Relations between Jews and other peoples.
Jews are the only people, who have "Ancient scientific scrolls of the
Torah”, which are very necessary for modern mankind.
The main idea of this article is, that the Jewish people, who received the
“Scientific Scrolls of the Torah”, and thereby received the "Purpose of their
existence", as "Building a just society for people", were always different from
other peoples. Therefore, all the "Empire of Evil" in human history, which had the
goal of "capturing foreign territories", they hated the Jews.
However, the Jews didn’t understand the scientific scrolls of the Torah in principle.
Because "The scientific and systemic principle of building our world",
has long disappeared among humanity, and the science of practical research
The world has not yet been born. This led the Jewish people to “Isolation” from
others peoples, and accordingly to the disastrous rejection of the people. This
isolation escaped the ancient Egyptians, where the Greeks and Phoenicians
traveled study. Therefore, “The goal of building a fair society for people”,
which gives the Torah, there was no one to pass. And as a result, was born
"Religious Ideology", which, in addition to the "Justice of God Himself", could offer
Therefore, the initial task of all nations "to protect their living territory”, gave
birth to the desire of many Rulers to seize foreign territories and build empires. And
accordingly the rulers arranged within his empire a situation, where for the entire
male population captured countries "The most profitable in life was to serve in
the army of invaders". Because this gave young men the opportunity to easily
enrich themselves and occupy a high position in the empire. But this situation
created an internal war between gangs for power in the empire. Therefore, in all
empires of gangs, the formations divided power among themselves, but the rest of
the population has always been powerless and poor. And no “Democracy” cannot
change this situation.
This situation has always existed in history, and exists to this day. The
rulers of all countries never knew how, and did not want to build "A fair
society for all people". And all of them have always been disturb the Jews.
This hatred to the Jews, verbally and in writing spread throughout the world
Imperial sages, starting from Rome, which always glorified the names of the
Emperors and great generals. Therefore, the Jews were hated even by people
who never seen a living Jew. And therefore, the entire written history of
mankind is deceitful and overflowing with names, that must be cursed.
Because, in essence, most historical records and chronicles are glorification of
murderers ruthlessly destroying people in a military meat grinder. Therefore, in
historical records there is never a single word about the life of simple people.
It is so happened in the history of mankind that the Jews, with their scientific, and
therefore divine, source of the "Torah", and accordingly the Jewish state, appeared
as heirs of the scientific knowledge of Ancient Egypt.
And as a consequence of receiving the sacred Torah scrolls, and education
a new state, the people of Israel had a "Goal". And this goal
in accordance with the Torah - "Building an equitable state for
all citizens", and the absence of" Slavery ". And this goal and the sacred scrolls
The Jews carried the Torah through all their heavy history of rejection by other
Ancient Egypt.
Egypt, one of the most ancient civilizations of mankind, kept all the theoretical
knowledge about the construction of Man. Occupied secluded and deserted, but
fertile land along the banks of the Nile. The river was the wet nurse of the whole
population, and therefore Egypt was self-sufficient.
Perhaps at the Egyptians sometimes there were ideas of seizing foreign lands
because of population growth, but in principle the people were very peaceful.
Apparently, Egypt for many years maintained contact with the founders of all five
centers of mankind's civilizations. Since another explanation for the construction of
such useless constructions like the Pyramids, just difficult imaging.
However, the theoretical scientific knowledge of Egypt, received by mankind on
the planet, began to disappear on new generations, because "Technical basis for
the study of the world", no one could people leave. The technical base had to be
developed from scratch, but nobody knew how.
The educated Pharaoh and the temple top of Egypt trying to preserve
scientific knowledge, and began to write it on the invented papyrus, but it proved to
be flammable and unstable. Then it was decided to write this knowledge on a stone,
but this is a difficult and time-consuming process. Writing and sketching
scientific knowledge of many generations of Egyptians, turned the nation into the
most educated on the planet. And also industrious, resourceful and therefore
by nature friendly and not aggressive, something reminiscent like Germans and
Therefore, the Elins, Egypt's maritime neighbors in the Mediterranean, visited
Egypt and borrowed the culture of the Egyptians. It's no secret, that European
culture is based on the Elin culture. However, the basis of the Elin culture is taken
from the Egyptians. Therefore, if you refund the norms of behavior of Europeans in
society, then you will see in them "42 rules of social behavior" written in the “book of
the Dead". And these rules were different for different Temples, according the
regions of Egypt, so these rules are in fact significantly more than 42.
The Jews who settled in Egypt and lived there for 400 years differed little from
the Egyptians in culture, because peaceful culture of the Egyptians they
perceived immediately and forever. However, the character of the Jews was
different, and therefore the Jews were not allowed to mix with the local population.
At the same time, the Egyptians used the Jews apparently in the army. However,
those who are considered secondary, and are in the shadows, often become the
first. So it happened with the Jews of Egypt.
I do not know, it happened by chance, or many of the Egyptian managers
Understood, that the nature of the Jews of Egypt is very appropriate to the
character people, described in the Torah. Where the Torah is like a science
book, in fact describes "Cell processes", where the main acting elements cells
are chromosomes. In the book about the Chromosome it is written, that they
"The people of God working and struggling". / the sons of Israel, the sons of
Jacob /. It means, people "Persistent and Active", not folding from there path,
constantly moving towards there goals.
And the goal of any organism, to build a "Justice System", and then it will
always act. And accordingly the goal the Jewish people, according to the
sacred scrolls of the Torah, is "Fair Society".
And you can see this "Jewish character" and the desire for "Public Justice"
throughout the history of the Jews and humanity. So in the history of the Jews,
during the Babylonian captivity, the nation is not dissolved in the environment of the
peoples of Babylon, but survived and possibly even increased. And after the
Romans completely destroyed Israel, the remnants of the nation settled over all
states seized by Rome, and then throughout the world, the Nation did not disappear
and not assimilated. In my deep conviction, the inner desire of the Jews, devoted to
the Torah, which requires the construction of a "Just Society" - is indestructible.
Therefore, everywhere and in all countries, and at all times, where they lived
Jews, they always took part in the speeches "For Justice in society ".
The Jewish people has always been and remains the "Finger of God", which
points to the "Aggressive people", which is dangerous for all mankind. All
countries, in which the persecution of Jews were committed, wanted the conquests
of other nations. All "Invaders" of foreign countries and territories in history, always
hated Jews precisely, because of their goal to create a "Just Society"! Call it that
you want, but this fact. And while the Jews themselves have never conquered any
The Jewish state arose because of the collapse of the state system of Pharaoh
of ancient Egypt, because of the constant internal Temple Wars. The temples of
Egypt, as independent regions, separated in antiquity in according to human
systems, accordingly they had the "Different Gods". And perhaps it was the reason,
that they could not find a way of universal reconciliation and a strong ruler. As
always in such cases, the rulers of Egypt sought of "scapegoat", and the Jews
proved to be a convenient target. Since occupied the "strong military position" in
the state of Egypt, as part of the Pharaoh power.
As a result of peace talks, the "Jews of Egypt" received from the Egyptians
"The sacred scrolls of the Torah", which the Egyptians did not use, and
Autonomy on the land of Canaan. It means, the issue was resolved peacefully.
Having received from the Egyptians "Sacred Torah Torahs" the Jews found
out, that now the people have a goal, and this goal is "Fair Society". And
accordingly, the goal of every Jew is "Fair Society" on the land of Israel. Torah
laws also require from Jew - "Tolerance and Prohibit Violence". And it is not by
chance, that the main holiday of the Jews is “Pesach”, holiday release from
"Slavery". And in general, speaking in modern language, the Torah requires from
the Jews "Responsibility" and also the aspirations in lifetime to "Perfection".
But other nations did not have the "Scientific Scrolls" that demanded
Justice for the people. Therefore, the idea of capturing other peoples and their
lands all the time arose all over the planet, and in fact wars not stopped till our time.
We will not look deep into history, but only examples from the last 300 years of
human history. When all the main countries of modern history were still left. This
last 300 years of history is characterized by the fact, that Europeans decided, that
their culture is the highest, and they must bear their own culture to other backward
The discovery of America was associated with the active development of sailing
ships in the main maritime countries of Europe, when the era of seizure by
Europeans of colonies around the world began. And in this especially succeeded
Spain, England, France and Holland. After the discovery of America by Christopher
Columbus in the late 15th century, it was still a dark spot on the world map for a
long time. The Spaniards were the first to send troops to South America, and in the
first half of the 16th century, seized all the lands of countries south of Florida, from
where they began to export an incredibly huge amount of gold and precious stones.
North America began to be slowly settled by the British, after the defeat
Spaniards, when in 1588 the "Invincible Armada" was destroyed. And only in 1630 a
strong stream of settlers from all Europe began to North America, mainly from
England. The local population was everywhere exterminated, and the settlers
captured the land.
The prosperity of America was supported by the fact, that England in 1619
has established a huge flow of "African slaves", and in 1649 "Irish", working for
food. A lot of European scientists attracted by the high standard of living of the white
population Americans went to live overseas. By the end of the 18th century there
had already been a multi-million population and a developed economy.
After long internal wars, the Americans formed a confederation and
the presidential government, which managed to create "solid economic laws" in the
country, which led to rapid economic development. Using three factors, "cheap
labor", "huge amount of fertile lands", and "good market organization",
America quickly took the lead in the global economy. And it began quickly subjugate
the third world countries without using military force. Over time, this policy of
"Economic and financial subordination, became both the Political and even
Military policy of the USA, especially after first and second world wars.
Despite the fact that America announced the emergence of a new nation, and
this is the "Americans." But in reality, such a nation did not appear and could not
appear. Because Africans, Europeans, Chinese, Jews and many others
nations, these are all different peoples, different genes, different traditions, different
cultures. And so, still, they live within their groups, regions and cities. All this so-
called national cauldron, nothing can do with the genes of people, although cultural
influence certainly exists. The only thing, that unites Americans is the English
language and a new dubious culture, that does not have roots in the ancient
history of mankind. For example, African drum music, has taken the main place in
the American song culture. And in general in modern world music the main
instrument is the drum, not the melody, as it was in antiquity. But this cultural
influence of neighboring peoples existed in the world everywhere and always.
Jews, like the American group, greatly influenced the culture of America,
because has very strong economic and public position. I think, that it was the
Jews, who influenced the peaceful nature relations with other countries,
although America had to take part in wars. It means, preference for trade
against war, clearly merit Jewish population of the USA. A longstanding
standoff between America and Russia, was for America forced.
Such a super-active economic policy of the country for about 400 years has
created a new type of people, different in nationality.
It is an active business man whose goal of life is to become a Millionaire and
to occupy a high status in the state. The God of the Americans is the Dollar.
Americans seriously believe, that everything can be bought. You can check,
that Americans do not even know, that the "Real God" who created this world,
made everything necessary for human life "Absolutely is free".
And today the US desire to economically rule the world has not
Europe was not the most ancient civilization on earth, and the ancient
Greek culture, from which European culture arose, was still somehow connected
with the great Egyptian culture of antiquity. Because if we take the ancient Greek
epic, it is also divided into two periods: before birth Time / Chronos /, and after
the birth of Time. The Egyptian epic also divided into the same two periods, has
obviously scientific origin. That can not be said about the ancient Greek epic, and
perhaps because of the "Oral Transmission" in time, because writing the ancient
Greeks received from Phoenicians, so their first records found right-handed
and the alphabet is identical to the Semitic.
Although the ancient Greeks were not the physical heirs of ancient scientific
Egypt, like the Jews, but they were the heirs of existence The real science of
Egypt. While the Jews have developed their culture in Ideology. It is thanks to the
highest minds of ancient Greece, who studied scientific understanding of the world
in Egypt appeared "Science of the study of the world", living to this day.
Unfortunately, we can state, that the Greeks after they first in the world, the
"Jewish sacred book of the Torah" was translated into Greek, and accepted
Christianity, their priority in science quickly disappeared. Although Alexander the
Great managed to spread the achievements of Greek science in the Middle East.
But the fact is, Greek science disappeared along with the "conquests", because
science requires hard work and order, but not war.
It should be remembered that the roads of the ancient world were rivers. And all
land roads ran along rivers. Europeans trace their languages as the Indo-European
group. And this is in very good agreement with the fact that the first human
civilizations appeared in the warm southern lands of the planet. And because the
resettlement of peoples obviously went from the South to the North, and not vice
versa, as they say about the Germanic tribes.
What could make people move out of warm and comfortable for life places? Only
lack and poor water quality, lack agricultural and pasture land, the inability to defend
against attacks, and of course many epidemics. Therefore, the German, Slavic
and other tribes moved from the vast Caspian, South Ural and Black Sea steppes,
as well as Anatolia, to cooler and wooded Europe. Therefore, Scythians, Hittites,
Sarmatians, Persians or other Afghan tribes may well have been the
ancestors of European nations, not Greek origin. Therefore, in my opinion,
when historians say, that Germanic tribes descended from the Vikings and came
from the north, there is nothing new here, because the whole story is written by
people after hundreds of years, who were not participants in the events.
I personally think, that the Gothic tribes moved mainly through central Europe,
and their influence and intermingling with the Mediterranean peoples influenced the
emergence and rapid development of the Roman Empire, radically different from
the Greeks.
After the appearance of the Roman Empire in Europe and the long years of the
empire's existence, Rome conquered: all of western Europe, the countries of the
Mediterranean, the Middle East, and the countries around the Black Sea. The
empire has a full mixing of peoples, and there appeared such a number of armed
bandit formations, that every physically strong person could occupy a high
post in the "Military hierarchy."
This was "Military slaveholding," where the troops chose their own commanders,
and where any tribal gangs, created instability of central power, which often
changed to stronger military formations. Therefore, the Roman dictators were
representatives of all tribes and even Africans. From another side, this united the
whole of Europe on the basis of Indo-European languages, and ancient Greek
writing and culture.
Emperor Constantine, who came to power in Rome in 312, was the first to
realize, that only the Christian Religion, which he actively supports, can "calm and
organize the poor masses of the population" introduced in the empire. However,
Christianity can not exist without the Old the Covenant. And this determined the
ambivalent attitude to the Jews, that appeared in Europe.
Therefore, together with the appearance of Rome and the Germanic / Gothic /
tribes, who brought with them "new practical knowledge", the center of culture of the
whole of Europe, became the Germanic peoples.
It is not known, from where and when Germanic tribes appeared in Europe,
but they were always different from the rest of Europe’s people, since they were
"Hardworking and revered Order and Law". The people who possessed
extensive practical knowledge in agriculture, construction, weapons and other
areas. It means, before moving to Europe the people were called by another name.
And the Goths called them the Greeks. Therefore, I think, that the Goths were
part of the "Roman army", especially the part, that built a large number of fortresses.
Jews came to Europe settling in the Roman Empire, as well as migrating through
Egypt and northern Africa. Another stream of Jews went through Anatolia to the
Caucasus, Central Asia and Babylon with Persia. Therefore, the main places of
Jewish settlements in Europe were all ports for in the Mediterranean, where they
were mainly engaged in trade and lived in the Jewish neighborhoods.
The first Jewish preachers who brought Christianity through Europe to Greece
worked well. And by the 6th century, Europe is already was completely Christian,
and in it three currents developed in parallel Protestant, Catholic in Western
Europe, and Orthodox in Greece and among the Slavic peoples. And Jews who did
not have the right to own land, in small quantities lived throughout Europe.
The Spaniards were the first to expel the Jews, almost immediately after the
Islamic conquest by the Berbers of the south of the country. The Spaniards solved
the issue simply, they began to demand, that Jews and Muslims convert to
Christianity. Actually, with the advent of Islam, the "War of Religions" began,
where Jews were a weak link, and in fact defenseless.
But in essence until the beginning of the 11th century, when the Catholic
Religious the top has received a strong influence in European states, Jews
periodically robbed, but in fact suffered, since their contribution to trade and
the economy was important for all states.
In 1231, Pope Gregory 9 created a church inquisition court, which received the
right to punish unbelievers and opponents of faith. Religious persecution of people
began. And since Jews were opponents of the faith, then the persecution of Jews
began throughout Europe, "In spite of the fact that almost every Christian
house had a Bible", which was considered a "source of wisdom" and studied.
And in relation to Jews, Catholics have always been known for their greatest
Relationships with Jews in Europe have not changed the whole history. And their
position has always depended on their contribution to the economy, as well as the
personal ambitions of the changing monarchs and rulers.
Jews lived in German cities throughout the history as aliens, quite tolerable,
since even began to speak the German dialect "Yiddish". As I understand it, the
reason for the tolerable attitude of the Germans towards the Jews was, since
the Jews were not for Germans "competitors". Because, Germans have always
been the best craftsmen in all major crafts needed in cities and villages, among all
nations. And the main Jewish occupation was trade, so there was a mutually
beneficial relationship. And besides, "Protestant" of Germans were more tolerant to
Judaism, than Catholicism and Orthodoxy.
In a certain sense, because of their “Skill in all fields of professionalism”, and
also because of their “Education”, the Germans always there was a shortage of
land, so the Germans had the fate of the “Wanderers”, similar to the Jews.
The whole history of Europe, all the monarchs invited the Germans to build their
Castles and Palaces They gave the Germans the land to develop their states, and
then with conveniently kicked out. Whose is Prussia today, whose Transylvania
today? A vivid example is Russia. After the invitation of the Russian Tsar, the
Germans built in the Urals, where there was iron, weapons factories. Germans
completely created the Russian Academy of Sciences. The Germans, who received
land on the banks of the Volga, provided Russia with bread. I personally, during my
voyage ship on the Volga in 1975, first had to see for hundreds of kilometers
Russian “wooden shacks” along the banks of the river. Then "brick houses
comfortable Volga Germans". And after them began again "Huts" southern
inhabitants of the Volga. This discord of culture and diligence immediately
The catastrophe for the Jews broke out with Hitler coming to power in Germany,
the rich top of the Reich having panic afraid of the coming to power in Germany of
the "Communists", who had a very strong influence. And of course, in the
Communist Party were a lot of Jews, that had not protection.
Hitler, having come to power, thanks to his "anti-Jewish slogans", and also
thanks to "advanced science before him", managed to raise economy, than it
received recognition from the whole nation. Like all dictators, who want to rule the
world, he decided first of all, to crack down on his only enemy, "Dictator Stalin".
Which is frank dreamed of conquering all of Europe and then the world, with the
help of the world communist parties, which he actively supplied.
Well-organized, and well-armed German Army, under command of experienced
Military people understood, that the Soviet rural farm is not able to provide the army
with food, and therefore not will be able to seriously resist. Despite the fact, that the
Russians historically good warriors. But hungry people are not warriors. Hitler's
plans foiled the Americans, who fed the whole army for the whole war, and supplied
it by weapons. The result is known.
Today we can state, that the Germans are well aware of the error Hitler's "War
with the Jews", which made in history for Germany a lot of good things.
No one has ever considered the "Jewish people", as carriers a target of
"Creating a fair state", which is certainly important for other peoples. And although
today in Europe to power may not be able to come Hitler, in fact, Europe behaves
to the Jews as well as in the past. Therefore, with all the forces equalizes "militant
Islam" and "Israel, that saves himself". Everyone is talking about "the importance
of Democracy", but that, that God created inside of all Beings "The real fair state
for all cells", about which the Jews dream of the whole history, no one thinks
Jews before the advent of the Roman Empire lived in all countries of the Middle
East, and after the destruction of the Jewish state, their the quantity has greatly
increased. The population of these countries were tolerated to Jews, where they too
were engaged in trade and economy. And since on the Near East there were
always a lot of small peoples with their own rules of life, then the Jews practically
did not differ from anything else peoples where they lived.
The emergence of Islam in the Middle East changed the situation for the worse,
but pogroms and demands to accept Islam, as it existed in Europe, not it was. Pay
taxes to the ruler regularly and live for yourself.
Islam, with its religious source "Koran", written in the usual an illiterate person,
who declared himself a prophet, is a religion, the purpose of which is "To conquer
the whole world", and to turn all nations into Islamists. And accordingly for each
Islamist, all other nations they are "infidels".
Therefore, Islam demands from the Arabs "To die for God". It means, in
essence, this is the "Military religion", which educates "Warriors", so Violence
and military order in an Islamic society, this is its natural part.
Between the religion of the Hebrews and Islam is the "Abyss", which it is
impossible to unite by any agreements or compromises.
A fair society, that has always tried to build the whole story Jews, always
butted to Violent groups, that led different countries. Who tried to implement
"The seizure of all peoples, so that their Power obeys them! " And such
invaders in history there was a lot of humanity, and therefore the history of mankind,
this is History of Wars.
And such a vision of the "Invasive goal of his ruling", Muhammad and
secured in the Koran, and sent his people to war.
However, in the third Sura of the Qur'an, the "Family of Imran", Muhammad
Says, that he "recognizes the Torah and the Gospel". The question is why?
Because all his knowledge he received from his Jewish teacher. Because the
Qur'an was created by Muhammad based on the texts and laws of the Torah.
Therefore, all good rules of Islam are borrowed from the Torah. And even ban on
drinking Wine, taken from the Jews, since Muhammad really liked the story of the
Jewish hero Samson, who was drunk with wine by his mistress Delilah. And this
ban was important for his army.
For 70 years the Islamic world has been openly trying to destroy Israel,
continuing the idea of Hitler to exterminate Jews, although Jews have never in
History nothing bad for the Arabs did not. And if the Arabs were killed, then only
reason for the need for protection. And it is very possible, that such a position
long will not change, since until now Militant Islam is considered as "Religion."
Jews did not come to Russia themselves, because even at the beginning of
formation in Russia Christianity from 9th to 11th centuries from Greece, Russia
followed the Europe passed a religious law on the prohibition of the residence of
Jews in Russia. But the Jews, as merchants still infiltrated the cities of Russia.
Therefore, Ivan the Terrible, who banned Jews appear in Russia, he just had to cut
out the Jewish population on many cities. By that was dissatisfied the Polish king
Sigismund 2, since this were his peoples.
Therefore, the Jews came to Russia as a result of imperial wars policy of Russia
since the 17th century, when it captured virtually all the northern territories of the
empire of Genghis Khan. And then year after year constantly annexed to the Empire
territory: Middle Asia, the Caucasus, the South territory along the Volga, the Don
and the Dnieper, Karelia and the Baltic countries, Crimea, Ukraine, Byelorussia,
Moldova and part of Poland. And up to now Russia owns "Prussia", an original
German territory, which it never had no relation to Russia.
And in all the conquered countries, Jews lived in large numbers, and so they
became "Russian subjects". Even the queen Catherine II, the great invader of
foreign territories, having received the Jews, introduced the "Law on the Pale of
Settlement for the Jews". Hatred and destruction of Jews, who came together
with the captured territories to Russia was throughout all history.
The imperial policy of the Russian elite, which began at a time, when Russia
was still part of the Golden Horde, and participated in all its wars, as the Novgorod
principality in the war with Lithuania. And Tsar Ivan 3 has already begun its
Conqueror war. This imperial policy for many hundreds years, through
Christianity, brought up the Russian people in hatred of all "Aliens", and especially
to the Jews. Therefore, even in the times of the "Communist USSR", when
"Internationalism and equality of peoples existed", Jews were people of the
"Second class".
Stalin, despite his Georgian origin, is still is revered in Russia as a great
Russian leader, because he led an outspoken policy of seizing the whole world.
No more unpopular ruler in Russia, than Gorbachev, who gave all the peoples of
the USSR the right to live independently. Putin, who has been ruling Russia since
1999, is accepted with enthusiasm by the majority of Russian people, since
continues the policy of conquering the world.
And this shows, that in the Russian Empire there is still a desire to flourish
"To rule the world" with the help of military force, what they did, starting with
the collapse of the empire of Chingiz Khan.
// We need to understand, that the Russians really are a special people,
which belongs to the group of Slavic peoples, who occupied the land
north-east of the Lithuanian monarchy and Ukraine. The people was formed
the Vikings, who led the Slavic population of the north, organizing there military
squads for their predatory "River raids" on all southern territories of Eastern
Europe, to Byzantium. The city of Novgorod was built by the Vikings, and
therefore did not enter Kiev principality for a long time, but was the "Free Trade
City". After the conquest of Novgorod by the Tatars, he became part of the
“Empire of Genghis Khan”, where the Russians took an active
participation in wars.
Therefore, Russian Christianity has clear signs of Islam wishing to conquer the
world. And the call of Islam "Die for God", moved in Russian culture in the form -
"Die for God, for Tsar and for Fatherland."
Thus, they adopted the rules of the Empire / Powers /.
1. The goal of the people is to conquer the whole world.
2. Declare the countries in which the Russian army or Russian the population -
Russia. And so they founded military settlements on captured lands, as the
3. The non-part of the government is the "secret service", whose goal is to destroy
all opponents of the regime in the country. And spread the lie about the population,
"What people should talk about the government," for their own good. Today this is
called "propaganda". Propaganda was born historically in Russia. And there are no
more clever liars, than the Russians, who engaged in this whole history of seizing
foreign lands more 600 years. And the Empire did them like that! And that's why
Russia is the most the largest country in the world. And it is possible, that together
with the cold, is the cause of "drinking", the national sport of Russians. In the
Empire can not be born a Culture, and only the Weapon can be born, so "Russian
culture is completely borrowed from other peoples." And in this sense, the Russian
culture is international and multidimensional. //
It should be understood, that our world, created by the “Higher world
Forces”, is completely “Open, and there is no Lie in it”. Because life is
"Truth". Therefore, all beings of nature and man himself are built only on the
basis of Truth, where there can be no Lies. Imagine, what would happen to your
Body, if your cells would lie, and be hostile to each other. Therefore the Human
society, where there are "secrets, deceit and lies", is society of "Satan", and
easily breaks, because people do not trust each other.
The main place of residence for a huge mass of Jews is always was southern
Poland and Lithuania, from which about 2 million emigrated to the US in the period
before and after the First World War.
Today, it can be clearly seen, why during the Russia revolution of 1917, all the
Jews of Russia were on the side of the Communists. Because all Jews have
always dreamed of building a "Just Society", as a goal Jewish religion. And
indeed in the "Communist State of the USSR", all the "Laws and Rules" were
laid, allowing to build "Fair and rich society" for all citizens. But the gang of
Stalin, did not allow to do anything human.
And it is no coincidence that the tyrant Stalin, who set himself the goal of
"Conquering the whole world," and making him a communist, in his personal
primitive understanding of communism, began to destroy the Jews
The Communist Party, which constituted its core. And among all the people
repressed by Stalin, the largest percentage of nationalities were Jews.
And it is not by chance, that Hitler, who take the idea of Stalin, set the task for
Germany to "Conquer the whole world", decided totally destroy all Jews of
planet. And he really destroyed all the Jewish population of Europe with the help of
all European nations.
And it is no accident, after the Second World War, when Germany and Russia
still lay in ruins. Islam, dreaming of capturing the whole world, announced
about his desire to destroy the State of Israel, and all Jews on the planet.
And for the same reason, "The desire to build a just society", newly
established in 1948, the State of Israel, began its journey also as a "Just,
Communist State" for the whole people.
The difference in goals between Judaism and Islam says that Jews
have something to offer the Arabs, and this is "Fair Society". The Arabs can
not offer their desire to conquer the world.
Everything is absolutely natural, "Fair Society", about which Jews dream, and
which is demanded by their sacred Torah, and "Militant Islam", can not live
together peacefully.
Of course, you can regret ordinary Arabs who are silent in fear of Islam, or do
not know, what to do. But there are many Islamic states and their fate is in their
However, for the Arabs, who are residents of Israel, there is simple
solution: They must leave Islam, start studying Judaism and Torah, and
become equal members of the Jewish state, which strive for "Justice" for all
citizens. Then Jews will be easier to carry out its purpose in the state, when
there will be no opposing.
Two nations, on the territory described in the Torah as “lands 12 sons of
Israel in ancient times”, when the Arabs were still living in Arabian desert, or
lived as the developed nations of the Middle East, can not coexist peacefully
by nature contradictions of their goals!
History always places the right accents for everything, that is happening in the
past. It is no accident, that at the end of the 20th century the Jewish state
reappeared. It means, it's time to understand "The Science of the Beginning of
Human Civilization", which was left to the people by Atlantis. This means, that
the time has come, "For the scientific scrolls of the Torah", which through
Egypt came to the Jewish people, again "Becoming the most important book
for studying peoples". But not as a religious source, but as a Scientific book,
allowing all nations to build a "Fair society", in order to save mankind from
Yacov. 2017.