The Parish magazine of April 2017
Volume XLVIII No. 4
Contents Page Church Services
From Fr Chris 3
Holy Week 5 Sundays
Forty Days and Forty Nights 8 8.00 Low Mass
This Higher Life 10.30 Solemn Mass and Sermon
Lent Lunches 10
Urbi et Orbi… 12 followed by refreshments
100 Club in the Church Hall.
A Blast from the Console 14
Eve’s Droppings 18 Weekdays
Dates for your Diary 22 Mon, Wed, Thurs 10.30am;
Directory 23 Tues and Fri 12noon; Sat 9.00am
Major Weekday Festivals
Cover: The empty tomb Said Mass as above, Sung Mass: 7.30pm.
Morning and Evening prayer are said daily at
The Parish Magazine is published on the 8.30am and 5.30pm unless otherwise
last Sunday of the month. indicated on notice boards.
Matter for publication should be sent to
[email protected]. The Clergy are happy to bring the Sacrament to
the housebound or sick at any hour of the day
Copy deadline is 20th of the month or night. The Holy Oil is available for those who
and articles should be no longer than wish to be anointed.
750 words. News items or reports should
be factual and no longer than 250 words. The Sacrament of Reconciliation
Articles are copyright to the author and the A priest is usually available to hear Confessions
Editor’s decision is final. or for Spiritual Advice on Fridays at 11.30am is the church or by appointment.
website and is managed by Paul Fella
([email protected]) to Hospital visits
whom matter for the site should be sent. Our Parish Contact for local hospitals,
Mr Richard Elliott (872168), will visit and give
communion to those in hospital.
Other Services provided by the church
Arrangements for Baptisms, Banns of
Marriage, Weddings and Funerals
should be made with the Vicar.
The church is open from 8.30am each day
and a team of volunteers is available to answer
questions etc from 10am most days.
The Book Shop/Souvenir Stall is also open
while there is a volunteer on duty.
I had been exposed to the baking sun for large cross stood where The Cross had hanged
hours as I trudged with a group of others the Saviour of the world. Stooping to kiss the
around the city. It had been interesting but site of my salvation I became aware that it was
exhausting. Parched earth, entrances to the first time I had bent my knees in hours; it felt
grottos of shops and chapels; the occasional like a rest. At the very place where Jesus was
wrong turn. All felt very strange and stretched out in agony I seemed to feel comfort
disorientating with the sound of foreign and restoration; even pleasure. The weight of
tongues and the smell of spices in the air. pilgrims meant that my time resting was
I thought we were never going to get there, abbreviated. All too short: I would be back
and I had little idea at the time of what many times throughout my stay. So I continued
‘there’ looked like; but I knew I was following on, down again, and passed the anointing slab
in the blessed footsteps of countless saints as I headed towards the Sepulchre itself.
and sinners.
It felt like a procession with the smell of incense
We were too high up, I knew that, and before in the air and the perpetual flicker of candles,
long, ahead of me, was a steeply descending the strange collective awe of transfixed
staircase hewn from stone. Reaching ground pilgrims; it was as though time stopped at the
level I stood in the courtyard. Our guide was entrance.
speaking but I wasn’t paying attention, my eyes
fixed on those ancient doors as though they The Sepulchre itself though decorated with
were beckoning me in to take refuge: to find enormous candles was dark and uninviting;
a home. most definitely a tomb. Red sanctuary lamps
formed rows of muted light that were as beads
Entering the Church of the Holy Sepulchre I of blood, emphasising the cutting reality of the
found myself climbing again, this time the steps Crucifixion. Entrance to the Sepulchre was
were marble and at the top two altars, and a controlled by guards more determined than the
Roman soldiers who kept the first watch at this nevertheless we have in common almost every
sacred site. The anteroom was small and we aspect of our lives. Sure technology changes,
were tightly fitted in. I was ushered towards the ways of communicating develop; but at the
tomb by the monk on duty and I had to bow my heart of every human that has ever lived, and
head in order to fit under the ceiling; it was quite ever will, are the basic desires of needing to be
suffocating and I wondered what on earth fed spiritually and physically, and to find
would await me inside. connection and meaning.
I carved a cross The annual pilgrimage of Lent and Easter are a
over my body with focussed time in which we are drawn to a cross,
Holy Water as I left to a tomb, and also sent forth from the womb of
the birthplace of rebirth. In life we all wrestle with feeling parched
my salvation to and dry, with being lost, confused, hungry, and
carry that grace in pain. In our humanity we are confronted by
out into the world. many crosses, and we too must contemplate
our own death as the words of Ash Wednesday
The tomb was to my right and I turned to face ring in our ears, ‘Remember man thou art dust,
it, kneeling next to a brother priest. Though both and to dust thou shall return’. Lent brings us to
of us were prone to chatter we remained silent the point of dust, reminding us that we are
throughout, praying. I didn’t know what to pray, earthenware, clay pots: fragile, dry, brittle.
but I felt like the imposing darkness of the outer
tomb was transformed at this, the place of the Easter fulfils our nature as the people of the
Resurrection: it was now most definitely a resurrection, and reminds us that in baptism we
womb. Lost in adoration I was quickly snapped were watered, illumined, and marked for glory.
out of it as the monk told me that my time was The clay of our bodies united with the Holy Spirit
up; I had to leave the womb so that another begins to sing and dance towards a different
faithful Christian could be replenished from the destination: Heaven; and we are sent out to
oasis of hope. bring others with us on this eternal journey.
On the way out I saw crosses etched into the Like pilgrims finding their way to the Church of
stone walls, crosses carved by Crusaders and the Holy Sepulchre for the first time, our clay
tourists alike; I carved a cross over my body bodies search out for the way of Heaven without
with Holy Water as I left the birthplace of my quite knowing what it will look like when we get
salvation to carry that grace out into the world. there. We too make wrong turns, and find
ourselves needing to be brought a little lower to
When I consider the history of our faith I am find the way again. What we know is that the
amazed that though we are separated from the barrenness of death and destruction has been
events of history by thousands of years, transformed and transfigured by the
Resurrection into the fact of life; life that has
conquered the darkest recesses of our sinful
nature, and brings us to the fulness of the
freedom to love God.
As we follow the way of Christ, inspired by the
lives of the Saints who have gone before us,
may we truly recognise the eternal home
prepared for us before the foundation of the
world. Our Lady of Sorrows, pray for us.
Fr Chris
8.00am Blessing of Palms and Mass
Blessing of Palms, Procession
and Solemn Mass
7.30pm Solemn Mass of the Lord’s Supper,
Washing of Feet and Procession
to the Altar of Repose
10.00am Stations of the Cross
3.00pm The Liturgy of the Day
7.30pm The Paschal Vigil
and the First Mass of Easter
8.00am Mass
Procession and Solemn Mass
of Easter Day
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The 2017 Annual Parish Meeting
will take place after Mass in the
Church Room on Sunday 23rd April
Saturday 22nd April
3pm in the
Church Room
Sandwiches, Scones
and Cakes Galore!
Tickets £7.00
Come dressed wearing White and Red.
There will be a Raffle and Prizes for the most
outstanding lady’s and gentleman’s outfit.
A Journey through Lent to Easter
Monday 10th April 1.00pm
presented by
The first in the main season of lunchtime of the Crucifixion and finally the joy and
recitals to celebrate St Saviour’s 150th triumph of the Resurrection, as depicted
anniversary will be this journey through by two writers who lived four centuries
Lent to Easter in words and music with apart.
actor David Horne and organist Paul
Collins, Director of Music at St Saviour’s. All this will be illustrated and enhanced
with a mixture of appropriate music from
David will be performing extracts from a Paul Collins - music ranging from J.S.
wide variety of writers from the Bach to Malcolm Archer - including
seventeenth century to the present day. pieces based on well-known hymns
You will hear George Herbert’s great (WereYouThere WhenThey Crucified My
celebration of Lent and how a modern Lord and Lift HighThe Cross).
day monk imagines the Devil tempted
Jesus. You will hear from the donkey that So come and join us for what we hope
carried Jesus into Jerusalem on Palm will be an enjoyable, moving and uplifting
Sunday (yes, honestly!). You will see start to Holy Week.
some of the people whose lives were
turned upside down - the unscrupulous The event is free, but there will be a
temple trader, the high priest Caiaphas, retiring collection for much needed funds
the disciple Peter and the criminal for the upkeep of our magnificent organ.
Barabbas. You will experience the horror
Located at A Journey through Lent to
17 Gildredge Road, Easter
BN21 4RU Monday 10th April 1.00pm
Tuesdays to Fridays
9.00am - 4pm
People Matter is sub- presented by
contracted to CXK as a DAVID HORNE and PAUL
National Careers Service
This Higher Life
R M Benson on the Resurrection of the Lord from
the preface to Volume IV of The Final Passover, 1898
The resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ is a may well
truth of the utmost importance for us to dwell (if admitted) be
upon. It is not merely one of a great series of supposed to act
truths which claim our attention by their own as a prelude to
dignity. It is the foundation of all the practical this final
teaching of the Christian Church, for everything transformation of
that we have to do must be done in the power of man’s body by the
Christ’s resurrection. This is an equivalent phrase resurrection of Christ as a fresh germinal principle
to the power of the Holy Ghost, for the Holy of life. The whole system of development gains
Ghost by whom Christ was raised operates upon indeed a purpose and a finality if it culminate in
us through His risen Body. It in itself implies the the exaltation of Christ to the throne of creation,
Incarnation and the redemption on Calvary, but whereas it is aimless if the highest result be
they would be inefficacious without this further nothing more than our present human form of life
development of the human nature of Christ. The upon the earth. There is no reason why this
grain of corn would remain alone if it had not should have been attained. There is no reason
died.Yea, rather if had not risen again. The why development should cease at this particular
communication of the Divine life for our stage.
sanctification until we be glorified according to
God’s will is the result of the elevation of Christ As a matter of fact the Church has always
personally in a Body of glory to which our bodies believed in a development of the human organism
of humiliation must be conformed by our in the future, although she maintains that man is
reception of this glorified substance into in himself a distinctly fresh starting point in the
ourselves as a renewing principle of vitality. creation of God, and whatever developments may
have produced the various races of beasts, of
Our conception of our relation to Christ depends fishes, and of birds, she maintains that the flesh
therefore upon our having, if not a true of man is in some manner distinct from them. The
conception of His risen Body, for it may be said earth and the waters brought them forth. God
that that is impossible, at least a conception of made man by His own interposition from above,
some of its characteristics and powers, so as to and He made the first man in order that He, the
be free from those misconceptions which arise Lord from Heaven, might become the second
from merely translating earthly thoughts into a man, and raise the nature thus formed to the
new sphere and perpetuating earthly laws which throne of eternal glory.
have ceased to bind.
The Body of Christ is not merely a pattern to
Let us notice at the outset, although the remark which we must be morally conformed. It is an
need not go for more than it is worth, that the agent of spiritual power by whose operation the
exaltation of our Lord’s Body to a higher mode of conformity is to be attained. Hence our
action than belonged to Him in his state of conception of the risen Body of Christ will affect
humiliation, is thoroughly in accordance with the all our moral teaching. Our mode of approaching
modern scientific notion of development. The Him and recognising His presence in the holy
previous stages of development by which some Eucharist; our conception of what the Church of
suppose that our body attained its present form Christ should be, and of what is the importance
of Church unity; our regard to one another, and illustration which our Lord Himself gave, and use
our appreciation of Church government; our it with equal truth for a somewhat different
thoughts respecting the faithful departed and our purpose from that which He cited it. The grain of
missionary enterprise, our belief in the spiritual corn when it has died does not merely attract
efficacy of sacraments, and in the eternal round itself the substances which may be
character of the loss which those incur who are capable of assimilation, so that both itself and
cut off from Christ by sin – all these and many they may shine as with a glow-worm light,
other matters of theological importance depend remaining otherwise what the seed was when it
for their answer upon our having a right was put into the ground. The true body which that
apprehension of ‘Jesus and the Resurrection’ seed contained was a power which death has
One great purpose of our Lord’s tarrying upon developed and which exists in a quite different
earth for forty days seems to have been just this, form as the blade, the ear, the full corn in the ear...
that he might give to the Apostles an experimental
acquaintance with His risen life. In the very nature Our Lord did not wish to teach what we are not
of things it was impossible that they could capable of understanding, but He did wish to
understand what that risen life was. We do not preclude such false conceptions as would hinder
even understand what life in this world is. We only our profitable use of the powers of the
know some of its phenomena. Much less can we resurrection which He meant to give. It is to be
understand that life of which we have as yet had feared that we have sadly cast aside His teaching.
no personal experience. One who had never lived The phenomena of His risen life in His
out of Lapland could form no idea of what appearances are too often considered as if they
existence would be amidst the surroundings of a were in themselves miraculous, instead of being
tropical climate. The child can form no idea of acknowledged as proper and natural to the
what will be the interests of matured life. Much condition which His Body had then assumed...
less can we in this world form any idea of what the
life of glory shall be hereafter. It is to be feared that in the present day we dwell
disproportionately on the thoughts of our Lord’s
But our Lord gave His Apostles some practical suffering, so that the contemplation of His glory
acquaintance with this higher life, and He is neglected. The joy of His Humanity and His
eliminated from their minds various erroneous personal interest in us as His members are to be
conceptions which the course of this world would cherished by us as earnestly as the sense of the
necessarily have engendered within them. Each anguish with which He bore our sins upon the
of His appearances seems to have been intended tree. We must remember that the joy is
to teach some practical truth respecting the proportionate to the suffering and is an abundant
coming life, which they by the Holy Ghost were to reward. He did not die merely to satisfy an
communicate from Himself as the Head to all abstract theory of justice, but with the hope of the
those who should be called by Him from all the joy that was set before Him; and in the great day
nations of the world to the obedience of faith. of His espousals at the marriage supper of the
Lamb, He shall see the travail of His soul and be
It is to be feared that in spite of this we are apt to satisfied.
think of our ascended Lord very commonly as if
He were in all points just what He was upon the We must use the powers of the risen life in order
earth, only surrounded by conditions of glory to give to Him that satisfaction which He desires.
which were wanting here. We must remember that The consciousness of living in the risen life to
the glory wherein He dwells is not an atmosphere please our risen Lord, will be the true, the
into which He was translated, but a glory inherent noblest, incentive to holiness that we can have.
within Himself which manifests itself through His A knowledge of our Lord’s risen life in itself will be
Humanity, and that His Humanity has undergone the greatest help towards the use of His grace,
such changes as to qualify if to be the instrument that we ourselves may live as those who are risen
of such manifestation. We may recur to the from the dead to the glory of His holy Name.
Lent Lunches
Last year we held our first Lent Lunch in
recent times. This year we held two Lent
Lunches each one in support of differing
charities – The Famine in East Africa and
Family Support Work (Sussex).
Both Lunches were very well attended
(about 25 people) and as you would expect
it was simple fayre – Soup, Bread and Cheese.
There was a very convivial atmosphere and
everyone had a chance to chat and air their
concerns about the needs others at home and
abroad. The first Lunch in aid of the East African
Famine Relief on the 17th March raised about
£107.00 after costs and the second one in aid
of FSW raised £120.00. Very many thanks to
those in the Events Group that made this
possible and to those that attended.
Urbi et Orbi…
On Good Friday the Pope commemorates the Via Crucis (‘Way of the Cross’) at the Colosseum:
A huge cross with burning torches illuminates the sky as the 14 Stations of the Cross are described
in several languages. Mass is celebrated on the evening of Holy Saturday, and on Easter Sunday,
thousands of visitors congregate in St. Peter’s Square to await the Pope’s blessing from the
church’s balcony, known as Urbi et Orbi (‘To the City and to the World’).
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1st prize £40 53 Barabara Chandler
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part of our 3rd prize £10 45 Peter Benzing
We currently have 4 lines remaining.
Please see Steve Gilbert for details.
The cost is £2 per month with
the draw taking place on the
last Sunday of the month.
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range from £40 for first prize,
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:.... b... ......A. l..l..e..l.u...j.a..
Tandem ventum habemus!!
Well, it’s been an interesting catastrophic way about a month ago. The
month for your organist. motor had completely burnt out – which is
We all know that the organ has unheard of!! After much chin scratching the
been giving us problems of late and we blower people agreed to refit a new motor and
were without it for a couple of weeks earlier all seems to well at the moment (everything
in the month – thank goodness it’s Lent. crossed). The problem seems to have been the
So I thought that I would let you know what’s power supply. There’s still a bit of work, but I am
been going on. I promise not to make it too hoping and praying that we have got to the
technical. bottom of the problem and we should be OK.
It will also mean that I don’t have to clamber up
Well, it’s all down to the blower. When the organ to the roof quite so often!!
(by that I mean the pipes) was moved to the
west end gallery position after the WWII the The difficulty with electricity is that the problem
blower was re-sited from an ideal position in the is not immediately obvious. Unlike any other
boiler room to a shed on the roof at the back of building failure which is usually easily identified.
the church. Some of you will have seen me There’s still a lot of mystery attached to the
clambering up there in recent weeks. There are electrical side of things.
all sorts of ‘nerdy’ reasons why this is not ideal,
but I won’t bore you with those; suffice to say, For those of you with keen ears, you will notice
this should never have happened. that it makes a different sound on start-up.
The blower, which dates back to about 1920 was Enough of this – I can sense the eyes glazing
showing signs of wear and was reconditioned over and the irresistible urge to turn to the
around about the time of my arrival at page!!
St Saviour’s in 2013. It has, to say the least,
been somewhat Before I go, there are two things. Firstly, please
fragile and has make a note of the dates for the concert series;
needed several there’s a lot going on this year. There is also an
return visits by additional recital on the 3rd April, details of
electricians and which are in the porch. Secondly a huge
specialist blower thankyou to all of you for your kind birthday
consultants (yes, wishes. I had lots of lovely messages and cards
they do exist). which I found very touching – thank you very
The blowing equipment has been limping along
during this time and finally failed in a Happy birthday to me!!!
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Hello everyone! settled in front of the island facing toward the
This is certainly a busy time at tea chalet. We wait eagerly for cygnets.
St Saviour’s. The church
A new initiative is starting in
building has welcomed the church room
hundreds of people this past in the form of
month, as well as to Masses there have been Outreach.
various orchestras and Eastbourne College. Coffee
One day Keith left home at 7am and returned mornings called
at 11pm. Hello where is our choir? It’s Friday ‘Chat-Stop’
night. Sorry, church and hall in use, off you go will be held on
to practice at St John’s. Thank you St John’s. Saturday 8 April
Rita’s broom is now worn out and Stuart’s car followed by one on
can make the journey to church on its own. Saturday 13 May.
Congratulations Stuart on the birth of your These are for people of all ages who live alone
grandchild Megan! Thank you all for the super or moved into the area and would like to make
collection of food for Family Support Work, it friends. If you know anyone like this please give
was more than this time last year. Do you know them one of the cards which are on the table at
who cleans the windows in the porch? Mostly it the back of the church, or bring them along.
is Rita but with a bad shoulder this was It would be really good if some members of the
impossible, especially the high one so she and congregation would pop cards into some of the
Keith paid a man to come and clean them. flats around the church. If you can help in this
Thank you both. way please tell Fr Tony, Mary T or Rachel. Free
hot drinks and cake will be on offer, but there
I am sure you have all been moved by the TV will be a donations bowl if people prefer.
pictures of famine in East Africa and so it was Members of the ‘Outreach Team’ will be on
decided to raise some money. The first Lent hand to chat with people and if you’re lucky a
Lunch made a profit of £110 and Mary T’s Registered Pat Dog will be there and his name
Sunday raffle added a further £180.50p making is Toby. We will be having a small Bring and Buy
a total of £290.50p. This is now winging its way stall if anyone has any books, garden produce
to provide water for people in countries which or small items which can be sold.
have been without rain for 6 years.
It was good to see Martin back in his pew after
Where were you all when the Renaissance a stay in hospital. Keep up the good work
Singers presented a fabulous Lenten concert Martin. John the gardener and Paul DOM
and gave the church over £300. Thank you celebrated special birthdays and provided wine
Renaissance Singers so much. and a very, amusing cake. Ezra celebrated his
9th birthday and brought and sliced a lovely
Now back to one of my popular topics. cake for everyone to share after the 10.30am
Hampden Park! The 5 herons have returned and Mass on Mothering Sunday. Have a wonderful
made nests in the trees on the island. The Easter! TTFN
swans have left their usual nesting area and
Dates for your Diary April 2017
Sat 1 09.00am Mass
Sun 2 Fifth Sunday of Lent 08.00am Mass 10.30am Solemn Mass
Mon 3 10.30am Mass 11.00am Lent Group
Tues 4 12 noon Mass
Wed 5 10.30am Mass 11.00am Stations of the Cross
Thurs 6 10.30am Mass 3.00pm CBS Office and Benediction
Fri 7 12 noon Mass
Sat 8 09.00am Mass
Sun 9 Palm Sunday 08.00am Blessing of Palms and Mass
10.30am Blessing of Palms, Procession, and Solemn Mass
Mon 10 Monday in Holy Week 10.30am Mass 7.30pm Mass
Tues 11 Tuesday in Holy Week 12 noon Mass 7.30pm Mass
Wed 12 Wednesday in Holy Week 10.30am Mass 7.30pm The Cross of Christ
Thurs 13 Maundy Thursday 7.30pm Solemn Mass of the Lord’s Supper,
Washing of Feet, and Procession to the Altar of Repose
Fri 14 Good Friday 10.00am Stations of the Cross 3.00pm The Liturgy of the Day
Sat 15 Holy Saturday 7.30pm The Paschal Vigil and the First Mass of Easter
Sun 16 Easter Day 8.00am Mass
10.30am Procession and Solemn Mass of Easter Day
Mon 17 Monday in Easter Week 10.30am Mass
Tues 18 Tuesday in Easter Week 12 noon Mass
Wed 19 Wednesday in Easter Week 10.30am Mass
Thurs 20 Thursday in Easter Week 10.30am Mass
Fri 21 Friday in Easter Week 12 noon Mass
Sat 22 Saturday in Easter Week 09.00am Mass
Sun 23 Second Sunday in Eastertide 08.00am Mass 10.30am Solemn Mass
Mon 24 10.30am Mass S. George M.
Tues 25 12 noon Mass S. Mark Ev. Walsingham Cell
Wed 26 10.30am Mass
Thurs 27 10.30am Mass
Fri 28 12 noon Mass S. Peter Chanel Pr. M.
Sat 29 09.00am Mass S. Catherine of Siena V. Dr.
Sun 30 Third Sunday in Eastertide 08.00 Mass 10.30am Solemn Mass
Church Officers THE DIRECTORY Telephone
Rev ChristopherYates SSC 01323 722317
Hon Associate Clergy
The Vicarage Spencer Road Eastbourne BN21 4PA
Rev Christopher Hadfield, BA 422050
Secretary PCC Canon Charles Lansdale BA 646655
Treasurer Rev Nick MacNeill, BTh 485399
Electoral Roll Rev John Wright BSc Cert Ed 723584
Secretary Planned Giving Canon Robert Fayers SSC 07706 067496
Rev Dr David Musson M Phil
Other Officers Rev David Weaver BA, MA, Cert Ed 01323 729142
Director of Music Rev Anthony Fiddian-Green MA, Cert Ed 656346
Parish Hospital Contact 720577
Sacristan/Servers Mr John Bourdon 735410
Bookstall Manager Mrs Pauline Fella 489646
Caring and Sharing 504731
Car Park Manager / 100 Club Mrs Judy Grundy
Safeguarding Officer
Churches Together Miss Mary Delves
Deanery Synod
Family Support Work Mrs Mary Tomsett
Librarian Mr Michael Brennan
Guild of All Souls
Mission to Seafarers Mr Paul Collins 647969
Additional Curates Society Mr Richard Elliott 872168
Open Church Mr Stuart Burns 500585
Our Lady of Walsingham / CBS Miss Jane Pinching 894414
Vestry (unmanned) Mrs Pat James 721061
Mr Steve Gilbert 469078
Church Organisations Mrs Za Crook 729059
Bible Reading Fellowship Mrs Beverly Cochran 434785
Book Group Mr John Bourdon, Miss Mary Delves, Mrs Isobel Nugent
Church Cleaning Mrs Mary Tomsett 489646
Church Grounds Mr Robert Ascott 728892
Flower Arrangers Mr David Thorpe 486214
Events Committee / Webmaster Miss Lis Trustam 504909
Mrs Isobel Nugent 725796
Mr Roger Emery 431283
Mr Roger Ellis 649896
Miss Mary Delves 735410
Miss Lis Trustam – call for details 504909
Rev Nick MacNeill – call for details 485399
Mrs Rita Orchard – meets Tuesdays from 9am 723375
Mr John Burford 724317
Mrs Rita Orchard – Fridays from 9am 723375
Mr Paul Fella – E C meets as necessary 656346
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the author and may not be reproduced in any form or medium without the written permission of the author or Editor.