Have you ever got caught in a storm? Have you ever been devastated
by the high winds and the heavy rain? Well, this person Matthew has.
He was heading to work in Dallas, Texas. I'm not going to spoil
everything that happens in this story. Let us just introduce the main
Matthew is a 28-year-old who works in an office building. He
works for a certain company called… Longhorn Services. The company
manages the taxes and bills in Dallas. Matthew loves nature, he loves
animals, especially birds. He was born in Austin, Texas. He has two
younger brothers Ryan and Tom. He also has a younger sister named
On a Monday morning, Mathew was driving down highway 67 when
a storm had just started. It was raining, there were high winds and fog
blocking driver´s vision as they head down highway 67. ¨Man storms
like this just kick my bucket,¨said Mathew as he watched in agonizing
horror as hail started to pour down.
¨It's raining cats and dogs!¨ said Mathew. Everything suddenly
has gone silent… SMASH! A piece of hail as big as a tennis ball came
crashing down on his headlights. DINK! DINK! DINK! The sound of his
car as it was signaling Mathew that he was out of gas.
He decided to call a mechanic for help but… They were off duty
because of the storm. Matthew had to think of a plan to get out of
there. He tried signaling people for a ride, but it wasn't working. People
were passing right by him like buffalo in a herd. So he decided to walk
since nobody would help him. He grabbed a bicycle helmet and football
pads randomly from the back section of his car so he wouldn't get
struck by hail. The hail chunks were meteors striking me every second
I walked.
Matthew started walking, then about thirty minutes later, he,
finally, made it to his work. He was out of breath and freezing cold, but
he knew it was worth it. He had to walk 3 miles but he made it to the
meeting, and he made a deal with out of town workers that they would
upgrade their business and move them across the country. Mathew got
promoted to the executive office where he managed the businesses
from Atlanta, Georgia and all the way to Los Angeles, California. THE