5/2/2019 loworganizedgamepres (2).pptx
knomckuhsooiocupat sl
• Key Skills and Fitness Components Developed: rceosrrileiednincaetion
• Rules: playersinwfarolknat rsohuonodtshtohoepbsaulln, tifil tthhee pmlauyseicr mstoapkesswthoeebvaelrl tishne’yt sgtoantod
hoof tohpewlinheniftthheeymmusisics sthtoeppslaisyeorutb.ehind them get to knock them out by sho
• bEeqfuoirpemtehnet:rehtuulran htooompaske another shot.
•• SEqpuaicpemReenqt:ubiraesmkeentbtsa:llhalf court
•• STipmaeceNReeedqeudir:e1m0emntisn:shalf court
•• TSiamfeetyNTeiepdse: dn:o1m0 omreintshan one person to a hoop
• Safety Tips: only players who are shooting are out of line
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