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Published by phpfella, 2017-08-01 08:05:56

Parish Magazine Aug 2017

Parish Magazine Aug 2017

The Parish magazine of August 2017
Volume XLVIII No.8


Contents Page Church Services

From Fr Chris… 3 Sundays
8.00 Low Mass
The Diaconate 5
10.30 Solemn Mass and Sermon
Random Refelections - Fr Tony 6 followed by refreshments
in the Church Hall.
Glastonbury Pilgrimage 2017 8 Weekdays
Mon, Wed, Thurs 10.30am; Tues and Fri 12noon;
The Confirmation and 10-12 Sat 9.00am
Vicarage Garden Party Major Weekday Festivals
Said Mass as above, Sung Mass: 7.30pm.
Chat-Stop 14 Morning and Evening prayer are said daily at
8.30am and 5.30pm unless otherwise
Pilgrimage to Walsingham 2017 16-17 indicated on notice boards.
The Clergy are happy to bring the Sacrament to
A Blast from the Console 18 the housebound or sick at any hour of the day or
100 Club night. The Holy Oil is available for those who wish
to be anointed.
Money Matters 20 The Sacrament of Reconciliation
Confessions by appointment.
Eastbourne Churches Together 21 Hospital visits
Our Parish Contact for local hospitals,
Eve’s Droppings 22 Mr Richard Elliott (872168), will visit and give
communion to those in hospital.
Dates for your Diary 23 Other Services provided by the church
For Baptisms, Banns of Marriage, Weddings and
Directory 24 Funerals please contact the Vicar.
Cover image:
Fr Chris carrying the Monstrance and leading Website
the Procession of the Blessed Sacrament. is the church
Walsingham July 2017 website and is managed by Paul Fella to
whom matter for the site should be sent via
The Parish Magazine is published on the first [email protected].
Sunday of the month. The church is open from 8.30am each day and
Editor: Fr Christopher Yates a team of volunteers is available to answer
Production: Paul Fella questions etc from 10am most days.
Matter for publication should be submitted to The Book Shop/Souvenir Stall is also open while
[email protected] there is a volunteer on duty.
Copy deadline is 20th of the month and St Saviour’s Church
articles should be no longer than 750 words. South Street Eastbourne East Sussex BN21 4UT
News items or reports should be factual and Telephone: 01323 722317
no longer than 250 words.
Articles are copyright to the author and the
Editor’s decision is final.

Disclaimer: The Editor does not necessarily
agree with all of the views expressed in
this magazine. Please note that all articles
are copyright to the author and may not be
reproduced in any form without the written
permission of the author or Editor.

From Fr Chris…

When I was younger I, like many other young Bishop Martin placed his hands on Fr Nick’s head,
boys, enjoyed action movies. All of the hustle and so we can say with confidence that he was
and bustle; the fast moving plots, and the ordained at exactly 4pm! It is so wonderful to have
frequent explosions held the interest of my Fr Nick amongst us, and to hear him preach the
short attention span. Well, this July has felt like following day at the Parish Mass. We look forward
an action-packed full-throttle adventure! to his ministry amongst us.
It began with the ordination of our Curate, We also welcomed Bishop Martin to St Saviour’s
Fr Nick Archer on 1st of July. The bells chimed as and celebrated with Lydia as she received the
sacrament of Confirmation. It’s been a great joy to
witness Lydia’s turning to Christ and his Church.
Confirmations are the sign that we are engaged in
the great commission of Jesus to make disciples
of all nations.

At the same service Lydia’s husband Sebastian
was received into the Church of England.
Having already received Confirmation in the
Roman Catholic Church, Sebastian has found
a home with us at St Saviour’s and the service
of reception acknowledges his choice to serve
God in our particular church. We are so grateful
for Lydia and Sebastian’s gifts, and encouraging
presence amongst us.
The 11th July was St Benedict’s day, and the
seventh anniversary of my ordination as deacon
at St Stephen’s House, Oxford. St Benedict has
been a formative Saint in the life of the Church;
in the formation of the Religious Life around his
‘rule’; and in the shaping of my own spirituality.

I love this advice that St Benedict gave to his For the Theotokos (God-bearer), it was the
brothers: offering of her humanity, so that the Eternal Son
“Do not aspire to be called holy before you really could become incarnate; her great ‘Let it be’ is a
are, but first be holy that you may more truly be cause for our celebration as by saying ‘yes’ she
called so. became the vessel by which our Saviour would
Live by God’s commandments every day; treasure enter into time and space. The phrase ‘Let it be’
chastity, harbour neither hatred nor jealousy of (‘Fiat’ in Latin) always brings to my mind the hymn
anyone, and do nothing out of envy. written by The Beatles, and we could do worse
Do not love quarrelling, shun arrogance. Respect than abide by Paul McCartney’s advice:
the elders and love the young. Pray for your “When I find myself in times of trouble, Mother
enemies out of love for Christ. Never lose hope in Mary comes to me, speaking words of wisdom,
God’s mercy. Let it be.”
To each other show the pure love of brothers and The Blessed Virgin Mary is wise precisely
sisters; to God loving fear; and to your priest, as inasmuch as she is willing to do God’s will; to fulfil
to each other, unfeigned and humble love. Prefer the Divine path laid out before her, it was no easy
nothing whatever to Christ, and may he bring us all ‘Yes’. When we are confronted by issues of faith,
together to everlasting life.” morality, and our daily living, the witness of Mary
helps us to see a path through what are often dark
woods: the path of submission to God.
We can be caught out by our own ‘cleverness’
and puffed up by our sense of entitlement; may
this August be a time when we can say to God
“I offer my life, my soul, my will, and my heart all
to you: let your will be done.” If we offer all that
we are to God we lose absolutely nothing of any
importance, yet we gain everything!
It is timely then that at the time of writing we
are about to embark on our parish pilgrimage to
Walsingham. We take with us the prayers of our
community, asking that we may be bearers of
Christ in Eastbourne to the glory of the Father.
Our Lady of Walsingham, pray for us.

The month of August is before us already, and
amongst the highlights is the celebration of the
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary on the 15th.
The celebration of the Holy Mother of God
reminds us of our call to submit our will to
what God needs us to be for him here and now.


The Diaconate

At the time of writing, it’s only been a few In recent history the dimension of service to the
weeks since I was in Chichester Cathedral needy in the office of Deacon has often got the
and knelt before the Bishop, as he laid his most attention. However, it would seem that the
hands upon me and made me a Deacon. calling of the Deacon to serve has historically
It was a wonderful occasion, and I was so been broader than this. What is fundamental is
pleased to be able to share it with friends, that the Deacon is first a servant of the Bishop, a
family, and members of St Saviour’s, and it liturgical servant of the Bishop in the Mass, and a
was the culmination of a number of years of servant in the proclamation of the Word.
discernment and formation. I will, God willing, The Deacon is a servant and minister of charity,
remain a Deacon for a year, and then be of the Word, and of the Eucharist. The Deacon is
ordained as a Priest. one who is called to serve those in need, making
The Diaconate is one of the three orders of connections between the Church and the world,
ordained ministry in the Church (these being bringing the needs of the world to the Church
Deacon, Priest, and Bishop), but it’s often the in prayer, and helping to bring the Church into
least understood and most overlooked. In order the world. The Deacon proclaims the Gospel
to become a Priest, one needs to first be a at Mass and may preach, as well as presiding
Deacon, and in order to become a Bishop, one and preaching at funeral and burial services.
needs to first be a Deacon and a Priest. A Priest Officiating at baptisms and weddings are also
is still also a Deacon, and a Bishop is still also a part of the Deacon’s office, together with helping
Deacon and a Priest; these orders aren’t ‘lost’. with the catechesis and preparation which go
Unsurprisingly then, often the Diaconate is often with these; indeed, teaching the faith in general
seen as a ‘stepping stone’ to the other orders. also forms part of the calling. During the Mass
The majority of Deacons in today’s Church are the Deacon has a special role at the altar itself,
indeed ‘transitional’ Deacons - they are preparing in preparing the altar and assisting the Bishop
for the priesthood - and normally spend a year or Priest. The Deacon distributes communion
as a Deacon before they are ordained as a Priest. during the Mass itself, and also to those who are
However, unknown to many, there have been housebound or in hospital. Prayer is central to
those throughout history (and to the present the Diaconate, and like other clergy the Deacon
day) whose calling from God is to remain as is required to pray the daily Offices, and is called
permanent Deacons, and to not continue on to to pray for and with others, and to lead others in
be ordained as Priests. The Diaconate has a long prayer.
and rich history, with Deacons playing, and still Some have questioned why we have the
playing, an important role in the life of the Church, Diaconate, but what remains is that the Diaconate
and whether ‘transitional’ or ‘permanent’, it’s is one of the ancient orders of ministry in our
important that we value Deacons as Deacons. An Church. Deacons are called and set aside to
understanding of them and their unique role helps serve in the Church, and perhaps it can be
us to appreciate the richness of the Church and easy for us to overlook the role which Deacons
her ministry. have played, and will continue to play, in the
The word ‘deacon’ comes from the Greek, sacramental and missional life of our Church.
denoting a ‘servant’, ‘minister’, or ‘messenger’.
They have always occupied a special place in the Fr Nick Archer
Church, set aside, along with Priests and Bishops,
to live a life modelled on Christ. Deacons are
referred to in the Scriptures, they are mentioned
by the early Church Fathers, and a number of our
earliest liturgies mention Deacons and their role in
the Church’s sacramental life.

Random Reflections over 50+
years of ministry – Fr. Tony

I was made Deacon in Wellington Parish However, the Rector arrived
Church, Somerset in September 1964 and and demanded to speak. He
priested the following year in Bath Abbey. spent a quarter of an hour
I served my title at St John the Baptist, berating them and warning
Batheaston. That is in Somerset, about 4 miles them that if they behaved as
east of the city of Bath. I was given a council their predecessors had done
house on the estate built on the side of the last then he would immediately
of the Cotswolds, overlooking Little Solsbury close the Club. I was furious
Hill and the village of Batheaston. We had that he should give me such
three places of worship – the parish church, a start. I had not been told
St. Catherine’s church, way up the valley, that there was a history of trouble and that the
almost into Wiltshire/Gloucestershire, and a former Club had been disbanded and forbidden
‘tin tabernacle’ overlooking the city of Bath by the said Rector.
at Bailbrook. That building has since become a On the positive side, helpers arrived to assist.
listed building but I remember it as damp and Cookie came – an old aged pensioner but with a
musty, in need of a spring clean and youthful heart and Hazel, a young mum who was
some TLC. willing to give some time and help out, especially
My Rector had been a dynamic force in the parish with the finances. Both became great friends to
and there were photographs of him up ladders, me. We went from one night a week to five nights
physically helping to build the Parish hall. By the each week with holiday activities as well. We
time I arrived he was burnt out and for the most had long rambling days out in the summer along
part sat in the Rectory smoking and drinking the Kennet Valley and always went to Avoncliffe
coffee. He sallied forth once a week to visit his where there is an empty part of the old canal over
aging mother in Bristol, and nearly always took the river. I made good friends amongst the youth
in a film while he was in Bristol. He assigned to of the parish and had some strong ‘lieutenants’,
me, in succession, a ministry to the Youth and I especially Gary and Brian. Not long after the start
was detailed off to start a youth Club – then to I bought a renovated GPO Bantam 125 and that
the elderly, visiting and socialising with them, and of course, being a motorbike, gave me honorary
then to cold-call on the Wimpy housing estate ‘Rocker’ status. I was given an old leather jacket
on the other side of the hill, going eastwards. I by Gary but I discarded it when I discovered a
well remember my first visits there, people were strong and unpleasant smell due to the fact that it
prone to fall over in surprise because no-one from had been in the dog’s bed for months!
church had visited in living memory! As far as I
could see, the cold calling never resulted in folk
starting to attend church. One or two waverers
returned to the fold but I do not think any new
ones were forthcoming.
I remember vividly
the first of the new Youth
Club meetings. I had
advertised extensively
in the council estates
and we had a hall full of
youngsters on the first


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St Joseph of Arimathea

Looking for the kingdom in serving Christ crucified

At 3pm there was the Main Procession of the
Blessed Sacrament to the Abbey for Solemn
Benediction in the Nave of the Abbey Church
processed from outside St John’s Church,
through the Town to the Abbey, led by Thurifers,
Torches, Banners, ‘Coped’ Priests and the
Blessed Sacrament. The procession of the
Blessed Sacrament was witnessed by hundreds
of people in the streets of Glastonbury prior to
arriving at the Abbey, where Pilgrims awaited
its arrival. This was then followed by Solemn
Benediction given by the Rt Rev Norman Banks,
Bishop of Richborough.

The Pilgrimage to Glastonbury this year was This concluded the day and all Pilgrims made
organised by The Guild of Servants of the their way home by various means, greatly uplifted
Sanctuary where members of the Eastbourne by an inspiring day as has been the legacy of
and Bexhill Chapter travelled to Glastonbury ‘Glastonbury’ for the many years.
for the Pilgrimage which included members
from St Saviour’s and St Peter’s Bexhill who This year we left St Saviour’s at 7am with a Prayer
kindly contributed their Parish Mini Bus to and Blessing from Fr John Wright and arrived
transport us there. back safely at 9pm.
The Orthodox Liturgy was held in the Undercroft
at 9.45am by Coptic Priests. Next year’s Pilgrimage will be held on July 7th
The Concelebrated Mass was Sung in the Nave 2018 and it would be wonderful if we could
of the Abbey Church at 12 noon. The Principal increase our numbers. If you feel you would be
Celebrant was the Rt Rev Roger Jupp (Chairman interested in joining us on this most rewarding
of the Pilgramage Assocation) and the Preacher Pilgrimage, please contact Roger Emery or
being the Rev Father Kevin Smith (Priest Bernard Irving.
Administrator at The Shrine of Our Lady
of Walsingham). Roger Emery
Anointing was available at various points at 2pm 8
for those who wished it.


The Confirmation and th

Bishop Martin was coming to confirm Lydia ‘navy strength’ according to Jackie, Juliet and
and initiate Sebastian her husband into the Jackie’s niece Sally, who were in command of the
Anglican community on the 16th July, so it bar – no wonder everyone was ‘all at sea’ after
seemed sensible to move the Vicarage Garden their first drink!
Party to coincide with it and have one large During our introductory drinks we were joined by
celebration. I think the Bishop must have ‘had Bishop Martin and Stephen Lloyd MP, who had
a word’ as the Lord was very kind to us and come along
gave us a glorious summer’s day for this most to join in the
auspicious occasion. festivities.
And while
What form the garden party should take this year all this was
was up for consideration, as it was a more special going on
occasion than usual (St Saviour’s 150th), and a the Events
barbecue was decided upon. Team were
“A barbecue, a barbecue! Don’t like barbecues… franticly
all burgers and sausages…” I heard someone say. preparing
However, over 80 people bought a ticket for £12 lunch.
for this event and were not disappointed! Soon the
After the service on Sunday morning those that yawning tables
had tickets – and a few that didn’t, made their full of salads
way to the Vicarage garden. On arrival they were were unveiled
greeted with a cocktail (Pimms, Gin/Vodka Martini, along with the smoked fish, macaroni cheese and
Piña Colada or non-alcoholic). The cocktails were the roast beef (generously provided by Peter and
Marilyn). This was closely followed by the rest
of the goodies making their way to the serving

e Vicarage Garden Party

table through the
fog of smoke from
the barbecue. We
were treated to
fillets of lamb, pork
chops and boneless
chicken thighs – all
of which had been
carefully marinated
the day before –
and Portobello
mushrooms with
quinoa, spinach and haloumi
cheese for the vegetarians.
There were a few burgers and
sausages though, primarily for
the half dozen
or so children which were giving
the event a real family feel.

All this food was washed down
with copious amounts of wine,
soft drinks (and yet more
cocktails) – all included.

Then came the desserts. We had a few issues with the temperature and a
A plethora of cakes and puds, few of our sumptuous sweets started to melt
including a Black Forest Gateau 11
made by Niamh, the Vicar’s daughter, who had
insisted on doing something to help – well done!

prematurely. Out of the 160 portions of dessert of the adults participated in the Treasure Hunt
only half a dozen or so were the left by the end organised by Ezra.
of afternoon - I saw a few people come up more While all of this was going on Mary D, ably
than twice and some took pieces home in assisted by Jean (and it would appear by Brian
‘doggy bags’! too!!), were working away in the background
Entertainment was provided by the selling raffle tickets and preparing them for the
young children who were enjoying drawn by Fr Chris at the end of the afternoon.
themselves in the garden and some The Events Team did a sterling job, working
tirelessly to keep on top of the cooking, serving,
and clearing up and as far as I am aware, all of
the helpers were home by about 5.30pm.

A huge thank you to ALL
of the team: Elizabeth, Paul,
Rhona, Maureen, Jennie,
Pauline, Mary D, (assisted
by Jean) and to Jackie,
Juliet and Sally for running
the bar.



A small group spearheaded by Fr Tony is keen
to help local people who may live on their own,
have moved into the area and don’t know
anyone, or would just like a chat over a hot drink.

This suggestion is supported by Fr Chris and the group is now up and running. It meets on the
2nd Saturday in every month from 10am - 11.30am in the church room. It’s amazing how easy it
is to sit and put the world to right, listen to one of Jim’s daft jokes, find out about the history of
the area, share TV programmes, and maybe have a go at a simple quiz. We suggest you sit with
Roger he’s really good at the music ones. You will be greeted by Toby a beautiful Pekingese who
loves being stroked and is also very good playing mini football with Ezra. Lovely cakes are on offer
as are hot drinks free to everyone but voluntary donations are not refused.

There is a bring and buy table where such things as preserves, books and garden produce are
on offer. If you have anything suitable please give to Mary T. All members of the congregation are
welcome, please try to bring a neighbour or friend and help us with Outreach in the community.
There are cards on the table at the back of the church and please, please take some to put
through letter boxes, in local shops, dentists and doctors surgeries.
Everyone is welcome!

Fr Tony, Diana, Jackie, Jim, Joanne, John, Judy, Juliet, Mary, Rachel, Roger and Stephanie.



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Handel’s Messiah was reputed to have The climax of AIMS week! Come and
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reveal Handel’s developing choral style. scenes from the past 300 years.

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Pilgrimage to Walsingham 2017

It began at 9am on Friday
21 July, when 19 pilgrims
gathered in the Blessed
Sacrement chapel to
celebrate Mass and
pray for a safe journey.
We then piled into two
8-seater buses (driven by
Fr Chris and Pauline) and
John Vernon’s car and
set off for Norfolk.

It was unfortunate that preparing for a special celebration Mass and
accidents on the M25 and M11 the road and grounds around the Basilica were
caused such terrible congestion that filled with people, coaches and cars so not quite
our expected four-hour journey took six, the peaceful and spiritually uplifting experience
and we arrived in Walsingham just after we were hoping for. After lunch there was an
4pm. In spite of the delays we pilgrims were not opportunity to visit Wells-next-the-Sea, although
downhearted, even though we were too late to only a few took it up, most preferring to stay
have our ‘first visit’, and we set about settling within the Shrine grounds and Walsingham village
into our accommodation and taking in the beauty for quiet reflection and rest. Saturday evening was
and tranquillity of the Shrine and gardens. Of taken up with the Pilgrim Mass followed by the
course no pilgrimage would be complete without candle-lit procession of Our Lady of Walsingham
conviviality in a hostelry, and the Bull was the pub around the Shrine grounds, for which the rain that
of choice. had fallen in the afternoon, kept away. This was
followed by a very moving Benediction and the
opportunity to make our confessions.

On Sunday morning, we woke to grey skies and
showers, but the rain held off at the important
times, so that sprinkling and the procession of the
Blessed Sacrament was held outside.
Fr Chris had the honour of carrying the Blessed
Sacrament, with John carrying the Ombrellino
over them. Later that evening we met in the
Holy House for intercessions, led by Fr Nick. We
prayed for the parish, the sick and those in need,
we remembered those who had died and gave
thanks for the many blessings we had received.

Our first Mass on Saturday was in the Holy Monday morning we woke to heavy rain but it
House and after breakfast some pilgrims took stopped in time for us to pray the Stations in the
advantage of having transport to visit the Slipper garden. A first for me, we were then allowed to
Chapel at the Roman Catholic Shrine. They were venerate the Relic of the True Cross in the

St John’s Chapel. All too soon it was lunch then As well as receiving spiritual refreshment, this
our last visit to the Holy House; always moving pilgrimage gave me the opportunity to get to
and sad as we said goodbye. Our journey home know my fellow pilgrims better, to meet up with
in the rain was fortunately uneventful and we old friends and make new ones. My thanks to
arrived back at St Saviour’s at just after 7pm. Mary for organising everything and to Fr Chris
and Fr Nick for their spiritual guidance and hard
work over the weekend and to John, Fr Chris and
Pauline for doing the driving. Now it’s back to the
‘tumults of my daily life’!

A Pilgrim


programme of Greek songs. It was lovely to get a
taste of the Mediterranean sunshine (which seems
to have deserted us for the moment at least).
I realise that this is not everyone’s favourite, but
I loved it and it was really well performed.
Still, more to come. By the time you read this we
will have had Jonathan’s presentation of ‘Peter
Pan’ and Rosemary Kemp’s return for another
piano recital. We have the Eton Choral Scholars
coming back to us for one of their workshops on
the 12th August. They will be finishing the day
off with Compline late on the evening. This was a
very special event last year and was appreciated
hugely by those who came along. Do try to come
at some point in the day, if you can.



Well July was a very windy month for all of us.
Fortunately the wind in the organ seems to
have settled down - let’s hope that it stays
that way!!

The month started off with the most brilliant The next Monday lunchtime will be given by
concert by Steve Caroll-Turner and his Brighton David Force (formerly of Eastbourne College)
Chamber ensemble. The programme rather a very old friend who always manages to draw
belied the content because they produced two something extra out of the St Saviour’s organ.
large-scale works by Frank Bridge and Dohnanyi. That will be on September 4th at 1pm.
These pieces were absolutely lovely to listen to and
the skill in the execution was such that at times, In other news, the choir continues to work hard,
if you closed your eyes, it sounded like you were but now has a break from its rehearsal schedule
listening to a full orchestra rather than a sextet. for the summer. We start again in September
This really was a very special concert that will live when we will be focusing firstly on Harvest and
in my mind for a very long time. The audience, then our thoughts will turn, yet again to Advent
which I have to say, was disappointingly small, will and Christmas. What’s happening to 2017??
have noticed that the piano had been moved up
onto the chancel step. This really enhanced the The winners of the June
sound and it would be very nice to be able to do 2017 100’s Club draw were:
this more often. That said, it is extraordinarily heavy
and is not easily moved up there. If anyone has any 1st prize £40 54 Victor Chandler
bright ideas about how might be able to do this 2nd prize £20 78 Kathleen Lane
more easily in the future (I had to hire four personal 3rd prize £10 19 Beth Robertson
trainers from the local David LLoyd club to do it this We currently have 3 lines remaining.
time) I would be very pleased to hear them. Please see Steve Gilbert for details.

We were then treated to an extra concert from The cost is £2 per month with the draw
Glen and Eleni Capra who provided us with a taking place on the last Sunday of the month.




(It really does!)

You will no doubt know that Mike has stepped down from doing the banking and
managing Planned Giving and Gift Aid claims. A huge ‘Thank-You’ to Mike for very
many years of loyal service. These duties are being shared by Carl Hodgkinson
who is doing the banking, and by Sebastian ‘Seb’ Verity who is managing Planned
Giving. A huge ‘Thank-You’ to them for taking on these important and time-
consuming tasks.
However, you could make their lives so much easier by simply signing up for the new
Planned Giving Scheme (PGS) and save them all the hassle of matching up your
donations, carting the cash to the bank and claiming the Gift Aid. As importantly, by
using the PGS via a monthly, quarterly or annual direct debit, your donations and the
Gift Aid come straight back to St Saviour’s in just ten days and we can use this money
straight away in the day to day running of the Church.
Quite simply, the PGS makes your regular giving easier, quicker and much more
beneficial to our Church without costing you an extra penny, and saving us a whole heap
of work. Over twenty good folk at St Saviour’s are now using the PGS, and have only
got praise for the Scheme itself and the team in Gloucester who run it. We need more of
you regular givers to change over to this excellent and streamlined way of giving.
The PGS is run through the Diocese of Gloucester, where the Scheme was originally
devised, and has been rolled out with great success, so that 18 dioceses and 1,067
parishes are now running the Scheme, with more than 20,000 donors contributing
through it. The PGS is completely confidential, reliable and your details are protected
throughout by data protection legislation. Signing up is so easy and so simple. I have a
helpful information pack about the PGS, please help to ease Carl and Seb’s workload by
asking me for one ASAP.

Thank you.

Jim Tomsett


Prayer walk
Old Town
Saturday 12 August
Meet at Community
Wise, Ocklynge Rd
BN21 1PY. 10am
Prayer for godly sexual lifestyles
Saturday 26 August
Part of the ‘Pray for the City’ cycle.  At Speak
Life Centre, Lismore Rd, BN21 3AY.  10am
Prayer for health and healthcare
Saturday 9 September
Part of the ‘Pray for the City’ cycle.  At Speak
Life Centre, Lismore Rd, BN21 3AY.  10am
Pastoring our Communities
Saturday 23 September
Encouraging churches to impact their
communities and build churches where
everyone is welcomed and fully involved. 
Christ Church, Hailsham. 10am - 4pm
Details at:



Last month
I mentioned that
Kathleen Stephens was
deteriorating physically
and soon afterwards she went into Inglewood
Nursing Home for a few days. She is now at
peace and with her husband in God’s loving
arms. It was a privilege to know Kathleen and
our sympathy goes to her lovely daughters
who supported her to the end. Her requiem
mass will be at 12.00 mid-day on Tuesday
8th August.
pew built in 1722 to give the lord of the manor
and his family an elevated position above the
I am sure you will all be pleased to read the next congregation and a view of the chancel and
piece of good news. John Bourdon, one time pulpit. If you’re in need of refreshment the village
church warden at St Saviour’s, has now had pub The Black Duck is opposite the church.
his vision restored after laser treatment. This
means he can now drive the car, read and use
his computer, which were things he thought he Did you know that Mary T was badly
would never do again. stung by bees? Being a loyal WI
member she had followed one
of the WI’s resolutions
It was lovely to welcome Lydia into the church and planted a number
family when she was confirmed recently. Her of plants which would
husband Sebastian had been confirmed as attract bees to the garden.
a Roman Catholic but was also welcomed into While dead heading climbing
our church by the bishop. Didn’t little Niamh look roses she disturbed bees on a
lovely in a white dress to compliment her mother’s nearby blue salvia. Up they came and stung her
white dress? What beautiful, golden vestments several time on the right arm. Very soon it was
were worn by Bishop Martin, Fr Chris and Fr Nick. twice the size and looked like a pillar box. Thank
These were originally worn at the high altar mass goodness for the A&E Dept at the DGH who
many years ago and had been carefully stored. provided excellent care over a period of 2 weeks
Bishop Martin’s matched his mitre beautifully including an antibiotic drip. On examination
and when I spoke to him he said he was so these insects were not honey bees or bumble
grateful the church had looked after these lovely bees but were probably illegal immigrants from
vestments. He then added that a number of high the continent! So do be careful. Mary was
quality ones had disappeared from Chichester touched and also amused when a number of the
cathedral and they were just left with modern congregation contacted her to enquire why she
ones now. had been defrocked of her choir gown and she

Have any of you been to Warbleton church? The explained that she couldn’t put her arm in the
village was named after Wealdburh one of the sleeve for 2 Sundays. Jim and Mary celebrated
few Saxon women to own land in the county. St their Golden Wedding this month and the
Mary the Virgin is well worth a visit with its 13th traditional wine and cake were provided after the
century windows and a huge galleried manorial 10.30am mass. Congratulations! TTFN


Dates for your Diary August 2017

Tues 1 12 noon Mass S. Alphonsus Liguori Bp. D.
Wed 2 10.30am Mass
Thurs 3 10.30am Mass
Fri 4 12 noon Mass S. John Vianney Pr.
Sat 5 09.00am Mass Dedication of the Basilica of Mary Major
Sun 6 The Transfiguration of the Lord 08.00am Mass 10.30am Solemn Mass
Mon 7 10.30am Mass
Tues 8 12 noon Requiem Mass Kathleen Stephens
Wed 9 10.30am Mass S. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross V. M.
Thurs 10 10.30am Mass S. Lawrence Dn. M.
Fri 11 12 noon Mass S. Clare V. Laying on of Hands
Sat 12 09.00am Mass S. Jane Frances de Chantal Rel.
Sun 13 The Assumption of the BVM 08.00am Mass 10.30am Solemn Mass
Mon 14 10.30am Mass S. Maximilian Kolbe Pr. M. Faithful Departed – Guild of All Souls
Tues 15 12 noon Mass
Wed 16 10.30am Mass
Thurs 17 10.30am Mass
Fri 18 12 noon Mass
Sat 19 09.00am Mass Our Lady
Sun 20 Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time 08.00am Mass 10.30am Solemn Mass
Mon 21 10.30am Mass S. Piux X P.
Tues 22 12 noon Mass Queenship of Mary Walsingham Cell
Wed 23 10.30am Mass Rose of Lima V.
Thurs 24 10.30am Mass S. Bartholomew Ap.
Fri 25 12 noon Mass
Sat 26 09.00am Mass Our Lady
Sun 27 Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time 08.00am Mass 10.30am Solemn Mass  

6.00pm Evensong
Mon 28 10.30am Mass S. Augustine Bp. Dr.
Tues 29 12 noon Mass Passion of S. John the Baptist
Wed 30 10.30am Mass
Thurs 31 10.30am Mass S. Aidan Bp.

OT = Ordinary Time BVM= Blessed Virgin Mary


Church Officers Telephone

Vicar Rev Christopher Yates SSC 01323 722317
The Vicarage Spencer Road Eastbourne BN21 4PA

Curate Rev Nicholas Archer 656806
83c South Street Eastbourne BN21 4LR

Hon Associate Clergy Rev Christopher Hadfield, BA 422050
Rev Anthony Fiddian-Green MA, Cert Ed 381796
Canon Charles Lansdale BA 646655
Rev Nick MacNeill, BTh 485399
Rev John Wright BSc Cert Ed 723584
Rev Dr David Musson M Phil 723345
Canon Robert Fayers SSC 07706 067496

Churchwardens Mrs Pauline Fella 01323 656346
Mr John Vernon 412061

Secretary PCC Mrs Judy Grundy 720577

Treasurer Miss Mary Delves 735410

Planned Giving Mr Sebastian Verity 07860 283156

Banking Mr Carl Hodgkinson 351014

Electoral Roll Mrs Mary Tomsett 489646

Other Officers Mr Paul Collins 01323 647969
Director of Music

Parish Hospital Contact Mr Richard Elliott 872168

Sacristan/Servers Mr Stuart Burns 500585

Chat-Stop Rev Anthony Fiddian-Green 381796

Caring and Sharing Vacant

Car Park Manager / 100 Club Mr Steve Gilbert 469078

Safeguarding Officer Miss Jacqueline Mulholland 638269

Churches Together Mrs Beverly Cochran 434785

Deanery Synod Miss Mary Delves, Miss Jacqueline Mulholland, Mrs Isobel Nugent

Family Support Work Mrs Mary Tomsett 489646
Mr Robert Ascott 728892

Librarian Mr David Thorpe 486214

Guild of All Souls Miss Lis Trustam 504909

Mission to Seafarers Mrs Isobel Nugent 725796

Additional Curates Society Mr Roger Emery 431283

Open Church Mr Roger Ellis 649896

Our Lady of Walsingham / CBS Miss Mary Delves 735410

Vestry (unmanned) 729702

Church Organisations Miss Lis Trustam – call for details 504909
Bible Reading Fellowship 485399
Book Group Rev Nick MacNeill – call for details 724317
Church Cleaning Mrs Rita Orchard – Tuesdays from 9am 723375
Church Grounds Mr John Burford

Events Committee Mr Paul Fella – meets as necessary

Flower Arrangers Mrs Rita Orchard – Fridays from 9am

Webmaster / Magazine / Publicity Mr Paul Fella


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