Soil Ammendments
Fertilizer Down to Earth Langbeinite Kmag 0-0-22 Fertilizers & Nutrients
Down to Earth Insect Frass A naturally mined crystalline mineral that supplies the water-soluble
sulfate form of three vital plant nutrients: potassium, magnesium
An all-natural fertilizer made through sustainable insect farming and and sulfurs. It’s maximum chlorine content is less than 3.0 percent,
derived from the larvae manure and exoskeletons of black soldier minimizing the potential for fertilizer burn, and it’s neutral pH does not
flies. The larvae are raised on pre-consumer food waste collected from alter soil activity. Potassium contributes strongly to overall plant health
local grocery stores, produce distributors and food processors. After by regulating internal processes. DTE Langbeinite 0-0-22 is widely used
harvesting, they are turned into a renewable source of high value on sensitive vegetables and fruit crops that require high fertilization
protein for animals and beneficial nutrients for plants. Insect Frass rates but do not tolerate high levels of chlorine or soluble salts. This
is a great fertilizer for all types of plants and standard grade langbeinite has a typical SGN of 95 and is an excellent
shares many of the same traits as other popular source of readily available sulfur, potassium and magnesium. Contains
organic soil amendments such as bat guano 22% K2O, 11% Mg and 22% S. OMRI® Listed
and worm castings. OMRI® Listed.
5lb UPC 714360078523
DTE07852-759 Retail $13.39
Min. Buy 6 EA
*02800392* 50lb UPC 714360025220
DTE02522-4909 Retail $66.69
Min. Buy 1 EA
2lb UPC 714360078646 Down to Earth Agmino Powder 14-0-0
DTE07864-684 Retail $11.99
Min. Buy 6 EA Professional grade, water soluble, organic nitrogen fertilizer derived
from non-GMO vegetable proteins. Does not contain any animal
Down to Earth Neem Seed Meal 6-1-2 proteins! Ideal for supplementing plant nitrogen needs or correcting
deficiencies in all types of plants. Blend with
Neem Seed Meal is produced during the extraction of oil from the other soluble powders or liquids as needed. Fast
seed of the Indian Neem tree (Azadiracta indica). It is an excellent acting, user friendly and effective as a foliar spray
way to strengthen root systems, improve plant immunity and balance or in soil applications. Chloride free and safe
nutrient levels in the soil. Neem Seed Meal can be mixed in to soil or around plants, people and pets.
potting mediums, used as a top dress or steeped to make a potent
foliar tea. OMRI® Listed. *03689041*
*02800390* 5lb UPC 714360144051
DTE14405-3503 Retail $59.19
Min. Buy 5 EA
5lb UPC 714360078257 Down to Earth Fish Powder 12-1-1
DTE07825-1027 Retail $17.99
Min. Buy 6 EA Premium quality, solution grade, high nitrogen fertilizer for promotion
of rapid plant growth or correction of nitrogen deficiencies in all types of
40lb UPC 714360013111 plants including vegetables, flowers, trees, shrubs, vines and turf grass.
DTE01311-5366 Retail $72.79 Enzymatically hydrolyzed and spray dried fish protein concentrate
Min. Buy 1 EA provides a valuable and plant available source of organic nitrogen,
amino acids and minerals. More concentrated and economical than
Soil Ammendments liquid fish fertilizers, Down To Earth Fish Powder 12-1-1 can be applied
as a soil drench, foliar application, or filtered and run through most drip
irrigation, fertigation, and sprinkler systems. Combine with seaweed
powder, biological innoculants or other soluble nutrients as part of a
comprehensive fertilization program.
Down to Earth Greensand *03689042*
Naturally occurring in marine sedimentary deposits, Greensand is 1lb UPC 714360121106
composed primarily of the blue-green siliceous mineral Glauconite. DTE12110-776 Retail $13.59
Greensand has been recommended as a soil amendment since the Min. Buy 6 EA
early 1700’s due to its unique physical properties. Traditionally used UPC 714360121151
to loosen heavy clay soil, Greensand is able to absorb up to one- 5lb Retail $47.39
third its weight in water to improve the moisture holding capacity of DTE12115-2808
garden soils and potting mixes. Greensand is highly recommended for Min. Buy 5 EA
vegetables, fruits, herbs, lawns, ornamentals and all types of trees and
shrubs. OMRI® Listed Down to Earth Sol Grade Azomite 0-0-0.2
*03689044* This product can improve plant and root system growth, crop yields,
quality and flavors as well as re-mineralize nutrient depleted soils. This
5lb UPC 714360078820 ultra-fine powdered grade can be suspended in water or other liquid
DTE07882-725 Retail $12.79 preparations for fast and easy applications at any point of the growing
Min. Buy 6 EA season. Ideal for injecting into trickle or drip irrigation systems and can
be added to spray tanks. OMRI® Listed.
25lb UPC 714360019502
DTE01950-2537 Retail $39.29 *03689040*
Min. Buy 1 EA
UPC 714360019519 5lb UPC 714360159024
50lb Retail $60.49 DTE15902-1079 Retail $19.79
DTE01951-4451 Min. Buy 5 EA
Min. Buy 1 EA 67
Fertilizers & Nutrients Nutrients
DYNA-GRO® GROW™ Liquid Plant Food 7-9-5 DYNA-GRO® Pure Neem Oil Organic Leaf Polish
An all purpose complete nutrition concentrate used to promote both 100% pure cold pressed Neem oil. Neem oil leaves a natural shine on
foliage and bloom growth. It is urea free and won’t burn your plants leaves without clogging stomata that leaves need to take in carbon
and is ideal for poor, rocky soils, hydroponics and container grown dioxide and release oxygen.
plants. It is a rapid cure for nutrient deficiencies and helps replenish
lost minerals in poor and depleted soils. *15500292*
*15500306* 8oz UPC 080359150083
DYNNEM008-934 Retail $19.99
8oz UPC 080359010080 Min. Buy 12 EA
DYNGRO008-509 Retail $11.99
Min. Buy 12 EA 32oz UPC 080359150328
DYNNEM032-2581 Retail $48.99
32oz UPC 080359010325 Min. Buy 12 EA
DYNGRO032-1250 Retail $24.99
Min. Buy 12 EA 1gal UPC 080359151004
DYNNEM100-8623 Retail $155.99
1gal UPC 080359011001 Min. Buy 4 EA
DYNGRO100-3790 Retail $69.99
Min. Buy 4 EA DYNA-GRO® Mag Pro® Nutritional Supplement
DYNA-GRO® Foliage Pro® Liquid Plant Food 9-3-6 2-15-4
Ideal N-P-K (3-1-2) ratio recommended for tropical foliage plant A unique supplement that can be used with any complete nutrition
production and a wide range of other plants. It also supplies a high formula as a blossom booster. The high phosphorus, magnesium
nitrate to ammoniacal nitrogen ratio needed to promote shorter and sulfur content of this formula brings out color, fragrance and size
internodal spacing resulting in stronger stems. This unique formulation in flowers, fruit and many vegetable crops. Growers using reverse
eliminates salt build-up when used at recommended rates and is urea osmosis, rain or deionized water benefit from the addition for Mag-
free so it won’t burn your plants. Pro® to their watering schedule. Mag-Pro® is a nutrition supplement
and should only be used in conjunction with a
DYNA-GRO® complete nutrition formula.
*01502551* 8oz UPC 080359080083
DYNMAG008-509 Retail $11.99
8oz UPC 080359060085 Min. Buy 12 EA
Min. Buy 12 EA Retail $11.99 DYNMAG032-1250 UPC 080359080328
Min. Buy 12 EA Retail $24.99
32oz UPC 080359060320
DYNFOL032-1250 1gal
Min. Buy 12 EA Retail $24.99 Min. Buy 4 EA UPC 080359081009
Retail $69.99
1gal UPC 080359061006
Min. Buy 4 EA Retail $69.99
DYNA-GRO® BLOOM™ Liquid Plant Food 3-12-6 DYNA-GRO™ Pro-TeKt® The Silicon Solution® 0-0-3
A low nitrogen, high phosphorus concentrate specifically formulated A supplement that supplies soluble silicon and potassium to build
to encourage the development of large, vibrant booms. It is ideal for stronger plant cell walls. Plants supplied with soluble silicon become
roses, orchids, African violets and all other flowering plants. BLOOM™ more tolerant to drought, heat, and cold stresses, bear more and larger
supplies a balance for low ammonia Cal to nitrate nitrogen needed fruit. Pro-TeKt® is taken up in the epidermis and cell walls creating a
to avoid stem elongation in flowering plants and vegetables. Apply mechanically stronger plant that can support the weight of dense
BLOOM™ before flower buds appear to help initiate flowering. flowers, fruits and vegetables. Can also be used as a surfactant and to
raise pH.
*01502565* 8oz UPC 080359090082
DYNTEK008-509 Retail $11.99
Min. Buy 12 EA
8oz UPC 080359020089 32oz UPC 080359090327
DYNBLM008-509 Retail $11.99 DYNTEK032-1195 Retail $23.99
Min. Buy 12 EA Min. Buy 12 EA
32oz UPC 080359020324 1gal UPC 080359091003
DYNBLM032-1250 Retail $24.99 DYNTEK100-2938 Retail $54.99
Min. Buy 12 EA Min. Buy 4 EA
1gal UPC 080359021000 5gal UPC 080359095001
DYNBLM100-3790 Retail $69.99 DYNTEK500-14279 Retail $253.00
Min. Buy 4 EA Min. Buy 1 EA
68 800-883-0234
Ecological Labs® MICROBE-LIFT™ Phosphate
Water Treatments Supplement Fertilizers & Nutrients
Ecological Labs® MICROBE-LIFT™ Dechlorinator Plus Promotes lush vegetable and plant growth or as
needed in response to phosphorous deficiency,
Will remove and neutralize chlorine, destroy chloramines, detoxify indicated by stunted plant growth. When used as
heavy metals (e.g. copper), adds a multipart skin directed, MICROBE Life Phosphate Supplement
slime replacer, adds essential electrolytes and will enhance and accelerate the growth of
alkalinity (acid-neutralizing capacity) boosters. vegetables and plants.
*11300427* 16oz UPC 097121214263
ECLPH21426-931 Retail $15.95
Min. Buy 12 EA
16oz UPC 097121202192 Ecological Labs® MICROBE-LIFT™ Potassium
Min. Buy 12 EA Retail $11.95
32oz UPC 097121202208 Supplement
ECLDECHL32-1005 Retail $18.95
Min. Buy 12 EA Added regularly to promote strong stems and roots, or in response
to signs of potassium deficiency. Symptoms
Ecological Labs® MICROBE-LIFT™ Premium of potassium deficiency include yellowing
(chlorosis) and browning or die off in older leaves
Dechlorinator Plus (necrosis). Use together with other BLOOM &
GROW™ plant supplements for healthy, lush
A full-function water conditioner that will plant growth. Contains no phosphate or nitrate.
neutralize chlorine, destroy chloramines and
detoxify heavy metals (i.e. copper). Adds *01502295*
essential electrolytes and alkalinity boosters (acid
neutralizing) 16oz UPC 097121213907
ECLPH21390-931 Retail $15.95
*11300002* Min. Buy 12 EA
ECLPH21362-6414 UPC 097121213624
Min. Buy 2 EA Retail $109.95 Ecological Labs® MICROBE™ Life Hydroponics
Nutrients Nourish-L Liquid Fertilizer
Ecological Labs® MICROBE™ Life Hydroponics Contains Rare Earth Humates and is certified organic. A unique,
liquid conditioner derived from a highly decomposed organic
Vegetable & Fruit Yield Enhancer humus deposit. Enhances the ability of plants to absorb nutrients
more efficiently, optimizing plant functions and facilitates greater
With Endo Mycorrhizal Fungi. This Bio-Enhancer is a unique, liquid results using less nutrients. Aids In micronutrient uptake, Increases
conditioner derived from a highly decomposed organic humus water retention and provides vegetative humic
deposit. Enhances the ability of plants to absorb nutrients more acids. Supplements water, mineral, carbon and
efficiently, optimizing plant functions and facilitates greater results essential element requirements.
using less nutrients. Aids in micronutrient uptake, increases water
retention and provides vegetative humic *01502292*
acids. Supplements water, mineral, carbon and
essential element requirements. 16oz UPC 097121021313
ECLPH21231-1106 Retail $18.95
Min. Buy 12 EA
*01502313* 32oz UPC 097121212320
ECLPH21232-1631 Retail $27.95
16oz UPC 097121213457 Min. Buy 12 EA
ECLPH21345-989 Retail $16.95
Min. Buy 12 EA
32oz UPC 097121213464 Ecological Labs® MICROBE™ Life Hydroponics
ECLPH21346-1455 Retail $24.95 Photosynthesis Plus Fertilizer
Min. Buy 12 EA
All natural. Enhances plant functions at the foliar level and the root
zone in both soil and soilless substrates. Enhances photosynthesis and
biological function by allowing plants to capture and utilize radiant
energy more efficiently. Speeds uptake and distribution of essential
macro- and micro- nutrients required for all plant metabolic functions
and growth. Promotes plant vigor and reduces
input costs while increasing yields.
ECLPH21226-1048 UPC 097121212269
Min. Buy 12 EA Retail $17.95
ECLPH21227-1515 UPC 097121212276
Min. Buy 12 EA Retail $25.95 69
Fertilizers & Nutrients Ecological Labs® MICROBE-LIFT™ All in One
A specialized formula of micro and macro
nutrients that is specially formulated for
vegetables and plants of all types. Using this low
analysis supplement once or twice weekly will
promote larger, brighter, faster blooms, as well as
strong, healthy roots.
Nutrients *01502305*
Ecological Labs® MICROBE™ Life Hydroponics 32oz UPC 097121213648
ECLPH21364-1222 Retail $20.95
Foliar Spray & Root Dip Min. Buy 12 EA
Contains Ecto & Endo Mycorrhizal Fungi. Specifically created for Ecological Labs® MICROBE-LIFT™ Vitamins &
foliar applications, root dips and root drenches, combines the high
concentration of photosynthetic cultures with natural, rare earth Amino Acids
humates and essential elements for improved plant biology. Enhances
metabolism plus Increases chlorophyll and A blend of all of the essential micronutrients and minerals required
nutrient availability. Works well with all nutrient/ by many freshwater fish but which may not be
fertilizer programs and all soil and soilless media. present in all water sources or may be removed
in some aquarium filtration systems.
ECLPH21348-872 UPC 097121213488 16oz UPC 097121213679
Min. Buy 12 EA Retail $14.95 ECLPH21367-872 Retail $14.95
Min. Buy 12 EA
ECLPH21349-1339 UPC 097121213495 32oz UPC 097121213686
Min. Buy 12 EA Retail $22.95 ECLPH21368-1165 Retail $19.95
Min. Buy 12 EA
Fertilizer Fertilizer
Growth Products® Essential® Plus 1-0-1 Fertilizer Haifa Multi-K™ Potassium Nitrate
Essential Plus is a soil amendment and root enhancer derived from For Nutrigation™ and foliar feeding of greenhouse crops. Contains
potassium Humate, 21 natural L-mino acids, enzymes, simple & complex 100% plant macronutrients: potassium (K) and nitrate nitrogen (N-
sugars, vitamins, kelp extracts, carbohydrates, NO3). Plants absorb both the potassium and the nitrate rapidly, in a
cellulose, lignin, hydrolyzed organic proteins and balanced manner. This improves the movement of both potassium
a natural wetting agent. Use at plug production and nitrogen in the plant; thus enhancing plant nutrition. It is free of
to ensure seed germination and good rooting. chloride, sodium and any other elements which are detrimental to
plants. The nitrate enables plants to minimize
*16600040* their uptake of chloride, whenever this harmful
anion is present in the soil solution or in the
2.5gal UPC 049961972063 irrigation water. This makes potassium nitrate a
GRWP60120-21698 Retail $0.00 necessity for chloride-sensitive crops. DIRECT.
Min. Buy 1 EA
50lb UPC 0
HN14-0225A-3157 Retail $0.00
Min. Buy 40 EA
70 800-883-0234
Organic Fertilizer Espoma® Organic® Garden-Tone® 3-4-4 Fertilizers & Nutrients
Originally developed for professional gardeners. Provides safe,
continuous feeding for all vegetables. 100% natural and organic
approved plant foods. The Tone products are made for complex blends
of the finest natural and organic ingredients. No sludges or fillers are
ever used. They are enhanced with Bio-Tone
beneficial microbes to help plants establish fast,
develop deeper roots and have superior blooms.
Consistency and quality are guaranteed. Long
lasting results - won’t burn or leach away.
Espoma® Organic® Plant-Tone® 5-3-3 *01501579*
An all natural, all purpose premium blend plant food. Excellent as a 4lb UPC 050197003049
starter plant food. 100% natural and organic approved plant foods. ESPGT4-476 Retail $7.99
The Tone products are made for complex blends of the finest natural Min. Buy 12 EA
and organic ingredients. No sludges or fillers
are ever used. They are enhanced with Bio-Tone Espoma® Organic® Iron-Tone® 2-1-3
beneficial microbes to help plants establish fast,
develop deeper roots and have superior blooms. Turns yellow to green. Fast acting, non-staining formula turns yellow
Consistency and quality are guaranteed. Long leaves into deep green. For lawns, vegetables, trees and shrubs. 100%
lasting results - won’t burn or leach away. natural and organic approved plant foods. The Tone products are
made for complex blends of the finest natural and organic ingredients.
*01501559* No sludges or fillers are ever used. They are
enhanced with Bio-Tone beneficial microbes to
4lb UPC 050197002042 help plants establish fast, develop deeper roots
ESPPT4-476 Retail $7.99 and have superior blooms. Consistency and
Min. Buy 12 EA quality are guaranteed. Long lasting results -
won’t burn or leach away.
Espoma® Organic® Citrus-Tone® 5-2-6 *03900023*
Specially formulated to produce abundant and flavorful citrus fruit. 5lb UPC 050197054058
Contains Bio-tone® which biologically enhances plant food to ensure ESPIT5-486
superior plant growth. 100% natural and organic approved plant
foods. The Tone products are made for complex blends of the finest Min. Buy 12 EA Retail $7.99
natural and organic ingredients. No sludges or
fillers are ever used. They are enhanced with Bio- Espoma® Organic® Bio-Tone® Starter Plus 4-3-3
Tone beneficial microbes to help plants establish
fast, develop deeper roots and have superior Plant Food Plus Mycorrhizae
blooms. Consistency and quality are guaranteed.
Long lasting results - won’t burn or leach away. Bio-active plant food with beneficial bacteria, humates plus
Mycorrhizae. For enhanced root development. 100% natural and
*01501553* organic approved plant foods. The Tone products are made for
complex blends of the finest natural and
4lb UPC 050197050043 organic ingredients. No sludges or fillers are
ESPCT4-476 Retail $7.99 ever used. They are enhanced with Bio-Tone
Min. Buy 12 EA beneficial microbes to help plants establish fast,
develop deeper roots and have superior blooms.
Consistency and quality are guaranteed. Long
lasting results - won’t burn or leach away.
4lb Bag UPC 050197038041
Min. Buy 12 EA Retail $8.99
Espoma® Organic® Tomato-Tone® 3-4-6
Formulated specifically for growing plump and juicy tomatoes. Feeds
plants naturally and will not force rapid growth at the expense of
blooms and tomato yield. It is safe, long lasting, and will provide the
nutrients necessary for vigorous and productive plants. 100% natural
and organic approved plant foods. The Tone products are made for
complex blends of the finest natural and organic ingredients. No
sludges or fillers are ever used. They are enhanced with Bio-Tone
beneficial microbes to help plants establish fast, develop deeper
roots and have superior blooms. Consistency
and quality are guaranteed. Long lasting results
- won’t burn or leach away.
4lb UPC 050197009041
ESPTO4-476 Retail $7.99
Min. Buy 12 EA
8lb UPC 050197009089
ESPTO8-730 Retail $11.99
Min. Buy 6 EA 71
Espoma® Organic® Alfalfa Meal
Enhances growth and blooming.
Fertilizers & Nutrients *01502394*
Organic Nutrient 3lb Bag UPC 050197062039
ESPAL3-487 Retail $7.99
Min. Buy 12 EA
Espoma® Organic® Bone Meal 4-12-0 Espoma® Organic® Bat Guano 10-3-1
All natural organic source of Nitrogen and Phosphorus. Bone Meal Derived from wild insect eating bats and
helps develop sturdy root systems and promotes procured from a unique cave environment in
plant growth, and is ideal as a supplement for SW USA. Provides nitrogen that will help plants
bulbs, flowers and roses. develop a deep green color while producing
rapid growth.
4lb Bag UPC 050197010092
Min. Buy 12 EA Retail $7.99 *01502210*
10lb Bag UPC 050197010108 1.25lb UPC 050197061018
ESPBM10-1126 Retail $17.99 ESPBG1-669 Retail $10.99
Min. Buy 6 EA Min. Buy 12 EA
Espoma® Organic® Compost
Espoma® Organic® Blood Meal 12-0-0 Starter
All natural organic source of Nitrogen. Blood Meal promotes rapid Unique, 100% bio-organic mix. Contains
growth and deep, dark green color, and is an microbes cultured for fast, healthy composting.
ideal supplement for all annuals and perennials. Includes heat active varieties, used to speed the
decomposition of difficult materials.
*03600394* *07300018*
3lb UPC 050197013093 4lb UPC 050197023047
ESPDB03-638 Retail $8.99 ESPCS4-500 Retail $7.99
Min. Buy 12 EA Min. Buy 12 EA
17lb UPC 050197013178 Espoma® Potash 0-0-60
ESPDB17-3189 Retail $44.99
Min. Buy 1 EA An enriched source of potassium. Promotes
plant vigor and disease resistance in all flowering
plants, shrubs, trees and vegetables.
Espoma® Organic® Kelp Meal *01500797*
Brown seaweed harvested from cold sea waters. Excellent natural 6lb UPC 050197017060
organic supplement to other plant foods and soil conditioners. ESPPO6-875 Retail $12.99
Comprised of 100% natural and organic Min. Buy 6 EA
ingredients, these products are pure plant food
with no fillers or sludge. They enrich your garden Espoma® Urea 45-0-0
with the best the earth has to offer. Approved for
organic gardening. Hard to find products for the An enriched source of nitrogen fertilizer.
avid and environmentally conscious gardener. Promotes green color and rapid growth.
4lb UPC 050197027045 *01501191*
Min. Buy 12 EA Retail $16.99 ESPUR4-625 UPC 050197015042
Min. Buy 12 EA Retail $9.99
Espoma® Organic® Cottonseed Meal 6-2-1 Espoma® Organic® Rock Phosphate 0-3-0
Unique processing makes it very easy to use. An excellent, 100% All natural. Pelletized for easy application. Contains 3% available
organic plant food for use on trees and shrubs. Comprised of 100% and 24% total phosphate. Comprised of 100% natural and organic
natural and organic ingredients, these products ingredients, these products are pure plant food
are pure plant food with no fillers or sludge. They with no fillers or sludge. They enrich your garden
enrich your garden with the best the earth has with the best the earth has to offer. Approved for
to offer. Approved for organic gardening. Hard to organic gardening. Hard to find products for the
find products for the avid and environmentally avid and environmentally conscious gardener.
conscious gardener.
*03600006* *01501179*
3.5lb Bag UPC 050197014038 7.25lb UPC 050197012072
ESPCM3-563 Retail $8.99 ESPRP7-688
Min. Buy 12 EA
Min. Buy 6 EA Retail $10.99
72 800-883-0234
Fertilizer FoxFarm® Beastie Bloomz® Fertilizer 0-50-30 Fertilizers & Nutrients
Beastie Bloomz® is perfect for gardeners and growers who are ready
to take their plants to the next level. This is a high-phosphorus soluble
fertilizer formulated to support blossom development during the
middle to late weeks of the flowering cycle. Beastie Bloomz® is a high-
phosphorus soluble fertilizer specially formulated to support blossom
development during mid to late flowering. For use in soilless mixes,
soils, hydroponics, and aeroponic systems.
FoxFarm® Bush Doctor® Bembé® Fertilizer 0-1-3 6oz UPC 752289501319
FXF501319-1261 Retail $18.79
From the deepest jungles of the African Congo comes the word Min. Buy 24 EA
“Bembé” which means Sweet Offering. This is a delicious treat for
your plants that is extraordinarily fragrant and colorful. Bush Doctor® 1lb UPC 752289501418
Bembé® is a liquid concentrate that is precisely created with a complex FXF501418-2827 Retail $41.99
array of sugars and nutrients. When used as directed, Bembé® can help Min. Buy 1 EA
plants achieve enhanced sweetness qualities, while providing a food
source for the microbial populations at the root zone. 2lb UPC 752289501517
FXF501517-4896 Retail $71.99
*01502652* Min. Buy 1 EA
16oz Concentrate UPC 752289794056 15lb UPC 752289501616
FXF794056-935 Retail $13.79 FXF501616-13430 Retail $195.99
Min. Buy 1 EA Min. Buy 1 EA
32oz Concentrate UPC 752289791055 FoxFarm® Big Bloom® Fertilizer 0-0.5-0.7
FXF791055-1724 Retail $25.69
Min. Buy 1 EA Our Big Bloom® Liquid Plant Food is formulated for use on all plants
and can be used every time you water. Big Bloom® Liquid Plant Food is
1gal UPC 752289791062 a carefully selected blend of fertilizers formulated to support multiple
FXF791062-4849 Retail $71.99 blooms and seed formations. This liquid plant food supplies nutrients
Min. Buy 1 EA that your plants can access immediately. Big Bloom® contains bat
guano and earthworm castings. Bat guano has been used for centuries
FoxFarm® Bush Doctor® Boomerang® 2-0.2-0.3 as a fertilizer for all kinds of plants. Combined with earthworm castings
they create a nutrient-rich mix that can help your plants thrive. Garden
Even Mother Nature needs a little help sometimes! Boomerang® lends tip: Big Bloom® is formulated for all fruiting and flowering plants, and
a hand when the stresses of temperature fluctuations, unintentional it can be used during all stages of plant growth.
neglect, and mineral salt build up knock your beauties down for the
count. The soil microbes in Boomerang® help support the root zone. *01502670*
Boomerang® can also be used as a vegetative supplement. It contains
solubilized nutrition that is immediately available to plants. Bush 16oz Concentrate
Doctor® Boomerang® is the “Comeback Formula” that gives your plants FXF793103-723
a fighting chance. UPC 752289793103
Min. Buy 12 EA Retail $10.79
*01502672* 32oz Concentrate UPC 752289790102
FXF790102-1235 Retail $17.99
16oz Concentrate Min. Buy 12 EA
FXF793851-925 UPC 752289793851 1gal Concentrate UPC 752289790904
FXF790904-4332 Retail $63.99
Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $13.79 Min. Buy 4 EA
32oz UPC 752289790850 2.5gal UPC 752289790911
FXF790850-1679 Retail $24.99 FXF790911-9662 Retail $143.99
Min. Buy 1 EA Min. Buy 2 EA
1gal UPC 752289790867 5gal UPC 752289790928
FXF790867-5855 Retail $87.99 FXF790928-17542 Retail $259.99
Min. Buy 1 EA Min. Buy 1 EA
FoxFarm® Bush Doctor® Flowers Kiss® Fertilizer FoxFarm® Cha Ching® Fertilizer 9-50-10
1-0.30-0.05 Every stage of the growing cycle demands optimal nutrition. Cha
Ching® is a high-phosphorus fertilizer that is designed to help
Survival of the fittest is a way of life in the rainforest. Layer upon layer support late stage fruiting processes. Even better, we’ve included the
of giants lift their foliage to the sky where sunlight, water and nutrients micronutrient package that FoxFarm is known for.
can be claimed. Bush Doctor® Flowers Kiss® spray-on foliar plant food
is designed to be easily absorbed through the plant’s leaves, like a soft *01502742*
rain, providing nutrition from the top down. Isn’t it great that your
plants don’t have to fight to survive? 6oz Soluble UPC 752289501333
FXF501333-1272 Retail $18.90
*01502655* Min. Buy 24 EA
UPC 752289501432
16oz UPC 752289793950 1lb Jar Retail $42.29
FXF793950-925 Retail $13.79 FXF501432-2837
Min. Buy 1 EA Min. Buy 1 EA UPC 752289501531
Retail $72.99
32oz UPC 752289790959 2lb Jar
FXF790959-1679 Retail $24.99 FXF501531-4907 UPC 752289501548
Min. Buy 1 EA Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $183.99
1gal UPC 752289790966 15lb Jar
FXF790966-5855 Retail $87.99 FXF501548-12758
Min. Buy 1 EA Min. Buy 1 EA 73
FoxFarm® Bush Doctor® Microbe Brew® Microbial
Fertilizers & Nutrients Fertilizer Inoculant 1-0.3-0.2
Bush Doctor® Microbe Brew® is a liquid microbial inoculant with a
complex blend of ingredients specially formulated to help plants
achieve enhanced root efficiency and nutrient uptake. Microbe Brew®
encourages rapid microbial colonization at the root zone and can be
used in both hydroponic and soil applications. Use Microbe Brew® on
your ornamental flowers, evergreens, vegetables and trees. For best
results, follow the FoxFarm feeding schedule.
FoxFarm® Bush Doctor® Kangaroots® Fertilizer *01502639*
0.8-0.1-0.03 16oz Concentrate UPC 752289793714
FXF793714-1037 Retail $15.49
Bush Doctor® Kangaroots® is a liquid root drench formulation Min. Buy 1 EA
designed to enhance root efficiency in the rhizosphere for seedlings
and mature plants. For use on in-ground plantings, container 32oz UPC 752289790713
gardens and hydroponic systems. Kangaroots® contains nutrients FXF790713-2027 Retail $29.99
which are immediately available to plants. Kangaroots® also contains Min. Buy 1 EA
soil microbes to support the root zone and help plants achieve
enhanced nutrient uptake. Kangaroots® supplies essential macro and 1gal UPC 752289790720
micronutrients that can help plants thrive. For use in both hydroponic FXF790720-7156 Retail $104.99
and soil applications. For best results, follow the FoxFarm feeding Min. Buy 1 EA
16oz Concentrate UPC 752289793769 FoxFarm® Bush Doctor® Sledge Hammer®
FXF793769-965 Retail $14.39
Min. Buy 1 EA Bush Doctor® SledgeHammer® is a unique rinse formula designed to
remove excess fertilizer build up by encouraging water movement
32oz Concentrate UPC 752289790768 through soil and soilless media. High fertilizer use can compromise
FXF790768-1739 Retail $25.99 plant growth over time due to concentrated mineral salt deposits.
Min. Buy 1 EA SledgeHammer® is a unique rinse formula designed to remove fertilizer
buildup which may relieve nutrient lockout. Derived from saponin, an
1gal UPC 752289790775 extract of the Yucca schidigera plant. SledgeHammer® is designed
FXF790775-6106 Retail $89.99 for organic gardening and can be used for both hydroponic and soil
Min. Buy 1 EA applications.
FoxFarm® Bush Doctor® Kelp Me Kelp You® 0.5- *01502690*
16oz Concentrate UPC 752289793806
Bush Doctor® Kelp Me Kelp You® is a liquid fertilizer designed for use in FXF793806-961 Retail $14.39
organic gardening. Derived from Ascophyllum nodosum, it is suitable Min. Buy 12 EA
for fruits, vegetables, gardens, flowers and hydroponic applications.
Kelp grows higher than even some of the Earth’s trees. The teeming 32oz UPC 752289790805
aquatic life that flourishes in a kelp bed has just as much diversity as FXF790805-1654 Retail $24.69
that of a rainforest. Kelp Me Kelp You® is a seaweed extract derived from Min. Buy 12 EA
Ascophyllum nodosum and designed for use in organic gardening.
Our product is a liquid concentrate that can be used for growing 1gal UPC 752289790812
fruits, vegetables, gardens or flowers. Suitable for use in gardens, FXF790812-5606 Retail $82.99
drip-irrigation systems or hydroponic applications. OMRI Listed® and Min. Buy 4 EA
Registered CDFA Organic Input Material.
*01502667* FoxFarm® Open Sesame® Soluble Fertilizer 5-45-19
16oz Concentrate UPC 752289794209 Open Sesame® is a blend of nutrients specifically designed for use
FXF794209-996 Retail $14.89 during the early weeks of flowering. Open Sesame® supports vigorous
Min. Buy 1 EA flowering and bud development. Use in soilless mixes, soils, hydroponics
and aeroponic systems. Open Sesame® is a high-phosphorus soluble
32oz UPC 752289791208 fertilizer that’s designed for use during the early weeks of flowering to
FXF791208-1745 Retail $25.99 support vigorous blooming and bud development. Whether you’re
Min. Buy 1 EA growing in hydroponic systems, containers, or gardening in the soil,
Open Sesame® will go right to work at the root zone and deliver
FoxFarm® Bush Doctor® Wholly Mackerel® 3-1-0 targeted nutrients when the plants need them the most.
Bush Doctor® Wholly Mackerel® is a liquid fish fertilizer that supports *01502656*
vigorous growth in young seedlings and transplants. Bush Doctor
Wholly Mackerel® is a liquid plant nutrient derived from fish. Wholly 6oz Soluble UPC 752289201530
Mackerel® provides immediately available nutrition to support vigorous FXF201530-1289 Retail $19.29
growth. Use as a root drench application. Min. Buy 24 EA
Registered CDFA Organic Input Material.
1lb UPC 752289201639
*01502677* FXF201639-2828 Retail $41.99
Min. Buy 1 EA
16oz Concentrate UPC 752289794308 2lb Soluble UPC 752289201738
FXF794308-1070 Retail $15.99 FXF201738-4887 Retail $72.99
Min. Buy 1 EA Min. Buy 1 EA
32oz UPC 752289791307 15lb UPC 752289201745
FXF791307-1938 Retail $28.99 FXF201745-13542 Retail $199.99
Min. Buy 1 EA Min. Buy 1 EA
74 800-883-0234
FoxFarm® Cultivation Nation™ Flower 4-35-26 Fertilizers & Nutrients
Cultivation Nation™ Flower is step two of our Cultivation Nation™
2-Part Soluble Feeding Program. Use it during the
mid to late stages of the flowering cycle through
harvest to support fruit and bud development.
Fertilizer 1lb UPC 752289260636
FXF260636-880 Retail $13.29
Min. Buy 12 EA
FoxFarm® Cultivation Nation™ Micro 5-0-1 15lb UPC 752289260124
FXF260124-9979 Retail $148.89
Cultivation Nation™ Micro Fertilizer is part two in our 3-part liquid Min. Buy 1 EA
feeding program. Begin by introducing Cultivation Nation™ Grow
Fertilizer, then supplement with Cultivation Nation™ Micro to supply FoxFarm® Cultivation Nation™ Veggie 24-14-11
your plants with important micronutrients, and finish strong with
Cultivation Nation™ Bloom Liquid Fertilizer. Cultivation Nation™ Veggie is step one of our Cultivation Nation™ 2-Part
Soluble Feeding Program. It contains a blend of immediately available
*01503293* nutrients that are formulated to enhance plant size and structure. Use
Cultivation Nation™ Veggie during the vegetative growth cycle, and
1pt UPC 752289260216 switch to Cultivation Nation™ Flower during the
FXF260216-800 Retail $11.89 middle to late stages of fruiting and flowering
Min. Buy 12 EA through harvest.
1qt UPC 752289260223 *01503320*
FXF260223-1201 Retail $19.49
Min. Buy 12 EA 1lb
1gal UPC 752289260230 UPC 752289260629
FXF260230-2738 Retail $40.89
Min. Buy 4 EA Min. Buy 12 EA Retail $10.89
15lb UPC 752289260100
Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $130.79
FoxFarm® Grow Big® Fertilizer 6-4-4 FoxFarm® Cultivation Nation™ Grow 2-1-6
Get your garden going with Grow Big®, our liquid concentrate fertilizer Cultivation Nation™ Grow Fertilizer is part one in our 3-part liquid
for lush vegetative growth. Grow Big® contains earthworm castings, feeding program. Start with Cultivation Nation™ Grow for vegetative
Norwegian kelp and essential micronutrients. Our special brew is growth, then supplement with Cultivation Nation™ Micro and finish
designed to enhance plant size and structure, allowing for more strong with Cultivation Nation™ Bloom.
abundant fruit, flower and bud development.
*01502665* *01503307*
16oz Concentrate UPC 752289793202 1pt UPC 752289260179
FXF793202-887 Retail $13.29 FXF260179-641 Retail $9.59
Min. Buy 12 EA Min. Buy 12 EA
32oz Concentrate UPC 752289790201 1qt UPC 752289260186
FXF790201-1663 Retail $24.79 FXF260186-938 Retail $15.29
Min. Buy 12 EA Min. Buy 12 EA
1gal Concentrate UPC 752289790300 1gal UPC 752289260193
FXF790300-5275 Retail $77.99 FXF260193-2390 Retail $35.69
Min. Buy 4 EA Min. Buy 4 EA
2.5gal Concentrate FoxFarm® Tiger Bloom® Fertilizer 2-8-4
FXF790317-12572 UPC 752289790317
FoxFarm Tiger Bloom® is a phosphorus fertilizer that contains nitrogen
Min. Buy 2 EA Retail $183.99 to support vigorous growth. It is formulated with a low pH to maintain
stability in storage and keep micronutrients available. Tiger Bloom® can be
5gal Concentrate UPC 752289790331 used for both hydroponic and soil applications. Tiger Bloom® is designed
FXF790331-22178 Retail $320.99 to encourage abundant fruit, flower, and multiple bud development. Use
Min. Buy 1 EA Tiger Bloom® at the first signs of flowering through harvest.
FoxFarm® Cultivation Nation™ Bloom 0-5-4 *01502651*
Cultivation Nation™ Bloom Fertilizer is part three in our 3-part liquid 16oz Concentrate UPC 752289793226
feeding program. Begin by introducing Cultivation Nation™ Grow and FXF793226-889 Retail $13.29
Micro into your feeding program, and then transition to Cultivation Min. Buy 12 EA
Nation™ Bloom Fertilizer at the first sign of bud development through
harvest. 32oz Cocentrate UPC 752289790225
FXF790225-1665 Retail $24.79
*01503301* Min. Buy 12 EA
1pt UPC 752289260254 1gal Concentrate UPC 752289790324
FXF260254-641 Retail $9.59 FXF790324-5298 Retail $75.79
Min. Buy 12 EA Min. Buy 4 EA
1qt 2.5gal Concentrate
FXF260261-938 FXF790348-12585 UPC 752289790348
Min. Buy 12 EA UPC 752289260261
Retail $15.29 Min. Buy 2 EA Retail $183.99
1gal UPC 752289260278 5gal Concentrate UPC 752289790355
FXF260278-2390 Retail $35.69 FXF790355-22199 Retail $320.99
Min. Buy 4 EA Min. Buy 1 EA 75
Fertilizers & Nutrients Fertilizer
FoxFarm® Grow Big® Hydroponic Fertilizer 3-2-6 FoxFarm® Happy Frog® All-Purpose Fertilizer 6-4-5
Based on our popular Grow Big® Liquid Plant Food, Grow Big® Happy Frog® All-Purpose is a ready-to-use blend of fertilizers and
Hydroponic Liquid Plant Food is a liquid concentrate fertilizer specifically soil microbes that delivers nutrition where your plants need it most.
designed for hydroponic use. Grow Big® Hydroponic contains Mycorrhizal fungi are included to help increase root efficiency, which
earthworm castings, Norwegian kelp and essential micronutrients to may enhance nutrient uptake and water absorption. Recommended
support vigorous vegetative growth. Our special brew is designed to for vegetable gardens, annual and perennial flower gardens,
enhance plant size and structure, allowing for more abundant fruit, ornamental plantings, and all types of container
flower and bud development. gardening. OMRI Listed® For new plantings, try
our Jump Start formula, and use our Acid Loving
*01502693* Plants blend for rhododendrons, camellias, and
other plants that require a lower pH. Happy Frog®
16oz Concentrate UPC 752289793219 Fertilizers are Crafted For Organic Gardening™
FXF793219-887 Retail $13.29
Min. Buy 12 EA
1gal Concentrate UPC 752289790232
FXF790232-5606 Retail $82.99
Min. Buy 4 EA
2.5 Gallon/Extra Strength Concentrate with
Micronutrients UPC 752289790249 *01503073*
FXF790249-12768 Retail $189.99
Min. Buy 2 EA
32oz Concentrate UPC 752289790218 4lb Bag UPC 752289500541
FXF790218-1746 Retail $25.99 FXF500541-814
Min. Buy 12 EA
UPC 752289790256 Min. Buy 12 EA Retail $11.79
5gal Concentrate Retail $320.99
FXF790256-22178 FoxFarm® Happy Frog® Jump Start Fertilizer 3-4-3
Min. Buy 1 EA
Happy Frog® Jump Start Fertilizer is formulated for use on transplanted
FoxFarm® Marine Cuisine® Time Release Fertilizer seedlings and re-potted container plants. This proprietary mix of
fertilizers supplies phosphorus, a nutrient necessary for the early
10-7-7 stages of plant growth. It also contains calcium, which may help build
stronger cell walls and boost the plant’s ability to
Marine Cuisine® is an all-purpose fertilizer that blends ocean-based resist disease. Mycorrhizal fungi are included to
ingredients like crab meal, shrimp meal, seabird guano, and kelp with help increase root efficiency, which may enhance
mineral plant foods to give your garden a quick boost and provide nutrient uptake and water absorption. OMRI
long-lasting, slow release nutrition. Marine Cuisine® is designed for Listed® Happy Frog® Fertilizers are Crafted For
flowers and vegetable gardens, ornamental trees Organic Gardening™
and shrubs, fruit trees, roses, container plants,
and lawns. Marine Cuisine® is truly Seafood for *01503068*
your Garden!™
4lb Bag UPC 752289500589
*01502657* FXF500589-814 Retail $11.79
Min. Buy 12 EA
4lb Bag UPC 752289790393
FXF790393-1234 Retail $18.39
Min. Buy 8 EA
FoxFarm® Happy Frog® Tomato & Vegetable
FoxFarm® Happy Frog® Fruit & Flower 4-9-3 Fertilizer 5-7-3
Happy Frog® Fruit & Flower Fertilizer is specifically designed to supply Happy Frog® Tomato & Vegetable Fertilizer is specifically formulated for
phosphorus for fruit and flower development. Also contains nitrogen use on all veggies, tomato varieties, soft fruits and berries. The nitrogen,
essential to support growth through the end phosphorus and potassium in this blend supply the nutrition necessary
of the growing season. Mycorrhizal fungi to support the vegetative and flowering stages of plant growth. This
are included to help increase root efficiency, fertilizer also contains calcium which helps prevent blossom end
which may enhance nutrient uptake and water rot and builds stronger cell walls, boosting the
absorption. OMRI Listed® Happy Frog® Fertilizers plants ability to resist disease. Mycorrhizal fungi
are Crafted For Organic Gardening™ are included to help increase root efficiency,
which may enhance nutrient uptake and water
absorption. OMRI Listed® Happy Frog® Fertilizers
are Crafted For Organic Gardening™
*01503077* *01503071*
4lb Bag UPC 752289500527 4lb Bag UPC 752289500503
FXF500527-814 Retail $11.79 FXF500503-814
Min. Buy 12 EA
Min. Buy 12 EA Retail $11.79
76 800-883-0234
Fertilizer Nutrients Fertilizers & Nutrients
FoxFarm® Soluble Fertilizer Trio Pack FoxFarm® Bush Doctor® Manganese Micro-
We designed our soluble fertilizers to work together as part of a Nutrient 1-0-0
sequential feeding schedule for hydroponic and conventional growers.
Using our soluble plant foods on your plants is like putting your plants You probably think you’ve covered all your bases: your NPK is on point,
on an Olympic training diet. Check out your pH is dialed in, and there isn’t a pest in sight. Sounds good, but did
Open Sesame®, Beastie Bloomz® and Cha you know that plants without Manganese can suffer? This important
Ching®, and see the results for yourself! micronutrient plays a valuable role in photosynthesis and helps plants
hold their own against environmental stresses. Prepare Your Plants To
*01502650* Perform.
3pk - 1lb each UPC 752289502002 *01502884*
Min. Buy 6 EA Retail $121.99 FXF520013-1398 UPC 752289520013
Min. Buy 12 EA Retail $19.99
FoxFarm® Liquid Nutrient Trio Soil Formula Fertilizer 32oz UPC 752289520020
FXF520020-2601 Retail $37.29
Put it all together! Our customers asked for a three-pack of their favorite Min. Buy 12 EA
liquid fertilizers, and here it is: Big Bloom®, Grow Big®, and Tiger Bloom®,
together at last. Designed to work together 1gal UPC 752289520037
to support vigorous growth, multiple bud FXF520037-9632 Retail $137.89
development and abundant fruit. Min. Buy 4 EA
3pk - 32oz each UPC 752289791000 FoxFarm® Bush Doctor® Liquid Iron Micro-Nutrient 1-0-0
FXF791000-4568 Retail $67.99
Min. Buy 4 EA Give your plants a shot at greatness with Bush Doctor® Liquid Iron!
Iron is essential to plant growth, playing a vital role in green up, energy
production, and nitrogen fixation. Bush Doctor® Liquid Iron is like a
nutritional supplement for your plants, giving them a source of iron
when they need it most. You wouldn’t train for a marathon without
taking a nutritional supplement, would you? For use on trees, shrubs,
citrus, roses, and lawns.
16oz Concentrate UPC 752289520044
FXF520044-1398 Retail $19.99
Min. Buy 12 EA
32oz UPC 752289520051
Min. Buy 12 EA Retail $37.29
1gal UPC 752289520068
FXF520068-9632 Retail $137.89
Min. Buy 4 EA
FoxFarm® Gringo Rasta® Cal-Mag Macro-Nutrient
FoxFarm® Dirty Dozen® Liquids & Solubles Starter Pack 1-0-0
FoxFarm Dirty Dozen® is a force to be reckoned with! Twelve of our Have you ever met a grower that was super stoked about blossom end
fiercest warriors will put your garden in the spotlight. FoxFarm Dirty rot or tip burn? No way! That’s why FoxFarm brings you Gringo Rasta®
Dozen® Starter Pack contains nine pint liquids: Kangaroots®, Microbe Cal-Mag. Calcium and magnesium help strengthen cell walls and aid
Brew®, Bembé®, SledgeHammer®, Flowers Kiss®, Boomerang®, Big in fruit development, helping you avoid the costly and frustrating
Bloom®, Tiger Bloom® and Grow Big®, & three 6-Ounce solubles: Open deficiencies that cause these problems. Get ahead of the game with
Sesame®, Beastie Bloomz® and Cha Ching®. Gringo Rasta®!
*01502658* 16oz Concentrate UPC 752289250071
FXF250071-764 Retail $10.89
Min. Buy 12 EA
Starter Pack contains 9ea (16oz) liquids: Kangaroots®, Microbe 32oz Concentrate UPC 752289250088
FXF250088-1405 Retail $19.99
Brew®, Bembé®, Sledge Hammer®, Flowers Kiss®, Boomerang®, Big Min. Buy 12 EA
Bloom®, Tiger Bloom®, & Grow Big® and 3ea (6oz) solubles: Open
Sesame®, Beastie Bloomz®, & Cha Ching®. 1gal
FXF301209-9344 FXF250095-5298
UPC 752289301209 Min. Buy 4 EA UPC 752289250095
Retail $75.79
Min. Buy 2 EA Retail $138.99 77
Fertilizers & Nutrients FoxFarm® Gringo Rasta® pH DOWN Liquid
It’s time to get down! Gringo Rasta® pH DOWN utilizes citric acid to
lower the pH of your nutrient solution in both soil and hydroponic
Root Stimulator *01502892*
16oz Concentrate
UPC 752289250040
FoxFarm® Gringo Rasta® Rhize Up® Mycorrhizae Min. Buy 12 EA Retail $9.79
Gringo Rasta® Rhize Up® Mycorrhizae is composed of mycorrhizal 32oz Concentrate UPC 752289250057
fungi specifically chosen for their compatibility with a variety of plants. FXF250057-1286 Retail $18.39
Mycorrhiza is a powerful root enhancer that occurs naturally in forest Min. Buy 12 EA
soils where the humus content is high and the soil is thriving with
microbial life. Once in contact with the plant’s root system, mycorrhizae 1gal UPC 752289250064
colonize directly onto the roots, which can enhance root efficiency. FXF250064-4816 Retail $68.89
This may enable the plant to take up more nutrients and resist stress. Min. Buy 4 EA
4oz UPC 752289240140 FoxFarm® Gringo Rasta® pH UP Liquid
FXF240140-3113 Retail $45.99
Min. Buy 24 EA It’s time to get on UP! Gringo Rasta® pH UP uses
the power of potassium hydroxide to raise the
8oz UPC 752289240157 pH of your nutrient solution in both soil and
FXF240157-5606 Retail $82.99 hydroponic environments.
Min. Buy 12 EA
16oz UPC 752289240164 16oz Concentrate UPC 752289250019
FXF240164-11099 Retail $164.99 FXF250019-684 Retail $9.79
Min. Buy 12 EA Min. Buy 12 EA
32oz Concentrate UPC 752289250026
FXF250026-1286 Retail $18.39
Min. Buy 12 EA
Water Soluble Fertilizer Fertilizer
Grower Select® 17-5-17 Water Soluble Fertilizer SUPERthrive® Vitamin Solution
An economical all-in-one fertilizer featuring high levels of nitrate SUPERthrive is a highly concentrated, non-toxic vitamin solution
and no urea. You’ll get 5 macronutrients in enhanced with kelp that builds vigor of all varieties of greenery for
one bag (N, P, K, Ca, Mg) as well as a complete home gardeners and professionals. It is equally suited for hydro-
micronutrient package with chelated iron. This seeding, hydroponics, and foliar spraying. Use in tandem with your
neutral formulation will have minimal impact on nutrient regimen.
soil & water pH, making it a great option in many
growing situations. *25500026*
*11719000* 4oz UPC 072532000148
PLNTX11719-2788 UPC 049121001701 Min. Buy 12 EA Retail $11.99
Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $0.00 16oz UPC 072532000155
VIT00015-2777 Retail $35.99
Min. Buy 1 EA
Grower Select® Cal-Mag Triple Iron 16-3-16 Water 32oz UPC 072532000162
Soluble Fertilizer
Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $62.99
Similar to 17-5-17 but with lower P to prevent stretching and three
forms of chelated iron to ensure Fe is available 1gal UPC 072532000179
to plants even at a high substrate pH. A versatile VIT00017-13955
utility player with balanced calcium and
magnesium and neutral potential acidity. Great Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $152.19
for irrigation water that does not have high
alkalinity and pH.
PLNTX12238-2552 UPC 049121009851
Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $0.00
78 800-883-0234
Nutrients HDI Ionic® Boost PK Plant Nutrient Supplement 0-5-6 Fertilizers & Nutrients
HDI Ionic® Bloom Single-Part Plant Nutrient 3-2-6 A plant nutrient supplement specifically formulated to be applied
during the final few weeks before harvest of most fruiting and/
Ionic Bloom is enhanced with the crucial elements that support or flowering crops. Provides the extra phosphorus and potassium
increased budding points and large, fragrant flowers. Specifically that can lead to bumper yields. Ionic Boost delivers the key mineral
formulated for the reproductive and flowering stage of growing plants, elements phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) in a pure form that is
Ionic Bloom delivers the essential elements to the roots of a plant in a instantly accessible to the plant. These crucial ingredients are used in
more precise manner than all previous hydroponic formulations. Ionic abundance by plants in their fruiting or flowering cycle and the extra
Bloom is derived from 100% pure elemental mineral salts including levels provided by Ionic Boost can lead to larger flowers and much
calcium nitrate, potassium nitrate, phosphoric acid, nitric acid, heavier crops. It is also designed to replenish the mineral levels that
potassium sulfate, and ammonium nitrate. are usually in short supply in hydroponic reservoirs and also restores
the missing elements that plants use during the fruiting and flowering
*04400022* cycle and restores an ideal balance in the reservoir for optimum plant
performance. It is designed to work with Ionic® Bloom and Ionic®
32oz UPC 659627000056 Bloom Hard water, but is also compatible with
HDIIONBLQT-1212 Retail $19.99 almost all liquid nutrients of the bloom variety.
Min. Buy 12 EA
1gal 32oz
HDIIONBLGAL-2626 UPC 659627000063 HDIIONBOQT-1212 UPC 659627000179
Min. Buy 4 EA Retail $49.99 Min. Buy 12 EA Retail $19.99
2.5gal 1gal
HDIIONBL25GAL-5556 UPC 659627000070
HDIIONBOGAL-2626 UPC 659627000186
Min. Buy 2 EA Retail $99.99
Min. Buy 4 EA Retail $49.99
HDI Ionic® Grow Single-Part Plant Nutrient 3-1-5 HDI Ionic® Bloom for Soil Premium Plant Nutrient 2-2-5
Specifically formulated for the vegetative stage of growing plants, Ionic® Bloom for Soil contains the highest quality minerals and is
Ionic® Grow delivers the essential elements to the roots of a plant in powerfully enriched with naturally occurring plant acids that increase
a more precise manner than all previous hydroponic formulations. It overall nutrient uptake and enhance growth and yields of virtually
is designed to maximize the potential for vigorous vegetative growth every plant. Ionic® Bloom for Soil is ideal for all container grown plants.
in growing plants and during the vegetative cycle of flowering
plants. Ionic® Grow is derived from 100% pure elemental mineral salts *03700038*
including calcium nitrate, potassium nitrate, phosphoric acid, nitric
acid, potassium sulfate, and ammonium nitrate. 32oz
HDIIONSOBLQT-1212 UPC 659627000285
Min. Buy 12 EA Retail $19.99
*06900028* 1gal
HDIIONSOBLGAL-2626 UPC 659627000278
HDIIONGRQT-1212 UPC 659627000018 Min. Buy 4 EA Retail $49.99
Min. Buy 12 EA Retail $19.99
1gal UPC 659627000322
HDIIONGRGAL-2626 UPC 659627000025 Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $179.99
Min. Buy 4 EA Retail $49.99
2.5gal HDI Europonic® Nitrozime® Marine Algae Extract
HDIIONGR25GAL-5556 UPC 659627000032
Contains over 50 naturally occurring trace minerals and macro
Min. Buy 2 EA Retail $99.99 nutrients. Long known to farmers for its rich value, seaweed has been
used for centuries in coastal communities as a natural way to feed
5gal plants. At the root level Nitrozime is a seaweed extract that provides
HDIIONGR5GAL-10101 UPC 659627000049 food for beneficial soil microbe activity while providing important
nutrients to plants. When used as a foliar spray with Europonic Fossil
Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $179.99 Fuel, Nitrozime is quickly absorbed through leafs of plants providing
immediate beneficial results. It is extremely concentrated, eight times
HDI Ionic® Grow for Soil Single-Part Plant Nutrient more so than common seaweed fertilizer, and contains many of the
naturally produced nutrients that all plants
3-1-5 require for vigorous growth.
Ionic Grow for Soil contains the highest quality minerals and is *11110007*
powerfully enriched with naturally occurring plant
acids that increase overall nutrient uptake and 20ml UPC 659627000902
enhance growth and yields of virtually every plant. HDINITPACKET-126 Retail $2.49
Min. Buy 108 EA
1gal 100ml
HDIIONSOGRGAL-2626 UPC 659627000247 HDINIT100ML-556 UPC 659627003101
Min. Buy 12 EA Retail $9.99
Min. Buy 4 EA Retail $49.99
5gal UPC 659627000346 32oz UPC 659627003026
HDIIONSOGR5GAL-10101 HDINITQT-3283 Retail $64.99
Min. Buy 12 EA
Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $179.99 79
Fertilizers & Nutrients Nutrients HDI MotherPlant® Nutrients Part B
Other Plant Nutrients are specifically formulated for the nutritional
requirements of mother plants using only the highest quality lab
grade minerals with added bio-organics to strengthen the plants
natural immunity to environmental stress, in turn producing the
most vigorous clones possible. In short, whether you are a backyard
greenhouse hobbyist or a professional commercial plant grower,
MotherPlant Nutrients will help your mother plant, or stock plant,
produce the most vigorous plant clones possible!
HDIMOTHERBQT-1010 UPC 659627014053
Min. Buy 12 EA Retail $17.99
1gal UPC 659627014152
HDIMOTHERBGAL-2788 Retail $44.99
Min. Buy 4 EA
2.5gal UPC 659627014251
HDIMOTHERB25GAL-5303 Retail $104.99
Min. Buy 2 EA
5gal UPC 659627000889
HDIMOTHERB5GAL-10101 Retail $199.99
Min. Buy 1 EA
HDI Ionic® Grow, Bloom & Boost Tote Box HDI MotherPlant® Nutrients Part A
Tote Box that contains three amazing nutrients: Contains BLOOM - Exacting N-P-K ratios are calibrated to meet the nutritional requirements
specifically formulated for the reproductive and flowering stage of of the mother plant, without excess nitrates. Rich bio-organics are
growing plants, it delivers the essential elements to the roots of a plant added to improve the uptake of nutrients and strengthen the plant’s
in a more precise manner than all previous hydroponic formulations. natural immunity to environmental stress resulting in strong, vibrant
Contains BOOST - A plant nutrient supplement specifically formulated clones. In short, whether you are a backyard greenhouse hobbyist or a
to be applied during the final few weeks before harvest of most professional commercial plant grower, MotherPlant Nutrients will help
fruiting and/or flowering crops. Provides the extra phosphorus and your mother plant, or stock plant, produce the most vigorous plant
potassium that can lead to bumper yields. Contains GROW - Specifically clones possible!
formulated for the vegetative stage of growing plants, designed to
maximize the potential for vigorous vegetative growth in growing *36900011*
plants and during the vegetative cycle of flowering plants.
HDIMOTHERAQT-1010 UPC 659627014046
Min. Buy 12 EA Retail $17.99
1gal UPC 659627014145
HDIMOTHERAGAL-2788 Retail $44.99
Min. Buy 4 EA
*11200032* 2.5gal UPC 659627014244
HDIMOTHERA25GAL-5303 Retail $104.99
The Ionic Tote Starter Kit contains 32oz bottles of the Ionic ® single- Min. Buy 2 EA
UPC 659627000872
part plant nutrient line including Grow, Bloom, & PK Boost. Also 5gal Retail $199.99
included is a feed schedule with usage instructions and product Min. Buy 1 EA
HDIIONICTOTE-2727 UPC 659627000407
Min. Buy 4 EA Retail $49.99 HDI Europonic® FossilFuel® Liquid Humic Acids
Europonic FossilFuel is created from the highest quality humic acids,
which provide complex interactions with soils, potting mixes, and
organic hydroponic media to promote healthy soils and growing
media which in turn helps to produce lush plant growth and expansive
root systems.
HDI Europonic® Silicate *31300069*
Serious growers know that silica is important to overall plant health. 20ml
The benefits of using a silica plant nutrient supplement can be HDIFOSPACKET-101 UPC 659627000896
experienced by plants in any stage of the life cycle, including the clone
or seedling stage. Europonic Silicate has 11% Min. Buy 108 EA Retail $1.99
Silicon Dioxide, making it one of the strongest
potassium silicate products on the market. 32oz UPC 659627008007
HDIFOSQT-1237 Retail $19.99
*02680064* Min. Buy 12 EA
1qt UPC 659627015005 1gal UPC 659627008014
HDISILQT-848 Retail $16.99 HDIFOSGAL-2677 Retail $49.99
Min. Buy 12 EA Min. Buy 4 EA
1gal 2.5gal
HDISILGAL-2172 HDIFOS25GAL-6364 UPC 659627008021
Min. Buy 4 EA UPC 659627015012
Retail $42.99 Min. Buy 2 EA Retail $114.99
HDIFOS5GAL-10101 UPC 659627008038
Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $179.99
80 800-883-0234
Root Stimulators HDI Clonex® Mist Root Promoter Fertilizers & Nutrients
A ready-to-use foliar spray for mother plants (shortly before taking
cuttings) and clones to stimulate root development. Formulated
to help enhance the health and vigor of tender young plants while
promoting robust root development and elongation of root hairs.
Studies show that using Clonex Mist, along with Clonex Rooting Gel,
on Ficus and Dianthus cuttings, generated roots up to 10 days earlier,
with the roots being 30% longer and 156% more numerous compared
to using water alone to mist plant cuttings.
HDI Clonex® Rooting Gel *11200062*
Provides explosive root development! Clonex Rooting Gel is a high 100ml
performance, water-based, rooting gel. It is a tenacious gel which HDICLOMIST100-657 UPC 502564491389
will remain in contact around the stem, actually sealing the cut
tissue and then supplying the hormones needed to promote root Min. Buy 20 EA Retail $10.99
cell development. It is manufactured under strict pharmaceutical
laboratory conditions and is, consequently, years ahead of old 300ml
fashioned hormones and powders. HDICLOMIST300-1515 UPC 502564491465
Min. Buy 6 EA Retail $25.99
*11110010* 750ml
HDICLOMIST750-2323 UPC 811915020010
15ml - Single Use Packets
HDICLOGELPK-384 UPC 659627002043 Min. Buy 6 EA Retail $45.99
Min. Buy 18 EA Retail $6.99 1qt - Concentrate UPC 811915020119
100ml - Wide Mouth Bottle
HDICLOGEL100ML-1414 Min. Buy 6 EA Retail $89.99
UPC 659627002029
1gal - Concentrate
Min. Buy 12 EA Retail $23.99 HDICLOMISTCONGAL-12727 UPC 659627000940
250ml - Wide Mouth Bottle UPC 659627002036 Min. Buy 4 EA Retail $252.99
Min. Buy 12 EA Retail $49.99
HDICLOGELQT-9091 UPC 659627002050
Min. Buy 4 EA Retail $169.99 HDI Clonex® Clone Solution
1gal A plant nutrient specifically formulated for rooted clones and seedlings.
HDICLOGELGAL-29333 UPC 811915020164 It contains a special blend of the highest quality minerals including
Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium, and Calcium plus other essential
Min. Buy 2 EA Retail $599.99 elements that all plants require for vigorous growth. It also contains
Vitamin B1 which reduces the risk of transplant shock.
HDI Clonex® Root Maximizer
Root Maximizer puts life into your soil by adding bountiful amounts of
mycorrhizae fungi, beneficial bacteria and Trichoderma that combine 20ml
to improve the health and vitality of plants. Mycorrhizae extends the HDICCSPACKET-101 UPC 659627000513
plant’s reach, allowing it to get to more of what it needs to survive. The
fungus is actually a network of filaments that grow in and around the Min. Buy 18 EA Retail $2.99
plant root cells, as a result they form a mass that extends considerably
beyond the plant’s root system. This makes the plant stronger and 32oz UPC 659627009004
more resistant to stress. In addition, mycorrhizae even protect their HDICCSQT-1515 Retail $25.99
host plant against unwanted pathogens. Min. Buy 12 EA
*69700026* 1gal UPC 659627009011
HDICCSGAL-4040 Retail $69.99
4oz - Soluble UPC 659627000568 Min. Buy 4 EA
Min. Buy 12 EA Retail $29.99 HDICCS25GAL-9091 UPC 659627009028
Min. Buy 2 EA Retail $159.99
4oz - Granular
HDICLOMYCO4OZGRAN-1515 UPC 659627000520 5gal UPC 659627009035
HDICCS5GAL-17273 Retail $299.99
Min. Buy 12 EA Retail $29.99 Min. Buy 1 EA
8oz - Soluble
HDICLOMYCO8OZSOL-2525 UPC 659627000575
Min. Buy 12 EA Retail $49.99
8oz - Granular
HDICLOMYCO8OZGRAN-2525 UPC 659627000537
Min. Buy 12 EA Retail $49.99 HDI Europonic® Rockwool Conditioning Solution™
1lb - Soluble A premium blend of pH controls and pure mineral salts, ideal for pre-
HDICLOMYCO1LBSOL-4545 UPC 659627000582 conditioning rockwool cubes and stonewool growing media products
before starting seeds, clones and transplants. Most rockwool is
Min. Buy 8 EA Retail $89.99 naturally alkaline, and manufacturers recommend
preconditioning in a mild acid solution prior
1lb - Granular to use for proper pH levels at the root zone.
HDICLOMYCO1LBGRAN-4545 UPC 659627000544 Europonic Rockwool Conditioning Solution has
been formulated specifically for this purpose.
Min. Buy 8 EA Retail $89.99
5lb - Soluble
HDICLOMYCO5LBSOL-20202 UPC 659627000599
Min. Buy 4 EA Retail $399.99
5lb - Granular 32oz
HDICLOMYCO5LBGRAN-20202 UPC 659627000551 HDIROCQT-1010 UPC 659627006003
Min. Buy 12 EA Retail $17.99
Min. Buy 4 EA Retail $399.99 81
Fertilizers & Nutrients Water Soluble Fertilizer
ICL Specialty Fertilizers (ICL-SF) Peters® Excel 15-5- ICL Specialty Fertilizers (ICL-SF) Peters® Professional
15-0-15 Peat-Lite® Dark Weather Fertilizer
15 Cal-Mag Special Fertilizer
Classic high-nitrate formula for bulbs or any crop
Water soluble fertilizer with an excellent all- that needs extra calcium and magnesium, lower
purpose formulation that combines high phosphate and slightly higher growing media
nitrate and low phosphate with extra calcium pH. Ideal for Water Types 1 and 2. Provides a full
and magnesium. This all-purpose formulation range of micronutrients.
provides constant, balanced nutrition. Contains a
complete range of essential micronutrients. *16700025*
*16700026* 25lb UPC 032247911900
EVR99140-4481 UPC 032247919401 Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $0.00
Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $0.00
ICL Specialty Fertilizers (ICL-SF) Peters® Excel 21-5- ICL Specialty Fertilizers (ICL-SF) Peters® Professional
5-11-26 Hydroponic Special Fertilizer
20 Multi-Purpose Fertilizer
Designed exclusively for hydroponic culture, this
A moderately acidic formulation that serves as an classic formula is ideal for most hydroponic crops,
excellent all-purpose fertilizer for Types 2, 3 and especially tomatoes, cucumbers and lettuce.
4 irrigation water. Contains a complete range of Effective for all Water Types. Buffered to help
essential micronutrients. maintain acceptable working solution pH.
*16700103* *16700037*
25lb UPC 032247991506 25lb UPC 0
EVR99150-4389 Retail $0.00 EVR99310-4815
Min. Buy 1 EA
Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $0.00
Jack’s Classic® All Purpose 20-20-20
Balanced nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium with minor nutrients
for all indoor and outdoor plants. Feeds both the roots and the leaves.
Comes in a plastic tub with water resistant label.
4lb UPC 671341520641
JRP52064-1538 Retail $22.99
Min. Buy 6 EA
Fertilizer 1.5lb UPC 671341520245
JRP52024-766 Retail $11.99
Min. Buy 12 EA
Jack’s Classic® Blossom Booster 10-30-20 10lb UPC 671341520108
JRP52010-2809 Retail $43.99
Professional formula for more flowers and brighter colors on all Min. Buy 1 EA
outdoor and indoor plants. Includes minor nutrients, too. Comes in a
plastic tub with water resistant label.
8oz UPC 671341510086 Jack’s Classic® ClassiCote™ with CrystalGreen®
JRP51008-471 Retail $6.99
Min. Buy 12 EA 15-8-23 Time-Release Fertilizer
1.5lb UPC 671341510246 Releases nutrients gradually for up to 4 months of vigorous growth.
JRP51024-766 Retail $11.99 Blended with an enhanced micronutrient
Min. Buy 12 EA package which provides optimal nutrition for
strong roots and green foliage. Features the
4lb UPC 671341510642 highest safety factor to prevent burning when
JRP51064-1538 Retail $22.99 applied as directed. Free measuring spoon
Min. Buy 6 EA enclosed for easy and precise application.
10lb UPC 671341510109 *01503087*
JRP51010-2809 Retail $43.99
Min. Buy 1 EA 2lb Shaker Jar UPC 671341540328
JRP54032-1024 Retail $14.99
Min. Buy 12 EA
82 800-883-0234
Nutrients Fertilizers & Nutrients
Jack’s® Nutrients FeEd 10-30-20 Bloom Fertilizer Jack’s® Nutrients FeEd 15-6-17 Clone Starter
Promotes root growth plus flower and fruit development. This 1:3:2
major nutrient ratio combination promotes blooming resulting in Promotes fast root development and extensive root system growth.
enhanced flower buds and fruit sets. Proven and Best used for fertilizing young seedlings,
trusted by professional growers for over 70 years. transplants, clones and newly set root cuttings.
*01503033* *01503042*
1Kg (2.2lb) UPC 0 1Kg (2.2lb) UPC 0
JRP79061-1942 Retail $0.00 JRP79071-1866 Retail $0.00
Min. Buy 1 EA Min. Buy 1 EA
25lb UPC 0 25lb UPC 0
JRP79060-6792 Retail $0.00 JRP79070-6038 Retail $0.00
Min. Buy 1 EA Min. Buy 1 EA
Jack’s® Nutrients FeEd 12-4-16 RO Pure Water Jack’s® Nutrients FeEd 5-12-26 Part A Fertilizer
Promotes the growth of leaves and strong roots. Blended with purely
Nutrient uptake in pure and reverse osmosis waters. Designed to soluble and available nutrients to allow the grower maximum flexibility.
provide a highly soluble NPK plus an enhanced micronutrient package Specific mixtures of macro, secondary and micronutrients deliver an
along with 7% Calcium and 2% soluble magnesium to help replace the efficient combination of nutrients suitable for
nutrients that are missing from pure water and many different growing environments and crop
RO filter water types. types.
1Kg (2.2lb) UPC 0 *01503040*
JRP79041-1866 Retail $0.00
Min. Buy 1 EA 1Kg (2.2lb) UPC 0
JRP79040-6038 UPC 0 Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $0.00
Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $0.00
25lb UPC 671341790303
Jack’s® Nutrients FeEd 15-0-0 Calcium Nitrate Part JRP79030-5519 Retail $0.00
Min. Buy 1 EA
B Fertilizer Jack’s® Nutrients FeEd 5-50-18 UltraViolet Fertilizer
Promotes Calcium uptake and strong leaf growth. BOOST 15-0-0 is a Promotes Bud Set & Enhanced Flower Production. Get ready for a serious
pure combination of a calcium and nitrate nitrogen allowing growers boost of available phosphorus. The primary goal
flexibility to boost their levels according to different crops or stages of of this formula is to assist in shutting down the
growth. Used in combination with Jack’s Part A strong vegetative growth stage of the plant and
FeED, these two products combined to make a promote the switch to reproductive or flowering
totally available nutrient solution. phase of plant and flower development.
1Kg (2.2lb) UPC 0 *01503043*
Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $0.00 1Kg (2.2lb)
25lb UPC 0 UPC 0
Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $0.00
Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $0.00
Jack’s® Nutrients FeEd 15-5-20 Tap Water Fertilizer Jack’s® Nutrients FeEd 7-15-30 Finish Fertilizer
Promotes growth of leaves and strong roots. Allow your plants to drink Promotes strong finished plants. You have always been told to finish
this formula designed to provide all the macro, secondary and micro strong. This formula is ideally formulated for this purpose to provide
nutrients on a one-part system. Specifically formulated for alkaline tap, your plants with low N, high P and high K content to keep the whole
city or well water types. This potentially acidic formula will lower pH plant happy to the end of its crop cycle.
over time without forgetting the extra soluble Ca,
Mg and the right amount of micronutrients.
*01503039* *01503037*
1Kg (2.2lb) UPC 0 1Kg (2.2lb) UPC 0
JRP79051-1866 Retail $0.00 JRP79021-1866 Retail $0.00
Min. Buy 1 EA Min. Buy 1 EA
25lb UPC 0 25lb UPC 0
JRP79050-6038 Retail $0.00 JRP79020-6038 Retail $0.00
Min. Buy 1 EA Min. Buy 1 EA 83
Water Soluble Fertilizer
Fertilizers & Nutrients JR Peters® Jacks Professional® 10-
Water Soluble Fertilizer 30-20 Blossom Booster Fertilizer
High phosphorus formula used during periods
of bud set to increase the number and size of
blossoms. Great for vegetable production.
JR Peters® Jacks Professional® 20-10-20 General *16700069*
Purpose Fertilizer
25lb UPC 671341771609
A water-soluble fertilizer designed to be mixed with water for the JRP77160-5157 Retail $0.00
most accurate and effective nutrient delivery to the plant. It contains Min. Buy 1 EA
the traditional micronutrient levels needed for
general production including propagation and JR Peters® Jacks Professional® 15-5-15 +CaMg LX
all types of bedding plants. High nitrate nitrogen
levels (60% of the total) provides for green foliage Fertilizer
and more compact growth.
A truly comprehensive formulation containing all
*16700042* of the macro and micro nutrients. Contains 4%
calcium and 2% magnesium, which makes it an
25lb UPC 671341778400 ideal choice for use with water that is low in those
JRP77840-4306 Retail $0.00 nutrients. Formulated with 80% nitrate nitrogen
Min. Buy 1 EA and contains a Peat-Lite level of micronutrients.
JR Peters® Jacks Professional® 20-20-20 General 25lb UPC 671341779407
JRP77940-4194 Retail $0.00
Purpose Fertilizer Min. Buy 1 EA
Great for maintaining plants in garden center Hydroponic Fertilizer
and growing facilities. It provides fast green-
up and great foliar expansion due to the high JR Peters® Jacks Professional® 16-4-17 Oasis®
percentage of ammonium and urea nitrogen
plus balanced phosphorus and potassium for
excellent root and shoot growth.
*16700102* Hydroponic Fertilizer
25lb UPC 671341770107 Provides all the macro, secondary and micronutrients in a one-part
JRP77010-4389 system. Designed specially for hydroponically grown herbs (basil,
cilantro, chives, parsley etc.), as well as, lettuce
Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $0.00 and most vegetables. Includes a blend of iron
chelates that keeps iron available even as the
JR Peters® Jacks Professional® 20-3-19 Petunia pH varies up to a high of 8.0. Also contains
FeED a significant level of soluble calcium and
magnesium, for an all-around plant nutrition.
A proprietary blend of iron chelates are used to increase the availability
of iron over a broad range of pH. Contains double the iron found in *01502274*
typical peat-lite formulations. Contains additional
magnesium for optimum crop performance, low 25lb UPC 045744516417
phosphorus level that help prevent excessive JRP71750-5306 Retail $0.00
elongation, high nitrate nitrogen, moderately Min. Buy 1 EA
high potential acidity and no urea.
25lb UPC 671341777700
Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $0.00
JR Peters® Jack’s Professional® 21-
5-20 All Purpose LX Fertilizer
A water-soluble fertilizer Ideal for moderate to
high alkalinity waters. It is formulated with over
60% nitrate nitrogen and a peat-lite level of
micronutrients. (SHIPS HAZ)
25lb UPC 671341779902
JRP77990-4444 Retail $0.00
Min. Buy 1 EA
84 800-883-0234
Lotus Nutrients Grow Pro Series Nutrients Fertilizers & Nutrients
Lotus Pro Series Grow is specially formulated to give your plants exactly
what they need to produce lush, rapid vegetative growth. Lotus Pro
Series Grow will aid in producing thick stems, tight inter-nodal spacing,
dense canopy development and massive root systems, all of which are
the building blocks for successful harvests.
Nutrients 16oz UPC 858188007157
KINLG16-1698 Retail $33.95
Lotus Nutrients Bloom Pro Series Nutrients Min. Buy 12 EA
Lotus Pro Series Bloom is specifically designed to trigger the rapid 32oz UPC 858188007164
onset of flowering, by providing your plants with all the necessary KINLG32-3248 Retail $64.95
components needed for strong development, producing dense, Min. Buy 12 EA
massive yields spanning all flowering sites.
*36950006* Lotus Nutrients Carboflush Pro Series Nutrients
16oz UPC 858188007201 Lotus Pro Series Carboflush is designed to remove excess nutrient
KINLB16-1698 Retail $33.95 buildup stored within plants and medium, and acts as a catalyst for
Min. Buy 12 EA flushing your plants in their final stage of growth, while still providing
the necessary components for microbial activity. Essential in producing
32oz UPC 858188007232 the purest and healthiest harvests imaginable.
Min. Buy 12 EA Retail $64.95 *03460013*
Lotus Nutrients Boost Pro Series Nutrients 9oz UPC 858188007317
KINLCF9-1148 Retail $22.95
Lotus Pro Series Boost is the turbo-charged secret weapon that leads Min. Buy 12 EA
to an unsurpassed size and density of flowers, while maximizing oil UPC 858188007324
production for increased potency and taste. 18oz Retail $43.95
Min. Buy 12 EA
18oz UPC 858188007263 Lotus Nutrients Starter Kit
KINLBT18-1798 Retail $35.95
Min. Buy 12 EA The Lotus Nutrients Starter Kit will simplify your growing experience.
This Kit contains our Pro Series Grow, Boost, and Bloom Nutrients
36oz UPC 858188007270 and is everything you need to get growing successfully. STARTER KIT
KINLBT36-3448 Retail $68.95 INCLUDES: (1) Lotus Pro Series Grow 16oz - Specially formulated to give
Min. Buy 12 EA your plants exactly what they need to produce lush, rapid vegetative
growth. Lotus Pro Series Grow will aid in producing thick stems, tight
Lotus Nutrients Cal/Mag Pro Series Nutrients inter-nodal spacing, dense canopy development and massive root
systems, all of which are the building blocks for successful harvests. (2)
Lotus Pro Series Cal/Mag is a premium source of the two most readily Lotus Pro Series Boost 18oz - The turbo-charged secret weapon that
absorbed secondary nutrients, integral for leads to an unsurpassed size and density of flowers, while maximizing
balanced and healthy growth, essential for coco oil production for increased potency and taste. (3) Lotus Pro Series
based grows. Bloom 16oz - Specifically designed
to trigger the rapid onset of
*36950002* flowering, by providing your plants
with all the necessary components
15oz UPC 858188007362 needed for strong development,
KINLCM15-1714 Retail $23.95 producing dense, massive yields
Min. Buy 12 EA spanning all flowering sites.
30oz 3pc Kit - 16oz Grow, 18oz Boost & 16oz Bloom
KINLCM30-3286 KINLOTUS1-4998 UPC 636823175399
Min. Buy 12 EA UPC 858188007379
Retail $45.95 Min. Buy 4 EA Retail $99.95 85
Fertilizers & Nutrients Fertilizer Malibu Compost Biodynamic® Bu’s Best™
Malibu Compost Biodynamic® Bu’s Brew™ Compost Tomato Tea for all Fruits & Vegetables
Compost Tea for Plants, Trees & Shrubs Bu’s Best Compost Tomato Tea helps your fruits and vegetables thrive
during their growing season! The compost tea supports the microbes
Bu’s Brew Compost Tea helps your plants, tree and shrubs thrive in your soil by giving them the microbial food they need to do their job
throughout the growing season! The compost tea supports the to“mineralize”the nutrients that are locked in the organic matter of your
microbes in your soil by giving them the microbial food they need to soil for uptake into your lawn that is always hungry for nutrients. This
do their job to “mineralize” the nutrients that are locked in the organic process known as mineralization is what creates and grows abundance
matter of your soil for uptake into your lawn that is always hungry for and vitality in your garden. Compost Teas are simple and easy to use
nutrients. This process known as mineralization and are one hundred precent organic. It doesn’t have any chemicals
is what creates and grows abundance and in it and doesn’t smell at all. It is tested for GMOs and best of all, it’s
vitality in your garden. Compost Teas are simple made from our Bu’s Blend Biodynamic Compost
and easy to use and are one hundred precent which comes from our beautiful organic farms.
organic. It doesn’t have any chemicals in it and It has an organic source of kelp and castings,
doesn’t smell at all. plus additional biodynamic preparations, which
enhance and strengthen your soil and plants.
*07300144* *07300145*
4pk / 4 Single-Use Teabags; Each Teabag 4pk / 4 Single-Use Teabags; Each Teabag
Makes Up to 5 Gallons of Tea (20 Gallons per Makes Up to 5 Gallons of Tea (20 Gallons per
Package) UPC 705105902777 Package) UPC 696859122354
MAL2001-844 Retail $14.99 MAL2100-844
Min. Buy 12 EA
Min. Buy 12 EA Retail $14.99
Planet Earth™ Compost
Tea Blend Natural Organic Based
1qt UPC 724696962038
Min. Buy 12 EA Retail $12.99
1gal UPC 724696962045
PECPEGAL-1821 Retail $29.99
Min. Buy 4 EA
2.5gal UPC 724696962052
PECPE25GAL-4286 Retail $69.99
Min. Buy 2 EA
5gal UPC 724696962069
PECPE5GAL-8571 Retail $139.99
Min. Buy 1 EA
5lb - Dry Fertilizer UPC 724696962014
PECPEDRY5-1179 Retail $19.99
Min. Buy 5 EA
25lb - Dry Fertilizer UPC 724696962021
PECPEDRY25-4126 Retail $69.99
Min. Buy 1 EA
Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $0.00
86 800-883-0234
Mono-Potassium Phosphate
Often used as a nutrient source in greenhouses
while minimizing the escape of ammonia by
keeping the pH at a relatively low level.
*16600126* Fertilizers & Nutrients
Components 55lb UPC 0
PLNTX10279-10122 Retail $0.00
Min. Buy 1 EA
Plantex® Sodium Molybdate Plantex® Epsom Salts: Magnesium Sulfate
Anhydrous 46% Epsom salt is a source of magnesium for plant
nutrition. May be added to soil mixes or nutrient
Used as a source of molybdenum for nutrient solutions.
solutions. Used on poinsettias to discourage
yellowing of young mature leaves. Conduct a *16600278*
plant tissue analysis before applying.
50lb UPC 0
*16600114* PLNTX11029-3762 Retail $0.00
Min. Buy 1 EA
1kg / 2.2lb Plantex® Potassium Bicarbonate 0-0-46
PLNTX10615-12519 UPC 0
For use in raising or stabilizing the pH of hydroponic solutions. Rate:
Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $0.00 100 g Potassium bicarbonate per 1000 L of water
will provide 60 ppm bicarbonate.
Plantex® 10-52-10 High Phosphate Fertilizer *16600088*
A fully soluble starter formulation that supplies the necessary high 55lb
phosphorus levels for young plants to initiate PLNTX10404-13952 UPC 0
rapid root development. A very safe fertilizer with
a low salt index, contains no sulfates or harmful Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $0.00
chlorides. Use when transplanting seedlings or
bedding plants or whenever a high phosphorus Plantex® Potassium Sulphate 0-0-52
fertilizer is required.
A soluble fertilizer providing sulfur and potassium.
*16700080* *16600102*
25lb UPC 0 55lb UPC 0
PLNTX10368-6430 Retail $0.00 PLNTX10410-5184 Retail $0.00
Min. Buy 1 EA Min. Buy 1 EA
Fertilizer Composting Equipment & Supplies
13Essentials Foliar Fertilizer Xtreme Gardening Xtreme Tea Brew
13Essentials is a balanced, nanoscale foliar fertilizer specially designed Xtreme Tea Brews is the most user-friendly compost tea brew on the
to increase the overall growth and health of your indoor plants. The market today. Not only are they easy to use, they are the most cost-
unique formula contains Silica as well as 12 other nutrients to maximize effective method of brewing high-quality compost tea. Xtreme Tea
results yielded by indoor plants grown in soil, hydroponically or in an has a unique, two-part system that keeps the product stable until the
alternate media such as coco. time of use. The Tea Brew pouch contains the compost material and
the microbe food pack provides a food source designed to multiply
*13000101* microbes during the brewing process. Our special blend of organic
matter has been shown to break down nutrients
1oz UPC 860028000273 and make them available to your plants as well as
ESS13E01OZ-750 Retail $14.99 increase microbial population in the rhizosphere.
Min. Buy 12 EA
2oz UPC 860028000280 *07300166*
ESS13E02OZ-1250 Retail $24.99
Min. Buy 12 EA 10ct UPC 736211919458
RTI8100-3494 Retail $55.00
4oz UPC 862168000328 Min. Buy 6 EA
ESS13E04OZ-2000 Retail $39.99
Min. Buy 12 EA 20ct UPC 794504462104
RTI8110-15498 Retail $244.00
8oz UPC 862168000311 Min. Buy 20 EA
ESS13E08OZ-3500 Retail $69.99
Min. Buy 2 EA 87
Fertilizers & Nutrients Fertilizer Neptune Harvest® Crab & Lobster Shell Organic
Plant Food Multi-Purpose 5-3-0
A natural source of nitrogen, phosphorus, calcium and magnesium.
When integrated in your soil it encourages growth of chitin-eating
bacteria, which helps to control ants, grubs,
fungus and root nematodes. Keeps slugs and
snails off when placed around plants. Also helps
choke out weeds and even keeps moles, mice,
etc. from digging up bulbs and root vegetables.
Neptune’s Harvest® Fish & Seaweed Fertilizer 2-3-1 *11400003*
A perfect blend of fish hydrolysate and seaweed, ensuring a complete 4lb Bag UPC 081435506046
fertilization program. Flowers and foliage will be stronger and more NEPCS604-801 Retail $12.59
colorful. Blooms will be more plentiful, fragrant and longer lasting. Min. Buy 6 EA
Recommended for vegetables, berries and fruit trees to build the
natural sugars for better tasting crops from your garden. OMRI® listed. 12lb Pail
*11400008* Min. Buy 4 EA UPC 081435504103
Retail $39.79
18oz Concentrate
NEPFS118-815 UPC 081435218123 44lb Bag UPC 081435501508
Min. Buy 12 EA Retail $12.99 NEPCS650-4821 Retail $73.99
Min. Buy 1 EA
36oz Concentrate
NEPFS136-1163 UPC 081435236127
Min. Buy 12 EA Retail $18.99
142oz Concentrate
UPC 081435240094 Neptune’s Harvest® Seaweed Plant Food 0-0-1
Min. Buy 4 EA Retail $45.99 Neptune’s Harvest Seaweed Plant Food is made from Ascophyllum
Nodosum that grows along the cold North Atlantic ocean floor.
5gal UPC 081435250451 Recommended for use as an addition to a regular program of
NEPFS150-11964 Retail $183.49 Neptune’s Harvest Fish Fertilizer. Use this plant fo on all your plants in
Min. Buy 1 EA alternate feedings. 1oz makes 1gal of solution. OMRI® listed.
Neptune’s Harvest® Fish Fertilizer 2-4-1 16oz Concentrate UPC 081435118126
NEPSW118-758 Retail $11.99
An organic fertilizer made from fresh North Atlantic fish. Contains all Min. Buy 12 EA
the micro and macro nutrients naturally found in fish. The nitrogen
and other nutrients are chelated, so they are readily available for plant 32oz Concentrate UPC 081435136120
consumption. Retains the fish proteins and oils and has no unpleasant NEPSW136-1070 Retail $16.99
odor. OMRI® listed. Min. Buy 12 EA
UPC 081435140097
*11400013* 1gal Concentrate Retail $36.39
18oz Concentrate Min. Buy 4 EA
Min. Buy 12 EA UPC 081435018129
Retail $11.99
36oz Concentrate
UPC 081435036123 Neptune’s Harvest® Kelp Meal
Min. Buy 12 EA Retail $16.49 Adds organic matter to your soil and helps it
retain moisture. Enhances healthy root growth.
142oz Concentrate Can be incorporated into potting soils, seed and
NEPHF191-2529 transplant beds, as well as composting material.
UPC 081435040090 Kelp Meal contains minerals, carbohydrates and
amino acids. OMRI® listed.
Min. Buy 4 EA Retail $37.99
5gal UPC 081435050457 *11400009*
NEPHF150-11082 Retail $162.49
Min. Buy 1 EA
4lb Bag UPC 081435406049
NEPKM604-1190 Retail $17.79
Min. Buy 6 EA
Neptune’s Harvest® Tomato & Veg 2-4-2 Neptune’s Harvest® Kelp Meal
This is a perfect complete fertilizer for your tomatoes, vegetables Adds organic matter to your soil and helps it
and more. Made from fresh fish, seaweed, molasses, yucca extract retain moisture. Enhances healthy root growth.
and humic acids, this formula was uniquely designed for plants with Can be incorporated into potting soils, seed and
intense growth or “vegging” stages. Growers using “Tomato & Veg” transplant beds, as well as composting material.
have seen increased stalk/stem mass resulting Kelp Meal contains minerals, carbohydrates and
in higher yields. In addition, Tomato & Veg amino acids. OMRI® listed.
provides necessary nutrients to keep your plants
vigorous with strong root zones and lush foliage,
increasing its tolerance to various diseases,
temperature and drought.
*11400177* *11400006*
32fl oz Concentrate 50lb Bag
NEPTV136-1464 NEPKM650-6831 UPC 081435401501
UPC 081435736122
Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $108.79
Min. Buy 12 EA Retail $24.39
88 800-883-0234
Nectar For The Gods Gaia Mania
Stand alone nutrient. Ability to feed plants immediately. All the nitrogen
in this product is protein based. Healthiest form
of nitrogen for plants.
*01503629* Fertilizers & Nutrients
Nutrients 32oz UPC 812863010092
NFGGMQ-1073 Retail $17.00
Min. Buy 12 EA
Nectar For The Gods Aphrodites Extraction 1gal UPC 812863010085
NFGGMG-3157 Retail $50.00
Provides rich blend of sucrose, fructose & phosphate. Min. Buy 4 EA
32oz UPC 812863010382 Nectar For The Gods Hades Down
NFGAEQ-1389 Retail $22.00
Min. Buy 12 EA pH adjusting liquid. Chelates elements in the nutrient solution.
Stimulates microorganisms and plant growth.
1gal UPC 812863010399 Increases CO2 production, photosynthesis,
NFGAEG-3788 Retail $60.00 beneficial microbes and plant vigor and health.
Min. Buy 4 EA
2.5gal UPC 812863010405 *01503658*
NFGAE2-7576 Retail $120.00
Min. Buy 2 EA 32oz
UPC 812863010689
Nectar For The Gods Athenas Aminas Min. Buy 12 EA Retail $20.00
Provides a readily available amino acid source. Enables plants to build 1gal UPC 812863010696
proteins as quickly as they are able. Faster, healthier growth, resulting NFGHDG-4104 Retail $65.00
in bigger, more vigorous plants. Min. Buy 4 EA
32oz UPC 812863010139 Nectar For The Gods Herculean Harvest
NFGAAQ-947 Retail $15.00
Min. Buy 12 EA Bone meal, calcium phosphate. Helps carry all nutrients to the plant,
except for nitrogen & potassium. Increase size, aroma, and flavor of
1gal UPC 812863010146 the plants’ fruit. Also aids in washing salt from a potting soil or soilless
NFGAAG-2841 Retail $45.00 medium and can be used as part of a soil flush solution.
Min. Buy 4 EA
UPC 812863010153 *01503595*
2.5gal Retail $90.00
NFGAA2-5682 32oz
Min. Buy 2 EA NFGHHARQ-758
Min. Buy 12 EA
Nectar For The Gods Bloom Khaos UPC 812863010283
Retail $12.00
Foliar feed, will notice more flower sites, larger, denser flowers &
superior color, flavor & aroma. Improves plant health & vigor while 1gal UPC 812863010290
reducing stress. Works best as a foliar spray in the early stages of NFGHHARG-2273 Retail $36.00
growth up to a few weeks into flowering. After Min. Buy 4 EA
that works well as a water-in additive.
2.5gal UPC 812863010306
*01503674* NFGHHAR2-4735 Retail $75.00
Min. Buy 2 EA
NFGBKQ-1894 UPC 812863010634 5gal UPC 812863010313
NFGHHAR5-8523 Retail $135.00
Min. Buy 12 EA Retail $30.00 Min. Buy 1 EA
1gal UPC 812863010641
NFGBKG-5682 Retail $90.00
Min. Buy 4 EA
Nectar For The Gods Demeter’s Destiny Nectar For The Gods Medusa’s Magic
Answer to correcting and preventing deficiencies. Balanced form of Part A of a 3 part nutrient line. Suspended in worm castings. Derived
calcium which will help carry all nutrients to the plant. from a protein which will result in a healthier, more natural growth
*01503609* *01503641*
32oz UPC 812863010337 32oz UPC 812863010023
NFGDDQ-1263 Retail $20.00 NFGMMAGQ-947 Retail $15.00
Min. Buy 12 EA Min. Buy 12 EA
1gal UPC 812863010344 1gal UPC 812863010030
NFGDDG-3788 Retail $60.00 NFGMMAGG-2841 Retail $45.00
Min. Buy 4 EA Min. Buy 4 EA
2.5gal UPC 812863010351 2.5gal UPC 812863010047
NFGDD2-7576 Retail $120.00 NFGMMAG2-5682 Retail $90.00
Min. Buy 2 EA Min. Buy 2 EA 89
Nectar For The Gods Persephones Palate
Calcium in the lignin acts as a microbial food.
Lignin sulphonate acts as a cheltting agent.
Fertilizers & Nutrients *01503675*
Nutrients 32oz UPC 812863010771
NFGPPALQ-1073 Retail $17.00
Min. Buy 12 EA
Nectar For The Gods Hygeia Hydration 1gal UPC 812863010788
NFGPPALG-3157 Retail $50.00
Rich in saponins. Yucca acts as a wetting agent to aid in root Min. Buy 4 EA
penetration for maximum nutrient uptake. Not
recommended for heavily aerated reservoirs due Nectar For The Gods Poseidonzime
to the foaming that will occur.
Liquified seaweed providing potassium. Natural plant growth
*01503618* promoter. Reduces plant stress while increasing
flower clusters and overall vigor in the plants
32oz reproducton.
Min. Buy 12 EA UPC 812863010481 *01503631*
Retail $15.00
1gal UPC 812863010498 NFGPQ-1389 UPC 812863010436
NFGHHYDG-2841 Retail $45.00 Min. Buy 12 EA Retail $22.00
Min. Buy 4 EA
NFGPG-4104 UPC 812863010443
Min. Buy 4 EA Retail $65.00
Nectar For The Gods Mega Morpheus Nectar For The Gods The Kraken
Full digested source of natural phosphate. Guano tea that is free of Digested crab & shrimp shell product. Aids in strengthening platn
grit and sand. Nutrients are totally available through digestion and stem & flower sites. Additions of an egg white protein called cystine
chelation, increasing nutrient uptake. Increase in photosynthesis, vigor, that speeds up intake. Reduces common garden
and health as well as flower size and flavor. pests as the cell tissue is difficult to bite through.
*01503671* *01503619*
32oz UPC 812863010238 32oz UPC 812863010122
NFGMMORQ-947 Retail $15.00 NFGTKQ-947 Retail $15.00
Min. Buy 12 EA Min. Buy 12 EA
1gal UPC 812863010245 1gal UPC 812863010627
NFGMMORG-2841 Retail $45.00 NFGTKG-2841 Retail $45.00
Min. Buy 4 EA Min. Buy 4 EA
2.5gal UPC 812863010252 Nectar For The Gods Triton’s Trawl
NFGMMOR2-5682 Retail $90.00
Min. Buy 2 EA Rich in calcium from cartilage. Delivers flavor, aroma and color to
the finished product. It can be used alone or to
enhance the effects of Herculean Harvest.
Nectar For The Gods Olympus Up *01503617*
pH up product. Increase aeration, promote 32oz UPC 812863010733
microbial activity. Essential when using NFGTTQ-758 Retail $12.00
Herculean Harvest. Min. Buy 12 EA
*01503660* 1gal UPC 812863010740
NFGTTG-2273 Retail $36.00
32oz UPC 812863010580 Min. Buy 4 EA
NFGOUQ-884 Retail $14.00
Min. Buy 12 EA
1gal UPC 812863010597 Nectar For The Gods Zeus Juice
NFGOUG-2525 Retail $40.00
Min. Buy 4 EA Part C of a 3 part nutrient line. Contains a full complement of compounds
that are not generally found in plant foods or supplements. 100% water
soluble and absorbed immediately. Offers optimal nutrient availability,
healthy plant growth, healthy roots and protection from transplant
shock. Can also be used as a germination aid.
Nectar For The Gods One Shot *01503640*
Worm castings, ferrous sulfate, bone meal, fish bone meal, kelp extract, 32oz UPC 812863010184
potassium sulfate, alfalfa meal, feather meal, NFGZJQ-1263 Retail $20.00
kelp meal, soybean meal & natural calcite. Prilled Min. Buy 12 EA
natural fertilizer designed to feed your plants for
up to 6 months depending on application. 1gal UPC 812863010191
NFGZJG-4104 Retail $65.00
*01503682* Min. Buy 4 EA
4# UPC 812863010276 2.5gal UPC 812863010207
NFGOS4-1515 Retail $20.00 NFGZJ2-8523 Retail $135.00
Min. Buy 10 EA Min. Buy 2 EA
90 800-883-0234
CO2 Bags Fertilizer Fertilizers & Nutrients
Plant Perfect ExHale 365 Monterey® Epsom Salts
ExHale 365 is a self-activated version of the (Magnesium Sulfate)
Original CO2 Bag. The 365 will provide a 128cuft
space with CO2 for 9 months of which 6 months Promotes bloom in roses and other flowering
are peak production time. plants. Absorbed through the roots and foliage
of plant to help plant produce chlorophyll.
*15550051* *03600376*
6 x 9 x 8 Brown/White Media 4lb UPC 022179100848
EXEGCF365E-2059 UPC 045635863491 MLGNLG7220-991 Retail $14.99
Min. Buy 6 EA
Min. Buy 8 EA Retail $34.95
Plant Perfect ExHale Co2 Plant Growth Regulator
The power of ExHale lies in the mycelial mass Monterey® Florel® Plant Growth
inside the vented cultivator.
*15550052* Regulator
6 x 9 x 8 Brown/White Media Prevents fruit formation on apple, cottonwood,
EXEGCFEXC02B-1850 UPC 793573065933 crabapple, elm, flowering pear and many more
trees. Just one application in the spring during
Min. Buy 8 EA Retail $32.95 full bloom controls the mess.
Plant Perfect ExHale XL 32oz Concentrate UPC 022179101340
MLGNLG4105-1925 Retail $28.99
The XL is for medium to large grow spaces. This Min. Buy 1 EA
will provide a 288cu ft space with Co2 for 6
8 x 7 x 11 Brown/White Media
EXEGCFXLEXB-3220 UPC 639302577226
Min. Buy 4 EA Retail $54.95 91
Control Release Fertilizer
Fertilizers & Nutrients Fertilizers Suståne® 4-6-4 All Purpose Fertilizer
Suståne® 4-6-4 Compost Tea Bag An all-purpose organic fertilizer for commercial nursery, greenhouse,
and controlled environment production of specialty crops. Formulated
Make your own compost tea with Sustane’s from aerobically windrowed turkey litter compost, these granules
organic slow-release fertilizer in a biodegradable are naturally rich in humates that can Increases plants tolerance to
paper filter pack. Steep for one to two days in a heat and drought. Rich in stable organic matter, these compost-
watering can (1 pack per gallon) and apply to soil based granules increase the nutrient and water
as a drench for a fast and effective liquid feed holding capacity. They also harbor beneficial soil
enriched with natural biostimulants. microbes that can improve root zone ecology
by solubilizing nutrients and suppressing plant
pathogens thereby promoting plant growth.
*01500559* 50lb UPC 0
SNF30201111-3069 Retail $0.00
Min. Buy 1 EA
21gm, 12/ct
SNF80202005-580 UPC 031417001076
Min. Buy 10 EA Retail $10.49 Suståne® 8-2-4 Med All Natural Fertilizer
Suståne® 4-6-4 Flower Vegetable Plant Food Complete and balanced feeding for vigorous
OMRI® vegetative growth. Provides a balanced mix
of macro- and micro-nutrients. Derived from
All natural and organic, compost-based fertilizer is high in organic biologically stable compost plus natural potash
content and contains all 17 essential plant nutrients. It builds soil and feather meal. Works well in potting mixes
structure & promotes microbial diversity and is ideal for general soil and natural soils.
preparation of vegetable and flower beds.
*01500554* 50lb UPC 0
SNF30551111-4649 Retail $0.00
Min. Buy 1 EA
5lb Suståne® Root Zone 4-6-4 Feeder Pak Fertilizer
SNF80201105-571 UPC 031417000437
This permeable fertilizer pack can be left to steep in a watering can
Min. Buy 8 EA Retail $10.49 overnight to make a Compost Tea brew for topical application; or
installed in the soil or potting mix as a Root Zone Feeder Pack. Suståne
20lb / 100/plt UPC 031417000468 4-6-4 Root Zone Feeder Packs provide single dose applications of
SNF80201121-1180 Retail $22.99 Suståne organic slow release nitrogen fertilizer. Suståne Feeder
Min. Buy 1 EA Packs are designed to provide lasting plant nutrition in a completely
biodegradable filter pack. Suståne 4-6-4 Root Zone Feeder Pack is
Suståne® Flourish WDF Fertilizer 8-2-4 designed for use in all flowers, trees, shrubs and perennial plantings
including landscape areas, potted plants and
A powdered “all in one” powdered organic fertilizer for home garden hanging baskets.
use. Just mix 1 tablespoon per gallon and pour to provide a well
balanced and complete liquid feed indoors or out. *01501650*
*01502833* 21g Paks / 250ct
SNF80202020-8364 UPC 0
1lb Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $0.00
Min. Buy 12 EA UPC 031417002158
Retail $8.99
3lb Jar
SNF70502003-1188 UPC 031417002165
Min. Buy 12 EA Retail $19.99
Suståne® Hi-N™ WDF Fertilizer 12-0-1
Water soluble, NOP-compliant organic fertilizer. Used to provide
supplemental nitrogen via fertigation. Mixes well with Sustane
compost teas for a more complete feeding
solution. Compatible with drip irrigation systems
when used as directed.
3lb UPC 0
SNF70552003-1679 Retail $0.00
Min. Buy 12 EA
SNF70552011-11493 UPC 0
Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $0.00
92 800-883-0234
Components Nutrient Fertilizers & Nutrients
Plant Marvel Sodium Molybdate Jiffy® Hydro Nutrients® 10-5-10
Micronutrient involved in plant enzyme systems that control nitrogen For all-purpose use. Fast acting with no burn.
metabolism. 25 per box.
*16600132* 9oz UPC 033349652234
1oz PLPJHFERT12-482 Retail $7.79
PM14-1201-538 Min. Buy 12 EA
Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $0.00
Plant Growth Regulator Fertilizers
Bonzi® Plant Growth Regulator TeraGanix® EM·1® Probiotic Supplement
The leading ornamental plant growth regulator (PGR), Bonzi® keeps A powerful probiotic supplement that includes a broad array of
plants uniformly compact, hardy and looking beneficial bacteria and trace minerals to promote balanced and healthy
their best. It results in one consistent crop after digestive and immune systems. TeraGanix looks at
another, with well-proportioned plants achieving the natural balance of beneficial bacteria, nutrients
identically ideal form and color. While a small and frequencies of the body. Energized medicine
amount may be taken in through leaves, it is works on the same principals as acupuncture,
primarily absorbed through the stems and roots. Indian medicine, and conventional medicine.
*13300005* *01503207*
32oz UPC 0 16oz UPC 857970000246
SYN13869-17434 Retail $0.00 TGX1007-1600 Retail $25.99
Min. Buy 1 EA Min. Buy 12 EA
Limestone Nutrient
Superfine Dolomitic Limestone Yara Calcium Nitrate 15.5-0-0
Superfine is a very fine grind of lime as well as a Greenhouse Grade
fast acting lime. It can be applied at any time of
the year and be used on new lawns, established A fully water soluble nitrogen and calcium
lawns, in gardens and media. It neutralizes soil fertilizer. It is a free flowing, fine granular or prilled
acids and raises PH. material which dissolves quickly in water without
any residues. Suited to application through all
*16600038* fertigation systems.
50lb *16600050*
WAUKM03890-591 UPC 0
Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $0.00 YARA6031 CN-2887 UPC 0
Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $0.00 93
Heavy Duty 18oz Vinyl
Single Sided: $4.84 / Sq Ft
Double Sided: $8.91 / Sq
Pole Banner Hardware
12*B84a””nwwneiiddrsees:o: $l$d34s72e//psseaerttately*
Poly Corrugated Signs
DouSibnlgeleSidSiedde:d$: 1$17..4549// Sq Ft
Sq Ft
Sign Stakes
Ground Stake: $2.00/pair
*Signs sold separately*
94 800-883-0234 PLEASE CALL 616-871-9241 OR
EMAIL [email protected]
Media & Amendments
Media & Amendments Professional Compressed Media Soil Amendment
ASB Greenworld® Grower Mix VPW 420 Xtreme Gardening CalCarb Foliar Booster
Professional growing medium made of coarse fibrous peat moss, perlite CalCarb is a readily available source of calcium and carbon dioxide.
and vermiculite for the best balance of porosity, water holding capacity, Calcium is critical to the health of your plant, contributing to the
and nutrient retention. Also includes the best strength of cell membranes and regulation of nutrient use. Calcium
Mycorrhizae fungi by Mycorrhizal Applications, is known to play a major role in the quality of many crops, including
which increases plant establishment, drought peppers, tomatoes, and watermelon. It is also able to reduce the
protection, improves healthy soil biology for effects of heat stress in plants. CalCarb foliar
better nutrient uptake and reduces production booster works great in both indoor and outdoor
costs. environments.
*16000235* *01503582*
3.8cu ft Compressed Bale 3oz UPC 794504426311
ASB313780-3637 UPC 0 RTI2504-1270
Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $0.00 Min. Buy 12 EA Retail $19.99
6oz UPC 705105758473
RTI2505-2160 Retail $33.99
Min. Buy 12 EA
Xtreme Gardening AZOS® Root Booster
An all-natural, growth promoting, Nitrogen-fixing bacteria ideal for
cloning and transplanting. Azos converts nitrogen into a usable form
that is readily available to the plant. Nitrogen is critical for forming
vegetative matter and supporting abundant growth. Azos promotes
growth while boosting natural root development.
Media 2oz UPC 794504911312
RTI1349-1335 Retail $20.99
Min. Buy 12 EA
DNC Great Lakes Water Only Soil 6oz UPC 705105758374
RTI1350-2033 Retail $31.99
Great Lakes Water Only is an all-natural start-to-finish soil. This living Min. Buy 12 EA
soil is water-only. From seed or clone until harvest, our patented blend
of worm castings, steer manure, and chicken compost, along with 12oz UPC 689076048361
our incredible list of high-quality amendments creates plant-available RTI1351-3367 Retail $52.99
food at each stage of development. For novice gardeners Great Lakes Min. Buy 6 EA
Water Only soil works perfectly. Forget mixing
chemicals and troubleshooting deficiencies! 8lb UPC 736211255457
RTI1352-23501 Retail $369.99
*01503262* Min. Buy 2 EA
1cu ft Xtreme Gardening MYKOS® Root Enhancer
DNCWTR27016-1670 UPC 028412127016
A natural and organic species of beneficial soil fungi that create a
Min. Buy 50 EA Retail $24.99 “sponge-like” mass which collects and stores nutrients and water,
increasing the uptake of both. This single species of arbuscular
1cu ft - 52pc Pallet UPC 0 mycorrhizal fungi contains only Rhizophagus intraradices, formally
DNCMIXPLT-82137 Retail $0.00 known as Glomus intraradices. MYKOS does not contain any other
Min. Buy 1 EA microbes such as Trichoderma or ectomycorrhizae.
Soil Amendment 100g - Granular UPC 689076464864
RTI6502-14101 Retail $3.99
DNC Vermicompost Worm Soil Min. Buy 1 EA
Detroit Nutrient Company worm castings set the standard for quality 12oz - Wettable Powder
in vermicompost. Our worms are fed a fixed diet, and left to create RTI2202-1684
a high-quality casting that is excellent for use in UPC 736211378019
soil building, top dresses, amending and making
inoculation and compost A.A.C.T. Indoors for Min. Buy 12 EA Retail $26.99
use with bottle nutrients, a handful of castings
in every planting hole increases plant vigor and 1lb - Granular UPC 689076957359
health as well as adding to yield. RTI4401-1335 Retail $20.99
Min. Buy 12 EA
*01503261* 2.2lb - Granular UPC 689076048460
RTI4402-2033 Retail $31.99
Min. Buy 6 EA
25lb 2.2lb - Wettable Powder
DNCVRM30257-1156 UPC 028412130257 RTI2203-4002
UPC 736211711731
Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $19.99 Min. Buy 6 EA Retail $62.99
96 800-883-0234
Organic Soils & Amendments
Espoma® Organic® Seed Media & Amendments
Starter Mix
Enhanced with Myco-Tone™ for stronger roots.
For all seedlings and cuttings.
Lime, Limestone, Gypsum *03800006*
Espoma® Organic® Garden Gypsum 8qt UPC 050197705080
ESPSS8-415 Retail $5.99
Pelletized for easy application. Loosens heavy clay soils. Helps cure Min. Buy 6 EA
turf burns from ice-melters and pets. Comprised of 100% natural and
organic ingredients, these products are pure Espoma® Organic® Greensand
plant food with no fillers or sludge. They enrich
your garden with the best the earth has to High quality, all natural, non-burning. Mined from natural deposits
offer. Approved for organic gardening. Hard to of glauconite. Deposits are of marine origin
find products for the avid and environmentally and are composed primarily of iron–potassium
conscious gardener. silicate. Loosens clay soils, binds sandy soils, and
increases the water holding capacity of all soils. It
*03900012* is an exceptional soil conditioner for flower beds,
gardens and lawns.
6lb UPC 050197022064 *03689008*
Min. Buy 6 EA Retail $7.99 ESPGS6-851 UPC 050197011068
Min. Buy 6 EA Retail $13.99
Espoma® Organic® Garden Lime
Turns hydrangeas pink. Adjusts the pH of excessively acid soils.
Pelletized for easy application. Much safer than hydrated lime.
Comprised of 100% natural and organic
ingredients, these products are pure plant food
with no fillers or sludge. They enrich your garden
with the best the earth has to offer. Approved for
organic gardening. Hard to find products for the
avid and environmentally conscious gardener.
*03600023* Media
6.75lb UPC 050197020060 Terrafibre™ Grow Mats
Using the fibrous byproduct of the industrial hemp plant, we have
Min. Buy 6 EA Retail $4.49 created Terrafibre™ grow mats. Terrafibre™ grow mats are ideal for
microgreens, sprouts, wheatgrass and other short rotation crops.
Organic Soils & Amendments Industrial hemp fibres are separated, cleaned and needle punched to
produce a 100% biodegradable soilless growing medium.
Espoma® Organic® Soil Acidifier
Turns hydrangeas blue, lowers the pH of
soils and allows acid loving plants to achieve 5in x 5in, 40pk UPC 049121292086
optimum growth. Long lasting, highly effective BCGGM5540-720 Retail $14.39
safe and non-toxic. Comprised of 100% natural Min. Buy 12 EA
and organic ingredients.
*03900008* 10in x 20in, 10pk
BCGGM102010-1200 UPC 049121323520
ESPGSUL6-563 UPC 050197030069 Min. Buy 12 EA Retail $23.99
Min. Buy 6 EA Retail $8.99
Espoma® Organic® Perlite Terrafibre™ Growing Cubes
All natural, 100% pure product. Loosens soils and Terrafibre growing cubes are a sustainable alternative to rockwool,
prevents compaction. peat moss, or coconut. Hemp is primarily farmed for its seed and the
stalk/fibre is traditionally wasted. Through innovative processing and
*03600021* heat sterilization we are able to upcycle the fibres to create a truly
sustainable growing media.
8qt UPC 050197707084 *15550040*
1.5in, 9pk
Min. Buy 6 EA Retail $7.49 BCGCUBE915-280 UPC 627843845072
Min. Buy 44 EA Retail $5.59
BCGCUBE9815-1000 UPC 627843845089
Espoma® Organic® Vermiculite
Min. Buy 16 EA Retail $19.99
All natural, 100% pure product. Loosens soils and
prevents compaction. 2in, 4pk UPC 628504348079
BCGCUBE42-280 Retail $5.59
*03600018* Min. Buy 36 EA
8qt UPC 050197708081 4in, 6pk UPC 628504348086
ESPVM8-558 Retail $8.49 BCGBLOCK46-480 Retail $9.60
Min. Buy 6 EA Min. Buy 24 EA 97
Media & Amendments Seed Starting FoxFarm® Happy Frog® Potting Soil
Your potted plants deserve the best. Their roots can’t seek out nutrition
in the ground, so you have to bring it to them. That’s why Happy Frog®
Potting Soil is amended with soil microbes that can help improve root
efficiency and encourage nutrient uptake. Between the earthworm
castings, bat guano, and aged forest products,
your container plants have never felt so good.
FoxFarm® Light Warrior® Seed Starter *03801225*
Light Warrior® Seed Starter is designed to promote an environment 12qt UPC 752289590016
beneficial to seed germination and root development. Light Warrior® FXF590016-527 Retail $7.89
Seed Starter includes soil microbes that can help enhance root Min. Buy 5 EA
efficiency and encourage nutrient uptake. We
also include earthworm castings, a gentle source 2cu ft UPC 752289590023
of nutrition for seedlings and small plants. Use FXF590023-1290 Retail $18.99
Light Warrior® Seed Starter for seed germination, Min. Buy 1 EA
cuttings and new plant starts for both indoor and
outdoor cultivation.
*01502788* FoxFarm® Lucky Dog® K-9 Kube™ Growers Blend
1cu ft UPC 752289790096 Lucky Dog® Growers Blend expands out of the bale with soil microbes
FXF790096-1407 Retail $19.99 that may enhance root efficiency. This light airy blend of peat moss and
Min. Buy 1 EA perlite is the answer to every gardener’s quandary. Unleash the Lucky
Dog® K-9 Kube® Growers Blend and plant into this richly amended mix.
Use Lucky Dog® for rooted cuttings and young plant starts for both
indoor and outdoor cultivation. Plant directly
into Lucky Dog® Growers Blend.
Soil & Amendments *03801274*
FoxFarm® Happy Frog® Soil Conditioner 2.2cu ft UPC 752289591068
FXF591068-2679 Retail $39.99
Don’t Treat Your Soil Like Dirt!® Bring home a bale of our Happy Frog® Min. Buy 1 EA
Soil Conditioner, and your plants will thank you. In every bag of Happy
Frog® Soil Conditioner you’ll find finely-screened aged forest products, 3.8cu ft UPC 752289580048
earthworm castings, and bat guano, not to mention soil microbes to FXF580048-4070 Retail $59.99
help increase root efficiency and encourage nutrient uptake. We also Min. Buy 1 EA
add humic acid, which may increase the uptake
of important micronutrients.
*03801243* FoxFarm® Ocean Forest® Potting Soil
1.5cu ft UPC 752289590047 Our most popular potting soil, Ocean Forest® is a powerhouse blend
FXF590047-859 Retail $12.79 of aged forest products, sphagnum peat moss, earthworm castings,
Min. Buy 1 EA bat guano, fish emulsion, and crab meal. Aged forest products, sandy
loam, and sphagnum peat moss give Ocean Forest® its light, aerated
3cu ft UPC 752289590030 texture. Start with Ocean Forest® and watch your plants come alive!
FXF590030-1463 Retail $21.79
Min. Buy 1 EA *03801220*
12qt UPC 752289790041
FXF790041-514 Retail $7.69
Min. Buy 5 EA
Media 1.5cu ft UPC 752289790058
FXF790058-1266 Retail $17.99
FoxFarm® Bush Doctor® Coco Loco® Min. Buy 1 EA
Coconut Coir Potting Mix
3cu ft UPC 752289690044
Plants growing in Coco Loco® will require less frequent watering. FXF690044-2366 Retail $34.29
Whether you’re growing in hanging baskets, vertical gardens, Min. Buy 1 EA
containers, or seedling trays, extend your watering schedule. Now you
will have more time to beat on the drum all day! As you trek through FoxFarm® Original Planting Mix
a tropical jungle, your steps remain light and
buoyant, never soggy. The rainforest floor is Our Original Planting Mix is a blend of soil amendments such as aged
remarkably deep with layers of exotic coconut forest products, sphagnum peat moss and earthworm castings. Use
palm humus. It is cool and damp for several our Original Planting Mix for all your gardening
inches. Hold the richness in your hands, feel projects. The aged forest products and peat
the soft silky texture. It’s the perfect medium for moss in FoxFarm Original Planting Mix may make
cultivating plants. it more effective at holding moisture around the
roots of plants. In turn, this may help you obtain
*03801229* glorious gardening results and save water at the
same time.
2cu ft UPC 752289591020
FXF591020-1344 Retail $19.49 *03801226*
Min. Buy 1EA
1cu ft
FXF790010-1062 UPC 752289790010
Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $15.79
98 800-883-0234
Media FoxFarm® Salamander Soil® Media & Amendments
Water Holding Potting Mix
FoxFarm® Strawberry Fields® Potting Soil
Under the right moisture conditions beneficial microorganisms can
Strawberry Fields® Fruiting & Flowering Potting Soil is brought to you flourish and NEWT-trient uptake may be enhanced. Plants that are
directly from the Flower Children of the Sixties and Seventies—the Old grown in hot climates need that extra thirst quench so that they can
School generation. Love, Peace and Happiness is in our hearts and that stay vigorous and not get stressed from drying out. The inconvenience
is exactly what Fox Farm pours into every bag of of frequent waterings is sometimes problematic for growers who
Strawberry Fields®. Designed to pump up your just can’t get to their plants in time. Moisture
blooms, fruits and berries with no hang-ups. Out- has to be accurate; too much will cause root rot
A-Sight! and plants will suffer. Use Salamander Soil® for
rooted cuttings and young plant starts for both
indoor and outdoor cultivation. Plant directly into
Salamander Soil® Potting Mix.
* 03801221*
1.5cu ft UPC 752289591105
FXF591105-1120 Retail $16.69
Min. Buy 1EA
1.5cu ft UPC 752289591044 FoxFarm® Big Boy Pants® Plain Jane™
FXF591044-1221 Retail $17.99 Coconut Fiber Growing Media
Min. Buy 1 EA
If you’ve been looking for a soilless media that you can use with a
FoxFarm® Ko Ko Bop™ Coconut Coir Blend customized feeding program, look no further. Big Boy Pants® Plain
Jane® Coconut Coir is an ideal substrate for your
A blend of renewable coconut coir and aged forest products with hydroponic growing system. Big Boy Pants® Plain
perlite for aeration. This grow bag is ready for planting; plant directly Jane® Coconut Coir is the basic foundation for
into this bag for all growing applications. KO KO your growing program. It’s a Plain Jane® mix that
BOP™ and DROP – It Doesn’t Get Any Easier! contains a proprietary blend of coconut fiber
and pith for aeration and water retention.
*03801307* *01502882*
3cu ft UPC 752289690051 3cu ft UPC 752289590054
FXF690051-2058 Retail $29.89 FXF590054-4816 Retail $68.89
Min. Buy 1 EA Min. Buy 1 EA
Soil Amendments Media
Hoffman® Horticultural Vermiculite Grower Select® M1 Professional Mix
Soil conditioner (gold color) that loosens soil, provides aeration and M1 Professional Mix is a versatile medium-weight
retains water. Can be used to start seeds, propagate cuttings and growing medium designed for growing in anything
store bulbs. Blend with peat moss and perlite for from small pots to large containers and hanging
custom soilless mix. baskets. M1 was improved in 2018 with the use of
Southern Yellow Pine Bark.
8qt UPC 071605160024
HOF16002-529 Retail $8.99 2.8cu ft Loose Fill Bag
Min. Buy 6 EA PRBBFGGSM128-1690 UPC 049121016491
18qt Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $0.00
Min. Buy 4 EA UPC 071605160048
Retail $15.49
Hoffman® Horticultural Perlite Grower Select® M2 Professional Mix
Lightweight soil conditioner (white, powdery material) that loosens M2 Professional Mix is a lower cost version of our
clay soil, reduces caking and improves drainage and aeration. Can be ultra-popular M1 blend. M2 is a great performer
used to start seeds, propagate cuttings and store bulbs. Blend with peat on horticultural crops like bedding plants,
moss and vermiculite for custom soilless mix. perennials, nursery stock, perennials, hanging
baskets, vegetables.
*03600125* *15900802*
8qt UPC 071605165029 2.8cu ft Loose Fill Bag
HOF16502-406 Retail $6.99 PRBBFGGSM228-1638 UPC 049121016507
Min. Buy 6 EA
UPC 071605165043 Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $0.00
18qt Retail $12.99
Min. Buy 4 EA 99
Media & Amendments Seed Starting Compost
HDI Root Riot® Plant Starter Cubes Malibu Compost Baby Bu’s™ Biodynamic® Potting Soil
Root Riot™ is a natural plant starter cube ideal for soil or hydroponics. “Made from an extraordinary recipe of Bu’s™ Blend Biodynamic®
Suitable for both propagating cuttings and starting seeds, these cubes Compost and a plethora of premium ingredients for the most particular
have been shown to consistently outperform alternative media. Root plant palate”. A premium coco coir-based potting soil, with 25%
Riot cubes provide the perfect environment for root initiation and Biodynamic compost blended in, and an array of high quality organic
development. Made from composted natural materials, these plant and GMO-free amendments unlike any other truly organic product
starter plugs have a great spongy texture which retains the perfect air/ on the market today. Free from GMO’s, pesticides, growth hormones,
water ratio for healthy, rapid root growth. sewage sludge and synthetic chemicals * saves
water by encouraging appropriate moisture
*01503051* absorption and dissipation.
50 Bag *07300146*
HDIRTRTBAG50-1121 UPC 659627011076
Min. Buy 20 EA Retail $17.99 MAL5002-825 UPC 705105300974
100 Bag Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $13.89
HDIRTRTBAG100-1768 UPC 502564481267
1.5cu ft
Min. Buy 12 EA Retail $29.99 MAL5001-1815 UPC 705105902975
Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $29.99
1500ct - Cube Bulk Box
HDIRTRTBULK-21717 UPC 659627000605
Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $372.99 Malibu Compost Bu’s™ Blend Biodynamic® Compost
50ct Tray UPC 659627000865 This compost repairs your soil’s ecosystem, saves water, and serves as
HDIRTRTCOM8PK-282828 Retail $0.00 a source of humus for planting and managing soil health while also
Min. Buy 1 EA emanating energetic life forces to vitalize your vegetables, plants,
flowers, lawns, gardens, farms and our earth. For use with native soils
50 - 50ct Trays or quality potting or planting mixes. Improves clay, compacted, or
HDIRTRTTRY50-1970 UPC 659627011038 otherwise poor soils. Ingredients: Dairy cow manure, straw, vineyard
wood chips, and biodynamic concentrations of yarrow, chamomile,
Min. Buy 12 EA Retail $26.99 valerian, stinging nettle, dandelion, and oak
12qt UPC 705105902876
MAL1002-843 Retail $13.99
Min. Buy 1 EA
UPC 705105669649
1cu ft Retail $28.89
Min. Buy 1 EA
100 800-883-0234
Media Peat Pellets Media & Amendments
Michigan Peat® BACCTO® ELITE-HP High Porosity Jiffy® Peat Pellets
Growing Mix 35/65
Convenient, no-mess way to start seeds.
Premium indoor growing media that contains Just add water, pellet expands to form pot
horticultural sphagnum peat moss, super coarse and soil in one. Transplant directly into the
perlite, organic fertilizer along with natural ground, minimizing transplant shock and root
mycorrhizae and humates. Also contains slow damage.
release organic nitrogen.
*16000187* 36mm Pellets - 1000 Bulk Pellet Box
PLPJ3BULK-13202 UPC 033349007010
2.8cu ft Loose Fill Bag
MPC1828-2114 Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $0.39
UPC 028009118281
Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $34.99
Michigan Peat® BACCTO® High Porosity Jiffy® Peat Pellets
Professional Planting Mix Convenient, no-mess way to start seeds. Just add water, pellet expands
to form pot and soil in one. Transplant directly
Pre-moistened mix provides increased drainage into the ground, minimizing transplant shock
and root damage.
and faster drying for bedding and potted crops.
Easy to handle and use.
*15900192* *26900023*
2.0cu ft Loose Fill Bag 36mm Pellets - 36pk Retail Package
UPC 028009117925 PLPJ3R36-420 UPC 033349050481
Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $27.99 Min. Buy 24 EA Retail $6.69
Biologicals MycoApply® Ultrafine Endo / Ecto
MycoApply® Soluble MAXX MycoApply Ultrafine Endo/Ecto is a suspendable powder mycorrhizal
inoculum consisting of 4 species of endomycorrhizal fungi and 7 species
MycoApply Soluble Maxx is a suspendable powder mycorrhizal of ectomycorrhizal fungi. These beneficial fungi greatly increase the
inoculum consisting of 9 species of endomycorrhizal fungi and 10 effective rooting area of plants, thereby enhancing plant growth, vigor
species of ectomycorrhizal fungi. These beneficial fungi greatly increase and tolerance of environmental extremes. OMRI Listed. Bullet Points:
the effective rooting area of plants, thereby enhancing plant growth, 4 species Endomycorrhizae, Glomus intraradices, Glomus mosseae,
vigor and tolerance of environmental extremes. Bullet Points: 9 species Glomus aggregatum, Glomus etunicatum, 130,000 Endomycorrhizal
Endomycorrhizae, 9 species Endomycorrhizae, Glomus intraradices, Propagules per lb., 7 species Ectomycorrhizae, Rhizopogon villosulus,
Glomus mosseae, Glomus aggregatum, Glomus etunicatum, Glomus Rhizopogon luteolus, Rhizopogon amylopogon, Rhizopogon
deserticola, Glomus clarum, Glomus monosporum, Paraglomus fulvigleba, Pisolithus tinctorius, Scleroderma cepa, Scleroderma
brasilianum, Gigaspora margarita, 92,000 Endomycorrhizal Propagules citrinum, 110 million Ectomycorrhizal Propagules per lb.
per lb., 10 species Ectomycorrhizae, Rhizopogon villosulus, Rhizopogon Active Ingredients 4 species of Endomycorrhizae.
luteolus, Rhizopogon amylopogon, Rhizopogon fulvigleba, Pisolithus Plus 7 species of Ectomycorrhizae.
tinctorius, Scleroderma cepa, Scleroderma citrinum, Suillus granulatus,
Laccaria bicolor, Laccaria laccata, 1.2 billion *88880091*
Ectomycorrhizal Propagules per lb., Kelp,
Humic Acids, Vitamins, and specially formulated 1lb UPC 0
amendments (1-0.5-5). OMRI Listed. MAAS1050204455-2699
Active Ingredients 19 species of Mycorrhizal Fungi.
Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $0.00
*15700176* MycoApply Injector Endo
MycoApply Injector Endo is a suspendable powder mycorrhizal
inoculum consisting of 4 species of endomycorrhizal fungi.
Formulated for use with horticulture injector
dosing equipment. These beneficial fungi
greatly increase the effective rooting area of
plants, thereby enhancing plant growth, vigor,
and tolerance of environmental extremes.
10 x 1lb Case *88880006*
UPC 0 100gr
Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $0.00 MAAS1011504455-30974 UPC 0
Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $0.00 101
Media & Amendments Hydroponics Growing Media
Hydro Crunch Expanded Clay Aggregate 8mm GROW!T® Clay Pebbles
Made from 100% natural clay. They are clean, pH stable, and offer
Made with only the highest quality clay, producing a media that is great aeration and drainage in hydroponics,
uniform, stable and low in inherent E.C. The ceramic shell and inner especially in flood and drain, deep water culture,
pore structure retains moisture and releases it back to your plant’s roots and drip feed systems. Due to their non-uniform
as needed. Clay Pebbles will not compact, ensuring excellent aeration structure and large surface area, they offer the
for the life of your plant. Hydro Crunch Horticultural Expanded Clay ideal environment to foster beneficial bacterial
Pebbles are made from 100% natural clay. They are clean, pH stable, growth around the root zone, leading to naturally
and offer great aeration and drainage in hydroponics. Due to their healthier plants.
unique structure and ability to cover a large surface area, they offer
the ideal environment to foster beneficial bacterial growth around *25000034*
the root zone, leading to naturally healthier
plants. The heavier the clay the LESS porous 10L Bag of 4mm - 16mm Pebbles
it becomes. Our clay is light and has lots of air HYFGMC10L-1050 UPC 034517150250
inside for better results in the root zone.
Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $14.59
50lb Bag UPC 858882007354
HYC803000-2200 Retail $39.99
Min. Buy 1 EA
Peat Moss
PRO-MOSS® Hort Peat Moss
Ideal for indoor and outdoor horticultural applications. Saves water and
aerates soils. Adds organic content to sandy soils. Contains: Canadian
sphagnum peat moss. ORMI® listed for organic use.
Media *03600138*
PlantBest® Compressed Coconut Coir Growing Mix 1cu ft Compressed Bale
Made with 100% peat-free renewable coir that has high water UPC 025849002800
retention for less watering. Compact brick expands 5 times its original
size with water. Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $12.99
2.2cu ft Compressed Bale
*15500581* UPC 025849001100
4qt Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $19.49
UPC 770932002785 3.8cu ft Compressed Bale
Min. Buy 12 EA Retail $4.12 UPC 025849000783
8qt Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $25.99
Min. Buy 12 EA UPC 770932002792
Retail $7.83
PlantBest® BeatsPeat All Natural Premium
Coconut Coir Growing Media
The eco-friendly way to improve your soil, 100% all natural premium
coconut coir. Just add water – Expands in minutes, 11lb is equivalent to
3cu ft of soil. BeatsPeat has high water retention – absorbs and retains
more water than peat moss and improves
aeration and drainage. It also adds organic
matter to any soil and is pH neutral.
11lb UPC 775578460197
PPR3041HD-1011 Retail $16.86
Min. Buy 24 EA
102 800-883-0234
Premier® PRO-MIX® PGX Plug & Germination Mix Media & Amendments
A fine textured peat-based germination mix
formulated with vermiculite for increased
buffering and nutrient retention at the early
stages of plant growth. Well suited for plug
production and seed germination. Contains
sphagnum peat moss and plug grade vermiculite.
Media *15900255*
2.8cu ft Loose Fill Bag
PRB30280RG-2080 UPC 025849302801
PRO-MIX® Premium Potting Mix with MYCOACTIVE®
Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $0.00
Suitable for indoor and outdoor potting and re-potting plants in
containers. Contains a slow release fertilizer that feeds for up to nine Premier® PRO-MIX® Mycorrhizal Inoculant
months. Formulated with a water-saving gel to hold extra water.
Ideal for all seed starting applications. Contains: Canadian sphagnum PRO-MIX® Mycorrhizal Inoculant is a highly concentrated formulation
peat moss, water-absorbent polymer, perlite, limestone, slow release designed to help professional growers to CONNECT and improve
fertilizer, wetting agent, GHA297 (Mycorrhizae Glomus intraradices). the value of their crops. Based on the growth cycle of plants, it is
intended to be applied at key moments to ensure a quick connection
*03800404* in order to establish an extra radicular network.
The extended root system resulting from the
2cu ft Loose Fill symbiotic relationship allows to enhance water
PRB1020010RG-1377 UPC 025849107109 and nutrient uptake, resulting in stronger,
healthier crops.
Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $21.99
PRO-MIX® Organic Vegetable & Herb Mix *15800221*
5.5lb UPC 0
Formulated with quality approved organic ingredients. Contains an PRBMC250179NP-100000
organic fertilizer that gradually feeds plants. Suitable for all vegetable
and herb gardens. Contains: Canadian Sphagnum peat moss, Peat Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $0.00
humus, Perlite, Gypsum, Limestone, Organic fertilizer, GHA297
(mycorrhizae Glomus intraradices) OMRI® listed.
*03800551* Premier® PRO-MIX® FPX Plug
& Germination Mix
1cu ft Loose Fill
PRB1010051RG-763 UPC 025849111519 A fine textured plug and germination mix well
adapted for water-sensitive crops by providing
Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $12.49 low water retention levels and good air porosity.
2cu ft Loose Fill *15900302*
PRB1020051RG-1377 UPC 025849107512
2.8cu ft Loose Fill Bag
Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $21.99 PRB0501P-1890
Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $0.00
PRO-MIX® Organic Seed Starting Mix Premier® PRO-MIX® FPX
with MYCOACTIVE® Biofungicide Plug & Germination
Formulated with quality approved-organic ingredients. Contains an
organic fertilizer that gradually feeds plants. Provides easy plant-care A fine textured plug and germination mix well
for improved seedling performance. Ideal for adapted for water-sensitive crops by providing
germinating vegetables, flowers, herb seeds, as low water retention levels and good air porosity.
well as starting stems or root cuttings. Contains:
Canadian sphagnum peat moss, coir, perlite, soy- *15900242*
based natural fertilizer, GHA297 (Mycorrhizae
Glomus intraradices). OMRI® listed.
*03800208* 2.8cu ft Loose Fill Bag
PRB40282RG-2086 UPC 0
8qt Loose Fill
PRB1008041RGCE-600 UPC 025849109417 Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $0.00
Min. Buy 6 EA Retail $9.99
Premier® PRO-MIX® CC40 Mycorrhizae Premier® PRO-MIX® MP Organik
High Porosity Grower Mix Mycorrhizae Multi-Purpose Grower Mix
A high-porosity peat-based growing medium that contains chunk coir. OMRI listed organic multi-purpose growing medium with well
With high air porosity and water retention, it is ideal for long-term crops balanced air/water qualities. Designed to meet crop requirements for
especially where subjected to drought conditions. The water retention organic growers of herbs and vegetables. All of the basic components
qualities of this peat/coir mix reduce irrigation that have been selected and formulated are OMRI listed and approved.
requirements and allow growers to more With mycorrhizae added.
efficiently react to challenging environments.
With mycorrhizae added. *15900243*
2.8cu ft Loose Fill Bag
PRB8028101RG-2265 UPC 025849811013
Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $0.00
3.8cu ft Compressed Bale 3.8cu ft Compressed Bale
PRB9038130RG-4036 UPC 025849310233 PRB8038103RG-4419 UPC 025849821012
Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $0.00 Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $0.00 103
Media & Amendments Media
Premier® PRO-MIX® BX General Premier® PRO-MIX® HP High
Purpose Grower Mix Porosity Grower Mix
General purpose peat-based professional growing medium designed High porosity peat-based growing medium.
for general greenhouse use and transplanting Perlite ensures optimum growth, especially
applications. Perlite and vermiculite provide a when high air capacity and extra drainage are
balance of moisture and nutrient retention along required. An ideal formulation for growers in
with good drainage creating an ideal growing need of a media adapted to watering flexibility
environment. and crop seasonality.
*15900224* *16000058*
3.8cu ft Compressed Bale 3.8cu ft Compressed Bale
PRB10380RG-3682 UPC 025849103804 PRB20380RG-3770 UPC 025849203801
Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $0.00 Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $0.00
Premier® PRO-MIX® BX Biofungicide Premier® PRO-MIX® HPCC Mycorrhizae
General Purpose Grower Mix High Porosity Coir Grower Mix
General purpose peat-based professional growing medium designed A lightweight, high-porosity peat-based growing mix containing
for general greenhouse use and transplanting chunk coir for balanced drainage and moisture retention and increased
applications. Perlite and vermiculite provide a resistance to compaction. With mycorrhizae added.
balance of moisture and nutrient retention along
with good drainage creating an ideal growing *16000085*
environment. With biofungicide added.
2.8cu ft Loose Fill Bag
PRB2028130RG-2088 UPC 025849211301
Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $0.00
3.8cu ft Compressed Bale
PRB10382RG-4142 UPC 025849103828 3.8cu ft Compressed Bale
PRB2038130RG-4036 UPC 025849221300
Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $0.00
Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $0.00
Premier® PRO-MIX® BX Mycorrhizae Premier® PRO-MIX® HP Mycorrhizae
General Purpose Grower Mix High Porosity Grower Mix
General purpose peat-based professional growing medium designed High porosity peat-based growing medium. Perlite ensures optimum
for general greenhouse use and transplanting applications. Perlite and growth, especially when high air capacity and extra drainage are
vermiculite provide a balance of moisture and nutrient retention along required. An ideal formulation for growers in need of a media adapted
with good drainage creating an ideal growing environment. With to watering flexibility and crop seasonality. With mycorrhizae added.
mycorrhizae added.
*15900269* *15900202*
2.8cu ft Loose Fill Bag 2.8cu ft Loose Fill Bag
PRB10281RG-1951 UPC 025849102814
PRB20281RG-2088 UPC 025849202811
Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $0.00
Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $0.00
3.8cu ft Compressed Bale 3.8cu ft Compressed Bale
PRB10381RG-3946 UPC 025849103811
PRB20381RG-4036 UPC 025849203818
Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $0.00
Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $0.00
Premier® PRO-MIX® BX Biofungicide + Premier® PRO-MIX® HP Biofungicide +
Mycorrhizae General Purpose Grower Mix Mycorrhizae High Porosity Grower Mix
General purpose peat-based professional growing medium designed High porosity peat-based growing medium. Perlite ensures optimum
for general greenhouse use and transplanting applications. Perlite and growth, especially when high air capacity and extra drainage are
vermiculite provide a balance of moisture and nutrient retention along required. An ideal formulation for growers in need of a media adapted
with good drainage creating an ideal growing environment. With to watering flexibility and crop seasonality. With biofungicide and
biofungicide and mycorrhizae added. mycorrhizae added.
*15900264* *15900142*
2.8cu ft Loose Fill Bag 2.8cu ft Loose Fill Bag
PRB1028500RG-2088 UPC 025849115005
PRB2028500RG-2224 UPC 025849215002
Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $0.00
Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $0.00
3.8cu ft Compressed Bale 3.8cu ft Compressed Bale
PRB1038500RG-4290 UPC 025849125004 PRB2038500RG-4379 UPC 025849225001
Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $0.00 Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $0.00
104 800-883-0234
Perlite Vermiculite Media & Amendments
PVP Industries® Horticultural Perlite PVP Industries® Horticultural Vermiculite
The Horticultural perlite is clean, sterile, pH neutral, non-flammable, Horticultural vermiculite is permanent, clean, odorless, non-toxic,
odorless, nontoxic and neither decays nor shrinks even pests such as sterile and pH neutral. It will not deteriorate, turn moldy or rot.
insects and fungi can’t destroy it. Mixed with soil, peat, composted pine bark, fertilizers, pesticides and
herbicides and promotes faster root growth and quick anchorage
Medium Horticultural Perlite to young roots. Vermiculite granules attract and hold ammonium,
potassium, calcium and magnesium needed for the growing plants.
Used primarily for plugs, small cells, hanging baskets Vermiculite/peat mixture provides excellent aeration and retention of
and gardening. plant food and moisture.
*15800053* Medium Horticultural Vermiculite
4cu ft Bag UPC 018296105705 Preferred for seeding, plugs, small cells and moisture
PVP105705-963 retentive soil mixes.
Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $0.00 *15800042*
Coarse Horticultural Perlite 4cu ft Bag UPC 018296106405
Used primarily in soil mixes, hydroponics and
gardening. Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $0.00
*15800046* Coarse Horticultural Vermiculite
4cu ft Bag Preferred for small gardening.
Min. Buy 1 EA UPC 018296105408 *15800001*
Retail $0.00
4cu ft Bag UPC 018296107402
Super Coarse Horticultural Perlite PVPVCH/4/EA-2122 Retail $0.00
Min. Buy 1 EA
Excellent as a substrate for hydroponics. Increases
aeration and drainage of growing media and helps Super Coarse Horticultural Vermiculite
anchor roots of young plants.
Preferred for hydroponics and high porosity soil mixes.
*15800077* *15800063*
4cu ft Bag UPC 018296105040 4cu ft Bag UPC 0
PVP105040-1322 PVPSVC4EA-2205 Retail $0.00
Min. Buy 1 EA
Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $0.00
Media OASIS® Rootcubes® Growing Medium
OASIS® Rootcubes® Growing Medium Manufactured in sheet form, with individual rooting cells shaped like
cubes. Rootcubes® are available in sheets of various configurations
OASIS® Rootcubes® growing medium is manufactured in sheet form, or liners that fit conveniently into a standard “1020” plastic tray. A
with individual rooting cells shaped like cubes. Rootcubes® are available specialized medium that was designed specifically for a clean, healthy
in sheets of various configurations or liners that fit conveniently into a start for unrooted cuttings. Designed specifically with the perfect
standard “1020” plastic tray. Crops most commonly propagated from balance of air and water to encourage plant growth and get unrooted
unrooted cuttings in Rootcubes media are poinsettias, geraniums, cuttings off to a strong start. Rootcubes® growing media contains just
hibiscus, New Guinea impatiens, fuchsia, foliage, perennials, and woody the right amount of starter nutrients and are an very economical to
ornamentals. A specialized medium that was designed specifically for a use. Rootcubes® allows for rapid nutrient availability without danger
clean, healthy start for unrooted cuttings. Provides the perfect balance of salt accumulation and are pathogen-free,
of air and water to encourage plant growth and get unrooted cuttings providing an environment which helps reduce
off to a strong start. Contains just the right amount of starter nutrients disease and insect problems.
and are considered an especially economical propagation media.
*25000022* 1.25in Medium - 104ct
SM87-50109-6500 UPC 0
1.25in Medium Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $0.00
104 Cells per Sheet (8 x 13 Configuration) 1.5in Medium - 50ct
HYFGMSO5010-7300 UPC 045744050102 SM87-50159-6500 UPC 0
Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $0.00 Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $0.00 105
Media & Amendments Media OASIS® WEDGE® Growing Medium
OASIS® HORTICUBES® Growing Medium OASIS® WEDGE® growing media tapers in shape from top to bottom.
This unique shape aids in directing root development downward for
A low density, high drainage foam specifically developed for hydroponics rapid root development, resulting in greater crop turnover and overall
seed germination and vegetative propagation of vegetables, herbs, flowers productivity for the grower. In transplanting, the WEDGE® product
and foliage crops. Allow for an optimal balance of oxygen and water, even minimizes the need for dibbling. Each cell is singulated, therefore, there
when saturated with water. Pre-dibbled holes make it easy to set the seed is no tangling of the fibrous root systems. Products come preloaded in
into place in the media. Single-seed dibble is best for single seeds. The either a strip or tray, and are immediately ready to use by a grower
deeper single prong in the hole upon receipt. This format is ideal for automation and simplifies the
allows the radical to more quickly packaging and shipping process. WEDGE® media comes in a wide
penetrate the media leading to fast variety of choices to suit many plant needs.
rooting for single seeds.
34ct Double Strip - 34 Cells per Strip
(2 x 17 Configuration)
UPC 045744056258
Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $0.00
*17800633* *17800807*
Wedge Medium Only -
1in Thin Cut Medium - 276 Cells per Sheet with Single Seed Dibble Refill for 5625, 5641 and 5643 -
20 Sheets per Case - Terra Cotta 17 Cells per Strip (1 x 17 Configuration)
SM587-22761-8300 UPC 0 SM55615-5700
UPC 045744056159
Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $0.00 Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $0.00
Roots Organics Emerald Mountain Roots Organics Formula 707
Created for the quality conscious consumer, the special breed Formula 707 is a ready-to-use soil created for a special kind of gardener,
looking for the highest levels of performance and economy. We those who want to control their own destiny. Formula 707 is different
recognized the need for a more economical organic growing media from the other growing mixes created by Roots Organics Innovations.
that incorporates a balanced air to water ratio for water retention and It was designed with greater water-holding capacity, fewer nutrients,
porosity while maintaining a reliably free draining indoor and outdoor less perlite and less pumice, and it contains ingredients specific to large
potting mix. The ultimate base mix or large container gardening. In fact, the packaging is a 30-gallon grow bag
container outdoor blend consistently created containing about 20 gallons of the finest quality
to out perform. Emerald Mountain potting mix potting mix. Just punch holes in the bottom, cut
has been extensively tested and you will see the off the top and plant.
results of our effort designing this excellent base
blend in your garden. *03801411*
*03801407* 1.5cf UPC 609728631901
AURRO70715-1181 Retail $19.69
Min. Buy 72 EA
1.5cf UPC 609728631956 3cf UPC 609728631895
AURROEM-1030 Retail $18.59 AURRO707-2294 Retail $34.29
Min. Buy 70 EA Min. Buy 36 EA
Roots Organics Green Fields Roots Organics Original Potting Soil
An ocean-nutrient-based growing mix designed for both the A ready to use mix created with a balanced air to water ratio of porosity
vegetative-and flowering phases of mature plants. Green Fields was and water retention to allow for frequent feeding of fast growing,
designed with greater water-holding capacity, yet it is free-draining heavy feeding plants. For exceptional results, feed with high quality
for frequent feeding of fast-growing, heavy feeding plants. Green nutrients, such as the Roots Organics fertilizer line.
Fields is a ready-to-use soil created with less perlite and pumice, and
specific ingredients such as fish meal and crab *03801404*
meal, worm castings, bat guano, and kelp meal.
Experienced gardeners know that a perfect 1.5cf UPC 609728631857
outdoor mix is different than a perfect indoor mix, AURROD-1213 Retail $20.29
and Green Fields has been proven as an excellent Min. Buy 70 EA
outdoor blend for your fast-growing plants.
3cf UPC 609728632045
*03801410* AURROD3-2350 Retail $34.99
Min. Buy 36 EA
1.5cf UPC 609728631871 .75cf UPC 609728631840
AURROGF-1213 AURRODMB-655 Retail $10.89
Min. Buy 140 EA
Min. Buy 70 EA Retail $20.29
106 800-883-0234
Starter Cubes
Starter Cube - 2.5in / 3in x 3in x 2.5in / Case of 224
SPGR29500006-10381 UPC 0 Media & Amendments
Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $0.00
Starter Cube - 2.5in / 3in x 3in x 2.5in/ 14pk Retail
SPGR29500006BFG-769 UPC 049121013957
Growing Media
Speedgrow® Green Stone Wool Growing Medium Min. Buy 16 EA Retail $14.99
A natural alternative to growing plants in traditional mediums. Big Cubes
Speedgrow differs from other stone wool products that may contain *15800216*
phenols, acrylics and artificial dyes in that it incorporates an all
natural, bio-based binder. It offers a unique combination of high Big Cube - 4in / 4in x 4in x 2.6in / Case of 120
water absorption and good drainage for an optimal water /air ratio. SPGR29500001-5616 UPC 0
Speedgrow provides the grower a clean, inert and disease free rooting
medium that is easily adjusted. Ideal for hydroponic growing. Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $0.00
Big Cube - 4in / 5pk Retail
SPGR295000010R-583 UPC 491210154186
Min. Buy 15 EA Retail $10.99
Big Cube - 6in / Case of 40
Plugs - 1.5in / 9ea 100ct Bags (Case of 900) SPGR29510001-266 UPC 0
SPGR29420018-10500 UPC 0
Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $239.60
Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $0.00
Big Cube - 8in / Case of 18
SPGR29420007BFG-425 UPC 049121014718
Min. Buy 18 EA Retail $9.99
Plug Trays Slabs
*15800209* *15800211*
Plugs - 1.5in / 84ct Cell Plug Tray - 16in x 12in x 2in
SPGR29420007-995 UPC 0
Slab - 40in x 6in x 3in
SPGR29430001-431 UPC 0
Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $0.00
Plugs - 1.5in / 84ct Cell Plug Tray Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $0.00
16in x 12in x 2in (Retail Pkg) Slab - 52in x 6in x 3in
SPGR29510004BFG-1174 UPC 049121014121 SPGR29530001-533 UPC 0
Min. Buy 11 EA Retail $219.89 Min. Buy 224 EA Retail $0.00
Compost Worm Castings
TeraGanix® Organic Rice Bran EM·1® Bokashi Wiggle Worm Soil Builder™ PURE Worm Castings
Compost Accelerant & Odor Eliminator
The nutrients and microbial activity of worm castings produce a “living
The EM® Bokashi Method, is a relatively fast process that provides not soil” for your plants to thrive in. With the increased hormone and
only valuable organic matter to the soil, but also provides the benefits enzyme growth produced by adding castings to your soil the roots
of fermentation by-products (metabolites) to help grow healthy crops become more fibrous and healthy. A little goes a long way and last a
and maintain healthy soils on the farm with significantly lower costs. long time, which makes it very cost effective!!
EM·1® Bokashi is made with Certified Organic
Rice Bran. Typically, 1lb is used per 5 gallon *01502633*
food waste bucket.
4.5lb UPC 090147439801
*01503206* UII602-519 Retail $7.99
Min. Buy 12 EA
2lb UPC 857970000901 15lb UPC 090147135987
TGX5005-1539 Retail $19.99 UII603-823 Retail $13.99
Min. Buy 12 EA Min. Buy 1 EA
5lb UPC 857970000932 30lb UPC 090147269996
TGX5014-2210 Retail $28.69 UII604-1370 Retail $21.99
Min. Buy 6 EA Min. Buy 1 EA 107
108 800-883-0234 Media & Amendments
Containers Bond® Deep Plastic Saucer
Deeper for less spillage. Place under pots to protect floors from
moisture, dirt and water damage.
Saucers Clear - 4in Diam UPC 034613004438
BONCVS004DL-28 Retail $0.49
Min. Buy 25 EA
Bond® Plastic Saucer Clear - 6in Diam UPC 034613006432
BONCVS006DL-40 Retail $0.69
Place under pots to protect floors from moisture, dirt and water Min. Buy 25 EA
*04500012* Clear - 8in Diam UPC 034613008436
BONCVS008DL-92 Retail $1.39
Clear - 5in Diam UPC 034613340055 Min. Buy 25 EA
Min. Buy 25 EA Retail $0.99 Clear - 10in Diam
Clear - 6in Diam BONCVS010DL-148 UPC 034613002144
Min. Buy 25 EA UPC 034613340062 Min. Buy 25 EA Retail $2.29
Retail $0.99
Clear - 12in Diam
BONCVS012DL-156 UPC 034613012433
Clear - 7in Diam
BONCVS007-50 UPC 034613340079 Min. Buy 25 EA Retail $2.49
Min. Buy 25 EA Retail $0.99
Clear - 14in Diam
BONCVS014DL-195 UPC 034613014437
Clear - 9in Diam
BONCVS009-65 UPC 034613340093 Min. Buy 25 EA Retail $2.99
Min. Buy 25 EA Retail $0.99
Clear - 10in Diam UPC 034613340109 Bond® Heavy-Duty Plastic Saucer
BONCVS010-58 Retail $0.99
Min. Buy 25 EA Made with heavy plastic for added strength and durability. Place under
pots to protect floors from moisture, dirt and water damage.
Clear - 11in Diam UPC 034613340116
BONCVS011-81 Retail $1.39 *04501105*
Min. Buy 25 EA
Clear - 12in Diam UPC 034613340123 Clear - 6in Diam
BONCVS012-90 Retail $1.39 BONCVS006HD-156 UPC 034613002120
Min. Buy 25 EA
Min. Buy 24 EA Retail $2.49
Clear - 13in Diam
BONCVS013-103 UPC 034613340130 Clear - 8in Diam
Min. Buy 25 EA Retail $1.69 BONCVS008HD-171 UPC 034613008849
Min. Buy 24 EA Retail $2.69
Clear - 14in Diam UPC 034613340147 Clear - 10in Diam
BONCVS014-122 Retail $1.89 BONCVS010HD-224 UPC 034613002151
Min. Buy 25 EA
Min. Buy 24 EA Retail $3.59
Clear - 16in Diam UPC 034613340161 Clear - 12in Diam
BONCVS016-171 Retail $2.69 BONCVS012HD-324 UPC 034613012846
Min. Buy 50 EA
Min. Buy 12 EA Retail $4.99
Clear - 17in Diam UPC 034613340178 Clear - 14in Diam
BONCVS017-198 Retail $3.29 BONCVS014HD-459 UPC 034613014840
Min. Buy 25 EA
Min. Buy 12 EA Retail $7.29
Clear - 21in Diam Clear - 16in Diam
BONCVS021-297 BONCVS016HD-590 UPC 034613016844
Min. Buy 25 EA UPC 034613340215
Retail $3.99 Min. Buy 12 EA Retail $9.29
110 800-883-0234
Saucers & Caddies Saucers & Caddies Containers
Plant Stand® Clear DownUnder Plant Saucer Curtis Wagner Plastics Deep Plant Saucers
Lifts pots to allow air flow and prevents water damage to decks, Each saucer has an airflow bottom design that
wooden floors and carpets. Will support up to 500lbs. does not trap moisture, dirt, etc. under the saucer.
*04423498* *04524077*
Clear - 17in Diam UPC 641341517408 Black - 25In UPC 759188251000
PSN51740-476 Retail $7.99 CWPBLK2500-501 Retail $8.29
Min. Buy 12 EA Min. Buy 25 EA
UPC 641341521405
Clear - 21in Diam Retail $8.99 Curtis Wagner Plastics Vinyl Plant Saucer
Min. Buy 12 EA Each saucer has an airflow bottom design that does not trap moisture
or dirt under the saucer. Saucers de-nest easily;
Plant Stand® Down Under Plant Caddie® they will not stick together.
Features five high quality, durable nylon and steel wheels and one *04523952*
locking caster to keep caddie securely in place. Constructed of UV
resistant plastic. Will support and move up to 500lbs with ease. Black - 21in Diam
CWPBLK2100-244 UPC 759188211004
Min. Buy 20 EA Retail $3.99
Black - 14in Diam UPC 641341144109
Min. Buy 6 EA Retail $29.99
Devault® Plant Dolly
Heavy duty plant dolly made of high impact plastic, perfect for whiskey
barrels and large pots. Features steel ball bearing casters and six rubber
wheels. Prevents stains on your deck or patio.
Black - 16in Diam / Supports up to 500lbs
UPC 837839003229
Min. Buy 8 EA Retail $29.99
Black - 24in Diam / Supports Up to 500lbs
UPC 837839003236
Min. Buy 4 EA Retail $46.89
Devault® Plant Dolly with Hydro Fittings
Heavy duty plant dolly with hydro fitting, made of high impact plastic.
Features steel ball bearing casters and six rubber wheels. Prevents
stains on your deck or patio.
Black - 24in Diam / Supports Up to 600lbs
DEV2400HY-3359 UPC 837839003342
Min. Buy 4 EA Retail $49.99 111
Containers Plug Trays & Pots
Grower Select® Plug Trays
Features a glossy finish for easy dislodging of your plugs. Standard tray
size of 21.25in L x 11in W
50 Square Cell Plug Tray 72 Square Cell Plug Tray 128 Square Cell Plug Tray
BUMS50/135/100 BUMS72/135/100 BUMS128/165/100
Cell Dimensions/Information Case Sold Each Barcode
Top Bottom Depth Volume Cell Shape Pack By Price BUMS50/135/100
50 Cells - 135g 1.97in 1.19in 1.81in 73CC Square 100 Case $1.08 *17801037*
Line 5x10
72 Cells - 135g 1.42in 0.875in 1.97in 34CC Square 100 Case $1.08
Line 6x12 *17800518*
128 Cells - 165g 1.11in 0.67in 1.625in 17.5CC Square 100 Case $0.96 BUMS128/165/100
Line 8x16
Grower Select® Square Co-Extruded Standard Pot
Standard thermoformed (vacuum formed) pot, economical for the
greenhouse. Sturdy pots to fit grower needs. Square pots maximize bench
and cart space. Custom fit to be a perfect match to our carry trays.
Black - 3.5in D x 3.5in H - Max Liquid Volume: 1.08pt
Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $0.00
Landmark® Carry Tray 1020
Used with the 7in Clear Dome
2.33in D x 10.80in W x 21.22in L
Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $0.00
Domes & Trays
Landmark® Clear Dome Landmark® L Series Tray
7in Clear Dome used with Carry Tray 1020. L Series tray, made of high-quality plastic resins for easy de-nesting,
specifically designed to accommodate automation equipment.
*18400007* *18400352*
7in D x 10.80in W x 21.22in L L1020NCRN - No Drainage Holes
UPC 0 21.22in L x 10.8in W x 2.33in D - Gray
Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $0.00
Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $0.00
112 800-883-0234
Fabric Bags SmartPot® Fabric Aeration Container Containers
Made with black, long lasting, porous material that promotes air
root pruning, excellent drainage and allows excess heat to escape,
producing superior plants. Weather-resistant material allows the
planter to be reused year after year. Made in the USA. BPA and lead free.
High Caliper Growing® SmartPot® Fabric Aeration Black - 3gal / 10in Base x 7.5in H
Container with Handles HCG10003-311
UPC 674344100032
*04432395* Min. Buy 10 EA Retail $4.99
Black - 3gal Black - 5gal / 12in Base x 9.5in H
HCG14003-375 HCG10005-377
Min. Buy 50 EA UPC 674344140038 UPC 674344100056
Retail $5.99
Min. Buy 10 EA Retail $5.99
Black - 5gal / 12in Base x 9.5in H Black - 7gal / 14in Base x 9.5in H
HCG14005-439 UPC 674344140052 UPC 674344100070
Min. Buy 50 EA Retail $6.99 Min. Buy 10 EA Retail $6.99
Black - 7gal / 14in Base x 10.5in H Black - 10gal / 16in Base x 11.5in H
HCG14007-569 UPC 674344140076 UPC 674344100100
Min. Buy 50 EA Retail $7.99 Min. Buy 10 EA Retail $8.99
Black - 10gal / 16in Base x 11.5in H Black - 15gal / 18in Base x 13.5in H
HCG14010-697 UPC 674344140106 UPC 674344100155
Min. Buy 50 EA Retail $9.99 Min. Buy 10 EA Retail $9.99
Black - 15gal / 18in Base x 13.5in H Black - 20gal / 20in Base x 15.5in H
HCG14015-908 UPC 674344140151 UPC 674344100209
Min. Buy 50 EA Retail $12.99 Min. Buy 10 EA Retail $11.99
Black - 20gal / 20in Base x 15.5in H Black - 25gal / 21in Base x 15.5in H
HCG14020-1037 UPC 674344140205 UPC 674344100254
Min. Buy 50 EA Retail $14.99 Min. Buy 10 EA Retail $12.99
Black - 25gal / 21in Base x 15.5in H Black - 45gal / 27in Base x 18in H
HCG14025-1104 UPC 674344140250 UPC 674344100452
Min. Buy 50 EA Retail $15.99 Min. Buy 50 EA Retail $19.99
Black - 30gal Black - 65gal / 32in Base x 18in H
HCG14030-1170 HCG10065-1611
Min. Buy 50 EA UPC 674344140304 UPC 674344100650
Retail $17.99
Min. Buy 50 EA Retail $23.99 113
Containers Fabric Bags Nursery Pots
Hydro Crunch Breathable Fabric Pot Bag with Handles Nursery Supplies® PI-PC Nursery Container
Fabric Grow Pot Bags provide great support, while allowing air to travel Economical PI injection-molded containers. Strong and rigid. Tier
into the root system. The breathable fabric allows excess moisture to stacking. Label, hot stamp and printing compatible.
escape and provides optimal soil temperature, improving drainage and
keeping the root system from overheating on hot days. It also decreases *18600490*
the risk of transplant shock, creates improved overall root structure and
help plants become established more quickly after transplanting. Made Black
with heavy duty cloth and sturdy contrasting stitching. NS01-05400-0111-95 UPC 0
Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $0.00
*04443185* *18600491*
Black - 5pk - 2 Gallon Capacity 3 - Black, 45/CS, 1800/PL
HYCD940005600X005-494 UPC 858882007774 NS01-05450-0100-0 UPC
Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $9.59 Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $
Black - 5pk - 3 Gallon Capacity *18600538*
HYCD940005700X005-535 UPC 858882007781
5S - Black, 10.75inX10.5in, 42/CS
Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $10.99 NS01055500411-0 UPC
Black - 5pk - 5 Gallon Capacity Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $
HYCD940005800X005-669 UPC 858882007798
Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $12.59
7S - Black, 33/CS, 594/PL
Black - 5pk - 7 Gallon Capacity NS01-05650-0100-0 UPC
HYCD940005900X005-792 UPC 858882007804
Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $
Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $15.99
Black - 5pk - 10 Gallon Capacity *18600484*
HYCD940006000X005-1018 UPC 858882007811
15 - Black, 612/PL
Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $17.59 NS01-05800-0130-0 UPC
Black - 5pk - 15 Gallon Capacity Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $
HYCD940006100X005-1183 UPC 858882007828
Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $20.99
Black - 5pk - 20 Gallon Capacity CA-5 Black
HYCD940006200X005-1276 UPC 858882007835 NS01055550311-196 UPC 0
Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $21.99 Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $0.00
Black - 5pk - 25 Gallon Capacity *18600532*
HYCD940006300X005-1409 UPC 858882007842
Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $23.99 PC-1H Black - 6in x 7in, .69gal
NS01052500111-40 UPC 0
Black - 5pk - 30 Gallon Capacity
HYCD940006400X005-1532 UPC 858882007859 Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $0.00
Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $25.99 *18600534*
PC-10 Black - 15.25in x 14.5in, no handles
NS01057000201-687 UPC 0
Grow Dome
Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $0.00
Hydro Crunch Propagation Grow Tray Plastic Dome *18600537*
Use the Hydro Crunch Clear Plastic Dome with a standard 10in x 20in PC-1D Black - 6in x 6.75in
propagation tray flat. Tall domes are 7in tall and perfect for larger NS01053000111-49 UPC 0
cuttings and seedlings. Tall propagation domes create a humid
and warm environment for general propagation, clones, and seed Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $0.00
germination. Domes come with adjustable
vents to control heat and humidity with a Nursery Supplies® Classic Blow-Molded Pot
built in handle for easy removal.
Blow molded container with a heavy weight and
*15500676* rigidity. Offers exceptional durability, strength
and value. Made in the USA.
Clear - 10pk - 7in Tall, Fits a 10x20 Tray
HYCD94001140010PK-3415 UPC 858882007996
Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $52.59
Black - C10000BXL
NS01-00850-0200-722 UPC 710895031842
Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $0.00
114 800-883-0234
Nursery Pots Containers
Nursery Supplies® Classic Custom™ Blow-Molded Pot
An economy line of blow-molded containers. These containers are
designed to get your plants to market efficiently. Made from 100%
high density polyethylene. Durable, flexible and easy on the budget.
Made in the USA.
Mum Pot
Nursery Supplies® Econo-Grip® Blow-Molded Pot Black - 550CU - 9in W x 6.18in D
NS01-00430-0551-75 UPC 710895092881
Economy line of blow-molded containers that offer exceptional
durability, strength, value and are label hot stamp and printing Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $0.00
compatible. Features a top lip that makes it easy to grip and is
automation friendly. Made in the USA. Standard Pot
Black - 300CU - #1 Trade
NS01-00250-0291-28 UPC 710895006482
Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $0.00
Black - EG10000 - Trade 25 Gallon (27.585 Gallons) 22.75in W x 18.18in D
UPC 710895005157 *18600291*
Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $0.00 Black - 600CU - Trade 2 Gallon (1.5 Gallons) 9in W x 8.5in D
*18600101* NS01-00450-1381-49 UPC 710895092966
Black - EG2800 - Trade 7 Gallon (6.085 Gallons) 13.75in W x 12in D Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $0.00
NS01-04650-0010-400 UPC 710895004297
Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $0.00
Black - 400SCU - Pot
NS01-00300-0900-41 UPC 710895093260
*18600196* Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $0.00
Black - EG4000 - #10 - 9.16gal (34.68L) - 14.25in W x 14.25in D *18600293*
NS01-04700-0041-717 UPC 710895032191
Black - 900cu - #2 Trade - 1.94gal (7.33L) - 9.5in W x 9.125in D
Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $0.00 NS01-00490-0331-54 UPC 710895092942
*18600225* Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $0.00
Black - EG8000 - Trade 20 Gallon (19.5 Gallons) - 19.5in W x 17in D *18600298*
UPC 710895009834 Black - 1000CU (2.296 Gallons) 10.18in W x 9.18in D
NS01-00500-0861-56 UPC 710895093055
Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $0.00
Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $0.00
Nursery Supplies® Grip-Lip® Blow-Molded Pot *18600127*
Blow molded container with a heavy weight and rigidity. Offers Black - 1200CU (3 Gallons) 11in W x 9.5in D
exceptional durability, strength and value and are label hot stamp and NS01-00550-1111-67 UPC 710895093536
printing compatible. Features a top lip that makes it easy to grip and is
automation friendly. Made in the USA. Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $0.00
*18600065* *18600102*
Black - GL10000 - Trade 25 Gallon (27.59 Gallons) Black - 1600CU - #5 Squat - 3.58gal (13.55L) - 11.875in W x 10.125in D
NS01-00580-0521-114 UPC 710895031668
22.75in W x 18.125in D
NS01-04850-0500-1624 UPC 710895005188 Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $0.00
Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $0.00
Black - 1600SCU - #3 Squat - 2.87gal (10.85L) - 11.875in W x 7.875in D
NS01-00590-0251-136 UPC 710895031750
Nursery Supplies® Classic Olympian™ Blow- Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $0.00
Molded Pot
The Olympian™ is the industry standard for
weight and rigidity. Black - 2000CU - Trade 5 Gallon (3.843 Gallons) 11.78in W x 11in D
NS01-00600-0561-117 UPC 710895031682
*18600259* Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $0.00
Black - 4000BXL - Trade 10 Gallons (9.632 Gallons) *18600047*
15.75in W x15in D Black - 2800CU - Trade 7 Gallon (6.085 Gallons) 14in W x 11.5in D
NS01-00700-0211-473 UPC 710895032917 NS01-00650-0661-173 UPC 710895091150
Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $0.00 Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $0.00 115
Biodegradable Pots & Pellets
Containers Jiffy® Peat Pots
Biodegradable pots, made from organic recycled materials. When
plants mature, plant pot and all into ground, allowing plant roots
remain undisturbed.
Seed Starting *26900024*
2in Round / Bonus 26pk Retail Package
Jiffy® Windowsill Greenhouse UPC 033349412142
Convenient, no-mess way to start seeds. Just add water, pellet expands Min. Buy 16 EA Retail $3.39
to form pot and soil in one. Includes watertight tray and humidity
dome. Great space saver. 3in Round / 10pk Retail Package
UPC 033349031107
*26900160* Min. Buy 37 EA Retail $2.39
12 Cells - 36mm Pellets 3in Round / Bonus 22pk Retail Package
PLPJ312-316 PLPJP322-293
UPC 033349417109 UPC 033349413187
Min. Buy 17 EA Retail $5.09 Min. Buy 18 EA Retail $4.79
24 Cells - 36mm Pellets 4in Round / 6pk Retail Package
UPC 033349050429 PLPJP406-224 UPC 033349414443
Min. Buy 30 EA Retail $7.69 Min. Buy 28 EA Retail $3.69
Jiffy-7® Self-Watering Greenhouse® Jiffypot® Round Peat Pot
Convenient, no-mess way to start seeds. Tray has a self-watering Manufactured from raw materials, consisting of a minimum of 50%
design with capillary-mat absorption. Holds up to 4 cups of water and sphagnum peat, wood fiber and lime to adjust the pH. The peat
waters up to 10 days. content provides a combination of superior root
penetration, good drainage and aeration while the
*26900124* wood fibers strengthen the pot, and they are 100%
biodegradable. OMRI Listed.
34 Jiffy-7® Pellets-Tray-Dome-Mat
UPC 033349652050
Min. Buy 11 EA Retail $14.09 *18700137*
70 Jiffy-7®Pellets-Tray-Dome-Mat
UPC 033349052621 6in Diam x 5in Deep Pots - 198 per Case
Min. Buy 14 EA Retail $22.09 UPC 0
Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $0.00
Jiffy® Seed Starter® Tray & Insert Jiffy® Peat Pellets
Ideal to start seeds and cuttings. Just add seeds and growing mix. The Convenient, no-mess way to start seeds. Just add water, pellet expands
water- tight plastic tray does not have holes and is reusable. to form pot and soil in one. Transplant directly
into the ground, minimizing transplant shock
*26900018* and root damage.
32 cell -Tray UPC 033349412388 *26900008*
PLPT32-477 Retail $7.89
Min. Buy 14 EA
42mm Pellets - 25pk Retail Package
NK® Seed Starter Mini-Greenhouse UPC 033349077501
Raised ridges on the bottom of the watertight tray keep plant roots Min. Buy 29 EA Retail $5.39
above the waterline. Clear humidity dome keeps in valuable moisture
and heat to improve seed germination. Each individual cell has its own Jiffy® Peat Pellets
drainage hole.
Convenient, no-mess way to start seeds. Just add
*26900165* water, pellet expands to form pot and soil in one.
Transplant directly into the ground, minimizing
22in L x 12in W x 3in H transplant shock and root damage.
UPC 023075027215
Min. Buy 16 EA Retail $8.39 *23200069*
Jiffy® Tomato Greenhouse® Refill 42mm Pellet - 1000 Bulk Pellet Box
Convenient, no-mess way to start seeds. Just add water, pellet expands
to form pot and soil in one. Min. Buy 1 EA Retail $0.49
42mm Pellets - 16pk
UPC 033349050474 Humidity Dome
Min. Buy 12 EA Retail $8.79
Jiffy® Seed Starter® Insert-Refill Jiffy® Gro-Dome
Replacement plant cells for use in standard For use with a plant tray. Allows one to create a greenhouse effect to
11inx22in flat. help maintain heat and humidity and aid
in the successful germination of seed.
*26900001* *26900149*
72 Cell Insert UPC 033349412586 22in L x11in W UPC 033349412210
PLPTR72-184 PLPTDOME-196 Retail $3.39
Min. Buy 50 EA
Min. Buy 22 EA Retail $3.09
116 800-883-0234