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Published by Muhammad Afiq bin Hassan, 2023-01-18 03:38:22

IMR 652 Magazine Cover

IMR 652 Magazine Cover


Juvilyn Adoptante Leovino INOUT BUSINESS MAGAZINE EDITOR IN CHEIF Bebiana Basar MAGAZINE JOURNALIST First of all, it is an honor to get this opportunity to share and write this magazine together with my other partners. It was an memorable experience where we can share our ideas together in one book. I wish that the content of this magazine can help people out there to get new knowledge and fully utilize the information provided. Hello, I am so grateful that I got a chance to share more about our magazine that we made together. It was an amazing experiences where we can doing together and share some ideas in this magazine. Finally we can finish our magazine after through ups and down together. I hope the people who read our magazine can undertand what the input of record management. Enjoy your reading!

INOUT BUSINESS MAGAZINE FEATURES EDITOR Muhammad Afiq Hey there! It is an honor to share with you guys about Records Management that have include in our E-Magazine. finding the actual content for each topic was the hardest challenges moment to ensure that what has been provided able to attract our reader to read. I hope that the people will fully understand what topic that have been provided and can use all the idea and knowledge in the future. Neilsapuya Bennie MANAGING EDITOR It is never too late for me to wish everyone a happy and promising New Year 2023. It is an honor to share with you guys the contents of our magazine which we have worked together for several weeks. There were obstacles and challenges throughout completing this magazine but we still succeeded. I wish that the readers can gain knowledge about record management and all the information can be used in the future.

CONTENTS INOUT BUSINESS BBEENNEEFFIITTSSOOFFEERRMMSSIINN BBUUSSIINNEESSSS FFAACCIILLIITTYY CCOONNSSIIDDEERRAATTIIOONN Running requires you to be both strong and quick. Here are some leg exercises to build bigger quads, calves, glute and hamstrings. Definition Record storage facility What facility need to consider 02 BUSINESS RECORDS MANAGEMENT EEDDIITTOORR''SSNNOOTTEE Editors' appreciation notes Contains the definition of stakeholder and lists of different types of stakeholders. Accounting records Legal documents Permit & Licenses Insurance records The benefits of paper shredding you should know about. Paper shredding may not sound like the most glamorous solution, but the benefits it provides to individuals and companies alike are too valuable to be overlooked. Definition of Lifecycle of Records Definition of Creation of Records Records Productions 00 13-14 00 SSEERRIIEESSOOFFSSTTAAKKEEHHOOLLDDEERRSSAANNDD TTHHEEDDIIFFFFEERREENNCCEESS 10-11 TTRRAACCKKIINNGGOOFFRREECCOORRDDSS EEXXCCLLUUSSIIVVEE!! ADVERTISEMENT FOR JOB VACANCIES IN HERE! 12 DDEESSTTRRUUCCTTIIOONN 16 CCRREEAATTIIOONNOOFFRREECCOORRDDSS MMAAIINNAATTTTRRIIBBUUTTEESSOOFFRREECCOORRDDSS TTOOPP33MMOOSSTTEESSSSEENNTTIIAALLSSTTEEPPSSIINN MMAAKKIINNGGSSUURREEDDIISSAASSTTEERR RREECCOOVVEERRYYPPLLAANNNNIINNGG List down the main attributes of records and their roles. Highlight the important steps in designing DPR for organization 00 00 17-18 BBUUSSIINNEESSSSAANNAALLYYSSIISSSSYYSSTTEEMM AADDVVAANNTTAAGGEESSOOFFRREECCOORRDDSS MMAANNAAGGEEMMEENNTT The most awaited event of the year for the runners. Find out the big challenge this time and you might just win a big prize. 00 TTYYPPEESSOOFFBBUUSSIINNEESSSSRREECCOORRDDSS The most awaited event of the year for the runners. Find out the big challenge this time and you might just win a big prize. 00 19-20 PRIMARY RESEARCH MARKETING TECHNIQUE Definition of Business Analysis System Importance of Business Analysis System 6 Major Knowledge Areas Definition of Recordkeeping Principles of Recordkeeping

SERIES OF STAKEHOLDERS A stakeholder is a party who has an interest in a firm and can influence or be influenced by it. A typical corporation's key stakeholders are its investors or owners, employees, suppliers and customers. Different stakeholders have different interests, and companies frequently confront trade-offs when attempting to please everyone. However, not all stakeholders are interested for the same reasons; varied motivations, demands, and expectations are prevalent across stakeholders. Stakeholders are crucial because their happiness with the business or a certain project or offering can make or break the company's success. INOUT BUSINESS AUTHOR : BEBIANA.B IS STAKEHOLDER of stakeholders & differences: WHAT SERIES Owner is one of the internal stakeholder that have direct relationship with the company. The reason is because they usual work within the company or they are the company executives. Therefore, this stakeholder's primary purpose is to achieve organizational goals as effectively and efficiently as possible while increasing corporate revenues. Executives have an impact on the company or a project based on how successfully they manage the firm or project. #1 – OWNERS What Are Stakeholders: Definition, Types, and Examples. (2022, June 29). Investopedia. Retrieved January 15, 2023, from CREDIT: GOOGLE CREDIT: GOOGLE THE DIFFERENCES SERIES OF STAKEHOLDERS

Also known as investors, and they are particular interested in a firm because their investment is dependent on its performance, for example bank. Creditors expect financial returns on their investments, and most only invest when they are confident that they will see a return over a specific time period. They anticipate that their invested capital will expand, allowing them to profit from their investment decision. #2 – CUSTOMERS INOUT BUSINESS #5 - SUPPLIERS Suppliers or partners like contractors and vendors, are stakeholders since they might rely on the company's cooperation to succeed as their own firm. Vendors and suppliers frequently require collaborations with other businesses in order to thrive. Many vendors want to ensure that a company's operations are sound before entering into a partnership. #4 - CREDITORS Many would claim that companies are there to serve their clients. Customers are among the most important stakeholders in a company since they are directly influenced by the standard and accessibility of its goods and services. For example, sales can be negatively impacted if clients are dissatisfied with a company's products or overall customer service. #3 – EMPLOYEES Employees are company stakeholder because they rely on smart business decisions made by their executive team to have job security, receive a fair income, take use of beneficial benefits, and go to work in a secure environment. If a company is struggling, it can have an affect on how an employee feels about the firm, how loyal they can be to their employer, and their productivity level. Stakeholder. (n.d.). Corporate Finance Institute. Retrieved January 15, 2023, from Types of stakeholders and their role in the company | alva. (2021, July 30). Alva. Retrieved January 15, 2023, from CREDIT: GOOGLE CREDIT: GOOGLE CREDIT: GOOGLE CREDIT: GOOGLE

BUSINESS RECORDS MANAGEMENT Authenticity Usability Records have many types as well as characters. Each has value, and the reason for all the examples is because various individuals will have different ideas about what constitutes a record. It is important to be aware of all the possible definitions since it tells us how we want to manage records. The ISO defines records as written materials produced, acquired, and preserved by a person, agency, or organization in support of legal responsibilities or commercial activities. The definition goes on to say that records have four distinguishing qualities and characteristics. Integrity means that the records are complete and unchanged. It is essential that a record be protected against unauthorized alterations by systematic management rules. Any approved remark made on a record, or any additions or deletions made, must be clearly stated and traceable to maintain the integrity of records. Reliability stresses that the records are trustworthy and may be relied upon after transactions, activities, or facts to which they attest. The context of the record's development is crucial in figuring out its veracity. The trustworthiness of a record can also be supported by the provenance or lineage of the record, with records made at the time of the event being the most dependable. Authenticity means that content, context, and structure persist. The record must be shown to be what it claims to be, to have been made or sent by the person it claims to have made or transmitted by, and to have occurred at the time it claims to have occurred. The key value that adds to the documents' authenticity is provenance because it offers crucial components for figuring out the record's relative level of credibility. Reliability INOUT BUSINESS Integrity Usability record is that can be located and understood in its original context. It is possible to find, get, present, and interpret a usable record. It must be able to be presented in the future as being closely related to the organizational activity or transaction that generated it. The information required to comprehend the transactions that created and used the records is carried via the contextual links between the records. CREDIT: CANVA WRITTEN BY: BEBIANA.B Records & Characteristics of Records. (n.d.). Records & Characteristics of Records. Retrieved January 15, 2023, from and Records Management – IspatGuru. (n.d.). Records and Records Management – IspatGuru. Retrieved January 15, 2023, from

BUSINESS RECORDS MANAGEMENT MAIN ATTRIBUTES OF RECORDS Records have many types as well as characters. Each has value, and the reason for all the examples is because various individuals will have different ideas about what constitutes a record. It is important to be aware of all the possible definitions since it tells us how we want to manage records. The definition goes on to say that records have four distinguishing qualities and characteristics. Integrity means that the records are complete and unchanged. It is essential that a record be protected against unauthorized alterations by systematic management rules. Any approved remark made on a record, or any additions or deletions made, must be clearly stated and traceable to maintain the integrity of records. Usability Reliability stresses that the records are trustworthy and may be relied upon after transactions, activities, or facts to which they attest. The context of the record's development is crucial in figuring out its veracity. The trustworthiness of a record can also be supported by the provenance or lineage of the record, with records made at the time of the event being the most dependable. Authenticity means that content, context, and structure persist. The record must be shown to be what it claims to be, to have been made or sent by the person it claims to have made or transmitted by, and to have occurred at the time it claims to have occurred. The key value that adds to the documents' authenticity is provenance because it offers crucial components for figuring out the record's relative level of credibility. Authenticity Reliability INOUT BUSINESS Integrity Usability record can be located and understood in its original context. It is possible to find, get, present, and interpret a usable record. It must be able to be presented in the future as being closely related to the organizational activity or transaction that generated it. The information required to comprehend the transactions that created and used the records is carried via the contextual links between the records. CREDIT: CANVA WRITTEN BY: BEBIANA.B Records & Characteristics of Records. (n.d.). Records & Characteristics of Records. Retrieved January 15, 2023, from and Records Management – IspatGuru. (n.d.). Records and Records Management – IspatGuru. Retrieved January 15, 2023, from

Essential steps in making sure disaster recovery planning B U S I N E S S R E C O R D S M A N A G E M E N T CREDIT: CANVA Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP) is a clearly defined series of steps to be performed before, during, and after that aids a company in recovering its technology and operations in accordance with its business policies. It is a part of business continuity planning and a subset of security planning. Disaster recovery planning's main goal is to safeguard the organization in the event that all or some of its operations and or computer services become unavailable. The secret is to be ready. The process of preparing for disaster recovery should reduce operational disturbance, ensure a certain level of organizational stability, and facilitate a smooth recovery following a disaster. If 2021 has taught the world anything, it is that calamity can strike at any time. Businesses must be prepared to deliver the services they have promised to, with zero to minimal disruption, whether it be due to a pandemic or wildfires. Planning is one method for doing this. Planning entails determining which resources are crucial and how to safeguard and back them up. DID YOU KNOW INOUT BUSINESS TOP 3 Minimize Interruption - even if a calamity strikes completely unannounced, your firm can continue to run with little interruption. Limit Damage - damage from a disaster will unavoidably occur, but you may manage how much damage is done. For instance, firms have plans to move all important equipment out of the way and into a room without any window in hurricane-prone areas. Training and preparation - your personnel will be prepared to respond in the event of a crisis if you have a disaster recovery program in place. Restoration of services - with a good disaster recovery plan, you can quickly return all missioncritical services to regular operation. The Recovery Time Objective (RTO) you choose will specify how long you are willing to wait for service to be restored. AUTHOR: BEBIANA.B W H A T I S D I S A S T E R R E C O V E R Y P L A N W H Y I S D I S A S T E R R E C O V E R Y I M P O R T A N T ? 40%-60% OF SMALL BUSINESSES NEVER REOPEN AFTER A DISASTER Rock, T. (2001, June 1). 23 Disaster Recovery Statistics You Should Know. Invenio IT. Retrieved January 15, 2023, from Disaster Recovery: 5 Key Features and Building Your DR Plan. (n.d.). Cloudian. Retrieved January 15, 2023, from

DID YOU KNOW A method for protecting and identify important documents helps an organization maintain its core operations and activities in the event of an emergency or tragedy. Therefore, records management program it enable the organization to identify and preserves documents that include essential data required for the organization too carry out its primary functions and activities in the event of an emergency of disaster. It is essential for a business to carry out a records management assessment and have an accurate file list for DRP. Determining which processes are important to your company's operation because their interruption will affect its capacity to run effectively is crucial. Therefore, each types of records must be kept and store in a proper place with a complete details of each records. IMPORTANT STEPS IN DESIGNING DISASTER RECOVERY PLAN Risk management is the process of anticipating potential risks, assessing them, and implementing preventative measures to natural, technological and human risks. It's critical to evaluate the effects and implications of information and service loss. The planning committee ought to evaluate the expenses incurred in order to reduce potential vulnerabilities. IDENTIFY TYPES OF RECORDS INOUT BUSINESS B U S I N E S S R E C O R D S M A N A G E M E N T ESTABLISH VITAL RECORDS MANAGEMENT PROGRAM IDENTIFY THE RISK 93% OF COMPANIES WENT BANKRUPT AFTER PROLONGED DATA LOSS,Create%20a%20Communication%20Plan Vital Records Protection Program Guide | University of Missouri System. (2019, August 5). Vital Records Protection Program Guide | University of Missouri System. Retrieved January 17, 2023, from

by Juvilyn Adoptante Leovino Make better financial decisions by analyzing patterns. Determine whether your present budget is working. Verify to see if you have enough money to cover your costs. 1. ACCOUNTING RECORDS All business transaction in your company should be documented in accounting record. For example, such as the expenses, income and equity. Why you should track on your accounting records? Here are some reasons: 2.LEGAL DOCUMENTS A company should keep on track their legal documents because they are the details on how your company structures. It becames useful when you need to prove to others company is exist. You should The great importance of track record I N O U T B U S I N E S S | 1 0 Record tracking is the component of a records management system that ensures that you can locate records when you need to use them. It is the responsibility of each business area to develop and implement a records management system for the records it holds. Records tracking is a vital part of that records management system. This might be implemented by the nominated practitioner for the specific area concerned. INOUT BUSINESS TTRRAACCKKIINNGG OOFF RREECCOORRDDSS Credit by: Google Chrome Cameron, A. (2022) Business Records to t rack: Types of Records & Why to t rack them, Pat riot

by Juvilyn Adoptante Leovino The great importance of track record i n o u t b u s i n e s s | 1 1 INOUT BUSINESS TTRRAACCKKIINNGG OOFF RREECCOORRDDSS Credit by: Google Chrome keep in mind that tracking the legal documents is different from tracking the financial records. 3.PERMIT AND LICENSES In order to run a business, your company have to obtain various permits. You must apply for and receive specific permit or licenses. For example, a restaurant should have health permit to operate their business. Your company need to track your permits because you may need to periodically renew them. 4.INSURANCE RECORDS All insurance policies should be kept in a safe location. When changes to policies are received, they should be quickly updated on the files. All insurance policies should be kept in a safe location. For the purposes of validating a policy,insurance plans may require an association to preserve specified documents. For example, asset registrations or health declarations. After an accident fire, associations must tell their insurance as soon as possible. Cameron, A. (2022) Business Records to t rack: Types of Records & Why to t rack them, Pat riot | 12 DDEESSTTRRUUCCTTIIOONN THE BENE F ITS OF PAPER SHREDDING YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT A few pieces of paper might not seem like anything that warrants continued attention, but what about rows of filing cabinets that are all overflowing with paper? Storage of these documents can take up valuable floor space and pose a safety risk if you don't have a way to get rid of them safely or properly. Employees might be compelled to try to find their way through a maze of cabinets in an emergency, or they might run into temporary garbage cans or mounds of documents. These barriers are eliminated swiftly and securely via paper shredding. Employing a paper shredding service sends multiple messages to present and potential clients. The first is that you value the trust that they have placed in you to secure their information and that you are prepared to recruit qualified, experienced assistance to dispose of it responsibly. The second is that you are always aware of the whereabouts of that information while it is in your hands. You'll be given a Certificate of Destruction following the shredding procedure, which you can use as legal proof that it was destroyed. By Juvilyn Paper shredding may not sound like the most glamorous solution, but the benefits it provides to individuals and companies alike are too valuable to be overlooked. Credit to: Google Chrome benefits of document shredding. Record Storage Systems. (2020, June 23). Retrieved January 17, 2023

If it's a paper document, it may be stored in an easily accessible file cabinet that can be secured and/or locked. If it's a digital document, it should be located in an accessible virtual space. Many organizations have an intranet, internal website, or file directory that offers space for digital documents. FACILITY CONSIDERATION Author: Juvilyn Records management: Storage areas and equipment. (n.d.). Retrieved January 15, 2023, from A records storage facility is created specifically to offer long-term storage to safeguard and preserve vital documents, papers, and corporate data. Professionals in records management who have been thoroughly vetted and trained are given access only to guarantee that information security and data protection standards are upheld. Information is additionally protected by digital surveillance, appropriate climate management, and fire suppression and prevention devices. Without the proper storage, records cannot be retained or kept for as long as it needed. Appropriate storage conditions ensure that records are protected, accessible and managed in a cost- effective manner. Credit to: Google Credit to: Google | 13

What facility need to consider? 1 2 3 Location Building Structure | 14 Author: Juvilyn Availability of Equipment The location must be accessible and away from situations where there are known hazards from the outside. The building's structure must offer a stable range of temperature and humidity levels, protection from water damage and contaminants, safety precautions, controlled access to storage spaces, entry detection systems, and defence against damage from insects. computers, word processors, printers, photocopiers, and other electronic equipment as appropriate; equipment appropriate for transporting boxes and other archival materials; folders, document cases, boxes, or other containers appropriate for the long-term preservation of archival materials; standard office supplies.

C R E A T I O N O F R E C O R D S Record creation entails receiving a record and adding it to the organization's records management system as a record. The employees in the organizations need to accurately generate records by utilizing the right format and the appropriate information. Author : Muhammad Afiq What is Creation of Records? A lifecycle is used in records management to describe the various stages that a record goes through. The generation of a record through disposal are all included in this lifetime. Each phase has its own policies and processes. The phases are creation, distribution, maintenance, use and disposal. Business records can be created in a variety of ways. Records are produced by sending or receiving emails, creating spreadsheets, databases, documents, or receiving documents from outside the company. Additionally, documents include items like contracts, budgets, bank statements, policy manuals, and meeting minutes. It's crucial to remember that not every document or email is worthwhile retaining. The standards for record creation are up to the organization. Lawson, S. (20 April, 2020). Records Management Process in Organizations. Retrieved from Credit to: Google Credit to: Google 16 InOut Business

The pre-project activities in this area lead to the project selection process, which is overseen by the business analyst. The activities under this principle is maintaining Business Architecture is beneficial, permits you to create a business case and getting Decision Package ready. analysis & documentation usiness System Analysis 6 Major Knowledge Areas Business analysis can be thought of as a field of study that aids in discovering business demands and locating answers to business issues. The creation of a software or system component, process improvements, organisational adjustments, or strategic planning and policy creation are a few examples of these solutions. Business analysis seeks for ways that address the requirement for improvement. Definition Enterprise Analysis Planning & Management The tasks and resources involved in the planning and administration of requirements must be defined in this step. This makes it easier for you to make sure that the activities you carry out are suitable for the particular assignment. It's crucial to accurately and consistently record changes. ELICITATION Involves gathering information about a system's requirements from users, consumers, and other stakeholders. The analysis, structuring, and specification of the design and implementation of a solution by stakeholders are outlined in this step. You can define the techniques and tools used to organize the raw data with the aid of requirements analysis. Communication A group of tasks used to communicate the results of the requirement analysis. Before the solution is implemented, each requirement must be compiled, reviewed, and authorised. solution evaluation & Validation Describe the steps a business analyst can take to access potential implementation flaws and to confirm a solution's accuracy. Martin, M. (31 December, 2022). What is Business Analysis? Process & Techniques. Retrieved from GURU99: Credit to: Canva 17 INOUT BUSINESS Author: Muhammad Afiq B

The full spectrum of tasks involved in creating and managing records and information throughout their lifetimes is referred to as recordkeeping. Policies, practices, and systems utilized in record management are included in recordkeeping. rinciples of PRecordkeeping Record Keeping Producing and capturing records Utilizing records and organizing records Safeguarding records and keeping records Destroying records Recordkeeping contains: Accountability Assign someone to be in charge of the records. Give someone else control and accountability over the records. The auditability of the records will be under the control of the responsible party. They must establish a suitable system. Sustaining the veracity and dependability of the relevant records is the essence of maintaining integrity. Digital records, for instance, are vulnerable to changes and hacks. On the other hand, if they are not properly maintained, physical documents might deteriorate to the point where they are no longer useful. While different records call for various approaches, it is crucial to preserve the integrity of the records. Integrity Availability The distinguishing characteristic of a records management system's effectiveness is frequently the accessibility of the records contained inside. When records are needed, a good system makes it easy and quick to access them. Expect to see greater importance for this records management strategy when access to old records becomes more frequent. Disposal Records that no longer add value to the organisation through continuous administration in a records management system, or that even already exist as liabilities, should be disposed of. Since disposal is a procedure that must be carried out in a way that is legal, secure, and safe, it has its own set of guiding principles. Versace, M. (12 March, 2010). Back to Records Management Basics. Retrieved from Wikibon: Credit to: Google 18 InOut Business

PrimaryResearch Marketing Techniques ny method or collection of procedures used by businesses to gather data in order to better understand their target market is referred to as marketing research. Companies use this information to increase their user experience (UX), upgrade their products, and provide customers with better products. To ascertain what customers want and how they respond to products or characteristics of a product, marketing research is used. Definition of Marketing Research rimary research entails collecting previously uncollected data. It can be gathered through several means, such as interviews, surveys, observations, or self-conducted fieldwork. A primary source, such as an original study, document, artefact, or eyewitness account, will then be used as a result of the primary research. If there is limited information available on a topic or you wish to compare your findings to previous research, you might need to undertake primary research. Comparative research, which involves gathering data that already exists, is different from this form of study. A secondary source is a debate or assessment of the conclusions of a main source or an analytical report on the methodology used in an original piece of research. Credit to: Canva 19 Author: Muhammad Afiq Credit to: Canva INOUT BUSINESS P A

Surveys Surveys used to be done on paper and pen; they've come a long way since then. Today, the majority of researchers send their respondents internet surveys in order to collect information from them. Online surveys are practical and may be completed either online or via email. Mobile devices like smartphones, tablets, iPads, and other similar devices can access these. Once a survey is launched, respondents are given a set amount of time to complete it and return it to the researcher. A healthy balance of open-ended and closed-ended questions should be included in surveys to ensure that respondents provide the most information possible. A survey shouldn't be too long or people will lose interest and just complete part of it. Observational Method There is no direct interaction between the researcher and the subject being studied in this primary research method. A researcher takes notes as they watch a subject's reactions. Reactions are captured using cameras or trained observers. The situation in which observations are made is preset. For instance, a bakery firm would want to know how customers will react to its new biscuits. An observer would notice customers' initial reactions and then consider the data as a whole to form conclusions. Experimental Method The term "experimental research" has several different meanings. The experimental method is a methodical and scientific approach to study where the researcher manipulates one or more variables, controls the change in other variables, and assesses the change. Experimental research is what we refer to as a true experiment in the strict sense. In this experiment, the researcher manipulates one variable while controlling the others. It has a control group, the participants were divided into the groups at random, and the researcher only examines one effect at a time. PRIMARY RESEARCH MARKETING TECHNIQUES Bhat, A. (n.d.). Primary Research: Definition, Examples, Methods and Purpose. Retrieved from QuestionPro: Credit to: Google 20 InOut Business

Assistant Manager Job Summary: To provide managerial support for department's daily processing in Documents Management, administrative support and subject matter expert for project(s) in ensuring compliance to Company and departmental procedure, policy and guidelines. The Person: • Preferable tertiary qualification in Statistics, Records Management, Business Administration. • Minimum 4 years in supervisory level and working experience in a life insurance company or service industry. • Experience in records management would be an advantage. • Strong communication and interpersonal skills. • Good analytical and problem solving skills • Able to produce high quality work under pressure. If interest, do visit this link below: utm_campaign=google_jobs_apply&utm_source=google_jobs_apply&utm_medium=organic DO NOT MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY!

WHAT IS A RECORD? It define as any documents created or received in an organization ( office/ company ) as support in conducting its business. Its appear whether paper or digital and contains information that is produced in connection with transactional office activities and is either preserved permanently or temporarily. Records are hard evidence of an agency's unique policies, decision, procedures and often hold significant administrative, legal and historical value. InOut Business | Business Record Management WHY IS RECORDS MANAGEMENT IMPORTANT? The importance of records management lies in how it oversees information that’s been created, received, maintained, and disposed and it ensures that vital records are preserved and it supervises records throughout their lifecycle, including compliance with set retention procedures. AADDVVAANNTTAAGGEESS Better workflows Most agencies don't analyze the time spent on storing or searching for records, so it is difficult to know how much time is wasted in the process. When documents are stored, there's no doubt a lot of time is lost while trying to recover relevant information. After records have been recover and then retrieved, they eventually need to be refiled which takes up additional hours that could be better used elsewhere within the office. Thanks to a unified, comprehensive records management system, the most noteworthy data and details can be conveniently accessed whenever we need them. Indirectly, this promotes better workflows and boosts an organization's ability to handle business in a timely fashion and ensure delivery to constituents. Credit to Google OF RECORD MANAGEMENT Cost saving The volume of reports and emails on business produces on a daily basis is not small. But, out of all of that information, there may be only a small percentage that is actually useful or that need to be kept on file. Furthermore, handling records especially the paper variety demands considerable time and money due io locating adequate storage space and printing of filing all the physical forms. That is why, with proper records management, an agencies can gain control over the growth of its records and be sure it retains the most revelant data. Hence, digital records management offers notable cost savings by reducing the storage fees Protect data abd improving the efficiency of the team. Protecting data is one of most concern of agencies everywhere. That's why all organization needs intelligent programming to help protect its personnel files and other confidential information from the threat of disaster. The most effective records management system have the ability to digitize incoming calls, client contracts and more, so each of these documents exist in a searchable archive as soon as it is received. Then, when combined it with a trusted IT program, the data will be properly safeguarded nd available whenever it's needed. In that way, records management preserves the integrity and privacy of the records and make sure all sensitive content or employee details can't be accessed by unauthorized users. MEREDITH KANE. (JANUARY, 2015) WHY IS RECORDS MANAGEMENT IMPORTANT? [TOP 8 BENEFITS]. (N.D.). HTTPS://WWW.IMAGEAPI.COM/BLOG/IMPORTANCE-OF-RECORDS-MANAGEMENT BY NEILSAPUYA BENNIE Credit to Google Credit to Google 23

InOut Business | Business Record Management Credit to : Google Effective retrieval Information is only useful when it can be retrieved if you are unable to access your files when you need, there's almost no point in storing them at all. With effective retrieval and accessible systems, an agency can make informed decisions in a snap. Records management software not only makes document retrieval more streamlined, but it disposes of unwanted data so that your most important items can be utilized unencumbered. In addition, with a cloud-based records management system, data can be shared and updated remotely rather than solely on-premises. This level of retrieval capability allows managers or department leads to have all the information they need right at their fingertips, and enables them to achieve smarter, more deliberate outcomes time and time again. Other advantages of RM Credit to : Google Minimize risks By implementing records management, an agency can readily reduce the risks of litigation and potential penalties. An records management strategy can minimize the liabilities associated with document disposal as it reduces the risk of fines or other disciplinary actions. Most compliance risk comes from documents that are destroyed prematurely, there is equal risk in storing documents for too long, record can and should be destroyed after a certain number of years depending on the file type. Preserve knowledge An organization's records are a vast database which holds the content for any and all future planning and decision making. Every single record created within a given business day could be used or referenced down the line in pivotal decisions, policy updates, and so on. Since records document the ongoing activities at your place of business, they’re a great resource for fact checking or confirming information as it relates to one or more team members. This preservation of knowledge is essential for the continued success of your agency, as well for improved productivity within your department in both the short and long-term. Boost morale There’s no denying that poorly managed records, unorganized filing systems, and recurrent loss of documents creates a less-than-ideal office environment — which can have a direct impact on employees’ morale or motivation at work. Though it’s difficult to quantify how much these circumstances negatively affect your team, it’s no doubt noticeable. By implementing a strong system for records management, you can boost the overall feeling among everyone on your staff, and give increased confidence that things are running according to plan. MEREDITH KANE. (JANUARY, 2015) WHY IS RECORDS MANAGEMENT IMPORTANT? [TOP 8 BENEFITS]. (N.D.). HTTPS://WWW.IMAGEAPI.COM/BLOG/IMPORTANCE-OF-RECORDS-MANAGEMENT BY NEILSAPUYA BENNIE 24

Types of Business Records BY, NEILSAPUYA BENNIE InOut Business Business Record Management 1.Accounting Records 2. Bank Statement 4. Legal Documents 3. Permits and License Cameron, A. (2022, October 24). Business Records to Track | Types of Records & Why To Track Them. Patriot Software. All document of business's transactions is in accounting records. The necessary accounting records for business include all of the information about the income, expenses and equity. From the financial accounting records, the data can be compile into financial statement and compute small business ratios. All of the bank statement details of your accounts are with the bank. The accounts include your checking, investment, savings and credit card records. Bank statement help you track your business's progress and the bank statement also can be used to file your taxes. The legal documents your business has depend on your business structure. Legal documents include partnership agreement, incorporated companies or sole propretorships. All legal documents must be maintain as it proving you are the business owner and these document must be keep somewhere safe in case you need it to provide prove of ownership. State and government may require you to obtain various permits or licenses to operate your business. You may need to apply for and receive industryspecific permits or licenses depending on your business's industry. It needs to be renew periodically to avoid fines. Credit ; google 5. Business loans Business loan need to track thing such as amount of the original loan, loan approval, loan payment due dates and more. The goal of tracking your business loan is to ensure you do not miss payments and manage risks. And, you can increase your chances of receiving loans in the future through responsible loan repayment plans. 6. Insurance documents There are various types of insurance policies when running a business such as business liability insurance, renters insurance, business income insurance and more. Insurance policies can help protect your company from natural disaster such as flooding, data breaches, car accidents, injured while working and so on. Consider keeping copies of your insurance policies in a location where they cannot be damaged. For example, you may store records digitally in the cloud or physically in a fireproof lockbox. 25

Most organization have a certain collection of hardcopy documents that have a very high historical or archival value such as contracts, agreement and more. Digitizing the vital documents and storing them in EDRMS reduces the requirement to access the hardcopy file so it can be protected and stored in a location that extends its lifetime. 1.Save employees time Benefits of EDRMS in business record management InOut Business Business Record Management Credit to : Google EDRMS often provide a wide range of searching capabilities that make it very easy to locate needed documents within second to compared to hours just to locate paper records. By search actual documents using keywords or titles, it allows users to search entire document repository of an organization quickly, thoroughly and efficiently. Jadmin, (2021) Why You Should Consider Electronic Records Management (ERM) – Top Ten Reasons. (n.d.)|,and%20tear%20of%20paper%20records. 2. Makes it possible to easily back-up document in case of disaster EDRMS make it possible to back up electronic files in a redundant fashion that can be kept in a number of location to protect the irreplaceable data from any disaster. The data could be reinstalled onto a new server within few hours to have an organization up running again. Easier to locate needed documents in a timely and complete manner, it can improve the daily operation of an organization and the ability to make it correct and wellinformed decision. Indirectly this can increase the organization workflow and employees efficiency. 3. Greatly improves decision making processes in an organization BY NEILSAPUYA BENNIE EDRMS are computer based systems designed to store a wide range of electronic documents and file types. It can be store documents created from a variety of programs including Microsoft Office applications, email, video files, Adobe application and many more. 5. No more lost files An EDRMS allows documents to be stored in a central location where everyone accesses them from the same place using the same file classification system. With proper file classification, it is easy to know where documents are supposed to be store and even an documents is incorrectly classified, it still can be easily found and moved to its proper location using the advanced search functionality. 4. Saves on wear and tear of paper records Credit to : Google 26


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