Search for Certification & Update
What Is Search For Certification?
The search for certification search function is exclusive to V-Report.
No other supplier allows this however our aim is to speed up the recruitment process for both our clients and your
By simply capturing the Jobseekers Name, Surname and ID number you are then able to search and ascertain if the
Jobseeker has any form of certification on our database. Should there be some form of certification this will be shown
to you and you are able to download the certificate and make use of the data that appears on the certificate.
You are then also able to update the certificate and purchase whatever further verifications you wish to have
completed on the Jobseeker. We will then action your verifications and once complete the new verifications will be
added to the data that was on the database and a final certificate will be issued to you.
By not having to pay for the verifications that appear on any existing certificate you are guaranteed to save your
company money.
Clients that make use of our search function will shortly be paying a monthly retainer for this service.
Search our database Copies of verified documentation
available in our Docufile section
Data that appears on an for download
existing certificate is free
Cost Savings
Monthly Fee
Where Do You Search?
Once you have logged in to V-Report, you click on the search for certification button and you will be taken to the
search page.
What Happens After I Submit?
If a certificate exists it will be brought up and shown as follows, you will notice that the VR Cert Number is red
and is a clickable downloadable link you will proceed by clicking on this link.
After clicking on the red link you will be brought to a page where you can download the existing certificate and update
Once you have downloaded the current certificate and decided what further verifications you wish to have completed
on the Jobseeker you proceed to click on “Update” and proceed to make your product selections.
Here Is Where You Make Your Screening Check Selections
Here You Are Able To View The Products You Just Purchased In Your Shopping Cart
In This Step We Confirm You As The Client And Your Payment Method
Here we confirm The clients And Payment Information As Well As The Products Purchased On This Specific Order
Here You Are Requested To Advise Us On The Reason For The Verification And To Tick The Indemnity Box To Proceed
Every order that is processed on the V-Report system is allocated its own unique order ID. It is at this point that this ID
is allocated and shown to you. You can write it down at this stage, however it will be e mailed to you in a confirmation
e mail once you have completed this process.
It is at this point that you are able to upload documents, copies of ID’s etc.
It is also here that you are required to complete the captcha code to ensure that you are in fact human and not a
computer dialling into our system.
Should you have purchased products that require further information such as educational verifications certain pages
will appear where you will be required to supply us with further information that is required for the verification
process? There are a handful of products that require further Information, should these pages appear please complete
them in as much detail as possible.
Once you reach this page please click on our very happy to see you jumping man as only once this is done is the order
complete and sent to V-Report operations. Please bear in mind that at no time prior to you clicking on this jumping
man is your order received or known to V-Report.
After clicking on our Jumping man you will be brought to our “Thank You” page and the purchase is complete
Confirmation E - Mail Upon Completing A Order
You will receive an e mail immediately upon completing the order.