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Published by phpfella, 2017-10-08 12:18:40

Parish Magazine Oct 2017

Parish Magazine Oct 2017

The Parish magazine of October 2017
Volume XLVIII No.10


Contents Page Church Services

From Fr Nick Archer 3 Sundays
8.00 Low Mass
Another French Tale from Fr Nick MacNeill 4
10.30 High Mass and Sermon
Our Christian Values 1 – Respect 7 followed by refreshments
in the Church Hall.
More About Vestments 11 Weekdays
Mon, Wed, Thurs 10.30am; Tues and Fri 12noon;
A Blast from the Console 14 Sat 9.00am
Major Weekday Festivals
ACS Christmas Cards 16 Said Mass as above, Sung Mass: 7.30pm.
Morning and Evening prayer are said daily at
Churches Together in Eastbourne 17 8.30am and 5.30pm unless otherwise
100s Club indicated on notice boards.
The Clergy are happy to bring the Sacrament to
Kitty’s Column 18 the housebound or sick at any hour of the day or
night. The Holy Oil is available for those who wish
Dates for your Diary 19 to be anointed.
The Sacrament of Reconciliation
Directory 20 Confessions by appointment.
Hospital visits
Cover image: Our Parish Contact for local hospitals,
Harvest window displays at St Saviour’s (2016) Mr Richard Elliott (872168), will visit and give
communion to those in hospital.
The Parish Magazine is published on the first Other Services provided by the church
Sunday of the month. For Baptisms, Banns of Marriage, Weddings
Editor/Production: Paul Fella and Funerals please contact the Vicar.
Matter for publication should be submitted to Facebook
[email protected]
Copy deadline is 20th of the month and Website
articles should be no longer than 750 words. is the church
News items or reports should be factual and website and is managed by Paul Fella to
no longer than 250 words. whom matter for the site should be sent via
Articles are copyright to the author and the [email protected].
Editor’s decision is final. The church is open from 8.30am each day and
Disclaimer: The Editor does not necessarily a team of volunteers is available to answer
agree with all of the views expressed in questions etc from 10am most days.
this magazine. Please note that all articles The Book Shop/Souvenir Stall is also open while
are copyright to the author and may not be there is a volunteer on duty.
reproduced in any form without the written St Saviour’s Church
permission of the author or Editor. South Street Eastbourne East Sussex BN21 4UT
Telephone: 01323 729702

From Fr Nick Archer

As we enter October, I’ve now been at From my Curate’s house on South Street, with its
St Saviour’s for a little over a quarter of a year. wonderful views over the church, I’m very aware
I’ve got to know the parish, and now feel part of the sheer volume of people who pass by our
of the local community. church every day. It’s a wonderful gift that we are
Throughout my time so far at St Saviour’s I’ve able to keep our church open (something which
been reminded of a line from a book which I read many parishes are unable to do), and it’s good to
many years ago as I was discerning my vocation. be able to provide a team to welcome our many
The point being made was that whatever parish visitors. Indeed countless people give freely of
we find ourselves in, God has called us all to that their time in various ways in church, in hospitality,
place, at that time, for His own reasons, which worship, administration, and keeping our church
I still continue to find deeply extraordinary. looking beautiful, far too many to list individually

I have always believed that one of the great However, one who deserves especial mention is
gifts of the Church of England is that we are ‘a our Sacristan, Stuart Burns, who has served St
Christian presence in every community’, as the Saviour’s for the last 20 years, and to whom we
Church has stated. Whilst our individual ministry will soon be saying goodbye.
as Christians can be located wherever we may In my final year at St Stephen’s House Oxford
happen to be, in Eastbourne or elsewhere, we’ve I too served as a Sacristan in the College, and am
also been entrusted with a small geographical aware of the demanding nature of the job.
section of the world, a physical place, in which As well as being in the church every day and
God has especially called us to work to make Him keeping the sacristy in order, setting up for
known. Masses and other events, his role has included
Awhile ago a group of us walked around our leading our team of Altar Servers, maintaining our
parish boundaries. Whilst our parish is a true registers, dealing with our Sunday pew sheets
‘town centre’ parish, with many different shops, and other paperwork essential to the parish, in
businesses, and organisations, as well as civic addition to many other tasks which often aren’t
and political buildings, it also has a high level of seen, but which help our parish to run smoothly.
residential housing of various sorts, which I think I for one have been glad of Stuart’s support and
surprised us all. Over the coming months we will advice, and join others in thanking him for his
be continuing to think of different ways that we work at St Saviour’s, and assuring him of our
can reach out to the parish community around us, prayers as he retires.
whether they live or work here or are just passing In this parish, may we be ever mindful of God’s
through. calling on us to make Him known both in this
place and in the local community, and indeed
wherever we find ourselves, to bear witness to
Him through our words and actions.

Almighty Father, who in thy redeeming love hast
drawn us together as members of thy Church in
this parish: Deepen our love for thee, we pray
thee, and strengthen our fellowship one with
another; and grant that by the witness of our
corporate life others within this place may be
brought to the knowledge of thee, and thy blessed
kingdom may be enlarged; for the glory of Jesus
Christ our Lord.


French Tale
Fr Nick MacNeill

On a hot summer’s day travelling through Be concerned not for your own peace, but for the
France I saw the name ‘Clairvaux’ on the map. grief you cause those who serve you’
We were en route to Alsace, the high hills in the
east, but Clairvaux was within distance, only a Nothing changes much. The gist of what he says
fifty miles detour, something which I of course is still pertinent today. With more choice of food
kept quiet from my wife and small children... than ever, we fuss about or complain more than
ever about what we eat. I suspect there are few of
Clairvaux is famous for that great saint and us who do not have some dislike of certain foods.
teacher, St. Bernard so I was excited to be going I loathe Brussels Sprouts. I reckon St. Bernard did
there, but when we arrived at midday we found too.
a quiet village with a bar, a bakers and a church.
However, the bakers had just closed, the bar sold Clearly there are some things we should not
only drinks and the church was locked. We had no eat, some things that are dangerous to eat and
food. ‘Man cannot live on bread alone’ I reminded some things we do not like to eat. Sometimes we
my family, without much conviction. complain when someone may have spent a great
deal of time, effort and delight in preparing a meal,
Let us just say that I was not popular. only for us to refuse this, complain about that and
avoid this.
Things got worse. As I looked around I noticed
that the abbey, such as it was, had become a high Let us bear in mind then St. Bernard’s advice.
security jail with high walls and barbed wire. The If someone offers us something, let us receive it
only reference to Bernard was a small poster by with thanksgiving for thanksgiving is at the heart
the bus stop. There was no shrine, no cafe, no of our Christian lives. When we put food and
fluorescent virgins, no holy water in plastic bottles, thanks together we remember that great heavenly
no pilgrimage medals, no pilgrims... Just an empty banquet of the Eucharist, the Great Thanksgiving,
village with a prison. the Holy Communion where Our Lord Jesus
invites us to partake of his body in bread and
In his day, for us the early Norman period, St. wine. And yet, some even fuss about whether
Bernard was as ‘big’ as Mother Teresa or the Dalai the ‘wine is sweet enough...!’
Lama. He was involved in high politics at a time
of schism and his advice was sought by popes In thanksgiving it is only a small extension to say
and kings alike. One can read this in his writings. grace at meal times, for here too we are reminded
Sometimes he is austere, he is a Cistercian after that the food we have as with everything comes
all, but he can also be ‘down to earth’ as we see from God. In the love of Christ bestowed upon us
in this reading. it is also good to remember in that love those who
cannot be fussy, the millions who survive on millet
‘Why should anyone refrain from sensual and rice. And those who do not even have this.
pleasures only to spend time fussing about what
to eat. “Beans cause gas” you say, “Cheese gives Bon appetite!
me constipation. Cabbages produce melancholy.
Onions upset my stomach. Fish from the pond And whatever you do, do not go to Clairvaux in
does not agree with me” France at lunch time.....



Our Christian Values – 1 Respect

Preach the Gospel at all times, and when necessary use words.

This saying is often attributed to St Francis and in this series of essays I look at what this
advice might mean and how as individuals we might follow it. I will be exploring this idea by
looking at a set of personal and Christian values.
A simple explanation of how to Preach the Gospel without using words is to ‘set a good example’,
to live the meaning of the Gospel so that others can see that our love for Christ has made us
different, has given us something they might want and realise they can have it too.
I am fairly new to St Saviours and I often see examples of fellow members of the congregation
living out the meaning of the Gospels. These are often very simple things, a kind word of welcome,
supporting a charity, giving time, all simple things, but there is no reason to be surprised by this
because the essence of the Gospel message can be explained while standing on one leg,
‘Love God and love your neighbour.’
The real challenge is not ‘Preach the Gospel’, no, the difficult bit is ‘at all times’ and that is where
our Christian Values can guide us. One of the values I choose to prioritise is Respect, to respect
other people. Some of that is easy for me, I grew up in an era when young people were expected
to show respect to their elders and betters. That seems to me to be linked to the commandment
to honour your father and your mother. We were probably all expected to show respect to teachers
at school. But showing respect is not the same as respecting. Showing respect can be paper thin,
simply doing what I know I have to do. Adopting “Respect” as one of my personal values requires
me to do much more, it requires me to really respect others, all others, at all times. That is a real
challenge, how do I respect people a quarter of my age? Or those who can’t be bothered to get
a job?
I don’t have the complete answer to this, or many of the other questions I ponder, I am still working
on the many challenges being a Christian brings to my everyday life. How then do I respect others?
My starting point is to remember that God created them, in his image. Remembering this simple
truth is enough to make me sit up and take notice. God created us all and loves us all, all of the
time. That doesn’t mean that he is pleased with everything I do but he still loves me, just as he
loves people younger than me, or less motivated than me or those facing a set of challenges I know
nothing about, which, going back to my earlier example might be why they don’t have a job. And
then I am reminded that it is not for me to judge, God knows all and sees all, judgement is his alone,
most certainly not mine.
By frequently reminding myself of these simple lessons from the Bible I am improving my ability to
hold Respect as one of my personal Christian values and to make respecting all other people part
of my daily life, however difficult that often proves to be. I am encouraged by a phrase I heard from
the Monks at Worth Abbey when asked what they do, to which they answered, “we fall down, and
we get up again”.
I am human, I make many mistakes and to my shame I know that God sees all my mistakes as well
as my achievements, but I am encouraged because he doesn’t just love me, he loves me enough to
die for me.



If you are interested in going
please contact the Curate.


A lamp burns for n at te r…
this church in the …n at te r…
Shrine of Our Lady n at te r…
of Walsingham
If you are interested in Join us on
joining our Walsingham Cell the second Saturday of every month for a
please contact Mary Delves
on 735410 ‘Cuppa’, Cake and a ‘Natter’
10am - 11.30am in the Church Room


More About Vestments…

Having written at length about vestment colours and what they stand for, I am now looking at the
range of Vestments and trying to give some explanation as to what they are. Vestment is the term
for the special clothing worn by those who conduct a service of worship. Vestments have their
origin in the ordinary street clothes of the first century, and surprisingly, we owe their survival to
the Barbarian invasions of the 6th and 7th centuries. Their use in Anglican churches was given a
major boost in the early 19th century by the tremendous response to the Oxford movement and
have remained in use in churches in England ever since.

The look of vestments has changed very little, and today, they are mainly designed to be worn over street
clothes and serve a number of practical purposes: they conceal the distractions of fashionable street
clothing, they remove any consideration of what constitutes appropriate attire, and they remind us that
priests and ministers are not acting on their own, but performing in their official capacities. Vestments are
in almost universal use, although in some churches only the choir wears vestments. Common vestments
include albs, chasubles, robes, and surplices.

Over the next few issues There will be an A-Z of Anglican Vestments (with illustrations) to help in the
understanding of what the terms actually mean and to what garments they refer.

Academic gowns with a rope cincture around
Also known as the ‘Geneva the waist. The word alb is
Gown’, this is a simple vestment short for the Latin phrase
with open, wide and bell-shaped tunica alba, which means
sleeves. The gown is traditionally white tunic; accordingly, albs
worn open (or vented) over are usually made of white or
a cassock, with preaching undyed fabric.
bands and an academic hood. Anyone who has a leadership
Historically, Anglican clergy role in worship can wear an
would remove their surplice alb and cincture, whether
and put on a black gown for they are clergy or lay people.
preaching, though this practice Only clergy wear a stole over
is rare today. Also, along with the alb. Albs are increasing in
preaching bands, it formed the popularity not only because
typical daily dress of Anglican they are ecumenical, but also
clergy from the Reformation because congregations are increasingly eager to
until the early 19th century. English Dissenting conform to the practices of the ancient Church. In
churches (Presbyterians, Congregationalists and addition, a person wearing an alb is dressed like
Baptists) preferred to wear the gown alone with Jesus.
the cassock and bands at all times.

Academic Hood Amice
Hoods, which denote the highest academic An amice is a rectangular
degree of their wearers, are usually worn piece of cloth with religious
by Anglican clergy at choir offices. It is also symbols and two cords, one
sometimes worn by Methodists and Reformed/ affixed to each front corner.
Presbyterian clergy with an academic gown It originated as a neck scarf,
(‘Geneva Gown’). which was still its form and
Alb function in the first century.
Originally the Linea, an alb, called a sticharion in People sometimes also pulled
Orthodox churches, is a plain, lightweight, ankle- it up to use it as a head covering. It became a
length tunic with long sleeves. It is generally worn vestment in the eighth century. Today, it is mainly
in use in the Roman Catholic Church.


When the priest is vesting (that is, putting on Cassocks are worn by both clergy and lay
vestments), the amice goes on first. He puts the worship leaders, with or without a surplice. Only
amice on his head, like a bonnet, then his alb. He ordained clergy wear a stole over the surplice.
pulls the cords around his torso, so they cross in Some choirs wear cassocks with surplices instead
the back, and ties them in the front. After he puts of robes.
his chasuble on, he pulls the amice down around Chalice Veil
his neck so that it looks like a collar or a muffler. A covering for the chalice used at Mass.
An amice is also known as a superhumeral, According to the Church’s prescription, since the
meaning ‘over the shoulders.’ Second Vatican Council. ‘the chalice should be
Anglican Collar covered with a veil, which can always be white in
A style of tab-collar shirt (traditionally black) with a colour’ (Eucharistiae Sacramentum IV, 80).
wide, rectangular tab. Chasuble
Bands A chasuble, called a phelonion in
Bands are a type of neckwear Orthodox churches today, is an
taking the form of two oblong ornate circular garment with
pieces of white cloth which is tied a hole in the centre for the
about the neck so to hang from wearer’s head. When
the collar. Sometimes referred to worn, it reaches to
as ‘preaching bands’, they are worn traditionally the wearer’s wrists,
by most of the Anglican, Lutheran and Methodist so that if the wearer holds
clergy with a cassock (with or without a surplice) both arms straight out, the
or gown. chasuble forms a semi-circle
Biretta when viewed from the front
A rectangular cap that may be worn or the back. The chasuble
by clergy of all ranks except the Pope; is the descendant of a first-
its colour can signify rank. century casula or paenula that
Canterbury Cap was worn as a coat by both sexes.
A soft square-shaped hat. Today it denotes solemnity and formality. The
Cassock chasuble can be worn by the celebrant during a
With its origin in old French, Eucharistic service. Sometimes the celebrant puts
casaque meaning ‘long coat’ a cassock is a the chasuble on over other vestments as part of
plain, lightweight, ankle-length garment with the Eucharistic ceremony. The chasuble is always
long sleeves, but no hood. The cassock is a worn with a stole and generally, the stole is under
clerical, not a the chasuble. The stole and chasuble combination
vestment. is the equivalent of wearing a jacket and tie. It is
It serves as an not appropriate to wear a chasuble in a service that
undergarment does not include Communion (except for Good
for vestments, Friday and Holy Saturday services).
namely the Choir Dress
surplice and Choir dress is worn by deacons, priests,
the stole. regular prelates and bishops when presiding
at or celebrating a liturgy that is not the Mass,

If the cassock
has buttons
down the centre
of the front,
from the neck
to the ankles, it is called a Roman cassock. If it is
double-breasted, it is called an Anglican cassock.


especially the Liturgy of the Hours. Before the Clerical
Second Vatican Council the dress was more The term ‘clericals’ refers to the clothing and
elaborate, and had dozens of varieties and accessories that clergy wear as street clothes,
colours. After The Second Vatican Council, the such as a tab-collar shirt, which make it evident
number of colours was reduced. It is worn by that they are clergy. The difference between
seminarians, instituted lectors and acolytes, and clericals and vestments is that clericals are street
altar servers and choir members at Mass or other clothes, while vestments are only worn during
liturgical events. worship.

Chimere Cope
A red or black outer A cope is an ornate cape-like garment worn by
garment of bishops a bishop. In the ancient Church, bishops were
resembling a knee- generally elderly men who needed a cope to keep
length or full length warm. The bishop removes the cope and puts on
open-front a chasuble to celebrate the Eucharist.
waist coat.

A cincture, called a
poias in Orthodox
churches, is anything
worn around the waist
to gather or hold up
clothing. Vestments
often include cinctures
made of cloth or rope.
When a cincture is
made of leather or
plastic, or if it is used
with street clothing, is
just called a belt.

Clergy Shirt
A clergy shirt is
a clerical, not a
vestment. Cotta
There are two A cotta is a type of surplice.
types: neckband
shirts and tab-collar
shirts. Many people
associate clergy
shirts with the Roman
Catholic Church,
as it makes their
clergy conspicuous.
However, clergy
shirts (black shirts
with white tabs or
collars) are actually
of Protestant origin
(late 19th century). The Roman Catholic Church
did not adopt them as street wear for clergy until
late and they modified the original design into the
tab-collar style. to be continued in the next issue /…


Well, summer’s been and gone; not that you’d David Force. David is an old friend of St Saviour’s
have notice. Although we did have some lovely and it was great to see and hear him again; always
days in June and July. a very entertaining and quality event.
School is back and choir practices started again The highlight of the month though has to be the
at the beginning of September. We are now concert by ‘Vasari’; this was absolutely brilliant.
looking forward to Harvest and Advent. The next Right from that heart-stopping moment at the
choir outing is choral evensong at St Mary’s on beginning to the last hurrah this was a really lovely
the 15th October when we will join the choir there event. The combination of the beautiful music and
and other ‘cross-parish’ partners to celebrate our amazing church was truly magnificent. I am
Harvest Festival. Do come along and support us. really delighted that they came to St Saviour’s.
Other than that, our thoughts turn to the winter What was particularly great was that they all
months and Christmas. seemed to be having such a wonderful time.
This has been a good month for the music Their director, Jeremy Backhouse, has a great
which started with a splendid organ recital by reputation and I am sure that he will take them
on to greater things. I am really pleased that they
want to make a return visit to us.
Another thing that has pleased me is that
Evensong is starting to establish itself as a
regular event in the church calendar. Once again
we held the Evening office on the last Sunday
of the month. We shall do it again at the end of
October and I shall then be canvassing opinion
as to whether or not we take it through the winter
months. I would like to do it, but I don’t want to sit
in the chapel all on my own!!!
On Monday 2nd October there was a lunchtime
song recital by my brother, Ian (accompanied by
Brian Steer) there were only about 35 people there
unfortunately, but it was (of course) excellent! The
next organ recital will be by Anthony Wilson from
St Peter’s, Bexhill on the 6th November. Please
come along to these if you can. I am happy to say
that the momentum for these concerts seems to
be gathering pace which is really gratifying after
the problems we had with cancellations resulting
from the organ blower failure earlier in the year.
Have a happy month. xx

CoE Trivia Quick Quiz Question…

How many communicants were there in St Paul’s Cathedral on Easter Day 1800?

Win a bottle of wine by answering this quick quiz question correctly…
The person with the closest figure wins the prize. Answers to Paul Fella by 20th October.
In the event of a draw the winner will be drawn out of a hat.



ACS Gordon Browning House 8 Spitfire Road Birmingham B24 9PB

Tel. 0121 382 5533 Email. [email protected]

2017 Christmas Cards

Buy 2 get 1 FREE – 3 packs for £11 (normally £5.50 per pack of 10)

Choose from these four designs in any combination

These cards are exclusively commissioned for ACS.
Please state your preference, however FREE PACK may be substituted

Sold in packs of 10 (single design) with Each card also contains the inscription
envelopes containing the greeting: from John 1v14
‘May the blessing of love, peace and happiness ‘The Word was made flesh and lived among us’
be yours this Christmas and New Year’

Title Quantity Price
Madonna and Child
Holy Family Total l ✂︎
Road to Bethlehem
Star of Bethlehem I enclose a cheque for £ made payable to Additional
OFFER PRICE: 3 packs for £11 Curates Society or pay by debit/credit card.
(FREE pack may be substituted)

Post Code Card No Expiry date
Start Date Security Code
Tel No Issue No
Email Address (if different) Post code


October Programme for CTE
New Vicar at St Michael’s Fantastic Forces science show
Wednesday 11 October Saturday 14 October

Rev David Weaver is licensed as Priest in Charge at From 10.30-11.30am with Blast Science. Victoria Baptist

St Michael and All Angels Church at 7.30pm by the Church.  £2.20 for children 4 and over and 50p for

Bishop Of Chichester. accompanying adults. Suitable for Reception - Year 6.

PRIME Mental Health Study Day Winter Night Shelter Training
Friday 13 October Monday 16 October
‘Sadness, depression and the dark night of the soul’ The WNS is set to re-start from the beginning of
Keynote speaker: Dr Gloria Dura-Vita. December. 7.30 at All Saints Church, Grange Road.
A day to equip all those striving for better mental
health care to work together, within and alongside St Paul paintings
mental health services. Christian Medical Fellowship Friday 20 October
Conference Room, London SE1 1HL. George Musgrave, inventor of yellow lines, devoted
much of his life to the study of St Paul. He painted
Courses at Ellel/Glyndley Manor 40 fine pictures illustrating Paul’s life and they are
22-24 Sept Freedom from Ungodly Control displayed at St Elisabeth’s Church, Victoria Drive.
22-24 Sept Living Free from Guilt His son, Peter, will bring them to life through Bible
29 Sept-1 Oct Getting to the Root of the Problem Study, explanation and meditation.
6-8 Oct Truth about Sex and Sexuality 10 - 2 pm. A free event, with donations
11 Oct FREE Teaching Day- God’s Answer to Failure. welcome towards the cost of lunch. 
Call 01323 430667.

8thSOOLDctOoUbT!e! r

The winners of the August
2017 100’s Club draw were:

1st prize £40 4 David McLean
2nd prize £20 13 Sophia Gilbert
3rd prize £10 39 Joy Hobbs
We currently have 3 lines remaining.
Please see Steve Gilbert for details.
The cost is £2 per month with the draw
taking place on the last Sunday of the month.


decided to follow suit as has Liz Tardif. However,
Carl Hodgkinson has stepped up and taken over
as chairman of the Finance Committee in place of
Jim so that’s one good outcome. Harvest will be
here as this sees the light of day. This year we have
Soup, Ploughman’s and a pudding all for a fiver.

Well Hello Another Piano and Voice recital was held on the
The other week I was reclined on my chaise longue first Monday of this month. Ian Collins and Brian
sipping my gin and tonic when the phone rang. Steer the artists.
It was that Pauline Fella. Kitty she screeched. On 15th October we mark the departure of Stuart
We’re desperate. Eve’s resigned. No more and celebrate the Birthday of Fr Nick and I’ve just
droppings. We need to dig the gossip out around remembered the Chiropodist is coming to do my
the parish. I thought why ask me? I’m not one to feet – Woofs all my biscuits and then charges me
gossip, but I then thought well in for a penny.... twenty five pounds...
The next surprise is that the magazine is delayed The Wardens are a bundle of nerves. The
this month for technical reasons. Technical Archdeacon is coming on 25th to do his ‘Visitation’
reasons my foot. They’ve buzzed off to Italy on and they are responsible for the building and all
holiday. Why they can’t do Bognor like the rest of it’s contents. Have you noticed the bright red fire
us, but then that’s another story. extinguisher holders? All to keep us within the law.
So what’s going on in the parish? The year draws on. Diana Dean has had a stream
The trip to Keble College of visitors to her boat in Sovereign Harbour – soon
in Oxford couldn’t take be time to have her bottom scraped again. Did
place so Fr Nick is going you know Diana walks miles every day? Puts all
to plan a trip early in the our literature in the Hotels on the seafront.
New Year taking in St Talking of walking. The annual Ride or Stride took
Stephens House and St place last month and as usual Jim Tomsett put
Barnabas Parish Church his best foot forward. Unfortunately Poppy his
in Jericho. The last time canine companion had a sore leg and couldn’t
I was in Jericho was accompany him. He raised £250. Very well done
in 1976 at the Classic Jim. Fr David Musson’s wife Kathrine got her
Cinema. The film was cycle out and raised £132. Excellent news.
The Creature from the Fred Reeve celebrated his 75th Birthday with us
Black Lagoon. on 24th September with the customary cake and
Fr David Weaver - bless - has been offered St wine. Fred has been attending St Saviours since
Michael’s as Priest in Charge. Good luck with the year dot. Mary Tomsett let slip that she and
that. The church was struck by lightning and the Fred were in the same class at Holy Trinity so now
electrics destroyed. I’d take the hint and not go. we know how old SHE is.

Our Priests continue to keep the DGH busy. First I’m sure there’s a lot more tittle tattle in the Parish,
Fr John then Fr Charles. Fr Tony and shortly but as I said I’m no gossip so I take it all with a
Fr David Musson. Not to be outdone the Vicar pinch of salt. If however you’ve got some ‘hot
sliced his finger while doing veg prep. Oh and Fr gossip’ you think hasn’t reached me - and I don’t
David Weaver had an operation on his knee. He’s miss much - leave me details in an envelope at
skipping around like a two year old now it’s done. the back of the church addressed to Kitty.

We have had a series of resignations. First Mike Time for a stiff one before supper Kitty K
Brennan, then Jim Tomsett and Mary. As if that Au reservoir
wasn’t enough Stuart our ever busy Sacristan has


Dates for your Diary October 2017

Sun 1 Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time 08.00am Mass 10.30am Solemn Mass
Mon 2 10.30am Mass Holy Guardian Angels
Tues 3 12noon Mass
Wed 4 10.30am Mass S. Francis of Assisi
Thurs 5 10.30am Mass 3.00pm CBS Office Benediction
Fr 6 12 noon Mass
Sat 7 09.00am Mass Our Lady of the Rosary
Sun 8 Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time 08.00am Mass 10.30am Solemn Mass
Harvest Thanksgiving
Mon 9 10.30am Mass S. Denis and Companions Ms. Faithful Departed – Guild of All Souls
Tues 10 12 noon Mass
Wed 11 10.30am Mass
Thurs 12 10.30am Mass S. Wilfrid Bp.
Fri 13 12 noon Mass S. Edward the Confessor K. Laying on of Hands
Sat 14 09.00am Mass S. Callistus I P. M.
Sun 15 Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time 08.00am Mass 10.30am Solemn Mass
Mon 16 10.30am Mass
Tues 17 12 noon Mass S. Ignatius of Antioch B. M.
Wed 18 10.30am Mass S. Luke the Evangelist
Thurs 19 10.30am Mass
Fri 20 12 noon Mass
Sat 21 09.00am Mass Our Lady
Sun 22 Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time 08.00am Mass 10.30am Solemn Mass
Mon 23 10.30am Mass
Tues 24 12 noon Mass S. Anthony Mary Claret Bp. Walsingham Cell
Wed 25 10.30am Mass S. Crispin and S. Crispinian Ms.
Thurs 26 10.30am Mass S. Chad and S. Cedd Bps.
Fri 27 12 noon Mass
Sat 28 09.00am Mass S. Simon and S. Jude Aps
Sun 29 Solemnity of All Saints
08.00am Mass 10.30am Solemn Mass 6.00pm Evensong
Mon 30 10.30am Mass
Tues 31 12 noon Mass

OT = Ordinary Time BVM= Blessed Virgin Mary


Church Officers Telephone

Vicar Rev Christopher Yates SSC 01323 722317
The Vicarage Spencer Road Eastbourne BN21 4PA

Curate Rev Nicholas Archer BA BSc 656806
83c South Street Eastbourne BN21 4LR

Hon Associate Clergy Rev Christopher Hadfield BA 422050
Rev Anthony Fiddian-Green MA, Cert Ed 381796
Rev Nick MacNeill, BTh 485399
Rev John Wright BSc Cert Ed 723584
Rev Dr David Musson M Phil 723345
Canon Robert Fayers SSC 07706 067496

Churchwardens Mrs Pauline Fella 01323 656346
Mr John Vernon 412061

Secretary PCC Mrs Judy Grundy 720577

Treasurer Miss Mary Delves 735410

Planned Giving Mr Sebastian Verity 07860 283156

Banking Mr Carl Hodgkinson 351014

Electoral Roll Vacant

Other Officers Mr Paul Collins 01323 647969
Director of Music

Parish Hospital Contact Mr Richard Elliott 872168

Sacristan/Servers Vacant

Chat-Stop Rev Anthony Fiddian-Green 381796

Car Park Manager / 100 Club Mr Steve Gilbert 469078

Safeguarding Officer Miss Jacqueline Mulholland 638269

Churches Together Mrs Beverly Cochran 434785

Deanery Synod Miss Mary Delves, Miss Jacqueline Mulholland, Mrs Isobel Nugent

Family Support Work Miss Jennifer Hodgkinson and Mr Robert Ascott 728892

Librarian Mr David Thorpe 486214

Guild of All Souls Miss Lis Trustam 504909

Mission to Seafarers Mrs Isobel Nugent 725796

Additional Curates Society Mr Roger Emery 431283

Open Church Mr Roger Ellis 649896

Our Lady of Walsingham / CBS Miss Mary Delves 735410

Vestry (unmanned) 729702

Church Organisations Miss Lis Trustam – call for details 504909
Bible Reading Fellowship 485399
Book Group Rev Nick MacNeill – call for details 724317
Church Cleaning Mrs Rita Orchard – Tuesdays from 9am 723375
Church Grounds Mr John Burford

Events Committee Mr Paul Fella – meets as necessary

Flower Arrangers Mrs Rita Orchard – Fridays from 9am

Webmaster / Magazine / Publicity Mr Paul Fella


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