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Published by keribethjones, 2016-02-11 12:27:10

Microsoft Word 2010 Lesson Plan

Microsoft Word 2010 Lesson Plan

IT Academy Program Lesson Plan: Microsoft Office 2010 // Microsoft Word 2010

Class Projects The class projects provide the student with the opportunity to practice skills
that were taught in the lesson. The projects may be utilized as class, indi-
vidual, or assessment activities. Completion of projects helps provide lesson
reinforcement and verification of skill mastery.

Data files to accompany the project are found in the student data files. Each
project may be verified for accuracy using the annotated project answer keys
found in the instructor’s resource files.

Hands-On Projects

Lesson 7 - Exercise 1

You are the new Student Activities Coordinator for North State College.
While going through the old files, you discover that your predecessor left
some hard copies of meeting handouts, charts and other information but did
not leave the data files. To prepare for a committee meeting with all club
advisors, some documentation is needed. Use the file Lesson7ex1 and recre-
ate a meeting handout that is similar in appearance. The handout should
include the following elements:

1. A cycle diagram in any color (other than the default) with bold text of 11-
point font size.

2. Heading created in a coordinated WordArt style.
3. The WordArt style should be set to diagonal down in a coordinated color.
4. Rectangle with text inserted.
5. Rectangle border should be changed to a coordinating color with a

4-point weight.
6. Appropriate clip art should be inserted.
7. Circle drawn around the radial diagram.
8. Circle should be placed behind the text with coordinating fill and outline

9. Student name is centered in the document footer.
10. Center all information in the document.
11. Save the document in the Lesson 7 Word Folder as Lesson7ex1complete.
12. Print the document.

Lesson 7 - Project 1

The Bates Rental Company has an upcoming meeting with all department
chairs regarding the FY 2011 Budget. The Budget and Finance Supervisor
has asked you to help create some documentation to share at the meeting.
Print the file Lesson7Project1 to use as a basic guide for this task. Create the
following presentation information using the skills obtained in this lesson:
• Open a new document.
• The entire document requires Landscape orientation and 1 inch margins.
• Create the appropriate centered document heading.
+ Bates Rental Company
• Create a page heading for the second page that is centered and inserted

into a rectangular drawing object.
+ Department Organizational Chart
• Insert and format the organization chart resembling the handout to any

AutoFormat style.
• On a new page, insert a centered organization chart.

IT Academy Program Lesson Plan: Microsoft Office 2010 // Microsoft Word 2010

• Create a 3D Bar Chart for the Department Budget based on the follow-
ing information:

1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr

Travel 6000 5500 6500 5000

Equipment 5000 5000 6000 7000

Supplies 1500 1500 2000 1500

Meetings 600 600 600 800

Miscellaneous 500 500 500 500

Video and Training • Apply the a 12 point bottom legend, 14 point font for all axis, center and
Resource Links fit the chart on the page, and apply the appropriate chart title.

• Save the document as Lesson7project1complete in the Lesson 7 Word

Microsoft Office Online provides online training, demonstrations, and
quizzes that include detailed explanations, preferred methods, and lesson
tutorials for each Microsoft Office program. These resources are suggested
to engage students in hands-on experience, self-paced lesson participation,
and lesson reinforcement.

Microsoft Office ELearning Course

Course 10391: Intermediate Skills in Microsoft Word 2010
Show the class the information for this course and explain that the course
provides you with the skills and knowledge required to enhance, share, and
customize Word 2010 documents.

Online Demos

Create visually compelling documents in Word 2010
Show the class the information for this video and explain that the
video demonstrates how to apply graphical formatting to text, enhance im-
ages with picture tools, insert clippings and screenshots in documents, and
use SmartArt graphics.

Microsoft Office Online Help

Microsoft Office Online provides access to help using the latest information
available from Microsoft. Each Microsoft Office program has its own help
resource list and step-by-step instructions that can be accessed by searching
for a specific subject or command.

IT Academy Program Lesson Plan: Microsoft Office 2010 // Microsoft Word 2010

Lesson 8: Working with Learning Goals // The goal of this lesson is for the students to success-
Columns fully create documents that incorporate columns of varying sizes and
styles. Students will learn to quickly format a document in columns for
quick reading.

Learning Objectives On completion of this lesson, students will be able to do the following:
• Create columns
• Adjust column width
• Adjust column spacing
• Insert a column break
• Insert a vertical line between columns

Lesson Notes To effectively teach students how to use Microsoft Office Word 2010, show
examples of the following documents that incorporate the tasks discussed in
Lesson Introduction the lesson.
Creating and Modifying • Memos
• Reports
Columns • Letters
• Newspaper Articles
• Newsletters

Explain to students that the use of columns is just one to the desktop pub-
lishing features that is included in Word 2010. Point out that columns are
commonly used in newsletters as well as newspaper articles. Columns can
help to create text that is easy to read.

Instructors should do the following:

• Define columns.
• Explain that columns can contain pictures or objects.
• Point out that you can create up to 12 columns in a document.
• Explain how to determine the size of the columns based on the margins

and page width.
• Explain that the amount of space allowed between columns is an option

that can be modified in the Columns dialog box.
• Explain that columns can be created with equal width or varying widths.
• Demonstrate how to create columns of equal width, unequal width, and

customized columns.
• Demonstrate how to open the Columns dialog box in the Page Setup

Group on the Page Layout Ribbon.
• Identify the areas of the Columns dialog box.
• Explain that columns can be modified by using the Columns dialog box.
• Demonstrate how to create columns using only selected text.
• Demonstrate how to create columns using all text in a document.
• Explain a section break and how it will allow for only a portion of a

document to be created in columns.
• Demonstrate how to alter the width of a column and the spacing be-

tween columns using the Columns dialog box.

Alternative Methods:

Column widths can also be modified by using the ruler bar. When altering
the width on the ruler bar, holding down the Alt key shows the measure-
ment as you move the marker on the ruler bar.

The ruler bar can also be used to change the spacing between columns.

IT Academy Program Lesson Plan: Microsoft Office 2010 // Microsoft Word 2010

When using the Columns button on the Page Layout Ribbon, only three
columns will appear in the drop-down menu, but up to twelve columns can
be selected by using the more columns option.

Caution students that making one column wider in the Columns dia-
log box automatically alters the other columns to accommodate the change
in width.

Inserting a Column Break Instructors should do the following:

• Define a column break.
• Explain that a column break can be inserted anywhere to cause the text

to break to the next column.
• Explain that Word 2010 automatically breaks columns at the end of the

page, but this setting can be changed by inserting a manual column
• Demonstrate how to insert column breaks into a table by using the
Breaks command in the Page Setup Group on the Page Layout Ribbon.
• Explain that manual column breaks can be deleted by clicking on the
break and then pressing Delete on the keyboard. To see the manual
break, the Show/Hide Command, located on the Home Ribbon, must be
turned on.

Inserting Verticle lines HOT KEYS
between Columns Create a manual column break — CTRL+ SHIFT + ENTER

Instructors should do the following:

• Explain how vertical lines can make text easier to read by visually sepa-
rating the data.

• Demonstrate how to insert vertical lines between columns by using the
Columns dialog box.

• Point out that the line that is inserted between columns will appear
along the length of the longest column in the document.

• Explain that vertical lines are defaulted to the center area between col-

Alternative Methods:

To control the length of the vertical line that is inserted between columns,
use the line option found under the Shapes Command, to create the vertical

Remind students that the Shapes Command is opened from the Illustrations
Group on the Insert Ribbon.

Warn students that vertical lines that are created with the Shapes
Command will not automatically adjust if the column length changes.

Discussion Question:

Discuss how inserting a vertical line between columns can add visual appeal
to the document.

IT Academy Program Lesson Plan: Microsoft Office 2010 // Microsoft Word 2010


1. If columns are created in a document, they must apply to all text in the

2. A maximum of 12 columns may be created in a document.

3. Columns must be created in equal widths.

4. Graphics are not allowed in the column area.

5. Column breaks may be inserted to manually move text from one column
to the next.

Multiple Choice

1. A section break may be placed in a document using the Breaks Command
on the _____ Ribbon.

a. Home
b. Insert
c. View
d. Page Layout

2. _____ breaks are inserted to cause the text following the break to begin in
the next column.

a. Section
b. Next Page
c. Column
d. Continuous

3. The option to place a line between columns may be selected in the follow
ing location:

a. Line Command on the Page Layout Ribbon
b. Line Between Option on the Columns Dialog Box
c. Line Command on the Insert Ribbon
d. Line Between Command on the Page Layout Ribbon

4. ____ refers to the distance between one column and another.

a. Column spacing
b. Column width
c. Column line width
d. Column height

5. A vertical line may be manually inserted between columns by _____.

a. Using the Draw Line Command in the Columns Dialog Box.
b. Using the Line Command on the Shapes Command drop down.
c. Using the Insert Line Command on the Home Ribbon.
d. Using the Border Command on the Home Ribbon.

Quiz Answers:


1. False, columns may be applied to sections using section breaks.
2. True,
3. False, columns may be created in varying widths

IT Academy Program Lesson Plan: Microsoft Office 2010 // Microsoft Word 2010

4. False, text and graphics may be inserted into columns.
5. True

Multiple Choice

1. D (Page Layout)
2. C (Column)
3. B (Line Between Option on the Columns Dialog Box)
4. A (column Spacing)
5. B (Using the Line Command on the Shapes Command drop down.)

Class Projects The class projects provide the student with the opportunity to practice skills
that were taught in the lesson. The projects may be utilized as class, indi-
vidual, or assessment activities. Completion of projects helps provide lesson
reinforcement and verification of skill mastery.

Data files to accompany the project are found in the student data files. Each
project may be verified for accuracy using the annotated project answer keys
found in the instructor’s resource files.

Hands-On Projects

Lesson 8—Exercise 1

You are the Human Relations Specialist for Woodland Health Clinic and your
job requires you to provide information to employees regarding their health
benefits package. You have recently received the new health insurance ben-
efit package information from the company provider. This information must
be distributed to the clinic employees but you prefer to present it in an easy
to read format. Using the information below, create a two column docu-
ment that contains the health benefit information.

1. Open the file lesson8ex1 from the data files.
2. Insert a line break after the heading Section 1, the subheading Introduc

tion, and before the section Purpose of the Report.
3. Make the heading and subheading of the document bold and centered.
4. Select the document section that begins Purpose of the Report and

format the document in two columns.
5. Place a break between each section heading and the text.
6. Add bullets to the list of criteria that appears after the second paragraph

of text.
7. Insert a column break prior to the section heading Cost to Employee.
8. Insert a vertical line between all columns.
9. Insert the student name centered in the page footer, and insert the page

number right aligned in the page header.
10. Create a folder on your student drive named Lesson 8 Word and save the

file as Lesson8ex1complete in the folder.

Lesson 8—Project 1

The Vice President of Employee Relations at Safe Star Home Monitoring
has asked you, the Employee Relations Administrative Assistant, to cre-
ate a document pointing out the dress code revision. It is imperative that
the policy revision information be circulated immediately and in an easy to
read format. This information also needs to be eye-catching so as not to be
missed. Using the information below, create a two column document that
contains the dress code revision information.

1. Open the file Lesson8project 1.
2. Center the document heading.
3. Create a two column document body with 1 inch vertical spacing.

IT Academy Program Lesson Plan: Microsoft Office 2010 // Microsoft Word 2010

4. Create a 2 point, red vertical, dashed line that begins and ends about .5
inch in the column area.

5. Ensure that the body is easy to read using Arial, 14 point, bold, and red
font style.

6. The student name should be centered in the document footer.
7. Save the document as test8project1 in the Lesson 8 Word folder.
8. Print the document.

Video and Training Microsoft Office Online provides online training, demonstrations, and
Resources Links quizzes that include detailed explanations, preferred methods, and lesson
tutorials for each Microsoft Office program. These resources are suggested
to engage students in hands-on experience, self-paced lesson participation,
and lesson reinforcement.

Microsoft Office Online Help

Microsoft Office Online provides access to help using the latest information
available from Microsoft. Each Microsoft Office program has its own help
resource list and step-by-step instructions that can be accessed by searching
for a specific subject or command.

IT Academy Program Lesson Plan: Microsoft Office 2010 // Microsoft Word 2010

Lesson 9: Organizing Learning Goals // The goal of this lesson is for students to successfully
Content organize document content using tables. This lesson also stresses pro-
ductive word processing features such as build blocks and quick parts.
In addition, students will learn to use Word 2010 Reference Ribbon
features to provide notation and direction in a document.

Learning Objectives On completion of this lesson, students will be able to do the following:
• Using tables in Word
• Insert a table
• Enter text into a table
• Selecting parts of a table
• Sorting in tables
• Insert rows and columns
• Delete rows and columns
• Change column widths and row height
• Formatting tables with style
• Using quick parts
• Insert and format reference and captions

Lesson Notes To effectively teach students how to use Microsoft Office Word 2010, show
examples of the following documents that incorporate the tasks discussed in
Lesson Introduction the lesson.
Creating Tables in Word 2010 • Letters
• Reports
• Long Documents

Describe the importance of organizing a document for readability and how
Microsoft Word 2010 makes this possible through the addition of tables and
referencing features. Completed word processing projects such as letters,
reports, and long documents may be helpful to use as examples.

Instructors should do the following:

• Define the term tables.
• Describe how tables are used in Microsoft Word 2010 to summarize and

emphasize information.
• Describe the elements of a table (cells, columns and rows)
• Explain that Word 2010 allows the user to customize many elements of

a table.
• Explain that Word 2010 allows for 63 columns as well as an unlimited

about of rows to be created in a table.
• Point out that Word 2010 will automatically adjust the column width to

allow the table to fit within the document margins.
• Demonstrate how to insert a table of varying sizes using the Table

Group on the Insert Ribbon.
• Demonstrate how to create a table of varying sizes using the Draw Table

Command found by choosing the drop down Table Command Button in
Table Group on the Insert Ribbon.
• Explain the Quick Tables are table templates that are built into Microsoft
Word 2010.
• Demonstrate how to insert a table using the Quick Tables Option by
selecting Quick Tables from the Table Group on the Insert Ribbon.

IT Academy Program Lesson Plan: Microsoft Office 2010 // Microsoft Word 2010

Using Tables Instructors should do the following:

• Explain that text and graphics may be placed in tables cells.
• Demonstrate how to enter text in a table cell.
• Explain that text entered in a table cell will automatically wrap within the

• Point out that the insertion point may be advanced to the next cell using

the tab key or the right arrow key.
• Point out that each table column has its own margin settings which are

displayed on the Ruler Bar.
• Explain that gridlines for tables may be toggled using the Show Gridlines

Options on the Table Tools Layout Ribbon.
• Explain that when a table is selected the Table Tools Design and Layout

Ribbons become visible.
• Describe the commands on the Table Tools Design and Layout tables.
• Demonstrate how to select the table, a single column, a single row, mul-

tiple columns and multiple rows.
• Demonstrate how to select non-adjacent columns and rows in a table.
• Define sorting.
• Demonstrate how to sort data that appears in a table using the Sort

Command on the Table Tools Layout Ribbon.

Discussion Question:

Editing Table Parts Discuss with students how the addition of tables can make detailed data
such as lists readable.

Instructors should do the following:

• Explain that rows and columns may be inserted or deleted from a table.
• Demonstrate how to insert or delete a column in a table using the Table

Tools Layout Ribbon.
• Demonstrate how to insert or delete a row in a table using the Table

Tools Layout Ribbon.
• Demonstrate how to insert or delete multiple columns in a table using

the Table Tools Layout Ribbon.
• Demonstrate how to insert or delete multiple rows in a table using the

Table Tools Layout Ribbon.
• Demonstrate how to insert or delete cells in a table using the Table Tools

Layout Ribbon.
• Explain that the row height and column width of a table may be easily

altered using the Table Tools Layout Ribbon.
• Demonstrate how to adjust the row height and column width using the

Table Tools Layout Ribbon.

Alternative Methods

Explain that columns and rows may be inserted or deleted using the Short-
cut menu.

Explain that the row height and column width may be adjusted using the
column and row markers on the Ruler Bar.

Explain that the row height and column width may also be altered using the
Properties Command on the Table Tools Layout Ribbon.

Formatting Tables Instructors should do the following:

• Point out that a table in Word 2010 may be formatting to make the ap-
pearance more appealing.

• Explain that the table formatting tools are found on the Table Tools

IT Academy Program Lesson Plan: Microsoft Office 2010 // Microsoft Word 2010

Design Ribbon.
• Demonstration the commands on the Table Tools Design Ribbon.
• Explain that a predefined list of Table Styles is available on the Table

Tools Design Ribbon.
• Demonstrate how to use a Table Style found on the Table Tools Design

• Demonstrate how to modify a Table Style found on the Table Tools De-

sign Ribbon.
• Explain the ability to merge cells or split cells in a table.
• Demonstrate how to merge cells and split cells in a table.
• Demonstrate how to select text and convert the text to a table.

Alternative Methods:

Demonstrate how to merge selected cells or slip a cell using the Shortcut

Discussion Question:

Discuss with students the importance of formatting tables to enhance read-
ability. Provide examples of formatted and unformatted tables to demon-
strate how formatting enhances a table’s appearance.

Using Quick Parts Instructors should do the following:
in Word 2010
• Define Quick Parts and Building Blocks.
• Explain that Quick Parts are elements that may be saved and reused to

save time in a document.
• Demonstrate how to create a Quick Part using the command in the Text

Group on the Insert Ribbon.
• Demonstrate how to add Quick Parts to a document.
• Explain that the entire Quick Parts collection may be viewed using the

Building Blocks Organizer.

Discussion Question:

Using References Ribbon Ask students to identify parts of a document that, if created as a quick part,
would increase productivity.

Instructors should do the following:

• Define References and Caption.
• Point out the importance of using Reference options in a document.
• Explain that References include the Table of Contents, Footnotes, Cita-

tions and Bibliography, Captions, Index and Table of Authorities.
• Explain how each of these Reference items may be used in a document.
• Demonstrate how to create a Table of Contents using the Table of Con-

tents Group on the References Ribbon.
• Demonstrate how to create Footnotes using the Footnotes Group on the

References Ribbon.
• Demonstrate how to create Citations and Bibliographies using the Cita-

tions and Bibliographies Group on the References Ribbon.
• Demonstrate how to create Captions using the Captions Group on the

References Ribbon.
• Demonstrate how to create an Index and Table of Authorities using the

Index and Table of Authorities Group on the References Ribbon.
• Demonstrate how to apply formatting to each of these options found on

the References Ribbon.

IT Academy Program Lesson Plan: Microsoft Office 2010 // Microsoft Word 2010

Discussion Question:

Point out how each of the features of the Reference Ribbon are using in the
MLA and APA Document Styles.

Lesson Quiz True/False

1. A table consists of only two elements, rows and columns.

2. Tables may be inserted into a document using the Table command on the
Insert Ribbon.

3. A row may be inserted into a table by first selecting the row above or
below the location where the new row will be inserted.

4. Only text may be placed into a table.

5. Building blocks are frequently used items that the user creates and Quick
Parts are built-in building blocks.

Multiple Choice

1. Quick Parts may be created by selecting the Quick Parts Command on the
_____ Ribbon.

a. Home
b. Insert
c. Page Layout
d. Text

2. _____ is the process of rearranging information in a alphabetical, numerical

or chronological order.

a. Organizing
b. Moving
c. Sorting
d. Selecting

3. The quickest way to move from one cell to another in a table is to use the
____ key on the keyboard.

a. Tab
b. Enter
c. Shift + Enter
d. Insert

4. Rows or columns in a table may be deleted by selecting the area and
choosing the _____ command on the Table Tools Layout Ribbon.

a. Properties
b. Delete
c. Autofit
d. Select

5. Using a _____ is quick method to apply design elements to a table with a
single click.

a. Format Painter
b. Table Enhancer
c. Table Border
d. Table Style

IT Academy Program Lesson Plan: Microsoft Office 2010 // Microsoft Word 2010

Quiz Answers:


1. False, three elements, rows, columns, and cells.
2. True
3. True
4. False, text or graphics may be inserted into a table.
5. False, building blocks are built-in and quick parts are user created.

Multiple Choice

Class Projects 1. B (Insert)
2. C (Sorting)
3. A (Tab)
4. B (Delete)
5. D (Table Style)

The class projects provide the student with the opportunity to practice skills
that were taught in the lesson. The projects may be utilized as class, indi-
vidual, or assessment activities. Completion of projects helps provide lesson
reinforcement and verification of skill mastery.

Data files to accompany the project are found in the student data files. Each
project may be verified for accuracy using the annotated project answer keys
found in the instructor’s resource files.

Hands-On Projects

Lesson 9—Exercise 1

Your position as Administrative Assistant to the President of QuickMart,
requires that you create many reports for the board of directors. Using the
information below, prepare a sales forecast document that will be shared at
the next board meeting.

1. In a new document, create a table that contains the following information:
a. Document Title: QuickMart Third Quarter Projected Sales

District July August September
12 $126,500 $127,250 $125,600
15 $129,000 $132,500 $127,500
16 $156,500 $157,600 149,000

2. Apply Table Style – Medium Shading1 - Accent 1.
3. Create a caption for the table: Table 2
4. Insert a footer with the student name centered.
5. Save the document in the Lesson 9 Word folder and save the document as


Lesson 9—Project 1

You are employed as the Assistant to the Student Advisor at Northeastern
Community College. The office’s data entry clerk has exported and emailed
a list of current advisees to you. This information is presented as a text file
since it was exported from the student records management system. You
first task of the day it to convert this text to a table for the Student Advisor
to review. The advisor also asks that you apply formatting to the table to
create an easy to read table.

IT Academy Program Lesson Plan: Microsoft Office 2010 // Microsoft Word 2010

• Open the data file, Lesson9project1_data.docx from the student data

• Convert the text to a table.
• Format the table using any table style that does not include column

• Create the landscaped document with the following page header:
+ Advisement List – (insert current date here)
+ Format the page header using elements that are similar to the
Table Style that was applied.
• Apply a caption to the table: Table 1
• Insert the student name centered in the footer.
• Save the document in the Lesson 9 Word folder and save the document

as lesson9project1complete.

Video and Training Microsoft Office Online provides online training, demonstrations, and
Resource Links quizzes that include detailed explanations, preferred methods, and lesson
tutorials for each Microsoft Office program. These resources are suggested
to engage students in hands-on experience, self-paced lesson participation,
and lesson reinforcement.

Microsoft Office ELearning Course

Course 10391: Intermediate Skills in Microsoft Word 2010
Show the class the information for this course and explain that the course
provides you with the skills and knowledge required to enhance, share, and
customize Word 2010 documents.

Microsoft Office Online Help

Microsoft Office Online provides access to help using the latest information
available from Microsoft. Each Microsoft Office program has its own help
resource list and step-by-step instructions that can be accessed by searching
for a specific subject or command.

IT Academy Program Lesson Plan: Microsoft Office 2010 // Microsoft Word 2010

Lesson 10: Mail Merge Learning Goals // The goal of this lesson is for the students to success-
and Reviewing fully create a mail merge project and review documents using the Re-
Documents view Ribbon. The student will create and preview a merge document
as well as review the document to approve changes.

Learning Objectives On completion of this lesson, students will be able to do the following:
• Understanding mail merge
• Using mail merge
• Selecting a main document
• Create a data source
• Edit the main document
• Preview the merged document
• Complete the merge
• Compare and merge document versions
• Manage tracked changes

Lesson Notes To effectively teach students how to use Microsoft Office Word 2010, show
examples of the following documents that incorporate the tasks discussed in
the lesson.
• Memos
• Faxes
• Letters
• Reports
• Newsletters

Lesson Introduction Explain that mail merge provides the ability to send a single document to
a list of people without recreating the document for each recipient. Give
examples of documents that may be appropriate for a mail merge project.
Discuss how the use of document versions can preserve document changes
as they occur over time and using tracked changes can enable a group of
people to make revision suggestions on a single document.

Mail Merge Instructors should do the following:

• Define the term merge.
• Explain the elements of mail merge: main document and data source.
• Explain the parts of the main document.
• Explain the parts of the data source: fields and records.
• Describe how the main document and the data source are combined to

create the merged document.
• Point out that the Mail Merge Commands are located on the Mailings

Ribbon and describe each of the commands within the ribbon groups.

Discussion Question:

Discuss with students various documents or situations where a mail merge
may be most productive.

The Mail Merge Process Instructors should do the following:

• Explain that a main document may be selected from an existing docu-
ment or a new document may be created.

• Demonstrate how to select a main document.
• Explain that a data source may be an existing recipient list, a Microsoft

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