The Parish magazine of June 2018
Volume XLIX No.5
Contents Page Church Services
A dream or a nightmare? 3-4 Sundays
8.00 Low Mass
The Pursuit of ‘Catholic’ Trivia 5
100s Club 10.30 High Mass and Sermon
followed by refreshments
Ordination Service 6 in the Church Hall.
Our Lady of Fatima Celebration 7 Mon, Wed, Thurs 10.30am
Tues and Fri 12noon
The Feast of St Peter and St Paul 8 Sat 9.00am
Major Weekday Festivals
Easyfundraising 10 Said Mass as above, Sung Mass: 7.30pm
unless otherwise indicated on notice boards.
Helen Harvey RIP 13 The Clergy are happy to bring the Sacrament to
the housebound or sick at any hour of the day or
A Blast from the Console 14 night. The Holy Oil is available for those who wish
to be anointed.
Kitty 16-17
Dates for your Diary 19
Directory 20
The Sacrament of Reconciliation
Confessions by appointment.
Cover image: Hospital visits
A Peruvian relief sculpture depicting Sts. Peter Our Parish Contact for local hospitals,
and Paul. Feast day June 29. Mr Richard Elliott (872168), will visit and give
communion to those in hospital.
The Parish Magazine is published on the first Other Services provided by the church
Sunday of the month. For Baptisms, Banns of Marriage, Weddings
Production: Paul Fella and Funerals please contact the Churchwardens.
Matter for publication should be submitted to Facebook
[email protected]
Copy deadline is 20th of the month and Website
articles should be no longer than 750 words. is the church
News items or reports should be factual website and is managed by Paul Fella to
and no longer than 250 words. Articles are whom matter for the site should be sent via
copyright to the author and may not be [email protected].
reproduced in any form without the written The church is open from 8.30am each day and
permission of the author or Editor. The a team of volunteers is available to answer
Editor’s decision is final regarding content. questions etc from 10am most days.
The Book Shop/Souvenir Stall is also open while
Disclaimers: The Editor does not necessarily there is a volunteer on duty.
agree with all of the views expressed in this St Saviour’s Church
magazine. South Street Eastbourne East Sussex BN21 4UT
The Parish of St Saviour and St Peter Telephone: 01323 729702
and its representatives do not endorse or
recommend any of the products or services
advertised in this Magazine. Caveat emptor!
It has fallen to my lot to write an article for the indeed should, stand as the godparents) have
June ‘Logos’, and I have spent a great deal of any intention of fulfilling their vows? How many
time pondering and meditating on what might appreciate the gravity of the ceremony? I am
be a suitable subject. The choice of a subject wholly one with the Baptist Church on this issue.
is not as simple as it sounds. Adult Baptism is an entirely different matter.
Many ideas fail to strike fire and (to mix Not only does Adult Baptism demand a more
personal commitment, not only do the candidates
metaphors) fizzle out after a paragraph or two. understand what they are doing, but they will
Others develop into an essay too rambling and remember their baptism as a great stage on their
diffuse. Should an article for a church-magazine Christian journey. It seems wrong, and sad, that
be ecclesiastical, or liturgical, or purely secular? an infant will have no recollection whatever of the
Eventually I settled on a compromise, a subject ceremony, of the promises, of the commitment.
which encompasses the ecclesiastical, the I know that history has saddled us with this
liturgical and the secular: I would write about what dilemma. We can of course discount all the
kind of church I should (ideally) like St Saviour’s theories which state that infants (or anyone else)
to be, about the particular niche it should occupy dying unbaptised are destined for hell, limbo, or at
in the middle of Eastbourne. I would throw out the very least something lower than heaven. Their
a few ideas, some of which may be challenging, destiny, like ours, is solely in God’s hands.
but at least they would provoke thought and even
discussion. After all, without challenge there is no How then are we to ensure our future if we
achievement. It is better to stride forward with a cannot rely on the children? We must play to
purpose than to drift. The gadfly has its uses! our strengths. We are an Anglican church, less
restrained and constricted than almost any other
No criticism of anyone is intended. This is not a denomination. We are not a pale shadow of
time for criticism, only for gratitude that so many Rome. We are in essence a broad church, and
are willing to shoulder so much work and combine built on broad foundations. We welcome the
as a team. A whole page of thanks from the findings of the scholars and the strictures of the
churchwardens in the pew-booklet for the Second critics, and adjust our faith to them, if we have any
Sunday of Easter paid tribute to this energetic sense.
team; and, since the churchwardens failed to Fond as we are, and justly fond, of faith,
thank themselves, I can do it now. Reason, we grant, demands our first regard.
Whither, then, St Saviour’s? I do not believe Lines by the Revd Edward Young c.AD 1742.
we are ever going to make much headway as
a children’s church, by which I mean a church
which is able to take and occupy children from Reason and our conscience should be the
the cradle to adolescence. Furthermore, I confess foundation of our faith. There is no strength in
to a certain unease about Infant Baptism. I the meek acceptance of doctrines formulated
realize the need to be charitable. I know that an by others. Basil Hume, the highly regarded
incumbent is bound by Canon Law to baptize Archbishop of Westminster, saw no barriers to
infants, though initially he may try to dissuade the the ordination of women. During a radio interview
parents from embarking on such a momentous in 1978 he was very explicit: ‘I personally, if the
course without some knowledge of what it entails. authorities of my church agreed to the ordination
I also realize that even if a priest is successful in of women, would have no problem about it.’ Yet
delaying a baptism (instead, pushing the parents he was to welcome into his fold Anglicans who
towards some kind of thanksgiving ceremony), were much less progressive than he himself was,
another church will probably welcome them with and he saw in their conversion the first steps
open and pious arms. (The same thing happens towards the conversion of England to Catholicism.
with marriages.) The fact remains, though, that This subjugation of his personal views towards the
many Infant Baptisms are a charade. How many official and reiterated (and, since 1994, ‘infallible’)
godparents (or parents, for parents can, and line of his Church was something no Anglican in
a similar position could countenance. Did Hume they have been for the past 21 years.
never attempt to remonstrate gently with the Our church should accept and develop its role
Anglicans who came to him, with whom, inside as a superb venue for recitals and concerts.
himself, he disagreed? St Saviour’s was once described (by a musical
One of our particular strengths at St Saviour’s is agnostic!) as ‘Eastbourne’s best concert-hall’,
our music. The newspapers have recently told us a description to be proud of, for we should be
that churches struggle to find organists, relying on seeking to attract those of all faiths and none.
recorded music instead. We should be immensely We cannot afford to be narrow, we must be
proud of our great musical traditions, our organ, welcoming, inclusive and friendly, and to those
our organist and our choir, and strive to keep who are brought into our church by the music,
them. The same pride should be accorded to our we can add those who come for the fellowship
services and our liturgy. These should not ape of the excellent ChatStop, and the diverse social
the prevailing fashions and trends, but should be events. (How lucky we are to have such talents at
simple, unfussy, and strong, as in my experience our disposal!)
Finally we can be proud of our architecture and
our ‘sacred space’, where enquirers and seekers
can (if they so wish) lose themselves without fear
of being buttonholed. Mystery and silence are our
So I am led to the advertisement for a new vicar
placed the The Church Times: ‘St Saviour’s is a
warm, friendly and lively community (of course
we are, and every one of us must play our part in
maintaining an enviable tradition) – with respect
for diverse views.’ I like that!
Fr Christopher Hadfield
The Pursuit of The winners of the April 2018
100’s Club draw were:
‘Catholic’ Trivia…
1st 35 John Burford
In the 11th Century, the Church was 2nd 58 David de Gruchy
opposed to the use of a fork, ascribing the 3rd 84 Mia Hopkins
fork as an instrument of the devil.
We are now entering our twelfth year.
Theologian Monsignor Wojciech Giertych The cost remains the same at £2 per
states the most common sins for men are month (£24 for the year). Currently
lust and gluttony while the most common prizes remain at £40, £20 and £10
sins for women are anger, pride, and envy. respectively, however if the level
falls so will the prize money, but if
Augustiner, the oldest and considered the we achieve 100 members the prize
best beer in Munich, Germany, was first money will rise. All profit goes to the
brewed by Augustinian monks in 1328. Church and Church Room. Please
see Steve Gilbert (01323 469078) for
Marconi began Vatican Radio under details. The Scheme is open to all,
Pope Pius XI. so anyone is welcome to take part.
The Anglican Communion is made up of 39 5
independent churches and has 85 million
85% of the Philippines is Roman Catholic.
Ordination at St Saviour’s
On the 4th December 2017 the Churchwardens before) and then we were off. The Church flower
received a request from Canon Stephen Ferns arrangers and cleaners did us proud as did the
on behalf of Bishop Martin to host the service servers (all dressed in their finest). The Choir was
of ordination on 19th May 2018 with Bishop augmented by some extra vioices from St Mary’s
Martin as the ordaining Bishop. and Paul our DOM was Cantor par excellence.
Obviously they said ‘yes’. This was just a week Sylvia and Rosemary were on duty as sides
after the Royal Engagement was announced, but persons and all was well.
it was not until a week later that it was realised The service went without a hitch and there was
that it would be the same day as ‘That’ wedding a plea for more candidates for ordination by
and the English and Scottish FA Cup Finals! the Bishop as part of his sermon. There were
However we were thrilled that one of the two ,surprisingly, over 250 people in the congregation
candidates for ordination was to be Fr Nick - most of whom came to the church hall for tea
Archer. There were copious emails about what and coffee and a ‘Tesco’s Value Biscuit’– as our
was required for hosting an ordination and DOM would say.
eventually we received a 36 page Order of Service All in all it was a great day for St Saviour’s and the
which we were relieved to hear would be provided Bishop will be returning soon - he assures us!
by the diocese.
The Thursday before there was a two hour
rehearsal and subsequently a last minute request
for additional music and a Cantor (so there was
a bit of a last-minute frantic practice the night
Our Lady of Fatima Celebration
Saturday 12th May 2018
On 13 May 1917, nine year old Lucia Santos and her cousins Francisco and Jacinta Marto reported
seeing a woman “brighter than the sun, shedding rays of light clearer and stronger than a crystal goblet
filled with the most sparkling water and pierced by the burning rays of the sun.” The woman wore a
white mantle edged with gold and held a rosary in her hand. She asked them to devote themselves to
the Holy Trinity and to pray “the Rosary every day, to bring peace to the world and an end to the war”.
The children had been herding sheep near their home village in the parish of Fatima, Portugal. Since that
time thousands of people have flocked to Fatima drawn by reports of visions and miracles.
Once again we
joined with the
church family
of Our Lady of Ransom
RC church to celebrate
Our Lady of Fatima with
a procession through the
streets, starting at
St Saviour’s with a
reading from scripture
and a homily by Fr Tim
Ezat (St Richard’s, Langney). Sadly, the weather
was not kind and in view of the rain and the road
works in the centre of town, it was decided that
the procession would just travel along South
Street, where the worship continued at OLR,
led by Fr Gerard Hatton. The effigy of OLF was
crowned with flowers and the Decades of the
Rosary was recited in a number of different
languages by members of the congregation. The
rain didn’t dampen our spirits, but obviously did
keep people away as it was not as well attended
as last year, but it was still a great act of witness
to the people of Little Chelsea.
The Feast of St Peter and St Paul
On June 29 the Church celebrates the feast Saul’s conversion took place as he was on his
day of Sts. Peter and Paul. As early as the year way to Damascus to persecute the Christian
258AD, there is evidence of an already lengthy community there. As he was traveling along the
tradition of celebrating the solemnities of both road, he was suddenly surrounded by a great
Saint Peter and Saint Paul on the same day. light from heaven. He was blinded and fell off his
Together, the two saints are the founders of the horse. He then heard a voice saying to him, “Saul,
See of Rome, through their preaching, ministry Saul, why do you persecute me?” He answered:
and martyrdom there. “Who are you, Lord?” Christ said: “I am Jesus,
Peter, who was named Simon, was a fisherman of whom you are persecuting.”
Galilee and was introduced to the Lord Jesus by Saul continued to Damascus, where he was
his brother Andrew, also a fisherman. Jesus gave baptized and his sight was restored. He took the
him the name Cephas (Petrus in Latin), which name Paul and spent the remainder of his life
means ‘Rock,’ because he was to become the preaching the Gospel tirelessly to the Gentiles of
rock upon which Christ would build His Church. the Mediterranean world.
Peter was a bold follower of the Lord. He was the Paul was imprisoned and taken to Rome, where
first to recognise that Jesus was “the Messiah, the he was beheaded in the year 67AD.
Son of the living God,” and eagerly pledged his He is buried in Rome in the Basilica of St. Paul
fidelity until death. In his boldness, he also made Outside the Walls.
many mistakes, however, such as losing faith In a sermon in the year 395AD, St. Augustine of
when walking on water with Christ and betraying Hippo said of Sts. Peter and Paul: “Both apostles
the Lord on the night of His passion. share the same feast day, for these two were
Yet despite his human weaknesses, Peter was one; and even though they suffered on different
chosen to shepherd God’s flock. The Acts of the days, they were as one. Peter went first, and Paul
Apostles illustrates his role as head of the Church followed. And so we celebrate this day made holy
after the Resurrection and Ascension of Christ. for us by the apostles’ blood. Let us embrace
Peter led the Apostles as the first Pope and what they believed, their life, their labours, their
ensured that the disciples kept the true faith. sufferings, their preaching, and their confession
St. Peter spent his last years in Rome, leading of faith.”
the Church through persecution and eventually
being martyred in the year 64AD. He was crucified
upside-down at his own request, because he
claimed he was not worthy to die as his Lord.
He was buried on Vatican hill, and St. Peter’s
Basilica is built over his tomb.
St. Paul was the Apostle of the Gentiles. His
letters are included in the writings of the New
Testament, and through them we learn much
about his life and the faith of the early Church.
Before receiving the name Paul, he was Saul,
a Jewish pharisee who zealously persecuted
Christians in Jerusalem. Scripture records
that Saul was present at the martyrdom of St.
Our website now has a new
facility called easyfundraising
for making money for
St Saviour’s when you shop on
line that doesn’t cost you
a penny extra.
easyfundraising is a small and
young company that was started
in 2005 when the founder came
up with the idea while recovering
from a serious illness.
He says,
“While I was ill, I was helped by
a number of charities and was
struck by how many of them were
struggling to make ends meet.
I realised that fundraising can be
incredibly difficult for charities
not for profit groups so I created
easyfundraising to help causes
help themselves. It’s been a labour
of love, but well worth it when I
see the difference easyfundraising
To dateeasyfundraising have
raised over £3.3 for good causes
in the UK.
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Using easyfundraising is just about the simplest Firstly register with easyfundraising via the link
way to raise money for your good cause. When on the website home page and tell them who
you shop online the easyfundraising way you want to support (i.e. St Saviour’s Church
with one of their 3,000+ shops and sites they Eastbourne). It’s free for both shoppers and
give them a commission for your purchase. causes to register and use.
easyfundraising turn that commission into a
donation and give it to St Saviour’s. Easy! The
donation is usually a percentage of how much you To raise money, instead of going directly to the
spend with them, but it can also be a set amount, retailer website, log into easyfundraising first and
such as £30 for a new car insurance policy from click on the retailer you want to shop with. You’ll
Aviva for example.Retailers include Amazon, M&S, then be taken to the retailer’s website where you
Boden, John Lewis, Argos and over 2000 other shop as you would normally. But because you
well known names. visited easyfundraising first, St Saviour’s gets a
donation. It really is that simple.
What’s the catch? How do the causes get the donations?
No catch. Whatever you buy costs exactly the Every three months easyfundraising total up how
same as it would if you visited the retailer site much the supporters of each cause have raised
directly. They don’t take any financial information and providing it is over £15, they send St Saviour’s
from you, as all your transactions are with the a cheque. If the amount raised is less than £15,
retailer. They won’t sell your information on and we just carry it forward to the next cheque-run.
they won’t spam you. And it doesn’t cost you or
St Saviour’s anything.
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Helen Harvey RIP
Helen was a regular at S Saviour’s for many years
attending social events, Walsingham pilgrimages,
MU, Ride and Stride and singing regularly in
the choir. She was transported by Roger Ellis
despite never being on time! Her hair, lipstick and
dress colour always came first! When she could
no longer get to Mass she was supported by
Fr Jeffery, Fr Nick and Dominique, Fr Christopher
and latterly Fr John and Brenda. Sadly we lost
touch with her for her last months as Fr Chris
Yates did not pass on the phone message he
received with the nursing home details. Seeing
the announcement in the Herald some of us
managed to get to her Christian funeral at Payne
and Son and apologised for not supporting Helen
in her final months. There were readings from
Paul to the Romans and S John, and Helen’s son
in law played some Bach and a verse of “The
Day though Gavest Lord is Ended” on the organ. family members like she’d known them for a long
Below is the eulogy given by the funeral celebrant time! Dancing and music were two of her great
Francis Kimberley. passions in life. She knew quite a few moves
having picked up country, Scottish, ballroom and
Helen’s childhood in Farnborough, Hampshire tea-room, as well as some disco! Chris Manion
was marred with loss - all her siblings were lost to was a favourite of hers, and she saw him on
various diseases, and her mother also died of TB the pier and elsewhere in town as often as she
when Helen was just 16. Her father helped where could. Another passion for Helen was her faith. A
he could but being in the Royal Navy meant he lifelong Christian she was a regular at St Mary’s
was often away for long periods so Helen lived and St Saviours singing in both of their choirs.
with her aunts for a lot of her childhood. She left She wasn’t shy of expressing her beliefs and had
school in 1944, aged 14, and went to work in a been known to tell people where she thought
munitions factory helping with the war effort. At they would be going if they carried on in such
some point she got a job for an aircraft company, unseemly and immodest ways!
we think working in their manufacturing plant. It
was here that she met John Webb. At the time he Helen was definitely a character, and someone
was working for the same company, but eventually who left a mark beyond the family. A comment
worked in press and PR for Formula One and on the Facebook post announcing her passing
other motorsports. By the sound of it, parts of said, “She was brilliant. She taught me from a
their life were very glamorous, with lots of parties very young age how to sound my T’s!” Woe betide
and cocktails, and together they had 3 children - anyone who didn’t speak properly! In the past
Carole, Sue, and Jenni. Very sadly they separated five years, and in her daughter Jenni’s words,
and in 1997 Helen moved to Eastbourne and she became “a sweet and doddery old lady”. I
worked at the local branch of Co-op Insurance. think it’s fair to say she mellowed somewhat, and
this allowed another level of bonding to develop
A resident of Upperton Gardens for 30 years, between her and her family.
Helen was a familiar face in Eastbourne. She was
usually with her bike riding nearly everywhere For all the ups and downs Helen had in her life,
until she was eighty! Despite occasionally being and in all that she shared with you, she was
quite tricky to get on with she was also one of the simply always Helen. Again, Jenni put it very well
friendliest people you could meet and often made when she said, “She had a good life doing exactly
new friends taking them around with her, letting what she wanted.” Helen - you will be missed.
them into her life and regularly introducing them to Mary T
Once again, another brainchild of Shirley Barrell,
which was inspired by the offer of all kinds of
music that she and I both received from closing
churches. Why don’t we sing some of this she
said, I’m sure people will come along!! The
choir was amazing; mostly familiar faces, most
often brought together at Christmas, who were
more than willing to come and take part in the
experiment. They were tremendous. Four short
rehearsals and they produced a great cohesive
sound and they managed to deliver a creditable
performance of all the works presented to them.
Great job!! So, we will have to do it again, but you
will have to wait ‘til next year.
Another month gone by and quite a month Last week (competing with the Royal Wedding
it has been. With Easter firmly consigned to and the FA Cup final) we had the induction of
the filing drawer for another year we turn to our former Curate, Nick Archer. With all that was
the summer series of concerts. This year’s happening elsewhere I thought we might end up
offerings were kicked off by Simon Ballard, an with three men, a bishop, an organist and Fr Nick.
old friend who has become a firm favourite Well, I was wrong – we had almost three hundred
with us at Saviour’s. On the first Bank come along. It was a great occasion with some
Holiday Monday we were treated to a lovely great hymns (eight in total). It was very nice to
a piano recital which included some of my be joined by some of the choir from St Mary’s
favourite Mozart and also some of Simon’s who were able to contribute greatly to the music
own compositions. He has an extraordinary and to bolster the hymn singing. My thanks to
gift for melody and he charmed us with some Victor Potter and his team for their support, and of
delightful playing; the hour passed by in a course, congratulations to Fr Nick.
blink. He is already in the diary for next year! Once again, please look out for the concerts
Thank you, Simon; it was lovely. which are listed in the publicity at the back of the
church. Thank you all for your support. Let’s hope
that this fine weather continues and we can all
look forward to a great summer.
On April 29th we put on the Cathedral Gems
programme. This was an opportunity to look
at some of the music that is hardly ever sung
any more in the parishes. Sadly, as a result of
dwindling numbers in congregations throughout
the land, the repertoire for Evensong seems to
be reserved for use by the very largest parish
churches and our cathedrals. Well, there is clearly
an appetite for it out there because we had an
audience of almost three hundred and we raised
just under £1,000 for the church.
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Hello Darlings a short Motet during the robing of the new priests.
Well I survived two encounters with Paul Collins was a STAR when he sang the Litany
Sue Metcalfe’s twin sister from Australia so superbly. Watch out Ian as your brother will
you will have got me for yet another month. outshine you. Our team of servers (led by Neil and
Thank goodness THE wedding is done and Fr Shaun) also shone. We know how to do things
dusted. What a fuss! with style and panache at St Saviours. Well done
The Additional Curates Society help a lot in the
training of new priests and it was a crying shame
that the fund raiser planned Mafia Night had to be
cancelled due to lack of sufficient ticket sales. No
surprise there then. SS apathy strikes again!
Too expensive was one cry — what a load of tosh.
Go out for Lunch or Dinner in Town and you’ll
soon run up that amount. Anyway a proportion of
the ticket price was going to ACS which was the
whole reason for the event. I bet if it was a meal
to welcome our new Vicar we would be sold out
fairly quickly.
I think St Saviours could open a nice little
business dealing in Vestment Hire. Our best Gold
Set has been to St.Andrews for the Wedding of
It did go through my mind that we should perhaps Fr John Underhill. The Red set was at Our Lady of
invite the preacher to come to St Saviours. Can Ransom. The Pink has been to St.Michael’s and
you imagine the uproar it would create? We’d the Gold is back in demand for Fr Nick Archer’s
never hear the last of it. There is enough upset if first Mass at St Mary’s.
we change the collect for the Mass or the hymn Did you know that 22nd May was not only the
isn’t sung to the tune we’ve had for the last First Mass but St Rita’s day – the Patron Saint of
hundred years. Anyway they are married now and lost Causes. Also Jackie Mulholland’s Birthday.
are the Duke and Duchess of Sussex no less. Hm!!!
Perhaps we could invite them to the Institution St.Mary’s was the setting for a very moving first
of our new Vicar. Now THAT would set the hens Mass celebrated by Fr Nick Archer in a most
clucking. dignified and moving way. It was nice to see some
Well on the day of THE wedding we had our own thirty seven from St.Saviours in attendance to
celebrating to do in the afternoon when Bishop support him. Gold everywhere. Our best Gold set
Martin conducted a fabulous Ordination service. was the eye catcher. Even Fr Tom, who is normally
Amazingly some 30 members of St Saviours sober in his attire, snaffled our Gold Cope so as
congregation turned up. not to be outshone. Our Choir joined S Mary’s and
Lovely Fr Nick Archer was one of the two with little rehearsal performed Schubert’s German
candidates being Ordained Priest and a spirited Mass. Not an easy piece for amateur choirs to
appeal was made by Bishop Martin for new tackle. I did miss Bessie, as their instrument
doesn’t have enough ‘wellie’ to do the music
vocations to the sacred ministry. All except two We were treated to a very powerful and amusing
of our Assistant Priests were present and Fr John Homily by Fr David Weaver ex St Saviour’s and
Wright looked splendid sporting his Biretta. Our now St.Michael’s. A lot about Fr Nick and his
Choir was augmented by that of St Mary’s and street apparel. Reminded me of when I was a
sang magnificently especially as they had been gel on Merseyside and our Vicar Fr Richard used
asked at VERY short notice by the Bishop to sing to go everywhere in his clerical dress. That was
the late 50s – full marks Fr
St Saviour’s were again
in evidence as the
Intercessions were led
by John Vernon our
Churchwarden. I don’t think
he was amused when his co
Warden Pauline said that he
could now do them at SS.
With the hand mike thrust
against his lips it would have
been no surprise if he’d
broken into singing ‘Please
release me let me go’.
I’m not sure what St Mary’s
congregation thought of the
Mass as it certainly wasn’t
what they are used to, but
Fr Nick gave it to them with
both barrels blazing. Lovely
touch presenting his Mum
with a beautiful basket of
Excellent reception A lamp burns for
afterwards in the Hall with nice yummies and free this church in the
drinkies. Nice speech by Shrine of Our Lady
Fr Tom and some nice prezzies. It was a lovely of Walsingham
evening and one to remember.
Fr Nick will be saying three masses in St Saviour’s If you are interested in
which will NOT replace any of our daily ones. joining our Walsingham Cell
Woe woe and thrice woe! A baby was at Mass last please contact Mary Delves
Sunday (Pentecost) and the roof didn’t fall in. on 735410
For once the saying ‘Suffer the little children to
come unto me’ except at that church in South
Street didn’t apply. Trevor you were a treasure
in taking the time to talk to and extend a warm
welcome to Baby and Mother.
Don’t forget that Corpus Christi falls on
THURSDAY 31st May. Sung Mass in the evening
at 7.30pm.Servers at Dolphin afterwards as is the
St Saviour’s tradition.
I raise my medicinal glass of Gin to you all.
Chin Chin take your Gin.
Kitty xx
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Dates for your Diary June 2018
Fri 1 12 noon Mass St Justin M.
Sat 2 09.00am Mass
Sun 3 9th Sunday in Ordinary Time 08.00am Mass 10.30am Solemn Mass
Mon 4 10.30am Mass
Tue 5 12 noon Mass S Boniface Bp. M.
Wed 6 10.30am Mass CBS
Thur 7 10.30am Mass
Fri 8 12 noon Mass Most Sacred Heart of Jesus
Sat 9 09.00am Mass Our Lady
Sun 10 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time 08.00am Mass 10.30am Solemn Mass
Mon 11 10.30am Mass S. Barnabas Ap. Requiem Mass Guild of All Souls
Tue 12 12 noon Mass
Wed 13 10.30am Mass S. Anthony of Padua Pr. Dr.
Thur 14 10.30am Mass BCP
Fri 15 12 noon Mass
Sat 16 09.00am Mass S. Richard of Chichester Bp.
Sun 17 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time 08.00am Mass 10.30am Solemn Mass
Mon 18 10.30am Mass
Tue 19 12 noon Mass S. Romuald Ab.
Wed 20 10.30am Mass S. Alban M.
Thur 21 10.30am Mass S. Aloysius Gonzaga Rel.
Fri 22 12 noon Mass S. John Fisher Bp M. and S. Thomas More M.
Sat 23 09.00am Mass S. Ethelreda (Audrey) Ab.
Sun 24 Nativity of John the Baptist 08.00am Mass 10.30am Solemn Mass
Mon 25 10.30am Mass
Tue 26 12 noon Mass Walsingham Cell
Wed 27 10.30am Mass S. Cyril of Alexandria Bp. Dr.
Thur 28 10.30am Mass S. Irenaeus Bp. M.
Fri 29 12 noon Mass S. Peter and S Paul Ap.
Sat 30 09.00am Mass
Church Officers Telephone
Hon Associate Clergy Rev Christopher Hadfield BA 381796
Rev Anthony Fiddian-Green MA, Cert Ed 485399
Rev Nick MacNeill, BTh 723584
Rev John Wright BSc Cert Ed 723345
Rev Dr David Musson M Phil
Canon Robert Fayers SSC 07706 067496
01323 656346
Churchwardens Mrs Pauline Fella 412061
Mr John Vernon 645145
Deputy Churchwardens Mr Keith Metcalfe 431283
Mrs Rosemarie Emery
Secretary PCC Mrs Judy Grundy 720577
Treasurer Miss Mary Delves 735410
Planned Giving Vacancy
Chair of Finance Mr Carl Hodgkinson 01323 351014
Other Officers Mr Paul Collins 647969
Director of Music
Parish Hospital Contact Mr Richard Elliott 872168
Head Server Mr Neil Clarke 07759 940832
Chat-Stop Rev Anthony Fiddian-Green 01323 381796
Car Park Manager / 100 Club Mr Steve Gilbert 469078
Safeguarding Officer Mr Neil Clarke 07759 940832
Electoral Role Officer Mrs Susan Metcalfe 01323 645145
Churches Together Mrs Beverly Cochran 434785
Deanery Synod Miss Mary Delves, Mr Arthur Randell-Hoyle, Mrs Isobel Nugent
Family Support Work Miss Jennifer Hodgkinson and Mr Robert Ascott 351014
Librarian Mr David Thorpe 486214
Guild of All Souls Miss Lis Trustam 504909
Mission to Seafarers Mrs Isobel Nugent 725796
Additional Curates Society Mr Roger Emery 431283
Open Church Mr Roger Ellis 649896
Our Lady of Walsingham / CBS Miss Mary Delves 735410
Church Office Answerphone 729702
Church Organisations Miss Lis Trustam – call for details 504909
Bible Reading Fellowship 485399
Book Group Rev Nick MacNeill – call for details 724317
Church Cleaning Mrs Rita Orchard – Tuesdays from 9am 656346
Church Grounds Mr John Burford 656346
Mrs Diana Dean
Mrs Lynette Newman
Events Committee Mr Paul Fella – meets as necessary
Flower Arrangers Mrs Rita Orchard – Fridays from 9am
Webmaster / Magazine / Publicity Mr Paul Fella