The Parish magazine of November 2018
Volume XLIX No.11
Contents Page Church Services
Memory, remembrance and re-membering 3 Sundays
From Bishop Richard
Bishops of the Society - Jonathan Goodall 4 8.00 Low Mass
What is the SSC? 10.30 High Mass and Sermon
5 followed by refreshments
6 in the Church Hall.
More Catholic Trivia 7 Weekdays
Patronla Festival Lunch Mon, Wed, Thurs 10.30am
Guild of All Souls
October Programme for CTE 8 Tues and Fri 12noon
Our Lady of Walsingham Cell 9 Sat 9.00am
100’s Club Winners 10 Major Weekday Festivals
Fruit and Vegetable Stall - Thank you
Said Mass as above, Sung Mass: 7.30pm
11 unless otherwise indicated on notice boards.
New Car Parking Permits 13 The Clergy are happy to bring the Sacrament to
the housebound or sick at any hour of the day or
Harvest Festival 14 night. The Holy Oil is available for those who wish
to be anointed.
New Church Leaflets 18
Remembrance - there but not there The Sacrament of Reconciliation
Confessions by appointment.
Forthcoming Concerts and Recitals 19
Hospital visits
Blast from the Console 20 Our Parish Contact for local hospitals,
Mr Richard Elliott (872168), will visit and give
Advent Recital 21 communion to those in hospital.
Kitty 22
Dates for your Diary 23
Directory 24 Other Services provided by the church
Cover image: Remembrance wreath - detail For Baptisms, Banns of Marriage, Weddings
and Funerals please contact the Vicar.
The Parish Magazine is published on the first Facebook
Sunday of the month.
Production: Paul Fella Website
Matter for publication should be submitted to is the church
[email protected] website and is managed by Paul Fella to
Copy deadline is 20th of the month and articles whom matter for the site should be sent via
should be no longer than 750 words. News items [email protected].
or reports should be factual and no longer than The church is open from 8.30am each day and
250 words. Articles are copyright to the author a team of volunteers is available to answer
and may not be reproduced in any form without questions etc from 10.00am most days.
the written permission of the author or Editor. The The Book Shop/Souvenir Stall is also open while
Editor's decision is final regarding content. there is a volunteer on duty.
Disclaimers: The Editor does not necessarily
agree with all of the views expressed in this St Saviour's Church
magazine. St Saviour’s Eastbourne, is the parish South Street Eastbourne East Sussex BN21 4UT
church of St Saviour and St Peter. The parish and Telephone: 01323 729702
its representatives do not endorse or recommend
any of the products or services advertised in this
Magazine. Caveat emptor!
Memory, remembrance and re-membering
My dear friends, describes a much more profound process. To
Above all, November is a month to remember. remember is to invite the past into the present.
November 1st is All Saints’ Day when the Church In other words, to re-member it, to make it
remembers and celebrates those women and men present again. When we do this, people, places
of every age who, through their lives and example, and shared experiences can be so valued and
have provided a glimpse of heaven on earth. Here cherished that greater meaning, depth and joy are
there are two opportunities to give thanks either brought to our lives in the present.
at the Said Mass at 10.30am, or else at the Sung As such, remembrance is central to our Christian
Mass at 7.30pm. November 2nd is All Souls’ faith and life. At the Last Supper, Our Lord himself
Day when all other Christians who have died are commanded us to “do this in remembrance
remembered in services which commemorate the of me”, and, at the Mass, we remember his
Faithful Departed – again with two opportunities actions that evening in the Upper Room. In this
here either for a Said Mass at noon, or a Sung context, the New Testament Greek word for
Mass at 7.30pm. Do make sure you write the remembrance, anamnesis, means more than
details of those to be prayed for at these Masses mere commemoration; it means a sacramental
on the sheets on the table at the back of church. presence. In other words, the life, ministry, death
Just three days later, we “(r)emember, remember and resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ are
the fifth of November, gunpowder, treason and so movingly re-membered, made present and
plot” on Guy Fawkes Night. Then the eleventh celebrated that they have the spiritual power to
hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month transform our lives in the present.
marks Armistice Day in 1918 when the guns finally This is why the Mass is neither simply historical
fell silent. We stand in silence on this special re-enactment, nor is it of marginal significance.
100th Anniversary during a Solemn Requiem on Nor is the Mass simply a group of friends of Jesus
Remembrance Sunday to remember all those, simply affectionately remembering what he did,
civilians and military alike, whose lives have been because Christ himself becomes present in the
tragically cut short by warfare. Finally, at the end bread and wine which we offer. He is with us, we
of the month, on the 25th, we celebrate the end receive his very body and blood, and in so doing
of the Church’s year, and our Feast of Title, as we he helps us to remember how it is we become like
remember that Christ – and Christ alone - is the him, and he helps us to become like him.
Universal King and Lord of all creation. And in
doing so we remember his example of kingship
– as the suffering Servant King, who came not Pope Francis summed this up not so long ago
be served but to serve and to give his life as a when he described the eucharist as “…a gesture
that actualizes and makes present the event of the
ransom for many. There’s a lot to remember, and death and resurrection of Jesus: the bread is truly
very good reason for so doing. his Body given, the wine is truly is Blood poured
out… To live in concrete communion with Jesus
through the eucharist while on earth is already the
How often do we give thanks for our capacity
for memory? Its converse - loss of memory beginning of our passing from death to life.”
- is deeply disturbing and frightening. For
some people living with Alzheimer’s disease or As Our Lord himself assures us : “I am the living
dementia, whole episodes of their past can be bread that came down from heaven. Whoever eats
of this bread will live forever” (Jn 6:51). Each time
beyond recall; they forget where they have been we approach the altar to make our communion,
and what they have achieved. As some of you will may we always remember just what a precious gift
have experienced, family and friends can become this is, and may we always be ever thankful.
anonymous strangers, and sufferers forget who
they are and whom they love.
What is the difference between memory and
remembrance? Memory essentially concerns With my love and prayers,
the recollection of facts. However, remembrance Fr. Mark
From Bishop Richard…
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With best wishes
The Right Reverend Jonathan Goodall
Jonathan Goodall SSC is the current Wycliffe Hall, Oxford. He served his curacy in the
Bishop of Ebbsfleet Bicester Team Ministry in Oxford Diocese from
1989 to 1992, and from 1990 to 1992 also as
Assistant Chaplain, HM Prison Bullingdon. From
1992 to 1998 he was Minor Canon, Chaplain and
Sacrist at Westminster Abbey.
From 1998 to 2005 he served successive Bishops
of Gibraltar in Europe as Chaplain and Research
Assistant, and Liturgical Officer in the Diocese in
Europe. Since 2004 he has been a Priest Vicar of
Westminster Abbey, and since 2005 an honorary
canon of the Cathedral Chapter of the Diocese
in Europe. From 2005 he has been Chaplain and
Ecumenical Secretary to successive Archbishops
of Canterbury at Lambeth Palace.
He is married to Sarah, a musician; and they have
two children, Thomas and AnnaMary. His interests
include live classical music, walking, reading, and
Jonathan Goodall (b 1961), studied music at Bishop Jonathan is a suffragan bishop in the
Royal Holloway College, University of London, Diocese of Canterbury and an assistant bishop in
and then, after some years working for Macmillan the Dioceses of Bath & Wells, Birmingham, Bristol,
Publishers, trained for the ordained ministry at Coventry, Exeter, Lichfield, Oxford, Truro and
What is the SSC?
The Society of the Holy Cross (SSC, Societas These included the parishes of St Barnabas’
Sanctae Crucis) is an international Anglo- Pimlico and St Peter’s London Docks. Many of
Catholic society of male priests with members these areas were so dangerous that bishops
in the Anglican Communion and the Continuing refused to visit them.
Anglican movement, who live under a common Anglo-Catholic ritualism, as we know, is very
rule of life that informs their priestly ministry close to Roman Catholicism and includes
and charism. devotion to the Blessed Sacrament, frequent
The society was founded on 28 February 1855 celebration of the Mass with intentions, the
at the chapel of the House of Charity, Soho, wearing of eucharistic vestments, the use of
London, by six priests: Charles Fuge Lowder, incense, liturgical hand bells and communion
Charles Maurice Davies, David Nicols, Alfred wafers. Most of these practices although not
Poole, Joseph Newton Smith and Henry Augustus completely unknown in the Church of England
Rawes. The society was initially intended as a since the reformation, had not been in general use
spiritual association for their personal edification, for hundreds of years at the time the society was
but it soon became the driving force behind the formed and the Church of England had become
Anglo-Catholic movement once John Henry increasingly influenced by Protestantism in its
Newman had been received into the Roman liturgical practices. SSC priests consider these
Catholic Church. practices an outward and necessary and physical
Charles Lowder was the founder of the society expression of belief and doctrine and not merely
and its first master. The society provided its as aesthetic adornment to worship.
members with a rule of life and a vision of a Legal inconsistencies led to the passing of the
disciplined priestly life. The key element of the Public Worship Regulation Act in 1874 with the
society is mutual support and the life of the stated aim of ‘putting down the Ritualists’. This
society is experienced primarily through the local led to the vigorously prosecution of those who
chapter. Attendance at chapter is of obligation persisted in Anglo-Catholic practice and teaching.
unless prevented by genuine pastoral duties. Seventeen priests were prosecuted under the
act – some served time in prison. Occasionally
bishops would intervene to stop prosecutions,
particularly as public outrage grew at the blatant
interference in religious matters by secular courts.
The prosecution of SSC priests Arthur Tooth,
Alexander Heriot Mackonochie and Richard
William Enraght are among the most notable
episodes in the early history of the society.
The prosecutions, however, were battles won in a
losing war. In 1906, a royal commission effectively
nullified the act by admitting that more pluralism in
public worship was needed. The selfless example
of SSC priests in ministering poor and needy and
their strong stands on social justice had endeared
them to the general public (notably Fr Lowder,
founder of the Society, staying in Wapping to
provide care to his people during the cholera
outbreak of 1866).
The society expanded almost immediately. The
early priests of the society ministered in some of
As a society, SSC has taken a conservative line in
the poorest slum areas of London and other cities. the church controversies of the late 20th century,
particularly over the interpretation of scripture and addressed the gathering at the Royal Albert Hall
the ordination of women. which was filled to capacity for the closing Mass.
Today, there are over 1,000 members of the The fortunes of SSC have
society organised into provinces for England and waxed and waned since the
Scotland, the Americas, Wales and Australasia, early days of the Catholic
each under a provincial master reporting to an Revival, but for its members it
international master general. The current master has always been an important
general of the society is Fr Nicolas Spicer SSC, source of priestly formation,
also the provincial master for England and discipline and fraternity. The
Scotland. The brethren are united together in their brethren of the Society meet in
keeping of a common rule of life, which bears regular Chapter and in annual
much in common with the original rule from the regional, or National Synods. Priests of the society
founders of the society. can be recognised by the small gold lapel cross
In April 2005, the society celebrated its 150th that they generally wear. On it is inscribed the
anniversary with a week-long festival and the motto of the society, In Hoc Signo Vinces (‘In This
then Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, Sign Conquer’).
More Catholic Trivia
53 Hail Mary’s are said when praying The Rosary.
The Pope always wears red shoes.
The Council of Trent was convened in 1545 to respond to the Reformation.
Charity or ‘Divine friendship’ is the most excellent of the Christian virtues.
Patronal Festival Lunch
Sunday 25th November 12.45pm
This will again be a Carvery Lunch held at the
Cumberland Hotel, Grand Parade (01323 730342).
As on our previous visit the Carvery is a fixed price
(vegetarian option available). Dessert and drinks are
optional extras and paid for on the day. Transport available.
Price £10.95 in advance
Names and Money to Paul Fella or Elizabeth Hadfield
The Guild of All Souls
As you read this article, autumn books. Training days are held around these topics,
should finally be with us in all which are open to clergy and lay persons alike.
its splendour, and we may find At the Chantry Chapel at Walsingham, Mass
ourselves within All Hallowtide. is offered daily and departed members are
This triduum encompasses the remembered in prayer and on the anniversary of
Western Christian Observances their death. The Guild of All Souls is patron to over
of All Saint’s Eve, All Saints Day 40 Parishes including St Stephen Gloucester Rd,
and finally All Soul’s Day. This is a time to where there annual Requiem is held.
remember the dead, including martyrs, saints
and the faithful departed.
It is out of the Catholic revival of the Church of
England that the Guild of All Souls was formed. It
is one of the Anglican devotional Societies, which
is dedicated to prayer for the faithful departed and
teaching the Catholic doctrine of the communion
of saints, which is the spiritual union of the
members of the Christian Church, living and dead.
Each of these societies were founded to promote
one of aspect of Catholic faith and practice.
The Guild was Founded in 1873 within a small As a member of the Guild of All Souls you are
parish in South East London by Fr Arthur Tooth, asked to pray weekly for those members who
a member of the Society of the Holy Cross. This have died in the last 15 years. Their names are
was at a time where the published in the annual intercession paper,
Church celebrated within which all members are in receipt of. Members
the restrictions of the Public are encouraged to attend the monthly Requiem
Worship Regulation Act of Masses, which we celebrate as we at St Saviour’s
1874, a law which Fr Arthur are in fact a Guild Branch.
Tooth refused to concede to I do hope that this whistle stop tour of this
– leading to his subsequent devotional society that is so very dear to my heart
imprisonment in 1877 for the has been of interest, and should you wish to find
use of incense, vestments out more please do stop me for a chat. Watch
and Altar Candles! This out for literature at the back of the church in the
became national news, forging his reputation as a coming months which will outline how to join the
rebel into something more akin to a martyr and the Guild, and also for the future dates of our monthly
Guild went from strength to strength. Requiem Masses here at St Saviour’s.
The objectives of the Guild are clear, with prayer
very much at its heart. They offer intercessory
prayer for the dying and faithful departed in
purgatory, celebrate requiem masses, promote the
communion of the saints and the resurrection of
the dead. They look to promote the reservation of
the blessed sacrament for the sick and dying as
well as the scriptural rite of anointing the sick with
Holy oil , commonly called Holy Unction.
Literature is produced at the Guild to assist in Neil Clarke
our care for the sick, the dying, the dead and Head Server
the bereaved. There are prayer cards and prayer Branch Secretary Guild of All Souls
October Programme for CTE
'The Turning'
Sat 3 November
Discover that people on the streets are more ready to talk about Jesus that we think!
Join a great team from other churches at New Hope Baptist Church, Beach Road.
Selina of Sussex 1818 to 1886
Sat 10 November
Do you ever wonder about the history of the chapels of Sussex? Leonard Holder will give you
a great insight into them as he tells the story of Selina Page (named after patroness of the Great
Awakening, Selina, Countess of Huntingdon) whose story, with her farmer/pastor husband, is
intimately wrapped up in Victorian chapel life in E Sussex.
Courses at Ellel/Glyndley Manor
God's Enemy Exposed dynamic relationship with both Himself as well
as one another. This course will help you in
2 - 3 November (Fri - Sat) at Ellel Grange finding God's way forward for your relationships
In this course we look in detail at what the Bible and in receiving healing from wounds inflicted
explains about Satan and the demonic. It brings through relationships in the past that were not
an understanding of spiritual warfare and of as God intended.
possible enemy strongholds in a persons life.
Love's Healing Power Steps to Overcoming Fear and
2 - 4 November (Fri - Sun) at Glyndley Manor
This course is for all who long to know more 17 November (Sat) at The Cavan Institute
of God's love. Knowing, accepting and For many of us fear and anxiety are regular
experiencing God's love brings healing, worth companions along our life journey. For some
and security. there is a specific fear or anxiety that grips
our heart, often linked into a specific trauma
Moving On From Depression or memory. For others anxiety lies at a deeper
place of our being, having become entwined
2 - 4 November (Fri - Sun) at Glyndley Manor into our hearts at an early stage. We often have
This course looks at symptoms, likely causes a misconception of how God views us in our
and God's way forward for restoring His joy struggles and instead of finding the Lord in our
to the hearts of those suffering from this place of need, we find our own ways of coping
debilitating sickness. and controlling our lives to avoid the discomfort
and weakness of fear. This course will share
Getting to the Root of the how the Lord longs to show us the freedom
Problem that is in Him when we can learn to fully trust
Him and bring the worries of our heart to Him.
9 - 11 November (Fri - Sun) at Ellel Pierrepont Perhaps we have lacked security and safety in
Have you been prayed for repeatedly for the our lives and our Father God longs to show us
same issue and yet it never seems to shift? the truth of who He is – our strong shelter, our
Perhaps the prayer has not gone to the root of safe tower, the anchor for our hearts.
the problem.
To contact the centre Bookings
Connected: Exploring God's Office Telephone: 01323 440440
Design for Relationship Email: [email protected]
9 - 10 November (Fri - Sat) at Glyndley Manor
When God made us in His image, He made us
relational human beings, created to live in
A lamp burns for The winners of the September
this church in the 2018 100's Club draw were:
Shrine of Our Lady
of Walsingham 1st 59 Fred Reeve
If you are interested in 2nd 71 Peyton Metcalfe
joining our Walsingham Cell
please contact Mary Delves 3rd 49 Stephany Bishop
on 735410
We are now entering our twelfth year.
The cost remains at £2 per month
(£24 for the year). Currently
prizes remain at £40, £20 and £10
respectively, however if the level
falls so will the prize money.
All profit goes to the Church and
Church Room. Please see Steve
Gilbert (01323 469078) for details.
The Scheme is open to all.
Pescador Building and Decorating Services
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Vegetable and Fruit Stall
A BIG THANK YOU to all those who supported and enjoyed the Sunday
Vegetable and Fruit Stall that ran from 22nd July to the 23 September.
Despite the difficulties the weather gave the gardeners (Maureen Thorpe,
Jennie Mail, Shirley Grimwood, Heather Neilsen Bonini and Elizabeth Hadfield),
they were always able to produce a variety of items for sale each week.
Thank you gardeners and thanks too to John Burford for supplying Tomato
plants for ‘growing on’.
The final amount raised was £180.00 which is to be divided between Church
Funds and the Organ Fund.
Elizabeth Hadfield
New Car Park permits
New Car Park permits are now available. Steve will issue the new 'electrostatic' permits (you peel
the front plastic film off and they stick to your windscreen without adhesive and peel off with no
residue), when you either sign-up or renew your parking subscription.
This year we have introduced a fixed minimum charge of £45.00 for a Congregation permit. You may,
of course, pay more at your discretion if you feel that you are able - the real value of town-centre parking
is far more than the ‘cover price’ of the permit. There will also be numbered permits for both Car Parks
for the reserved spaces. This will help us to monitor usage and any abuse of the facility.
C O N G R E G AT I O N 1
Harvest Festival
This year’s Harvest Festival (Fr Mark’s
first) was a great celebration. It was a
splendid service with a stirring sermon.
All of the windows were beautifully
decorated with food offerings, all of
which (apart from the perishables) were
boxed up and taken to FSW by Robert
Ascot (organised by Jenny Hodgkinson).
Our Harvest lunch followed in the Church
hall and more than 50 of us tucked into
a ‘Ploughman’s Lunch’ (well sort of...).
The basics were the same, but there
was an array of interesting salads to try
and wonderful breads too. This was all
topped of with French apple tart and
whipped cream - yum! A big thank you
to all those who put on this fine event.
Fr Mark went round with Mary Delves
between courses and helped her sell
raffle tickets, and with a bit of help
from Paul Fella he then auctioned off
the fresh produce and perishables that
had been brought along (don’t mention
the manky - I mean organic - carrots).
After costs, the event made well over
£300 for our chosen charity Family
Support Work (FSW).
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New Church Leaflets
We will shortly be launching our new free ‘guide to the church’ leaflets.
They follow a similar format to the previous version, but they are now produced
‘in house’. Initially they will be available in English, French, German and Italian
– Portuguese and Spanish will follow soon. If anyone knows anyone who could
do other translations please contact Paul Fella.
on è Nel 1874 la cappella di San Pietro si aprì sul retro
olte dell’attuale municipio, diventando una chiesa
e S. permanente di San Pietro in Meads Road, nel 1897. Benvenuti a
a la A quel tempo, a San Salvatore era stato concesso
lo stato di Parrocchia (1892) indipendente da Santa Please remember this church is not a museum. In 1874 St Peter’s chapel of ease opened at
CpgaénzaouaàéeemdRdttvsrmdétsot.onipejPsobtoerrieuia3ncvlveedr.qnioéeeelenet’ddiétoanSénineenséearsso0ietshetelddou)t.getadlluuryoeé’in.aanpsrvdidceiirrric-rulrnulépeneaoelciidnPni.eeuiiceoietslsilasred,n’édeiltlïidetafet.èeerôiitsoséllqoegdueea’earlerrcrStntetnàireu.ntaeéieernnnieeed’deéaslelr,ng’stdersunlaéugieés’cte:nésexongrslrp,etit,gêrsaldsilcoipdlaelsltlbeeiiesursvuses,letsereagpsemkts.lruéeiemtaoiaocimAlCd1ppodAcSpMS(lRLQSSUrdqiecssnneedaesatri5ao,uieioapuaeeriai’ntbutùaqiittaeaèvSGsvgeSe0mpssoelbsllnòtruverlvruglulioorarnhdnsutiia’psnutbpisaesaneaeaaePadnorolettioenesediLucettsbga.ooafnsrzliDediuaonpmietrSl’eoorfncuÉceeSsilnqltSvdEteierroeaofsEataSelcphlceAealteoixareGu’aeToliIAensrgoceotéaureuiddnA.rdnr,ntrleIpasLtoevtvnuilorlcoznNtnsbpeeteteoiEpafa.IbaopaaaeIiSirzdurrNcstaLfsltlltSeldmTlooroaoiubistlaittouatahaetceccaincceaoenrTsuiucidssEnsdlirbclLislreuolhapaeeoSarolqudvnlrohrieletveoisedcusaeaernmeaiznP,biraandiuPeneiiAeItsprùeidutatdroteutc(eineuoagoictaovHeieaopaI’lo.mlpeVAuninUbdidodil’llste’EsnlccutrroDnialélaunovEaidneat’ateqianirnaâioeauidRtfetaoLVvidqoiRtssasgieleGaunrrrgènoiurdtrlnceulttqitpnàneiielBtoìmnlOoniuapsr’doEeitSlliRlcitameariéArdCehlieieelefaqocaueac1IvntdsditloaeoeàloItdUraLlilsapopEat’sielouemfdéuSlrrarouec8rreeaeeiteeeigé.ndoCeSdrué’tnaxinarteloLuRrd,nJséxrarnme4esrebsMu.ioSgipeérngitàt-DaeévopofetahMqttcbdu’oseicgita9tiPstnotaetÉotnrhnrflcasdaeenisDhtIiioavtasoeeuiuuFeisuidtiilscdaeuAd.iicsaalalgnascctiosrdcaitlneétiefrernntsceervueleseEthénPabeuhiriedonneeioblaseanLtericfa:nte)enviet“cavteeoCievielirvndslimbcHenlredruiuppscindtzrbeidceolEelloionontiueeeirseaairlfmaeiyoghlavasèeiudhiilcai)aocitrnreulpCnemtotnstllesRraadesldesecnionimueedemhrdVChdautedleoiesvlpnlDacnthVilraiSlaveiàm,reeaptmriielhesiueionatadpsoesedeoéhooeltat1eldeiuerctacelapd’àctreimapdcGn.Peacersniianieiasrfino9lrSovioironevcnsll’yéoeareei.nhsLrdnceooalArcqstcunr7eoegvnaeienddSnésuoeciitgmris.tèieeçhaudronornuohnofaiatn2lneoiea.tn3stsiemrichceear,luncvVaiibvsrteirmgrste,f.tuone‘e.u1tSsrdiioeeréetiadnvtMlgeedritlphoSuetsiqdlvduelnSeeeepefaaeediezeeneilmSllreuejeciinldleeldttaatauacnucree’nriateritEriaolnppsqeoraa,e“ieeanfeulrnaalbneoraWztsmtliss(aauiSaui1iesionoorusaa,narnuoOelttvnnscibnesés’irsotervd8tthpenuuéreigqrcxituisdesird.adra(jedeltc1vrelln.6ouSoeererogdleicaabuihvi)uulimouqroah8lveueU5naàul,smacsllatueiiopcleaeiast.eTvVi6u1lr”’sruovoidtprlinÉu,stLcottslii,i,er.oss6a8éieeieltl,ondlaieoéerodlgouàhtouacUwr6)esnLraon’resgltunvaplecrécoto7.gidieannv,esatepsiridnltènoleeiw’’)iéédilelrpmosElnsnreséenOFpIwWEFFPT(TIaotIwHSCMscdae’l”ntncuacéhoaeoaemAC,oronfallo,afaceiohabsuhaefharrlltrmsteouusaoor’trmaMnadlcdhro,uteiierls0w0arâaaeeutSSTMWTFllntyutuviisrpe’dblgibm’pu,cilrtk’sm11itbÉsucstreumnmuanawOhreredsuaaeeisaocoDdldrrthaelmne33inhhàivssdiroeaanmlutteidsetndcawarnxhCukltntisadsiué22uêtcuaieorhtynstvescrafidatParipéyae.ddnsq33àaShrorynrMi.o(isisedd(neynsonoyscTiaOScpanaupcLcVDSItSEldLDEEfIdSDscSdgsrPasattaertaueaisnldemeteetioandihs77eincuhoddhunytlrololnhc’aaisdaaeaurmlaanuesyàAeesttixaI,tmaaIEiaeaoyeu,éC22mauicnArrgaoausao.enmunrfotlrrsenmyscllrdfsidvisevhotyscaeevtfsrbsdn92ogodertevrtnnrvptgadieumitdgahaoonctteaddacaebceternCstoiOuezs37rortsaihieisclluoirorme)suàocrmraatdeaaddeyeoaei,midotena.o01siMroinap“hHobWeprlSPzloucMnslyrtnyear.ntCacuiuaacVadS,Skeo72irgrfsooeiluonulevnartheuDliLetiytIiihrAsitllleSbloaahassnrrgsEsmetarsnuoaanirinDEregeS((ies,areahozeceac01111101eoinnSrse.oeCVcoeiaiabaledE.ehvtlictGuleidonttecdhSvc90002082sadssuraouCyeic,etprhddeiv3S.rocicKoreptoi,Vsaiheae........t,tse.oenrrrnioràheHnAur03333000tmnili1FaSaafbnneotprupaitesàitrLc.osaosaniiglaosaVtbSr00000000toauavrlesyuetndwereetlioYasdNcvggatd.v,adntaeagiunhrooaPsnsnc@oilerdnanntsiLuhacfreeecougdraoeoellbiusirunahuideaFusnarlSectroooaAlonnroetngnnnsrloeeoDwoyrtaOuctlarperredarsDetoolsafacmnònEeiz1emi.nv)athvlrsuldRohbtadoy,peyirvefnnhehieeeeaowa8cleMeeRcaftMcioyucsmzaaaaisdRl”ceve8raia.1iuc4iclleaoie,pcoaodaavoVe.riaidyrvoTtiao.fs8clsi9eaeilmtaO3aethen.eAnnrrnnrleaoEinràIr1meaceha6fadgenMMMMMMSM)avM0iairnkCeinbtlanlsouseoabeoCra8aiod5cnavd..otaiiu,aip.nnoCvhhyriaaaaaaassvusnErrccriu6mavhdcralodnCmcsVieoitvlsaetfsssssssecokciehcrenea7SmeibWootvcvatoneeustoedssssssss:hmEtoahHiasat,eseroròhernGc,tisaienraaiicregrgaenneuldtevugenassecdeietoIstntvrnleedmlasrashaaaosraiAoaclrvih)vviistanrnoMyvtcannavnt.tkrlahtqeeeoioieaiinpefoLaraedsneidvemieMteneitgapsrvupgee,iterpi.aarsedsalPEtozdreleaesielaeeDrecaanl’preiero,odltiairaltinstlaaroos1onassialtltaiWscSnlCraqnaprooaatyStvtnsud8obpsisoyCoooaaytfugnehcihtcocoe6i,ill.addltn,oninrcehiesaoriieleahvcrd.Ga6c.eizntanise,oleueehineehpaUislpoeiecntnsivdsmetcassoasoendoaeatliushlrtler’remnaoadeusaengtiogneei,llignaddllouteèdrescerdlngsaiimefeeiouino.crreoeciroòo the back of the present Town Hall, becoming a Welcome to
permanent St Peter’s Church in Meads Road, in
1897. By this time, St Saviour’s had been granted THE PARISH CHURCH
full Parish status (1892) and was now independent OF
of St Mary’s. St Saviour’s and St Peter’s continued ST SAVIOUR
as separate parishes until 1972 when St Peter’s was AND
closed and the two parishes combined. A chapel ST PETER
dedicated to St Peter is located at the east end of
the North Aisle in St Saviour’s. By the middle of the nineteenth century, Eastbourne
was a growing town, noted for its healthy climate. In
A fuller account of the history of St Saviour’s Church 1849 the railway arrived. An increasing number of
and a full description of its interior can be found in: people were visiting for an extended summer stay or
A Guide to the Interior of the Church. choosing to live here.
This provides a much more detailed description of
the interior of the Church than can be provided in The 7th Duke of Devonshire, who owned much of
this brief introductory guide. the land in the area had started to lay out a new
town to the south and west of what is now the Old
A Short Introduction to the History of Saint Town. The old Parish Church of St Mary the Virgin
Saviour’s Eastbourne by Fred Reeve. was some distance from the new residential areas
(Currently out of print) and new churches were needed. Keen to develop
Although entitled a ‘short introduction’, this does the established Church of England the Vicar of
provide a comprehensive survey of the first Eastbourne, with the financial support of Harriott
150 Years of the life of this Church. Manby and George Whelpton, sought to build a new
church on land provided by the Duke of Devonshire.
There are also a number of postcards illustrating
aspects of the beauty of the church. Work began in 1865 on designs by George Edmund
Street, an eminent architect of his day who had
Both books and postcards, as well as other religious designed the Law Courts in the Strand in London,
artefacts can be purchased from the book stall at the American Cathedral in Paris as well as many
the rear of the North Aisle. other churches. He was also architect for the
Diocese of Oxford. The church was completed in
Please turn to the middle pages of this leaflet for 1866 and the present building was consecrated
points of special interest of the architecture of by the Bishop of Chichester as ‘St Saviour’s’ ie. the
this beautiful building, its stained glass windows, Church of the Holy Saviour on 31st January 1867,
its paintings, the mosaics, the Stations of the within the ancient parish of St Mary the Virgin.
Cross, and the chancel with its magnificent
Forthcoming Concerts
and Recitals
I am currently in the process of sorting out the
concert series for next year. I am
pleased to be
able to report
that most of the
slots have been LunCcohnticmeertsanfodrE2v0e1n9ing
filled and also,
very pleasingly,
I am getting lots
of requests from
people who want
to come and play or
sing in the church.
I very strongly believe
that music is a great
means of outreach
and I will do all I can to
promote the growth of
all matters musical to help raise the profile of our
great and beautiful church in the local community
and far beyond. The next concert will be an organ
recital on Monday
Well the year is galloping to a close and would 1.00pm, given by
you believe that there remain only 62 sleeps Anthony Wilson. WSiemaloenMonday 29th October at 1.00pm
until Christmas. This means that I (we) need He is the director at
to get a move on with getting things ready for St Peter’s Bexhill Entrance FreeaRtDetfhroeensehnamdteionoftnsthsweiWlrlebceietlascelorvmede
Advent and Christmas. and has worked
I have a lot planned for this year and the choir is wonders with the
going to have its work cut out learning the music; music there. I am
some of it will be new to you, some familiar with delighted that
a typical Collins/Barrell twist and most of it you he is making
will know well; all of which, I hope, will help you a return visit
get into that increasingly elusive Christmas spirit. to us. There
The choir are absolutely amazing and they always will almost
work so hard to deliver a lovely performance, but certainly be
never more so than at this time of the year. fireworks. RSSeogtiusStteharevSdiotCruehrea’srtityCENhoausr1ct1bh3o14u2r0ne
I absolutely love it all (as I have told you so many Please come
times before) but I really do need a stiff gin or two along, it will be a lovely
by the time Boxing Day comes around. More of programme and beautifully executed.
this next month.
We have had some very unhappy news this past I have a had a couple of weeks off (I am sure
month. We were all very sad to hear of the passing that it has been a great relief to most of you)
of Vic Furlong. Liz has been a great stalwart in and I must thank Colin for covering for me in my
the choir and a very loyal supporter. I know that absence. He is such a great guy and it is very
all of us in the choir would want to send her our reassuring to know that in him there is someone
love and prayers at this time; also to Sophia, on whom I can utterly rely. He is a great support
Steve, Charlotte and Alex. We can’t make things to me at the church and gives up a lot of his time
any easier for you, but please know that we are (he has a ludicrously busy schedule) to help me
thinking about you. with the music. I am especially looking forward to
his contribution at the Christmas concert on 18th
December. Do you remember the violin with the
flashing, electric fairy lights…?
The final event in the series of Monday lunchtime recitals at St Saviour’s this year is
O Come Emmanuel
a celebration of Advent in words and music
Monday 3rd December at 1.00pm
Presented by actor
and organist
Director of Music at St Saviour’s
David will be performing extracts from a wide variety of writers from the seventeenth century to the
present day. You will hear a conversation between the angel Gabriel and Mary as he gives her the
stunning news that she is to bear God’s Son. You will see Joseph, depicted as a modern-day young
man filled with uncertainty and bewilderment that his beloved is to have a child that is not his.
You will sympathise with poor old Zechariah as he is struck dumb because he cannot believe that his
aged wife is to become the mother of John the Baptist. And you will smile and chuckle at a wry and
amusing observation of a more recent Advent season.
All this will be illustrated with a mixture of appropriate music from Paul Collins, including the great
Wachet Auf (Sleepers Wake) by J.S. Bach, pieces based on well-known Advent hymns
(Creator of the Stars of Night and, of course, O Come O Come Emmanuel) by Gilbert Martin
and Matthew Corl, and much more besides.
So come and join us for what we hope will be an enjoyable and uplifting start to your Advent season.
The event is free, but there will be a retiring collection for much needed funds for the upkeep of our
magnificent organ.
Hello Darlings and a special hello to my Pauline has had to soldier on after her operation
readers down under in Oz. with the help of Jim Tomsett while John has been
Here we are again after a very hectic month and on serving duties. Jim has his own problems with
with the end of British Summer Time in sight and Mary being unwell. Did you know Neil our Head
Christmas being rammed down our throats on TV Server has given up Alcohol for October and is
and in the stores. being sponsored in aid of MacMillan nursing. I
The Induction of Fr Mark went well and a very couldn't do it. I'd be back on it after a day. Well
dignified service in the St Saviours tradition was done Neil.
followed by our usual high standard of catering We had our first Baptism on 21st October
and hospitality. A very big thank you to the performed by Fr Mark. How refreshing it was.
Catering team lead by Paul Fella. A good time We also had a party of students who come
was had by all attending. It was nice to see our every year from Austria and they took part in the
Patrons from Keble again and we have a firm proceedings. Great fun. Interesting to see how
invitation to visit the college whenever we want. many of SS regulars were missing. Can't all be on
The first Sunday saw Fr Mark on good form. holiday.
Splendid Homily and nice to see the Gospel Another fabulous concert given by Eastbourne
Procession back and the Angelus reinstated after Symphony Orchestra on the same evening. 245
many years – Nice Biretta Father! people including the Deputy Mayor. Our church
The weekday services have been recast with the really comes alive at events like this. Marvellous
various Priests no longer having set days and acoustic – shame the lighting is so dire (very
a new innovation on Thursdays - Coffee in the gloomy). Perhaps a task to tackle in the near
Vicarage after Mass. Such a good opportunity to future.
nose around. Doesn't the Vicarage look superb Dame Felicity Lott is giving a talk in the Hall on
now. An occupant with taste and an eye for detail. Thursday 8th November to the Recorded Music
Poor Keith is in the wars at the moment and Society. Guests are welcome to come along for
has been really poorly with Pneumonia. He is £2. Our Clergy Gourmond Fr Tony and his band
improving slowly I am pleased to report although of like minded gannets are going to La Grange on
a bad patient according to Sue. Heather has been 15th November at the side of TJ Hughes for their
making sure that Sue is with us on Sundays to do November Dinner.
the sound system. Don't tell Keith but the candles
are needing his loving care. He spends hours Don't forget that the Patronal Festival is on 25th
trimming the wicks and polishing the holders. followed by Lunch at the Cumberland Hotel. Well
The serving team have been very depleted I've rabbitted on long enough for now. The Gin
recently with Bernard and Roger away in foreign selection is twinkling in the candle light saying
climes and Keith sick, however, Jeff is coming on DRINK ME so I'm going to pour a large one and
leaps and bounds and is far more confident. He rest my weary tootsies.
has his own decorating firm so if you want some Chin chin until next month.
touching up speak to him after Mass.
Kitty x
Dates for your Diary November 2018
Thur 1 10.30am Mass (Said) 7.30pm Mass (Sung) ALL SAINTS
Fri 2 12 noon Mass (Said) 7.30pm Mass (Sung) ALL SOULS
Sat 3
Sun 4 09.00am Mass S Martin de Porres
31st Sunday in Ordinary Time 08.00am Mass 10.30am Solemn Mass
Mon 5 10.30am Mass
Tues 6 12 noon Mass Feria
Wed 7 10.30am Mass S Willibrord Bp. CBS
Thur 8 10.30am Mass Feria
Fri 9 12 noon Mass Dedication of the Lateran Basilica
Sat 10 09.00am Mass S Leo the Great P. Dr.
Sun 11 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time 08.00am Mass 10.30am Solemn Mass
Mon 12 10.30am Mass S Josaphat Bp. M.
Tues 13 12 noon Mass Feria
Wed 14 10.30am Mass Feria
Thur 15 10.30am Mass S Albert the Great Bp. Dr.
Fri 16 12 noon Mass S Edmund of Abingdon Bp.
Sat 17 09.00am Mass S Hilda of Whitby Ab.
Sun 18 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time 08.00am Mass 10.30am Solemn Mass
Mon 19 10.30am Mass Feria
Tues 20 12 noon Mass Feria
Wed 21 10.30am Mass The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Thur 22 10.30am Mass S Cecilia V. M.
Fri 23 12 noon Mass S Clement I P. M.
Sat 24 09.00am Mass Ss Andrew Dung-Lac and his Companions Ms.
Sun 25 Christ the King 08.00am Mass 10.30am Solemn Mass, Procession
and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament
Mon 26 10.30am Mass Feria
Tues 27 12 noon Mass Feria Walsingham Cell
Wed 28 10.30am Mass Feria
Thur 29 10.30am Mass Feria
Fri 30 12 noon Mass S Andrew Ap.
Church Officers THE DIRECTORY Telephone
01323 722317
Vicar Fr Mark McAulay SSC
The Vicarage Spencer Road Eastbourne BN21 4PA 460905
07706 067496
Hon Associate Clergy Fr Paul Christian SSC
Canon Robert Fayers SSC 381796
Fr Anthony Fiddian-Green MA, Cert Ed 422050
Rev Christopher Hadfield BA 485399
Fr Nick MacNeill, BTh 723345
Rev Dr David Musson M Phil 723584
Fr John Wright BSc Cert Ed
Churchwardens Mrs Pauline Fella 412061
Mr John Vernon 645145
Deputy Churchwardens Mr Keith Metcalfe 720577
Mrs Rosemarie Emery 735410
Secretary PCC Mrs Judy Grundy
Treasurer Miss Mary Delves 872168
07759 940832
Chair of Finance Mr Carl Hodgkinson 469078
07922 089303
Other Officers Mr Paul Collins 07759 940832
Director of Music 645145
Parish Hospital Contact Mr Richard Elliott 486214
Head Server Mr Neil Clarke 656346
Car Park Manager / 100 Club Mr Steve Gilbert 723375
Church Hall Manager Mrs Heather Neilsen-Bonini
Safeguarding Officer Mr Neil Clarke 729702
Electoral Role Officer Mrs Susan Metcalfe 504909
Deanery Synod Miss Mary Delves, Mrs Isobel Nugent 351014
Librarian Mr David Thorpe 07759 940832
Open Church Mr Roger Ellis 434785
Events Co-ordinator Mr Paul Fella 431283
Flower Arrangers Mrs Rita Orchard – Fridays from 9am
Church Cleaning Mrs Rita Orchard – Tuesdays from 9am
Church Grounds Mr John Burford
Mrs Diana Dean, Mrs Lynette Newman
Webmaster / Magazine / Publicity Mr Paul Fella
Church Office Answerphone
Church Organisations Miss Lis Trustam – call for details
Bible Reading Fellowship
Book Group Rev Nick MacNeill – call for details
Family Support Work Miss Jennifer Hodgkinson and Mr Robert Ascott
Chat-Stop Rev Anthony Fiddian-Green
Guild of All Souls Mr Neil Clarke
Our Lady of Walsingham / CBS Miss Mary Delves
Churches Together Mrs Beverly Cochran
Mission to Seafarers Mrs Isobel Nugent
Additional Curates Society Mr Roger Emery