The Parish magazine of October 2018
Volume XLIX No.10
Contents Page Church Services
Oh what a night! - Fr Mark’s Induction 3 Sundays
The Biretta
Bishops of the Society 4 8.00 Low Mass
Roger Jupp SSC 10.30 High Mass and Sermon
Christianity in Action 5 followed by refreshments
Mother Mary Restored
Finance Matters in the Church Hall.
PCC Précis
October Programme for CTE 6 Weekdays
Our Lady of Walsingham Cell 7 Mon, Wed, Thurs 10.30am
100’s Club Winners 8 Tues and Fri 12noon
10 Sat 9.00am
12 Major Weekday Festivals
Said Mass as above, Sung Mass: 7.30pm
13 unless otherwise indicated on notice boards.
Hastings Archdeaconry Pilgrimage 14 The Clergy are happy to bring the Sacrament to
the housebound or sick at any hour of the day or
Angels and Miracles 16 night. The Holy Oil is available for those who wish
to be anointed.
Parish Trip to Ashburnham Place 18
More Catholic Trivia The Sacrament of Reconciliation
Confessions by appointment.
New Car Parking Permits 21
Hospital visits
Blast from the Console 22 Our Parish Contact for local hospitals,
Mr Richard Elliott (872168), will visit and give
Kitty 24 communion to those in hospital.
From the Desk of ‘Food Fetish’ 26
Dates for your Diary 27
Directory 28 Other Services provided by the church
Cover image: Fr Mark McAulay SSC For Baptisms, Banns of Marriage, Weddings
and Funerals please contact the Vicar.
The Parish Magazine is published on the first Facebook
Sunday of the month.
Production: Paul Fella Website
Matter for publication should be submitted to is the church
[email protected] website and is managed by Paul Fella to
whom matter for the site should be sent via
Copy deadline is 20th of the month and articles [email protected].
should be no longer than 750 words. News items The church is open from 8.30am each day and
or reports should be factual and no longer than a team of volunteers is available to answer
250 words. Articles are copyright to the author questions etc from 10.00am most days.
and may not be reproduced in any form without The Book Shop/Souvenir Stall is also open while
the written permission of the author or Editor. The there is a volunteer on duty.
Editor’s decision is final regarding content.
St Saviour’s Church
Disclaimers: The Editor does not necessarily South Street Eastbourne East Sussex BN21 4UT
agree with all of the views expressed in this Telephone: 01323 729702
The Parish of St Saviour and St Peter and its
representatives do not endorse or recommend
any of the products or services advertised in this
Magazine. Caveat emptor!
Oh what a night! The bells, smells, music and formalities were
followed by a splendid reception of hot and cold
The long awaited induction of our new Vicar canapés and ‘fizz’ and a great time was had by all.
Fr Mark McAulay took place on 25th September. Welcome Fr Mark to your new Parish!
Bishop Martin and Fr Edward Dowler took the
service ably assisted by Fr Sean the Bishop’s
Chaplin and our magnificent team of servers.
There were a host of clergy in attendance and
a very large contingent from St Paul’s New
Southgate (Fr Mark’s previous parish) came along
to support him and wish him well
in his new post.
The biretta (Latin: black biretta with or without a black pom-pom.
biretum, birretum) is a It is often asserted that seminarians are only
square cap with three entitled to wear a biretta without a pom-pom,
or four ridges or peaks, but there would seem to be no formal ruling
sometimes surmounted on this point. Priests in religious orders do not
by a tuft, traditionally usually wear birettas, though the canons of the
worn by Roman Catholic Order of Prémontré wear a white biretta and the
clergy and some Anglican black biretta is also part of the habit of some
and Lutheran clergy. It is other congregations of Canons Regular. The
also the term used for a Congregation of the Oratory of St. Philip Neri also
similar cap worn by those wear birettas, but without a pom-pom, regardless
holding doctoral degrees of rank.
from some universities,
and is occasionally
used for caps worn by
advocates in law courts, for instance the
Advocates in the Channel Islands.
Its origins are uncertain but is mentioned as early
as the tenth century. The most probable origin
of the biretta is the academic hat of the high
Middle Ages, which was a soft, square cap. The
medieval academic hat is also the ancestor of the
modern mortarboard hat used today in secular
universities. The tuft or pom-pom sometimes seen
on the biretta was added later; the earliest forms
of the biretta did not bear the device.
The biretta is used by all ranks of the clergy from The Canterbury cap is of similar origin to the
cardinals to priests, deacons and seminarians. biretta, and, although seldom used since the
Those worn by cardinals are scarlet red. After the early 20th century, has been considered a more
Second Vatican Council the ceremony of giving authentically Anglican alternative to the biretta.
the galero to Cardinals was replaced with giving The Canterbury cap has a soft, square top rather
the biretta. The biretta of a bishop is amaranth than the rigid peaks that developed on the biretta.
(purple), while those worn by priests, deacons,
and seminarians are black. The Pope does not There is more information
make use of the biretta, instead wearing the more on vestments in general in
ancient camauro, which Pope Benedict XVI has
brought back into use. some of our previous issues
(September, October and
The liturgical biretta has three peaks, with the November 2017). These can
‘peak-less’ corner worn on the left side of the
Cardinals bear no ‘pom-pom’, only a small twisted be viewed or downloaded on
tuft, bishops bear a purple pom, priests who have our website.
been appointed as prelates to certain positions
within the Church wear a black biretta with red
pom-pom, diocesan priests and deacons wear a
The Right Reverend Roger Jupp
Roger Jupp SSC is the present College of Father Vivian Redlich, a former student
Superior-General of the Confraternity of the in the 1930s, and one of the New Guinea Martyrs.
Blessed Sacrament An unexpected vacancy in the local diocese of
Popondota occasioned his election as its Bishop
and he was consecrated in the Cathedral of
the Resurrection there on 23rd February 2003.
Regrettably, the following year he was diagnosed
with a serious heart condition requiring triple by-
pass surgery and this forced his return to England
in 2005. Returning to the diocese of Chichester,
he was then appointed to the parish of Christ
Church St Leonards-on-Sea, one of the leading
Anglo-Catholic parishes on the south coast. He
also fulfilled occasional duties as an Honorary
Assistant Bishop. In 2012 Bishop Roger was
appointed Vicar of St Laurence, Long Eaton and
Priest-in-Charge of Holy Trinity, Ilkeston in the
diocese of Derby.
His wife, Sue, he met in St Leonards-on-Sea and
they were married in 2007. Sue has two children
and two grandchildren. Both he and his wife are
Oblates of the Community of the Holy Cross at
Bishop Roger Jupp was born in London in Ever since his days as an undergraduate, Bishop
1956 and was brought up in Blackheath. After Roger has pursued an interest in 19th century
schooling at Haberdashers’ Aske’s Hatcham Church History. He has also had a continuing
Boys’ Grammar School, he read Theology at St interest in ecumenism throughout his ministry and
Edmund Hall, Oxford 1975-1978. A year as a has been a member of the Ecumenical Society
Nursing Auxiliary at St Christopher’s Hospice of the Blessed Virgin Mary since the 1980s and
in SE London was followed by training for the is now one of its Moderators. He is a member of
priesthood at Chichester Theological College. the Society of the Holy Cross (SSC), the Church
He served curacies in Newbold in Chesterfield, Union, and the Confraternity of the Blessed
Oxford and London. Appointed Chaplain to the Sacrament, the oldest devotional society for
then Area Bishop of Horsham in the diocese of both priests and laity in the Church of England,
Chichester, Bishop Colin Docker, he was also of which he was elected Superior-General in
Vicar of Lower Beeding. He subsequently held 2012. In 2013 he was elected Chairman of the
other appointments in the diocese, and did a Glastonbury Pilgrimage Association in succession
PGCE at St Mary’s, Strawberry Hill. A return to to Bishop John Ford.
parish life as an assistant in Aldwick was followed Unlike most members of his family, he is definitely
by his appointment as Principal of Newton not a sportsman and prefers to exercise his mind
Theological College in the Anglican Province of through reading and listening to music. He and
Papua New Guinea. An interest in the Church’s Sue particularly enjoy travel and their membership
mission there had already been awakened by the of the National Trust.
annual commemoration at Chichester Theological 5
Christianity in Action
Mrs H is in her 70’s – a grandmother, a Server, In steps Mrs H. without any hesitation. “You’ve
and a former Churchwarden – she is a highly got to help, haven’t you?” she says. She is not in
committed Christian and a very regular the best of health herself, but now, she drives off
Church-goer. She never misses, week by every morning, starting around 5.00am to do the
week. She also still works part time on top 40 minutes to L’s farm. That releases L to go off
of all this. Her daughter S has a benign brain to her sick friend’s house to help her face another
tumour but the medics cannot get to remove day. L spends about two hours there and then
all of it and there is a danger that it will drives back to the farm.
grow and affect her brain. Surgery is far too Mrs H has, meanwhile, got the farm family going
dangerous for the removal of its stem. S has a with all their morning routine, including breakfast
three-year-old son, and Mrs H spends part of and seeing to the two boys. L is away from the
every day there helping her daughter who just farm for almost four hours every day, but is back
cannot cope without her. L is another daughter around 10.00am every morning. That releases Mrs
of Mrs. H. She is in her late 30’s and is married H. to get back to her own work in an office for a
to a farmer. They have two boys – one of couple of hours in the mornings before lending
17 months, and one of 3 years. They live about a hand to her other daughter - S – who has the
40 minutes’ drive from Mrs. H. tumour.
Now daughter L has a friend who lives just under Mrs. H makes light of it all and would never
an hour’s drive away from their farm. L visited her consider refusing to help. In her life there is nearly
recently and discovered that she has cancer. It is always a “lame duck” needing a helping hand and
attacking her nervous system so that it now looks she always gives of herself without hesitation. She
like tree roots spread all over her body. She does is a model Christian, reaching out to those in need
not have long to live. L asked her how she could and showing the compassion of Christ. By the
help and the patient said, “Look after me until I way, she was an excellent Churchwarden, working
die.” L was a nurse so is very capable of doing together with me for six years!
this. But, she has a husband and two small boys
and mornings are both crucial and hectic at the Fr Tony Fiddian -Green
farm – what to do?
Mother Mary restored!
I was talking to Neil Clark, Head Server, When I asked Ken how much he would charge
and Pauline and John, Wardens, recently to restore the statue of Mother Mary for
concerning the furniture of the Church and how St Saviours he answered we are brother servers
it looks a little tired and in need of reviving or in Christ I do not believe in charging the Church
in some cases more restoration. The statue of for what I give to Christ. I knew Ken would
Mother Mary in the Servers Vestry is certainly not charge because he is a kind Christian
in need of some reviving/restoration but who gentleman. Mother Mary is now totally
would be able to take on this task as it would restored and is safely back in the Vestry.
need a professional restoration expert. I then Anyone is welcome to have a look at his
thought of a very good friend of mine that lives excellent work.
locally and when I was visiting him recently he Bernard Irving
showed me some of his models and they were (Server)
excellent. Ken Bruce is an Artist in his own
rights. Ken was born in London and lived there
most of his life. It would appear he inherited
his talent from his great uncle, Theodore Hedley
who won honours for his restoration of the
Black Prince Gauntlets which I am told are now
lying in Canterbury Cathedral. Ken is a server
at St Nicholas Church Pevensey and a member
of the Guild of Servers of the Sanctuary. Ken
has restored many works of art and especially
a model of Jesus on the cross at St Nicholas
Church which was apparently broken in pieces.
“Each of you should responsible sponsorship (listing all regular
give what you church expenses by item eg heating, lighting,
have decided in incense, tapers, candles etc) and ask the
your heart to give, congregation to sponsor an item each week
in full or in part. Responsible Sponsorship
enables you to see how expensive it is to
run the Church and any contributions towards
these expenses are much appreciated.
To give more focus to our fundraising efforts
it is also proposed to create new a position of
fund raising coordinator.
not reluctantly or 3 Gift Aid
under compulsion,
for God loves a Krys has kindly taken over gift aid so a useful
cheerful giver.” time to remind people to either complete
a yellow gift aid envelope when making a
2 CORINTHIANS 9:7 donation or if make ad-hoc/regular payments
by Standing Order etc please a complete gift
1 Overview aid declaration – there are forms available at
the back of church. Please remember that
I had previously reported that St Saviours has personal circumstances can change so in
a budget shortfall of £8400 for 2018. In fact order for St Saviours still to be able to claim
the position reported to the July meetings of gift aid you must still be paying income tax at
the Finance Committee and PCC highlighted least equal to the value of your donation(s).
that our finances are in an even more Whilst gift aid is complicated it forms a big
precarious position with an overspend (ie our part of income for St Saviours. Pauline and
expenses have exceeded our income) of more I have just completed on line submission of
than £1000 per month for the first 6 months our claim for gift aid from HMRC for 2017 and
of 2018. hope to get around £7,000 back.
2 Action taken 4 What Qualifies as Gift aid?
We have taken some steps to improve our A few people have asked me about what we
finances but we need to do more together to can or cannot claim as gift aid. This is my
arrest our deteriorating financial position. We understanding and I would welcome input
have increased income from parking (and set from anyone in the congregation with more
a minimum rate of £45 pa for congregational detailed knowledge of this subject. Donations
permits for the year commencing July 2018), (both ad-hoc and regular giving) via collection
the Hall is under new management (with many baskets, paid direct into the Bank or donated
thanks to Heather and Sylvia) so we hope to in the Wall safes at the back of the church
increase income from the Hall and we have marked ‘Vicars Discretionary Fund’ and
successfully run concerts (well done Paul) and ‘Donations’ plus Responsible Sponsorship
other fund raising events (with huge thanks to (see sheet at back of church) all qualify for
all those involved). We have also introduced gift aid that St Saviours can claim back the
tax (currently 25% provided the donor pays
tax ). However, it is not possible to claim gift
aid if you are receiving something tangible in
return. So it is not possible for St Saviours to
claim gift aid from contributions made to the
100 Club or going to Walsingham or trips that
Sue does such a great job of organising and
we cannot claim gift aid if getting a service wish. St Saviours benefits from receiving the
eg from the money paid for parking permits. gift aid immediately each month (rather than
We cannot claim gift aid when people buy waiting a year or more for HMRC!), but you do
goods eg the monthly magazine (excellent not have to be a tax payer to join the scheme.
value though it is Paul at 60p) or from Open Leaflets are at the back of the church or
Church or using the Wall Safes marked ‘Votive please speak to me for more information.
candles’, ‘Books and Post Cards’.
6 Legacies
However, some of our excellent volunteers
who help run Open Church have often said We did benefit from a small legacy during
that a visitor may buy a book or post card for the first half of the year and whilst this is
£5 and not want change from £10 in which not income that we can plan for, in the past
case the balance of £5 could be gift aided legacies have made a huge difference to
or at the very least put in the Donations wall St Saviours and other churches and you are
safe. Some examples are more complicated encouraged to consider including St Saviours
eg Rhona and Judith recently kindly raised in your will. A booklet produced by the
money by baking delicious pies/tarts and Diocese entitled ‘A Church Legacy – A guide
cakes and selling after Mass. Whilst the to writing your will to reflect your Christian
money people paid cannot be gift aided faith’ is available at the back of the church,
(because they were receiving goods ie a tart which seeks to inform individuals about
or cake in exchange) Rhona and Judith could arranging a bequest. There are also some
claim gift aid (up to the value of total sales) forms for Instructing a professional to help you
because they paid for ingredients and used prepare/amend a will which is a sensible step
their skills/time to bake provided they are tax for all of us to do in any case.
7 Request
5 The Parish Giving Scheme
Please DO NOT use a yellow gift aid envelope
This remains the most effective way of giving when making your donation if we are not able
to St Saviours. These donations provide us to claim the gift aid. Each week when Sylvia
with more than 20% of our annual income and and I count the money to be banked there a
your giving can be done anonymously if you dozen or more blank yellow envelopes put
in the collection baskets. Not only does this
mean that St Saviours cannot claim any gift Church Hall repairs, repairs to the front door,
aid for that donation (since there is no name tree work, quinquennial review etc), so please
or address) but each yellow gift aid envelopes continue to pray for our finances and I would
costs us 6.5 pence so better to just put your encourage you all to consider whether there is
donation directly into the collection baskets. more that you can do to support St Saviours.
Thank you. There are many different ways you can give
at St Saviours so do please contact the
8 Finally Wardens or myself on 01323 351014 or send
me an email [email protected]
Thank you to all those people who continue if you have further suggestions how we might
to give generously and what you have to increase our income and reduce our costs.
St Saviours. As you can see, we are doing
what we can to help ourselves, but our Carl Hodgkinson
financial position remains very challenging and Chair of the Finance Committee
we also have other unplanned expenses (the
PCC Précis
Notes on the PCC meeting held on 18th September 2018
As part of the on-going discussions about the difficult financial position, it was proposed that a
new role of Fund-raising Coordinator be created. This role is designed to pull together all aspects
of fundraising under one umbrella. Paul Fella was nominated and has accepted the nomination.
This was agreed by all.
The Finance Committee proposed holding a Gift Day on our Patronal Festival of Christ the King on
Sunday 25th November. This was unanimously agreed.
It was reported that the Cross Parish Partnership are holding a Pet Service on Saturday
13th October at St Andrew’s Norway.
It was noted that the floor in the Church Hall has been beautifully refurbished, and the bookings
are going well. The Hall is now under the management of Sylvia Dwyer and Heather Neilson-
Tree surgeons have been asked to quote on thinning the tops of the trees in the church grounds.
It was noted that two elms have died and the churchwardens will report this to the Borough
The churchwardens reported that the quinquennial Inspection will now take place on Friday
19th October, the annual test and maintenance of the lightening conductor was carried out on
19th September and arrangements have been made for the repair of the Front door.
It was agreed that the PCC would invite the Archdeacon and all clergy who have assisted with the
worship at St Saviour’s during the interregnum, to a cheese and wine party on Saturday
22nd September, to thank them for their help and support.
The Open Church group reported that translations of the free Guide to the Church are being
worked on to include French, Italian and German.
October Programme for CTE
‘The Turning’
Sat 6 October
Discover that people on the streets are more ready to talk about Jesus that we think!
Join a great team from other churches at New Hope Baptist Church, Beach Road.
C hildren’s and Baby Memorial Service
Weds 10 October
The EDGH Chaplaincy are holding this service at 2pm at the Chaplaincy Department (2nd floor).
There will be a short (30min) reflection and remembrance service followed by tea and biscuits,
offering a chance to chat and meet with both SANDS and DEMELZA reps. This year’s service is
aimed to include all parents who have lost children at what ever age.
Faith in Healthcare
Thurs 18 October
Mindfulness, meditation, medication – how do they relate to our faith?
At Ashburnham Place 7:30 – 9:30pm (6:30pm for dinner). Faith in Healthcare offers an opportunity for
those in healthcare to come together to share, to be inspired, to be encouraged and to pray.
Free or £10 inc. dinner for which advanced booking required.
Courses at Ellel/Glyndley Manor
Lost & Found: Exploring the NETS 43
Remedy for Rejection
9 October-14 December (Tue-Fri)
5-6 October Fri-Sat) at Ellel Grange at Ellel Pierrepont
This course will look at how the first rejection NETS provides a comprehensive foundation of
came into the world and how in a Fallen world training in Discipleship, Healing & Deliverance.
we can become fixed in our false beliefs about You will learn and practically experience what
our own acceptability. it means to fulfill the Great Commission of
Jesus Christ and the keys to healing that God
Acceptance and Belonging has shown to Ellel Ministries in 20+ years of
5-7 October (Fri-Sun) at Glyndley Manor
Rejection is a very wounding experience The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
because we all have a deep desire to belong
and to feel accepted. God never rejects you and 1-13 October (Fri-Sat) at Ellel Grange
He longs to heal the wounds you carry because We probably all need God’s help to understand
of past rejection. which of our emotions are truly good, are bad
and how can they turn ugly. This course will
Sheltered: Exploring the Antidote consider some of our difficult emotions and how
to Fear and Anxiety God has purposed for us to find release and
His comfort, so we can move safely through the
5-6 October (Fri-Sat) at Little Darlings Creche turmoil and find a new place of rest.
For many of us fear and anxiety are regular
companions along our life journey. This course To contact the centre Bookings
will share how the Lord longs to show us the Office Telephone: 01323 440440
freedom that is in Him when we can learn to Email: [email protected]
fully trust Him and bring the worries of our
heart to Him. There will be teaching on steps to
finding freedom in Jesus name and opportunity
for prayer ministry.
A lamp burns for The winners of the August 2018
this church in the 100’s Club draw were:
Shrine of Our Lady
of Walsingham 1st 89 Christopher Grinstead
If you are interested in 2nd 14 Judy Grundy
joining our Walsingham Cell
please contact Mary Delves 3rd 62 Shirley Grinwood
on 735410
We are now entering our twelfth year.
The cost remains at £2 per month
(£24 for the year). Currently
prizes remain at £40, £20 and £10
respectively, however if the level
falls so will the prize money.
All profit goes to the Church and
Church Room. Please see Steve
Gilbert (01323 469078) for details.
The Scheme is open to all.
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Hastings Archdeaconry Pilgrimage
Saturday 15th September During the spirited singing of “Guide me O thou
great Redeemer” we processed to the head of
I had no idea what to expect but seven of us the Nave for the Collect, Gospel Reading and a
from St Saviours met at the bus stop outside Homily by the Archdeacon. Another hymn “We are
Asda to pick up the coach which had started marching in the light of God” took us through the
at Rye. Two hours later we arrived at the Quire to the High Altar for a moving celebration
Canal Bridge at the small Village of Hunston of the Mass. Appropriately we ended with the
about two miles from Chichester Cathedral. Prayer of St. Richard and the Blessing. For those
There we met Archdeacon Edward, Bishop who went to Tudeley it was great to see the large
Richard and about 100 pilgrims from all over Chagall window with its wonderful colour.
the Archdeaconry. After a prayer we set out to After the service there was time for some
walk the two miles along the Canal Path to the refreshments in the Cathedral Close in the evening
Cathedral. It was a sunny day and the walk was sunshine before a very easy journey home. It was
delightful with an opportunity to talk to those a good day and refreshing to feel part of a larger
from other Parishes. We stopped three times church family.
for further prayers and were invited to share
our story of faith with others. Somehow it is Roger Ellis
easier to talk while walking together.
We arrived at the Cathedral Close surprisingly
quickly and gathered in the Cathedral for a service
of welcome and renewal of our Baptismal vows.
Angels and Miracles
Do you believe in Thank God for the support of so many people at
angels? I must say I was St Saviour’s, and also at Christ Church and St
very open-minded – until Mary’s – I could never have got through this time
27th November last year, without all the visits, e-mails, cards and, above all,
when an angel saved my prayers. The power of prayer had never before
life. That was the day I been so clearly demonstrated to me.
suffered a life-changing After four months I was at the end of my tether
accident. I had opened with the discomfort and the pain and broke down
the door to the postman, completely in front of the consultant. I think he
but I tripped and fell full felt sorry for me because he
length on to the front and his colleagues agreed
path, hitting my head on the low wall that runs that, even though the scans
down the side of the path. I can remember showed there was no bone-
lying there, blood pouring on to the ground, on-bone healing, I could
not knowing that I had broken the C1 and C2 dispense with the brace and
vertebrae at the top of my neck. I discovered go into a Miami J collar. This
later that an injury like this normally results in was a hard, high collar that
paralysis or death. also kept the neck rigid, but
Suddenly I was aware of a woman kneeling beside was much more comfortable.
me, talking to me. I had no idea who she was, but So at least I could get back to church and
Paul, my partner, told her “This is David and I’m resume a more or less normal life. Another four
Paul.” “Yes, I know,” she said. But he thought – months went by and I had a further scan. To the
‘how do you know? I’ve never seen you before in astonishment of both the consultant and me, the
my life.’ She continued talking to me, reassuring broken bone had formed a bridge and the bones
me, but at one point I remember starting to close had virtually healed. I could hardly believe it.
my eyes. “No, no, no, David,” she said, quite There was no medical explanation as the previous
firmly, “keep your eyes open for me.” I did, and scan had shown no signs of healing at all. But
she remained with me until the ambulance arrived. when I told people at church, the immediate
I have absolutely no doubt that at the moment response was “Ah, but we know why.” It was
I started to close my eyes, I was dying and this unquestionably a miracle – once again God had
was an angel sent by God to spare my life. She stepped in and saved me. Finally my neck was
appeared out of nowhere. Nobody saw her come free of support and, although there is still pain in
and nobody saw her go. She just happened to be the back of my head and limited movement in my
there at the very moment when she was needed. neck, it is gradually improving.
That was not coincidence. After what was a potentially fatal accident I
The next few months were, to say the least, thanked God for saving my life. But why did He
difficult to cope with. There was a suggestion that do so, I wondered, when so many don’t survive
I should have an operation to put a pin in my neck, or are paralysed? I was grateful, but I couldn’t
but the surgeons decided this was too dangerous understand. Only now, as I start to recover and
as the fracture was an unstable one and the look back on the whole of this difficult year, do
broken bone close to the brain stem. Access things begin to make sense. I have been taught
would be very difficult, which meant there was still patience (still not my greatest quality); I have been
too high a risk of paralysis. So I was fitted with a shown the value of friendship; I have experienced
halo brace screwed into my skull to keep the head the extraordinary power of prayer; and my faith
and neck rigid, in the hope that, if the bones didn’t has grown stronger and more real. I believe God
heal, the scar tissue would grow strong enough to has got more plans for me – I don’t know what
hold my head up – fibrous union they call it. they are, but I believe He will show me when the
After nearly three weeks in hospital I came time is right. And yes, I now believe in angels –
home to spend four months wearing this brace. and miracles.
David Horne
Eastbourne-based chamber choir
Duruflé Requiem
and sacred pieces by Henry Purcell
7.30pm Saturday 13th October 2018
St Saviour’s Church, South Street
Tickets £10 on the door, children free. Refreshments also available.
The 24-strong ensemble will be singing several sacred pieces by composer Henry Purcell,
including ‘Remember not, Lord, our offences’, ‘I was glad’ and ‘O sing unto the Lord’.
Although incorporating Italian and French stylistic elements into his compositions, Purcell’s legacy
was a uniquely English form of Baroque music. Indeed, he is generally considered to be one of the
greatest composers this country has ever produced; it was 200 years before the likes of Edward
Elgar, Ralph Vaughan Williams, William Walton and Benjamin Britten achieved the same level of
musical fame that Purcell did.
Composed in 1948, Duruflé’s Requiem omits many elements of the Requiem Mass text, making
the composition calmer and more meditative than some other settings; as a result it has become a
liturgical favourite among choirs the world over.
The evening’s sacred delights will be led under the expert baton of Musical Director Alexander
Eadon, a former Kings College, Cambridge chorister and now Assistant Director of Music at
Eastbourne College.
For more information on the forthcoming concert visit
Parish Trip to Ashburnham Place
On Wednesday 19th September there was a
parish outing to Ashburnham Place. This was
organised and impeckably managed by Sue
and Keith Metcalfe who (among other things)
are our very own and very experienced, coach
trip organisers.
The group met in the Church car park and were
joined by Fr Mark. When the Lynn’s Travel coach
arrived, we all set off for Ashburnham – by way of
The Kings Head, Cacklebury, where we stopped
for a two hour lunch - and very nice it was too.
We eventually arrived at Ashburnham Place at
about 2.45pm and we had free time until our
service at 3.30pm. it was a bit windy, but some
of us managed a walk in the grounds or round
the lake. However, many of our number were
tempted by The Orangery Tea Room - no doubt
to pray that they find rest, nourishment and a fine
Fr Tony celebrated mass in the church (even the
coach driver attended) and we finally made for
home about 4.30pm. It was a delightful day out -
Thank you Sue and Keith!!
Ashburnham’s history
Ashburnham Place has a colourful and fascinating history that weaves back through some of the
world changing historical events of the last eight centuries. Kings and queens, wars and intrigue,
wealth and poverty have all played their part. The Ashburnham family line can be reliably traced
back to Reginald ‘de Esburneham’ who in 1194 gave land to the monks of Battle Abbey and of
The Ashburnham family can be found fighting in the battles of Agincourt and Boroughbridge as well
as providing 679 Ashburnham oaks to assist with the royalworks at Dover and Pevensey Castles.
The Ashburnham family developed close relationships with royalty, most notably between John
Ashburnham, also known as John the Cavalier, of 1603 - 1671 and the ill-fated Charles I. John,
who served as the King’s Groom of the Bedchamber, reportedly organised the King’s flight across
the country to the Isle of Wight in an attempt to escape the Parliamentarian forces. While the King
met a grisly death the Ashburnham estate was brought to near ruin by Parliamentarian attacks. The
heyday of Ashburnham Place was between 1850 - 1900 at which point the house was full of rich
furnishings, art treasures and antiques together with an exceptional literary collection.
The house had 9 main state rooms, a dairy, bakehouse, brewhouse, laundry, kitchens and
38 bedrooms. The grounds and gardens were maintained by a huge team of gardeners. The
Ashburnham family line finally came to an end in 1953 with the death of Lady Catherine. The house
and its Capability Brown designed grounds and gardens then passed to a young clergyman, John
Bickersteth. Seven years later he gifted the house and surrounding parkland to the Ashburnham
Christian Trust.
For the last 50 years many people have found it to be a haven of peace, a place of blessing and an
oasis in the busyness of life. Today the Trust continues to be committed to extending this incredible
gift to people from all walks of life - providing learning and training that enable others to have
positive and life-giving impact throughout society. Ashburnham Place is a place of welcome, refuge,
challenge, inspiration, learning and peace.
More Catholic Trivia
Leonardo Da Vinci’s Last Supper, depicts an orange, even though it did not arrive in the
Holy Land until long after Jesus’ death?
‘Eden’ means ‘Pleasure’.
The Sheep is the animal most mentioned in both the Old and the New Testiment.
(Bring your own Drink)
7th October 2018
£12.30pm in the Church Hall
Tickets 5
These tickets are on sale NOW and are available from Elizabeth Hadfield
Ham, Cheese or Pâté Ploughmans available – choose at time of booking
Sund(aBy 2r5ithnNgoveymobeur r12.4o5wpm n Drink)
This will again be a Carvery Lunch held at the
7 t h O c t o b e r 2 0 1 8Cumberland Hotel, Grand Parade (01323 730342).
Tickets £ 5As on 1ou2r .p3re0viopusmvisititnhe Ctahrveery iCs ahfiuxedrpcriche Hall
(vegetarian option available). Dessert and drinks are
optional extras and paid for on the day. Transport available.
Price £10.95 in advance
Names and Money to Paul Fella or Elizabeth Hadfield
New Car Park permits
New Car Park permits are now available. Steve will issue the new ‘electrostatic’ permits (you peel
the front plastic film off and they stick to your windscreen without adhesive and peel off with no
residue), when you either sign-up or renew your parking subscription.
This year we have introduced a fixed minimum charge of £45.00 for a Congregation permit. You may,
of course, pay more at your discretion if you feel that you are able - the real value of town-centre parking
is far more than the ‘cover price’ of the permit. There will also be numbered permits for both Car Parks
for the reserved spaces. This will help us to monitor usage and any abuse of the facility.
C O N G R E G AT I O N 1
was a required attendee). This was the first of the
Sunday series, which we have inherited from the
Underground Theatre. It was really well attended
and I gather, from all that I spoke to, that it was
absolutely brilliant. I keep mentioning this but I am
very excited about this series; I know it will hugely
enhance our musical life at St Saviours.
We have three more Monday lunchtime events,
October 1st, November 5th and December 3rd.
Please put the dates in your diaries and support
these concerts, we desperately need the money
to keep the organ going. I would also remind you
that I am still wanting donations for the recording
that Alex Eadon has very kindly agreed to do for
us. We still have a long way to go to reach the
target to get this off the ground. Please come and
see me about this if you would like to help.
I would especially draw your attention to the
December concert. This will be given by David
Horne. He will be presenting an Advent meditation
which tells the story of the annunciation and of
the events running up to Christmas. This is so
How lovely it is to be involved in music. I am great and I know that you will want to give David
so fed up with the news, Brexit this, Trump your support after what can only be described as
that, a divided nation, we all hate each other… an annus horribilis for him!
ARRRGGGHH!!! As always, please look out for details of the
Anyway, as always, there’s a lot to look forward concerts and all musical events at the back of the
to at St Saviour’s. September heralded a new church. If you feel that you are able to distribute
beginning for us and I am pleased to say that any flyers, please take a handful and pass them
Fr. Mark is very supportive of our music around. They serve no useful purpose just lying
programme so I am very confident that things around on the table.
will continue to grow. We had a bit of a dodgy As I said at the
time last year with all the problems with the organ beginning we have a
blower; if you remember it kept blowing but in a new vicar, which is
bad way. Those problems seem to have long gone great news.
and we are moving from strength to strength. I am very much
Since my last letter we have had two piano looking forward
recitals. The first of which was given by Rosemary to working with
Kemp who delivered an extraordinary concert him. The service
on the late August Bank Holiday. This was a of induction
massive programme, which ranged from Bach was a great
to Rachmaninov. Some of the best-loved music occasion and
in the repertoire was delivered with great vigour I would like to
and presence. Thank you Rosie, as always, a thank everyone
great occasion and enjoyed by all attending. involved and
The second was another piano recital given by supporting me
Maria Marchant on the newly acquired grand with the music.
piano. Unfortunately, I was unable to attend (it As always, I am wittering on too long. When I next
was my grandson’s second birthday party and I write to you the clocks will be going back. URGH!!
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The Vicarage virtually sparkled having been
blitzed the previous day by nine members of the
congregation. Well done everyone.
Hello Darlings On 19th September we had one of Sues’ outings
At last we can say St Saviours is under new to Ashburnham and Fr Mark accompanied us.
management. Father Mark was inducted and A good time was had by all. Fr Tony conducted
installed as our new Vicar by Bishop Martin mass in the church there. I think he may have
on 25th September. I can’t enthuse at length wished he hadn’t volunteered as the altar was
because at the time of writing this for the approached by many steps.
deadline it hadn’t taken place. More on it next Well let’s review what’s happened recently…
time. My Chiropodist cancelled so I’m hobbling around
on sore paws.
The grand moving in was an event in itself. The Fr Nevsky Everett preached on 2nd September.
massive removal van had to be coaxed through Fr is Chaplain of Keble College (our Patrons).
the Funeral Gate from South Street - no mean feat Good of him to fit us in to his busy schedule.
in view of its length. The driver was brilliant. He Don’t some Priests look so young these days.
and his mate even managed to pull up one of the Just like the Police and the Doctors.
bollards that had been deterring their progress We took possession of the Pew Cushions and
from its deep concrete base using brute force. kneelers from St Johns in Meads thanks to an
John Burford and Paul Fella showed their flexibility anonymous donor. Generally welcomed although
and replaced said offending bollard the next inevitably some grumbles. You can’t please
morning. everyone.
The Diocesan Roadshow took place in our Church
on 11th September. A good attendance and
the Diocese were happy with the result and our
Another Piano Recital was held in the afternoon
of 16th. These are Underground Theatre concerts
and over 80 attended at a tenner a time.
Well worth supporting. I couldn’t attend this one
as I was suffering from a fur ball in my throat.
Medicinal Gin cured it.
The Churchwardens held a successful Cheese
and Wine Party on 22nd to thank all the Clergy
who helped during the Interegnum . Their
participation meant that our services were
maintained throughout without disruption.
We bade a sad farewell to Fr Gerard from Our
Lady of Ransom who unfortunately was moved on
the same day as the Induction. Such a shame as
he and Fr Mark had met and got on like a house
on fire. He has now got his first Parish in Woking.
I hope we stay in touch.
The annual service for Our Lady of Fatima seems If you fancy a trip out and are a Choral Evensong
set to continue. Today 30th September - the supporter then try Hove on 31st when Eastbourne
day this magazine is published is Fr Mark’s first College Chapel Choir are performing. 5pm I think.
Sunday. More on that next time. John Thornley will have details.
What has this month in store for us? The night are drawing in and the annual
Harvest Festival is on 7th, but the day before that inconvenience of changing the clocks is on 27th.
Bishop Nicholas Reade is celebrating a Mass at I do wish they would leave well alone.
11am to publicise Caring and Sharing. Fr Tony is I’ve just remembered. Have you noticed the new
assisting. seat cushions for the Priests and Servers . There
Returning to the following day we follow mass is even one in the Bishops throne near the High
with a Harvest Ploughman’s Lunch in the Hall. Altar. Made and donated by a Parishioner. Thank
Chat Stop continues on 13th and rumour has it you for your selfless time consuming work.
this is to be extended. Look out for more details. Well next time you will have a report on the
We endure the Quinquennial Inspection on 19th Induction and Fr Marks first Sunday. I’m keeping
when the building is looked at in detail from top to quiet on the gossip for the moment but rest
bottom inside and out and we eventually receive assured I see and hear all that’s going on - or not.
a report on what work needs to be done. The My Chaise has been spruced up for the Winter
Finance Committee will be biting their nails. and even possibly for a visit by the Vicar. Thanks
The servers are having another attempt at to Tesco special offers my supply of litres of
raising money for Church Funds with a Lunch on Gin is ample so if naughty Brexit causes supply
Saturday 27th Octobers. Tickets £6 difficulties I will survive until the Spring.
Chin Chin
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Bud – Bean – Bake
#LoveFlowers #LoveCoffee #LoveEastbourne
From the desk of ‘Food Fetish’
Gildredge Road is mild chaos these days with the re-siting of the bus stops and re-routing
of the bus services. Attempting to go by electric buggy is increasingly more difficult as the
numbers at the new bus stops get larger and there is less and less room to pass.
However, one bright oasis is the “Poppy Seed.” It is a bakery based really in Bexhill but it receives
daily deliveries of fresh supplies including excellent bread. By the way, if you want sliced bread,
you must order it the day before; otherwise there is an
excellent selection of different breads unsliced. It is also
a really good place for lunch. One tip though is to avoid
the midday rush as many of the local office staff arrive
for take-away fresh sandwiches and the like. There is
seating inside and out and the menu is very good. We
had a jacket potato with Coronation chicken. It comes
with a salad garnish and is a generous portion. There is
a large selection of fillings to choose from, and they are
available in the jackets or is rolls or sandwiches. Coffee
is very good too. As they say, “simples.”
Go early or leave it until 1.00pm because the staff are
fully occupied in making fresh sandwiches for the take-
away menu and that is very popular from about midday
till 1.00pm. It’s worth a try.
Dates for your Diary October 2018
Mon 1 10.30am Mass S Therese of the Child Jesus V. Dr.
Tues 2 12 noon Mass The Holy Guardian Angels
Wed 3 10.30am Mass CBS
Thur 4 10.30am Mass St Francis of Assisi Rel.
Fri 5 12 noon Mass
Sat 6 09.00am Mass
Sun 7 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time 08.00am Mass 10.30am Solemn Mass
Harvest Thanksgiving
Mon 8 10.30am Mass Faithful Departed – Guild of All Souls
Tues 9 12 noon Mass S Denis and Companions Ms.
Wed 10 10.30am Mass
Thur 11 10.30am Mass
Fri 12 12 noon Mass S Wilfred Bp.
Sat 13 09.00am Mass S Edward the Confessor K.
Sun 14 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time 08.00am Mass 10.30am Solemn Mass
Mon 15 10.30am Mass St Teresa of Jesus V. Dr.
Tues 16 12 noon Mass
Wed 17 10.30am Mass S Ignatius of Antioch Bp. M.
Thur 18 10.30am Mass S. Luke Evangelist
Fri 19 12 noon Mass
Sat 20 09.00am Mass
Sun 21 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time 08.00am Mass 10.30am Solemn Mass
Mon 22 10.30am Mass
Tues 23 12 noon Mass
Wed 24 10.30am Mass S. Anthony Mary Claret Bp.
Thur 25 10.30am Mass S. Crispin and S. Crispinian Ms. Walsingham Cell
Fri 26 12 noon Mass S. Chad and S. Cedd Bps.
Sat 27 09.00am Mass
Sun 28 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time 08.00am Mass 10.30am Solemn Mass
Mon 29 10.30am Mass
Tues 30 12 noon Mass
Wed 31 10.30am Mass
Church Officers THE DIRECTORY Telephone
01323 722317
Vicar Fr Mark McAulay SSC
The Vicarage Spencer Road Eastbourne BN21 4PA 460905
07706 067496
Hon Associate Clergy Fr Paul Christian SSC
Canon Robert Fayers SSC 381796
Fr Anthony Fiddian-Green MA, Cert Ed 422050
Rev Christopher Hadfield BA 485399
Fr Nick MacNeill, BTh 723345
Rev Dr David Musson M Phil 723584
Fr John Wright BSc Cert Ed
Churchwardens Mrs Pauline Fella 412061
Mr John Vernon 645145
Deputy Churchwardens Mr Keith Metcalfe 431283
Mrs Rosemarie Emery 720577
Secretary PCC Mrs Judy Grundy 351014
Treasurer Miss Mary Delves 647969
Chair of Finance Mr Carl Hodgkinson 07759 940832
Other Officers Mr Paul Collins 419769
Director of Music 07922 089303
07759 940832
Parish Hospital Contact Mr Richard Elliott 645145
Head Server Mr Neil Clarke 486214
Car Park Manager / 100 Club Mr Steve Gilbert 656346
Church Hall Managers Mrs Sylvia Dwyer 723375
Mrs Heather Neilsen-Bonini 724317
Safeguarding Officer Mr Neil Clarke 656346
Electoral Role Officer Mrs Susan Metcalfe
Deanery Synod Miss Mary Delves, Mrs Isobel Nugent 485399
Librarian Mr David Thorpe 381796
07759 940832
Open Church Mr Roger Ellis 735410
Fundraising Co-ordinator Mr Paul Fella 434785
Flower Arrangers Mrs Rita Orchard – Fridays from 9am 725796
Church Cleaning Mrs Rita Orchard – Tuesdays from 9am
Church Grounds Mr John Burford
Mrs Diana Dean, Mrs Lynette Newman
Webmaster / Magazine / Publicity Mr Paul Fella
Church Office Answerphone
Church Organisations Miss Lis Trustam – call for details
Bible Reading Fellowship
Book Group Rev Nick MacNeill – call for details
Family Support Work Miss Jennifer Hodgkinson and Mr Robert Ascott
Chat-Stop Rev Anthony Fiddian-Green
Guild of All Souls Mr Neil Clarke
Our Lady of Walsingham / CBS Miss Mary Delves
Churches Together Mrs Beverly Cochran
Mission to Seafarers Mrs Isobel Nugent
Additional Curates Society Mr Roger Emery