The Parish magazine of December 2018
Volume XLIX No.12
Contents Page Church Services
Hurtling towards Christmas, or starting Advent 3 Sundays
From Bishop Martin 4 8.00 Low Mass
10.30 Solemn Mass and Sermon
Bishops of the Society - Glyn Webster 5 followed by refreshments
in the Church Hall.
Fr Arthur Tooth SSC 6
More Catholic Trivia 7 Weekdays
Burns Night Supper Mon, Wed, Thurs 10.30am
Tues and Fri 12noon
The ‘O’ Antiphons 8 Sat 9.00am
October Programme for CTE 9
Our Lady of Walsingham Cell 10 Major Weekday Festivals
100’s Club Winners Said Mass as above, Sung Mass: 7.30pm
unless otherwise indicated on notice boards.
New Church Leaflets 11
Our Festival of Title 12-13 The Clergy are happy to bring the Sacrament to
the housebound or sick at any hour of the day or
New Car Parking Permits 15 night. The Holy Oil is available for those who wish
to be anointed.
Blast from the Console 20 The Sacrament of Reconciliation
Confessions by appointment.
Christmas Gala Concert 21
Hospital visits
Kitty 22 Our Parish Contact for local hospitals,
Mr Richard Elliott (872168), will visit and give
Dates for your Diary 23 communion to those in hospital.
Directory 24 Other Services provided by the church
For Baptisms, Banns of Marriage, Weddings
Cover image: Advent ring - detail and Funerals please contact the Vicar.
The Parish Magazine is published on the first Facebook
Sunday of the month.
Production: Paul Fella
Matter for publication should be submitted to Website
[email protected] is the church
Copy deadline is 20th of the month and articles website and is managed by Paul Fella to
should be no longer than 750 words. News items whom matter for the site should be sent via
or reports should be factual and no longer than [email protected].
250 words. Articles are copyright to the author
and may not be reproduced in any form without The church is open from 8.30am each day and
the written permission of the author or Editor. The a team of volunteers is available to answer
Editor's decision is final regarding content. questions etc from 10.00am most days.
Disclaimers: The Editor does not necessarily The Book Shop/Souvenir Stall is also open while
agree with all of the views expressed in this there is a volunteer on duty.
magazine. St Saviour’s Eastbourne, is the parish
church of St Saviour and St Peter. The parish and St Saviour's Church
its representatives do not endorse or recommend South Street Eastbourne East Sussex BN21 4UT
any of the products or services advertised in this Telephone: 01323 729702
Magazine. Caveat emptor! 2
Hurtling towards Christmas, or starting Advent…
My dear friends,
Time seems to pass so quickly – and, I am told, Because this little baby whose birth we celebrate,
this is a phenomenon which I will experience is God. No more, no less. Not a God of trumpets
more and more as I get older ! It only seems five and thunderbolts and armies, but tiny and
minutes ago that I first joined you (although in vulnerable, like us. And what’s more, knowing full
some respects it feels a lot longer – I’m sure that’s well our infinite capacity for stupidity and cruelty
a good thing…) and now I – along with all of you and indifference, he will surrender his infinite
– find myself rapidly hurtling towards Christmas power and die for us on the cross of Calvary.
(or, to be accurate about things, starting Advent –
or, in the secular world, the ‘Season of Extended This isn’t sentimental folklore, despite all the
Opening’). attempts of our society (and perhaps ourselves
So how does this holy season make you feel ? ?) to make it such. It is, literally, an amazing gift,
For me, I have to admit that – paradoxically - it more than we can comprehend, let alone deserve,
is a real mixture of joy tinged with a modicum of and our imaginations fail.
irritation. Thankfully, the former tends to outweigh
the latter and, by the Nativity, I have experienced But sometimes we half know it, when we’re
delighted expectation, and am full of good cheer generous and compassionate and cheerful. And
and a warm glow inside (albeit a trifle tired !). when we concentrate on the real meaning of
I suspect for you, like me, it may be a case of Christmas – the Incarnation of the Son of God,
a bit of both; but Christmas has always been a the Saviour and Redeemer of the World – and
paradoxical festival, both one thing and another at not allow ourselves to be swept up into the
the same time: because we are all part Santa, part materialism of the “Season of Extended Opening
Scrooge. and Self-Indulgence”.
Perhaps this is because the real gift of Christmas
– not the transient rubbish promoted by the Because at Christmas we celebrate real
adverts – is so staggering that we can’t even ‘materialism’. As we will hear in the first chapter
begin to understand it. It is mind boggling to think of Saint John’s Gospel on Christmas morning
that, in Jesus, God entered his own creation – in a (also the last lesson of our Festival of Nine
real, material way – sharing all the pleasures and Lessons and Carols on Christmas Eve):
pains, hopes and joys of our human experience.
The sheer humility of it all is astounding. “In the beginning
In Jesus, the Ultimate became intimate. was the Word
…and the Word
became flesh…”
And that Word is Jesus : the most precious gift we
can ever have.
May God bless all of you and your families this
Christmas and in the year ahead.
With my love and prayers,
Fr. Mark
From Bishop Martin…
One of the aspects iosfaNlwaarnyisa,wininCterSaLnedwnise’vsenr oCvherli,sTtmheasL.ion, the Witch and the
Wardrobe, is that it
a–IOtgnSJinrniseileeoesbfunuorancosfncektCdeheisehnhrertihibshssayeptbl,letmirorhectnaefhtuerfcktgoowrseryipootooheuffforCutahpdsheln.eerieIadstowdteifms.c-gbIeaatooisltisosrf,oundhtlwh,bocejwrhiuloliss.elkdytvemeadnrsrb,baiiotswylcittonhahfganeotbbsutroehrenesatghitsnheiolaeafmnnntdehcddeeoniuaiuesmnrebgmdreoioonlfskrgctewaofnlorhi.ptooyod. rate
cuMosun. stBriicubtucwtaionenpcoalanfnttthaaoksseeomnwguhsoinicaofrouerrogmurriannmdtseu,dsli,ecat-tmnindagktoietorisnr.sapreirley us, as one of God’s gifts to
appreciate the skills and
smhTtthTaihhalelhneotlteidpsrsgry-eiouoCainwosulhgdrthrte.oitoslnToetbehamalweeerseaayesmsrfln,aoroion.nafodzsdpkefeuwenfaolneicorncesfaositnuamihlgrneeaednogslttuheiilpnerotgonphcvtaeeoeprmfraolthanlystecdo,aaelnjrjesuotdtssiinnutdaisctoneheudsbeprhemaawagnisironr,garndaeltdoswel tsftaauhyonilteandfttmgopwcroolemiorflnelspuebetestrhrriaicanatcoitngaeenhadstsooh.s,mcaeaitaaeswsl,toawehnnehadayerlere
+ Martin
The Right Reverend Glyn Webster
Glyn Webster is currently Bishop of Beverley to 1999, he was the Senior Chaplain for the York
Health Services NHS Trust.
He was additionally a canon and prebendary of
York Minster from 1994 to 1999 and also Rural
Dean for the City of York from 1997 to 2004. From
2005 to 2010, he was also Associate Diocesan
Director of Ordinands. From 1999 his main role
was as canon residentiary of York Minster — firstly
as Treasurer until 2003, and then as Chancellor,
and twice as Acting Dean during vacancies.
Glyn Hamilton Webster was born in 1951 and He was elected as a member of General Synod in
worked as a State Registered Nurse at the 1995. From 2000 to January 2013, he served as
Blackburn Royal Infirmary before training for the Prolocutor of the Lower House of the Convocation
ordained ministry at Cranmer Hall, Durham. of York and also as a member of the Crown
Nominations Commission and the Archbishops’
Council. He was a chaplain to Elizabeth II.
Bishop Glyn Webster was consecrated in York
Minster on 25 January 2013.
He was a curate at Huntington in the Diocese of Bishop Glyn is a suffragan bishop in the Diocese
York from 1977 to 1981. From 1981 to 1992, he of York and an assistant bishop in the Dioceses
was Vicar of St Luke’s York. From 1981 to 1992, of Chester, Durham, Liverpool, Manchester,
he was a chaplain at the York Hospital, known at Sheffield, Sodor & Man, Southwell & Nottingham
the time as York District Hospital, and from 1992 and West Yorkshire & the Dales.
Fr Arthur Tooth SSC
Arthur Tooth SSC (17 June 1839 – 5 March
1931) was a ritualist priest in the Church of
England and a member of the Society of the
Holy Cross.
St Mary the Less Lambeth circa 1836
minister of St Mary Magdalene’s mission church
in the parish of St. Nicholas Church, Chiswick. In
1868 he became vicar of St James’s Hatcham, a
working class parish in south-east London.
Tooth’s efforts to renew the life of St James’
Hatcham started to attract large congregations.
His approach combined capable preaching,
the introduction of ritualist practices and the
establishment of parish organisations designed to
help the more needy residents of the area. He also
established the Guild of All Souls at St James’s in
Tooth was born on 17 June 1839 at Swifts Park When the Public Worship Regulation Act was
near Cranbrook, Kent. He was educated at passed in 1874, those who disapproved of his
Tonbridge School and, in 1858, became a student ritualist liturgical practices set a prosecution in
at Trinity College, Cambridge. He graduated in motion. He was charged with (among other things)
science in 1862. the use of incense, vestments, and altar candles.
The case came before Lord Penzance at Lambeth
Palace on 13 July 1876. Tooth did not attend as
he refused to recognise the authority of the court.
He ignored both the judicial warnings that resulted
from his non-attendance and the legal attempts to
restrain him from exercising his ministry, although
After he graduated from Cambridge University, London’s Horsemonger Lane Gaol
Tooth travelled around the world twice (he became
an accomplished horseman and crack shot) and
he discovered a vocation to the priesthood –
although no satisfactory explanation seems to
have been found for what sparked off his interest
in ritualism. He was ordained deacon in 1863 to a
title at St Mary-the-Less, Lambeth, but he spent
only a year there because his churchmanship
clashed with that of his vicar. He was ordained
priest in 1864 and served a second curacy at
St Mary’s Folkestone. From 1865 to 1868 he was
he was now facing disruptions when he presided Fr Arthur Tooth SSC now at eternal rest in the
at worship caused largely by people hired for the nave of the Anglican Shrine at Walsingham.
purpose by his opponents.
Eventually, on 22 January 1877, as a result of
repeatedly ignoring the decisions of the Court of
Arches, he was taken into custody for contempt
of court and imprisoned at London’s Horsemonger
Lane Gaol. This action immediately transformed
him in the eyes of Anglo-Catholics from a rebel
into a Christian martyr, and his story became
national headline news.
The agitations that resulted from his arrest and
imprisonment played a central role in bringing the
Public Worship Regulation Act into disrepute. His
conviction was quashed on a technicality.
More Catholic Trivia
Gregorian chant was established as the primar y me ans of musical worship in
Mass by the Second Vatican Council
There are five decades of be ads on an ordinar y Rosar y
The t welve drummers drumming in the Christmas Carol represent the number of
points of belief in the Apostle’s Creed (The first version was probably writ ten by
Ambrose in AD 390.)
26 January 2019
Doors open 7pm
Tickets: £10.00
from Elizabeth Hadeld
Traditional Scottish Fayre
with Barn Dancing
The ‘O’ Antiphons
Those of you with an eye for detail, or else an
interest in matters liturgical, will notice in the
calendar at the back of this magazine that
towards the end of Advent, the days have
Latin titles (for example, 17th December is
O Sapientia). What is the significance of this ?
The names of the days relate to the antiphons Tuesday 18th December O Adonai
used as the introduction and conclusion to the Adonai and leader of Israel, you appeared to
Magnificat at Evening Prayer and as the text of Moses in a burning bush and you gave him the
the Gospel Acclamation during the final days of Law on Sinai. O come and save us with your
Advent, 17th - 23rd December. Because they all mighty power.
start with ‘O’, they are called the ‘O’ Antiphons. Amen.
The exact origin of the ‘O’ Antiphons is not
known. Boethius (c. 480-524) made reference to Wednesday 19th December O Radix Jesse
them, suggesting their use at that time. But it is Stock of Jesse, you stand as a signal for the
clear that by the eighth century, they were fully in nations; kings fall silent before you whom the
use in the liturgical celebrations in Rome. peoples acclaim. O come to deliver us, and do not
The importance of the ‘O’ Antiphons is twofold. delay. Amen.
Each one highlights a title of the Messiah:
O Sapientia (O Wisdom)
O Adonai (O Lord) Thursday, 20th December O Clavis David
O Radix Jesse (O Root of Jesse) Key of David and Sceptre of Israel, what you open
O Clavis David (O Key of David) no one else can close again; what you close no
O Oriens (O Rising Sun) one can open. O come and lead the captive from
prison; free those who sit in darkness and in the
shadow of death.
O Rex Gentium (O King of the Nations) Friday 21st December O Oriens
O Emmanuel (O God is with us) Rising Sun, you are the splendour of eternal light
and the sun of justice. O come and enlighten
…also, each one refers to the prophecy of Isaiah those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of
looking forward to the coming of the Messiah. death.
You may wish to use them to pray in the special Amen.
period of grace at the end of Advent as we await
our Saviour’s birth : Saturday 22nd December O Rex Gentium
Monday 17th December O Sapientia King whom all the peoples desire, you are the
Wisdom, you come forth from the mouth of the cornerstone which makes all one. O come and
Most High. You fill the universe and hold all things save man whom you made from clay.
together in a strong yet gentle manner. O come to Amen.
teach us the way of truth.
Amen. Monday, 24th December O Emmanuel
Emmanuel, you are our king and judge, the one
whom the peoples await and their Saviour. O
come and save us, Lord, our God.
December Programme for CTE
Langney SC Carol Singing
Sat 8 December
Churches have been invited to sing Christmas Carols in the Langney Shopping Centre from 10am.
This is an amazing opportunity for reaching out and serving our local community..
EastbOURne’s Annual Day of Prayer
Sat 19 January 2019
Now in it’s 9th year! This year’s theme is ‘For such a time as this’. Join with Christians from many
churches to pray for our town and area from 9.30 to 5 pm. Come and go as you are able. At Kings
Centre, Edison Rd. Graham Kendrick will be joining us all day.
Courses at Ellel/Glyndley Manor
Inside Out Freedom From Pornography
7 - 8 December 2018 (Fri - Sat) at Ellel Grange 19 January 2019 (Sat) at Ellel Pierrepont
In this course we will investigate how God Hear inspiring testimonies and learn the biblical
made each person and how the various parts of keys to walking in freedom from this widespread
our being work together to develop the whole addiction. Confidential prayer available.
personhood. Together we will explore how
the inner being is adversely affected by past Living Letters
experiences and consider some of the possible 25 - 27 January 2019 (Fri - Sun)
outworking of inner damage and the associated at Ellel Grange
pain. In this unique course Peter Horrobin draws on
his thirty-five years of teaching and ministry
Getting to the Root of the Problem experience to illustrate the most important
18 - 20 January 2019 (Fri - Sun) at Ellel Grange lessons from the letters of Revelation which are
Have you been prayed for repeatedly for the vital for today.
same issue and yet it never seems to shift?
Perhaps the prayer has not gone to the root of Freemasonry - The Christian Response
the problem. 26 January 2019 (Sat) at Ellel Pierrepont
Freemasonry is shrouded in darkness with
HEALING WEEKEND: RESTORING secret oaths, pacts and ceremonies and many
RELATIONSHIPS Christians are unaware of the negative impact it
18 - 21 January 2019 (Fri - Mon) can have on their lives and families.
at Ellel Glyndley Manor
Are you one of the many people struggling Free Taster Day at Glyndley Manor
to experience real joy and blessing from your 26 January 2019 (Sat) at Ellel Glyndley Manor
relationships? God created us to relate with This exciting free day will give you the
others - our neighbours, work-mates, fellow opportunity of tasting for yourself some of
Christians, marriage partner and members of our the foundational teaching of Ellel Ministries
families - but these relationships are often flawed as we look at various aspects of healing and
and can become a source of pain and misery. discipleship.
Maybe there are behaviours that you can’t seem
to overcome or fears that grip you and hold To contact the centre Bookings
you back from being able to relate. Then this Office Telephone: 01323 440440
weekend is for you! Email: [email protected]
A lamp burns for The winners of the October
this church in the 2018 100's Club draw were:
Shrine of Our Lady
of Walsingham 1st 50 Jenny Mail
If you are interested in 2nd 90 Lyndsay Grinstead
joining our Walsingham Cell
please contact Mary Delves 3rd 83 Rosemary Emery
on 735410
We are now entering our twelfth year.
The cost remains at £2 per month
(£24 for the year). Currently
prizes remain at £40, £20 and £10
respectively, however if the level
falls so will the prize money.
All profit goes to the Church and
Church Room. Please see Steve
Gilbert (01323 469078) for details.
The Scheme is open to all.
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From minor home improvements and extensions to complete renovation.
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New Church Leaflets
We will launching our new free ‘guide to the church’ leaflets in January.
They follow a similar format to the previous version, but they are now produced
‘in house’. Initially they will be available in English, French, German and Italian
– Portuguese and Spanish will follow soon. If anyone knows anyone who could
do other translations please contact Paul Fella.
iesa non è Nel 1874 la cappella di San Pietro si aprì sul retro
o per molte dell’attuale municipio, diventando una chiesa
sotto, le S. permanente di San Pietro in Meads Road, nel 1897. Benvenuti a
esa tutta la A quel tempo, a San Salvatore era stato concesso In 1874 St Peter’s chapel of ease opened at
lo stato di Parrocchia (1892) indipendente da Santa Please remember this church is not a museum.
PeeunbnccceRoseénVesrhetbpaédioeìc’othLtuareétecoodhdyoenlrfnrhMMMMMMMeessMioatrd)tiatilamdaeileruvteItnofuéedatmomeplioe,ietapledFedduesaeelvseeeeeeeeureteenslsneeegrtCsédeeàrr-pteéeloulaibltdissssssstHsséetl’e’actarouceiiiéiàesos.fllaPherndcsssssssliolsnin0dlegSeldcôeglpiniesasretapbdPtlzaaaaaaausiaesuaurttec8elvaCerltttttpgarrén’izao.juaàéteemdRdttvsrmdétsot.onipejPsobtoerrieuia3ncvlveedr.qnioéeeelenet’ddiétoanSénineenséearsso0ietshetelddou)t.getadlluuryoeé’in.aanpsrvdidceiirrric-rulrnulépeneaoelciidnPni.eeuiiceoietslsilasred,n’édeiltlïidetafet.èeerôiitsoséllqoegdueea’earlerrcrStntetnàireu.ntaeéieernnnieeed’deéaslelr,ng’stdersunlaéugieés’cte:nésexongrslrp,etit,gêrsaldsilcoipdlaelsltlbeeiiesursvuses,letsereagpsemkts.lruéeiemtaoiaoodr1SR(CSMSdAipQcUpSAqlclmdLpiecssnneedeasatrio5a,euieuoaaiperia’inubttaùqitatieaèvSGsvgeSesmp0sollsòrtlbenuvelvrruglulioorarnhsndutiaip’snutbpisaesaneaeePaaadnorolettioenesdeiLceuttsgba.ooafnlrzsiDediaunopmietrSl’nofeorcuÉeceSsilnqlStvdEetieorreaofsEataSelcphcleAetleaoixareGu’aeToliIAenrsgcoeotéaurueiddnA.rdnr,ntlreIapsLtoevvtnuilorlcoznNtnbspeetetieoEpafa.IbapoaaaeIiSirzdurrNcstaLlftslltSedlmTlooroaoiuibstlattiouaathaetceccaincceoaenrTsuiucidssEnsdilrbclLislreuolahpaeeoSarolquvdnlrohrieletveoisedcusaeaernmeaiznP,ibraandiuPeneiiAeItspùreidutatdroetutc(eineuoagoictaovHeoeaipaI’lo.mlpeVAuninUbdioddil’llste’EsnlccutrroDnialélnauovEaidneat’ateqianirnaâiouaediRtfetaoLVvidqoiRtssasgieleGaunrrrgènoiurdtrlnceulttqitnpàneiielBtoìmnlOoinuapsr’doEeitSlliRlcitameariéArdCehlieieeleafqocaueca1IvntdsdlitoaeoeàloItdUraLlilspaopEat’iselouemfdéuSlrrarouec8rreeaeeiteeeigé.ndoCeSdrué’tnaxinarteloLuRrd,nJséxrnarme4eserbsMu.ioSgipeérngitàt-DaeévopofetahMqttcbdu’oseicgita9tiPstnoatteÉnotrhnrflcasdaeneisDhtIiioavtasoeeuiuuFeisuidtiilscdaeuA.diicsaalalgnascctiosrcdaitlneétiefrernntsceervueleseEthénaPbeuhiriedonneeioblaseanLtericf:ante)envi“etcavteeoCievielirvndslimbcHenlerdruiuppscindztbreidceloEelloionontiueeeirseaairlfmaeiyolghavasèeiudhiilcai)aotcrinreulpCnemtotnstllesRradaesldesecnionimueedemhrdVChdautedleoiesvlpnlDacnthVirlaiSlaveiàm,reeaptmriielhesiueionatapodsesedeoéhooeltat1eldeiuerctacelapd’àctreimapdcGn.Peacersniianieiasrfino9lrSovioironevcnsll’yéoeareei.nhsLrdnceooalArcqstcunr7eoegvnaeienddSnésuoeciitgmris.tèieeçhaudronornuohnofatain2lneoiea.tn3stsiemrichceear,luncvVaiibvsrteirmgrste,f.tuone‘e.u1tSsridioeeréetdainvtMlgeedritlphoSuetsiqdlvduelnSeeeepefaaeediezeeneilmSllreuejeciinldleeldttaatauacnucreen’irateritErialonppsqeoraa,e“ieeanfeulrnaalbneoraWztstmliss(aauiSaui1iesnioooruasa,narnuoOelttvnnscibnesés’irsotervd8tthpneuuéregiqrcxituisdesird.adra(jedeltc1vrelln.6ouSoeererogdliecaabuihvi)uulimouqroah8lveueU5naàul,smacsllatueiiopcleaeias.teTvVi6u1lr”’sruovoidtprlinÉu,stLcottslii,i,er.oss6a8éieeieltl,ondlaieoéerodlgouhàtouacUwr6)esnLraon’resgltunvaplecrécoto7.gidieannv,esatepsiridnltènoleeiw’’)iéédilelrpmosElnsnreséenOFTEFwWT(PIpFIotwIaHMSCscdae’l”ntncuacéhoaeoaemAC,roonfallo,afaceiohabsuhaefharrlltrmsetouusaoor’trmaMnadlcdhro,uteiielrws00arâaaeuetSTWMFTSllntyutuviisrpe’dblgibm’puc,ilrtk’sm11itbÉsusctreunmmuanawOrheredsauaeeisaocoDdldrrthaelmne33inhhàivssdiroeaanmlutteidsetdncawarnxhCukltntsiadsiué22uêtcuaieorhtynstvescrafidatParipéyae.ddnsq33àaShrorynrMi.o(isisedd(neynsonoyscTiapEISlLVLuaDDtEasSOcEpdcInSSfDcdcSdgsrPasattaertaueainsldemeteetioandihs77einchuoddhunylooltrlnhcaai’seaadaurmlaaneusyàAeestatxiI,mtaaIEiaeaoyeu,éC22mauicnArrgaoausoa.eunmrnfotlrsrenmyscllrdfsidvisvehotyscaeevtfrsbsdn29ogodertevrtnnrvtpgadeiumitdgahoaonctteaddacabecetenrCstoiOuezs73rortsaihieisclluiororme)suàocrmraatdeaaddeyeoaei,midotena.o01siMrionaph“HobWeprlPSzloucMnslyrtnyea.rntCauciuaacVdaS,Skeo72irgrfsooeiluonulevnartheuDliLetiytIiihrAsitllleSbloaaahssnrrgsEsmetarsnuoaanirinDEregeS((ies,aerahozeceac01011111eoinnSsre.oeCVcoeiaiabaledE.ehvtlictGuleidonttechdSvc90802020sadssuraouCyeic,etprhddeiv3S.rocicKoreptoi,Vsiaheae........t,tse.oenrrrnioràheHnAur03303030tmnil1iFaSaafbnneotprupaitesàitrLc.osaosaniigalosaVtbSr00000000toauavrelsyuetndwereetlioYasdNcgvgatd.v,adntaeagiunhrooaPsnsnc@oilerdnanntsiLuhacfreeecougdraoeoellbiusirunahuideaFusnarlSectroooaAlonnroentgnnnsrloeeoDwoyrtaOuctlarperredarsDetoolsafacmnònEeiz1emi.nv)athvlrsuldRohbtadoy,peyirvefnnhehieeeeaowac8leMeeRcaftMcioyucsmzaaaaisdRl”ceve8raia.1iuci4clleaoie,pcoaodaavoVe.riaidyrvoTtiao.fs8clsi9eaeiltmaO3aethen.eAnnrrnnrleaoEinràIr1meaceha6fadgenMMMMMMMS)avM0iairnkCenibtlanlsouseoabeoCra8aiod5cnavd..otaiiu,aip.nnoCvhhyriaaaaaaassvusnErrccriu6mavhdcralodnCmcsVieoitvlsaetfsssssesscokciehcrenea7SmeibWootvcvatoneeustoedssssssss:hmEtoahHiasat,eseroròhernGc,tisaienraaiicregrgeanneuldtevugenassecdeeitoIstntvrnleedmlarsashaaaosraiAocalrvih)vviistanrnoMyvtcannavnt.tkrlahtqeeeoioieaiinpefoLaraedsneidvemieMteneitgapsrvupgee,tierpi.aarsedsalPEtozdreleaesielaeeDrecaanl’preiero,odltiairaltinstlaaroos1onassialtltaiWscSnlCraqnaprooaatyStvtnsud8obpsisoyCoooaaytfugnehcihtcocoe6i,ill.addltn,oninrcehiesaoriieleahvcrd.aG6c.eizntanise,oleueehineehpaUislpoeiecntnsivdsmetcassoasoendoaeatliushlrtler’remnaoadeusaengtiogneie,llignaddllouteèdrescerdlngsaiimefeeiouino.crreoeciroòo the back of the present Town Hall, becoming a
permanent St Peter’s Church in Meads Road, in Welcome to
1897. By this time, St Saviour’s had been granted
full Parish status (1892) and was now independent THE PARISH CHURCH
of St Mary’s. St Saviour’s and St Peter’s continued OF
as separate parishes until 1972 when St Peter’s was ST SAVIOUR
closed and the two parishes combined. A chapel AND
dedicated to St Peter is located at the east end of ST PETER
the North Aisle in St Saviour’s.
By the middle of the nineteenth century, Eastbourne
A fuller account of the history of St Saviour’s Church was a growing town, noted for its healthy climate. In
and a full description of its interior can be found in: 1849 the railway arrived. An increasing number of
A Guide to the Interior of the Church. people were visiting for an extended summer stay or
This provides a much more detailed description of choosing to live here.
the interior of the Church than can be provided in
this brief introductory guide. The 7th Duke of Devonshire, who owned much of
the land in the area had started to lay out a new
A Short Introduction to the History of Saint town to the south and west of what is now the Old
Saviour’s Eastbourne by Fred Reeve. Town. The old Parish Church of St Mary the Virgin
(Currently out of print) was some distance from the new residential areas
Although entitled a ‘short introduction’, this does and new churches were needed. Keen to develop
provide a comprehensive survey of the first the established Church of England the Vicar of
150 Years of the life of this Church. Eastbourne, with the financial support of Harriott
Manby and George Whelpton, sought to build a new
There are also a number of postcards illustrating church on land provided by the Duke of Devonshire.
aspects of the beauty of the church.
Work began in 1865 on designs by George Edmund
Both books and postcards, as well as other religious Street, an eminent architect of his day who had
artefacts can be purchased from the book stall at designed the Law Courts in the Strand in London,
the rear of the North Aisle. the American Cathedral in Paris as well as many
other churches. He was also architect for the
Please turn to the middle pages of this leaflet for Diocese of Oxford. The church was completed in
points of special interest of the architecture of 1866 and the present building was consecrated
this beautiful building, its stained glass windows, by the Bishop of Chichester as ‘St Saviour’s’ ie. the
its paintings, the mosaics, the Stations of the Church of the Holy Saviour on 31st January 1867,
Cross, and the chancel with its magnificent within the ancient parish of St Mary the Virgin.
Our Festival of Title
Sunday 25th November was a wonderful
celebration of over one hundred and fifty years
of Anglo-catholic worship in our church.
This was Fr Mark’s first ‘Festival of Title’ with
us and he did it with great style and aplomb!
Ably assisted by Fr Robert, Fr Tony and
Fr Christopher and a full team of servers
(well done Keith for carrying that very heavy
cross!), the Mass, followed by procession of
the Blessed Sacrament and Benediction, was
a triumph and a fitting celebration of our faith –
as someone commented, “proper religion”.
– Christ the King!
As is becoming customary, we had a very thought
provoking sermon delivered by Fr Mark and there
was certainly a very positive ‘vibe’ among the
congregation after the service. This was also very
evident over the lunch table.
Our celebratory lunch was once again hosted
by The Cumberland Hotel, who provided a very
generous Carvery and for those who indulged,
wine flowed! Although the hotel was very heavily
booked for lunch (which meant that there was
a bit of a wait for some people and bit of queue
management was needed), I believe a good time
was had by all! It was certainly good value! Well
done Elizabeth for doing so well at getting the
tickets sorted – not easy with people changing
their minds or leaving it to the last minute. And
thanks too to the rest of the events team.
REMINDER! New Car Park permits
The new Car Park permits are now in use. Please see Steve and get your new 'electrostatic'
permit (you peel the front plastic film off and they stick to your windscreen without adhesive and
peel off with no residue), by signing-up or renewing your parking subscription.
This year we have introduced a fixed minimum charge of £45.00 for a Congregation permit.
You may, of course, pay more at your discretion if you feel that you are able – the real value of town-
centre parking is far more than the ‘cover price’ of the permit. There are also numbered permits for both
Car Parks for the reserved spaces to help us monitor usage and any abuses.
C O N G R E G AT I O N 1
Christmas Eve
Sun4d.3a0ypm1F8estthivaNl ofoNvineemLebsseonrsaant d2C.a4ro5lspm
11.30pm Midnight Mass and Blessing of the Crib
Christmas Day
8.00am Mass of the Dawn
Tickets10£.3100am High Mass of Christmas Day
ADvoaoirlaOEblNevaLetYtrhye one is welcome
St Saviour’s Church
South Street Eastbourne
Registered Charity No 1131420
Notes from the PCC meeting
held on 21st November 2018
Much of the meeting was taken up with A solution to the problem is being sought before
discussion about the Parish Share and our the glass is replaced again.
financial situation for which there was a vote of There were no new entries on the Electoral Roll
thanks to Carl Hodgkinson for his hard and PCC members were reminded to be proactive
work on managing the church finances and in getting new regular worshippers to fill in a form.
producing a budget for 2019.
The churchwardens have now received the The Social Committee reported that the next social
Quinquennial Inspection report and will be events will be lunch at the Cumberland Hotel on
producing an action plan in the coming months. Sunday and a Burn’s Night supper on Saturday
It was noted that the glass panel in the front door 26th January 2019.
of the church has smashed again in spite of a John Vernon was elected to Vice Chairman,
new closer being fitted. This was caused by an and the Standing Committee will be Fr Mark,
exceptionally strong gust of wind that, had the the churchwardens and chair of the finance
closer been strong enough to resist, would have committee.
made the door very difficult to open.
My New Role
Paul Fella – Events Co-ordinator
Earlier this year I was approached by some of our
congregation and asked whether I would be prepared to
take on a role that would bring together the varied and
disperate elements that were involved in running our
Events, Concerts, Recitals, Outings etc. The idea behind
this being to reduce the risk of diary clashes; ensure
venue availability; arrange supervision, management or
staffing when necessary; provide promotional materials
and advertising opportunities; increase Internet and Social
Media exposure; help with sponsorship and more…
This idea was then put to the PCC and at their September meeting and the Events Co-ordinator
post was created. I have subsequently accepted the nomination. This does not mean that I will
be doing everything (far from it), but in taking this on, I hope to encourage the flourishing of ideas
and opportunities for mission and outreach. However, this function can only be successful if there
is input, help and co-operation from all of us here at St Saviour’s. We need to be more active in
fellowship, fundraising and mission – so thinking caps on!
Unfortunately ‘management’ means an amount of administration, and to that end from
1st January 2019, ANYONE who wishes to have an event of any sort, will have to discuss it with
me. They will then be asked to complete a simple form that will provide the necessary information
and detail, to ensure that things will run smoothly when their event takes place.
NO FORM – NO EVENT. I hope it works!!
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She played four Beethoven sonatas (including
the ‘Waldstein’). This was a truly breathtaking
display of virtuoso playing at a very high level. If
you missed it, you really missed out on something
very special. But don’t worry, she will be back in
2019, so do make a point of coming to hear her.
So we now move into December. We have two
further concerts in our regular series, the first
being a meditation in words and music for Advent
on Monday 3rd at 1.00pm, which will be given
by David Horne and me. Please come along and
support us it would be lovely to see you there.
Then on the 16th at 2.45pm there will be another
concert in the former ‘Underground Series’ by the
Archaeus Quartet. The standard of these concerts
is extraordinary, please do try to come along if
you can.
Another month gone by and the air is thick with On Tuesday 18th Lewes, GRlTTyehhMnbeedDueJSRaeicstrneicaecFAnPaPencaeOnaiatCAdlaaoiudMrDDasnnStgBrrlasudaooisoaeeFranItmrvlanewnrdConediiinncoddoiyasc’PstslgbeilnSoiatHMnioSynstguSSgoienenuTiloHhzrwneSgCezpnanugoahesroemoegarrilSrrrhnltsoilsBoneeprssyraaBsnsaorBrDaDaaetnelteldc7c71T1Te:e:u8u833mmtet0e0hhspsbpbmemerr
winter spice which can only mean one thing; we have our annual Programme £10.00Includ(ferseeMtuollcehdildWreinneuanndderM1i2n)ce Pies
yes, folks, there are only twenty-four sleeps Christmas Gala
until Christmas! with it’s mix of SSRtoeSguiasthtveirSoedutrrCe’sheatCrithyEuNarocs1thb13o1u4r2n0e
Before I launch into all that, there are a few things carols, choir, brass
that I must mention. First of all we have had to say band, readings and
farewell to Anne Dunlop, who has sadly left the general Yuletide
choir to assist the Vicar at St Peter’s Hydeneye. mayhem It is such a
Of course we are all very sad to see her go but great event and has
wish her all the very best of luck in her new post. proved to be very
I would like to thank her for the great contribution popular. Tickets are
that she has made to the choir and the musical life £10 (either in advance
here at St Saviour’s. Having said that, it is far from or on the door). It’s the
goodbye, we shall be seeing her form time to time ideal thing to get you in
when she comes to join us to sing in some of our the festive mood!
choral events at the church.
And so to Christmas – we have our festival of
nine lessons and carols at 4.30pm on Christmas
Eve. I absolutely love this occasion and I have
often said I think that it shows St Saviour’s off at
its best. My thanks, as always, go to the choir for
all their hard work and commitment for making
this a great success.
We have hosted two splendid concerts this last With that I would like to wish everyone who has
month. Anthony Wilson, Director of Music at read down this far, a very happy Christmas and a
St Peter’s, Bexhill came to give us a truly excellent successful 2019.
organ recital. Anthony is become a regular visitor PS – a very big thank you to whoever it was that
and I am delighted to welcome him. It’s great put those bags of toffees in the office. If you
to hear him play and he always puts together a are wondering where thay have gone…it was
programme of very varied and approachable music. me! They have provided me with much needed
On the 18th we had a spectacular piano recital sustenance when putting my music together. If
delivered with an amazing, cool yet commanding you would like me to replace them, just let me
and sensitive panache by Irina Lyakhovskaya. know and I will happily do so!
The St Andrew’s Singers
The Renaissance Singers
Lewes, Glynde and Beddingham Brass Band
Director Ian Stewart
Jane Cadman Soprano
Rebecca Anstey Mezzo Soprano
Paul Frisby Tenor Tues
David Horne
Piano Colin Hughes
Organ Paul Collins
Musical Direction Shirley Barrell
Programme £10.00
(free to children under 12)
Includes Mulled Wine and Mince Pies
St Saviour’s Church
South Street Eastbourne
Registered Charity No 1131420
HELLO DARLINGS The Feast of Title - Christ the King is being
I begin by wishing my loyal readers in Oz a very held just as this appears in print. No doubt next
Happy Christmas. I do it now as by the time months Logos will feature it prominently.
Royal Snail’s rowing boat arrives they will be As the Mass is being concluded by Benediction it
celebrating Easter. promises to be quite spectacular.
What a busy month we have had . If Fr Mark Nice to see weekday attendances on the up.
thought he was in for a quiet life in Eastbourne Thursday coffee is a great hit. Well done to Sylvia
he’s realised that things here are fairly manic. who makes it and washes up.
We’ve said a fond farewell to lovely Anne Dunlop Such a pity we are a congregation that doesn’t
who is off to the wilds of Hampden Park to like the dark. Attendances at Evening Concerts
continue her valuable ministry. Thank you Anne are good but hold a Mass and the telly wins.
from all at SS. The Home Communicants will December is of course the busiest month in
certainly miss you. SS. The Carol Services dominate. Bedes and
What a month for sickness. It would be quicker Eastbourne College as ever. It’s nice to see there
for the prayer list to include the fit members of will be an Advent Carol Service on December
the congregation. Keith is slowly on the mend, 2nd at 7pm for College Boarders. Our own
but what you have to do to slow him down I don’t Gala Concert is on Tuesday 18th at 7.30pm and
know. Behave you naughty man. promises to be a stunning as ever. Wonder if
Mary T is progressing very slowly and Martin Tardif Paul Collins has bought a new pullover this year...
has had a spell in the Conquest. Liz is a tower of He had a mad idea of me - moi - singing a solo
strength. For a town the size of Eastbourne it’s a in This is the record of John. Well if he wanted
disgrace that our own DGH has been downgraded a double for Florence Foster Jenkins he’d have
and continues to be so and people have to travel struck gold. Silly boy. My voice went out with
to Hastings on that dire inadequate road to visit the Phonograph. Nine Lessons and Carols on
their relatives. That’s rant of the month done. Christmas Eve at 4.30 – always a family favourite.
Moving on, Dame Felicity Lott gave a wonderful Do come and bring all the noisy grandchildren
account of her life in an illustrated talk in the Hall and let’s liven up the place. John says he’s on the
recently. Record attendance. She was fab. There’s look out for some new readers for the service.
certainly nothing like a Dame. Any volunteers?
The former underground theatre recitals are Can’t wait for the Midnight Mass. I wonder
proving popular on Sunday afternoons. Over 90 at what surprises Fr Mark has for us. Yet another
the last one. stunning array of vestments will appear I have
no doubt. I can assure you he has an incredible
collection of Copes and Chasubles. The Servers
Vestry has already been partially commandeered
to accommodate them all. Anyway we are
Eastbourne’s premier Anglo Catholic Church so
let’s show the Town what we are made of. Bells,
Smells and fabulous liturgy. Bring it on and long
may it continue although if we don’t give more
generously time could be running out for our future.
Neil Clarke our stoic Head Server has completed Finally whilst shopping I saw the Gin enthusiasts
his month of no alcohol. Last seen near the Hurst dream present, an Advent Calendar. Every
Arms holding on to a Lamppost. Well done. window you open reveals a different miniature Gin.
The Foodies had their monthly meal out at La Not quite the ‘Spirit’ we should have in mind.
Grange. The Vicar joined them. I think Fr Tony is
about to be unseated from his position as Parish A very Happy Christmas to you all.
Gourmet. Fr Mark hides his culinary skills under
his Biretta. Kitty x
Dates for your Diary December 2018
Sat 1 09.00am Mass Feria
Sun 2 1st Sunday of Advent 08.00am Mass 10.30am Solemn Mass
Mon 3 10.30am Mass S Francis Xavier Pr.
Tues 4 12 noon Mass S John Damascene Pr. Dr.
Wed 5 10.30am Mass Advent Feria CBS
Thur 6 10.30am Mass S Nicholas Bp.
Fri 7 12 noon Mass S Ambrose Bp. Dr.
Sat 8 09.00am Mass The Immaculate Conception of the B.V.M.
Sun 9 2nd Sunday of Advent 08.00am Mass 10.30am Solemn Mass
Mon 10 10.30am Mass Advent Feria
Tues 11 12 noon Mass S Damasus I P.
Wed 12 10.30am Mass Our Lady of Guadalupe
Thur 13 10.30am Mass S Lucy V. M.
Fri 14 12 noon Mass S John of the Cross Pr. Dr.
Sat 15 09.00am Mass Advent Feria
Sun 16 3rd Sunday of Advent 08.00am Mass 10.30am Solemn Mass
Mon 17 10.30am Mass O Sapientia
Tues 18 12 noon Mass O Adonai
Wed 19 10.30am Mass O Radix Jesse
Thur 20 10.30am Mass O Clavis David
Fri 21 12 noon Mass O Oriens
Sat 22 09.00am Mass O Rex Gentium
Sun 23 4th Sunday of Advent 08.00am Mass 10.30am Solemn Mass
Mon 24 6.30pm Nine Lessons and Carols
Tues 25 THE NATIVITY OF THE LORD 08.00am Mass of the Dawn 10.30am Solemn Mass
Wed 26 10.30am Mass S Stephen M.
Thur 27 10.30am Mass S John Ap. Ev.
Fri 28 12 noon Mass The Holy Innocents Ms.
Sat 29 09.00am Mass S Thomas Becket Bp. M.
Sun 30 The Holy Family 08.00am Mass 10.30am Solemn Mass
Mon 31 10.30am Mass 7th day within the Octave of Christmas
Church Officers THE DIRECTORY Telephone
01323 722317
Vicar Fr Mark McAulay SSC
The Vicarage Spencer Road Eastbourne BN21 4PA 460905
07706 067496
Hon Associate Clergy Fr Paul Christian SSC
Canon Robert Fayers SSC 381796
Fr Anthony Fiddian-Green MA, Cert Ed 422050
Rev Christopher Hadfield BA 485399
Fr Nick MacNeill, BTh 723345
Rev Dr David Musson M Phil 723584
Fr John Wright BSc Cert Ed
Churchwardens Mrs Pauline Fella 412061
Mr John Vernon 645145
Deputy Churchwardens Mr Keith Metcalfe 431283
Mrs Rosemarie Emery 720577
Secretary PCC Mrs Judy Grundy 735410
Treasurer Miss Mary Delves 351014
Chair of Finance Mr Carl Hodgkinson
Other Officers Mr Paul Collins 872168
Director of Music 07759 940832
Parish Hospital Contact Mr Richard Elliott 07922 089303
07759 940832
Head Server Mr Neil Clarke 645145
Car Park Manager / 100 Club Mr Steve Gilbert 486214
Church Hall Manager Mrs Heather Neilsen-Bonini 656346
Safeguarding Officer Mr Neil Clarke 724317
Electoral Roll Officer Mrs Susan Metcalfe 656346
Deanery Synod Miss Mary Delves, Mrs Isobel Nugent
Librarian Mr David Thorpe 485399
Open Church Mr Roger Ellis 381796
07759 940832
Events Co-ordinator Mr Paul Fella 735410
Church Cleaning / Flower Arranging Mrs Rita Orchard 725796
Church Grounds Mr John Burford
Mrs Diana Dean, Mrs Lynette Newman
Webmaster / Magazine / Publicity Mr Paul Fella
Church Office Answerphone
Church Organisations Miss Lis Trustam – call for details
Bible Reading Fellowship
Book Group Rev Nick MacNeill – call for details
Family Support Work Miss Jennifer Hodgkinson and Mr Robert Ascott
Chat-Stop Rev Anthony Fiddian-Green
Guild of All Souls Mr Neil Clarke
Our Lady of Walsingham / CBS Miss Mary Delves
Churches Together Mrs Beverly Cochran
Mission to Seafarers Mrs Isobel Nugent
Additional Curates Society Mr Roger Emery