The Parish magazine of June 2017
Volume XLVIII No. 6
Contents Page Church Services
The Light of Christ in a Dark World 3 Sundays
8.00 Low Mass
Called by God... 5
10.30 Solemn Mass and Sermon
The Society 9 followed by refreshments
in the Church Hall.
Our Lady of Fatima 10 Weekdays
Mon, Wed, Thurs 10.30am; Tues and Fri 12noon;
The Vicarage Garden Party 12 Sat 9.00am
Major Weekday Festivals
A Very Special Birthday 13 Said Mass as above, Sung Mass: 7.30pm.
Morning and Evening prayer are said daily at
A Blast from the Console 14 8.30am and 5.30pm unless otherwise
100 Club indicated on notice boards.
The Clergy are happy to bring the Sacrament to
Eastbourne Churches Together 15 the housebound or sick at any hour of the day or
Caption Competition Winner night. The Holy Oil is available for those who wish
to be anointed.
Six of the Best 16
The Sacrament of Reconciliation
Church Working Party Project - Perhaps? 17 A priest is usually available to hear Confessions
or for Spiritual Advice on Fridays at 11.30am or
Eve’s Droppings 18 by appointment.
Dates for your Diary 19
Directory 20
Cover image: Hospital visits
Our Lady of Fatima, Courtesy Richard Crook Our Parish Contact for local hospitals,
Mr Richard Elliott (872168), will visit and give
communion to those in hospital.
The Parish Magazine is published on the Other Services provided by the church
last Sunday of the month. Arrangements for Baptisms, Banns of Marriage,
Matter for publication should be sent to Weddings and Funerals should be made with
[email protected] the Vicar.
Copy deadline is 20th of the month and Facebook
articles should be no longer than 750
words. News items or reports should be Website
factual and no longer than 250 words.
Articles are copyright to the author and
the Editor’s decision is final. is the The church is open from 8.30am each day and
church website and is managed by a team of volunteers is available to answer
Paul Fella to whom matter questions etc from 10am most days.
for the site should be sent via
[email protected]. The Book Shop/Souvenir Stall is also open while
there is a volunteer on duty.
Greetings brothers and sisters. May is traditionally seen as the month to focus
As I reflect on May I find myself pausing to draw on the life and witness of the Blessed Virgin Mary,
breath, it has seemed so hectic! I have found Mother of God. In Our Lady we are always drawn
myself split in so many directions that I’ve never by her to focus our attention upon her Son, and
been too sure where I was supposed to be on any amongst the busyness of life we often need this
given day! As well as the continuing celebration of reminder. Those interested in furthering their
the Easter Season I’ve also had the demands of understanding and devotion to Our Lady are
family life, with my beloved Grandmother turning encouraged to join our Walsingham Cell, and all
ninety and celebrating with a party in Manchester. who wish to come to the Shrine at Walsingham
are welcome to join us whether members or not.
We’ve also celebrated ‘Flores de Mayo’ This month we have also been introduced to
(Flowers of May) with our brothers and sisters our new curate, (Fr) Nick Archer. (Fr) Nick has
from Our Lady of Ransom, particularly those from provided an article in this month’s Logos and
the Filipino community. This was supported by will be joining us officially following his diaconal
over two hundred and fifty people and involved ordination on Saturday 1st July. We will welcome
a gathering and homily at St Saviour’s followed him to the liturgical life of the parish on Sunday
by a procession through the streets, past the 2nd July followed by a parish welcoming party.
train station, and to Our Lady of Ransom where Do pray for (Fr) Nick as he prepares to be
Benediction was celebrated. ordained deacon, and for our work in the parish in
which we seek to reach out to those God is calling
Along the route we prayed decades of the rosary in Eastbourne to join His Church.
in different languages, and said prayers for our
civic community in Eastbourne. It’s important for Occasionally in life we have to deal with shocks.
the community outside of the gathered church to The Manchester bombing is a shocking and
know that we care about them and are committed appalling act of murder, and we pray very much
to their well being. Processions are more than for the victims and their families at this most
‘displays’, they are themselves an act of worship difficult time. A good way of responding to events
and prayer; many times throughout the year we of such magnitude is to reflect on our priorities in
use this form of prayer in our Sunday worship, life. What is it that we care the most about? Do we
including Palm Sunday and the Easter Vigil, for allow ourselves (I know I do!) to get brought down
example. Ecumenical celebrations are a great to the little annoyances too often?
symbol to those yet to be touched by the power Christians respond by offering alms and other
of the Gospel that we are truly committed to resources for the alleviation of pain and suffering,
following Christ’s call to be One, as He and the both physical and psychological. Our primary tool
Father are One. is, of course, prayer.
And in both dealing with the busyness of life, and with the shock of terrible events I have found
the poem (often sung as a hymn) Lead Kindly Light by Blessed John Henry Newman to be of
poignant use:
Lead, kindly Light, amid th’encircling gloom,
lead Thou me on!
The night is dark, and I am far from home;
lead Thou me on!
Keep Thou my feet; I do not ask to see
The distant scene;
one step enough for me.
So long Thy power hath blest me,
sure it still will lead me on.
O’er moor and fen, o’er crag and
torrent, till the night is gone,
And with the morn those angel faces
smile, which I
Have loved long since, and lost
The Light of Christ is that great
eternal light that penetrates the
deepest depths of the darkness of
human suffering and sin. In spite of
pain and hardship we are drawn by
God out of the mire of hopelessness
and into His Marvellous Light.
As children of the light, we may
sometimes be tempted to look only
downwards, and evil works in this
manner to increase that temptation;
we may also get exhausted by
busyness and allow our heads to
droop. But we must be reminded
that we are an Easter people, and
in the tumult of life we are also
drawn into celebration and to joy;
and though both can be exhausting,
God, the Holy Spirit, strengthens
and renews us to keep stepping
towards that prize of everlasting life
and peace.
Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us.
Fr Chris
Called by God…
Often when we hear the word ‘vocation’ such a calling. Over a number of years this sense
or ‘calling’, perhaps images to clergy and became a lot more persistent, a gentle nudging
religious or missionaries come to mind. The to explore it further. I feel that it was also formed
truth is that every Christian is called by God. by voluntary work I undertook with the homeless
The first and most important calling of every and as I became more involved with my church,
Christian is the universal call to holiness, which as I learnt more about the faith, and as I grew in
has our baptism at its centre. It’s a calling to grow prayer.
in closer union with God, aligning our will with Upon finishing my mathematical studies, I felt
His, and growing in our desire to love God and that the time was right to take the next step in
our neighbour. God also calls us to a specific the discernment process, to test my sense of
vocation, a way of life or of being by which we calling further. I worked for a year as a Pastoral
can live out this calling to holiness differently. For Assistant in a busy church in London (many
some this is the ordained ministry or the religious young people considering the priesthood work as
life, and for others it is to live out the call to Pastoral Assistants). It was a great year and I was
holiness in their daily life, through their role in the involved in all areas of parish life - from serving
Church and the community, their service to others, at Mass, preaching, and organising services to
their prayer and their bearing witness to Jesus in doing school assemblies and being a chaplain to
the situations in which we all may find ourselves. a YMCA hostel. It was a great year in which I was
For some their vocation has always been clear, but exposed first hand to parish life.
for others it takes longer to discern; it may come I also gained many skills and new experiences,
out of nowhere, or be promoted by a situation and made good friends. I spent a further year in
or someone’s words or suggestions. Jesus said a different parish, this time part time, experiencing
‘follow me’ to the first disciples (Matthew 4:19), a different context, and I also worked as a tutor.
and they followed. Having then been recommended for training,
I first remember considering the priesthood when the past three years of formation at St Stephen’s
I was a student living in central London. When the House have been a mixture of academic study
thought came to mind I would often put it aside, in theology and practical and spiritual formation
telling myself that it probably wasn’t - I have undertaken placements at churches in
St Stephen’s House, Oxford
London and Tunbridge Wells, and a placement in Our Lord’s disciples themselves stayed close
Merton College Chapel, Oxford. Corporate prayer to Him, and through this they learnt from Him.
and the Mass are the backbone of the life at St Through encountering Jesus in the Mass, through
Stephen’s House. My time seems to have gone by spending time in His presence in the Blessed
quickly, and now I’m very much looking forward to Sacrament, through prayer and reading the
new challenges and experiences which lie ahead Scriptures, we too may stay close to Him, despite
in the next few years - getting to know everyone at our failings and weaknesses, trusting in Him, and
St Saviour’s, and working in the local community, discerning God’s will for us, that we may grow
helping to further the church’s mission in this area. ever closer to both God and neighbour.
I feel a particular connection to St Stephen himself
- he is the patron of St. Stephen’s House, and was Nicholas Archer
a Deacon in the early Church. The Acts of the
Apostles record Stephen as having been chosen “When I started this
by the disciples; he was one who was a man ‘full journey I was a curate!”
of faith and of the Holy Spirit’ (Acts 6:5). He was
one who served the Church community and who
testified to God, and paid the ultimate price by
giving his life, having been cruelly stoned to death.
Despite our uncertainties about the future, what
we can be certain about is that God is faithful, and
calls every Christian firstly to a deeper relationship
with Himself, a lifelong conversion. We must
strive to be continually seeking after the Lord,
discerning His will for us.
The Society is an ecclesial community The Society’s Resolution under
established by the catholic bishops of the the House of Bishops’ Declaration
Church of England to address the new situation
created by the ordination of women to the Commits us to sharing in Christ’s
episcopate as well as to the priesthood. mission in our diocese
It promotes and maintains catholic
Ensures that the episcopal and
teaching and practice within the priestly ministry in our parish can
Church of England. be received by all
It guarantees a ministry in the historic,
apostolic succession and a true Maintains the unity of our parish
sacramental life, by commending
Priests of The Society whose sacramental Seeks sacramental and pastoral
ministry can be received with confidence. ministry from a bishop with whom
It provides episcopal oversight for we are in full communion
Priests of The Society and for parishes
that affiliate to The Society. Contributes to sustaining breadth
The parishes of The Society enjoy a and diversity in the Church of
relationship of full communion not only England and in our diocese
with their bishop, but also with all the
other parishes of The Society. Enables us to flourish within the
The Society is led by a Church of England.
Council of Bishops
The Council of Bishops Membership
The Council of Bishops consists of diocesan and The Society is an ecclesial community, not
suffragan bishops, together with other bishops a membership organization. All baptized Christians
whom they co-opt. who worship in a parish of The Society or whose
The Council meets regularly with the other bishops priest is a Priest of The Society belong to
of The Society, and also with leading members of The Society. Those who wish to support the aims
the Catholic Societies of the Church of England of The Society are asked to support its work
and the Catholic Group in General Synod. by joining Forward in Faith – the membership
Bishops’ Representatives organization which finances and supports
In each diocese the Bishop of The Society is The Society.
represented by his Bishop’s Representative – Publications
a priest who is available to advise and represent The Society publishes a
the clergy and parishes of The Society in magazine (New Directions)
that diocese. 10 times a year and is
free to all members.
To mark this important day in the calendar We crossed directly South Street and then
a joint service was held between St Saviours at the corner of South Street and Gildridge
and Our Lady of Ransom church. An Road causing traffic chaos. The lights here
opportunity for the Anglo Catholic and allow 20 seconds for pedestrians, so fuming
Roman Catholics to worship together. motorists had to wait for the passage of Thurifer,
The weather could not have been better. Crucifer, Acolytes and Our Lady followed
Clear blue sky and a hot sun to beat down by the Priests in Vesture of Gold and finally
on us. We had anticipated a couple of the congregation of some 150 persons.
prayers and then a short procession up We processed to the Railway Station and up
South Street to Our Lady’s. No way. Fathers Grove Road and then into Our Lady of Ransom
Gerard, Neil and Chris had different plans. where another 100 or so people waited.
Bernard our trusty Thurifer had innocently called Our Lady was garlanded with further flowers
in at church after visiting the Fishmonger for by the children of the parish. Beautiful.
Cockles. The next moment it was Alb on and Benediction followed.
stoke up – Father Chris can be so persuasive. After a final hymn it was tea and cakes in their
magnificent parish room. Altogether a memorable
afternoon and a joyous partnership. The award
for outstanding Priest of the day should go to
Father Gerard who struggled valiantly with a
loudhailer slung across his Cope – Very fetching!
As Warden I anticipated being around in
the background. No such luck. Cassock
and Cotta on. I was to join Horace and Lily
from Our Lady’s serving team as an Acolyte
minus poles and lights – Different.
The service began with the lovely hymn from
my childhood Ye who Own the faith of Jesus.
Our Nave Altar was topped by a statue of
Our Lady mounted on a ‘stretcher’!!!
Following a welcome by Fr Neil and
an opening prayer there was a reading
and then a homily by Fr Chris.
The procession then commenced as four
very strong Filipino men hoisted up the
statue and off we went led by Bernard
and his smoke bomb (thurible).
Vicarage Garden Party
This year the Vicarage Garden Party
will take place shortly after the
Confirmation service conducted
by Bishop Martin on the 16th July.
As its our 150th year as an Anglo-catholic church in the heart of
Eastbourne we are celebrating by having a barbecue with a host of
salads and other dishes (followed by delicious desserts).
In addition there will even be a small range of cocktails on sale.
Tickets for the Garden Party will be available from 11th June priced
£12.00 (under 16s free).
Tickets from Elizabeth Hadfield 01323 422050
or Paul Fella 01323 656346. Numbers are limited.
A very special birthday
– a very special person!
Barbara Fisher celebrated her 90th birthday on Sunday 7th May
(albeit slightly prematurely as her birthday was on the 11th).
A sumptuous fruit cake emblazoned with her portrait was enjoyed by all –
along with the customary glass of wine (or two).
As most of you are
aware, Barbara is a much
loved, long-standing and
dedicated member of our
church family (as was
Clifford) and she chose
to ‘push the boat out’ for
her friends on this special
occasion. I have to say
I was stunned when I was
told her age – I still find it
hard to believe even now
that I know. I shall have
to ask her her secret
when I next speak to her!
tunefulness and excitement. I am delighted to tell
you that he will be back again next year.
By the time you read this, the organ duet recital
will have come and gone. So the next event is
on the 5th June when Alex Eadon (Eastbourne
College) makes a return visit and he will once
again provide us with another brilliant organ
recital. He is a very stylish player as he has
already demonstrated to us. I am really looking
forward to that. I know that I keep saying this but
please keep the first Monday lunchtime in every
month free and come along to these concerts.
we have some fantastic players lined up this year.
Look out too for the additional events on the
17th and 29th July: you will have to look at the
concert programme to find out why! Put the dates
in your diaries and spread the word.
BLAST One thing I am very keen to get started (I know
I have said this before) is Evensong. The choir
FROM THE CONSOLE form St Luke’s Queens Park, Brighton will be
singing Evensong in the church
Well, the sun finally came out. Let’s hope that on Sunday June 18th. Maybe
it’s here to stay and that we can all enjoy a this will kick-start me
long, hot summer. into action. I’ve been
promising this for far
too long.
As I write this we are all still reeling from the It was pointed out to me the
awful events which occurred in Manchester on other day by one of the choir
Monday. Of course, our hearts and prayers go that I’m always going on
out to the victims, and the family and friends of about how quickly the time
those who lost their lives or who were seriously passes. I can’t believe that we
injured. It’s not my place to go into the whys and are already in sight of mid-
wherefores of the situation but it is my job to offer summer. Heavens above,
some sort of tribute. I am indebted to Roger Ellis soon we will have Strictly
for suggesting that the choir sing the Russian Come Dancing back on our
Kontakion for the departed; it’s hardly the most screens and then it’ll be
suitable music for the Sunday after the Ascension Christmas…eeeeek!
but very appropriate… Moving on.
This is traditionally a quite month musically for Pimms anyone?
me. It’s a time to take a breather after all the
shenanigans of the Easter Season. That said, we The winners of the April
were treated to an absolute blinder of a piano 2017 100’s Club draw were:
recital on the May Day Bank Holiday. An old
friend Simon Ballard came and played for us. His 1st prize £40 81 Oscar
performance was simply sublime. I don’t think 2nd prize £20 48 Bell Baker
I have heard that Mozart Sonata played better 3rd prize £10 73 Graham Irving
by anyone, anywhere. The Chopin elicited smiles We currently have 3 lines remaining.
from all around the church as audience members Please see Steve Gilbert for details.
recognised melodies that are so familiar. His own The cost is £2 per month with the draw
compositions delighted us all with their seductive taking place on the last Sunday of the month.
‘The Turning’ Caption Competition Winner
E Sussex is John Vernon
Envisioning Event
- Tuesday 6 June A bottle of wine is on its way
Please note the correct
day for this event (not
Thursday!). 84 church
leaders are already booked in.
Faith in Healthcare
- Thursday 8 June
Values - How do they shape our lives and our
workplace? Prof Richard Vincent will speak
on this topic. 7:30pm at Ashburnham Place.
To book your place phone 01424 892244.
There is a warm invitation to join for dinner
beforehand - cost £10.
NetworX Annual Presentation
- Saturday 17 June
Find out about this project supporting refugees
in Eastbourne. 3 pm at Victoria Baptist Church.
Arndale Shopping Centre Chaplaincy I know we are High Church, but…
John Goodway co-ordinates this ministry.
If his sounds like something you could get
involved with, phone John on 07919 094156.
It has been suggested that we revive this much loved series, and to give it a
‘kick start’, we have re-visited this contribution by Joy Hobbs, first published in 2013
1 Favourite piece of music 4 Favourite Saint
The arrival of The Queen of Sheba by Handel. St Francis of Assisi as I am fond of animals,
I rather fancy this for a final grand entrance especially cats. His Feast Day is 4th October
at my funeral although it might be considered which was also my wedding day in 1958.
unsuitable by the clergy! The St Saviour’s pilgrimage to Italy last
September were fortunate to attend Mass in
2 Favourite book the basilica the celebrant being Father Jeffery.
Being keen on history I have recently read
The Time Traveller’s Guide to Medieval 5 Favourite holy place
England by Ian Mortimer. Packed full of St Mark’s in Venice. The Byzantine
interesting facts and not heavy going as
some history books are. architecture and gold mosaics are marvellous.
3 Favourite place to visit Claudio Monteverdi was Maestro di Capello
Some yea’s ago I visited the Lofoten Islands there and one can imagine his wonderful
off the coast of Norway, a fishing community, music and the past splendours of the basilica.
and felt a definite affinity to the place as I
come from a fishing family. Maybe I lived there 6 Favourite hymn
in a previous existence. Difficult to choose as I have four favourites.
Perhaps For all the Saints who from their
labours rest as it connects us with all those
who have gone before in the faith.
Good tune too!
Your contributions are invited to ensure that this revival is a success
150th Anniversary
Commemorative Mugs available
Full colour, bone china mugs celebrating 150 years £10
of our church and some of its artworks.
Microwave and dishwasher safe. EACH
A project for a church
working party perhaps…
…should we apply for a
I would like to start Whow! What a wonderful, piano recital Simon
by saying ‘Thank you’ Ballard gave us. I particularly enjoyed Carbonelli’s
to those people who Praeludium and Allegro. As a well known local
musician was leaving the church he was heard to
regularly give lifts to say, “I am never going to play the piano again”.
members of the congregation. It is a big The next Chat-Stop coffee morning is on Saturday
commitment. but so appreciated by those 3 June 10.00 -11.30am and if it goes well I
you bring. understand this will become a monthly event in
I challenge you to tell me where you can get the church room. Please help the little team by
better cakes on a Sunday morning than at bringing a friend or neighbour who might benefit
St Saviour’s. Barbara F was thrilled with the by having a natter while enjoying a hot drink and
cakes Paul made for her special birthday and a slice of delicious cake. Thank you to those
the following Sunday (after a long time off) Liz who made cakes and others who provided items
for the sales table. I have learnt a lot about your
reading habits from watching this table.
A few of our congregation joined a large
procession down into the town and back up
to Our Lady of Ransom which was packed
with people in order to celebrate Flores De
Mayo a century of Fatima. I don’t think
that has taken place in Eastbourne for a
very long time, if ever before?
I see from the Chichester notices that
there will be an Open Garden in aid of FSW on
Saturday1st July at ‘Driftwood’, 4 Marine Drive,
Bishopstone, Seaford from 11am -5pm. There
will also be a Flower Festival called ‘Festival of
Song’ at All Saints Church, Sidley, Bexhill on Sea
on Thursday 6th to Sunday 9th July.
came in with a special cake for Stuart’s 70th. Yes Hurrah! the 7 cygnets arrived in their nest on the
that’s right 70th! I doubt if any of you have seen edge of Hampden Park lake on 11th May and
an altar on a cake before and there was Fr Der... were instantly taken into the water by the swans.
no sorry that should be Stuart, standing behind Do go and
it. I have never seen Stuart laugh so much. After see them, it’s
celebrating with two groups on two different days another excuse
Barbara then went on a very special trip. She to have an
told me she had been invited to a special ‘do’ ice cream
for people who had received ‘gongs’ which was or coffee in
being held in St Paul’s cathedral and as hats were or outside
a must she had been out and bought a red trilby! the chalet.
Dates for your Diary June 2017
Thurs 1 10.30am Mass S. Justin M. CBS Corporate Communion
Fri 2 12 noon Mass
Sat 3 09.00am Mass S. Charles Lwanga and Companions
Sun 4 Pentecost 08.00am Mass 10.30am Solemn Mass
Mon 5 10.30am Mass S. Boniface Bp. M.
Tues 6 12 noon Mass
Wed 7 10.30am Mass
Thurs 8 10.30am Mass
Fri 9 12.noon Mass S. Columba Ab. Laying on of Hands
Sat 10 09.00am Mass Our Lady
Sun 11 Most Holy Trinity 08.00am Mass 10.30am Solemn Mass
Mon 12 10.30am Mass Faithful Departed Guild of All Souls
Tues 13 12 noon Mass S. Anthony of Padua Pr. Dr.
Wed 14 10.30am Mass
Thurs 15 Corpus Christi 10.30am Mass Evening Service TBA
Fri 16 12 noon Mass S. Richard of Chichester Bp.
Sat 17 09.00am Mass Our Lady
Sun 18 Eleventh Sunday in OT 08.00am Mass 10.30am Solemn Mass
Mon 19 10.30am Mass
Tues 20 12 noon Mass S. Alban M.
Wed 21 10.30am Mass S. Aloysius Gonzaga Rel.
Thurs 22 10.30am Mass S. John Fisher Bp. M. and S. Thomas More M.
Fri 23 12 noon Mass Sacred Heart of Jesus
Sat 24 09.00am Mass Nativity of S. John the Baptist
Sun 25 Twelfth Sunday in OT 08.00am Mass 10.30am Solemn Mass
Evensong TBA
Mon 26 10.30am Mass
Tues 27 12 noon Mass S. Cyril of Alexandria Bp. Dr. Walsingham Cell
Wed 28 10.30am Mass S. Irenaeus Bp. M.
Thurs 29 10.30am Mass (S.Peter)
Fri 30 12 noon Mass
OT = Ordinary Time
Church Officers Telephone
01323 722317
Vicar Rev Christopher Yates SSC
The Vicarage Spencer Road Eastbourne BN21 4PA 422050
Hon Associate Clergy Rev Christopher Hadfield, BA 485399
Canon Charles Lansdale BA 723584
Rev Nick MacNeill, BTh 723345
Rev John Wright BSc Cert Ed 381796
Rev Dr David Musson M Phil
Rev Anthony Fiddian-Green MA, Cert Ed 07706 067496
Rev David Weaver BA, MA, Cert Ed
Canon Robert Fayers SSC 01323 656346
Churchwardens Mrs Pauline Fella 735410
Mr John Vernon 489646
Secretary PCC Mrs Judy Grundy
Treasurer Miss Mary Delves
Electoral Roll Mrs Mary Tomsett
Other Officers Mr Paul Collins 647969
Director of Music
Parish Hospital Contact Mr Richard Elliott 872168
Sacristan/Servers Mr Stuart Burns 500585
Bookstall Manager Miss Jane Pinching 894414
Caring and Sharing Mrs Pat James 721061
Car Park Manager / 100 Club Mr Steve Gilbert 469078
Safeguarding Officer Miss Jacqueline Mulholland 638269
Churches Together Mrs Beverly Cochran 434785
Deanery Synod Miss Mary Delves, Mrs Isobel Nugent, Miss Jacqueline Mulholland
Family Support Work Mrs Mary Tomsett 489646
Mr Robert Ascott 728892
Librarian Mr David Thorpe 486214
Guild of All Souls Miss Lis Trustam 504909
Mission to Seafarers Mrs Isobel Nugent 725796
Additional Curates Society Mr Roger Emery 431283
Open Church Mr Roger Ellis 649896
Our Lady of Walsingham / CBS Miss Mary Delves 735410
Vestry (unmanned) 729702
Church Organisations Miss Lis Trustam – call for details 504909
Bible Reading Fellowship 485399
Book Group Rev Nick MacNeill – call for details 724317
Church Cleaning Mrs Rita Orchard – Tuesdays from 9am 723375
Church Grounds Mr John Burford
Events Committee Mr Paul Fella – meets as necessary
Flower Arrangers Mrs Rita Orchard – Fridays from 9am
Webmaster / Magazine / Publicity Mr Paul Fella
Disclaimer: The Editor does not necessarily agree with all the views expressed in this Magazine. Please note that all articles are copyright
to the author and may not be reproduced in any form or medium without the written permission of the author or Editor.