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Published by phpfella, 2016-02-15 08:12:02

Parish Magazine February 2016Web

Parish Magazine February 2016Web


The Parish magazine of February 2016

Volume XLVII No. 2


Contents Page Church Services

Lent is… 3 Sundays
8.00 Low Mass
Walking Together in the Service of God 5 10.30 Solemn Mass and Sermon
in the World
followed by refreshments
Questions and Answers about Mysticism 10 in the Church Hall.
and Spiritual Experiences
Quote of the Month 12 Mon, Wed, Thurs 10.30am;
Lent Group Tues and Fri 12noon; Sat 9.00am

Diocese ‘Year of Mercy’ 13 Major Weekday Festivals
Fothcoming Organ recital 14 Said Mass, as above Sung Mass: 7.30pm.
Mattins and Evensong are said daily at
Would you like to contribute to the 8.30am and 5.30pm unless otherwise
history of the church? indicated on notice boards.

Blast from the Console 16 The Clergy are happy to bring the Sacrament to
the housebound or sick at any hour of the day
Eve’s Droppings 18 or night. The Holy Oil is available for those who
wish to be anointed.
Dates for your Diary 19
The Sacrament of Reconciliation
Directory 20 A priest is usually available to hear Confessions
or for Spiritual Advice on Fridays at 11.30am
Cover: or by appointment.
Courtesy of
Pin: King Of Kings Lutheran Church Hospital visits
Our Parish Contact for local hospitals,
The Parish Magazine is published on the Mr Richard Elliott (872168), will visit and give
last Sunday of the month. communion to those in hospital.

Matter for publication should be sent to Other Services provided by the church
[email protected]. Arrangements for Baptisms, Banns of
See Pew Sheet for Magazine deadline. Marriage, Weddings and Funerals
should be made with the Church Wardens.
Articles should be no longer than
750 words. News items or Reports should Facebook
be factual and no longer than 250 words.

Articles are copyright to the author and the Website
Editor’s decision is final. is the church The church is open from 8.30am each day
website and is managed by Paul Fella and a team of volunteers is available to answer
([email protected]) to questions etc from 10am most days.
whom matter for the site should be sent.
The Book Shop/Souvenir Stall is also open
while there is a volunteer on duty.


Lent is… churches take fasting seriously now, for it has
such a biblical foundation. Come to mass on
As a starry eyed curate I looked forward to Ash Wednesday and you will hear why.
my first Lent in the parish where I served my
‘title’. I was ready to pass on my new found Giving more should not mean giving your spare
wisdom, based essentially on ‘Lent is not so change. It does not have to hurt, but on the
much about giving up something, but giving other hand do not say to yourselves as I
more to something’ recently heard a gentleman in a cafe say, ‘well,
O how deflated I was when I was told by my you can’t keep giving to charity’. Well you can
fellow clergy that the three previous curates had and should, remembering that charity means
all said the same thing. Even so, I had a point, love. But it is more than just giving money or
but as I learnt more, much of it from devout lay even the equally important giving of time.
people, I discovered that Lent was about both
giving up and giving more. The essential part of Lent is to remind us of
I would encourage you then this Lent to give the forty days and nights Jesus spent in the
something up to start with. It could be the old wilderness. This was at the beginning of His
favourite chocolate, but I remember someone ministry which as we become aware in Holy
saying to me that actually it was easy for her Week leads to the cross, before the resurrection.
to give up chocolate because she did not like Christ gave himself fully for us and so we should
it anyway. Fair point. So no cheating!! give of ourselves fully to Him. This is the calling of
Choose something that will make a the Christian throughout all their lives and Lent is
difference in your life. a great time to be reminded of that.
Fasting undoubtedly makes us more aware of
God, but it also straightens us out spiritually Which leads me to three other words
and stops us taking things for granted. It is associated with Lent, repentance,
good to hear that some of the new Charismatic compassion and mercy.

I do not need to remind you that we live in
troubled times where fear and suffering are in
front of our TV screens every day. Nuclear
threats in Asia, economic stagnation, terrorism,
floods and environmental concerns.... I could
go on and on. It is hard for us take it all in.
One issue that will continue in the future is the
situation of refugees from countries where war
and persecution are taking place approaching
Europe for help. Afghanistan and Iraq, Eritrea
and the Yemen and especially Syria. I certainly
do not know all the answers, but does
anybody? Whatever we may think about this
whole situation, as Christian people our first
position, the default position for us must be one
of compassion and mercy. Why did it take the
drowning of a little boy to make us actually look
at what is happening when this was going on
months before, I am ashamed that this has not
always been my immediate response to the


situation this past year, finding myself getting This Lent, let us do the usual things of giving
caught up with the logistics and politics of it all. up and giving more, but let us also, amidst all
Perhaps that is your experience too. We need the tragedy and pain in the world be
to be reminded that Jesus said; concerned and make it at the very least,
central in our prayers. Let us have compassion
‘Be merciful, and mercy, and instead of turning away, may
even as your we look and turn to God in repentance.
Father is merciful’. And if it all gets too much, remember that Jesus
Luke 6.36 ‘Come to me, all who labour and are heavy
laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke
And this from one of the evangelists; upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle
and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your
‘When he (Jesus) souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is
saw the crowds, light.’
he had Have a food Lent!
compassion for
them, because O sorry, I mean a good Lent!
they were Fr Nick Macneill
harassed and
helpless, like Give us this
sheep without Bread always
a shepherd’
The concluding extract from the
Matthew 9:36 article by Rt Rev Philip North,
Bishop of Burnley on reclaiming
As for repentance, it is akin to having a strong Catholic evangelism will be
change of mind or heart, and is a turning away published in March.
from sin and giving ourselves to God. For this to
have any meaning for Christians we have to
truly mean it.


Walking Together in the Service of God in the World

Communique from the Primates of the Anglican Communion,
15 January 2016

The meeting of Anglican Primates, the senior we formally acknowledge this distance by
bishops of the 38 Anglican Provinces, joined requiring that for a period of three years The
by the Archbishop of the Anglican Church of Episcopal Church no longer represent us on
North America, took place in Canterbury ecumenical and interfaith bodies, should not be
between Monday 11 January and Friday appointed or elected to an internal standing
15 January at the invitation of Justin Welby, committee and that while participating in the
the Archbishop of Canterbury. The first internal bodies of the Anglican Communion,
morning was spent in prayer and fasting. they will not take part in decision making on any
issues pertaining to doctrine or polity.
We came knowing that the 2016 Primates’
meeting would be concerned with the “We have asked the Archbishop of Canterbury to
differences among us in regard to our teaching appoint a Task Group to maintain conversation
on matters of human sexuality. We were also among ourselves with the intention of restoration
eager to address wider areas of concern. of relationship, the rebuilding of mutual trust,
healing the legacy of hurt, recognising the extent
The meeting started by agreeing the agenda. of our commonality and exploring our deep
The first agreed item was to discuss an differences, ensuring they are held between us in
important point of contention among Anglicans the love and grace of Christ.”
worldwide: the recent change to the doctrine of
marriage by The Episcopal Church in the USA. These recommendations were adopted by the
majority of the Primates present.
Over the past week the unanimous decision of
the Primates was to walk together, however We will develop this process so that it can also
painful this is, and despite our differences, be applied when any unilateral decisions on
as a deep expression of our unity in the body matters of doctrine and polity are taken that
of Christ. We looked at what that meant in threaten our unity.
practical terms.
The Primates condemned homophobic
We received the recommendation of a working prejudice and violence and resolved to work
group of our members which took up the task together to offer pastoral care and loving
of how our Anglican Communion of Churches service irrespective of sexual orientation. This
might walk together and our unity be conviction arises out of our discipleship of
strengthened. Their work, consistent with Jesus Christ. The Primates reaffirmed their
previous statements of the Primates’ rejection of criminal sanctions against same-sex
meetings,addressed what consequences attracted people.
follow for The Episcopal Church in relation to
the Anglican Communion following its recent The Primates recognise that the Christian
change of marriage doctrine. church and within it the Anglican Communion
have often acted in a way towards people on
The recommendations in paragraphs 7 and 8 of the basis of their sexual orientation that has
the Addendum A below are: caused deep hurt. Where this has happened
they express their profound sorrow and affirm
“It is our unanimous desire to walk together. again that God’s love for every human being is
However given the seriousness of these matters the same, regardless of their sexuality, and that


the church should never by its actions give any rejoiced that the Church of Jesus Christ lives to
other impression. bear witness to the transforming power of the
love of God in Jesus Christ. The Primates were
We affirmed the consultation that had taken energised by the opportunity to share
place in preparation for the meeting by experiences of evangelism and motivated to
Archbishop Welby and commended his evangelise with their people.
approach for future events within the
Communion. “The Primates joyfully commit themselves and
the Anglican Church, to proclaim throughout the
The consideration of the required application for world the person and work of Jesus Christ,
admission to membership of the Communion of unceasingly and authentically, inviting all to
the Anglican Church of North America was embrace the beauty and joy of the Gospel.”
recognised as properly belonging to the (See Addendum B.)
Anglican Consultative Council. The Primates
recognise that such an application, were it to The Primates supported the Archbishop of
come forward, would raise significant questions Canterbury in his proposal to call a Lambeth
of polity and jurisdiction. Conference in 2020. Primates discussed
tribalism, ethnicity, nationalism and patronage
In the wake of the climate change conference in networks, and the deep evil of corruption. They
Paris last month, the meeting heard about a reflected that these issues become inextricably
petition of almost two million signatures co- connected to war and violence, and derive from
coordinated by the Anglican Environment poverty. They agreed to ask the Secretary
Network. Reports were made about moves to General of the Anglican Communion to
divest from fossil fuels, the expansion of the commission a study for the next Primates’
African Deserts and the struggle for survival of the meeting. The Primates agreed to meet again in
peoples of the Pacific as island life is threatened 2017 and 2019.
in many places by the rise of sea levels.
The Primates owe a debt of gratitude to the staff
The meeting discussed the reality of religiously of the Anglican Communion Office, and
motivated violence and its impact on people especially the Secretary General, to the staff at
and communities throughout the world. Lambeth Palace and at Church House
Primates living in places where such violence is Westminster. The Primates were especially
a daily reality spoke movingly and passionately grateful for the warm welcome, generous
about their circumstances and the effect on hospitality and kindness offered by the Dean of
their members. The Archbishop of Canterbury Canterbury and all at the Cathedral. Their
himself has taken important initiatives in contribution was very important in setting the
bringing people together from a range of faith mood of the meeting in prayer and mutual
communities globally for discussion and mutual listening. Thanks to the Community of St Anselm
accountability. The Anglican Primates for their prayer, help and support, Jean Vanier for
repudiated any religiously motivated violence his inspiring addresses, and the Community of
and expressed solidarity with all who suffer St Gregory for the loan of the crosier head to sit
from this evil in the world today. alongside the St Augustine gospels.

The Primates look forward to the proposal The Primates received their time together as a
being brought to the Anglican Consultative gift from God and experienced many signs of
Council for comprehensive child protection God’s presence amongst us. They appreciated
measures to be available throughout all the the personal care and humility shown by the
churches of the Communion. Archbishop of Canterbury especially in his
In a presentation on evangelism, the Primates chairing of the meeting. We leave our week


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together enriched by the communion we share 4 The traditional doctrine of the church in view
and strengthened by the faithful witness of of the teaching of Scripture, upholds
Anglicans across the world. The Primates marriage as between a man and a woman in
deeply appreciate the prayers of many faithful, lifelong union. The majority of those
throughout the world over our time together. gathered reaffirm this teaching.

Addendum A 5 In keeping with the consistent position of
1 We gathered as Anglican Primates to pray previous Primates’ meetings such unilateral
actions on a matter of doctrine without
and consider how we may preserve our unity Catholic unity is considered by many of us as
in Christ given the ongoing deep differences a departure from the mutual accountability
that exist among us concerning our and interdependence implied through being
understanding of marriage. in relationship with each other in the Anglican
2 Recent developments in the Episcopal Church
with respect to a change in their Canon on 6 Such actions further impair our communion
marriage represent a fundamental departure and create a deeper mistrust between us.
from the faith and teaching held by the majority This results in significant distance between us
of our Provinces on the doctrine of marriage. and places huge strains on the functioning of
Possible developments in other Provinces the Instruments of Communion and the ways
could further exacerbate this situation. in which we express our historic and ongoing
3 All of us acknowledge that these
developments have caused further deep pain 7 It is our unanimous desire to walk together.
throughout our Communion. However given the seriousness of these


matters we formally acknowledge this It is clear God’s world has never been in
distance by requiring that for a period of three greater need of this resurrection love and we
years TEC no longer represent us on long to make it known.
ecumenical and interfaith bodies, should not
be appointed or elected to an internal standing We commit ourselves through evangelism to
committee and that while participating in the proclaim the person and work of Jesus Christ,
internal bodies of the Anglican Communion, unceasingly and authentically, inviting all to
they will not take part in decision making on embrace the beauty and joy of the Gospel.
any issues pertaining to doctrine or polity.
We rely entirely on the power of the Holy Spirit
8 We have asked the ABC to appoint a Task who gives us speech, brings new birth, leads
Group to maintain conversation among us into the truth revealed in Christ Jesus thus
ourselves with the intention of restoration of building the church.
relationship, the rebuilding of mutual trust,
healing the legacy of hurt, recognising the All disciples of Jesus Christ, by virtue of our
extent of our commonality and exploring our baptism, are witnesses to and of Jesus in
deep differences, ensuring they are held faith, hope and love.
between us in the love and grace of Christ.
We pledge ourselves together to pray, listen,
Addendum B love, suffer and sacrifice that the world may
We, as Anglican Primates, affirm together that know that Jesus Christ is Lord.
the Church of Jesus Christ lives to bear witness
to the transforming love of God in the power of Come Holy Spirit.
the Spirit throughout the world.

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This article is reprinted with a sincere apology to the author. In making a small
number of editorial cuts, items were omitted that changed the sense of some
aspects of what was written. The article is now published in full.


When the writer, Gertrude Stein, was dying, I hear that one can obtain help to deepen one’s
she kept asking “what is the answer. faith by having a ‘Spiritual Director’, although
Oh, what is the answer?” Upon hearing this I personally have never had such help.
more than a few times, those around her
eventually said, “Well, what is the question?” I have asked the Lord Jesus for help – “Ask and
ye shall receive” we were taught to go to the
The literary yarn ends there and no one seems The Absolute God. Jesus didn’t say this for
to know if Stein died wondering or not. nothing. He certainly wasn’t kidding. So, for
However, the yarn serves to show that when we what would one ask the help of the Lord?
need answers we have to form the question Well, it maybe that one needs the Holy Spirit
because the answer is in the question. the Comforter to help one do something.
Think about that. Or to learn something. For teaching, for
understanding, for wisdom. “Ask and ye shall
With regards to a prior article on Mysticism and receive” Jesus said. It’s as simple as that.
Spiritual Experiences, I do not know why there
is not more taught about it within the Church of Aside a moment, to deal with sceptics who say
England. One hears about it in Roman Catholic “You can’t prove God’s existence” Well, If there
and Orthodox Churches through the lives of is no God at all, Who then is it who answers our
their Saints. In the Russian Orthodox Church in prayers?
the Rue Daru, Paris, mysticism seems almost
palpable in the air, such is the atmosphere of A few years ago I attended a conference. There
holiness and spirit in the Service, which must were 2,000 of us under canvas, a quarter of
help the faith of the congregation. whom were under 21 years of age. The Minister
asked those of us to stand up who had never
had a prayer answered in their life, and 2,000
people remained sitting.

I know that The Alister Hardy Society for the
study of Spiritual Experience is in London and
Oxford.1 Patrons of this Society include:
His Holiness The Dalai Lama; His Eminence
Cardinal Conner Murphy O’Conner; Professor
Jonathan Sachs and The Rt Rev’d Wyn Evans
the Bishop of Wales. Also, I know that at The
Heytrop College they offer a PGCE in Mystical
Theology.2 No, I haven’t been to either of these
courses myself, but having lived in London for
nearly 20 years, I know about them.

Attending such Courses will not give one a
mystical experience, but they would explain


about the wider spiritual tradition of Christianity Paradise. And it was ‘Paradise’, it was ‘God’s
and one would gain knowledge of its history Garden’ – my Mother told me so. And this
and cultural background – it has been around awareness of another form of existence, was
since the 2nd Century AD. accepted quite naturally by me. I only had to
think about it to be there.
Such moments of sublime understanding, joy,
expanded consciousness – call it whatever you It was underwritten too, by my Sunday School,
like are never a one off, they have more to do Calvary Independent Baptist Church, where I
with having a spiritual dimension of life went from around 3 yrs old. The Minister lived
generally. It’s to do with one’s own make-up, next door but two to our house. His wife would
outlook, awareness of the ‘otherness’ of life and take all the little ones on the block and stroll
being sensitive to the ‘presence.’ It’s to do with through the park to the Church. We joined up
faith, feeling, empathy, and surely – one’s with other families, teachers and children, on
experiences and influences of a lived life. the way, and then into the babies class we
would go and hear all about heaven and an
One thing which indubitably influenced me, was angel called Gabriel and how Jesus loved
being taken nearly daily to a most beautiful us dearly.
place by my Mother. It is my earliest memory.
First as a baby just able to sit upright in my It was all acceptable, easily understood and
pram. We had to walk under a little tunnel My believed, for had I not been to God’s own
Mother would call out “Ooh Ooh” and I would Garden and knew what his angels looked like?
hear her voice repeated in echo back to us. Of course I did. Another influence was attending
Leaving this tunnel we would be in a beautiful a Church of England Day School when I
garden, full of lovely trees, and flowers, and became 5yrs old. A picture book setting school,
sometimes the perfume of blossoms and were Scripture was taken for the first hour each
sometimes gentle breezes or mists where only day. A place in which we were taught The Lord’s
birdsong broke the deep hush that was Prayer, the 23rd Psalm and The Prodigal Son by
wrapped all around us. heart. I am so grateful for my Sunday School
and Scripture teachers.3 What an inheritance!
As I grew in toddlerhood I noticed white figures
in that garden. Some figures were as big as my As I grew older other influences in my life came
mother, some only little like myself, but they all in literature and poetry – Francis Thompson’s
had on their backs, what my mother explained ‘The Hound of Heaven’, George Herbert’s ‘Love
to me were wings. They had these wings Bade me Welcome.’ Music too transported me
because they lived in heaven with God and they to other planes ‘The Gregorian Chants’, Faure’s
were called Angels. Well, being the child I was, ‘Paradisum’, Elgar’s ‘Lux Aeterna’
I wanted to go to heaven and be an Angel and
have wings and live in God’s Garden. But was The words and setting to ‘The Tantum Ergo’3 are
told “Only very good people can go to heaven really mystical.
when they die.”
Therefore, we,before him bending...
Yes, the place was a Cemetery which my This great sacrament revere
mother visited all the time having lost her Types and shadows have their ending,
firstborn, Irene Grace aged 17 years old, to TB For the newer Rite is here;
Meningittis. I was the baby of 7 children and Faith our outward sense befriending,
Irene’s death was 4 years before I was born so
I had been carried to that place of Paradise Makes the inward vision clear.
even in her sorrow and in her womb. My earliest
memory is of that hushed, beautiful place Just look at those words ‘makes the inward
vision clear…’


There is also the hymn ‘The Two Fatherlands’4 world was a child’s mystical experience, for it
Which begins: laid the foundation of my way forever. What is it
‘I vow to thee my country, that Jesuit teachers say? ‘Give me a child
before he is seven years old and he is mine for
all earthly things above, life.’ Nevertheless, I do believe that a Spiritual
Entire and whole and perfect, Dimension is something that WE ALL BRING
WITH US when we are born. After which, it
the service of my love: either fades or flourishes depending on events
in our lives and by the life we live in our own
And goes on: inner life, the life of our unconscious.
‘And there’s another country,
‘...Not in utter nakedness
I’ve heard of long ago But trailing clouds of glory do we come
Most dear to them that love her From God who is our home...’
Most great to them that know Wm Wordsworth 5
We may not count her armies
We may not see her King Adrienne Joyce
Her fortress is a faithful heart
her pride is suffering
And soul by soul and silently 1 The Alister Hardy Society for The Study of Spiritual
her shining bounds increase... London 020 8858 4750 Oxford 075 3324 8659

And the first three lines of this second verse in the 2 The Heythrop College London University Kensington
hymn, takes me back to that other existence Square W8 5HW 020 7795 6600
which ‘I heard of long ago’ as a little child in God’s
garden. The pure metaphysic in the words ‘Most 3 The Liturgy of St.James’ trans by G Moultrie (1829-85)
great to them that know’ that secret, precious, Music Picardy (French Carol Melody)
knowing, that’s what It’s all about. That’s mystical.
4 The Two Fatherlands by Sir Cecil Spring Rice (1859-1918)
One could say, that the way I understood and 5 Ode to Immortality Wm. Wordsworth (1770-1850)
accepted the existence of God and his beautiful
PS. Just for the record I wish readers to know
that I’m no Angel, but Angels are so few!


“When I feed the poor they call me a Saint but when I ask why they
are poor they call me a communist.” Brazilian Archbishop Helder Camara

Lent Group 2016

As in previous years we shall be having a Lent group this year beginning on Thursday
18th February from 2pm to 4pm including refreshments. The course will last for five weeks.

The hall is unavailable over this period, however owing to Jean Beswick’s kindness we shall
be able to meet in the more convivial surroundings of her apartment close to Eastbourne’s
‘theatreland’. Access is excellent and parking reasonable.

We shall be following the Archbishop’s Lent course or something similar. If you cannot
come to all of the sessions that will be fine, though it is desireable that group members
should commit themselves to at least four of the sessions to aid continuity.

If you would like to join the group please contact Fr. Nick after the service or phone him on
01323 485399. All very welcome.



As Christians, we not only try to A Prayer for the
follow Jesus’ teaching but we Year of Mercy
are also called to share his life Heavenly Father,
so that Christ lives in us and as we celebrate
we in Christ. Our lives are this year of mercy:
to be transformed so that open the doors of our
we become more like hearts and minds that
Christ and so ourselves we may show forth in
share and reveal the our lives the mercy
nature of God. and compassion that
we see in the face of
If God is merciful, your Son Jesus Christ
then we too in our who is alive and
individual lives and in reigns with you and
our shared life as the the Holy Spirit one
Church are called to God forever and ever.
be merciful. Amen

Recital at St Saviour’s by Alexander Eadon Thurs 25 February 7.30pm
Tickets £9 [email protected] Tel: 01323 452255

Alexander Eadon began as a chorister in King’s College, Cambridge.
After five years at Harrow and a gap year as organ scholar at St Martin
in the Fields, he trained at the Royal Academy of Music, completing his
studies at Middlesex University. Alongside this, he was director of music
at Christ Church, Southgate, and conductor of Southgate Symphony
Orchestra. He then spent two years as organist at Tewkesbury Abbey
and at Dean Close School, Cheltenham. From 2009 he was choirmaster
at Oundle School moving to Eastbourne College as assistant director of
music in 2015.

Performances have included the Royal Festival Hall, Royal Albert Hall, Birmingham Symphony Hall
as well as many UK cathedrals. As a singer, he is a regular deputy of several cathedral choirs and
ensembles, and was a founder member of the award-winning vocal ensemble ‘The Songmen’.


Would you like to contribute to the history of our church?

As we move rapidly to the 150th anniversary next year a comprehensive
(but perhaps necessarily brief) history for publication is appropriate.
I am preparing a text for consideration in due course.
The several papers written both before and after the 140th anniversary provide
a good base, but mostly deal with the earlier years of the church.
More recent recollections and anecdotes of church life – perhaps on personalties
or liturgical developments – or indeed anything of interest would be most useful
to enhance material already available.
Contributions by Easter please, if possible.

Fred Reeve E [email protected] (preferred) or call me on T 01553 767170

A Quiet Day IL GUSTO
St Mary’s Willingdon
Saturday 13 February 10.30am – 4pm Continental Deli and Café

The Quiet Day will be led by the Great Italian Coffee
Very Revd Pete Wilcox Dean of Homemade Cakes
Liverpool and will be based upon
the four Gospel Passion narratives Light Lunches
Lasagne • Salads • Paninis
in preparation for Lent.
Coffee will be served at Eat in or Take away
10am and at lunchtime. Homemade Cake
Please bring a packed lunch and £5 with Tea or Coffee ONLY £3.00
Bertolli Olive Oil Awards
All are welcome Runner-up ‘Best Deli Dishes in UK’
Come in and give us a try!
We are hoping to publish a full(ish) calendar
of events for 2016 very shortly, so that you IL GUSTO
can see what’s happening during the year
and make a note in your diary accordingly. Continental Deli and Café 56b Grove Road



A Blast from CruThecifixion
the Console! John Stainer

How can it already be the end of January? with some very singable congregational hymns!
As if that weren’t bad enough, it will be the Please pass the word, it would be great to have
start of Lent next week! I’ve only just put the a full house. The date for this is Wednesday
Christmas decorations away!! I was talking 23rd March at 7.30pm.
about this the other day with another
organist friend. We both agreed that once Before that on the 25th of February there will be
you get to harvest festival there is no real an organ recital by my friend, Alex Eadon (see
let up until after Easter! item on page 12). Alex is new to the town; he
has been, since September of last year, the new
Preparations are already for Holy Week deputy head of Music at Eastbourne College.
including a new anthem for the choir to sing He has an incredible pedigree having been a
on Palm Sunday. It’s a piece by Kenneth choral scholar at King’s College, Cambridge
Leighton called ‘Solus ad Victimam’ which, among other things. He comes to us from
translated, means ‘alone to sacrifice’. It’s quite Oundel School where he was head of organ.
unlike anything that we have done during my In addition to his work at the college he is also
time here. It is really atmospheric and it standing in as assistant organist at Arundel
certainly conveys they anguish of Jesus’ Cathedral. We are so lucky to have him in the
final hours on Earth. town and I, for one, am very much looking
forward to hearing him play on many an
We will once again be putting on a performance occasion in St Saviour’s.
of Stainer’s ‘Crucifixion’! This is making a return
appearance by popular demand. Over the The programme for this year’s concerts is now
years it has received a very much mixed press. complete and is available at the back of the
I rather like it; it tells the story of the Passion church. Please take one and make a note of the
very neatly with music that is approachable to dates in your diaries. The Monday lunchtime
both lister and performer. It is also interspersed series starts on the Bank Holiday, 2nd of May
with a piano recital given by another old friend,
The winners of the December John Bruzon.
2015 100’s Club draw were:
There’s a lot to come, but until next month...
1st Linda Lansdale £40
2nd Mia Hopkins £20 Soon we will be looking for existing and
3rd Payton Metcalfe £10 new members to sign up for the 2016
draw see Steve Gilbert for details.
The cost is £2 per month with the draw taking
place on the last Sunday of the month. Subject
to numbers, prizes range from £40 for first prize,
£20 for second and £10 for third.



DErovep’ps ings

Well, we’ve certainly the NT shop
had a variety of which has
weather this past some
month haven’t we? bargains at
Early in the morning an the moment
army of people appeared and the cafe
with sledges in the fields adjoining our home has tasty
the other Sunday and by the time I returned refreshments.
home from Church two large snowmen
were in residence. At the time of writing I understand our Open Church Group is
one is still there! desperate for help. Please think about giving
a couple of hours once a week to welcome
The bushes and plants are totally confused too. people into the Church. Not long ago we used
I’ve never had rhubarb growing in December and to have three different sessions every weekday
January before! A large lorry was recently seen but at the moment we don’t even have one slot,
with the following wording on its back doors the 10-12 full every weekday. This is an
‘Allegro Winery’ and underneath in a red box the opportunity to tell people about our building
words ‘In case of Accident, Bring cheese and and our services. It is very common for people
crackers, Lots of cheese and crackers’. moving into Eastbourne to go round and look
at a number of Churches before settling. Unlike
It is good to know that Jean Hine is back home many others we are open every day and long
in her comfy chair and looking out onto her may this last. It is an opportunity to sell
lovely garden. We hope to see you soon Jean. small items but there is no point in buying
Isn’t it good to see Hugh back in the sanctuary? souvenirs if there are no people there to sell
He has adjusted his work and studies to try to them. A number of people come to either light
be there as often as possible. Thank you Hugh. a candle, or to sit and pray, especially when
Martin and Liz have now moved into their flat they are having a difficult time. It must be good
overlooking the sea and we wish them every to find the Church door open and to be greeted
happiness there. Did you enjoy the Three Kings with a smile and a friendly, “Hello” and know
the other Sunday? Thank you Paul F, Roger and that you are not alone. Can any two people fill
David. I found it interesting hearing the three, 10-12 on Tuesdays or Fridays please? Please
totally different voices telling us about bringing see Roger, Jim and Mary T or Rita. There are
the gifts to the Baby Jesus. often cleaners and flower arrangers around
at that time but they shouldn’t have to do two
Have you seen the beautiful ponies on the things at once. Coffee or tea is available so
Downs between Beachy Head and Birling Gap. please think about helping.
They are nearer Birling Gap. An electric fence
and gates have been put up to keep them off By the time you read this we will have made
the road but the general public can still walk our Lenten collections for local Family Support
along the path parallel to the road. They are so Work and I’m sure you will have been your usual
beautiful, do go and see them and then pop into generous selves. TTFN.


Dates for your Diary February 2016

Mon 1 10.30am Mass
Tues 2 Presentation of the Lord (Candlemas)
10.30am Solemn Mass and Candlemas Ceremonies
Wed 3 10.30am Mass S. Blaise
Thurs 4 10.30am Mass – 3.00pm CBS Office and Benediction
Fri 5 12 noon Mass S. Agatha
Sat 6 9.00am Mass S. Paul Miki and Companions
Sun 7 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time 8.00am Mass 10.30am Solemn Mass
Mon 8 10.30am Requiem Mass (Guild of All Souls)
Tues 9 12 noon Mass
Wed 10 Ash Wednesday 10.30am Mass and Imposition of Ashes
7.30pm Solemn Mass and Imposition of Ashes
Thurs 11 10.30am Mass Thursday after Ash Wednesday
Fri 12 12 noon Mass Friday after Ash Wednesday
Sat 13 9.00am Mass Saturday after Ash Wednesday
Sun 14 First Sunday of Lent 8.00am Mass 10.30am Solemn Mass
Mon 15 10.30am Mass
Tues 16 12 noon Mass
Wed 17 10.30am Mass
Thurs 18 10.30am Mass
Fri 19 12 noon Mass
Sat 20 9.00am Mass
Sun 21 Second Sunday of Lent 08.00am Mass 10.30am Solemn Mass
Mon 22 10.30am Mass Chair of S. Peter
Tues 23 12 noon Mass Walsingham Cell
Wed 24 10.30am Mass
Thurs 25 10.30am Mass
Fri 26 12 noon Mass
Sat 27 9.00am Mass
Sun 28 Third Sunday of Lent 8.00am Mass 10.30am Solemn Mass
Mon 29 10.30am Mass Feria


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