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Explorer's Guide to Wildemount (1)

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Published by maniacmagee1336, 2021-09-06 20:03:23

Explorer's Guide to Wildemount

Explorer's Guide to Wildemount (1)

composition makes its produce a healthy but unsavory PRIDE'S CALL ADVENTURES
and unpopular export, while other goods that previously
brought the city prosperity are now more readily and If the characters seek pride silk or master artisans,
quickly available from traders on the Menagerie Coast. Pride's Call is where they should go. In a city experienc­
This economic downturn has led to a rise in crime in ing political and economic turmoil, there is no end to the
the impoverished regions of the city, and also opened
the door for bolder Myriad activity. intriguing adventures characters might experience.
Worm Your Way In (Low Level). The characters
encounter a traveling textile merchant named Cardorn
The city is comprised of four boroughs built atop and Brentahill (neutral evil, male, human noble), who lives
within a cluster of large hills that wrap around the base in Yrrosa. He's seeking bodyguards to help him escort
of the Cyrios Mountains. The two largest boroughs, his cart back to his home, paying 100 gp per hired hand.
known as the Tillers and Crafters, are twin sections of
mixed residential neighborhoods with areas of concen­ PRIDE SILK
trated commerce. The Tillers cultivates produce and
meats for the city, though most local food has a bland The hearty s i l k u n ique t o t h e region h a s long been a point
and bitter taste, making spices a popular import. The of pride with the locals. When processed and woven prop­
Crafters contains numerous forges, tanneries, and the erly, the resulting cloth is pride s i l k: an extremely flexi ble
well-guarded subterranean silk-production warehouses. mater ial with the d u rabil ity of tanned leather. Pride s i l k has
Nearest to the mountains is the Vigil borough, where become a favorite cloth for use on military ship sails, war
the locally trained Crownsguard mingle with those ban ners, and other util itarian applications, but has also
assigned from Bladegarden to watch over the hillside. gai ned popularity i n affluent circles. H i gh-end cloth ing
The western branch of the Righteous Brand are also made from pride silk is both fash ionable and protective,
stationed in the Vigil borough. Between Vigil and Craft­ lead ing many nobles and wealthy merchants to seek ful l
ers lies the fourth and smallest borough, called Moot, outfits a n d for mal gowns made with it. The tailors skil led
which is marked by a circular road surrounded by the enough to create such outfits are few and far between, so
wealthier houses. The Moot itself is an open, stone while pride silk might be expensive as a raw material, out­
forum for discussion and debate that long predates the fits made of the cloth are prohibitively expensive for most
empire's rule. common folk.

One square yard of pride s i l k weighs l pound and costs

1 00 gp. An outfit made of pride s i l k weighs 4 pounds and
costs 500 gp. If you aren't wearing armor, your base Armor
Class is 1 1 + your Dexterity modifier while wear i n g it.


Along the journey, the characters and their employer At the core ofall imperial politics are the nobles, poli­
are attacked by a crew of mercenaries representing ticians, and wealthy elite who live within the city or own
the Durrodan family, claiming that Cardorn stole silk property there. Grandiose displays of wealth and power
worms from their silk farm. Cardorn offers to increase are common among the inner wards, while sprawling
the characters' pay if they defend him. If they side with poverty consumes the outer districts and slums beyond
the Durrodan family, Cardorn is taken prisoner but the the protective walls of the city. Cobblestone streets twist
Durrodans grant them a small reward and the promise and mingle through the bustling neighborhoods, cart
of future work. If they side with Cardorn, fight off the merchants and street performers vying for the attention
mercenaries, and escort Cardorn home, he introduces and patronage of passersby throughout the cold sum­
the characters to Gothad Miska! (neutral evil, male, mer months and the even colder winter.
halfting bandit captain), a Myriad taskmaster from
Yrrosa who is interested in offering better pay for less Glowing orbs of arcane fire flicker at the tops of dark
legal work. iron lamp poles at major intersections, lighting the eve­
ning air, while colorful flowers adorn the inner archways
RASTUM DEN of each neighborhood entryway. Buildings cluster close
and reach toward the sky, often snow-dappled with long
Hidden among the Dunrock Mountains, north of the wooden slats placed between rooftops for riffraff to skit­
Pearlbow Wilderness and Rexxentrum, is an encamp­ ter across the city unseen. Although the city teems with
ment for breeding and training military griffons. These life and activity, it is also full of lawkeepers and military
mighty beasts are used by the Dwendalian griffon riders watch, with griffon riders occasionally circling overhead
of the Righteous Brand, some of the best-respected sol­ above the ever-patrolling Crownsguard and the nearby
diers in the empire. Righteous Brand headquarters.

Known as Rastum Den, this moderately sized en­ The massive and beautiful center for arcane study
campment is nestled in a small valley four thousand known as the Soltryce Academy is located in the Can­
feet up in the mountains. The area's dizzying heights dles, a thin crescent of a neighborhood marked by the
and tumultuous weather make it all but inaccessible to tall and imposing tower homes of all eight leading mem­
those without a griffon rider's prowess. This location bers of the Cerberus Assembly, each unique and impos­
was originally home to the largest griffon population in ing in its own way. The beating heart of the city, and of
Wildemount, making it natural terrain to quickly condi­ the empire, lies positioned within the arc of the Candles
tion any young mounts bred for the Righteous Brand. in the terrace of Castle Ungebroch. From within the
castle halls, King Bertrand Dwendal and his council of
REXXENTRU M chosen authorities oversee all matters of state.

Population: 205,200 (81% humans, 8 % dwarves, 6% MAGIC MASTERS
halflings, 5% other races)
Much of the empire's prosperity over the centuries
Government: King Bertrand Dwendal rules the city stems from the Cerberus Assembly, a union of the
and the Dwendalian Empire from Rexxentrum. He nation's most powerful mages working directly for the
delegates lesser matters to Arbiter Sydnock Truscan, Crown. These arcane practitioners and scholars aid
while citywide guild business falls under the purview the king in engaging foreign interests, in developing
of Guildmaster Kai Arness. magical technology to better oversee the land and en­
force his will, and making use of the rare relics that the
Defense: Crownsguard patrol all major streets, while Crown confiscates from unearthed sites of pre-Calamity
the bulk of the Righteous Brand soldiers within the might. This arrangement affords the assembly homes in
empire are stationed in the King's Bastion to defend the Candles and across the major cities of the empire,
the capital city. as well as access to every Dwendalian political figure.
Thus, members of the assembly are extremely influen­
Commerce: Rexxentrum is the largest city in Wilde­ tial and, by the nature of their arrangement, very care­
mount and the seat of the Dwendalian Empire's fully watched by the king. Most civilians swap rumors of
power, enabling massive volumes of trade in and out demonic pacts and demigod-level magics at the assem­
of the city. Most any goods, services, and places of bly's disposal, adding to their aura of mystique among
business can be found within the city walls. the common folk. When an assembly mage walks the
streets of Rexxentrum or attends the halls of an estab­
Organizations: Grand temples to empire-approved lishment within the city, it is an event that everyone will
gods can be found throughout the city, while the most be talking about for days to come.
powerful guilds in the empire vie for power and influ­
ence. The Cerberus Assembly takes an active role in RULE WITH A GOLDEN FIST
political affairs, while the deep-rooted Myriad weaves
tapestries of crime and corruption throughout the city. The resource-rich economy of Rexxentrum supports a
powerful guild and merchant class, who work directly
The majestic capital of the Dwendalian Empire was with the Crown under the watch of Guildmaster Kai
founded in the year 514 PD. The central location and Arness. Any permanent place of business is required to
plentiful surrounding resources of the region made join a corresponding guild, paying an annual fee on top
Rexxentrum the most favorable place to oversee the rule of their taxes to the Crown, and to follow the guild's re­
and expansion of the freshly established Dwendalian quirements for conditions of operations. Some complain
Empire. Over the next three centuries, Rexxentrum
grew to become the largest city in Wildemount, and the
cultural and military center of Western Wynandir.


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