Knights of The Dovsunah
Tales of Scale and Blade
Early History
The Knights of Dovsunah is an order of Dragon Riders that have been
around since the early turning points of The Draconic Civil War and ever more
present during The Draconic Jotun War. During these wars, humans and other
mortal beings began allying themselves to help against the ongoing threat of
Chromatic Dragons claiming the world for their own and their queen Tiamat, The
Mother Tyrant. With the help of the lesser races, The Metallic Dragons fought back
and severely weakened the sides of The Chromatics and Tiamat due to now
multiple races fighting together and against one singular foe. However, over the
time of many of the ruling of Chromatic Dragons in their own territory, they
switched their tactics in their slave mortal populations from ruling under fear to
ruling under reverence. With the promise of protection and power from the
dragons to their citizens, many that once served only because they feared the
Dragons to now they served for the promise of power from them. This, all though
too late for the civil war, saw the beginnings of The Spawn of Avarice, those who
willingly served under Dragons and their queen with reverence and faith.
However, the closing days of the civil
war saw both the banishment of Tiamat to the
hells thanks to the now-established Order of
Dragon Riders and a stalemate between the
sides of the Lawful Metallic Dragons and the
Tyrannical Chromatic Dragons. Even though
the War between Giants and Chromatic
Dragons pushed to hold their territory and
hoards, a continual effort was assured that
neither side had an upper hand over the other,
even though two calamities that saw the end
and resetting of most civilized lands, neither
side ever showed weakness and vulnerability
to the other.
Although the fight against the
Chromatics still goes on to this day, The
Knights of Dovsunah still carry on their duties
to ensure protection and justice to those who
they can help.
Oaths of The Order
Rider’s Oath Dragon’s Oath
I swear to thee I swear to thee
My word to always keep My teeth to never bite
My trust to never shake My breath to never turn
My will to never spite
My respect ever deep My bond forever earned
My bond to never break
Oath Origin
The Origin of The Oath came about around the first few years of this era when a
number of individuals had a natural bond to dragons both of ages of young and
old. These bonds brought other Dragons and their newly bonded riders together to
what was left of the Knights of Dovsunah for both guidance and to bolster their
ranks acting as peacekeepers of a freshly destroyed world. As a few hundred years
pass and The Order has grown to a fully realized and organized Order, a study of
the bond was made and was successfully recreated with willing dragons.
Importance of The Oaths
These oaths act not only act as a respectful bond for the Rider and Dragon but
also as a magical bond as the oaths are conveyed in not only dragon tongue but
also with the bits of magic that is the Draconic language, as such the magical bond
that is made links the two’s lives in both a physical and spiritual sense. Once the
Oath is made and the bond is set, the two will share their vitality and strength as
they become one spiritually. This spiritual bonding, however, means that if one
were to die then the other will likely die as well, even if the other does manage to
survive a part of their soul will be forever scarred by the experience.
The Order
Though the majority or Knights that have a Draconic mount tend to be of
the lowerend species of Draconic heritage such as Drakes and Wyverns with only
the small percentage of high ranking or specially gifted knights having True
Dragon partners to ride. These riders have a unique spiritual link to these
Dragons, these links can form by either ritual of a Dragon and their trusted rider
or can at very few and unique times come naturally at birth for both the rider or
dragon. These individuals are sought out by special members of the order for both
recruitment and to ensure no darker forces get their hands on them first. Though
it is rare, these riders are not put on that high of a pedestal of extreme importance
but are retrieved for the potentially accelerated training and strengthened bonds
they have with their dragons and tend to make for efficient warriors of the order.
Primary Mission
The Order’s Primary Mission is the Defence against Draconic Incursion, normally
from Chromatic kind or members of The Spawn of Avarice, who worship and wish
the return of The Scaled Tyrant, Tiamat.
Secondary Mission
Due to much of the order being firm believers in The Platinum Dragon, Bahumut
who’s Tenants require most of their followers to uphold justice and order wherever
they can. Sometimes this acts as Third Party Neutral Judiciaries for some nations.
The Platinum Order
To know the Order is to also and sister to Bahamut.
know the Holy Knights of Bahamut, As natural enemies, when
as along the centuries many of the
members and leaderships of the humans allied themselves with
order were and are strong believers Metallic Dragons, Bahumut gave
in The Platinum blessings and strength to many of
Dragon. The Platinum
Dragon is the Dragon the mortals that
God of justice and aided the Metallics in
honor as well as being their cause. As such
the father of Metallic some of the first
Dragons, those who members were the
embody lawfulness. first paladins and
Bahamut is also clerics of Bahamut
known to be the and since then, a
sworn enemy of small number of
Tiamat, The Matron Dragon Knights were
of Tyranny, mother of given the title of Holy
Chromatic Dragons Knight to bahamut
and act as his
representatives of
Commandments of The Platinum Dragon
Stand as a paragon of honor and justice
Smite evil wherever it is found, but show compassion to those who’ve
strayed from righteousness
Defend the weak, bring freedom to those without, and protect the ideals of
justice and order
The Spawn of Avarice
The Spawn of Avarice are a mix Those that have joined
of mortals and draconic species that willingly into the fold of loyalists to
work towards the eventual release of the Dragons not only gained powers
Tiamat or the
reverence and that were gifted by the
empowerment of dragons in the form of
Chromatic Dragons. magic and leadership.
Their cult came about Along with leadership
after The Knights of over other mortals, the
Dovsunah brought
about the downfall dragons expected for
and banishment of their fury and pride
Tiamat. Dragons that
were still loyal to their within their leadership
queen no longer ruled to ensure that they
their territories over
fear and forced lead as Dragons and
worship, but rather not mortals. Over time
they began gifting
power to those loyal. the cult has
continuously spread
and found ways to sew
tyranny into the world
or the release of their
imprisoned queen.
Amass wealth, and spend little. The gold and the power that comes with it
is sufficient enough
Never forgive nor forget any indignity to yourself. Let no affront
Take what you covet. Those without the strength to defend their dominion
are not worthy to have a dominion
Leadership & Ranking
The order is made up into two categories that split after Initiate, the first
and lowest rank in the order. The two categories are Scale Bearers, the
clergy of those who follow in the teachings of Bahamut, and the second
part of The Order being Dragon Knights, members of The Order who do not
necessarily follow Bahamut but do act as the foot soldiers and those who
are the brunt military of The Order. The Ranks of the Order go as follow:
Rank Description
Those who just enter The Order and
are the lowest-ranked members of The
Order. Initiates normally carry out
simple tasks or are guards of The
Cleric Squire
Individuals who have just begun Members who join this half of The
their journey into the path of The Order are Individuals who tend to
Platinum Dragon. Members of the seek more of a militaristic role join
Clergy half of The Order that are of the Dragon Knights as they act as
this rank’s duties encompass jobs the driving military force. Though
such as healers or witnesses to most Squires are not given an
courts of law. amount until they hit Knight.
Scribes are the Subsect of members
whose duties are the upkeep of
archival knowledge of both The Order
and religious texts relating to The
Platinum Dragon.
These members are in charge of
Scribes and hold onto higher and
more closely guarded knowledge of
The Order and Religion. While not
necessarily always religious or
magically savvy, some Proctors do
have gifts from Bahamut informing
them of greater Divination or sorcery
Guardian Knight
Soldiers or defenders of holy sites The main driving force of The
or justice itself. Many Guardians Order, Knights act as the military
are missionaries who go out into brunt and protectors that defend
the world and do their best to the main home of The Dovsunah.
uphold justice and honor in the Many of these Knights tend to have
world. Draconic mounts such as Wyverns
or Drakes
Priest Senior Knight
The majority of the spiritual Senior Knights are the Officers and
leadership and guidance of The Captains for The Dragon Knights of
Order. Priest’s act as judges to The Order. Other Senior Knights
courts of law in various major are also given special missions and
cities with a Platinum Dragon mounts such as Guard Drakes or if
Temple or when called upon by they can tame them, Alpha
cities. Some Priests do also act as Wyverns. Missions undertaken by
warriors though not many as that Senior Knights tend to be that of
is the Purpose of Holy Knights. hunting down members of THe
Spawn of Avarice wherever they
may be.
Holy Knight Knight Commander
The top of the Scale Bearers and the These individuals are at the top of
religious sect of The Order. These the military class in The Order and
Holy Knights are given special are distinguished for their service
Missions to uphold during their or leadership. Many Knight
Service, whether it is the defense of Commanders are in charge of a
The Order’s Elders, Defense of the large number of Knights while the
archives or seeking out targets that Knight Commanders tend to be few
pose a great threat to Bahamut or in number.
The Order.
Paladins of The Order are those who
have gained enough experience and
service that are chosen to rise above the
rest. These members are not only chosen
by The Elders or Justicars but are also
chosen by Dragons to be bonded to.
Those who have surpassed all but The
Elders in skill and power. Justicars act
as the might of all The Order and even
among the Dragons of The Order.
Justicars, though not always, will have
a Dragon partner that is as equally
strong as some Ancient Dragons that
have been a part of The Order chooses
these Justicars as their Bond Mates.
The title of Elder is given when one dies
as a final wish. Elders of The Order
command everything within it and have
the final say of all things. These Elders
may have been Holy Knights, Knight
Commanders or even Scribes. Elders are
the overseers of not only The Order but
as well as some act as The Zul, the voice
of The Platinum Dragon.