Analysis Sumer language and its Math notation 60, as
principle of System construction of our world.
Part 2 / Language analization /
As we know from construction of the Hebrew, in which for « Seven
real parts of system », because of the human factor of restriction
there is « a Convolution of system up to 3 », probably, that words and
offers language of Sumer too are constructed on a basis of «Three system
parts». It means probably, that the same convolution systems up to "Three"
exists for words and offers Sumer language, since all people think equally, on
a basis «Triple balance of any action». / And if to recollect from a Torah, that
the person is constructed due an image and similarity of the God, we are
constructed by the same principle, as Gods – cosmonauts, who have based a
civilization on the Earth/.
On the Sumer language spoke in Mesopotamia about 4000 years b.c., so it
Is “special in linguistic”, since don’t belong to any known families of
languages. Linguists name the Sumer language “aglutinanive and errgative”,
but because nobody can’t knows its pronounce, but only know its translating
words through Akkadian language, so it is till now there is “Puzzle with many
I am not linguist and don’t intend occupy by linguistic. So I see my task
to prove, that Sumer language is “System language”, like all most ancient
languages, since were adopted from “Gods – Cosmonauts”. And for Hebrew
and Sanskrit I succesided.
I very serios irritate from approach most sientists linguists to Sumer
language, as “language of primitive inventors”. Never was ancient Primitive
inventors of languages! Because people don’t invent, but learnd laguages
in the beginning of civilization. So for some sientists explain, that time
appearance of Sumer language about 6000 – 7000 – 8000 years ago.
So if we take, that every 100 years of life we have 4 generations, then those
ancient time sepate to modern time only 80 * 4 = 320 generations. And it is
nothining for changing. So primitive people can be only illiterate linguists.
Adopted in the beginning of civilization languages can be languages of
connection between “Robots – Automats”, but in this case in those languages
there is “System structure”. And this “System structure” always was infringed
by people in time of using, so till modern days those languages arrived with
big muddle.
Since all our “Real World”, were we live, composed from “Systems”, which
have one model of 7 functional parts, so all ancient languages of beginning
of civilization must “correspond to this system model”, for possibility people
to understand each other. So due this reason all languages of the world
have “Triple system structure for offers”, so we can translate from one
language to another.
Sumer language, as well as all languages of the world, can be displayed
only by semantic designs of “Consecutive Type”, with help elements having
system roles and designs, composing «the Triple Equivalent», since we
people «cannot think other Categories». And we can not have other type of
speaking, except for consecutive. Therefore both the Hebrew and Sanskrit
languages consist of letters-phonems, displaying alphabet, words and offers
in the Triple system equivalent.
Therefore it is possible to assume, that Sumer alphabet should have « 7
parts of division», since it is seen «Help about system formality of language».
And «two-letters and trigram convolution of root basis of the words, similar to
the Hebrew, but it is necessary to prove, that it exists or on the contrary is
Exsept this clear, that system equivalent of phonems and words can’t have
“energatical parts of system”, because we don’t see and don’t fill them,
but words with this sense have to be in language, like in other languages.
And from the very beginning of research, we can note for ourselves, that
the most simple proof «System structure Sumer language » is in its two
1. Presence in language two times: «Past and Future», at that time
as Present time is the Transitive form. While we people is
understanding and filling only «Present and Past Time», and we do not
understand future time. Future time is possible to understand only from
«System with feedback». And in language is enough to have only the
certain words, such as "after" and "later", for designation of future time.
I.e. exactly like the word "Return" designates "Feedback", which
we do not see.
2. Presence in language of the letter "U", as vowel, which is meaningful
«Association in whole» groups of offers and which is put ahead of
offers as in Hebrew. And in Hebrew this letter "Vav" changes time of
the verb.
For beginning let’s investigate adding senses of numbers, because in
Hebrew names of numbers give possibility get value of functional system
Therefore, if we with you shall look in Sumer lexicon additional, / not
numbering / sense for numbers, we shall see, that for number "Seven"
there is an additional sense «Incalculable, Infinite», in accuracy
corresponding to system understanding of " Uniform model of all world”, as
law of general coherence and uniform laws for all real.
And accordingly it corresponds to dynamic balance of planets or atom and
functional balance of 7 system parts in spatial interaction.
The word "Two" in Sumer language sounds « ma-na, mi-na, men, min ».
In this combination the syllable «mi, ma» means "Woman", and the syllable
"na" means “the Person or man”. And consequently "Two" means male
and female beginning together, i.e. as the whole, dual compound structure. It
precisely corresponds to " the Dual balance” all system structures alive and
For number "Three" we see, that the word "Three" simultaneously means
the sense "A lot of" and "Sacred". Since all nature of Alive is constructed on
the basis of "Triple system structure”, supposing «Eternal change in
The word "One" simultaneously means, « Unique and Universal» and thus
the word "Six" sounds just as "One". And this is clear from the system point of
View, since each system is certain «Uniform structure with one border», and
this system has inside «Closed circle from 6 functional parts». And
simultaneously it is «2 * 3 = 6 », i.e. Dual balance and Triple change in one
structure. Such similarity of sounding « One and Six », though for to six there
is also other name, can mean, that «Unity of system» for Sumer language it is
completely defined «by Duality and Trinity», which is described with words of
Since, if word, as the reflections “constant constructions and concepts of
the world”, can have “ternary root basis”, which is increased with the special
letters and vowels till “complete system construction” of 7 parts. And this way
is organized “system language Hebrew”.
In the offer, as “conditional structure, and increased to the complete,
semantic construction” with the set of offers, in any language can be only
“ternary equivalent of system”, for understanding the offers by people.
In the modern languages with free word-formation « the tripleness
has remained only at a level of offers », but words don’t connected with real
world by any functional dependness.
Furthermore in the system of numeration Sumer 60, the number “6” is
considered as “1” for calculating the three-dimensional volume 360.
The word "Four" in Sumer language sounds as « lim-mu, lim », and
simultaneously parts of a name mean «abundance, set » and also
"line", therefore it simultaneously designates "thousand". It reflects a system
polysemy and variability, internal system structures of management, as
«structures with Four parts» for management the Trinity instability.
The word "Ten" also has additional sense «Numerous, various, mixed».
And from the system point of view it well speaks, that than increases more
structural complexity of systems, than biger variety of qualities they
Only the word "Five" - "ia" is sharply differs from all names of numbers,
since it is made only of vowels. And we know from structure of system, that
5 functional parts of system compose “The Goal of system. And accordantly
The goal function of system will display “Sense of word” in all languages.
And even figure the Pentagram, i.e. a star with 5 corners it is meaningful –
"corner", and it is especially single in Sumer language. And this corner is
equal 360:5 = 72.72 = 2 * 6 * 6. It seams, this spatial decomposition well fills
in volume of a circle and a sphere in balance. Since. Water, as the Power
basis and the environment of all processes of the Life, with physical
and the spatial point of view, it H2O = 18 nuclear units. And in a circle
360 degrees are entered equally 20 molecules, i.e. having 2 * 2 * 5
opportunities of spatial distribution. I.e. double balance on 5 functional
directions. Therefore the differing of name Five from names of other numbers,
can mean, scientific « Functional и Goal orientation of Sumer language».
Since we people see, perceive and should understand for practical activities,
first of all, « Functional parts» systems. Realy a functional part of any system
has 5 parts from an input up to an output.
And besides this, vowels name for Five, can mean special value the
«Vowels of Sumer language». I.e. that vowels simultaneously carry out
several functions in Sumer language, in construction of words and offers. In
the same time, if to take into account, that vowels carry out in language,
«Binding functions », really any functional process begins and comes to an
end on border of system, since it connected to others external functions.
This special, multipurpose value of "vowels" in Sumer language, is
emphasized by all researchers of language, which not finding decision,
everyone emphasize huge quantity of different words on a spelling having the
same sense! That basically should not be! And also a plenty of identical words
on a spelling having,different sense!
That situation is really possible, in language having a long history, when
people think out additional sense to words, sometimes in the playful form or
using the words of foreigner language, which in due course is fixed in
laguage. Therefore through long time in language is difficult to find «sorce
words». And with this collide modern linguists, and I have collided this in the
system of Hebrew.
For example, in ancient Hebrew the word “Barber” have the root borrowed
from root of “telling”, but have not any connection to the process of cutting
hairs or shaving. And it is clear, that in saloon together with cutting hairs
people get all news. So this fun word fixed in language in ancient time.
Thus the valid sounding Sumer language we simply do not know, since it is
dead language already many thousand years. Therefore scientists
began to mark simply identical vowels in various syllables on sense by
" additional numbers”. And this "polysemy" of Sumer language is simply
extremely huge and frighten at investigators.
I personally do not see an opportunity to understand this polysemy of
language, since then Sumerians were or «Over people» and then could
understand speaking at any multiple-valued combination of syllables and
words. Or scientists even did not come close to understanding rules of
drawing up the words and offers of Sumer language and its records.
The semantic polysemy of words of language is possible, when in
time sounding words of language up to indiscernible, as it exists in the
Hebrew. But this change of sounding cannot be such massive, when for many
words exists till 5 – 10 senses.!!!!
It is possible to assume existence in Sumer language «a little types of
pronunciation of 4 vowels». Then 15 consonants at 4 vowels, with Two or
Three types of soundings of 4 vowels will give 60 * 2 = 120, or
60 * 3 = 180 variants of sounding and accordingly cuneiforms images of
letters of the alphabet.
As is known from history the Sumer cuneiforms writing has existed till time
of tsar Hammurapi, which has simplified Sumer records, having removed 36
figures from full 60, but in this case the cuneiform writing was used already for
other language, in which there was other quantity of consonants!
Therefore I think, that in Sumer language there were «Short and Long
vowels», which else differed position «in front and behind consonant», and it
gives four their variants «cuneiform image of phonems». And linguists mark
existing slow and fast vowels.
It makes very much confusing our understanding and perception the ancient
Language, which is distinct from all other languages. It complicates
understanding “numerical system of Shumerian”, but on the other hand this
evident shows, that in Sumer language, numbers had «system structural
sense»! And use of numbers for the account in economy was secondary. And
consequently, for example, number 600 = 5 * (60 + 60) had the name
«number of the Big Gods». And why nobody knows, since this knowledge is
lost. Inspite it is clear, that it is number “10” for next / second / Hexagon, were
step equal to 60.
I.e. 60-unit notation of Sumerians is really the essential hint for
understanding the «structure of construction system of this language».
All this means, that if Sumer language have «System structure, and
come to us from Cosmos», then it, as well as the Hebrew, never has «Two
different words on spelling with One Sense»! And accordingly can’t be any
semantic connection between Two-consonant words and
Three-consonant words. And if such connection between words from two and
three consonant is traced, it means, that in Sumer language there is no
concept "Word", as a constant semantic design. And this "rule", to our regret,
ignore composers of Lexicon, that very much complicates the analysis of
words for the person, like I, which is not linguist, despite of existing obvious
real reasons of complexity of an identical spelling. And with this problem I
hadn’t met at studying «semantic system of construction Sanskrit language»,
since ingenious hindus before some centures have made the preliminary
analysis and formalization of the ancient alphabet, «due to systemic-functional
structure of pronunciation the sounds in the mouth!».
Besides in the Hebrew, as system language at all levels Three letters of
roots of words carry in themselves the reduced semantic value of full system
structure from 7 parts. But thus the «Last letter of root» carries in itself « the
basic sense of the purpose of action». So, if Sumer language too is
completely «system language», this rule should exist in it. I.e. last letter of the
root designs the «Target criterion function of described system».
However, Sumer language has only 15 consonants, instead of 22 in
Hebrew and 38 letters in the Sanskrit, and it can mean, that it describes: Or
full system of 7 parts, as «Functional system from 5 parts», by special rules,
which any other existing language on our planet hadn’t. Or this language
describes only “three-dimensional - temporary relations” in all visible systems.
Since «the Feedback or system Power component» cannot be displayed in
consecutive structure of speech, and it can be exist only as verbal concepts.
Therefore any formal language, can display by letters-symbols only 5
functional parts of system.
This special feature, presence only 15 consonants, is shown in its special
"Shortening", which surpasses even the most short language of our planet
"Hebrew". I.e. I want to tell, that if the Hebrew is Language having
«Compression of 7 valid parts of system up to language Three», by the
certain rules. Sumerian language has still what that «Additional compression»
that makes it such "Short". Rules for this «additional structural compression»
we should open.
Otherwise all our work by definition «System structure Sumer language», is
simply senseless, since in any variant the language necessarily should
describe our System world.
If Sumer language is completely system, so how to divide the alphabet from
15 consonants into 7 system parts?
As all researchers speak, this language has no Alphabet, since Sumer
language "syllable". However sounds and letters of the most ancient
known language of mankind, could not appear simply so, and
therefore for all structures and elements of language should be system sense
connected to the reality of the system world. And even Syllables it is semantic
combinations of language. And if we have not found for them explanations, it
does not mean, that are not present an explanation. Therefore, the first
decision coming on mind for consonants is to divide them in conformity with
division of the Hebrew, which is too system. And the main thing it is later
language of same area of residing Sumerian - Mesopotamia. Then system
groups of the alphabet will look as follows:
1. / b/. Group « External influences ».
2. / d, g / Group « Boundary functions ».
3. / g * / Group « Functions of Memory ».
4. / h, z / Group « Functions of Management ».
5. / k, l, m, n / Group « Functions of Communication».
6. / p, r, s / Group « Executive functions ».
7. / s *, t / Group « Conditions of system ».
1 2 3 4 56 7
External Border Memory Management Connection Execution Feedback
Influence functions functions states
functions functions functions
b d, g g*
h, z k, l, m, n p, r, s s *, t
This division almost completely coincides with division the Hebrew
alphabet, and it allows to give to letters – symbols similar to Hebrew system
sense, and by that to facilitate our analysis.
Then the system meaning the individual characters of the Sumerian
Alphabet are as follows:
«B» / bet / - "Internal feedback from output to input ."
«D» / Dalet / - " Boundary structure of the system ."
«G» / Gimel / - " Boundary function of exposure ."
«G *» / Hay / - " Memory or system volume ."
«Z» / Zain / - "Cycle management information ."
«H» / Hat / - " Control loop function ."
«K» / Caf / - "Split logical connection ."
«L» / Lamed / - " The spatial relationship ."
«M» / Mem / - "Sequential or multiple link ."
«N» / Nun / - " Cyclic internal communications ."
«P» / Pei / - " Functional output action ."
«R» / Reish / - "Information output function ."
«S» / Samech / - " The output function of motion in space ."
«S *» / Shin / - " Dynamic change in the state system."
«T» / Tav / - "Saving the static state of the system."
Linguistic meaning of symbols - letters, which give to symbols Sumerian
language specialists - linguists from the lexicon has the following form:
/b:p/= a hollow, a vessel, the container; to take, choose, place, a choice.
/d:t/= the edge(territory), the party(side) to come nearer, leave, cooperate
with, to operate, do(make), execute.
/g:k/= the throat, a circle, an input(entrance), a basis, for a long time, narrow
to consume, kill, to say, put into words.
/m/= the woman to cause, be, do(make), leave, go, transportation to speak.
/n/= discrete individuality to be high, to be frightening.
/ / = itself, the sort, family to like, benefit.
/l/= happiness, abundance, manufacture of the foodstuffs, the man.
/r/= to protect, a shelter, кров, support to send forward, to let out,
to develop enzyme.
/s/= skill, skill to be a number(line), to surround, fence, connect, be full.
/ š / = quantity(amount), a part, a grain, humidity to support, to suspend.
/h/= large number; a saliva.
/z/= to cook, fry, meat (animals), a teeth to cut, cut off, breath.
To find in this linguistic description a systemic sense impossible, although it
is possible to find some similar groups.
Certainly from the system point of view, association in one group «sonorous
and indistinct consonants» /b:p/, /d:t/, /g:k/ it is essentially wrong.
Simultaneously such division the Sumer alphabet, in it comparison with the
Hebrew, speaks us, that in the alphabet there are no following «System
Symbols of the certain system concepts »:
In the first group of External influences there is no symbol "Aleph".
In the third group of Functions of Memory there is no symbol "Vav".
In the fourth group of Functions of Management there is no symbol "Tet".
In the fifth group of Functions of connection there is no symbol "iud".
In the sixth group of Executive functions there are no at once three
Symbols "Ain", "Zadi" and "Kuf".
Such absence of 7 sounds, in comparison with the Hebrew, means
its different and unique description, and it is really similar to «Systemic-
functional structure». Since reduction the group of symbols the " Executive
functions” up to three: as "S", "P", "R" means, that in language system
balance procces are described only by «Movements, Functions and
Information». I.e. exactly according to Triple system construction of systems
of the person as: «Power, Information and Functional systems», forming the
whole organism, and taking place in constant balance and change.
This reduction of group "Execution / Goal / functions " tells us, that
Sumerian language have sense constructions very “General”, and in it difficult
specify concepts.
As we know from the Hebrew, that nonsyllabic "Vav" practically it is not
enough meets in roots of words, and basically plays a role “ Logic
associations of words and offers " and " Change the time of action”, before
offers. And when it used as vowel like «U and O » it expresses «passivity and
activity of the verb actions». Absence of this consonant in Sumer language
probably means, that it do not used as consonant, and use only as a vowel,
which completely coincides with vowels of the Hebrew «U and O». And it
carries logic function of association being in the beginning designs, as well as
in Hebrew. And I think, that because of reason, that Sumer language is
intended for describing “Plants and Cells”, which do not move in the space, as
other organisms; therefore in the Language there are so many words with the
letter “u”, that expresses passiveness.
Let's pay attention, that in the Hebrew letter "iud" too is "nonsyllabic" and in
Sumer language is present only its vowel equivalent "i". And on the other
hand, «the Managing part» of functional structures from 5 parts, necessarily
has «Internal communication» with its Executive part. And it in turn means,
that a vowel "i" inside the word has meaning of " internal functional
The consonant "Aleph" in Hebrew too has not absolutely clear
pronunciation, and quite probably initially was "nonsyllabic", and in due course
has turned in the modern language to "vowel".
Except for that, we at once can note, that absence of the letter "Aleph"
in Sumer language, cannot mean, that in language there are no concept of
«External influence». Such simply cannot be! In fact our world, in which we
live, is connected together to the help of external influence! In fact nobody
cancelled Unity of the world and its laws! And it means, that in language the
letter Aleph is replaced by Vowel “A”.
These three "nonsyllabic" letters speak us about strong likehood or
connection Sumer and Hebrew languages, which due sound structure looks
as having one «Source of occurrence». / Sumer language could be for
extraterrestrial cosmonauts, was simply as programming language for
automatic devices. So, it is not simple reason, that in Sumer language
there are no attributes of "Sex", as female and male. /
On the one hand reducing the number of symbols complicates the
description of semantic structures. On the other hand, this means that for
complete description of the word lack of symbols should be compencated in
methods of forming words. And so the first thing that comes to mind is that
Vowels of Sumerian language have multiple sense, for compensate missing
Symbols of consonants.
Now, composing conclusions from absence some cosonants in Sumer
language, we can make preliminary, but important conclusion. That Sumerian
language is “Functional oriential language”. May be it was the language of
Automats, and was not intended for people. And this is proving the absence
of male and female suffixes in language. Just for technical procceses it is not
important, since they act by male and female the same principle.
Therefore, as I understand, qualities of " Vowels of Sumer language” are
the "Key" for understanding the structure words system constructions. And
consequently vowels determine «the Principle of division the words on
semantic parts» and also «a principle of formation of syllables». And for us
are especially important, how organized the sense of absent simbols. An
“Aleph”, as « External influence on system». “Iud”, as «Internal Power and
Information connection in system». And “Vav”, as «Function logic unity». In
the Hebrew these letters already firmly became "Nonsyllabic", and depending
from position in word and offer, they change the sense and a pronunciation.
Therefore it is possible, that in Sumer language these consonants, already
like vowels, being on the certain places in words and offers, they changed the
sense, like in the Hebrew.
We shall pay attention, that lack «Binding symbols». And such binding
symbols quite can be Vowels «a, e, I, u», having in the Hebrew almost
identical spelling.
As a result of such small comparison of languages we see, that only the
vowel "e" is completely a natural vowel and which can fill in space between
consonants of words on convenience of pronunciation. And also the vowel
"e" can carry special sense being in the certain places «not requiring in
convenience of pronunciation».
Then in Sumer language there are 4 vowels and 15 consonants, like
«3*5». Where 4 * 15 = 60, exactly coinsedence with system of numbering
notation of Sumer. And which, as we know have sense “world Space
structures relation energies of moving”.
From understanding “System functionality of language” follows next
important decisions in formation “syllabies” with help of vowels. So we can
compose all types of syllabies give possibility “Increasing system functions”,
definding the roots of words and sense constructions addings, changing of
Let’s signify any from 15 types of functional system process like - .
Then syllabies with vowels, giving to consonant adding sense, defending
from its position, would have the next form and sense.
a - Outside influence on consonant function, not having reaction.
i - Inside influence on consonant function, not having reaction.
u - Logic influence on consonant function, not having reaction.
e - Input connection with function, not having reaction.
a - Function, having outside reaction.
i – Function, having inside or personal reaction.
u - Function, having logical reaction.
e - Function, having common or special reaction.
a Х – Outside influence on function, having one of four reactions,
defending from last vowel.
i Х - Inside influence on function, having one of four reactions,
defending from last vowel.
u Х - Logic influence on function, having one of four reactions,
defending from last vowel.
e Х – Inside common conntction with function, having one of four
reactions, defending from last vowel.
So accordenly word composed from two vowels “ ia” have sense of 5,
since describes structure of 5 functional elements of every system, where
“Intern connections of system balanced with External connections of system”.
Syllable type Х there is a construction not having connections, it means
“structural and functional Memory”. So, it is important understand, what
functional structure this construction describe.
As we understand from construction of the Hebrew and all other languages,
that the basic semantic part for transfer the " Semantic designs “our thinking is
"Offer". The modern languages is already for a long time use the free word-
formation, which has been not connected with system sense position of the
letter in a word. However all ancient languages "have been scientifically
formalized" and consequently words and syllables displayed system sense of
process and structures.
Therefore system communication in position of elements of system has
remained and displayed only in the offer.
And this semantic Triple design of the offer, as systems looks this way.
As we see from the Triple model of system structure, that process, which in
system always One, is described by a verb, which always connected by an
inseparable feedback to the preposition. And the preposition always internally
connects objects – nouns, which usually are 2 or more. Moreover the object of
influence, specifying change of system, is target function of system, and in the
offer it will be usually direct object. So object - subject is entrance system
Thing that in Sumer language present Triple construction of offers, for us
are no any doubt, since in there exist verbs, nouns and prepositions. And the
main, we people are not able to think differently. However the «System
formation of words» in language it is necessary to prove. And certainly, if to
take into account, that Sumer civilization is the most ancient, and all human
civilization closest to the basis civilization by «Cosmic newcomers», than
there is the reason to think, that Sumer language is completely "System". It
means, the words and alphabet have system construction and sense. And
many researchers consider, that exactly about Sumer language is told in the
Bible, that in the beginning on the earth was «one language». And this
occured in Babylon, i.e. Mesopotamia where lived Sumerian. Many
researchers Mesopotamia suppose, that it was the first place of arrival and
departure of " Cosmic newcomers”, whom people named Gods.
If we have correctly guessed, about purpose and sense of vowels, then all
vowels are different types of change of External influence, Reactions, or
Internal communication between «symbols - systems», depending on place
where they are. I.e. in the beginning of the word, at the end of the word or in
the middle of the word.
And then it is possible to assume, that a vowel ahead of consonant
means type of entrance change of the given parameter of system. A vowel in
the end of the word means type of change of target parameter of last
consonant. The vowel inside consonants is type of internal change
parameters of balance of these consonants. And we should check up it on
to language sense of words.
However for to correlate sense of Vowels with System sense symbols –
consonant, we should determine the system design of words. So, early we
came to conclusion, that Sumer language is focused on the Functional system
description from 5 elements, then comparing system structure of construction
of roots of the Hebrew and Sumer language it is possible to assume the
The Hebrew has the following convolution / compession / of roots of
language from full system.
For all Prepositions in Hebrew there is this convolution / compressing / the
functional parts of structures.
However we suppose, that Sumer language is more short, since it
functionally focused. Then it has the following convolution / compession / for
structures of words with one consonant, two consonants, three consonants.
In this convolution from full functional structure of system from 5 parts, «the
functional sense» is completely kept, thanking «entrance and target
functions» described by blocks « 2 & 6 », and “3, 4, 5” compressed in one, as
invisible parts of Functional system, since any functional process is "Balance"
between an input and an output. On this picture is drawned model of
syllabies with vowels in beginning and end.
For words composed from “two consonants” and vowel inside it will be drawn
by this picture.
But in Sumerian language there are words with three consonants, like in
Hebrew. So the convolution of system structure will be equel.
Now, if we will compare the existing structures, we see, that Sumerian
language not so “Short”, because have much combinations of letters.
And the main thing, the “System models of words” don’t differ from “System
models” of Hebrew language, because “Feedback” inserted in “consecvence
of model” like Secret part of Managing part, so it exist as symbols and as
words – sense in language.
And then all designs of language it is sequence semantic combinations –
syllables composed in the same Екшзду system sequence. And the service
components – syllables, we already know: «a, е, i, u/o, х , х, х х, х ».
And then all words of Sumer language are entered in increasing consistently
system compound sense. And the Triple System sense of designs offers
exists in all languages.
In effect our conclusion is not new, since all researchers of Sumer
language emphasize, that exactly such consecutive construction forms the
general sense of words Sumerian language with addition to root basis, which
also composed, many of prefixes and suffixes. However they arrived to this
conclusion from the practical analysis the formation words of language, and
we arrived from the rules of action any real system, and knowing that
language should reflect this real constructions. Therefore linguists do not have
tool, how to divide sense of words with different spelling and with "one" in their
opinion sense. And the more, they can not distinguish a words with an
identical spelling and different senses!
From the general “system convulation” of sense form words of language,
we see, that language can form “root construtions” from “one, rwo and three
Consonants”. To this we have to add complex rules using of vowels, different
longity of vowels, using many types of suffixes and prefixes and many types
verb constructions and prepositions. All this create situation “Superflous
flexibility of Sumerian language” and accordingly possibility to form “One
sense by some combinations of letters”. So the main problem of language
was “Indifference” between: roots one and two letters with suffix and prefix
and roots with three letters and suffix. This “indifference” complicated for
people using and understanding, because of absent rule “One word – One
sense”. Because we don’t Automats, that can quick think about all variants
senses of combinations of letters.
So, it is not a wonderfull, that Sumerian language was forced out by Semit
languages with there formal convulation / compression / the System till root
with Three consonants. And all propositions it is covulation till two letters and
one letters. So Semit languages have less numbers of words and have rule
“One word – one sense”.
As we know from the Hebrew, all preposition words of language, i.e. the
unions and pretexts are formed basically from « Separate letters: Hei, Vav,
Iud, Kaf, Lamed, Nun, Tav and Shin» and also from « Two-letter designs ».
However in Sumerian lexicon I have not met any word, which would have
«two consonants» in the beginning or at the end of the word. Therefore using
the " binding symbols of language” according to our table:«hei *, vav, kaf, лun,
mem, lamed, shin, тav », as unions and as verbal affixes brings under the big
doubt. Though it is possible to suppose, that all these letters can execute the
same functions together with vowels. Therefore for the further promotion
without precission analysis of qualities of "Vowels", we can’t move. And we
already know, that "á" means a belonging to Water and Power system. "e"
means simply a belonging to system. "i" means a belonging to an internal,
balancing part of system. "u/o" means a belonging to logic and functional part
of system.
Let us make the analysis of the table of syllables with vowels in the
beginning and end of syllables.
a a? a? aaaa a
b d g g* h z k l m n p r s s* t
ee e? e e e
b d g g* h z k l m n p r s s* t
ii ii
b d g g* h z k l m n p r s s* t
uuu uu u u uuu
b d g g* h z k l m n p r s s* t
From contents tables of existing words with the first vowel we see, that only
words with vowel "á" in the beginning of a word, are in odd groups letters of
"Connection", by analogy to the Hebrew , i.e. to odd groups of the alphabet.
And vowels « е, i, u » form words by another rules, which to us are unknown
or they simply are not present.
Tables words design «vowel – consonant– vowel».
b d g g* h z k l m n p r s s* t
a a a a i ua a aa
e ee
b d g g* h z k l m n p r s s* t
i e a, e
ii iiii iiii
b d g g* h z k l m n p r s s* t
ai i u a, i i iiii
uuuu u uu uuuu
bd g g* h z kl mn p r s s* t
i, u u a, u a u uuu
uu u
Looking through the given tables we make tremendous opening, it appears,
that in words from the first and third vowel, these vowels should be "Identical".
And if this rule is broken, this means it is «a special word». From first rule for
vowels follows.
1. « Vowels in roots of words should not repeat », if they differ from the given
designs « public – concordant – a vowel ».
And simultaneously it means, that if in a semantic root of a word the vowel
repeats, it prompts us how to divide a word into syllables.
The vowel "e" practically does not form designs «vowel - concordant –
vowel ». Since, "еshe" it is a linear measure, i.e. a special word,
and the word "еме" means Language or Speaking.
Except for that, we see, that letters «Het and Pai» at all do not form words
with identical vowels, but it is not clear how this to understand.
The table of words design «Consonant – Vowel» looks so:
b d g g* h z k l m n p r s s* t
eeeeee ee e ee
iii ?i i i i i iiii
Now if our division from the preliminary analysis correct, then in two-letter
words we shall find senses forming prefixes, suffixes, unites and prepositions,
by analogy to the Hebrew.
/ a / - a pretext, a suffix « in, to ».
/ u / - a pronominal prefix.
/ i, ia / - a prefix of space, removal(distance).
/ ud, u / - a pretext « when, because ».
/ еg / - a suffix of a direction « in, to ».
/ ak, ag / - a suffix of an accessory(a belonging).
/ al / - a prefix verbal « distances, passivity, static character ».
/ an / - a pretext "before".
/ en / - a pretext "up to".
/ ur / - a demonstrative pronoun « so, thus, in such way,
in the opposite way??/
In the first group of two letters «vowel – consonant», we see, that all words
writing in « Two-letter circuit» odd words of language.
/ bi / - a possesive suffix.
/ bi / - a pronoun "it".
/ bi / - an index suffix "which".
/ bi / - union " ê ".
/ bi / - an intensifying suffix of adjectives.
/ da / - a prepositional suffix « With, And ».
/ de / - a suffix of a participle verbal.
/ ga / - a prefix modal "pluralities".
/ ki / - a pretext « where, everywhere, always, behind ».
/ me, mi / - possesive "our" suffix.
/ mu / - a pretext "because".
/ mu / - a prefix of dative case.
/ na / - "denying" of adjectives.
/ na / - a prefix of " past time ».
/ ne / - a demonstrative pronoun "this".
/ ni, na / - a pronoun « it(he), she(it), a suffix of an accessory(a belonging) ».
/ni / - an adverb « Not, no, without, denyings ».
/ sha / - a pretext « in, at, at, on ».
/ she / - a pretext « To, so as far as, up to, as to, for the sake of.. ».
/ ca / - a pretext « ahead, in front »
/ ta / - a pretext « From, to, for, by means of ».
/ za / - местоимеие "you".
/ zu / - a suffix "yours".
/ zu / - "your" pretext.
And in this group of words of two letters «Consonant – vowel», we see
full concurrence to a rule of " odd words” from 2 letters.
/ igi / - a pretext "before".
/ ugu / - a pronoun « it(him), her(it), them ».
/ ugu / - a pretext « from above, above, above, for ».
In group of words of three letters «vowel – consonant – vowel», we see
only three «odd words».
/ sag* / - a pretext « in, at, at, on ».
/ bar / - a pretext "because".
/ g*ir / - a pretext "through".
/ mur, ur / - an adverb « so, thus ».
And only in last groups of words «Consonant – vowel - consonant», and
“Vowel – consonant – vowel”, it is possible to see infringement of a rule " pair
of letters", as odd words of language, and I suppose, that this is influence of
other languages, because those senses already exist in the language in “Two
letters” version.
From this small list of " two-letter words” in Sumerian language, we see, that
it is words or “odd, binding words" or "special concepts of language” with full
analogy to construction «two-letter words in the Hebrew». But possible, that in
the same group insert attribute of three letters words, such as «vowel –
consonant– vowel», because they use only one vowel.
And all designs with two consonants and a vowel in the middle, i.e. Triple
designs and designs with a plenty of letters, are already practically «subject
and verbal forms»!
Now, when we already sow outlined analogy to the Hebrew, we shall try
with the help of System senses for letters, known for group symbols of the
Hebrew, to check up «System sense for names of numbers from 1 up to 10».
For this purpose we shall make the table of names of numbers.
1 23 4 56 7 8 9 10
as* mana, es *, limmu, ia g*es imin ussu ilimmu ha,
dili, mina, pes* lim hu,
dil, men, / u/
dis *, min
Very much important point of the analysis of " System language”, is the
understanding, that the design of words is constructed according to its real
«Functional system equivalent». Therefore not first, but last letter of "Root" is
«Target, semantic function». And since vowels most likely cannot carry out
«Executive functions» and consequently executive function in a word is
executed with “Last consonant of the word”. Therefore it is possible to
assume, that only words terminating on consonants have target function. It
means, that subjects as words having sense on target output function, these
are words meaning "objects". And words coming to an end by vowel is some
"processes", i.e. verbs and even whole "Offers". This implies, that words
such as «Consonant – vowel – consonant» is objects.
The sense of numbers Sumerian language are composing from senses
of letters.
For the number “1” we have: “As*” - external action - the changing states.
Or by others words “constant change”.
“Dil” - boundary structure - administration - three-dimensional passage.
For the number “2” we have: “Mana” - where it is known from the
language itself that “ma” this is fimale. And “na” - male, i.e., the principle of
the pairing of our world.
For the number “3” we have: “Es*” - a change of state. Or “pes*” –
functional change. I.e. in any event “a constant change existing in the living
For the number “4” we have: “Lim” or /[Limu]/- three-dimensional set. And
also has sense “thousand”. Certainly in reality this sense has more deeper
“three-dimensional value”, which we do not understand to the depth.
For the number “5” we have: “ia” - “input-output” of functional system.
For the number “6” we have: “G*es” - “the memory of the motion of
/energii /”. Man’s sex organ.
For the number “7” we have: “Imine” - “five + two”, and also “countless,
entire quantity, everything”.
For the number “8” we have: “ussu” - “the sides of volume”, where there is
the form of “ eight sides”????
For the number “9” we have: “ilimmu” - “five + four”.
For the number “10” we have: “Ha, Hu, u” - numerous, different, sorted,
mixed, natural, plant, nourishing. And from the system of numeration 60, for
number 10 we have a value - “balanced”.
For the number “20” we have: “Nis*” - “He, or She, or negation *, or
For the number “30” we have: “us*u” - “ten * three”.
For the number “40” we have: “Nimin, Nin” - ???
For the number “60” we have: “G*es*, G*es*ta” - dependence.
For the association of “60” we have: “Nigida”???
For the number “600” we have: “gees*tu, g*es*u” – ‘ 60 * 10”, the special
As we see all names for 10 numbers of Sumerian language are entered in
the system “functional description”.
Last important point, which we have not discussed, is existence only three
letters in 6-th parts of the alphabetic table. I.e. existence in Sumer language
only « Three executive Functions», instead of 6, which exist in the Hebrew.
And these three Letters - functions are « p, r, s ». These Executive functions
Sumer language reflect «Triple basis of Dynamic action our world». I.e. it
means, that in a basis of any system lay «Three systems of constant dynamic
interaction», to be exact:
1. A power system. / S/
2. Managing system. / R/
3. Functional system. / P/
Where according to the Hebrew they are.
S - it is function of "Movement". / represented by the Fish /.
R - it is function of "Management". / represented by the Head /.
P – it is « Functional action ». / represented by the Mouth/.
If to «Triple dynamic description of action of the World», to add the fact,
that in Sumer language there is no concept "Paired relationship". I.e. absence
«Sexual attributes Man's and Female sorts». We see that this language
without any doubts is «Formal Space language», borrowed from «Gods
Cosmonauts», which using it for what that special purposes. Since to ignore in
construction of language "Sex", simply practically inconveniently. I.e. most
likely it was the programming language or «Spatial calculations of flights of
Comets», which used Cosmonauts. So Sumerian think it Holy.
I hope, that my system research of Sumer language, will obtain to
specialists in this language further development.
Yacov. 6. 08. 2004 - 2005