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Published by astroport, 2019-08-14 06:06:18

Who among us is a Jew new

Who among us is a Jew new

Who is the Jew among us?

A Jewish state has existed for 70 years, and the question of who to consider
in the state by the "Jew", is still not resolved at the state level. After all, the Jewish
state consists of people, who came from many countries all over the world.

In this case, the only source, that can give us an answer, is the "Holy
Torah". But the problem is, that all Jews, who read, studied or simply knew
the summary of the Torah, always understood her in different ways. And
therefore, the whole long Jewish history, the people always had many
different groups, who understood the Torah different, and hostile to each

In order for the “Unified understanding of the Holy Scrolls” to arise,
the Jewish population of the planet needs to understand, where the Holy
Torah came from. And that the Torah is a “Scientific Book” describing
scientifically "Building the Solar System and Nature", as well as
describing the "Development of Man, through his cellular structure".
The Holy Book of the Torah is the “Scientific Key to the Description of the

Only by understanding the “Scientific Torah” can the Jewish people
understand its "Role" among other nations, and will be able to build a "Just
Jewish State".

The Torah came to the Jews through ancient Egypt, from "Another Solar
system” with the help of Atlantes. The Jewish state appeared thanks to Egypt,
which dominated for thousands of years Mediterranean and North African
region. Confrontation Israel, to Egypt, part of whose culture the Jews were,
appeared hundreds of years after the formation of Israel. When already
no one remembered Egypt, and that the Jews ruled for a long time in Egypt,
and to be there, "Slaves", in principle, could not. This confrontation to Egypt,
taken from Torah stories turned out for the Jews an "Unpredictable result".
The sacred Torah Scrolls have lost touch with the “Real World”, which they

Ancient Egypt carried out a "Scientific understanding of the world".
Therefore, Magic was part of the life of the Egyptians, where people had to
“Strive to Perfection”, so that on the day of death appear before the Judge -
without Sins. The name of ancient Egypt is “Ta-Kemet”, which means black
earth. Or "Ta-Meri", which means "Earth hoes". It means, fertile land, easy
for processing and crops.

As you can see, “Ta-Kemet” has nothing to do with the word “Mizraim” in
the Torah. And accordingly, all the characters and names of the countries in
the Torah are not "Historical".

According to information from the Torah: about the Unity of the World, and
the Model of 7 parts of our world, and the Model of Man, as cell creature. And
also, that Israel is the heir to the culture of ancient Egypt: we can define -
"What are the goals of people" according to the Torah. And the
implementation of these goals will determine - "Who should be considered a

From the Unity of the World, as the “Universal interconnection and
dependence of everything existing on the planet earth”, it follows, that the
Jews cannot have a “Closed Society”, and anyone can become a Jew.


From the Model of 7 days of the creation of the world, it follows, that Jewish
society should be built similar to the structure of man. Inside which all cells
are equal and live one working life. And in the Torah there is simply a ban on

From the Conditions of Equal Work Life, and also from the fact, that Israel
is the heir of ancient Egypt follow: “That all his life every Jew should strive
for "Perfection", spiritual, mental and physical. And bear the “Responsibility”
to the society in which he lives.

From the foregoing, we can formulate, “How each man must build his life”,
in order to consider himself a Jew.

1. A man is honor and scientifically studying Torah, together with the real

2. A man - striving all his life for Perfection / Responsibility /.
3. A man - striving all his life to create a Just society.
4. A man - preserving Nature all his life, a part of which he appears.
5. A man - who carries the Truth of the Torah to all nations. / This item is

in question. Because all people on earth themselves are trying to learn
and get everything useful.
These four conditions allow each person to ask himself a question. Do I
correspond Jewish criteria? And where is the main question: Do I work in a
way, that human society and nature need me?
From the point of view of the “Scientific understanding of God”, which
“Works”, as Three world Forces, within each person, and nature and the
whole world, any “Faith in God” is self-deception. Because, God is Reality
and Truth. Believing in the reality of life is pointless. Therefore, the “Religious
Ideology”, which forces people to pray, is simply “Black Magic” and
deception of people.
Even in antiquity, after the return of the Jews from the Babylonian captivity,
crazy Ezra suggested identifying Jews by blood so, that in no way case there was
no mixing Jewish blood with other peoples. This led the Jews to isolation, and
turned them into a "World scapegoat."
Moreover, for a very long time, even before the appearance of Ezra on earth,
it was known, that “kinship” gives bad offspring. It means, for marriage new blood
is always preferred. A vivid example of this, is family marriage in highly religious
communities, which are usually small ones. Such communities are degenerating,
and the number of sick children there unbelievable. Take a walk through Bnei Brak
and you’ll get the impression, that there children born in glasses.
Jewish Galut culture, when we did not have our own state, expressed only in
"Faith in God, and the Sanctity of the Scrolls of the Torah". Therefore, for the
2000 history of the galut, nothing could change. Therefore only “two purely historical
criteria” “Faith” and Pure Jewish blood, is supported by the Rabbinate of Israel.
Therefore, before the weddings in Galut, no one in the synagogue asked youngs
about their Jewish background. It means, if a Jew did not refuse of their faith, this
was visible to the naked eye. And if a rich Jew trying to hide his Jewishness, he was
simply not allowed to do this, or forced to accept a different faith. Moreover,
Rabbinate built so high fence of "Giyur", that to become a Jew was practically
impossible. In addition, there were almost no idiots among other nations!
Nobody wanted to be despised, and deprived of all rights! Galut himself
supported the non-mixing of our people.
Therefore, all this struggle for the purity of Jewish blood was never needed.


This was necessary only for those Rabies, who had neither mind nor ideas, how
to help people live in the harsh conditions of a tattered life. Therefore, exept of
"Jewish origin", they had nothing in their hearts! Because if these rabies had
brains, then they would have to fight for “That all people would become Jews”,
so that the Torah would become a textbook for all peoples. Because, The Torah is
a scientific book, and from its first appearance, has been intended for all

Muhamad, who wanted to attract all people to his violent Islam, so he opened
the gates of Islam to all people. Likewise made the first Jews Christians, who
opened the gates of Christianity to all the people. And it is right! Because, “God
the Creator” made all people “Equal,” and even before all creatures of nature,
people do not have no "benefits". People differ from animals only in the
"Role", that they carry for all Nature and Mankind. And Role is a practical
goal, that all humanity has.

And the "Role of the Jewish people" for humanity is really very important!
Because we must convey and disseminate in humanity "The scientific content
of the Torah scrolls", because otherwise humanity will perish.
And for salvation, the participation of “Brains of all mankind” is even

In this context, “Closeness of Jewry” from other nations all our history, says
that Rabbinate has always acted against the “Holy Scrolls of the Torah”, which
all nations must know and accept! And naturally, Rabbinate has no right to decide
who is Jewish and who is not.

Did the Jews build a state, that requires the Holy Torah?
We built our new state in the party European manner. Because to build a state on
the basis of "Religion", it meant returning in the days of the ancient "Slavery".
We can be proud, that the founders of the Jewish state, of all types existing
states, nevertheless chose the best. They chose “Communist Equal State”, built
Kibbutz and created the best agriculture. But the Communists, because of their
"Internationalism", forgot that Islam, together with Hitler and Stalin, decided
to destroy the Jewish people, wherever they are. And Naturally, the people of
Israel threw out the Communists, and then the socialists of the workers' party from
state administration.
And since the Jewish state was born at a time of full priority in the world
"Capitalist economy". Because Capitalism created a high level life of people,
thanks to "Machine exploitation and destruction of Nature". So under capitalism,
“There is no place for Nature in the activities of people”, because in capitalism,
the main thing is “Artificial God of money!” And where for the sake of Money the
population is ready for any Crime, and talking about the need to be a "Man" is
pointless. Because Money justifies absolutely everything bad, that is in people.
Although, there are no monetary relations in Nature, because nature gives
everything to person Free!
Therefore, having thrown out the Communists and Socialists, the administration
of the Jewish state passed into the hands of the "Capitalist-minded" parties of
"small shopkeepers and construction firms", which for increase in number
votes attracted "Religious Parties”. More stupid government, where the
"Educated and Labor strata of society" are completely absent, it is hard to
The proper management of human society can be found in Nature.
In nature, there are two principles of management:


1. Inside all beings and of course in Man, there is the “Absolute Equality and

justice for all cells of the body", living one common life.
2. Within all communities of Nature Beings, there is a “Totalitarian Community

Management” where the Leader establishes community rules for survival.

Accordingly, it can be seen, that Totalitarian management is suitable for the

whole animal world, because animals are deprived of the "Human Mind", which

is able to build a "Just Society", according to its internal principle.
But it’s also important to understand, that inside Man and other animals acts

"Double control":

1. Male management - Totalitarian, requiring the execution of the Law and

work from the cells. / Functional action of the body /.

2. Female management - Collecting information from all cells about local

disorders in the body. / Feedback - uniting all parts of the body into a

whole for survival /.

You can see, that the "Capitalist society", where the "God of money" rules,
realizing "complete inequality between people". It is typical “Totalitarian
state”, no matter how beautifully it is called by politics and rich. And the fact,

that a group of people rules the state, does not change the essence of his

complete Inequality!

To this we must add, that it is Capitalism with the help of Scientists

all developed countries, destroyed 50 - 60% of Nature in recent
150 years old. And during the same time, the population of the planet’s people

has increased to catastrophic proportions, when drinking Water is already

everywhere produced artificially! And even on the issue of overpopulation,

an example for humanity is the "Human Body", which is not growing infinitely.

Since in the body, there is a balance between birth and death of cells.

It so happened in history, that for the first time an "Equal Communist Society"

was built in Russia. But dictator Stalin did not allow the people governing the

country, and turned the country into a poor "Slave aggressive state". It was Stalin,

who destroyed the idea of an "Equal Society", which has existed in Nature for

millions of years.

Dear readers, I hope that it will be easy for you to choose "What kind of

management system is needed for Israel and all of Mankind", so that
the proverb “Man to man Wolf” has disappeared on the planet.

To God, as the Three World Forces giving life to the Solar System and

to the whole universe, indifferently whether we are Jews or not. He gives life

to all that exists! He gives life to both Good and Bad people.

Therefore, what to do with a person, who is not worthy of the title "Human",

because he remains an Animal, must decide the society, in which he lives. Based
on the fact, that only “Responsible Workers” should live on the planet.

When the Jewish people accepted the Holy Book of the Torah, it meant, that
Jews committed themselves to “Build a just society of working people”, in

accordance with what is written in Torah.

Yacov Ioffe. 1995 - 1997


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