The Parish magazine of July 2015
Volume XLVI No. 7
Contents Page Church Services
Pater noster or Mater noster? 3
Live and let Live? 5 Sundays
The call of St James 6 8.00 Low Mass
Saints Alive! 7 10.30 Solemn Mass and Sermon
The Sunday Eucharist
Blast from the Console 8-9 followed by refreshments
The Seven Churches of Revelation 10 in the Church Hall.
100’s Club winners 11-12
A Spiritual Experience 12 Weekdays
Eve’s Droppings 13 Mon, Wed, Thurs 10.30am;
Dates for your Diary 14 Tues and Fri 12noon; Sat 9.00am
Directory 15
16 Major Weekday Festivals
Said Mass, as above Sung Mass: 7.30pm.
Mattins and Evensong are said daily at
8.30am and 5.30pm unless otherwise
indicated on notice boards.
The Clergy are happy to bring the Sacrament to
the housebound or sick at any hour of the day
or night. The Holy Oil is available for those who
wish to be anointed.
The Sacrament of Reconciliation
A priest is usually available to hear Confessions
or for Spiritual Advice on Fridays at 11.30am
or by appointment.
Cover: Hospital visits
Mosaic of the Virgin Mary, Hagia Sophia, Istanbul Our Parish Contact for local hospitals,
Mr Richard Elliott (872168), will visit and give
The Parish Magazine is published on the communion to those in hospital.
last Sunday of the month.
Other Services provided by the church
Matter for publication should be sent to Arrangements for Baptisms, Banns of
[email protected]. See Pew Sheet Marriage, Weddings and Funerals
for Magazine deadline. should be made with the Vicar.
Articles should be no longer than Facebook
750 words. News items or Reports should /St-Saviours-Eastbourne
be factual and no longer than 150 words.
Articles are copyright to the author and the www.stsaviourseastbourne.org.uk
Editor’s decision is final.
The church is open from 8.30am each day
stsaviourseastbourne.org.uk is the church and a team of volunteers is available to answer
website and it is managed by Fred Reeve questions etc from 10am most days.
([email protected]) to whom
matter for the site should be sent. The Book Shop/Souvenir Stall is also open
while there is a volunteer on duty.
Pater noster or Mater noster?
I have been reading this week in the daily (Galatians 5:21). ‘A good tree does not bear bad
newspaper about proposals in the Church of fruit, neither can a bad tree bear good fruit’
England to introduce new liturgies which (Matthew 7:16-20). When a Church is divided, as
address God as ‘mother’. I am unable to put at Corinth (1 Cor.1:10-7), it is because untruth (bad
into print my reaction to this proposal. In the fruit) has somewhere crept in. The enemy of the
same newspaper I read that allegiance to the Church and of mankind – Satan, the Divider –
Church of England has slumped dramatically
over the past decade. The number of adults
describing themselves as Church of England
fell by 4.5 million. I am not surprised!
I read this in the week following Trinity Sunday
when we focus on God the Holy Trinity being one
God, a unity. His truth is One and whole, it does
not divide. It is ‘the mind of Christ ‘ (Philippians
2:5). The truth of God has a quality of serenity
about it, in marked contrast to what is likely to
happen if certain ‘progressives’ get their way.
I was always led to believe that what is from God
and his Holy Spirit builds up, it does not tear apart.
The work of the Spirit is discerned in the fruit that seeks to break up the Church, and he achieves
he bears: ‘love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, this through a lie, disguised as truth, invariable
goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control’ expressed as a half-truth. Such is the source of
‘human thinking’, of ‘opinion’, behind which half-
truth there lurks a doubt, the ‘bad fruit’ that
divides. ‘Opinion’, human thinking, is always the
product of Rationalism, this world’s ways of
thinking (Matthew 16:23) The Greek word for
‘opinion’ is haeresis – 2 Peter 2:1 – from which
comes the English word heresy. It is tied to the
fashions of the age. It is invariably in conflict with
the foundational truth of what God has done for
the human race in Christ. It is rooted in a ‘doubt’.
Doubt undercuts faith, the filial trust in the
goodness of our Creator, replacing it with a self-
centredness, prideful trust in our human
capabilities, especially the capability to decide all Looking for a speaker for your
matters in life by our own rational powers. In early club, group, WI or society?
times the undermining of faith came from Arianism
and Nestorianism. Today it comes from an LADY CRABTREE’s
amalgam of varying ‘opinions’ of the age,
proposing to change Traditional Faith and Ministry. latest talk
It’s not surprising that those sharing such ‘opinion’
include among their number those of high ‘HOW TO
ecclesiastical rank – Nestorius was Patriarch of GROW OLD
Constantinople. DISGRACEFULLY’
The majority of those seeking this latest change is guaranteed to raise a laugh!
propose something less than a full humanity of
Christ. A refusal to accept the maleness of Christ’s Enquiries
human nature as of any significance is a central T 01323 722338
point of their stance. The reason Christ became a E [email protected]
male human being is clear to a dispassionate W www.ladycrabtree.co.uk
consideration. Scripture proposes that such was
the only way of including in his salvation both
halves of the human race, male and female
(1Corinthians 11:11-12). The female side of the
human race would always be included in any
incarnation, for God has no other way of becoming
a human being, save through being given birth
from a woman. Through their refusal to accept the
dignity and purpose for the ‘male’ in God’s
creation, this ‘opinion’, rejects Christ’s (male)
human nature, and propounds thereby a defective
Christology. For Christ, though he became a
distinct human being was never a separated
individual. From the moment of his conception he
was united with his mother Mary in the Holy Spirit,
and this union matured so as to include all of us
too, as she followed him to the cross. She was
destined to become the spiritual Mother of all
mankind (Revelation 12:13-17).
Christianity is a Way of growth into the holiness of
God, participation in the very life of God himself,
through Christ. It is about being transfigured
through the daily taking up of the Cross Christ lays
on each one of us. Sharing his sufferings and
death, we also share his resurrection. We are
clothed in his glorified divine human nature,
become ours through grace. It is the final end and
goal of Christian life for all humanity, the Kingdom
of God, and the final purpose of the Incarnation.
Our Father, who art in heaven…
Fr Jeffery
Live and let Live?
St. Augustine of Hippo’s famous prayer, “I never look at them
‘Lord, make me chaste, but not just yet.’ and neither does
He struggled with chastity, recognising in anyone else, because
himself the desire for purity, but of being they are all looking at
powerless to attain it. me to see how I am
After his conversion and reflecting on this he
realised that God’s grace could have given him Angelo Roncalli, later
the resolve and power he needed to change: Pope John XXIII, as
‘For you would surely have granted it if my inner Papal Nuncio in Paris when
groaning had reached your ears and with firm he was asked whether
faith had cast my cares on you.’ The grace of plunging necklines
Baptism purifies us from all our sins. However, embarrassed him
we face a constant, ongoing and lifetime
struggle against concupiscence of the flesh and And yet the cry today is:
the disordered desires of our appetites. ‘Everything is permissible:
Concupiscence is not a word we hear or use live and let live; do what
every day. But it is an important one in you want, we are not
understanding our human condition. hurting anybody’.
The teachings of
It can best be understood as an intense human the Church are not
desire or appetite which can consume and obstacles to human
overpower us. We recognise it in sexual lust or freedom but rather
in an overpowering desire for food or alcohol. facilitate and
When in its grip it creates within us compelling, encourage it. The
overwhelming and intense desires, seemingly gospel paradox is
beyond our control. Such desires involve us in a that in dying to self,
certain interior struggle, a tension between the living self-controlled
‘spirit’ and the ‘flesh’. lives and seeking to
obey God’s
Modesty is a dying art in our society. commandments, we
Of course modesty is not an art or even a come to know true
fashion, but rather a virtue. It is one that is freedom and are
increasingly absent in our brash and loud liberated from the
culture. There is a hunger fuelled by the media shackles of
and a thirst created by the consumer for a selfishness and
certain exhibitionism and a cult of the body self-gratification.
beautiful, resulting in its worship. This has the In Christ we live no
effect of crudely debasing and violating human longer for ourselves
dignity. Modesty, on the other hand, means but for him who died.
refusing to unveil what should remain hidden
and is related to the virtue of purity. Modesty
has to do with our whole person, our feelings,
our clothing, how we dress, present ourselves
and relate to other people.
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The call of “In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, receive
St James
this pouch, habit for your pilgrimage, so that,
The first day of this month last year was the
first day of my ‘Camino’ – my pilgrimage to castigated and corrected, you hasten to
Santiago de Compostela. It was a very
different pilgrimage from which I returned prostrate at Saint James’ feet, where you yearn
last night.
to arrive and, after having completed your
The month of July sees the climax of many
pilgrims’ journeys to Santiago – the shrine of St journey, you come to us delighted with the help
James the Apostle – in northern Spain. St
James’ Day falls on 25 July and there will be of God, who rules over the world without end.
many thousands of pilgrims walking and riding
the old pilgrimage routes this month. Having Amen. …Receive this staff as support for the
walked part of the route once, it now lures me
again – to do more of the walk. If I ever get the journey and your efforts during your pilgrimage
chance to attempt it again – well who knows? I
did come across, recently, a 12th century so that you are able to defeat the throngs of
Pilgrim’s Blessing which seems just as
appropriate for today’s pilgrims. enemies and thus arrive safely at Saint James’
feet and, having completed your journey, you
come to us delighted with the consent of the
same God, who lives and rules over Heaven
without end. Amen.” Fr Jeffery
Saints Alive!
I enjoyed the piece on St. George in our
church magazine recently. It reminded me that
I was a Rector of a church with that dedication
in Bedfordshire. Every ‘St. George’s Tide’ we
had special celebrations concluding with a
‘Mummers’ play during which for some reason
I always played Father Christmas, and a
special Evensong drawing in good numbers
of people. Happy days!
It also occurred to me that I had a church
connection with all the patron saints of these
islands. Before going to theological college I was
a pastoral assistant at St. Patrick’s in Hove. I was
then ordained deacon in a less than pretty church
with the title of St. David’s in Exeter. Later I became
a Team Vicar in a St. Andrew’s in the same city and
St. George I have mentioned above.
However, that is not where it ends, for my to me each ‘St. George’s Tide’, ‘Don’t forget that
St. George’s church was in the diocese of St. he was St. George of England’. Well I never did,
Albans. That may mean nothing to you at first, but but I had to point out to him that Georgia and
there are some people, I may not be one of them, Malta both share with us the same patron saint.
who think that St. Alban has a greater claim to be
patron saint of England than the rather obscure Patron saints have been a common feature of
St. George. He was the proto-matyr of this land, Christianity from fairly early on, so it seems
the first saint who whilst being a Roman soldier obvious that nations would have their special
was told to round up Christians, but seeing their saint not as a ‘protector’ as is found in some
love, became a Christian himself and sacrificed his documents, but one who prays for the country.
life that others might go free. If you want to know The whole host of saints begins with us here
more about his story you can read the Venarable and now, but we also believe that those who
Bede’s wonderful ‘Ecclesiastical History of the have gone before us in the mark of faith are
English People’. It is a great story which is re- now at one with Jesus in heaven. Someone
enacted every Easter Bank Holiday Monday on the entered a friend’s house once and noticed a
Green before the abbey in the city named after him. number of icons of saints. They said to him,
‘Why have you got all these pictures?’. ‘These
St. Alban then has a good case for being our are my friends in heaven’ he replied. Just as we
patron saint, however, we have had St. George might ask a priest or friend in church to pray for
for a thousand years or so, so I cannot see it us, so we ask the prayers of the ‘holies’ who are
being changed. Indeed he seems to be one of fully at one with God.
the few saints regularly acknowledged in our
daily lives in England. The red cross on a white Fr Nick
background is now a familiar site not only
during world cups, football or rugby, but also on
flag poles up and down the land and especially
for some reason on the Welsh and Scottish
borders... One of my parishioners used to say
The Sunday
The Sunday celebration of the Eucharist
is at the very heart of the church’s life.
Sunday is our most important holy day
of obligation. The author of the letter
to the Hebrews reminds his readers,
“not to neglect to meet together, as is
he habit of some, but to encourage
one another.” (10:25). In the
Sunday Eucharist we receive
so many graces and
blessings which give
us strength and fortify
us for the week
to come.
Like every obligation or duty, attending existence of God whereas an agnostic does
Sunday Mass requires a special grace from not deny God’s existence but finds it
God and a special effort from us to be impossible to affirm or deny. In truth,
committed and faithful. God richly blesses agnosticism is all too often equivalent to
and rewards us and pours out, by the power practical atheism. A certain form of
of the Spirit, his love and joy.
…and we put
Our society has changed tremendously over
the last 25 years. Society as a whole used to our lives in the
have a reverence and respect for Sunday as a
day of rest which no longer exists. Sunday hands of God…
trading, the thirst for profit combined with
consumer demand, has undermined Sunday aggressive or militant atheism is very much in
as a day of respite but also as the Lord’s Day. vogue today. Its proponents seize every
The danger we face is that Sunday can seem opportunity to make their dogmatic case.
just like any other day. We must resist this However, God’s existence and loving plan for
and be prepared to play our part in defending us is in harmony with the deepest desires,
the right to keep Sunday special. It is a aspirations and longings of the human heart.
precious contribution to the spiritual life and We pray for atheists and agnostics that they
well-being of every society and culture. Even would come to a knowledge of the living God.
God rested on the seventh day from the work G.K. Chesterton said, “When we cease to
of creation. (Genesis 2:2). If God rested then worship God we do not worship nothing but
so should we. Here is a natural rhythm and we worship everything.” We don’t tend to
cycle to human life which combines work and think of ourselves as idolaters. However,
rest. We understand this whether believer or Origen, the early Church Scripture scholar,
non-believer. The popular maxim says, “All taught that an idolater is: ‘(Someone)… who
work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”. For transfers his indestructible notion of God to
the sake of our spiritual, mental and physical anything other than God.’ We bow down to
health and well-being we need to find time to wealth, money and celebrity. We pay these
rest and recreate. But how do we make temporal and fleeting things an instinctive
Sunday special in our 24/7 hectic and busy homage arising from a profound faith. We
culture? By deciding to carve out time and continue to look to horoscopes, astrology,
set it aside to devote to the things which clairvoyance and the wearing of charms for
bring us peace of mind and body. Lord, teach comfort and guidance. Our faith ejects such
me to cherish and protect my Sunday rest. superstitions, magic and divination, and we
May it be a time for renewal and prayer but put our lives in the hands of God and his
also of refreshment and enjoyment of the loving providence.
good gifts you have given me.
Atheism and agnosticism have many forms
but essentially an atheist rejects or denies the
A Blast from
the Console!
Flaming June! Let’s not go there! Of course, once the service was over we all
enjoyed a glass (or several) of Pimms in the Well
So this month we all went to the Parish Church Garden behind the church. I must say, I do love
to sing Evensong and Benediction for Corpus these ancient buildings (it’s the surveyor in me
Christi with the Bishop, who delighted us for I guess) and can’t help marvelling at the skill of
some while. It was quite an occasion, a full the craftsmen that fashioned them into being.
house and folk from all over the town. It was I also think of the history and the stories that
good to be a part of it. those old stones have to tell.
I was very pleased to have been able to take Back to St Saviour’s. We are now on the long
along a good number from the choir. I was very haul through Trinity with no feast days to
keen for this because I do want to reintroduce celebrate until All Saints’. This means that we
choral evensong to St Saviour’s. Some of the can now focus on some new repertoire. In July
most glorious music has been written for this there will be a new Mass setting for you which
service and it is a shame that it has all but died is very singable and I hope that you will enjoy it.
out in many parishes. Having said that, it is
growing in popularity in our Cathedrals and We will also be producing some new anthems
people are now attending in their droves, which for you. I am particularly excited about one that
is great. I have found from Philip Stopford, ‘Christ is our
corner stone’ (we never sing that hymn these
We joined the choir of St Mary’s and sang days). I am eagerly waiting for that to drop
Stanford’s Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in B flat through my letter box so that we can crack on
(a much-loved old standard), the beautiful Ave with it. I am currently discussing with Philip the
verum corpus by Byrd (which we are now possibility of him coming to St Saviour’s next
polishing up at our own rehearsals in readiness year to lead us in a workshop of some sort.
for an upcoming performance) and the Smith Maybe we will be able to do a choral evensong
responses. I think that this was a great boost for of his music. Maybe I’ll be able to confirm this
us because we haven’t tackled much of this next month.
repertoire yet and I believe that it has given us
the confidence to move ahead with this sort of Don’t forget the Monday lunchtime recitals.
music. I have already discussed the possibility Gaby Stevens is coming back with her classical
of joining forces with St John’s to put on the guitar on the 6th July at 1:00pm. Try not to miss
evening office there as well as at St Saviour’s… it!
…All very encouraging.
The Seven Churches of Revelation
My wife, Zilla, and I are not members of Sardis Sardis
St Saviour’s but of another church in the
Eastbourne Deanery. We felt privileged to be was
included in the St Saviour’s tour of the Seven
Churches of Revelation. We were made most another
welcome by the folk from St Saviour’s and
quickly felt at home in the party. All I can do in town that
this brief article is give you a few personal
highlights. made an
The first of the seven churches we visited was impact on
one of the most impressive. Pergamon was
addressed by the Lord Jesus in this way: ‘To the us. There
angel of the church in Pergamon, write:
… I know where you live – where Satan has his it was the
setting of
Modern-day Bergama stands on a plain. High
above it; in fact some 300metres above it, is the the temple
great acropolis of Pergamon. ‘Acropolis’ means
high city and so the acropolis of Pergamon can to Artemis
be seen for miles around. When it was crowned
combined with the immense size of the
columns that struck us. I took a photo of Zilla
by the temples to Zeus, to Athena and to the
emperor Trajan in their pristine glory, the white standing by one of the columns and she looked
marble would have dazzled all who saw it. For
the little band of first century Christians, it must like a Lilliputian figure beside it. One could
have seemed daunting indeed. The words of
Jesus referring to all this as the ‘throne of imagine that with the backdrop of a mountain
Satan’ would have made sense. On a hot
afternoon we were whisked up the 300 metres rugged and partly tree-covered, this magnificent
by cable car to the summit where we had the
chance to explore the remains of the many and powerful temple to the goddess of nature,
impressive buildings, though the uneven terrain
did not make it easy. who was represented by a statue standing
within it, would draw people irresistibly to her
Awesome in a different way was the
combination of the excavated city of Hierapolis
and the cascades of travertine (similar to
limestone) which adjoined it formed by the hot
mineral waters. These waters have over many
poured down
the cliffs
creating this
brilliant white
wonder of the
natural world.
The party
enjoyed Hierapolis
paddling in
warm pools and some bathed in the hot waters
of the Antique Pool amidst fragments of ancient
buildings. Everywhere there were Roman
roads, great gateways and to Zilla me most
dramatic, in all senses of the word, of all, the
huge semi-circular theatre which looked down
on a backdrop to the stage built with elaborate
columns and pediments in honey-coloured
Ephesus two theatres, and white marble roads. It made
us realise how sophisticated was the world into
A final highlight for us was the visit to the which the gospel of Christ first came, but also
ancient ruins of Ephesus, the city where St Paul how alien it must have seemed to the apostle
and his companions. They were surrounded by
spent three years teaching the gospel to people buildings that honoured pagan gods and
goddesses, and the demand too to worship the
from the whole locality (probably including the Roman Emperor. Particularly poignant is the
Domitian fountain which opens on to the
other towns Domitian Square. Domitian was the emperor
who, most of all, did his utmost to persecute
mentioned in Ephesus Christians. Many were martyred at his
Revelation). The command.
site is huge with We stayed in excellent hotels, relaxed in the last
one by the sea, explored the ancient city of
many buildings Istanbul (formerly Constantinople) with its fine
which have been buildings and mix of
cultures. We were led with
in part much grace by Fr Jeffery
and safely driven
reconstructed. throughout by our Turkish
coach driver. We became
The Library of very fond of our guide.
Celsus is She was young,
small and
remarkable but dynamic with a
great sense
there is a great
of humour.
deal to see – It became
routine to
temples on all follow her
sides, baths, orange
communal lavatories with effective sanitation, We were left,
as we returned
The winners of the April home, with a
2015 100’s Club draw were: sense of the
miracle that was the
1st 92 D and M Thorpe £40 spread of the gospel
2nd 97 Beth Robertson £20 in the first century. We
3rd 42 David Powney £10 had to recognise that
we need that same
We are still looking for more members. miraculous power of
The cost is £2 per month with the draw the Spirit to give life
taking place on the last Sunday of the and endurance to our
month. Subject to numbers, prizes range churches in the
from £40 for first prize, £20 for second and twenty-first.
£10 for third. Please contact me for details. Hugh Lowries
Steve Gilbert
A Spiritual Experience
Earlier this month saw the two of us Yes, they work hard, do what has to be done
whisked by a Lithuanian Airline (‘wherefore but all have this basic religious belief in God
art thou’ BOAC) to a Greek Island for a and the world he created and trust that he
much needed break. will provide for them.
You may well ask “why now?” with The highlight of our week was a visit to the
discussions currently being held to old monastery Faneromeni. Dating back to
determine the fate of the Greek nation within the C10th and built from an existing cave in
the EU. The average income on Crete being the mountains at the site of repeated
€300 a month against €500 a month rental appearances of Our Holy Mother. Many
cost and Kos struggling to cope with an healings having also taken place there
influx of terrified refugees from Asia. Is this attributed to Jesus.
the place to visit for a relaxed happy break?
Praying there brought a strong presence of
None of this matters one Iota on Crete, the our Lord and we became engaged to be
attitude we found everywhere was “we have married with the blessing of Father Paiscius.
the climate, the scenery, nature and food in We returned on Sunday to attend Mass
abundance, they will all still be here taking with us the five breads known as
whatever happens at the EU” Artoklasia which were blessed and
distributed amongst the congregation.
We then spent a week with a mixture of
Cretan, Greek, French, German and a couple Completely unplanned, this was the most
of English people all who have this attitude. magical/spiritual experience of our lives and
is still with us.
Duncan and Marie-Paule
Hello everyone! After celebrating Vi’s 104th birthday with cake
and wine we were saddened to hear a few
Gosh, I’ve been so busy weeks later that she had passed away. Rest in
recently and those lunches Peace dear friend. Elizabeth W is now the
and cream teas are senior member of our congregation and she
was always a few months younger than Vi.
beginning to show!
The evening Ascension Day Mass was lovely Richard Elliott suffered a stroke and is in
with members of other Churches joining us and Brighton Hospital. At the time of writing he is
then came Corpus Christi with its very moving improving and things are starting to work for
ceremony. We also hosted the St George’s Day him again. Then Liz Trustam had a fall and she
Mass for the GSS (servers) and you’ll find this was taken off to The Conquest but is now back
hard to believe but Fr Christopher was seen in a home with carers. Our server Alan is not too
black berretta. Yes you read it correctly, I think good at the moment and these three would
Fr John was responsible. If you’ve never been welcome your prayers please. On a happier
to one of these evening services please give it a note Duncan went on holiday and while in a
try as they are really good and most times the cave half way up the mountain he proposed and
choir have spent time learning new things and they are now engaged! Congratulations!
Stuart has everything set up to perfection.
That leads me on to another person, she who I hear that Mary T has been all over the show
launders all the altar linen. You know, the including Buckingham Palace Garden Party
starched, white cloths on the altar and the where she met 4 royal ladies, and also
purificators which are used daily to wipe the organised a little, flower festival in St Andrew’s
cup before the wine is offered to you. Well, they Church Jevington. All this to celebrate 100
are looked after by Liz Tardif, thank you very years of the WI. If you haven’t been recently do
much Liz. We know Liz will be very busy this pop along to Hampden Park and take a walk
coming month as Andrew is getting married and round the lake and you will see the 2 resident
we wish him good health and all the luck in the swans with their 6 gorgeous cygnets and
world. Look who arrived this month. Baby nearby a family of 6 ducklings.
Oliver! A son for Caroline and Gareth and
grandson for Liz and Martin. As I write this Fr Jeffery and our pilgrims in
Turkey will be planning their journey home and
A number of us went to the parish church St we look forward to hearing about the
Mary for another Corpus Christi Mass and pilgrimage. We now have 2 new churchwardens
Benediction led by Bishop Martin. Some and 2 assistant wardens and we wish them well
member of our choir sang and the music in their posts and thank them for taking on
sounded challenging. Bishop Martin is such an these positions which can be very time
inspiring priest and we’re lucky to have him in consuming and hard work. Our thanks to Jim
Chichester but after the homily most of us and Jacqui who can now relax and worship
whispered, “Thank you Fr Jeffery for our 10 during Mass. TTFN.
minute rule at S Saviour’s...”.
Dates for your Diary July
Weds 1 10.30am Mass S Oliver Plunkett. 3.00pm CBS Vespers and Benediction
Thurs 2 10.30am Mass Feria
Fri 3 12 noon Mass
Sat 4 9.00am Mass S Elizabeth of Portugal
Sun 5 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time 8.00am Mass 10.30am Solemn Mass
Mon 6 10.30am Mass Guild of All Souls Monthly Requiem 1.00pm Monthly Recital
Tue 7 12 noon Mass Feria
Weds 8 10.30am Mass Feria
Thurs 9 10.30am Mass Feria
Fri 10 12 noon Mass Feria
Sat 11 9.00am Mass S Benedict
Sun 12 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time 8.00am Mass 10.30am Solemn Mass
Mon 13 10.30am Mass S Henry 1.00pm Flute and Piano Recital
Tues 14 12 noon Mass Feria 7.30pm PCC
Wed 15 10.30am Mass S Bonaventure
Thurs 16 10.30am Mass Our Lady of Mt. Carmel
Fri 17 8.00am Walsingham Mass 9.00am Pilgrimage begins. 12 noon Mass Feria
Sat 18 9.00am Mass BVM
Sun 19 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time 8.00am Mass 10.30am Solemn Mass
Mon 20 10.30am Mass S Apollinaris
Tues 21 12 noon Mass S Lawrence of Brindisi Walsingham Cell Meets
Wed 22 10.30am Mass S Mary Magdalene
Thurs 23 10.30am Mass S Bridget
Fri 24 12 noon Mass Feria
Sat 25 9.00am Mass S James
Sun 26 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time 8.00am Mass 10.30am Solemn Mass
Mon 27 10.30am Mass Feria
Tues 28 12 noon Mass Feria
Wed 29 10.30am Mass S Martha
Thurs 30 10.30am Mass S Peter Chrysologus
Fri 31 12 noon Mass S Ignatius of Loyoa
Key: Ap – Apostle; BVM – Blessed Virgin Mary; CBS – Confraternity of the Blessed Sacrament;
LM – Low Mass; MS – Sung Mass; RM – Requiem Mass.
Church Officers THE DIRECTORY Telephone
The Very Revd Jeffery Gunn MA 01323 722317
Hon Assistant Clergy The Vicarage Spencer Road Eastbourne BN21 4PA 422050
Rev Christopher Hadfield, BA 646655
Churchwardens Canon Charles Lansdale BA 485399
Rev Nick MacNeill, BTh. 723584
Deputy Churchwarden Rev John Wright BSc Cert Ed 645145
Secretary PCC Mr Keith Metcalfe 729142
Treasurer Mr John Bourdon 661481
Electoral Roll Mrs Pauline Fella 720577
Secretary Planned Giving Mrs Judy Grundy 735410
Miss Mary Delves 489646
Mrs Mary Tomsett 504731
Mr Michael Brennan
Other Officers Mr Paul Collins 872168
Director of Music Mr Richard Elliott 500585
Parish Hospital Contact Mr Stuart Burns 894414
Sacristan/Servers Miss Jane Pinching 721061
Bookstall Manager Mrs Pat James 469078
Caring and Sharing Mr Steve Gilbert 729059
Car Park Manager Mrs Za Crook 721061
Safeguarding Officer Mrs Pat James 434785
Churches Together Mrs Beverly Cochran
Miss Mary Delves, Mrs Isobel Nugent 489646
Deanery Synod Mr John Bourdon 728892
Mrs Mary Tomsett 486214
Family Support Work Mr Robert Ascott 504909
Mr David Thorpe 725796
Librarian Miss Lis Trustam
Guild of All Souls Mrs Isobel Nugent 735410
Mission to Seafarers The Vicar 469078
Open Church Miss Mary Delves 729702
Our Lady of Walsingham Mr Steve Gilbert
100 Club 504909
Vestry (unmanned) 485399
Church Organisations and when they meet 724317
07732 123777
Bible Reading Fellowship Miss Lis Trustam – Call for details
Book Group Rev Nick MacNeill 722317
Church Cleaning Mrs Rita Orchard – Tuesdays from 9am
Church Grounds Mr John Burford
Confraternity of the Mr Jonathan Lawrence
Blessed Sacrament
Flower Arrangers Mrs Rita Orchard – Fridays from 9am
Social Committee Mrs Margaret Gunn
Disclaimer: The Vicar and Editor do not necessarily agree with all the views expressed in this Magazine. Please note that all articles
are copyright to the author and may not be reproduced in any form or medium without the written permission of the author or Editor.