The Parish magazine of August 2018
Volume XLIX No.8
Contents Page Church Services
What is a Cathedral for? 3 Sundays
8.00 Low Mass
Assumption tide 4
5 10.30 High Mass and Sermon
Bishops of the Society followed by refreshments
Dr Martin Warner in the Church Hall.
New Business / Startup of the Year 6 Weekdays
Mon, Wed, Thurs 10.30am
My search for the Best Fish and Chips in Town 8 Tues and Fri 12noon
Sat 9.00am
August Programme for CTE 9
10 Major Weekday Festivals
More Catholic Trivia Said Mass as above, Sung Mass: 7.30pm
Easyfundraising unless otherwise indicated on notice boards.
Archdeacons’s Pilgrimage to Chichester 11 The Clergy are happy to bring the Sacrament to
the housebound or sick at any hour of the day or
Our Gift to God 12 night. The Holy Oil is available for those who wish
to be anointed.
Our Lady of Walsingham Cell 13
100’s Club Winners The Sacrament of Reconciliation
Confessions by appointment.
Walsingham Pilgrimage 2018 14
Hospital visits
Parish visit to All Saints’ Tudeley 16 Our Parish Contact for local hospitals,
Mr Richard Elliott (872168), will visit and give
New Car Park Permits 17 communion to those in hospital.
Blast from the Console 18
Kitty 20
Dates for your Diary 23
Directory 24
Cover image: Other Services provided by the church
Detail of Mary as the Immaculate Conception, For Baptisms, Banns of Marriage, Weddings
stained glass, late 1800’s. and Funerals please contact the Churchwardens.
The Parish Magazine is published on the first Facebook
Sunday of the month.
Production: Paul Fella
Matter for publication should be submitted to Website
[email protected] is the church
website and is managed by Paul Fella to
Copy deadline is 20th of the month and articles whom matter for the site should be sent via
should be no longer than 750 words. News items [email protected].
or reports should be factual and no longer than
250 words. Articles are copyright to the author The church is open from 8.30am each day and
and may not be reproduced in any form without a team of volunteers is available to answer
the written permission of the author or Editor. The questions etc from 10.00am most days.
Editor’s decision is final regarding content.
Disclaimers: The Editor does not necessarily The Book Shop/Souvenir Stall is also open while
agree with all of the views expressed in this there is a volunteer on duty.
The Parish of St Saviour and St Peter and its St Saviour’s Church
representatives do not endorse or recommend South Street Eastbourne East Sussex BN21 4UT
any of the products or services advertised in this Telephone: 01323 729702
Magazine. Caveat emptor! 2
What is a Cathedral for ?
This interesting question was the subject of The Cathedral will uphold the musical traditions
a Food-for Thought lunchtime talk given by of the church and continue its patronage of the
the Bishop of Chichester, the Right Reverend arts, which has been a major form of its life in
Dr. Martin Warner, to a recent meeting of the honouring God with these expressions of human
Chichester Cathedral Friends. gifts.
In his talk, the Bishop covered many wide-ranging The Bishop also spoke of the Cathedral as
facets of modern Cathedral life and also helped an open space, available to all and a place to
those present to travel back in history to further bring people together, and not only for formal
their understanding as to how and why they came services. With its active learning and engagement
into being. programme it is encouraging children and young
people to come in. While there, it is important
A clear theme that emerged from the Bishop’s for them to appreciate that this is a sacred place
talk was that the main purpose of a Cathedral -where they can experience the presence of God
has been, and still is, a centre for worship and within – a big and holy building, and in the true
mission. Mission and love are involved in the sense of the word – awesome!
complex task of creating an appetite for faith at a
time when western culture says there is no need The Cathedral is for all time and for all people a
for this dynamic, and so it should continuously sacred place, the House of God and a gate to
aspire to be a house of theological enterprise of heaven.
relating faith to life.
Chichester Cathedral Friends
Assumption tide
The feast day of the Assumption of Mary
celebrates the Christian belief that God assumed
the Virgin Mary into Heaven following her death
It is celebrated on or around August 15 in many
countries, particularly in parts of Europe and
South America. It’s also called the Assumption
of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Dormition of
the Most Holy Mother of God (in the eastern
countries), or the Feast of the Assumption.
Assumption Day commemorates the belief that
when Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ, died, her or ‘Our Lady of the Navigators’. Pageants are held
body was not subjected to the usual process of on decorated canoes, each carrying a captain,
physical decay, but was ‘assumed’ into heaven and a purser, three musicians, and two rowers. They
reunited there with her soul. This holiday, which has travel to small villages to entertain and feast. Towns
been celebrated since the fourth century AD, is a may have small church processions with musicians
Christianisation of an earlier harvest festival and, whose costumes depict the ‘Three Wise Men’.
in many parts of Europe, is known as the Feast of Historically, some Italian plazas were flooded.
Our Lady of the Harvest. For centuries celebrations Citizens would ride through the temporary ‘lakes’
were held in the honour of the goddess Isis of in carriages and it was common for people to
the Sea, who was born on this day according to carry bowls of rose-scented water, which they
mythology. With the coming of Christianity church sprinkled on themselves – possibly a carryover
leaders decided that the easiest way to handle this from a pagan ritual in which the gods were
pagan ritual was to simply change it into a Christian petitioned to provide adequate rainfall for the
holiday, hence the introduction of Assumption crops, or as a tribute to the pagan goddess Isis
Day came forth. Like the Immaculate Conception, of the Sea. Assumption Day is also an important
the Assumption was not always an official dogma holiday in France where the Virgin Mary has been
of the Roman Catholic Church – not until Pope the patron saint since 1638.
Pius XII ruled it so in 1950. It is, however, a pious
belief held by some Orthodox Christians and some A Public Holiday
Anglicans. It is regarded as the principal feast day Assumption Day is a public holiday in countries
of the Virgin Mother. such as Austria, Belgium, Chile, Croatia,
What Do People Do? France, parts of Germany, Guatemala, Greece,
Colourful processions through the streets and Italy, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain and
firework displays mark the celebration of the Feast Switzerland although the holiday is regional or
of the Assumption in Italy, as they do in Italian- limited to certain groups in Switzerland. However,
American communities throughout the United Assumption Day is not a public holiday in
States. In Sicily and rural areas outside Rome, a Australia, Canada, the UK, and the USA.
bowing procession is the day’s main event. Associated symbols
A statue of the Virgin Mary is carried through the Remnants of the ancient celebration include
town to a ceremonial arch of flowers, where a night time bonfires and public illuminations, both
group of people holding a statue of Christ awaits probably symbolic of the Sun, in Italy. Symbolic
her arrival. Both statues are inclined toward each images of the Virgin Mary and her assumption
other three times, and then the Christ figure into heaven have been associated with the day.
precedes the figure of Mary back to the parish Blue is the colour most often associated with the
church for a special benediction. Virgin Mary. It symbolises truth and clarity, and it
In Sao Paulo and other parts of southern Brazil, is the colour of the sky, which symbolises heaven.
the feast is called Nosa Senhora dos Navegantes, The lily, which is a symbol of purity, chastity, and
simplicity, is also associated with the Virgin Mary.
The Right Reverend Dr Martin Warner MA PhD
Dr Warner studied at St Chad’s College in
Durham before completing his theological
training at St Stephen’s House, Oxford. He was
ordained deacon (1984) and priest (1985) in
Exeter Cathedral whilst working as Curate of
St Peter’s Plymouth.
He moved north to the Midlands in 1988 to be
Team Vicar for five years in the Parish of the
Resurrection, Leicester before being elected to
be the Priest Administrator of the Shrine of Our
Lady of Walsingham between 1993-2002. During
his time in Norfolk he was also priest in charge of
Hempton and Pudding Norton between 1998-
2000. He was appointed Honorary Canon of
Norwich between 2000-2002.
Bishop Martin was then appointed as a
residentiary Canon of St Paul’s Cathedral in
London, firstly as Canon Pastor and latterly
Treasurer where he made a big contribution Bishop Martin officiated as principal celebrant
particularly with regards to the Cathedral’s in the laying-on of hands and Eucharist for
connection with the art world (2003-2010). the episcopal consecration of Philip North as
He was elected as suffragan Bishop of Whitby suffragan Bishop of Burnley at York Minster on 2
in the Diocese of York in 2010 and has served February 2015 (Feast of Candlemas).
the parishes of the Cleveland archdeaconry He was introduced to the House of Lords as a
which includes the contrasting communities of Lord Spiritual on 15 January 2018.
Middlesbrough and much of the North Yorkshire
Moors. Dr Warner is a regular contributor to the Church
Bishop Martin suffered a cardiac arrest on Times and has written five books.
23 August 2010 while on holiday in Florence, but He is a cyclist, enjoys the arts and is well known
has since returned to work. for his hospitality and welcome – an art he
On 3 May 2012, Warner’s appointment as the next perfected when welcoming thousands of pilgrims
to England’s Nazareth, as Walsingham is known.
diocesan Bishop of Chichester was announced,
his election was confirmed on 2 July and his Bishop Martin is a traditionalist who has worked
enthronement took place in Chichester Cathedral resolutely in recent years to encourage provision
on 25 November. in which people of all integrities can remain
On 20 November 2012, he was one of three together. He worked closely with women priest
bishops (and one of the two diocesans) in the colleagues at St Paul’s Cathedral and has sought
General Synod who voted against a motion to to serve with equal care the ordained men and
allow the ordination of women as bishops in the women in his episcopal patch in the north of
Church of England. England.
Start up
of the Year
The success of businesswomen across the area were celebrated at a glittering ceremony at
Eastbourne’s Cavendish Hotel on Friday 20th July.
As one of the top ten Coffee Shops in Eastbourne (according to Trip Advisor), the Coffee and Carrot had
entered the competition, but faced quite strong competition. However, Maria (the very glamorous owner
of this new venture) scooped this year’s New Business/Start up of the Year Award!
Maria Katsari has been an advertiser and supporter of St Saviour’s magazine and our other publications
for the last year or more and her café is a regular haunt of many of our clergy and parishioners.
Congratulations Maria on your success. You have a great product and give an excellent service, hopefully
it will continue to grow and you will achieve even more success!
My search for the best
Bacon Sandwich in town…
…and now Fish and Chips!
There has been a steady trickle of feedback excellent fish and chips. All in all, not too far
on the Logos article about the search for a from St. Saviour’s and you may well see faces
good bacon sandwich. As a result, it has been you know there on certain days of the week after
suggested that we conduct an in-depth survey Mass. Remember, it’s fish
of the town’s fish and chip shops! There are a
good number, so it would take a long time to Fr Tony Fiddian-Green
gather reliable evidence. I shall keep at it!
Sufficient to say, for now, that PS. Pedro is the Spanish version of Peter, so it
representations have been made to is appropriate that we should have an ‘annexe’
ensure that a certain establishment named after our Saint!
(next to the cleaners’ shop in Terminus
Road, opposite the station), shall be 8
known henceforth as ‘Saint Pedro’s’.
This is partly because on any given
day, several of our congregation can
be see there so that it becomes a kind
of ecclesiastical annexe! The grilled cod is
excellent and for those on statins it means
we can avoid batter and fat, thus a less
cholesterol-making intake. Large, medium and
small servings are available; the staff are friendly
and there is a good cup of tea go with the
August Programme for CTE
‘The Turning’ outreach continues
Sat 4 August
It takes a gulp of faith, but discover that people are ready to talk about Jesus on the streets. Join a
great team from other churches. Meet at New Hope Baptist Church, Beach Road.
Freedom from Torture paintings auction fund raiser
Sat 4 August
Sale by auction of affordable paintings donated by Sussex Artists. 12-3 pm at Friends Meeting
House, Wish Rd.
Courses at Ellel/Glyndley Manor
Healing for Parental Wounds Healing through Creativity
10 - 12 August (Fri - Sun) 24 - 27 August (Fri - Mon)
If our earthly relationships with our parents have This wonderful course provides a safe family
been destructive or damaging, we often find it environment of loving fellowship. It offers you
difficult to relate to God. This powerful weekend the opportunity to discover both the joy of being
course helps us recognise areas in which we creative and the reality of your identity in Jesus.
may have been wounded so we can receive
healing from our perfect parent. Beachy Head Prayer
Breaking the trap of ungodly Wed 29 August
vows and belief systems Responding to the recent sad spate of suicides,
the vicars of the two Anglican parishes of East
15 August (Wed) Dean and Meads invite all local Christians to
Are you stuck in a rut? come and pray, together with representatives
You can’t seem to change your behaviour even of the Beachy Head Chaplaincy Team. Join
though you really want to? Revs David Baker and Giles Carpenter at 7pm
Are you failing to mature in Christ? at the BHCT base next to the Beachy Head
Does there seems to be something blocking you Restaurant. Jesus said: ‘I have come that they
from growing in grace and really trusting Him? may have life in all its fullness’.
If so, then you may have made an inner vow
and/or established an ungodly belief (or beliefs) Inside Out: Exploring Inner
about Him. Damage & Healing
Israel and the Church in God’s 31 August - 1 September 2018 (Fri - Sat)
Bigger Picture In this course we will investigate how God
made each person and how the various parts of
17 - 18 August (Fri - Sat) our being work together to develop the whole
What Does the Bible Say About The Land Of personhood. Together we will explore how
Israel? the inner being is adversely affected by past
Do you wonder how the gentiles in the Bible are experiences and consider some of the possible
related to Israel and the Jewish people? outworking of inner damage and the associated
Guest Speaker, Jacob Vince, will focus on the pain.
biblical understanding of Israel and how the
Bible is structured. To contact the centre Bookings
Office Telephone: 01323 440440
Email: [email protected]
More Catholic Trivia
Justice is not a Theological Virtue
The Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II was excommunicated and deposed in 1244
Gluttony is a sin against Temperance which is a cardinal virtue – Drunkenness is too!
In 313AD the Emperors Constantine I and Licinius signed the Edict of Milan that declared religious tolerance.
O most sweet Lady and our Mother, by the merits of thy happy death
obtain for us holy perseverance in the divine friendship, that we may
finally quit this life in God’s grace; and unite with the blessed spirits
in praising thee and singing thy glories as thou deservest. Amen.
This excerpt is from a longer prayer for the Assumption, given in Sts Alphonsus Liguori’s classic work The Glories of Mary.
An Archdeaconry Pilgrimage
in the Year of Prayer
Saturday This Pilgrimage for Archdeaconry of Hastings will be
15th Sept led by Bishop Richard and Archdeacon Edward.
Archdeaconry Pilgrimages
in the Year of Prayer The Pilgimage will start at 1.30pm. On arrival, pilgrims will assemble in
the Bishop’s Palace Gardens, where Gathering Prayers will be said.
The group will then walk to the Cathedral for a Pilgrimage Eucharist,
entering by the West Doors. This act of all-age worship starts at the font
and sees the pilgrims moving through different parts of the Cathedral
during the service. It ends at the Shrine of St Richard, an ancient site of
Afterwards, pilgrims are invited to a ‘bring and share’ lunch /tea on the
Paradise lawn, or in the Cloisters, if wet.
There will be a shared coach to take Pilgrims to and from Chichester.
Register for the event online:
Our gift to God…
1 Corinthians 12 smell be? But as it is, God arranged the members
in the body, each one of them, as he chose. If all
New Revised Standard Version (NRSV) were a single member, where would the body be?
As it is, there are many members, yet one body.
Spiritual Gifts The eye cannot say to the hand, “I have no need
of you,” nor again the head to the feet, “I have no
Now concerning spiritual gifts, brothers and need of you.” On the contrary, the members of the
sisters, I do not want you to be uninformed. body that seem to be weaker are indispensable,
You know that when you were pagans, you were and those members of the body that we think less
enticed and led astray to idols that could not honorable we clothe with greater honor, and our
speak. Therefore I want you to understand that no less respectable members are treated with greater
one speaking by the Spirit of God ever says “Let respect; whereas our more respectable members
Jesus be cursed!” and no one can say “Jesus is do not need this. But God has so arranged the
Lord” except by the Holy Spirit. body, giving the greater honor to the inferior
member, that there may be no dissension within
Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same the body, but the members may have the same
Spirit; and there are varieties of services, but the care for one another. If one member suffers, all
same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, suffer together with it; if one member is honored,
but it is the same God who activates all of them all rejoice together with it.
in everyone. To each is given the manifestation of
the Spirit for the common good. To one is given Now you are the body of Christ and individually
through the Spirit the utterance of wisdom, and members of it. And God has appointed in the
to another the utterance of knowledge according church first apostles, second prophets, third
to the same Spirit, to another faith by the same teachers; then deeds of power, then gifts of
Spirit, to another gifts of healing by the one Spirit, healing, forms of assistance, forms of leadership,
to another the working of miracles, to another various kinds of tongues. Are all apostles?
prophecy, to another the discernment of spirits, to Are all prophets? Are all teachers? Do all work
another various kinds of tongues, to another the miracles? Do all possess gifts of healing? Do all
interpretation of tongues. All these are activated speak in tongues? Do all interpret? But strive for
by one and the same Spirit, who allots to each the greater gifts and I will show you a still more
one individually just as the Spirit chooses. excellent way.
One Body with Many Members
For just as the body is one and has many
members, and all the members of the body,
though many, are one body, so it is with Christ.
For in the one Spirit we were all baptized into one
body—Jews or Greeks, slaves or free—and we
were all made to drink of one Spirit.
Indeed, the body does not consist of one member
but of many. If the foot would say, “Because I
am not a hand, I do not belong to the body,” that
would not make it any less a part of the body. And
if the ear would say, “Because I am not an eye, I
do not belong to the body,” that would not make it
any less a part of the body. If the whole body were
an eye, where would the hearing be? If the whole
body were hearing, where would the sense of
A lamp burns for The winners of the June 2018
this church in the 100’s Club draw were:
Shrine of Our Lady
of Walsingham 1st 77 Pauline Fella
If you are interested in 2nd 65 Roger Ellis
joining our Walsingham Cell
please contact Mary Delves 3rd 4 David McLean
on 735410
We are now entering our twelfth year.
The cost remains at £2 per month
(£24 for the year). Currently
prizes remain at £40, £20 and £10
respectively, however if the level
falls so will the prize money.
All profit goes to the Church and
Church Room. Please see Steve
Gilbert (01323 469078) for details.
The Scheme is open to all.
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Walsingham Pilgrimage 2018
A rather small band of pilgrims this year. Just After our first visit to the Holy House led by
10 of us left St Saviour’s church in three cars Fr Robert, six of us decided to visit the Slipper
at 8.30am following a special Mass celebrated Chapel. Some people walk the ‘mile’ in bare
by Fr Tony to send us on our way. Last year we feet or on their knees; we decided to drive, with
were delayed by accidents on the motorways, Pauline taking two trips to get everyone there. The
but this year we had a very pleasant drive advantage of going on Friday was that it was quiet
with no hold ups. Even with a comfort stop and we were able to visit in peace, the down side
in Harlow just off the M11, we arrived in was that the repository and café were shut (they
Walsingham village in time to eat our lunches only open on busy days). We were treated to a
in the Shrine grounds in the glorious sunshine. children’s rehearsal for a Grandparent’s pilgrimage
taking place on the Sunday in the Basilica, then
gasping for a cup of tea in the heat, on the way
back to the Anglican Shrine we decided to see if
we could get six adults in one car – and we could!
Another ritual is a visit to the Norton Room for
post supper drinks. This year they were serving a
wide range of artisan gins, of all of us went to the parish Mass at St Mary’s, and
colours and flavours. Of course, after our roast beef lunch we had the opportunity
some of us had to rise to the to be sprinkled with holy water from the well in
challenge of trying them all over the Shrine church and laying on of hands and
the weekend – and jolly good anointing. Then after tea there was a procession
they were too! The barman told of the Holy Sacrament followed by Benediction.
us that gin had overtaken wine as
the most popular drink at the bar Monday dawned sunny and even hotter, and it
this year and we believed him. was a welcome cooling when praying the Stations
of the Cross that the water sprinkler near the 9th
On Saturday following our Mass station gave us all a good soaking! After lunch
in the St Thomas Chapel, we all spent some quiet we made our last visit to the Holy House, always
time in the beautiful gardens. Although the grass a very moving moment, when we had to say
was very dry, the flower borders were a picture, goodbye and leave the peace and tranquility for
making it a very special place to sit, think and the ‘tumults of our daily life’. With thanks to
pray. But wasn’t it hot! On Saturday evening John Fr Robert Fayers for leading the pilgrimage and to
and Paul had the honour of carrying the Torchiere my fellow pilgrims for the fellowship and fun.
behind the effigy of OLW in the procession
around the Shrine grounds. On Sunday some
Parish visit to All Saints’ Tudeley Photography courtesy of Brian Adams
commissioned Chagall
to design the magnificent
east window.
All Saints’ Tudeley is the only church in the In commemorating the
world to have all its twelve windows decorated daughter of a Jewish
by the great Russian artist Marc Chagall. father and an Anglican
mother Chagall was an
The east inspired choice. He was a
window at Russian Jew, but one who
Tudeley is often included Christ in his
a memorial work, and who spoke of him as “the radiant young
tribute man in whom young people delight”. Chagall was
to Sarah initially reluctant to take on the commission, but
d’Avigdor- was eventually persuaded - and when in 1967 he
Goldsmid arrived for the installation of the east window and
who died saw the church, he said, ‘It’s magnificent. I will
aged just 21 do them all.’ And over the next 15 years, Chagall
in a sailing designed all the remaining eleven windows.
accident off
Rye. Sarah The chancel windows were finally installed in
was the 1985, the year of Chagall’s death at the age of 98
daughter of (replacing Victorian glass, now cunningly backlit
Sir Henry by a specially designed lightbox installed in the
and Lady vestry, at the suggestion of Sir Hugh Casson).
d’Avigdor- The Tudeley windows are inspired, said Chagall,
Goldsmid; by the words of Psalm 8, especially verses 4-8:
the family
then lived “What is man that you are mindful of him, the
at Somerhill son of man that you care for him? You made
(now a school) which is situated nearby. him a little lower than the heavenly beings and
crowned him with glory and honor.
Sarah d’Avigdor-Goldsmid had shown an
early interest in contemporary art. Sarah and You made him ruler over the works of your
her mother saw the designs for the Hadassah hands; you put everything under his feet: all flocks
windows at an exhibition at the Louvre in and herds, and the beasts of the field, the birds
of the air, and the fish of the sea, all that swim the
Paris in 1961, and paths of the seas.”
were enthralled by
them. After Sarah’s The only other Chagall glass in Britain is a window
death in 1963, Sir at Chichester Cathedral, which is based on the
Henry and Lady theme of Psalm 150: ‘Let everything that hath
d’Avigdor-Goldsmid breath praise the Lord’.
One of the wonders of the Tudeley windows is that
they are at eye level: one can go right up to them
and see the marks of Chagall’s hands.
Thank you Keith and Sue for organising the trip to
this most splendid masterpiece.
A fuller set of photographs can be seen on the
Tudeley gallery page of the website.
New Car Park permits
New Car Park permits are now available. Steve will issue the new ‘electrostatic’ permits (they
stick to your windscreen without adhesive and peel off with no residue), when you either sign-up
or renew your parking subscription.
This year we have introduced a fixed minimum charge of £45.00 for a Congregation permit. You may,
of course, pay more at your discretion if you feel that you are able - the real value of town-centre parking
is far more than the ‘cover price’ of the permit. There will also be numbered permits for both Car Parks
for the reserved spaces. This will help us to monitor usage and any abuse of the facility.
C O N G R E G AT I O N 1
The next thing I have to tell you is a sort of bitter-
sweet thing. Some of you will have notice that we
now have, in the church a monster grand piano.
You will
have heard
that the
Theatre has
been forced
to close. I
am not clear
about all the
details but it
meant that
the whole
season of
would be in jeopardy unless a suitable venue
could be found. The future of this magnificent
piano was also uncertain.
I was approached by Robert Milnes, the concert
coordinator, who asked me if we would be
Oh! It’s all such an effort. As much as I love prepared to take on the classical concert series
this weather (and I really do), everything takes and also take custody of the piano. I was
twice as long. All the senses seemed to be delighted to accept. You might well ask ,why I
bludgeoned into submission by this never- would do this, particularly as we have the use of
ending heat wave. The French have a lovely a baby grand Steinway (which has so far done
word for it – la Canicule. I for one hope that it sterling service) and a series of our own? Well,
carries on through the summer!! But this is not the URC have told me that they will want the
the place for a discourse about the weather; piano back in the near future ,so that will shortly
I have a few things to tell you. no longer be available to us.
Firstly we had a fabulous organ recital from Alex As far as the concerts are concerned, these will be
Eadon at the beginning of the month. A superb on Sunday afternoons (as they are at present) so
and varied programme, beautifully played and they will not at all interfere with our programme.
cheerfully presented. From a Mendelssohn They have some incredibly gifted performers
Sonata to the playfulness of Bonnet’s ‘Elfes” and and this will only serve to enhance our musical
then an astonishing rendition of a transcription offerings here. Whilst I am very sad about the
of Sibelius’ ‘Finlandia’. A really great mix for a Underground Theatre, I am very excited about the
perfect lunchtime concert. Thank you, Alex. future for us. Please look out for these concerts
in our publicity and details in the local press. I am
Then, last weekend Colin and Becky made a very indebted to Robert Milnes for coming to me with
welcome return and did a great double act. ‘ From this proposal.
Baroque to Broadway’. As I said on the night they
really are such an accomplished pairing able to Finally I would commend Robert’s lunchtime piano
perform music from all ages at such a high level. recital on Monday 13th August at 1.00pm (not in
It was lovely. They clearly had a lot of fun putting the publicity at present) when he will be giving the
this together and this was so obvious by their first public performance on this piano in
charming manner in performance. I am so grateful St Saviour’s.
for their support to the musical life at St Saviour’s.
Thank you, both. That’s all for now! See you next month. Keep cool!
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- to see you - nice. He’s on the move again to
Christ Church St Leonard’s which should suit him
down to the ground. Maureen and David Thorpe
speak highly of the Church. Thursday 30th August
is his Licensing and we hope to raise a group to
Hello Darlings Walsingham has seen our latest Parish Pilgrimage.
Ola! Lashings of Spanish Lemon Gin have had Numbers very depleted this year. Such a shame.
me thinking of languid Summer Days in Spain. I’m sure Fr Mark will revive interest for next year.
Well we all wished for a ‘Heat Wave’ and we Fr Robert led the Pilgrimage in his usual quiet and
certainly got one. As I write we are still baking reverent manner. Nice to meet up with All Saints’
during the day and struggling to sleep at night. Margaret Street and Magnus the Martyr and
I’ve been lying on my back on the parched brown St Silas Kentish Town yet again. I think this year’s
lawn tickling my Pussycat while she purred most Pilgrimage had the hottest weather ever with
appreciatively. It must be like wearing a Fur Coat daytime highs of 34°C and nights trying to sleep
and jolly uncomfortable. when it only dipped to around 18°C.
My Mother scrimped and saved to buy a Mink Our daily masses were celebrated in the chapel
coat and thought she was the bees knees when of St Thomas and on the last morning the Holy
out wearing it. When she died, she left it to a House. I think God decided we needed a little
distant cousin who resides on the Isle of Mull. humour to lighten the mood and during the
I travelled by train to Glasgow and then on Stations of the Cross played a prank on us as just
through to Oban and then by Ferry to Mull. I was as we reached Station 9 the automatic sprinkler
not amused when she said ‘I can’t be seen on system came on and soaked us to the skin. With
the Island wearing this. The farmer will shoot me’ true British ‘stiff upper lip’ they continued as if this
Fashions certainly have changed and it would be was part of the ceremonials. We got less wet at the
suicidal to appear in such attire today. Sprinkling the day before.
Bernard and Carole have returned from Spain - Every year Norton’s Café and Bar have a promotion
at last. Nice to see him back in action with the of drinks. We had local beers two years ago and
Thurible at High Mass. Anyway on his first Sunday last year was Wines. This year it was GIN. What a
back he performed the usual aerobatics (he selection. Fr Robert, Paul Fella and John Vernon
should appear at Airbourne) and looped the loop managed to try all eight varieties during the visit.
narrowly missing the Acolytes. Unfortunately one
of the chains became detached so he could be It was a great shame that Liz and Martin Tardif
heard in the Vestry hammering away to repair it. had to return home after one night as Martin
was unwell. Pauline was also laid low with a
Rachel and the children have now moved out of stomach bug and missed the procession of Our
the Vicarage and we will need volunteers to get Lady at which Paul Fella and John Vernon were
the place ready for Fr Mark. Torchieres. So no photos of this unfortunately.
We were blessed during ‘Tennis’ week to receive a The current batch of Baptisms have now taken
considerable donation from an anonymous source place and Fr Tony is still getting enquiries and
- how kind! bookings . How does he fit everything in. His
researching of the Best Bacon Sandwich, Best
The Underground Theatre closed suddenly and Fish and Chips and soon the Best English
we currently have their Concert Grand Piano in the Breakfast make me think he has a food fettish.
Church. Liverpool might boast two Cathedrals, but Well I’m sweating already and it’s only 7am as
St Saviours has two pianos and two organs.
the heatwave continues, but I think Gin with my
Fr Nick Archer visited and Celebrated and
Preached at the 10.30 Mass. Nice to see you Cornflakes is a bit over the top so Fruit Juice
instead. More from me next month, until then
Kitty. X
Cheers my dears.
D. Scarlatti F. Chopin
Sonata in D Longo 164 Allegretto Nocturne in Eb major opus 9 no. 2 Andante
Sonata in Eb Long 203 Andante Cantabile Nocturne in B major opus 32 no. 1 Andante
Sonata in A minor Longo 241 Allegro Etude in C minor opus 25 no. 12 ‘Ocean’
Sonata in D Longo 461 Presto Etude in E major opus 10 no. 3 ‘Tristesse’
Sonata in E Longo 23 Andante Commodo Etude in C# minor opus 10 no. 4 ‘Torrent’
J. S. Bach S. Rachmaninoff
Chromatic Fantasia and Fugue in D minor BWV Variation no. 18
from Rapsodie on a Theme of Paganini
W. A. Mozart (adapted for piano solo by Hermene W. Eichhorn)
Fantasia in D minor K397
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Dates for your Diary August 2018
Wed 1 10.30am Mass S. Alphonsus Liguori Bp. Dr.
Thur 2 10.30am Mass
Fri 3 12 noon Mass
Sat 4 09.00am Mass S. John Vianney, Pr.
Sun 5 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time 08.00am Mass 10.30am Solemn Mass
Mon 6 10.30am Mass The Transfiguration of the Lord
Tue 7 12 noon Mass
Wed 8 10.30am Mass S. Dominic Pr
Thur 9 10.30am Mass S. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross Rel. M
Fri 10 12 noon Mass S. Lawrence Dn, M
Sat 11 09.00am Mass S. Clare V.
Sun 12 The Assumption of the BVM 08.00am Mass 10.30am Solemn Mass
Mon 13 10.30am Mass S. Pontian P. M. & S. Hippolytus Pr M.
Requiem Mass Guild of All Souls
Tue 14 12 noon Mass S. Maximilian Kolbe
Wed 15 10.30am Mass
Thur 16 10.30am Mass
Fri 17 12 noon Mass
Sat 18 09.00am Mass
Sun 19 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time 08.00am Mass 10.30am Solemn Mass
Mon 20 10.30am Mass S. Bernard
Tue 21 12 noon Mass S. Pius X
Wed 22 10.30am Mass Queenship of the BVM
Thur 23 10.30am Mass S . Rose of Lima V.
Fri 24 12 noon Mass S. Bartholomew Ap
Sat 25 09.00am Mass
Sun 26 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time 08.00am Mass 10.30am Solemn Mass
Mon 27 10.30am Mass S. Monica
Tue 28 12 noon Mass S. Augustine Walsingham Cell
Wed 29 10.30am Mass Passion of St John the Baptist
Thur 30 10.30am Mass
Fri 31 12 noon Mass S. Aidan Bp
Church Officers Telephone
Hon Associate Clergy Rev Christopher Hadfield BA 381796
Rev Anthony Fiddian-Green MA, Cert Ed 485399
Rev Nick MacNeill, BTh 723584
Rev John Wright BSc Cert Ed 723345
Rev Dr David Musson M Phil
Canon Robert Fayers SSC 07706 067496
Churchwardens Mrs Pauline Fella 412061
Mr John Vernon 645145
Deputy Churchwardens Mr Keith Metcalfe 431283
Mrs Rosemarie Emery
Secretary PCC Mrs Judy Grundy 735410
Treasurer Miss Mary Delves 351014
Chair of Finance Mr Carl Hodgkinson
Other Officers Mr Paul Collins 872168
Director of Music 07759 940832
01323 381796
Parish Hospital Contact Mr Richard Elliott 469078
07759 940832
Head Server Mr Neil Clarke 645145
Chat-Stop Rev Anthony Fiddian-Green
Car Park Manager / 100 Club Mr Steve Gilbert 486214
Safeguarding Officer Mr Neil Clarke 725796
Electoral Role Officer Mrs Susan Metcalfe 649896
Churches Together Mrs Beverly Cochran 729702
Deanery Synod Miss Mary Delves, Mrs Isobel Nugent 504909
Family Support Work Miss Jennifer Hodgkinson and Mr Robert Ascott 723375
Librarian Mr David Thorpe
Guild of All Souls Miss Lis Trustam 723375
Mission to Seafarers Mrs Isobel Nugent
Additional Curates Society Mr Roger Emery
Open Church Mr Roger Ellis
Our Lady of Walsingham / CBS Miss Mary Delves
Church Office Answerphone
Church Organisations Miss Lis Trustam – call for details
Bible Reading Fellowship
Rev Nick MacNeill – call for details
Book Group
Mrs Rita Orchard – Tuesdays from 9am
Church Cleaning
Mr John Burford
Church Grounds Mrs Diana Dean
Mrs Lynette Newman
Mr Paul Fella – meets as necessary
Events Committee
Mrs Rita Orchard – Fridays from 9am
Flower Arrangers
Mr Paul Fella
Webmaster / Magazine / Publicity