5/2/2019 loworganizedgamepres (2).pptx
• Key Skills and Fitness Components Developed: communication
• Rule•s: srtaigndhitn laecgircloe,vfaecringleinfwtard.
• Tell e•veryloenefttoleregacoh tvheeirrrirgihgt hartm towards the center and grab someone else's hand. Make sure no one grabs the hand o
• Npeerxsto,•nharivgrehitgenvheerxtytoatonretmhreemaoc.hvteherirlleefft tarm in and grab someone else's hand.
• work •togeltehefrttoaurnmtanoglve ethre hruigmhant knot without letting go of any hands. The goal is to end up in a perfect circle again.
• Equ•ipmreontta: tneonneeck left to right
• Space Requirements: half court
• Time Needed: 10 mins
• Safety Tips: do not tug or pull each other
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