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Published by phpfella, 2016-06-09 02:51:28

Parish Magazine June 2016

Parish Magazine June 2016


The Parish magazine of June 2016

Volume XLVII No. 6


Contents Page Church Services

St Peter the Apostle 3 Sundays
8.00 Low Mass
St Paul the Apostle 6 10.30 Solemn Mass and Sermon

The Society of Saint Wilfrid and Saint Hilda 8 followed by refreshments
in the Church Hall.
Our First Summer Lunchtime Concert 13
The Vanishing Churches of Eastbourne! 14 Mon, Wed, Thurs 10.30am;
Tues and Fri 12noon; Sat 9.00am
A Blast from the Console 16
Major Weekday Festivals
Eve’s Droppings 18 Said Mass, as above Sung Mass: 7.30pm.
Mattins and Evensong are said daily at
Dates for your Diary 19 8.30am and 5.30pm unless otherwise
indicated on notice boards.
Directory 20
The Clergy are happy to bring the Sacrament to
Cover: the housebound or sick at any hour of the day
Saints Peter and Paul, 15th century. or night. The Holy Oil is available for those who
From a house in Fondamenta Cavour, Murano, Italy wish to be anointed.

The Parish Magazine is published on the The Sacrament of Reconciliation
last Sunday of the month. A priest is usually available to hear Confessions
or for Spiritual Advice on Fridays at 11.30am
Matter for publication should be sent to or by appointment.
[email protected].
See Pew Sheet for Magazine deadline. Hospital visits
Our Parish Contact for local hospitals,
Articles should be no longer than Mr Richard Elliott (872168), will visit and give
750 words. News items or Reports should communion to those in hospital.
be factual and no longer than 250 words.
Other Services provided by the church
Articles are copyright to the author and the Arrangements for Baptisms, Banns of
Editor’s decision is final. Marriage, Weddings and Funerals
should be made with the Church Wardens. is the church
website and is managed by Paul Fella Facebook
([email protected]) to
whom matter for the site should be sent.

The church is open from 8.30am each day
and a team of volunteers is available to answer
questions etc from 10am most days.

The Book Shop/Souvenir Stall is also open
while there is a volunteer on duty.


St Peter the Apostle

This month, on 29th June we hail St. Peter on the shore when the risen Lord Jesus
and St. Paul on their combined feast day. required him to ‘feed my sheep’.
I always feel a bit sorry for Peter in this Peter was also given the ‘keys to the kingdom’.
regard as St. Paul gets two major feast days This has been seen as having principal power in
set aside for him, whilst Peter himself is the Church, though the bidding ‘whatever you
essentially commemorated in June alone. bind on earth... loose on earth, is not unique to
Peter as it is repeated to all the Apostles.
As with many of the saints there are all sorts of In some ways Peter may seem a strange person
legends that have grown around St. Peter and to lead the Church, for he could be clumsy and
people often know these more than the Bible thoughtless, and he even denied Jesus three
stories. Yet, it is in the New Testament that we
meet the real Peter, for here we are on more ‘For by God’s power, I was made an Apostle to
solid ground in terms of evidence. the Gentiles, as Peter was made an Apostle to
the Jews’ (Galatians 2:8)
To begin with, we know that he was called
Simon, son of Jonah (No, not that Jonah....!)
and was probably born in Bethsaida, a desert
town beside the Sea of Galilee. He also had
family connections with Capernaum, another
town on the sea which fits in very well with his
profession of fisherman.

It is often asserted that he and the other
disciples were poor. Comparatively this was the
case, but boats were held within a family, just
as they are today in say Hastings, and this
means that they were wealthy enough at least
to have the means of making a living.

Peter and his family and friends were north
countrymen, who spoke a strongly accented
Aramaic. One could compare them then to say
fisherman from Hull.

Peter was married and it could be that his wife
travelled around with him. He also had a
brother, Andrew who was the first person to
introduce him to Jesus of Nazareth. Peter soon
became part of Jesus’ trusted inner circle,
along with James and John and then he
became the most trusted disciple. This is born
out in many verses of Scripture, but two are
specific. The first is when Jesus tells him that
he will change his name to Cephas (properly
pronounced with a ‘k’) and build his church
upon him. The second is after the resurrection


times. Yet, Our Lord saw in him many attributes especially St. Paul, he was responsible for the
such as steadfastness, insight and loving proclamation of the gospel to many thousands
concern, as well as great faith. It is Peter who of people, who despite persecution passed on
was more eager than the others to place his Christ’s message to others throughout the
trust in Jesus and recognise him as the decades, then centuries.

St. Peter became a great preacher, a teacher,
an administrator and leader. In other words he
was a bishop. At first he was the Primate of
Jerusalem, but as the Church hit rocky ground
in proclaiming the gospel there, he preached

Peter quarrelled with Paul over the mission to What we learn from Peter as a fellow man is
the gentiles. This was a debate as to whether that Jesus calls us all whoever we are. Corporately
the new converts should follow the Jewish law we continue to do what he did, tell of Jesus’
of the Old Testament. Thankfully, in a meeting love on the Cross and pass on the hope of the
at Antioch (I would love to have been there) the resurrection, and rejoicing in his special calling,
problem was resolved and it was agreed that we give thanks for the fellowship of the Church.
Paul should continue with the mission to the In this regard St. Peter, the ‘rock on which the
gentiles, and he to the Jews. Eventually Paul Church is built’ encourages us well;
ended up in Rome, where his successor, St.
Clement tells us he was martyred during the ‘Be united all of you in thought and feeling; be
persecutions of Nero. full of brotherly affection, kindly and humble’.
1 Peter 3.8.
It was in Rome that he wrote his letters which
we have in the New Testament. His writings ‘Live as those who are free... as slaves of
reveal a lot about his character. In them we see Christ’ 1 Peter 2.16.
a man eager to take on his pastoral
responsibilities, not fearing to admonish, but
always ready to encourage. We see a man
struggling with the persecution of the Church
and yet ready to work within the empire. We see
a man ready to cast off the old law for the new
one of Christ Jesus. And we see a man willing
to continue in his duties, whilst ready to be with
his friend, brother and saviour in heaven.

St. Peter was possibly crucified, but it being ‘Clothe yourselves with humility towards one
upside down is solely tradition, for we have no another... 1 Peter 5.5.
primary evidence for this.
‘Grow in grace and in the knowledge of
Without doubt, Peter was a devout and faithful Our Lord Jesus Christ’ 2 Peter 3.18.
man of action who had the gifts needed to
proclaim the gospel in the very early Church. ‘Peace to all you who belong to Christ!’
In the Tradition he is held in great esteem and in
the Western Church the Popes are seen as his Indeed.
successor. In conjunction with others,
Fr Nick


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St Paul the Apostle

Paul was born Saul in Tarsu (now Tarsus in his conversion he makes no mention of a
the south east of Turkey) to a Jewish family. journey from Jerusalem to Damascus.
He had a dual identity as lots of Jews did in
antiquity. He had a Jewish education, a But behind the paradoxes and the puzzles, there
Jewish way of life and abided by the Law of are fascinating glimpses of the man. Reading
Moses. But was brought up outside of the Paul’s letters and Acts of the Apostles we learn
homeland and was also at home in Greek that Paul was born in Tarsus, in modern day
culture, fluent in Greek, and had at least Eastern Turkey, he was a tent maker by trade,
some understanding of the Greek or Roman was an avid student under the top Jewish teacher
cultural traditions. in Jerusalem and was also a Roman citizen. Here
is a man who worked with his hands but wrote
He was a Pharisee, one of a group of Jews who with the grace of a Greek philosopher; a Jewish
policed the boundary of the law of Moses and zealot who nevertheless enjoyed the rights of
made sure that they and others were faithful to it citizenship in the world’s greatest empire.
often using the word ‘zeal’ to describe himself.
In his letters, we also discover the Paul who
Famously converted on the road to Damascus writes warmly of his friends, both men and
(his incredible transformation on the Damascus women, the Paul who frets about how the
road when he becomes passionate for a very members of his churches are coping without
different cause), he travelled tens of thousands him and who defends their status as true
of miles around the Mediterranean spreading converts and the Paul who appeals for the
the word of Jesus and it was Paul who came up freedom of a slave. But like all great and
with the doctrine that would turn Christianity charismatic figures there is another side; the
from a small sect of Judaism into a worldwide Paul who berates his followers for backsliding
faith that was open to all. and doubting; the Paul who tells women to keep
silent and condemns homosexuality and the
What we know about Paul comes from two Paul who’ll stand up to the Apostle Peter, one of
extraordinary sources. The first is the Acts the most senior people in the early church and
of the Apostles, written after Paul’s death, call him a hypocrite to his face.
almost certainly by the same author who wrote
St Luke’s gospel. There is evidence that Acts Academics are trying to piece together these
was written to pass on the Christian message, scraps of information with a new technique
but behind the theology lie clues about Paul’s that’s rather like a combination of sociology and
life. The author of Acts claims that he knew forensic anthropology. They’ve come up with a
Paul and even accompanied him on many of picture of Paul who’d be a man of his time and
his journeys. The second source is Paul’s own place; a hot headed Mediterranean who’d be
letters. They represent Paul’s own version of quick to defend his honour and the honour of his
events, and it seems reasonable to accept them followers, but who’d demand loyalty in return.
as the more reliable account.
Paul’s life was remarkable and there is little
The one thing most people do know about doubt that it changed the course of Christianity.
St Paul is that he underwent a dramatic He made an impact as apostle, as theologian,
conversion on the road to Damascus. Precisely and as letter-writer. Paul the apostle had
what happened has been hard to determine as expanded the church far and wide, flinging
the accounts in Acts and the letters differ on the open the doors to Gentiles, strenuously fighting
details. For example, when St Paul talks about for his conviction that the gospel was for all


people and that no barriers should be put in the Should we see Paul
way of Gentiles. Paul the theologian was the as anti-women?
first to work through many of the intriguing
questions that Jesus’ life, death and The tradition is that women were submissive
resurrection had thrown up. And Paul the letter- but at the end of Romans a letter of Paul’s
writer gave us not only some of the profoundest tells a different story. The letter is to be
pieces of early Christian theological reflection, delivered by Phoebe, the first deacon we
but also some of the finest, most poignant know of in the Christian church. She is also
writing in history. a benefactor or patron and very significant
Paul wrote some of the most beautiful and
important passages in the whole of the Bible, Paul also talks about Aquilla and Priscilla.
but his works have also been used, among other Priscilla is usually named first when he
things, to justify homophobia, slavery and anti- mentions the couple which implies that she
Semitism. He has also been accused of being is the head of the household. He also talks
anti-feminist, although many modern scholars about Andronicus and Juniar, one of whom
would argue that in fact he championed the may have been a female apostle.
cause of women church leaders. In the final
analysis, Paul was the first great Christian In fact we may have a situation where the
theologian, establishing some of the building apostle, the church founder, perhaps even
blocks of the faith that we now take for granted, the founder of the church of Rome, included
though there are those who argue that in laying a woman and the main leadership in Rome
out these ground rules, Paul has obscured and was by women.
separated us from the true teachings of Jesus.
But perhaps the true sign of Paul’s importance is Professor Jimmy Dunn, former professor of
that even nearly 2000 years after his death he New Testament, University of Durham
still inspires passion; whatever you feel, it’s hard
to feel neutral about Paul.


The Society of Saint Wilfrid and Saint Hilda

The Society of Saint Wilfrid and Saint Hilda New legislation received final approval in July
and known more commonly as ‘The Society’, 2014 and came into force in November 2014.
is an independent association of Church of Its members then appointed a bishop’s
England clergy and lay people which defines representative for each diocese of the Church
itself as ‘an ecclesial body, led by a Council of England and the registration began of male
of Bishops’. It is supported by Forward in transitional or permanent deacons and female
Faith and administered by its director. permanent deacons as ‘Deacons of The Society’
and male priests as ‘Priests of The Society’.
The purposes of The Society are:
• To promote and maintain catholic teaching The Society is intended to become an ecclesial
body, not another catholic society among the
and practice within the Church of England many catholic societies of the Church of
• To provide episcopal oversight to which England. Membership of the Church is
conferred in baptism (and initiation is completed
churches, institutions and individuals will in episcopal confirmation and first communion).
freely submit themselves It costs nothing to join the Church. Therefore,
• To guarantee a ministry in the historic The Society is not a membership organization.
apostolic succession in which they can The members are those baptized members of
have confidence the Church of England who worship in parishes
and institutions that receive episcopal oversight
HISTORY from the bishops of The Society and ministry
Plans for the creation of The Society were from priests whom they have commended.
announced by the catholic bishops of the
Church of England on 24 September 2010 VISION
‘to provide a place within the Church of England The Society’s Bishops, priests and deacons are
where catholics can worship and minister with consistent with the tradition of the Church, East
integrity without accepting innovations that and West and believes in the creation of an
further distance the Church of England from the ecclesial community that is loyal to the
greater churches of East and West’. They traditions of the Church of England but,
placed it under the patronage of St Wilfrid and because of the clear difference of views about
St Hilda, two English saints with a passion for the ordination of women, has its own bishops,
the unity of the Church. to whose oversight its churches, institutions and
individuals freely submit. It also continues to
The context was set by draft legislation for the work for the unity of the Church, consistent with
ordination of women to the episcopate which the prayer and purpose of Jesus.
would have repealed the legal provisions made
in the Priests (Ordination of Women) Measure The Society is committed to Mission and has a
1993, replacing them and the Episcopal Ministry lively ministry of preaching and teaching. It
Act of Synod 1993 with a Code of Practice. believes in a careful and creative celebration of
The Society was intended as a constructive the Sacraments; pastoral care that extends from
initiative, creating structures to enable those the local congregation to the nation and in
who, for theological reasons, are unable to working with others of goodwill in the Church
receive the ministry of women ordained to the and beyond to build a society that reflects the
priesthood and episcopate to flourish and grow values of the Kingdom of God.
within the Church of England.
The Society remains committed to, and intends
In the event, the draft legislation failed to receive to play a full part in the life of the Church of
final approval in November 2012. Steps towards
a new legislative process began in 2013.


England at all levels, contributing to its mission, THE COUNCIL OF BISHOPS
witness and service and in doing so, continues The Society’s council of bishops are currently:
to recall the Church of England to a fuller ✠ Martin Warner SSC, Bishop of Chichester
understanding of catholic heritage and its ✠ Norman Banks SSC,
identity as part of the One, Holy, Catholic and
Apostolic Church. Bishop of Richborough
✠ Roger Jupp SSC, Superior-General
Visible christian unity is something else that The
Society is also striving for. They are attentive to of the Confraternity of the
the theological dialogues with the ancient Blessed Sacrament
churches of East and West and remain ✠ Philip North CMP, Bishop of Burnley
committed to the original vision of the Anglican ✠ Tony Robinson, Bishop of Wakefield,
- Roman Catholic International Commission chairman of the council of bishops
(ARCIC): the restoration of complete ✠ Glyn Webster, Bishop of Beverley
communion of faith and sacramental life ✠ Jonathan Goodall SSC,
between Anglicans and Roman Catholics. Bishop of Ebbsfleet
✠ Jonathan Baker, Bishop of Fulham

Mark Sowerby, Bishop of Horsham, was previously
a member of The Society and its council of bishops.
In June 2015, he announced that he had changed his
views on the ordination of women and resigned from
the council.

This cartoon by Dave Walker originally appeared in the Church Times.


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Our first Summer The Programme
Lunchtime Concert Four Sonatas Domenico Scarlatti )
Two Waltzes Frederic Chopin
– a brilliant Piano Recital Maiden and the Nightingale Enrique Garandos
Three Spanish Dances Enrique Garandos
by John Bruzon Two Dances Manuel de Falla

The 30+ members of the audience were Biography
enthralled by the brilliance of this dazzling John Bruzon studied at the London College of
recital. John Bruzon’s passionate playing Music (1969-1972) and later, at Trinity College
magically brought to life the superb programme of Music (1972-1974).
of music.
He was born and educated in Gibraltar and
The Spanish Dances in particular really made from an early age he showed great promise and
us feel that we were in the heart of Spain talent at the piano. He won a bursary enabling
watching and listening to Flamenco on a hot him to study at Trinity College the pianist Irene
summer’s night. Those of you that could not Kohler to whom he owes much.
make it missed a real treat!
Over the years he has enjoyed a varied and
exciting career, being equally at home in both
classical and lighter fields of music. He has
performed throughout the UK and abroad,
including a series of classical programmes on
the QE2 for part of a world cruise.

Through his passion, hard work and natural flair
for performance he is now a highly respected
and versatile concert pianist constantly in
demand. More recently he has added teaching
to his portfolio.

Forthcoming Concerts and Recitals

June Monday 6th 1.00pm Lunchtime Organ Recital – Alex Eadon
Monday 20th 1.00pm Lunchtime Organ Recital – Robert Scamardella

July Monday 4th 1.00pm Lunchtime Recital – Ian Collins, acc. Brian Steer
Saturday 9th 7.30pm Lunchtime Recital – Rebecca Anstey, acc. Colin Hughes
Tuesday 12th 7.30pm Festival Chorale Oregon
Saturday 30th 7.30pm Silent Movie with Organ – Johnathan Eyre

August Monday 1st 1.00pm Lunchtime Recital – Laurence Greenman
Monday 29th 12 noon Bank Holiday Piano Recital – Rosemary Kemp

September Monday 5th 1.00pm Lunchtime Piano Recital – Simon Weale

October Monday 3rd 1.00pm Lunchtime Organ Recital – John Ross

November Monday 7th 1.00pm Lunchtime Organ Recital – Malcolm Kemp
December Tuesday 20th 7.30pm Christmas Gala Concert


The Vanishing Churches of Eastbourne!

The Eastbourne area currently has over 50 churches both old and new. Here are some that
have fallen by the wayside.

Stella Maris Roman Catholic 1869-1893 A Roman Catholic mission was started in Eastbourne
Church by Fr Charles P. King in 1867. He opened a small chapel
dedicated to Stella Maris (Mary, Star of the Sea) two
years later on the corner of Terminus Rd and Junction
Rd. It closed and was demolished before the new
Church of Our Lady of Ransom was opened in 1899.

St Peter’s Anglican 1878-1905 Henry Currey designed this temporary church dedicated
Church to St Peter on a site behind the Town Hall in 1878.
first building Founded by George Whelpton it was a chapel of
ease to St Saviour’s, which had opened a decade earlier.
The building was sold to the Congregational Church in
1894 when the permanent St Peter’s Church was ready
and they occupied it until about 1905.

St Paul’s Anglican 1873-1909 This short-lived tin tabernacle on Burlington Place
Church served as a chapel of ease to Holy Trinity Church.
It was topped with a bellcote.

Wesley Hall Methodist 1904-1936 Another Methodist chapel on the east side of
Chapel Eastbourne, this was in religious use between 1904
and 1950. It was then in commercial use until its
demolition. It was built of red brick. Its licence to perform
marriages was cancelled in 1936.

Emmanuel Anglican 1880c-1950c This modest prefabricated building was put up in
Church about 1880 in a central location in Eastbourne, and
was used for Anglican worship until about 1918.
Later it was re-registered for worship in August 1930.
During World War II the building was damaged by bombs
and demolition came soon afterwards.

St Anne’s Anglican 1882-1955 This church was designed by architects Spurrell and
Church Murray. Captain Lawrence Oates worshipped here, and
Upperton a memorial was erected inside after his death. The
church was wrecked by bombs in World War II and the
ruins were finally taken down in 1955.

Congregational Congregational 1869c-1970 This red-brick chapel on the outskirts of Eastbourne
Church was a daughter church of the Pevensey Road
Friday Street Congregational Chapel in central Eastbourne.

St Peter’s Anglican 1896-1971 Henry Currey was again commissioned for the
Church permanent St Peter’s Church on Meads Road,
second building His Early English Gothic Revival Construction started in
1894 and continued for two years. The church was
declared redundant in 1971 and was combined with
St Saviour’s – the building being demolished for flats.


Victoria Drive Baptist 1926-1973 The present Victoria Baptist Church on Eldon Road
Baptist Church replaced this chapel of 1926 on the corner of
Downside Victoria Drive and Broomfield Street. Stephen Box
designed the red-brick and stone Gothic Revival
St George’s Anglican 1916-1976 building, which had lancet windows throughout.
This building was designed in the Decorated Gothic
Pevensey Road Congregational 1862-1977 Revival style in 1916. It had red-brick walls with a corner
Congregational tower and a tiled spire. The nave was lit by three-light
Church It redundant in 1974 and the site was sold for housing

St Aidan’s Methodist 1913-2001 This large town-centre church was designed by
Church Searle, Son and Yelf in 1862. Their Early English
Gothic Revival-style stone building had a tower at the
Ceylon Place Baptist 11871-2002 southeast corner. It was described soon after its
Baptist demolition as a “pleasant corner-site building with a fine
Church organ”, which was also lost.

St Luke’s URC 1913-2007 Architects Baines and Son designed this Methodist
Church 1905-2009 church for residents on the eastern side of Eastbourne.
Hampden Park The style was Perpendicular Gothic Revival, and the
building was mostly of red brick with some stonework.
St Philip’s Anglican
Church Originally an iron chapel erected in 1871 and registered
for marriages in April 1876, it was given to the Anglican
St Andrew’s URC 1878-2016 community in 1885 when the brick church was built.
Church WWII bomb damage closed it for five years and although
it reopened in 1948, it was eventually sold for flats.

This former Presbyterian chapel joined with St Stephen’s
after their building was demolished. It became a joint
Methodist/URC place of worship called Broadway URC.
St Luke’s was deregistered in December 2005

Built on land donated by the Duke of Devonshire, this
Church served the community for a century. However, It
became too large for them and most of the site is now
housing. It became part of Christ Church in 2009.

F.J. Barker designed this church in 1878 for the
Presbyterian community The cruciform Early English-
style red-brick building has good interior decoration,
and exterior embellishments include a flèche.


‘June is bustin’ out all over’. Yeah, right! hard) in July and this is an opportunity for him
I think we have had about two weeks’ worth to try out his programme. He will be playing
of sunny weather since about September works by Bach, Reger and Hindemith.
last year. That said, I cannot believe that we
are nearly half way through 2016. Where Please come and support these chaps, we are
does it all go? indeed very lucky to have such great players on
our doorstep. We also need your money to help
Since my last missive we have been through boost the organ fund. Speaking of which we are
Ascension and Pentecost. For me the having some essential repair work carried out
Ascension Day service was really moving. over the next few weeks and any donations
Everything about it felt absolutely right a lovely would be extremely welcome.
psalm and of course, great hymns for the day.
One more feast day to go, Corpus Christi, and In July we have two song recitals. My brother,
then it’s the long summer; hopefully with some Ian (July 4th) accompanied by Brian Steer.
appropriate weather to go with it. We are all Both of these gentlemen are old friends of
eagerly awaiting the ‘Diocesan Fun Day’ on St Saviour’s and need little introduction. Then
June 5th. on July 9th (Saturday evening at 7:30) Rebecca
Anstey will also be singing for us accompanied
The summer brings a whole host of concerts by Colin Hughes on the piano. Rebecca (Becky)
and recitals. In June we have two Monday came and joined us for the carol service and
lunchtime organ recitals given by talented local many commented on her beautiful rendition of
musicians, Alex Eadon and Robert Scamardella. ‘The Three Kings.’ At the end of the month
Alex (6th June) will be playing a great, popular (30th) Jonathon will be presenting his silent
program with works by Mendelssohn, Howells, movie classic, ‘The Hunchback of Notre Dame’
Vierne and Widor (come and hear how the with organ accompaniment – bring your own
Toccata really should sound)! Robert (20th June) popcorn!!
is taking his Fellowship exam for the Royal
College of Organists (which, by the way, is jolly These concerts are a great form of outreach
for the church; I do implore you to support
them. I will keep you posted about future
events. Please pick up a leaflet at the back of
the church which gives full details. Please note
that there have been some changes to the
original timetable.

So there’s much to look forward to. Please put
the dates in your diaries. I’m off to buy some

See you next month!!

The winners of the April 2016 We still need existing members to renew
100’s Club draw were: and we are also looking for new members
to sign up. See Steve Gilbert for details.
1st Linda Smith 88 The cost is £2 per month with the draw
2nd Fr Christopher Hadfield 98 taking place on the last Sunday of the month.
3rd Joy Hobbs 39 Subject to numbers, prizes range from £40 for
first prize, £20 for second and £10 for third.


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This is being written early Did any of you go to the Arlington bluebells this
in the month as our ‘Editor’ is year? I go with friends every year but this year
off to bonny Scotland! was by far the best. The bluebells and wood
anemones were so vibrant and looked just like a
Ascension Day was carpet. Fortunately the weather was fine and we
well celebrated, first in the morning with could also go across the fields to the milking
Fr Christopher who added a well known hymn shed and see the cows being milked.
and I could hear the singing outside the front
porch door. One of the congregation was a The next question is – have any
coach guide from N Yorkshire and my word of you been to see the latest
could he sing? Yes. He attends a Church which exhibition at the Pavilion
has the same liturgy as St Saviour’s but he said which is above the
he was blown away by our beautiful building. Redoubt Fortress? It is
Then in the evening Bishop Nicholas returned free, open daily and is all
and it was a lovely Mass with more people about Eastbourne and the
in the congregation than in recent years. Langney area in particular
Bishop N has promised to come again later in during the Bronze Age.
the year. Our love and prayers go out to Do go and have a look and
Margaret Baron one of our sopranos whose then treat yourself to a bowl
brother passed away unexpectedly. His funeral of soup, a hot cheese
will be at St Saviour’s. scone with chutney or
maybe a tea cake in the adjoining tea room.
Well, the scaffolding is up and I understand we
are now waiting for various bits and pieces to Wasn’t it lovely to see Caroline and Isobel at
arrive and then it will be full steam ahead on the Mass recently? They were supporting Martin
roof repairs. and Liz who were celebrating a special,
wedding anniversary. After Mass there was
It’s that time of year again. Spring has sprung wine and cake, the latter of which had the most
and seven cygnets have hatched in the beautiful writing on the icing.
beautiful, large nest on Hampden Park pond. In
order to try and avoid the bacteria which Somebody is smiling on us and tomorrow
damaged the cygnets in 2014 and 2015 these Bishop Geoffrey Rowell will be celebrating at
will be wormed and hopefully be healthy and the 10.30am Mass. Until his retirement he was
remain with their parents. High up in the trees the Bishop of Gibraltar, or the Bishop of Europe
behind and to the right of the swan’s nest, the as some people prefer. What an amazing job is
herons have nested and produced young. I have being done by Fr Nick who is arranging for
seen five herons on several occasions recently. priests to cover all the weekday and Sunday
The hen Egyptian duck has disappeared for Masses. Thank you Fr Nick for all your hard
several days now and I am hoping she is on her work and to Dominique who supports him.
nest and will produce ducklings as last year. TTFN


Dates for your Diary June 2016

Wed 1 10.30am Mass S. Justin M.

Thurs 2 10.30am Mass (CBS Corporate Communion)

Fri 3 12 noon Mass Most Sacred Heart of Jesus

Sat 4 09.00am Mass Immaculate Heart of Mary 10.30am Solemn Mass
Sun 5 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time 8.00am Mass
4.00pm Diocesan Eucharistic Festival

Mon 6 10.30am Mass

Tues 7 12 noon Mass

Wed 8 10.30am Mass

Thurs 9 10.30am Mass

Fri 10 12 noon Mass Laying on of hands

Sat 11 09.00am Mass S. Barnabas Ap.
Sun 12 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time 8.00am Mass 10.30am Solemn Mass

Mon 13 10.30am Requiem Mass (Guild of All Souls) S. Anthony of Padua Pr. Dr.

Tues 14 12 noon Mass

Wed 15 10.30am Mass

Thurs 16 10.30am Mass S. Richard of Chichester Bp.

Fri 17 12 noon Mass

Sat 18 09.00am Mass Our Lady
Sun 19 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time 8.00am Mass 10.30am Solemn Mass

Mon 20 10.30am Mass S. Alban M.

Tues 21 12 noon Mass S. Aloysius Gonzaga Rel.

Wed 22 10.30am Mass S. John Fisher and S. Thomas More Ms.

Thurs 23 10.30am Mass S. Etheldreda Abb.

Fri 24 12 noon Mass Nativity of John, the Baptist

Sat 25 09.00am Mass Our Lady
Sun 26 St. Peter and St. Paul 8.00 Mass 10.30 Solemn Mass

Mon 27 10.30am Mass S. Cyril of Alexandria Bp. Dr.

Tues 28 12 noon Mass (Walsingham Cell) S. Irenaeus Bp. M.

Wed 29 10.30am Mass

Thurs 30 10.30am Mass


Church Officers THE DIRECTORY Telephone
Vacant - Interregnum
The Vicarage Spencer Road Eastbourne BN21 4PA

Hon Assistant Clergy Rev Christopher Hadfield, BA 422050
Canon Charles Lansdale BA 646655
Churchwardens Rev Nick MacNeill, BTh 485399
Rev John Wright BSc Cert Ed 723584
Secretary PCC Canon Robert Fayers 07706 067496
Treasurer Mr John Bourdon 01323 729142
Electoral Roll Mrs Pauline Fella 656346
Secretary Planned Giving Mrs Judy Grundy 720577
Miss Mary Delves 735410
Other Officers Mrs Mary Tomsett 489646
Director of Music Mr Michael Brennan 504731
Parish Hospital Contact
Sacristan/Servers Mr Paul Collins 647969
Bookstall Manager Mr Richard Elliott 872168
Caring and Sharing Mr Stuart Burns 500585
Car Park Manager Miss Jane Pinching 894414
Safeguarding Officer Mrs Pat James 721061
Churches Together Mr Steve Gilbert 469078
Mrs Za Crook 729059
Deanery Synod Mrs Pat James 721061
Family Support Work Mrs Beverly Cochran 434785
Miss Mary Delves, Mrs Isobel Nugent, Mr John Bourdon
Librarian Mrs Mary Tomsett 489646
Websmaster Mr Robert Ascott 728892
Guild of All Souls Mr David Thorpe 486214
Mission to Seafarers Mr Paul Fella 656346
Open Church Miss Lis Trustam 504909
Our Lady of Walsingham Mrs Isobel Nugent 725796
100 Club Mr Roger Ellis 649896
Vestry (unmanned) Miss Mary Delves 735410
Mr Steve Gilbert 469078
Church Organisations 729702
Bible Reading Fellowship Miss Lis Trustam – call for details
Book Group Rev Nick MacNeill – call for details 504909
Church Cleaning Mrs Rita Orchard – meets Tuesdays from 9am 485399
Church Grounds Mr John Burford 723375
Flower Arrangers Mrs Rita Orchard – Fridays from 9am 724317
Social Committee Mr Paul Fella – meets as necessary 723375

Disclaimer: The Editor and the Church Wardens do not necessarily agree with all the views expressed in this Magazine. Please note that all
articles are copyright to the author and may not be reproduced in any form or medium without the written permission of the author or Editor.


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