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Published by phpfella, 2018-04-06 11:15:17

Parish Magazine Apr 2018LR

Parish Magazine Apr 2018LR

The Parish magazine of April 2018
Volume XLIX No.4


Contents Page Church Services

Alleluia! He is risen!… 3 Sundays
8.00 Low Mass
Our lady of Walsingham cell 5
100s Club 10.30 High Mass and Sermon
followed by refreshments
How well do you know the Bible? 6 in the Church Hall.
Stations of the Resurrection 7 Mon, Wed, Thurs 10.30am
Tues and Fri 12noon
ACS 9 Sat 9.00am
Save your plastic milk bottle tops! Major Weekday Festivals
Said Mass as above, Sung Mass: 7.30pm
Giving an Account of the Hope 10-11 unless otherwise indicated on notice boards.
that is within us The Clergy are happy to bring the Sacrament to
the housebound or sick at any hour of the day or
Eastbourne Churches together 12 night. The Holy Oil is available for those who wish
to be anointed.
Answers to Bible Quiz 13 The Sacrament of Reconciliation
Confessions by appointment.
Lent Lunches 14 Hospital visits
Our Parish Contact for local hospitals,
A Blast from the Console 16 Mr Richard Elliott (872168), will visit and give
communion to those in hospital.
Kitty 18 Other Services provided by the church
For Baptisms, Banns of Marriage, Weddings
Dates for your Diary 19 and Funerals please contact the Churchwardens.
Directory 20
Cover image: is the church
Page from 17th Century Chant Book (Netherlands) website and is managed by Paul Fella to
whom matter for the site should be sent via
The Parish Magazine is published on the first [email protected].
Sunday of the month. The church is open from 8.30am each day and
Production: Paul Fella a team of volunteers is available to answer
Matter for publication should be submitted to questions etc from 10am most days.
[email protected] The Book Shop/Souvenir Stall is also open while
Copy deadline is 20th of the month and there is a volunteer on duty.
articles should be no longer than 750 words. St Saviour’s Church
News items or reports should be factual South Street Eastbourne East Sussex BN21 4UT
and no longer than 250 words. Articles are Telephone: 01323 729702
copyright to the author and may not be
reproduced in any form without the written
permission of the author or Editor. The
Editor’s decision is final regarding content.

Disclaimers: The Editor does not necessarily
agree with all of the views expressed in this
The Parish of St Saviour and St Peter
and its representatives do not endorse or
recommend any of the products or services
advertised in this Magazine. Caveat emptor!


He is risen!

…He is risen

This declaration and response is recited in more abundant than what we could ever summon
most Christian congregations around the world on our own.
on Easter Sunday. For the Christian community So the resurrection of Jesus has meaning beyond
Jesus’ death and resurrection is the foundation returning to his dwelling in heaven where he also
of its faith; indeed, as St Paul says, if Christ has ‘builds a home’ in us. The resurrection completes
not been raised, our faith is in vain a process in human existence that involves both
(1 Corinthians 15.17). death and new life: We experience new life after
Indeed, St Paul goes on to say that ‘for as being set free from the destructive forces of guilt,
in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be anxiety, self-righteousness or nihilism that are
made alive’ (1 Corinthians 15.22). Through man ever-present temptations. But for this to occur,
comes our finiteness and death, but through says St Paul, we have to daily experience parts of
Christ comes the resurrection of the dead and us dying, just as Jesus died: we must daily commit
the possibility of eternal life. Yet equally, if one ourselves to sacrificing those beloved habits which
believes that Jesus rose from the dead, it does not privilege the life of the self by being brought into
simply consist in believing that a supernatural act the light that shines from the grace and love we
took place two thousand years ago or that it looks find in Jesus. That’s why St Paul says that Christian
ahead to some future promise of eternity; one is life involves the workings of both death and life,
trusting, as Rowan Williams observes, that there is sometimes simultaneously – always committing to
a kind of life that is coming to life in us now: a kind let the light expose the paths that lead away from
of love and joy, a life of ever-renewed possibilities, life, always letting the new life that is ours (but so
that is the very essence of Jesus’ identity. In other much more than ours) shine through.
words, one’s life is imparted with a fuller and While Easter marks the foundation of the Christian
deeper life than one’s own. The resurrection of faith, and is celebrated in joyous celebrations
Jesus imparts resources for our lives which are


throughout the world, we must also remember for Jesus’s death. Most Christians today (but
that some of the theology about Easter that has not all) would agree with the Catholic Church’s
emerged in the history of the Church has had a declarations.
devastating impact upon others, especially the
Jewish people. But we still have to address the legacy of our
Perhaps the most grievous doctrine to emerge pasts, and with our Scriptures. Every time
from Jesus’ death and resurrection is the charge the Passion narratives are read, the threat of
that the Jews were ‘Christ-killers’. The haunting anti-Judaism reappears. There is no simple or
legacy of that charge becomes acute during comprehensive solution for resolving the problems
Holy Week, when clergy who speak about the in the New Testament – or in the Tanakh, for that
death of Jesus have to talk about the role of ‘the matter; we both have difficult texts in our canons.

Jews’ in the events leading up to it. Every year There are several strategies that we can use (and
conscientious Christians face the same difficulty: indeed are being used), ranging from “excising”
how can a gospel of love and life be proclaimed those problematic texts (cutting them out or
if that same gospel is heard to promote hatred of hitting the ‘delete’ button as if they are no longer
Jesus’s own people? there), to retranslating them (making the offending
It would be disingenuous at best to deny that the passages refer to ‘religious leaders’ rather than
charge against ‘the Jews’ permeates the pages Jews), to romanticise or allegorise, to simply
of the New Testament. We read in the Gospel of admitting that there is a problem that is not easily
Matthew, for example, that Pilate literally washes solved.
his hands while ‘all the people’ (read: all the The promise of the resurrection is that the whole
Jewish people) clamour for Jesus’s death: ‘Let landscape of our life and our reality is disrupted
him be crucified … His blood be on us and on our and enlightened by Jesus. In this light we see God
children!’ (Matthew 27.23, 27). Worse, we find in in a new way, how deep his faithfulness is to us.
John’s Gospel that the author identifies the Jews as We see who we are, how constantly we fail, but
‘from your father the devil’ (John 8:44) and blames also how deeply we are loved and valued with
them for ‘forcing’ Pilate to kill an innocent man. dignity. We see each other – Jew and Christian
In the Acts of the Apostles, St Peter charges ‘the alike – as people valued by God, and this in itself
entire house of Israel’ (Acts 2.36) with crucifying opens up new possibilities for our relationship. We
Jesus and so having ‘killed the Author of life’ (3. see the Other full of God’s glory, demanding our
14-15). St Paul then bluntly refers to ‘the Jews, who reverence and care. In this way, we are perhaps
killed the Lord Jesus’ (1 Thessalonians 2:14-15). catching a glimpse (if ever so briefly) of the world
Perhaps, this vilification could be (at least in as God made it to be, seeing ourselves as God
part) accounted for by the incredulity that Jesus’ made us to be. We are walking into new life.
followers felt about the vast majority of Jews With regard to Christian-Jewish relations we
who could not accept their belief in him as the should acknowledge our point of departure and
Messiah. What was self-evident to one group was speak openly about both the difficulties and the
incomprehensible to the other. Incredulity turned commonalities we share. We choose how to read
to mistrust, and mistrust, on both sides, turned to these religious texts. After centuries of enmity and
vilification. harm, Christians have the opportunity to see the
Today, Christian-Jewish relations have taken resurrection as offering more than just new life for
tremendous strides towards better appreciation individual believers; perhaps it also can be read
and understanding of our common roots and can as offering new possibilities for our relations with
better understand the reasons for the gradual our Jewish neighbours. We can begin something
and often painful separation, and in so doing new: we can recover and celebrate our common
can slowly reverse the damage that has been past, locate Jesus and his earliest followers within
done. Official (and unofficial) church statements Judaism, and live in a (new) time when, as both
facilitate healing as well: Nostra Aetate, the 1965 Jews and Christians, we proclaim our love for God
declaration of Vatican II, proclaimed that all and our neighbour.
Jews at all times should not be held responsible
Dr Stephen Innes,
Council of Christians and Jews


A lamp burns for The winners of the February
this church in the 2018 100’s Club draw were:
Shrine of Our Lady
of Walsingham 1st prize £40  65 Roger Ellis

If you are interested in 2nd prize £20 24 Paul Collins
joining our Walsingham Cell
please contact Mary Delves 3rd prize £10 52 Jill Barnett
on 735410
We are now entering our twelfth year.
The cost remains the same at £2 per
month (£24 for the year). Currently
prizes remain at £40, £20 and £10
respectively, however if the level
falls so will the prize money, but if
we achieve 100 members the prize
money will rise. All profit goes to the
Church and Church Room. Please
see Steve Gilbert (01323 469078) for
details. The Scheme is open to all,
so anyone is welcome to take part.

A Guide to the
Interior of
St Saviour’s

On Sale Now

Price £2.00


How well do You know the Bible?

The examples below have all made a contribution to the English language and culture. Now see if
you can identify the origins of these phrases which were coined by William Tyndale... and without
the help of Google!
1 How are the mighty fallen
2 I am escaped with the skin of my teeth
3 Put his household in order
4 Can the leopard change his spots?
5 The salt of the earth
6 A sign of the times
7 A law unto themselves
8 Through a glass darkly
9 The last trumpet
10 Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die
11 The scarlet woman
12 Am I my brother’s keeper?
13 Written in stone
14 Out of the strong comes sweetness
15 There’s a time for everything
16 The apple of my eye
17 He poured his heart out
18 A drop in the bucket
All the answers are from the King James Bible and can be found on page 13.


Stations of the Resurrection

Far less used than the Stations of the Cross are the Stations of the Resurrection, the Way of
Light, a devotion encouraging meditation on some of the Resurrection appearances and episodes
recorded in the Bible.
These Stations complement the Stations of the Cross being a traditional form of commemoration of
the Passion of Jesus. Unlike the Stations of the Cross, all the Stations of the Resurrection are based on
scripturally-recorded incidents contained in the Gospels and Acts. As with the Stations of the Cross, the
devotion takes no fixed form, but typically includes a reading, meditation, and a prayer. Our usual form is
that of a procession, being accompanied by the singing of a verse of a hymn.
Below is the recognised list of Stations of the Resurrection:
1 Jesus is raised from the dead
2 The finding of the empty tomb
3 Mary Magdalene meets the risen Jesus
4 Jesus appears on the road to Emmaus
5 Jesus is known in the breaking of bread
6 Jesus appears to the disciples in Jerusalem
7 Jesus gives the disciples his peace and the
power to forgive sins
8 Jesus strengthens the faith of Thomas
9 Jesus appears by the Sea of Tiberias
10 Jesus forgives Peter and commands him to
feed his sheep
11 Jesus commissions the disciples upon the mountain
12 The Ascension of Jesus
13 Mary and the disciples wait in prayer
14 The Holy Spirit descends at Pentecost

Other sources, replace some of these Stations with others, such as:
The earthquake • The angel appears to the women • Jesus meets the women • Mary Magdalene
proclaims the Resurrection to the disciples • Jesus and the beloved disciple • Jesus appears to over
500 at once • Jesus appears to Saul.
Perhaps we should give this a try?



The Additional Curates Society (ACS) is a Charity within The Church of England whose primary
purpose is to provide Priests for Parishes who have limited funding and resources so that they
may be able to continue serving the people of their areas and also the continued use of the Parish
Church. In addition to this the ACS runs and funds courses for newly Ordained Priests appointed
to their first Curacy and encourage and train those testing their vocation and calling to the
Sacred Priesthood as Ordinands in cooperation with St Stephen’s House in Oxford, prior to their
Ordination as Deacons and first Parish appointments (Fr Nick Archer came to us from
St Stephen’s House).
The ACS has been situated for some 25 years in the outskirts of Birmingham and their current premises
now needs major investment to continue on the current site. It has therefore been decided to move to
more modern premises located in Central Birmingham which will be easier to reach and also provide
facilities for meeting rooms which can be hired out to create income, and will allow the ACS to continue
to administer for the Charities The CBS. The Glastonbury Pilgrimage Association and The Church Union,
all sources of income for the ACS .
It is hoped that St Saviour’s will be able to support the development of this new venture and a Fund
Raising event is being planned for sometime after Easter for which we would welcome your support.
The Spring/Summer edition of Good News the ACS magazine is available from the table in the Church
Library, please do take a copy.

Roger Emery.
Local Area Secretary ACS

Please save your plastic
milk bottle tops!

Bottle tops can help fund
Eastbourne hospital, so
collect the green, blue
and red plastic tops from
family and friends.
But why do it?

By collecting these bottle tops and recycling
them, money is generated that can be used for
projects at Eastbourne District General Hospital
to improve the patient experience and to help to
buy equipment.
Please give your bottle tops to Mary Tomsett
who is organising our local collection.


Giving an Account of the Hope th

An edited extract from The Bishop of Ebbsfleet’s report on a symposium in Rome

A group of us from The Society travelled to the commitments, the ecumenical partner we turned
Vatican last June. We went with hope in the to first was the Roman Catholic Church.
sense of going bearing a hope within us, to which The precise task was to explain the two
we wanted to give witness to those we had statements which must now be so familiar to
invited to join us at the Anglican Centre in Rome. you: a theological statement of principles –
Communion and Catholicity in the CofE – and
‘Faith, is not a ready- a practical statement of policy and pastoral
made answer’ guidance – A Catholic Life in the CofE.

Cardinal Kasper The first explores, from a theological point of
When The Society says it wishes to provide view, what The Society is, how we evaluate the
ministry, sacraments and oversight which can communion of the Church of England for all its
be received with confidence it’s not motivated members, and what as catholic Christians our
against anyone. It is part of this positive decision vocation is within it. The second statement looks
of hope in the Church, a hope which we believe at how parishes, clergy, ordinands and religious
exists with integrity in our Anglican tradition, and people relate to The Society, and at some of the
especially when it is convergent with all other difficult issues of policy and practice.
Christians believing the catholic faith. This was the The group that travelled was deliberately mixed.
spirit of our pilgrimage. In addition to myself, as the ‘shop steward’ of the
On 16 July 2014, the Archbishop of Canterbury group, there were two bishops – Bishop Jonathan
wrote to the Church of England’s ecumenical Baker and Bishop Norman Banks. We were joined
partners to inform them of the General Synod’s by two younger priests, Fr Ian McCormack and Fr
decision to proceed to the ordination of women as Alexander McGregor, and a layman, Dr Podmore.
bishops. In that letter, he quoted the five guiding In our minds it seemed completely natural to wish
principles as the basis on which the bishops to gather our Roman Catholic colleagues in our
had ‘sought to build trust across the Church.’ Anglican home in Rome, the Anglican Centre. The
He specifically pointed to the third and fourth then-director of the Centre, Archbishop David
principles as ‘ecumenically relevant’: the ones Moxon, and his assistant, Fr Marcus Walker, were
that say that the CofE’s decision is ‘set within from the outset very receptive to the initiative. It
a process of discernment within the universal was an unexpected gift to us, when at the last
Church,’ and that ‘those unable to receive the minute, the new director of the Centre, Bernard
ministry of women bishops or priests remain Ntahoturi, was also able to accept our invitation.
within the spectrum of Anglican teaching and Guided by Cardinal Koch we had issued
tradition—and will be enabled to flourish.’ invitations to many guests from across the Roman
And there the Church of England’s explanation Curia, as well as prominent ecumenists. The
to ecumenical partners about its momentous British Ambassador to The Holy See was present
decision paused; it remains a task to be done. for the morning, and Cardinal Tauran, President of
But by the autumn of 2016 it seemed to some of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue
us that it was a task we might help with. We had stayed throughout. Cardinal Koch and Archbishop
passed through the transitionary arrangements Bernard Longley were unfortunately overseas.
and much good, we thought, could be done In my opening comments, I tried to orientate
by being willing to take an initiative to give an our guests to the task we had set ourselves for
account of how the historic commitments of the day. It was to be an exercise in information-
Anglican teaching and tradition remained firmly sharing and communication – why was it that we
part of its present reality. Given The Society’s


hat is within us

on ‘Communion, Catholicity, and a Catholic Life’ in NewDirections.

had formed The Society in the wake of the recent lived out and experienced: one an episcopal
decision to ordain women to the episcopate? perspective, given by Bishop Norman, and
Secondly, the framework within which the seminar the other a priest’s perspective, given by Fr
was happening was well-known: a ‘certain yet McCormack. Bishop Norman underlined that, after
imperfect’ and ‘real but incomplete’ degree of 20 years of turbulence, the 2014 settlement is in
communion already exists between Anglicans and the earliest stage of reception.
Roman Catholics. It is a mature relationship and Fr McCormack similarly stressed a new and
an ongoing dialogue, based on nearly 1500 years growing cohesiveness in the catholic movement,
of full communion before our separation. a clearer sense of relationship with the rest of
The third comment was on the content of the the Church of England, and a sense of resilience
seminar. A great deal of the material in the in ministry and mission, and ecumenical and
presentations would be readily recognizable community engagement, that comes from the
by Roman Catholics, as both authentically and more guaranteed future the Declaration gives.
historically Anglican and as belonging to the faith At the end of each presentation there was an
of the universal Church. But we did not expect the opportunity for questions, where some of the most
anomalies of our situation to remain uncriticised interesting exchanges were between our Roman
or unchallenged. We were presenting as loyal Catholic brothers and sisters themselves. There
Anglicans and showing how, as the Bishop of were also Roman Catholic presentations. Fr Tony
Gloucester likes to put it, ‘we are living the new Currer of the Pontifical Council gave a response
landscape,’ but in ways which we hoped were to my presentation, and Prof. Dr Annemarie Mayer
recognizable to fellow Catholics. responded to Bishop Jonathan.

The shape of the morning was very clear. The At the end, Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran gave a
first two pieces gave essential background. Dr personal reflection. He underlined that we are
Colin Podmore gave a discerning survey of the in dialogue, which requires of each of us an
historical background to 2014, from 1992 on, engagement with our own identity, a regard for our
and Fr Alexander McGregor gave a detached partner’s otherness, and sincerity of expression.
and objective account of the documents which The day after the symposium, we met with
together make up the 2014 settlement. officials of the Pontifical Council to reflect more
Then we turned to the statements themselves. on what they had heard and better understood,
I took the first, the theological statement. I tried what we need to hear, and the ways in which
to show how The Society was theologically The Society may maintain its voice in dialogue.
an outworking of the Declaration, able to give We certainly felt understood, confirmed in the
expression to full sacramental communion and rightness of the initiative and in the value of The
able to present ourselves credibly to other catholic Society’s theological faithfulness to the fruits of
Christians. I also tried to push rather deeper into Anglican-Roman Catholic dialogue.
the notion of degrees of communion, using the I began by mentioning ‘the hope that is in us,’
documents of Vatican 2. a hope for something we cannot yet see. I
Bishop Jonathan took up the second statement, called it an act of trust that the Church in the
on policy and practice beginning with the process Apostolic Tradition is the trustworthy sacrament
by which a parish requests the ministry of a of that future unity for which we are agents and
bishop with whom all can be in full communion. proclaimers. It requires an ecumenism that is so
The presentations ended with two testimonies much more than conflict management. Because
as to how in practice these considerations are our hope is the goal—the eucharistic goal—to
which God draws the whole world.


April Programme for CTE

Courses at Ellel/Glyndley Manor

Knowing God: Exploring the be dealt with through healing and prayer
Character and Nature of God ministry. Biblical principles are also given to
show how we can handle stressful relationships
6 - 7 April 2018 (Fri - Sat) and situations in a godly way.
This course is all about helping us come to
know more of God and connect to Him in a Healing for Women
deeper way.
Registration starts at 4.30pm. The course 27 - 29 April 2018 (Fri - Sun)
begins with an evening meal at 6pm and will Healing for Women is a course is for women
finish by 9.00pm on the final day. of all ages and backgrounds. The sensitive
For those who would like to book Bed and and practical teaching reveals the Father heart
Breakfast for the Saturday evening, please of God, portrays Jesus’ compassion for and
contact the bookings office for availability understanding of women as revealed in the
and prices. Gospels, and explores God’s call to maturity
and wholeness.
Stress, Anxiety and Burnout Registration starts at 4.30pm and the course
begins with an evening meal at 6pm.
20 - 22 April 2018 (Fri - Sun) The course ends with lunch on the final day at
This much-needed course will help you to find 1.15pm with departure by 3.00pm.
the true peace you are searching for, which To contact the centre Bookings Office
comes only from Jesus. It looks at the root Telephone: 01323 440440
causes of anxiety and stress and how these can Email: [email protected]


Bible Quiz Answers APM
The Annual Parish
1 2 Samuel 1: 19 Meeting this year
2 Job 19:20 will take place in the
3 2 Samuel 17:23
4 Jeremiah 13:23 Church Hall on
5 Matthew 5: 1 3 Sunday 22nd April
6 Matthew 16:1-3
7 Romans 2:14 after Mass.
8 1 Corinthians 13:12
9 1 Corinthians 15:51-52
10 1 Corinthians 15:32
11 Revelation 17:4
12 Genesis 4:8-9
13 Exodus 31: 18
14 Judges 14:14
15 Ecclesiastes 3: 1-2
16 Psalm 17:8
17 Psalm 62:8
18 Isaiah 40: 15

Champagne Tea Party

21st April In the Church Hall

A sumptuous feast of Sandwiches,
Scones and Pastries along with an
ample supply of Tea and Coffee – with
the option of a glass of Champagne.

Dress Code:
‘Posh Frocks’ and
Lounge Suits

RobweillraltsoAbescott Tickets:
£10.00 with Champagne
‘tinkling the Ivories’ £7.00 without Champagne
available from Elizabeth Hadfield


sispiitriatutarnolaodefuitwGtiocno.o”amlde“W?g’siveinfogaurrgpeifvorreeLanenceth”swisnit,hgtvheorayutltitHtfleoer the healing power
may breathe afresh
on us and fill the darkest of our hidden places with

We praIys: “SthhoewLmeenyotuernwadysisOcLioprdli,nteeachh emleping towards all this or

Lent Lunchyour paitshsitanad gturiadedmiteiotonwaarld“sgyoivurintrugth.u” p for Lent” with very little

Get reasdpy!iRreitsuurarelctoiountDcaoy mis neot?Tfhareofffinroswt! Lent Lunch was held
Hopefully, it onlyFr TnoonenyeF2idd3dsirandt-hGFreeeenbeqruuaivrayl.enSot uopf rberpeladcing
a light bulb and naont dsecrhioeuessewweladsining

h supply and a good time was
We pray: “Show mheadyobuyrawll.ay£s23O0 Lwoarsdr, ateisaecdhfomre
d your paths and”


Get ready! ResurrTehcetiosencDonady LisenntoLtufnacrhowffilnl obwe !on
Friday 9 March at 12.45pm. The

or cost of the luncFhr TwoinllybFeid£d1i0a.n0-0Garesen
last time and ALL of the proceeds

on will go to Family Support Work
e (FSW) and Chestnut Tree House
as Children’s Hospice (50/50).


This year our two Lent Lunches have been an amazing success! Thanks to the efforts
of the Events Group (Sylvia and Jenny Mail in particular), our chosen charities Family
Support Work (FSW) and Chestnut Tree House Children’s Hospice will each receive £250.



He is one of those rare performers that really
brings the piano and the music to life. His
programme will include works by Heller, Mozart
and Schubert as well as some of his own
compositions. If you haven’t heard him before,
do come along; I promise that you won’t be

Before that, however, we have our ‘Cathedral
Gems’ offering. Shirley will be directing a choir of
about fifty singers for this celebration of our great
choral tradition. This will be at 6pm on Sunday
29th April.

Please look out for these concerts, there is always
a publicity leaflet at the back of the church with
details of forthcoming events. Paul Fella does a
great job producing all the flyers and posters; I
am very grateful to him for his hard work and the
professional standard that he sets. Keep a look
out too for changes in the schedule, there are
likely to be some additions to the list of events as
we go through the year.

So here we are at Easter. In fact, by the time In March the Renaissance Singers sang a
you read this it will all be over. I love the music programme of meditative music to prepare the
and rituals associated with holy week, but I way for Passiontide. You’ll have to forgive me if
always feel like I need a lie down in a darkened I don’t say too much about this; it’s impossible for
room with a stiff gin once it’s all over. My me to be objective, as I sing with them. That said
thanks to all concerned for all the hard work I have to acknowledge Shirley’s skill in her choice
that goes into it. As I always say; it doesn’t of music . It was lovely music to perform and I felt
happen by magic. that it was a great reflection of the season. It was
Now we can look forward to the summer and our further enhanced by Michael’s readings which
series of Monday lunchtime and Bank Holiday added so much to the proceedings. My thanks to
recitals. We start again on 7th May when the them both for all they do to enhance the musical
fabulous Simon Ballard makes a return visit with a life here at St Saviour’s.
recital of music for piano. It is always such a treat My thanks also to all of you that come to
listening to Simon. support the music at the church and who give so
generously. I am so grateful for this. The organ
Renaissance Singers
does not look after itself and
needs constant maintenance. It’s
a fabulous instrument with a great
history of its own and I, for one,
think that it is worth preserving.
Your continued support is vital if
we are to keep it going.

So, lots to look forward to. The
clocks have gone forward, the
mornings and evenings are lighter.
Who knows, the church might
even feel a little warmer…
spring has sprung!!


is the closing date for applications and the
Churchwardens hope to be presented with a short
list to be interviewed on 9th May with the Bishop
and Keble College.

The Annual Parish Meeting is on 22nd April at
12 noon and we should have an almost new PCC
in place to work in tandem with the new Incumbent
Hello Darlings, Kitty here again. when he is appointed and in residence. In May
Well believe it or not we are now officially in we are to repeat last years successful joint service
Spring. When is Mother Nature going to realise it. with Our Lady of Ransom on Saturday the 12th
as they celebrate Our Lady of Fatima. Those who
When I was a young gel we had a strict rule that attended last year will know that the service begins
on 1st April the heating went off (coal fires and here in St Saviours at 3pm and then there is a grand
paraffin heaters in those days) and that was that procession along Gildridge Road to the station and
until 1st October. What a hardy lot we were. then up Grove Road to OLR. Do try and attend.
Unfortunately with advancing age that idea went Four muscular Philippino young men carried the
out of the window and I looked out of my window statue all the way on a stretcher – no mean feat.
at the bleak picture of snow and turned the Then...on Saturday 19th we are hosts to a Service
thermostat up to 22°C and poured another Gin of Ordination at 2.30 by the Lord Bishop of
and Tonic. How my Mother must turn in her grave Chichester. Fr Nick Archer will be ordained Priest
at such extravagance. and I’m sure we will have a good SS turnout to
Lots of grumbles about how cold the church has celebrate the occasion. The day after is of course
been lately. It’s a church. Church was always a Whit Sunday. I can remember wearing a pretty
cold place even when we were children. I only white dress adorned with flowers taking part in the
thought recently that all the people who sit on Whit walk around the Parish behind the Church
the back couple of rows and grumble perpetually Lads Brigade Band.
about the draught from the door should live Jackie Mulholland has not been at all well recently
dangerously and move forward. Generally eight or so has cut back on her commitments, but hopes
nine empty pews in front. to return to reading and Eucharistic Minister duties
at the end of June. Remember in your prayers
What’s been going on lately? Fr John and also Fr David Charles as he recovers
The Lent Group has been very well attended from a stroke earlier in the year.
this year with the attendees either being frozen
in the vestry or sweltering in the tropical heat in
the Church hall. Stations of the Cross has also Thank you to Rita and her band of helpers for
seen a good number attending and at the mass all the work with the Easter Lillies and Flowers.
prior. Chat Stop has built up a steady regular Also thanks to those who assembled the Palm
clientele. Lovely cakes and real coffee. Naughty Crosses. And we must remember Neil and his
in Lent. The Lent Lunches were also a great merry (haha) team of servers. Mustn’t forget Frs
success. Baptisms are very ‘in’ at the moment. Tony, Chris, David and Paul for their contributions.
Fr Tony conducted another lively one on a recent Finally a huge thank you to Fr Edward who
Saturday morning with over 60 present with lots continues to support and believe in us. It’s nice to
of hyperactive kids running about the church. know that the Diocese is backing us.
Treason....I’ve noticed that Seb and his children no
longer attend mass owing to negative comments Well my two typing fingers are exhausted so I
from members of the congregation – no wonder shall sign off for this month. If my contribution is
our numbers are declining. missing next month it will mean my afternoon tea
What’s to come? with Sue’s twin from the land of Oz didn’t go well..
Well by the time you read this Easter will have
been and gone and the process of selecting Au reservoir for now Kitty
a new Vicar will be moving forward. 20th April


Dates for your Diary April 2018

Sun 1 Easter Day 08.00 Mass 10.30 High Mass

Mon 2 10.30 Mass Monday in Easter week

Tues 3 12 noon Mass Tuesday in Easter week

Wed 4 10.30 Mass Wednesday in Easter week CBS

Thurs 5 10.30 Mass Thursday in Easter week

Fri 6 12 noon Mass Friday in Easter week

Sat 7 09.00 Mass Saturday in Easter week

Sun 8 Second Sunday in Eastertide 08.00 Mass 10.30 High Mass

Mon 9 10.30 Mass The Annunciation of the Lord

Tues 10 12 noon Mass Feria

Wed 11 10.30 Mass Feria

Thurs 12 10.30 Mass Feria BCP

Fri 13 12 noon Mass S Martin I P M Laying on of hands

Sat 14 9.00 Mass Feria

Sun 15 Third Sunday in Eastertide 08.00 Mass 10.30 High Mass

Mon 16 10.30 Mass Feria Faithful Departed

Tues 17 12 noon Mass Feria

Wed 18 10.30 Mass Mass Feria

Thurs 19 10.30 Mass Mass Feria

Fri 20 12 noon Mass Feria

Sat 21 9.00 Mass S Anselm Bp Dr

Sun 22 Fourth Sunday in Eastertide 08.00 Mass 10.30 High Mass

Mon 23 10.30 Mass S George M

Tues 24 12 noon Mass Walsingham Cell

Wed 25 10.30 Mass S Mark, Ev

Thur 26 10.30 Mass Feria

Fri 27 12 noon Mass Feria

Sat 28 09.00 Mass S Peter Chanel P M

Sun 29 Fifth Sunday in Eastertide 08.00 Mass 10.30 High Mass

Mon 30 10.30 Mass S Pius V P



Church Officers Telephone
Hon Associate Clergy Rev Christopher Hadfield BA 381796
Rev Anthony Fiddian-Green MA, Cert Ed 485399
Rev Nick MacNeill, BTh 723584
Rev John Wright BSc Cert Ed 723345
Rev Dr David Musson M Phil
Canon Robert Fayers SSC 07706 067496

01323 656346
Churchwardens Mrs Pauline Fella 412061
Mr John Vernon 645145
Deputy Churchwardens Mr Keith Metcalfe 638269
Miss Jacqueline Mulholland

Secretary PCC Mrs Judy Grundy 720577
Treasurer Miss Mary Delves 735410
Planned Giving Mr Sebastian Verity 07860 283156
Chair of Finance Mr Carl Hodgkinson 01323 351014

Other Officers Mr Paul Collins 647969
Director of Music

Parish Hospital Contact Mr Richard Elliott 872168

Head Server Mr Neil Clarke 07759 940832

Chat-Stop Rev Anthony Fiddian-Green 01323 381796

Car Park Manager / 100 Club Mr Steve Gilbert 469078

Safeguarding Officer Miss Jacqueline Mulholland 638269

Electoral Role Officer Mrs Susan Metcalfe 645145

Churches Together Mrs Beverly Cochran 434785

Deanery Synod Miss Mary Delves, Miss Jacqueline Mulholland, Mrs Isobel Nugent

Family Support Work Miss Jennifer Hodgkinson and Mr Robert Ascott 351014

Librarian Mr David Thorpe 486214

Guild of All Souls Miss Lis Trustam 504909

Mission to Seafarers Mrs Isobel Nugent 725796

Additional Curates Society Mr Roger Emery 431283

Open Church Mr Roger Ellis 649896

Our Lady of Walsingham / CBS Miss Mary Delves 735410

Church Office Answerphone 729702

Church Organisations Miss Lis Trustam – call for details 504909
Bible Reading Fellowship 485399
Book Group Rev Nick MacNeill – call for details 724317

Church Cleaning Mrs Rita Orchard – Tuesdays from 9am 656346
Church Grounds Mr John Burford 656346
Mrs Diana Dean
Mrs Lynette Newman

Events Committee Mr Paul Fella – meets as necessary

Flower Arrangers Mrs Rita Orchard – Fridays from 9am

Webmaster / Magazine / Publicity Mr Paul Fella


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