The Parish magazine of January 2018
Volume XLIX No.1
Contents Page Church Services
What Happens During a Vacancy? 3 Sundays
8.00 Low Mass
Recipe - The King’s Cake (Germany) 6
10.30 High Mass and Sermon
The Use of Incense in Worship 7 followed by refreshments
in the Church Hall.
The Church Quiet Day 10 Weekdays
Mon, Wed, Thurs 10.30am
Burns Night 12 Tues and Fri 12noon
Sat 9.00am
St Saviour’s 150th year display 13 Major Weekday Festivals
Said Mass as above, Sung Mass: 7.30pm
Letter from the Archdeacon 14 unless otherwise indicated on notice boards.
Giving at St Saviour’s The Clergy are happy to bring the Sacrament to
the housebound or sick at any hour of the day or
2018 Budget 15 night. The Holy Oil is available for those who wish
to be anointed.
A Blast from the Console 16
Kitty 18
Dates for your Diary 19
Directory 20
The Sacrament of Reconciliation
Confessions by appointment.
Cover image: Painted and gilded limewood panel Hospital visits
depicting the Adoration of the Magi, by Augustin Our Parish Contact for local hospitals,
Henckel, Schaffhausen, Switzerland, 1500-1520. Mr Richard Elliott (872168), will visit and give
communion to those in hospital.
The Parish Magazine is published on the first Other Services provided by the church
Sunday of the month. For Baptisms, Banns of Marriage, Weddings
Production: Paul Fella and Funerals please contact the Churchwardens.
Matter for publication should be submitted to Facebook
[email protected]
Copy deadline is 20th of the month and Website
articles should be no longer than 750 words. is the church
News items or reports should be factual website and is managed by Paul Fella to
and no longer than 250 words. Articles are whom matter for the site should be sent via
copyright to the author and may not be [email protected].
reproduced in any form without the written The church is open from 8.30am each day and
permission of the author or Editor. The a team of volunteers is available to answer
Editor’s decision is final regarding content. questions etc from 10am most days.
The Book Shop/Souvenir Stall is also open while
Disclaimers: The Editor does not necessarily there is a volunteer on duty.
agree with all of the views expressed in this St Saviour’s Church
magazine. South Street Eastbourne East Sussex BN21 4UT
The Parish of St Saviour and St Peter Telephone: 01323 729702
and its representatives do not endorse or
recommend any of the products or services
advertised in this Magazine. Caveat emptor!
What Happens During a Vacancy?
During a vacancy much of the legal PCC
responsibility which normally lies with the During a vacancy the chair of the PCC is occupied
incumbent lies jointly with the Rural Dean by the vice-chair. He or she will have the powers
and the churchwardens. To this end they are normally vested in the chair.
appointed as sequestrators.
Sequestrators are legally responsible for the It is the duty of the sequestrators to ensure
parish during a vacancy. The main duties of a that the normal spiritual and pastoral activities
sequestrator are: within the parish continue during a vacancy with
l To provide for the services and other particular responsibility for:
l The continuance of public services. If possible
ministrations of the church
l To ensure that visiting clergy and Readers forms of service and the times when held
should not be changed, but flexibility and
claim fees and expenses understanding are important in the sense
l To account for and pass over to the diocese that it is not always possible to maintain the
full regular weekday services that took place
fees for weddings, funerals etc. and other before the vacancy.
income which would normally or previously be
payable to the incumbent
l To take care (subject to the control of the l Arranging for baptisms, marriages, funerals
and pastoral visits as required.
bishop) of the parsonage house and any other
property belonging to the benefice l Ensuring that all clergy and Readers invited
l To safeguard confidential documents relating to take services hold the Bishop’s licence or
to the parish permission to officiate in this diocese.
Appointment of an incumbent It is important that the parish, the patron and the
When the parish profile/statement of need is ready Bishop are prayed for regularly in order to discern
for PCC approval, a notice will be sent out from God’s will:
the diocesan registry requiring the PCC to meet
within 28 days for a Section 11 Meeting. At this God our Father,
meeting the PCC must take the following actions: You have welcomed each one of us in Jesus and
l Approve the parish profile/statement of needs called us to be his body in this place.
l Elect two members of the PCC to act as Send us your Holy Spirit at this time of uncertainty
and change to fill us with vision, energy and
representatives of the PCC in the selection of faithfulness in prayer
a new incumbent that we may be true to our calling to bring new life
l Decide whether to ask the Bishop/patron to to our community;
advertise the post and guide with your heavenly wisdom those who
l Decide whether to ask for a meeting with the are to choose a new priest for this parish, so that
Bishop and patron the one whom we receive
l Decide whether to ask the Bishop for a May be a wise and gentle shepherd of your
statement describing the needs of the diocese people:
and the wider interests of the church Ready to serve us with joy, to build us up in faith
The bishop and patron can then proceed to seek a and to lead us by example
new incumbent. in loving obedience to your Son, our Saviour,
Jesus Christ. Amen
A lamp burns for
this church in the
Shrine of Our Lady
of Walsingham
If you are interested in
joining our Walsingham Cell
please contact Mary Delves
on 735410
Dreikönigskuchen aka. King’s or Epiphany Cake Mix the raisins with the rum and let soak for 30 minutes
Ingredients (optional). Skip that step, if you’re baking for children.
4 tbsp. raisins Sift the flour into a large bowl and make a little hollow in
1 tsp. rum (optional) the middle. Add some of the milk, a tablespoon of the
500g all-purpose flour sugar and the cumbled yeast into that hollow and mix
21g fresh yeast until the yeast has dissolved. Add the remaining sugar,
3 tbsp. sugar salt, lemon zest, butter in small pieces and the remaining
300ml lukewarm milk milk and knead for 10 minutes until you get a nice
1 tsp. salt smooth dough. Incorporate the raisins at the end.
60g butter Cover the dough with a kitchen towel and let rise for
zest of 1/2 lemon 2 hours – the dough should have doubled in size.
1 almond or hazelnut Preheat the oven to 350˚F (180°C). Cut off 8 pieces of
1 egg dough with about 3.2 oz. (90g) each and form into balls.
crystal sugar and/or sliced almonds Form the remaining dough into a ball as well. Hide the
almond/hazelnut in one of the 9 balls. Line a baking
sheet with baking parchment and place the big ball in
the middle, arrange the 8 smaller balls around the big
one. Cover with a kitchen towel and let rise for another
30 minutes.
Whisk the egg and brush the dough balls. Sprinkle with
sugar crystals and/or sliced almonds and let bake in
the lower section of the oven for 28-30 minutes. The
cake should be golden brown – to avoid a burned cake,
you can cover it with aluminum foil in the last couple
minutes. Let cool down completely on a wire rack.
The Use of Incense in Worship
The use of incense was always a part of the God’s creation. The sweet smell of incense can be a
religious rites of ancient cultures and has doorway to the holy in the same way that beautiful
also had a long history in both Judaism and music and the visual arts can lead us to ponder the
Christianity. Incense is mentioned frequently mystery of God’s presence.
in the Hebrew Scriptures. Incense usually emanates from a thurible (from
The psalmist expresses the symbolism of incense Medieval Latin turibulum) which is a metal censer
and prayer: “Let my prayer rise like incense before suspended from chains, in which incense is burned
you; the lifting up of my hands as the evening during worship. It is used in Christian churches
sacrifice.” (Psalm 141:1). In the Gospel, Zechariah is including the Roman Catholic, Orthodox and
in the temple at the time of the incense offering (Luke Apostolic, as well as Anglican churches (with its use
1) and the gifts the Magi offered to the Christ Child almost universal amongst Anglo Catholic Anglican
included gold, frankincense and myrrh. In Second churches). In Roman Catholic, Lutheran, and
Corinthians the knowledge of Christ is compared to Anglican churches, the altar server who carries the
a fragrant odour (2:14-16). The vision of heaven in thurible is called the thurifer. The practice is rooted
Revelation includes the elders holding bowls of
incense, described as the prayers of the saints in the earlier traditions of Judaism in the time of the
(Revelation 5:8). Second Jewish Temple.
The clouds of incense represent cleansing
and purification, and the sweet smell In the service of Holy Communion, the thurible
suggests Christ’s robe of righteousness may be used in the entrance procession, the
that covers our sin. Incense is sometimes gospel procession, at the offertory to cense
used to give honour to holy things and the bread and wine etc. During Morning and
holy people, the primary symbols of
the liturgy. For example, the gospel Evening Prayer the altar may be censed
book, the altar, the bread and wine, the during the Gospel Canticle, connecting
priests, ministers and the assembly it with its central foundation, the
are censed as a way of showing their celebration of Holy Communion.
importance in worship. Incense Using incense calls for a degree of
is also used to add a festive pastoral sensitivity. Some people are
accompaniment to processions, allergic to incense, but this does
adding ‘holy clouds’ and ‘holy not preclude its use, as non-
smells’ to the air. allergenic incense is available.
Incense deepens our However, in some cases, it is
experience of worship the charcoal, not the incense,
because it incorporates the that triggers a reaction.
sense of smell. Worship In all uses, it is important that
involves all of our senses, the amount of incense applied
showing the significance to the charcoal is done so
of our bodies and all of sensitively and the amounts used
will vary depending on the size of the
church and the occasion.
Our Quiet Day at Penhurst Retreat Centre
Advent, the season of waiting watchfully Session 1 John the Voice and Christ the Word,
for my Lord is largely hijacked by rampant began with a reading based on St Augustine of
consumerism, so I leapt at the opportunity Hippo’s Sermon 293.3 looking deeply into John
to join St Saviour’s Quiet Day at Penhurst the Baptist’s role as the voice to bring us the
Retreat Centre. message of the Word.
The seven retreatants, Fr Edward, Fr Tony, ‘So, wanting the word, which is already in my heart,
Fr Nick, Pauline, Paul, Carl and I, met for 9am to come over to you, and make its way into your
Mass in St Saviour’s chapel along with John and heart, I make use of my voice to talk to you, the
Sylvia who faithfully prayed with us that morning. sound of the voice brings you to understand the
A warm welcome greeted us at Penhurst and word. And when my voice has done this, it ceases;
I was touched to hear that Richard and Storm but the word carried to you by the sound is now
had been praying for our safe arrival, the first already in your heart, and has not left mine.’
of many times I felt very special on that Quiet Personally, I explored this idea and realised that
Day; specially loved by God and cared for by the I can perceive a meaning in my heart which I want
provision at Penhurst. We were very well looked to convey to your heart and I use words to do this.
after, light refreshments were available all day, The words, once used, die away but the meaning
we were served a hot cooked lunch and later has been passed on and has multiplied, I held the
given tea and cakes before we set off for home. idea in my heart and now you and I both hold it;
The room we used had a welcoming log fire and the word or idea has been shared and multiplied.
enchanting views across a wide valley. The local Session 2 Strengthen the Weak Hands.
lanes are almost free of traffic and we were able to Fr Edward introduced a piece of choral music by
walk and enjoy the crisp, clear winter scenery with Sir William Henry Harris (1883-1973) with words
views to the distant sea.
We were grateful to Fr Edward who travelled from Ecclesiasticus, the book of Isaiah and the
from Crowborough to lead our day. He presented Book of Common Prayer which links the themes
4 separate hours to guide our us and he brought a of medicine and sickness with Christian salvation
selection of books for us to use. and healing.
This music led me to reflect on the contradiction For our final session of the day Fr Edward talked
of how I know God intimately and yet he is about Jesus and the Apple Tree then played this
unknowable, incomprehensible to me. I read music for us. The words of this carol can guide us
sections of Gregory Collins’ Meeting Christ in his to look back to Adam and Eve eating the fruit of
Mysteries during this hour which helped as the tree of life which brings sin and death. Later
I pondered this mystery, St Paul describes Christ as the new Adam
‘Between Good Friday and Easter the Father gave and how eating the fruit of this new tree brings
up his Son to us, the Son gave up himself for us healing and life. In the book of Revelation is the
and the Spirit was given to us. …Christ’s revelation tree of the river of life so we span the bible from
shines out from an abyss of light so bright that its beginning to end. We touched on how faith is
source can only appear to us as high and beyond often a struggle and it is all right to have doubts
our reach … God far exceeds all that thought remembering that Jesus himself had doubts.
could think or tongue could tell’. This quiet day was a gem, a gift of peace in a
busy season,
Session 3 began with a
moving introduction about ‘…silence is indispensable
Deitrich Bonhoeffer; we
if we are to find God.
then listened to one of
Bonhoeffer’s prayers set The Father waits for his
to music by the Taize
children in their own
Community which
beautifully balances hearts.’ Debbie Plato
the darkness and
need with us and
how we can rest on
God, our ever-
present help.
2277 JJaannuuaarryy 22001188TickeDDtsoofrooomTTrrrrssaaEooddliwwziippattiibttiieeoohhennnnthBBaa77aaHll pprraSSnndccmmfiooDDettlaadttiinnPPssocchhrrriiiinncccFFaggeeaall yy::0rr1££ee38823..0060056346
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Display illustrating St Saviour’s
150 year history
Hopefully, by now you will have seen this the dedication and devotion of past worshippers
illustration on the north wall of St Saviour’s here, as well as put a face to the names on the
depicting the the development and history of rôle of honour of previous incumbents that have
our church, from conception to the present day. served as priests in this fine church. Thanks must
It has been created as a final and fitting item to go to Richard Crook, Fred Reeve, Collin Russell
celebrate our 150th anniversary and demonstrate and David Thorpe for their contributions which
have made this possible.
1863 1865 1867 1872 1892 1937 1972 2001
Iron Church opened on Henry R. Whelpton moves to New church of St Saviour is The steeple completes George Full Parish Status achieved. New reredos dedicated as St Peter’s Church is Reordering of
the present site. Eastbourne to prepare for the new consecrated on the 31st January Edmund Street’s original design. a memorial to Henry Urling demolished and the Blessed Sacrament
District Church. It will be paid for by the Bishop of Chichester. Whelpton, second incumbent parishes combine. Chapel.
by his father, George Whelpton, of HUKZVUVM[OLÄYZ[
Whelpton’s Pills fame. The foundation 1980s 2016
stone being laid on 17th October. 1940-43
Reordering of the Sanctuary Repairs to the roof and
George Edmund Street © Colin Russell © Colin Russell Wartime bombing destroys JVTTLUJLZYLÅLJ[PUNJOHUNLZ guttering at a cost of
some of the glass and the organ in the Liturgy. £285,000.
Henry Robert Whelpton Henry Urling Whelpton Claude Williams Joseph Guy Heatherington Owen Whiting Derek William Allen Derek Mottershead Jeffery Thomas Gunn Christopher Yates
1867-1897 1897-1927 1928-1944 1944-1961 1962-1976 1976-1991 1992-2004 2005-2015 2016-2017
George Whelpton 1950s 1990s 2012
)RXQGHURI6W6DYLRXU·V Restoration of war damage. 9LZ[VYH[PVUVM[OL=PJ[VYPHU New Weather Cock added in
¶7KH3LOOV·&KXUFK Organ repositioned at west end. decoration begins. memory of Marigold Crook
as part the Diamond Jubilee
Mosaics are designed by Clayton and Bell 1954 1993 Celebrations.
and mostly executed by Capello and Salvati.
Church room opened. Reordering completed with
1866 1878 1879 1903 a Nave altar as memorial to
Temporary church is dismantled. The choir school is established Day school founded *OHWLSVWLULKSLHKPUNVќZV\[O
continuing to 1937. serving local children until HPZSLPUTLTVY`VM[OLÄYZ[=PJHY
the Second World War. Henry Robert Whelpton.
January Programme for CTE
Holocaust Memorial: Courses at Ellel/
‘Nicky’s family’ Glyndley Manor
Wednesday 17 January
19-25 January Restoration Week:
A film screening of a documentary film Rediscovering Identity (with French trans)
about Nicolas Winton, who organised 26-28 January Healing Damaged Emotions
the rescue of 669 children just before the
outbreak of WWII. 7pm in the Town Hall. Pilgrimage to the Holy Land
January 19-30
EastbOURne’s Day of Prayer
Saturday 20 January Join with local Christians in Jerusalem in
the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.
The eighth annual Day of Prayer, held If interested, contact Lesley Dawson.
during the Week of Prayer for Christian
Unity, has the theme of HOPE. Holocaust Memorial event
As part of the day we will officially launch Thursday 25 January
Hope Eastbourne.
We are delighted to welcome Graham ‘The Power of Words’
Kendrick who will be with us for the whole 7–8:30pm at the Tennis Centre,
day and leading two of the sessions. Eastbourne. Includes a presentation by
At the Kings Centre, Edison Road from local author Gaby Weiner, performance
9.30-5 pm. Lunchtime 12.30-1.30. by The International Voice Orchestra, film
footage and various readings with closing
speech from Stephen Lloyd MP.
Booking is essential.
The Archdeacon writes…
It has been a great joy to me to have become more closely involved at St Saviour’s over the past
few months. The church has a wonderful tradition of worship and prayer and offers a unique
Christian witness in central Eastbourne. Looking towards the future, there are many opportunities
for mission and service which I hope can be explored, and I am confident that the parish has an
exciting future ahead as well as one hundred and fifty years of distinguished history. Please may
I encourage you to read carefully the letter below from the chair of the Finance Committee below
which will give further information about what is needed to sustain this wonderful parish.
With my prayers and best wishes for 2018
Fr Edward Dowler Archdeacon of Hastings
Dear members of the Please direct any questions on the budget or
congregation at St Saviour’s suggestions on how we might meet the shortfall to
Carl Hodgkinson, Chair of the Finance Committee.
During our recent PCC meeting we heard from the The committee continues to look at ways that
Treasurer that we had already spent £6920 more we might increase income and reduce costs at
than we received. (£90,852 expenses, income St Saviours.
£83,932 for the period January to end October
2017). We know our costs will increase in 2018
with increases in our Parish Ministry Contribution,
insurance and running costs for St Saviour’s
and the quinquennial review of church buildings
planned for this coming year.
The Finance Committee have produced an annual
budget for 2018 which was approved by PCC and
shows a shortfall of £8400 (8% of our income). It
is important that you are aware of our challenging
financial position and details of the 2018 budget
are shared opposite.
During my time at St Saviours I have been
impressed by the selfless giving of skills, time and
love from many people at St Saviours. Please
may I urge you to prayerfully review your giving
and consider whether is there more that you can
do to support St Saviours so that it can flourish for
the next 150 years.
There are many different ways you can give at
St Saviours so do please contact the Wardens or
Carl Hodgkinson on 01323 351014 or send him
an email [email protected] as the
Finance Committee seek to increase our income
and giving and / or look to reduce our costs.
Approved by PCC 5 Dec 2017
2018 2016 ACTUAL 2017 YTD
£ £ £
Giving PGS 14285 10968 11904
PGS Gift Aid 3510 2695 2925
Giving Standing orders 5532 8196 4610
Giving Collection 18000 17696 12760
Sundry donations and appeals 9500 6711 7842
Gift Day incl gift aid 3500 0 0
Tax Return/Gift Aid (not PGS) 7000 10733 12903
Other eg Bequests 1000 0
Car Parks 17700 13414 12297
Hire of Hall/Church 15700 18485 10885
100 Club 800
Events and Fundraising 5000
Dividends and Interest 80
Donations Organ Fund 960
Organ Fund Concerts 2700
Parochial Fees 800 1932 583
Other (incl. adverts) 600 2444 475
TOTAL 105667 94274 77184
Parish Contribution 52000 53668 49001
Insurance 7383
Utilities 7500 8578 6271
Salaries 8500 6393 8610
Cost of Services 2800 2298 2324
External maintenance 5000 6353 1498
Allowance for Quinquennial 5000
Interior and Fabrics 5000
Mission and Outreach 4000
Vicarage Dilapidations 3000 1674 3893
Church Hall costs 3200 3780 2613
Organ incl. maintenance 2400 3627 769
Archdeacons Loan 3000
Clergy expenses 800 1243 4025
Printing/copying/office/OC 3500 2218 2904
Other (adverts, concerts etc) 1000 215 932
TOTAL 114083 90047 82840
SHORTFALL 8416 -4227 5656
not realise is that this choir does not sing together
throughout the year. Volunteers are sought at
the end of October and the performance is put
together with about six hours of rehearsal. I am
always impressed by the standard of performance
that is achieved; it is nothing short of miraculous,
but it also bears testament to the hard work put in
by the singers and Shirley’s great skill as a teacher.
Here we are again. As I sup on a glass of Ian Stewart and the LGB Brass is a great
mulled wine I think back on the past month contributor to the occasion. I am so thrilled that
which, as always was so jam-packed with they have ‘stayed with us.’ Colin and Becky have
musical events, that it has passed by in a flash. provided that extra bit of class to the proceedings.
Becky with her incredible mezzo soprano voice
and Colin’s superb piano playing skills add so
much to the event. I must also mention Gail
Brundle who stepped in at such short notice to
read for us. Thank you all – it was truly wonderful.
There is of course one great sadness which can’t I always think that to hold the Carol Service at
go unmentioned. David Horne’s performances at 4:30 on Christmas Eve is the best and worst
both the Monday lunchtime recital and at the Gala possible decision ever taken. You have to realise
Concert later in the month had been very much that the organist and choir members don’t stand
looked forward to by so many, myself included. in the church the whole time waiting to play and
David, who contributes so much to the life at St sing to people; they have turkeys to stuff, presents
Saviour’s, will be sorely missed over the course of to wrap and families to visit. That said, it is the
the next few months as he embarks on the long most wonderful occasion. I have often said how
road to recovery after his accident at the end on beautiful our church looks by candle light and how
November. We miss you David and send you our heavy it is with atmosphere.
love and best wishes. Get well - we want you back!
Once again we had an enhanced choir which lead
Christmas is, of course, the main focus of the singing. I am particularly grateful to Jessica
December and (although I love it all) I am always Frisby who sang ‘Once in Royal’ so beautifully
mildly irritated that the season of Advent is largely and to Paul, Ian and Becky (once again) who sang
overlooked by most. From my perspective there solos for us.
is so much beautiful music written for the advent I still have so much to say, but I will be edited out
season which is hardly ever performed. No if I go on much longer. There’s a lot happening in
matter, we had two very special events from which 2018 (not so much in January and February) so
I came away feeling immensely proud and, yes, please look out for the notices in the magazine
maybe even a little bit smug! and in the porch
The Gala concert was a great success both
financially and musically. My thanks firstly go to Thank you all for your kind Christmas messages
Shirley and the choir. What perhaps people do and a happy new year to all of you.
publicly supported the Churchwardens in their
participation in the process to find a new Vicar.
Lots of parties during the run up to Christmas.
Super night out at Solo Pasta with some of the
Clergy and their wives.
Hello everyone. Kitty here at the start of Christmas services passed without incident.
another year reclined on my Chaise musing on Bernard was a nervous wreck prior to the
what to write about this month. Midnight Mass as he was to be Sub Deacon and
New Year resolutions come to mind. dress up in the heavy Gold Vestments complete
My first is to cut down my intake of Gin with Biretta. We were also lucky that we had
– that should last about half a day. Neil with us, as he is an experienced server from
Haywards Heath. The Archdeacon had a walk
through of the service and choreography after the
Carol Service.
During the run up to Christmas some members The Carol Service, itself, was lovely with every
of our congregation may as well have moved in space filled with candles and the choir performed
as the number of concerts and carol services beautifully. The readers also performed their tasks
reached their peak. well – A wonderful start to the celebrations.
A small band of cheerful helpers ensured all went Back to the New Year…
smoothly and welcomed people to these events Let’s all plan to be better people and show our
and helped clear away afterwards sometimes as Love for St Saviours by pulling and working
late as midnight. TOGETHER so that we as a family can move
Bishop Martin visited us and of course we have FORWARD and not in the opposite direction.
the on-going help, love and prayers of our Well New Year is now here.
wonderful Archdeacon Fr Edward. Good luck with the resolutions.
The annual Paul Collins Christmas extravaganza Oh dear. Bang goes my first. Now where did I put
went well with a large audience. A lot of mix up that funnel...
over ticket arrangements. Next year will be pay at
the door. Easier for everyone concerned. Bedes’ Cheers Kitty K
Carol services were brilliant especially the Junior
one with 600 squeezed in. Our own Carol Service
attracted over 300. The fact that we had services
on two consecutive days meant attendances were
down. Next Christmas hopefully figures will rise
with people coming to see the new Vicar.
Our Altar servers have increased in number with
the addition of Sam Cornford and Neil Clarke.
A very convivial meeting was held in the Dolphin
Pub in South Street with drinks courtesy of
Pauline Fella.
Hugh Balitcha was elected Head Server by
unanimous vote. Well done we are so pleased. It
was nice to hear the Archdeacon mention this at
Mass and the Bishop was also most pleased with
the news and let Hugh boss (guide) him through
the service. It was also nice that the Archdeacon
Dates for your Diary January 2018
Mon 1 10.30am Mass Mary, Mother of God
Tues 2 12 noon Mass S. Basil the Great and S. Gregory Nazianzen Bps. Drs.
Wed 3 10.30am Mass Most Holy Name of Jesus CBS Corporate Communion
Thurs 4 10.30am Mass
Fri 5 12 noon Mass
Sat 6 09.00am Mass
Sun 7 The Epiphany of the Lord 08.00am Low Mass 10.30am High Mass
Mon 8 The Baptism of the Lord 10.30am Mass Faithful Departed
Tues 9 12 noon Mass
Wed 10 10.30am Mass
Thurs 11 10.30am Mass
Fri 12 12 noon Mass S. Aelred of Rievaulx Ab. Laying on of Hands
Sat 13 09.00am Mass S. Hilary Bp. Dr.
Sun 14 Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
08.00am Low Mass 10.30am High Mass
Mon 15 10.30am Mass
Tues 16 12 noon Mass
Wed 17 10.30am Mass S. Anthony Ab.
Thurs 18 10.30am Mass
Fri 19 12 noon Mass
Sat 20 09.00am Mass S. Fabian P. M. & S. Sebastian M.
Sun 21 Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
08.00am Low Mass 10.30am High Mass
Mon 22 10.30am Mass S. Vincent Dn. M.
Tues 23 12 noon Mass Walsingham Cell
Wed 24 10.30am Mass S. Francis de Sales Bp. Dr.
Thurs 25 10.30am Mass Conversion of S. Paul Ap.
Fri 26 12 noon Mass S. Timothy & S. Titus Bps.
Sat 27 09.00am Mass S. Angela Merici V.
Sun 28 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
08.00am Low Mass 10.30am High Mass 151st Dedication Festival
Mon 29 10.30am Mass
Tues 30 12 noon Mass S. Charles I K M.
Wed 31 10.30am Mass S. John Bosco Pr.
BVM= Blessed Virgin Mary AP= Apostle Bp=Bishop Ab=Abbot/Abbess P=Pope Bp=Bishop
Dr=Doctor V.M.=Virgin Martyr R=Religious
Church Officers Telephone
Hon Associate Clergy Rev Christopher Hadfield BA 381796
Rev Anthony Fiddian-Green MA, Cert Ed 485399
Rev Nick MacNeill, BTh 723584
Rev John Wright BSc Cert Ed 723345
Rev Dr David Musson M Phil
Canon Robert Fayers SSC 07706 067496
01323 656346
Churchwardens Mrs Pauline Fella 412061
Mr John Vernon 645145
Deputy Churchwardens Mr Keith Metcalfe 638269
Miss Jacqueline Mulholland
Secretary PCC Mrs Judy Grundy 720577
Treasurer Miss Mary Delves 735410
Planned Giving Mr Sebastian Verity 07860 283156
Chair of Finance Mr Carl Hodgkinson 01323 351014
Other Officers Mr Paul Collins 647969
Director of Music
Parish Hospital Contact Mr Richard Elliott 872168
Head Server Mr Hugh Balitcha 658510
Chat-Stop Rev Anthony Fiddian-Green 381796
Car Park Manager / 100 Club Mr Steve Gilbert 469078
Safeguarding Officer Miss Jacqueline Mulholland 638269
Electoral Role Officer Mrs Susan Metcalfe 645145
Churches Together Mrs Beverly Cochran 434785
Deanery Synod Miss Mary Delves, Miss Jacqueline Mulholland, Mrs Isobel Nugent
Family Support Work Miss Jennifer Hodgkinson and Mr Robert Ascott 351014
Librarian Mr David Thorpe 486214
Guild of All Souls Miss Lis Trustam 504909
Mission to Seafarers Mrs Isobel Nugent 725796
Additional Curates Society Mr Roger Emery 431283
Open Church Mr Roger Ellis 649896
Our Lady of Walsingham / CBS Miss Mary Delves 735410
Church Office Answerphone 729702
Church Organisations Miss Lis Trustam – call for details 504909
Bible Reading Fellowship 485399
Book Group Rev Nick MacNeill – call for details 724317
Church Cleaning Mrs Rita Orchard – Tuesdays from 9am 656346
Church Grounds Mr John Burford 656346
Mrs Diana Dean
Mrs Lynette Newman
Events Committee Mr Paul Fella – meets as necessary
Flower Arrangers Mrs Rita Orchard – Fridays from 9am
Webmaster / Magazine / Publicity Mr Paul Fella