The Parish magazine of October 2016
Volume XLVII No. 10
Contents Page Church Services
A letter from Fr Chris Yates 3
Saint Francis of Assisi 4 Sundays
Book Review 6 8.00 Low Mass
You are so Blessed… 8 10.30 Solemn Mass and Sermon
Parish Outing to the ‘Sistine Chapel’
A Blast from the Console 10 followed by refreshments
Forthcoming Concerts and Recitals 14 in the Church Hall.
100s Club results
Ride and Stride 15 Weekdays
Eve’s Droppings Mon, Wed, Thurs 10.30am;
Dates for your Diary 18 Tues and Fri 12noon; Sat 9.00am
Directory 19
20 Major Weekday Festivals
Said Mass as above, Sung Mass: 7.30pm.
Cover: Morning and Evening prayer are said daily at
St Francis of Assisi, Anonymous, Lombardy, Italy - 8.30am and 5.30pm unless otherwise
Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya, Spain. indicated on notice boards.
The Parish Magazine is published on the The Clergy are happy to bring the Sacrament to
last Sunday of the month. the housebound or sick at any hour of the day
or night. The Holy Oil is available for those who
Matter for publication should be sent to wish to be anointed.
[email protected].
The Sacrament of Reconciliation
Copy deadline is 20th of the month A priest is usually available to hear Confessions
and articles should be no longer than or for Spiritual Advice on Fridays at 11.30am
750 words. News items or reports should or by appointment.
be factual and no longer than 250 words.
Hospital visits
Articles are copyright to the author and the Our Parish Contact for local hospitals,
Editor’s decision is final. Mr Richard Elliott (872168), will visit and give
communion to those in hospital.
stsaviourseastbourne.org.uk is the church
website and is managed by Paul Fella Other Services provided by the church
([email protected]) to Arrangements for Baptisms, Banns of
whom matter for the site should be sent. Marriage, Weddings and Funerals
should be made with the Church Wardens.
The church is open from 8.30am each day
and a team of volunteers is available to answer
questions etc from 10am most days.
The Book Shop/Souvenir Stall is also open
while there is a volunteer on duty.
A letter from Fr Chris Yates
I am absolutely thrilled As we grieve in leaving Raymond Terrace, we
to be given the honour are given joy by the ministry ahead as we
of being the next vicar discern together the mission of God in
of St Saviour and Eastbourne. I bring with me a passion for the
St Peter’s, Eastbourne. spreading of the Gospel to new generations of
people, as well as a strong sense of being
When I first looked at the involved in the broader community and civic life
pictures on the website of Eastbourne. I am a musician and very much
and the description of the sort of priest that you looking forward to continuing the musical
were looking for I felt that God was giving me a ministry of St Saviour’s. We also look forward to
very strong indication that I was meant to be being near to Rachel’s extended family who live
amongst you. I come looking forward to being in Worthing and Upper Beeding.
back in England and filled with enthusiasm for
the years ahead. There will be a time for me to Most of all I look forward to getting to know
be more fully introduced, but for now I’ll say you, to walking alongside you; and in the week
that I come not alone but with my wife Rachel, of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, to offering
an artist, publisher and trainee English Teacher; myself as a living sacrifice to the glory of the
with my eldest daughter Niamh (pronounced Cross of our Lord who is our life, our salvation,
Neave), an organ scholar and a smart 12 year and our hope.
old who loves dancing and musical theatre; my
son Ezra, an 8 year old budding footballer and With every blessing,
expert boat-boy; and my youngest daughter
Orla, three and a half and hilarious. Fr Chris
Fr Christopher Yates
will be inducted as the Vicar of
at a Eucharist on the
20th November 2016 at 6.30pm
The Right Reverend Dr Martin Warner, Bishop of Chichester
The Venerable Edward Dowler, Archdeacon of Hastings
All are invited to this most wonderful celebration
and refreshments will be served after the service.
Saint Francis of Assisi
Saint Francis of Assisi abandoned a life of in lonely places, asking God for spiritual
luxury for a life devoted to Christianity after enlightenment.
reportedly hearing the voice of God, who
commanded him to rebuild the Christian By degrees he took to nursing lepers, in the
church and live in poverty. He is the patron ‘lazar’ houses near Assisi. After a pilgrimage to
saint for ecologists. Rome, he joined the poor in begging at the
doors of Saint Peter’s Basilica and he was
EARLY LIFE OF LUXURY moved to live in poverty. He said that he had a
Born Giovanni di Pietro di Bernardone, mystical vision of Jesus Christ in the country
informally named Francesco (the Fenchman) chapel of San Damiano, just outside Assisi, in
circa 1181, in Assisi, Italy, Saint Francis though which the Icon of Christ Crucified said to him,
revered today, began his life as a confirmed “Francis, Francis, go and repair My house
sinner. His father was a wealthy cloth merchant which, as you can see, is falling into ruins.” He
who owned farmland around Assisi, and his took this to mean the ruined church in which he
mother was a noble woman from Provence. was presently praying.
In his youth, Francis was spoiled, indulging
himself with fine food, wine, and wild After this epiphany at the church of San
celebrations. By the age of 14 he had left Damiano, Francis experienced another defining
school and become known as a rebellious moment in his life. In order to raise money to
teenager who frequently drank and partied. rebuild the Christian church, he sold a bolt of
He was also known for his charm and vanity. cloth from his father’s shop, along with his
horse. His father became furious upon learning
In these privileged surroundings, Francis of his son’s actions and subsequently dragged
learned the skills of archery, wrestling and him before the local bishop. The bishop told
horsemanship. He was expected to follow his Francis to return his father’s money, to which
father into the family textile business, but he his reaction was extraordinary: he stripped off
was bored by the prospect of life in the cloth his clothes, and along with them, returned the
trade. Instead of planning for a life as a money back to his father, declaring that God
merchant, he began daydreaming of a future as was now the only father he recognised. This
a knight and it wouldn’t be long before the event is credited as Francis’ final conversion,
opportunity for warfare beckoned. and there is no indication that he and his father
ever spoke again thereafter.
In 1201, he joined a military expedition against
Perugia and was taken prisoner, spending a The bishop gave Francis a rough tunic, and
year as a captive while waiting for his father to dressed in these new humble clothes, Francis
pay his ransom. It is possible that his spiritual left Assisi. Unluckily for him, the first people he
conversion was a gradual process rooted in this met on the road were a group of dangerous
experience. When he returned to Assisi in 1203, thieves, who beat him badly. Despite his
Francis resumed his carefree life, but later, a wounds, Francis was elated. From now on, he
serious illness led him to a spiritual crisis. would live according to the Gospel.
In 1204, Francis left for Apulia to enlist in the Francis’ embrace of Christ-like poverty was a
army of Walter III, but he had a vision that radical notion at the time. The Christian church
directed him back to Assisi. He had lost his was tremendously rich, much like the people
taste for the worldly life and there was a heading it, which concerned Francis and many
deepening of his ecclesiastical awakening. others, who felt that the long-held apostolic
Francis subsequently spent a great deal of time ideals had eroded. Francis set out on a mission
to restore Jesus Christ’s own, original values to In 1224, Francis reportedly received a vision
the now-decadent church. With his incredible that left him with the stigmata of Christ – marks
charisma, he drew thousands of followers to resembling the wounds Jesus Christ suffered
him. They listened to Francis’ sermons and when he was crucified, through his hands and
joined in his way of life; his followers became the gaping lance wound in his side. This made
known as ‘Franciscan friars’. Francis the first person to receive the holy
wounds of the stigmata. They would remain
Continuously pushing himself in the quest for visible for the rest of his life. Because of his
spiritual perfection, Francis was soon preaching earlier work treating lepers, some believe that
in up to five villages per day, teaching a new the wounds were actually symptoms of leprosy.
kind of emotional and personal Christian
religion that everyday people could understand. DEATH AND LEGACY
He even went so far as to preach to animals, As Francis approached his death, many
which garnered criticism and earned him the predicted that he was a saint in the making.
nickname ‘God’s fool.’ But Francis’ message When his health began to decline more rapidly,
was spread far and wide, and thousands of Francis went home. Knights were sent from
people were captivated by what they heard. Assisi to guard him and to make sure that no
one from neighbouring towns would carry him
off (the body of a saint was viewed, at the time,
as an extremely valuable relic that would bring,
among many things, glory to the town where it
Francis of Assisi died on October 3, 1226, at the
age of 44, in Assisi, Italy. Today, Francis has a
lasting resonance with millions of followers
across the globe. He was canonised as a saint
just two years after his death, on July 16, 1228,
by his former protector, Pope Gregory IX.
Saint Francis of Assisi is the patron saint for
ecologists – a title honouring his boundless love
for animals and nature and along with Saint
Catherine of Siena, he was designated Patron
saint of Italy. He founded the men’s Order of
Friars Minor, the women’s Order of Saint Clare,
the Third Order of Saint Francis and the
Custody of the Holy Land.
Because he is
associated with
patronage of animals
and the natural
environment, it has
become customary for
Catholic and Anglican
churches to hold
ceremonies blessing
animals on his feast
day of 4 October.
Book review Here at St Saviour’s we have a surprisingly
good library. I have written this review in the
Review of The Fifth Times Book of Best hope of encouraging more people to enjoy
Sermons the books available to us.
Edited by Ruth Gledhill The Fifth Times Book of Best Sermons
Published by Cassell 1999 opens with a foreword by Dr Margaret Brearley
setting out what in Dr Brearley’s view makes a
“good sermon”, such as including references to
biblical passages, quotes from classical
literature and jokes. I particularly enjoyed the
jokes and as I was on holiday when I read this
book I didn’t worry that Dr Brearley used
vocabulary completely new to me, for instance
she seems disappointed that “homiletics is little
taught in theological colleges, …” I really
haven’t worried at all that I haven’t a clue what
homelitics is, afterall, I was on holiday and her
jokes helped me move on to the next section,
which is an introduction by Ruth Gledhill and
gives a concise overview of the competition to
find the best sermons with a summary of the Rabbi Shmuley Boteach’s rather long sermon
role of the sermon in modern society. spoke very personally to me, probably because
I was brought up in a strictly observant Jewish
I am fascinated by people so I particularly family. Shmuley, In spite of being highly
enjoyed the biographies of the sermon writers. educated and very well connected, delivers a
These people have lived such interesting lives. sermon with a down-to-earth and reassuring
For instance Barbara Baisley studied painting in message, “don’t let the urgent stop us from
Chelsea and planned to go on to teacher attending to the important”. I have paraphrased
training, “but was waylaid by marriage, the rest of this paragragh from page 47. The
parenthood and later, God.” (p71). I can’t help Almighty understands the daily demands on
wondering where and how she was waylaid, people so gave us the Sabbath when solely
was it God himself or perhaps an angel who spiritual matters are urgent. “Learning to make
waylaid her? In contrast The Reverend Mark our loved ones into the Sabbath is the single
Hart was educated at Cambridge and did a PhD greatest lesson for successful relationships.”
in Engineering then worked on the On the Sabbath we come to know the sacred.
aerodynamics of steam turbines. His tutor Shmuley suggests we make two hours daily
annotated his first sermon draft with into a personal Sabbath spending sacred time
“ZZZZZZZZZ”. I enjoyed having a window into with our family. Time when we make room in
the lives of the people who had written the our lives for the important. Shmuley ends by
sermons as this added colour and dimension to illustrating the link between God’s
each sermon. commandment to observe the Sabbath and
God freeing the people of Israel from slavery
The best parts of the book, of course, are the in Egypt.
sermons themselves. Just the right length to
read in a coffee-break or on a short train The Reverend Clare Herbert preaching in Soho
journey, these are treats indeed and with great is bold and brave in her sermon on suffering; I
variety even rivalling the excellent, carefully quote from p 68,
prepared sermons we hear at St Saviour’s.
“Where is God. Where the hell is God watching
…don’t let the all the suffering of this world? And an answer
urgent stop us comes deep within us: he is in the middle of
from attending to that hell. When we suffer we do not stand apart
the important from the life of the world nor the stream of God
– we enter them more fully and contribute to
Chris Chivers gives us unflinching detail of the them.”
horrors of the Stephen Lawrence trial but
contrasts the abhorrence of racism with God’s I conclude with hope from p 106, the Reverend
love, shown through the actions of Connor and Mark Hart.
Louise Taffe, two local people walking home
from a prayer meeting, who, being first on the “…there is no simple trick, the first step is to
scene, realising that Stephen was dying, place ourselves at the cross. Then things may
cradled his head, told him that he was very begin to become clearer. Then God’s love may
much loved and said prayers over him. be felt. Then we see a new dimension open up.
God is there. We can bring our prayers to be
heard. We can worship together and be part of
a vast multitude of living and departed who exist
to bring glory to god. To him be praise and
honour for ever and ever. Amen.”
Debbie Plato
St Saviour’s, South Street You are so Blessed
is hosting an
If you woke up this morning
Evensong of With more health than illness
St Francis You are more blessed than
The millions who won’t survive this week.
With blessing of pets If you have never experienced
The danger of battle
Sunday 2nd October The loneliness of imprisonment
at 3.30pm The agony of torture or
The pangs of starvation,
Followed by refreshments served You are ahead of 20 million people
in the Church Hall Around the world.
If you attend a church meeting
Without fear of harassment
Arrest, torture, or death,
You are more blessed than almost
Three billion people in the world.
If you have food in your refrigerator.
Clothes on you back, a roof over
Your head and a place to sleep,
You are richer than 75% of this world.
If you have money in the bank,
In your wallet, and spare change
In a dish somewhere, you are among
The top 8% of the world’s wealthy.
If your parents are still married
You are very rare,
Especially in the United States.
If you hold up your head with a smile
On your face and are truly thankful,
You are most blessed because the majority can.
But most do not.
If you hold someone’s hand, hug them
Or even touch them on the shoulder,
You are blessed because you can
Offer God’s healing touch.
If you can read this message
You are more blessed than over
Two billion people in the world
That cannot read anything at all.
You are blessed in ways
You may never know.
Parish Outing to the ‘Sistine Chapel’
On Thursday 15th September 29 stalwarts of It wasn’t plain sailing from the start. The ceiling
St.Saviours sallied forth on our day outing was made of fibre board, a material which
driven by our trusty driver Tony. would just soak up paint, so a solution was
found. Board the ceiling with marine ply – not
A day trip to Rome you may well anticipate. an easy task, but he did it.
Sorry, but our time and budget didn’t stretch to
that but we did the next best thing and headed Unlike Michaelangelo, he didn’t lie on his back
for GORING ON SEA. and paint. He kept looking at the progress from
a distance and 5 years passed before its
Our destination was the church of the English completion.
Martyrs which is unique in having the only copy
albeit two thirds scale of the actual Sistine
Chapel ceiling.
Michaelangelo (di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni)
didn’t come for a holiday break. This was the
result of a pilgrimage to Rome for the
Beatification of 85 English Martyrs in 1987.
Upon returning one of the parishioners was so
inspired that he badgered the Parish Priest and
the Bishop to be allowed to make an exact
copy. Eventually permission was granted.
The parishioner was Gary Bevans, a local sign
Well, what words do we use as we enter the I know Diana Dean enjoys painting pictures on
building and look up? Wow seems very mild. her Yacht, perhaps she could practice on the
Incredible? Mind blowing? I’m sure all of us cabin ceiling and then do the church. Ha ha!
who went had our own choice.
Well it was a lovely day out and thanks must go
It was a truly moving experience and God to Sue and Keith Metcalfe for organising it as
blessed us with a beautiful hot sunny day. efficiently as ever.
After some time in their lovely shop it was time How about Lancing College Chapel next or
to board our coach and come back to earth better still Keble College...?
with a bump. Newhaven and lunch beckoned
and was most welcome. John Vernon
What is a Will?
A Will is a legal document that confirms how you wish your
property, personal possessions, savings and investments
to be distributed upon your death. For a Will to be valid the
maker of the Will must have the necessary mental capacity
at the time they make their Will and be signed by them in
the presence of two independent witnesses. It is usual to
include the appointment of executors who will have the
duty of proving your Will and ensuring your wishes are
carried out.
A Will can also: Furthermore, partners who have been living
together for many years, but who have not entered
n Specify any particular wishes you may have into marriage or civil partnership are not
for your funeral recognised at all under the rules of intestacy. But
by having a valid Will you get to choose who
n Show how you wish your estate to be benefits.
It is important to keep a Will updated. And you
n Confirm to whom, and in what proportions, should consider whether your executors will
you wish your residuary estate to be continue to be available and suitable. So, It may
distributed be preferable to appoint grown up children or
a solicitor as executor. If your executors or
n Ensure that assets are kept within a family beneficiaries change address it will not invalidate
and help to avoid disputes your Will, but it can make them hard to locate.
n Reduce an inheritance tax bill. Finally changes to the law with regard to
inheritance tax mean it may be appropriate to
In today’s society the structure of the family is update your Will to ensure your estate is more
changing and it is even more important that tax efficient.
your estate passes to your chosen beneficiary.
Without a valid Will in place you will die ‘intestate
‘and the rules of intestacy will specify how your
estate will be distributed.
Should your estate be distributed under the rules
of intestacy, it could be given to relatives you
neither know nor like and in some circumstances
your estate can even pass to the Crown.
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Continental Deli and Café 56b Grove Road
has many famous musical connexions, but
maybe that’s for another time.
We are a grandfather… how amazing is this. The Monday lunchtime concert saw the return
In common with many, I’m sure, I of Simon Weale who gave an electrifying recital
cannot believe that I have of what I described, at the time, as real organ
reached this point in my life. It’s music. This was a treat for me because so often
all terribly exciting. Sally and we hear transcriptions of pieces (piano and
I would like to thank everyone orchestral works mainly) which have been
for their kind thoughts and rearranged for the organ. Of course there is
best wishes. He’s a solid nothing wrong with that and some will be
little fella, weighing in at 9lb 6oz relieved to hear a familiar melody come over the
and is called Kilian Thomas. airwaves when the organist strikes up. One
tends to forget, however, that there is a whole
repertoire of music written specifically for the
instrument. It was particularly lovely to hear
works by Bach and Vierne.
Well the sun eventually came out and happily Now, it’s harvest time. As I write this
continues to shine. September saw the end of preparations are under way for the Choral
the summer holidays and some of us are faced Evensong on Sunday 25th at which time we
with the return to work or school. It also means will be welcoming singers from St John’s to join
the return to choir practice and the long uphill us in the celebration. I am particularly grateful
ride to Easter! The next six months is jammed to Revd David Musson who will be presiding at
with festivals, feast days, concerts and the service.
celebrations; so much so that, before you know
it we’ll all be processing down the aisle to Jesus The October recital will be given by John Ross,
Christ is risen today! another very talented local organist who will be
playing a very varied program of music by
Since my last letter we have had two great Bach, Whitlock, Langlais and our very own
concerts. The August Bank Holiday recital was Healy-Willan. Please come along and support
given by pianist Rosemary Kemp. She delighted him on Monday 3rd at 1pm.
us with a ‘ferocious’ performance of Bach’s
‘Italian Concerto’ and some beautiful pieces by October 2nd sees a cross Parish partnership
Chopin and Debussy. You might be interested service of evensong with all our furry friends.
to know that Claude Debussy was a great fan of A purrfect time to look out some more Bark…
our town and a frequent visitor, staying at the (groan).
Grand on many an occasion. It is said that
wrote much of ‘La Mer’ here and also ‘Reflets See you next month when there will be talk of
dans l’eau’ which was apparently inspired by Remembrance, Induction and Christ the King!
the old pond in Devonshire Park. Eastbourne
Forthcoming Concerts and Recitals
October Monday 3rd 1.00pm Lunchtime Organ Recital – John Ross
November Monday 7th 1.00pm Lunchtime Organ Recital – Malcolm Kemp
December Tuesday 20th 7.30pm Christmas Gala Concert
The winners of the August We still need existing members to renew
2016 100’s Club draw were: and we are also looking for new members
to sign up. See Steve Gilbert for details.
1st Sue Metcalfe 80 The cost is £2 per month with the draw
2nd Gabriel Hopkins 69 taking place on the last Sunday of the month.
3rd Sylvia Dwyer 79 Subject to numbers, prizes range from £40 for
first prize, £20 for second and £10 for third.
It’s not too late to donate!
Below… Left…
Jim Tomsett and Labrador Katherine Musson
Poppy at their fourth stop on her bike doing the ‘Ride’
St Saviour’s doing their
stride… Below…
Pauline and Paul Fella setting off
from St Saviour’s – the first of
their ten!
Sponsorship is still coming in
and it’s not too late to donate.
Once we know a total it will be
published in the magazine.
Well done to the happy
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Hello everyone! church and everyone who sponsored our team.
Well done all!
At the end of the 10.30am
Sunday Mass the other week The other Thursday Mary D was on her way to
a man in a dark suit made his Mass when she fell on the pavement in South
way to the lectern. He gives a Street. Entering the Church she was greeted by
message and everyone claps. Whatever's going Mary T who sat her down, found the First Aid kit
on here? Everyone's smiling! We're getting a and cleaned up the hole in Mary's chin. Along
new vicar...hurrah! Regular readers of this came the Good Samaritan known to us as
column will remember many months ago that Stephanie who took Mary to her GP who stitched
I forecast a tall, dark, handsome, young man the wound. Hopefully the sutures have now been
and now he's on his way from across the sea! removed and our Treasurer back to her usual self.
Now you all know our Diana D, but did you Our DOM is now Grandpa to a lovely, little boy.
know she had a mid-life crisis and bought a Everyone celebrated after the 10.30am Mass
boat which is moored down at the Harbour? with a super cake decorated with blue icing,
She is so excited about it and her new little pink feet and musical notes coming out of
companion is called ‘Truzy’. his mouth. Dare we wonder if one day he'll sing
bass for us...?
St Saviour's always used to take part in the
Ride and Stride event but this lapsed over My word we are lucky at St Saviour's. Since
recent years. However this year Jim T and Fr Jeffery retired at the end of October last year
Poppy , Paul and Pauline and Katherine M all our daily masses have continued due to the
agreed to raise money for Sussex Historic generosity of our Assistant priests and priests
Churches Trust and St Saviour's Church. from neighbouring parishes and beyond.
Despite the weather girl saying it was going to I hope they will all be able to come to Fr Chris'
rain, Eastbourne was bathed in sunshine. I think Induction Service so that we can show our
three started at St Saviour's Church with appreciation. Chatting with Kathleen Stephens
Katherine on her bicycle and Paul and Pauline the other day she said how much she
striding out to parts of Eastbourne they'd never appreciated the weekly visits from Fr John and
seen before. Jim accompanied by yellow Brenda and also sends her love to you all.
Labrador Poppy started at St John's Church
and the terrain was all downhill from then on. Just a reminder that the Open
Thank you to the helpers who welcomed and Church stall at the back of the
offered drinks to other participants visiting our Church has Christmas cards,
advent candles, Christmas activity
books for children and every day
cards for sale every weekday morning.
All profit to St Saviour's Church. Now where
else can you get 10 lovely, proper Christmas
cards for £1.50p? TTFN
Dates for your Diary October 2016
Sat 1 09.00am Mass S. Therese of the Child Jesus V. Dr.
Sun 2 Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time 08.00am Mass 10.30am Solemn Mass
3.30pm Evensong of S. Francis with the Blessing of Pets (Cross Parish Partnership)
Mon 3 10.30am Mass
Tues 4 12 noon Mass S. Francis of Assisi Rel.
Wed 5 10.30am Mass
Thurs 6 10.30am Mass 3.00pm CBS Office and Benediction
Fri 7 12 noon Mass Our Lady of the Rosary
Sat 8 09.00am Mass Our Lady
Sun 9 Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time 08.00am Mass
10.30am Solemn Mass with Baptism and Confirmation
Mon 10 10.30am Requiem Mass Guild of All Souls
Tues 11 12 noon Funeral Mass for the late Doreen Russell
Wed 12 10.30am Mass S. Wilfrid Bp.
Thurs 13 10.30am Mass S. Edward the Confessor K.
Fri 14 12 noon Mass S. Callistus I P. M. Laying on of Hands
Sat 15 09.00am Mass S. Teresa of Jesus V. Dr.
Sun 16 Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time
08.00am Mass 10.30am Solemn Mass
Mon 17 10.30am Mass S. Ignatius of Antioch Bp. M.
Tues 18 12 noon Mass S. Luke the Evangelist
Wed 19 10.30am Mass
Thurs 20 10.30am Mass
Fri 21 12 noon Mass
Sat 22 09.00am Mass Our Lady
Sun 23 Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time 08.00am Mass 10.30am Solemn Mass
Mon 24 10.30am Mass S. Anthony Mary Claret Bp.
Tues 25 12 noon Mass Walsingham Cell
Wed 26 10.30am Mass S. Chad and S. Cedd Bps.
Thurs 27 10.30am Mass
Fri 28 12 noon Mass S. Simon and S. Judd Aps.
Sat 29 09.00am Mass Our Lady
Sun 30 Solemnity of All Saints 08.00am Mass 10.30am Solemn Mass
Mon 31
10.30am Mass
Church Officers THE DIRECTORY Telephone
Vacant - Interregnum
The Vicarage Spencer Road Eastbourne BN21 4PA
Hon Assistant Clergy Rev Christopher Hadfield, BA 422050
Canon Charles Lansdale BA 646655
Churchwardens Rev Nick MacNeill, BTh 485399
Rev John Wright BSc Cert Ed 723584
Secretary PCC Canon Robert Fayers 07706 067496
Treasurer Mr John Bourdon 01323 729142
Electoral Roll Mrs Pauline Fella 656346
Secretary Planned Giving Mrs Judy Grundy 720577
Miss Mary Delves 735410
Other Officers Mrs Mary Tomsett 489646
Director of Music Mr Michael Brennan 504731
Parish Hospital Contact
Sacristan/Servers Mr Paul Collins 647969
Bookstall Manager Mr Richard Elliott 872168
Caring and Sharing Mr Stuart Burns 500585
Car Park Manager Miss Jane Pinching 894414
Safeguarding Officer Mrs Pat James 721061
Churches Together Mr Steve Gilbert 469078
Mrs Za Crook 729059
Deanery Synod Mrs Pat James 721061
Family Support Work Mrs Beverly Cochran 434785
Miss Mary Delves, Mrs Isobel Nugent, Mr John Bourdon
Librarian Mrs Mary Tomsett 489646
Websmaster Mr Robert Ascott 728892
Guild of All Souls Mr David Thorpe 486214
Mission to Seafarers Mr Paul Fella 656346
Open Church Miss Lis Trustam 504909
Our Lady of Walsingham Mrs Isobel Nugent 725796
100 Club Mr Roger Ellis 649896
Vestry (unmanned) Miss Mary Delves 735410
Mr Steve Gilbert 469078
Church Organisations 729702
Bible Reading Fellowship Miss Lis Trustam – call for details
Book Group Rev Nick MacNeill – call for details 504909
Church Cleaning Mrs Rita Orchard – meets Tuesdays from 9am 485399
Church Grounds Mr John Burford 723375
Flower Arrangers Mrs Rita Orchard – Fridays from 9am 724317
Social Committee Mr Paul Fella – meets as necessary 723375
Disclaimer: The Editor and the Church Wardens do not necessarily agree with all the views expressed in this Magazine. Please note that all
articles are copyright to the author and may not be reproduced in any form or medium without the written permission of the author or Editor.