a key competency
A key
What does it mean
In today’s dynamic business scenario and
the way the external environment is
changing it seems “Change is the only
Permanent thing" across.
When the environment is fluid and I
subjected to change with unprecedented
factors barring the aspect of only Skill and
Knowledge, “Flexibility" stands out to be
one of the key competence required for
professionals to succeed in this generation
of business.
Earlier thought of the Human
competence cycle
Transformed way of the Human
competence cycle
Skill Attitude
Flexibility @ Core
It is important to realize that flexibility is
now at the core of the critical competence
cycle. Being at core it will challenge us
across all the 3 key competence that is
required for us to perform :
• Knowledge
• Skill
• Attitude
What’s the differentiator
If success is defined by a parameter of
winning a race, then conditions,
environment refers to the playground.
Everytime you may not get a similar
playing field and thus the quotient of
flexibility does matter and impacts the
probability of winning the race.
It is like playing cricket in sub continent or
other geography knowledge and skill are the
same what matters is how players adapt to
the changing conditions.
Flexibility @ Speed
As we define the terminology of being
flexible it also undermines another
important aspect of how ?
• How quickly?
• How easily?
• How much stress?
Act Anticip Underst Embrace
quickly ate and openly
in sync
custome competit and
to r ion and proactive
external be ahead ly, build
polices demand of it and systems
s and try to
that capitaliz to
impact, adapt to e on first increase
to create moderat movers reachabil
business advanta
moment e ity,
quickly ge… usability
… …
your space | your time
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2019 CORP. LTD.
Millennials have been given “kind of a bad rap” by being overly stereotyped and studied. “Millennials are India’s
most diverse generation. They hold more college degrees than any other generation, and they’ve experienced
social, economic and political turmoil.
They’re savvy, educated, skeptical, and on top of it all, they’re idealists. All of this has led to vast changes in the
ways today’s workforce views business, engages with their organizations and leaders and makes decisions
about their careers. And yet, just as with any generation, one must be cautious about assuming one profile fits
However one feels about this generation, there’s the fact that millennials are going to be the prime engine of the
workplace for years to come. The truth is that companies have to adapt to them, not the other way around.
In order to focus on Company growth and its tenure of service, benefits we need to identify top millennial worker
trends for 2019. Here’s his list:
1. Shifting motivations
Salary and culture continue to rank high on the list for attracting millennial and Gen Z candidates, but the
following factors are increasingly important:
Flexibility: They expect more control over where and when they can work, with the ability (enough PTO and
work-life balance) to travel and have other life experiences.
Mission driven: They are more in touch with the environment, society, and the future of both. They feel they are
not only representative of their organization, but their organization also represent who they are as individuals
and want to be a part of organizations that share similar views. They look for leaders who will make decisions
that will better the world, not just their organizations, and solve the problems of the world through their work.
Development and training opportunities: Because millennials have seen such dramatic shifts in the economy,
they seek to have more control over the future of their careers. Not only to “recession proof” but also to “future
proof” their careers by constantly learning and developing.
2. Declining levels of loyalty and increased job hopping
These phenomena, well-known to employers or millennials, are largely due to:
Shifting motivations (outlined above): The key to managing this group is understanding the shifting motivations
and finding ways to meet those needs/wants will help organizations attract and retain top talent.
Higher value placed on experiences, constantly wanting to try and learn new things: Managers need to give
these employees an opportunity to grow and develop in their roles is essential, but also an opportunity to
explore different fields and disciplines is also a key. Keeping the work and the environment interesting and
diverse will keep millennial employees engaged for longer.
Less patience, with a desire for frequent indicators of career progress (higher pay and/or promotions): Job
hopping often allows the quickest opportunity to make more money and climb the career ladder. As a result,
organizations are building in a quicker cadence for promotions and pay raises.
3. An increasing lack of basic professional skills/awareness
Many of these talented young people lack essential knowledge about what to wear, how to act and how to
engage in an office setting. Here’s how to respond:
Managers need to be ready to guide these new workforce entries into the professional skills areas. They often
don’t have a network of older (parents/relatives) professionals around them to set an example and advise on
what “professionalism” looks like and means. And colleges often don’t provide education in professionalism in
an office setting: aside from business schools, many colleges don’t prepare students—especially those in the
liberal arts—on meeting etiquette, business apps and technology, and other everyday professional practices.
Corporate onboarding of new entry-level employees often excludes the “basics” (meeting protocols, MS Office
skills, etc.). While companies typically have some type of job-specific training programs, they often assume
these basic office skills are there and aren’t able to see a candidate’s potential when lack of professional
skills/awareness is present. This can create a barrier for highly qualified but more “good” candidates, especially
first-generation graduates. Effective companies will develop training, coaching, and mentorship programs can
help once on the job.
Best suggestions to manage millennials:
1. Create clear and fast-moving career tracks.
Create distinct career tracks with clear direction on how to advance to each level.
Restructure promotion and incentive programs that give smaller, more incremental promotions and salary
raises, giving more consistent positive reinforcement and closer goals that make it more enticing to stay.
Create professional development opportunities that help them advance in those career tracks and build other
skills they need and want.
Create ways young employees can explore other career tracks without leaving the company. Millennials and
Gen Z’s have a higher propensity for changing their minds and/or wanting different experiences, so consider
ways that enable employees to make lateral moves, or create rotational programs that allow inexperienced
professionals to get experience in a variety of business capacities and are then more prepared to choose a
2. Alongside competitive compensation packages that include CTC matching programs and comprehensive
insurance offerings, provide benefits that allow them to have a sense of flexibility when it comes to how they
Workings remotely, flex schedules/hours
Floating holidays–especially beneficial as the workforce becomes more and more diverse
Restructure PTO that gives employees more autonomy and responsibility for their work
Tuition reimbursement programs to increase retention and build leaders internally
3. Create a strong company culture: company culture is one of the strongest recruiting and retention tools.
Go beyond the flashy tactics of having an on-site game room and fun company outings and bring more focus to
the company’s mission. Create and live/work by a set of core values that represents your company’s mission.
People will be more engaged and move beyond just being their role or position when they feel connected to the
4. Challenge without overworking. Boredom and stress are equally common as factors for driving millennials
out of a workplace. Allow involvement in bigger, higher-level projects and discussions to provide meaningful
learning opportunities, and create goals that stretch their capabilities but are attainable.
Assessments are still not highly
preferred options across industry
Performance still remains a higher weightage compared to
Industry prefers more knowledge on tols compared to
Assessment of competence is still an open area while hiring
There is an eagerness for people to train employees on hiring
Key Innovative
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EMPLOYEE BENEFITS TRENDS Where benefit provision is offered
The most recent employee benefits to all employees, the most
survey from the UK’s Chartered Institute common benefit is an occupational
of Personnel and Development (CIPD) pension scheme – now almost
gives some interesting insight to the overwhelmingly based on defined
provision of employee benefits. contribution (DC).
Most employers are planning to Where benefit provision is
maintain, or increase, their spend on dependent on grade, seniority,
benefits in the next two years. location or job role, the most
Professional development benefits common benefit is a car allowance,
(covering initiatives such as closely followed by a company car.
secondments, mentoring programmes The survey finds that 74% of
and business apprenticeships) is the area respondents report that they do
most likely to attract extra funding. not assess the value they get spend
The number of different benefits on benefits. Where assessment is
employers offer appears to have been made, the most popular measures
gradually declining since 2013. used to assess the value of
investment are the take-up of staff
benefits (76%) and employee feedback (74%).
In my view, the past approach to employee benefits is to offer tangible and
consumable benefits at an affordable cost that delivers value for money for
employees. An example is private medical care – an insurance benefit that is
usually too expensive for the individual employee to pay from their taxable
income, but which an employer can provide through group schemes with lower
premiums. There has also been a recent trend for novel benefits which are more
entertaining than of long term value to the employee.
The new trend is to provide benefits which promote work-life balance, and to give
employees more choice. Employees are becoming more interested in having
more flexibility in working time – not less hours – but choice of when they work.
They are becoming more interested in health benefits, and their own professional
development. The move away from new and novelty benefits is interesting, as is
the move towards integrating employee benefits into the whole employment
Some industries are famously centred around the capital of their country, and that
brings with it the associated costs of higher office rents, rates, and employment.
In the UK, one such industry is television with all major broadcasters based in
London at the beginning of the 21st century. About ten years ago, the BBC
relocated its major hub from London to near Manchester in the north of England.
Without a local talent pool, the BBC spent significantly on relocation incentives to
move 850 staff to the new area. This is a huge HR task, and required an inventive
selection of incentives which the BBC paid for. Some sold their London homes and
moved to new homes. Some kept their London homes, but were compensated for
taking second homes in the new area. Others simply have their new rental costs
paid until they decide whether to move home, or not. The BBC were later
criticised by auditors for overly generous relocation packages potentially totalling
£24m to entice London staff to move to its new base.
This year, another major broadcaster is making a similar move as its advertising
revenues fall, and they can no longer sustain a London base. Channel 4 are
moving to the northern city of Leeds, and most staff are opting to take a
redundancy package rather than move there. So far, no senior executives have
chosen to relocate. This is a huge problem for the company with predictions of
between 50 and 300, out of a total of 800 staff, moving to Leeds. The company are
not offering the high relocation incentives that were available to BBC staff.
Channel 4 staff are now being offered five days paid leave and full travel expenses
for their family to visit the area and to consider relocating. There are several
reasons why TV professionals are opposed to uprooting their homes to provincial
locations. One is the uncertainty that it places on their careers, as London is an
established professional talent pool which provides alternative career options with
other broadcasters and TV production companies. Another is family reasons. TV
professionals are often in families where partners and others have careers of their
own. These careers may be harmed by a move away from London. In addition to
these main reasons, the pull of staying in or near the capital will always have a
subjective sway.
Germany. The number of Indians coming to Germany for higher studies and jobs
has gone up significantly. Of the 27,241 EU Blue Cards issued in Germany in 2018,
Indians received the maximum number at 7,556, followed by China and Russia. The
EU Blue Card enables foreign nationals with a university degree and a labour
contract above a salary threshold to study or work in the European Union. The
German economy contracted 0.1 per cent in the second quarter of this year, and
maybe heading for a recession. Employers are posting fewer jobs which raises fears
that the downturn in the country’s manufacturing industry has spread into the
wider economy.
France: A town council has been fined for breaching local laws on gender equality.
Public institutions are usually fined for failing to meet the statutory 40 per cent
quota of women in top jobs under a 2012 parity law. In this case, the council hired
over 60% of women in its top jobs, and therefore was unequal in the number of
male executives. The local council are appealing against the fine, saying they should
be applauded for their record of employing female executives. Across France, local
government offices are far from reaching the 40-per-cent quota for women, with
the most recent assessment saying they had achieved only 34 per cent.
Netherlands. 98 companies have set up shop in the Netherlands because of Brexit,
the Dutch foreign investment agency NFIA has announced. Of them, around half
have moved operations from UK. The rest are Asian and US firms which have opted
to set up a Dutch base rather than one in the UK. Over 300 other enquiries are
being processed for similar reasons.
Greece. Employment in the tourism sector has reached record numbers. 10.6
percent of the total workforce in Greece worked in jobs related to tourism between
July and September in 2018 – the highest in 10 years.
CCD names Mr. S V Ranganath as interim Chairman; Mr. Nitin Bagmane as interim COO
Coffee Day Enterprises named independent director Mr. S V Ranganath as the interim chairman of
the company to replace its founder Mr. V G Siddhartha, who has been confirmed dead days after
he went missing. The company board, wherein Mr. Siddhartha's wife Ms. Malavika Hegde is also a
director, me to put in place a working structure of the company. The board appointed "Mr. S V
Ranganath as the interim chairman of the board" and "Mr. Nitin Bagmane as an interim chief
operating officer (COO) of the company," Coffee Day Enterprises, which runs India's biggest coffee
chain CCD, said in a regulatory filing. It also constituted an executive committee comprising Mr.
Ranganath, COO Mr. Nitin Bagmane and CFO Mr. R Ram Mohan "to exercise the powers previously
vested with the Chief Executive Officer of the company and the Administrative Committee
constituted by the Board in 2015," it said. "The board will, in due course, prepare a detailed charter
of authorities vested in the Executive Committee and approve the same," the filing said. Source :
GoDaddy appoints Mr. Aman Bhutani as new CEO
Internet names and registrations management major GoDaddy named Mr. Aman Bhutani as the
company's new Chief Executive Officer as Mr. Scott Wagner is set to step down from the post due
to health concerns. "It has been a great privilege to lead GoDaddy and to have grown with the
company for almost eight years. "The Board and I have worked to identify a tremendous successor
and lay the groundwork for a smooth transition. Aman brings a wealth of experience to GoDaddy,
an extraordinary track record in growing a scaled business, deep expertise in product and
engineering, strong delivery across go-to-market," Mr. Wagner said in a statement. During his stint
with Expedia Group Inc., Mr. Bhutani most recently served as the President. "I am honoured to
have the opportunity to lead this incredible company. GoDaddy's extraordinary focus on constantly
innovating and improving for its entrepreneurs has built a devoted and rapidly growing customer
base," he said. Source :
Bandhan Bank appoints Mr. Siddhartha Sanyal as Chief Economist
Private lender Bandhan Bank announced the appointment of Mr. Siddhartha Sanyal as chief
economist and head of research who will spearhead the bank’s research and business strategy.
Mr. Sanyal joined Bandhan Bank from Barclays Bank Plc where he was the director and chief India
economist based in Mumbai since 2010, a statement issued by the bank said. Before Barclays, he
was with the Reserve Bank of India and Edelweiss Capital. Mr. Chandra Sekhar Ghosh, MD and CEO
of Bandhan Bank said, “Siddhartha brings in a wealth of experience in analyzing economic trends
and financial matters”. Source :
Highest international salary up by 56% for IIM-A's one-year MBA
Highest international salary package for the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad (IIM-A)'s
one-year MBA programme for executives (PGPX) 2018-19 batch is up by 56 per cent over last
year. IIM-A released the latest audited placement report of the one-year MBA-PGPX programme,
offered to executives with prior work experience of anywhere between 5 to 17 years, for the
process concluded in June this year. As per the audited placement report, maximum earning
potential (MEP), which is the sum of total guaranteed cash component, maximum possible-linked
variable pay and all other components of salary, for the international offer stood at $109,666 per
annum in 2019. The highest international MEP in 2018 was $70252. However, in 2019, IIM-A's
MBA-PGPX received only one international offer at $109,666 MEP. On the other hand, the
programme has seen the highest domestic MEP of Rs 60 lakh per annum, up by 10 per cent from
last year's Rs 54.6 lakh per annum. A total of 75 firms visited IIM Ahmedabad PGPX with 290
different roles for this year’s campus placement process. Source :
Honda Motorcycle lays off 700 contract workers
Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India (HMSI) has let go of about 700 contract workers at its
manufacturing plant in Manesar, Haryana, in the past few months, Mr. Suresh Gaur, president,
HMSI Employees Labour Union, said. Mr. Gaur said the company has been cutting production
since December last year and as a result workers have been asked to leave. “Over 700 contractual
staff are out of work currently,” Mr. Gaur said. People aware of the development said the layoffs
followed a cut in production due to the continued slowdown in sales and high inventory with the
dealers. Mr. Gaur said among the workers laid off were some who have worked with the
manufacturer for 7-10 years. “Ahead of the festive season production should increase and some
of the retrenched workers may be called back,” he said. Contract workers are usually hired for
jobs like loading and unloading, transferring goods from one place to another, deploying material
on the assembly lines and driving service vehicles. People aware of the development said the
layoffs followed a cut in production due to the continued slowdown in sales and high inventory
with the dealers. Source :
BSNL releases salary payment for July: Chairman and MD Mr. P K Purwar
Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd said that it has released salaries of employees for payment for the
month of July. The salary payments are being funded out of internal accruals, BSNL Chairman and
Managing Director Mr. P K Purwar said. A BSNL employee union had last week claimed that the
salaries of employees for July had not been paid on the due date and they had not been informed
by the management about when the payments would be cleared. Mr. Purwar had said that the
salaries would be cleared on August 5. “BSNL has already released the salary of employees, for
which the funds have been transferred to the banks,” Mr. Purwar said. Distressed telecom PSUs
Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Ltd (MTNL) and BSNL have been making losses and have faced
challenges in clearing staff salaries in the recent past. The two PSUs had delayed payment of
salaries for February until mid-March due to financial crisis.
BSNL had then said that it used its internal accruals to clear the pending wages. The Telecom
Department is preparing a rescue plan for the two companies in the form of a revival package that
entails components like voluntary retirement scheme, asset monetization, and allocation of 4G
spectrum. The Telecom Department is also “working on” a proposal for merger of cash-strapped
PSUs as part of efforts to revive the ailing state-owned telecom firms. BSNL’s loss is estimated to
be around Rs 14,000 crore with a decline in revenue to Rs 19,308 crore during 2018-19. Source :
Maruti Suzuki cuts temporary jobs after massive sales dive
India's biggest automaker, Maruti Suzuki India Ltd (MRTI.NS), said it had cut the number of its
temporary workers to cope with a slowdown in auto sales, adding to the jobless problem in Asia's
third largest economy. The vehicle industry, accounting for nearly half of India's manufacturing
output, is facing one of its worst slowdowns in nearly a decade, with vehicle sales falling rapidly.
There is little sign of a swift revival. The company also said job cuts had accelerated since April.
Two sources familiar with the matter said the company would freeze hiring new employees until
the downturn reversed. It is the first time the reduction has been reported. The listed firm is not
required to disclose any reduction in its temporary workforce. India's jobless rate rose to 7.51% in
July 2019 from 5.66% a year earlier, according to private data group CMIE. Those figures do not
include many people on the margins of society who are day labourers and are often unemployed
or underemployed. Economists say government jobless figures are out of date and lack credibility.
Source :
Uber to lay off about 400 employees, citing ‘mediocre results’
Uber Technologies Inc. said it’s cutting a third of its marketing department globally, as the chief
executive officer seeks to address concerns that the business is slowing down. The ride-hailing
company will dismiss about 400 employees. Mr. Dara Khosrowshahi, the CEO, told employees of
the changes in an email. “Today, there’s a general sense that while we’ve grown fast, we’ve
slowed down," Mr. Khosrowshahi wrote in the email. “This happens naturally as companies get
bigger, but it is something we need to address, and quickly." Uber went public in May and
currently trades just below the IPO price. The San Francisco-based company and its hometown
rival, Lyft Inc., are under pressure from investors for heavy losses. It was also reported that Lyft is
parting ways with its chief operating officer, Mr. Jon McNeill, after less than two years on the job.
The staff reduction represents about 1.6% of Uber staff globally. It’s the first major reorganization
of the marketing and communications arm since Ms. Jill Hazelbaker, a longtime executive, took
control of the group last month. She succeeded Ms. Rebecca Messina, the former chief marketing
officer who oversaw a team of about 1,200 during her nine-month tenure with the company.
Source :
Zomato extends 26 week paid parental leaves for all employees across the globe
Mr. Deepinder Goyal, Founder, Zomato believes that a lot of that imbalance at the top stems
from an unequal leave policy for men and women when they welcome their children to this
world. And hence, understanding the need for both men and women to be there for their
children, Zomato has decided to extend paid parental leaves to all of its employees, irrespective
of their gender. “For women across the globe we will be offering 26 weeks paid leave, or will
follow the government mandated policy, whichever is more. We will be offering exactly the
same benefits to men as well. There won’t be even an iota of difference in parental leave policy
for men and women at Zomato going forward,” wrote Mr. Goyal in his blog. What’s even more
interesting is that this policy also applies to non-birthing parents, and in cases of surrogacy,
adoption, and same-sex partners. Additionally, the new parents will also be given an
endowment of $1000, per child. These policy changes will be applicable to even those
employees at Zomato who have had a child within the last 6 months. In a country, where same
sex-relationships have only recently got acceptance, the trend of extending parental leaves for
all the genders alike and in the cases like surrogacy and adoption, is not that popular. Even if
some forward-thinking companies have such policies for male employees and non-birthing
parents, the leaves given our often not as long as 26 weeks. As the government has not
mandated the employers to extend leaves for this long, not many companies themselves have
taken that initiative. Source :
Start-up India initiative created over 560,000 jobs since 2016: Government
The Startup India initiative has created an estimated 187,004 direct jobs since its inception in
2016, with the number of related indirect jobs taking the total tally to more than 560,000, the
government has claimed. “Start-ups create valuable jobs. 187,004 jobs have been reported by
16,105 Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT)-recognized start-ups,
i.e., more than 11 direct jobs per start-up. With each direct job leading to 3x indirect jobs, the
total jobs created by these start-ups are estimated at more than 560,000,” Mr. Ramesh
Abhishek, DPIIT secretary, said. However, the figures are self-reported by start-ups and not
verified by the government. This job growth has come at a rough cost of more than Rs 2,500
crore disbursed by the government to fund start-ups. In 2016, the Centre had established a Rs
10,000-crore fund of funds under the Small Industries Development Bank of India (Sidbi) to
meet the financial needs of start-ups. Source :
Ford to shut Welsh plant with loss of 1,700 jobs
Ford will shut its engine plant in Wales next year, costing about 1,700 jobs, the US auto giant
announced in a further blow to Britain's embattled car sector struggling with Brexit uncertainty
and a global race to meet rising demand for electric vehicles. The head of Ford's Europe division,
Mr. Stuart Rowley, said in a company statement that "changing customer demand and cost
disadvantages" had contributed to making the Bridgend facility in south Wales "economically
unsustainable in the years ahead" and that it would shut in late 2020. Ford insisted that the US
group remained "committed to the UK, where it continues to be the passenger and commercial
vehicle sales leader". Mr. Len McCluskey, general secretary of Britain's biggest union Unite, called
the announcement "a grotesque act of economic betrayal". He called upon the British
government and devolved Welsh assembly to help fight the closure and "prevent yet another
grave injury to UK manufacturing". The news is a further blow to the British car sector amid
heightened uncertainty over the UK's departure from the European Union. It comes also as sales
of diesel cars plummet with consumers increasingly switching to greener electric vehicles. Source
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