The Parish magazine of April 2016
Volume XLVII No. 4
Contents Page Church Services
We are now in the seven weeks of the 3 Sundays
Easter Season 8.00 Low Mass
10.30 Solemn Mass and Sermon
A Sermon Preached by Father Charles 4
on the Second Sunday of Lent followed by refreshments
in the Church Hall.
Divine Mercy Sunday 5
Celebrating God’s Merciful Love Weekdays
Mon, Wed, Thurs 10.30am;
Bishop Mark reflects on 7 Tues and Fri 12noon; Sat 9.00am
the essence of Easter
Major Weekday Festivals
The Cathedral Church of Our Lady and 9 Said Mass, as above Sung Mass: 7.30pm.
St Philip Howard, Arundel Mattins and Evensong are said daily at
8.30am and 5.30pm unless otherwise
‘Watch out – there are builders about!’ 13 indicated on notice boards.
St Saviour’s musical tradition VIII 14 The Clergy are happy to bring the Sacrament to
– War and Aftermath the housebound or sick at any hour of the day
or night. The Holy Oil is available for those who
A Blast from the Console 16 wish to be anointed.
Eve’s Droppings 18 The Sacrament of Reconciliation
A priest is usually available to hear Confessions
Dates for your Diary 19 or for Spiritual Advice on Fridays at 11.30am
or by appointment.
Directory 20
The Parish Magazine is published on the Hospital visits
last Sunday of the month. Our Parish Contact for local hospitals,
Mr Richard Elliott (872168), will visit and give
Matter for publication should be sent to communion to those in hospital.
[email protected].
See Pew Sheet for Magazine deadline. Other Services provided by the church
Arrangements for Baptisms, Banns of
Articles should be no longer than Marriage, Weddings and Funerals
750 words. News items or Reports should should be made with the Church Wardens.
be factual and no longer than 250 words.
Articles are copyright to the author and the www.facebook.com/St-Saviours-Eastbourne
Editor’s decision is final.
stsaviourseastbourne.org.uk is the church www.stsaviourseastbourne.org.uk
website and is managed by Paul Fella
([email protected]) to The church is open from 8.30am each day
whom matter for the site should be sent. and a team of volunteers is available to answer
questions etc from 10am most days.
The Book Shop/Souvenir Stall is also open
while there is a volunteer on duty.
We are now in the seven weeks
of the Easter Season
“If Christ has not dreams had collapsed like a pack of cards –
risen vain is our they were frightened men and women hiding
preaching and vain from the authorities fearful that they might too
too is your faith” be crucified.
…says Saint Paul Something pretty devastating must have
happened to transform that frightened little
The strongest evidence that the resurrection group into men and women who conquered
really happened is the existence of the Church the whole known world for Christ in a few
itself. Don’t forget that first Good Friday, the generations. The Apostles could not have made
Apostles were the most disillusioned of all up the resurrection and then convinced all the
people in the world. The New Testament other followers of Jesus because everyone of
describes how completely shattered and them died a martyr to witness their own belief
bewildered they were. All their hopes and in the resurrection.
Deceivers do not die in order to prove a lie.
Fr Charles
A Sermon Preached by Father Charles
on the Second Sunday of Lent
Today’s readings are about the storms you know, your boat will capsize” etc,
transfiguration. Transfiguration takes place but someone else decided to say the opposite.
when some inner quality of a person is “You really are something, we are with you,
revealed. When some hidden potential good luck, bon voyage!! You see there are two
comes to light. Jesus is transfigured before kinds of people “Two men looked out from
his friends and they see he is not just a prison bars, one saw mud the other saw stars”
skilled carpenter and a wandering teacher. the pessimist and the optimist. The pessimist
In this transfiguration his true potential is says “don’t even think of it” the optimist says
seen and the radiance of his divinity shines “bon voyage”. Most schools of psychology
forth. Jesus invites us to reveal our true came into existence concerned with the sick but
potential every Lent. A Maslow, the father of humanistic psychology
worked only with the healthy, he was very much
Saint Irenaeus said “The Glory of God is a the bon voyage type concerned with what can
human being that is fully alive”. Yet go right and not what can go wrong.
psychologists tell us that the average person
achieves only 10% of his or her potential, to Every time we influence another to critisise or
live, to learn, to love and enjoy life to the full. condemn we loose peace of mind and embrace
Where does the other 90% go? pain We ourselves make the conscious
decision whether to find good or evil in others,
Cardinal Newman once said “Fear not that your whether to live in or out of paradise. God did
life will come to an end but fear that it will never not put us here to judge but to Love – leave
begin!” We seem to go through this life firing on judging to God. So how can we reveal our true
only one cylinder instead of six. Why do we potential? First by refraining from judging or
seem never really to engage reality? Why are critisising and focusing on negatives things. On
we so closed down? According to many a pristine sheet of white paper which has a
students of psychology we never develop our small ink blot on it, our human nature tends to
full potential because of our fixed attitudes and focus on the ink blot not on the 99.9% white
sheet. Train yourself to be an optimist and
“Two men looked don’t allow your negative pessimistic side to
out from prison take over by focusing on the ink blot – don’t be
bars, one saw mud like the media, stop judging.
the other saw stars”
Second do something special for someone you
our inner vision of reality i.e. ourselves, other love. Go out of your way to do a favour for
people, life, the world and God. Each of us has someone who asks for something, don’t say
a vision of reality that for most of us is sadly immediately “love to, can’t!” Send an
distorted. Someone told me of a story of a anonymous financial gift to someone in need.
young sailor setting out on a round the world Be generous in your Stewardship Giving.
trip in a homemade boat. As he was preparing Forgive from the bottom of your heart someone
to sail the majority of people were making against whom you have been holding a grudge.
pessimistic comments. “You will hit terrible Opportunities to manifest your potential are
limited only by the range of your imagination.
For the sake of your transfiguration let your
imagination run riot and let the radiance of your
divinity shine through!
Divine Mercy Sunday
Celebrating God’s Merciful Love
In the Jubilee Year 2000, Pope John Paul II 3 On the ten ‘Hail Mary’ beads, say the
proclaimed that from that year forward the following:
Second Sunday of Easter would be “For the sake of His sorrowful Passion, have
celebrated as Divine Mercy Sunday. mercy on us and on the whole world.”
This was proclaimed at the Canonization 4 Repeat steps two and three for all five
Mass of St Faustina Kawalska, who worked decades.
throughout her life to make all aware of the
merciful love of God. St Faustina (1905–1938) 5 Conclude by reciting three times:
was born and raised in Poland. Following a “Holy God, Holy Mighty One, Holy Immortal
vocation to religious life, she was accepted by One, have mercy on us and on the whole
the Congregation of the Sisters of Our Lady of world.”
Mercy. As a member of the Congregation, she
worked as a cook, gardener, and porter. In her When celebrating Divine Mercy Sunday, the
spiritual life, her contemplation on the Mercy of faithful are called to reflect more personally on
God led her to develop a childlike trust in God the graces won through the life, death, and
and deep love for her neighbour. Resurrection of Jesus Christ. In this way their
hearts may be more fully aware of the mercy
In her years in the convent, St Faustina heard of God for them personally and for the sake of
a call from God to make God’s mercy known the world.
to the world so that the world may more fully
receive God’s healing grace. St Faustina
promoted the Chaplet of Divine Mercy
which consists of the recitation of
prayers to the Eternal Father with the
use of the rosary for the sake of
Christ’s sorrowful passion.
The Chaplet is prayed
as follows:
1 Begin with the Sign of the
Cross, one Our Father, one Hail
Mary, and the Apostles’ Creed.
2 On the ‘Our Father’ beads, recite
the following:
“Eternal Father, I offer you the Body and
Blood, Soul and Divinity of your dearly
beloved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, in
atonement for our sins and those of the
whole world.”
How often, I wonder, do we judge some unhappy or difficult event ‘a blessing in disguise’?
Some events in our lives can be very painful, disappointing and even seem disastrous. We experience
these as utter desolation.
Only some time afterwards do we discover the hardship was necessary in order for something
wonderful, enriching or perhaps liberating to come about.
The story of Joseph, in the Book of Genesis, is a good example: Selling Joseph into slavery was
traumatic not only for him, but for his adoring father and for the brothers who came to regret their
Disaster all round!... ...and yet this disaster turned out to be a well-disguised blessing. It turned out
to be their salvation when Joseph’s family turned to Egypt for what they needed to survive.
Easter celebrates the blessing, the salvation, which had been disguised in the tragedy of Good Friday.
Easter isn’t simply a happy ending but God making human failure and the seeming disaster of death
into the very seed of wonderful new and eternal life.
Easter celebrates the hope that God will take the tragic failures and desolation of our personal Good
Fridays and make them the very seeds of something life-giving.
Happy Eastertide!
+ Mark
What is a Will?
A Will is a legal document that confirms how you wish your
property, personal possessions, savings and investments
to be distributed upon your death. For a Will to be valid the
maker of the Will must have the necessary mental capacity
at the time they make their Will and be signed by them in
the presence of two independent witnesses. It is usual to
include the appointment of executors who will have the
duty of proving your Will and ensuring your wishes are
carried out.
A Will can also: Furthermore, partners who have been living
together for many years, but who have not entered
n Specify any particular wishes you may have into marriage or civil partnership are not
for your funeral recognised at all under the rules of intestacy. But
by having a valid Will you get to choose who
n Show how you wish your estate to be benefits.
It is important to keep a Will updated. And you
n Confirm to whom, and in what proportions, should consider whether your executors will
you wish your residuary estate to be continue to be available and suitable. So, It may
distributed be preferable to appoint grown up children or
a solicitor as executor. If your executors or
n Ensure that assets are kept within a family beneficiaries change address it will not invalidate
and help to avoid disputes your Will, but it can make them hard to locate.
n Reduce an inheritance tax bill. Finally changes to the law with regard to
inheritance tax mean it may be appropriate to
In today’s society the structure of the family is update your Will to ensure your estate is more
changing and it is even more important that tax efficient.
your estate passes to your chosen beneficiary.
Without a valid Will in place you will die ‘intestate
‘and the rules of intestacy will specify how your
estate will be distributed.
Should your estate be distributed under the rules
of intestacy, it could be given to relatives you
neither know nor like and in some circumstances
your estate can even pass to the Crown.
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The Cathedral Church of Our Lady
and St Philip Howard, Arundel
Situated in a prominent position in London Our Lady and St. Philip in October 1970. In
Road, Arundel, West Sussex, England the 1973 there was a further change in dedication
Cathedral Church of Our Lady and St Philip to the canonised martyr St Philip Howard.
Howard overlooks the ancient town of
Arundel on the west bank of the river Arun, Although Philip Howard died 400 years ago,
where the valley opens out into the coastal his life still has much to say to us today. Like
plain. us, Philip also lived in an age of affluence and
prosperity; he became wholly absorbed in the
The Cathedral, originally known as the attractions of this world and like so many he
Church of St. Philip Neri, was commissioned deserted his spouse. But when the call from
by Henry, 15th Duke of Norfolk in 1868 and God came – he responded. This response
was opened on 1st of July 1873. This old cost him his wealth, position and liberty.
established family owned extensive estates He prayed for the day when Catholics and
around Arundel, and the building was Protestants would pray and work together
completed on 1st July 1873, to designs of and that prayer is now being answered.
the architect Joseph Hansom, inventor of
the Hansom Cab. The style of the Cathedral This Cathedral dedicated in his name is the
is French Gothic of about 1400. seat of the Roman Catholic Bishopric of
Arundel and Brighton and provides for the
The original dedication was to St Philip needs of the Arundel Parish and
Neri, founder of the Oratorian religious neighbourhood.
order, but when the Diocese of
Arundel and Brighton was created in Every year Arundel Cathedral celebrates the
1965, the Church was created feast of Corpus Christi and the Carpet of
a Cathedral and its
dedication was Flowers, 60 days after Easter, and there
changed to are several wonderful concerts held
throughout the year. Some events
provide free entry to the Cathedral.
St Philip Howard
Arundel Cathedral Flower Festival
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In order to maintain the variety and frequency Continental Deli and Café
of events to our current high standards, we
are looking for more volunteers. Great Italian Coffee
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We need people to: run raffles; distribute leaflets; Eat in or Take away
meet and greet; sell tickets; help prepare and Homemade Cake
serve food; cook; bake; make tea and coffee; with Tea or Coffee ONLY £3.00
set up; shop; clear-up; wash up and even Bertolli Olive Oil Awards
organise; co-ordinate or run events and more… Runner-up ‘Best Deli Dishes in UK’
Come in and give us a try!
Looking ahead
With the 150th Anniversary on the horizon, IL GUSTO
it is important that this group is re-launched and
underway quickly, as there is a lot to be done. Continental Deli and Café 56b Grove Road
Please speak to Paul Fella or call him on
01323 656346 if you would like to help.
Although we are still striving to raise the accordingly, although there may still be some
balance of funding we need for our major ‘noises-off’ from time to time.
roof project, building work will actually
start on MONDAY 11th APRIL. Scaffolding We will try to keep disruption to a minimum,
will begin to be erected on that day and but we urge you please to be VERY
will take about three weeks to complete. CAREFUL throughout the four months it will
take to complete this project. Should you
This scaffolding work, together with the have any concerns during this time, please
subsequent building repair and restoration speak to one of the Churchwardens.
work and the necessary storage of materials, John Bourdon and Keith Metcalfe.
contractors’ vehicles and site amenities will
be bound to have a significant impact upon P.S. If you have not yet responded to the
our usual routines and customs. Our fundraising appeal sent out in February,
weekday services and other events such as your support is still urgently needed as
recitals within the Church should be largely we are well adrift of our target. Donations
unaffected. The contractors are aware of the forms are available at the special display
dates and times of such services and other in the north aisle, or can be sent
events and will arrange their work c/o the Vicarage. Thank you
Something more Stay in touch
and contribute
light-hearted… to the buzz…
Four Catholic men and a Catholic woman were Follow us on facebook!
having coffee in St. Peters Square. The first
Catholic man tells his friends, “My son is a www.facebook.com/St-Saviours-Eastbourne
priest, when he walks into a room, everyone
calls him ‘Father’.” The second Catholic man
chirps, “My son is a Bishop. When he walks
into a room people call him ‘Your Grace’.” The
third Catholic gent says, “My son is a Cardinal.
When he enters a room everyone bows their
head and says ‘Your Eminence’.” The fourth
Catholic man says very proudly, “My son is the
Pope. When he walks into a room people call
him ‘Your Holiness’.” Since the lone Catholic
woman was sipping her coffee in silence, the
four men give her a subtle, “Well ...?” She
proudly replies, “I have a daughter, slim, tall,
38” DD bust, 24” waist and 34” hips. When she
walks into a room, everybody says, “Oh My
Thank you to Rhona for this contribution
St Saviour’s musical tradition VIII
War and Aftermath
This is the concluding piece in a series of articles on our musical tradition
The closure of the Choir School in 1937
ended 60 years of devotion, sacrifice and
hard work. Neither the heart of the Bishop
(Burrows) nor, more especially, that of Claude
Williams had been behind it. An attempt was
made to ensure some continuity of choristers
and a scheme was devised to provide for
18 boys, 6 of whom were offered scholarships
at Eastbourne Grammar School. Initially the
scheme appeared successful but World War II
ended all that. Evacuations left Eastbourne a
ghost town and the 1944 Education Act
meant the scheme became irrelevant.
St Saviour’s war time troubles began on Friday
13 September 1940 when a bomb hit the
church and badly damaged the organ making
it unplayable. It remained silent for 13 years.
A skeleton congregation tried to keep things
going but further bomb damage rendered parts
of the church unusable. A piano accompanied
services. In 1944 Williams left to be succeeded
by Guy Hetherington who inherited a shell and
a very heavy burden and the enormous problem
of rebuilding parish life in very different and
difficult circumstances.
Ben Stevens had assumed responsibility for the Organ would eventually be sited in an overhead
music in 1944. He was Sussex born and bred; position in the old chamber. The new organ was
from farming stock, he became an architect but dedicated by the Bishop of Lewes on 6 August
music was his passion and he had been heavily 1953 and soon afterwards a recital was given
involved in Methodist and Presbyterian by Lionel Dakers, later to be Master of the
churches in Eastbourne. He held the fort until Choristers at Exeter and Director of the RSCM.
his death in 1953. He was much involved in the He was married to Williams’ daughter!
post-war restoration of the church and organ
and he managed to maintain the choral tradition Stevens was succeeded by Eric Barlow, a
- there were still some boys in the choir during dentist. Hetherington wrote that good things
his period. As part of the restoration the main could be hoped for, different though they would
part of the organ was moved from its old site be from St Saviour’s famous past, when the
and placed upon a gallery at the west end of Choir School was the foundation of its fine
the church, the console remaining as before in traditions. This lack of an essential foundation
its gallery on the south side of the Chancel. It was to be a besetting problem. Barlow soon set
was intended that the ‘prepared for’ Choir
about rebuilding the somewhat depleted choir. fine polyphonic settings of the Mass and motets
He worked long and hard to maintain the choral for the Sunday Eucharist. But the underlying
tradition and he managed to attract some boys problems remained of how to get a continuous
including his own sons. He was a good choir stream of choristers. As the Centenary Booklet
trainer who got the best out of his choir who commented the situation was not unlike that of
would do anything for him. But the lack of a 1878 when the Choir School had been founded
guaranteed succession of choristers caught up for the recruitment of choristers. These had
with him and he was urgently seeking more over the years formed a loyal, closely-knit
voices in 1966. Sadly, in November of that year group, 73 of whom were ferreted out for a
he died unexpectedly. The Vicar, Owen Whiting, reunion in Eastbourne in September 1973.
spoke movingly of his good friend Eric Barlow
who prayed near the music cupboard in the David Thorpe
south aisle before going to the organ loft to play
for a service. Editorial Note…
It is probably right to stop at this point before
So the Centenary year began with the we get too close to our own day to be
appointment of Reg Bertin as Barlow’s dispassionate. ‘A musical tradition to be proud
successor. Bertin was a distinguished musician, of’? Very much so in many respects but also a
well known in Eastbourne as head of Music at missed opportunity. David Thorpe has clearly
the grammar School and conductor of the and beautifully outlined the salient points and
Southboume Choir. Through his connection left the reader to draw his conclusions. We are
with the Grammar School he was able to bring all grateful to him and those who have, and
in more boys as well as a number of adults, and continue to, occupy the position of Director of
he developed a well-balanced group singing Music and strive to maintain that tradition.
A Blast from
the Console!
And so to Holy Week. As it turns out, I needn't have worried. The choir
worked very hard and produced a great
Liturgically, emotionally and musically the performance. It is quite unlike anything else that
most challenging time of the year. As I write they have tackled before and their commitment
this I have just come from Robert Munns’ and willingness to learn music like this does
Lenten Meditation. A most moving and them great credit. So, once again, my thanks to
poignant portrayal of the Passion of our Lord, them for their support!
in the music of J. S Bach and a truly fitting
start to this week of commemoration! I was also interested in the reaction of the
congregation! I knew that there would be some
It's always exciting when we know that the raised eyebrows. But I have to say that I have
Bishop is coming. It is great that he will be here had, so far, nothing but positive feedback.
with us for the services running up to Easter. We Thank you.
will be able to show him what St Saviour's is all
about. With that in mind, I was very nervous Of course, by the time you read this, Easter will
about my choice of anthem for Palm Sunday. have been and gone. I now have to turn my
Kenneth Leighton's ‘Solus ad Victimam’ is a thoughts to Ascension and Pentecost as well as
little masterpiece. It depicts beautifully the last a whole host of summer concerts. Please keep
hours of Christ on Earth; the pain, the suffering, an eye out for the planned events; there are
the anguish and then the final triumph of the some lovely recitals scheduled with some really
resurrection. talented musicians. The first will be a Bank
Holiday (2nd May) piano recital given by friend
It is, of course, written very much in the John Bruzon. He is a wonderful player and I
twentieth century idiom which means that it is know that you will love his programme as well
largely very dissonant. This is quite deliberate, as his playing.
as it is the discordant nature which creates the
atmosphere of the piece. Well I hope you all had a lovely Easter. Roll on
The winners of the February We still need existing members to renew
2016 100’s Club draw were: and we are also looking for new members
to sign up. See Steve Gilbert for details.
1st Roger Emery 82 The cost is £2 per month with the draw
2nd Graham Cameron 22 taking place on the last Sunday of the month.
3rd John Vernon 28 Subject to numbers, prizes range from £40 for
first prize, £20 for second and £10 for third.
The 2016 Annual Parish Meeting
will take place after Mass in the
Church Room on Sunday 17th April
Saturday 23rd April
3pm in the
Church Room
Sandwiches, Scones
and Cakes Galore!
Tickets £7.00
Come dressed wearing White and Red.
There will be a Raffle and Prizes for the most
outstanding lady’s and gentleman’s outfit.
There have been a lot I see some new notices have arrived in the
of birthdays this month north aisle of the Church about the proposed
(Peter, Maureen, John the roof repairs. I am sure all donations large and
gardener Paul DOM, Martin and small will be greatly appreciated so that the
Val) and out came the bottles scaffolding can go up next month and the work
of wine for everyone to share get under way.
and there will be some more
on Easter Day when Stephanie and Chris
celebrate their Golden Wedding.
Martin had a serious injury to his leg when he You all know Roger our bass don’t you? Well,
caught it on his car door and it is going to take Roger wears hearing aids and recently couldn’t
some time to get it sorted out. Jane Pinching find one of them. Yes we all know hearing aids
had a nasty fall but is now home and Pat James live in people’s pockets but this is not the case
suffered a further stroke and is still in hospital. with Roger’s aids. After quite a few days he
We send them all our love and wish them a full decided he would have to bite the bullet and
recovery. Fr David Musson who has been buy a new one. Before doing this he went into
helping with weekday Masses suddenly went his garden with Toby his Pekingese and looking
down with septicaemia due to a meningitis ahead he thought, “Hello what’s that?” and
bacteria in his sinuses. What a shock for hanging from his tree was his hearing aid!
Katherine but fortunately he is now home and
being supported twice daily by nurses. Our I hope you will all be able to
church warden John is having a lot of visual attend some of the beautiful
problems since he had a detached retina and services during Holy Week and
I am sure would welcome your prayers. concluding on Easter Day.
We are so lucky to have
Where were you all when the Renaissance Bishop Martin four times
Singers gave a fabulous concert in Church the during Holy Week and
other Sunday afternoon? Their faithful followers then Bishop Nicholas
came along and generously donated toward Reade on Easter Day,
the upkeep of our organ. I’m not a great fan please show them your
of ‘Lord of the Dance’ but David Willcocks’ support and thanks.
arrangement was brilliant. Paul Collins our DOM TTFN
gave a heart tugging announcement at the
beginning of the concert saying there would be
refreshments at the end and he was in charge,
but as he was no good with boiling water it
might take some time to arrive. Of course
Paul F, Pauline, Mary T and Brenda stepped in
and the hot drinks were flowing by the time
people arrived in the Baptistery.
Dates for your Diary April 2016
Fri 1 12 noon Mass Friday in Easter Week
Sat 2 09.00am Mass Saturday in Easter Week
Sun 3 Second Sunday in Eastertide 8.00am Mass 10.30am Solemn Mass
Mon 4 10.30am Mass The Annunciation of the Lord
Tues 5 12 noon Mass
Wed 6 10.30am Mass
Thurs 7 10.30 am Mass 3.00pm CBS Office and Benediction
Fri 8 12 noon Mass Laying on of Hands
Sat 9 09.00am Mass
Sun 10 Third Sunday in Eastertide 8.00am Mass 10.30am Solemn Mass
Mon 11 10.30am Mass
Tues 12 12 noon Mass
Wed 13 10.30am Mass S. Martin I, P. M.
Thurs 14 10.30am Mass
Fri 15 12 noon Mass
Sat 16 09.00am Mass
Sun 17 Fourth Sunday in Eastertide 8.00am Mass 10.30am Solemn Mass
Mon 18 10.30am Mass
Tues 19 12 noon Mass
Wed 20 10.30am Mass
Thurs 21 10.30am Mass S. Anselm, Bp. Dr.
Fri 22 12 noon Mass
Sat 23 09.00am Mass S. George, M.
Sun 24 Fifth Sunday in Eastertide 8.00am Mass 10.30am Solemn Mass
Mon 25 10.30am Mass S. Mark the Evangelist
Tues 26 12 noon Mass Walsingham Cell
Wed 27 10.30am Mass
Thurs 28 10.30am Mass
Fri 29 12 noon Mass S. Catherine of Siena, V. Dr.
Sat 30 09.00am Mass S. Pius V, P.