District 7030 2018/2019
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DRR Delon Earle’s August Message Inside This Issue
I start this year with the intent to bridge gaps and create better relationships between our different clubs, DRR Delon Earl’s August Message 1
with the aim to make us less partners in service and more of one body because that is what “We R” Barry Rasin Presidential Message 2
DG Dominique’s August Message 3
We must recognize the importance of Interactors and Rotaractors. These two groups are in the prime of D7030 RC Club Newsletters 4
their life and have chosen to serve humanity. These are kind of individuals we want transitioning into Rotary. Congratulations ! 25
I also plan to have better communication between the clubs on every level in and out of the district, through New this year 29
international service project, informal club twinning, etc. since that’s the only way we’d be able to spread
the same message.
In this technological time, the lines between doing service acts “for likes versus love” can become blurry.
As Clubs we must work to ensure that community needs assessment is properly done which will result in
more impactful and sustainable projects. However, Technology can be used to our advantage through the
use of the free social media, to bring awareness to the work we are doing while attempting to attract
sponsors for future projects.
While we service the community and make the population better, it’s pertinent that we work on ourselves.
More and better leadership symposiums is on my agenda.
While I’ve put forth a theme that allows the clubs to be creative in their projects, there are projects that the
district will all contribute to.
All in all, I look forward to the end of my year being the beginning of the district of the future with better
interactors and Rotaractors and even more Rotaractors transitioning into rotary. Projects touching lives for
the right reason and the public knowing more about these and about us as a volunteer community. Before
all that can happen I’d thank everyone in advance for having confidence in me and support me as I step up
to be the one who makes this vision a reality.
With all this said, I am looking forward to visiting Rotaract and Rotary Clubs of the following islands in this
month and next month: Grenada, St Vincent and the Grenadines, Barbados, St Lucia, Martinique, Dominica,
Guadeloupe, Antigua and Barbuda, Montserrat and St Kitts and Nevis. I am hopeful that I will meet all
Rotaractors in the countries and get to experience clubs as they are naturally, feeling how Rotaract feels in
another country.
Much Love. DRR Delon Earle. Over and Out
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BARRY RASIN 2018/2019
A well-known saying goes, "If you want to change the world, go home and
love your family." That doesn't mean people should ignore the needs outside
their own homes; instead, they should pay attention to the needs within.
It can be tempting, when our priority is service, to focus only on the things
that look like service: the projects, the planning, the work that yields a visible
benefit to those who need it. But to do that work effectively, we need to keep
our own house in order. In Rotary, that means conducting ourselves in
accordance with the principles of Rotary, treating others with respect, and
following The Four-Way Test. It means maximizing our impact by planning
carefully and stewarding our resources wisely. And it means looking after the
long-term health of our organization by ensuring that our membership is
strong, engaged, and healthy.
Our membership has hovered around the same 1.2 million mark for 20 years.
We aren't growing, and our membership is getting older. We have too many
clubs that don't have the knowledge or motivation to have an impact: clubs
that don't know what we're doing on a global level, clubs that don't know
about our programs or our Foundation, that don't even know how to get
involved. And with a membership that is still mostly male, we clearly aren't
doing enough to become the organization of choice for women who are
seeking to serve.
We are a membership organization first. If we want to achieve the goals
we've set for ourselves, we need to put membership first. All of us have a
responsibility to take membership seriously, not only by inviting prospective
members, but also by making sure new members are welcomed into clubs
that offer them something of value. If you see someone walk into a meeting
and hesitate, be sure that person has a place to sit and is part of the
conversation. If you're enthusiastic about a Rotary program, make sure your
club knows about it and knows how to get involved. If you see a need in your
community, talk about it at this week's meeting. If we want to be part of an
organization that's strong, that's active, that's having an impact – start at
home, and Be the Inspiration in Rotary.
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The Filomena Graduation Project, BE MOTIVATED!
On Thursday September 6th, 2018 the Rotaract Club of Aruba
held their first session for the year at the Filomena College
MAVO. A group consisting of 76 senior students of high school
were given a motivational session by Rotarians of the Rotary
Club of Aruba and Rotaractors.
The afternoon was filled with knowledge sharing, tips giving
and great laughs. Our session consisted of providing tips on
how to be motivated and to study best for the coming
graduation year ahead for these students. As a token of
motivation all students received a gift package with school
supplies from the Rotaract Club of Aruba. The second session is
planned in October and will be titles “BE PREPARED”.
Wine & Tapas Fellowship at aged Wine bar
On Friday September 7th, 2018 the Rotaract Club of Aruba held
their first Fellowship for the year. This was great fun
accompanied by good wine and great snacks. We aimed to
make it a social event where all our members new and old
could interact with each other and get to know each other. We
had a wonderful turnout for our Club as well as Rotarians and
Prospects. The Fellowship committee is looking forward to the
next Fellowship.
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Committee Brainstorm
It is said that two heads are better than one, so why not bring the whole
committee together?
In our first month, we held our annual committee brainstorm meeting, which
focuses on bringing the committees of the club together to come up with
ideas based on the theme for the year, the Directors’ vision and the needs of
our community.
Each committee was assigned a specific colour and all members were asked
to come out wearing a T-shirt to match that colour.
The colours were assigned as follows:
• Finance & Fundraising - Red
• Professional Development - Blue
• Community Service - Green
• Club Service - Black
• International Service - White
Each committee was assigned a specific area where they could meet and engage
in discussion. Committees were charged to elect a Deputy Director and
Secretary as well as to create a vision board of the activities they wanted to
execute in the upcoming year. The vision boards were then presented in front
of the entire club for feedback as well as to inspire the club and get us excited
for the things to come. After this meeting, the general consensus is that The
Rotaract Club of Barbados is going to have an awesome year.
Can you Adult?
On August 18th The Rotaract Club of Barbados held its first Professional
opment session. Our focus this year is to touch on some of the things not taught in
ssroom to further prepare ourselves for the world of Adulthood or work.
The 1st installation of the Adulting 101 series was focused on raising the
al literacy level of those present, it was entitled “Your way to Financial Freedom”
esented by Ms. Malika Chow, former President of the Junior Chamber International
arbados chapter. There was a tremendous turnout with over fifty persons in
the highly interactive two hour session our presenter touched on topics like
ting, saving, investing, salaries, active and passive income, salary deductions, taxes
nancial freedom; what it means and how to achieve it.
ess to say, all in attendance left with a better understanding of their finances and
a of how to move toward achieving financial freedom.
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Conflict Management and Resolution Session
On Sunday the 19th of August 2018, the Rotaract clubs of Central
Port of Spain and St. Augustine West hosted a session on Conflict
Management and Resolution. The Club Service directors of each
club worked closely and tediously to execute an impacting
session which was further solidified by the guest speaker and
expert in the field Mr. Alloy Youk See. The group explored both
positive and negative effects of conflict, methods to cope with
and resolve conflict and underlying issues that individuals are
faced with which may ignite conflict. All members and guests
were treated to tasty refreshments while they played games and
RCCPOS has their ‘Day with Dogs’
In recognition of International Homeless Animals Day, the
Rotaract Club of Central Port of Spain executed its first
community service project for 2018/2019 with a visit to the
Trinidad and Tobago Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to
Animals (TTSPCA) on August 18th.
Joined by a few friends of Rotaract, members had a fun and
interactive morning at the shelter, assisting volunteer
coordinator Giselle in socializing, bathing, walking and cleaning
the facilities.
The project was aimed at raising awareness about the shelter and
the frequent cases of animal abandonment in the Port of Spain
area. TTSPCA handles more than 8,000 animals annually that
have been discarded, abused and otherwise maltreated.
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F.R.E.S.H. Bake Sale (First Edition)
On Saturday September 1st 2018, the Rotaract Club of
F.R.E.S.H. held its first Bake Sale of the fiscal year, with the aim
of raising funds. A variety of cakes, were sold on the parking
lot of a busy local supermarket. It was a very successful
project, as our proceeds were much higher than we initially
expected. In addition to the funds raised, this Bake Sale
enabled us to give more visibility to our club, the Rotaract in
general and the work we do in and for our communities. For
these reasons, at least two more editions this fiscal year are
on their way.
‘Go GLO’ Game Challenge
On the 25th of August, Rotaract Club of F.R.E.S.H. organized
the annual Go GLO event in collaboration with our sponsor
club Rotary Club of Paramaribo Residence.
This event aimed to decorate the most successful elementary
school graduates throughout Suriname, by presenting them
with a day of educational, sporting and creative activities.
The day commenced with an honoring ceremony, followed
by a guided tour of the Fernandes Bakery and concluded with
a series of competitive games.
The success of this event was marked by realizing the aims set
out and a marvelous performance of the “In My Feelings
Challenge” by both graduates, Rotaractors and Rotarians.
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Genesis’ Outdoor team Building
On the 22nd August 2018, the Rotaract Club of Genesis held their annual team building project.
Instead of having regular sessions and talking about team building, we executed this project by
playing fun games. Most of the games required everyone to really engage on a personal level by
active listening, strategizing and team work to win. The goal of this project was to improve the
bonds between club members and future club members so that they could get to know each other
better in a fun, playful and creative way. After the intensity of the games we ended the day with fun,
food and of course fellowship.
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The Rotaract Club of Grenada welcomes District Rotaract Representative
The Rotaract Club of Grenada warmly welcomed District Rotaract Representative Delon Earle
upon his arrival to Grenada.
DRR Delon attended our Rotaract meeting, where he was able to conduct a review of our
Club’s performance and identify ways in which we could improve District relations.
He also had the opportunity to meet the Minister of Youth, Sports, Culture & The Arts, Mrs.
Kate Skeeter Lewis and Rotaractors to discuss matters concerning youth and ways Rotaract can
continvue impacting local communities.
Inbetween media appearances and formalities, DRR Delon experienced a taste of our island.
He toured the St. George’s University, visited our islands tourist sites and ended his trip with a
night out with Rotaractors.
He departed on Saturday 25th, for his next stop: St. Vincent.
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Feeding the Homeless
As we continue in our mission to Bridge the Gap in SVG, the
Rotaract Club of Kingstown, engaged in one of our most
tremendous and successful activities during the first quarter of the
Rotaract year, on Sunday 26th August, in the form of a Feed the
Homeless Project. The project coincided with DRR Delon’s Visit to
the island. Under the leadership of Com. Service Director Shari
Bramble, Rotaractors prepared scrumptious dishes of rice, pie,
salads and three different meat “Sunday Lunch” for the homeless
within our capital of Kingstown. Over 70 homeless were fed during
this initiative. Recipients of the meals, expressed their appreciation
and even came back for seconds.
Being a Rotaractor
As the Professional Development Committee under the tutelage of
Kande Francis, begin its Rotaract Year 2018-2019, they hosted a
training session about what it takes to “Be a Rotaractor”. The
session coincided with the Rotary theme for August 2018 which
was Membership and Development month. The training was
conducted by DRR Delon as he shared his initial reasons why he
joined Rotaract, the benefits of Rotaract and why Rotaract. Also,
we had 5 new visitors whom after the training expressed their
interest in Becoming Rotaractors. So, Kudos to DRR Delon for such
an impactful presentation that has gained us 5 potential
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Awesome August !!
The Rotaract Club of Mount Hope opened the semester with resounding success in recruiting
new Rotaractors at the Guild Fest. Subsequently our first meeting was held where we had
over fifty enthusiastic attendees.
We had quite an eventful month where we held a BBQ fundraiser, attended and partnered
with the Rotary Club of Chaguanas’ and Dr. Tewarie’s Health Clinic, One Young World
Conference, formed partnerships with The Rotary Club of St. Augustine West for the Blood
Drive and Peer Counselling Association for a Suicide Awareness Initiative. We also released
the first in a series of videos of suicide survivor stories that provides messages of hope to
others (https://youtu.be/4JTi3o15Gis).
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“Cultural Exchange”
In light of Jamaica Independence, the Rotaract Club of Nevis
alongside with their sponsor club, Rotary Club of Liamuiga set out
to celebrate with the Rotaract Club of Liguanea Plains in Jamaica
with hopes of creating a longtime twinning relationship. We first
did a group video were we wished Jamaica a Happy
Independence. This cultural exchange also continued with a video
presentation about some fun facts about Jamaica that amuse the
“We R Inspiring Members Future through Education”
As members leave, we are sadden but we also help to
embrace them to become better individuals. We bid farewell
to members going off to pursue higher education with token
of appreciation that would guide them into this new journey.
The club members gave encouraging words to each of the
“Membership Love”
In Celebration of Rotary Membership and Club Development Month, the Rotaract Club of Nevis
conducted a social media showcase of the membership of the club. Each club member showcase
one fun fact about themselves and what inspired them to join Rotaract. Members from our
sponsor club also took part in this activity. Without our members, there is no club.
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RACP's annual training weekend
The Rotaract Club of Paramaribo held their annual training
weekend at Colakreek during the weekend of 10 to 12 of August
2018. The goal was three-part: to provide guests with
information about the Rotary-Rotaract, to strengthen the bond
between the prospective members, members and guests and to
impart skills and competences to the participants. The weekend
consisted of six sessions: Project Management, Sustainable
Partnerships, Rotary-Rotaract, writing project reports and articles
and a training on Personal Branding. In addition to the
informative sessions, there was also opportunity for recreation.
After the evaluation we can look back with satisfaction on the
Rotary-Rotaract VOJ Student Excellence Awards
The VOJ Student Excellence Awards is an annual award
ceremony to reward outstanding school achievements within
the secondary education. On Wednesday, August 15th, the VOJ
Student Excellence Awards 2018 took place. Ten out of the
fifteen candidates at VOJ level had been selected as finalists
for the award ceremony, after the training weekend. Both
main prize winners have won an all-in-one printer for their
school and because the Rotary Club of Paramaribo is
celebrating their 65th charter anniversary, all fifteen
participants received a laptop. One of the students is
financially adopted by a Rotarian, because of his special case.
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Rotaract Attends Guild Fest
On the 4th and 5th September 2018 the Rotaract Club of Piarco (U.W.I.)
embarked on its main recruitment drive at the University of the West
Indies, St. Augustine Guild Fest. The Club Service team targeted University
students by creating fun games and activities while providing information
on Rotaract. This caused an interest to be sparked in 150 persons who
signed up to attend an orientation meeting and hopefully become a part
of the Rotaract Family.
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Family Feud: We R The POS West Family
POS West is a family. Similar to a biological family, feuds do
exist. Instead of using these feuds to create division, we are
using it to bond by participating in a Rota-Family Feud
The POS West Family (Rotaractors and Rotarians) was placed
into 6 mini families and are awarded points by competing in
weekly challenges and answering Rota-Feud questions up to the
finale on September 28, 2018 where a winner will be chosen.
The ultimate winner will not be the FAM who scores the most
points but the FAMs who are able to create and develop bonds,
help members acknowledge their strengths, develop leadership
potential within members and eradicate cliques while having
Toastmasters Demo Meeting
The Club welcomed Toastmasters Club “Talk Fluor So” to chair
one of their club meetings as though it was a typical
Toastmasters meeting.
The meeting was split into three segments. The first segment
was called “Table Topics” where statements or questions on a
particular topic were posed to persons at random and they had
to give an “on the spot” response.
This segued into the second segment, “Prepared Speeches”,
where seasoned toastmasters delivered their speeches to
stimulate and wow thee listening audience.
The third and final segment, “Evaluations”, was conducted.
This was arguably the most important segment as all speakers
throughout the meeting were evaluated and given feedback on
grammar, eloquence of speaking and number of times filler
words were used.
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Newsletter submission for August 2018-
Rotaract Club of San Fernando South
August was a wonderful month for the Rotaract Club of San
Fernando South as we executed our first significant project;
our book drive. Our bake sale brought successful rewards
as we were able to assist 10 children with the necessary
stationery and textbooks. We planned this project with the
aim of sharing smiles and providing these families with a
glimmer of hope. These 10 children were able to start their
school term fully prepared and ready to encounter new
paths. With arduous teamwork and commitment,
supporting these children encouraged us as a team to
continue to be an inspiration.
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Rotarians, Food and Hop Scotch
Picture it: August 12, 2018. 3 battles. Rotarians versus Rotaractors. It was pure savagery…and hilarious.
In celebration of International Youth Day, Rotary and Rotaract St. Augustine West (S.A.W) held the first
of our joint quarterly meetings for the year.
We played childhood games such as a heated hop scotch/“morals” hybrid. Assistant Governor Gary
Williams lightly remarked, “I have never attended a meeting where I had a full work-out before it
We ended with a highly competitive musical chairs segment and had a “cook-off” to choose our We R
One recipe submissions.
Stand-off! (or better yet, a
sit-off!): Rotarian PP
Raymond and Rotaractor IPP
Lyndelle wait for the
“referee” to settle who won
the seat.
It’s a race, it’s a race!: AG
Gary (left) and Rotarian
Shamelia (right) engage in a
relay race battle for their
respective teams to finish the
hop scotch boxes.
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Installation Ceremony
The Rotaract year 2018-2019 has started and #WeR in full swing and off to a good start. On July 7th, we
hosted our handing over ceremony where we not only introduced our new board, but also pinned two
new members. The theme this year is “Make an Impact” and with more hands-on deck it makes this
challenging task a whole lot easier. Proudly pinned was Rotaractor Ayanna Evelyn and Rotatactor
Lakeisha Harewood. Both have earned their spot offering significant contribution to the planning and
coordinating of past projects and activities. They certainly do possess the qualities of a true Rotaractor.
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It’s a Rota-VYBB!
Basseterre, ST. KITTS - This year’s “International Youth Day” theme was dubbed “Safe Spaces”. As we
celebrated youth we thought one day, the 12th of August, would not suffice. Hence, when we were
approached by one of our very own, NajeéWarner, we could not have turned down her proposal to
become partners.
Visualize Yourself Beyond Barriers- VYBB, is the charity foundation we, The Rotaract Club of St. Kitts
and After School Guardian, fashioned. This foundation will revolve and evolve around our local youth.
We aspire to, “Connect. Engage. Inspire.”
We will serve as mentors, teachers and motivators in efforts to shed light on our youths' "inner" -
purpose and character, and their "outer"- education and personal/career goals. This will be done
through various projects throughout the Rotaract year- July 7 2018 - June 30 2019.
The Rotaract Club of St. Kitts is feeling the VYBB, building and sustaining safe places for our
youth. While we were on this wave, we rode it out as volunteers at the annual “Bagnall’s Back to
School Fun Day” on the 25th of August. The day was all about being there for the children.
International Service – Latin Dance 101
On August 16th 2018, the international Service Committee had a
Latin Dance class as part of their initiative to introduce members
to the various cultures of various districts.
Members learnt the basic steps from two experienced salsa
instructors. The instructors showcased what a correct front step,
back step and side step is in Salsa. People were encouraged to
practice these movements in counts of fours, and then counts of
eight as members became more comfortable.
The night was one of great fun as members were able to learn a
new skill. The night ended off with the members enjoying chips
and dips and socializing whilst the instructors danced.
Club Service – Drinks for Links Mixer
The drink for links Mixer was an activity designed by the club
service to recruit new members.
This initiative was to inform persons from the age of 18-30 as well
as the general public about Rotaract, the work we have done and
the future of Rotaract. The mixer entailed, persons engaging in a
few games over eats and drinks. This activity was one of great
success as the media was present to assist in getting the word out
about Rotaract. The club was also able to get prospective
members to the club.
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Creating a Positive You
A session on "Creating a Positive You" was facilitated by
Personal Growth Expert Lleuella Morris on Saturday 11th
August, 2018. She underscored the importance of surrounding
yourself with positive persons, thoughts and the manner in
which you should ask questions. Guests included Members of
The Rotaract Clubs of Georgetown and Georgetown Central. In
a world where negativity is disguised as being real, this project
stood to debunk many mistruths.
The Rotaract Club of Stabroek hosted its first Domino
Competition on Saturday 25th August, 2018. Nine teams vied
to become the Champion team. They slammed tickets with all
their enthusiasm and strength. Music, Snacks and Drinks kept
the energy going. At the end of these epic table clashes, the
top three teams walked away with medals, cash and trophies.
This brainchild of our Treasurer and Finance Committee raised
funds for our signature "Cocktails, Comedy and Catwalk" in
March, 2019.
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Back to School project “B2S”
The Rotaract Club of Tobago completed Phase 1 of its Back to School project on August 28th, 2018, which
included offering students book bags and stationery items, and featured a developmental workshop
geared towards both the parents and the students. Over 40 students were assisted (which is our largest
number yet), with the project being spearheaded by our Community Service Director, Kayola Wilson and
her team.
This year, the Club also partnered with our Rotary Sponsor offering free eye-testing to all B2S recipients,
and free glasses for those who needed. The Rotaract Club of Tobago continues to “Be the Inspiration”, in
helping our youths become successful in their academic lives.
Enhancing You
On August 4, 2018, Two Professional Development sessions were facilitated. The first session
on Career and Goal Development was facilitated by Dr. Janice Jackson. It was geared towards
understanding self, as such every participant had an evaluation of self; to assess ones strengths
and weaknesses, what do you like and what you don’t like about yourself. Understanding self is
an ongoing process and in life, one need to recognize that being successful is an extension of
knowing self fully.
The second session on Building Generational Wealth was facilitated by the founder of Outliers
Zone, Mrs. Althayah Yisrael. The session sought to teach women and men the pathway to
building Generational Happiness, Health and Wealth. As a result, enable individuals to make
informed money decisions, in order to leave a legacy of wealth for their generations to come.
This was taught through Outliners Core Values: Legacy, Integrity, Stewardship, Abundance,
Harmony, Ownership and Confidentiality.
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Equip to R.E.A.D! (Read Everyday And Discover)
The Rotaract Club of Georgetown Central (RCGC) executed its
annual Literacy Project, this year themed, Equip to R.E.A.D! The
project encompassed a literacy camp, refurbishment of a library
and back to school supplies distribution. The project launched on
August 18th 2018 and concluded on September 1st 2018.
The camp facilitated over 200 children in a day of reading
activities and each participant received free books. The
Corriverton Primary School’s library was refurbished and provided
with three stocked bookcases. A selected 200 children also
received backpacks fully equipped with books and stationery to
begin the school year. These children were chosen from the
communities of Berbice as well as Georgetown.
The Rotaract Club of Georgetown Central was proud to host
"UNSHACKLED”: Open Mic Night at The Duke on August 31st
2018. The event featured a variety of talent including Reggae and
R&B singers as well as performances from Jazz and Poetry on the
Stool, this is a youth organisation that grooms young spoken
word artists in Guyana. The event was well attended by public
patrons as well as Rotaractors from various Clubs. To close the
evening of entertainment a grand raffle was drawn. There were
four (4) recipients of amazing prizes! This was a significant
fundraiser for upcoming Community Service projects.
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Spin-The-Wheel Fundraiser
On August 24, 2018 at University of Guyana’s Orientation Day for
prospective students, our Finance arm executed the first on campus
fundraiser for the year.
This fundraiser took place at Rotaract Club of University of Guyana’s
booth, where the Club Service arm showcased Rotaract to the
general populace on campus.
The Spin-The-Wheel fundraiser was a fun activity to engage persons
while educating them about Rotaract and the reasons why they
should be a part of this great organisation. Participants paid a small
fee for a chance to spin the wheel and win stationery prizes.
Youth Festival Display
On August 11, 2018, Guyana Anglican Youth Council held a Youth
Festival for International Youth Day. Club Service arm seized the
opportunity to inspire by showing youths how Rotaract could be a
safe space.
The event served as a display of our achievements and was also
intended as a mini recruitment drive.
Most of the attendees were either too young or not students of the
university, however. Nevertheless, we still educated and
encouraged them to find Interact clubs or any other service group
and become involved.
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Members of the Rotaract Club of San
Fernando- South at their Charity Bake Sale
All proceeds go towards their Book Drive t
raise funds for children in need so as to
acquire books and school supplies for them
the new term.
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2018/2019 Secretary Challenge:
- Acquire and maintain, if not already in existence, a database of all club
Presidents and Secretaries from the club’s original charter date. Deadline
for this is October 02, 2018 (verification) - (10 points)
- Execution of peer training exercises on how to do various Rotaract
Secretarial tasks, many of which can be re-shared at the club level. The
following topics are provided for clubs to consider as possible secretarial
training for current and future Secretaries
1. - Report writing
2. - Minute taking
3. - Club letterheads and usage
4. - Importance of follow-up and acknowledgement (360 emails)etc.;
5. - Formulating crisp and clear subject lines
6. - Signage at the end of emails
7. - Letter formats (sponsorship and thank you)
8. - The art of minute taking
9. - Reporting to your clubs at meeting
10. - Communicating club minutes (time frame, frequency, format)
11. - Keeping track of club attendance
12. - Archiving club information
13. - The importance of circulation of important club documents e.g.
bylaws, etc.
14. - Communication with Rotary and your NGO
15. - Communication with the District
16. - Financial accountability, Financial record keeping
17. - Monitoring the District plans and objectives
18. - Assistance to President with project reports (reminders, etc.)
19. - Self Motivation tips
20. - Areas of Discretion on the Club Level and importance
Clubs will be asked to share their expertise on 5 of the listed topics.
Information should be submitted by the 25th of each month for 5
months starting August 25, 2018. Video (not exceeding 15 minutes’ max)
and written presentations are allowed and must be brief. (20 points). [12
points for content, 8 points for creativity in presentation].
Prizes will be awarded at District events and the successful
completion of these tasks act as Bonus points to Club
points towards the district such as Club of the Year etc.
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