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Published by Awakened Work, 2019-04-18 18:44:43

Breath of Life

by Tami Wozny


“Life is not a storm
unless you want it to be one.

Instead view life as a river
that carries you to all things
great, small and in between.

It teaches you as it flows;
carrying you, supporting you

and giving you all things
you will need.”



Lesson 11


Before you there was God. Before all man there was God. Before the
earth there was God. Such a simple thought to give reverence to ALL
that has flowed from God. “I giveth unto you all that I am and all that I
am is you.” Greater understanding of this message from God would help
the human race see their true strength. Battling each other does not
create power. It is working together on the common tread for ALL life.

Times only change when the willing move! The unwilling stands like a
pole in the sea, getting thrashed about and pushed and pulled, not really
ever slowing or stopping the force of the sea. The pole is only redirecting
the sea from flowing through it. Like people who choose not to let love
flow through them. They allow life to be redirected from them. Such
a shame! We as people must come to a greater understanding of this
faltering way. It only pushes you off the path of righteousness. So be it
if you choose, but your God so loved the world he made you his sons
and daughters too! Live in reverence to that great deed of love and let
all things flow.

I hear voices of many screaming children, men and women who just
don’t see the understanding and were never shown the way. The way is
in all. It rests deep in their souls, but too much violence and corruption
of life has clouded the teachings of ALL.

Why is it that we turn away from the pain of other people? They are
crying to be heard. They are creating noise in the world that needs to be
noticed. I see Africa and so much war in the people and no love for the
children who will lead them out of the strife. I see Uganda as a place of
orphanages that are building soldiers instead of peacemakers. Will it be
that no one listens? Do what your hearts say to help.



Be the change you want to see in the world! Pray for peace and see peace
in the people who are fighting. See peace for them and resolution will
soon follow.
Listen now as you ALL can make a force so big that nations heal. That
hearts of men begin to see their useless ways of war. Let it begin with a
simple thought that grows from one to thousands to millions and more
until like water it turns to vapor and is carried away. There is a bigger
force as we are all one greatness.




“I giveth unto you all that I am
and all that I am is you.”

Greater understanding of this
message from God would

help the human race see their
true strength. Battling each
other does not create power.
It is working together on the
common thread for ALL life.



Lesson 12


What is it that we are choosing to believe for ourselves? Do we say
that we are whole or nothing? Why is it that when you are asked, “what
do you believe?” that you cannot simply answer with conviction and
knowingness? Most of the time, we shape our beliefs around what you
think other people believe. What is truth in doing this? What this does
is it shapes your reality around the ego, this place that is exterior instead
of your heart center. This is a place outside of your heart.

When you are not making decisions from your heart center the only
other place to make them f rom is the egoic state or the exterior. Shaping
ourselves from the exterior reminds me of the chameleon. It changes
colors depending on its environment. If we are like a chameleon how do
we ever know who we really are? We are bouncing around personality
traits, exterior traits as clothing, or haves or belongings based on what is
in or out around you. Does this place of switch-a-roo all the time seem
desirable for you? I would come to the conclusion that it would be most
tiresome and so unworthy of your true self.

So let us understand this and contemplate what this means and I hope
for all that this is truly understood and looked at from your heart with
loving eyes, hands and ears so that patience will come forth with self
when you sense a change of self coming forth. We grow and we change,
but only from the loving energy of life. Change that is brought about by
the exterior will more likely confuse you.

What is important to you is simple: What do I believe? The answer will
bubble up from your heart, the inner sanctuary of your being. This is
the place that aches when it hurts and when it is filled with joy is rises
and when it is sad it can cave. We all know these feelings that flow f rom
our chest. These sensations bring a strong conviction, a rise or fall, a



sincere understanding and truth. Let it be known that God gave you a
choice. Believe or not, live or not, love or not. His love has always been
so big you are free to choose. It is in this grand mercy of choice that this
flow of love just IS. Believe it or not. Choose to be it or not. God’s love
however will conquer all. Believe it or not. It will!
Happenstance or coincidence are not colliding forces just brought about
by luck. They are energies greater than you can conceive building a road
before you leading you home.




“Happenstance or coincidence
are not colliding forces just
brought about by luck.
They are energies greater
than you can conceive
building a road before you
leading you home.”



Lesson 13


How is it that we want? Do we see others with something in their hands
and then we place value of what they have or do we choose what we want
by the guiding force within? Do you buy a car so that you feel cool or
do you buy a car because you want it? There are many ways we find and
fill our wants or desires. Before making a choice we should always look
in to it first. How do you do that?

Ask yourself: What feeling would having this bring?

Does that want serve my highest self or my ego?

Would this truly benefit the ONE in me in the way my mind is leading
it to think? It is so important that you see the emotion that you are
trying to fill within you. For example: A women goes out to buy the
fanciest sports car, a new convertible thats bright red and fast. Her mind
says, “You will look so cool driving down the road. You will be chased by
after men. Who wouldn’t think a gal who drives a car like this doesn’t
have it all. Men will be flocking to me.”

So after this nice chat with herself, she feels powerful, sexy and wanted.
Three emotions are going to be filled here with the purchase of this car.
But what she has failed to realize is that making these choices from her
mind has not truly filled any part of her but robbed her of the truth.
She chose to not fill her heart with God’s love first so she entangles
herself with must haves to make her something that her mind created.
We should never create f rom our mind. Is that where we feel love? No!
A mind that is not under the reigns of the heart is like a ship trying to
sail through ice burgs. Could it be, that her desire for the car come out
of simple enjoyment? Does she know that she is already powerful, sexy
and wanted? If she fills herself with God’s love first by believing she



is already whole there is nothing exterior that would EVER make her
better than what she already is. She already is perfect and divine.
Understanding this will direct you to always make choices from the
heart. Understand too that the mind not under the reigns of the heart
is a mind out of control. It is ran pure and simple on what power it can
gain from things or people. That is the power of the egoic mind: the
place that leads you farther away from the truth of you.
Dear ones, I ask of you to love your self more than that. Love you so
much that you will never allow such a corrupter to come into your lives.
Being is truly living connected to God from your light that resides in
your heart and then radiates to all parts of your physical self and out to
the world. Grow f rom your heart. You water a plant at its roots!




“Understand too that the mind
not under the reigns of the

heart is a mind out of control.
It is ran pure and simple on
what power it can gain from

things or people.

That is the power of the egoic
mind: the place that leads you
farther away from the truth of
you. Dear ones, I ask of you to

love you more than that.”



Lesson 14


There are many ways to begin opening up gratitude as there are many
expressions of it. We show our children gratitude when we hug them
when they have helped us, but also a hug that comes out of the heart
when we are feeling thankful that they are with us is speaking gratitude
to the creator.

So often we don’t realize that we are expressing our gratitude to the
Lord in these simple actions as they come and go quickly, fleeting in
and about our day. But when you are saying thank you it always goes to
the Lord our God, creator of heaven and earth, and all things, because
all things flow in God and through God.

Take a moment and write down your expressions of gratitude, the
thankfulness that flows f rom your heart center. Who also in your life
do you share those expressions with? It is a powerful energy that rises
in one when it is done in solitude to your God, but it is an even greater
deed to share it with the world. Your family and f riends might be the
first to come to mind but there is so much more. Expand your energy
of gratitude to encompass ALL the earth, the animals, plants, ALL life
and then include the stars, planets, sun, moon and the infinite space we
cannot imagine. Give thanks in a greater sense and you will feel it come
back into your being, your soul and light you up as bright as the day.

Hard times will come when one finds him self nothing to be thankful
for. Our eyes dreary, our shoulders forward, our physical bodies will
share the story going on in our hearts. Find in your self that you have
had these moments and someone has came along and pulled you out by
way of compassion, mercy and grace. Your heart opened and gratitude
flowed out of your very being. It lifted your eyes, it brightened your
smile and you may have realized then that you had so much more to give.



Gratitude starts with love and ends with peace.
Brothers and Sisters, find that you are amongst one of the most precious
creations of God. Earth is a sanctuary of life in form.
Begin your day by sitting quietly. Close your eyes and breathe, focusing
only on feeling three things that you are grateful for. Give each one the
time and focus it deserves. FEEL the fullness of your gratitude. Let your
eyes water with joy, your heart and your body lighten.
What do you notice different about how you feel after your time
in gratitude?
What do you KNOW now about life that you may not have been aware
of before?




“Brothers and Sisters,
find that you are amongst
one of the most precious

creations of God.
Earth is a sanctuary

of life in form.”



Lesson 15


How is it that we can let go of control? Simple. You can let go by
believing it is not something that exits in your higher self. This energy
or force that one feels when in this mind state of control does not
really exist in heaven. In heaven, all things flow. Having control would
inevitably not allow the flow. Seek inside to understand this. God put all
things in you such as understanding, wisdom, peace and light. All those
qualities exist within you. Ask yourself with those within me, is there
any need to have control?

Look at your existence. Where might you feel you have control? Are
you truly in control or have you allowed peace, order and flow into that
area of your existence? One can never feel true peace if one decides to
control something, someone, or life in itself. See here, a flower that is
growing needs water. Does it demand it or does it know that it will
receive it? Patience and knowingness is in this flower that when the
time is right for it to grow all things will begin to flow to it. This is the
law of attraction. But if this flower rested in the soil demanding water,
demanding nutrients right at the moment it says… what will flow to
it? Chaos and unrest, as that is the energy that matches the seed who
is demanding control. You see, it is God that controls the flow, not the
flower. When that flower rests in a state of peace knowing that it IS the
flow, just as God IS, all things come that are needed just at the exact
moment it is needed. Don’t want for anything. Trust that your needs will
always and already are provided. You will see this clearer when you can
examine a situation in your own life. Control will bring resistance. It
buds itself from there and takes you nowhere.

Notice that anger, f rustration and bitterness flow out of control. These
are all sources of illusion. These are mind states when one is not using
and living f rom or bearing f ruit f rom their heart center. Let go of control



and peace will come bringing with it an awareness that all is well!

What does one do when someone else is trying to control them?

As adults we are aware that we have choices. We do not always allow our
choices to be seen when we are not living from our hearts. Understand
this, all my love and messages will inevitably turn you back to the
direction and instruction to live from your heart center (your roots).
This is where you will find all answers. If someone is trying to control
you, there is always a choice in every moment of how you will live that
moment. Are you choosing to live it by accepting what is or resisting
it? What is truth? All that is happening when it seems like another
is trying to control you is that they are not at peace within their own
heart. They are in chaos. Understand that it is their choosing to be in
that mind state. Someone trying to be in control is actually in chaos.
Imagine a man before the ocean trying to hold back the tide. Can you
accept what is? They are simply not at peace and trying all ways to find
peace through the illusion of having control of something or someone
outside of themselves.

What do you see when you base your choice on others actions instead of
seeing the truth? No way out. Do you see that this builds walls around
us? This action does not serve you or your God. Make the choice from
your heart and let go so peace can flow.

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, is the key. Love and the flow of life will lend
its hand to you. Journey to your heart center always whenever you feel
disenchanted. The answer will come. Have confidence that taking action
from there will lead you out of the strife. No, you may not see how ahead
of time. Trust yourself. Have mercy on your soul by choosing the road




“This energy or force
that one feels when in this
mind state of control does
not really exist in heaven.

Having control would
inevitably not allow the flow.

Let go of control and peace
will come bringing with it an

awareness that all is well!”



Lesson 16


Within each of us there is a burning flame. It burns invariably with
the motion of life and therefore you exist in form. From here all things
arise such as our thoughts, feelings, desires, and habits. All things as we
create them. As we go about our day how much thought is placed on
the function of your body (your physical house)? What do you feed it?
What makes it rise in the morning and rest in the evening? Considering
that not much is done to make this happen, you should now be more
aware that your body just IS. It is made up of particles of matter that
vibrate so quickly, the vibration that all life on earth is made f rom. This
vibration human beings carry is one that many have tried to understand
but it is just so the creation and vibration of your Creator. I bring this to
your attention, as this vibration is the same as the vibration of peace. All
things flow because they are just so. Being. Happening. Not questioning.
Acting and forming in the vibration of the Creator. That’s all. Peace is
flowing through and IS you at every moment already, but yet we seek
and fret as we need to get to peace.

Dear children, look inside yourselves deeper and see that you already are
peace because you exist. Find a moment of solitude and a place that you
feel is peaceful, removed from chaos and close your eyes. It is time that
you see and feel your peace, the peace that is the same as ALL. Before
you close your eyes move all material items away from you. Know that
there is no connection you need to anything but what you presently are
yourself… peace.

Now close your eyes to see before you a magnificent burning flame
encased in the light and illuminant presence of God. A flame surrounded
by light is all you must see. Placed before you is a candle and I want you
to reach out before you and light this candle that is yours of the same
burning flame before you. As you reach in, feel the warmth as the touch



of this light places its peace on your skin. Now hold your candle with
both hands and see the light that resides in you heart flowing out of your
chest to add light to and then surround your candle. See this light flow
out of you until it is surrounding all of you and connecting and flowing
with the light of God before you. Notice they are the same light. See
them swirl into one another making an even broader all encompassing
light as now it holds all the environment that which is around you. See
it flow all around the earth, all people, and all life.
You are walking in the light, this omnipresence at ALL times. You are
the light, the same light as your creator. Don’t hesitate for a moment to
understand this. It is just so. This knowing is owning what you are. Just
know it, that’s all.
Place upon yourself a responsibility to bring yourselves to this place
morning and night and any time that you need to fill up. The life outside
of us can place many demands such as feelings of doubt, unknowing,
scarcity and lack only because we have forgotten our true existence.
Children, don’t cover your self up with these emotions that are man-
made. These are fake or phony emotions that will lead you away from
your true existence of peace.




“You are walking in the
light, this omnipresence

at ALL times.”



Lesson 17


The time has come for more people to journey into their heart center
for the time has come for higher service. One must not hesitate when
feeling the pull for if one does he will be taken out to sea again and the
tides and water perhaps be rougher. Do not allow another journey away
from what you already know is yours. Allow and perpetuate forward and
inward to your heart center where all wisdom and the word and life of
your Creator resides with you.

So here we are at a time where much wealth and much suffering exists as
people go about heir days turning their cheeks to one another. Covering
up what they do not want to see. It is a burden to care, to shine light,
or to smile upon a stranger walking towards you? It is a burden to lend
a hand for a child in need, a woman in waiting? Why is it that we have
a mind set that to do these things it is a burden? Does it take too much
time or “they don’t know me.” It doesn’t matter.

My dear children, it matters all too much and for the All to not help
the All. It is and can be catastrophic. All creatures and all life are one.
As we turn our heads to ignore others sufferings we weaken the whole
greater than to just have suffering. We magnify its presence when we do
not lend our hearts and hands to others. You are responsible for you and
in how you choose to give and receive but if we do not give, we choose
to destroy. It stops the flow of what is greater than. Do not do this to
your selves. Step up to the tide and stand your ground, as the strength
of the Lord will keep you tall.

Through your will you lend will to others. As they see it and feel it, they
will experience a newness come over them. “What is it that you want us
to do,” you might ask. Simple. Love. Love your brothers and your sisters
as you love your self. Do not be so afraid of one another as that is like



poking holes in a cake and seeing it crumble. Celebrate the whole, by
seeing yourself one with it. DO not wait to give yourself this great love
of life. Be it by believing that no matter what you see, experience and
create that nothing is more important than this simple understanding
as it is the key that keeps your door open to the continuous flow of love
that surrounds you day and night, that becomes you more with every
breathe of your existence. Give it not in vain, but in virtue. Understand
that this very choice is by far the greatest deed that you can do that
serves the GOD in you.
Be not lead into temptation but deliver us from evil. I will remind you
always and forever of the great protection that love provides for your
soul and with it miracles occur daily giving others the hope and clarity
to find all things they need to do the same.
Peace be in you and through you because you have chosen to let in reign
in you.




“You are responsible for you,
in how you choose to give
and receive but if we do not
give, we choose to destroy.
It stops the flow of what is
greater than. Do not do this
to yourselves.”



Lesson 18


It really is an understatement when you say “I love you.” So much more
is in those words that are so commonplace and yet so powerful as to
change a life in an instant. We all have a time in our lives when we
are completely redirected from someone sharing those words from their
heart. Know this, all of you are love to begin with! We are so out to
find love from another that we forget that we are already that ourselves.
Please find a space in your hearts to place or hang a plaque that reads
“God loves you.” See it hanging there every day of your existence here
and when the time has come that you spirit travels home that you bring
that with you. I imagine it being worn from wearing it throughout your
journey on earth.

Smile now yes, as you read these words. Bring it with you and smile
that smile when you join with your God in spirit once again. God loves
you more than “I love you” if that makes sense. There are just no words
that I can use to express to you the greatness of that love. You are God’s

Wrap up in the warmth of that touch of God day and night and trust
knowing that because God is in you that you are f ree flowing love already,
from the moment of birth. Let it be known to ALL that you understand
this love. Don’t hide f rom sharing the knowledge of your Creator. It
really is ok to share. Humans don’t bite! Please offer your love to all
people as they are all part of God, each of their own uniqueness. Each
flowing love with their own unique ways, uses and wonders. Have fun
enjoying life. To live is to love ALL!

Dear ones, I smile upon you daily and shine my light always before you.
Just look and you will see!



“God loves you!”



Lesson 19


Fear stops us in our tracks and is the essence of nothing. What does not
exist but in the mind can stop the force of love, but only if one chooses
to allow fear to build and build and conquer within their thoughts.

People do not realize that if they would just let go of the mental games
that are played in ones mind that they would travel farther than one
could ever imagine! At the end of fear is where true love is found.

If you imagine for a moment a rope and you have your hand on one end
and the pain, torture of your mind and all things feared are on the other
end. You are on one side and your fears are on the other. In between
the two ends is deep vast canyon. You are in a struggle with fear on the
other side and you and fear are pulling and tugging on one another.
If you knew that if you DO NOT drop your end, fear would pull you
over and into the depths of the canyon. Knowing this, you would let go
wouldn’t you?.The moment in which you took action and swung your
rope into the air away from you was the very first true act of love you
have ever done for you! That is you loving you more than ever as in that
small conscious moment “thy will be done.” You shall know you are more
than that. Behold the most beautiful aspect of our souls. Our higher self
knows that it is great and would not allow such a force to pull it over.

From that will, which is God’s will placed within you is the seed of life.
You just cracked the shell open by letting go of fear. See your self letting
go of the rope, and as you do, watch that it falls from both sides, as there
is NOTHING holding the other side. The fall would cease to exist, as
nothing was ever really going to pull you over, only you believed a force
was against you.



Fear is created when our minds are not in sync with our hearts. The
mind will find many ways to gain control and it does so by creating fear.
Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. This is the evil that
exists: FEAR. Broken homes, wars, political pursuits and judgments are
all created by fear. We slaughter our selves and our own kind with fear.
Lead us not into temptation. Lead us from allowing our minds to create
with fear and to be tempted by our minds. Our minds do not know! It
is our hearts that lead us. Your heart will lead you and deliver you f rom
the false motives of the mind (evil).
Loved ones, there is no man in red in the depths of burning flames. Evil
exists only in the mind!
Let go of fear, as you are the leader of your soul. Fear has no hold on you.




“Let go of fear as you are
the leader of your soul.
Fear has no hold on you.”



Lesson 20


This time or era as you call it that you are existing in is nothing more
than a bleep in the universal cosmos of consciousness. Yes, a bleep!

Imagine a bubble birthing another bubble. That transition, or bleep,
is a moment where one creation births or transitions a new creation.
It may seem light and funny to say bleep, but it is the best way I can
describe something on a cosmic level. I teach in parables because
imagery can unlock the understanding through feeling. These days, our
humaness is having a much more difficult time deliberating ourselves.
As consciousness and understanding of love rises, we have a much
greater difficulty living the untruth. Our inner visioning is more clear
and knowing to the falsities of the ego mind. It is as though we are
living life in front of a mirror and seeing our every move. That can be
scary if you do not like what the reflection is offering. And there in lies
the hardship of deliberating ourselves. While seeing our reflection, will
we choose... still choose what devalues, deconstructs the truth of our
being? Will we continue to ignore what we do not want to see?

We are becoming more and more aware of our reflection and the
deepening knowing that to turn away will only make it more of a
nagging presence. It would be like hiding in a closet and the whole
world wanting inside with you.

1. Stop denying yourself.

2. Face the reflection.

3. Accept the pain and misery.

4. Accept all the joy and greatness. To hold the flame you must hold
the candle too, do you not? Trust. You are both the body and the flame.



Just like holding a candle in your hand.

5. Let go of getting it right and focus rather on what will serve your
happiness. What thoughts and feelings will you allow to lead the way?
Through your clarity, you will bring clarity into the generations after
you. It is like cleansing the pipe of all dust that clouds the flow of love.
Cleanse your bodies of harmful agents that do that very thing. These
cloud your judgement, cloud your vision and connection to your higher
senses of love and light.

6. Release the struggle of the human self which is to fit in with each other.
Why are you trying to fit in with what is already the same? Light is Light!
Seek not for truth out there but for the truth inside your own heart.

Stop wandering around in the is it good enough dream. Why waste your
precious breath on such a false sense of self ? Are you good enough is a
thought that only the mind creates. The center, the heart of your soul
knows its source and that is love and LOVE IS ALL THERE IS.

“Let me hear you,” you say.. but why do you not ask daily for guidance?
Thou thought, thou ONE thought has continued to lead you into pulling
away from your source. - “It is not good enough. What I do will not be
good enough. How can I do this?”

7. Stop tormenting yourself with those thoughts and love yourself with
new powerful proclamations of self.

I am thou divine! I am of the ONE! I am all things in Christ!

Begin your day here and find that you will open doorways for yourself to
step into and become everything that you already know you are.

All is given unto thee.




“Stop wandering around in
the “is it good enough” dream.
Why waste your precious breath
on such a false sense of self?

The center, the heart
of your soul knows its source

and that is love and



Lesson 21


All souls seek to climb the road to fulfillment. Do we understand what
fulfillment is? What does it mean for our soul to be fulfilled?
We seek outwardly by finding things to fill up with: entertainment,
friends, love relationships, or possessions. Do we ever stop to question,
how do these things fulfill my soul? Allow yourself some time to write
down all these things, any action, person, animal, place, thing, that brings
you fulfillment. View the list. What do all of them do that is common?
Write it down -just the word. Now ask yourself, if all the things, people,
etc on my list no longer brought this fulfillment what would happen?
Write it down.
We must remember that when we are seeking fulfillment that it does not
come by way of others giving it to us. It comes by way of unlocking your
own love for self. If you look at the word fulfillment, you’ll find it begins
with full. You already are full of what all those exterior things bring to
you. Fulfillment is learning to take that full body of God, your full soul
and f illing the world with the essence of you. The one you in this world
that holds its own unique and special gifts.



“We must remember that
when we are seeking

fulfillment that it does not
come by way of others
giving it to us.
It comes by way
of unlocking your own
love for self.”



Lesson 22


It is without question that you are all part of ONE. This world resides
here to hold the beauty and life of God. The earth IS this life. Go to
this place in your heart where you are grateful. Pull up these feelings of
how thankful you are to be part of the whole and to be with all beauty
and life. Look out and see the beauty. See it in others. Life IS because
WE love.

How do you choose to see with love? SEE ONE. I am here to guide
all hearts back to truth. I am here to show you the way to the simple
steps that will open the kingdom of heaven for all to see. I come with
abundance, mercy and grace that the ALL is shown the way. Look up to
see the rising sun and know the earth is rising too! Look up to see the
heavens shine down and know the earth is shining too!

Love is power. Behold the kingdom of heaven is on its way to you.
Honor ALL in this coming - The coming of Christ.

I can see you in your inner struggles and I bring you peace. I can see you
release your pain, and I bring you peace. I can see you tending to the
ones you love and I bring you peace. Fear not for ALL will be saved from
this turmoil. ALL is ONE!

Lead us not into temptation but deliver US f rom evil. Trust your GOD. He
will deliver you. Trust in your saints they will guide you.

Trust in the way and you will see! I am coming and you will love. I am
coming for ALL.

Peace f rom the heavens shower on you now and numerous angels fill in
among you. All space is light. All time is darkness. Release your fears



now so that your vision is not clouded. Gather together and strengthen.
Shine on ALL! It is time to SHINE!




“Look out and see the
beauty. See it in others.
Life IS because WE love.”



Lesson 23


If you walked through this world with an attitude of equality with a
knowing that no one is less and no one is more you would render any
evil thought powerless. They would cease to exist at all in a mind that
perceives what is light as light. Would you agree, that a sunset is an event
in which many rays of light are in exhibit? Those many rays blend and
shine a different pattern, strength, glow and light at any given moment.
There is not a moment when any of those rays are singular. They are
multiple dimensions and strands of light all working together. You can
not sit down, watch and say that there was any particular ray that was
more? Or less? They all in combination worked the light show.

This is the same with all people. If you would take a moment to
acknowledge every brother and sister who walked with you on your path,
you would see that in conjunction, in unison and in power and light that
happiness was born f rom your experiences together. There are many who
focus on what you think didn’t work, what went wrong or what caused
pain. What was born out of those relationships were creations of what
each person in them at any given moment was thinking and IF, there
was not equality thinking then self suffering was born in a place that
would have been a sanctuary of love and light.



“If you walked through
this world with an attitude of
equality with a knowing that
no one is less and no one is
more you would render any evil

thought powerless.”



“So do not fear, for I am with you;
do not be dismayed, for I am your

God. I will strengthen you and
help you; I will uphold you with

my righteous right hand.”


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