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Published by phpfella, 2016-11-05 06:26:24

Parish Magazine November 2016

Parish Magazine November 2016

The Parish magazine of November 2016
Volume XLVII No. 11


Contents Page Church Services
It’s not long now! 3
St Andrew 4 Sundays
The additional Curates Society 5 8.00 Low Mass
Tabitha Webb 10.30 Solemn Mass and Sermon
Book Review 6-7
Harvest 8 followed by refreshments
A Blast from the Console in the Church Hall.
Forthcoming Concerts and Recitals 10-11
100s Club results 14 Weekdays
Baptism and Confirmation Mon, Wed, Thurs 10.30am;
Fred Reeve Celebrates 70 Years 15 Tues and Fri 12noon; Sat 9.00am
St Francis’ Pet Service
Eve’s Droppings 17 Major Weekday Festivals
Dates for your Diary Said Mass as above, Sung Mass: 7.30pm.
Directory 18 Morning and Evening prayer are said daily at
19 8.30am and 5.30pm unless otherwise
20 indicated on notice boards.

Cover: The Clergy are happy to bring the Sacrament to
Christ Pantocrator on the walls of Hagia Sophia, Istanbul, the housebound or sick at any hour of the day
12th century Byzantine or night. The Holy Oil is available for those who
wish to be anointed.
The Parish Magazine is published on the
last Sunday of the month. The Sacrament of Reconciliation
A priest is usually available to hear Confessions
Matter for publication should be sent to or for Spiritual Advice on Fridays at 11.30am
[email protected]. or by appointment.

Copy deadline is 20th of the month Hospital visits
and articles should be no longer than Our Parish Contact for local hospitals,
750 words. News items or reports should Mr Richard Elliott (872168), will visit and give
be factual and no longer than 250 words. communion to those in hospital.

Articles are copyright to the author and the Other Services provided by the church
Editor’s decision is final. Arrangements for Baptisms, Banns of
Marriage, Weddings and Funerals is the church should be made with the Church Wardens.
website and is managed by Paul Fella
([email protected]) to Facebook
whom matter for the site should be sent.


The church is open from 8.30am each day
and a team of volunteers is available to answer
questions etc from 10am most days.

The Book Shop/Souvenir Stall is also open
while there is a volunteer on duty.


It’s not long now! Come, thou long expected Vicar

As you can see, the induction of Fr Chris will (Apologies to Charles Wesley)
take place on 20th November.
Come, thou long expected Vicar,
The feast of Christ the King could not be a more born to set thy people free;
fitting occasion for us to have Fr Christopher from our fears and sins release us,
officially presented to us. we all put our trust in thee.

Although it is his calling, it must be a huge Eastbourne’s strength from this November
wrench for Fr Chris and his family to make the hope of this our parish thou art;
break with Australia (having been their home for dear desire of every member,
many years) and I am sure that we will give them joy of every longing heart.
the help and support that they need to settle in.
Born our congregation to deliver,
Fr Chris is coming to us at a very busy time from Australia you return,
(five weeks before Christmas), and a few things we will be your great endeavour,
that were planned will now have to be shelved now God’s gracious trust we’ll earn.
(eg the Parish Lunch, originally planned for 20th
November). We have a fairly full schedule for Through the gift of God’s own spirit
Advent and the Christmas Season – all the rule in all our hearts alone;
usual services plus The Little Chelsea Christmas by thine all sufficient merit,
Fair, The Christmas Gala Concert, Nine Lessons raise us to His glorious throne.
and Carols and more. So make sure that you
have all of the dates and times in your diaries. Anon

Fr Christopher Yates

will be instituted as the Vicar of

at a Eucharist on

20th November 2016 at 6.30pm

The Right Reverend Dr Martin Warner, Bishop of Chichester

The Venerable Edward Dowler, Archdeacon of Hastings

All are invited to this most wonderful celebration
and refreshments will be served after the service.


St Andrew

Rather less is known of Andrew than many
suppose. He was a fisherman of Bethsaida
on the Sea of Galilee, and the brother of
another fisherman, Simon Peter. The two
brothers were called by Jesus to be his
disciples and become ‘ fishers of men’
(Matthew 4.18-20).

According to the Fourth Gospel, Andrew had
been a disciple of John the Baptist, but John,
acknowledging Jesus as ‘the Lamb of God’,
encouraged Andrew to leave him and follow
Jesus instead. Andrew was so impressed
with Jesus that he immediately went to find his
brother and brought him to Jesus (John 1. 40-
42). Two other fishermen, the brothers James
and John, the sons of Zebedee, were called by
Jesus at the same time, and left their boat and
their father to follow him.

Three of those fishermen, Peter, James and But of course he is more than that for us: he is
John, became members of an inner band of the the Patron Saint of Scotland. And so today let
Twelve and Jesus’ closest friends, who were us give thanks for Scotland, whose flag, the
there at his Transfiguration, and with Jesus in saltire, a white X-shaped cross on a blue
his agony in the Garden of Gethsemane. Why background, recalls the legend that on such a
was Andrew, alone of the four, not included? cross Andrew died. Give thanks for Scotland’s
Could it have been that he was not as ambitious proud history and heritage, the traditions and
as the other three? Peter, impetuous and the practical energies of its people, which have
impulsive, was ambitious and became the produced so many great doctors and engineers.
leader of the Twelve. James and John sought Give thanks for the bravery and heroism of
from Jesus special privileges for themselves, Scottish arms, how fittingly under the tutelage
asking if he would allow them to sit with him in and protection of Andrew, whose very name
his glory, one on his right hand, the other on his means ‘brave’. And give thanks for the
left, to the natural annoyance of the other distinctive character of Scotland’s Church,
disciples (Mark 10. 35-47). But Andrew? its creed based solidly on the Bible, not
Andrew appears to have been concerned, not insubstantial and ostentatious, but dour and
so much for his own status, as to bring others stem: not a creed of outward joy, but if is
to Jesus. He was a humble, selfless man, who misleading and wrong to judge joy solely by
saw himself as the means whereby others might superficial expression and gesture, and
be led to Christ. He introduced his brother to Scotland’s faith has served her people well.
Jesus. He brought to Jesus the boy with the
five loaves and two small fish (John 6. 8-9). And Give thanks then, for Andrew, and Scotland, the
he brought to his master Gentiles, Greeks, who Brave.
wanted to see Jesus (John 12.22). Accordingly
he is regarded as the patron saint of foreign


The Additional Curates Society

The Additional Curates provided schools for the people moving to live
Society (ACS) was and work in the new industrial areas.
founded in 1837 to ensure
that the Christian Faith is The idea of the ACS was to establish provision
proclaimed in poor and for the spiritual needs of people who were
populous parishes. It does moving into the new industrial estates. The
this by funding assistant clear intention was that people in these new
priests, and encouraging vocations to the towns should have priests to teach the
priesthood. ACS believes that the sacrament Christian Faith and minister among them
of Holy Order, Priesthood, is a precious providing the sacraments of the Church. Joshua
gift from God and a means of grace for was joined in his endeavours by a large number
His people. of people who shared his vision and generosity.
In 1837 the subscription of £500 from King
Although the purpose of ACS is to provide William IV opened the fund and The Additional
parishes with priestly ministry, it is not to Curates Society was born.
be thought of as a ‘society of priests’. The
Additional Curates Society is really a society of Joshua Watson numbered among his friends
lay people who value and cherish the ministry some major figures in the Oxford Movement;
of priests in bringing the good news of Jesus to Newman, Keble and Pusey. He also married the
people in hard pressed parishes. It was founded daughter of Father Wagner. Joshua Watson
by a layman and it continues to exist today and his companions set out to put into practical
because of the enthusiasm, faithful prayers and effect the ideals of the Tractarian Movement by
hard work of lay people throughout the land. ensuring that the Christian Gospel should
touch the lives of the poorest in the land.
The story of The Additional Curates Society’s The Priesthood was seen as a precious gift
origins is fascinating. It revolves around the from God in the mission of the Church.
changes in society in the middle of the ‘Apostolic succession’ was important and from
nineteenth century in England, as well as the beginning and to this day ACS has insisted
the significant movement in the life of the that grants be given only to priests licensed by
Established Church at that time. the bishop and resident in the parish.

The Additional Curates In the early days grants were used to pay the
Society’s lay founder stipend of the assistant curate - often in full.
Joshua Watson was As the Church assumed responsibility for
born on Ascension paying the stipend of a curate, ACS assisted in
Day 1771. He worked paying for housing, and more recently grants
in the family business have been applied to help defray the cost to
in Mincing Lane in the the parish of employing an assistant priest.
City of London and
was a port importer. Today the Church faces a new situation.
By 1812, he was able The great financial losses experienced by the
to retire and thereafter devote himself to good Church Commissioners means that parishes
works. His achievements were considerable, are being faced with new financial burdens.
in that he founded The National Incorporated The Additional Curates Society seeks to relieve
Church Building Society which built new these burdens, particularly in the least affluent
churches and The National Society which parishes of the land.


St Saviours is delighted to be working in partnership with the
international missions charity, Interserve, to put on Love Changes
Everything, an evening of music with a message, with celebrated
West End leading lady, Tabitha Webb.
Tabitha will sing songs from the shows and talk about her life in the
West End, not least her four years in the lead role as Christine in
Phantom of the Opera, and as Cosette in Les Miserables. She will also
talk about her work as Ambassador for Interserve, and their work in
Asia and the Arab World with the homeless, trafficked women, and
orphans. St Catherine’s School choir will be performing two songs
with Tabitha and exhibits from the school’s art students will be on
display on the night. Tickets for this not to be missed
evening (which would be ideal to bring friends and
neighbours to) are just £8 and include a free
interval glass of wine or soft drink). Tickets
can be purchased from Mrs Elizabeth
Hadfield or the Church Wardens
at St Saviours Church .
Alternatively you can purchase
them online through eventbrite


i n t ers erv e to g et h er w i t h St Sav i o u r's C h u rc h, East b o u r n e a n d
St Cat h er i n e's C h u rc h o f En g la n d Aca d em y, p r es en ts


w i t h Ta b i t h a W eb b

an evening of West End music with a message

7pm Thursday, 24th November 2016 (doors open 6.30pm)
St Saviour’s Church, Eastbourne

(Pupils from St Catherine’s Academy will perform two songs with Tabitha Webb
during the evening)


St Saviour’s Church, South Street,
Eastbourne, East Sussex, BN21 4PA

All funds go to support the work of Interserve

Registered charity 1020758


Book review traditions it must be false, for example. This
criticism, she says, forgets the differences
Journey to the Manger between contemporary and ancient history.
Exploring the birth of Jesus To us, novelty is the most important characteristic
of truth; whereas to Matthew and his first hearers
Paula Gooder the opposite was the case, and a story in which
Published by Canterbury Press the past reverberated was more trustworthy.

Gooder’s qualifications also allow her to be
honest about how she thinks, about the effect
of her faith on her scholarship, and of her
scholarship on her faith. It is refreshing to read
in a credible piece of biblical criticism the
author admit that, when she is confronted with
the virginal conception of Jesus, ‘my brain is
so taken up with the wonder and mystery of it
there is minimal space left...’.

For the same reason people do not normally Journey to the Manger is divided into four parts:
watch It’s A Wonderful Life in the summer, ‘Origins’, ‘Announcements’, ‘Arrivals’, and
books about the Nativity are not usually ‘Aftermaths’. ‘Origins’ discusses the
reviewed in September. Nevertheless it is genealogies of Matthew and Luke; but also of
right to read Journey to the Manger now; John, whose prologue, Gooder suggests, is
since in it the Christmas story stands out a heavenly parallel of the earthly lists of the
more clearly than it does in the gloom of others; both ‘genealogies’ are about salvation
December. history, and both matter because of the meeting
of earth and heaven in Jesus Christ. The eight
For all her acumen in biblical studies, Gooder is chapters have the same structure. In each, the
not the Grinch. She asserts that the crib-scene relevant scriptural texts are reproduced and
draws ‘on ancient and respectable interpretative discussed. Dotted throughout this detailed but
traditions, which encourage an imaginative understandable stuff are boxes in which Gooder
inhabitation of the text’; it is not a fairy story. sets out her own interpretation of the text.

Although Gooder acknowledges the contrasts At the end of each chapter is her reflection,
between Matthew and Luke’s birth narratives, sometimes followed by a poetic meditation, on
she also asks us ‘not to overrate them’. In both, its theme. The reflection on the birth of Jesus is
Jesus is the son of Joseph, the husband of the best.
Mary by whom he was miraculously conceived.
In both Bethlehem is his place of birth. This book could make a very good basis for an
Advent study course. The four parts match the
Gooder’s expertise means that she does not four weeks of the season, and there are some
have to trash the Nativity to make herself seem questions at the end that correspond to the
clever. Instead, that expertise is turned on chapters. The reader can tell that Journey to the
those who do so – scholars who recycle the jibe Manger is written by someone with a vocation
that since Matthew’s account borrows from old to give ordinary Christians the knowledge they
need of the Bible in order for them to be useful
to the mission of the Church.


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Our Harvest Window Displays

A small sample from this
year’s display. The fresh
produce was sold off and
the money raised (along
with the ‘dry goods’) was
sent to FSW.

The Harvest Supper

The fields have been ploughed, the corn We were 48 in total (well done Elizabeth) and,
fair-waved and all safely gathered in. Is it thanks to Sylvia’s networking, it was good to be
just me, or does every season seem to able to welcome within our number neighbours
come round more quickly now? from nearby Pauling House.

Whatever, the end of September is the
time to recognise Harvest. After an
energetic day decorating the Church
with produce, many gathered in the
Church Room to enjoy Harvest Supper,
ahead of the morning and evening
celebrations the following day.

With the chefs slaving in the kitchen,
guests amused themselves with a
Fella quiz, the rules of which I am still
trying to work out, involving obscure
general knowledge questions posted
about the room.


(Is the potato plant really related to surprising number had sufficient grey matter,
deadly nightshade? With spuds on or just plain luck, to complete the quiz correctly,
the menu??) The quiz certainly the winner being one of Sylvia’s guests. People
succeeded in occupying some were in the mood to support an excellent raffle,
of us until the meal was served. ensuring that the evening in total succeeded in
raising £170 for Charity.
Where else in Eastbourne
can you get a magnificent We are indebted to those who worked tirelessly
two-course beef or turkey to make this evening a success. Keith gave a
dinner on Saturday night vote of thanks to the organisers, noting that in
for a fiver? Even with second addition to Pauline and Paul, we should record
helpings, if you have hollow our appreciation to Elizabeth, Sylvia, Mary D,
legs? And yes, the usual Jenny Mail and Maureen for unstinting efforts
suspects did. The organisers on the day.
also cleverly announced
the event as a BYO night, It was a jolly and relaxing evening, (though
i.e. bring-your-own drinks, thereby avoiding the some in the kitchen might question the
need for a liquor licence, a bar and the usual description ‘relaxing’, especially when the
‘first drink free’ quibbling. BYO, I seem to recall dishwasher failed...). So, another Harvest has
from my travelling days, is all the rage in come and gone. Life does indeed mirror the
Australia, so maybe is a taste of things to come. seasons. Yet think not of ageing with every
Harvest. Believe instead that we are merely
We had a thoroughly enjoyable evening, with ripening.
good food and excellent fellowship. Quite a
John Burford


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Sirens’? If you haven’t, do look them up; they
are definitely worth a listen – I’m going into
lecture mode!!!

Here we go again with mists and mellow We also had a splendid combined service when
fruitfulness! Another month, another Harvest. we joined forces with St John’s and sang Choral
Where has it all gone? Evensong for Harvest. It was great to have an
opportunity to sing a choral setting of the
Once again we have had a busy musical month. Canticles and Elgar’s great Harvest anthem,
Our Monday lunchtime recital was given by ‘Fear not O Land’. My thanks are due to
John Ross who delivered a wonderful organ Fr. David Musson, who conducted the service
recital (sadly I was unable to attend but I have and my friend Brian Steer, who played the
had excellent reports) . We are very lucky organ for us. It was fun for me to conduct for
to have such great local players and I am a change!!!
especially grateful to them to help support
us with our musical programme. I am determined to reinstate Prayer Book
Evensong on a fairly regular basis – possibly
Next month Malcolm Kemp once a month through the summer time.
makes a very welcome It doesn’t have to be Choral every time, it is
return and I know that lovely to sing it to Anglican Chant. It is, as
he will put on an much as anything else a great time for quiet
equally good show. and reflection.
I am particularly
looking forward to It is a very exciting time of course for us.
hearing some music Our new Vicar, Fr. Chris, will be inducted in
by Parry. a few weeks and I, for one, am
very much looking forward to
For those of you who working with him. The choir
perhaps are not aware, and I are now working
Parry was himself quite towards that service (let’s
local to us; he lived in make it a belter) and then
Rustington and was a regular Advent and Christmas!!
visitor to our town. He was a pupil of Brahms
and had, rather like Elgar, an amazing gift for By the way, please
melody. He is of course known for ‘Jerusalem’, make sure that
some great hymn tunes, such as ‘Dear Lord you have the
And Father of Mankind’ and ‘O Praise ye the 20th December
Lord’. But have you heard his ‘Songs of in your diaries –
Farewell’ or his great anthem, ‘Blest Pair of Gala Concert with
choir, brass band,
soloists, readers
and general Christmas

Forthcoming Concerts and Recitals

November Monday 7th 1.00pm Lunchtime Organ Recital – Malcolm Kemp
December Tuesday 20th 7.30pm St Saviour’s Christmas Gala Concert


The winners of the August We still need existing members to renew
2016 100’s Club draw were: and we are also looking for new members
to sign up. See Steve Gilbert for details.
1st Martin Tardif 8 The cost is £2 per month with the draw
2nd Judy Grundy 14 taking place on the last Sunday of the month.
3rd Christopher Grinstead 89 Subject to numbers, prizes range from £40 for
first prize, £20 for second and £10 for third.

The Confirmation and Baptism
of Heather and Shannon

Sunday 9th October was a great day for us. Heather and Shannon have both spent months
It was the Baptism and Confirmation of preparing with Fr Nick for this most glorious
Heather and Shannon. Although both occasion which was presided over by
Heather and Shannon are new to our Bishop Rt Rev Nicholas Reade. As usual it was
congregation, they have immersed incorporated into the Mass (with Asperges) and
themselves in our church life. was promptly followed by cake and wine!

I am sure that Heather and Shannon will
become increasingly involved in our church…
Shannon (a theology student) already sings with
the choir when she can, and her boyfriend is
studying for the priesthood. He was there on
Sunday as one of the Acolytes along with


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Fred Celebrates 70 years at
St Saviour’s (and Janet’s Birthday!)

Fred Reeve, our self-styled Church (I think he was eight when it was taken –
historian and author of a great deal of the I was too busy cutting up the cake to be
literature about St Saviour’s, celebrated sure). It looked fairly archaic and authentic
70 years as a member of the congregation – even though it was a photocopy.
on Sunday 16th October.
As you know, now that Fred has married
There was plenty of Fizz and a most gigantic Janet (whose birthday was on the 17th) they
cake to mark this most auspicious occasion. split their time between Eastbourne and
There was, of course a speech, but thankfully Kings Lynne. Fred still regards St Saviour’s
a short one, and Fred had brought in a photo very much as his home and is very supportive
of him in the front row of the Sunday school of many of the activities in the church.

The Cross Parish Partnership Pet
Service for the Feast of St Francis

This was something of a novelty for us – an Evensong and Blessing of Pets rolled into one!
There was a splendid array of pets from Dogs to a Giant Snail and probably the most gorgeous
Cat I have ever seen. We had about 50 people come for the occasion (not all with pets –
although someone did bring a cardboard cut-out of their cat) and a I believe I heard ‘How much
is that Doggie in the Window’ on the organ (fairly thinly disguised), as the animals were taken up
for a blessing! Well done to those that made it a successful afternoon.




There’s never a dull then of course glasses were raised and a cake
moment at St Saviour’s is appeared in the church room. We were also
there? The other Sunday celebrating Beverley’s birthday that day and a
second, totally different cake was cut. (Shannon
there was Evensong ‘with has now returned to university in Wales, but
a difference’. The difference hopes to be back in Eastbourne and in the choir
being we were joined by for Christmas).
priests and congregations from other
churches for Blessing of Animals. Various Not to be outdone the next Sunday Fred
shapes and sizes of dogs, a grey cat which and Janet travelled down from Norfolk and
sat upright on its owners lap for the whole provided another beautiful cake accompanied
service and at the table in the church room by fizz to celebrate Fred being associated with
afterwards. The most unusual was brought St Saviour’s for 70 years.
in a plastic box by Fr David from St Andrew’s
and it was a one year old Giant African Land As the big day grows nearer I know many of you
Snail called Horatio. have been looking on line to find out about our
It was huge as they next vicar Fr Chris Yates. Well you won’t have
grow to the size to wait much longer because Fr Chris and his
of a man’s hand family have arrived at the vicarage! How many
(20cm), are nocturnal, of you could contemplate moving into your new
hermaphrodite and eat home with very few possessions and having
cucumber, lettuce and bananas. to sleep on mattresses the first night?? Their
personal effects will arrive in December! Well
I understand the Ride and Striders have now done to this lovely family. Fr Chris had only seen
collected all their sponsorship money and a pictures of the church and was amazed at its
total of £498 (including Gift Aid) has been sent size. The day before our team of cleaners went
to Sussex Historic Churches Trust, of which into the vicarage and cleaned it from top to
£249 will come back to St Saviour’s. Katherine toe – thank you so much. A few days earlier
cycled to 19 churches scoring 32 points. Paul gardener John and a small
and Pauline visited 10 and scored 16. Jim and team had cleaned and
Poppy visited 7 and scored 12 (Jim said he cleared the ground
would have done more but Poppy was tired and immediately outside
the pavements were getting hot!) Thank you to the vicarage – a
all the sponsors. huge thank you to
you too.
Wasn’t it lovely to have Bishop Nicholas with us
for the baptism and confirmation of Heather and I was in church the other day and along came
Shannon? Well done to the acolytes who had gardener John and Keith carrying a long ladder.
never done it at S Saviour’s before. Our own The next minute one was up the ladder cleaning
Jackie M and Shannon’s boyfriend Lewis who the windowsills above and near the high altar.
were both excellent. It must have been a relief Do be careful chaps. TTFN
to Stuart when it all went off swimmingly. And


Dates for your Diary November 2016

Tues 1 12 noon Mass
Wed 2 All Souls 10.30am Requiem Mass 7.30pm Requiem Solemn Mass
Thurs 3 10.30am Mass S. Martin of Porres Rel.
Fri 4 12 noon Mass S. Charles Borromeo Bp.
Sat 5 09.00am Mass Our Lady
Sun 6 Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time 08.00am Mass 10.30 Solemn Mass
Mon 7 10.30am Mass
Tues 8 12 noon Mass
Wed 9 10.30am Mass Dedication of the Lateran Basilica
Thurs 10 10.30am Mass S. Leo the Great P. Dr. 3.00pm CBS Office and Benediction
Fri 11 1.00pm Mass S. Martin of Tours Bp. Laying on of Hands
Sat 12 09.00am Mass S. Josaphat Bp.M.
Sun 13 Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time (Remembrance Sunday)
08.00am Mass 10.30am Solemn Mass and Act of Remembrance
Mon 14 10.30am Mass
Tues 15 12 noon Mass S. Albert the Great Bp. Dr.
Wed 16 10.30am Mass S. Margaret of Scotland
Thurs 17 10.30am Mass S. Hugh of Lincoln Bp. S. Hilda of Whitby Abb.
Fri 18 12 noon Mass Dedication of the Basilicas of S. Peter and S. Paul
Sat 19 09.00am Mass Our Lady
Sun 20 Christ the King 8.00am Mass 10.30am Solemn Mass
6.30pm Induction of Fr. Christopher Yates
Mon 21 10.30am Mass Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Tues 22 12 noon Mass S. Cecilia V. M. Walsingham Cell
Wed 23 10.30am Mass S. Clement I V. M.
Thurs 24 10.30am Mass S. Andrew Dung-Lac and Companions Ms.
Fri 25 12 noon Mass S. Catherine of Alexandria V. M.
Sat 26 09.00am Mass Our Lady
Sun 27 First Sunday of Advent 08.00am Mass 10.30am Solemn Mass
Mon 28 10.30am Mass
Tues 29 12 noon Mass
Wed 30 10.30am Mass S. Andrew Ap.


Church Officers THE DIRECTORY Telephone
Vacant - Interregnum
The Vicarage Spencer Road Eastbourne BN21 4PA

Hon Assistant Clergy Rev Christopher Hadfield, BA 422050
Canon Charles Lansdale BA 646655
Churchwardens Rev Nick MacNeill, BTh 485399
Secretary PCC Rev John Wright BSc Cert Ed 723584
Treasurer Canon Robert Fayers 07706 067496
Electoral Roll 01323 729142
Secretary Planned Giving Mr John Bourdon 656346
Mrs Pauline Fella 720577
Mrs Judy Grundy 489646
Miss Mary Delves
Mrs Mary Tomsett 872168
Mr Michael Brennan 894414
Other Officers Mr Paul Collins 469078
Director of Music Mr Richard Elliott 729059
Parish Hospital Contact Mr Stuart Burns 721061
Sacristan/Servers Miss Jane Pinching 434785
Bookstall Manager Mrs Pat James
Caring and Sharing Mr Steve Gilbert 489646
Car Park Manager Mrs Za Crook 728892
Safeguarding Officer Mrs Pat James 486214
Churches Together Mrs Beverly Cochran 656346
Miss Mary Delves, Mrs Isobel Nugent, Mr John Bourdon 504909
Deanery Synod Mrs Mary Tomsett 725796
Family Support Work Mr Robert Ascott 431283
Mr David Thorpe 649896
Librarian Mr Paul Fella 735410
Websmaster Miss Lis Trustam 469078
Guild of All Souls Mrs Isobel Nugent 729702
Mission to Seafarers Mr Roger Emery
Additional Curates Society Mr Roger Ellis 504909
Open Church Miss Mary Delves 485399
Our Lady of Walsingham Mr Steve Gilbert 723375
100 Club 724317
Vestry (unmanned) 723375
Church Organisations Miss Lis Trustam – call for details
Bible Reading Fellowship Rev Nick MacNeill – call for details
Book Group Mrs Rita Orchard – meets Tuesdays from 9am
Church Cleaning Mr John Burford
Church Grounds Mrs Rita Orchard – Fridays from 9am
Flower Arrangers Mr Paul Fella – meets as necessary
Social / Events Committee

Disclaimer: The Editor and the Church Wardens do not necessarily agree with all the views expressed in this Magazine. Please note that all
articles are copyright to the author and may not be reproduced in any form or medium without the written permission of the author or Editor.


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