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Published by phpfella, 2016-08-11 05:14:56

Parish Magazine August 2016

Parish Magazine August 2016


The Parish magazine of August 2016

Volume XLVII No. 8


Contents Page Church Services
The Church and the ‘Fairer Sex’ 3
Well, we got there (phew!) 6 Sundays
Walsingham revisited 7 8.00 Low Mass
The Vicarage Garden Party 10.30 Solemn Mass and Sermon
A Blast from the Console 10
July Concerts 14 followed by refreshments
Forthcoming Concerts and Recitals 15 in the Church Hall.
Eve’s Droppings
Dates for your Diary 18 Weekdays
Directory 19 Mon, Wed, Thurs 10.30am;
20 Tues and Fri 12noon; Sat 9.00am

Cover: Major Weekday Festivals
Illuminated page from Gengenbach/Baden Evangelistery Said Mass, as above Sung Mass: 7.30pm.
(Landesbibliothek, Stuttgart), Germany, circa 1150 AD. Mattins and Evensong are said daily at
8.30am and 5.30pm unless otherwise
The Parish Magazine is published on the indicated on notice boards.
last Sunday of the month.
The Clergy are happy to bring the Sacrament to
Matter for publication should be sent to the housebound or sick at any hour of the day
[email protected]. or night. The Holy Oil is available for those who
See Pew Sheet for Magazine deadline. wish to be anointed.

Articles should be no longer than The Sacrament of Reconciliation
750 words. News items or Reports should A priest is usually available to hear Confessions
be factual and no longer than 250 words. or for Spiritual Advice on Fridays at 11.30am
or by appointment.
Articles are copyright to the author and the
Editor’s decision is final. Hospital visits
Our Parish Contact for local hospitals, is the church Mr Richard Elliott (872168), will visit and give
website and is managed by Paul Fella communion to those in hospital.
([email protected]) to
whom matter for the site should be sent. Other Services provided by the church
Arrangements for Baptisms, Banns of
Marriage, Weddings and Funerals
should be made with the Church Wardens.



The church is open from 8.30am each day
and a team of volunteers is available to answer
questions etc from 10am most days.

The Book Shop/Souvenir Stall is also open
while there is a volunteer on duty.


The Church and the ‘Fairer Sex’

This article is not intended to be offensive or
even controversial. I am not trying to hurt
anyone’s feelings or to ruffle any feathers.
But a magazine is a forum for varying, even
conflicting, points of view, of which some
will confirm and soothe, others will provoke,
annoy and challenge. What I am about to
write would be wholly unsuitable for a
sermon (at any rate in St Saviour’s): it would
put too many backs up at the very moment
when the members of the congregation
should be preparing themselves to receive
the sacrament.

I have been asked by the churchwardens to
write on a related topic, as will appear later; but
I have also been reminded by the editor that it
is my turn to contribute a foreword. Naturally,
then, I am endeavouring to kill two birds with
one stone (an infelicitous phrase in the
circumstances!). You may not agree, but at least
give me a hearing. It is an important issue, and
it is not good enough to do as the Roman
Church has consistently done, and suppress all
debate, because even within that Church it is
impossible to suppress.

Mosaic in the Archbishop’s Chapel, In medias res: there is no scriptural warrant for
Ravenna, 11th century an all-male priesthood. The only argument I
have heard concerns Christ’s twelve disciples,
This mosaic originally came from the apse all of them male, but since they were to be
of the Basilica Ursiana. It shows Mary founders of the New Israel, the counterparts of
wearing a white pallium*. the twelve sons of Jacob, this was to be
expected. In any case a woman in the travelling
* The pallium was originally a woolen cloak band of disciples would have led to
or mantle worn to denote status. complications, as it would today. Furthermore
However, it acquired I think that the Twelve were superseded in our
new significance as an Lord’s scheme of things. They were arguably to
ecclesiastical garment. be the judges of the Twelve Tribes of Israel in
In its particular the new Kingdom, but Judas Iscariot fell from
Christian ‘Y’ shape grace and, of the others, six or seven were
and decorated with hardly seen, and played no part in the
crosses, it became expansion of the Church recorded in the Acts
the distinctive sign of of the Apostles.
papal and episcopal
priestly power. In the New Testament there are only two
‘orders’: bishops and deacons. A bishop,


episcopos in Greek, is literally a supervisor or
overseer. A deacon is diaconos, a servant.
A deacon could be a woman, as is evident if
you read 1 Timothy 3. Deacons were primarily
bishops’ assistants, or they helped with
administrative duties. Priests in the modern
sense did not appear till the end of the 2nd
century AD. They were called presbyteroi,
elders, from which our word priest is derived.
At first they acted as deputies for a bishop in
his absence, but gradually they took on a more
independent role.

The only New Testament doctrine of priests is Illuminated page from Gengenbach/Baden
that we are all priests, every one of us, male or Evangelistery (Landesbibliothek, Stuttgart),
female. ‘You are a chosen race, a royal Germany, dated circa 1150 AD.
priesthood, a dedicated nation, a people claimed
by God for his own’ (1 Peter 2.9). We are all The Angel Gabriel appears to Mary who is
chosen to be God’s people: ‘Once you were not dressed in priestly vestments. In tradition,
a people at all, but now you are God’s people theologians often remark on the fact that
(1 Peter 2.10). The Second Vatican Council, set Mary’s response: “Let it be done to me
up by a reforming pope, John XXIII, in 1961, according to your word”, caused the
endeavoured to bring back to a despotic and Incarnation to take place, and so her words
hierarchical church the idea of plebs sancta Dei, made Christ present, just as the priest’s
God’s holy common people, as you will see if words of consecration make Christ present
you read the fine hymn by Fr James Quinn SJ, in the Eucharist.
in the New English Hymnal (361) ‘Forth in the
peace of Christ we go.’ imprisoned, tortured and even killed. In these
circumstances a bishop, Felix Davidek, who had
Unfortunately, Vatican 2 was too liberal for himself suffered imprisonment, decided that
Pope John Paul II and his successor, and both unorthodox methods were needed to ensure the
attempted to put the clock back (as has happened survival of the Church. In 1970 he determined to
also with the revision of the missal). Vatican 2 ordain people whom the authorities were least
(I think it is true to say) exposed divisions in the likely to suspect, such as women and married
Roman Church very similar to the divisions in men. He ordained, it is thought, six women.
Anglicanism, though the Roman Church is far more Only one has spoken of her ordination but her
efficient in papering over the cracks! story has been corroborated by other members

For instance, did you know that there is a
movement in the Roman Church for the
ordination of women? It is called ‘Housetop’,
and at present its members are pushing for the
ordination of women deacons, and Pope
Francis is said to be favourably disposed. And
did you realize that there are women priests in
the Roman Church?

In the days when the communists ruled what
was then Czechoslovakia, the Catholic Church
was under great pressure. Priests were routinely


of the underground church. Her name is a communion service but only from the
Ludmilla Javarova. Her primary role was to visit Reserved Sacrament: they cannot consecrate
women prisoners. The authorities denied the bread and the wine.
prisoners access to priests and the sacraments,
but because she was a woman, she did not There are many dilemmas that present
arouse their suspicion, and they let her come themselves for the theologian and the
and go freely. However, her case caused philosopher to resolve. We live in a complex
consternation in the Vatican: Davidek did not world, but for us the law of love is paramount,
have the authority to break a centuries-old rule. so that our own opinions and prejudices do not
Not even to ensure the survival of the Church? present a barrier to the faith and trust of our
Is not survival more important than tradition? fellows. I hope I wouldn’t have the nerve and
The Pope at the time the ordinations came to the arrogance to tell a woman who was a priest
light was John Paul II, who himself had very that her ministry was inferior to mine (it would
bravely resisted the Communists in Poland, but probably be patently untrue anyway!). No
he could not bring himself to condone the controversy can be considered off limits or
ordination of women. His successor Benedict beyond discussion. Hard, uncomfortable and
XVI and even Francis have reiterated the same inconvenient though it may be, we have to keep
principle, that the ordination of women is not up an open mind.
for discussion.
New occasions teach new duties;
I know that there is a multitude of modem issues Time makes ancient good uncouth.
that need very careful handling but in this case I
am sure that the Anglicans have been right to This is no change of heart or mind on my part;
grasp the nettle. Desmond Tutu, the great these have been my opinions since I first came
Archbishop Emeritus of Cape Town, once said to St Saviour’s in 1996. (After one sermon in my
that apartheid between black and white had early days, I was reprimanded at the ensuing
been bad enough: he could see no excuse for ‘Peace’ by Fr Derek, who reminded me that the
apartheid between men and women. And St Paul subject was taboo!)
in Galatians (3.28) writes ‘There is no such thing
as Jew and Greek, slave and freeman, male and I am not going to rock the boat. I have too many
female: for you are all one in Christ Jesus’. valued friends at St Saviour’s. But if I
subsequently find myself at Traitor’s Gate on my
And so to the final point, which the way to the Bloody Tower, I shall have only
churchwardens asked me to write about, and myself to blame!
towards which this article has been heading
– I hope you won’t take offence. I know that to a Fr Christopher
very large extent we are all captives of our own
upbringing and history. Some communicants do
not like receiving the chalice from a woman.
I personally feel that such people are fewer than
you might think: many now, for various health
reasons, are reluctant to take the chalice, and
others prefer to take it from a priest rather than
from any member of the laity, male or female. I
know all this, and I respect your opinion, though
I don’t necessarily agree. The essence is in the
bread and the cup, not in the hands that hold
them. It is interesting that the Roman Church,
despite its opposition to their ordination, allows
accredited women, such as nuns, to officiate at



Jim Tomsett metaphorically mops his brow after a long
and sustained fundraising campaign.

I am delighted to confirm that we now have ALL the money we need – £232,085 – for the
major repairs to high-level gutters, downpipes and roof coverings.
The appeal was kick-started in May 2015 by the grant of £98,200 from the Listed Places of Worship
Roof Repair Fund, supplemented by the balance of £67,000 from the sale of the flat in College
Court and our contingency reserve of £5,000.
We received grants totalling £33,000 from the
Garfield Weston Foundation, Sussex Historic
Churches Trust, Wolfson Foundation (Church Care),
Allchurches Trust and the Alan Evans Memorial
Trust. ‘Sunday Stalls’ and raffles through last year
and this, together with the Burns Night and sundry
donations raised a further £3,800.
But most of all, this is a very big THANK YOU to
all of you who responded so generously and whole-
heartedly to the direct appeal I made in February
which produced a magnificent £25,500. Well done!


Walsingham revisited

“I was press ganged
(sorry volunteered)
to carry the Ombrellino
over the Monstrance.”

‘Victor Meldrew’ Vernon was so uplifted by Poor Isobel had a bad fall which prevented her
last year’s pilgrimage that he was amongst coming. Marilyn was a late casualty which was
the first to sign up this year. a great shame as she had arranged an outing to
Wells next the sea for the Saturday. Fr Robert
As usual all the arrangements made by was also unwell and was full of cold and in
Mary were as perfect as ever. Things ran like danger of losing his voice however with true
clockwork except when one group decided to British grit he carried on valiantly.
have Mass in the Holy House at the time
when we should have had our Intercessions. It’s so nice to see people in a different
environment and see a different side to them.
We did seem to have our fair share of ailments Sylvia, who I see daily at Mass, was a good
making our group slightly smaller than last year. example. Wow! Can she live it up.


Jackie Mulholland is ganged (sorry volunteered) to
another dark horse carry the Ombrellino over the
I must also mention Monstrance.
Barbara Fisher who
throughout showed her I think it’s time they bought a new
dry sense of humour. one as several spokes were
broken and the pole was just
The journey went holding together. Still it was a
smoothly both ways humbling moment and I felt proud
except we were frozen to represent St Saviours. Several
on the outward journey and baked on return. people thought it was my
Can’t coaches get proper air conditioning? sunshade. Cheeky.

The weather was glorious. – 29°C at one point. The Stations of the Cross for our
Not the best time to wear a cassock and cotta. group alone on our
final day was
Fr Robert lead our Pilgrimage beautifully and another high spot
with great dignity. and FrRobert
conducted it
I was honoured to be his Server throughout and superbly.
we were able to celebrate Mass daily in the
Holy House itself. Not the coolest of places. I carried the Cross
The Procession of the Blessed Sacrament was and was baked as
a great experience especially as I was press the sun beat down
relentlessly. Where
was the Ombrellino...

As ever the food was superb and the staff really
are well trained and so helpful to those of our
group whose mobility is not what it was. Some
of the Eastbourne eateries could learn lessons
in customer service.

Walsingham is a unique place of great
spirituality and you cannot help feel the
atmosphere of love and peace.

Next year perhaps more of you would consider
joining us.

One always leaves most reluctantly, but
Fr Robert sent us on our way after sprinkling us
with Holy Water and wishing us a safe journey.

Meldrew is in the past. John Vernon



The Vicarage Garden Party

The Lord was looking down on us – giving us a beautiful, dry and sunny day. The wind blew
at times, but everyone enjoyed themselves. There was delicious food to suit everybody’s
taste, followed by many choices for the dessert – everything was soooo yummy!
Wine was flowing in the corner – or should I say water (but Jesus turned it to wine).
As is customary, at these events, a raffle was drawn with plenty of prizes.


This was the first outing for the new Events WANTED
Committee (and their helpers), so well done and Good-natured woman
A BIG thank you to all those who cooked, with a large mirror,
served and assisted in any way to make it a 94 inches high and
really successful afternoon. 39 inches wide, seeks
roomy downstairs sitting
If you weren’t there you missed a treat! room with south or south

Looking forward to the next event… west aspect and a little
Sue Metcalfe patio or garden area

adjacent, one other room
and a cloakroom which
could become a shower
room and a pantry or space
for a microwave and a sink.
Generous rent available.



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The sun has got his hat on hip, hip, hip… This was followed a few days later by another
…at last. great concert given by the Festival Chorale
Oregon, a super American choir which provided
July has been a great month at St Saviour’s. us with yet another super evening’s
The musical life is growing apace and I am very entertainment. I particularly enjoyed the old
grateful to everyone who has supported the American folk songs; some of the oldest music
events. I would also like to thank all those from the other side of the pond (I know, I know
performers who have given their time to provide – they haven’t been going as long as us)!
such high quality concerts and thereby help Great to hear some of these lovely tunes which
boost our sadly depleted coffers! are not at all familiar to us, as far as I know. I do
hope that they will visit us again.

So, we move into August and we have a few
things going on. Please come and support
these events – the money generated helps to
keep the church going by funding the
maintenance of the organ.

My brother Ian provided us with our Monday On Monday 1st, Lawrence Greenman is going
lunchtime concert and, as always, sang so to give us a varied concert of music to include
beautifully for us. He was most ably voice and classical guitar. Entry to this concert
accompanied by our good friend Brian Steer. is by donation; the previously advertised ticket
This is always a lovely occasion and the two of price does not apply.
them really work so well together.
On the Bank holiday Monday there will be a
On Saturday the 9th Rebacca Anstey and Colin piano recital given by Rosemary Kemp. She is a
Hughes produced a most beautiful and happy local lady from Seaford and is a great friend of
musical evening for us. Beccy sang some of the John Bruzon who came and performed so
great classic operatic arias as well as some brilliantly for us in May. She is a fabulous player
songs from the shows. She really has a voice to and I commend this performance to you.
die for and I am so delighted that she feels so at
home singing in St Saviour’s. The choir will be participating in a service of
Choral Evensong at St John’s, Meads on
We are all used to Colin’s fabulous musical skills Sunday 7th August at 6.00pm. There will also
and it was great to hear some of his virtuosic be a service of Compline in St Saviour’s on
piano playing. He demonstrated that he is at Sunday 14th at 7.15 pm.
home playing…anything! Grieg to Gershwin –
Bach to Lionel Bart. It really was a super event That’s it for July – quite a month. I hope that
and so fitting for a summer’s evening… you’re all enjoying this lovely sunshine!!

The winners of the June 2016 We still need existing members to renew
100’s Club draw were: and we are also looking for new members
to sign up. See Steve Gilbert for details.
1st Richard and Za Crook 56 The cost is £2 per month with the draw
2nd Jill Barnett 52 taking place on the last Sunday of the month.
3rd Victor Furlong 63 Subject to numbers, prizes range from £40 for
first prize, £20 for second and £10 for third.


Rebecca Ansty’s
wonderful concert

Rebecca put on a magnificent show for us on Festival
the evening of Saturday 9th July and received Chorale Oregon
a standing ovation from a very appreciative

This charming evening of song (accompanied
by Colin Hughes on the piano) showcased
Rebecca’s talent across the spectrum of
musical genres.

This superb event was attended by some 200
people who made a very generous contribution
to the Organ Fund. Thank you Rebecca.

Rebecca Ansty The walls of St Saviour’s resounded with
beautiful choral music when Festival
Chorale Oregon perform their concert on
Tuesday 12 July.
This visiting American choir from Salem,
Oregon performed an uplifting and
inspiring concert that included a wide
variety of styles of American choral music
through history including: Shaker, Gospel
and contemporary.
They too received a standing ovation and
have already asked if they can come and
pay us another visit. So we can look
forward to their return in the not too
distant future!

Forthcoming Concerts and Recitals

August Monday 1st 1.00pm Lunchtime Recital – Laurence Greenman
Monday 29th 12 noon Bank Holiday Piano Recital – Rosemary Kemp

September Monday 5th 1.00pm Lunchtime Piano Recital – Simon Weale

October Monday 3rd 1.00pm Lunchtime Organ Recital – John Ross

November Monday 7th 1.00pm Lunchtime Organ Recital – Malcolm Kemp

December Tuesday 20th 7.30pm Christmas Gala Concert


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DErovep’ps ings

Music has always The roof repairs are going along well and some
played a big part in the life scaffolding has now been moved to the next
of St Saviour’s and this section at the front of the building. I watched
them erecting some of it, it is quite an art in
continues today. Our DOM, itself. During August the repair work to the big
to choristers ‘He who must right hand sanctuary window will require some
be obeyed’, works tirelessly. He chooses all scaffolding inside the sanctuary as well but
the various music with great care and during Stuart and Rita will be thrilled when that’s
the Interregnum receives the hymn list from completed as it’s made such a mess for years.
Fr Christopher. Recently we’ve heard Keith has been out with his paintbrush again
postludes almost certainly never heard in and the seats outside the church are all clean
St Saviour’s before. Don’t ask me to give and tidy. By the time a new vicar arrives
the correct titles but for example there was St Saviour’s will be spanking new! Well almost.
La Marseillaise and the prelude to Te Deum:
Marche en rondeau (the Eurovision Song Organised by Mary D the annual pilgrimage to
Contest) to mention just two! Walsingham appears to have been a great
success. One gentleman told me he’s been
The other day Paul was entertaining friends with going for 30 years and felt this was the best
a BBQ which exploded into his face. His face is year yet. Our thanks to Fr Robert for leading the
badly burnt and as he’s not allowed to shave is pilgrimage despite him having a chest infection.
quickly turning into Father Christmas. Being That same weekend we had various visitors to
Paul he was quickly back at work and his usual St Saviour’s and on Sunday 10.30am Mass
self at choir practice, we are so lucky to have Fr Nick preached and his parents were in the
him. Staying with music our choir will be joining congregation. It was lovely to see them. They
must be very proud of him.
with St John’s
choir for Choral The monthly Sunday raffles have added to the
Evensong on money for the roof repairs and as that is now all
Sunday 7th in hand the next project is the Organ Repair
August 6pm Fund. The organ ‘chappies’ spent 3 days doing
at St John’s. the first stage this past week and all monies
Do come along. raised from recitals, raffles and produce sales
Then there is will be going towards that project.
Paul’s brother
Ian who gave a Isobel is having a lot of trouble with
delightful Song Recital the other lunch time and her arm following her fall, Fr Charles
as requested finished with the Hippopotamus and Kathleen Stephens also need
song. Everyone there enjoyed it, but where were your prayers please.
you? There is no excuse for anyone to say
he/she didn’t know a recital was happening. Keep cool and drink lots of water. TTFN
The notices outside the church are enormous
and further details are in the porch.


Dates for your Diary August 2016

Mon 1 10.30am Mass S. Alphonsus Liguori Bp. Dr.

Tues 2 12 noon Mass

Wed 3 10.30am Mass

Thurs 4 10.30am Mass S. John Vianney Pr.

Fri 5 12 noon Mass

Sat 6 09.00am Mass The Transfiguration of the Lord

Sun 7 Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 08.00am Mass 10.30am Solemn Mass

Mon 8 10.30am Requiem Mass Guild of All Souls S. Dominic Pr.

Tues 9 12 noon Mass S. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross Rel. M.

Wed 10 10.30am Mass S. Lawrence Dn. M.

Thurs 11 10.30am Mass S. Clare V.

Fri 12 12 noon Mass S. Frances of Chantal Rel. Laying on of Hands

Sat 13 09.00am Mass S. Pontian P. M. & S. Hippolytus Pr. M.

Sun 14 The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
08.00am Mass 10.30am Solemn Mass

Mon 15 10.30am Mass

Tues 16 12 noon Mass

Wed 17 10.30am Mass

Thurs 18 10.30am Mass

Fri 19 12 noon Mass

Sat 20 09.00am Mass S. Bernard Ab. Dr.

Sun 21 Twenty first Sunday in Ordinary Time 08.00am Mass 10.30am Solemn Mass

Mon 22 10.30am Mass The Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Tues 23 12 noon Mass S. Rose of Lima V.

Wed 24 10.30am Mass S. Bartholomew Ap.

Thurs 25 10.30am Mass

Fri 26 12 noon Mass

Sat 27 09.00am Mass S. Monica

Sun 28 Twenty second Sunday in Ordinary Time 08.00 Mass 10.30am Solemn Mass

Mon 29 10.30am Mass The Passion of S. John the Baptist

Tues 30 12 noon Mass

Wed 31 10.30am Mass S. Aidan Bp.


Church Officers THE DIRECTORY Telephone
Vacant - Interregnum
The Vicarage Spencer Road Eastbourne BN21 4PA

Hon Assistant Clergy Rev Christopher Hadfield, BA 422050
Canon Charles Lansdale BA 646655
Churchwardens Rev Nick MacNeill, BTh 485399
Rev John Wright BSc Cert Ed 723584
Secretary PCC Canon Robert Fayers 07706 067496
Treasurer Mr John Bourdon 01323 729142
Electoral Roll Mrs Pauline Fella 656346
Secretary Planned Giving Mrs Judy Grundy 720577
Miss Mary Delves 735410
Other Officers Mrs Mary Tomsett 489646
Director of Music Mr Michael Brennan 504731
Parish Hospital Contact
Sacristan/Servers Mr Paul Collins 647969
Bookstall Manager Mr Richard Elliott 872168
Caring and Sharing Mr Stuart Burns 500585
Car Park Manager Miss Jane Pinching 894414
Safeguarding Officer Mrs Pat James 721061
Churches Together Mr Steve Gilbert 469078
Mrs Za Crook 729059
Deanery Synod Mrs Pat James 721061
Family Support Work Mrs Beverly Cochran 434785
Miss Mary Delves, Mrs Isobel Nugent, Mr John Bourdon
Librarian Mrs Mary Tomsett 489646
Websmaster Mr Robert Ascott 728892
Guild of All Souls Mr David Thorpe 486214
Mission to Seafarers Mr Paul Fella 656346
Open Church Miss Lis Trustam 504909
Our Lady of Walsingham Mrs Isobel Nugent 725796
100 Club Mr Roger Ellis 649896
Vestry (unmanned) Miss Mary Delves 735410
Mr Steve Gilbert 469078
Church Organisations 729702
Bible Reading Fellowship Miss Lis Trustam – call for details
Book Group Rev Nick MacNeill – call for details 504909
Church Cleaning Mrs Rita Orchard – meets Tuesdays from 9am 485399
Church Grounds Mr John Burford 723375
Flower Arrangers Mrs Rita Orchard – Fridays from 9am 724317
Social Committee Mr Paul Fella – meets as necessary 723375

Disclaimer: The Editor and the Church Wardens do not necessarily agree with all the views expressed in this Magazine. Please note that all
articles are copyright to the author and may not be reproduced in any form or medium without the written permission of the author or Editor.


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