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Published by RD Group, 2019-01-21 03:04:35



JANUARY | 2019


Creating Synergy in HR
is critical

Chapter 5 : Prayer

THE THIRD MAIN practice of Heartfulness is a specific
prayer that we offer twice per day . However , we can
also offer our own prayers at any time , according to
our heart’s inspirations .

Prayer is spirtuality’s beating heart . Amidst so many
spiritual ways , prayer represents a commonality .
Although its practice and purpose may take different
forms , prayer remains an essential way to connect
with something higher than ourselves . If we approach
prayer with just the right attitude, it transcends itself
and becomes a way of being – a permanent , prayerful
state that pervades all our activities .

While walking with Daaji in the woods , I ( Joshua
Pollock) asked him a question : ‘What is prayer ?’

‘It is the inner cry of the heart,’ said Daaji . ‘The heart’s
feeling cannot be manipulated by the logical mind .
Generally,we pray when we lack something . To pray
under dire circumtances when we can bear no more is
natural . But when we are happy and overjoyed, that
feeling also becomes the prayer if we connect
ourselves with God at that moment and express
gratitude. In this situation, you are not asking . You are
only sharing your joy, just as you would share your
sorrow with an inner cry.’


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within human resources

Human Resources has evolved as an
important critical function across organization.
With this evolution also comes across the
functionalization or segmentation of sub
functions with the time of specialists coming
in place of generalists in workplace.

a quick study of pros and cons of the evolved


The Evolution Cycle …


Personnel /
Admin / HR

It has lead in creation of multiple sub
functions within HR and that all consolidate
into a Leading role of the function.

Today’s HR …


Hiring Business Training HR HR
Partner Strategic Operation


Complete HR Skill Compensa Transactio
Talent Business developme tion & nal
connect Benefits
acquisition Employee nt and Internal Employee
Engageme organizatio Life Cycle
Communic managem
nt nal ations
building HR ent

Brings in greater depth today in respect to
the individual subject matters and

How it operates …

• Each sub-function is driven by individual
goals and objectives

• Performance linked to goals make each
sub-function aggressive enough to strive for
higher benchmarks

• String internal competitiveness to prove it’s

• Operating in individual silos

Do we often face a issue in synergy amongst
these teams ?

How is Customer impacted …

• HR needs to think from representing a
larger team to Business (Customers)

• Customers strives to get a complete
information at one place

• Either it is half baked information or no

• Evidently visible that each sub function is
not linked / connected with other sub-

Customer occasionally keeps struggling to
find out where does the ownership lies ?

Key Challenge for Head HR …

• How does all the sub-functions talks the
same language

• How does the end customer get a one point
window for HR

• How does the expertise and knowledge of
each sub-functions gets consolidated
together to strengthen HR group

• How can the response time be cut down

Customer needs speed, accuracy and
efficiency and the evolved HR model which is

one of the good models compared to
traditional approach has to enhance it’s
operational methodology to achieve this …




In today’s organizations mostly face a daunting array of historic challenges as they speed into a digital economy
that’s already transforming businesses and the traditional human resources (HR) functions that serve them. HR
change is inevitable; we can expect new future of HR functions that HR leaders may have conflicting attitudes
and approaches to this change.

HR executives may expose to a clear gulf between action and inertia: Forward- looking HR leaders may
confidently harness the resources and insights that will redefine the traditional HR model and its contribution to
the enterprise. They follow the strategic plans and implementing new technologies such as analytics, digital
labour and artificial intelligence (AI). And they may also pursue the critical new skills needed to succeed.

But we may also see a much larger segment of less-confident HR leaders who are demonstrating either a wait-
and-see approach to change — or simply sitting idle on the sidelines. These HR leaders will adopt a risky
stance as the scope and pace of change accelerates. Those making limited strides could, in a few short years,
see today’s technology disrupt them out of existence, while the largely inactive face a much shorter timeline to
extinction. Those that fit into harness change are acting decisively, viewing HR as a new value driver and
turning to data, predictive insights and AI. The rest may either limiting themselves to changes that show some
progress, perhaps through data and analytics initiatives, or simply clinging to a static approach that’s risky.

Even in Public Sector organizations, they are not exceptional and change is inevitable everywhere. No
exceptions in business enterprise either to survive or to sub-merge. Some of my identified aspects of HR
Trends in 2019 may be:

1. Personalization of Policies:
Normally HR has focused very much on standardization and “One-Size-Fits-All”. Making the shift to an
approach where the individual needs, wishes and capabilities of candidates and employees are the starting
point is difficult. Traditionally, many HR-practices take the needs of the organization as the starting point. An
example is recruitment: we have an organization structure, with a hierarchy, and well-defined jobs. Next step:
how do we find the candidates that can fill the vacancy? Another example: most onboarding processes are
designed top-down: what do we want new employees to know when they enter the organization? The reverse
question is hardly ever asked: what can we learn from the new employees who enter the organization?

Also Learning & Development has a hard time to make the shift to an individualized approach. We still see
many programs targeted at groups (e.g. high potentials, senior managers), with a large classroom
component. Office design is an area where the standard approach has backfired. Most of the new office
designs now take the different needs of users into account. If you are work better near other people and if you
regularly need advice from colleagues, you can work in open space. When you need to concentrate on a
complicated report, you can sit alone in a quiet room. For a call with a client, you can find one of the small
phone booths.

In 2019 personalization may get a lot of attention, and employees and organizations will benefit.

2. Establishing Trust
All the employees normally trust the organizations they work in? Do employees trust also technology? Are
people confident the organizations will use technology for their benefit? Recent surveys showed that less than
half of the respondents have “a great deal of trust” in their current employers, boss or team/colleagues.

Trust in government and the media is a lot lower. Cognitive dissonance might be an element in the explanation
of the higher trust in employers than in the government and the press. If you do not trust your employer, why do
you still work there?

The trust issue needs to be on the 2019 HR agenda, because many of the HR initiatives are designed under
the assumption that employees trust the organization and that employees trust technology. Unfortunately, the
trust level might be lower than we expect.

3. Reducing quality Experiences of Employee
The actual experience which requires for the job is getting reduced and the quality of experience is also getting
reduced. This is one of the major concerns for HR and the other aspect is even when we prepare giving the
quality experience to employees they leave the organization and join the competitors for the personal benefits
are the other concern.
The “Employee Experience” is a bit of hype, and the corporate HR designers have incorporated the employee
experience in their designs and interventions. But, as we can see in the majority of the employee journey maps,
they have not changed their approach. The approach is top-down, and organization focused. “If you want an
employee experience, we will give you one you will never forget”. They design employee experiences to please
the boss, with no real focus on the employee.
The initial starting point of the employee experience concept is very good: how can we give employees an
experience that fits with their needs, expectations and capabilities? Unfortunately, it is reducing into a
consultancy led framework, trying to fool employees into a journey on a one-way road with no exists, as the
brief was ‘We want to attract and retain our talent’.

4. Development
Tactical Analysis of development requirements as per organizational requirements to be made to support the
business requirement. But in actual what is happening are we are making development plans as per the
available pool of employees and best practices through the consultant.
The consultant gathers data about the scheduled requirement analyses and sits with the superiors to discuss
the outcomes and the lessons. The consultant is there for the employer, paid by the employer. The actual
employees of the organization are not involved. This seems to work well, although some organizations do not
like it. The interests of the employee and the employer are not totally aligned. The organization wants to grow
every year. The employer wants to develop into one of the most valuable organizations in the world. The
interests of the consultant are totally aligned with those of the employer. In business life actually it will not
happen, with bit in the executive coaching area, we expect, and hope, it will come. We see a great perspective
for data-driven development as a real development.

5. No more Paternalism
Often HR takes a very paternalistic and normative approach. “Our leaders and managers should be good
coaches”. “We expect our employees to take responsibility for their own development”. “You cannot opt out of
life-long learning”. Coaching is a good example.

As the reality is that many managers are not good coaches, the next step is training mandatory. Also, HR
designs a process that forces managers to have coaching sessions with their direct reports as per their
business needs. But the results as we all know as not per the expectations

6. People Analethics
Trust is an important issue to deal with in people analytics. Trust built through clear communication and 100 per
cent transparency. Jouko van Aggelen (of Cubiks) distinguished four elements of trust in people analytics (see
Trusting the value in People Analytics is worth sharing data for
Trusting the quality and integrity of the data
Trusting the insights that are generated
Trusting the motives of those using the data

In people analytics the starting point is often the needs of the organization. How can we reduce staff turnover?
Are higher levels of productivity possible? Can we measure the risk level in the different parts of the
organization? The benefits for the individual employee get less attention.

The issue of data ownership also needs to be addressed. Most employees do not work somewhere for life.
They move on. What happens to the data that was gathered about the employee? Will it stay with the
organization, or will the employee be able to take his or her personal data file? Our expectation is that the
expectation of employees will move in this direction.

This creates an opportunity for a “My Personal Data” solution. The employee can use the data in the personal
file in several ways. Plug it into personal people analytics solutions (e.g. for career advice) or sell it to providers
who are keen to analyse and use longitudinal people data.

7. HR keep it simple
The realization that HR is doing too much, and that the list of HR initiatives is far too long, is slowly dripping into
organizations. What employees and senior management are looking for: more impact, with less effort?

8. Big = Beautiful
The big players in HR business solutions are getting bigger. LinkedIn bought Glint. LinkedIn launched Talent
Insights. SAP buys Qualtrics. Workday announced Workday People Analytics. In the past we have been
skeptical about the ability of the big players to incorporate new technologies and to be flexible enough to cater
the different needs of organizations. Our skepticism is decreasing, and our expectation is that especially the big
players will be able to help HR to make the transformation into digital. The creative and innovative small
players, and there are many, will increase their chances of survival if they are bought by one of the big players,
if they work seamlessly together (as a plug-in) with the big players or if they have been able to capture a truly
unique niche area.

9. HR Innovation Labs
Experimenting with new technologies and new innovative HR solutions can be enhanced by installing an “HR
Innovation Lab”. Big innovative organizations, as Deutsche Telekom and RABO bank, are investing in teams
that focus on HR innovations and the possible applications of HR Tech. We consider this as a positive
development. It is good for the organizations, as they increase the angle of the learning curve. HR tech
providers benefit, as they can work with and learn from sophisticated clients. It helps HR to change the image of
HR, from slow and traditional to fast and innovative.

10. HR is about People
The expectations of workforce analytics and technology are often too high. Three elements must be considered.
In the first place, human behavior is not so easy to predict, even if you have access to loads of people data.

Even in domains where good performance is very well defined and where a lot of data is gathered inside and
outside the field, it is very difficult to predict the future success of young players.

Secondly, the question is to what extend managers, employees and HR professionals behave in a rational way.
All humans are prone to cognitive biases that influence the way they interpret the outcomes of workforce
analytics projects.

New Trends of Millennial behavior in 2019

Millennials have been given “kind of a bad rap” by being overly stereotyped and studied. “Millennials are India’s
most diverse generation. They hold more college degrees than any other generation, and they’ve experienced
social, economic and political turmoil.
They’re savvy, educated, skeptical, and on top of it all, they’re idealists. All of this has led to vast changes in the
ways today’s workforce views business, engages with their organizations and leaders and makes decisions
about their careers. And yet, just as with any generation, one must be cautious about assuming one profile fits

However one feels about this generation, there’s the fact that millennials are going to be the prime engine of the
workplace for years to come. The truth is that companies have to adapt to them, not the other way around.

In order to focus on Company growth and its tenure of service, benefits we need to identify top millennial worker
trends for 2019. Here’s his list:

1. Shifting motivations
Salary and culture continue to rank high on the list for attracting millennial and Gen Z candidates, but the
following factors are increasingly important:
Flexibility: They expect more control over where and when they can work, with the ability (enough PTO and
work-life balance) to travel and have other life experiences.
Mission driven: They are more in touch with the environment, society, and the future of both. They feel they are
not only representative of their organization, but their organization also represent who they are as individuals
and want to be a part of organizations that share similar views. They look for leaders who will make decisions
that will better the world, not just their organizations, and solve the problems of the world through their work.
Development and training opportunities: Because millennials have seen such dramatic shifts in the economy,
they seek to have more control over the future of their careers. Not only to “recession proof” but also to “future
proof” their careers by constantly learning and developing.

2. Declining levels of loyalty and increased job hopping
These phenomena, well-known to employers or millennials, are largely due to:
Shifting motivations (outlined above): The key to managing this group is understanding the shifting motivations
and finding ways to meet those needs/wants will help organizations attract and retain top talent.
Higher value placed on experiences, constantly wanting to try and learn new things: Managers need to give
these employees an opportunity to grow and develop in their roles is essential, but also an opportunity to
explore different fields and disciplines is also a key. Keeping the work and the environment interesting and
diverse will keep millennial employees engaged for longer.
Less patience, with a desire for frequent indicators of career progress (higher pay and/or promotions): Job
hopping often allows the quickest opportunity to make more money and climb the career ladder. As a result,
organizations are building in a quicker cadence for promotions and pay raises.

3. An increasing lack of basic professional skills/awareness
Many of these talented young people lack essential knowledge about what to wear, how to act and how to
engage in an office setting. Here’s how to respond:
Managers need to be ready to guide these new workforce entries into the professional skills areas. They often
don’t have a network of older (parents/relatives) professionals around them to set an example and advise on
what “professionalism” looks like and means. And colleges often don’t provide education in professionalism in
an office setting: aside from business schools, many colleges don’t prepare students—especially those in the
liberal arts—on meeting etiquette, business apps and technology, and other everyday professional practices.

Corporate onboarding of new entry-level employees often excludes the “basics” (meeting protocols, MS Office
skills, etc.). While companies typically have some type of job-specific training programs, they often assume
these basic office skills are there and aren’t able to see a candidate’s potential when lack of professional
skills/awareness is present. This can create a barrier for highly qualified but more “good” candidates, especially
first-generation graduates. Effective companies will develop training, coaching, and mentorship programs can
help once on the job.

Best suggestions to manage millennials:

1. Create clear and fast-moving career tracks.
Create distinct career tracks with clear direction on how to advance to each level.
Restructure promotion and incentive programs that give smaller, more incremental promotions and salary
raises, giving more consistent positive reinforcement and closer goals that make it more enticing to stay.

Create professional development opportunities that help them advance in those career tracks and build other
skills they need and want.

Create ways young employees can explore other career tracks without leaving the company. Millennials and
Gen Z’s have a higher propensity for changing their minds and/or wanting different experiences, so consider
ways that enable employees to make lateral moves, or create rotational programs that allow inexperienced
professionals to get experience in a variety of business capacities and are then more prepared to choose a

2. Alongside competitive compensation packages that include CTC matching programs and comprehensive
insurance offerings, provide benefits that allow them to have a sense of flexibility when it comes to how they
Workings remotely, flex schedules/hours
Floating holidays–especially beneficial as the workforce becomes more and more diverse

Restructure PTO that gives employees more autonomy and responsibility for their work
Tuition reimbursement programs to increase retention and build leaders internally

3. Create a strong company culture: company culture is one of the strongest recruiting and retention tools.
Go beyond the flashy tactics of having an on-site game room and fun company outings and bring more focus to
the company’s mission. Create and live/work by a set of core values that represents your company’s mission.
People will be more engaged and move beyond just being their role or position when they feel connected to the

4. Challenge without overworking. Boredom and stress are equally common as factors for driving millennials
out of a workplace. Allow involvement in bigger, higher-level projects and discussions to provide meaningful
learning opportunities, and create goals that stretch their capabilities but are attainable.

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UK: WORKING AROUND to provide services to the public. They
BREXIT want all EU citizens who currently live
and work in the UK to stay. Some
The UK will leave the European have been resident long enough to
Union in March this year. Many apply for UK citizenship. Others will
employment sectors are heavily need to register with a new scheme
reliant on EU citizens for their to maintain their right to work in the
labour model: hospitality, social UK. Tere there is a problem. The
services, retail, health care, and scheme will use a salary threshold to
farming are among them. limit the number of applicants, who
must earn more than £30,000 a year
The UK government is trying to to become eligible. The new scheme
balance the request of the UK is called the EU Settlement Scheme.
people to leave the EU and sever The government are currently
the policies of free movement, with consulting industry sectors on this
the need to keep and attract EU matter, but the threshold will exclude
citizens to provide services to the most EU workers at present.
public. They want all EU citizens

The Government will get around this by have a salary threshold, and
adding exceptions for sectors that are hurt the most. But it will favour
government sectors such as health services. For other sectors, it might
mean less EU chef and waiters, less retail outlets; less coffee shops
and restaurants. There is still time to adjust. Free movement of labour
will not end until 2021 due to transition arrangements.

You might think that we should hire local UK citizens to replace EU
citizens, and I can tell you that employers are trying. The labour pool of
UK citizens is not big enough to replace all the EU citizens working
here. After 45 years in the EU, there will be a negative impact on those
UK employment sectors that have flourished in this period, and rely on
the larger pool of labour that comes with EU free movement.


Early figures show that Germany's employment grew to a record high in
2018 despite a slowdown in the economy. The labour force grew to
46.2 million in 2018 and by 1.3%.

The service sector contributed most to the latest growth in employment
with a 1.2% increase in the number of employees. In 2017, employment
grew 1.4%. Employment in Germany has increased for 13 years in a

The industrial sector is yet to show any hard evidence of a rebound
from an economic slowdown over the past few months. This was mainly
led by automobile industry, where the implementation of the new
emission tests has hurt demand.


Early in 2018, I read that India has the lowest retirement age of any
major country –58 for private company employees, and 60 for
government employees. In the UK, a retirement age has become less
important in the lives of workers this century.

Last century, there was a common employment rule that led to
employees retiring at 65 with a company and state pension. Pension
schemes were designed to pay out at age 65. In this century, UK
citizens are changing employment more frequently in their working
lives, and embracing self-employment. Pension schemes have
changed to, and the UK government removed the legal basis for
retirement rule in 2011. Most employers have removed the old rule,
and workers retire when they want to, but have more responsibility to
manage their own savings for retirement.

But not at Oxford and Cambridge Universities (Oxbridge) where the old
rule – retire at a particular age – is still in place. At these world famous
universities the retirement rule for academic staff is 67. The dons are
furious. Some have simply moved to other universities which have
abandoned the rule, and others are campaigning to have the rule
removed before they are forcible retired.

The underlying problem is an HR one. Oxbridge has such old
employment practices that poor performing academic staff are not
challenged. The only other way to cull staff numbers is forced
retirement. Without modern performance management policies and
practices, it is almost impossible to remove failing staff. This is an
interesting issue because mental fitness is all that is really required to
continue teaching and research. As long as the mind is sharp,
professors can continue working well into their seventies.

Both universities are fighting individual legal challenges from professors
in their mid to late sixties, and these are often successful. Surprisingly,
younger academics support the rule as it is the only way that
opportunities are created for promotion.


Hiring Activity sees 8% rise in December 2018 as compared to December 2017
The Naukri JobSpeak Index for December 2018 at (1,987), marked an 8% increase in hiring from
December 2017 (1,833). In the month of December 2018, the recruitment activity in IT-Software
witnessed a growth of 14% as compared to December 2017.The Auto/Ancillary industry recorded
a notable rise of 24% and the HR domain grew by 17% in December 2018. The hiring sentiment
across metropolitan cities was positive with Bangalore and Delhi recording a rise of 13% and 10%
respectively. Commenting on the report, Ms. Sumeet Singh, CMO, InfoEdge India Ltd. said, “The
year 2018 has ended with a growth in hiring across most major cities and top industries. For the
past few months IT and Auto/Auto Ancillary have been leading the growth. It has been a good
year for BPO, and FMCG and we hope to see the trend in hiring to continue.” Source :

RBI appoints Mr. Nandan Nilekani as Chairman of high-level committee on digital payments in
The Reserve Bank of India has appointed Infosys co-founder Mr. Nandan Nilekani as the
Chairman of a high-level committee on deepening of digital payments in India. Other members of
the committee include Mr. HR Khan, former RBI deputy governor; Mr. Kishore Sansi, former
Vijaya Bank MD, Ms. Aruna Sharma; former secretary of the Ministry of Information Technology
and Steel; and Mr. Sanjay Jain, Chief Innovation Officer, Center for Innovation, Incubation and
Entrepreneurship (CIIE), IIM- Ahmedabad. The committee will review the existing status of
digitization of payments in the country, and will identify the current gaps and suggest ways to
bridge them. It will also assess the current levels of digital payments in financial inclusion. The
panel will also "undertake cross-country analyses to identify best practices that can be adopted
in our country to accelerate digitization of the economy and financial inclusion through greater
use of digital payments," said an RBI statement. Source :

Apple CEO Mr. Tim Cook gets big salary hike second year in a row
Apple Inc hiked the salary of its chief executive Mr. Tim Cook by 22 per cent during the past year,
resulting in his remuneration for 2018 reaching almost $15.7 million, a filing submitted to the US
Securities and Exchange Commission showed. According to the document, Mr. Cook took home
$3 million as base salary and $12 million as bonus. Apple paid $680,000 as "other compensation"
to Mr. Cook, which includes private air travel expenses and security costs. This was the second
year in a row that Mr. Cook saw a hefty rise in his pay cheque. The 58-year old received Rs 12.8
million as his annual compensation as the Apple CEO, whereas he was paid $8.7 million in 2016.
"The Compensation Committee determined that no downward adjustments to the payouts
would be made based on Apple's 2018 performance and the individual contributions of our
named executive officers and approved the maximum total payout at 400 percent of annual base
salary," the Apple filing said. Source :

Mr. Rajesh Sud pulls of the CEO race for YES Bank
To succeed Mr. Rana Kapoor as Chief Executive Officer of YES Bank, Mr. Rajesh Sud and Mr. Rajat
Monga had been shortlisted. According to reports now, however, Mr. Sud has backed out of the
running. Mr. Monga is thus the only recommendation for the CEO’s job at the moment. The RBI,
in October, had instructed that Mr. Kapoor’s successor be appointed by 1st February, 2019 and
the executive tenure of Mr. Rana Kapoor has been brought down to January 31st, 2019. A search
and selection committee has been responsible for shortlisting the candidates to run the
enterprise. This committee had the directive to evaluate both internal and external candidates
and make their recommendations to the board to allow time also for the RBI’s final approval. Mr.
Monga has served with the bank since 2004 when it commenced functioning. At present, he is
the Senior Group President of financial markets at Yes Bank and has also served as its Chief
Financial Officer. While Mr. Sud has not yet commented on his decision to withdraw from the
race, Ms. Madhu Kapur and Mr. Rana Kapoor are pressed for time to finalize CEO and Chairman
selection decisions. As with any new top leadership appointment, it would be safe to assume
that the bank might see operational changes in the near future.
Source : 11-01-19 Compiled by

OYO announces key leadership appointments in China, Europe and Malaysia
OYO Hotels & Homes has announced a slew of leadership appointments across three of its fast-
growing international markets as it endeavors to aggressively expand its presence across China,
Europe, and Malaysia. The company has announced the appointment of Mr. Sam Shi as its chief

operating officer (COO) for OYO Jiudian, its Chinese subsidiary, which over the past year has
emerged as its second home market after India. Prior to joining OYO, Mr. Shi was the President
of Global Consumables and chief executive at Asia Pulp & Paper Co. He also has worked with
energy drink giant Red Bull and French multinational hospitality firm Accor Group, besides having
a two decade-long run across roles at Pepsi China. Mr. Shi will report to Mr. Ritesh Agarwal,
founder & CEO at OYO, who is looking over the China market directly. Mr. Agarwal said, “China is
a home market and we invest in leadership there like we invest in India. With some of the best
and brightest minds joining the leadership team in our home market China and high-priority
markets in Southeast Asia and Europe, I am confident that they will be able to help us set new
benchmarks in the hospitality industry. What we are attempting is to solve the demand supply
imbalance that characterizes the global hospitality sector through technology and talent and
these appointments will take us a step ahead in this direction.”Source

Top Infosys executive Mr. Sudip Singh quits amid flurry of exits over last 1 year
Infosys, the country's second largest software services company, saw another top-level exit in a
span of one year with Mr. Sudip Singh, global head of the energy, utilities, resources & services
quitting the company. Mr. Singh, who directly reported of CEO & MD Mr. Salil Parekh, was with
the company for close to two decades and was managing a portfolio of around $1.5 billion under
his vertical. Mr. Singh’s exit comes close on the heels of that of Mr. Ken Toombs, then global
head of consulting, who had put in his papers in October last year. Since January this year,
Infosys has seen some key management personnel leaving the company with Mr. M D
Ranganath, the then chief financial officer of the firm being the most prominent, who had
resigned from the firm in August last year. Mr. Rajesh Krishnamurthy, who was the president and
head of the company's Europe operations, quit the firm in January last year after a 26-year-long
stint. Similarly, Ms. Sangita Singh, an executive vice president and head of Infosys's $750-million
healthcare and life sciences vertical, left the company in June. Around the same time, another
senior-level executive, Mr. Nitesh Banga, who was heading Infosys's manufacturing vertical, had
also put in his papers. Source :

Uber appoints Mr. Pavan Vaish as Head of central operations in India
Ride hailing platform Uber said it has appointed Daksh e-services co-founder Mr. Pavan Vaish as
the head of central operations in India. “As we embark on our next wave of growth, we are
building and strengthening a team of industry experts and veterans who appreciate the impact
of ride sharing and are committed towards innovation for a better tomorrow,” Uber President
India and South Asia Mr. Pradeep Parameswaran said. Uber is confident that Mr. Vaish will play a
pivotal role in writing the next chapter of the company’s growth journey, he added. Mr. Vaish
also co-founded Quadrant Infotech, an offshore data capturing business focused on the US
market. Besides, Mr. Vaish has served as the global Chief Operating Officer at UnitedLex. He was
also the co-founder and CEO of Daksh e-services, widely recognized as one of the most
successful services acquisition in tech giant IBM’s history. Source :

Vodafone plans to cut up to 1,200 jobs from its Spanish business
Vodafone plans to cut up to 1,200 jobs from its Spanish business, the company said though it
declined to give further details ahead of talks with labour representatives expected to begin at
the end of the month. The telephone company said in November it planned to reduce its costs in
Spain and Italy to respond to challenging business conditions. Source :

American Express appoints new CHRO
American Express India announced the appointment of Mr. Kabir Julka as the Chief Human
Resources Officer, India. In this role, Mr. Julka is responsible for the development and delivery of
a business-focused HR strategy that attracts, develops, motivates, and retains American Express'
most important asset – its people. Throughout his 10-year career with American Express, Mr.
Julka has held a range of Human Resources roles in Asia and built a strong track record of
successfully partnering with business leaders to drive strategic organizational goals. His most
recent role was as Vice President, HR – Greater China & South East Asia in Hong Kong, where he
partnered with the business to develop the HR blue print for American Express’ newly created
joint venture in mainland China as well as providing support in building a high performing and
collaborative team across multiple Asian markets. Welcoming Kabir to the new role, Mr. Manoj
Adlakha, CEO, American Express Banking Corp., India, said “As part of our commitment to
strengthen the market in India, we are delighted to welcome Kabir. He has made a significant
contribution to American Express over the past ten years and I believe that his knowledge and
subject matter expertise will help us accelerate further growth in the Indian market. We look
forward to Kabir joining the India Leadership team and would like to wish him the very best
going forward.” Source :

Raymond Chairman Mr. Gautam Singhania to step down from all group companies
Raymond Group promoter and Chairman Mr. Gautam Hari Singhania stated that he will step
down as Chairman from all group companies and dissociate himself from day-today functioning.
It is to be noted that Mr. Gautam Singhania had stepped down from the position of the Chairman
of Raymond Apparel in November last year, paving the way for Mr. Nirvik Singh to take charge as
the Non - Executive Chairman of Raymond Apparel Limited. Mr. Singhania, who has already
moved out from the chairman’s post for the FMCG entities and Raymond Apparel which handles
the branded apparel business, will next move out of the two engineering entities — JK Files and
Ring Plus Aqua. He is already looking for a professional chairman to head them, and he may even
move out from the top post of the flagship entity, Raymond Ltd. Mr. Gautam Singhania stated,
“At Raymond Ltd, I don’t know how long I will be the chairman. I have something in mind which I
don’t want to talk about now. I am not the chairman of all other group companies which are
significant.” He added that he is creating independent governance for each company and will
ensure the promoter family is always away from day-to-day functioning. Source :

Changes in e-commerce norms to have marginal impact on hiring, say firms
The recently announced changes in norms for e-commerce companies with foreign investment
may have sent the players into a tizzy, but recruitment firms expect only marginal impact on
hiring in the sector in the near future. According to GlobalHunt Managing Director Mr. Sunil Goel,
there could be a "marginal 5-10 per cent" impact in the near future, but hiring is expected to
continue. "The impact of changes in the policy would not be that large in the sector... supply
chain and customer service will remain crucial functions wherein hiring shall continue to happen
to meet the consistently growing demand of the consumers, he said. In December, the
government introduced new regulations that would bar online marketplaces with foreign
investments from selling products of the companies where they hold stakes, and ban exclusive
marketing arrangements. Another provision states that the inventory of a vendor will be seen as
controlled by a marketplace, if over 25 per cent of the vendor's purchases are from the
marketplace entity, including the latter's wholesale unit. These norms -- which are effective
February 1 -- would hit Amazon and Walmart-backed Flipkart the hardest. These two e-
commerce platforms are also the largest in the country. Source :

HTC Global Services to hire 3000 people
HTC Global Services is planning to hire 2,000-3,000 people in India in the coming two years to
support its $1-billion revenue target by the end of 2020. The IT services company has a strong
employee base across its development centers in Chennai, Hyderabad, and Bengaluru. The
company has a workforce of 11,000 employees globally including Ciber and CareTech, which was
acquired in 2014. “We are finalizing hiring and it will not be less than 2000-3000 people by 2020
for India,” said Mr. Chary Mudumby, Chief Technology Officer, HTC Global Services, adding that
its customers are looking for better value resulting in an increased demand for talent with
domain knowledge. The IT service firm is competing with the other multinational IT services
company such as IBM, Accenture, and others. Companies such as HTC and others have seen a
disruption in their business model as clients in the US, and other markets are now demanding
more digital technology-led delivery. “We are trying to bring in talent from the educational
institutions because the current market demand for emerging technology is more,” added Mr.
Mudumby. He is upbeat about HTC’s growth, and he feels digitization of existing services and
support using robotic process automation, machine learning, and AI will drive the growth. Source


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