendar days. The
pay status of an Operator who fails to submit the written plan of action will be
changed to Leave Without Pay.
(5) Emergency Medical Leave - A valid emergency requiring immediate treatment by a
medical physician involving an Operator or an immediate family member residing in
the Operator’s household.
(6) Excessive Absenteeism - 20 or more lost work days within a 12-month period,
exclusive of approved absences, will be considered excessive absenteeism and result
in an Operator being reviewed for discharge. An Operator with excessive absenteeism
will be subject to discharge based on a review of the Operator’s job record.
(7) Hospitalized - Confined to an accredited hospital or medical institution under the care
of an authorizing physician.
(8) Job Abandonment - Operators who are absent without authorization for three
consecutive work days will be subject to discharge.
(9) Leave Without Pay (LWOP) - The pay status of Operators who are absent but have no
paid leave to cover the days of absence will be LWOP.
(10)Prearranged Absence - Absences which have received prior approval from division
management in accordance with established procedures. Requests must be submitted for
approval to the Station Manager before 11:00 a.m. the day before the absence. Emergency
requests must be approved by the division Manager or Senior Manager. The pay status of
Operators who need to be absent but have no paid leave to cover the days of absence will
be LWOP. No absence occurrence will be charged in this instance.
C. Attendance Procedure
(1) Upon implementation of this policy on January 1, 1998, the number of absence
occurrences for each Operator will be zero. The attendance record of employees who
transfer to the position of Operator will be converted to the equivalent step in this
policy on the date of the transfer.
(2) Operators must call daily when absent. Operators who will be absent without prior
approval must call their immediate supervisor (or the designated management
official) at least 30 minutes prior to their regularly scheduled work time, or be
considered absent without approved leave (AWOL). After the initial report, Operators
are required to call the Station Office before 11:00 a.m. on each day of absence. The
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exceptions are vacation, rescheduled holidays, union business, military leave, death
leave, hospitalization, and jury duty.
(3) Each of the following absences will be charged as one absence occurrence.
a. An absence due to an injury or illness of an Operator that does not qualify through
Section 27.C.(4) below.
b. An absence due to an injury or illness of an immediate family member residing in
the Operator’s household that does not qualify through Section 27.C.(4) below.
c. An absence without approved leave.
(4) An absence for any purpose shown below will not be classified as an absence
occurrence if the corresponding condition is met:
Purpose Condition to be Met
Approved union business Meet definition guidelines of approved union
business. [See 27.B(10)].
Court/DART related Follow proper procedure outlined in the Hourly
Court subpoena Employment Manual
Family and Medical Leave Act
Substance abuse rehabilitation Provide validating documentation.
Rescheduled holiday
Short-term disability Provide medical statement from treating
Suspension physician.
Vacation leave Obtain approval of claim from Risk
Bereavement leave Management. *
Jury duty
Military leave
Emergency medical leave
Prearranged doctor’s appointment
Workers’ Compensation
* Unless ruled compensable by Texas Workers’ Compensation Commission.
D. Loseout Procedure
(1) A loseout is recorded when an Operator does not report to work and fails to notify the
station office or designated management official at least 30 minutes prior to the
scheduled report time.
(2) An Operator who loses out and then does not follow instructions to report at a later
time that day will be charged with a second loseout that same day.
(3) Pay for work performed after receiving a loseout will be limited to actual time
(4) If an Operator fails to report to work or to notify the Station Office before 11:00 a.m.
(if loseout occurred in the AM) or within two hours after the last PM pull out (if
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loseout occurred after 11:00 AM), the incident will be recorded as an absence
occurrence in addition to a loseout. (Each division will have the last PM pull out time
E. Corrective Action
(1) Shown below are the actions that will be taken for absence occurrences or loseouts
accumulated in any 12-month period.
No. of Absence No. of Loseouts Action Taken
Occurrences 1 thru 3
4 Informal Counseling
1 thru 3 5
4 6 1st Written Warning
5 7
6 2nd Written Warning
7 8
3rd Written Warning
Decision Making Leave Day (DMLD) / Final
Written Warning with Corrective Action Period [see
(2) and (3) below].
(2) Absence occurrences and loseouts will be tracked and accumulated separately;
however, an Operator may not be granted more than one DMLD in any 12-month
(3) After being granted a DMLD, the Operator will be expected to return to work with a
written plan of action for improvement for a period of not less than 90 calendar days.
If the Operator is then charged with a 7th absence occurrence or a 7th loseout
following the DMLD, a second DMLD will not be granted. Instead, the Operator will
be reminded, in a final written warning, that discharge will occur if an 8th absence
occurrence or an 8th loseout is charged.
(4) The recorded absence occurrences and loseouts will be frozen if an Operator is absent
for more than 30 consecutive calendar days for any reason other than vacation, jury
duty, military leave, court, or union business.
28. Regulation Uniforms (Revised May 24, 1999)
A. The procedure for purchasing and wearing DART-approved uniform items, a list of
approved uniforms by position, and a table outlining the proper wear of uniforms has
been established as a Transportation Department Standard Operating Procedure. Please
refer to SOP TD-028 Uniform Dress and Personal Appearance Code for specific details.
B. Operators must wear their uniform as indicated in SOP TD-028, whether in the actual
performance of their work or when traveling to and from work. Operators are expected to
exhibit high standards and must not wear the DART uniform into any place that could
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bring discredit to DART or the employee, whether on duty or not.
29. Uniform Issue and Allowance (Revised May 24, 1999)
A. Student operators will be issued the following basic uniform items:
(1) Two long-sleeve shirts
(2) Three short-sleeve shirts
(3) Three pairs of trousers
(4) Two neckties
(5) One leather belt with buckle
(6) One raincoat
(7) One pair shoulder loops
(8) One name plate
(9) One jacket
B. One year after the uniform has been issued, and annually thereafter, the established
uniform allowance will be paid to each operator for replacing worn items.
C. Part-time operators who have been continuously employed for one year or more and who
have worked 384 hours or more in the last 12 consecutive months will be reimbursed at
the rate of one-half of the established operator uniform allowance.
D. A written permit for one day may be obtained from the Station Supervisor for permission
to wear suitable clothing other than the required uniform as outlined in SOP TD-028.
30. Watch Requirement and Watch Battery Reimbursment (Rev. Effectiove 3/2/2005)
A. It is the responsibility of each operator to purchase an approved watch (must indicate
seconds) and keep the watch in proper working order. The watch must be worn during
working hours.
B. DART will reimburse each Operator the cost of replacing watch batteries, once per
calendar year. DART will not pay for the replacement of broken parts, which will be the
responsibility of the operator.
31. Fare Collection
A. On scheduled runs and flyers, Operators are responsible for the collection of and the
accounting for each fare as properly paid in accordance with DART’s procedures as
specified in the Operator’s manual, bulletins, and written instructions.
(1) Any fare transaction that is not routine must be immediately called to the attention of
the Dispatcher, Supervisor, Manager, or Senior Manager.
(2) Under no circumstances will Operators collect fares by hand.
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B. Operators are responsible for programming the farebox prior to starting revenue service
or at the point of relief if relieving, and operation of the farebox in accordance with
established procedures. The farebox must not be tampered with under any circumstances.
Operators must not actuate the farebox bypass mechanism without specific prior approval
of the radio dispatcher or supervisor.
C. Employees who fail to comply with the fare collection procedures are subject to
32. Awards and Incentives for Operators (Rev. Effective 3/2/2005)
A. Safe Driver Award. This program was developed by the National Safety Council. It
recognizes those employees with good safety driving records.
(1) Under the safe driver award plan a driver’s record is divided into two periods known
as the proving period and the penalty period.
(2) The proving period is the period of time required of the operator to achieve 36
cumulative months of driving without a preventable accident. During the proving
period, a driver may be certified for the appropriate award based on the following
a. One-Year Award. 12 cumulative months of driving without a prevent- able
b. Two-Year Award. 24 cumulative months of driving without a prevent- able
c. Three-Year Award. 36 cumulative months of driving without a prevent- able
(3) Should a driver have a preventable accident at any time during his proving period, he
must begin all over again, starting with the date of the preventable accident, trying to
compile a record of 36 cumulative months without a preventable accident. Each time
the driver succeeds in compiling 12 cumulative months of driving without a
preventable accident, he/she is eligible to be certified for the appropriate award. Thus
a driver may earn a one-year or two-year award several times.
However, the operator earns a three-year award only once. Having achieved 36
cumulative months of driving without a preventable accident, the driver moves from
the proving period to the penalty period, wherein the penalty for having a preventable
accident is assessed in a different manner.
(4) Penalty period and penalty time. The date on which an operator earns a three-year
award becomes the anniversary date. This becomes the operator’s regular date for
earning a next higher award. This date does not change unless the driver is absent
from work. During the penalty period a driver is penalized 12 months of driving time
for each preventable accident in which the driver is involved. This is assessed against
the driver by advancing the date the driver would be eligible for the next higher award
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by one year. The penalty is figured from the anniversary date and not from the date of
the accident.
EXAMPLE: If a driver earns a three-year award on August 23, 1980 and drives 12
months without a preventable accident, the driver will earn a four-year award on
August 23, 1981. However, if he has one preventable accident prior to August 23,
1998, the date he is eligible for the next higher award (four years) is advanced to
August 23, 1982.
(5) A driver will be allowed to accumulate an absence of 15 working days exclusive of
vacation in any award period based on his driver’s anniversary date.
(6) Any number of days in excess of 15 working days pushes the anniversary date ahead a
like number of working days.
NOTE: The safe driver award is in the form of a metal pin with the appropriate
number of safe driving years earned. In addition to the pin, a wallet-size card issued
by the National Safety Council is awarded to the driver.
B. Efficiency Awards
(1) Selection Criteria. In January of each year, each section senior manager will submit to
the Transportation department head a list of operators who scored 100% on each of
the monthly grade reports that are kept on file for the previous calendar year.
(2) Upon receipt of the list, the Transportation department head will then rank each
operator, first by days absent from work (exclusive of absences due to vacation,
holidays, or jury duty) and second by total hours worked.
(3) The top operators will be designated “Efficiency Award Winners” and will be
presented with an “Efficiency Award” medallion.
C. Most Efficient Operator.
Three of the four top operators, selected from the operators in Section B.(1) above, will
receive “gold watch” awards; the fourth will be designated “Operator of the Year” and
will receive a special plaque and $250.
(1) Operators will be permitted to win the “Most Efficient Operator” award in
consecutive years if they so qualify.
(2) To score 100%, an operator must not have any of the following:
a. preventable accident
b. loseout
c. written reprimand
d. charged supervisor report
e. charged complaint
f. more than eight unscheduled absences
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33. SMART Bus Operations
SMART Bus Service is defined as routes operated using vans or small buses that have a seating
capacity of no more than nineteen (19) passengers. The service operated by small bus operators
will have limited time points and operational flexibility. Small bus service will consist of no
more than 20% of DART’s regular service.
A) SMART Bus Operators will be governed by the same work rules as regular operators, except
for the following:
(1) Overtime - Overtime at the rate of time and one-half shall be paid to all operators for
work performed in excess of 40-hours of work per week, including show-up, report,
travel and platform time, less any “allowed time” credited to said work.
(2) Selection of Work - Operators will select their work and days off in seniority order from a
rosterd or packaged board of work.
(3) Report Time – In order to ensure that each regular run gets out on time, operators are
required to reort to their division 10 minutes before the scheduled pullout time to sign in,
pick up the run scheduled, inspect the assigned equipment and make it ready for pull out.
Therefore, each regular run will pay 10-minutes report time
(4) Weekly Gurantee - Full time Operators will have a weekly guarantee of 40 hours times
their hourly base rate of pay. Part-time operators may work up to 30 hours per week and
will be paid only for actual hours worked. There is no minimum guarantee.
B) Full-time and part-time operators will have a separate seniority list.
C) A separate extra board will be maintained for small bus operations.
D) After completion of 12 months, a SMART bus operator may transfer via the self-nomination
process to regular bus service and will be considered before external applicants.
E) SMART bus operators will be paid on a 48-month wage progression that will increase in
accordance with other hourly wage progressions.
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Maintenance Department (MD)
1. Work Week (Rev. Effective 03/02/05)
A. The normal work week of the Maintenance Department shall consist of 40 hours per
week, eight hours per day, five days per week. In addition, there shall be a one-half hour
unpaid lunch period each day resulting in a normal workday of eight and one-half hours
duration and eight hours pay.
B. During an emergency situation as declared by management and while necessary, the
week's work may consist of seven days. Compulsory work may thus be assigned to a
maintenance employee on his/her regular day off when the workload or emergency
situation requires it.
2. Overtime (Revised 10/01/02)
A. Overtime at the rate of time and one-half will be paid for any assigned work performance
over and above the regular day's work. Where overtime work is required, it shall be
divided equally, as nearly as possible, among the employees in the that classification,
except that an employee who is working on a particular job on which over time is
necessary may be required to complete the overtime assignment. Employees are not
allowed to work anymore than 16 cumulative hours in any one twenty-four hour period.
B. Employees shall be paid at the rate of time and one-half when required to work on their
scheduled off days provided the employee has not incurred any unscheduled absences
during that same work week. In the event of an unscheduled absence, regular day off
(RDO) overtime during that pay week will be calculated based on all hours worked in
excess of 40 hours. For purposes of this provision, an unscheduled absence is defined as
sick leave, workers’ compensation leave, leave without pay, alternative duty and short-
term disability.
C. An hourly paid maintenance employee who works or is paid leave aggregating more than
40 regular hours in a seven-day period will be paid at an overtime rate of one and one-
half times the regular rate for all hours paid in excess of 40. For purposes of computing
weekly overtime for biweekly payrolls, the first seven days shown on the payroll will
constitute one weekly period, and the last seven days shown on the payroll will constitute
the second weekly period.
3. Shift Assignment Pay (Effective - 01/10/00)
A. Regular full-time employees whose shift assignment include 50% or more of the hours
between 6:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. will be compensated for all hours worked an additional
two percent (2%) shift assignment pay (SAP) of their base rate of pay.
B. Employees whose shift assignments meet the fifty percent (50%) rule and whose shift
assignment includes the time period from 11:00 p.m. through 3:00 a.m. will be
compensated for all hours worked an additional three percent (3%) Shift Assignment Pay
(SAP) of their base rate of pay. Total shift assignment pay cannot exceed 5% for the pay
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4. Emergency Work/On Call Pay (Revised 10/01/02)
A. Emergency Work — Regular Day Off
When an employee is called out to perform emergency work, such call out pay shall pay a
minimum of three hours straight time pay or time and one-half for actual hours worked,
whichever is greater.
B. Emergency Work — Scheduled Work Day
When an employee is called out to perform emergency work, call out pay shall pay a
minimum of three hours straight time pay, or time and one-half for hours worked,
whichever is greater. Employees called out for emergency work must complete eight
hours within a regular scheduled work day before the overtime rate will apply.
C. On Call Pay
An employee placed in an on-call status will be paid one (1) hour straight-time pay for
each twenty-four (24) consecutive hours of on-call status. If an employee who is on-call
is called out for work, such call out shall pay a minimum of three additional hours
straight pay or time and one-half for actual hours worked, whichever is greater,
D. Employees required to go to work for any reason two hours or less before their regular
work time, will work on through until the regular day starts and be paid at overtime rates
for the amount of time existing between the time they go to work and the regular work
5. Seniority (Rev. Effective 03/02/05)
A. Seniority in the Maintenance Department shall govern in the selection of, or assignment
to, scheduled working hours and work weeks, sections (East Dallas Bus Services,
Northwest Bus Services, Oak Cliff Bus Services, South Oak Cliff Bus Services, S&I Rail
Services, Central Support Services, NRV Services, Body Support Services, Passenger
Amenities, Track & ROW, Traction Electrification Systems, Signal Systems,
Communications & Control Systems), vacations and holidays. Divisions of the
Maintenance Department are: Fleet Maintenance; Ways, Structures and Amenities; and
Technical Services.
B. The mechanic and maintainer classifications, for seniority purposes, are skilled
classifications. All other classifications are unskilled classifications.
An employee may not have seniority in more than one section or classification at any
6. Scheduling Hours, Weekends, and Locations (Rev. Effective 03/02/05)
A. Markups. In January and August of each year, there shall be posted in each section of the
Maintenance Department a list showing the job classifications, locations, and the hours of
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work which will be selected by the employees in such job classifications within such
Sections on the basis of seniority provided they are qualified for the work to be
performed. A week's work will be blocked into five consecutive workdays and two days
B. Seniority for the purpose of selecting working hours, workweeks and sections (East
Dallas Bus Services, Northwest Bus Services, Oak Cliff Bus Services, South Oak Cliff
Bus Services, S&I Rail Services, Central Support Services, NRV Services, Body Support
Services, Passenger Amenities, Track & ROW, Traction Electrification Systems, Signal
Systems, Communications & Control Systems) shall be based on the employee's date of
employment or transfer into the skilled or non-skilled classification, whichever is later,
among the employees in the job classification, within a section, providing the employee
fulfills all necessary requirements to advance to the next step without undue delay.
C. In the event an employee transfers into the division (Fleet Services or Ways, Structures &
Amenities), the seniority of such employee shall be based on the date of transfer into the
classification in the new division.
7. Temporary Transfer and/or Assignments
In the event the Maintenance department head or the head of one of the Maintenance
divisions determines it is necessary, employees in a job classification may be transferred
and/or assigned between shifts, locations, and/or sections for a temporary period of time, not
to exceed sixty (60) days, without regard to seniority.
8. Rate of Pay for Temporary Assignments
A. Hourly-paid employees requested by the Authority to temporarily perform work at other
than their regular classification shall be paid their regular rate pay; however, any
employee performing work of a classification receiving a higher rate of pay shall receive
the starting rate of the higher classification, beginning with the first hour of such
assignment; except when their regular rate of pay is the same as the starting rate of the
higher classification, the rate of pay for the temporary assignment will be at the next step
of the higher classification.
B. An hourly employee temporarily upgraded to supervisor shall receive $1.00 more per
hour in excess of his/her regular rate of pay.
C. An hourly employee temporarily upgraded to a lead position shall receive the rate of pay
of the classification to which he/she is assigned.
9. Scheduling Vacation Leave
A. The Maintenance Department will post vacation schedules by section units during the
first week in February which will permit the release of employees in a manner that, in the
judgment of the supervisor, will not impair the efficiency of the operation. Employees
must complete the vacation sign-up within three weeks from the time the vacation
schedules are posted.
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Seniority for the purpose of selecting vacations and/or holidays shall be based on that date
of hire among the employees in the job classifications within a section, within a shift of
the Maintenance Department at the time of the annual vacation posting. Seniority shall
not be a factor at other times of vacation or holiday selection; selection shall then be
based on the order that the request is made.
Employees who transfer between shifts, locations, and/or Sections may retain their
scheduled vacations or holidays unless there is a conflict with the schedules of employees
already in the shift, location, or section; in which case the transferred employees will
reschedule their vacations or holidays.
B. The seniority lists for vacation purposes, posted in the various sections for the previous
year, are correct and remain in the same form unless a change is made by January 1 of any
10. Filling of Vacant Positions (Revised 12/20/1999)
A. Vacant positions will be posted and filled in accordance with procedures contained in 3.1,
Announcement of Vacant Positions, of the Personnel Policy Manual.
B. Transfers Between Classifications. Employees who qualify will be deemed candidates for
vacant positions. Upon transfer employees shall:
a. be placed at the M-1 grade level with corresponding classification seniority;
b. be paid at the hourly rate of the grade level of the position they vacated; and
c. progress to the higher grade levels as described in the Maintenance Training
Program (MT.).
Failure to progress in accordance with the MT. guidelines shall result in a pay adjustment
to the last successfully attained grade level. Candidates from outside of the department
will be considered if selection is not made from within.
11. Placements During Reorganizations
A. A vacant hourly classification position in the Maintenance Department may be filled by
transfer between Sections of employees affected by a reduction of positions in their
section. Employees may be selected for transfer based first on volunteers, then based on
Seniority if there are not enough volunteers. The request for volunteers will include a job
vacancy posting (limited to the employees in the section affected by the reduction) for
each position which will state the position, section and the shift and location of work.
Employees within the classification who have submitted their interest on the posting shall
be considered for transfer providing the ability to perform the required work on the
affected shift and location is not substantially diminished.
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Maintenance Department (MD)
B. Seniority for the purpose of determining which employees will be subject to being
transferred involuntarily shall be based on the employee's date of employment (or date or
re-employment), the date assigned to their classification, or the date of transfer into the
section, whichever is later.
C. Employees who transfer from one section to another section within the Maintenance
Department will be placed at the bottom of the seniority list in the pay classification as of
the date the transfer was effective in the order of seniority in the previous section.
D. Employees who are transferred involuntarily will be considered for returning to vacant
positions in their previous classification in the order of seniority in the previous
E. Vacant positions will be posted and employees must submit a Self-Nomination form to be
considered for returning to their previous classification. Employees who decline an offer
to transfer (or who do not submit a Self-Nomination form when they are within reach for
an offer) will not receive any further consideration based on seniority.
F. Employees who return to their previous classification will be placed at the bottom of the
seniority list in their pay classification as of the effective date of the transfer (return).
12. Layoffs
A. Seniority for the purpose of layoff shall be based on the employee's date of last
employment or on the date of transfer into the Maintenance Department, whichever is
later, among the employees in the skilled or unskilled classifications of the Department.
B. An employee scheduled to be laid off in a job classification may elect to be demoted with
a reduction in pay, in lieu of layoff, to a lower job classification, for which he/she is
qualified, providing the employee who is scheduled to be laid off has greater seniority
than the employee in the lower job classification who is displaced by the demotion. Such
election must be made within 24 hours of notification of the layoff.
14. Uniform Allowance
Five uniform changes per week will be provided for maintenance employees who are
required to wear designated work clothing.
14. Supplemental Maintenance Equipment Allowance (Revised 4-9-97)
A. Employees in the Maintenance Department are required to purchase certain equipment as
established by DART, including tools, safety shoes, and foul-weather gear.
Departmental/Divisional procedures establish minimum equipment requirements for each
skilled and non-skilled classification within the Department.
B. The equipment must be available to the employee on the job site at all times during the
prescribed hours of work and shall be subject to periodic inventory by management in
accordance with Departmental procedures.
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Maintenance Department (MD)
C. An annual equipment allowance check will be issued by DART in October of each year
to each employee holding one of the skilled or non-skilled positions within the
Department. The specific amount of the allowance shall be established by management
each year as part of the operating budget process.
D. DART shall reimburse an employee for theft of special equipment and/or tools upon
filing of a copy of the police report and receipt showing replacement of equipment and/or
tools lost due to the theft, which are listed on the employee's tool inventory. Claims
received during any one fiscal year for reimbursement up to the total of the annual
allowance will be considered paid by the annual allowance.
15. Attendance Control (effective August 1, 1997)
A. For hourly Maintenance Department employees, this section replaces the following:
a. Operations Department Attendance Policy established in April 1993.
b. Maintenance Department Standard Operating Procedure Number NPA-0038
(Attendance Control) established on March 4, 1996.
c. Under this policy, scheduled absences include vacation, rescheduled holiday, court
leave/jury duty, military leave, and suspension. An absence is identified as
"unscheduled" if the employee is absent when scheduled to work (during normal shift
or overtime).
B. Unscheduled absences up to 80 hours during a rolling 12-month period will be excused
without documentation.
C. Unscheduled absences in excess of 80 hours may be excused if they are properly
documented and meet the following criteria:
a. Personal or family member illness or medical appointment that prevents job
b. Death in family.
c. Rehabilitation as provided for in Dart's Drug/Alcohol-Free Workplace Program.
d. Unforeseen circumstances that require an employee's absence from work (excused at
management's discretion).
e. Unscheduled absences in excess of 80 hours that are not excused will subject the
employee to corrective/disciplinary action.
D. Upon return from work after an unscheduled absence in excess of 80 hours, an employee
who wishes to have the absence excused must complete an Employee Request for
Excused Absence Form.
a. If the absence was for personal or family medical purposes, the treating professional
must sign the form or provide a letter with the equivalent information. The form or
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Maintenance Department (MD)
the treating professional's letter must state that the employee was unable to work for
the period of time the employee was absent.
b. Absences other than for medical purposes must be documented as specified by the
manager and will be excused at management's discretion. For example, if a car
problem prevents an employee from coming to work, the manager may require a
receipt for wrecker services, car parts, etc.
E. Absence Notification
a. Employees should, when possible, complete a Leave Request Form when they know
in advance that they will be absent from work on a scheduled work day for any
b. Employees absent from work without prior notification must call their immediate
supervisor (or designee) at least 30 minutes prior to their regular starting time, giving
a brief explanation of the absence.
F. Tardiness Notification
a. Employees who know that they will be late for work must call their immediate
supervisor (or designee) at least 30 minutes prior to their regular starting time, giving
a brief explanation of the reason for being late, and an estimated time of arrival.
G. Opportunity to Make Up Tardiness
a. An employee may be allowed (not required) two opportunities per mark-up period to
make up a start-of-shift tardiness. These opportunities will be tracked by recording
one minute absent without leave (AWOL).
1) The one minute will not count toward the employee's 80 hours of unscheduled
2) The made up time may not exceed 30 minutes per tardiness.
3) The time must be made up the same working day and only during the employee's
lunch break.
4) Any time not made up will count toward the employee's unscheduled absences.
5) After the two opportunities per mark-up have been exhausted, tardiness will count
as an absence.
6) After-lunch tardiness may not be made up, and will be counted as an absence.
H. Corrective/Disciplinary Action
a. When an employee exceeds 80 hours of unscheduled absences during a rolling 12-
month period and has an unexcused absence, the following actions will be taken:
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Maintenance Department (MD)
1st & 2nd Unexcused Absence Documentation of Counseling
3rd Unexcused Absence Reprimand
4th Unexcused Absence Discharge
HEM Maintenance Department Supplement
Rev. Effective 03/15/2012 Page MD 8
Chapter MM-1
1 Work Week MM-1
2 Overtime MM-2
3 Emergency Work MM-2
4 Seniority MM-2
5 Scheduling Hours, Weekends, and Locations MM-3
6 Temporary Transfers and/or Transfers MM-3
7 Rate of Pay for Temporary Assignment MM-3
8 Scheduling Vacation Leave MM-3
9 Uniform Allowance MM-3
10 Supplemental Equipment Allowance
11 Attendance Control
Hourly Employment Manual Supplement Effective May 1, 2000
Materials Management Division (MM)
1. Work Week
A. The normal work week of the Materials Management (MM) Division shall consist of
forty (40) hours per week, eight hours per day, five days per week. In addition, there
shall be a one-half hour unpaid lunch period each day, resulting in a normal workday
of eight and one-half hours hour duration and eight hours pay.
B. During an emergency situation as declared by the President/Executive Director or his
designee and while necessary, the week's work may consist of seven days. Compul-
sory work may thus be assigned to a MM employee on his/her regular day off when
the emergency situation requires it.
3. Overtime
A. Overtime at the rate of time and one-half will be paid for any assigned work per-
formed by an employee over and above the regular day's work. Where overtime work
is required, it shall be divided equally, as nearly as possible, among the employees ex-
cept that an employee who is working on a particular job on which overtime is neces-
sary may be required to complete the overtime assignment.
B. Employees shall be paid at the rate of time and one-half when required to work on
their scheduled off days provided the employee has not incurred any unscheduled ab-
sences during that same work week. In the event of an unscheduled absence, RDO
overtime during that pay week will be calculated based on all hours worked in excess
of 40 hours. For purposes of this provision, an unscheduled absence is defined as sick
leave, workers' compensation, leave without pay, short-term disability and alternative
duty. Scheduled off days for floater positions may vary from one pay period to the
C. An hourly paid employee who works or is paid leave aggregating more than 40 regu-
lar hours in a seven-day period will be paid at an overtime rate of one and one-half
times the regular rate for all hours paid in excess of 40. For purposes of computing
weekly overtime for bi-weekly payrolls, the first seven days shown on the payroll will
constitute one weekly period, and the last seven days shown on the payroll will con-
stitute the second weekly period.
3. Emergency Work
A. Emergency Work — Regular Day Off
When an employee is called out to perform emergency work, such call out pay shall
pay a minimum of three hours straight time pay or time and one-half for actual hours
worked, whichever is greater.
B. Emergency Work — Scheduled Work Day
When an employee is called out to perform emergency work, such call out pay shall
pay a minimum of three hours straight time pay, or time and one-half for hours worked,
Revised Publish Date: 03/15/2012 Materials Management
Hourly Employment Manual Supplement Effective May 1, 2000
Materials Management Division (MM)
whichever is greater. Employees called out for emergency work must complete eight
hours within a regular scheduled work day before the overtime rate will apply.
C. Employees required to go to work for any reason two hours or less before their regular
work time, will work through until the regular day starts and be paid at overtime rates for
the amount of time existing between the time they reported to work and the regular work
4. Seniority
A. Seniority for the purposes of selecting working hours, work weeks and sections shall be
based on the employee's date of employment or transfer into the classification, whichever
is later, among the employees in the job classification, within a section, providing the
employee fulfills all necessary requirements to advance to the next step without undue
delay. Seniority in the selection of vacations and holidays will be solicited during March
and October; after which holiday/vacation request will be considered on a first come, first
served basis.
B. Primary operating units of the MM Division are: East Dallas, Northwest, Oak Cliff, S&I,
FMB, Support Services, LRT Support, Materials Trafficking & Scheduling,
Administration or any combination of the above.
C. Job Classification shall be as shown in this manual; however, for the purpose of
determining seniority, all Material Technicians (MT) shall be considered as one
classification with five progressive qualification steps.
5. Scheduling Hours, Weekends, and Locations
A. Markup. In August and January of each year, there shall be posted in each operating unit
of the MM Division a list showing the locations and the hours of work which will be
selected by the employees on the basis of seniority provided they are qualified for the
work to be performed. Markup will go into effect the first full pay period in March for the
February markup and the first full pay period in September for the August markup.
B. Markup schedules in the MM Division are tentative and subject to change to support
operational requirements (i.e., positions are subject to float from shift to shift or location
to location with varying hours and days off as required to cover for training, absences or
other contingencies/mission needs).
6. Temporary Transfer and/or Assignments
In the event the Manager determines it is necessary, employees may be transferred and/or
assigned between shifts, locations, and/ or sections for a temporary period of time, not to
exceed 60 days, without regard to seniority.
7. Salary Upgrades and Rate of Pay for Temporary Assignments
A. Salary upgrades will commence when an employee fulfills all necessary requirements to
advance to the next step without undue delay. In the event an employee fails to so fulfill
all necessary upgrade requirements, the seniority of such an employee will be based on
the order the employee fulfills the upgrade requirements. An employee failing to fulfill
the upgrade requirements will be considered junior to the employee(s) who fulfills the
Revised Publish Date: 03/15/2012 Materials Management
Hourly Employment Manual Supplement Effective May 1, 2000
Materials Management Division (MM)
upgrade requirements ahead of him/her. In the event an employee fails to fulfill all
necessary requirements after being tested three (3) times, the seniority of such employee
will be adjusted so that the employee will be the least senior among those employees in
the step of the classification at that time. All other factors being equal, seniority will be
the date of promotion or hire/transfer into the MM Division.
An hourly employee temporarily upgraded to supervisor shall receive $1.00 more per
hour in excess of his/her regular rate of pay. Approval shall be at the discretion of the
8. Scheduling Vacation Leave
A. The MM Section will solicit vacation forecast by section/units during March and
September which will permit the release of employees in a manner that, in the judgment
of the supervisor, will not impair the efficiency of the operation. Employees must
complete the vacation sign-up within one week from the time the vacation schedules are
Seniority for the purpose of selecting vacations and/or holidays shall be restricted to the
operational unit that the individual is assigned; based on markup. Seniority shall not be a
factor at other times of vacation or holiday selection; selection shall then be based on the
order that the request is made.
Employees who transfer between shifts, locations, and/or operating units may retain their
scheduled vacations or holidays unless there is a conflict with the schedules of employees
already in the shift, location, or section; in which case the transferred employees will
reschedule their vacations or holidays.
B. The seniority lists, for vacation purposes, posted in the various sections for the previous
year are correct and remain in the same form unless a change is made by March 1 or
October 1 of any year.
C. Vacation leave scheduled during the annual markup of hourly paid employees will be in
periods of at least five consecutive days.
9. Uniform Allowance
Five uniform changes per week will be provided for MM Section employees who are
required to wear designated work clothing.
10. Supplemental Equipment Allowance
A. Employees in the MM Section are required to purchase certain items as established by
DART, including safety shoes, and foul-weather gear. Division/Section procedures
establish minimum equipment requirements.
B. The equipment must be available to the employee on the job site at all times during the
prescribed hours of work and shall be subject to periodic inventory by management in
accordance with Division/Section procedures. Employees are responsible for the security
and condition of allowance funded items. Employees are also responsible for replacing
damaged or lost supplemental equipment at their own expense.
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Hourly Employment Manual Supplement Effective May 1, 2000
Materials Management Division (MM)
C. An annual equipment allowance check will be issued by DART in October of each year
to each hourly employee within the classification
11. Attendance Control (Effective July 1, 2000)
A. Under this policy, scheduled absences include vacation, re-scheduled holiday, court
leave/jury duty, military leave, union business and suspension. An absence is identified as
"unscheduled" if the employee is absent when scheduled to work (during normal shift or
B. Unscheduled absences up to 56 hours during a rolling 12-month period will be excused
without documentation.
C. Unscheduled absences in excess of 56 hours may be excused if they are properly
documented and meet the following criteria:
a. Personal or family member illness or medical appointment that prevents job
b. Death in family.
c. Rehabilitation as provided for in DART's Drug/Alcohol-Free Workplace Program.
d. Unforeseen circumstances that require an employee's absence from work (excused at
management's discretion).
D. Unscheduled absences in excess of 56 hours that are not excused will subject the
employee to disciplinary action.
E. Upon return to work after an unscheduled absence in excess of 56 hours, an employee
who wishes to have the absence excused must complete an Employee Leave Request .
a. If the absence was for personal or family medical purposes, the treating professional
must sign the form or provide a letter with the equivalent information. The form or
the treating professional's letter must state that the employee was unable to work for
the period of time the employee was absent.
b. Absences other than for medical purposes must be documented as specified by the
manager and will be excused at management's discretion. For example, if a car
problem prevents an employee from coming to work, the manager may require a
receipt for wrecker services, car parts, etc.
F. Absence Notification
a. Employees should, when possible, complete a Leave Request Form when they know
in advance that they will be absent from work on a scheduled work day for any
b. Employees absent from work without prior notification must call their immediate
supervisor (or designee) at least 30 minutes prior to their regular starting time, giving
a brief explanation of the absence.
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Hourly Employment Manual Supplement Effective May 1, 2000
Materials Management Division (MM)
G. Tardiness Notification
Employees who know that they will be late for work must contact their immediate
supervisor (or designee) at least 30 minutes prior to their regular starting time, giving a
brief explanation of the reason for being late, and an estimated time of arrival.
H. Opportunity to Make Up Tardiness
a. An employee may be allowed (not required) two opportunities per mark-up period to
make up a start-of-shift tardiness. These opportunities will be tracked by recording
one minute absent without leave (AWOL).
b. The one minute will not count toward the employee's 56 hours of unscheduled
c. The made up time may not exceed 30 minutes per tardiness.
d. The time must be made up the same working day and only during the employee's
lunch break.
e. Any time not made up will count toward the employee's unscheduled absences.
f. After the two opportunities per mark-up have been exhausted, tardiness will count as
an absence.
g. After-lunch tardiness may not be made up, and will be counted as an absence.
I. Corrective/ Disciplinary Action
When an employee exceeds 56 hours of unscheduled absences during a rolling 12-month
period, and has an unexcused absence, the following actions will be taken:
1st & 2nd Unexcused Absence Documentation of Counseling
3rd Unexcused Absence Reprimand
4th Unexcused Absence Discharge
Revised Publish Date: 03/15/2012 Materials Management
Hourly Employment Manual Supplement
Customer Service (CS)
1. Attendance Standards (Revised 03/01/2011)
A. Purpose
1. The purpose of this policy is to establish a defined attendance policy, set forth
disciplinary procedures when standards are not met, and clearly express the
expectations of all hourly employees of the Customer Service Section.
B. Definitions
1. Scheduled Occurrence - An absence which has received prior approval from a
Supervisor in accordance with established procedures. (i.e. Vacation leave, Jury
Duty, prearranged Doctor’s appointment).
2. Unscheduled Occurrence - Any absence from work that is not requested and
approved in advance, including tardy, leaving early and AWOL. Each type of
unscheduled occurrence will have a designated point value as defined in Section
F.1 & 2.
3. Types of Unscheduled Occurrences
(1) Tardy – Representatives are considered tardy if they are not signed on to
their phone and ready tor eceive calls at the scheduled time.
(2) Leaving Early - Leaving or not ready to receive calls prior to the scheduled
end of the assigned shift without approval.
(3) Absence Without Approved Leave (AWOL) - Failure to report to work at
the scheduled assigned report time or leaving without approval from the
section supervisor/manager. AWOL occurrences will not be paid under
any circumstance. Three or more consecutive work days of AWOL will be
considered job abandonment and will subject the employee to discharge
(4) Emergency Leave - an unforeseen situation or event which prevents the
employee from reporting to work or requires the employee to leave work
prior to the end of the scheduled work assignment. Approval for leave of
an emergency nature will be made on a case-by-case basis.
(5) Emergency Medical Leave - An unforeseen situation involving a life-
threatening injury or illness of the employee or an immediate family
member requiring immediate medical attention and/or hospitalization.
4. Immediate Family Member - Spouse, children, stepchildren, father, mother, sister,
or any other relative residing in the employee’s household.
5. Hospitalized - Confined to an accredited hospital or medical institution under the
care of an authorizing physician.
6. Job Abandonment - Employees who are absent without authorization for three
consecutive work days will be subject to discharge.
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Customer Service (CS)
7. Habitual/Excessive - Occurrences are considered habitual when an employee
continues to have attendance occurrences, without any record of improvement.
Excessive is defined as the accumulation of 15 or more occurrence points in a
twelve month rolling year.
8. Rolling Calendar Year - A flowing period consisting of twelve consecutive
9. Approved Union Business - Pre-approved absence to engage business on behalf of
the union. The employee must seek approval from a supervisor before engaging
in Union business during scheduled work hours.
10. Patterned Occurrences - A pattern of missing work on Fridays and/or Mondays (or
the day before and/or the day after your normal days off), or a holiday is
considered patterned absenteeism.
11. Sick Leave - An inability to report to work due to injury or illness. Sick leave
supported by medical documentation will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis by
the manager.
12. Preparation Time – Time designated at the beginning of an employee’s shift, after
logging on to the phone system, in which appropriate information, statistics,
updates, training and other assignments are completed prior to deactivating the
“not ready” command.
C. Non-chargeable Occurrences
Purpose Condition to be Met
Vacation, Holiday, and Rescheduled Subject to markup provisions
Holiday Reasonable notice to supervisor
Authorized by employee’s supervisor
Approved union business
Provide validating documentation
Administrative Leave with pay
Disciplinary Suspension Authorized through Human Resources
Work Exchanges/ Compensatory time Written documentation to supervisor
Scheduled Absence
Authorized by employee’s manager
Death leave Approval of claim by Risk Management. *
Jury duty
Military leave
Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
Short-term disability
Court subpoena
Trial Board Appearances
Sick Leave (3 or more days)
Hospitalization or Emergency Medical
Workers’ Compensation
* Unless ruled compensable by Texas Workers’ Compensation Commission.
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Customer Service (CS)
D. Policy Statement
1. It is the personal responsibility of each employee to report to work on time and be
ready to work each scheduled work day.
2. Employees are expected to maintain their assigned schedule and must make every
effort to avoid unscheduled occurrences. In addition, employees must provide
acceptable evidence for absences when required.
3. Failure of an employee to meet the Customer Service attendance standards will
result in disciplinary action, up to and including discharge.
4. The types of absences identified in this policy are not considered to be inclusive of
all types of absence occurrences. Any absence not identified in this policy will be
reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
5. Scheduled overtime absences are administered in the same manner as regularly
scheduled work time.
E. Point System
Points will be assigned to each absence and tardy occurrence based on the following
1. Tardy
a. less than or equal to 30 minutes.................................... .5 points
b. 31 minutes to 4 hours ................................................... 1 point
c. greater than 4 hours ...................................................... 1.5 points
2. Absence occurrence
a. full day absence ............................................................. 2 points
b. consecutive days........................................................... 2 points for 1st day
1 point each additional day
c. AWOL ............................................................................ 5 points
F. Corrective Action
A supervisor will follow progressive corrective action in accordance with the
guidelines below based on the number of accumulated points in any 12-month period.
No. of Absence Action Taken
Points Points recorded
1 thru 3.5 Verbal Warning
Documentation of Counseling
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No. of Absence Hourly Employment Manual Supplement
Points Customer Service (CS)
Action Taken
Written Warning
15 or more Final Written Warning
Notice of Proposed Discharge
G. Attendance Monitoring Guidelines
1. Supervisors will track and maintain a record of attendance occurrence points for
each representative. A copy of the employee’s attendance record will be provided
to the employee upon request.
2. Performance reports will be reviewed with each employee by the supervisor on a
weekly/monthly basis to ensure the employee is aware of the accumulated points
and to identify any strategies for the employee’s improvement.
2. Probationary Employees (Rev. Effective 03/02/05)
A. Point System
The point system for probationary employees will be the same as that referenced in
1.E. of this policy.
B. Probationary Period
1. Points accrued during the six month probationary period will be carried over to a
rolling twelve month period.
2. Employees who accumulate and/or exceed four (4) points during the probatinary
period will be subject to discharge.
3. All probationary employees are responsible for adhering to the attendance policies
stipulated in this policy.
3. Vacation Mark-up and Scheduling Vacation (Rev. Effective 03/02/05)
A. Vacation Mark-up
1. Sign-up for vacation will begin during the second full week in January each year. A
list of available vacation time will be provideed at the time the vacation mark-up
begins. The number of employees allowed on vacation per day will be based on
operational needs.
2. Employees in each area will sign-up according to seniority in their job classification.
3. Vacation leave scheduled during the annual markup will normally be in periods of at
least 5 days (except that up to three days may be scheduled I one-day increments).
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Customer Service (CS)
4. After all employees have selected vacation as prescribed in 3.A.3 above, employees
may select any remaining days of additional vacation time in one day increments.
B. Scheduling Vacation
Employees may request vacation time after the completion of the vacation mark-up.
Requests wil lbe granted on a first come, first serve basis and based on operational
4. On Call Pay
An employee placed in an on-call status will be paid two (2) hours straight-time pay
for each twenty-four (24) consecutive hour period of on-call status. If an employee
who is on-call is called in for work, the employee will be paid a minimum guarantee
of three (3) additional hours straight pay or time and one-half (based on the current
week’s worked hours) for actual hours worked.
5. Overtime (Effective 03/01/2011)
A. When overtime is required for the Customer Information Center, employees in
the Customer Information Representative classification who desire to work the
scheduled overtime will sign up for the overtime opportunity. The overtime will
be assigned to interested Customer Information Representatives by seniority.
B. In the event additional employees are needed to work ovetime in the Customer
Information Representative classification, employees in the Customer Care
Representative classification will be allowed to sign up for unfilled overtime
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Hourly Employment Manual Supplement
Paratransit Services, Planning and Scheduling (PS)
1. Attendance
A. Purpose
1. The purpose of this policy is to establish a defined attendance policy, set forth
disciplinary procedures when standards are not met, and clearly express the
expectations of all hourly employees of the Planning and Scheduling Section.
B. Definitions
1. Scheduled Occurrence – An absence which has received prior approval from a
Supervisor in accordance with established procedures. (i.e. Vacation leave, Jury
Duty, prearranged Doctor’s appointment).
2. Unscheduled Occurrence – Any absence from work that is not requested and
approved in advance, including tardy, leaving early and AWOL. Each type of
unscheduled occurrence will have a designated point value as defined in Section F.1
and 2.
3. Types of Unscheduled Occurrences
a. Tardy – Representatives are considered tardy if they are not signed on to their
phone and ready to receive calls at the scheduled time.
b. Leaving Early – Leaving or not ready to receive calls prior to the scheduled end
of the assigned shift without approval.
c. Absence Without Approved Leave (AWOL) – Failure to report to work at the
scheduled assigned report time or leaving without approval from the section
supervisor/manager. AWOL occurrences will not be paid under any
circumstance. Three or more consecutive work days of AWOL will be
considered job abandonment and will subject the employee to discharge.
d. Emergency Leave – an unforeseen situation or event which prevents the employee
from reporting to work or requires the employee to leave work prior to the end of
the scheduled work assignment. Approval for leave of an emergency nature will
be made on a case-by-case basis.
e. Emergency Medical Leave – An unforeseen situation involving a life-threatening
injury or illness of the employee or an immediate family member requiring
immediate medical attention and/or hospitalization.
4. Immediate Family Member – Spouse, children, stepchildren, father, mother, sister or
any other relative residing in the employee’s household.
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Paratransit Services, Planning and Scheduling (PS)
5. Hospitalized – Confined to an accredited hospital or medical institution under the care
of an authorizing physician.
6. Job Abandonment – Employees who are absent without authorization for three
consecutive work days will be subject to discharge.
7. Habitual/Excessive – Occurrences are considered habitual when an employee
continues to have attendance occurrences without any record of improvement.
Excessive is defined as the accumulation of 15 or more occurrence points in a twelve-
month rolling year.
8. Rolling Year – A flowing period consisting of twelve consecutive months.
9. Approved Union Business – Pre-approved absence to engage in business on behalf of
the Union. The employee must seek approval from a supervisor before engaging in
Union business during scheduled work hours.
10. Patterned Occurrences – A pattern of missing work, for example Fridays and/or
Mondays, the day before and/or the day after your normal days off, or a holiday is
considered patterned absenteeism.
11. Sick Leave – An inability to report to work due to injury or illness. Sick leave
supported by medical documentation will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis by the
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Paratransit Services, Planning and Scheduling (PS)
C. Non –chargeable Occurrences
Purpose Condition to be Met
Vacation, Holiday and Rescheduled Holiday Subject to markup provisions
Approved Union Business Reasonable notice to supervisor
Administrative Leave With Pay Authorized by employee’s supervisor
Disciplinary Suspension
Work Exchanges
Scheduled Absence
Bereavement Leave Provide validating documentation
Jury Duty
Military Leave
Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) Authorized through Risk Management
Short-term Disability
Court Subpoena Written documentation to supervisor
Trial Board Appearances
Sick Leave (3 or more days)
Hospitalization or Emergency Medical Leave Authorized by employee’s manager
Workers’ Compensation Approval of claim by Risk Management*
*Unless ruled compensable by Texas workers’ Compensation Commission
D. Policy Statement –
1. It is the personal responsibility of each employee to report to work on time and be ready to
work each scheduled workday.
2. Employees are expected to maintain their assigned schedule and must make every effort to
avoid unscheduled occurrences. In addition, employees must provide acceptable evidence for
absences when required.
3. Failure of an employee to meet the Planning and Scheduling section’s attendance standards
will result in disciplinary action, up to and including discharge.
4. The types of absences identified in this policy are not considered to be inclusive of all types
of absence occurrences. Any absence not identified in this policy will be reviewed on a case-
by-case basis.
5. Scheduled overtime absences are administered in the same manner as regularly scheduled
work time.
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Paratransit Services, Planning and Scheduling (PS)
E. Point System – Points will be assigned to each absence and tardy occurrence based on the
following scale:
1. Tardy or leaving early
a. Less than or equal to 30 minutes………………………… .5 points
b. 31 minutes to 4 hours…………………………………….. 1 point
c. Greater than 4 hours……………………………………… 1.5 points
2. Absence occurrence
a. full day absence………………………………………….. 2 points
b. consecutive days…………………………………………. 2 points for 1st day
1 point for each additional day
c. AWOL……………………………………………………. 5 points
F. Corrective Action – A supervisor will follow progressive corrective action in accordance with
the guidelines below based on the number of accumulated points in any 12-month period.
No. of Absence Points Action Taken
1 thru 3.5 Points recorded
4 – 5.5 Verbal Warning
6 – 7.5 Documentation of Counseling
8 – 10.5 Written Warning
11 – 14.5 Final Written Warning
15 or more Notice of Proposed Discharge
G. Attendance Monitoring Guidelines
1. Supervisors will track and maintain a record of attendance occurrence points for each
representative. A copy of the employee’s attendance record will be provided to the employee
upon request.
2. Performance reports will be reviewed with each employee by the supervisor on a weekly or
monthly basis to ensure the employee is aware of the accumulated points and to identify any
strategies for the employee’s improvement.
2. Probationary Employees
A. Point System – The point system for probationary employees will be the same as that referenced
in 1.E of this policy.
B. Probationary Period –
1. Points accrued during the six month probationary period will be carried over to a rolling
twelve month period.
2. Employees who accumulate and/or exceed four (4) points during the probationary period will
be subject to discharge.
3. All probationary employees are responsible for adhering to the attendance policies stipulated
in this policy.
3. Vacation Mark-up and Scheduling Vacation
A. Vacation Mark-up
1. A vacation markup will be conducted annually in the month of December to be effective in
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Paratransit Services, Planning and Scheduling (PS)
2. The markup will be based on seniority and scheduled in 8-hour increments.
3. No more than two employees per day will be approved for vacation Monday through Friday
and no more than one employee per day will be approved for vacation Saturday through
4. A minimum of 24 hours notice is required for cancellation.
B. Scheduling Vacation
1. Employees may request vacation time after the completion of the vacation markup on a first
come/first served basis.
2. Requests must be scheduled no less than three (3) business days in advance, or less if an
opening becomes available.
3. Requests for time off on Saturday or Sunday will be granted on the basis that no more than
one employee can be off at any given time.
C. Emergency – Vacation leave for emergency situations will be granted on a case-by-case basis.
D. Work Schedule Markup
A. A work schedule markup will be conducted twice each year, in January and July, and will be
posted for employee review for one (1) week.
B. The markup will be conducted the week immediately following the employee review period
and will be effective two (2) weeks after the completion of the markup.
C. The markup will be based on seniority.
D. The Sections reserve the right to conduct additional markups during the calendar year
whenever a major schedule or personnel change occurs.
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Planning and Development (HOV)
1.0 Definitions (Revised 03/01/2011)
A. HOV Operations – Mobility Programs Development Division (MBDD) that
employs operators to work the high occupancy vehicle lanes.
B. Project – one of four designated HOV lanes as of October 1, 2001; I-35E, I-635, I-
30 and I-36E/US67.
C. “A” Employee – an HOV operator who has attained 3120 or more worked hours as
an HOV Operator.
D. “B” Employee – an HOV operator who has not attained 3120 hours worked as an
HOV Operator.
2.0 Seniority
Seniority is initially based on the amount of service an employee has with the MPD Division. In
the event two employees with the same amount of service in the division apply for the same
position, seniority will be based on hire date with DART. Thereafter, the employee number will
be used as a tiebreaker in establishing seniority, the lower number being more senior.
3.0 Selection of Work (Revised 03/01/2011)
During the second week of July of each year, there shall be posted at each project within the
HOV division a list of employees and the hours of work available. The list will include the
number of shifts reserved for “A” employees and “B” employees on each project. Employees in
HOV will then select their work assignments/locations on the basis of seniority. The Mark Up
will become effective on the first Monday of the first full pay period of August following the July
Mark Up.
4.0 Vacation Mark Up
A. The MPDD will solicit vacation forecast by project during January of each year that will
permit the release of employees in a manner that, in the judgment of the supervisor, will
not impair the efficiency of the operation. Employees must complete their vacation
selection within one week from the time the vacation schedules are solicited.
B. Seniority for the purpose of selecting vacations shall be restricted to the project the
individual is assigned during the solicitation period. Seniority will not be a factor at
other times of vacation selection. Selection then will be based on the order that the
request is made.
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Planning and Development (HOV)
C. Employees who transfer between projects may retain their selected vacations or holidays
unless there is a conflict with the schedules of employees already at that location; in
which case the transferred employee will reschedule his/her vacation.
D. Vacation leave scheduled during the selection period will be in periods of at least five
consecutive days.
5.0 Vacant Positions
Filling of vacancies within a project shall be open first to the remaining eligible employees
on that project meeting the required “A” or “B” designation. In the event the vacancy cannot
be filled with an employee currently on the project, it will then be opened to the other HOV
employees based on seniority.
6.0 Overtime
A. Each project will maintain a list of employees by shift and seniority. When overtime is
available, the first operator on the list (regardless of classification) will be contacted to
work based on their seniority within the division. If that employee declines or the
Division is unable to reach them by one telephone call, the next person on the list is
contacted. On the next opportunity for overtime, the employee following the one who
last worked overtime will be contacted first. This process will continue on a rotating
B. Only regular, full time employees shall be considered for overtime. Employees who are
absent due to injury or illness when the overtime is offered will not be considered for
overtime. Employees who are absent from work for any reason, except regular days off,
when the overtime is needed will not be considered for overtime. Temporary employees
may be offered overtime, if needed, only after all regular employees are given an
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Station Monitors (SM)
1. Mark Up
A. Scope
This procedure applies to all Station Monitors (Monitors).
B. Purpose
The purpose of this procedure is to provide a written document for ensuring consistency during
the mark up processes.
C. Implementation
This procedure is effective upon issuance. Monitors will be held accountable for adhering to the
rules, regulations and procedures. Transit Center Services Supervisors are responsible for
ensuring compliance with these procedures when conducting a mark up.
D. General Mark Up – A general mark up will be completed at least once a year. Additional mark-
ups during the calendar year may be conducted whenever a major schedule or operational change
A general mark up provides an opportunity for all Monitors to mark up by seniority for all
available shifts. Seniority is based on the date I which an employee entered the Station Monitor
calculation. The following process is followed when conducting a general mark up.
(1) Monitors are provided a packet of all available shifts at least two weeks prior to the mark up
date. (Note: Shift packets are to be kept until next mark-up)
(2) Each Monitor is provided a memo via e-mail or hard copy announcing that a mark-up will
take place. The memo also provides the monitor with a designated time to mark-up
according to seniority as well as the effective date.
(3) Each monitor is given a specific timeframe to select an available shift in person, via
telephone or submit choices in writing in sequential order. Should a monitor fail to appear or
call during the specified mark-up time, or not provide any choices, the mark-up supervisor
will place the monitor on his/her previous shift, if available. If the previous shift is not
available, the mark-up supervisor will select a shift that most closely reflects the monitor’s
prior shift considering time, off days and location. The assignment is binding.
(4) The mark-up will be conducted by seniority order in 10 minute increments
E. Partial Mark Up – A partial mark up is conducted on an as needed basis.
(1) Partial mark-ups are conducted when a Monitor on an assigned shift, for any reason, vacates
that shift for a period of over thirty days. For example, if a Monitor’s position is vacated, the
mark-up should be conducted within thirty (30) calendar days from the date of separation
starting with the next seniority person after the Monitor who vacated the position.
(2) Monitors are provided a packet of all available shifts at least two weeks prior to the mark-up
(3) During a partial mark-up, employees may bid on any open shift that is available from the
original mark-up. There is no bumping.
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Station Monitors (SM)
F. Vacation Mark-up - General announcements regarding vacation mark ups will be forwarded to
Monitors during the first full week in December and will become effective January 1st.
(1) The mark up will start at 8:00 a.m. on the date identified in the general mark-up
announcement unless otherwise specified, with all vacations to be selected and signed for
within a two-week period.
(2) The mark-up will be conducted in seniority order. Only five (5) one day vacation days may
be taken. All other vacation days must be scheduled and taken in increments of five or more
(3) Vacation cancellations will require 24-hour notification via email (or phone to the main
telephone number if a computer is not available) to all Transit Center supervisors.
(4) Each monitor is given a specific time frame to select their vacation in person, via telephone or
submit choices in writing in sequential order. Should a monitor fail to appear or call during
the specified time, or not provide any choices, the mark-up supervisor will go to the next
G. Holiday Mark-up - Announcements regarding holiday mark-ups will be forwarded to Monitors
at least two weeks prior to the scheduled mark up date.
(1) The mark up will start at 8:00 a.m. and will be conducted by seniority in 10-minute
increments, unless specified otherwise in the announcement.
(2) Each Monitor whose regularly scheduled workday is on the holiday will be required to follow
the instructions in the announcement. Failure to call in as instructed in the announcement
will result in the Monitor being passed up by the Mark-Up Supervisor. Monitors who are
regularly scheduled off on the holiday are not required to call. Specific instructions to be
followed will be outlined in each holiday mark up announcement.
(3) Each monitor is given a specific time frame to select an available shift in person, via
telephone or submit choices in writing in sequential order. Should a monitor fail to appear,
call during the specified mark-up time, or not provide any choices, the mark-up supervisor
will place the monitor on his/her previous shift, if available.
(4) The Supervisor reserves the right to require Monitors to work, in reverse seniority order, even
if the Monitor did not call in and request to work the holiday. This may be necessary to fill
open shifts.
2. Overtime
A. Scope
This procedure governs the assignment of overtime for Station Monitors.
B. Purpose The purpose of this procedure is to provide instructions regarding the assignment and
management of overtime for Station Monitors.
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Station Monitors (SM)
C. Implementation
This procedure is effective February 1, 2008.
D. Responsibility
The Senior Manager of Transit Center Services and Transit Center Supervisor(s) will ensure
compliance with this procedure.
E. Procedure
The following guidelines will be used when assigning overtime:
(1) Request for Overtime
a. Requests to work overtime for the upcoming week must be completed and submitted in
writing (emailed) to all Transit Center Supervisors (Supervisors) no later than Tuesday at
7:00 p.m. of the current week. Failure to send the request to all TC Supervisors will
result in the request being denied for consideration in the assignment of overtime. This
requirement to send the requests to all supervisors is necessary due to their schedules,
days off, etc.
b. Monitors are responsible for providing accurate contact information to Transit Center
Services Supervisors as well as updating personal information on DARTNet.
c. When filling shifts, Supervisors are required to place one call to the contact number
provided by the Monitor. Unanswered telephone calls may result in the Supervisor
contacting another Monitor to work.
(2) Order of assignment - The following guidelines dictate the manner in which overtime is
a. Report Monitors with less than 40 hours will be given priority in staffing open shifts.
b. Staffing of a Peak Station Only (PSO) Transit Center, which results in overtime, will
require authorization from the Senior Manager.
c. Filling of open shifts must not interfere with the regular, bid shift of a regular Station
Step 1: Locate Monitors who are doubled staffed. If one is found, move the Monitor to
fill the open shift.
Step 2: If no Monitor has been located to fill the open shift, the Supervisor will then
refer to the Overtime list and assign the work based on seniority first, then
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Station Monitors (SM)
F. Emergency Situations
Due to emergencies and limited time to fill shifts, the supervisor may use discretion to fill open
shifts and any other shift they are made aware of two hours or less before the shift report time.
Under these circumstances the supervisor may fill the shifts with anyone they can get to cover the
shift in a timely manner.
A. Scope
This procedure applies to all Station Monitors (Monitors).
B. Purpose
The purpose of this procedure is to provide a written document for management of attendance in
a consistent manner.
C. Implementation
This procedure is effective upon issuance. Monitors will be held accountable for adhering to the
rules, regulations and procedures.
D. Responsibility
The Senior Manager of Transit Center Services and Transit Center Services Supervisor(s)
(Supervisor) will ensure compliance with this procedure.
E. Definitions
(1) Scheduled Absence – An absence that has received prior approval from a supervisor in
accordance with established procedures and where the employee has provided a minimum of
24-hour prior notification of absence. (i.e., vacation leave, bereavement leave, military leave,
hospitalization, short term disability, family medical leave, workers compensation, union
business, jury duty, court leave, prearranged medical appointment, etc.)
(2) Unscheduled Absences/Occurrences – An absence from work that is not pre-approved and
any absence where the employee does not provide 24-hour prior notification of absence or
(3) Types of Unscheduled Absences/Occurrences
a. Leaving early – Leaving assigned work location prior to the end of the assigned shift
without prior notification or approval.
b. Absence Without Approved Leave – Failure to notify a supervisor of absence or failure
to report to work at the assigned time.
c. Emergency Leave - An unforeseen situation or event, involving a life-threatening
injury/illness or event, which prevents the employee from reporting to work or requires
the employee to leave work prior to the end of the assigned shift.
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Station Monitors (SM)
(4) Approved Union Business – Pre-approved absence to conduct business on behalf of the
Union. All requests should be submitted in writing to the senior manager and/or a Transit
Center Supervisor at least 24 hours prior to the monitor’s assigned shift. Email notification is
(5) 12-month period – January 1 through December 31 of the calendar year.
F. Scheduled Absences
(1) Vacation
a. Vacation must be requested at least 24 hours prior to the start of the assigned shift to
avoid an unscheduled vacation absence. Requests for vacation must be submitted in the
Workforce Attendance module. Written communication is preferred. Verbal
communication is acceptable in extenuating situations (i.e. no computer, etc..).
b. Placing the request for vacation in Workforce does not establish approval. A Transit
Center Supervisor must approve the request. If a Transit Center Supervisor has not
granted approval, the Monitor should contact the Supervisor on duty for the status of the
request prior to taking time off. Failure to contact a supervisor to obtain approval and
taking the time off will result in an occurrence of unscheduled vacation. Monitors must
notify a supervisor if an approved vacation request has been removed/cancelled from the
c. To manage and ensure adequate staffing, no more than four monitors per day will be
approved for leave during the weekday and no more than three for the weekend shifts.
Monitors on FMLA, STD or Workers Compensation will not be counted in the three or
four per day standard.
d. Vacation time will only be approved in 8-hour increments.
(2) Medical
Pre-arranged/scheduled medical appointments must be submitted at least 24-hours prior to the
start of the assigned shift to be coded as scheduled sick leave. Monitors are responsible for
ensuring medical documentation is submitted for pre-arranged appointments prior to or on the
first day of return from the appointment. Failure to provide the documentation in accordance
with policy will result in the absence being coded as unscheduled. Failure to notify a
supervisor at least 24 hours prior to the start of the assigned shift will result in an unscheduled
absence occurrence.
(3) Unscheduled Absences/Occurrences- (Does not include tardiness)
a. In many instances, an employee knows if an absence will be for two or more consecutive
days. In these situations, the employee is not required to contact the supervisor on a daily
basis provided that this information was communicated to the supervisor on the first day
of the absence. (For example, if an employee has been diagnosed with the flu. When the
employee contacts the supervisor on the first day of the absence, the employee should let
the supervisor know that he/she has been diagnosed with the flu and may be out for
several days.)
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Station Monitors (SM)
b. Prior to returning to work from multiple day absences, which were not prearranged, the
Monitor must notify the supervisor on duty to coordinate staffing arrangements no later
than 11:00 a.m on the day prior to returning to work. Failure to contact a supervisor prior
to returning to work will result in the shift being assigned to another Monitor. The
returning Monitor may not be allowed to work the shift.
c. An absence for any purpose shown on the following chart will not be classified as an
absence/occurrence if the corresponding condition is met:
Purpose Condition to be met
Bereavement Leave Provide documentation prior to or on the first day of return to work
Jury Duty Provide documentation prior to or on the first day of return to work
Military Leave Provide documentation prior to or on the first day of return to work
Hospitalization Provide documentation prior to or on the first day of return to work
Prearranged medical t Provide documentation prior to or on the first day of return to work
Union Business Written request from authorized representative with 24 hour
notification. (Email is sufficient)
Short Term Disability Approved STD (DART STD procedures)
FMLA Approved FMLA (DART FMLA procedures)
Workers Approval of claim (DART procedures)
Emergency Medical Provide documentation prior to or on the first day of return to work
The four or three monitors off per day limitation will be the determining factor for
scheduled or unscheduled leave, provided that all other procedures have been followed.
G. Discipline For Excessive Absences
When a Monitor exceeds 24 hours of unscheduled absences (excludes tardiness) between
January 1 and December 31 of the calendar year, the following schedule of discipline
will be administered.
1st – 3rd Occurrence Documentation of Counseling
4th Occurrence Written Warning
5th Occurrence Final Written Warning
6th Occurrence Suspension without pay (1 day)
7th Occurrence Subject to Discharge
H. Discipline For Tardiness
4th tardy Verbal Notification (email is sufficient)
5th tardy occurrence Documentation of Counseling
Written Warning
6th tardy occurrence Final Written Warning
7h tardy occurrence Suspension without pay (1 day)
8th tardy occurrence Subject to Discharge
9th tardy occurrence
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Station Monitors (SM)
The following guidelines and schedule of discipline will be administered when addressing
tardiness between January 1 and December 31 of the calendar year.
(1) Monitors are tardy if not at the assigned workstation at the assigned report time. Tardies
between one and fourteen minutes will be counted as an occurrence. However, in accordance
with DART payroll directives, pay will not be docked. Tardies beginning at the fifteen-
minute interval will be counted as an occurrence and pay will be docked.
(2) If the Monitor will be tardy/late and does not contact a supervisor on duty by the assigned
report time, the Monitor will be charged with an Absent Without Approved Leave (AWOL).
Additionally, failure to contact a supervisor by the assigned report time may result in the shift
being reassigned to another Monitor. Notification of a tardy will not prevent the Monitor
from being charged with an occurrence.
(3) When a Monitor calls to report a tardy, the expected time of arrival should be provided and
must be within one hour of the normal assigned report time. If the Monitor is not at the
assigned workstation by the expected arrival time (within one hour of assigned report time)
reported to the supervisor, the shift maybe assigned to another Monitor. If the tardy Monitor
is not allowed to work the scheduled shift, the occurrence will be coded as an unscheduled
absence. The Senior Manager may review on a case-by-case basis.
(4) A Station Monitor will be allowed two (2) five minute grace periods, per General Mark Up,
in which they may log into the computer up to five minutes late and not be charged with a
Tardy occurrence.
(5) Employees will be notified of the coding but no disciplinary action will be taken for the first
three tardies.
I. Breaks – (Revised 3/21/11) Station Monitors will, at a time designated by their Supervisor, be
permitted one 15 minute break per 8 hour shift. The Station Monitor will be required to log off
their computer terminal at the beginning of their break and log back on at the end of the break.
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