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Published by KAI KAI, 2020-01-31 07:15:27


Descriptive adjectives

In this lesson, you will learn the difference between adjectives ending –ed and
-ing and how to use them properly.
-ed adjectives
■ Adjectives which end with –ed describe how we are feeling.
■ Look at the examples below.
I am tired.
Sheila was bored.
Brad was frightened.
They are relaxed.
I was terrified.
-ing adjectives
■ Adjectives which end with –ing describe how things make us feel.
■ Look at the examples below
The work was tiring.
The lesson was boring.
The film was frightening.
The holiday was relaxing.
The rollercoaster was terrifying.

-ed and –ing adjectives

■ Look at some examples of –ed and -ing adjectives side by side.
■ Notice again how –ed adjectives describe how we feel, and how –ing adjectives

describe how something or someone makes us feel.

-ed adjectives -ing adjectives

I felt shocked because his behavior was shocking.

I was amazed by the amazing view.

I am confused because grammar is confusing.

I was annoyed because my little brother is really annoying.

She was excited because the news was very exciting.

Fill in the end of these adjectives with –ed or –ing. Then say where the story is set.

The smell was disgust_______________.
The lions were frighten_______________ for me but the
gorillas were amaz_______________. They are like people.
The seals were excit_______________ when the man came
to feed them. I was never bor_______________ when I was
there because everything was really interest ___________.

Choose the correct option from the words in brackets then practice the dialogue
with your classmates.

Go to bed Matt, you look (tired/tiring).

I want to but I just watched a really (frightened/frightening) film and I know
I won’t be able to sleep.

I heard you screaming from the kitchen, you must have been

I was! And I had thought the film was going to be (bored/boring).
How wrong was I?!

Complete the sentences using either the –ed or –ing form of the adjective.
1. I was really disappointed… because the book was disappointing.
2. James felt exhausted…
3. The lesson was confusing…
4. The weather was depressing…
5. I was amused…

How are they feeling?
Can you imagine why?



3. 4.

Fill in the gaps with the verb in brackets by transforming it into the correct
1. What kind of things do you find really
_______________ (bore)?
2. When was the last time you were
3. What is the most _______________ (interest)

book you have ever read?
4. What kind of food do you find
_______________ (disgust)?
5. Have you ever been _______________
(disappoint) by a book or a film?

-ED and –ING Adjectives

bore (เบื่อ) boring (นา่ เบ่ือ) bored (รู้สกึ เบื่อ)
disappoint (ผิดหวงั ) disappointing (นา่ ผิดหวงั ) disappointed (รู้สกึ ผิดหวงั )
satisfy (พงึ พอใจ) satisfying (นา่ พงึ พอใจ) satisfied (รู้สกึ พอใจ)
thrill (ตนื่ เต้นดีใจ) thrilling (นา่ ตื่นเต้นดีใจ) thrilled (รู้สกึ ตนื่ เต้นดใี จ)
fascinate (สนใจ) fascinating (นา่ สนใจ) fascinated (รู้สกึ สนใจ)
embarrass (ละอายใจ) embarrassing (นา่ ละอายใจ) embarrassed (รู้สกึ ละอายใจ)
surprise (ประหลาดใจ) surprising (นา่ ประหลาดใจ) surprised (รู้สกึ ประหลาดใจ)
terrify (ตื่นกลวั ) terrifying (นา่ ต่ืนกลวั ) terrified (รู้สกึ ตืน่ กลวั )
depress (หดหใู่ จ) depressing (นา่ หดหใู่ จ) depressed (รู้สกึ หดหใู่ จ)
interest (สนใจ) interesting (นา่ สนใจ) interested (รู้สกึ สนใจ)
exhaust (เหนื่อยล้า) exhausting (นา่ เหน่ือยล้า) exhausted (รู้สกึ เหนื่อยล้า)
frighten (ตกใจกลวั ) frightening (นา่ ตกใจกลวั ) frightened (รู้สกึ ตกใจกลวั )
please (พอใจ) pleasing (นา่ พอใจ) pleased (รู้สกึ พอใจ)
excite (ตื่นเต้น) exciting (นา่ ตื่นเต้น) excited (รู้สกึ ตืน่ เต้น)
confuse (สบั สน) confusing (นา่ สบั สน) confused (รู้สกึ สบั สน)
enchant (ดีใจ) enchanting (นา่ ดใี จ) enchanted (รู้สกึ ดีใจ)
tire (เหน่ือย, เบอื่ ) tiring (นา่ เหน่ือย, นา่ เบ่อื ) tired (รู้สกึ เหน่ือยหรือเบ่ือ)
annoy (ราคาญ) annoying (นา่ ราคาญ) annoyed (รู้สกึ ราคาญ)
distress (สลดใจ) distressing (นา่ สลดใจ) distressed (รู้สกึ สลดใจ)
frustrate (ราคาญใจ) frustrating (นา่ ราคาญใจ) frustrated (รู้สกึ ราคาญใจ)
shock (สยอง) shocking (นา่ สยอง) shocked (รู้สกึ สยอง)
relax (ผอ่ นคลาย) relaxing (นา่ ผอ่ นคลาย) relaxed (รู้สกึ ผอ่ นคลาย)
astonish (ประหลาดใจ) astonishing (นา่ ประหลาดใจ) astonished (รู้สกึ ประหลาดใจ)
astound (ประหลาดใจ) astounding (นา่ ประหลาดใจ) astounded (รู้สกึ ประหลาดใจ)
upset (เศร้าใจ) upsetting (นา่ เศร้าใจ) upset (รู้สกึ เศร้าใจ)
relieve (โลง่ ใจ) relieving (นา่ โลง่ ใจ) relieved (รู้สกึ โลง่ ใจ)

worry (วติ ก) worrying (นา่ วิตก) worried (รู้สกึ วติ ก)
irritate (ราคาญ) irritating (นา่ ราคาญ) irritated (รู้สกึ ราคาญ)
amaze (ประหลาดใจ) amazing (นา่ ประหลาดใจ) amazed (รู้สกึ ประหลาดใจ)

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