Geographic Farming
in the Digital Age
With Debbie De Grote, Founder/CEO Excelleum
Coaching and Consulting
Presented By: | 888-342-9698 | [email protected]
Introduction | 888-342-9698 | [email protected]
Chime partnered with real estate expert
Debbie De Grote, Founder/CEO of Excelleum
Coaching and Consulting—a company
specializing in a “faculty” approach to custom
coaching for the real estate industry—to
provide the very best information available
on geographic farming. Debbie is not only
considered to be one of the most experienced
and most in-demand real estate coaches in
North America, but she also has a track record
of being an outstanding, top selling real estate
salesperson. Debbie was ranked number 1 in
listing and sales for Century 21 in Los Angeles
and Orange County, number 3 in the nation,
and number 10 internationally. Her expertise
in many areas, including geographic farming,
made her a perfect fit for the development of
this valuable eBook.
Table of Contents
Should I Become a Farmer?
How Do I Choose My Farm?
How Often Should I Water My Crops?
Don’t Knock it Till You’ve Tried it
Taking Your Farming to the Next Level
CHAPTER ONE | 888-342-9698 | [email protected]
Should I Become
a Farmer?
Just like real life farming, geographic
farming takes an investment of time,
patience, and faith.
This doesn’t necessarily mean it’ll take a long time
for you to get your first listing, but to yield the fruits
you want, it requires a very systematic, faithful, and
methodical approach. With the right understanding of
how geographic farming works, you’ll yield the maximum
harvest of listings and receive a good return on your
investment. On the other hand, if you’re not committed
to creating a plan, setting aside a budget, and working it
like clockwork, then this time-proven process is probably
not for you.
Keep in mind, as with any marketing strategy, you
can’t put all your eggs in one basket. Farming, if
you decide to do it, should be just one of your
3-5 methods or systems you use for attracting
listings. A multi-pronged approach will help you
maintain a predictable flow of business coming
in at all times. Farming can be a sharp arrow
in that quiver—whether it’s offline (pounding
the pavement), online (a real estate operating
system), or (ideally) both.
A strong farming strategy can help you take
on another agent who has a dominant market
share in your area, but you should really be sure
you’re up for such a fight. If the other agent is
well entrenched and heavily invested in a farm
area, they’ll most likely double up their activities
in an effort to blow you out. Unless you’re really,
really attached to a particular area and ready to
do battle, you may want to research areas where
there’s not such a dominant competitor.
5 | 888-342-9698 | [email protected]
But don’t be discouraged: the benefits of farming, when done properly,
can be huge. You can develop an area where everyone knows your
name, where you can go on vacation and come back to “come list me”
calls, and where, over time, there’s very little rejection.
Debbie de Grote knows this is true because when she became a farmer,
she gained an 80% market share within her first 12 months of farming.
This eBook will show you how she did it, and how you can do it, too.
6 | 888-342-9698 | [email protected]
Debbie’s Story
Let me take you back to the
beginning, at the age of 18, when I
began my real estate career.
One of the first things my broker did to train me
was to put me in his car and take me out farming
with him. I had no idea what it was all about. Yet,
it didn’t take me long to notice that in his farm
he had signs everywhere, and I knew that signs
equaled commission dollars. We got out of the
car and I followed along as he knocked on the
doors. I can still see it in my mind today, he had
his 5 x 7 index cards—each with the homeowner’s
name and details and a space for him to write
notes. He had a very simple and low-key
approach, and homeowners were so happy to see
him! I thought, “Wow, this is easy!”
7 | 888-342-9698 | [email protected]
I couldn’t wait to start farming and promptly, and randomly, chose
an area and drove out to claim it. As you can imagine, I made few
mistakes. I had no idea how to research the farm, and I chose a farm
that was too expensive for my experience, with low turnover, and a
major competitor living in the farm. I had neglected to ask an expert for
help, and I did zero research.
Needless to say, my first door-knocking experience was not quite as | 888-342-9698 | [email protected]
friendly or productive as I had witnessed when out with my broker.
I didn’t know what to say, I had no strategy and zero market and
product knowledge...and I ended up crying in my car. The whole first
experience was totally disappointing.
I went back to my office and told my broker “I quit farming…it’s awful.”
He sat me down and calmed me down and mapped out a strategy—
just like we do with our coaching clients as they choose their farms.
Then he sent me out with my script, my plan, and my strategy into a
new and carefully-selected area.
Did I love doing it? Not at first. But it wasn’t terrible, and I knew it | 888-342-9698 | [email protected]
had potential. I stuck with the plan, and within my first 30 days I had a
listing, and within my first 90 days had three and sold them all, double
ending one of them. Now I was really starting to like it!
Over the years my husband and I have made millions geographic
farming. I farmed for 20 years and he is still farming after 30+ in the
business. Now my daughters, who just joined us in the business,
are working a farm. If it’s such a money-maker, why then do some
coaching companies tell you not to farm? It’s pretty simple…they don’t
understand how to do it!
There definitely is a science to it, so please don’t run out and choose a
farm just because you like the area or because you live there. Instead,
you need to do your research and look at the data and the potential of
the area. Last, but not least, consider the competitors you’ll be looking
to beat.
CHAPTER TWO | 888-342-9698 | [email protected]
How Do I Choose
My Farm?
Because your farm is a major investment
of time and money, you should take your
time selecting it. Below are a few factors
you’ll want to consider and questions
you’ll want to answer as you weigh
your options.
Do I feel comfortable with the area, and is it convenient
for me to work?
While it’s not absolutely necessary that the farm be close to your office,
proximity does make it easier to work your farm, and the people in the
farm may ask you where your office is located. They tend to view you as
more of an area specialist if the office is nearby.
Okay, close is good...but should I farm my
own neighborhood?
Some agents do like to farm their own neighborhood. That may
work well for you because it makes it easy to work and you may be
well connected to the community and activities in the area. Also,
the homeowners may be a bit friendlier when they realize you’re a
neighbor. It’s really up to personal preference.
11 | 888-342-9698 | [email protected]
What’s the price range I want to be
farming in?
While a bread and butter price point will always
turn, some farmers like to stretch to the upper end
of the price range that’s turning to increase their
per-listing profit. Once again, it’s important to be
in an area you know well and feel comfortable in. If
you decide to go to the upper end, you may want
to go as high as you can while staying in a range
that has decent turnover.
What is the percentage of homes that
have turned over in the last 2-3 years?
I’ve been told over the years that a farm should
have at least 4.5% turnover. You can use analytics
to help you identify the top 20% of homeowners
who fit the profile of “most likely to move,” so you
can target them. While this is not a guarantee of
hot listing leads, it’s an interesting next-generation
method of farming. These analytics will not,
obviously, predict death, divorce, or other financial
problems, but there are methods for finding those
kinds of leads, too.
12 | 888-342-9698 | [email protected]
Are there any major competitors in the How big should my farm be?
area who are already established?
This is a common question, and the answer
It’s important to know how much competition really depends on your budget and your time
you have and who that competition will be. It’s commitment. Over the years I’ve found that for
nearly impossible to find a farm where you’ll most farms, to generate a reasonable amount
have zero competition, but some competitors of return, there should be 500-1,000 homes. This
are fiercer than others. If you do decide to take is a common size of a first farm for many new
on a veteran, determine where they’re weak. Are farmers. As you achieve success you may choose
they sporadic in their efforts? Do they have many to set funds aside and expand your farm. If this is
expired listings? Do they only do mail or only something you want to do, consider factoring in
door knock? whether or not there’s a contiguous area that can
become your next farm. It’s not mandatory for
Is there a community center, park, or your farm to be close by, but it makes it easier to
clubhouse in the neighborhood? gain and maintain brand recognition.
This can be helpful because it makes it easy to
hold events and participate in events that may be
happening in the area.
13 | 888-342-9698 | [email protected]
CHAPTER THREE | 888-342-9698 | [email protected]
How Should I Care
For My Crops?
Your farm will fare based on your plowing
methods, ability to read the weather,
what you feed it, and how often you
water it. (Okay, we’re overdoing the
metaphors there, but maybe this chapter
will help.)
Understand your target market. A critical component of
understanding your target market
To begin working on and in your farm, you’ll is using a powerful CRM to
want to pull the data on the area and establish manage your leads. Better yet,
who lives there. Determine who the absentee you can use a fully-integrated
owners are, who the renters are, how old the real estate operating system like
homeowners are, how long they’ve lived there, Chime to tag, categorize, and
and so on. A common error is wasting money segment your leads so they get
by sending the wrong messages to the wrong just the right message at just the
audience. Agents have a tendency to copy right time—all automated to run
each other’s marketing messages without like clockwork while you’re out
giving any thought as to whether they actually doing what you do best.
work or if they are appropriate for the target
audience. Take the time to discover who lives | 888-342-9698 | [email protected]
in your farm and tailor your messages to get
the most bang out of your marketing budget.
Customizing messages may take more effort,
but it’s worth it.
Nail the right frequency. “If door-knocking is permitted
in your area, it’s the best way to
While gauging your audience is important, you also need to consider become well known in your farm.
money. Your offline marketing budget is going to have an obvious I really recommend twice a month
impact on the frequency with which you contact the people living in knocking for at least the first 90 days
your farm with direct mail pieces. As you decide how many homes of building your farm. I knocked my
you’ll farm, first look at how many dollars can you set aside each month farm twice a month my entire career,
to do it properly. A smaller farm hit more frequently will yield a higher and that’s how I maintained an 80%
payoff than a larger one hit occasionally. To really gain and maintain market share.”
market share you need to hit the farm at least twice a month with
offline messages. This can be by mail, by knocking, or a combination DEBBIE DE GROTE
of the two. This will quickly build top-of-mind recognition for your
personal brand.
Additionally, you’ll want to set your CRM drip campaigns to a level
that is frequent enough to be effective without being “spammy” or
encouraging unsubscribes. Likewise with your targeted Facebook ads.
Chime and GeographicFarm can be great resources for establishing
the perfect contact frequency.
16 | 888-342-9698 | [email protected]
Remember the unexpected places.
Be sure to pull old and current expireds and
canceleds, as well as any For Sale By Owners.
They can be a great source of quick listings and
your entry into the farm. A very high percentage
of them will try again within a few months of their
first attempt, and you want to be front-and-center
when they do.
Determine your methods for contacting
the farm.
Check out the following suggestions from the
menu of farming activities. These ideas are
appropriate for most farms, but be sure to study
up on your farm as smart research can really
guide your efforts. The more smart, targeted
methods you implement, the more success you’ll
have, and the faster your success will occur. After
you complete the first 90 days in the farm, you
may want to go back to the list and try some new
approaches. Ask yourself, “What did I avoid the
first time around that I should really incorporate
to improve my efforts and results this time?”
17 | 888-342-9698 | [email protected]
General Tips & Tricks • Create an absentee owner list and market
separately to the tenants and property
• See all active properties and set an auto owners.
notification through your MLS to be aware of
any new activity in the farm. • Door knock if you’re willing and it is allowed
in the community. It is the fastest way to gain
• Create your marketing budget and calendar. recognition. Once a month is best, but do it
• Mail or hand out marketing material twice at least once per quarter.
a month, 3-4 times if budget permits. (Mail • Determine which opportunities and activities
if that is the only way to reach them). Set you could get involved in that would put you
a calendar and stick with it; consistency is in touch with the property owners.
• Have an open house on new listings using • Set up a community/building blog or
branded open house signs. Invite the webpage/use your social media.
neighbors and bring value-added items to
give to them. • Research and gather phone numbers for
• Pull all old expireds, withdrawns, and residents and call them monthly.
canceleds and send a letter asking if
they’re interested in selling. Door knock if • Send hand-written note cards when any
appropriate. contact is made, within 48 hours.
• Contact and meet all For Sale By Owners as
soon as they hit the market and follow up • Enter and track all prospects in your Chime
until you get them. real estate operating system. Put them on
drip campaigns.
• Upgrade your pre-listing and listing tools.
• Practice and perfect your presentation. | 888-342-9698 | [email protected]
High Rises Gated Communities
• Meet and build a relationship with the • Meet and build a relationship with the guard
doorman or superintendent. at the gate.
• Look for people you might know or can get to • Attend association meetings, but only get
know inside the building. involved in the fun stuff; avoid controversial
• Find expireds and FSBO’s, there are often
quite a few. Work them aggressively. • Use community clubhouse or park areas to
host neighborhood events:
• Do an evening sneak preview for the –– Family movie night under the stars —
neighbors. a portable screen where they bring a
picnic basket meals/snacks
Luxury Properties –– Easter egg hunt
–– Holiday party for the kids
• Upgrade your materials. –– Community project or fundraiser for
• Door knock and deliver packages or have a charity
someone deliver for you. • Get involved in local schools where
• Become a social member of local country the children go — annual fund raisers,
carnivals, etc.
• Get involved in local charities and events that • Banner ads on local ball field or other highly
visible branded marketing.
residents participate in.
• Look for listings that expire — work them | 888-342-9698 | [email protected]
• Send a high quality invitation to the neighbors
to attend a private viewing of the home.
• Determine your budget to market each
CHAPTER FOUR | 888-342-9698 | [email protected]
Don’t Knock it Till
You’ve Tried it
Should you door knock? Yes! Of course,
you have to have a farm that allows that.
(Gated communities, high-rise buildings,
and private communities with restrictions
may not allow it.)
Door-knocking restrictions is something you would have
researched before you even selected your farm. If you
can’t or won’t door knock, then you’ll need to make
up for it by increasing your mail marketing frequency
and budget.
Door-knocking is the “sweat equity” way to get a jump- “I know agents who door knock in
start on your farm. There is simply nothing like it to build the luxury price points and have
rapport and become well-known fast. great success. They’re just people,
and when you meet them at the door
Door-knocking is not as hard as it sounds. Do the math: if you farm 500 and provide helpful and valuable
homes on average sized lots, you’d knock 50 doors per day for 20 days information, most will not mind
a month, which amounts to approximately one hour a day. The average talking to you. They are often more
amount of homeowners you’ll catch at home will be about 20- 25%. friendly than they are on the phone.”
While it’s ideal to knock twice a month, many agents often commit
to knocking at least once a month, with about 1.5 hours invested DEBBIE DE GROTE
each day. | 888-342-9698 | [email protected]
Knocking is not the same as dropping. Dropping isn’t bad, but it’s
something you should only do when you’re in a hurry to get your piece
out, because it won’t be as effective as actually knocking on doors and
talking to neighbors.
Be prepared. Have a script, if you feel you need one. The most
important thing about door-knocking, though, is to choose a theme for
the month. Because you’ll be there often, you aren’t going to ask them
every month if they’re selling. You’ll get to know them, and it would be
ridiculous and intrusive to ask that same question every month. But it’s
important that each time you go out, you’re asking for some type of
business. That’s why you’re there.
Here are a few door-knocking themes
you can choose from, or come up with
your own!
• If they ever thought about moving, where
would they like to go?
• Have they ever thought about buying an
investment property in the area?
• Who do they know who might need your
help inside or outside the area?
• Tell them about buyers you have, and ask if
they have spoken to any neighbors who may
have mentioned an interest in selling.
• Give them a market/area update.
• Share any news and important information
they need to know.
Once you choose a theme for the month, you can
create your marketing piece and script to match.
22 | 888-342-9698 | [email protected]
Knocking 1. Stay away from homes with big dogs that throw
some themselves against the door.
sense into 2. If someone is consistently mean to you, skip that house.
you You don’t need the bad attitude.
Check out Debbie De Grote’s 3. Most people don’t like to open their door after dark, so
door-knocking tips...they may that’s not the best time to knock.
save you!
4. Don’t get tied up in endless chitchat with lonely
23 neighbors who waste your time. You may have to skip the
time-wasters if you feel you cannot get away when you
go there.
5. Don’t feel obligated to go inside their home for coffee,
and certainly don’t go in if you feel unsafe for any reason.
6. Stay away from controversial issues in the community or
you risk making enemies.
7. Don’t gossip about neighbors or they’ll fear you gossip
about them.
8. Don’t trash a competitor. It will only make you look bad.
9. Don’t put your handouts in the mailbox, the post office
may fine you.
10. Morning door-knocking is good, afternoon door-
knocking is good…the bottom line is that door-knocking
is good almost whenever you do it.
11. If you put flyers on the door, make sure they don’t fall
between the screen and screen guard — that can really
make people mad. | 888-342-9698 | [email protected]
Knocking 12. If a competitor’s information is on the door, although you
some may be tempted to pick it up or kick it into the flower
common bed, you never know who may be watching, so it is
sense into simply best to leave it alone.
13. If a minor invites you in, do not enter the home unless
Continued... the parents are home.
24 14. On Saturdays, there are usually more people home in the
morning than the afternoon.
15. Sundays may offend some people who are religious.
16. Knock on the door vs. ringing the bell so you don’t run
the risk of waking a sleeping child. Also, I was taught
that “friends knock and strangers ring.” Knocking is a
good idea.
17. You might not want to carry much in your hand. For
example, if you have a briefcase they may think you’re
just another type of solicitor.
18. Once you knock, step back from the door to give them
the comfort of some space.
19. If they seem irritated or in a hurry, thank them and tell
them you’ll see them next time.
20. Don’t announce yourself as the new farmer in the area.
Instead, act as if you’ve always been there and just
haven’t met them. | 888-342-9698 | [email protected]
Taking Your Farming
to the Next Level
While farming in the early days meant | 888-342-9698 | [email protected]
hand-pushing a plow or hooking up
to a two-ox team, farming today is
characterized by massive automation
technology, combine harvesters, and
deep scientific application.
Likewise, in real estate, door-knocking may be a critical
piece of the puzzle, but today’s connected world
demands an online approach to complement your
offline strategies.
The first place many sellers will It’s important to find an optimal
connect with you is Facebook. balance between digital farming
and the physical marketing of
Facebook ads can help you get more home door-knocking. In our experience,
seller leads faster and for less money than some digital marketing
almost any other digital marketing approaches work better than
long as they’re done right. The key is knowing others. One killer Chime package
how to create ads that capture attention, is the Zip Code Dominator +
establish credibility, and motivate clicks. sphere retention + seller reports.
Perhaps most important of all is continually (Seller reports are like buyer
testing to optimize your results—finding the property alerts, but geared at
right mix of headline, copy, and images that sellers!) This is a huge feature with
brings in the most leads and provides the best great payoff for your efforts.
return on your investment. | 888-342-9698 | [email protected]
Facebook Basics
We all know how to post, like, share, and
comment. But to use Facebook as your farming
tool, you’ll need to have a couple of things
in place:
1. Make sure you have a lead capture website
with your Facebook pixel implemented
on the site. This will ensure that you can
track your campaign performance and
optimize accordingly.
2. Set up Business Manager within Facebook
at Here,
you’ll create a Business Page and an
Ad Account.
To create a page:
• Click Create a Page
• Select Company, Organization, or Institution
To create an ad account:
• Go to Add New
• Click Ad Accounts
• Select your payment method
27 | 888-342-9698 | [email protected]
Targeting PRO TIP:
The better you know your desired audience, the When setting up a campaign for seller leads,
better you will be able to target your ads. You remember to target homeowners! Don’t waste
can target your desired audience by selecting precious clicks on “lookiloos” and people who
a specific geographic area, as well as criteria are just curious.
such as gender, age, language, interests,
behaviors, and relationship status. These are | 888-342-9698 | [email protected]
important considerations. For example, 87% of all
purchasing decisions are made by women!
Ad Placement
Your Facebook ads can live in a number of
places: the mobile news feed, desktop news
feed, Instagram, desktop right column, and
audience network. You’ll want to test your ads in
different areas to see which perform best for you.
However, you don’t want to spread your budget
too thin. Best practice is to start out with just the
Mobile News Feed and Desktop News Feed as
these placements have the best conversion (90%
of active users check Facebook on their phone).
You can then test in new placements over time.
Testing “Truly, the key to farming success is
multichannel marketing. You want
You can’t expect to hit a homerun on your first time at bat with your name, your face, your business,
Facebook ads or by running a few ads here and there. To optimize to be in front of a potential client
your return on investment, routinely test different combinations of precisely when they’re ready to
copy, images and placements and closely monitor how effective each connect. So, if you’re doing direct
combination is at 1) getting traffic to your site and 2) converting traffic mail, you want to also do Facebook
into actual leads. Finding the “homerun” combination for your best- in the same area. And this advice also
converting ads is an ongoing process. You’ll want to constantly test applies to your frequency of mailings.
different approaches, then analyze the results and use what you learn The data shows that digital response
to try to make your ads perform better. rates actually improve when we
increase mailings to twice a month —
up to twice as many leads. It all works
together to create a secret sauce.”
29 | 888-342-9698 | [email protected]
Ain’t Nobody Got Time for That!
The easiest way to achieve the best return on
investment is by using a service that does multi-
variate Facebook campaign testing for you.
GeographicFarm, a leading real estate media
and marketing firm, has launched GeoFarm
Digital, a turnkey Facebook ad optimization
service designed specifically for real estate
agents. GeoFarm Digital creates 16 hand-crafted
ad permutations—switching out alternate
headlines, images, calls-to-action, and body copy
keywords—while Chime automates the creation,
testing, and optimization of these customized,
geo-targeted Facebook ads and time bids. This
automated customization combines the benefits
of authentic, hyper-local messaging, with the
efficiency of an optimized national campaign. If
you’re already using GeographicFarm for your
farming print needs, they throw in the Facebook
service for free.
30 | 888-342-9698 | [email protected]
Speaking Direct mail is a big part of your geographic
of using farming strategy, and for good reason: despite the
a farming continual movement to an online world, the direct
service... mail channel still outperforms digital channels.
31 And the easiest and most cost-effective way to get direct mail
into the right hands is to engage a service that handles all the
creative work, mailing, and campaign management for you.
GeographicFarm will customize a comprehensive direct mail
lead generation program to ensure buyers and sellers in your
farm feel confident doing business with you when it’s time to
make a move. Your personal marketing coordinator will consult
with you on how to optimize the effectiveness of your farm.
The best part? GeographicFarm is integrated into the Chime
ecosystem. That means you can get seller reports right
from your Chime real estate operating system. It’s like buyer
property alerts, only for sellers. A game changer. | 888-342-9698 | [email protected]
Chris Morrison
Co-Founder GeographicFarm, Co-Founder Launch Real Estate
Coaching real estate agents over the last decade has
given me deep insight into how top performing agents
achieve their success. One common denominator
I discovered in high-producing agents is their
geographic farming ability. They are consistent in their
direct mail marketing, they have a useful website, and
they provide real value to their neighborhood.
I found I could coach my clients on how to geographic
farm correctly, but as soon as they were busy they
became inconsistent. Enter
I founded this company to provide beautiful, well-
designed postcard campaigns for real estate agents
that are sent out on a consistent basis. Along with the
direct mail campaigns, we pioneered the most effective
seller lead capture landing page websites. This gave
our clients the online and offline presence they needed
in the neighborhoods they were farming.
32 | 888-342-9698 | [email protected]
With more time in their schedules they were able to create even more | 888-342-9698 | [email protected]
value in their farm by way of being social and present at sponsored
community events. I had coaching clients doing grand open houses
that were fully catered and had very stylish themes. I had a client who
did a neighborhood calendar that focused on the front doors of the
neighborhood he farmed. I admit, I found value in that marketing piece
and had the calendar on my office wall even though I didn’t live in
his state.
One of the things my team is doing this year is hiring professional
photographers at our local park to take holiday card photos for my
neighbors in Arcadia, eliminating the stress and waiting at the mall
or the cost of scheduling a private shoot. When coaching a client, I
always ask, “What is something you can provide your farm that they
don’t already have, and will create value and convenience for them?”
This is how you create raving fans and differentiate yourself from
your competition.
So why did join the Chime real estate operating | 888-342-9698 | [email protected]
system? Simple: Chime offers a CRM solution that is unmatched. clients needed a solid one stop solution for
everything and Chime provides that along with more value and
resources. I have tried many CRMs, and Chime is not only the best for
customizing your CRM to match your individual sales and team needs,
but the clean design and user interface provides a huge value to the
agent and their clients.
I also love innovation; Chime is, in my opinion, years ahead of many
of the CRMs on the market with their website and app. Having been a
Boomtown user for almost 6 years it was a tough decision made easy
once I got the opportunity to experience the front and back end of
Chime. So, now we have the best CRM tool on the market to nurture
not just my leads, but leads from all sources. I’m
also a huge fan of the pre-populated drip follow-up campaigns to stay
top-of-mind of those clients! There are many other innovations that are
in the pipeline…so stay tuned!
Ready to Begin With the integration of GeographicFarm, the first
Geographic real estate operating system is all you need, in one
Farming? Chime convenient, powerful platform.
is Ready to Help.
Schedule a demo today.
35 | 888-342-9698 | [email protected]