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Published by Дарина Железова, 2020-08-11 10:25:32



Answer key

Exam practice Unit 24
Reading and Use of English Part 4
A: Context listening
1 in which we had lunch / (which/that) we had lunch in
2 who works for an airline 1 B (A is wrong because Gemma didn’t sign a contract and
3 is the reason (why) hasn’t made any more films. C is wrong because she was not
4 book (which/that) I lent him a film actor before she got the part. D is wrong because she
5 the concert (which/that) I went was already at theatre school – it was only in films that she
6 the boy whose mother is had no experience.)

Grammar focus task 2 2 in spite of having 3 after visiting 4 before accepting
5 while making 6 working 7 but I’m 8 despite being
1 all of them
2 Sentence 2 is non-defining; all the others are defining. 3 the -ing form
3 We can tell by the punctuation. The clause in sentence 2
C: Grammar exercises
is enclosed by commas and if we remove this clause, the 1 2 C 3 D 4 H 5 F 6 I 7 A 8 B 9 E (➢ B1–2 and 4–6)
sentence still makes sense. In the other sentences the relative
clause is necessary in order to identify the thing/person we are 2 2 D (In 1a Sam showed the map to the farmer and asked
talking about. the way, but in 1b the farmer asked Sam the way and Sam
showed him his map.) 3 S 4 D (In 4a Chloe’s father promised
Unit 23 her a car after she’d failed the exam, but in 4b he promised
it before she took the exam.) 5 S 6 D (In 6a the mountain
A: Context listening guide warned us, but in 6b the guide received the warning
from someone else.) (➢ B1–4)
2 Josie does judo and Adam plays volleyball.
3 2 good enough 3 since 4 tall enough 5 so quick 6 enough 3 2 Waving to her fans, the singer got into her car.
3 Grumbling about the amount of homework he had, Simon
exercise 7 too much time 8 too many practice games took out his grammar book.
9 in order to 10 well enough 11 as, so much revision 4 Designed by a famous architect, the school buildings won
4 It goes after an adjective or adverb but before a noun (good several prizes.
and tall are adjectives, well is an adverb and exercise is a 5 Being a sensible girl, Wendy didn’t panic when she cut her
noun). hand.
6 Hearing cries for help, Paul dived into the water.
C: Grammar exercises 7 Recorded only last week, this song has already been
1 2 in order to 3 As 4 so 5 enough, so, too 6 so that (➢ B1–3)
downloaded a million times. (➢ B4)
2 2 S 3 D (In 3a we understand that his father doesn’t allow
him to have a motorbike, but in 3b he may have one 4 2 While 3 before 4 even though 5 even if 6 though
although he’s unusually young.) 4 S 5 S 6 D (In 6a we
understand that she’s confused by too much advice, but in 7 Since (➢ B1–4, B6)
6b she’s had as much advice as she needs, no more, no less.) 5 2 b 3 b 4 a 5 a (➢ B1, B5)
Exam practice
7 S 8 S (➢ B1–3) Reading and Use of English Part 2

3 2 G 3 D 4 E 5 F (B is also possible, though less likely.) 1 even 2 from 3 fact 4 which/that 5 apart 6 but
7 to 8 Despite
6 C (G is also possible, though less likely.) 7 B 8 A (➢ B3)
4 2 since 3 so 4 as 5 Therefore 6 such 7 Because (➢ B1–3) Grammar focus task

5 2 fit enough to 3 enough room/space for 4 old enough to 1B 2A 3D 4E 5C
5 too expensive for me to 6 too well for me to 7 too far

(away) (for us) to 8 too windy for the ferry to (➢ B3)
Exam practice
Reading and Use of English Part 1

1B 2B 3A 4D 5A 6C 7C 8D

Grammar focus task

1 that 2 enough, to 3 Therefore 4 too 5 in order to


Answer key

Vocabulary section Unit 27

Unit 25 1.1 1 composer. A composer writes music; the others
perform it.
1.1 A India B Brazil
1.2 Photo A 2 chapter. This word relates to books; the others relate
to music.
2 pine 3 streams 4 vegetation 5 slopes
6 orchards 7 tracks 8 valleys 9 bank 1.2 2 Yes 3 Yes (the cello and violin) 4 Yes
10 springs 5 Yes (but only occasionally)
1.3 2 trunks 3 sunlight 4 plants 5 leaves 6 soil
7 roots 8 branches 9 insects 10 butterflies 1.3 2 have always counted it among
1.4 2 wide 3 straight 4 muddy 5 cultivated 3 got to quite a high standard
6 mountainous 7 steep 4 sang solo
2.1 2 A 3 B 4 B 5 A 6 B 7 A 8 B 5 sometimes make a special trip
9 A 10 A 11 B 12 A 6 always got something playing, my headphones on
2.2 Join 1 and 3, 10 and 12 with and.
Join 2 and 5, 6 and 8, 7 and 9 with but. 2.1 rock: 3 pop: 2 classical: 4 world music: 1
(See Web page for the full texts.) 2.2 2 harmonies 3 album 4 composers
2.3 It’s in the Arctic. (The speaker is talking about Greenland.)
3.1 2 frozen 3 misty 4 tropical 5 warmth 6 global 5 tracks 6 cover version 7 distinctive style
8 fans 9 old favourites 10 lyrics
Exam practice 3.1 1 rock ’n’ roll 2 jazz 3 country and western
Reading and Use of English Part 6 4 folk
1C 2G 3B 4F 5A 6D 4.1 2 whistle 3 tap 4 sneeze 5 snore 6 bang
7 splash 8 smash
Writing Part 2: email 4.2 2 B 3 G 4 H 5 D 6 A 7 E 8 C

See Web page for model answer. Exam practice
Reading and Use of English Part 2
Unit 26
1 much 2 each/every 3 in 4 what 5 not
1.1 Meal A is high in salt, fat, protein, carbohydrate, sugar and 6 who 7 as 8 why
calories and low in vitamins and fibre.
Meal B is high in vitamins, protein and fibre and low in salt, Writing Part 1: essay
fat and sugar.
See Web page for model answer.
1.2 eating lean meat needing carbohydrate for energy
not putting on weight doing regular training Unit 28
getting enough sleep handling stress
1.1 1 A coach from the national team came to
1.3 2 False 3 True 4 False 5 True 6 False choose the three best players.
7 True 8 False
2 Nick tripped and broke his leg.
1.5 2 cut down on 3 putting on 4 live on 3 his brother
5 get round to 6 taking up 7 going for 1.2 positive: confident, excited, proud, relaxed
8 coming down with negative: ashamed, disappointed, embarrassed,
guilty, jealous, upset
2.1 2 C 3 E 4 A 5 B 6 D 1.3 1 excited, confident, proud
2.2 2 stitches 3 antihistamines 4 prescription 2 disappointed, upset, jealous
1.4 ashamed, embarrassed, guilty
5 plaster 6 vaccination 7 scales 8 symptoms 2.1, 2.2
3.1 2 made up for, A 3 made for, B 4 make out, E
amazed annoyed depressed
5 made (them) into, C
surprised angry fed up
Exam practice astonished furious miserable
Reading and Use of English Part 1
frightened pleased worried
1 a 2 Although/Though/While 3 too 4 it 5 into
6 any 7 when/whenever/if 8 as scared glad anxious
afraid delighted concerned
Writing Part 1: essay terrified

See Web page for model answer.


Answer key

3.1 Sample answers: aggressive hard-working – lazy modest – arrogant
Paul: happy, keen, excited, thrilled, eager, enthusiastic polite – rude relaxed – tense self-confident – shy
Don: nervous, scared, frightened, anxious, worried, 2.2 2 mean 3 rude 4 lazy 5 tense 6 aggressive
apprehensive 3.1 1 im- 2 un- 3 in- 4 dis- 5 ir-
im- is added to some adjectives beginning with p
4.1 2 disappointing 3 surprised 4 excited ir- is added to some adjectives beginning with r
5 worried 6 terrifying 7 relaxing 3.2 2 careless 3 powerful 4 painful
5 harmless 6 graceful 7 colourless
4.2 Noun: embarrassment, pleasure, excitement
Verb: amaze, embarrass, please, annoy Exam practice
Adjective: amazing, amazed, annoying, annoyed Reading and Use of English Part 5
Noun: anger, jealousy
Adjective: depressing, depressed, proud, anxious, miserable 1B 2A 3C 4A 5D 6D

Exam practice Writing Part 2: article
Listening Part 1
See Web page for model answer.
1C 2B 3C 4A 5A 6B 7C 8A
Unit 31
Writing Part 2: article
1.1 go: skating, cycling, jogging, walking, swimming, climbing,
See Web page for model answer. skateboarding, skiing, diving, snorkelling, sailing,
snowboarding, hiking, surfing
Unit 29 play: squash, rugby, badminton, hockey, football, table
tennis, baseball, ice hockey
1.1 A (prehistoric) paintings of animals in a cave do: yoga, aerobics, athletics, gymnastics, martial arts
B a long wall and a tower (Great Wall of China)
1.2 1 a course 2 a court, a racket 3 a pitch, a stick
1.2 A Age: 17,000 years Purpose: to show the importance of 4 a court, a racket 5 a bat, a pitch
animals to people’s survival The word not used is a track. It is associated with
B Location: China Age: 2,000 years Purpose: to protect
the border / prevent invasion 1.3 1 jogger, walker, swimmer, climber, skateboarder, skier,
diver, snorkeller, footballer, snowboarder, hiker, surfer
2.1 2 records 3 population 4 figures 5 inhabitants
6 tribes 7 ancestors 8 hunting 9 settle 10 tools 2 volleyball, squash, rugby, badminton, hockey, football,
11 beliefs 12 stories table tennis, baseball, ice hockey

2.2 prehistory: prehistoric archaeology: archaeologist, 3 cyclist, gymnast, athlete
archaeological (Note: There is no word in English for someone who does
evidence: evident politics: politician, political judo, yoga or aerobics.)
presidency: president, presidential 2.1 Speaker 1: yoga Speaker 2: squash Speaker 3: hockey
populate: population civilise: civilisation, civilian 2.2 Speaker 1: great, varied, relaxing Speaker 2: demanding,
invade: invasion, invader reside: residence, resident exciting, challenging Speaker 3: satisfying
believe: belief, believer survive: survival, survivor 3.1 1 win 2 beat, won 3 won, beating 4 win,
beating 5 beat, win
3.1 2 last 3 spent 4 takes 5 lasts 6 spent 4.1 2 flowed 3 working 4 did 5 goes
4.1 2 D 3 B 4 A 5 G 6 H 7 E 8 F 4.2 2 runs in, families (run on something means to work or

Exam practice function by means of it: Most motor boats run on diesel.)
Reading and Use of English Part 1 3 friends, run into (run over someone/something means

1A 2C 3A 4C 5D 6A 7D 8B to hit and drive over: I dropped my hat on the road and
a car ran over it.)
Writing Part 2: review 4 children, run out of (run up against something means
to face an obstacle: The council ran up against a lot of
See Web page for model answer. opposition when they decided to cut down the tree.)
5 problem, run up against (run through means to read
Unit 30 or practise something quickly from beginning to end:
Before the meeting I ran through what I was going to say.)
1.1 1 B 2 C 3 A 6 run on, petrol (run into also means to hit accidentally:
1.2 1 energetic, relaxed, determined, ambitious, outstanding I lost control of my bike and ran into a tree.)

2 fashionable, fit, self-confident, charming, sympathetic, Exam practice

3 versatile, talented, graceful, courageous, devoted
1.4 2 A 3 B 4 A 5 B 6 A 7 C 8 C
2.1 adventurous – cautious generous – mean gentle –


Answer key

Reading and Use of English Part 4 Reading and Use of English Part 4

1 to run through/over 2 succeeded in winning 3 been 1 made the journey / went on a journey
running well since it 4 ran up against / ran into a lot / lots 2 on a short trip to
5 went sailing for the first 6 runs in Susie’s 3 to book (some/any) accommodation
4 rather travel by
Writing Part 2: email 5 do on (a) holiday is
6 taken a longer flight than
See Web page for model answer.
Writing Part 2: article
Unit 32
See Web page for model answer.
1.1 Speaker 1: A Speaker 2: C Speaker 3: A Speaker 4: B
1.2 2 spoken 3 get 4 make 5 told 6 fell Unit 34

7 got 8 get 9 lost 10 enjoy 11 keep 1.1 Speaker1: staying in Speaker 2: going out
12 make 13 have 1.2 2 C 3 J 4 J 5 C 6 C 7 J 8 C
1.3 1 close 2 best 3 old 4 good
2.1 2 know 3 made 4 become 5 neighbour 9 C 10 C 11 J 12 J 13 J 14 J
6 in 7 each 8 on 9 out 15 J 16 C 17 J 18 J
2.2 nephew, widow, aunt, stepfather, sister-in-law, 1.3 have: a barbecue, a coffee, friends round, a quiet night in
grandparents (1.3); a takeaway (1.2)
2.3 1 F She and her stepsister often fall out. 2 T watch: a film, a match, a play (1.3); sport on TV, DVDs (1.2)
3 F They share a lot of interests. 4 T play: cards, games, a match (1.3); music, online games (1.2)
5 F They met when Meena moved in next door. go: shopping (1.3); clubbing, surfing, swimming (1.2)
3.1 2 destiny 3 eldest 4 support 5 roots go to: a barbecue, a club, a concert, a film, a match, a play,
6 loyalty 7 community 8 brought a restaurant, the theatre (1.3); a party, junk shops, the
9 background 10 fortune 11 inherited cinema, the beach (1.2)
12 donated go for: a coffee, a drive, a walk (1.3)
Correct order: E, B, D, A, F, C 2.1 2 F 3 C 4 E 5 D 6 B 7 A 8 H
4.1 2 F 3 D 4 E 5 B 6 A 2.2 2 collects 3 do 4 do 5 play 6 play
3.1 take off a few days: spend time away from work
Exam practice take out money: withdraw
Listening Part 3 take over a business: gain control of
take to someone you’ve just met: develop a liking for
1H 2A 3G 4F 5C take up space: fill up
take on responsibility: accept
Writing Part 1: essay 3.2 2 took out 3 took off 4 takes after 5 take on
6 taken over 7 takes up
See Web page for model answer.
Exam practice
Unit 33 Reading and Use of English Part 3

1.1 by plane 1 pointless 2 commitments 3 unlike 4 addition
2 visa 3 terminal 4 pass 5 control 6 security 5 friendships 6 personal 7 strengths 8 truly
7 board 8 gate 9 crew 10 headset
Writing Part 2: email
1.2 1 train 2 bus 3 underground 4 taxi
1.3 Words not used: landing, runway, wing. They are associated See Web page for model answer.

with planes. Unit 35
2.1 1 suitcase 2 accommodation, hotel
1.2 2 A 3 B 4 A 5 B 6 A
3 equipment, tent 4 cash, coin 5 parking, car park 1.3 City A: Sentences 6, 2, 4 City B: Sentences 3, 5, 1
6 transport, vehicle 2.1 B
2.2 Countable: hotel, vehicle, suitcase, tent, car park, coin 2.2 2 F 3 T 4 F 5 T 6 F
Uncountable: equipment, transport, luggage, cash, 2.3 1 industrial, business 2 residential, outskirts, suburbs
accommodation, parking
2.3 2 journey 3 trip 4 trip 5 travel 6 trip 3 block 4 mall 5 multi-storey 6 neglected 7 lane
7 travel 8 journey
3.1 Woman: 2 C 3 C 4 A 5 A 6 B
Boy: 1 A 2 B 3 B 4 C 5 C 6 C

Exam practice


Answer key

3.1 2 health centre 3 car park 4 art gallery 5 concert 3.2 The girl prefers going to the theatre because there’s more
hall 6 taxi rank 7 football stadium 8 ice rink atmosphere and every performance is special.
9 bowling alley 10 shopping centre The man prefers going to the cinema because of the darkness
in the cinema, the film music and the locations in the films.
3.2 recreation ground. People play games there.
4.1 Speaker 1: lively, moving, dramatic, superb
Exam practice Speaker 2: delightful, memorable, convincing, outstanding
Reading and Use of English Part 1
4.2 brilliant P confusing N convincing P delightful P
1D 2A 3C 4D 5C 6B 7D 8C dramatic P dull N fascinating P gripping P
imaginative P irritating N lively P memorable P
Writing Part 2: article moving P outstanding P predictable N stunning P
superb P tedious N uninspired N
See Web page for model answer.

Unit 36 4.3 2 brilliant 3 confusing 4 uninspired 5 tedious

1.1 1 Chinese 2 Mexican 3 Italian Exam practice
Reading and Use of English Part 7
1.2 1 prawns, ginger, spices, soy sauce, stir fries, rice, noodles 8A
2 hot spicy food, chilli, corn, tortillas, beans 1D 2B 3D 4A 5B 6D 7C
3 herbs, tomatoes, pasta, olives 9 C 10 A

1.3 2 eggs 3 vegetables 4 banana Writing Part 2: review
5 cheese 6 butter 7 lemon 8 sauce
See Web page for model answer.

2.1 2 F The restaurant serves well-known (popular) dishes, Unit 38
not unusual ones. 3 F Dishes are delivered to your
table by waiters. 4 F The food is served as soon as it has 1.1 2 mansion. This is a huge house; the others are found
been cooked. 5 T 6 T inside a house.

2.2 2 G 3 F 4 C 5 A 6 B 7 E 3 flowerbed. This is in a garden; the others enclose a
2.3 1 tasteless 2 tasty 3 tasteful
4 carpet. This is on the floor; the others are at a window.
3.1 1 water colours, oil paintings, prints 5 wardrobe. This is a piece of furniture; the others are
2 pottery, textiles, jewellery, sculptures
3 portrait, still life, landscape, abstract building materials.
6 lobby. This is the entrance area inside a public building;
3.2 2 pottery 3 exhibitions 4 galleries 5 conventional
6 style 7 landscapes 8 realistic 9 colours the others are structures outside a house.
10 huge 11 impressive 1.2 1 shutters 2 garage 3 gate 4 fence 5 terrace

Exam practice 5 desert 6 chimney 7 bricks 8 hedge
Listening Part 3 1.3 A
2.1 1 The Clenches’ house was painted but the writer’s house
1 remote 2 plane 3 nature 4 beaches
6 light 7 board 8 oil 9 companies wasn’t.
10 (magazine) articles 2 In a modern house in a city or town, because she

Writing Part 1: essay wanted one with painted walls, an indoor bathroom,
electricity and flowers round the porch.
See Web page for model answer. 2.2 1 A 2 C 3 B 4 C 5 B 6 B
3.1 2 electrician 3 service agent 4 builder 5 decorator
Unit 37
Exam practice
1.1 Speaker 1: reality TV Speaker 2: comedy Speaker 3: Reading and Use of English Part 3
costume drama
1 surroundings 2 emotional 3 ensuring
1.2 2 current affairs 3 soap opera 4 documentary 4 personality/personalities 5 luxurious 6 sensitive
5 costume drama 6 reality TV show 7 chat show 7 requirement 8 expectations

2.1 2 listened to 3 looked at 4 saw Writing Part 1: essay
5 heard 6 watched 7 read about
See Web page for model answer.
3.1 2 B 3 B 4 C 5 B 6 B 7 B 8 B 9 B
10 C 11 B 12 B 13 B 14 B 15 B 16 T
17 C 18 C 19 B 20 T 21 C


Answer key

Unit 39 Writing Part 2: review

1.1 1 make observations, enter data into a computer See Web page for model answer.
2 collect data, make exciting discoveries, do experiments
3 make predictions, attend conferences, interpret statistics Unit 41

1.2 2 chemist 3 astronomer 4 ecologist 5 biologist 1.1 Jasmine: C Karim: A
6 physicist 7 mathematician 2.1 1 C 2 B 3 D 4 A
2.2 2 a dress b wear 3 a dressed b wearing
1.3 biology, biological; chemistry, chemical; ecology, ecological;
geology, geological; mathematics/maths; mathematical; 4 a got b took 5 a had b wore
physics, physical 3.2 1 C 2 A 3 C 4 C 5 B 6 A

1.4 2 B 3 L 4 B 5 L 6 N Exam practice
2.1 2 A 3 D 4 F 5 C 6 B Reading and Use of English Part 6
3.1 1 T 2 F It’s easier to leave them on. 3 T 4 T
1C 2F 3A 4D 5G 6E
5 F He can’t afford to buy it. 6 T
4.1 2 boundaries 3 end up 4 causes 5 warming Writing Part 2: story

6 record 7 develop 8 create 9 make 10 linked See Web page for model answer.
11 cut down 12 standard
Unit 42
Exam practice
Listening Part 1 1.1 1 streamed. Classes are streamed if the pupils are divided
into different groups according to ability; the other
1B 2C 3B 4C 5C 6A 7C words describe different types of school.

Writing Part 2: letter 2 playing fields. These are outdoors; the other places are
See Web page for model answer.
3 lecturers. They work at a university; the other people
Unit 40 work in a school.

1.1 Reference: biography, cookery book, guidebook, textbook 4 housework. This is work done at home (e.g. cooking,
Fiction: detective story, fantasy, ghost story, romance, cleaning); the other words are related to school.
science fiction novel, thriller
Publicity: brochure, catalogue 1.2 1 secondary, state, comprehensive 2 laboratory,
playing fields 3 teachers 4 timetable, uniform,
1.2 thriller or detective story subjects
1.3 Sounds: groaning, shriek, yelling, whimpering
1.3 1 living nearby / being able to walk there, science lessons,
Movements: crept, darted, dashed, stumbled the varied timetable
1.4 1 breathe 2 nod 3 blink 4 tremble 5 sigh
2 having a lot of homework, uniform
In each group the other two words are connected with 1.4 2 compulsory 3 age 4 age 5 start 6 attend
2.1 2 novelist 3 called 4 remember 5 fiction 7 pupils 8 taught 9 miss 10 after 11 allowed
6 characters 7 relationships 8 borrow 9 library 12 take 13 leave 14 study 15 opportunities
10 request 11 entertaining 12 chapter 2.3 1 A: [chemistry] B: [geography]
3.1 1 Because they make you think (like a crossword puzzle). 2 Suggested answers: In lesson A the students are
2 His stories move fast and he has a great hero.
3.2 1 mad about 2 especially when 3 makes me think working in a group, but in lesson B the teacher is talking
4 bit too much 5 ’d rather 6 move really fast to the whole class. In lesson A the students are wearing
7 real tough guy special clothes and protective glasses.
4.1 Crime: shoplifting 3.1 2 revise 3 retake 4 pass 5 take 6 fail 7 give
Criminal: robber, thief, shoplifter, murderer 8 studying
Verb: burgle, rob, murder
4.2 2 robbed 3 stole 4 robberies 5 murderer Exam practice 6 been
6 stolen Reading and Use of English Part 2

Exam practice 1 whose 2 than 3 one 4 out 5 not
Reading and Use of English Part 5 7 how 8 for

1A 2C 3B 4B 5A 6D Writing Part 2: story

See Web page for model answer.


Answer key

Unit 43 Unit 44

1.1 Speaker 1 is a hairdresser. Speaker 2 is a carpenter. 1.1 It is aimed at people who are thinking of coming to the
1.2 Suggested answers: university as undergraduates.

Hairdresser: cheerful, friendly, on my feet all day, salon 1.2 2 departments, faculty 3 prospectus 4 lectures,
Carpenter: physically fit, good with my hands, creative, seminars, tutorials 5 lecturers, tutors 6 dissertation
design cupboards or shelves 7 halls of residence, students’ union 8 mature
2.1 A receptionist B cleaner C nursery assistant 9 terms, semesters, vacations 10 undergraduates,
2.2 2 A, permanent 3 C, possible promotion graduates, postgraduate
4 B, shift work 5 A, good communication skills
6 B, overtime 2.1 1 Student 1: English literature Student 2: chemistry
2.3 1 salary 2 wages 3 rate of pay 2 Student 1: lectures, seminars, tutorials, essays,
2.4 2 vacancy 3 application 4 catering presentations Student 2: lectures, experiments
5 passionate 6 professional 7 reliable 3 Student 1: studying on his own / reading and thinking
8 training 9 enthusiastic 10 references things through, the timetable, the lectures, seminars
3.1 2 ✓ 3 ✗ 4 ✗ 5 ✓ 6 ✓ 7 ✗ 8 ✓ and tutorials
3.2 1 Speaker 1: I resigned. Speaker 7: I gave up my job. Student 2: the system – morning lectures and afternoon
2 Speaker 3: I was made redundant. laboratory experiments
3.3 1 work 2 job 3 career 4 work 5 work
6 job, work 7 work 8 career 2.2 1 ’m really enthusiastic about 2 are totally against
3 in my view 4 approve of 5 personally think
Exam practice 6 believe 7 ‘m convinced that 8 really appreciate
Reading and Use of English Part 3 9 ‘m in favour of

1 worrying 2 unpredictable 3 promotion 4 response 2.3 1 P 2 N 3 B 4 P 5 B 6 B 7 B 8 P 9 P
5 relationship 6 competitive 7 annoyance 3.1 1 D 2 E 3 A 4 C 5 B
8 extraordinarily
Exam practice 8A
Writing Part 2: letter of application Reading and Use of English Part 7

See Web page for model answer. 1B 2D 3A 4C 5A 6D 7B
9 C 10 B

Writing Part 2: report

See Web page for model answer.


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