The Parish magazine of December 2016
Volume XLVII No. 12
Contents Page Church Services
From Fr Chris 3 Sundays
8.00 Low Mass
The Twelve Days of Christrmas 6 10.30 Solemn Mass and Sermon
News from Walsingham 7 followed by refreshments
in the Church Hall.
A Less Well-known Hymn for Advent 8
A Day of Celebration 10-12 Mon, Wed, Thurs 10.30am;
Tues and Fri 12noon; Sat 9.00am
A Blast from the Console 14
100s Club results Major Weekday Festivals
Said Mass as above, Sung Mass: 7.30pm.
A Big Thankyou from the Weekday Servers 15 Morning and Evening prayer are said daily at
8.30am and 5.30pm unless otherwise
Eve’s Droppings 18 indicated on notice boards.
Dates for your Diary 19 The Clergy are happy to bring the Sacrament to
the housebound or sick at any hour of the day
Directory 20 or night. The Holy Oil is available for those who
wish to be anointed.
Cover: The Sacrament of Reconciliation
The Advent Ring A priest is usually available to hear Confessions
or for Spiritual Advice on Fridays at 11.30am
The Parish Magazine is published on the or by appointment.
last Sunday of the month.
Matter for publication should be sent to Hospital visits
[email protected]. Our Parish Contact for local hospitals,
Mr Richard Elliott (872168), will visit and give
Copy deadline is 20th of the month communion to those in hospital.
and articles should be no longer than
750 words. News items or reports should Other Services provided by the church
be factual and no longer than 250 words. Arrangements for Baptisms, Banns of
Articles are copyright to the author and the Marriage, Weddings and Funerals
Editor’s decision is final. should be made with the Vicar. is the church
website and is managed by Paul Fella Facebook
([email protected])
to whom matter for the site should be sent.
The church is open from 8.30am each day
and a team of volunteers is available to answer
questions etc from 10am most days.
The Book Shop/Souvenir Stall is also open
while there is a volunteer on duty.
From Fr Chris…
My dear brothers and sisters! The Church proclaims the great truth that
Eternal God has revealed Himself in space and
It’s so great to finally be amongst you as your time. For thousands of years God’s people
parish priest. The past few months have within Israel had been praying for a Messiah, a
themselves been so filled with expectation and deliverer who would conquer their enemies and
preparation that it seems natural to be establish a kingdom of righteousness and
embracing these themes as we enter our might. The perception of this deliverer was that
Advent and Christmas seasons. he would be powerful; a warrior and a king, and
Moving from one side of the world to the other through this type of power Israel would again
is a monumental task involving both the reign in peace and prosperity.
excitement and exhilaration of beginning The reality of the revelation of God-Incarnate
something new, as well as sadness at leaving took on a very different form. A vulnerable babe
behind another life. There is too the busyness in his Mother’s arms who would restore life by
of having to tend to the mundane and boring embracing death. Going to the poor, the
matters associated with any major change dispossessed, the alien, and the corrupted.
of life. One who would leave us not as orphans, but
Advent reflects these realities. There is in our with a Church; one who would continue to feed
contemporary society a mad rush to embrace
a vague sense of ‘Christmas’ more strongly
related to, at best family and leisure enjoyment,
and at worst the tacky capitalism of plastic
decor and drunken office parties. The revelation
of God’s love for us, that we experience in
space and time, has a lot to inform us regarding
how to order our lives; how to achieve a
balance, and a good way.
Religion has become a taboo word in our
society. We are bombarded with the unthinking
mantra: ‘I’m spiritual but not religious’. A phrase
used both to reject any sense of a disciplined
life, whilst claiming a false openness to the
benefits that such a life brings. It is good to
remind ourselves as we move through religious
seasons that the word ‘religion’ finds its origin
in the Latin word ‘regula’ meaning ‘rule’. Our
religion then, is our rule of life; how we choose
to live and invest our energies. The great thing
about the religiosity of the Church is that we
can benefit from thousands of years of thought
and practice on how best to live our lives to the
greater glory of God.
us with his very self throughout the ages until he arrive at the Resurrection. The Cross is the
comes again to take us to our heavenly invincible banner that ensures Christian victory.
homeland. As Losky put it ‘In Christ death enters into
Christ is the fulfilment of prophecy, and his birth divinity, and there exhausts itself.’
begins a new age, that birth which we will The demands of the faith of Christ, the religious
celebrate in the season of Christmas. And only aspects, may feel like a burden sometimes; like
God can bring this about. It is only through a Cross; but it is through our crosses that we
divine intervention that this can happen. And learn what it means to live lives centred on love.
what we are doing in Advent is bringing what is Growing to perfection in Christ is indeed a
past into the present. Jesus comes again every monumental task full of trials and
Christmas, and we get to experience the disappointments; the good news is that, unlike
wonder of that miracle each year. That in Jesus moving house, all of the work required to make
we see and experience God. it happen has been done for us by our revealed
Perhaps we all want a child’s kind of Saviour Saviour.
– a parent who will make things ‘all better’ This Christmas may we pray that the reign of
without effort on our part. But it is on the Cross, the Prince of Peace be established universally in
and in the Crucifix, that we find the solution to this wounded and dangerous world. May Our
everything that is happening around us. That Lady of Victories intercede for us.
Cross is the Throne of the Prince of Peace. And Pax,
it is only through taking up the Cross in our lives
that we shall conquer evil and establish peace. Fr Chris
The Cross is the threshold we must traverse to
What is a Will?
A Will is a legal document that confirms how you wish your
property, personal possessions, savings and investments
to be distributed upon your death. For a Will to be valid the
maker of the Will must have the necessary mental capacity
at the time they make their Will and be signed by them in
the presence of two independent witnesses. It is usual to
include the appointment of executors who will have the
duty of proving your Will and ensuring your wishes are
carried out.
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The Twelve Days of Christmas
The song, The Twelve Days of Christmas is an English Christmas
carol. From 1558 until 1829, Roman Catholics in England were not
permitted to practice their faith openly. Someone during that era
wrote this carol as a catechism song for young Catholics.
It has two levels of meaning: the surface meaning plus a hidden
meaning known only to members of the Church. Each element in the
carol has a code word for a religious reality which the children could
remember. To fit the number scheme, when you reach number 9,
representing the Fruits of the Holy Ghost, the originator combined 6 to
make 3, taking the 6 fruits that were similar: the fruit in each
parenthesis is the fruit that was not named separately. There are
actually Twelve Fruits of the Holy Ghost.
The ‘True Love’ in the song is not a smitten boy or girlfriend, but Jesus Christ, because truly Love
was born on Christmas Day. The partridge in the pear tree also represents Him because that bird is
willing to sacrifice its life if necessary to protect its young by feigning injury to draw away predators.
The two turtle doves were the Old and New Testaments
The three French hens stood for faith, hope, and love.
The four calling birds were the four gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.
The five golden rings represented the first five books of the Old Testament, which describe man’s fall
into sin and the great love of God in sending a Savior.
The six geese a-laying stood for the six days of creation.
Seven swans a-swimming represented the sevenfold gifts of the Holy Spirit – Prophesy, Serving,
Teaching, Exhortation, Contribution, Leadership, and Mercy.
The eight maids a-milking were the eight beatitudes.
Nine ladies dancing were the nine fruits of the Holy Spirit – Charity, Joy, Peace, Patience
(Forbearance), Goodness (Kindness), Mildness, Fidelity, Modesty, Continency (Chastity).
The ten lords a-leaping were the Ten Commandments.
The eleven pipers piping stood for the eleven faithful Apostles.
The twelve drummers drumming symbolized the twelve points of belief in The Apostles’ Creed.
Original Source: Fr. Calvin Goodwin, FSSP
News from Walsingham
The Bishop of Burnley, The Rt Revd Philip new Priest Administrator about to start and
North, has been elected as the new Master some really good plans for the new season.
of the Guardians of the Anglican Shrine of I look forward to doing all I can to support
Our Lady of Walsingham in Norfolk. Fr Kevin and the College of Guardians in their
He succeeds the Bishop of Chichester, work in ensuring that England’s Nazareth
The Rt Revd Dr Martin Warner, who has continues to be a place where all can meet
completed his three terms as Master. Mary’s child, the source of life and salvation.”
After studying atYork University, Bishop Philip
“It is an immense trained for the priesthood at St Stephen’s House,
honour…” Oxford. He served his curacy at St Mary and St
Peter, Sunderland in the Diocese of Durham from
Other appointments made by Chapter were 1992 to 1996. Since 1997 he has been involved
The Revd Andrew Mitcham (Vicar of with the Company of Mission Priests. From 1996
Walsingham, Houghton St Giles and the to 2002 he was Vicar of Holy Trinity, Hartlepool in
Barshams) is to be the Registrar of the College the Durham Diocese and from 2000 to 2002 he
of Guardians (in succession to Fr Kevin Smith) was Area Dean of Hartlepool.
and The Revd Philip Barnes (the current Interim In 2008 Bishop Philip became Team Rector of
Priest Administrator) is to be a Guardian. the Parish of Old St Pancras in the Diocese of
London and was appointed as Bishop of
Bishop Philip North Burnley, in the Diocese of Blackburn, in 2014.
is no stranger to
Walsingham. Stay in touch
He was appointed and contribute
a Guardian of the to the buzz…
Shrine in 2000. From
2002 to 2008 he was
Priest Administrator
at the Shrine and
from 2004 to 2007
was also Priest-in-
Charge of Hempton
and Pudding Norton
in the diocese of Norwich. His appointment as
Master comes just a few weeks before Father
Kevin Smith takes over as Priest Administrator
from Father Philip Barnes who has been Interim
Administrator during 2016.
Bishop Philip said: “It is an immense honour to Follow us on facebook!
become Master of the Guardians and to be able
to offer service once again to a place which has
brought conversion, healing and refreshment to
so many pilgrims over the years. He added:
“This is an exciting time for the Shrine with a
A Less Well-known
Hymn for Advent
Light of those whose dreary dwelling Published in Charles Wesley’s Hymns on the
Borders on the shades of death, Nativity (1745), this Advent text follows
Come, and by thy love’s revealing immediately after the better-known ‘Come,
Dissipate the clouds beneath: thou long-expected Jesus’. Both hymns
The new heaven and earth’s Creator; proclaim the Advent message through the
In our deepest darkness rise, lens of Wesley’s characteristic Arminianism,
Scattering all the night of nature, while they also share an approach that
Pouring eye-sight on our eyes. focuses on establishing contrasts. Unlike
‘Come, thou long expected Jesus’; where the
Still we wait for thy appearing, most striking contrast is within a single line –
Life and joy thy beams impart, ‘Born a child and yet a king’ – here, Wesley
Chasing all our fears, and cheering builds a series of related contrasts into the
Every poor benighted heart. first verse. Strikingly, the oppressive gloom
Come, and manifest the favour experienced by those waiting faithfully is
God hath for our ransom’d race; dispersed not by a show of might, but by the
Come, thou universal Saviour; revelation of God’s loving intention to His
Come, and bring the gospel-grace. creation.
The regular balance between darkness and light
Save us in thy great compassion, in the first verse gradually gives way to a fuller
O thou mild pacific Prince, and clearer vision in the second, as the
Give the knowledge of salvation, outpouring of love is revealed in the person of
Give the pardon of our sins; Christ, the ‘universal Saviour’: Wesley thus
By thine all-redeeming merit emphasises that the ‘ransomed race’ is all
Every burden’d soul release, humanity: the Saviour comes to each and every
Every weary wandring spirit ‘benighted soul’ that seeks Him amidst their
Guide into thy perfect peace. personal darkness.
The final verse is an unusual conclusion to an
Advent hymn; instead of asserting the coming
reign in terms of power and might, it focuses
instead on Christ heralding a kingdom of peace,
in which weary souls will find forgiveness,
comfort, and rest.
Taken as a whole, the hymn draws on traditional
Advent imagery of light and darkness, but also
presents a view of the coming kingdom in which
triumphalism, to which hymns on the Second
Coming are sometimes prone, is entirely
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After a long interregnum, Sunday the The morning service celebrated our Patronal
20th November 2016 was a day long Festival and The Feast of Christ the King and
awaited by the assistant clergy, officers and was presided over by Fr Christopher Hadfield,
congregation of St Saviour’s Church when a fitting culmination of many months of
Fr Christopher Yates was instituted as dedication by him and his fellow assistant clergy
Incumbent of the Parish Church in the to ensure continuity of the daily offices within
presence of a sizeable gathering and which the Church.
included our local MP Caroline Ansell The moving induction service was led by the
and many lay and clergy visitors from Bishop of Chichester Dr Martin Warner who
neighbouring parishes within the Diocese.
warmly welcomed FatherYates and his family Under the talented musical direction of Musical
members and whose address included an Director and Organist Paul Collins, the Choir,
earnest appeal for more young men, in the augmented by some of our friends from the
same mould as the ‘young’ FrYates, to enter the Renaissance Choir, once again excelled, the
Ministry. highlight being an excellent rendition of S
Fr Christopher was inducted by the Arch Wesley’s ‘Blessed be the God and Father’ with
Deacon of Hastings, Dr Edward Dowler and his fine solo performances from young treble Alex
institution by Bishop Warner was greeted by Gilbert and bass Ian Collins. The latter’s
genuine and sustained applause from all brother Paul on the organ finished the
present. proceedings with the rousing closing voluntary
Grand Choeur by Guilmant which also received
an enthusiastic reception.
Rounding off a most memorable day was a fine
wine and canapes reception prepared and
served by Paul Fella and his band of willing
helpers, during which many took as an
opportunity to introduce themselves to Fr
Christopher, his delightful wife Rachel and
charming young family, elder daughter Niamh,
son Ezra (a budding film producer who
recorded much of the ceremony on his mobile
phone!!!!) and youngest daughter Orla, and all in
a most relaxed and inviting atmosphere which
augers well for future days of celebration for
many years to come.
Christmas Services at St Saviour’s
24th December
4.30pm Candlelit Festival of 9 Lessons and Carols
11.30pm Midnight Mass and Blessing of the Crib
25th December
8.00am Mass of the Dawn
10.30am Solemn Mass of Christmas Day
lines. It is always a treat to hear them both sing.
I am really hoping that we will be able to hear
them at the carol service in a few weeks’ time.
How can this be? Paul Fella is chasing me November is also a time for the Remembrance
for my contribution to the DECEMBER issue commemorations. I always find this really
of Logos. Where did the year go? I feel like moving and the choir did a great job with the
the hapless shopper who was told that, Madden setting of the Binyon poem, ‘We will
‘Christmas wasn’t announced in the papers remember them.’ I was actually touched by their
last week!’ That’s how it seems to me at the performance. It took me a little while to recover
moment. But there it is and here we are, my composure before I was able to play the
preparing for Christmas and Epiphany and last hymn!
already my thoughts are turning towards So, into December. Rehearsals are now in full
Candlemas and Lent; more of that later. swing for the Gala concert on the 20th. There’s
November passed by in a fog of Induction fever some great music for everyone; some new
and the brilliant news that we now have a new (don’t worry it’s not weird or threatening) and all
Vicar in post… poor fellow! It was a great the old favourites for you to sing along to. As
privilege for me to preside over the music at the usual, we will be joined by the Lewes, Glynde
service on the 20th. It was a truly memorable and Beddingham Brass Band. Stephen Rooke
occasion and it was lovely to welcome Father and Becky Anstey will be the soloists and
Chris, his wife Rachel and their three children. Michael Barrell will be presenting some suitable
I know that you will join me in wishing them well Christmas reflections. Please do come to this.
and hoping that St Saviour’s and Eastbourne will It’s such a fun event and is sure to get you into
represent a happy and successful time for them. the Christmas spirit. Entry is £8 on the door or
£7, if you reserve programmes in advance
otherwise I am always open to bribes of cake or
mince pies!
As far as the music was concerned, I was If that were not enough, the Carol service at
relieved that it all went very smoothly. The 4:30 on the 24th is always a delight. A real time
opening hymn ‘Christ Triumphant’, always does for us all to return to the familiar and share in
a great job in setting the tone. It was a great the true meaning of Christmas.
opportunity to showcase the ‘St Thomas Mass’ In the NewYear, please look out for the special
which I introduced to the church last year; how service for Candlemas on the last Sunday in
wonderful it sounded sung by a full church. January.
Wesley’s ‘Blessed be the God and Father’ is a Happy Christmas, everyone!
piece of which I never tire. My thanks, of course
are due to Alex and to Ian for providing the solo
The winners of the November We still need existing members to renew
2016 100’s Club draw were:
and we are also looking for new members
1st prize £40 14 Judy Grundy
2nd prize £20 48 Bell Baker to sign up. See Steve Gilbert for details.
3rd prize £10 43 Mary Delves
The cost is £2 per month with the draw
The next and final draw for 2016 will take taking place on the last Sunday of the
place on Sunday 1st January 2017. month. Subject to numbers, prizes range
from £40 for first prize, £20 for second and
£10 for third.
A Big THANK YOU from the Weekday Servers
Well the Interregnum is now behind us, although at the time of writing this the Induction
had not taken place so fingers crossed.
As you know we pride ourselves here at St Saviours in that we have a daily celebration of
Mass and so through Fr Nick’s organisational skills we have continued the tradition with a
rota of Priests from far and wide as well as our team members.
We, the weekday team, have had to be on the alert to the various idiosyncrasies of the less
familiar Priests as indeed they themselves have to ours. It has been pleasing to note that
attendances at the weekday morning services have continued and in some cases
increased during this period.
Well from John (Monday Tuesday and Friday); Brian (Wednesday) and Jackie (Thursday
Saturday and 8am Sunday), THANK YOU Fathers Chris (the elder); Charles; John; David
Mussen; David Charles; Tom; Tony; Tim; Adam and Philippe
It has been a privilege and a joy to worship and serve with you at the altar. Bless you all.
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What will you all have Hello what’s going on? There’s our church
to talk about now the Big warden, sacristan, chairman of finance
Day has been and gone? committee and new vicar stopping the traffic on
South Street and carrying a settee from the
Our new vicar and his family are in situ and furniture shop across the busy road, through
we wish them every happiness. No doubt the the churchyard and into the vicarage. Nothing’s
induction Service will appear elsewhere impossible at S Saviour’s.
but wasn’t it great? Lots of friends, John our gardener is still looking for some
the MP and priests from far and colourful plants and bulbs for the church garden
wide, super music with soloists Ian if you have any to spare please.
and Alex doing us proud and What an interesting homily from Fr Christopher
posh waiters and waitresses. the other Sunday. He taught us how to row and
Sadly, Roger was unable to I didn’t know he had been a rower at university!
sing at the Induction service As we start Advent the flowers have been
due to various infections – removed, the Advent wreath of green foliage
we wish you well Roger. has appeared in the sanctuary and in the
The choir now pick up new baptistery Santa’s sack has been filled with all
music and start practices for the your gifts for Family Support Work. Thank you
Christmas Gala Concert on 20 Dec at 7.30pm. on behalf of FSW for all your generosity.
If it’s half as good as last year it will be super. Is it really time for the Little Chelsea Christmas
Choirs, soloists, organ, readers and brass band weekend?Yes, on the evening of Friday 2 Dec
with refreshments afterwards. See you there. we hope to welcome into the church lots of
Did you see St Saviour’s on the telly on people attending all the lively events out in the
Remembrance Sunday? The beautiful service in roads around us. No doubt drinks and mince
memory of WWI St Bede’s pupils was featured pies will be on offer again and let’s hope we will
both inside the building and out by the war top the 300 people who came last year. After
memorial choir practice some carols will be sung so do
( pop in if you’re in the area.
memorial-service). Good news – Christopher Palmer has
completed his rehabilitation and is now back
home with Sandra. I am sure you all join me in
wishing him continued improvement.
Wrap up well, keep warm and fingers crossed
that Angus will not return.
Dates for your Diary December 2016
Thurs 1 10.30am Mass CBS Corporate Communion
Fri 2 12 noon Mass
Sat 3 09.00am Mass S. Francis Xavier Pr.
Sun 4 Second Sunday of Advent 8.00am Mass 10.30am Solemn Mass
Mon 5 10.30am Mass
Tues 6 12 noon Mass S. Nicholas Bp.
Wed 7 10.30am Mass S. Ambrose Bp. Dr.
Thurs 8 10.30am Mass Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Fri 9 12 noon Mass Laying on of Hands
Sat 10 09.00am Mass
Sun 11 Third Sunday of Advent 8.00am Mass 10.30am Solemn Mass
Mon 12 10.30am Mass Our Lady of Guadalupe
Tues 13 12 noon Mass S. Lucy V. M.
Wed 14 10.30am Mass S. John of the Cross Pr. Dr.
Thurs 15 10.30am Mass
Fri 16 12 noon Mass
Sat 17 09.00am Mass
Sun 18 Fourth Sunday of Advent 8.00am Mass 10.30am Solemn Mass
Mon 19 10.30am Mass
Tues 20 12 noon Mass Walsingham Cel
Wed 21 10.30am Mass
Thurs 22 10.30am Mass
Fri 23 12 noon Mass
Sat 24 09.00am Mass Christmas Eve
4.30pm Service of Nine Lessons and Carols
11.30pm Midnight Mass
Sun 25 Nativity of the Lord
08.00am Mass of the Dawn
10.30am Solemn Mass of Christmas Day
Mon 26 10.30am Mass S. Stephen M.
Tues 27 12 noon Mass S. John the Evangelist
Wed 28 10.30am Mass Holy Innocents Ms.
Thurs 29 10.30am Mass S. Thomas Becket Bp. M.
Fri 30 12 noon Mass Holy Family
Sat 31 09.00am Mass 7th in the Octave of Christmas
Church Officers THE DIRECTORY Telephone
Vicar 01323 722317
Rev ChristopherYates
The Vicarage Spencer Road Eastbourne BN21 4PA
Hon Assistant Clergy Rev Christopher Hadfield, BA 422050
Canon Charles Lansdale BA 646655
Churchwardens Rev Nick MacNeill, BTh 485399
Secretary PCC Rev John Wright BSc Cert Ed 723584
Treasurer Canon Robert Fayers 07706 067496
Electoral Roll Mr John Bourdon 01323 729142
Secretary Planned Giving Mrs Pauline Fella 656346
Mrs Judy Grundy 720577
Miss Mary Delves 735410
Mrs Mary Tomsett 489646
Mr Michael Brennan 504731
Other Officers Mr Paul Collins 647969
Director of Music Mr Richard Elliott 872168
Parish Hospital Contact Mr Stuart Burns 500585
Sacristan/Servers Miss Jane Pinching 894414
Bookstall Manager Mrs Pat James 721061
Caring and Sharing Mr Steve Gilbert 469078
Car Park Manager Mrs Za Crook 729059
Safeguarding Officer Mrs Pat James 721061
Churches Together Mrs Beverly Cochran 434785
Miss Mary Delves, Mrs Isobel Nugent, Mr John Bourdon
Deanery Synod Mrs Mary Tomsett 489646
Family Support Work Mr Robert Ascott 728892
Mr David Thorpe 486214
Librarian Mr Paul Fella 656346
Webmaster Miss Lis Trustam 504909
Guild of All Souls Mrs Isobel Nugent 725796
Mission to Seafarers Mr Roger Emery 431283
Additional Curates Society Mr Roger Ellis 649896
Open Church Miss Mary Delves 735410
Our Lady of Walsingham Mr Steve Gilbert 469078
100 Club 729702
Vestry (unmanned)
Church Organisations Miss Lis Trustam – call for details 504909
Rev Nick MacNeill – call for details 485399
Bible Reading Fellowship Mrs Rita Orchard – meets Tuesdays from 9am 723375
Book Group Mr John Burford 724317
Church Cleaning Mrs Rita Orchard – Fridays from 9am 723375
Church Grounds Mr Paul Fella – meets as necessary 656346
Flower Arrangers
Social / Events Committee
Disclaimer: The Editor and the Church Wardens do not necessarily agree with all the views expressed in this Magazine. Please note that all
articles are copyright to the author and may not be reproduced in any form or medium without the written permission of the author or Editor.