The Parish magazine of September 2016
Volume XLVII No. 9
Contents Page Church Services
Fifteen things you may or may not have 3 Sundays
known about King David of Israel 8.00 Low Mass
10.30 Solemn Mass and Sermon
Mary’s Birthday – no not Mary D!! 7
followed by refreshments
Asperges 8 in the Church Hall.
A Beauty Restored! 10 Weekdays
Mon, Wed, Thurs 10.30am;
St John Chrysostom 13 Tues and Fri 12noon; Sat 9.00am
A Blast from the Console 14 Major Weekday Festivals
Said Mass, as above Sung Mass: 7.30pm.
Forthcoming Concerts and Recitals 15 Mattins and Evensong are said daily at
8.30am and 5.30pm unless otherwise
Ride + Stride 16 indicated on notice boards.
Eve’s Droppings 18 The Clergy are happy to bring the Sacrament to
the housebound or sick at any hour of the day
Dates for your Diary 19 or night. The Holy Oil is available for those who
wish to be anointed.
Directory 20
The Sacrament of Reconciliation
Cover: A priest is usually available to hear Confessions
David sees the avenging angel and sacrifices burnt or for Spiritual Advice on Fridays at 11.30am
offerings to God (2 Samuel 24) by Aegidus Sadeler II or by appointment.
(1570-1629). Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam.
Hospital visits
The Parish Magazine is published on the Our Parish Contact for local hospitals,
last Sunday of the month. Mr Richard Elliott (872168), will visit and give
communion to those in hospital.
Matter for publication should be sent to
[email protected]. Other Services provided by the church
See Pew Sheet for Magazine deadline. Arrangements for Baptisms, Banns of
Marriage, Weddings and Funerals
Articles should be no longer than should be made with the Church Wardens.
750 words. News items or Reports should
be factual and no longer than 250 words. Facebook
Articles are copyright to the author and the
Editor’s decision is final. Website
stsaviourseastbourne.org.uk is the church
website and is managed by Paul Fella The church is open from 8.30am each day
([email protected]) to and a team of volunteers is available to answer
whom matter for the site should be sent. questions etc from 10am most days.
The Book Shop/Souvenir Stall is also open
while there is a volunteer on duty.
I am reading through 1 and 2 Samuel at the moment and what a violent read it is!
The outstanding figure in these books is David, the Shepherd King and I thought I would do
a little biography of this important Old Testament figure taking the tabloids as my influence.
1 Firstly, King David is not Saint David, the 3 David was a shepherd, the youngest son of
patron of Wales, leeks and daffodils..... Jesse one of a long line of worthy people.
He is mentioned 58 times in the Old
2 This David was an Israelite who lived Testament and is seen as a forerunner of
around 900BC. His most famous action was Jesus. Indeed, Our Lord is sometimes
to slay Goliath, the Philistine champion by referred to as the ‘Son of David’.
using a sling shot. We still use the phrase ‘a
David and Goliath situation’ when say 4 Samuel, a prophet, anointed David when he
Eastbourne Borough play Manchester was young and prophesied that he would
United in the FA Cup. succeed Saul as king. This was an unlikely
scenario and is an example of how God
calls the humble to great things.
5 Saul became jealous of David after the fight
with Goliath, and even after David married
Saul’s daughter he sought out David and
tried to kill him.
6 David became an outlaw and was on the
run hiding from Saul’s death threats. He
knew what it was like to live in exile.
7 David became close to Saul’s son
Jonathan, and the two became like
8 David led a band of warriors who were
dedicated to fighting Saul. They would be
seen as guerrillas or even freedom fighters
by some, but a better analogy would be the
endless fighting between the houses of York
and Lancaster in the ‘Wars of the Roses’.
9 Saul was eventually killed in battle by the
Philistines, as indeed was Jonathan. David
mourned them both. It is after this event
that we get the phrase ‘See how the mighty David reminds us that God calls all kinds of
have fallen’ 2. Sam. 1.19. people. His devotion and willingness to repent
are examples to us all and whilst he was far
10 At the age of 32, David became king of all from perfect the success of his kingdom
Israel. He made Jerusalem his capital and showed Israel that faithfulness to God brought
commissioned a temple to place the Ark of success.
the Covenant, the place where God’s glory
dwelt. This is the same ‘Ark of the It would take a ‘Son of David’ to show us all
Covenant’ of Indiana Jones fame. that although God blessed the ancient nation of
Israel it took Jesus to show forth the greater
11 David became a well respected king in the kingdom, the kingdom of God.
region and this was the period when Israel
was at its most powerful. A tribe called the Fr Nick
Ammonites were enemies of David, though
the exact details of this tribe has become
somewhat fossilised...
12 David was rich and powerful, but as we see
throughout history, power goes to people’s
heads. When David saw Bathsheba from his
palace roof, he immediately set out to
‘know’ her as our Victorian ancestors would
have said. She was married to a faithful
warrior called Uriah the Hittite. David had
him killed so that he could marry Bathsheba
and she was to bear a son, but after a few
days the boy died. Fortunately there was a
prophet in Israel brave enough to tell David
he was wrong. Nathan made David repent
to God for what he had done.
13 David and Bathsheba had another boy,
Solomon, the wise king who built the
temple, but Israel would never see David’s
greatness again.
14 David was gifted in the arts. He played the
harp, danced and wrote devotional poetry.
He greatly encouraged his court to use their
gifts too. We call these poems ‘The Psalms’.
They have enriched the lives of Jews and
Christians throughout the ages and we have
much to thank David for, though contrary to
what is often asserted, David and his courtly
poets did not write all of the Psalms.
15 King David was a great king who is still
celebrated by the Jews today. It is why the
‘Star of David’ is at the centre of the flag of
the state of Israel.
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Mary’s Birthday – no not Mary D!!
According to Catholic dogma, 8th September Since 8th September marks the end of summer
is the birthday of The Virgin Mary. On Our and beginning of autumn, it has many celebrations
Lady’s birthday the Church celebrates the and customs attached to it. In the Old Roman
dawning of redemption with the arrival of the Ritual for this day there is a blessing of the
Saviour’s mother, Mary. The Blessed Virgin summer harvest and autumn planting of seeds.
occupies a unique place in the history of
salvation, and she has the highest mission The winegrowers in France call this feast
ever commended to anyone. We rejoice that ‘Our Lady of the Grape Harvest’, and the best
the Mother of God is our Mother, too. grapes are brought to the local church to be
blessed and then some bunches are attached
to the hands of the statue of Mary. There is also
a festive meal which includes the new grapes.
The alleged birthplace of The Virgin Mary in In the Austrian Alps the feast of the birth of
Jerusalem The Virgin Mary is also ‘Drive-Down Day’ during
which the cattle and sheep are led from their
summer pastures to the valleys for winter.
Historically, this was usually a large caravan,
with finery, decorations, and festivity. In some
parts of Austria, milk from this day and all the
leftover food are given to the poor in honor of
Our Lady’s Nativity.
Asperges: The rite of sprinkling the altar, clergy,
and people with holy water before High Mass
From the Latin ‘asperges’ means to scatter, begins the process of
strew upon or sprinkle. The word is taken going to each family’s
from the phrase Asperges me, Domine, home to sprinkle it with
hyssopo et mundabor… from Psalm 51 sung the blessed Theophany
during the rite of sprinkling a congregation water.
with holy water.
In Lutheranism,
This ceremony has been in use at least from the Asperges occurs during
tenth century – growing out of the ancient custom the Divine Service on
of blessing water for the faithful on Sundays. Easter Sunday as a remembrance of baptism.
Its object is to prepare the congregation for The formula used is nearly identical to that of
the celebration of the Mass by moving them the Roman Catholic Church.
to sentiments of penance and reverence,
On Sundays, especially in Eastertide, the
Purge me with hyssop, blessing of holy water and sprinkling with it may
and I shall be clean; be carried out in memory of baptism... If the rite
is performed within Mass it takes the place of
wash me, and I shall be the usual penitential act at the beginning of the
whiter than snow. Mass (Roman Missal Ordo ad faciendam et
aspergendam aquam benedictam).
or by making them think about sacrifice and
redemption as suggested in Psalm 51, a psalm of During the Easter Vigil, Christmas, and the
King David usually used at Easter. Feast of the Baptism of the Lord, many catholic
parish Masses reserve a part of the Mass
The sacrifices of God during which the Confiteor would normally be
are a broken spirit; said (at the start of the Mass) to renew the
Baptismal promises; this may be accompanied
a broken and contrite heart, by the use of holy water to bless the
O God, you will not despise. congregation. This Renewal of Baptismal Vows,
along with Asperges, is common among both
Lutherans and Anglicans.
In the Orthodox Church and those Eastern
Catholic Churches which follow the Byzantine
Rite, the sprinkling of holy water takes place on
numerous occasions. The most important is on
the Great Feast of Theophany (Epiphany)
following the Great Blessing of Waters at the
end of the Divine Liturgy. The Great Blessing
takes place twice: once on the eve of the feast,
and once on the day of the feast. At both
blessings, the priest sprinkles the entire temple
(church building) and the faithful. He then
A Beauty Restored!
Left: our painting in our The crowd, always elated by the spectacle of
Blessed Sacrament Chapel torture, has departed from Golgotha as daylight
Right: the original Rubens
triptych (a three panelled In 1794, Napoleon removed the original of this
altarpiece painted on wood). painting and The Elevation of the Cross, and
sent them to the Louvre. After his defeat, they
I am sure that you are all familiar with the were returned to the cathedral in 1815.
painting which has hung for years in the
Blessed Sacrament Chapel. It was recently Our gallery is dedicated to showing a
cleaned and restored by Lily Clifford Gallery, changing programme of high quality art by
at their own expense, after contact by Keith established and up and coming. Ranging
Metcalfe. We owe them a huge thankyou!! from traditional to modern, figurative to
abstract, each exhibition is accompanied
The painting is a copy of Rubens The Descent by a selection of sculpture, ceramics and
from the Cross. The Descent from the Cross is unique interior pieces, exhibiting a wide and
the central panel of a triptych painted in 1612– carefully selected range of art from all over
1614. It is the second of Rubens’s great the world.
altarpieces for the Cathedral of Our Lady,
Antwerp, Belgium commissioned in 1611 by the The diversity of the Gallery Lily Clifford
Confraternity of the Arquebusiers, whose Patron collection allows us to offering artistic vision
Saint was St. Christopher. and support, catered to the variety of styles,
tastes and requirements. We offer a very
Theophile Silvestre wrote, in his On Rubens’ straightforward approach to buying art,
Descent from the Cross - 1868: whether you are a first time buyer or a
‘The principal subject is composed of nine seasoned collector.
figures: at the top of two ladders, workers are
lowering the body of Christ with the aid of a Please feel free to consult us for advice and
shroud which one of them holds in his teeth, the information at:
other in the left hand… while St. John supports Gallery Lily Clifford
him most energetically. One of Saviour’s feet 112 South Street, Eastbourne, BN21 4LZ
comes to rest on the beautiful shoulder of the Telephone: +447413085830
Magdalene, grazing her golden hair. Joseph of Email: [email protected]
Arimathea and Nicodemus, placed midway on Website: www.lilycliffordgallery.com
ladders so as to face each other, form, together
with the two workmen in the upper part of the
picture, a square of vigorous but plebeian
figures. The Virgin, standing at the foot of the
sacrificial tree, extends her arms towards her
Son; Salome (properly, Mary Cleophas),
kneeling, gathers up her robe. On the ground
are seen the superscription and a copper basin
where the crown of thorns and the nails of the
Crucifixion lie in the congealed blood.
It is nearly that time of year again! As usual we will be celebrating
Harvest Thanksgiving on Sunday 25th September. There will be a
board on the table at the back of the Church showing a list of places
in St Saviour’s Church which we would like to be filled with food for
needy families.
Please sign the windowsill or other spot which you would like to
decorate with food or toiletries. This can be an individual or a group of
people and will take place in the morning from 9.30am on Saturday
24th September.
Thank you for your support to this very worthwhile charity. Mary T
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St John Chrysostom
St John Chrysostom (ωάννης ὁ Χρυσόστοµος),
Archbishop of Constantinople, was an
important Early Church Father. He is known
for his preaching and public speaking, his
denunciation of abuse of authority by both
ecclesiastical and political leaders, the
Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom, and
his ascetic sensibilities. The epithet
Χρυσόστοµος – Chrysostomos, anglicized
as Chrysostom – means ‘golden-mouthed’
in Greek and denotes his celebrated
St. John Chrysostom, born in Antioch about Alexandria. Consequently, John was exiled by
347 AD, was the son of a Latin father and a the emperor in the year 404.
Greek mother. His mother Anthusa, gave all of
her attention to her son: she gave him the best
classical education of the day, and enrolled him
as a catechumen when he was eighteen. He
came under the influence of Meletius, patriarch
of Antioch, who sent him to the monastic
school of Diodore, then baptized him and
ordained him lector.
At this time, John decided to take his future As Archbishop of Constantinople, his
into his own hands and became a monk-hermit, courageous stance against vice caused him to
living in a cave, studying the scriptures. be exiled several times and as a result he died
However, his health broke under this austere in 407 AD, still in exile. With St. Athanasius,
regimen and he returned to Antioch, was St. Gregory Nazianzen and St. Basil, he forms
ordained and began his remarkable career as a the group of the four great doctors of the
preacher. Eastern Church.
During the next 12 years, he electrified Antioch In 1204 his body was brought to St. Peter’s in
with his fiery sermons, filled with a knowledge Rome, but was returned to the Orthodox
and an eloquence. It was during this period that Church in 2004 by Pope John Paul II. His silver
he received the nickname ‘Chrysostom’, for his and jewel-encrusted skull is now kept in the
words seemed to be pure gold. In 397, when Vatopedi Monastery on Mount Athos in northern
the see of Constantinople became vacant, the Greece, and is credited by Christians with
Emperor Arcadius appointed John patriarch, miraculous healings. His right hand is also
and consecrated bishop of the city in 398. preserved on Mount Athos, and numerous
smaller relics are scattered throughout the
John found himself in a nest of political intrigue, world.
fraud, extravagance, and naked ambition. He
curbed expenses, gave lavishly to the poor, built He is the Patron Saint of Constantinople,
hospitals, reformed the clergy, and restored epilepsy, orators and preachers and his
monastic discipline. But his program of reform symbols are the beehive, chalice on Bible,
made him enemies, in particular the Empress white dove, scroll or book, pen and inkhorn
Eudoxia and the Patriarch Theophilus of and bishop’s mitre.
him.’ We will be singing evensong in
St Saviour’s (along with friends from St John’s)
on Harvest Sunday. The anthem will be Elgar’s
‘Fear not, O Land’. Please look out for this and
put a note in your diaries.
At last… sunshine! The Monday lunch time concert on the
1st August was given by Lawrence Greenman
who provided a mix of guitar and vocal music.
August has been a pretty sunny month all An additional highlight was the office of
round. It’s been a little quiet on the choir Compline which was the conclusion of the Eton
front as we have had a break from our Choral Course which had been taking place at
normal choir practices; we start again on the Eastbourne College. Those who attended were
2nd September when work starts for Harvest treated to some of the most sublime,
and beyond!! inspirational singing that I have ever had the
fortune to experience. The choir, some thirty in
Nonetheless, we have had some highlights number, sang music from the ancient Gregorian
worth mentioning. The silent movie presentation to Eric Whitacre’s haunting, ‘Sleep’. It was
was truly amazing. That old Lon Chaney classic, directed by the current Director of Music at
‘The Hunchback of Notre Dame’, to organ Eton College and Gabriel Crouch, a former
accompaniment by our friend, Jonathan Eyre. King’s Singer. Truly lovely, I do hope that they
This was superb. I’m sure that I don’t need to come again.
go into details of the movie itself but Jonathan’s
interpretation was truly brilliant. He was able to The next event is a piano recital on the Bank
create so many moods and capture the Holiday Monday (29th August at 12.00 - noon)
atmosphere of the story in the most when Rosemary Kemp will present music for
extraordinary way; coaxing all sorts of weird piano by Bach, Chopin and Debussy. These
and wonderful colours out of the organ. piano recitals are proving to be really popular
Such was the quality of his performance, there and this is an area that I would like to develop
were times that one forgot he was even there; further through next year and beyond.
it was all part of the overall experience. Very
memorable. The plan is that he will return next The next Monday lunchtime recital will be given
year when we will be presenting ‘Oliver Twist’ – by Simon Weale on September 5th. He will be
we might even have a singalong at the end!! presenting a recital of organ music including the
great ‘Carillon de Westminster’ by Louis Vierne,
On Sunday the 14th we went and joined the the legendary blind organist who famously died
choir in the loft at St John’s to participate in a at the console at Notre Dame in Paris
service of Choral Evensong. This is something where he was director of music.
that I am very keen to get going again at
St Saviour’s. This was a great occasion with Well, it’s back to work for me now.
over one hundred in the congregation for whom There’s a lot to do over the next few
there was an opportunity to participate by months. Preparations are under way
singing some of the loveliest of our evening for Advent and Christmas – where is
hymns. I can’t tell you what a treat it was for this year going?
me, personally, to be singing the evening office
once again (all too rare an occurrence these With that rather disturbing thought,
days) not to mention a sung Magnificat, Nunc I will leave you to get back to your
Dimittis and Wesley’s fabulous, ‘Thou wilt keep Pimms and this lovely summer
The winners of the July 2016
100’s Club draw were:
1st 18 Marilyn Benzing £40
2nd 55 Jackie Mulholland £20
3rd 73 Graham Irving £10
Fearless in the line of fire We still need existing members to
A six year old girl was taken by her grannie to a very renew and we are also looking for new
‘high’ Anglican church. Afterwards she tried to explain members to sign up. See Steve Gilbert
to her father what it had been like. “They tried to run for details.
us out – they even brought in a smoke bomb and shook The cost is £2 per month with the draw
it at all the people in the front row, but grannie wasn’t taking place on the last Sunday of the
scared one bit. We stayed until the very end.” month. Subject to numbers, prizes range
from £40 for first prize, £20 for second and
£10 for third.
Forthcoming Concerts and Recitals
September Monday 5th 1.00pm Lunchtime Piano Recital – Simon Weale
October Monday 3rd 1.00pm Lunchtime Organ Recital – John Ross
November Monday 7th 1.00pm Lunchtime Organ Recital – Malcolm Kemp
December Tuesday 20th 7.30pm Christmas Gala Concert
Ride + Stride is a sponsored bike ride or walk in which people all over England walk or cycle
between churches in their area, raising money to help save historic churches for future
generations by helping to fund urgent repairs and the installation of modern facilities.
Money raised in Sussex goes to the Sussex Historic Churches Trust (SHCT) which gives grants to
churches in need of repair and restoration. It just so happens that SHCT gave a generous grant of
£8,500 to St Saviour’s Roof Repair Project this year, and it seems churlish not to try and give a little
back. So Paul, Pauline and myself plan to ‘ride or stride’ in the event on 10th September, so expect
to see a sponsorship form quite soon! Anyone can take part and the more the merrier.
The money we raise will be divided between SCHT and St Saviour’s. Do please support us if you
can. We also need people to sit in the Church porch for an hour or so, to greet those other Ride +
Striders who visit St Saviours as part of their itinerary, and to sign their sheets and offer a cold drink.
Ride + Stride used to be a regular event in the St Saviour ‘calendar’ thanks to Katherine Musson.
Helen Harvey, Mary Delves and others, but has lapsed in recent years. Let’s revive it this year –
and let’s not forget that generous gift of £8,500!
Jim Tomsett www.rideandstrideuk.org
On yer bike!!
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Lots of new faces in the by Jean Langlais and was certainly different and
congregation at the loud!
moment. Yes, some are
holiday makers and the three I understand Jim, Paul and Pauline are taking
German people in August part in Ride and Stride on Saturday 10th
are regulars as they have September arranged by Sussex Historic
been coming annually for the past 9 years! Churches Trust. People taking part either walk
or cycle to as many churches as possible on
It was lovely to see and hear Fr Tony preaching that day. This Trust gave us £8,500 toward our
and we look forward to him coming Roof Appeal, and any money donated to our
permanently once he’s finished helping at Ride and Striders will go half to the Trust and
Heathfield and Dallington. Please try to support half to St Saviour’s Church. We also need
the weekday Masses as we are so lucky getting volunteers to sit in St Savour’s Church porch
support from priests around the deanery. and offer visiting Ride and Striders a drink.
We also have more servers in the week now Any offers please see Jim or Pauline.
although we’re very short on Sundays.
Fr Charles arrived the other Thursday and Have you visited St Mary the Virgin Church at
asked the Open Church volunteer who was Battle, which is on the opposite side of the road
serving that day. The reply came, “On Thursday to Battle Abbey.? It is well worth a visit and was
you have a serviette, her name is Jackie”. founded nearly 900 years ago by Abbott Ralph
in around circa AD1115. One feature that stays
Much work is going on outside the church with me is the Norman Arch
building at the moment. Some scaffolding from in the Lady Chapel and on
the roof has been removed and new scaffolding the pillar behind the Dean’s
erected around the vicarage where work is in Stall are small crosses
progress. The diocese is working to get the carved by crusader knights
house up to scratch for when we get our new returning from fighting the
‘Boss’. John has been hard at it in the church Saracen. This was where
garden and removed the weeds and hollyhocks they blunted the points of
around the car park enabling the main gates to their swords.
be closed if necessary and everything is now
ready for the car park resurfacing. We have a number of people needing our
prayers, not least of all Fr Charles who at the
Those who attended Choral Evensong at time of writing is in the Conquest Hospital
St John’s Church thoroughly enjoyed it. Our following a serious operation. Several of us
choir and the St John’s Singers led the worship have visited Christopher Palmer in Berwick
beautifully. The sermon given by Reader Derek Ward at the DGH. He welcomes short visits as
Mouland was just right, as he explained and he needs to use his brain and engage with
referred to all parts of the service. The organ people. His speech has returned although the
voluntary by our Paul was something else. memory is still bad. He is on a list to go to
It was called ‘Incantation pour un Jour Saint’ Horsham for specialist rehabilitation. TTFN
Dates for your Diary September 2016
Thurs 1 10.30am Mass
Fri 2 12 noon Mass
Sat 3 09.00am Mass S. Gregory the Great P. Dr.
Sun 4 Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time 8.00am Mass 10.30am Solemn Mass
Mon 5 10.30am Mass
Tues 6 12 noon Mass
Wed 7 10.30am Mass
Thurs 8 10.30am Mass The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
CBS Corporate Communion
Fri 9 12 noon Mass Laying on of Hands
Sat 10 09.00am Votive Mass Our Lady
Sun 11 Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time 8.00am Mass 10.30am Solemn Mass
Mon 12 10.30am Mass Most Holy Name of Mary
Tues 13 12 noon Mass S. John Chrysostom Bp. Dr.
Wed 14 10.30am Mass Exaltation of the Holy Cross
Thurs 15 10.30am Mass Our Lady of Sorrows
Fri 16 12 noon Mass S. Cornelius P. M. and S. Cyprian Bp. M.
Sat 17 09.00am Mass S. Bellarmine Bp. Dr.
Sun 18 Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time 08.00am Mass 10.30am Solemn Mass
Mon 19 10.30am Mass
Tues 20 12 noon Mass S. Andrew Kim Taegon and Companions Ms.
Wed 21 10.30am Mass S. Matthew Ap, Ev.
Thurs 22 10.30am Mass
Fri 23 12 noon Mass S. Pius of Pietrelcina Pr.
Sat 24 09.00am Mass Our Lady of Walsingham
Sun 25 Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time 08.00am Mass 10.30am Solemn Mass
Mon 26 10.30am Mass S. Cosmas and S. Damian Ms.
Tues 27 12 noon Mass S. Vincent de Paul Pr. Walsingham Cell
Wed 28 10.30am Mass S. Wenceslaus M.
Thurs 29 10.30am Mass S. Michael and All Angels
Fri 30 12 noon Mass S. Jerome Pr. Dr.
Church Officers THE DIRECTORY Telephone
Vacant - Interregnum
The Vicarage Spencer Road Eastbourne BN21 4PA
Hon Assistant Clergy Rev Christopher Hadfield, BA 422050
Canon Charles Lansdale BA 646655
Churchwardens Rev Nick MacNeill, BTh 485399
Rev John Wright BSc Cert Ed 723584
Secretary PCC Canon Robert Fayers 07706 067496
Treasurer Mr John Bourdon 01323 729142
Electoral Roll Mrs Pauline Fella 656346
Secretary Planned Giving Mrs Judy Grundy 720577
Miss Mary Delves 735410
Other Officers Mrs Mary Tomsett 489646
Director of Music Mr Michael Brennan 504731
Parish Hospital Contact
Sacristan/Servers Mr Paul Collins 647969
Bookstall Manager Mr Richard Elliott 872168
Caring and Sharing Mr Stuart Burns 500585
Car Park Manager Miss Jane Pinching 894414
Safeguarding Officer Mrs Pat James 721061
Churches Together Mr Steve Gilbert 469078
Mrs Za Crook 729059
Deanery Synod Mrs Pat James 721061
Family Support Work Mrs Beverly Cochran 434785
Miss Mary Delves, Mrs Isobel Nugent, Mr John Bourdon
Librarian Mrs Mary Tomsett 489646
Websmaster Mr Robert Ascott 728892
Guild of All Souls Mr David Thorpe 486214
Mission to Seafarers Mr Paul Fella 656346
Open Church Miss Lis Trustam 504909
Our Lady of Walsingham Mrs Isobel Nugent 725796
100 Club Mr Roger Ellis 649896
Vestry (unmanned) Miss Mary Delves 735410
Mr Steve Gilbert 469078
Church Organisations 729702
Bible Reading Fellowship Miss Lis Trustam – call for details
Book Group Rev Nick MacNeill – call for details 504909
Church Cleaning Mrs Rita Orchard – meets Tuesdays from 9am 485399
Church Grounds Mr John Burford 723375
Flower Arrangers Mrs Rita Orchard – Fridays from 9am 724317
Social Committee Mr Paul Fella – meets as necessary 723375
Disclaimer: The Editor and the Church Wardens do not necessarily agree with all the views expressed in this Magazine. Please note that all
articles are copyright to the author and may not be reproduced in any form or medium without the written permission of the author or Editor.