The Parish magazine of July 2017
Volume XLVIII No. 7
Contents Page Church Services
From Fr Chris… 3 Sundays
8.00 Low Mass
St Mary Magdalene 5
10.30 Solemn Mass and Sermon
St James the Apostle 6 followed by refreshments
in the Church Hall.
The Rev Charles John Terry 8 Weekdays
Mon, Wed, Thurs 10.30am; Tues and Fri 12noon;
The Vicarage Garden Party 11 Sat 9.00am
Major Weekday Festivals
Arundel Flower Festival 12 Said Mass as above, Sung Mass: 7.30pm.
Morning and Evening prayer are said daily at
A Blast from the Console 14 8.30am and 5.30pm unless otherwise
100 Club indicated on notice boards.
The Clergy are happy to bring the Sacrament to
Six of the Best 16 the housebound or sick at any hour of the day or
night. The Holy Oil is available for those who wish
Eastbourne Churches Together 17 to be anointed.
Eve’s Droppings 18
Dates for your Diary 19
Directory 20
Cover image: The Sacrament of Reconciliation
Dove of the Holy Spirit, by Lorenzo Bernini A priest is usually available to hear Confessions
St. Peter’s Basilica, Vatican City, Italy or for Spiritual Advice on Fridays at 11.30am or
by appointment.
The Parish Magazine is published on the first Hospital visits
Sunday of the month. Our Parish Contact for local hospitals,
Editor: Fr Christopher Yates Mr Richard Elliott (872168), will visit and give
Production: Paul Fella communion to those in hospital.
Matter for publication should be submitted to Other Services provided by the church
[email protected] Arrangements for Baptisms, Banns of Marriage,
Copy deadline is 20th of the month and Weddings and Funerals should be made with
articles should be no longer than 750 words. the Vicar.
News items or reports should be factual and Facebook
no longer than 250 words.
Articles are copyright to the author and the Website
Editor’s decision is final. is the church
Disclaimer: The Editor does not necessarily website and is managed by Paul Fella to
agree with all of the views expressed in whom matter for the site should be sent via
this magazine. Please note that all articles [email protected].
are copyright to the author and may not be The church is open from 8.30am each day and
reproduced in any form without the written a team of volunteers is available to answer
permission of the author or Editor. questions etc from 10am most days.
The Book Shop/Souvenir Stall is also open while
there is a volunteer on duty.
My son is rather fond of telling jokes, and he’s on the news, and in our communities. This lacking
got a nice little collection of joke books. It got in love and charity; the apparent absence of
me to thinking about a joke book I was given permanent solutions, can bring us if we’re not
as a child. One of my favourites was: prayerful to a place of utter hopelessness. We
How do you make a net? begin to see that we are indeed full of holes, that
You tie holes together with string! we are restless, but what can guide us through
Now I know that in our more cynical contemporary this disease?
world such a joke seems fairly quaint, but I have Christ was very much aware of this lacking in us,
been seeing a new depth in this recently. and his life and ministry on earth was constantly
St Augustine of Hippo famously made the focused on those who had very obvious ‘holes’ in
observation that: their lives. To sexual sinners, the sick, the maimed,
the possessed, and to downright dejected people;
‘You have made offering hope and healing. He also reached out
us for yourself, in love to the haughty, the Pharisees, by offering
O Lord, and our challenge and correction to flawed philosophies.
heart is restless At his terrible and glorious victory on the Cross
until it rests in you.’ Christ raised up all of these sicknesses, reflected
them back at Creation, and killed them as he
It doesn’t take much self examination to realise offered up his blameless life. The radiant light
that within ourselves we are vulnerable, often of this victory filled the tomb as he was raised
a little lost or broken. We see the evidence of beyond the pit of Hell and sin to bring his light
wounded people all around us; in our families, into the hearts of believers. This light illumines the
souls of all the baptised and its rays flow out of
us and into the world around us transforming our
‘holes’ into dazzling beacons of light and truth to
call others to his saving presence.
Christ uses our brokenness, our lacking, to show
us and all who meet us the eternal power of his
amazing grace. Rather than being empty pits of
misery we embrace the way of light seeking ways of Eastbourne into the net we must take up our
to bind together our brothers and sisters in this responsibility, burden, duty, and glorious joy to
world. When a person responds to this invitation attract others. To do this we must be constantly
and is baptised in the name of the Father, and in prayer, examining our own discipleship and
of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit they become applying our lives to the action of God in Creation,
joined to all of the Saints in Heaven and the after all Jesus calls us to be most aware of our
Church on earth; we become many holes tied own flaws before looking for faults in others. We
together by the threads of faith, hope, and love. must also be active in seeking out new ways and
The Church becomes a type of dragnet guided opportunities to call others out of darkness into
by Christ its Head, to gather all of his beloved Christ’s marvellous light.
people into the new possibility
opened up by the life, death, We commit ourselves to
and resurrection of the prayer for ourselves and for
Co-eternal Son. It’s little all. We offer our prayers
wonder then that Jesus up to God, but they
chose a Fisherman, also come down to
St Peter, to be us from the Saints
the visible head in Heaven as
guiding the silken cords on
Church. which we might
God became ascend anew
man that man might to the eternal
become like - and unified light of Heaven.
to - God. And so as we Our Lady, Queen of
seek to gather the people Heaven pray for us;
St Peter, pray
for us. Fr Chris
St Mary Magdalene (Luke 8.2lLuke 7.36-50)
June 22nd is the Feast of St Mary Magdalene. the members of the Twelve. So why has
It is in the Prayer Book Calendar, but as a there been this reluctance to honour her with
black-letter day: it has no collect and readings a Feast Day?
of its own in the body of the book. In the first And here is the rub. Possibly on account of the
Prayer Book, the Book of Common Prayer of seven unexplained demons, tradition identifies
1549, it was a red-letter day with collect and Mary with the woman in Luke (7.36-50) who was
readings, but it was downgraded in 1552. It a sinner, a prostitute, who in floods of tears broke
reappeared in the unofficial and unauthorized a flask of oil over Jesus’ feet as he sat at dinner in
book of 1928. It is in the Scottish Prayer Book, it the house of Simon the Pharisee, and wiped them
is in the South African Prayer Book, and it is in with her hair. A similar incident is recorded in each
Common Worship. It is certainly a day worthy of of the other three gospels but there are significant
commemoration. So why was it ever ousted? differences. Luke’s story takes place during the
Mary Magdalene, Mary of Magdala (on the west Lord’s ministry in Galilee; with the others it is in
shore of the Sea of Galilee), is first mentioned by Bethany during the last week of his life. Only in
name in Luke 8.2 where she is described as one Luke is the woman described as a sinner; only in
from whom seven demons had come out. There Luke is the cost of the oil or ointment irrelevant,
is no hint of the nature of the seven demons, whereas in the other narratives its use attracts the
nor do we know why the number of the demons criticism that perfume so expensive would have
is given so explicitly, but clearly she had been been better sold to help the poor. Only in Luke is it
in considerable distress. The implication is that an act of penitence, gratitude and love, whereas in
Jesus had exorcized the demons, and in gratitude the other gospels Jesus sees it as an anticipation
Mary and the other women named by Luke were of his burial. In the Fourth Gospel the woman is
supporting the ministry of Jesus and his disciples named as Mary of Bethany, the sister of Martha
out of their own pockets. and Lazarus, which led some to identify Mary of
With the others from Galilee, Mary watched the Bethany with Mary Magdalene. But Mary is a very
Crucifixion from a distance (Matthew 27. 55; Mark common name in the New Testament, and Mary
15.40) and according to John (19.25) towards the Magdalene, so described, is nowhere associated
end she moved closer to the foot of the cross to with Martha and Lazarus.
stand with Jesus’ mother and his mother’s sister. Was Mary Magdalene ‘the woman who was a
She was at the sepulchre when the boulder was sinner’? Not according to Scripture, and the
rolled across the entrance to seal it (Matthew 27.61). identification is now firmly repudiated in all the
When the Sabbath was over, the women went to modem service-books, which see her simply as
the sepulchre (Matthew 28.1). According to Mark a disciple of our Lord and the first witness to the
(16.1) and Luke (24.1), they had prepared spices Resurrection, ‘the apostle to the apostles’.
with which to anoint the body; according to John Nevertheless if the identification of ‘the sinner’
(19.39-40), the body had already been anointed by with Mary is ever forgotten or abandoned in the
Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathaea, and Mary face of the Church’s opposition, there would be
came on her own. She found the stone rolled an irreparable loss. The association is hallowed
away and the tomb empty. She ran to tell Peter by centuries of art and literature. Furthermore,
and John, who hurried back with her to find that what a vivid and typical illustration of the Christian
what she had said was true. They returned home, Gospel it is, if a reformed prostitute should have
leaving Mary weeping by the tomb. There she been the first person to whom the Resurrection
turned to see Jesus, at first mistaking him for the was revealed. Like the story of the woman taken
gardener. Thus she was the very first to see the in adultery, it encapsulates the Gospel of our Lord
risen Christ. Jesus Christ.
That is what we know of Mary Magdalene from Fr Christopher Hadfield
Scripture. Much more is told of her than of most of
St James the Apostle
St James the Apostle is known as James the James’s absence from the apocryphal gospels
Great to distinguish him from James the Less, is odd, given his pre-eminence in the canonical
or James the brother of the Lord (also called by gospels, but might be explained in part by his
Eusebius James the Just) who became a pillar early martyrdom, and in part by his departure
of the Jerusalem community, and is thought from Jerusalem: legend has it that when the
to have been the first bishop of Jerusalem Apostles divided the known world into missionary
(Galatians 1, 19 and 2, 9). He is one of those zones, the Iberian peninsula fell to James. There
that Jesus called Boanerges, ‘son of thunder,’ is nothing intrinsically implausible about this as
the brother of John the Evangelist and the son Spain was already a well-established part of the
of Zebedee. In Spain, he is called El Senor Roman world, and Paul is clear about his own
Santiago, the patron saint of horsemen and desire to make a missionary journey to Spain
soldiers. (Romans 15, 24 and 28).
It is probable that there was a third James, James The sons of Zebedee are specifically mentioned
the son of Alpheus, about whom little is known. as being present at one of the post-resurrection
With Peter and John, James was clearly one of appearances (John 21, 2), on the shore of lake
Jesus’s closest friends during his ministry, and Tiberias; and among those gathered in the upper
it is worth looking for traces of him outside the room after the ascension (Acts 1, 13) and the
canonical gospels. Of the 16 or so apocryphal Transfiguration. Later, James became involved
gospels, two are attributed to James the Brother in the political manoeuverings of the day and
of the Lord, but none to James the Great. The only was arrested by King Herod Agrippa I (r. 41-44
reference to James the Great in the apocryphal AD). This was closely followed by the arrest of
gospels is in the Gospel of the Ebionites (which Peter as part of a purge of Christian leaders by
survives only in fragments quoted by the 4th Agrippa, who saw the new Christian movement
century writer Epiphanus), where a version of the as a threat to Judaism. The only certain fact
story of the call beside the lake of Tiberias is given. recorded of James is his martyrdom (Acts 12,
1-2) at the hands of Herod Agrippa. 7th and 8th
century documents refer to the belief that James Early in the 9th century a hermit, Pelayo, was
spent a number of years preaching in Spain before led by a vision to the spot where the tomb was
returning to Jerusalem, and martyrdom. rediscovered, and the relics were authenticated
His followers are believed to have carried as those of St James by the local bishop. This
St James’ body down to the coast and put it became the springboard for the tradition of
into a boat, which was carried by angels and the pilgrimage - walking the Via de la Plata (which
wind beyond the Pillars of Hercules, to land near follows the Roman road north from Seville) to the
Finisterre, at Padrón, in northern Spain. The local shrine of St James in Santiago de Compostela.
Queen, Lupa, provided the team of oxen used Though a few pilgrims to Santiago are recorded
to draw the body from Padrón to the site of the in the 10th century, and many more in the 11th,
marble tomb (Arca Marmorica), a little way inland, it was in the early 12th century – particularly under
which she had also provided. The saint was the promotion of Archbishop Diego Gelmírez
believed to have been buried with two of his own (1100-1140) – that Santiago came to rank
disciples, Athanasius and Theodore. The site of with Rome and Jerusalem as one of the great
his tomb was forgotten for some 800 years. destinations of medieval pilgrimage. The first
Late 19th and 20th cathedral was built over the site of the tomb, and
century excavations Benedictine houses were established by monks
under the cathedral have along the developing pilgrimage route. Since then
disclosed a Roman-period the pilgrimage has known ups and downs, but it
tomb below the high altar, has never been entirely forgotten.
and a stone inscribed with James’s death is the only biblical record we have
the names Athanasius of the death of one of the Apostles, and the first of
and Theodore. that chosen band to give his life for his Master.
The Rev. Charles John Terry (1870-1919)
Earlier this year Richard Crook did some considerably less expensive.’ Consequently, the
research for me into my grandfather, the school reopened in October 1899, and Terry
Rev. Charles John Terry, who was a curate was appointed Warden. It was a completely
at St Saviour’s from 1895 to 1907. new start, as there was also a new choirmaster:
I was delighted and surprised when he came the long-serving organist and choirmaster of
up with a photo of him, sitting in the centre St Saviour’s, Dr W H Sangster, died in March
of a group outside the church, surrounded by 1899 while discussions for reopening were taking
boys and staff from the Choir School. I knew place, and James R Dear was appointed to fill the
that he was very musical, and my mother had position. There were only sixteen pupils to start
spoken about him starting up a Choir School with, and this photograph must have been taken
at St Saviour’s, but she knew little more about some time later, as the numbers have increased
it. Here then was conclusive proof! I was truly dramatically. The school was clearly thriving -
delighted to discover that I had inherited this and, indeed, it continued to exist until 1937.
same sort of musical enterprise from him C J Terry left Eastbourne in 1907, when he was
by developing my own summer school for appointed Rector of All Saints, Hastings. The
singers – AIMS – in the midst of Eastbourne! Hastings and St Leonards Observer carried an
The photograph was accompanied by a interview with him on his appointment in which
document describing the history of music-making he stated his aims for his new parish. Amongst
at the church, entitled “A Glorious Past - but them were plans to open a school at the rectory in
what future?” which recounts how St Saviour’s Hastings Old Town, and he had ‘brought some of
first opened a residential Choir School in 1878. his boys from the Choir School at Eastbourne to
For years this was very successful, until the his Collegiate School, and among them a solo boy
expense proved impossible to maintain, and it with a very fine voice.’ (There is no comment in
closed in 1897. Then in 1899, when there were the newspaper about the reaction at St Saviour’s
problems finding enough boys for the choir, to having its talent poached in this way!).
a proposal was made to reopen it as a day The Rev. C J Terry was born in Sheffield, and
school. The Rev. C J Terry, ‘another of the parish one of two brothers who both entered the
Curates. who had been doing much work with church. His elder brother was the Rev. George
the choir during the year, spoke approvingly of F Terry, who I am sure must also have been
the idea, saying that he preferred reconstruction known to parishioners at St Saviour’s. I have
to destruction ... He felt that a day school found several mentions of his name in issues
would meet the church’s musical needs, would of the Eastbourne Gazette. Both were keenly
overcome the present difficulties, and would be interested in music and the Hastings paper
tells us that Charles had edited an edition of were brought up in straitened circumstances by
‘The Church Psalter and Hymn Book’ that was their mother, and were unexpectedly aided in
widely used at the time. I have also found several 1925 by an Eastbourne parishioner who left them
of his published liturgical compositions (chants, a legacy in her will. This was a most generous
hymn tunes and anthems) in the British Library. gesture, as their father had left St Saviour’s
C J Terry only spent two years in Hastings, and in 1907, eighteen years earlier, and the donor
in 1909 he moved to London. His brother George cannot have known the children well, if at all.
had been Vicar of All Souls in West Hampstead, It may seem strange to us today, but I was
London, but in that year was appointed Rector told that my grandmother talked little to her
of St. John the Evangelist in Princes-street, children about their father, his life and work.
Edinburgh. Charles was invited to All Souls to Perhaps that was her way of coping with the
replace him and, once again, he opened a choir grief, but it meant that my mother only had a
school in the vicarage. This closed in 1914 - but hazy knowledge of the family history, and much
whether it was a casualty of the First World War of it was not accurate. It has been satisfying,
or not is unclear. In 1913, he and my grandmother therefore, to flesh out the statistics with first-hand
were married, and soon had a young family in the information - and this picture, which adds to my
house. There was probably insufficient room for a knowledge of the grandfather I never knew, but
school as well! Despite the horrors in Europe, life who must have strangely inspired me to start me
throughout the War must have been happy for the own music school. AIMS (AIMS International
family. However tragedy was to strike at its end, Music School) is now in its eleventh year, and
when both Charles and his brother were victims of would like to welcome you to some of our public
the influenza epidemic that swept Europe in 1918- concerts in August, particularly a big Choral
19. Hearing that his brother, George, was critically Concert in All Saints Church Eastbourne on
ill with the virus in February 1919, Charles rushed Friday August 25th at 7.45pm, when students
to his side. He travelled up to Edinburgh overnight, on the AIMS course will perform the Brahms
but also succumbed to the virus, and died there Liebeslieder Waltzes and Rossini’s Stabat Mater
ten days later, on 17 February. He left behind
three children under the age of five. The children Neil Jenkins
150th Anniversary
Commemorative Mugs avaiIable
Full colour, bone china mugs celebrating 150 years £10
of our church and some of its artworks.
Microwave and dishwasher safe. EACH
Vicarage Garden Party
This year the Vicarage Garden Party
will take place shortly after the
Confirmation service conducted
by Bishop Martin on the 16th July.
As its our 150th year as an Anglo-catholic church in the heart of
Eastbourne we are celebrating by having a barbecue with a host of
salads and other dishes (followed by delicious desserts).
In addition there will even be a small range of cocktails on sale.
Tickets for the Garden Party are available NOW priced £12.00
(under 16s free).
Tickets from Elizabeth Hadfield 01323 422050
or Paul Fella 01323 656346. Numbers are limited.
A year certainly passes quickly. It only seems It went through my mind
like yesterday that we were last on an outing to that with all the local florists
Arundel Cathedral. perhaps Eastbourne could try
I don’t know how Sue manages the weather. a Festival.
I think she has a secret hotline to the Almighty. Worth thinking about.
Yet again we set forth in our Coach following a Curate to organise... ha ha!
prayer and sprinkling by Father John. The sky was Spot on two o’clock we were
a vivid blue and the temperature was climbing off to Newhaven for a late
relentlessly. We had a clear run and soon arrived Lunch and welcome drink (2
at our destination. Why is it coaches always have large Gins wasn’t enough!)
faulty air conditioning. Frazzled we were. At least the Driver managed
After a long queue we finally entered the to fix the Air Con so we were
Cathedral. One thing that struck us was the chilled but not stirred.
number of tables set up selling a large variety Excellent food as usual and a surfeit of good
of goods and we were reminded of the Money company.
Changers in the Temple. Too commercial by far. Many thanks to Sue and Keith for the usual
Must do better next time. trouble free day. It ran like clockwork. Can we do
The flowers this year seemed fewer and I for one Osbourne House on the Isle of Wight next time.
thought it lacked the wow factor. It’s do-able in a day albeit a long day.
Still we all have different opinions.
John Vernon
the hairs on the back of
Tickets available ‘MYTHS & LEGENDS’ your neck stand up, and
on the door A SONG RECITAL FEATURING: his impeccable technique
STEPHAN LOGES will have you wondering
Penny Jenkins
SUNDAY 20 AUGUST 2017 | 7.45pm | £15 entry Vocal Coach
on the
Celebrity Masterclass Choral Concert
Masterclass for Solo singers given by Dame Ann Murray Rossini: Stabat Mater Nicholas Jenkins
Dame Ann Murray. Watch as five Brahms: Liebeslieder Waltzes.
outstanding students receive live coaching Performed by AIMS students and featuring
from the distinguished Mezzo-Soprano the best student soloists. Conducted by
opera singer. Nicholas Jenkins & John Hancorn.
ONLY £10 ONLY £10
WEDNESDAY 23 AUGUST 2017 | 7.45pm FRIDAY 25 AUGUST 2017 | 7.45PM
Handel’s Other Messiahs? Four Staged Opera Scenes
Handel’s Messiah was reputed to have The climax of AIMS week! Come and
been written in 23 days. Neil Jenkins hear the opera stars of the future as
with the AIMS Choir and soloists, explore they tread the boards and spread their
some re-used earlier compositions to operatic wings, in a selection of opera
reveal Handel’s developing choral style. scenes from the past 300 years.
ONLY £10Neil Jenkins, Handel Scholar ONLY £10
SATURDAY 26 AUGUST 2017 | 7.30PM SUNDAY 27 AUGUST 2017 | 2.30PM
After a lot of
head scratching
and rethinking,
I believe (famous
last words) that a
solution has now
been found and
that the blower is
now fixed. It would
seem that the power supply was too powerful and
this has now been rectified by introducing a three
phase supply ...don’t ask!!!
BLAST Back to the
music. The choir
FROM THE CONSOLE went to a cross
parish partnership
So that’s it then; summer has been and gone. service for
Back to the winter clothes and the wind and Corpus Christi
the rain!! Heyho!!! at St Andrews
This was an
experience with lots of ritual and lots of clergy in
their finery. For all that it was great to take part
and we provided a boost to the choir and sang
the Mozart ‘Ave Verum.’
So June saw more problems with the organ Our next concert in the series is the Brighton
blower and the more observant among you will Chamber Ensemble on the 3rd July at 1.00pm.
have noticed that we were without the organ Please come along, this promises to be a lovely
for two Sundays. In fact it was out of action for concert with lots of relaxing music played by
three weeks and we missed out on two concerts some very experienced players.
as well. These summer months provide a quiet time for
The interruption to the Sunday services is of us with people away on holiday. The concert
course most ‘vexing’ (as Jane Austin might have programme carries on, however. Look out for
put it) but I was really disappointed about the future dates.
loss of the concerts. We have a very ambitious Let’s hope that the warm weather returns!!
programme this year and I really got the sense of
a building momentum that has rather stalled for The winners of the May
the moment! 2017 100’s Club draw were:
Never mind, Tom Bell and Richard Brasier will be
back next year to play for us which is wonderful. 1st prize £40 45 Peter Benzing
I am very grateful to them for their understanding. 2nd prize £20 5 Jennifer Mclean
All was not lost however, Alex Eadon’s recital was 3rd prize £10 28 John Vernon
moved to St John’s. This was a splendid event We currently have 3 lines remaining.
with some great music beautifully played. It was Please see Steve Gilbert for details.
also great to hear the St John’s organ put through The cost is £2 per month with the draw
its paces. My thanks to both St John’s and to Alex taking place on the last Sunday of the month.
for being so accommodating.
1 Favourite piece of music 4 Favourite Saint
Verklärte Nacht, (‘Transfigured Night’) Op.4. St Paul is my name saint, although I suppose
Arnold Schoenberg was inspired to write this that some might say I am a ‘lost cause’ and
piece by a mystical poem by Richard Dehmel therefore I should hold up St Jude as my
– in cold, moonlit woods, two lovers, resolve favourite. St Paul’s premise that our salvation is a
that their love will be transformed by hope and consequence of faith, rather than dogma or law,
devotion. It never ceases to move me. has always struck a chord with me.
2 Favourite book 5 Favourite holy place
The books of George Orwell are something that I first visited the Shrine of Our Lady of
I have found fascinating ever since I discovered Walsingham 30 or so years ago and for over
them as a teenager. The allegory of Animal Farm the last 20, I have returned there on pilgrimage
is something I often return to. Unfortunately (sometimes twice in a year). This small village
almost all of it is still true some 72 years later! in Norfolk captivated me from my very first visit
3 Favourite place to visit and remains close to my heart.
This has to be the land of my fathers...Italy. 6 Favourite hymn
While I find it very hard to single out one place Tricky! But ‘Let all mortal flesh…’ the
in particular, I went to Sicily fairly recently, and Eucharistic devotion from the Liturgy of
I must say that it is a place that I would never St James is a hymn that touched me deeply
tire of visiting - particularly Taormina. It is a when I first heard it as a youngster, and it has
crossroads of cultures and has a cuisine that is remained with me as a firm favourite.
very hard to beat – especially the ice cream!
Paul Fella
Your contributions are invited to ensure that this revival is a success
CfSoaortmuarmDdauayny i8–tyJ…uly
Have you ever
wondered what
it is like to live in an intentional Christian
Have you ever wanted to try it out
– but only for a day?
If you are a youth leader, are you looking for
somewhere to direct young people who want
to connect and network with fellow Christians?
Darvell Bruderhof in Robertsbridge invites
young people, 18 – 35 years old, to participate
in the daily life of the community on 8 July from
12 noon to 8 pm.
CEloleulr/sGelysnadtley Manor
13-16 July Deliverance Ministry 1
Details at:
Well, we’re certainly Well done to the church wardens and Keith for
getting a variety of removing the mattress and syringes which were
weather this year. One behind the church building next to the low fence
adjoining the vicarage garden. A high fence has
Sunday the DOM was now been erected so that if the children are
conducting the choir and he looked as though chasing a ball they are in no danger.
he’d just stepped out of the shower – no he
had his choir robe on! What a shame Betsy has How many of you have noticed the change
been out of action, we really miss her when of banner on the north side of the sanctuary?
she’s sick. Fingers crossed she’s hale and The previous one of the blessed Virgin Mary is
hearty now. You don’t know her? Yes you do, having a rest and the one (same subject) which
she’s our magnificent organ. previously hung in the corridor near the kitchen
A big Thank you to Michael Brennan for his hard has taken her place.
work over a number of years. Michael has retired
from counting, banking and reporting the weekly David H and Paul J now have their new West
church financial income and this has been taken Highland White Terrier. Following in the paw
over by Carl. Sebastian has now taken over the prints of his 2 predecessors he is named after
Planned Giving. Michael was also responsible a character from one of Charles Dickens books
for the lists for intercessors, readers and lay – Pip.
assistants and this has now been taken over
by John Vernon. Enjoy your rest Michael. Kathleen Stevens is no longer able to receive
There is no end to the talents of John B. The other visitors or hold a conversation on the telephone.
Sunday prior to choir practice he cleared the She would like to hear what some of you are up to
entrance to the church where a fox had deposited and would appreciate the occasional card.
‘you know what’. We miss you greatly Kathleen. God bless you.
Well done to the children who report on Kids
Church each Sunday. It can’t be easy standing up Two appeals were made this month, the first being
the front reporting what they have just learnt. for the Manchester victims and raised £80 and
Well done, Niamh, Ezra and Lavinia. I must say the PCC agreed to make this up to £250 from the
I am very envious of your beautiful dresses and Mission Fund. This was followed the next week
skirts Lavinia. by a raffle in aid of the people affected by the
I understand that Chat - Stop will be a regular Grenfell Tower Fire and raised £210.
meeting for coffee and conversation in the Thank you to all who contributed.
church room from 10-11.30am on the 2nd Keep cool
Saturday of every month. Please put the word TTFN.
round and tell anyone you know who might
be interested. There are still invitation cards
sitting on the table at the back of the church
which need to be put through letter boxes
around the parish. People can’t come if they
don’t know it’s on.
Dates for your Diary July 2017
Sat 1 No Mass
Sun 2 S. Peter and S. Paul Aps. 08.00am Mass 10.30am Solemn Mass
Mon 3 10.30am Mass S. Thomas Ap.
Tues 4 12 noon Mass S. Elizabeth of Portugal
Wed 5 10.30am Mass S. Anthony of Zaccaria Pr.
Thurs 6 10.30am Mass 3.00pm CBS Office and Benediction
Fri 7 12 noon Mass
Sat 8 09.00am Mass Our Lady
Sun 9 Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
08.00am Mass 10.30am Solemn Mass
Mon 10 10.30am Mass Faithful Departed Guild of All Souls
Tues 11 12 noon Mass S. Benedict Ab.
Wed 12 10.30am Mass
Thurs 13 10.30am Mass
Fri 14 12 noon Mass Laying on of Hands
Sat 15 09.00am Mass S. Bonaventure Bp. Dr.
Sun 16 Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
08.00am Mass 10.30am Solemn Mass and Confirmation
Celebrant and Preacher – The Bishop of Chichester
Mon 17 10.30am Mass
Tues 18 12 noon Mass
Wed 19 10.30am Mass
Thurs 20 10.30am Mass S. Apollinaris Bp. M.
Fri 21 12 noon Mass
Sat 22 09.00am Mass S. Mary Magdalene
Sun 23 Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
08.00am Mass 10.30am Solemn Mass
Mon 24 10.30am Mass
Tues 25 12 noon Mass S. James Ap. Walsingham Cell
Wed 26 10.30am Mass S. Joachim and S. Anne, Parents of the BVM
Thurs 27 10.30am Mass
Fri 28 12 noon Mass
Sat 29 12 noon Mass S. Martha
Sun 30 Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
08.00am Mass 10.30am Solemn Mass
Mon 31 10.30am Mass S. Ignatius of Loyola Pr.
OT = Ordinary Time BVM= Blessed Virgin Mary
Church Officers Telephone
01323 722317
Vicar Rev Christopher Yates SSC
The Vicarage Spencer Road Eastbourne BN21 4PA 422050
Curate Rev Nicholas Archer 485399
83c South Street Eastbourne BN21 4LR 723584
Hon Associate Clergy Rev Christopher Hadfield, BA 381796
Canon Charles Lansdale BA 07706 067496
Rev Nick MacNeill, BTh 01323 656346
Rev John Wright BSc Cert Ed 412061
Rev Dr David Musson M Phil 720577
Rev Anthony Fiddian-Green MA, Cert Ed 735410
Rev David Weaver BA, MA, Cert Ed
Canon Robert Fayers SSC 489646
Churchwardens Mrs Pauline Fella
Mr John Vernon
Secretary PCC Mrs Judy Grundy
Treasurer Miss Mary Delves
Planned Giving Mr Sebastian Verity
Banking Mr Carl Hodgkinson
Electoral Roll Mrs Mary Tomsett
Other Officers Mr Paul Collins 647969
Director of Music
Parish Hospital Contact Mr Richard Elliott 872168
Sacristan/Servers Mr Stuart Burns 500585
Chat-Stop Rev Anthony Fiddian-Green 381796
Caring and Sharing Vacant
Car Park Manager / 100 Club Mr Steve Gilbert 469078
Safeguarding Officer Miss Jacqueline Mulholland 638269
Churches Together Mrs Beverly Cochran 434785
Deanery Synod Miss Mary Delves, Mrs Isobel Nugent, Miss Jacqueline Mulholland
Family Support Work Mrs Mary Tomsett 489646
Mr Robert Ascott 728892
Librarian Mr David Thorpe 486214
Guild of All Souls Miss Lis Trustam 504909
Mission to Seafarers Mrs Isobel Nugent 725796
Additional Curates Society Mr Roger Emery 431283
Open Church Mr Roger Ellis 649896
Our Lady of Walsingham / CBS Miss Mary Delves 735410
Vestry (unmanned) 729702
Church Organisations Miss Lis Trustam – call for details 504909
Bible Reading Fellowship 485399
Book Group Rev Nick MacNeill – call for details 724317
Church Cleaning Mrs Rita Orchard – Tuesdays from 9am 723375
Church Grounds Mr John Burford
Events Committee Mr Paul Fella – meets as necessary
Flower Arrangers Mrs Rita Orchard – Fridays from 9am
Webmaster / Magazine / Publicity Mr Paul Fella