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MobyDick_Translation, important event, model answers

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Published by ina6801, 2018-03-10 10:13:04

MobyDick_Translation, important event, model answers

MobyDick_Translation, important event, model answers

Vocabulary: - pelayar  Ishmael, seorang pelayar, tiba di
1. sailor - kapal pencari paus Nantucket untuk mencari kerja di
2. Whaling ship - pencari paus sebuah kapal mencari paus.
3. Whaler - terhalang
4. Repulsed - meramalkan  Dia mahu mencari cabaran baru dan
5. Predict - belayar pengalaman sebagai pencari paus.
6. Sailing
 Di penginapan pencari paus, dia ber-
kongsi bilik dengan seorang lagi pen-
cari paus, Queequeg.

 Pada mulanya, Ishmael tidak gemar
dengan penampilan Queequeg.

 Bagaimanapun, selepas memulakan
perbualan, mereka segera menjadi

 Ishmael dapat tahu yang Queequeg
boleh melihat masa depan.

 Keesokan harinya, Queequeg mera-
malkan Ishmael akan menjumpai
kapal paus dan kedua-dua mereka
akan belayar mengelilingi dunia

 Pagi esoknya, Ishmael mencari kerja
sebagai seorang pencari paus di sekitar

 Dia mengambil keputusan untuk beker-
ja di Pequod, sebuah kapal paus yang
kelihatannya kuat.

 Ishmael berjumpa dengan Starbuck
yang memberitahunya bahawa
seorang pencari paus mestilah pantas
dan berani. Dia juga memberitahu
Ishmael bahawa kehidupan di laut
adalah bahaya, sukar dan sunyi.

 Ishmael dapat tahu tentang kapten
kapal itu yang misteri, Ahab, yang
telah kehilangan kakinya semasa
bertembung dengan seekor ikan paus
putih ketika pelayarannya dahulu.

 Bagaimanapun, Ishmael seorang yang
berkeyakinan jadi dia diterima sebagai
seorang krew.

 Dia membawa Queequeg keesokan
harinya, dan semua orang kagum
dengan kemahiran harpunnya.

 Queequeg dengan segera diterima
sebagai seorang krew.

 Elijah, seorang tua di penginapan,
memberi amaran kepada Ishmael dan
Queequeg bahawa Kapten Ahab ada-
lah syaitan dan mempunyai pembantu-
pembantu misteri.

 Ishmael ketakutan tetapi mengabaikan
cerita Elijah.

 Tidak lama selepas itu, kapal itu
berangkat pada pagi Krismas.

Vocabulary: - mendaftar
1. Sign up - bertembung
2. Encounter - pelayaran
3. Voyage - kagum
4. Impressed - mengabaikan
5. Dismisses

Vocabulary: - keberangkatan  Tiga minggu selepas itu, Kapten Ahab
1. Departure - menggeletar tampil buat pertama kali di atas dek
2. Shivers - mengejar kapal dan bercakap dengan krewnya.
3. Pursue - dendam
4. Revenge - dendam  Penampilan dia membuatkan Ishmael
5. Vengeance menggeletar - ada parut putih
merintangi dari atas kepalanya ke

 Dia mengumumkan kemahuannya
untuk mengejar dan membunuh Moby
Dick, paus putih yang telah mengambil

 Dia sangat yakin untuk membalas
dendam dan menawarkan emas kepa-
da orang yang pertama melihat paus
tersebut. Semua krew merasa gembira
tetapi Starbuck, orang yang pertama
memepersoalkan tujuan Kapten Ahab.
Dia kata rancangan Ahab tidak mem-
beri makna kepadanya.

 Ini kerana seorang pencari paus
selalunya berjuang untuk mendapatkan
paus demi wang, bukannya membalas

 Kapten Ahab tetap merasakan yang
Moby Dick adalah sangat jahat.

 Kemudian Ishamael dengar daripada
Pip, si budak tukang masak, bahawa
ada sekumpulan lelaki disorokkan
disatu tempat di dalam kapal.

 Tetapi Ishmael tidak dapat diyakinkan,
sebaliknya dia mula memikirkan
tentang emas.

 Satu hari, salah seorang krew bernama
Tashtego nampak seekor paus.

 Tiba-tiba mereka dikejutkan dengan
kemunculan sekumpulan lelaki yang
tersorok di bawah kapal.

 Lelaki-lelaki ini berkulit gelap dengan
rambut panjang dan berseluar besar.
Mereka diketuai oleh seorang lelaki
bernama Fedallah.

 Semua lelaki itu dengan segera pergi
ke bot-bot paus untuk memburu paus

 Ishmael gembira dengan pemburuan
itu dan berfikir untuk menangkap
pausnya yang pertama.

 Semua lelaki itu tidak takut kerana
tarikan untuk mendapatkan minyak
dan wang sukar untuk ditolak..

 Fedallah dan orang-orangnya sangat
kuat dan dengan senang mengatasi
bot Ishmael yang diketuai oleh

 Paus itu datang dari bawah bot Ish-
mael dan selepas itu harpoon mela-
yang merata-rata.

 Kemudian hujan turun dengan lebat
tetapi Starbuck mengambil keputusan
untuk meneruskan pemburuan. Air
hujan memenuhi bot dan angin kuat
menurunkan layar. Paus itu berenang
untuk keselamatan.

 Malam menjelang dan kesemua pen-

cari paus tadi diselamatkan oleh kapal

1. Emerges - muncul
2. Resist - tolak/tidak mahu
3. Harpoons - tembuling

Vocabulary: - bangkai  Selepas pemburuan pertama itu,
1. Carcasses - tong-tong pemburu-pemburu paus berjaya
2. Barrels - taksub menangkap beberapa ekor paus dan
3. Obsessed - kapal mereka bekerja dengan cepat untuk
4. Vessels - di atas kapal memotong lemaknya sebelum jerung
5. Aboard datang menyerang bangkainya.

 Lemak dipotong berbentuk empat segi
dan di bawa ke kapal.

 Di atas kapal, lemak itu dimasak dan
dijadikan minyak. Minyak disimpan di
dalam tong.

 Minyak itu kemudiannya akan dijual ke
seluruh dunia.

 Captain Ahab tidak berminat dengan
proses pembuatan minyak kerana dia
hanya taksub untuk membunuh Moby

 Dari masa ke semasa dalam pelayaran
mereka, kapal Pequod menemui kapal-
kapal paus yang lain. Setiap kali itulah
Captain Ahab menuntut maklumat
tentang Moby Dick daripada kapten-
kapten lain.

 Satu hari, Pequod bertemu kapal
Albatross. Ia dalam pelayaran pulang
setelah menghabiskan masa selama
4 tahun di laut.

 Melihat kepada pekerja Albatross
menjadikan Starbuck rindu kepada
keluarganya. Dia terfikir samada Cap-
tain Ahab telah lupa yang dia juga ada
keluarga di rumah.

 Beberapa hari kemudian, Pequod ber-
jumpa dengan kapal Samuel Enderby.

 Captainnya, Boomer, datang ke atas
kapal dan berkata bahawa dia ke-
hilangan lengan sewaktu bertembung
dengan Moby Dick.

 Captain Ahab mengajak Captain Boom-
er menyertainya dalam misinya mem-
buru dan membunuh paus putih itu.

 Walau bagaimanapun Captain Boomer
menolak dan ini menjadikan Captain
Ahab marah. Sebelum meninggalkan
kapal itu, Captain Boomer berharap
mereka tidak akan pernah berjumpa
Moby Dick.

 Captain Ahab sukar tidur kerana dia
terus memikirkan tentang Moby Dick.

 Dia selalu merancang dengan Fedallah
tentang bagaimana untuk menangkap
Moby Dick.

 Fedallah tidur di waktu siang dan
berjaga untuk Mody Dick pada waktu
malam dari atas layar yang tinggi.

 Lelaki-lelaki lain tertanya-tanya
kenapa Captain Ahab begitu rapat
dengan Fedallah. Kemudian Ishmael
dapat tahu bahawa ia adalah kerana
Fedallah boleh melihat masa depan.

 Starbuck tidak setuju dengan misi
bahaya Captain Ahab kerana ia
meletakkan kehidupan para pekerja
dalam bahaya.

 Fedallah akhirnya berjaya nampak
Moby Dick pada satu malam.

 Pequod mencari Moby Dick tetapi
malangnya ianya hilang dalam laut.

 Bagaimanapun, ia muncul semula dua
malam selepas itu pada masa yang
sama. Oleh itu, Captain Ahab yakin
bahawa Moby Dick mahu Pequod

 Ishmael sekarang sedar bahawa nasib
mereka bergantung kepada Captain
Ahab dan dia merasa takut.


1. Sails - layar

2. Convinced - yakin

3. Fate - nasib

Vocabulary:  Selepas kehilanganMoby Dick pada kali
1. Obeys pertama, para krew menjadi semakin
2. Entangles fokus dalam memburu paus.

 Satu hari, salah seorang krew Stub
patah lengannya dan Pip, seorang bu-
dak lelaki berusia 14 tahun, dipaksa
untuk mengganti tempatnya.

 Pip tidak mahu dan takut tetapi
terpaksa patuh kepada arahan. Pem-
buruan pertamanya berlalu tanpa seb-
arang kejadian.

 Tetapi pada trip kedua, bila harpoon
Tashtego mengena kepada seekor
paus, ia menyerang botnya dengan

 Pip merasa takut dan lompat daripada
bot dan dirinya terbelit pada tali paus.

 Paus itu menarik Pip bersamanya dan
Starbuck mengarahkan Tashtego
memotong tali itu untuk melepaskan

 Stubb marahkan Pip kerana sikap pen-
gecutnya dan memberitahunya baha-
wa dia akan ditinggalkan di laut
sekiranya dia lompat lagi.

 Pada trip ketiga, Pip lompat lagi ke laut
kerana ketakutan. Stubb mengotakan
kata-katanya dan meninggalkan Pip
dalam laut. Para krew menumpukan
fokus kepada penangkapan paus.

 Stubb menghantar Pequod untuk me-
nyelamatkan Pip selepas mereka me-
nangkap paus.

 Bagaimanapun, selepas ditinggalkan
terlalu lama dalam laut, Pip hilang
kewarasannya. Bila Captain Ahab
menariknya ke dalam kapal, Pip
percaya bahawa Captain Ahab adalah

 Dia mula mengikut Captain Ahab
kemana saja.

 Captain Ahab menjadi lain dengan Pip
dan melayannya dengan baik.

- patuh 3. sanity - kewarasan
- terbelit

Vocabulary: - bocor 7. provisions - kelengkapan pelayaran  Kapal Pequod mengalami masalah
1. Leak - sauh 8. casket - keranda beberapa hari kemudian. Beberapa
2. Anchor - sangat marah tong minyak mula bocor.
3. Furious - berhati-hati
4. Cautious - penglihatan  Starbuck mahu melabuhkan sauh kapal
5. Sight - keranda supaya tong-tong boleh ditukar.
6. Coffin Bagaimanapun, Captain Ahab tidak
membenarkannya kerana mereka akan
hilang pelayaran sehari. Dia percaya
bahawa mereka sudah hamper dengan
Moby Dick.

 Starbuck tidak setuju dengan Captain
Ahab. Dia takut dan marah. Dia meng-
ingatkan kapten itu bahawa minyaklah
yang memberi makan keluarga

 Captain Ahab merasa sangat marah
dan mengugut Starbuck dengan pistol.

 Starbuck memberi amaran kepada
Captain Ahab untuk lebih berhati-hati
kerana dialah masalah yang sebenar.

 Kemudian, kapten itu menukar fikiran
dan menghentikan kapal itu untuk
menukar tong-tong. Ini menggembi-
rakan Starbuck.

 Para lelaki bekerja berterusan untuk
menukar semua tong selama 3 hari
dalam bilik panas di bawah kapal.

 Queequeq yang sangat kuat terpaksa
buat banyak kerja berat. Akibatnya
Queequeg jatuh sakit. Dia hilang
penglihatan dan tidak boleh bercakap.

 Dia percaya bahawa dia akan mati dan
meminta para krew membuatkannya

 Bila keranda siap, queequeg mencu-
banya dan meminta harpoon dan
kelengkapannya di letakkan dalam
keranda itu.

 Bagaimanapun, Queequeg kembali
sihat dan kembali bekerja.

 Dia menyimpan keranda itu di bawah
kapal bersama tong-tong minyak.

Vocabulary: - ketakutan 3. insane - gila  Pequod tinggalkan Lautan Atlantik dan
1. Horrified - dilambung belayar ke Lautan Pasifik.
2. Tossed
 Pemburuan adalah bagus. Para krew
Berjaya menangkap 4 ekor paus tetapi
tidak dapat melaksanakan tugasan
memotong lemak dalam masa sehari.

 Mereka terpaksa berjaga pada waktu
malam untuk menghalang jerung da-
ripada memakan bangkai paus. Ianya
kerja yang merbahaya.

 Malam itu, Captain Ahab bermimpi dia
mati dan melihat kerandanya sendiri.

 Fedallah memberitahu dia hanya tali
yang boleh membunuhnya dan dia
tidak akan ada keranda. Dia juga ber-
kata yang dia akan mati dulu sebelum

 Ishmael faham yang Fedallah telah
meramal kematian Captain Ahab dan
sebab itulah kapten itu sentiasa rapat

 Keesokan harinya, Captain Ahab
campak peta ke laut sebab dia kecewa
kerana tidak dapat mencari Moby Dick.

 Krew berasa seram. Mereka percaya
perkara buruk akan berlaku kepada
mereka sebab tiada kapal yang boleh
belayar tanpa peta.

 Pequod kemudiannya bertembung
dengan ribut besar. Kapal terumbang
ambing dengan dasyatnya dalam laut.

 Starbuck berteriak menyatakan itu
adalah amaran dari Tuhan mahukan
mereka balik semula tetapi kapten itu
mengancam untuk membunuh sesiapa
saja dengan harpoon sekiranya dia
memusingkan kapal.

 Tak lama kemudian ribut pun berhenti.
Ishmael mengintip Starbuck pergi ke
bilik kapten.

 Captain Ahab sedang tidur dan Star-
buck cuba untuk menembaknya
dengan pistol tetapi dia tidak boleh.

 Pagi esoknya, Captain Ahab dapat tahu
yang Pip menjadi tidak waras sewaktu
ribut. Kapten itu menenangkannya
dengan baik.

 Kapal Pequod bertembung dengan satu
lagi kapal - Rachel. Kapten kapal itu,
Gardiner, telah bertemu dengan Moby
Dick sehari sebelum itu.

 Akibat daripada pertemuan itu, Kapten
Gardiner telah kehilangan salah satu
botnya bersama anak tunggal lelakin-
ya. Anak lelakinya itu hanyalah berusia
12 tahun.

 Dia meminta pertolongan Kapten Ahab
untuk mencari anaknya. Walaupun
anak-anak kapal mahu membantunya,
Kapten Ahab dengan mudah menolak-
nya kerana dia mahu menumpukan
perhatian kepada Moby Dick.

 Kapten Ahab bersedia untuk berlawan
dengan Moby Dick dan memberi ama-
ran kepada Pip supaya tinggal di dalam
kabinnya sepanjang masa.

 Siang dan malam Kapten Ahab dan
Fedallah berada di dek kapal, sambil
memerhati Moby Dick.

 Seekor burung hitam terbang ke kepala
Kapten Ahab dan berlegar-legar di
sekelilingnya beberapa kali. Kemudian
dia beredar bersama topi kapten itu.

 Anak-anak kapal berasa gelisah kerana
ia menunjukkan petanda buruk akan

Vocabulary: - 5. deck -
1. encounter - 6. omen -
2. confrontation -
3. Flatly -
4. declines

Vocabulary: - memujuk  Beberapa hari kemudian, Captain Ahab
1. Persuade - menyelam berkongsi cerita dengan Starbuck
2. Dives - tidak berjaya tentang kehidupannya.
3. Avail
 Dia beritahu Starbuck bahawa selepas
40 tahun bekerja keras, dia msih lagi
seorang lelaki yang miskin dan letih.

 Dia terpaksa tinggalkan hari selepas
perkahwinannya dan pergi selama 3
tahun. Dia juga rindukan anak

 Starbuck mengambil kesempatan itu
untuk memujuknya supaya balik ke
rumah, tetapi Captain Ahab tiba-tiba
teringatkan misinya untuk mencari
Moby Dick.

 Keesokan paginya, Captain Ahab
sendiri Nampak Moby Dick dan bot-bot
paus pergi mengikutnya.

 Bagaimanapun, dia meminta Starbuck
untuk tiunggu di atas kapal supaya dia
boleh berjumpa keluarganya lagi.

 Moby Dick timbul dari air dan ia
diselaputi dengan harpoon. Kemudian
ia berenang lagi dan laut itu senyap
untuk beberapa jam.

 Tiba-tiba, Moby Dick menyerang bot
Captain Ahab dari bawah air dan
mengangkatya keluat dari laut.

 Fedallah dan orangnya lompat ke da-
lam laut tetapi Captain Ahab tinggal di
dalam bot dan menjerit kemarahan
kepada Moby Dick.

 Bot itu pecah dan Moby Dick berpusing
mengelilingi Captain Ahab.

 Sewaktu Pequod bergerak ke arah
Moby Dick, ia berenang ke tempat lain.

 Sebaik sahaj Captain Ahab naik ke atas
kapal, dia mengumumkan bahawa dia
menawarkan emas sekali lagi kepada
orang pertama yang nampak Moby

 Starbuck cuba untuk memeberi alasan
kepada Ahab namun tidak Berjaya.

 Hari berikutnya, Moby Dick sekali lagi
dilihat dan bot-bot diturunkan.

 3 buah bot mengejar Moby Dick dalam
air dan harpoon menghujani dari pel-
bagai arah.

 Harpoon yang melekat pada badannya
menjadikan bot-bot itu datang dekat

 Tiba-tiba Moby Dick berenang dalam
bulatan, menarik kesemua 3 buah bot
ke arah satu sama lain. Akibatnya bot
Flask berlanggar dengan bot Ishmael.

 Lelaki-lelaki itu cuba untuk berenang
dari paus itu.

 Kemudian Moby Dick menyerang bot
Ahab dari bawah air dan memecah-
kannya. Lelaki-lelaki yang jatuh ke
dalam air menjerit.

 Satu perkara ganjil berlaku. Moby Dick
berhenti bergerak dan memerhati
pencari-pencari paus itu. Selepas
eberapa ketika, ia berenang dari situ
dan menarik tali harpoon bersamanya.

 Captain Ahab hilang kaki tulangpaus-
nya dan menggantikannya dengan

 Dia yakin bahawa Moby Dick akan
datang kembali hari berikutnya dan
menawarkan emas kepada oarng per-
tama yang melihatnya. Bagaimana-
pun, semua lelaki itu diam ketakutan
dan keletihan.

 Captain Ahab kemudian sedar bahawa
Fedallah hilang. Dia mengarahkan
sekumpulan lelaki lain mencarinya.

 Bagaimanapun, mereka tidak Berjaya
mencari Fedallah dan memutuskan dia
mungkin pergi bersama tali-tali itu.

 Ishamel kemudian teringatkan tilikan
Fedallah—dia akan mati dulu dan
kapten itu akan mati selepasnya.

1. Chase - mengejar
2. Crashing - melanggar

THE END  Keesokan harinya, Captain Ahab duduk
dalam layar untuk memerhati. Hari itu
panas dan cantik.

 Dia sedar kapal itu belayar terlalu pan-
tas. Moby Dick tidak boleh berenang
pantas kerana harpoon dan tali telah
memperlahankan pergerakannya. Jadi
Ahab menyuruh pekerjanya berpusing

 Tidak lama kemudian, kapten nampak
paus itu.

 Starbuck merayu kepada kapten untuk
tidak pergi tetapi dia ingkar.

 Dia berdamai dengan Starbuck sebelum
dia masuk ke dalam bot.

 Hanya tinggal satu bot jadi ramai
pekerja yang tinggal di atas Pequod.
Tetapi Ishmael terpaksa ikut kapten
dan orang-orangnya.

 Moby Dick berenang perlahan-lahan ke
arah bot dan menghentamnya. Bot itu
mula bocor.

 Kemudian Captain Ahab nampak mayat
Fedallah terbelit dalam tali sekeliling
Moby Dick.

 Pekerja lelaki yang ketakutan cuba
untuk lari tapi Captain Ahab mengan-
cam mereka dan menyuruh mereka
berdayung ke depan.

 Moby Dick perlahankan pergerakan
dan tunggu. Bila ia semakin hampir,
Captain Ahab tikam paus itu dengan

 Ini menaikkan kemarahan Moby Dick
dan ia mengangkat bot Ahab. Ishmael
jatuh ke laut dan ditinggalkan dalam

 Kemudian paus itu berenang ke arah
Pequod dan melanggarnya. Para peker-
ja mula melompat ke dalam air. Hanya
Queequeg yang tinggal di atas kapal
dari atas layar memerhati paus terse-

 Moby Dick berenang antara Pequod
dan bot.

 Captain Ahab mengangkat harpoonnya
dan membaling ke bawah mata Moby

 Moby Dick menarik (tali harpoon)
dengan kuat, menyebabkan para lelaki
jatuh. Captain Ahab cuba untuk potong
tali (harpoon) itu tapi ia membelit
badannya. Dia terbelit dalam lilitan itu
dan jatuh bersama ke dalam air.

 Beberapa orang lelaki terjun ke dalam
air untuk mencari kapten itu tapi gagal
menjumpai dia.

 Kapal Pequod yang karam menyedut
air di sekelilingnya, dan menarik bot
dan lelaki-lelaki itu ke dalam air.

 Ishmael fikir dia akan tenggelam sekali
tetapi tiba-tiba keranda Queequeg
tercampak keluar dari dari pusaran air
dan mengenanya.

 Ishmael merangkul ke atas keranda
Queequeg selama 2 hari dan 2 malam.
Nasib baik dia diselamatkan oleh kapal

 Ishmael membuat ulasan bahawa para
pekerja Pequod mati hanya kerana
kebencian dan dendam terhadap
seekor paus.

 Dalam keadaan yang hampir sama,
Captain Gardiner membawa pekerja-
pekerja lelakinya atas dasar kehendak
peribadinya. Bagaimanapun, pelayaran
-nya tidak dipenuhi dengan kebencian,
tetapi kasih saying seorang lelaki untuk
anak lelakinya.

 Ishmael hidup untuk memberitahu
cerita ini dan Moby Dick masih lagi
hidup di suatu tempat dalam lautan
yang sangat luas.

Vocabulary: - melanggar
1. Ram - pusaran air
2. Whirlpool - sangat luas
3. Vast


 happened


Reasons Evidence
Determined  He signed up to be a whaler because he wanted to see the world and the whales.
 He was aware of the dangers a whaler would face as Starbuck told him but was still
Motivated determined to be a whaler.
He loved the excitement of life at sea. He would feel bored and sad if he was not on
Observant and  a ship.
 He was excited to hunt his first whale. He faced the attacks from whales and sharks
Friendly and bravely during each whaling hunt.
Loyal He followed Captain Ahab to fight Moby Dick in the final battle despite of his reluc-
 tance.

 He managed to stay afloat on Queequeg’s coffin for two days and two nights in the
final battle. All the other men died when the Pequod sank in the water.

 He quickly realized that Captain Ahab was really obsessed with Moby Dick and did
not care about money.
He had forseen that his life lies in the hands of Captain Ahab and he was afraid.
 He understood why Captain Ahab is very close to Fedallah because he could see
 the future.

 He noted the changes in other whalers and the stormy relationship between
Captain Ahab and Starbuck.
He often reflected on a few incidents along the voyage. He concluded how one
 man’s action can have a big impact on the lives of others. Captain Ahab’s hatred for

Moby Dick cause death to the whalers on the Pequod such as Queequeq, Fedallad
and Starbuck.

 He made friend with Queequeg easily in spite of Queequeg’s strange appearance at
the whaler’s inn.
He tried to get a job for Queequeg on the Pequod. Queequeg got a job when the
 men were impressed with his harpooning skill.

 He was very upset and worried when Queequeg fell sick, and stayed by his side.


Reasons Evidence
Motivated  He wanted to take revenge because Moby Dick took his leg in one of his voyages.
 He did not want to return home unless he kills MD.
Obsessive  He believed that Moby Dick was evil and he could be freed when he killed the
Determined whale.
He was angry with Captain Boomer when the captain refused to help him hunt and
Selfish  kill Moby Dick.

 The crew had to go on watching for Moby Dick out in the ocean.
 He had seen Moby Dick.
 He did not sleep often because he was very obsessive in hunting and killing MD.
 Even he was being defeated on the first and second day, he continued the hunting
on the third day.
 Finally he died entangled himself in the harpoon ropes.

 He refused to stop and change the leaking oil barrels at first because he did not
want to lose a day looking for MD. Hence he changed his mind after Starbuck
reminded him that it was the whale oil which fed the men.
He put the other people’s lives in danger for so long just to fulfil his dream to hunt
 and kill MD. He threatened to kill his men if they left the ship. Finally all men (except

Ishmael) in the ship died in the last fight.


Reasons Evidence
Family-oriented  When Ishmael wants to sign up to work on the Pequod, Starbuck tells him that
Kind & responsible whaling is difficult and dangerous.
He reminds Captain Ahab that he is not afraid of dangerous work as a whaler but he
 kills whales for money, not revenge.

 When Captain Ahab does not want to stop to change the leaking barrels, he
challenges Captain Ahab that whaling is important for them. They want to make
money with whales for their life.

 He often thinks of his wife, Mary, and son at home during the voyage.
 His main purpose for the voyage is to provide for the family.
 He tries to convince Captain Ahab to turn back and return to the family.

 When Pip gets caught in the harpoon rope, Starbuck insists that Tashtego cut the
rope to free the boy.
He insists to stop the ship to change the leaking oil barrels. Otherwise the whalers
 will lose their earnings from the whale oil.

 He worries about Pip when he follows Captain Ahab around like a crazy person.


Reasons Evidence

 On the day he is introduced by Ishmael on board, he is able to harpoon a bird from
a distance. This impresses Starbuck and the crew.
Strong and skilled He is one of the few strong men on the Pequod who can move the heavy barrels
 quickly.

Adventurous,  He leaves a comfortable home just to see the world.
courageous and  He chooses to become a dangerous whaler which is a dangerous job.
 He works hard at replacing the heavy oil barrels without complaint until he falls sick.
Able to predict the  He correctly predicts that Ishmael will find a whaling ship and they will sail together
around the world.
future  He is convinced that Moby Dick will come again after the first sighting.


Reasons Evidence

 On the day he is introduced by Ishmael on board, he is able to harpoon a bird from
a distance. This impresses Starbuck and the crew.
Strong and skilled He is one of the few strong men on the Pequod who can move the heavy barrels
 quickly.

Adventurous,  He leaves a comfortable home just to see the world.
courageous and  He chooses to become a dangerous whaler which is a dangerous job.
 He works hard at replacing the heavy oil barrels without complaint until he falls sick.
Able to predict the  He correctly predicts that Ishmael will find a whaling ship and they will sail together
around the world.
future  He is convinced that Moby Dick will come again after the first sighting.


*Determined [CA]
*Determination *Motivated
*Motivation *Obsessive Fedallah [F]
1. Moby Dick took CA’s leg in one of his voyages.
2. CA got angry with MD and started his hunting for *Obsession *Selfish Starbuck [S]
MD. He wanted to take revenge to MD. *Selfish *Vengeful
3. He insisted that MD was an evil. *Braveness Ishmael [I]
4. He had a group of 5 strong men led by F hidden *Vengeance *Adventurous
below the ship. The men were strong and fierce. *Diligent Moby Dick
ClbeaygpMtwaoianbsyAtahDkaiecbnk’s *Brave *Forgiving [MD]
5. He did not sleep constantly as he kept watching for *Adventurous *Superstition
MD. He always discussed with F about MD because *Family love
F could see the future. *Diligence
6. He did not want to go home unless he killed MD. He *Forgiveness
forgot his family just for MD. *Superstitious

7. He would ask any passing ships such as the Alba- *The importance
tross and the Samuel Enderby about MD. of family

8. He offered gold to the first person on board that saw
MD. It was F had seen MD one night.
9. He would kill any crew who refused to follow his
order. People called him evil.
10. He refused to stop the ship when oil barrels were
leaking because he did not want to lose even one
day of sailing. However he agreed to stop when
Starbuck reminded him about their main aim for the
whale oil to feed the family.
11. He put others people’s life in danger. All the men
except I finally died.

1. One day, the Pequod met the Samuel Enderby. *Determination *Determined
2. CA asked about Moby Dick. *Motivation *Motivated
3. The captain, CB, came to them and told them that *Obsession *Obsessive C. Ahab
Captain Ahab he had lost his arm to Moby Dick. *Value life *Value life [CA]
*Vengeance *Vengeful
asked Captain 4. CA invited him to join his mission to hunt and kill *Adventurous *Adventurous C. Boomer
2 Boomer to MD. *Diligence *Diligent [CB]
search for Moby 5. However, CB refused because he valued his life *Forgiveness *Forgiving
Dick more than the white whale. Moby Dick
6. This made CA angry. [MD]
7. CB left the ship. He hoped that they would never
meet MD which was dangerous.

1. Pip was a cook in the Pequod.
2. He was a young black American boy. He was only
3. One day, one of the whalers broke his arm. Pip was
forced to take his place. He was unwilling and fright-
4. He had undergone three trips. Nothing happened in
the first trip. *Determination *Determined Pip [P]
*Motivation *Motivated Starbuck [S]
5. On the second trip, the boat was aggressively at- *Obsession *Obsessive
tacked by the whale when it was being harpooned.
6. Pip was afraid and jumped into the sea. He was *Brave *Braveness
Pip joint whale entangled in the rope. *Adventurous *Adventurous Tashtego [T]
3 7. Starbuck ordered T to cut the rope and Pip was *Diligence *Diligent
8. St was angry and warned Pip to leave him if he *Friendship *Friendship Stubb [St]
*Brotherhood *Brotherhood C. Ahab
jumped into the sea again. *The difficult life *The difficult life
9. On the third trip, Pip jumped again into the sea out of a whaler of a whaler [CA]

of fear.
10. St left him to catch the whale.
11. Pip became insane after being left for so long in the
12. CA came and saved him. Pip convinced that CA
was god. He followed CA everywhere.
13. CA treated him kindly and differently.



1. One day, the oil barrels were leaking. *Determination *Determined Starbuck [S]
2. Starbuck asked CA to stop the ship to *Motivation *Motivated

change the oil barrels. *Obsession *Obsessive Starbuck [S]
3. CA refused at the first place because he did *Brave *Braveness

not want to miss even one day of hunting *Adventurous *Adventurous Queequeg

MD. *Diligence *Diligent [Q]
*Friendship *Friendship
4. He treated Starbuck with a gun. *Brotherhood *Brotherhood Ishmael [I]
5. Starbuck reminded CA that it was the oil that *The difficult *The difficult

fed the men’s families. life of a whaler life of a whaler Crew [C]
6. CA then agreed to change the oil barrels. *The im- *Family love
Queequeg was 7. The men worked very hard continuously in portance of
4 sick family
the hot room below the ship for three days.
8. Q who was very strong worked so hard until
he fell very sick.
9. He lost his sight and could not speak. He was
almost died.
10. Ishmael was very worried. He looked after Q.
He did not stay away from him.
11. Q asked the other crew to make him a coffin.
However he recovered when the coffin was
12. He kept the coffin under the ship with the oil

1. CA attacked MD aggressively. He stabbed
the whale and stroke MD below the eye with *Determination *Determination Captain
the harpoon. *Motivation *Motivation Ahab
2. MD became angry. He tipped the boat and *Obsession *Obsession [CA]
pulled the rope. Everyone in the boat fell into *Brave

the water. Then he rammed the Pequod and *Adventurous *Adventurous Ishmael [I]
it started to leak. *Diligence *Diligence

5 The final battle 3. MD pulled the rope hard. CA tried to cut the *The difficult *The difficult Moby Dick
with Moby Dick rope but failed. life of a whaler life of a whaler [MD]

4. He was entangled in the rope and went un-
derwater with MD.
5. The Pequod was sinking and pulled
everyone underwater.
6. Ishmael was saved.
7. He fortunately met with Queequeg’s coffin
and clung atop of it for 2 days and 2 nights.
He was saved by the Rachel.


CHARACTER Based on the novel Moby Dick written by Herman Melville, the character that I admire is Starbuck,
Sample question: the first mate on the ship, Pequod. He is a religious man and relies on his Christian faith to deter-
Based on the mine his actions and interpretations of events. I choose him because he is honest, family-oriented
novel, write about and responsible. This can be seen in a few evidences.
a character that
you like. Provide Firstly, Starbuck is honest. When Ishmael wants to sign up to work on the Pequod, Starbuck
reasons for your tells him that whaling is difficult and dangerous. He reminds Captain Ahab that he is not afraid of
dangerous work as a whaler but he kills whales for money, not revenge. When Captain Ahab does
choice. not want to stop to change the leaking barrels, he challenges Captain Ahab that whaling is im-
portant for them. They want to make money with whales, not to take revenge.

Secondly, Starbuck is family-oriented. He often thinks of his wife, Mary, and son at home during
the voyage. His main purpose for the voyage is to provide for the family. He tries to convince
Captain Ahab to turn back and return to the family.

Thirdly, Starbuck is also responsible. When Pip gets caught in the harpoon rope, Starbuck
insists that Tashtego cut the rope to free the boy. He insists to stop the ship to change the leaking
oil barrels. Otherwise the whalers will lose their earnings from the whale oil. He also worries about
Pip when he follows Captain Ahab around like a crazy person after being saved by Captain Ahab.

In conclusion, I like the character Starbuck in the novel Moby Dick. He had portrayed good ex-
amples like honesty, family-oriented and responsibility. He can be a good role model for me and my

EVENTS Based on the novel Moby Dick written by Herman Melville, the event that is important is when the
Sample question: oil barrels were leaking. Starbuck requested Captain Ahab to stop the ship to change the barrels.
CA refused as he did not want to miss any day of hunting MD. However Starbuck warned him that it
Based on the was the whale oil which could feed their family not MD. CA finally agreed to stop and the crew start-
novel, write about ed changing the barrels. Queequeq who was among strong crew worked very hard until he fell very
sick. He lost his sight and could not speak. He asked the men to make a coffin for him because he
an important believed that he was dying. However, when the coffin was ready, Queequeg had recovered and
event/a significant continued working.

event. Provide There are many reasons why this event is important. Firstly, we can learn about the value of
evidence to sup- responsibility from Starbuck character. He was aware about their losing profit if they did not stop
port your answer. and change the oil barrels. This could also be seen in Queequeg character. He worked so hard until
he fell very sick and almost died. He was responsible with the ship so that they could change the oil
THEMES barrels and save the whale oil to be sold for money. Secondly, we can see the value of brotherhood
Sample question: from this event. All the crew worked together to change the oil barrels to save the whale oil. If not,
they would lose the profit to feed their family. The men also worked together to make Queequeg’s
Based on the coffin when he got sick. Whereas Ishmael looked after Queequeg and cried when he realised that
novel, write about he might lose his friend. Thirdly, I admire Starbuck in this event. He is brave. He did not afraid of
CA. He advised CA to stop though he knew that the captain might kill him if he did not follow his
one of the order to hunt for MD.
themes. Provide
evidence to sup- In conclusion, the event when the oil barrels were leaking is important because I can learn about
port your answer. the value of responsibility, brotherhood and bravery from the characters.
Based on the novel Moby Dick written by Herman Melville, one of important themes is about venge-
ance or revenge. CA’s leg was taken by a white whale, Moby Dick in one of his voyage. Because of
that, he was very angry with MD and wanted to kill the whale so that he could feel free. This theme
is based on a few evidences.

Firstly, CA had no interest in the whale oil but only MD. All he wanted to do is to hunt and kill
MD. He did not want to stop the ship even a single day as he was afraid of losing MD. This is when
Starbuck requested to stop the ship the change the leaking oil barrels. CA refused but changed his
mind when Starbuck reminded him that it is the whale oil that would feed the men’s families. Finally
the captain agreed to stop.

Secondly, he put the other people’s lives in danger for so long just to fulfill his dream to hunt and
kill MD. He had pointed a gun to Starbuck’s head when Starbuck asked him to stop to change the
leaking barrels. He did not want to lose a day of hunting MD. He also threated the men with a har-
poon when they wanted to leave the ship in the last fight. Finally all men in the ship died in the fight
except Ishmael.

Thirdly, he always asked about MD from the other ships such as the Albatross and the Samuel
Enderby. He did not ask something else. All his concern was about MD. He was furious when Cap-
tain Boomer refused to help him to help him hunt and kill MD. He warned them not to meet MD. It
was the same when he met the Rachel days later.

This revenge ends tragically when the final fight with MD resulted in CA’s death and the death of
all his crew except Ishmael. In conclusion, vengeance or revenge has no good than harm.



VALUES Based on the novel Moby Dick written by Herman Melville, one the values learnt is that we should
Sample question: not take revenge like CA. CA’s leg was taken by a white whale, Moby Dick in one of his voyage.
Because of that, he was very angry with MD and wanted to kill the whale so that he could feel free.
Based on the This value is based on a few evidences.

novel, write about Firstly, CA had no interest in the whale oil but only MD. All he wanted to do is to hunt and kill
one of the values. MD. He did not want to stop the ship even a single day as he was afraid of losing MD. This is when
Provide evidence Starbuck requested to stop the ship the change the leaking oil barrels. CA refused but changed his
to support your mind when Starbuck reminded him that it is the whale oil that would feed the men’s families. Finally
the captain agreed to stop.
Secondly, CA did not sleep often because he constantly planning on hunting MD. He always
talked to Fedallah, the leader of five strong men for his mission. He was close to Fedallah because
Fedallah could see the future.

Thirdly, he always asked about MD from the other ships such as the Albatross and the Samuel
Enderby. He did not ask something else. All his concern was about MD. He was furious when Cap-
tain Boomer refused to help him to help him hunt and kill MD. He warned them not to meet MD. It
was the same when he met the Rachel days later.
It was the same when he met the Rachel.

This revenge ends tragically when the final fight with MD resulted in CA’s death and the death of
all his crew except Ishmael. In conclusion, one should not take revenge as it has done no good than

harm. We should be positive in life, forgive the others and move forward.

Diligence / Based on the novel Moby Dick written by Herman Melville, one of the important themes is about
Hardwork diligence. This can be seen in a few evidence.

Brotherhood / Firstly, Captain Ahab is diligent to search Moby Dick all around the ocean to take a revenge. He
Friendship did not want to stop the ship even a single day and did not sleep. He also did not sleep just to keep
track of Moby Dick. He always discussed with Fedallah who could see the future, about Moby Dick.

Secondly , Queequeg was being very strong that he had to do a lot of the heavy work. He
changed the oil leaking barrels hardly. As a result Queequeg became very sick. He lost his sight
and could not speak. He was almost died. He finally recovered after a few days.

Lastly, Starbuck is also diligent. He worked very hard for his family. He worked for Captain
Ahab. He obeyed Captain Ahab’s orders. He would do anything to make sure their mission to get
the oil whale was achieved. He once urged CA to stop the ship to change the oil leaking barrels
because he said it was the oil whale could feed the crew family, not Moby Dick.

In conclusion, diligence is very important in our life no matter what happened. We should be
diligent in order to success or to survive.

Based on the novel Moby Dick written by Herman Melville, one of the important themes is brother-
hood. This can be seen in a few evidence.

Firstly, Ishmael helped Queequeq to get a job on the Pequod. After he got the job, he told the
crew about Queequeg and his harpooning skill. The next day, Queequeq went to the ship and
showed his skill. The crew was impressed and he was hired to work on the ship.

Secondly, Ishmael again helped Queequeg when Queequeg was very sick. Queequeg was
among the strong men on the Pequod. One day, the ship had to stop to change the oil leaking
barrels. Queequeg who was very strong, worked very hard to change the oil barrels until he fell very
sick. He lost his sight and could not speak. He was almost died. Ishmael was very worried about
Queequeg. He did not stay away from Queequeg. The crew also showed their brotherhood in the
same event. They made a coffin for Queequeg when he requested for it. However Queequeg had
recovered once the coffin was done.

Lastly, Starbuck also showed his brotherhood when he saved Pip from the ocean. Pip was an
American boy. He was the cook on the ship. Yet he had to join the whale mission when one of
Stubb’s crew had broken his arm. Pip was afraid. In the second trip, when Tashtego’s harpoon
stroke a whale, the whale attacked the boat aggressively. Pip jumped into the sea out of fear. He
was entangled in the whale line. Starbuck urged Tashtego to cut the rope and Pip was saved.

In conclusion, brotherhood is clearly shown in the story. Brotherhood is important that we help
each other when in need. We should be good to others so that we can live in peace and harmony.



Friendship Based on the novel Moby Dick written by Herman Melville, one of the important themes is brother-
(1 CHARACTER) hood. This can be seen in a few evidence.

Firstly, Ishmael made friend with Queequeg though he was repulsed at first because
Queequeg was strange and ugly. He even stayed in the same room with Queequeg at the whalers
inn. He also shared stories with Queequeg and did not stop talking till morning. They shared the
same dream to work as as whalers and go around the world.

Secondly, Ishmael helped Queequeq to get a job on the Pequod. After he got the job, he told
the crew about Queequeg and his harpooning skill. The next day, Queequeq went to the ship and
showed his skill. The crew was impressed and he was hired to work on the ship.

Finally, Ishmael again looked after Queequeg when Queequeg was very sick. Queequeg was
among the strong men on the Pequod. One day, the ship had to stop to change the oil leaking bar-
rels. Queequeg worked very hard to change the oil barrels until he fell very sick. He lost his sight
and could not speak. He was almost died. Ishmael was very worried about Queequeg. He did not
stay away from Queequeg. Ishamel worked together with the crew to make a coffin for Queequeg
when he requested for it. However Queequeg had recovered once the coffin was done.

In conclusion, friendship is clearly shown in the story. Friendship is important that we will help
each other when in need. We should be good to our friends so that we can live in peace and har-

Qualities of one Based on the novel Moby Dick written by Herman Melville, a character that I admire is Starbuck,
character / the first mate on the ship, Pequod. He is a religious man and relies on his Christian faith to
determine his actions and interpretations of events. I choose him because he is honest, family-
A character with oriented and responsible. This can be seen in a few evidences.
good qualities
Firstly, Starbuck is honest. When Ishmael wants to sign up to work on the Pequod, Starbuck
tells him that whaling is difficult and dangerous. He reminds Captain Ahab that he is not afraid of
dangerous work as a whaler but he kills whales for money, not revenge. When Captain Ahab does
not want to stop to change the leaking barrels, he challenges Captain Ahab that whaling is
important for them. They want to make money with whales, not to take revenge.

Secondly, Starbuck is family-oriented. He often thinks of his wife, Mary, and son at home during
the voyage. His main purpose for the voyage is to provide for the family. He tries to convince
Captain Ahab to turn back and return to the family.

Thirdly, Starbuck is also responsible. When Pip gets caught in the harpoon rope, Starbuck
insists that Tashtego cut the rope to free the boy. He insists to stop the ship to change the leaking
oil barrels. Otherwise the whalers will lose their earnings from the whale oil. He also worries about
Pip when he follows Captain Ahab around like a crazy person after being saved by Captain Ahab.

In conclusion, I like the character Starbuck in the novel Moby Dick. He had portrayed good
examples like honesty, family-oriented and responsibility. He can be a good role model for me and
my friends.

A favourite Based on the novel Moby Dick written by Herman Melville, a character that I favour is Starbuck. He
character is the first mate on the ship, Pequod. He is a religious man and relies on his Christian faith to deter-
mine his actions and interpretations of events. I choose him because he is honest, family-oriented
and responsible. This can be seen in a few evidences.

Firstly, Starbuck is honest. When Ishmael wants to sign up to work on the Pequod, Starbuck
tells him that whaling is difficult and dangerous. He reminds Captain Ahab that he is not afraid of
dangerous work as a whaler but he kills whales for money, not revenge. When Captain Ahab does
not want to stop to change the leaking barrels, he challenges Captain Ahab that whaling is
important for them. They want to make money with whales, not to take revenge.

Secondly, Starbuck is family-oriented. He often thinks of his wife, Mary, and son at home during
the voyage. His main purpose for the voyage is to provide for the family. He tries to convince
Captain Ahab to turn back and return to the family.

Thirdly, Starbuck is also responsible. When Pip gets caught in the harpoon rope, Starbuck
insists that Tashtego cut the rope to free the boy. He insists to stop the ship to change the leaking
oil barrels. Otherwise the whalers will lose their earnings from the whale oil. He also worries about
Pip when he follows Captain Ahab around like a crazy person after being saved by Captain Ahab.

In conclusion, I like the character Starbuck in the novel Moby Dick. He had portrayed good
examples like honesty, family-oriented and responsibility. He can be a good role model for me and
my friends.

A character that
leaves impact SAMPLE ANSWERS

A courage Based on the novel Moby Dick written by Herman Melville, a character that I favour is Starbuck. He
character is the first mate on the ship, Pequod. He is a religious man and relies on his Christian faith to
determine his actions and interpretations of events. I choose him because he is honest, family-
Helpful oriented and responsible. This can be seen in a few evidences.
Firstly, Starbuck is honest. When Ishmael wants to sign up to work on the Pequod, Starbuck
tells him that whaling is difficult and dangerous. He reminds Captain Ahab that he is not afraid of
dangerous work as a whaler but he kills whales for money, not revenge. When Captain Ahab does
not want to stop to change the leaking barrels, he challenges Captain Ahab that whaling is
important for them. They want to make money with whales, not to take revenge.

Secondly, Starbuck is family-oriented. He often thinks of his wife, Mary, and son at home during
the voyage. His main purpose for the voyage is to provide for the family. He tries to convince
Captain Ahab to turn back and return to the family.

Thirdly, Starbuck is also responsible. When Pip gets caught in the harpoon rope, Starbuck
insists that Tashtego cut the rope to free the boy. He insists to stop the ship to change the leaking
oil barrels. Otherwise the whalers will lose their earnings from the whale oil. He also worries about
Pip when he follows Captain Ahab around like a crazy person after being saved by Captain Ahab.

In conclusion, I like the character Starbuck in the novel Moby Dick. He had portrayed good
examples like honesty, family-oriented and responsibility. He can be a good role model for me and
my friends.

Based on the novel Moby Dick written by Herman Melville, a character that shows courage is
Ishmael. This can be seen in a few evidences.

Firstly, Ishmael is courageous when he wants to be a whaler. He wants to seek new adventures
and experiences as a whaler. So he goes to Nantucket to look for a job. He wants to work on the
Pequod. Starbuck tells him that a whaler must be fast and strong. He also tells him that life at sea is
dangerous, difficult and lonely. Elijah, and old man at the inn also warned him that CA is a devil and
has some mysterious helpers. However Ishmael is very determined to be a whaler so he gets the

Secondly, Ishmael is courageous when he follows Captain Ahab to fight Moby Dick. He is able
to face attacks from whales and sharks bravely during each whaling hunt. He is worried and afraid
about his life but continues following CA until the final battle.

Lastly, Ishmael is courageous when he risks himself in the final battle. Captain Ahab and the
other crew die in the battle except him. He is able to stay afloat on Queequeg’s coffin for two days
and two nights. Finally he is rescued by the Rachel. He comments that the crew die just because of
CA’s hatred and vengeance towards a whale.

In conclusion, Ishmael is a courageous character based on the evidence in the novel. Because
of his courage, he is able to get his job and experience the adventurous life of a whaler.

Based on the novel Moby Dick written by Herman Melville, a character who is helpful is Ishmael.
This can be seen in a few evidences.

Firstly, Ishmael helps Queequeg to get the job as a whaler. He meets Queequeg at an inn in
Nantucket. Both of them want to get a job as a whaler. Ishmael gets the job on the Pequod because
he is very determined to be a whaler. He tells the crew of the ship that he has a friend, Queequeg,
who also wants the job. Queequeg goes to the ship the next day and shows his harpooning skill.
Everyone is impressed with him and he is accepted as a crew member.

Secondly, Ishmael again helps Queequeg when Queequeg falls very sick in one of the voyages.
One day, the oil barrels are leaking and need to be changed. All the strong men in the ship includ-
ing Queequeg helped to change the barrels. He works very hard until he falls very sick. He cannot
see and speak. He even asks for a coffin and is ready to die. Ishmael is very upset about his friend
so that he stays by his side. He does not leave Queequeg until he is finally recovered.

Lastly, Ishmael helps Captain Ahab to hunt and fight Moby Dick. He follows CA in every fight. He
faces all the difficulties in the fight. He helps CA to fight MD until the final battle. He is the only crew
who survives after being rescued by the Rachel. He tells the story about Captain Ahab and Moby
Dick to other people.

In conclusion, Ishmael is a helpful character that I find in the novel. He helps other people
wholeheartedly that endangers his own life.

Family love
Based on the novel Moby Dick written by Herman Melville, one of the important themes is family
love. This can be seen in a few evidence.

Firstly, Starbuck loves his family because he often thinks of his wife, Mary and son at home
during the voyage and wants to go back home once his job is done. His main purpose for the
voyage is to provide for the family. He also tries to convince Captain Ahab to return to his family.
However, CA is not likely concerned about his family because of his revenge towards Moby Dick.

Secondly, Starbuck also reminds Captain Ahab to change the leaking oil barrels because their
main aim of the whale hunting is to feed the men’s families. He reminds Captain Ahab that it is the
whale oil which can feed the family, not Moby Dick. Captain Ahab changes his mind and the ship
stops so that the crew can change the oil barrels.

Lastly, Captain Gardiner asks Captain Ahab to help him find his only son who is lost in the sea in
his boat when they encounter Moby Dick in the voyage before. His son is only 14 years old. Howev-
er, Captain Ahab does not want to help him because he wants to keep on searching Moby Dick.

In conclusion, family love is clearly portrayed in the novel by a few characters. Love for family
will remind us about our responsibility.

Based on the novel Moby Dick written by Herman Melville, one of the important themes is supersti-
tious. This can be seen in a few evidence.

Firstly, Captain Ahab believes that Fedallah can see the future. He believes in Fedallah’s
prediction about his death. CA hardly sleeps as he continues to obsess over Moby Dick. He often
plans with Fedallah on how to locate Moby Dick. CA always trusts and believes in Fedallah.

Secondly, one night, CA dreams that he dies and even sees his coffin. Fedallah feels that only a
rope can kill him and that he will not have a coffin. He also says that he will die first before CA.
Ishmael understands then that Fedallah has predicted CA’s death and it is the reason why CA stays
close to him.

Lastly, Ishmael learns that Queequeg can see the future. The next day, after they search for the
job, Queequeg predicts that Ishmael will find a whaling ship and both of them will be sailing around
the world together.

In conclusion, the theme of superstitious is clearly portrayed by a few characters in the novel.
Superstitious will influence people to see the world from different perspectives. It can also influence
one’s judgement in making decisions.

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