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Published by john.priestley, 2022-04-22 07:56:36

Some Business English Vocabulary

Business English
July, 2021 - John Priestley

Some Business English


(Adapted from the original written by Prof. Dr Michael Riedl

Hochschule für angewandtes Management, Ismaning)

Business English
July, 2021 - John Priestley


ability to work under pressure, ability to cope with pressure die Belastbarkeit

absenteeism das Fernbleiben, die (häufige) Abwesenheit von Arbeitnehmern

Definition: Absenteeism refers to the habitual non-presence of an employee at his or her job. Habitual non-presence
extends beyond what is deemed to be within an acceptable realm of days away from the office for legitimate causes
such as scheduled vacations, occasional illness, and family emergencies.

account (fin.) das Konto

accounts payable die Verbindlichkeiten

Definition: Accounts payable (AP) is an account within the general ledger that represents a company's
obligation to pay off a short-term debt to its creditors or suppliers. Another common usage of "AP" refers
to the business department or division that is responsible for making payments owed by the company to
suppliers and other creditors.

bank account das Bankkonto

deposit money in an account (v.) Geld auf ein Konto einzahlen

transfer money to an account (v.) Geld auf ein Konto überweisen

current account (Br.) das Girokonto

checking account (US.) das Girokonto

deposit account das Festgeldkonto

accountability die Verantwortlichkeit, die Rechenschaft, die Haftung, auch: die Straf-

Example: Public companies have an accountability towards society.

accountant der Buchhalter, die Buchhalterin

certified public accountant (CPA) der Wirtschaftsprüfer, die Wirtschaftsprüferin

tax accountant (certified tax advisor) der Steuerberater, die Steuerberaterin


Business English
July, 2021 - John Priestley

accounting fin. die Bilanzierung, die Buchführung, das Rechnungswesen

conduct (an) accounting (v.) bilanzieren

achievement das Erreichen, die Vollendung, die Leistung

Example: The company's name is synonymous with outstanding achievement.

ad campaign der Reklamefeldzug

advertisement die Reklame, die Werbung

advertising die Werbung, die Reklame

deceptive advertising die irreführende Werbung

place advertisements (v.) Anzeigen schalten

Advertising (department in a company) die Werbeabteilung

affiliation die Zugehörigkeit, auch: die Angliederung

Example: The amount of severance payment depends on income and the extent of company affiliation.

allocation (fin.) die Zuordnung, die Zuteilung, die Zuweisung

Example: The company’s new CFO proposed a better allocation of resources.

allocate (v.) zuteilen

allowance der Zuschuss, die Zulage, in anderen Kontexten auch: Preisnachlass, Bewilli-

Example: Students can receive a monthly housing allowance.

amendment die Änderung, die Ergänzung, der Zusatz

Example: Any amendment to the contract must be made in writing.

amend (v.) ändern, abändern

Example: The law was amended to protect the employees' rights.

annual report der Jahresbericht

anti bribery law das Anti-Korruptionsgesetz


Business English
July, 2021 - John Priestley

anti money laundering law das Geldwäschegesetz (vgl. money laundering)

antitrust law das Kartellgesetz (vgl. cartel & trust)

Example: Competitors who collude to fix prices would be breaking antitrust laws.

application form der Bewerbungsbogen

appraisal die Beurteilung, die Bewertung, die Einschätzung

Example: The manager carried out an appraisal of her employees' performance.

apprentice der Lehrling, der Auszubildende, die Auszubildende

apprenticeship die Lehre, die Ausbildung

aptitude test der Eignungstest

arbitrage die Arbitrage

Definition: Arbitrage is the simultaneous purchase and sale of an asset to profit from an imbalance in the price. It is
a trade that profits by exploiting the price differences of identical or similar financial instruments on different markets
or in different forms. Arbitrage exists as a result of market inefficiencies and would therefore not exist if all markets
were perfectly efficient.

assembly shop, assembling shop die Montagehalle, die Montagewerkstatt

assets die Vermögenswerte, die Aktiva (vgl. liabilities)

Definition: Accounting standards define an asset as something your company owns that can provide future economic
benefits. Cash, inventory, accounts receivable, land, buildings, equipment – these are all assets. Liabilities are your
company's obligations – either money that must be paid or services that must be performed. A successful company
has more assets than liabilities, meaning it has the resources to fulfill its obligations. On the other hand, a company
whose liabilities exceed its assets is probably in trouble.

assignment (fin.) die Zuordnung, die Zuweisung, auch: die Aufgabe

assortment die Auswahl, das Sortiment

Example: The sales person showed the customer an assortment of fabrics.

audit die Prüfung, das Audit, auch: die Bilanzprüfung, die Rechnungsprüfung

first party audit das interne Audit, das interne Qualitätsaudit

second party audit das Lieferantenaudit

tax audit die Steuerprüfung


Business English
July, 2021 - John Priestley

audit division/office der Rechnungshof

audit (v.) die Bilanz prüfen

auditor der Bilanzprüfer, die Bilanzprüferin, der Rechnungsprüfer, der Steuerprüfer

austerity die Austerität, die Einschränkung, die Entbehrung

Definition: In economics, austerity is defined as a set of economic policies a government implements to control public
sector debt. Austerity measures (see below) are the response of a government whose public debt is so large that the
risk of default or the inability to service the required payments on its debt obligations, becomes a real possibility.

austerity measures die Sparmaßnahmen

Example: The government's austerity measures prevented national bankruptcy.

auto-reply, out-of-office auto-reply n. die Abwesenheitsnotiz, die Eingangsbestätigung


balance sheet die Bilanz, die Bilanzaufstellung

Definition: A balance sheet is a financial statement that reports a company's assets, liabilities and shareholders'
equity at a specific point in time, and provides a basis for computing rates of return and evaluating its capital structure.
It is a financial statement that provides a snapshot of what a company owns and owes, as well as the amount invested
by shareholders. It is used alongside other important financial statements such as the income statement and statement
of cash flows in conducting fundamental analysis or calculating financial ratios.

bank account das Bankkonto

bankruptcy die Insolvenz

bargain das Schnäppchen, das Angebot

bargain (v.) verhandeln, feilschen

Example: We bargained a little and finally got the old table at a fair price.

barter (trade) das Tauschgeschäft, der Tauschhandel


Business English
July, 2021 - John Priestley

bear market (stock exchange) die Baisse, auch: der Bärenmarkt

Definition: A bear market is when the price of an investment falls at least 20% or more from its 52-week high. For
example, the Dow Jones Industrial Average (a stock market index that tracks the stock prices of the top 30 U.S.
companies) hit its record high of 26,828.39 on October 3, 2018. If it fell 20% to 21,462.71, it would be in a bear
market. Bear markets can occur in any asset class. In stocks, a bear market is measured by the Dow, the S&P 500 (a
stock market index that tracks the stocks of 500 large-cap U.S. companies), and the NASDAQ (the largest electronic
equities exchange in the United States). In bonds, a bear market could occur in U.S. Treasuries, municipal bonds, or
corporate bonds. Bear markets also happen with currencies, gold, and commodities such as oil. Price drops in con-
sumer goods, such as computers, automobiles, or TVs, are not bear markets. Instead, that's called deflation.

bill die Rechnung

foot the bill (v.) die Rechnung bezahlen/begleichen, für die Kosten aufkommen

board (also: management board, executive board) der Vorstand

board meeting die Vorstandssitzung

boardroom der Sitzungssaal

bond (fin.) der Bond, der Pfandbrief, das Wertpapier

government bonds die Staatsanleihe, die Staatspapiere

bonded, under bond (customs) unter Zollverschluss

branch die Filiale, die Zweigstelle, die Niederlassung; auch: der Industriezweig

Example: The bank is planning to open a branch in Portugal.

branch manager der Filialleiter, die Filialleiterin

brand die Marke, die Handelsmarke, der Markenartikel

branding die Markenführung, die Markenbildung, die Markenpolitik

bribe die Bestechung, das Bestechungsgeld

Definition: A bribe is an illegal act involving the exchange of consideration, such as money, with the purpose of
influencing behavior. Bribes are often made to public officials or heads of other regulatory agencies to escape legal
convictions or unfavorable rulings or as an incentive for the payee to alter or overlook pertinent regulations that would
otherwise restrict the payer.

broker der Makler, die Maklerin, auch: Broker, Börsenmakler/-in

brokerage die Vermittlungsgebühr


Business English
July, 2021 - John Priestley

buck (coll.) der Dollar

bull market (stock exchange) die Hausse, auch: der Bullenmarkt

Definition: A bull market is when an investment's price rises over an extended period. The phrase is commonly used
when describing securities, such as stocks, bonds, and commodities. But bull markets can also occur in other invest-
ments, such as housing. In contrast, a so-called bear market (see above) occurs when prices fall 20 percent. Investors'
confidence collapses, and they believe prices will continue falling.

building loan das Baudarlehen

building loan contract der Bausparvertrag

business das Geschäft, die Wirtschaft, die Branche, der Betrieb, das Unternehmen

business administration die Betriebswirtschaft, die Betriebswirtschaftslehre

business acquaintance, business associate der Geschäftsfreund, die Geschäftsfreundin

business attire Geschäftskleidung

Example: In our company men are required to wear blazers or dress jackets and ties, and women should wear corre-
spondingly dressy business attire.

business card die Visitenkarte

business center/centre das Geschäftszentrum

business college die Wirtschaftshochschule

business conduct, business practices (Pl.) das Geschäftsgebaren

Example: It is important for proper business conduct that the accounts and receipts correctly and transparently repre-
sent all business transactions.

business expenses die Spesen

businesslike geschäftlich, geschäftsmäßig (manner), geschäftstüchtig (know-how)

business park das Industriegelände

business lunch das Geschäftsessen

business school die Wirtschaftsschule

business suit der Anzug


Business English
July, 2021 - John Priestley

business transaction der Geschäftsvorgang, die Geschäftstransaktion

business trip die Geschäftsreise


campaign die Kampagne, die Aktion, auch: Wahlkampf

Example: The advertising agency developed a very successful campaign for our new product.

carbon footprint die CO 2 Bilanz

carpool die Fahrgemeinschaft

cartel das Kartell (vgl. trust & antitrust law)

Definition: A cartel is an organization created from a formal agreement between a group of producers of a good or
service to regulate supply in order to regulate or manipulate prices.

cash das Bargeld

cash advance der Barvorschuss

cash cow das umsatzstarke Produkt, Cash Cow, auch: der Goldesel

cash deposit die Geldeinlage

cash dispenser, cash machine der Geldautomat

cash flow der Cashflow, der Geldfluss, der Kapitalfluss

Definition: The business finance term cash flow refers to the amount of operating cash that “flows” through
the business and affects the business’s liquidity. Cash flow reports reflect activity for a specified period of
time, usually one accounting period or one month. Maintaining tight control of cash flow is especially im-
portant if your small business is new, since ready cash can be limited until the business begins to grow and
produce more working capital.

cash point (Br.) die Kasse


Business English
July, 2021 - John Priestley

pay cash (v.) bar bezahlen

cash (in) (check) (v.) einlösen

cashier (register) die Kasse

cashier (person) der Kassierer, die Kassiererin

cashier's check der Bankscheck

casualty insurance die Unfallversicherung

certificate of health das Gesundheitszeugnis

Definition: A health certificate is written by a doctor and displays the official results of a physical examination. It is
usually required when applying for medical professions and/or for jobs in the hotel, catering and tourism industry.

certify (v.) beglaubigen

certified check gedeckter Scheck

certified copy beglaubigte Abschrift/Kopie

certified letter eingeschriebener Brief

certified public accountant (CPA) der Wirtschaftsprüfer, die Wirtschaftsprüferin

certified tax advisor der Steuerberater, die Steuerberaterin

chairman of the managing board der Vorstandsvorsitzende, die Vorstandsvorsitzende

chicken feed (coll .) das Kleingeld, die lächerliche Summe

client (law) der Mandant, die Mandantin

closing price der Schlussabrechnungspreis, die Schlussnotierung

clothes label die Bekleidungsmarke

code of ethics der Moralkodex

collective bargaining die Tarifverhandlungen

Definition: Good-faith process between an organization's management and a trade union representing its employees,
for negotiating wages, working hours, working conditions, and other matters of mutual interest. To the management,


Business English
July, 2021 - John Priestley

this process presents (usually) one set of people to negotiate with; to the employees, it gives greatly enhanced
bargaining-power. Collective bargaining is the fundamental principle on which the trade union system is based.

commerce der Handel, der Handelsverkehr

commercial real estate die Gewerbeimmobilien

commission die Provision, auch: die Kommission

commitment (to something) das Engagement (für etwas)

commodity (often plural commodities) Ware(n), Rohstoff(e)

commodity market der Rohstoffmarkt

commodity futures market der Warenterminmarkt, die Warenterminbörse

commodity trading der Rohstoffhandel, der Warenhandel

commuter der Pendler, die Pendlerin

company pension scheme die betriebliche Altersversorgung, die betriebliche Altersvor-

compensation die Vergütung, auch: Abfindung, ferner: der (Schaden-)Ersatz

Example: The company offered the injured worker a generous compensation.

compensation package die Gesamtvergütung

competition (I) der Wettbewerb

in competition im Wettbewerb

compete (with) (v.) konkurrieren (mit)

competition (II) die Konkurrenz

our competition/competitors unsere Konkurrenz

fierce/sharp/keen competition die scharfe/heftige Konkurrenz

competitor der Konkurrent/derWettberwerber, die Konkurrentin/die Wettberwerberin

complaint (business) die Reklamation


Business English
July, 2021 - John Priestley

file/make a complaint (v.) reklamieren

compliance die Regelbefolgung, die Einhaltung, die Erfüllung

comply with sth. (v.) erfüllen

Example: Job applicants who comply with the requirements stand a good chance.

confidentiality die Vertraulichkeit

Example: Our archival documents have different levels of confidentiality.

confidential vertraulich

conglomerate der Mischkonzern (vgl. consortium)

Definition: A conglomerate is a corporation made up of a number of different, seemingly unrelated businesses. In a
conglomerate, one company owns a controlling stake in a number of smaller companies which conduct business
separately. The difference between conglomerate and consortium is that a conglomerate is a cluster of heterogeneous
things while a consortium is an association or combination of businesses, financial institutions, or investors, for the
purpose of engaging in a joint venture.

consortium das Konsortium, die Unternehmensgruppe (vgl. conglomerate)

contraband die Schmuggelware

Example: The contraband was confiscated by customs at the airport.

convenience store das Lebensmittelgeschäft, das Bedarfsartikelgeschäft

corporation das Unternehmen, die Gesellschaft, auch: Aktiengesellschaft

corporate management die Unternehmensführung, die Unternehmensleitung

contingency plan der Ausweichplan, der Alternativplan, der Plan B

covered (fin.) gedeckt

covered check/cheque (Br.) gedeckter Scheck

covered option gedeckte Option

cover letter das Anschreiben, das Motivationsschreiben

Example: Katharina’s outstanding cover letter got her the job.

cost of living die Lebenshaltungskosten


Business English
July, 2021 - John Priestley

counterfeit die Fälschung, auch: das Falschgeld

Example: Once you buy merchandise that is counterfeit, you'll have no way of getting your money back should that
merchandise be defective in any way.

counterfeit (v.) fälschen

credit der Kredit, das Guthaben

credit (v.) gutschreiben

letter of credit der Kreditbrief

on credit auf Kredit

credit balance der Kontostand

credit limit die Kreditgrenze

creditor der Gläubiger, die Gläubigerin

Example: Filing for bankruptcy protection allows the company to avoid paying creditors while it works out a plan to

credit rating die Kreditwürdigkeit

criminal record (certificate) das polizeiliche Führungszeugnis

Definition: A record of a person's criminal history. The information included in a criminal record and the existence of
a criminal record varies between countries and even between jurisdictions within a country. In most cases it lists all
non-expunged criminal offences and may also include traffic offences such as speeding and drunk driving. In some
countries the record is limited to actual convictions (where the individual has pleaded guilty or been found guilty by
a qualified court, resulting in the entry of a conviction), while in others it also includes arrests, charges dismissed,
charges pending and charges of which the individual has been acquitted. A criminal history may be used by potential
employers, lenders, and others to assess a person's trustworthiness. Criminal records may also be relevant for inter-
national travel, and for the charging and sentencing of persons who commit additional criminal offenses.

currency die Währung

curriculum vitae (CV) der Lebenslauf (vgl. resume)

Definition: A curriculum vitae (Latin for “course of (one’s) life”) is a short account of one's career and qualifications
prepared typically by an applicant for a position. Curriculum vitae is abbreviated CV, and is pluralized as curricula
vitae. The difference between a CV and a resume (common in the USA) lies in the length, layout, and purpose of
these documents. CVs have no length limit; resumes are typically one to two pages long. A CV details the whole
course of the candidate's academic career; a resume summarizes skills and work experience.

customer der Kunde, die Kundin


Business English
July, 2021 - John Priestley

customer friendliness die Kundenfreundlichkeit

customer loyalty die Kundentreue

customer relationship management das Kundenbeziehungsmanagement/-pflege

Definition: Customer relationship management refers to the principles, practices, and guidelines that an
organization follows when interacting with its customers. From the organization's point of view, this entire
relationship encompasses direct interactions with customers, such as sales and service-related processes,
and forecasting and analysis of customer trends and behaviors. Ultimately, it serves to enhance the custom-
er's overall experience.

customer retention die Kundenbindung

customer satisfaction die Kundenzufriedenheit

Customer Service (department in a company) die Kundenbetreuung(sabteilung)

customer unfriendly (adj.) kundenfern

cut-throat competition der Verdrängungswettbewerb

cuts die Kürzungen, die Etatkürzungen, der Abbau

Example: Unfortunately, cuts in the budget were unavoidable.

job cuts der Abbau von Arbeitsplätzen

swingeing cuts die drakonischen (= extremen, einschneidenden) Sparmaßnahmen


day trader der Tageshändler

day trading das Tagesgeschäft

deadline der Abgabetermin, der Stichtag, die Frist, die Deadline


Business English
July, 2021 - John Priestley

tight deadline sehr enger, knapper Zeitrahmen

meet a deadline eine Frist einhalten

debt die Schuld, die Verschuldung

debt collection agency das Inkassobüro

debt rescheduling die Umschuldung

national debt Staatsschulden

be in debt (v.) verschuldet sein

recover a debt (v.) eine Schuld eintreiben

debt management das Schuldenmanagement, die Schuldenpolitik

Example: They offer a debt management plan allowing you to pay a fixed sum each month, which is then divided
among your creditors.

debtor der Schuldner, die Schuldnerin

decent wage der faire Lohn (vgl. auch starvation wage sowie pittance)

deduction der Abzug

Example: The interest I receive on my savings account is paid after the deduction of tax.

defendant der Angeklagte, die Angeklagte

deflation die Deflation (vgl. inflation)

Definition: Deflation is a general decline in prices for goods and services, typically associated with a contraction in
the supply of money and credit in the economy. During deflation, the purchasing power of currency rises over time.

defraud (v.) betrügen, täuschen

Example: He defrauded his clients and stole their money.

delay die Verzögerung, der Verzug, die Verspätung, auch: der Aufschub

demand die Nachfrage


Business English
July, 2021 - John Priestley

boost demand, stimulate demand (v.) die Nachfrage ankurbeln

depreciation die Abschreibung, die Wertminderung

Definition: The value of any asset can be said to depreciate when it loses some of that value in increments over time.
Depreciation occurs due to wear and tear. Various methods of depreciation are used by businesses to decrease the
recorded value of assets.

descriptive literature das Informationsmaterial

devaluation die Abwertung

discount der Rabatt, der Diskont

cash discount das Skonto

discount broker der Wechselmakler

discount rate der Diskontsatz

give a discount Rabatt geben, diskontieren

dismissal die Entlassung, die Kündigung

dismissal letter das Entlassungsschreiben, das Kündigungsschreiben

dismissal protection der Kündigungsschutz

dismissal with notice die fristgemäße Kündigung

dismissal without notice die fristlose Kündigung

dispatch der Versand

dispatch counter der Abfertigungsschalter

dispatch department die Versandabteilung

with dispatch (adj.) prompt, unverzüglich

divulge (v.) enthüllen, preisgeben

Example: We are not allowed to divulge company secrets.

dole (Br.) das Arbeitslosengeld, die Arbeitslosenunterstützung


Business English
July, 2021 - John Priestley

Example: Young people on (= receiving) the dole are often bored and frustrated.

donation die Spende, die Schenkung

down payment die Anzahlung

Example: I need to make a down payment for the house.

dunning die Mahnung, das Mahnwesen

dunning amount der Mahnbetrag

dunning letter (also: dunning notice) der Mahnbescheid, der Mahnbrief

Example: After the due date of the invoice, I received a dunning letter.


economy die Wirtschaft, die Ökonomie

economics die Ökonomie, auch: Wirtschaftswissenschaften, die Volkswirtschaftslehre

economic crime (also: white-collar crime) die Wirtschaftskriminalität

economic downturn der Wirtschaftsabschwung, der Konjunktureinbruch

economic issues die Wirtschaftsfragen

economic upturn der Wirtschaftsaufschwung

enclosure die Anlage

enterprise das Unternehmen

ailing enterprise das notleidende Unternehmen

building enterprise (auch: construction enterprise) das Bauunternehmen

competitive enterprise das konkurrierende Unternehmen


Business English
July, 2021 - John Priestley

craft enterprise das das Handwerksunternehmen, der Handwerksbetrieb

family enterprise/business das Familienunternehmen

entrant der Berufsanfänger, die Berufsanfängerin

equity (fin.) das Eigenkapital

Definition: In finance, equity is ownership of assets that may have debts or other liabilities attached to them. Equity
is measured for accounting purposes by subtracting liabilities from the value of an asset. For example, if someone
owns a car worth $9,000 and owes $3,000 on the loan used to buy the car, then the difference of $6,000 is equity.
Equity can apply to a single asset, such as a car or house, or to an entire business entity.

estimate der Kostenvoranschlag, auch: die Schätzung, der Schätzwert

Example: Our team is requesting estimates from several information technology companies to get an idea of the
project cost.

estimate (v.) schätzen, abschätzen

estate management die Immobilienverwaltung

exchange (also: stock exchange, stock market) die Börse

expiration der Verfall, der Ablauf

Example: The pharmaceutical company faces a wave of patent expirations on its bestselling drugs.

expiration/expiry date das Verfalldatum, das Fälligkeitsdatum

expiration/expiry month der Verfallmonat

expiration/expiry cycle der Verfallzyklus

expenditure(s) die Ausgaben, die Aufwendungen

exploitation die Ausbeutung

Example: There is a law against the exploitation of workers.

exploit somebody (v.) jemand ausbeuten

extend (v.) verlängern

extension die Verlängerung

Example: My manager is going to grant an extension of my contract.


Business English
July, 2021 - John Priestley

extension (number) die Durchwahl (Tel.)

extortionate halsabschneiderisch, i. S. v. übertrieben teuer

Example: Most retailers charge extortionate prices for extended warranties - often more than three times as much as
an independent provider.


finance die Finanzwirtschaft, das Finanzwesen

financial settlement die Abfindung, die Ausgleichsleistung

Example: In a financial settlement, money is awarded by a court in compensation for a breach of contract.

financial compensation die finanzielle Entschädigung

financial scope der finanzielle Spielraum

financial squeeze (also: financial bottleneck) der finanzielle Engpass

financial statement der Jahresabschluss, der Geschäftsbericht, der Finanzbericht

Example: The financial statement showed that the company was thriving.

fine die Geldstrafe

fiscal (adj.) steuerlich, steuerrechtlich

fiscal year das Rechnungsjahr, das Geschäftsjahr

fixed asset der Anlagegegenstand

Definition: The term refers to a tangible, long-term asset used for the business and not expected to be sold or
otherwise converted into cash during the current or upcoming fiscal year is called a fixed asset. Fixed assets are items
like furniture, computer equipment, equipment, and real estate.

force majeure die höhere Gewalt

Definition: Force majeure has been taken from French language, meaning “greater force.” It is connected with the
idea that natural occurrences are an act of God. In business, the term refers to a clause in a contract that eliminates


Business English
July, 2021 - John Priestley

the duties or obligations of the parties. The clause is enforced when unavoidable, natural calamities affect the ability
of the parties to meet their obligations under the agreement.

foreign exchange die Devisen (vgl. forex)

foreman der Vorarbeiter, der (Werk-)Meister

forex (market) die Devisen, der Devisenmarkt

Definition: The term refers to foreign exchange (forex), more specifically to the trading of one currency for another.
For example, one can swap the U.S. dollar for the euro. Foreign exchange transactions can take place on the foreign
exchange market, also known as the forex market.

freelancer der Freiberufler, die Freiberuflerin

Definition: A freelancer is an individual who earns money on a per-job or per-task basis, usually for short-term work.
A freelancer is not an employee of a firm, and may therefore be at liberty to complete different jobs concurrently by
various individuals or firms, unless contractually specified to work exclusively until a particular project is completed.
Typically, freelancers are considered independent workers and may do such contract work full-time or as a side job to
supplement some other full-time employment, time permitting. Freelancers, as independent contractors, typically re-
quire signed contracts for the job to be done and will agree to a pre-determined fee based on the time and effort
required to complete the task. This fee may be a flat fee or a per-hour, per-day, per-project fee, or some other similar

free trade agreement Freihandelsabkommen (vgl. protectionism)

Definition: A free trade agreement is a pact between two or more nations to reduce barriers to imports and exports
among them. Under a free trade policy, goods and services can be bought and sold across international borders with
little or no government tariffs, quotas, subsidies, or prohibitions to inhibit their exchange. The concept of free trade
is the opposite of trade protectionism or economic isolationism.

freight die Fracht, die Güter

Example: Freight can be transported by rail or road.

friendly takeover die freundliche Übernahme (vgl. hostile takeover)

Definition: A friendly takeover is the act of target company's management and board of directors agreeing to be
absorbed by an acquiring company. Thus, a friendly takeover is a scenario in which a target company is willingly
acquired by another company. Friendly takeovers are subject to approval by the target company's shareholders, who
generally greenlight deals only if they believe the price per share offer is reasonable.

fringe benefits die zusätzlich (zu Lohn/Gehalt) gewährten Leistungen, die Nebenleistun-

Definition: Fringe benefits are additions to compensation that companies give their employees. Some fringe benefits
are given universally to all employees of a company while others may be offered only to those at executive levels.
Some benefits are awarded to compensate employees for costs related to their work while others are geared to general
job satisfaction. In any case, employers use fringe benefits to help them recruit, motivate, and keep high-quality


Business English
July, 2021 - John Priestley


general ledger das Hauptbuch

Definition: A general ledger represents the record-keeping system for a company's financial data. It provides a record
of each financial transaction that takes place during the life of an operating company. The general ledger holds account
information that is needed to prepare the company's financial statements, and transaction data is segregated by type
into accounts for assets, liabilities, owners' equity, revenues, and expenses.

giveaway das Werbegeschenk

global economy die Weltwirtschaft

globalization die Globalisierung

globalize (v.) globalisieren

global trade der Welthandel

glut die Fülle, der Überfluss

Example: The current glut of graduates means that many of them will not be able to find jobs.

grant die Förderung, der Zuschuss, auch: das Stipendium

grant (v.) genehmigen, bewilligen, (einen Zuschuss) gewähren

grace period die Schonfrist

Example: You have a ten-day grace period in which to pay your insurance premium.

grievance der Kummer, der Missstand, auch: die Beschwerde

Example: She filed a grievance against her former employer.

gross (econ.) brutto, Brutto- Gesamt-

gross assets das Bruttovermögen

gross domestic product das Bruttoinlandsprodukt


Business English
July, 2021 - John Priestley

Definition: Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is the total monetary or market value of all the finished goods
and services produced within a country's borders in a specific time period. As a broad measure of overall
domestic production, it functions as a comprehensive scorecard of the country’s economic health. Though
GDP is usually calculated on an annual basis, it can be calculated on a quarterly basis as well. In the United
States, for example, the government releases an annualized GDP estimate for each quarter and also for an
entire year. Most of the individual data sets will also be given in real terms, meaning that the data is adjusted
for price changes, and is, therefore, net of inflation.

gross income das Bruttoeinkommen

Definition: Gross income for an individual—also known as gross pay when it's on a paycheck—is the indi-
vidual’s total pay from his or her employer before taxes or other deductions. This includes income from all
sources and is not limited to income received in cash; it also includes property or services received. Gross
annual income is the amount of money a person earns in one year before taxes and includes income from
all sources.

gross misconduct das grobe (berufliche) Fehlverhalten

Definition: Gross misconduct refers to behavior that can get a person dismissed straight away from work
because it is serious enough and possibly criminal. Illegal drug use at work, being drunk while on duty,
stealing, deliberate discrimination (such as harassment, not one of the accidental forms, such as indirect
discrimination), and/or very serious breaches of health and safety rules are all examples of gross misconduct.

gross national product (GNP) das Bruttosozialprodukt

Definition: Gross national product (GNP) is an estimate of total value of all the final products and services
turned out in a given period by the means of production owned by a country's residents. GNP is commonly
calculated by taking the sum of personal consumption expenditures, private domestic investment, govern-
ment expenditure, net exports and any income earned by residents from overseas investments, minus income
earned within the domestic economy by foreign residents.

gross profits der Bruttogewinn, der Bruttoertrag

gross turnover der Bruttoumsatz

gross weight das Bruttogewicht

growth potential das Wachstumspotential

growth rate die Wachstumsrate


haggling das Feilschen, das Handeln


Business English
July, 2021 - John Priestley

Example: Haggling between the company and investors over valuations will continue until the price is announced.

haulage die Spedition, der Transport

Example: The carrier takes care of all aspects of haulage.

hazardous work allowance, hazard pay die Gefahrenzulage

Definition: The term refers to a higher hourly rate or a bonus paid to a salaried employee who has to take a serious
risk on the job. The nature of this risk can be anything, but it includes all kinds of situations where even the best
safety equipment and procedures still leave a significant chance of bodily harm, death, or permanent physical or
mental damage. This can include (1) working with dangerous chemicals and pathogens, (2) working in hostile envi-
ronments like barren deserts, (3) working in active war zones, (4) working in crisis areas, (5) working on specific
construction sites.

health service das Gesundheitswesen

hire (v.) mieten, auch: einstellen, anstellen

Example: The company hired some additional staff.

hole punch, puncher der Locher

holiday entitlement der (bezahlte) Urlaub

honesty die Ehrlichkeit

hostile takeover die feindliche Übernahme (vgl. friendly takeover)

Definition: A hostile takeover is the acquisition of one company (called the target company) by another (called the
acquirer) that is accomplished by going directly to the company's shareholders or fighting to replace management to
get the acquisition approved. The key characteristic of a hostile takeover is that the target company's management
does not want the deal to go through.


incentive der Anreiz, der Ansporn, der Leistungsanreiz

Example: Sales staff receive an incentive bonus on top of their remuneration.

cash incentive die Barprämie

incentive compensation die Erfolgsprämie


Business English
July, 2021 - John Priestley

independent contractor der selbständige Unternehmer, die selbständige Unternehmerin

industry die Industrie, auch: Branche

Example: The video games industry has grown rapidly over the last years.

inflation die Inflation (vgl. deflation)

Definition: Inflation is an economic term that refers to an environment of generally rising prices of goods and services
within a particular economy. As general prices rise, the purchasing power of the consumer decreases. The measure of
inflation over time is referred to as the inflation rate.

infringement der Verstoß, die Zuwiderhandlung, die Rechtsverletzung

copyright infringement die Urheberrechtsverletzung

Example: The definition of copyright infringement is the illegal duplication or theft of someone else's creative work
that has been protected by a copyright.

patent infringement die Patentrechtsverletzung

inheritance die Erbschaft

inheritance tax die Erbschaftssteuer

Definition: An inheritance tax is a tax imposed by certain states on those who inherit assets from the estate of a
deceased person. Its tax rate depends on the state of residence, the value of the inheritance, and the beneficiary's
relationship to the decedent.
insurance die Versicherung
installment die Rate, die Ratenzahlung

insurance agent der/die Versicherungsagent, -kaufmann/-kauffrau

insurance fraud der Versicherungsbetrug

insurance premium die Versicherungsprämie

liability insurance die Haftpflichtversicherung

intangible asset der immaterielle Vermögenswert

Definition: The term intangible asset refers to a business asset that is non-physical. These assets can be items like
patents, goodwill, and intellectual property.

interest die Zinsen


Business English
July, 2021 - John Priestley

Example: My business partner lent me money without asking for interest.

interest bearing verzinslich, mit Zinsertrag, zinsbringend

interest rate der Zinssatz

interpersonal skills die soziale Kompetenz

inventory die Inventur, auch: das Inventar, der Warenbestand

do inventory, take inventory (v.) Inventur machen

investment die Kapitalanlage, die Investition

investment guidelines die Anlagerichtlinien

investor der Anleger, die Anlegerin

invoice die Rechnung

invoice amount der Rechnungsbetrag

IT (Information Technology) (department in a company) die IT-Abteilung

item on the agenda der Tagesordnungspunkt


jeopardize (v.) gefährden

job der Job, die Arbeit, die Stelle

job advertisement die Stellenanzeige, die Stellenausschreibung

job centre (Br.), job center (US.) das Arbeitsamt

job creation die Arbeitsplatzbeschaffung

job description die Stellenbeschreibung, das Berufsbild


Business English
July, 2021 - John Priestley

job enlargement die Aufgabenerweiterung

job entrant der Berufsanfänger, die Berufsanfängerin

job evaluation die Arbeitsplatzbewertung

job interview das Bewerbungsgespräch

job satisfaction die Arbeitszufriedenheit

job seeker der Arbeitssuchende, die Arbeitssuchende

job sharing die Arbeitsplatzteilung

joint venture das Joint Venture, das Gemeinschaftsunternehmen, das Gemeinschaftspro-

Definition: A joint venture is a business arrangement in which two or more parties agree to pool their resources for
the purpose of accomplishing a specific task. This task can be a new project or any other business activity. In a joint
venture, each of the participants is responsible for profits, losses, and costs associated with it. However, the venture
is its own entity, separate from the participants' other business interests. Examples of joint ventures include: (1)
Vodafone & Telefónica (agreement to share their mobile network), (2) BMW & Toyota (cooperation on research into
hydrogen fuel cells, vehicle electrification and ultra-lightweight materials), Google & NASA (development of Google
Earth), (4) Renault & Nissan etc.

jurisdiction die Gerichtsbarkeit


key account der Großkunde

key account manager der Key Account Manager, der Groß- bzw. Schlüsselkundenbetreuer

key qualifications die Schlüsselqualifikationen

key responsibilities die Hauptzuständigkeiten

knockout price der Schleuderpreis


Business English
July, 2021 - John Priestley


labor union (US.) die Gewerkschaft (vgl. trade union)

labour die Arbeit, die Arbeiterschaft

labourer der (Hilfs-)Arbeiter, die (Hilfs-)Arbeiterin

labour costs die Lohnkosten

launch (n.) (ad campaign, product) die Lancierung

launch (v.) (ad campaign, product) lancieren, ein Produkt auf den Markt bringen

lean management das Lean Management, das schlanke (Unternehmens)Management

Definition: Lean management is an approach to managing an organization that supports the concept of continuous
improvement, a long-term approach to work that systematically seeks to achieve small, incremental changes in pro-
cesses in order to improve efficiency and quality.

leave der (Jahres)Urlaub

leave entitlement der Urlaubsanspruch

legal fees die Anwaltskosten

Legal (Department) (department in a company) die Rechtsabteilung

letter of apology das Entschuldigungsschreiben

letter of recommendation das (Arbeits)Zeugnis, das Empfehlungsschreiben

Example: The secretary asked for a reference letter from her former boss.

leverage (effect) die Hebelwirkung, der Einfluss

levy die Abgabe(n)

Example: The levy to the city of Munich amounts to 10 percent.


Business English
July, 2021 - John Priestley

liabilities die Verbindlichkeiten, die Passiva (vgl. assets)

Definition: A liability, in general, is an obligation to, or something that you owe somebody else. Liabilities are defined
as a company's legal financial debts or obligations that arise during the course of business operations. They can be
limited, or unlimited liability. Liabilities are settled over time through the transfer of economic benefits including
money, goods, or services. Recorded on the right side of the balance sheet, liabilities include loans, accounts payable,
mortgages, deferred revenues, earned premiums, unearned premiums, and accrued expenses. Even marriages can
change your liability.

litigation der Rechtsstreit, das Gerichtsverfahren

Example: The litigation between the two companies was settled the previous year.

loan das Darlehen, der Kredit

Example: Applicants for a loan can fill in a form online.

take out a loan (v.) einen Kredit aufnehmen

loan shark der Kredithai

lockout (strike) die Aussperrung


management das Management, die Betriebsführung

crisis management das Krisenmanagement, die Krisenbewältigung

a hands-on management style ein zupackender Führungsstil

managing director der Geschäftsführer, die Geschäftsführerin

marketing (department) die Marketingabteilung

market research die Marktforschung

market reseacher der Markforscher, die Marktforscherin

maternity leave die Elternzeit (Mutter)


Business English
July, 2021 - John Priestley

mediation die Mediation, die Vermittlung, die Schlichtung

Definition: Mediation is a form of alternative dispute resolution in which the involved parties bring their dispute to a
neutral third party, who helps them agree on a settlement. Mediation can be used for a variety of purposes such as
negotiating contracts, organizing a partnership, creating a new business, dismantling an existing business or resolving
personnel disputes just to name a few.

merchandise die Ware

merchant der Kaufmann, die Kauffrau

merger die Fusion, die Firmenfusion

Definition: A merger is an agreement that unites two existing companies into one new company. There are several
types of mergers and also several reasons why companies complete mergers. Mergers and acquisitions are commonly
done to expand a company’s reach, expand into new segments, or gain market share. All of these are done to increase
shareholder value.

mismanagement die Misswirtschaft, das Missmanagement

Example: Mismanagement led the company to bankruptcy.

monetary monetär, finanziell, währungspolitisch

monetary fund der Währungsfonds

money laundering die Geldwäsche (vgl. anti money laundering law)

Definition: Money laundering is the process of making large amounts of money generated by a criminal activity, such
as drug trafficking or terrorist funding, appear to have come from a legitimate source. The money from the criminal
activity is considered dirty, and the process "launders" it to make it look clean. Money laundering is itself a crime.

mortgage die Hypothek, die Grundschuld

Definition: A mortgage is a debt instrument, secured by the collateral of specified real estate property, that the
borrower is obliged to pay back with a predetermined set of payments. Individuals and businesses use mortgages to
make large real estate purchases without paying the entire purchase price up front. Over many years, the borrower
repays the loan, plus interest, until she or he owns the property free and clear.

take out a mortgage (v.) eine Hypothek aufnehmen

mortmain der unveräußerliche Besitz

Definition: Mortmain is the perpetual, inalienable ownership of real estate by an ecclesiastical or other corporation.
Historically, the land owner usually would be the religious office of a church; today, insofar as mortmain prohibitions
against perpetual ownership still exist, it refers most often to modern companies and charitable trusts. The term
mortmain is derived from Mediaeval Latin “mortua manus”, literally "dead hand", through Old French “morte main”
(in modern French “main morte”).


Business English
July, 2021 - John Priestley


national debt die Staatsverschuldung

neglect (v.) vernachlässigen, versäumen

negligence die Fahrlässigkeit, die Nachlässigkeit

negotiation die Verhandlung

negotiate (v.) verhandeln

nepotism die Vetternwirtschaft, der Nepotismus, die Klüngelei

nest egg der Notgroschen, das finanzielle Polster, die finanzielle Rücklage

net (fin.) netto, Netto-

net assets das Nettovermögen

(disposable) net income das (verfügbare) Nettoeinkommen

net profit der Reingewinn, der Nettoertrag

niggard der Geizhals

nondurable goods, nondurables die Verbrauchsgüter

Definition: Consumer goods (such as textiles, food, clothing, petroleum, and chemical products) that are only able to
be used for a relatively short time before deteriorating or that are consumed in a single usage

nondelivery die Nichtlieferung

nonpayment die Nichtzahlung

nonperformance die Nichterfüllung

notice die Ankündigung, die Mitteilung, die Benachrichtigung, auch: die Kündigung

Example: He handed in his notice because he wanted to travel around the world.


Business English
July, 2021 - John Priestley

notice clause die Kündigungsklausel

notice period, period of notice die Kündigungsfrist

notary der Notar, die Notarin

notarially certified (adj.) notariell beglaubigt

notarize (v.) beglaubigen

notarized copy die (notariell) beglaubigte Abschrift/Kopie

null and void unwirksam, null und nichtig

nullification die Aufhebung, die Nichtigkeitserklärung


offshoot der Ableger, die Filiale, die Zweigstelle

Example: The small publishing house is an offshoot of a large media concern.

offshoring das Offshoring (vgl. outsourcing)

Example: The relocation of business processes to a foreign country is called offshoring.

one-on-one interview das Einzelgespräch

option die Option (auf), das Vorkaufsrecht

option holder der Optionsinhaber, die Optionsinhaberin

option seller der Optionskäufer, die Optionskäuferin

outsell somebody (v.) höhere Verkaufszahlen als jm. haben

outsourcing die Auslagerung, das Outsourcing (vgl. offshoring)

Definition: Outsourcing refers to an organization contracting work out to a 3rd party, while offshoring refers to getting
work done in a different country, usually to leverage cost advantages. It's possible to outsource work but not offshore
it; for example, hiring an outside law firm to review contracts instead of maintaining an in-house staff of lawyers.


Business English
July, 2021 - John Priestley

outsource (v.) auslagern

overall sales der Gesamtabsatz

overstatement die Übertreibung

Example: It is not an overstatement to say that the company’s new software has revolutionized the print and media

owe money to somebody (v.) jm. Geld schulden

owner’s equity das Eigenkapital (vgl. auch equity)


paternity leave der Vaterschaftsurlaub

pawnshop, pawnbroker‘s die Pfandleihe

pawnbroker der Pfandleiher, die Pfandleiherin

pay grade die Gehaltsklasse, die Besoldungsklasse, die Besoldungsgruppe

payment confirmation die Zahlungsbestätigung

payment in advance die Vorauszahlung

payment in instalments (Br.)/installments die Ratenzahlung

pay slip der Lohnzettel, die Lohnabrechnung, die Gehaltsabrechnung

pay rise die Lohnerhöhung, die Gehaltserhöhung

penalty (payment) die Sanktion, die Strafe, die Vertragsstrafe, die Geldstrafe

Example: Taxpayers who do not send in their tax return by the deadline will pay a £100 penalty.

per capita income das Pro-Kopf-Einkommen


Business English
July, 2021 - John Priestley

performance die Leistung, die Leistungsfähigkeit

perishables die verderbliche Ware

perquisites (short: perks) die (nicht finanziellen) Vergünstigungen, Nebenleistungen

Definition: Privileges granted to employees in addition to their salaries and benefits (such as medial and pension
plans). 'True' perks have little or no cash value or tax implications and may include company car, vacations, reserved
parking space, spacious office, private dining and washroom facilities, etc.

persistence die Ausdauer, die Beharrlichkeit

Example: Lena pursues her goals with persistence and never gives up.

personal assistant (PA) der Assistent, die Assistentin

personnel das Personal, die Belegschaft

Example: The company may consider taking out insurance against the loss of key personnel.

personnel policy die Personalpolitik

piecework pay der Akkordlohn

pittance der Hungerlohn

plaintiff der Kläger, die Klägerin, die Klagepartei

Example: The plaintiff claimed damages for the financial losses suffered through breach of copyright.

postponement die Verschiebung, der Aufschub

postponement of payment der Zahlungsaufschub

precious wertvoll, kostbar

precious metal das Edelmetall

predator das finanzstarke Unternehmen (das kleinere Unternehmen aufkauft)

Definition: A predator is considered to be a financially strong company that eats up another in a merger or acquisition.
The company that does the acquiring — or the predator — is said to have sufficient financial means to bear the risks
associated with the acquisition. Predators are said to be very powerful firms that are financially strong. They are
typically the ones who initiate any merger or acquisition activity. By contrast, those on the other end of the spectrum
— or the ones who are the weaker targets of the predators — are called the prey. That's because they can be easily
snatched up by corporations that are more powerful.

premium die Prämie


Business English
July, 2021 - John Priestley

premise die Prämisse, die Voraussetzung

Example: The research project is based on the premise stated earlier.

premises die Räumlichkeiten, das (Firmen)Gelände, die Geschäftsräume

Example: A few years ago the University of Applied Management moved into new premises in Ismaning.

probationary period (also: trial period) die Probezeit

procrastination das Zögern, der Aufschub

Example: Procrastination at work can be defined as putting off work-related action by engaging in nonwork-related
actions during work hours.

product recall die Rückrufaktion

profit and loss statement die Gewinn- und Verlustrechnung

Definition: The profit and loss (P&L) statement is a financial statement that summarizes the revenues, costs, and
expenses incurred during a specified period, usually a fiscal quarter or year. The P&L statement is synonymous with
the income statement. These records provide information about a company's ability or inability to generate profit by
increasing revenue, reducing costs, or both. Some refer to the P&L statement as a statement of profit and loss, income
statement, statement of operations, statement of financial results or income, earnings statement or expense statement.

profiteering die Preistreiberei, der Wucher

promissory note der Schuldschein

Example: I promised to pay the money back by means of a promissory note.

promotion die Beförderung, die Förderung, der Aufstieg

Example: I am working hard in order to get a promotion.

promote (v.) befördern, auch: fördern, unterstützen

Example: I was promoted to head of department yesterday.

proprietor der/die Besitzer/-in, der/die Eigentümer/-in, der/die Inhaber/-in

prosperity der Wohlstand

protectionism der Protektionismus, die Schutzzollpolitik

Example: Protectionism has a broad definition that encompasses a number of different economic policies designed
to restrict trade and boost domestic manufacturing.


Business English
July, 2021 - John Priestley

public holiday der gesetzliche Feiertag

Public Relations (PR) (department in a company) die Öffentlichkeitsarbeit

publishing house der Verlag

punitive tariffs (Pl.) die Strafzölle

Definition: Extra tariffs charged on goods going into or out of a country, that is introduced because a country has
done business in an illegal or unfair way.

purchase (v.) kaufen

purchase (n.) der Kauf

bulk puchase der Großeinkauf

compulsory purchase die Enteignung

purchase order die Auftragsbestätigung

purchase power die Kaufkraft

purchaser der Käufer, die Käuferin

Product Development (department in a company) die Produktentwicklung(sabteilung)


quality die Qualität

poor-quality (adj.) minderwertig, schlecht

medium-quality (adj.) von mittlerer Qualität

premium-quality, top-quality (adj.) hochwertig

quality assurance die Qualitätssicherung

quality standard die Qualitätsanforderungen


Business English
July, 2021 - John Priestley


ratification die Ratifizierung, die Genehmigung

ratify (v.) ratifizieren, bestätigen

Example: The countries involved have already ratified the agreement.

raw materials die Rohstoffe

real estate die Immobilie(n), auch: Grundstück(e)

Example: Julia sells real estate, such as homes and office buildings.

rebound (stocks) (v.) wieder sprungartig ansteigen

receipt der Erhalt, der Eingang, auch: die Quittung, der Kassenbon

Example: The goods must be checked for damages immediately upon receipt.

records management die Aktenverwaltung

recycled materials die wiederverwerteten Materialien

redundancy pay die Abfindung

referee die Referenzperson

Example: A referee is someone who can give us information about you as an employee, for example a previous
employer or a university professor.

refurbishment die Renovierung, die Sanierung, die Modernisierung

Example: After the refurbishment, the company premises looked as good as new.

refurbishment works die Modernisierungsarbeiten
refurbishment project das Sanierungsobjekt, das Sanierungsvorhaben

remaining leave der Resturlaub


Business English
July, 2021 - John Priestley

remuneration die Vergütung, der Lohn, das Entgelt

Example: Employers appear to have been slowly adjusting their remuneration polices to reflect changes in labour

remuneration package das Vergütungspaket

remuneration policy die Vergütungspolitik

resilience die Widerstandsfähigkeit, die Belastbarkeit

Example: Our employees have shown great resilience considering the problems we've had.

resume, résumé der Lebenslauf (üblich in den USA) (vgl. CV)

Definition: A resume is a one- or two-page formal document that job hopefuls submit to hiring managers and em-
ployment recruiters as a means of itemizing their work experience, educational background, and special skills. Suc-
cessful resumes entice potential employers to invite applicants to interview for the position. Resumes are traditionally
accompanied by cover letters, in which applicants champion their relevant skills and tout their specific qualifications
for a given position.

retail der Einzelhandel

retail chain die Ladenkette

retail price der Ladenpreis, der Endverbraucherpreis

retailer der Einzelhändler, die Einzelhändlerin, das Einzelhandelsunternehmen

Example: Retailers have reported that consumer spending fell over the last 12 months.

revenue das Einkommen, die Einnahme, der Ertrag

to generate revenue Erlöse erwirtschaften

rip-off der Nepp, die Abzocke

Example: This convention hotel is so expensive; it is a real rip-off.

risk management das Risikomanagement

round off (v.) abrunden (Preis)


Business English
July, 2021 - John Priestley


sales (department in a company) der Vertrieb, der Verkauf

sales die Verkäufe

boost sales (v.) die Umsätze in die Höhe treiben

sales have plummeted/slumped die Umsätze sind stark zurückgegangen

sales figures die Verkaufszahlen, die Absatzzahlen

sales manager der Verkaufsleiter, die Verkaufsleiterin

sales pitch das Verkaufsgespräch

sales-promoting (adj.) verkaufsfördernd

sales representative, sales rep der Handelsvertreter, die Handelsvertreterin

saturated (market) gesättigt

scope der Rahmen, der Umfang

scope of duties der Aufgabenbereich

scope of responsibilities der Kompetenzbereich

scrutinize (v.) genau prüfen, untersuchen

seize (v.) beschlagnahmen

Example: The goods that were seized had been hidden in a shipment of paint.

seizure die Beschlagnahme, die Pfändung

Example: The court ordered the seizure of the bankrupt company's assets.

seperability, severability die salvatorische Klausel


Business English
July, 2021 - John Priestley

Definition: In law, the terms separability and severability (sometimes known as “salvatorius”, from Latin) refer to a
provision in a contract or piece of legislation which states that if some of the terms are held to be illegal or otherwise
unenforceable, the remainder should still apply.

severance deal, severance pay, severance package die Abfindung

Definition: The compensation and/or benefits an employer provides to an employee after employment is over. Sever-
ance packages may include extended benefits such as health insurance and outplacement assistance to help an
employee secure a new position. Employers offer packages to employees who are laid off, whose jobs are eliminated
because of downsizing, or who retire. Some employees who resign or are fired may also receive a severance package.

shadow economy die Schattenwirtschaft (vgl. underground economy)

share die Aktie

shareholder der Aktionär, die Aktionärin

shop window display die Schaufensterauslage

shortage der Mangel, der Engpass

short-time work die Kurzarbeit

showroom der Ausstellungsraum

sick leave, sick note, sick certificate die Krankschreibung

social market economy die Sozialmarktwirtschaft

social benefits (also: welfare benefits) die Sozialleistungen

Example: Social benefits can include unemployment pay and health insurance.

speculation die Spekulation

speculator der Spekulant

staff das Personal, die Belegschaft

back staff die Hilfskräfte

downsize staff, slash staff (v.) Personal abbauen

upskill staff (v.) die Qualifikation der Mitarbeiter ausbauen

staff outing der Betriebsausflug


Business English
July, 2021 - John Priestley

stakeholder der/die Interessenvertreter/-in, der/die Anspruchsberechtigte

Definition: A stakeholder is a party that has an interest in a company and can either affect or be affected by the
business. The primary stakeholders in a typical corporation are its investors, employees, customers and suppliers.
However, the modern theory of the idea goes beyond this original notion to include additional stakeholders such as
a community, government or trade association.

standing order der Dauerauftrag, das Abonnement

starvation wage der Hungerlohn

statutory gesetzlich (vorgeschrieben, festgelegt), satzungsgemäß, auf dem Gesetz beru-

Example: We need to observe the statutory regulations when we start our business.

stipulation die Vereinbarung, die Abmachung, die Bedingung; auch: die (Vertrags)Klausel

stock das Lager, auch: das Inventar

the model is in stock das Modell ist auf Lager

the model is out of stock das Modell ist nicht auf Lager

our stocks are running low unsere Vorräte gehen zu Ende

stock exchange, stock market die Börse

stockholder der Aktionär, die Aktionärin

stocktaking die Inventur (vgl. auch inventory)

to take stock/to stocktake Inventur machen

store of value die Wertanlage

Example: Precious metals are a popular store of value.

strike der Streik

take strike action against a company (v.) eine Firma bestreiken

call off a strike (v.) einen Streik beenden

head off a strike (v.) einen Streik abwenden


Business English
July, 2021 - John Priestley

subsidiary die Tochtergesellschaft

subsidies die Subventionen

subsidies policy die Förderpolitik

to cut/to reduce subsidies (v.) Subventionen abbauen

substandard minderwertig

Example: The customer’s complaint was that the substandard material wore out quickly.

substandard goods die Ausschussware

superior der Vorgesetzte, die Vorgesetzte

Example: I have a good working relationship with my direct superior.

supervision die Aufsicht, die Überwachung, die Kontrolle

Example: The German “Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht” (BaFin) is an independent federal institution
and falls under the supervision of the Federal Ministry of Finance.

supervisory board der Aufsichtsrat

supplier der Lieferant

supply das Angebot, der Vorrat, die Lieferung

excess supply, oversupply das Überangebot

in supply im Angebot

supply shortfall der Versorgungsengpass

supply chain management das Supply Chain Management

Definition: Supply chain management is the management of the flow of goods and services and includes all processes
that transform raw materials into final products. It involves the active streamlining of a business's supply-side activities
to maximize customer value and gain a competitive advantage in the marketplace.

surveillance die Überwachung, die Aufsicht, die Kontrolle

Example: More and more shops are installing surveillance cameras these days.

survey die Umfrage


Business English
July, 2021 - John Priestley

Example: The aim of the institute’s current survey is to study buying habits.

suspend (v.) (zeitweilig) ausschließen, suspendieren, auch: unterbrechen

Example: She was suspended from office due to corruption allegations.

sweatshop der Ausbeuterbetrieb

Definition: Sweatshop is a term for a workplace with very poor, socially unacceptable or illegal working conditions.
The work may be difficult, dangerous, climatically challenging or underpaid. Workers in sweatshops may work long
hours with low pay, regardless of laws mandating overtime pay or a minimum wage; child labor laws may also be

SWOT analysis die SWOT Analyse, die Stärken-Schwächen Analyse

Definition: A tool that identifies the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of an organization. Specifically,
it is a basic, straightforward model that assesses what an organization can and cannot do as well as its potential
opportunities and threats.


tariff der Tarif

customs tariff der Zolltarif

export tariff der Ausfuhrzoll

import tariff der Einfuhrzoll

punitive tariffs (Pl.) die Strafzölle

tax die Steuer

tax assessment der Steuerbescheid

tax consultant der Steuerberater/die Steuerberaterin

tax evasion der Steuerbetrug, die Steuerhinterziehung

Example: He was arrested in February 2020 on charges of tax evasion and fraud.

tax deduction der Steuerabzug, die Steuervergünstigung


Business English
July, 2021 - John Priestley

tax haven das Steuerparadies, die Steueroase

Example: The company is switching its operations to the offshore tax haven of the Dutch Antilles.

tax relief die Steuervergünstigung

Example: Investors are eligible for 20% tax relief provided they do not touch their investments for 5 years.

terms of payment die Zahlungsbedingungen

thrift die Sparsamkeit

Example: Thanks to his thrift he could afford the journey.

thrifty sparsam

time allowed for payment die Zahlungsfrist

title deed (legal doc .) die Eigentumsurkunde

trade, trading (n.) der Handel, die Geschäfte

active trade der lebhafte Handel

arms trade der Waffenhandel

barter trade der Tauschhandel

balanced trade der ausgeglichene Handel

carriage trade die gehobene Kundschaft, auch: das gehobene Segment (Geschäft)

hotel trade das Hotelgewerbe

trade fair die Messe

trade paper die Fachzeitschrift, das Fachblatt

trade school die Berufsschule

trade union (Br.) die Gewerkschaft (vgl. labor union)

Definition: An organization whose membership consists of workers and union leaders, united to protect and promote
their common interests. The principal purposes of a trade union (USA: labor union) are to (1) negotiate wages and
working condition terms, (2) regulate relations between workers (its members) and the employer, (3) take collective
action to enforce the terms of collective bargaining, (4) raise new demands on behalf of its members, and (5) help


Business English
July, 2021 - John Priestley

settle their grievances. A trade union may be: (a) A company union that represents interests of only one company and
may not have any connection with other unions.

trade unionist (Br.) der Gewerkschaftler, die Gewerkschaftlerin

trade war der Handelskrieg

trader der Händler, die Händlerin

trading floor das Börsenparkett

trading loss der Betriebsverlust

trading partner der Handelspartner, die Handelspartnerin

trading results das Betriebsergebnis

transaction die Transaktion

transition period, transitional period die Übergangsperiode, die Übergangszeit

Example: The UK left the European Union on 31 January, but that is not the end of the Brexit story. The transition
period is due to last until 31 December 2020. During this period, the UK will remain in both the EU customs union
and single market.

treasurer der Schatzmeister, die Schatzmeisterin

trial period (also: probationary period) die Probezeit

trust das Kartell (vgl. cartel & antitrust law)

Example: The government bans trusts to preserve free competition.

turnover der Umsatz, der Absatz

tycoon der Magnat, auch: Großindustrielle/-r



Business English
July, 2021 - John Priestley

unique selling proposition (USP) das Alleinstellungsmerkmal

Definition: A unique selling proposition (also: unique selling point) is a factor that differentiates a product from its
competitors, such as the lowest cost, the highest quality or the first-ever product of its kind.

underground economy die Schattenwirtschaft (vgl. shadow economy)

Definition: The underground economy refers to economic transactions that are deemed illegal, either because the
goods or services traded are unlawful in nature, or because transactions fail to comply with governmental reporting
requirements. Alternatively referred to as the shadow economy (see above), the underground economy often comprises
illegal prostitution, untaxed labor, the untaxed sale of physical goods, and the smuggling of goods into a country to
avoid paying duties at the border. Human trafficking operations also comprise the underground economy, as do the
markets for copyrighted materials, endangered animal species, antiquities, and illegally-harvested human organs.

understatement die Untertreibung

Example: "Your company presentation didn't go well? " "That's the understatement of the century. It was a disaster."

unemployment die Arbeitslosigkeit

unemployment benefits das Arbeitslosengeld

unemployment compensation die Arbeitslosenunterstützung

unemployment figures die Arbeitslosenzahlen

unemployment rate die Arbeitslosenquote, die Arbeitslosenrate

unlimited liability die unbeschränkte Haftung

up-to-the-minute topaktuell

upturn der Aufschwung

usury der Wucher


vacancy database die Stellendatenbank

valuation die Einschätzung, das Wertgutachten


Business English
July, 2021 - John Priestley

value der Wert, der Nutzen, der Betrag

above value über dem Wert

below value unter Wert

good value preiswert

value-added tax (VAT) die Mehrwertssteuer

Definition: A value-added tax is a consumption tax placed on a product whenever value is added at each stage of
the supply chain, from production to the point of sale. The amount of VAT that the user pays is on the cost of the
product, less any of the costs of materials used in the product that have already been taxed.

venture capital das Beteiligungskapital, das Risikokapital

Definition: Venture capital is a form of private equity and a type of financing that investors provide to startup
companies and small businesses that are believed to have long-term growth potential. Venture capital generally comes
from well-off investors, investment banks and any other financial institutions. However, it does not always take a
monetary form; it can also be provided in the form of technical or managerial expertise. Venture capital is typically
allocated to small companies with exceptional growth potential, or to companies that have grown quickly and appear
poised to continue to expand. Though it can be risky for investors who put up funds, the potential for above-average
returns is an attractive payoff. For new companies or ventures that have a limited operating history (under two years),
venture capital funding is increasingly becoming a popular – even essential – source for raising capital, especially if
they lack access to capital markets, bank loans or other debt instruments. The main downside is that the investors
usually get equity in the company, and, thus, a say in company decisions.

volatility die Volatilität, die Unbeständigkeit

Example: Legal and regulatory risks can lead to volatility in business development.

volunteer project das ehrenamtliche Projekt


waiver der Verzicht, die Verzichtserklärung

warehouse das Lagerhaus, das Warenlager

Example: The manufacturer stores the finished products in a warehouse.

wares die Waren


Business English
July, 2021 - John Priestley

bulky wares die sperrigen Güter

petty wares die Kurzwaren

presentation of wares die Warenpräsentation

sanitary ware die Sanitätsprodukte

warranty die Gewährleistung, die Garantie

Example: The printer I bought comes with a two-year warranty.

warranty period die Gewährleistungsfrist, die Garantiefrist

wastefulness die Verschwendungssucht

wasteful verschwenderisch

welfare die Sozialhilfe

white-collar crime die Wirtschaftskriminalität

Definition: White-collar crime is a nonviolent crime committed for financial gain. Generally, it is characterized by
deceit, concealment, or violation of trust. The motivation for these crimes is to obtain or avoid losing money, property,
or services, or to secure a personal or business advantage. Examples of white-collar crimes include securities fraud,
embezzlement, corporate fraud, and money laundering.

white-collar worker der Büroangestellte, die Büroangestellte

wholesale, wholesaling der Großhandel

Definition: Wholesaling is the sale of merchandise in bulk to a retailer for repackaging and resale in smaller quantities
at a higher price. The buyer of wholesale merchandise sorts, reassembles, and repackages it into smaller quantities
for direct retail sale to consumers. Due to the quantities purchased, the wholesaler can charge less per item. The
retailer sells at a price that reflects the overall cost of doing business.

wholesale price der Großhändlerpreis

wholesale banking das Firmenkundengeschäft (der Banken)

wholesaler der Großhändler

Example: Factory gate prices may be rising, but it is retailers and wholesalers, not consumers, who are shouldering
this burden.

withdrawal (money) die Abhebung


Business English
July, 2021 - John Priestley

make a withdrawal (v.) Geld abheben

work council, works committee der Betriebsrat

Definition: An organization that represents a business' employees on a local level. A works council often provides a
useful collective bargaining tool for employees that require an organization that is more familiar with their particular
situation than a national labor union, for example.

work ethic die Arbeitsmoral

workforce die Arbeitskräfte, das Personal

workload das Arbeitspensum, die Arbeitsbelastung

work permit die Arbeitserlaubnis

workplace der Arbeitsplatz

workplace bullying das Mobbing

workplace dispute der Arbeitsplatzkonflikt

workplace environment das Arbeitsumfeld, die Arbeitsplatzumgebung

workplace health promotion die betriebliche Gesundheitsförderung

work placement (Br.) das Praktikum


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