Bloods of The Jotun
A Compendium
All Giant Related Races and Subraces
- By Olak Viimving -
Table of Contents
Dyr Bloods……………………………………………………………………………………….. Page 1
❖ Giant Beasts
❖ Dire Beasts
❖ Rocs
Halv Bloods……………………………………………………………………………………... Page 3
❖ Goliaths
❖ Firbolgs
Mindre Bloods……………………………………………………………………………. Pages 4-5
❖ Ogres
❖ Trolls
❖ Etins
❖ Cyclops
Allfar Bloods………………………………………………………………………………. Pages 6-8
❖ Hill Giants
❖ Mountain Giants
❖ Frost Giants
❖ Cloud Giants
❖ Fire Giants
❖ Storm Giants
Dyr Bloods
Dyr Bloods or “Beast Bloods'' are Minor Giants that are beasts or monstrosities that share
the Jotun blood that spans across the multiple Jotun races. Beasts or Monsters of Dyr Blood
can be as intelligent as they are ferocious and size to boot with it.
Giant Beasts
Beasts such as Giant Eagles or Spiders all have Jotun Blood. It is not
known how but a common belief is that there was so much Jotun
Blood spilt in various parts of the world that the beasts of the land
were altered and given a form of gigantism. These beasts have no
real powers or abilities past increased size and intelligence but some
scholars believe that Giant Beasts are only one arcane push away
from being Dire Beasts.
Dire Beasts
Unlike their lesser cousins, Dire Beasts were bred by the Jotun. Dire
Beasts have an unmatched ferocity and equal loyalty for their Jotun
masters. With not only an even further increased size, but some of
these dire beasts also carry with them a breed in pure Jotun blood
that gives them control over certain magics such as the Winter Wolf
and its attunement with the frost or a ThunderBird with lightning. A
clear indication of a dire beast is either its size or in some cases spines
that come from their backs or elongated claws or fangs.
Rocs or Great Eagles were bred by the Jotuns for the
use against Dragons as their size and ferocity can
give the advantage over any fight to even some Adult
Dragons and some Ancient Dragons. Many rocs do
not reach past adolescents due to their highly valued
feathers as much as they are hunted due to their
ferocious appetite. An adolescent can reach a
wingspan of 60ft while a fully grown Roc can reach
anywhere between 100-200ft from tip to tip.
Halv Bloods
Halv Bloods or “Half-Bloods” are Lesser Giants whose kin intermingled with any of the
smaller races or have such diluted blood that their Giant status is considerably lesser than
the average Jotun. Many Mindre and Allfar bloods do not even consider Halv bloods to be
True Giants at all
Despite their names, they are not of actual Goliath Size Category but
are considerably larger than most other of the mortal races.
Goliaths primarily rove in Barbarian Clans known as Herds. The
goliath culture is the antithesis of competition and struggle.
Because they are lesser giants, many pure-blooded giants pick on
and use Goliaths as slave labor. Because of this, the goliath species
as a whole not only have a destain for other Jotuns but also go to
great lengths to prove themselves to their Herds by feats of strength
and glory. Any defeat they have befallen on them is taken with stride
and ferocity to be better and to overcome the opposition. Goliaths
can be found in roving Herds in high mountains or freezing
Highlands. This being that they have grown accustomed to not only
freezing environments with minimal protection, but as well they have grown to endure the
high altitudes and can breathe with no issues in the increasingly low air in the higher
Despite their bestial and furred appearance, Firbolgs are in fact
Giant Kin. These Jotuns may have been related to a Lesser Giant like
goliaths or some other unknown Kin. Firbolgs were first found in
the saturated wildlands and forests of The Feywild, a strange place
for a giant to end up indeed but nonetheless evident by their
natural magics to phase through stone, naturally speak with plants
and animals alike and as well blend into the very air itself for a
short time. These gentle giants made their migration back into the
Prime Material where they act as guardians to forests and jungles.
Do not let their gentle demeanor fool you, a firbolg will ask kindly
once and only once to leave where they wish you not. After that
expect the wrath of the guardians of these forests to come in the form of Jotun Bloods
carrying war clubs in one hand and influences over the elements in the other. However, if
you are allowed into their protected lands they will do all they can to help. Always accept a
firbolgs hospitality, as they are the best hosts matched only by Halflings.
Mindre Bloods
Mindre Bloods or “Lesser Bloods” are Greater Giants that are nearly as large as the
true-blooded Allfar Bloods. These Jotuns carry themselves with a tad bit of a
superiority complex despite having “lesser” blood compared to their Allfar cousins
With elongated tusks and more often than not light tan or green
skin it is no wonder that many individuals see these brutes as
monstrous Orcs, and they would be half correct. Ogres were once
along the similar lineages as Hill Giants that for unknown
processes intermingled with Orcs. whether this was interbreeding
or means of magically caused mutations or curses it is still
unknown. However, these Ogres can be at times found in
allegiances with Orcish raiding tribes. Ogres save for those allied
with Orc tribes really do not follow much in instincts or patterns
in ways of lifestyles, save for the disappearing of lambs from herds
as their favorite food are sheep and the occasional shepherd.
Vile, slender, and pus-ridden, apt words to describe these Jotuns.
Trolls come in the most variety of forms, most commonly the tall
green and matted hair are those that have yet to truly call a place
home for no longer than a few years. These ghastly-looking Jotuns
are by far the most adaptable out of all their brethren. One would
find it difficult to see the relatability between a swamp troll or a
mountain troll as one has grown webbed fingers, a slick slime
coated body from their gangrenous puss sacks and vine-like hairs
versus that of callused skin that resembles stone, meaty claws to
chuck boulders and a moss-like hair that coats their callused skin.
Regardless of the environment found in, these Jotuns have a fine
regenerative process that all they need is a singular chunk of flesh
to survive to grow whole once more that will adapt to their new
environment of growth. Fire and Acid seem to be the only means to
stop these Jotuns but a sure-fire way to kill one is to subvert it
long enough to sunlight and it will turn to stone.
The term “Two heads are better than one” has clearly not met an
Etin. The Etins are Jotuns who argue with themselves on a
near-constant basis for all their lives and even more so with
other Etins. Similar to the ogre, many me presume that they
share some sort of heritage to Orcs due to their tusked
appearance and similarly battle lust behavior but would be
sorely mistaken, unfortunately. Etins in many giant
communities are known as Skadet or Cursed in Jotun Tongue.
Long ago these Etins were cursed to have their two sides of their
personality to be split literally into two heads that constantly
disagree and bicker with the other so much they especially hate
being around other Etins seeing others as dumber than them.
These one-eyed Jotuns are one of the few Giants that
actually reach a Pure Blood height and with the strength to
nearly match. These enormous Jotuns tend to live on islands
or coasts as they seemingly share a strange alliance where
they trade with coastal Storm Giants for herds of sheep in
return for either. Cyclops are oddly incredibly good at
herding sheep. Do not let their singular eye fool you, they
may have terrible peripheral perception but are great at
spotting anything up to a mile away with ease. Though
anything at closer range they use their extremely good sense
of smell. However, they can not tell smells apart if they are
too close together. Though they do not have much in terms of
society past trading furs and clubs with one another, they do
all share in a similarly unique belief system. They do not
deify their creators or other gods but heavily deify the idea
behind Luck.
Allfar Bloods
Allfar Bloods or “All Father Bloods” are True Giants that possess and carry the
immediate blood of Jotnar, The All Father of Jotuns. These giants possess not only
feats of incredible strength but also whose size dwarfs any other Jotun Subraces.
Each of these races is based on the first to last born of Jotnar
Hoyde Jotun (Hill Giants)
Hill Giants are the smallest of Allfar as they are considered the
youngest of the first Giants to be born from Jotnar. Their size and
lower life expectancy compared to other True Jotuns is that when
they were created they were the last gain from Jotnar and only a
few hundred were born compared to the thousands of their
brethren. Thus in order for the survival of their pure blood, they
had to interbreed with themselves. Over the next few millennia,
they have turned squat and bulbous with deformed limbs and
bodies compared to their once slender and well-built bodies. A hill
giants culture in fact sees as the fatter and “greatest” you are the
purer you are and see you as a leader while those of slender frame
are cast out. A favorite pastime in Hill Giant communities is
Dvergulke or “Dwarf Ball” where the purpose of the game is to slam
a live dwarf against the fat of the other and see how far they bounce into a goal.
Fjell Jotun (Mountain Giants)
Mountain Giants or Stone Giants are just shy taller than the
average Hoyde but are very much more on the lean side.
These Jotuns travel in small families about 4-5 members at a
time, they build fortresses at the peaks of mountains or as
far center of them as they can away from most forms of
civilizations. These giants are the few among them that can
vary where they place their alignment but they tend to stick
in the center of things and then be as far away from the
center of anything past that. They simply wish to find a place
to craft their stone fortress and other such masonry crafts. It
was in fact a Fjell that gave way to the existence of Dwarves.
Moradin, son of the first Fjell, used his natural mastery over
the stone and earth to breathe life into his little pebbles that
later became the first dwarves.
Iskald Jotun (Frost Giants)
The most common of Jotuns that can be found commonly
throughout the biting north and frozen tundras across the
lands. These giants are the youngest that have full control
over their blooded element. With control over the frost and
snow, these Jotuns act as formidable warriors, where they
lack a more scholarly intelligence they make up for in their
strengths and will as warriors and hunters. Many Iskald
forms their own clans to either war with one another or show
off their prized trophies from hunting. Clans of these jotuns
can be found scattered about anywhere the frost and snow
lie. Though they have Evil tendencies it is possible to parlay if
given the chance with these giant kin. In terms of parlay, they
would likely only accept one of three things in truth; a one on
one battle to the death, the promise and proof of slaying a
mighty beast or some other feat of great strength. Do not rely
on these parlays as they are as rare as fearful Iskald.
Himmel Jotun (Sky Giants)
An oddly calm and creative race of Jotuns, the Himmel act
more in the lines of what would be considered “good” by
most human standards. The only factor that they act
otherwise to good nature is that they divulge in the slavery
of the lesser races. However, they do not mistreat their slaves
and do not even recognize them as property. A Himmel will
collect humanoids to act as a part of their home and act as
inspirations for their arts and to learn of other cultures,
after which they give their slaves a choice to leave if they
wish or serve as inspirations. Cloud Giants, as they are
called in the Common Tongue, seldom ever wear armor and
prefer to use magic if they ever need protection. However
they rarely ever need to worry about protection as they rely
on their Storm Giant brethren for protection as they have a
close relationship with them. The Himmel make their homes
on extremely dense clouds that they enchant to have the
ability to walk upon. Their Storm Giant brethren even helped
in the enchantment and construction of these floating
palaces and were believed to have been the first ever of floating cities.
Smibrann Jotun (Forge Giants)
Smibrann Jotuns or Fire Giants carry flame in one hand
and heated freshly crafted weapons in the other. They
are the second most powerful of the Jotun species as
they have a natural commandment over molten slag
and flame. Though squat in their form with a general
hunch they are still the taller of their brethren. Their
hunch comes from their constant work in their own
armors and weapons that they themselves made. If one
sees a Smibrann with armor or weapons of nearly any
kind then it is likely that they themselves were the ones
who crafted them. To these giants, armor is one’s
second skin and their weapons a second fist. Some
Smibrann even go as fire to mold their armors and some
weapons to their skin to be one with their craft. When a
Fire Giant dies in the community their body and all
possessions are put into a large ceremonial casting
furnace to be melted and incinerated to be cast into a
weapon or armor mold of their choice.
Torden Jotun (Thunder Giants)
Sea and sky churn and clash with lightning and thunder as
the most powerful of all Jotuns make way for their crafts and
war. The Torden are the mightiest and firstborn of all Jotuns.
They carry with them the Mantle of Father Hood to all Jotun.
They were the firstborn of Jotnar the Primordial Titan God
and they will one day inherit the Mantle of Father Hood which
will signify to all Jotuns to bend the knee to them. Until that
day comes they act as the guidance to those giants who will
listen to them. With their connection to both sky and sea they
dominate whichever field of battle they clash their shields and
spears. The Storm Giants are lawful entities and will honor
any and all promise they speak and was in fact them who gave
them freedom to Dwarves from Jotun slavery as they
promised that if they made a mightiful weapon for the King of
the Torden they would be free. Being the most powerful of
giants they are proficient in all Jotun magics and smithing
and have created many arcane wonders including the first
floating citadels of the realm