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Published by phpfella, 2017-09-03 02:00:00

Parish Magazine Sept 2017

Parish Magazine Sept 2017

The Parish magazine of September 2017
Volume XLVIII No.9


Contents Page Church Services

From Fr Chris… 3 Sundays
8.00 Low Mass
100 Club 4
10.30 Solemn Mass and Sermon
St Francis de Sales 5 followed by refreshments
in the Church Hall.
Daily Prayer 6 Weekdays
Mon, Wed, Thurs 10.30am; Tues and Fri 12noon;
Vestment Colours 8 Sat 9.00am
Major Weekday Festivals
A bit about Religious Apps 10 Said Mass as above, Sung Mass: 7.30pm.
Morning and Evening prayer are said daily at
OLW is coming to Chichester… 12 8.30am and 5.30pm unless otherwise
indicated on notice boards.
Flower Anagrams 13 The Clergy are happy to bring the Sacrament to
the housebound or sick at any hour of the day or
Kathleen Stephens RIP 14 night. The Holy Oil is available for those who wish
to be anointed.
Family Support 16 The Sacrament of Reconciliation
Confessions by appointment.
Let the Children Live 17 Hospital visits
Our Parish Contact for local hospitals,
A Blast from the Console 18 Mr Richard Elliott (872168), will visit and give
communion to those in hospital.
ACS Christmas Cards 20 Other Services provided by the church
For Baptisms, Banns of Marriage, Weddings and
Churches together in Eastbourne 21 Funerals please contact the Vicar.
Eve’s Retirement 22
Friends of Chichester Cathedral Website is the church
Dates for your Diary 23 website and is managed by Paul Fella to
whom matter for the site should be sent via
Directory 24 [email protected].
Anagram answers The church is open from 8.30am each day and
a team of volunteers is available to answer
Cover image: questions etc from 10am most days.
An early fresco of St Sergius and St Alban The Book Shop/Souvenir Stall is also open while
there is a volunteer on duty.
The Parish Magazine is published on the first St Saviour’s Church
Sunday of the month. South Street Eastbourne East Sussex BN21 4UT
Editor: Fr Christopher Yates Telephone: 01323 729702
Production: Paul Fella
Matter for publication should be submitted to
[email protected]
Copy deadline is 20th of the month and
articles should be no longer than 750 words.
News items or reports should be factual and
no longer than 250 words.
Articles are copyright to the author and the
Editor’s decision is final.

Disclaimer: The Editor does not necessarily
agree with all of the views expressed in
this magazine. Please note that all articles
are copyright to the author and may not be
reproduced in any form without the written
permission of the author or Editor.

From Fr Chris…

This month I was given the honour of being
invited to speak at the Fellowship of St Alban
and St Sergius at Cuddesdon, Oxford. The
Fellowship of Saint Alban and Saint Sergius is
a Christian society founded in 1928 to foster
contact between Christians, especially those
of the Anglican and Orthodox traditions. It is
named in honour of Saint Alban, the Christian
protomartyr of Britain, and Saint Sergius of
Radonezh, a patron saint of Russia. It publishes
the periodical Sobornost, edited for thirty years
by Sergei Hackel, and arranges an annual
conference. Its headquarters are currently at
Oxford in Britain, and it has branches elsewhere
in Britain and in Bulgaria, Denmark, Greece,
Romania, Russia and Sweden.

It was in fact the first time since I was ordained to the ordination of women as bishops. It was
priest that I had been back to my alma mater, an opportunity to be frank and honest about the
and two of the newest features of the college stresses placed on the Anglican Communion
played a large part in my stay. The first was worldwide in holding together a diversity of views
the new lecture theatre built on the site of what on many important issues including this one.
used to be the croquet pitch. It was a terrific and
terrifying privilege to be invited to give a lecture As this was an address in the context of Orthodox
in such esteemed company. The theme of the dialogue I stressed the positive formation of The
conference was ‘authority’, and I was asked to Society and described some similarities between
speak on the thorny question of authority in the the formation of this ecclesial body with a council
Church of England. The other lectures were given of bishops and other dispersed none geographical
by Metropolitan Kallistos Ware (Orthodox), The authority structures that exist within Western
Reverend Professor Andrew Louth (Orthodox), Orthodoxy. I drew on the authority that Christ
Father Aidan Nichols OP (Roman Catholic), bestowed on his Apostles both in the charge to
Sister Seraphima (Orthodox) and Dr Tim Grass make disciples of all nations; and in the sending of
(Evangelical Anglican). them to forgive the sins of the world. The Society,
In my address I presented the historic formularies in safeguarding the Apostolic Succession as the
that bind Anglicans together and looked at recent Church has understood it throughout the ages,
approaches dealing with difference within the life maintains this gathering of God’s people around
the Church of England, particularly in light of the this authority. continued over /…
recent legislation and guiding principles relating




The conference continued to look at sources resurrection unto death; the bishops, servants of
of authority within the life of the Church. The the servants of God. The laity too, as the holy men
authority of hierarchy with Christ at the head, and women of God gain an authority by leading a
the bishops, priests, deacons, and laity following faithful life of witness to Christ.
from this was presented as very different from the The other new addition to Cuddesdon was
sort of pyramid structures experienced in worldly the new chapel. It suffices to say that it is not
structures. Metropolitan Kallistos reminded us of of instant attraction to those of us with more
the gospel passage in which SS James and John traditional tastes, but it really did come alive
ask to be given privileged seats in the Kingdom of over the course of the conference. Lectures and
Heaven. Our Lord’s reply is striking:

“When the ten heard this, they began to be angry discussions are only one part of the fellowship;
with James and John. So Jesus called them and the other is that we worship together. Rather
said to them, ‘You know that among the Gentiles than using a compromise liturgy the fellowship
those whom they recognise as their rulers lord it encourages each tradition to worship fully within
over them, and their great ones are tyrants over its own liturgies. It was fascinating to see a modern
them. But it is not so among you; but whoever chapel used for such diverse liturgies as a Catholic
wishes to become great among you must be your Mass, The Divine Liturgy of St John Chrysostum,
servant, and whoever wishes to be first among BCP Evensong, and an Anglican Mass with
you must be slave of all. For the Son of Man came procession of Our Lady! It was a reminder that
not to be served but to serve, and to give his life a unity amongst Christians (which is of paramount
ransom for many.’” (Mark 10:41-45) importance) is not to be achieved through the wit
Bishop Kallistos quipped that every bishop in of man engaged in mere theological dialogue, but
the world should have inscribed on their office through joining together in prayer and allowing the
doorpost in red letters ‘NOT SO AMONG YOU’. Holy Spirit to guide our hearts.
The authority that flows from God is based in In our own parish community, may we be so
sacrificial love. The pyramid of Divine authority inspired to unite together in worship, celebrating
therefore becomes inverted, with the head: those things that unite and bind us that we might
Christ becoming the slave of all in descending witness to a servant authority and draw others
to humanity and undergoing the Cross; then the into this service. Our Lady Help of Christians,
Apostles, guiding and witnessing to the pray for us.

Fr Chris

8th SAVE THE DATE The winners of the July
2017 100’s Club draw were:
4 1st prize £40 54 Marilyn Benzing
2nd prize £20 78 M & D Thorpe
3rd prize £10 19 Mike Brennan

We currently have 3 lines remaining.
Please see Steve Gilbert for details.
The cost is £2 per month with the draw
taking place on the last Sunday of the month.

St Francis
de Sales

The seemingly insignificant Chateau of Sales,
situated in high mountains above Lake Geneva
is now in ruins, apart from a small dark chapel
kept alight by votive candles. However, its
name lives on in the French saint, St. Francis
de Sales. The name of the chateau is a tad
embarrassing for when said in French, like
‘Sal’ it is the same word as ‘dirty’. Francis or
Francois as he is known was far from that in
his writings. He is one of the most outstanding
saints of the late sixteenth and early
seventeenth century.

Details of his life can be found in our excellent Enjoy, reflect, give thanks and take ‘recreation’,
library or online, suffice to write here that he is another word like holiday to which we need to
known for his gentleness and thoughtfulness restore the meaning.
at a time when Europe was reeling from the
Reformation. He is especially remembered as
a great spiritual director to many lay people
reassuring them and us that you do not have to be
a monk or nun to be a true Christian.

I especially like Francis, because he is so down St. Francis de Sales wrote in his book
to earth and honest. He has a perceptive outlook ‘Introduction to the Devout Life’;
seemingly lacking in many writers on Christian
spirituality and he steers clear of harshness and ‘It is important to take a break now and
self righteousness.

I write the last paragraph especially with taking then. Recreation relaxes both mind and
holidays in mind. For some reason I have never spirit...... It is a mistake to be so strict,
quite understood, there is a pride in some to driven and austere so that you cannot
boast about how hard they work and that they play nor allow others a time of diversion.
do not have time for a holiday. That’s a strange Get out into the open air. Have some
proposition because God rested on the seventh fun! Play the lute, sing, go hunting, Enjoy
day and Our Lord who worked tirelessly often innocent recreation. The only requirement
went off by himself to get away from the crowds. is to give it appropriate time, place and
Do we really know better?

At this time of year, at any time of year, taking a quantity....’
holiday, a ‘holy-day’ has a blessed place in our
lives. Some of you went on the pilgrimage to If you have been away, I hope you have had a
Walsingham, others may go on retreat. Maybe lovely time. If not, have a nice holiday. And if you
you will sun yourself in Benidorm or go on a city can’t for any real reason have any time off, then
break to Prague or even Norwich. It might not be turn off your phone and computer for a while.
possible to go on holiday for some, but even there The finite world will get on very well without you,
it is possible to have some respite and relaxation. but time shared with God is eternal.

Fr Nick Macneill


Daily Prayer

Last week I read an article called ‘Priests are ‘seven times a day I
not paid to do anything’. An emotive title, but praise you’, and Jesus
an article written by one who is, like me, in spoke of the need to
his early days of ordained ministry. It reflects ‘pray always and not to
on the unusual rhythm of priestly life, and
how priests are not paid because they have
completed certain set tasks, like in other jobs,
but they are paid money to live on, so that ’lose heart (Luke 18:1).
they can have the freedom to be priests, to do
everything which that entails as and when it is
needed. Morning and evening prayer are well established,
short services, in which we recite several Psalms
and canticles with antiphons, read a portion of
Before starting my priestly formation at college, Scripture, pray the great prayers of the Benedictus
I spent two years as a Pastoral Assistant at and Magnificat and the Lord’s Prayer, and offer
churches in London, so I already knew something intercession for others and for the world.
of this rhythm of parish life. The life of a priest
(or deacon) is not 9-to-5, there are no working
hours, nor timesheets, nor overtime; there are I’ve found this praying of the Daily Office - this
times which are incredibly busy, and times which constant - a practice which has helped me in
are less so. With this type of schedule, it could these early days of my ordained ministry. Praying
become very easy to lose a sense of structure the Daily Offices has become foundational
and perspective; with lots of things to be done, to my life of faith, and has become, over the
it’s important to remember the bigger picture, that years, like eating or exercising. Prayer, for me, is
we’re helping to build the Kingdom. something to be approached in all of its forms
with excitement - we grow and deepen our faith in
God, and grow ever closer to Him, as we explore
What struck me in all of this is that the life of the richness of the faith. I have also grown into
regular and disciplined prayer helps us in this task. praying the Rosary, the Jesus Prayer, spending

Prayer is so central to our life of faith as time in contemplation, and praying with icons.

Christians. It’s something which we do formerly In the Daily Offices there is variation every day,
during the Mass (and indeed the Mass itself is and the advantage of this set structure is that we
prayer), and it’s also something which we do are exposed to Scripture and that our prayer life
informally in our daily lives - prayers for others is not left to chance - there is a discipline and
and for ourselves, prayers of thanksgiving, and of structure which sustains our relationship with
praise to God. God whether we’re feeling prayerful or not.

Something which isn’t well known to many is that As Christians, sometimes our own prayer comes
the clergy are bound by Church law to pray the easily, and at other times it doesn’t. Having a set
Daily Offices - especially morning and evening structure can help all of us, clergy or not.

prayer, every day of the year. We do this whether At St Saviour’s others are always welcome to join
we’re feeling prayerful or not, whether we’re very us for the Offices. I would encourage anyone to
busy or not, and whilst we’re on holiday, as well put aside time every day for personal prayer and
as when we’re in church. Many others also do reflection - when our lives get busy and hectic,
this, and coming together every day at certain often prayer is the first thing to go. For me
set times to pray together is the staple of many the Daily Offices and the prayer of the Mass in
monastic communities throughout the world, and particular help me in my life of faith, and despite
has been for centuries. This seems to have grown what is going on in the world or how we may
out of the Jewish practice of praying at set times be feeling, they ensure that we always remain
each day; indeed Psalm 119 says focused on God.

Fr Nicholas Archer


150th Anniversary

Commemorative Mugs avaiIable

Full colour, bone china mugs celebrating 150 years NOW
of our church and some of its artworks. ONLY

Buy one today and help raise funds for St Saviour’s £5


Microwave and dishwasher safe.

Vestment Colours

The Church’s liturgical norms do prescribe
specific vestment colours for various
celebrations. The purpose of utilising different
colours for vestments is twofold: first, the
colours highlight the particular liturgical
season and the faithful’s journey through these
seasons. Second, the colours punctuate the
liturgical season by highlighting a particular
event or particular mystery of faith. The
following explanation is based on the norms of
The General Instruction on the Roman Missal.

White or gold, a colour symbolising rejoicing and
purity of soul, is worn during the liturgical seasons
of Christmas and Easter. White vestments are also
used for feasts of our Lord (except those of His We focus on the life He shared with mankind
passion), the Blessed Virgin Mary, the angels, and during His time on this earth, the life we share
the saints who were not martyrs. White vestments now with Him in the community of the Church
are also worn on the Solemnity of St Joseph, and and through His sacraments, and we look forward
the Feasts of All Saints, St John the Baptist, to sharing everlasting life with Him perfectly in
St John the Evangelist, the Chair of St. Peter, and Heaven. Green symbolises this hope and life,
the Conversion of St Paul. White may also be just as the hint of green on trees in early Spring
used for Masses of Christian Burial and Masses arouses the hope of new life.
for the Dead to signify the resurrection of our Lord.
Violet or purple is used during Advent and Lent
Red has a dual imagery: On one hand, red as a sign of penance, sacrifice and preparation.
symbolises the shedding of blood and is therefore At the midpoint of both of these seasons—
used on Palm Sunday (when Christ entered Gaudete Sunday (the third Sunday of Advent) and
Jerusalem to prepare for His death), Good Friday, Laetare Sunday (the fourth Sunday of Lent—rose
any other commemoration of the Lord’s passion, vestments are traditionally worn as a sign of
the votive Mass of the Precious Blood, the days joy: we rejoice at the midpoint because we are
marking the martyrdom of the apostles half-way through the preparation and anticipate
(except St John), and the feasts of other martyrs the coming joy of Christmas or Easter. Some
who offered their lives for the faith. liturgists, particularly in the Episcopalian Church,
have introduced the use of blue vestments during
On the other hand, red also signifies the burning Advent (a Marian time) as a way of distinguishing
fire of God’s love. For this reason, red vestments this season from Lent; however, no approval for
are worn at Pentecost when the Holy Spirit blue vestments has been given. Purple vestments
descended on the apostles and tongues of fire may also be used for Masses of Christian Burial or
rested on their heads; for the celebration of the Masses for the Dead.
Sacrament of Confirmation; and for the votive
Masses of the Holy Spirit. Although not seen very frequently today, black
vestments may be worn for Masses of Christian
Green is used during the liturgical season called Burial as a sign of death and mourning. Black may
Ordinary Time. This season focuses on the three- also be used on the Feast of All Souls or for any
year period of our Lord’s public ministry, and Mass of the Dead.
the Gospel passages, particularly on Sundays,
recount His teachings, miracles, exorcisms, The colours of the vestments awaken us to the
and other deeds during this time. All of these sense of sacred time. They are another visible
teachings and events engender great hope in the way to make present the sacred mysteries we
mystery of salvation. celebrate.


A bit about religious Apps…

Sacramentally-based traditional Anglo-catholic Next is
worship is paramount here at St Saviour’s – and
long may it continue. But we must but be aware iBreviary
of the times in which we now live – the age of
the tablet and smart phone are well and truly iBreviary (Terra Sancta) is
with us. Fortunately for those who possess free. Don’t let the name
such devices and who want to make full use of fool you. It is NOT JUST
them, ‘Apps’ are available to supplement and A BREVIARY… IT’S THE
compliment our traditional worship. COMPLETE ROMAN
The ‘Catholic’ community, and indeed the MISSAL (English 3rd
Vatican, have been keen to embrace modern edition) and more. There is a bit of a learning
communication technology and to that end they curve navigating it, but it is fairly easy to use (see
have created a few FREE Apps as an aid to tutorial). For priests there is a MASS EDITOR
worship and reflection. I have tested some of which gives them the ability to create all the texts
these and I have listed a few of them for those of of the Mass (Ferial texts, as well as Common of
you who may be interested. All are available for Saints and Votive Masses) on one page, adding
iphone, ipad and Android phones and tablets. homily, announcements, readings, etc.

The best of these is There is also the

Laudate New Missal

Laudate is free and is New Missal is a free
probably the number one English version of the
Catholic app because Roman Missal (3rd Edition).
it offers so much. It is It is an app that offers the
hands-down best value. It Missal in the same format
is available in English and as texting, so following the
Latin and a few other languages. Laudate includes parts of the Mass is fairly intuitive. It is complete
the Roman Missal; Daily Mass eadings; Liturgy of with readings which can be synchronised ahead
the Hours; traditional Roman breviary (1960) also of time. It also offers adjustable text size and
available in Latin with a split-screen translation in reflections on the readings.
English; Bible (New American); Rosary; Chaplet of
Divine Mercy (with on-screen Rosary); Stations of
the Cross; and more. This app also includes LOTS
of prayers.

We are pleased to announce that WiFi is now available the Church
Hall. For those of you that would like access, please see the Curate
or the Churchwardens to obtain a password for the relevant Network.

By the way…
The more astute of you may have noticed that St Saviour’s also has a QR code.
This ‘device’ if scanned with a QR or Barcode scanning ‘app’ will take you directly
to the website. If you don’t have a barcode scanner on your smart phone,
I recommend that you get one. Not only do they scan QR codes, but they can
scan a bar code on any product and let you check and compare prices and
sources – great for bargain hunting!



If you are interested in going
please contact the Curate.


Flower Anagrams n at te r…
…n at te r…
See how well you can do... n at te r…

2 NO GRANDPAS Join us on
3 PIE STATION the second Saturday of every month for a
5 REBARGE ‘Cuppa’, Cake and a ‘Natter’
6 NINAZI 10am - 11.30am in the Church Room

Answers on page 24.


Kathleen Stephens RIP

Kathleen Stephens died on 11 July 2017. Her girl who suddenly had to walk through a field of
requiem was held on 8 August. A transcript of cows to go to early morning mass. She was often
the eulogy is included here, for the benefit of the only person in attendance until they managed
those who were unable to attend the requiem. to build a loyal congregation.
Her daughters Catherine, Elizabeth and Clare In 1957, they moved to St Peter’s Folkestone, the
provided most of the information but they fishermen’s church. It was here that Kathleen’s
asked Fr Christopher Hadfield, who delivered three daughters Catharine, Elizabeth and Clare
the eulogy, to add a postscript about her life at were born. The family spent many happy years
St Saviour’s, which he did with contributions in Folkestone, with the vicarage sandwiched
from several ladies from the congregation, for between the church and the school, and steps
which he was most grateful. leading to the beach at the bottom of their garden.
Kathleen was born in Hammersmith on 2nd Grandparents are central to the family story, with
August 1929. She just missed celebrating her Kathleen’s mother Alys arriving on the coach for
eighty-eighth birthday last week, but her family weekends and her father George telling stories
celebrated for her with her favourite gin and of his stall in Portobello Market, spraying the cat
tonic and felt lucky that they had her for so long with crazy foam and teaching the three little girls
following her diagnosis last July. to smoke cigars and gamble. They were great fun
Kathleen’s family - her parents George and Alys, and much loved by Kathleen, Humphrey and the
and her brothers Peter and Tony lived with her children.
grandparents in Hammersmith. She was very close 1970 saw a move to St Bartholomew’s Herne
to her grandmother Catherine who taught her to Bay. The family grew up and Kathleen enjoyed her
cook and make a home while her own mother Alys daughters’ teenage years with friends dropping
went out to work. They all shared a great sense in to the vicarage. She helped set up a Young
of humour and Kathleen recounted stories of her Communicants’ Youth Club and ran two women’s
early family throughout her life. Although the war groups. During this time she volunteered with the
disrupted her education she became head girl at local library service and organised many church
school and went on to work at Harrods’ Library, a social events. Kathleen made firm friends in
job that established a lifelong love of reading and Folkestone and in Herne Bay, and we welcome
literature. those who are here in church today.
The family attended St John’s Church in Sadly, Humphrey’s health deteriorated and in
Hammersmith and in October 1950 she married 1982, they retired to Hampden Park. Kathleen
the parish priest, Fr Humphrey Stephens. At age was only fifty-two and had to start a new life as
twenty-one, the role of a vicar’s wife was quite a a retired vicars wife, caring for her husband and
daunting prospect, but Kathleen made it her own joining local classes and groups. One of these
and played a key role in parish life throughout her was a literature class, where she enjoyed many
husband’s ministry and beyond. happy hours discussing books and encountering
She moved to a huge vicarage and her family new ideas and opinions. Kathleen also set about
extended to include Humphrey’s sister Dorothy transforming her derelict two hundred foot garden
and his brother John. John and his wife Aline lived into a beautiful, tranquil space which she enjoyed
in the vicarage for a while and Kathleen would right to the end of her life - feeding the birds,
‘borrow’ their children Caroline and Christopher to battling with squirrels and enjoying chats with her
look after, as she had to wait a while for her own neighbour over the fence.
longed-for children to arrive. Humphrey died in 1986, and Kathleen found
Kathleen and Humphrey moved to St Mary’s herself living alone for the first time. St Saviour’s
Burnham on Crouch in 1953, a big move for a city was her lifeline at this time and has been ever


since, fulfilling her spiritual and her social needs. Kathleen was a member of the Guild of All Souls
She also took great pleasure in her membership of and her name will be remembered in perpetuity by
the Retired Clergy Wives’ Group and the Mothers’ the Guild on the anniversary of her death,
Union and made many great friends. 11 July. She had a great devotion to the Blessed
Grandchildren started arriving - Emily, Matthew, Sacrament and was a member of the Co-fraternity.
Lucy and Oliver to Catharine and Bill; Anna One word which occurs and recurs in all the
and Maya to Liz and Gordon; and Matilda and tributes is loyalty; loyalty to the Church and its
Prudence to Clare and Paul. These eight names fellowship; loyalty to her friends, which did not
are probably familiar to a lot of the congregation cease when they moved away. Deacon Beryl
today as grandchildren were Kathleen’s greatest Rundle wrote that, to her great joy and blessing,
joy. All eight have wonderful memories of the their friendship grew and deepened by mutual
grandmother they nicknamed ‘the silver fox’ .and visits, phone calls and letters. Kathleen was a
they still call themselves the fox cubs. Like her great companion on excursions and holidays,
own grandmother, Kathleen taught them about to the Isle of Wight, Spain, Gibraltar, Blackpool,
cooking, crosswords, dancing, books, gardening Oberammergau, St Wolfgang and Lake Garda. And
and birds. Above all she was great fun, with a of course, there was Walsingham. All speak of a life
wonderful laugh and lots of stories, but she drew lived to the full, and through it all runs her sense of
the line at cigars. humour and her laughter. She was, as in everything
she did, a positive member of the Mothers’ Union,
Liz remembers especially how positive and and of the Clergy Wives and Widows; and on one
supportive Kathleen was during her treatment for occasion in 2000 there was a diocesan meeting
breast cancer. at which all the clergy widows received a bouquet
from the Diocese; all except Kathleen. The reason
In later years, grandchildren, daughters and her wasn’t clear; it may have been that her husband
son in law Gordon visited regularly and eventually had not served in their diocese. But the omission
looked after her during her long illness. Kathleen provoked a response: “why the [something]
was very brave and remained in good! spirits [something] haven’t I got one?” Her original is far
to the last. A few weeks before she died, she too graphic and expressive to repeat here!
reassured her daughters with the words “Don’t Another story I can share with you is of a visit to
be afraid of dying, it’s a doddle!”, which pretty Iona with three others. The four friends walked
much summed her up. It did get harder for her across the island to St Columba’s Bay where
unfortunately. Columba and his companions were reputed to
Kathleen’s faith was central to her life, at the have landed after their voyage from Ireland. On
heart of everything she held dear and it was her the beach there is a cairn of stones and pilgrims
faith that helped her get through her illness in are invited to find a pebble, hold it for a moment
such good spirits. She managed to attend St of reflection and prayer and then place it on
Saviour’s quite regularly, but Fr John and his wife the cairn. It is moving to know that Kathleen’s
Brenda also took her communion every week prayerfulness and love have a marker to this day
and supported her throughout. Kathleen’s family on the holy island of Iona.
would like to thank them and all her other dear ‘Quid plura?’ as the Roman’s said, what more can
friends in Eastbourne for making the last thirty-five I say? Only to repeat how incredibly brave she
years of her life so happy and fulfilling, and would was at the end in her final months. At the time
also like to thank Fr Chris, Fr Nick, Fr John and when we are remembering Passchendaele, it is
Fr Christopher for making her final hours here in important and salutary to remind ourselves that
church so beautiful. bravery takes many forms and that all of them are
There are too many friends to mention by name and an inspiration.
they don’t want to miss anyone out. Her favourite Catherine, Elizabeth and Clare can be very proud
holidays were Iona, Austria, Lake Garda and of their mother. ‘Show me the way to go home’
Walsingham, all of which were enjoyed with friends runs the song. Kathleen has shown us all the way
she’d made through the church. Kathleen’s life at to go home.
St Saviour’s was quite separate from her family life...


Our local representative to whom we
take all your gifts is Beryl Edmondson.
Beryl is a trustee of FSW, Chairman
of Eastbourne Deanery Committee
and also works
in the FSW shop.
After adopting 2
children through
the Association
she wanted to
give something
back and has
worked tirelessly
since 1972. Recently she was given
a Long Service Award. Beryl had a
tombola stall at the recent Eastbourne
Hot Air Balloon Festival in Hampden
Park which was unfortunately
hampered by the rain. However after
paying for the stall she made £300 for
FSW. Thank you to all who donated
prizes. There have been a number of
Open Gardens this summer and thank
you to those who made visits. Some of
us went to the beautiful, little garden at
Bishopstone which is called Driftwood.
The plants and cakes were lovely. (Jim
is seen here looking at a tiny pond) A
few days later I celebrated my birthday
and was surprised to unwrap some
garden ornaments of robins which I
had admired in the garden.
Thank you everyone for your support
over the last few years. I have decided
to step down as SS’s representative for
this charity and very much hope that
another member of the congregation
will take it up.

Mary T.

In July St Saviour’s made
a donation of over £90 to
support this great charity that
works with children in the
streets of Medellín, Colombia,
South America.

Some of the children they
help actually live in the street
and for them the charity
provides food and medical
care whilst trying to arrange
for them to return home –
if that is possible – or to
enter residential care. These
youngsters also attend their
Centre, Casa Walsingham, to
have a wash and a change of clothes, to have a meal, to enjoy craft and leisure activities and sometimes
to be reunited with their families . They currently have a group of approx 30 young people who, thanks to
the dedicated and skilled work of the team are making good progress.

The majority of the children that the charity cares for come from the hundreds of shanty-towns that
surround Medellín and these children have to work in the street. They survive by begging, by prostitution
or by sorting through rubbish to find things that can be recycled. They try to resolve the family and
economic problems that are forcing them to work and then try to make it possible for them to go to
school and to leave the street and all its dangers behind. They too go to Casa Walsingham to have a
meal, a wash, do homework, take part in artistic and recreational activities, or to see a psychologists or
social worker. The building is frequently filled with song as all the children are given the opportunity to
sing, and their award-winning choir can often be heard practising its repertoire.

Life in the shanty-towns continues to be violent and children are always at risk of being recruited by the
gangs that control them. Let The Children Live! is their ‘charity of last resort’ and offers them the chance
to know love, care, safety and the chance of a future.

A lamp burns for
this church in the
Shrine of Our Lady
of Walsingham

If you are interested in
joining our Walsingham Cell
please contact Mary Delves
on 735410


a super atmosphere and a really nice acoustic.
What was particularly rewarding was that it was
well attended; we had people sitting outside in the
nave. For the moment we shall be doing this once a
month on the last Sunday. The aim is to put this on
more often next year. If it grows and more people
attend (and from the numbers in attendance this
last time I have every expectation that it will) we will
have to hold it in the many body of the church.

This brings me on to my next point; the new organ.
Of course, I am very excited about this! As so often
is the case with these things it all came about
as a result of a very casual conversation with an
organist friend. John Ross, who many of you will
know and appreciate as a very fine player, had this
instrument in his home for a few years and, as part
of his ongoing house move, wanted to upgrade it
for a small pipe organ. He just mentioned to me
that he was thinking of selling it and did I know
of anyone who might be interested. I said that for
a long time I had wanted a small chamber organ
for the side chapel. So, with the help of two very
generous donations, for which I am very grateful, it
This is usually a quiet month for me but this is now installed against the back wall. The amazing
year is an exception. I seem to have a huge thing is that it looks like it’s been there forever. I
amount going on at the moment. These are just have no doubt that in the fullness of time, it will
a few of my rambling thoughts: enhance the worship in the chapel and increase the
The silent movie, Peter Pan accompanied by opportunities for making music.
Jonathan Eyre on the organ, was absolutely This month sees the preparations for harvest
charming. The film, which was made in 1924, thanksgiving when again there will be a choral
harked back to those days of innocence when evensong to celebrate.
children were allowed a childhood and not forced David Force will be giving an organ recital on
into growing up before their time by the pressures Monday 4th September. David is an old friend and
of television and social media. Jonathan of course known to many. He was, for many years, assistant
was absolutely brilliant capturing all the nuances director of music at Eastbourne College. I always
of the story and managed to reflect all the moods look forward to his playing. Do come along to this.
and the action ranging from the cuckoo clock in
the nursery to the menacing crocodile and the
fluttering of Tinkerbell; magical! On Saturday, 16th September the internationally
Rosemary’s piano recital was also excellent. She renowned Vasari Singers are coming to sing. You
is such a vibrant player and really puts the piano really must come to this. They are a superb choir
through its paces. The Rachmaninov preludes lead by Jeremy Backhouse. Their programme
were a particular highlight for me. includes some more traditional sacred works
On the choir side, at long last, I managed to but also music by Elgar, Stanford, Beatles, Irving
galvanise myself into action and sort out Evensong. Berlin and a completely ludicrous arrangement
It was a very simple affair with a short psalm and of Waltzing Matilda!! Look out for details of this
canticles, set to Anglican chant and a couple of on posters and in the local press. Please tell your
evening hymns. As I say, it was very simple but friends and do come, please! It will be a superb
I found it very moving. It was also a real treat to evening of very fine music, brilliantly performed.
sing in our Blessed Sacrament Chapel, which has And, if you’ll forgive the cliché, there will be
something for everyone. I think that is quite
enough from me. Have a lovely September!



ACS Gordon Browning House 8 Spitfire Road Birmingham B24 9PB

Tel. 0121 382 5533 Email. [email protected]

2017 Christmas Cards

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These cards are exclusively commissioned for ACS.
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Sold in packs of 10 (single design) with Each card also contains the inscription
envelopes containing the greeting: from John 1v14
‘May the blessing of love, peace and happiness ‘The Word was made flesh and lived among us’
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‘Dear Church,
can you hear me…?’
16 September
A chance for Deaf,
and hard of hearing
and hearing people to
work better together.
A conference at Victoria Baptist Church
10am to 2.15pm approx. For anyone who
is concerned about making the church
welcoming and fully accessible to people who
are Deaf or experience hearing loss, whether
they are Deaf BSL users or lip readers, hard of
hearing or hearing.
It would be wonderful to welcome at least one
representative from every church.
For more information contact Vanessa Howard.
Kingdom Come
Saturday 23 September
Another evening of worship and prayer for our
town. New Hope Church, Beach Rd 7.30 pm.
Look out for more details in due course.


It is with deep regret that I announce my retirement. I have
greatly enjoyed keeping you all up-to-date with the social and
sometimes more light hearted things that go on at St Saviour’s,
and I hope that someone will carry on with a similar column
and continue to keep you all informed about what is going on
‘behind the scenes’ and around or parish. TTFN Eve


Many people will have visited Chichester for the theatre or for shopping, but how many have
visited the nine hundred-year-old Cathedral? TripAdvisor describes Chichester Cathedral
as ‘a wonderful blend of ancient and modern, with a sense of continuity and connection
between generations, going back almost a thousand years’.

The Cathedral houses a wonderful collection of 20th century painting, sculpture and glass, amongst
them a Marc Chagall window, tapestries by John Piper and a painting by Graham Sutherland.
By contrast there are 12th century Lazarus reliefs and Lambert Barnard paintings of Bishops of
Chichester over the centuries. All blend beautifully.

Chichester Cathedral Friends is a charity formed to support the mission and ministry of the
Cathedral. There are some 1500 people from the Diocese and beyond who support the work
of the Cathedral in numerous ways.

Over and above the daily services in the Cathedral there are concerts (the lunchtime ones are free),
exhibitions, talks, lectures and family activities, together with a shop and cafe in the Cloisters.

In addition, the Friends like to socialise and have fun too!
A full programme of events – including talks (a recent one
by the new Festival Theatre Director attracted over
a hundred guests), day trips, lunches, and holidays
continuous throughout the year.

The AGM each year has nationally known speakers: recently
the composer John Rutter and this year Lord Hennessy,
Professor of Modern History at London University.

The Friends are a registered charity and for just £15 a year,
or £25 for a couple, a whole new way of life, experiences
and friendships can open up whilst supporting one of the
major attractions in our lovely county of Sussex.

More information can be obtained from
The Secretary, Chichester Cathedral Friends,
The Royal Chantry, Cathedral Cloisters,
Chichester, PO19 1PX
Email: [email protected]


Dates for your Diary September 2017

Fri 1 12 noon Mass
Sat 2 09.00am Mass Our Lady
Sun 3 Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time 08.00am Mass 10.30am Solemn Mass
Mon 4 10.30am Mass S. Cuthbert Bp
Tues 5 12 noon Mass
Wed 6 10.30am Mass
Thurs 7 10.30am Mass CBS Corporate Communion
Fri 8 12 noon Mass Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Laying on of Hands
Sat 9 09.00am Mass Our Lady
Sun 10 Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time 08.00am Mass 10.30am Solemn Mass
Mon 11 10.30am Mass Faithfull Departed – Guild of All Souls
Tues 12 12 noon Mass Most Holy Name of Mary
Wed 13 10.30am Mass S. John Chrysostom Bp. Dr.
Thurs 14 10.30am Mass Exaltation of the Holy Cross
Fri 15 12 noon Mass Our Lady of Sorrows
Sat 16 09.00am Mass S. Cornelius P. & S. Cyprian Bp. MS.
Sun 17 Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time 08.00am Mass 10.30am Solemn Mass
Mon 18 10.30am Mass
Tues 19 12 noon Mass
Wed 20 10.30am Mass S. Andrew Kim Taegon Pr. & Companions Ms.
Thurs 21 10.30am Mass S. Matthew Ap.
Fri 22 12 noon Mass
Sat 23 09.00am Mass S. Pio Pietrelcina Pr.
Sun 24 Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
08.00am Mass 10.30am Solemn Mass 6.00pm Evensong
Mon 25 10.30am Mass
Tues 26 12 noon Mass S. Cosmas & S. Damian Ms. Walsingham Cell
Wed 27 10.30am Mass S. Vincent de Paul Pr.
Thurs 28 10.30am Mass S. Wenceslaus M.
Fri 29 12 noon Mass S. Michael and All Angels
Sat 30 09.00am Mass S. Jerome Pr. Dr.

OT = Ordinary Time BVM= Blessed Virgin Mary


Church Officers Telephone

Vicar Rev Christopher Yates SSC 01323 722317
The Vicarage Spencer Road Eastbourne BN21 4PA

Curate Rev Nicholas Archer BA BSc 656806
83c South Street Eastbourne BN21 4LR

Hon Associate Clergy Rev Christopher Hadfield BA 422050
Rev Anthony Fiddian-Green MA, Cert Ed 381796
Rev Nick MacNeill, BTh 485399
Rev John Wright BSc Cert Ed 723584
Rev Dr David Musson M Phil 723345
Canon Robert Fayers SSC 07706 067496

Churchwardens Mrs Pauline Fella 01323 656346
Mr John Vernon 412061

Secretary PCC Mrs Judy Grundy 720577

Treasurer Miss Mary Delves 735410

Planned Giving Mr Sebastian Verity 07860 283156

Banking Mr Carl Hodgkinson 351014

Electoral Roll Mrs Mary Tomsett 489646

Other Officers Mr Paul Collins 01323 647969
Director of Music

Parish Hospital Contact Mr Richard Elliott 872168

Sacristan/Servers Mr Stuart Burns 500585

Chat-Stop Rev Anthony Fiddian-Green 381796

Caring and Sharing Vacant

Car Park Manager / 100 Club Mr Steve Gilbert 469078

Safeguarding Officer Miss Jacqueline Mulholland 638269

Churches Together Mrs Beverly Cochran 434785

Deanery Synod Miss Mary Delves, Miss Jacqueline Mulholland, Mrs Isobel Nugent

Family Support Work Miss Jennifer Hodgkinson and Mr Robert Ascott 728892

Librarian Mr David Thorpe 486214

Guild of All Souls Miss Lis Trustam 504909

Mission to Seafarers Mrs Isobel Nugent 725796

Additional Curates Society Mr Roger Emery 431283

Open Church Mr Roger Ellis 649896

Our Lady of Walsingham / CBS Miss Mary Delves 735410

Vestry (unmanned) 729702

Church Organisations Miss Lis Trustam – call for details 504909
Bible Reading Fellowship 485399
Book Group Rev Nick MacNeill – call for details 724317
Church Cleaning Mrs Rita Orchard – Tuesdays from 9am 723375
Church Grounds Mr John Burford

Events Committee Mr Paul Fella – meets as necessary

Flower Arrangers Mrs Rita Orchard – Fridays from 9am

Webmaster / Magazine / Publicity Mr Paul Fella

Answers to Flower Anagrams:
1 Nasturtium, 2 Snapdragon, 3 Poinsettia, 4 Carnation, 5 Gerbera, 6 Zinnia, 7 Aster, 8 Dahlia, 9 Peony,
10 Foxglove


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