Cliffs Are Just Not My Game.
One day at 7:30 AM, a 23 year old man named Bob
woke up, ate breakfast, and got dressed. Bob wears a
black tuxedo, with black shoes and a red tie. Bob is 7.2 ft
tall. Bob has a nice house with a brand new Ferrari parked
out in his driveway. Bob loves his Ferrari more than his
On this day, Bob got in his Ferrari and went to work
on the way to work Bob decided to take a mountain road.
But Bob did not know he was heading to a mountain road
Bob was horrified of cliffs. He drove too slow and was late
and got fired! Bob didn’t care.He new that if he would have
gone fast down the mountain road that he would have flew
off the road any way. Bob didn’t want to risk anything.
That's why he went so slow done the road.
Bob got fired but didn’t He just went back to bed
when he woke up his boss was right there at the end of his
bed! Bob called 911 the cops came and arrested bobs
boss bob got his job back he was happy he talked to his
boss before he left to jail, Bob said you need to go to jail
his boss said that he doesn’t need to. But the police took
him away anyways. Bob got to his work and found out he
was the new boss for his business.
Bob changed the name of the business from the great
wilderness center to the Wilderness Center. The first
couple of day went by fast, but then after a few weeks past
by it was so boring I almost quit. There was so much