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Published by norazilakhalid, 2020-12-15 17:42:58

Science 2020_08_14.pdf

Science 2020_08_14.pdf


Fig. 6. EAM sites in enzymes such as nitrogenase provide the blueprint for heterogeneous EAM catalyst design. (A and B) Multimetallic cooperativity in
nature [green in (A)] can guide the design of mixed metal-oxide oxygen evolution catalysts (B) (106). (C) The more covalent metal-ligand bonding in natural systems
[Fe/Mo in (A)] parallels the more covalent chalcogenide (108) and graphitic carbon host lattices (127) in synthetic catalysts. (D) The function of the fine-tuned
catalyst microenvironments in enzymes can be replicated in synthetic catalysts through micro- and mesostructuring (128).

in synthetic catalysts will require master- putational methods effectively model weakly with conventional computational methods
ing the interactions of EAM centers with correlated closed-shell singlets, new methods (107); detailed mechanistic understanding of
both metal-based and organic-based redox are needed for accurately modeling open-shell these systems would benefit from new compu-
active ligands. species, and deconvolution of spin-state pop- tational tools that effectively model compositional
ulations is required to accurately model the heterogeneity and extend multiconfigurational
EAMs with redox-active ligands (86–88) multiconfigurational electronic structure of methods to periodic solids. Given the enormous
catalyze a wide variety of reactions, including metal clusters and metal complexes involving compositional diversity available in multime-
cleavage of C-C bonds (89), cycloadditions (90), redox-active ligands (100). Open-shell systems tallic solids, machine learning tools offer the
oxidation of alcohols (91), and aminations (92). are often paramagnetic and intractable to char- potential to explore multidimensional reaction
Further systematic deployment of redox-active acterize by routine nuclear magnetic resonance landscapes rapidly.
ligands in EAM catalysis will benefit from methods; emerging improved spectroscopic
general design rules for independently tuning tools for characterizing paramagnetic species Historically, EAM heterogeneous catalysis
metal-based and ligand-based redox levels to are advancing mechanistic understanding of focused predominantly on the reactivity of
control the thermochemistry of elementary these systems (101–103). metal or metal oxide phases, the two endpoint
reaction steps. These ligands also play a key thermodynamic sinks under reducing or oxi-
role in electrocatalysis at molecular active sites Heterogeneous catalysis dizing conditions, respectively. In contrast, many
by providing a reservoir for accumulating redox EAM active sites in nature are hosted within
equivalents that are cumulatively discharged to Heterogeneous catalysis occurs on the surfaces highly evolved combinations of sulfur, nitrogen,
promote multielectron reactions including, for of extended solids. Although these extended and carbon in the primary coordination envi-
example, CO2 reduction (93) and O2 reduction solids may bear little direct structural resem- ronments, suggesting an appealing opportunity
(94). An improved understanding of how to blance to active sites in nature, the principles to exploit new types of heterogeneous catalysts.
design systems with enhanced metal/ligand that define EAM catalysis in enzymes provide Relative to the O atoms in oxide host lattices,
redox cooperativity would facilitate the design valuable leads toward their greater utility in the greater orbital extension and/or energetic
of more efficient (electro)catalysts. heterogeneous catalysis. match of the p-orbitals in C, N, P, and S with the
d-orbitals of EAMs leads to substantial changes
Coupling between the metal binding site Similar to the catalytic cooperativity in in the band structures of chalcogenides (108, 109),
and one or more metals can also increase the nature, enhanced catalytic performance can pnictides (110–112), and carbides (110, 113),
density of electronic states available for a emerge from extended solids that incorpo- potentially endowing these EAM catalysts with
multielectron transformation. Bimetallic and rate multiple EAMs acting cooperatively. For enhanced activity relative to the correspond-
multimetallic EAM catalysts have been used for example, by combining the different binding ing metal or oxide phases. For example, metal
CO2 reduction (Fig. 5B) (95, 96), cycloadditions strengths of Ti and Cu toward hydrogen, alloying sulfide and phosphide materials have emerged
(Fig. 5D) (90), dehydrogenation of formic Ti and Cu leads to hydrogen evolution reactivity as potent catalysts for electrochemical hydro-
acid (97), and reduction of NO2 (67) or O2 (98). similar to that of PGMs (104). Analogously, gen evolution (109), and EAM carbides have
Further systematic development of multime- mixed oxyhydroxides containing Fe, Co, and been shown to be highly selective for hydro-
tallic systems in EAM catalysis will benefit W catalyze oxygen evolution in an alkaline deoxygenation of biomass-derived molecules
from a better understanding of how to stabilize environment (105); the cooperative interactions (114). Considering the vast phase space availa-
the cluster against irreversible fragmentation of even trace amounts of Fe can profoundly ble among chalcogenides, pnictides, and car-
while retaining the capacity to rapidly break promote oxygen evolution activity on NiOOH bides, there is ample opportunity to discover
and regenerate M-M or M-E-M (E = S, O) bonds (Fig. 6B) (106). Considering the inherent lability new EAM catalysts that take advantage of
during a catalytic cycle. of EAMs, improved characterization tools are environments akin to those found in nature.
needed to track the time dependence of surface Progress toward these goals will require ad-
Understanding molecular EAM catalysts in restructuring in multimetallic EAM catalysts. vances in the synthesis of materials with tunable
systems with an increased density of states Additionally, multimetallic EAM oxide-based phase and nanostructure at sufficient scales for
requires new spectroscopic tools and com- catalytic materials are challenging to model
putational methods (99). Whereas current com-

Bullock et al., Science 369, eabc3183 (2020) 14 August 2020 7 of 10


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Bullock et al., Science 369, eabc3183 (2020) 14 August 2020 10 of 10


◥ the apical surface of the ventricular zone and
spread diffusely throughout the basal region.
RESEARCH ARTICLE In cortical tissue of HD mutation carriers, how-
ever, HTT staining concentrated at the apical
NEURODEVELOPMENT endfeet (the apical surface of the processes).

Huntington’s disease alters human neurodevelopment Given the preciousness of the human tissue,
we turned to mice to further investigate these
Monia Barnat1, Mariacristina Capizzi1*, Esther Aparicio1*, Susana Boluda2, Doris Wennagel1, observations, using embryonic day 13.5 (E13.5)
Radhia Kacher1, Rayane Kassem1, Sophie Lenoir1, Fabienne Agasse1, Barbara Y. Braz1, Jeh-Ping Liu3, mouse embryos, which correspond to GW13 in
Julien Ighil4, Aude Tessier5, Scott O. Zeitlin3, Charles Duyckaerts2, Marc Dommergues4, human neurodevelopment. We studied an HD
Alexandra Durr6†, Sandrine Humbert1† knock-in mouse model in which the first exon
of the HTT gene is replaced by human exon 1
Although Huntington’s disease is a late-manifesting neurodegenerative disorder, both mouse studies carrying 111 CAG repeats (HdhQ111/Q111) (21).
and neuroimaging studies of presymptomatic mutation carriers suggest that Huntington’s disease might Immunostaining coronal sections revealed a
affect neurodevelopment. To determine whether this is actually the case, we examined tissue from human pattern of HTT expression that paralleled our
fetuses (13 weeks gestation) that carried the Huntington’s disease mutation. These tissues showed clear observations in human fetuses (fig. S1B). To
abnormalities in the developing cortex, including mislocalization of mutant huntingtin and junctional complex determine the distribution of mHTT specific-
proteins, defects in neuroprogenitor cell polarity and differentiation, abnormal ciliogenesis, and changes ally, we used another HD knock-in mouse mod-
in mitosis and cell cycle progression. We observed the same phenomena in Huntington’s disease mouse el in which Flag tags are inserted in the N
embryos, where we linked these abnormalities to defects in interkinetic nuclear migration of progenitor cells. terminus of wild-type HTT (HdhF7Q/+) or mu-
Huntington’s disease thus has a neurodevelopmental component and is not solely a degenerative disease. tant HTT carrying 140 CAG repeats (HdhF140Q/+)
(22) (fig. S1C). The Flag labeling showed that
H untington’s disease (HD) is a neurodegen- work lead to striatal dysfunction and degen- mHTT localized to the apical surface and was
erative disease that is part of the larger eration (12–15). Studies in neurons derived decreased in the basal region.
family of “proteopathies,” which includes from HD human induced pluripotent stem
the polyglutamine diseases, amyotrophic cells (iPSCs) have identified changes in gene Mutant huntingtin impairs endosome
lateral sclerosis, and Alzheimer’s and expression that support an altered develop- secretion and recycling
Parkinson’s diseases. These diverse disorders mental program (16, 17), and mHTT alters neu-
share a delayed onset in mid-adulthood or ronal identity in cortical populations of HD Apical progenitors maintain their polarity
later despite the expression, at least in heredi- brain organoids (18). But does mHTT affect through endocytosis and the trafficking of pro-
tary cases, of the disease-driving protein from early human development? And if so, how teins from the trans-Golgi network to the plasma
the first days of life. This raises the question of early? To answer these questions, we recruited membrane at the apical endfeet (19). In HD,
whether early events might set the stage for HD mutation carriers who sought prenatal both endocytosis and Golgi-membrane traffick-
later disease. For example, huntingtin (HTT), testing in order to determine whether the ing are dysregulated (23). Because one of HTT’s
the protein mutated in HD, is essential for de- fetus carried an HD-causing mutation. main functions is to transport vesicles, we used
velopment, at least in mice (1–3). The mutant markers of the endosomal pathway to map
HTT (mHTT) impairs neural progenitor cell Mutant huntingtin mislocalizes in human and the subcellular localization of HTT in HD and
division and neuronal migration and matu- mouse embryos to gauge whether transport is affected this
ration (4–6), giving HD mice a thinner cortex early in HD.
(7). The fact that expression of either mHTT We were able to procure rare intact cortical
or hypomorphic HTT solely during early life tissues from four HD mutation carrier fetuses We stained for calnexin (a marker of the
is sufficient to produce HD features in adult and four healthy controls at gestation week 13 endoplasmic reticulum), GRASP65 (Golgi as-
mice strongly suggests that there is a develop- (GW13) (table S1). At this developmental stage, sembly stacking protein of 65 kDa to mark the
mental component to the disease (8, 9). the cortical neurons that project to the stri- cis-Golgi network), TGN38 (trans-Golgi net-
atum and later deteriorate in HD are arising work integral membrane protein 38), EEA1
In support of this notion, human neuro- from the division of progenitor cells at the (early endosome antigen 1), and transferrin
imaging studies have revealed smaller intra- ventricular zone. These apical progenitors receptor (recycling endosomes). In control
cranial volume in HD mutation carriers as extend processes toward both the apical and samples, HTT colocalized partially with these
young as 7 years of age (10, 11). Loss of cortical basal surfaces of the neuroepithelial wall, markers (figs. S2 and S3). In both human and
volume takes place long before any symptoms and their nuclei move back and forth between mouse HD samples, however, HTT strongly
appear, and defects in the corticostriatal net- surfaces in concert with cell cycle progression colocalized with TGN38, EEA1, and transfer-
in a process known as interkinetic nuclear mi- rin receptor, and to a lesser extent with cal-
1Univ. Grenoble Alpes, INSERM, U1216, Grenoble Institut gration. This process, common to all develop- nexin and GRASP65. These results suggest
Neurosciences, Grenoble, France. 2Department of ing pseudostratified neuroepithelia (19, 20), that mHTT hinders endosomal trafficking in
Neuropathology Raymond Escourolle, AP-HP, Pitié-Salpêtrière maintains the balance between progenitor re- apical progenitors, even at this very early stage
University Hospital, Paris, France. 3Department of Neuroscience, newal and differentiation by controlling when of development.
University of Virginia School of Medicine, Charlottesville, VA apical progenitor nuclei are exposed to prolif-
22908, USA. 4AP-HP, Sorbonne University, Service de erative versus neurogenic signals, and in what Mutant huntingtin disrupts neuroepithelial
Gynécologie Obstétrique, Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital, Paris, proportions. junctional complexes
France. 5AP-HP, Unité d’Embryofoetopathologie, Necker
Hospital, Paris, France. 6Sorbonne University, Paris Brain Institute, To examine the expression pattern of HTT Apical endfeet contain junctional complexes
APHP, INSERM U1127, CNRS UMR7225, Pitié-Salpêtrière at the ventricular zone of the GW13 cortex, we (19, 24) composed of tight-junction and
Hospital, Paris, France used an antibody that recognizes both HTT adherens-junction proteins, including ZO1,
*These authors contributed equally to this work. and mHTT (4C8; Fig. 1, A and B, and fig. S1A). PAR3, NCAD, and b-catenin (25), that link
†Corresponding author. Email: [email protected] (A.D.); In wild-type tissues, HTT staining demarcated neighboring progenitors to each other, there-
[email protected] (S.H.) by sealing the neuroepithelium. Because HTT
regulates the trafficking of these proteins,

Barnat et al., Science 369, 787–793 (2020) 14 August 2020 1 of 7


Fig. 1. Huntingtin and A DAPI B DAPI HTT DAPI /HTT
junctional complex VZ
proteins mislocalize in GW13 Distance from apical100 Basal
the ventricular zone of surface (µm)
human fetuses

carrying HD-causing Control 60 VZ
mutations. (A) Left: CP 40
Diagram showing the Ventricular IZ VZ VZ
position of the fetal zone (VZ) oSVZ 20 Apical
ventricular zone relative Fluorescence intensity 0
to the cortical plate CP ratio (apical/basal)
(CP). Right: Coronal 0 40 80 120 160
brain sections of GW13 HD Relative fluorescence
control human cortex
were counterstained (% control)
with 4′,6-diamidino-2-
phenylindole (DAPI). The 6 ***
dotted square shows the

region imaged in (B). 2

Scale bar, 100 mm. VZ iSVZ/ 0
(B) Left: Coronal GW13 VZ Control
brain sections from
control fetus and fetus HD

carrying HD-causing C DAPI ZO1 PAR3 ZO1 /PAR3 D DAPI DAPI NCAD
mutation were immu-

nostained for HTT. Scale

bars, 10 mm. Right:

Representative line-scan Control VZ Control VZ VZ
analysis (relative fluo-

rescence intensity) of

HTT immunostaining

and quantification of

apical/basal human HTT

fluorescence intensity

in the ventricular zone.

For each condition, n = 3 HD VZ HD VZ VZ
fetuses from different

mothers; ***P = 0.0044

(unpaired t test). (C and

D) Coronal GW13 fetal

brain sections were

immunostained for ZO1 E 100 ZO1 100 PAR3 F 100 100 NCAD
and PAR3 (C) and 80 Basal
b-catenin and NCAD (D). 80 80
Distance from apical Distance from apical 80
surface (µm) surface (µm)
Scale bars, 15 mm. 60 60 60 60 VZ
(E and F) Representative

line-scan analysis (rela- 40 40 40 40

tive fluorescence inten- 20 20 20 20 Apical
sity) of indicated

immunostainings (top) Fluorescence intensity 00 Fluorescence intensity 00
and quantification of indi- ratio (apical/basal) 0 40 80 120 160 0 40 80 120 ratio (apical/basal) 0 40 80 120 160 0 40 80 120 160
cated fluorescence inten-
sities in the ventricular Relative fluorescence (% control) Relative fluorescence (% control)
zone (bottom graphs).
For each condition, n = 3 5 *** 200 * 4 *** 4 ns
fetuses from different 3
mothers. ZO1: ***P = 4 150 Control 3 2 Control
0.0003 (unpaired t test); 3 HD HD
PAR3: *P = 0.0177 2
2 11
1 50

0 0 00

(unpaired t test); b-cat:

***P = 0.0003 (unpaired t test); NCAD: P = 0.4682 (Mann-Whitney U test), ns (not significant). Results are means ± SEM. VZ, ventricular zone; iSVZ, inner subventricular

zone; oSVZ, outer subventricular zone; IZ, intermediate zone; CP, cortical plate. Nuclei were counterstained with DAPI.

Barnat et al., Science 369, 787–793 (2020) 14 August 2020 2 of 7



In utero HdhQ7/Q7

E13.5 HdhQ111/Q111 HTT GFP DAPI
GFP ZO1 PAR3 ZO1 /PAR3 D HdhQ7/Q7 HdhQ111/Q111
C 123 4 56
HdhQ111/Q111 HdhQ7/Q7 ZO1
VZ 185 kDa

PAR3 PAR3 180 kDa
NCAD 135 kDa

-cat 90 kDa

GFP NCAD β-Cat NCAD / Vinculin 125 kDa

HdhQ111/Q111 HdhQ7/Q7 Relative expression (% of control)

200 ** 200 **

150 150

100 100

50 50

0 0


E IP IP 200 ns 200 ns
Input HTT mIgG Input HTT mIgG
HTT 150 150
ZO1 HdhQ7/Q7 350 kDa
PAR3 185 kDa 100 100
-cat 180 kDa 50 50
135 kDa
90 kDa 0 0

HdhQ111/Q111 NCAD -cat

HdhQ7/Q7 HdhQ111/Q111

Fig. 2. Junctional protein complexes are disrupted in the apical endfeet NCAD, and b-Cat (lower panel). Scale bars, 5 mm (B), 2 mm (C). (D) ZO1,
of HD mouse embryos. (A) Schematic of the in utero electroporation PAR3, NCAD, b-catenin, and vinculin immunoblotting analyses of lysates from
experiment. (B and C) Mouse embryos were electroporated at E13.5 with a E15.5 HdhQ7/Q7 and HdhQ111/Q111 cortices. Bar graphs correspond to the
pCAG-GFP construct to delineate the apical endfoot in E15.5 cortices. quantitative evaluation of the indicated proteins. For each condition, n = at
(B) HdhQ7/Q7 and HdhQ111/Q111 cortical sections were immunostained for least 7 embryos from different mothers. ZO1: **P = 0.0026; PAR3: **P = 0.0075;
GFP (left) and for HTT and GFP (right). White arrowheads point to apical NCAD: P = 0.1255; b-cat: P = 0.1476 (unpaired t tests). Results are means ± SEM.
endfeet. Nuclei were counterstained with DAPI. (C) Left: Diagram indicating (E) HTT-associated complexes were immunoprecipitated with the 4C8 antibody
the position of junctional complexes at the apical endfeet. Right: Cortical from E15.5 HdhQ7/Q7 and HdhQ111/Q111 cortical extracts. Mouse IgG (mIgG) was
sections were immunostained for GFP, ZO1, and PAR3 (upper panel) and GFP, used as a negative control.

Barnat et al., Science 369, 787–793 (2020) 14 August 2020 3 of 7


A G1 S G2 B Cdt1-mKO2 G1

E13.5 ( Fucci) Hdh Q7/Q7

(Organotypic slice)

Cdt1-mKO2 Hdh Q111/Q111
Ventricular 0’ 60’ 120’ 180’ 240’ 300’ 360’ 420’ 480’ 540’
zone G2
D Cdt1-mKO2 + Geminin-GFP 270’
C Geminin-GFP
0’ 60’ 120’ 180’ 240’


HdhQ7/Q7 HdhQ7/Q7 *
* ** *
HdhQ111/Q111 HdhQ111/Q111



0’ 60’ 120’ 180’ 240’ 300’ 360’ **

E G1 migration G2 migration G1/S transition F Mitotic index

15 *** 40 *** 10 * 250 *** *** HdhQ7/Q7
10 30 8 200
20 6
10 4
0 2
0 0
Velocity (µm/h) Velocity (µm/h) Duration (h) 150
(% of control)

0 E15.5

Fig. 3. Interkinetic nuclear migration and mitosis of cortical apical pro- embryos from different mothers; ***P = 0.0008 (unpaired t test)], velocity
of G2-phase nuclei [for each condition, n = at least 202 cells from four embryos
genitors are impaired in HD mouse embryos. (A) Schematic of the from different mothers; ***P < 0.0001 (Mann-Whitney U test)], and length
experiment for analysis of interkinetic nuclear migration. E13.5 HdhQ7/Q7 and of G1/S transition [for each condition, n = at least 8 cells from three embryos
HdhQ111/Q111 embryos were electroporated with Cdt1-mKO2 and geminin-GFP from different mothers; *P = 0.0356 (unpaired t test)]. (F) Bar graphs show
the percentage of phospho-histone 3 (PH3) cells (mitotic index) of dividing
constructs. After 48 hours, the movement of the GFP- and mKO2-labeled nuclei progenitors [E13.5: for each condition, n = at least 2151 cells from four embryos
from different mothers, ***P < 0.0001 (unpaired t test); E15.5: for each
was followed by spinning disc microscopy, taking one image every 10 or 15 min condition, n = at least 1801 cells from three embryos from different mothers,
***P = 0.0005 (unpaired t test)]. Results are means ± SEM.
for 10 hours. (B to D) Representative images showing the movement of nuclei in

G1, G2, and G1/S transition phases as indicated. (D) Stars indicate the beginning
and ending of the G1/S transition. Scale bars, 5 mm. (E) Quantitative differences
in the velocity of G1-phase nuclei [for each condition, n = 9 cells from three

Barnat et al., Science 369, 787–793 (2020) 14 August 2020 4 of 7


which are dysregulated in HD (6, 26–30), we ZO1, PAR3, b-catenin, and NCAD at the apical mouse control ventricular zone and even higher
hypothesized that mHTT hinders the correct endfeet of human GW13 control and mouse in HD tissues, with a concomitant reduction
positioning of these junctions, which would E13.5 neuroepithelium (figs. S4 and S5A). The in these proteins in the basal region (Fig. 1,
diminish the integrity of the neuroepithelium. levels of ZO1, NCAD, and b-catenin were C to F, and fig. S5, B to E). PAR3 was also
As predicted, HTT partially codistributed with high at the apical surface of the human and misregulated in HD but in a different pattern


GW13 PH3+/Dapi (% of control) Mitotic index

Control 150 *** Control


Ventricular 0
zone (VZ)
5 *** D Cilia orientation
C Cilia length and density
GW13 Cilia length 4 F-actin F-actin / -tub /
(µm) 3 Arl13b
ControlDAPI /Arl13b 2
Cilia number per arera 0 Arl13b -tub Percentage of Apical Baso-
(% of control) baso-lateral cilia (%) 120 lateral
300 * 80

100 40

0 0


Control (GW13) VZ

iSVZ PAX6-TBR2+/PAX6+TBR2- 0.1 *** 1.2 *
VZ progenitors (%)
0.05 0.8

Control 00
Fig. 4. Mutant huntingtin shifts neurogenesis toward neuronal lineage.
(A) Diagram showing the position of the fetal ventricular zone. (B) Cortical human cortex were immunostained for F-actin, g-tubulin (g-tub), and Arl13b.
sections of GW13 fetuses were immunostained with antibody against Scale bars, 2 mm. White arrowheads and white arrows show apical and
phospho-histone 3 (PH3) and the mitotic index was quantified. For each basolateral cilia, respectively. Bar graph shows the percentage of basolateral
condition, n = at least 1146 cells from three fetuses from different mothers; cilia at the apical surface. For each condition, n = at least 260 cilia from
***P < 0.0001 (Mann-Whitney U test). Scale bars, 25 mm. (C) Coronal GW13 four fetuses from different mothers; ***P = 0.0003 (Mann-Whitney U test).
brain sections from control fetus and fetus carrying HD-causing mutation (E) Typical PAX6 and TBR2 staining of a GW13 human fetal sample analyzed.
(HD) were immunostained for the cilia marker Arl13b. Scale bars, 5 mm. Bar Scale bars, 50 mm. Bar graphs show the percentage of PAX6/TBR2-positive
graphs show cilia length [for each condition, n = at least 770 cilia from four cells (PAX6+/TBR2+) over PAX6-positive, TBR2-negative (PAX6+/TBR2–)
fetuses from different mothers; ***P < 0.0001 (Mann-Whitney U test)] and cilia progenitors [for each condition, three fetuses from different mothers were
density [for each condition, n = 4 fetuses from different mothers; *P = 0.0104 analyzed; VZ, n = at least 2447 cells, ***P < 0.0001 (Mann-Whitney U test);
(unpaired t test)] at the apical surface. (D) Coronal brain sections of GW13 iSVZ, n = at least 1580 cells, *P = 0.011 (unpaired t test). Results are
means ± SEM. Nuclei were counterstained with DAPI.

Barnat et al., Science 369, 787–793 (2020) 14 August 2020 5 of 7


from these other proteins: Its expression levels G2 (fig. S9B and movie S2). The velocities of cellular adhesion, polarity, and epithelial or-
were down-regulated, so its demarcation of the nuclear movement in G1 and G2 in control ganization (27). In the presence of mHTT, the
apical surface in control samples was dimin- cells were as previously reported (34) (Fig. 3, epithelial-mesenchymal transition is accelerated
ished, rather than intensified, in HD. B, C, and E, and movies S3 to S6), but in (28). It is possible that mHTT contributes to
HdhQ111/Q111 embryos, migrating nuclei moved cellular disorganization through other means
To better understand how junctional com- more slowly in both G1 and G2, causing these as well, such as by interfering with the orienta-
plexes in individual apical endfeet are affected phases to lengthen while the G1/S phase tran- tion of the mitotic spindle (7). Given that HTT
in HD, we electroporated E13.5 control and sition was shortened (Fig. 3, D and E, and also establishes apical polarity in the mam-
HD mouse embryos in utero with a pCAG- movies S7 and S8). We next immunostained mary epithelium, where it forms a complex
GFP (green fluorescent protein) construct and cortical sections of HdhQ111/Q111 embryos and with PAR3, aPKC, and RAB11A and ensures
performed immunohistochemistry on E15.5 GW13 HD carrier fetuses with antibody against the apical translocation of PAR3-aPKC through
coronal sections (Fig. 2, A and B). At this stage phospho-histone 3 (PH3), a marker of mitosis, RAB11A (29), we speculate that HTT may act
in mice and at the corresponding stage GW16 and evaluated the mitotic index (Fig. 3F and to maintain epithelial cell polarity throughout
in humans (table S1), the mislocalization of Fig. 4, A and B). HD mice and human muta- the body.
HTT and junction proteins in HD apical pro- tion carriers had roughly half the mitotic in-
genitors persisted (figs. S6 and S7). Indeed, dex of controls. In HD, therefore, the pool of A recent neuroimaging study found that the
GFP-expressing knock-in HD progenitors, but proliferating cells is diminished. posterior Sylvian fissure, normally asymmet-
not controls, showed a bright line of HTT along rical between the right and left hemispheres,
the apical surface (Fig. 2B). In control em- Mutant HTT biases neurogenesis toward the lacks asymmetry in the HD population studied
bryos, ZO1, NCAD, and b-catenin immuno- neuronal lineage (38). Because the Sylvian fissure appears early
staining marked the sides of the apical endfeet; in utero, the authors concluded that this ab-
PAR3 staining was more apical (Fig. 2C). In The cell cycle correlates with the assembly normal symmetry arises during fetal develop-
HdhQ111/Q111 embryos, ZO1, NCAD, and b-catenin (during G0) and disassembly (at the onset of ment. Our results show that mHTT does alter
spread throughout the apical endfeet and PAR3 M phase) of the primary cilium at the apical very early stages of brain development in hu-
staining was diminished. These observations progenitor endfeet (19, 32). Immunostaining man HD, even though the samples we analyzed
were corroborated by immunoblotting protein with the cilia marker Arl13b, a member of the were from mutation carriers with small path-
extracts from HdhQ7/Q7 and HdhQ111/Q111 E15.5 adenosine diphosphate ribosylation factor–like ological expansions (39, 40, and 42 repeats)
cortices (Fig. 2D). The levels of NCAD and family, revealed that both the length and den- that would typically cause later manifestations
b-catenin were similar in control and HD con- sity of the cilia were greater at the apical area of HD. The defects we observed likely render
ditions, but ZO1 and PAR3 protein levels were of the developing cortex in HD human and the corticostriatal circuitry more vulnerable
lower in the mutant mice. Coimmunoprecipi- mouse samples than in controls (Fig. 4C and to the later dysfunctions characteristic of HD
tation showed that HTT associates with ZO1, fig. S10A), which confirms that the cells were (23), as proposed for another polyglutamine
PAR3, and b-catenin, but these interactions not progressing through the cell cycle prop- disease, spinocerebellar ataxia type 1 (39). The
were disrupted in HD (Fig. 2E and fig. S8). erly (20). Because a longer G1 phase and a path to degeneration is complex, however, and
shorter G1/S transition characterize progeni- weaves together both pathogenic and com-
Mutant HTT alters progression through the tors committed toward the neuronal lineage pensatory mechanisms. For example, a re-
cell cycle (32, 35), we asked whether mHTT favors the cent study found that HD mutation carriers
production of apical over basal progenitors. as young as 6 years of age show compensatory
The integrity of the apical junctional com- hyperconnectivity between the striatum and
plexes is essential for progression through We evaluated cilia orientation by labeling cerebellum; this initially enlarges the stria-
interkinetic nuclear migration, when the nu- brain sections with F-actin (to delineate the tum but the metabolic load soon overwhelms
clei of progenitor cells born at the apical sur- apical surface) and Arl13b and g-tubulin (to it, the connections are rapidly lost, and the
face move toward the basal side during the G1 label the basal body) (Fig. 4D and fig. S10B). striatum atrophies well before the onset of
phase of the cell cycle, enter and complete the The proportion of basolateral cilia, which sig- motor symptoms (40).
S phase, then return to the apical surface, nal the generation of basal progenitors (36),
where they undergo division (19, 20, 31, 32). was greater in HD human and mouse samples It is now beyond doubt that neurodegen-
Given that the junctional complexes do not than in controls. To discriminate between erative diseases can have a developmental com-
form properly with mHTT, we examined cell apical progenitors and basal progenitors, which ponent. For HD, this discovery opens the door
cycle progression in the apical progenitors. are more engaged in the neuronal lineage for future studies to identify molecular treat-
(37), we labeled for the transcription factors ments. For example, the HD iPSC Consortium
To measure apical (G1 phase) and basal (G2 PAX6 and TBR2, respectively. HD human characterized isoxazole-9 after finding that it
phase) movements in vivo, we used the fluo- and mouse samples showed a greater propor- reverts abnormal neuronal differentiation in
rescent ubiquitination-based cell cycle indica- tion of basal progenitors at the ventricular HD-derived pluripotent stem cells (17). It may
tor (FUCCI), which tracks the expression of zone, subventricular zone, and inner subven- be that treatment should be given very early
markers of the different phases of the cell cycle tricular zone than did controls (Fig. 4E and in life; it remains to be seen whether re-
(33). We electroporated wild-type E13.5 embryos fig. S10C). ducing mHTT levels in adulthood, even in the
with plasmids encoding CDT1 (chromatin li- prodromal stage, would be sufficient to fore-
censing and DNA replication factor 1)–mKO2 Discussion stall symptom progression, because the brain
and geminin-GFP, then carried out time-lapse circuitry is already altered.
imaging on acute cortical slices 2 days after in Our data show that mHTT mislocalizes at
utero electroporation (Fig. 3A) so that we could junctional complexes, disrupts the polarity of REFERENCES AND NOTES
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IBiSA label) of GIN for technical help; F. Saudou, members of
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24. F. S. Chou, R. Li, P. S. Wang, Cell. Mol. Life Sci. 75, 1027–1041 the Association Huntington France (AHF) for continuous support.
Funding: Supported by grants from Agence Nationale pour la
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Barnat et al., Science 369, 787–793 (2020) 14 August 2020 7 of 7


STRUCTURAL BIOLOGY reconstitute the properties of type I and type II
mAbs, we analyzed their binding thermody-
Binding mechanisms of therapeutic antibodies namics and kinetics by using isothermal titra-
to human CD20 tion calorimetry (26, 27), as well as the mAbs’
abilities to recruit complement.
Anand Kumar1,2,3, Cyril Planchais4,5, Rémi Fronzes3,6, Hugo Mouquet4,5, Nicolas Reyes1,2,3*
Isothermal titrations of full-length Ig mole-
Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) targeting human antigen CD20 (cluster of differentiation 20) cules bearing identical IgG1 Fc regions and
constitute important immunotherapies for the treatment of B cell malignancies and autoimmune corresponding Fab fragments from either
diseases. Type I and II therapeutic mAbs differ in B cell binding properties and cytotoxic effects, RTX (IgGRTX) or OBZ (IgGOBZ) into purified
reflecting differential interaction mechanisms with CD20. Here we present 3.7- to 4.7-angstrom CD20 yielded dissociation constant (Kd) values
cryo–electron microscopy structures of full-length CD20 in complexes with prototypical type I in the low nanomolar range, as observed in B
rituximab and ofatumumab and type II obinutuzumab. The structures and binding thermodynamics cells (15), and binding stoichiometries of 1:1
demonstrate that upon binding to CD20, type II mAbs form terminal complexes that preclude and 1:2 for IgGRTX and IgGOBZ, respectively,
recruitment of additional mAbs and complement components, whereas type I complexes act as molecular providing the thermodynamic basis to under-
seeds to increase mAb local concentration for efficient complement activation. Among type I mAbs, stand the half-maximal values of type II com-
ofatumumab complexes display optimal geometry for complement recruitment. The uncovered mechanisms pared to type I mAb binding to B cells.
should aid rational design of next-generation immunotherapies targeting CD20.
Further calorimetric analysis of both diva-
H uman cluster of differentiation 20 (CD20) humanized or human antigen-binding domains, lent [F(ab′)2] and monovalent (Fab) mAb frag-
(1, 2) is an integral membrane protein as with the type II mAb obinutuzumab (OBZ) ments from RTX, OBZ, and OFA (Fig. 1, A to D,
expressed during B lymphocyte devel- (15) and the type I mAb ofatumumab (OFA) (16), and table S1) yielded conserved thermody-
opment (3). Its cellular function is poor- respectively, which are approved for the treat- namic binding parameters, compared to full-
ly understood, and it is involved in ment of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) length IgGs. Moreover, molecules bearing
(8, 17). Although OFA is a type I mAb, it shows FabRTX showed higher binding enthalpy val-
intracellular calcium signaling associated with more potent complement recruitment than ues (−27.4 ± 0.6 kcal/mol) than those bear-
the B cell receptor (4). CD20 is also expressed RTX, particularly in cells with low CD20 ex- ing FabOBZ (−19.0 ± 0.8 kcal/mol) or FabOFA
in malignant B cells and is the target of ap- pression levels, as occurs in CLL (18, 19). (−23.0 ± 0.8 kcal/mol), although the large ex-
cess of binding enthalpy translates to a small
proved therapeutic monoclonal antibodies Binding studies (20, 21) and crystal struc- change in binding energy (~1 kcal/mol) due
tures of monovalent antigen-binding frag- to entropic compensations. From a kinetic
(mAbs), which are divided into two groups, ments (Fabs) of RTX (FabRTX) (22) and OBZ viewpoint, we observed similar association
(FabOBZ) (23) in complex with CD20 cyclic rate (kon) values for the three F(ab′)2 mole-
type I and type II, on the basis of two signature peptides revealed a critical antigenic determi- cules but significantly slower dissociation rates
differences (5–8): Type I mAbs recruit com- nant region (170ANPS173) on the large extracel- of F(ab′)2-RTX than for both F(ab′)2-OBZ and
plement more potently than type II mAbs and lular loop of CD20, as well as 1:1 Fab:CD20 F(ab′)2-OFA (table S2).
peptide binding stoichiometry (24). Recently,
therefore induce robust complement-dependent the cryo–electron microscopy (cryo-EM) struc- We next probed the ability of IgGRTX and
ture determination of N-terminally truncated IgGOBZ bound to purified CD20 to recruit com-
cytotoxicity (CDC); type I mAbs bind twice as CD20 in complex with FabRTX (D41CD20-FabRTX) plement (Fig. 1E). As a proxy for complement
showed two FabRTX molecules bound to com- recruitment, we quantified the deposition of
many type II mAbs to a given B cell type. These posite epitopes on the surface of dimeric CD20 fluorescently labeled C1q complex on synthetic
and revealed extensive Fab-Fab homotypic in- liposomes with CD20 incorporated on their
properties are likely related, because comple- teractions (25). surface, as well as on HEK293 cells expressing
CD20, as a control. Indeed, C1q deposition was
ment activation requires oligomerization of Despite the wealth of available functional much higher in both cells and liposomes opso-
and structural data, the molecular bases un- nized with IgGRTX than those opsonized with
the mAb fragment crystallizable region (Fc) to derlying the differential binding mechanisms IgGOBZ, demonstrating that dimeric CD20 re-
of murine versus human type I mAbs, as well constituted in a synthetic membrane is sufficient
increase the binding avidity of complement as those for type I versus type II mAbs, remain to promote Fc oligomerization and comple-
elusive. We set out to unravel these mecha- ment recruitment.
component 1q (C1q), which is a hexa-headed nisms using in vitro approaches to determine
the three-dimensional (3D) structures and bind- Overall, the above results demonstrate that
molecule that optimally binds Fc hexameric ing mechanisms of full-length human CD20 in binding of mAbs to purified dimeric CD20 re-
arrangements (9–11). complex with Fab fragments from three major capitulates accurately the signature differences
therapeutic mAbs: RTX (murine type I), OFA between type I and type II anti-CD20 antibodies
Type I rituximab (RTX) is a recombinant (human type I), and OBZ (humanized type II). observed in B lymphocytes.

mAb bearing murine antigen-binding domains Results Cryo-EM structural analysis of CD20 in complex
Antibody binding and complement recruitment with divalent antibody fragments
linked to human immunoglobulin G (IgG) con-
Full-length human CD20 in nondenaturing de- For cryo-EM structure determination, we fo-
stant domains. RTX is recommended for the tergent solutions exists as a single and stable cused on CD20 complexes with divalent F(ab′)2
treatment of non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas (12) oligomeric state corresponding to homodimers molecules from RTX, OFA, and OBZ, because
and certain autoimmune diseases (13) and was (fig. S1). To probe the ability of purified CD20 to they structurally resemble full-length mAbs
the first approved cancer immunotherapy (14). more closely than monovalent fragments and
Despite the widespread use of RTX, its immu- lack flexible Fc domains that might complicate
single-particle reconstructions. Cryo-EM imag-
nogenicity and patient polymorphisms stimu- ing showed that the majority of the CD20

lated the development of second-generation

mAbs that replaced the murine domains with

1Membrane Protein Mechanisms Unit, Institut Pasteur, 75015
Paris, France. 2Membrane Protein Mechanisms Group,
European Institute of Chemistry and Biology, University of
Bordeaux, 33607 Pessac, France. 3CNRS UMR 5234
Fundamental Microbiology and Pathogenicity, Bordeaux,
France. 4Laboratory of Humoral Immunology, Department of
Immunology, Institut Pasteur, Paris, France. 5INSERM U1222,
Paris, France. 6Structure and Function of Bacterial
Nanomachines Group, European Institute of Chemistry and
Biology, University of Bordeaux, 33607 Pessac, France.
*Corresponding author. Email: [email protected]

Kumar et al., Science 369, 793–799 (2020) 14 August 2020 1 of 6



Q (kcal mol -1) 10 IgG Q (kcal mol -1) 10 F(ab’)2 CD20
0.0 IgG
-10 C1q
-10 -20
-30 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
Monovalent Fab/CD20 protomer (mol/mol)
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

Monovalent Fab/CD20 protomer (mol/mol)


Q (kcal mol -1) 10 Fab Stoichiometry C1q Flourescence 1.4
1.2 1.2

0.0 1.0
1.0 0.8
-10 0.8 0.4
-20 0.6
- 30 0.4 HEK Cells Proteo-liposomes

- 40 0.2 IgG F(ab’)2 Fab
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 0.0

Monovalent Fab/CD20 protomer (mol/mol)

Fig. 1. Antibody binding and complement recruitment. (A to C) Isothermal Fab per mole of CD20 protomer for comparison. (E) Fluorescently labeled
C1q deposition upon IgG opsonization of liposomes and cells with CD20 on
titrations of IgG (A), F(ab′)2 (B), and Fab (C) molecules into purified their surface. Plots depict an average of three independent experiment
CD20. Thermal powers are shown, with scale bars indicating 0.1 mcal s−1 measurements (D) or three independent experiment measurements performed
and 500 s. Throughout the figure, RTX and OBZ data are colored red and blue, in triplicates (E), and error bars represent SEM. Empty circles represent
values from individual experiments.
respectively. Q, binding heat. (D) Averaged binding stoichiometry of monovalent

and divalent molecules to CD20. Stoichiometry is plotted as moles of monovalent

complexes with type I F(ab′)2 molecules formed erogeneity, and as a consequence it improved tracellular loop that connects it to TM3 (ICL1),
2:2 F(ab′)2:CD20 cyclic arrangements; we also the quality of 2D classes and 3D reconstruc-
observed 3:3 and 4:4 arrangements, but not 1:1 tions substantially, yielding cryo-EM maps and also TM4, differs significantly in the CD20-
complexes (Fig. 2, A and B). In contrast, CD20 with global resolutions between 3.7 and 4.7 Å
complexes with type II F(ab′)2-OBZ showed ex- that enabled structure determinations of CD20 FabRTX and CD20-FabOFA structures compared
clusively 1:2 arrangements (Fig. 2C). A feature in complex with FabRTX, FabOFA, and FabOBZ, to the reported D41CD20-FabRTX structure
common to all of these macromolecular assem- respectively (figs. S2 to S7 and table S3). (25). In the former, TM2b is a canonical a
blies is that the two Fab arms from one F(ab′)2 helix including residues Leu88-Ala103, while in
molecule bind two CD20 molecules. However, Cryo-EM structures of CD20 in complexes with the latter TM2b was modeled as a 3-10 a helix
we observed that the CD20 dimer binds two type I Fab between Ile96 and Ile101 with an extended ICL1.
type I Fab molecules, but only one type II Fab
molecule. These structural data are in excellent The cryo-EM structures of full-length CD20 in Additionally, in our structures TM4 is three
agreement with our thermodynamic analysis complexes with murine FabRTX (CD20-FabRTX) helix turns longer than in D41CD20-FabRTX
and further show that the two type I Fabs bound and human FabOFA (CD20-FabOFA) showed two and protrudes outside the membrane plane on
to CD20 come from different F(ab′)2 molecules. CD20 subunits (here, CD20A and CD20B) ar- the intracellular side. The observed differences
ranged in a symmetric dimer with two Fab-
The large flexibility of F(ab′)2 fragments bound molecules (Fig. 3, A to D). are most likely due to low molecular detail
around the hinge region connecting the Fab around those regions in the reported D41CD20-
arms precluded high-resolution 3D reconstruc- Each CD20 subunit contains four trans- FabRTX cryo-EM map (EMD-21212), or partial
tions. To alleviate this problem, we decreased membrane helices (TM1 to -4) (Fig. 3E). TM1 unfolding of the truncated construct.
the particle box size to extract only one copy of barely spans the width of the membrane core,
CD20 from the macromolecular assemblies with while TM2 unwinds close to the midpoint of TM3 and TM4 are connected by ECL2: Its
either two type I (Fig. 2, D and E) or one type II the membrane, dividing the helix into TM2a N-terminal residues form an amphipathic loop
(Fig. 2F) Fab molecule bound, respectively. This and TM2b. TM1 and TM2a are connected by
“single-copy approach” effectively increased the extracellular loop 1 (ECL1), which positions (ECL2a) that partitions in the lipid-detergent
number of particles and decreased particle het- Gly75, Ile76, and Tyr77 outside the membrane micelle with hydrophobic side chains buried
plane. The region including TM2b and the in-
in the membrane core, next to extra density
corresponding to lipid or detergent molecules

arranged in a bilayer fashion. The C-terminal
part of ECL2 (ECL2b) is flanked by two extra-
cellular helices (EH), a helix EH1 and 3-10 a

Kumar et al., Science 369, 793–799 (2020) 14 August 2020 2 of 6


AD FabRTX Membrane FabRTX each other and pointing to the membrane. As
Ext. CD20 a consequence, RTX interacts mainly with
CD20 Int. residues 170ANPS173 in EH2, while OFA inter-
FabOFA acts with residues Tyr161, Asn166, and Glu168 in
2:2 FabOFA ECL2b, as well as Ala170 and Asn171 in the tip of
F(ab’)2-RTX CD20 (Fig. 3, C and D, and table S4). The more
Ext. N-terminal location of CD20 determinant resid-
2:2 Int. ues for OFA, in comparison with RTX binding,
F(ab’)2-RTX is in excellent agreement with reported bind-
FabOBZ ing studies (28).
3:3 10nm
CD20 Ext. Overall, our structural comparison showed
that the OFA epitope is restricted to one CD20
BE subunit and its core interactions localize to
ELC2b and EH2, while FabRTX recognizes both
CD20 CD20 subunits and its core epitope localizes to
EH2. OFA orients its Fab constant domains
2:2 Membrane closer to each other than RTX while sepa-
F(ab’)2-OFA rating its variable domains that lack homo-
typic interactions.
F(ab’)2-OFA RTX homotypic Fab-Fab interactions

4:4 CD20-bound FabRTX molecules establish un-
CD20 expected Fab-Fab homotypic interactions (25)
(fig. S8). These interactions occur at germline-
C CD20 F encoded positions that are not the product of
affinity maturation (25), raising an important
1:2 question about the strength of the interactions
F(ab’)2-OBZ and the extent of the thermodynamic coupling
at the homotypic interface. To shed light on
1:2 this problem, we built a double mutant thermo-
dynamic cycle (29), introducing amino acid
1:2 Membrane exchanges on opposite sides of the CD20-
CD20 FabRTX homotypic interface, and tested if the
effect on IgGRTX binding of mutating residues
Int. on one side depends on whether residues on
the other side are mutated. Four tyrosine resi-
Fig. 2. Cryo-EM analysis of CD20-F(ab′)2 complexes. (A to C) 3D reconstructions of 2:2 F(ab′)2:CD20 dues play critical roles at this interface (fig.
assemblies, with lipid-detergent micelles colored light blue and individual F(ab′)2 molecules color coded. 2D S8A): Tyr101(HC-CDR3) forms an aromatic stack
classes are also shown for 2:2, 3:3, and 4:4 assemblies. (D to F) Cryo-EM maps of a single copy of CD20 with symmetry-related Tyr101; Tyr102(HC-CDR3)
bound to Fab (individual CD20 subunits in cyan and pink, respectively) within the CD20-F(ab′)2 assemblies makes contacts with Thr28(HC-CDR1), Ser31(HC-
with Fab (heavy and light chains in dark and light colors, respectively) and lipid (gray) molecules bound. CDR1), and Tyr32(HC-CDR1) and is hydrogen-
bonded to Thr28(HC-CDR1); Tyr52(HC-CDR2)
Examples of 2D classes in different orientations are shown. Ext., exterior; Int., interior. and Tyr48(LC-CDR2) are hydrogen-bonded to
Gly103(HC-CDR3) and Ser31(HC-CDR1), respec-
helix EH2, and is linked to TM4 through a contacts, while the constant domains come tively. To build the cycle, we exchanged amino
disulfide between Cys167 and Cys184, which is in closer proximity by as much as ~9 Å, com- acid side chains to impair their ability to form
strictly conserved among CD20 orthologs. pared to RTX. H-bonds using the following IgGRTX constructs
(fig. S8C): (i) wild type (WT), (ii) Thr28→Ala
The two Fab-bound molecules in CD20- RTX and OFA bind overlapping and exten- Ser31→Ala (T28A-S31A), (iii) Tyr102→Phe Tyr48→
FabRTX and CD20-FabOFA structures are ar- sive 3D epitopes that bury ~890 and ~720 Å2 Phe (Y102F-Y48F), and (iv) T28A-S31A-Y102F-
ranged head-to-head with their Fab constant on the extracellular surface of CD20, respec- Y48F. Isothermal titrations showed that all
domains oriented in opposite directions (Fig. 3, tively (Fig. 3, C and D), mostly through amino IgGRTX constructs bind CD20 with 1:1 stoichi-
A and B). Notably, FabOFA binds at a sharper acid interactions with their heavy-chain com- ometry and similar Kd values (fig. S8C and
angle to the membrane plane (~60°) than plementary determinant regions (HC-CDR) table S5). Notably, we observed a significant
FabRTX (~36°) and is rotated ~180° along the (table S4). However, the orientations of RTX increase in favorable binding enthalpy when
long axis of the Fab. As a consequence, the and OFA HC-CDRs are opposite, with the mutations T28A-S31Ala were introduced in
variable domains of the two bound FabOFA former crossing the CD20 dimeric interface WT IgG (DDH = −5.5 kcal/mol) compared to
molecules separate, with their closest atoms and establishing Fab-Fab homotypic interac- those mutations introduced in the background
at ~7 Å, and do not establish any homotypic tions and the latter lying ~40 Å apart from of Y102F-Y48F (DDH = −0.93 kcal/mol), show-
ing that there is detectable thermodynamic
coupling at the homotypic interface. How-
ever, the observed enthalpic changes are not
translated into significant changes in IgGRTX
affinity due to entropic compensations,

Kumar et al., Science 369, 793–799 (2020) 14 August 2020 3 of 6


Fig. 3. Structures of A B FabOFA-A FabOFA-B
CD20 complexes with
type I Fab fragments. FabRTX-A FabRTX-B
(A and B) Structures of
CD20 in complexes with Ext. Ext. light chain
two FabRTX-bound (A) and heavy chain
FabOFA-bound (B) mole-
cules, color coded as in Membrane Membrane heavy chain
Fig. 2, D to F. Insets show
extracellular views of the light chain
Fab variable domains
bound to CD20. (C and Int. Int.
D) The most important CD20A
CD20 residues interacting CD20B CD20A CD20B
with single FabRTX-A
(yellow; C) or FabOFA-A C N176B D E EH2
(orange; D) molecules are Y161
highlighted. Residues in P172 S173 P160 S173 N171 TM4
ball-and-stick representa- K175 N171 E174B E174 ECL2b
tion establish the majority I76 ECL1
of H-bonds and contacts E174
with the Fab molecule. A170 P172 A170 ECL2a EH1
Single-letter abbreviations Ext. TM2a
for the amino acid resi- K175 P169
dues are as follows: A, Ala; P169 E168 Membrane TM1
C, Cys; D, Asp; E, Glu; E168
F, Phe; G, Gly; H, His; I, Ile; Y161 TM3
K, Lys; L, Leu; M, Met;
N, Asn; P, Pro; Q, Gln; N166
R, Arg; S, Ser; T, Thr; V,
Val; W, Trp; and Y, Tyr. N166 TM2b
(E) Membrane view of
CD20A subunit from the Y77
CD20-FabRTX complex.
Int. ICL1

~ 90° demonstrating that the H-bond network at
the core of the homotypic interface contrib-
FabOBZ E174B N171 S173 utes weakly to the overall binding energy.
Ext. A170 P172
CD20 complex with type II OBZ fragments
E174 N176
S177B To gain insights into the differential binding
mechanisms of type I and II anti-CD20 mAbs,
P178B S177 we determined the structure of CD20 in com-
plex with type II FabOBZ (Fig. 4). The structure
S179 showed a single FabOBZ molecule bound to the
tip of CD20, with pseudosymmetric CD20 sub-
Y161B units in a conformation similar to those in
the CD20-FabRTX structure. In contrast to
Membrane type I Fab molecules, FabOBZ binds nearly
normally to the membrane plane, with its con-
Int. stant domain protruding far into the extra-
cellular solution.
FabOBZ forms a wide and rather shallow
Fig. 4. Structure of CD20 in complex with type II FabOBZ. Structure of CD20 with one FabOBZ-bound binding pocket involving all CDR loops, with
molecule. FabOBZ interacts more extensively with CD20A subunit (cyan), but it also interacts with CD20B the exception of CDR-L2, to bind extensive
(pink). Inset shows the most important CD20 residues interacting with FabOBZ. Residues in ball-and-stick areas on the surface of both CD20A (~566 Å2)
representation establish the majority of H-bonds and contacts with the Fab molecule. and CD20B (~226 Å2). Binding to CD20A oc-
curs at an extended 170ANPSEKNSP178 motif,
Kumar et al., Science 369, 793–799 (2020) 14 August 2020 wth key interacting residues 170ANP172 and
EH2 C-terminal Glu174 and Asn176 residues
(table S4). The C-terminal shift of the OBZ

4 of 6


Fig. 5. Binding mechanism A 1:2 2:1 IgGI-CD20 concatenation
and hexameric CD20-IgG seeding-complex
model. (A) IgG:CD20 seeding-complex
seeding and terminal
complex mechanisms for IgGI
type I and II mAbs, respec-
tively. (B) Extracellular view CD20 1:2
of a structural model built terminal-complex
with the symmetric Fc hexa-
mer from PDB 1HZH and IgG
six copies of CD20-FabRTX II
(left) or CD20-FabOFA (right)
structures (determined in B Fc hexamer (PDB 1HZH)
this work), arranged sym-
metrically and concentric to
the Fc ring. The space
between CD20-Fab
complexes was minimized to
avoid clashes between Fab
domains bound to different
CD20 molecules. Fc domains
and the two corresponding
Fab domains are shown in
the same color.

CD20-bound CD20-bound


epitope compared to RTX is in good agree- etry of OBZ and in general type II mAbs, com- Finally, purified dimeric CD20 both in deter-
pared to type I. gent solution and in lipid membrane recapit-
ment with previous binding and structural ulates well the signature properties of type I
Discussion and type II mAbs observed in B cells.
studies (23). Other residues in CD20A estab-
lish contacts mostly with the light chain, while Our structural and thermodynamic analyses RTX, OFA, and OBZ bind extensive 3D epitopes
heavy-chain Arg52(CDR-H2) and Trp33(CDR- unravel the differential binding mechanisms that extend beyond the core 170ANPSEKNSP178
H1) are H-bonded to Pro172 and Ser173, respec- of major therapeutic anti-CD20 antibodies used motif. Notably, FabRTX (22) and FabOBZ (23)
in the clinic for the treatment of lymphomas bind CD20 cyclic peptides encompassing this
tively. The FabOBZ heavy chain also establishes and autoimmune diseases. motif with similar coordination as in the cryo-
two contact points on CD20B, one with Tyr161 EM structures, but with nearly three orders of
(ECL2b) that packs against Ser30(CDR-H1), The CD20 oligomeric state is important to magnitude weaker affinity (23) compared to
Tyr31(CDR-H1), Gly54(CDR-H2), and Asp55(CDR- the mAb binding mechanisms, and we provide full-length CD20 (table S1). This difference
H2) and another with Glu174, Ser177, and Pro178 strong experimental evidence that the dimer highlights the importance of the epitopic ex-
represents a native oligomeric state: the struc- pansion observed in the cryo-EM structures
on the C-terminal end of EH2 that interact ex- ture of CD20-FabOFA demonstrated that the and predicts that secondary epitopes outside
tensively with CDR-H3 residues Asp102, Gly103, CD20 dimer is stabilized by extensive inter- the above-mentioned motif contribute ~30%
and Tyr104. subunit contacts that are conserved in the ab- to the total mAb binding energy. Moreover,
sence of both extensive Fab-Fab homotypic there is ~−1 kcal excess binding energy of RTX,
The structure of the CD20-FabOBZ complex interactions and binding of a single Fab mole- over that of OBZ and OFA, arguing that the
demonstrates that bound FabOBZ precludes cule to two CD20 subunits (Fig. 3B). Moreover, homotypic interface contributes weakly (~10%)
binding of a second molecule on the surface of in our structures, we observed cholesterol-like to that energy, due to the entropic penalty as-
CD20, because it interacts with the 174EKNSP178 lipids bound to the outer and inner halves of sociated with tightly packing two Fab mol-
the intersubunit interface in a bilayer-like ar- ecules. However, this interface might play a
motif in both CD20A and CD20B and would rangement (Fig. 3A), suggesting that cellular significant kinetic role by slowing down RTX
generate extensive steric clashes with a second cholesterol further stabilizes the CD20 dimer.

symmetrical FabOBZ molecule, rotated around
the pseudo two-fold symmetry axis of CD20.

These structures provide the structural basis

underlying the differential binding stoichiom-

Kumar et al., Science 369, 793–799 (2020) 14 August 2020 5 of 6


dissociation from CD20. The crystal structure recruitment (9, 11, 33) (Fig. 5B). This specu- 22. J. Du et al., J. Biol. Chem. 282, 15073–15080 (2007).
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mAb approved for multiple sclerosis treat- molecules localize ~15 Å closer to the corre- 24. C. Klein et al., mAbs 5, 22–33 (2013).
ment (30)—in complex with CD20 peptide (31) sponding Fc domain than FabRTX, supporting 25. L. Rougé et al., Science 367, 1224–1230 (2020).
shows a Fab-Fab interface within the crystal the idea that concatenation of CD20-IgGOFA 26. T. Wiseman, S. Williston, J. F. Brandts, L. N. Lin, Anal. Biochem.
complexes upon binding to CD20 in the mem-
lattice nearly identical to that of RTX (fig. S8B), brane forms more compact assemblies and 179, 131–137 (1989).
brings Fc in closer proximity for oligomeriza- 27. D. Burnouf et al., J. Am. Chem. Soc. 134, 559–565 (2012).
suggesting that FabOCR molecules bound to tion. Finally, it is also likely that the lack of 28. J. L. Teeling et al., J. Immunol. 177, 362–371 (2006).
full-length CD20 also form extensive homo- homotypic interactions between bound FabOFA 29. A. Horovitz, Fold. Des. 1, R121–R126 (1996).
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The key mechanistic difference between IgG we conclude that IgG binding stoichiometry 31. J. Du et al., Mol. Immunol. 45, 2861–2868 (2008).
is a key determinant of the mAb potency to 32. S. Herter et al., Mol. Cancer Ther. 12, 2031–2042 (2013).
type I (IgGI) and type II (IgGII) molecules is recruit complement, but the angle and flexi- 33. Y. Wu et al., Cell Rep. 5, 1443–1455 (2013).
that upon binding to CD20, IgGII forms 1:2 bility of CD20-bound Fab molecules in seeding
(IgGII:CD20) “terminal” complexes that pre- complexes also contribute to it. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
clude binding of additional IgGII molecules,
while IgGI forms 1:2 or 2:1 (IgGI:CD20) “seed- The molecular mechanisms presented here We thank P. V. Krasteva (IECB, Bordeaux) for help with negative-
ing” complexes that enable subsequent con- should facilitate the rational design of new stained EM imaging and discussion; J. Prigent and A. Kök
catenation of IgG or CD20 molecules, respectively generations of mAbs and biosimilar mole- (Humoral Immunology Lab) for help with production of
cules to fine-tune treatments of different B recombinant antibodies and fragments; and C. Velours (I2BC,
(Fig. 5A). Hence, seeding and terminal com- cell malignancies and autoimmune diseases, Paris-Saclay) for SEC-MALS analysis. We acknowledge the IECB
as well as to make these more affordable to cryo-EM imaging facility for support in cryo-EM sample screening
plexes explain the half-maximal saturation health care systems. and initial data acquisition, the EMBL-Heidelberg Cryo-Electron
Microscopy Service Platform for support in image acquisition of
values of IgGII compared to IgGI reported in REFERENCES AND NOTES CD20-FabRTX and CD20-FabOBZ complexes, and the Institut
cells (6). Pasteur cryo-EM Nanoimaging Facility for image acquisition of
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Blood 108, 1975–1978 (2006). 19 March 2020; accepted 22 June 2020
we built symmetrical and circular arrange- 10.1126/science.abb8008

ments of six CD20-FabRTX and CD20-FabOFA
copies, respectively, around a hexameric Fc

ring as the one required for optimal complex

Kumar et al., Science 369, 793–799 (2020) 14 August 2020 6 of 6


ORGANIC CHEMISTRY of a hybrid oxidative approach featuring a com-
bination of remote biocatalytic hydroxylations
Divergent synthesis of complex diterpenes through and “guided” C–H oxidation methods (15) to ac-
a hybrid oxidative approach cess to a variety of oxidation patterns previously
unattainable using purely chemical means. In
Xiao Zhang1, Emma King-Smith1, Liao-Bin Dong1*, Li-Cheng Yang1, Jeffrey D. Rudolf1†, prior applications of C–H functionalization in
Ben Shen1,2, Hans Renata1‡ natural product synthesis, each of these oxida-
tion strategies has been employed indepen-
Polycyclic diterpenes exhibit many important biological activities, but de novo synthetic access to these dently (16, 17), and our approach illustrates
molecules is highly challenging because of their structural complexity. Semisynthetic access has also been the value in combining them in a synergistic
limited by the lack of chemical tools for scaffold modifications. We report a chemoenzymatic platform to access fashion. We also designed a skeletal reorgani-
highly oxidized diterpenes by a hybrid oxidative approach that strategically combines chemical and enzymatic zation sequence toward ent-atisane and ent-
oxidation methods. This approach allows for selective oxidations of previously inaccessible sites on the trachylobane frameworks starting from steviol
parent carbocycles and enables abiotic skeletal rearrangements to additional underlying architectures. We (Fig. 1C), which can enter analogous oxidation
synthesized a total of nine complex natural products with rich oxygenation patterns and skeletal diversity series to afford highly decorated members of
in 10 steps or less from ent-steviol. these families. A total of nine natural product
targets were synthesized with high synthetic
T he ent-kauranes, ent-atisanes, and ent- synthetic efforts, although not as popular, have ideality, as well as redox and step economy, high-
trachylobanes (Fig. 1A) are biosynthetically also been pursued, including Mander’s pio- lighting the enabling nature of our strategy.
related families of diterpene natural pro- neering synthesis of 6,7-seco-ent-kauranes from
ducts with wide-ranging biological activi- gibberellic acid (11) and recent syntheses (12, 13) Enzymatic tool development for
ties (1). These activities include inhibition of atisane-type diterpene alkaloids (e.g., 10, scaffold modifications
of ion channels, signal transduction cascades, Fig. 1B) and neotripterifordin from stevio-
and the inflammasome (2–4). The main struc- side. These examples suggest the possibility The overarching premise of our synthetic
tural difference between the three natural pro- strategy is to identify biocatalytic oxida-
duct families lies in the carbocyclic architecture of developing a more systematic pursuit of tion methods to address the methodology
of their C and D rings: ent-kauranes share a highly oxidized ent-kauranes from stevioside, gap in the selective functionalization of the
common [3.2.1] bicyclic ring system, whereas which, at $0.65/g, represents an attractive A, B, and C rings of minimally oxidized ent-
ent-atisanes and ent-trachylobanes are charac- kaurane, ent-atisane, and ent-trachylobane
terized by the presence of a [2.2.2] bicycle and starting point for synthesis. However, the skeletons. Each of the newly introduced hy-
[] tricycle, respectively. These three dis- realization of this concept has been hamp- droxyl groups is viewed as a gateway for fur-
tinct ring systems are thought to arise from a ther manipulations to access many members
common precursor (5), ent-copalyl pyrophos- ered by the lack of useful methods for scaffold of these diterpene families through a combi-
phate, through several Wagner–Meerwein shifts modification. As steviol (stevioside aglycone, nation of functional group interconversions
after initial formation of ent-pimarenyl cation 9) lacks any appropriate functional handles in and chemical C–H oxidation methods (Fig. 1C).
(fig. S1). Oxidative tailoring and oxidation- its A, B, or C ring, semisynthetic elaborations To access the ent-atisane and ent-trachylobane
enabled rearrangements could then take place frameworks, we drew inspiration from the
on the minimally oxidized carbocyclic skel- of the framework have mostly relied on the postulated biogenetic relationship between
eton, contributing to the enormous diversity use of C19 functionality in Hofmann–Löffler– the two and the ent-kaurane framework. One
found in the three natural product families. Freytag or Suarez hypoiodite reactions (12, 13), hypothesis proposed that they arise from
Despite recent discoveries on terpene syn- which currently only allow modification of a common carbocation through divergent
thases involved in the production of these alkyl/H shifts (5). As such rearrangements
families (6–8), most of the oxygenases that the C20 methyl group. Remote chemical oxi- could potentially be reversible in nature, we
are responsible for the subsequent tailoring dation of steviol has remained unexplored, hypothesized that under suitable conditions,
events have yet to be identified. Such limi- an ent-beyerane skeleton could be converted
tations have rendered synthetic biology access likely because of the incompatibility of its to an ent-atisane or ent-trachylobane product.
to these privileged structures difficult. C16–C17 exo olefin with C–H oxidation con- Synthetic entry into this sequence could be
ditions. To the best of our knowledge, such achieved readily through the well-precedented
Owing to their intriguing architectures and oxidation has only been performed electro- conversion of the ent-kaurene stevioside to
promising biological activities, ent-kauranes, chemically (14) on isosteviol ethyl ester (11), the ent-beyerane isosteviol (18). We postu-
ent-atisanes, and ent-trachylobanes have been an ent-beyerane compound lacking any olefin, lated that further carbocation generation at
the subject of many synthetic studies, more producing the corresponding C2-keto product. C12 would trigger a Wagner-Meerwein rear-
commonly through the use of de novo ap- An efficient, remote, and site-selective C–H rangement to an ent-atisane product, from
proaches [see (9, 10) for recent reviews and functionalization toolkit that can act on ent- which access to the ent-trachylobane frame-
fig. S2 for a full graphical summary]. Semi- kaurane skeleton would overcome a major work could be realized by C–C bond forma-
roadblock in converting steviol to ent-kauranes tion between C13 and C16. After such skeletal
1Department of Chemistry, The Scripps Research Institute, containing multiple oxidations on their A, B, reorganization, an array of oxidative transfor-
Jupiter, FL 33458, USA. 2Department of Molecular mations on minimally oxidized ent-atisane and
Medicine, Natural Products Discovery Center at Scripps and/or C rings (e.g., auricuoside I, Fig. 1B). ent-trachylobane skeleton would provide rapid
Research, Jupiter, FL 33458, USA. Furthermore, oxidized ent-atisanes and ent- access to targets such as spiramilactone C (5)
*Present address: School of Traditional Chinese Pharmacy, China trachylobanes remain hard to access using and the mitrephorones (7, 8).
Pharmaceutical University, Nanjing, 211198, China. semisynthetic approaches because of the need
†Present address: Department of Chemistry, University of Florida, to convert the C and D rings of ent-kaurane Successful execution of the aforementioned
Gainesville, FL 32611, USA. to those of ent-atisane and ent-trachylobane strategy would thus hinge on the identification
‡Corresponding author. Email: [email protected] in a facile manner (less than five steps). of the appropriate enzymes for selective and
practical oxidations of the A, B, and C rings of
We have developed a chemoenzymatic syn-
thetic strategy to access a wide array of oxidized
ent-kauranes, ent-atisanes, and ent-trachylobanes.
A key feature of this strategy is the application

Zhang et al., Science 369, 799–806 (2020) 14 August 2020 1 of 7


Fig. 1. Complex ent-kaurane, ent-atisane, and ent-trachylobane steviol-based semisynthesis. e-chem ox., electrochemical oxidation.
diterpenoids. (A) Selected examples of oxidized ent-kauranes, ent-atisanes, (C) Retrosynthetic analysis of oxidized ent-kauranes, ent-atisanes, and
and ent-trachylobanes. Ac, acetyl; Et, ethyl; Glc, b-D-glucopyranosyl; Me, ent-trachylobanes using a hybrid oxidative approach that combines
methyl. (B) Limitations of purely chemical C–H oxidation approaches in chemical and enzymatic C–H oxidations.

steviol. Prior investigations in this area (fig. S3) droxylate the C7 carbon from the b face en route bers (Fig. 2), suggesting this enzyme could be
to the construction of the enone functionality of useful for preparative-scale B-ring oxidation
have not resulted in the development of syn- platensimycin. If these enzymes have sufficient of ent-kauranes.
substrate promiscuity to accept steviol or ent-
thetically useful methods. Recent characteriza- kaurenoic acid as substrate and could do so Annotated as a class I P450, PtmO5 requires
with high reaction efficiency, they would com- a separate reductase partner to support its
tion of the platensimycin biosynthesis pathway prise ideal biocatalysts for use in our synthetic function. We have previously employed the
campaign. PtmO3 and PtmO6 are highly ho- CamA and CamB reductase system for the
has revealed the presence of several dedicated mologous (99% identical). However, the latter functional characterization of PtmO5 (19) but
ent-kaurane hydroxylases for selective C–H oxi- was better overproduced upon expression in found that this system gave very low reaction
dations (19, 20). Early in the pathway, a P450 Escherichia coli and was used exclusively in this conversion in whole-cell and lysate reactions.
monooxygenase, PtmO5, catalyzes a remote C–H work. Selective C7 hydroxylation of 9 and 13 This observation prompted us to examine alter-
hydroxylation at the C11 position of ent-kauranol, could be observed with high total turnover num- native reductase partners. Given prior successes
followed by an intramolecular cyclization to (21, 22), artificial fusion with a reductase

form the ether bridge. Next, two functionally
redundant a-ketoglutarate–dependent dioxy-
genases (Fe/aKGs), PtmO3 and PtmO6, hy-

Zhang et al., Science 369, 799–806 (2020) 14 August 2020 2 of 7


Fig. 2. Discovery of three enzymes, PtmO6, PtmO5-RhFRed, and BM3 MERO1 M177A, for site-selective oxidations at C7, C11, and C2, respectively. Plasmid
construction (fig. S4) and reaction conditions are in the supplementary materials. ^Performed by coexpressing PtmO5-RhFRed, Opt13, and GroES and GroEL in
a single E. coli C41(DE3) strain.

partner were deemed as a particularly viable ery identified a solution for the A-ring oxida- a b-disposed leaving group at C6 by the C19 acid
solution. Among the chimeras tested, PtmO5- tion problem. was pursued. a-Oxidation with pyridinium tri-
RhFRed, generated by linking PtmO5 with the bromide was found to elicit simultaneous intra-
reductase domain of P450RhF, provided the Chemoenzymatic synthesis of oxidized
most promising outcome in the hydroxyl- ent-kauranes molecular lactonization by the C19 acid, thereby
ation of 9 and 13. Further coexpression of completing the synthesis of 21 in five steps.
PtmO5-RhFRed, GroES and GroEL chaperone, Preliminary substrate scope examination of
and the phosphite dehydrogenase Opt13 for PtmO6, PtmO5-RhFRed, and BM3 MERO1 To access fujenoic acid (23), a net 10-electron
NADPH (reduced form of nicotinamide adenine M177A (fig. S6) suggested that they can accept oxidation needed to be carried out on the B
dinucleotide phosphate) regeneration in a other ent-kaurane and ent-atisane substrates
single E. coli C41(DE3) strain allowed selective bearing alternative functional group arrange- ring of the scaffold. Chemical methods for
C11 hydroxylation of 9 to be attained with 88% ments. This observation, in combination with a-hydroxy ketone synthesis were initially at-
isolated yield on a preparative scale. the promiscuity of many other bacterial oxy- tempted on 20, but we found that PtmO6 can
genases (17, 28), suggested that they could be install the C6 alcohol with superior yield. Oxi-
Variants of P450BM3 have proven to be useful for divergent synthesis. We initially dative cleavage of the C6–C7 bond with NaIO4,
highly effective biocatalysts for selective oxi- targeted three ent-kauranes that would re- followed by hemiketal oxidation with Dess-
dations of readily available terpene scaffolds quire the use of only remote B-ring oxida- Martin Periodinane (DMP), furnished 23 in
(fig. S5) (23), including the A-ring oxidation tion (Fig. 3): mitrekaurenone (21), fujenoic seven steps from 9. Pharboside aglycone (25),
of decalin-containing terpenes (24–27). Fur- acid (23), and pharboside aglycone (25). These by contrast, contains a b-disposed syn-diol motif
thermore, they have been shown to exhibit ex- three molecules contain different oxidation at C6 and C7. Although 22 could potentially be a
ceptional substrate promiscuity and excellent states and stereochemical configurations at viable synthetic intermediate, the conversion
evolvability for new reactions. On the basis of C6 and C7, and their divergent synthesis would of its a-hydroxy ketone functionality to the
these precedents, we postulated that some of provide an ideal test bed for the synthetic desired diol motif would require a difficult
these variants would be capable of perform- versatility of biocatalytic oxidation with PtmO6.
ing similar oxidation on 9 or 13. To test this Steviol (9) was first converted to ent-kaurenoic reduction from the more hindered face. As an
hypothesis, we conducted preliminary screen- acid (13) through a two-step protocol involving alternative, the 2° alcohol of methyl ester 24
ing of P450BM3 alanine-scanning variants in brominative displacement of the 3° alcohol and was dehydrated to the corresponding olefin with
our enzyme library (27) for the hydroxylation radical dehalogenation. The use of PtmO6 on Burgess reagent, thereby allowing the C6,C7 syn-
of 9 or 13. No hydroxylation activity could be 13 allowed selective installation of a 2° alco- diol motif to be introduced by dihydroxylation.
observed with 9, but oxidized product(s) were hol at C7, delivering the product as a single The use of OsO4 and N-methylmorpholine N-
formed from 13 with some of the variants diastereomer with good conversion and yield. oxide (NMO) simultaneously converted the two
tested. Variant BM3 MERO1 M177A in par- This transformation could be carried out rout- olefins to the corresponding syn-diol units and
ticular produced the C2-hydroxylated product inely on gram scale using clarified lysate of completed the synthesis of 25 in six steps from
18 selectively without any overoxidation or E. coli cells expressing PtmO6. Conversion steviol.
formation of C16–C17 epoxide side product. of alcohol 15 to the corresponding ketone
These results demonstrate the ready tunability (20) was accomplished by treatment with Next, we sought to demonstrate the utility of
of these oxidation biocatalysts to achieve se- DMP. Introduction of the C6 a-OH of mitre- our strategy in the preparation of ent-kauranes
lective reaction in the presence of other reac- kaurenone would require oxidation from the that contain oxidations on multiple rings
tive functional group(s), a notable advantage more hindered face of the skeleton. Thus, a (Fig. 4), such as rosthornins B (3) and C (30)
over chemical oxidation methods. This discov- strategy featuring an SN2-type displacement of and fischericin B (2). These targets were
chosen to highlight how multiple enzymatic

hydroxylation reactions could be combined

together or used strategically in combination
with the concept of innate and guided C–H

Zhang et al., Science 369, 799–806 (2020) 14 August 2020 3 of 7


Fig. 3. Application of PtmO6 in the chemoenzymatic total synthesis of mitrekaurenone (21), responding bromide for subsequent radical
fujenoic acid (23), and pharboside aglycone (25). Reaction conditions are in the supplementary debromination. As a workaround, the free acid
materials. aKG, a-ketoglutaric acid; DMP, Dess-Martin Periodinane; MeI, iodomethane; Burgess, methyl of 31 was first methylated and a Barton deoxy-
N-(triethylammoniumsulfonyl)carbamate. genation was performed on its C13 tertiary
alcohol. The key hypoiodite-mediated C20
functionalization logic (15). Access to 3 and 30 carboxylic acid needed to be reduced to the functionalization under Suarez conditions
from steviol would require hydroxylation at C7 (13, 29) cleanly delivered iodoaldehyde 35,
and C11 with PtmO6 and PtmO5-RhFRed, re- alcohol without concomitant removal of the which could be further oxidized and subjected
duction of the carboxylic acid at C19, and in- acetate group at C11. This was achieved by first to intramolecular ring closure to complete our
troduction of a carbonyl group at C15. To synthesis of fischericin B (2) in just nine steps.
install the two alcohols at C7 and C11, a strat- converting the acid to the corresponding acyl
egic decision had to be made in terms of the imidazole (28), followed by treatment with Oxidation-enabled skeletal rearrangement to
ordering of the two enzymatic hydroxylation NaBH4, which also led to concomitant reduc- ent-atisane and ent-trachylobane
steps. Performing C11 hydroxylation before C7 tion of the C7 ketone to the a-disposed alco-
hydroxylation would necessitate nontrivial dif- hol. Installation of the enone unit on the D Access to minimally oxidized ent-atisane and
ferentiation between the two alcohols for sub- ring by selective C15–OH oxidation with SeO2 ent-trachylobane skeletons commenced from
sequent acetylation at C11 and stereochemical and 2-iodoxybenzoic acid (IBX) completed the isosteviol (36), an ent-beyerane available in
inversion at C7. Conversely, oxidation at C7 synthesis of rosthornin C (30) in seven steps one step through acid-catalyzed degradation
before that at C11 would allow the use of a overall. Finally, conversion of 30 to rosthornin and rearrangement of stevioside (Fig. 5A). Ex-
carbonyl motif at C7 as a “masking” group for B (3) could be effected by selective acetylation ecution of our synthetic blueprint required the
the C7 a-OH and minimize potential chemo- of the primary alcohol at C19. installation of a functional group at C12 that is
selectivity issues in subsequent manipulations. suited for subsequent carbocation generation.
We found that ketone 26, accessed in two steps Fischericin B (2) contains a caged ether We envisioned first C11 hydroxylation of 36
from 9 by PtmO6 hydroxylation and pyridinium motif that is reminiscent of platensimycin with PtmO5-RhFRed, followed by a C11-to-C12
dichromate (PDC) oxidation, could undergo a transposition of the resulting alcohol. Hydrox-
regioselective hydroxylation at C11 with PtmO5- and a bridging lactone ring between C19 and ylation of isosteviol with PtmO5-RhFRed un-
RhFRed, albeit with only moderate conversion. C20. Synthesis of 2 would thus provide an expectedly proceeded at its C12 carbon instead
Using lysates of E. coli expressing PtmO5-RhFRed opportunity to develop a hybrid strategy that of C11, thereby obviating the need for any fur-
and Opt13, C11 hydroxylation of 26 could be combines enzymatic hydroxylation at C11 and ther functional group interconversions. Fur-
carried out with 65% isolated yield. The use of alkoxy radical–based C–H functionalization at thermore, this reaction proceeded with high
Ac2O and 4-dimethylaminopyridine (DMAP) C20. Our synthesis commenced with PtmO5- conversion and yield and could be carried out
allowed selective acetylation of the C11 alco- catalyzed C11 hydroxylation of 9. Using infor- routinely on a multigram scale in a single pass.
hol without any undesired side reaction with mation gleaned from prior biosynthetic studies The unexpected switch in regioselectivity could
the 3° alcohol at C13. At this stage, the C19 of platensimycin (19), the hydroxylated product be rationalized by the difference in C-ring
could be treated with strong acidic conditions conformation of ent-kaurane and ent-beyerane.
PtmO5 oxidizes the axial C11 b-H of its native
to construct the desired caged ether motif. In substrate. By contrast, the equivalent C11
the presence of this motif, the C13 tertiary b-H on 36 adopts an equatorial config-
uration and is therefore inaccessible for ab-
alcohol proved inert to conversion to the cor- straction by the active Fe(IV)-oxo species.
Instead, C–H abstraction takes place at the
adjacent axial C12 b-H. Treatment of 37 with
trifluoromethanesulfonic acid (TfOH) initi-
ated the intended Wagner–Meerwein rear-
rangement, delivering 38, which contains the
requisite ent-atisane [2.2.2] C- and D-ring bi-
cycle. Access to ent-trachylobane skeleton from
38 required the formation of a new C–C bond
between C13 and C16. Examination of several
different methods (30) to forge this bond led
to the discovery of a reductive rearrangement
in the presence of boron trifluoride diethyl
etherate (BF3•Et2O) and triethylsilane (Et3SiH),
which afforded an ent-trachylobane product
40 from 39 in 61% yield after recycling three
times. We propose that this rearrangement pro-
ceeds by means of ionization of C13 alcohol,
followed by formation of a nonclassical carbo-
cation and selective reductive quenching at
C15. Overall, this synthetic sequence provides
rapid and controlled access to ent-atisane and
ent-trachylobane frameworks from isosteviol in
two and four steps, respectively, and is made
possible by the use of PtmO5-catalyzed hy-
droxylation of 36.

Zhang et al., Science 369, 799–806 (2020) 14 August 2020 4 of 7


Fig. 4. Application of PtmO5-RhFRed in the chemoenzymatic total triphenylphosphine; imid., imidazole; TBHP, tert-butyl hydrogen
synthesis of rosthornins B (3) and C (30) and fischericin B (2). peroxide; IBX, 2-iodoxybenzoic acid; HAT, hydrogen atom transfer;
(A and B) Reaction conditions are in the supplementary materials. TFA, trifluoroacetic acid; DIBAL, diisobutyl aluminum hydride; PIDA,
PDC, pyridinium dichromate; Ac2O, acetic anhydride; PPh3, phenyliodine(III) diacetate.

Zhang et al., Science 369, 799–806 (2020) 14 August 2020 5 of 7


Preliminary investigation suggests that enzymatic hydroxylation (Fig. 5B). It can un- C7–OH afforded ketone 42, which represents
dergo oxidation at C7 with PtmO6 and is hy- a potential intermediate toward spiramilactone
38, bearing high structural resemblance to droxylated in a more efficient fashion than its C (5). In an alternative sequence, 38 could first
the native ent–atiserenoic acid precursor of C13-deoxy counterpart. Wolff-Kishner deoxyge- be oxidized at C2 with BM3 MERO1 M177A to
plantensin (6, 20), is a useful intermediate for nation of C13 ketone and PDC oxidation of acid 43 without any observable epoxidation
accessing more oxidized ent-atisanes through

Fig. 5. Chemoenzymatic synthesis of complex ent-atisanes and ent-trachylobanes site-selective oxidations of 38 using PtmO6 and BM3 MERO1 M177A. (C) Divergent
through abiotic skeletal rearrangement and hybrid oxidative approach. chemoenzymatic total synthesis of the mitrephorones starting from 40. Reaction
(A) Conversion of isosteviol (36) to ent-atisane and ent-trachylobane products conditions are in the supplementary materials. TfOH, trifluoromethanesulfonic acid;
by site-selective C12 hydroxylation and carbocationic rearrangements. (B) Further BF3•Et2O, boron trifluoride diethyl etherate; Et3SiH, triethylsilane.

Zhang et al., Science 369, 799–806 (2020) 14 August 2020 6 of 7


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We thank P. S. Baran, R. A. Shenvi, T. J. Maimone, and K. M. Engle
for useful discussions. Funding: This work is supported, in part,
by the National Institutes of Health Grant GM134954 (B.S.),
GM128895 (H.R.), and GM124461 (J.D.R.). Author contributions:
X.Z. and H.R. conceived of the work. X.Z., E.K.-S., L.-B.D.,
L.-C.Y., and J.D.R. designed and executed experiments. B.S.
and H.R. provided insight and direction for experimental design.
Competing interests: PtmO3, PtmO5, and PtmO6 are gene
products of the platensimycin and platencin biosynthetic gene
cluster included in U.S. patent no. 8,652,838, for which B.S. is a
patent holder. Data and materials availability: All data are
available in the main text or the supplementary materials.

Materials and Methods
Figs. S1 to S7
Tables S1 to S19
References (40–59)
MDAR Reproducibility Checklist
Spectral Data

20 March 2020; accepted 19 June 2020

Zhang et al., Science 369, 799–806 (2020) 14 August 2020 7 of 7


CORONAVIRUS other immunotherapeutic interventions. To
facilitate the preclinical evaluation of vaccine
DNA vaccine protection against SARS-CoV-2 in candidates, we recently developed a rhesus
macaque model of SARS-CoV-2 infection
rhesus macaques (9). In the present study, we constructed a set
of prototype DNA vaccines expressing various
Jingyou Yu1*, Lisa H. Tostanoski1*, Lauren Peter1*, Noe B. Mercado1*, Katherine McMahan1*, forms of the SARS-CoV-2 spike (S) protein
Shant H. Mahrokhian1*, Joseph P. Nkolola1*, Jinyan Liu1*, Zhenfeng Li1*, Abishek Chandrashekar1*, and assessed their immunogenicity and pro-
David R. Martinez2, Carolin Loos3, Caroline Atyeo3, Stephanie Fischinger3, John S. Burke3, tective efficacy against SARS-CoV-2 viral chal-
Matthew D. Slein3, Yuezhou Chen4, Adam Zuiani4, Felipe J. N. Lelis4, Meghan Travers4, lenge in rhesus macaques.
Shaghayegh Habibi4, Laurent Pessaint5, Alex Van Ry5, Kelvin Blade5, Renita Brown5, Anthony Cook5,
Brad Finneyfrock5, Alan Dodson5, Elyse Teow5, Jason Velasco5, Roland Zahn6, Frank Wegmann6, Construction and immunogenicity of DNA
Esther A. Bondzie1, Gabriel Dagotto1, Makda S. Gebre1, Xuan He1, Catherine Jacob-Dolan1, vaccine candidates
Marinela Kirilova1, Nicole Kordana1, Zijin Lin1, Lori F. Maxfield1, Felix Nampanya1,
Ramya Nityanandam1, John D. Ventura1, Huahua Wan1, Yongfei Cai7, Bing Chen7,8, We produced a series of prototype DNA vac-
Aaron G. Schmidt3,8, Duane R. Wesemann4,8, Ralph S. Baric2, Galit Alter3,8, Hanne Andersen5, cines expressing six variants of the SARS-CoV-2
Mark G. Lewis5, Dan H. Barouch1,3,8† S protein: (i) full length (S), (ii) deletion of the
cytoplasmic tail (S.dCT) (10), (iii) deletion of
The global coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic caused by severe acute respiratory the transmembrane domain and cytoplasmic
syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has made the development of a vaccine a top biomedical tail reflecting the soluble ectodomain (S.dTM)
priority. In this study, we developed a series of DNA vaccine candidates expressing different forms (10), (iv) S1 domain with a foldon trimerization
of the SARS-CoV-2 spike (S) protein and evaluated them in 35 rhesus macaques. Vaccinated tag (S1), (v) receptor-binding domain with a
animals developed humoral and cellular immune responses, including neutralizing antibody titers at foldon trimerization tag (RBD), and (vi) a
levels comparable to those found in convalescent humans and macaques infected with SARS-CoV-2. prefusion-stabilized soluble ectodomain with
After vaccination, all animals were challenged with SARS-CoV-2, and the vaccine encoding the deletion of the furin cleavage site, two proline
full-length S protein resulted in >3.1 and >3.7 log10 reductions in median viral loads in mutations, and a foldon trimerization tag
bronchoalveolar lavage and nasal mucosa, respectively, as compared with viral loads in sham (S.dTM.PP) (11–13) (Fig. 1A). Western blot
controls. Vaccine-elicited neutralizing antibody titers correlated with protective efficacy, suggesting analyses confirmed expression in cell lysates
an immune correlate of protection. These data demonstrate vaccine protection against SARS-CoV-2 for all constructs and in culture supernatants
in nonhuman primates. for the soluble S.dTM and S.dTM.PP constructs
(Fig. 1, B and C). Proteolytic cleavage of the
T he coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) (SARS-CoV-2) a critical global priority (1–8). secreted protein was noted for S.dTM but not
pandemic has made the development of Our current understanding of immune cor- S.dTM.PP, presumably as a result of mutation
a safe, effective, and deployable vaccine relates of protection against SARS-CoV-2 of the furin cleavage site in S.dTM.PP.
to protect against infection with severe is limited but will be essential to enable the
acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 development of SARS-CoV-2 vaccines and We immunized 35 adult rhesus macaques
(6 to 12 years old) with DNA vaccines in the
following groups: S (N = 4), S.dCT (N = 4),
S.dTM (N = 4), S1 (N = 4), RBD (N = 4), S.dTM.

Fig. 1. Construction of candidate DNA vaccines against SARS-
CoV-2. (A) Six DNA vaccines were produced expressing different
SARS-CoV-2 spike (S) variants: (i) full length (S), (ii) deletion of the
cytoplasmic tail (S.dCT), (iii) deletion of the transmembrane (TM)
domain and cytoplasmic tail (CT) reflecting the soluble
ectodomain (S.dTM), (iv) S1 domain with a foldon trimerization
tag (S1), (v) receptor-binding domain with a foldon trimerization tag
(RBD), and (vi) prefusion-stabilized soluble ectodomain with deletion
of the furin cleavage site, two proline mutations, and a foldon
trimerization tag (S.dTM.PP). Open squares depict foldon
trimerization tags; red lines depict proline mutations.
(B) Western blot analyses for expression from DNA vaccines
encoding S (lane 1), S.dCT (lane 2), S.dTM (lane 3), and S.dTM.
PP (lane 4) in cell lysates and culture supernatants using an
anti-SARS polyclonal antibody (BEI Resources). (C) Western blot
analyses for expression from DNA vaccines encoding S1 (lane 1)
and RBD (lane 2) in cell lysates using an anti–SARS-CoV-2 RBD
polyclonal antibody (Sino Biological).

1Center for Virology and Vaccine Research, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA 02215, USA. 2Department of Epidemiology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,
Chapel Hill, NC 27599, USA. 3Ragon Institute of MGH, MIT, and Harvard, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. 4Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA 02115, USA. 5Bioqual, Rockville, MD
20852, USA. 6Janssen Vaccines & Prevention BV, Leiden, Netherlands. 7Children’s Hospital, Boston, MA 02115, USA. 8Massachusetts Consortium on Pathogen Readiness, Boston, MA 02215, USA.

*These authors contributed equally to this work.

†Corresponding author. Email: [email protected]

Yu et al., Science 369, 806–811 (2020) 14 August 2020 1 of 6


Fig. 2. Humoral immune responses in vaccinated rhesus macaques. (A to dependent NK cell activation (IFN-g secretion, CD107a degranulation, and MIP-
C) Humoral immune responses were assessed after immunization by (A) binding 1b expression) are shown. Radar plots show the distribution of antibody features
antibody ELISA, (B) pseudovirus neutralization assays, and (C) live virus across the vaccine groups. The size and color intensity of the wedges indicate the
neutralization assays. (D) Comparison of pseudovirus neutralization titers in median of the feature for the corresponding group (blue depicts antibody
vaccinated macaques (all animals as well as the S and S.dCT groups), a cohort functions; red depicts antibody isotype, subclass, and FcgR binding). The principal
of 9 convalescent macaques, and a cohort of 27 convalescent humans from components analysis (PCA) plot shows the multivariate antibody profiles across
Boston, United States, who had recovered from SARS-CoV-2 infection. groups. Each dot represents an animal, the color of the dot denotes the group,
NHP, nonhuman primates. (E) S- and RBD-specific antibody-dependent neutrophil and the ellipses show the distribution of the groups as 70% confidence levels
phagocytosis (ADNP), antibody-dependent complement deposition (ADCD), assuming a multivariate normal distribution. In the dot plots above, red bars reflect
antibody-dependent monocyte cellular phagocytosis (ADCP), and antibody- median responses, and dotted lines reflect assay limits of quantitation.

Yu et al., Science 369, 806–811 (2020) 14 August 2020 2 of 6


Fig. 3. Cellular immune responses in vaccinated rhesus macaques.
At week 5 after immunization, cellular immune responses were
assessed by (A) IFN-g ELISPOT assays and (B) IFN-g+ and (C) IL-4+
intracellular cytokine staining assays for CD4+ and CD8+ T cells in
response to pooled S peptides. Red bars reflect median responses;
dotted lines reflect assay limits of quantitation.

PP (N = 5), and sham controls (N = 10). with more distinct profiles in the S and RBD in S-vaccinated animals compared with sham
Animals received 5-mg DNA vaccines by the groups (Fig. 2E). controls (P = 0.04, two-sided Mann-Whitney
intramuscular route without adjuvant at weeks 0 test) (fig. S5).
and 3. After the boost immunization at week 5, We also observed cellular immune responses
we observed S-specific binding antibodies by to pooled S peptides in most vaccinated We speculated that a substantial fraction of
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) animals by IFN-g enzyme-linked immuno- viral RNA in BAL and NS after challenge rep-
(Fig. 2A) and neutralizing antibodies (NAbs) sorbent spot (ELISPOT) assays at week 5 resented input challenge virus. Therefore,
by both a pseudovirus neutralization assay (10) (Fig. 3A). Intracellular cytokine staining as- we also assessed levels of subgenomic mRNA
(Fig. 2B) and a live virus neutralization assay says at week 5 demonstrated induction of (sgmRNA), which are believed to reflect viral
(14, 15) (Fig. 2C). As determined by ELISA, two S-specific IFN-g+ CD4+ and CD8+ T cell re- replication cellular intermediates that are not
animals had binding antibodies at baseline, sponses, with lower responses induced by packaged into virions, and thus putative rep-
which might reflect cross-reactivity of other the shorter S1 and RBD immunogens (Fig. licating virus in cells (18). High levels of sgmRNA
natural primate coronaviruses. NAb titers mea- 3B). S-specific IL-4+ CD4+ and CD8+ T cell were observed in the sham controls (Fig. 4A)
sured by the pseudovirus neutralization assay responses were marginal (Fig. 3C), suggest- with a median peak of 5.35 (range = 3.97 to
correlated with NAb titers measured by the ing induction of T helper 1 (TH1)–biased cel- 6.95) log10 sgmRNA copies/ml in BAL and
live virus neutralization assay (P < 0.0001, R = lular immune responses. 6.40 (range = 4.91 to 7.01) log10 sgmRNA
0.8052, two-sided Spearman rank-correlation copies per swab in NS. Peak viral loads oc-
test; fig. S1). Moreover, NAb titers in the vac- Protective efficacy against curred variably on days 1 to 4 after challenge.
cinated macaques (median titer = 74; median SARS-CoV-2 challenge Markedly lower levels of sgmRNA were ob-
titer in the S and S.dCT groups = 170) were served in the vaccine groups (Fig. 4, B and
comparable in magnitude to NAb titers in At week 6, which was 3 weeks after the boost C), including >3.1 and >3.7 log10 decreases
a cohort of 9 convalescent macaques (me- immunization, all animals were challenged of median peak sgmRNA in BAL and NS, re-
dian titer = 106) and a cohort of 27 con- with 1.2 × 108 virus particles (VPs) [1.1 × 104 spectively, in S-vaccinated animals compared
valescent humans (median titer = 93) who plaque-forming units (PFUs)] of SARS-CoV-2, with sham controls (P = 0.03 and 0.01, two-
had recovered from SARS-CoV-2 infection administered as 1 ml by the intranasal route sided Mann-Whitney tests) (Fig. 4D). Re-
(Fig. 2D). and 1 ml by the intratracheal route. After duced levels of sgmRNA were also observed
challenge, we assessed viral RNA levels by in other vaccine groups, including S.dCT, S1,
S-specific and RBD-specific antibodies in reverse transcription polymerase chain reac- RBD, and S.dTM.PP, although minimal to no
the vaccinated macaques included diverse tion (17) in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) and protection was seen in the S.dTM group, con-
subclasses and effector functions, including nasal swabs (NS). Viral RNA was negative in firming the importance of prefusion ectodo-
antibody-dependent neutrophil phagocytosis plasma, and animals exhibited only mild clin- main stabilization, as reported previously
(ADNP), antibody-dependent complement ical symptoms. High levels of viral RNA were (13). Protection was generally more robust in
deposition (ADCD), antibody-dependent mono- observed in the sham controls, with a median BAL compared with NS, particularly for the
cyte cellular phagocytosis (ADCP), and antibody- peak of 6.46 (range = 4.81 to 7.99) log10 RNA less immunogenic constructs. A total of 8 of
dependent natural killer (NK) cell activation copies/ml in BAL and a median peak of 6.82 25 vaccinated animals exhibited no detect-
[interferon-g (IFN-g) secretion, CD107a de- (range = 5.96 to 7.96) log10 RNA copies/swab able sgmRNA in BAL and NS at any time
granulation, and MIP-1b expression] (16) (Fig. in NS (fig. S2). Lower levels of viral RNA were point after challenge.
2E). A trend toward higher ADCD responses observed in the vaccine groups (figs. S3 and
was observed in the S and S.dCT groups, S4), including 1.92 and 2.16 log10 reductions Immune correlates of
whereas higher NK cell activation was ob- of median peak viral RNA in BAL and NS, re- vaccine-induced protection
served in the RBD and S.dTM.PP groups. A spectively, in S-vaccinated animals compared
principal components analysis of the func- with sham controls (P = 0.02 and 0.04, two- The variability in protective efficacy in this
tional and biophysical antibody features sided Mann-Whitney tests) (fig. S5). Viral RNA study facilitated an analysis of immune corre-
showed overlap of the different vaccine groups, assays were confirmed by PFU assays, which lates of protection. The log10 pseudovirus NAb
similarly showed lower infectious virus titers titer at week 5 inversely correlated with peak

Yu et al., Science 369, 806–811 (2020) 14 August 2020 3 of 6


Fig. 4. Viral loads in rhesus macaques challenged with SARS-CoV-2 virus. time points after challenge. (B) Log10 sgmRNA copies per milliliter in BAL and
(C) log10 sgmRNA copies per swab in NS in vaccinated animals at multiple time
Rhesus macaques were challenged via the intranasal and intratracheal routes points after challenge. (D) Summary of peak viral loads in BAL and NS after
with 1.2 × 108 VPs (1.1 × 104 PFUs) of SARS-CoV-2. (A) Log10 sgmRNA challenge. Peak viral loads occurred variably on days 1 to 4 after challenge. Red
copies per milliliter or copies per swab (limit 50 copies) were assessed in lines reflect median viral loads. P values indicate two-sided Mann-Whitney tests.

bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) and nasal swabs (NS) in sham controls at multiple

log10 sgmRNA in both BAL (P < 0.0001, R = squares regression analysis showed that using cluding increased ELISA titers (fig. S10), pseu-
−0.6877, two-sided Spearman rank-correlation two features improved the correlations with dovirus NAb titers (fig. S11), live virus NAb
test) and NS (P = 0.0199, R = −0.4162) (Fig. 5A). protection, such as RBD-specific FcgR2a-1 bind- titers (fig. S12), and IFN-g ELISPOT responses
Similarly, the log10 live virus NAb titer at week 5 ing with ADCD responses or NAb titers with (fig. S13) on day 14 after challenge. These data
inversely correlated with peak log10 sgmRNA RBD-specific IgG2 responses (Fig. 5C, bottom suggest that vaccine protection was probably
levels in both BAL (P < 0.0001, R = −0.7702) and left). Moreover, NAb titers correlated with most not sterilizing (including in the 8 of 25 animals
NS (P = 0.1006, R = −0.3360) (Fig. 5B). These antibody effector functions, except for antibody- that had no detectable sgmRNA in BAL and
data suggest that vaccine-elicited serum NAb mediated NK cell activation (Fig. 5C, bottom NS at any time point after challenge) but rather
titers may be immune correlates of protection right). Taken together, these data suggest that was likely mediated by rapid virologic control
against SARS-CoV-2 challenge. We speculate NAbs have a primary role in protecting against after challenge.
that correlations were more robust with viral SARS-CoV-2, supported by certain innate im-
loads in BAL compared with viral loads in NS, mune effector functions such as ADCD. Discussion
due to intrinsic variability of collecting swabs.
The log10 ELISA titer at week 5 also inversely Finally, we compared antibody parameters A safe and effective SARS-CoV-2 vaccine may
correlated with peak log10 sgmRNA levels in vaccinated animals that were completely be required to end the global COVID-19 pan-
in BAL (P = 0.0041, R = −0.4733) (fig. S6). protected (defined as no detectable sgmRNA demic. Several vaccine candidates have ini-
Vaccine-elicited ELISPOT responses (fig. S7), after challenge) with those in vaccinated ani- tiated clinical testing, and many others are in
CD4+ intracellular cytokine staining (ICS) re- mals that were partially protected (defined preclinical development (19, 20). However, very
sponses (fig. S8), and CD8+ ICS responses (fig. as detectable sgmRNA after challenge). Log10 little is currently known about immune corre-
S9) did not correlate with protection. NAb titers (P = 0.0004, two-sided Mann- lates of protection and protective efficacy of
Whitney test), RBD-specific ADCD responses candidate SARS-CoV-2 vaccines in animal
We next explored the potential contribution (P = 0.0001), S-specific RBD responses (P = models. In this study, we generated a series
of other antibody effector functions to immune 0.0010), and RBD-specific ADCP responses of prototype DNA vaccines expressing var-
correlates of protection. In addition to NAb (P = 0.0005) were higher in completely pro- ious S immunogens and assessed protective
titers, S- and RBD-specific ADCD responses tected animals than in partially protected ani- efficacy against intranasal and intratracheal
inversely correlated with peak log10 sgmRNA mals (Fig. 5D). SARS-CoV-2 challenge in rhesus macaques.
levels in BAL (Fig. 5C, top). Two orthogonal We demonstrated vaccine protection with
unbiased machine learning approaches were Anamnestic immune responses substantial >3.1 and >3.7 log10 reductions in
then used to define minimal combined corre- after challenge median viral loads in BAL and NS, respec-
lates of protection. A nonlinear random forest tively, in S-immunized animals compared
regression analysis and a linear partial least All animals exhibited anamnestic humoral and with sham controls. Protection was likely
cellular immune responses after challenge, in-

Yu et al., Science 369, 806–811 (2020) 14 August 2020 4 of 6


not sterilizing but instead appeared to be tory syndrome (MERS) vaccine protection for efficacy in humans. Our data suggest
mediated by rapid immunologic control after in mice, ferrets, and macaques (10, 21–24). that vaccine protection against SARS-CoV-2
challenge. Phase 1 clinical studies for SARS and MERS in macaques is feasible. We observed a marked
vaccine candidates have also been conducted reduction of viral replication in both the up-
Our data extend the findings of previous (25), but these vaccines have not been tested per respiratory tract and the lower respiratory
studies on SARS and Middle East respira-

Fig. 5. Immune correlates of protection. (A and B) Correlations of (A) predictive combination or individual antibody features for partial least squares
pseudovirus NAb titers and (B) live NAb titers before challenge with log peak regression (PLSR) and random forest regression (RFR). Error bars indicate
sgmRNA copies per milliliter in BAL or log peak sgmRNA copies per swab in SEs. The correlation heatmap (bottom right) represents pairwise Pearson
nasal swabs after challenge. Red lines reflect the best-fit relationship between correlations between features across all animals. (D) The heatmap (top) shows
these variables. P and R values reflect two-sided Spearman rank-correlation the difference in the means of the z-scored features between the completely
tests. (C) The heatmap (top) shows the Spearman and Pearson correlations protected and partially protected animals (**q < 0.01 with Benjamini-Hochberg
between antibody features and log10 peak sgmRNA copies per milliliter in BAL correction for multiple testing). The dot plots show differences in log10 NAb
(*q < 0.05, **q < 0.01, ***q < 0.001 with Benjamini-Hochberg correction for titers, RBD-specific ADCD responses, S-specific ADCD responses, and RBD-
multiple testing). The bar graph (bottom left) shows the rank of the Pearson specific ADCP responses between the completely protected and partially
correlation between cross-validated model predictions and data using the most protected animals. P values indicate two-sided Mann-Whitney tests.

Yu et al., Science 369, 806–811 (2020) 14 August 2020 5 of 6


tract with the optimal vaccines. By contrast, anatomic compartments will be necessary 28. L. Liu et al., JCI Insight 4, e123158 (2019).
the less immunogenic vaccines, such as S.dTM, for pandemic control, although protection in 29. B. S. Graham, Science 368, 945–946 (2020).
showed partial protection in BAL but essen- the upper respiratory tract may be more
tially no protection in NS. These data suggest difficult to achieve. If this NAb correlate ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
that it may be easier to protect against lower proves generalizable across multiple vaccine
respiratory tract disease than against upper studies in both nonhuman primates and hu- We thank D. Lauffenburger, T. Orekov, A. Thomas, M. Porto,
respiratory tract disease. In the present study, mans, then this parameter would be a simple N. Thornburg, P. Abbink, E. Borducchi, M. Silva, A. Richardson,
optimal protection was achieved with the full- and useful benchmark for clinical develop- C. Caron, and J. Cwiak for advice, assistance, and reagents.
length S immunogen in both the upper and ment of SARS-CoV-2 vaccines. Innate immune Funding: We acknowledge support from the Ragon Institute of
lower respiratory tracts, and reduced protec- effector functions such as ADCD may also MGH, MIT, and Harvard; the Mark and Lisa Schwartz Foundation;
tion was observed with soluble constructs and contribute to protective efficacy. In summary, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center; the Massachusetts
smaller fragments. Our study did not address we demonstrate effective vaccine protec- Consortium on Pathogen Readiness (MassCPR); Janssen
the question of whether emerging mutations tion against SARS-CoV-2 in rhesus macaques Vaccines & Prevention BV; and the National Institutes of Health
in the SARS-CoV-2 S sequence mediate escape and define NAb titers as an immune corre- (OD024917, AI129797, AI124377, AI128751, and AI126603 to
from NAb responses induced by immuno- late of protection, which will accelerate the D.H.B.; AI007151 to D.R.M.; AI146779 to A.G.S.; AI121394 and
gens designed from the Wuhan/WIV04/2019 development of SARS-CoV-2 vaccines for AI139538 to D.R.W.; and 272201700036I-0-759301900131-1,
sequence. humans. AI100625, AI110700, AI132178, AI149644, and AI108197 to
R.S.B.). We also acknowledge a Burroughs Wellcome Fund
Further research will need to address the REFERENCES AND NOTES Postdoctoral Enrichment Program Award to D.R.M. Author
durability of protective immunity and the contributions: D.H.B. designed the study. J.Y., L.H.T., L.P.,
optimal platforms for a SARS-CoV-2 vac- 1. F. Wu et al., Nature 579, 265–269 (2020). N.B.M., K.M., S.H.M., J.P.N., J.L., Z.Li, A.C., E.A.B., G.D., M.S.G.,
cine for humans (26). Although our data are 2. P. Zhou et al., Nature 579, 270–273 (2020). X.H., C.J.-D., M.K., N.K., Z.Lin, L.F.M., F.N., R.N., J.V., and H.W.
restricted to DNA vaccines, our findings 3. M. L. Holshue et al., N. Engl. J. Med. 382, 929–936 performed the immunologic and virologic assays. D.R.M.
may be generalizable to other gene-based and R.S.B. performed the live virus neutralization assays. C.L.,
vaccines as well, including RNA vaccines (2020). C.A., S.F., J.S.B., M.D.S., and G.A. performed the systems
and recombinant vector-based vaccines. Ad- 4. Q. Li et al., N. Engl. J. Med. 382, 1199–1207 (2020). serology. Y.C., A.Z., F.J.N.L., M.T., S.H., and D.R.W. provided
ditional research should also evaluate vaccine 5. N. Zhu et al., N. Engl. J. Med. 382, 727–733 (2020). the convalescent human specimens. L.P., A.V.R., K.B., R.B.,
immunogenicity and protective efficacy in 6. N. Chen et al., Lancet 395, 507–513 (2020). A.C., B.F., A.D., E.T., J.D.V., H.A., and M.G.L. led the clinical care
older animals. Future studies should also 7. C. Huang et al., Lancet 395, 497–506 (2020). of the animals. R.Z. and F.W. participated in study design
address the question of enhanced respira- 8. J. F. Chan et al., Lancet 395, 514–523 (2020). and interpretation of data. Y.C., B.C., and A.G.S. provided
tory disease, which may result from antibody- 9. A. Chandrashekar et al., Science 369, 812–817 (2020). purified proteins. D.H.B., J.L., Z.Li, and B.C. designed the
dependent enhancement (27–29). Although 10. Z. Y. Yang et al., Nature 428, 561–564 (2004). immunogens. D.H.B. wrote the paper with all coauthors.
our study was not designed to examine safety 11. R. N. Kirchdoerfer et al., Nature 531, 118–121 (2016). Competing interests: D.H.B. is a co-inventor on related vaccine
issues, it is worth noting that the DNA vac- 12. J. Pallesen et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 114, patents. R.Z. and F.W. are employees of Janssen Vaccines &
cines induced TH1 rather than TH2 responses, Prevention BV. The other authors declare no competing
and we did not observe enhanced clinical E7348–E7357 (2017). interests. Data and materials availability: All data are available
disease even with the suboptimal vaccine 13. D. Wrapp et al., Science 367, 1260–1263 (2020). in the manuscript or the supplementary materials. This
constructs that failed to protect against 14. T. Scobey et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 110, 16157–16162 work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
infection. International (CC BY 4.0) license, which permits unrestricted
(2013). use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided
We identified serum NAb titers, as mea- 15. B. Yount et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 100, 12995–13000 the original work is properly cited. To view a copy of this
sured by two independent assays (pseudovirus license, visit
neutralization and live virus neutralization), (2003). This license does not apply to figures/photos/artwork or
as a significant correlate of protection against 16. A. W. Chung et al., Cell 163, 988–998 (2015). other content included in the article that is credited to
disease of both the lower and upper respira- 17. P. Abbink et al., Science 365, 1029–1033 (2019). a third party; obtain authorization from the rights holder
tory tracts. It is likely that protection in both 18. R. Wölfel et al., Nature 581, 465–469 (2020). before using such material.
19. Q. Gao et al., Science 369, 77–81 (2020).
20. B. L. Corey, J. R. Mascola, A. S. Fauci, F. S. Collins, Science SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS

368, 948–950 (2020).
21. R. Liu et al., Antiviral Res. 150, 30–38 (2018). Materials and Methods
22. K. Muthumani et al., Sci. Transl. Med. 7, 301ra132 (2015). Figs. S1 to S13
23. G. P. Kobinger et al., Vaccine 25, 5220–5231 (2007). References
24. J. Zhou et al., Vaccine 23, 3202–3209 (2005).
25. J. E. Martin et al., Vaccine 26, 6338–6343 (2008). View/request a protocol for this paper from Bio-protocol.
26. P. Abbink et al., Sci. Transl. Med. 9, eaao4163 (2017).
27. C. T. Tseng et al., PLOS ONE 7, e35421 (2012). 5 May 2020; accepted 16 May 2020
Published online 20 May 2020

Yu et al., Science 369, 806–811 (2020) 14 August 2020 6 of 6


CORONAVIRUS el of SARS-CoV-2 infection and assessed viro-
logic, immunologic, and pathologic features
SARS-CoV-2 infection protects against rechallenge in of infection, as well as protective immunity
against rechallenge.
rhesus macaques
Virology and immunology of SARS-CoV-2
Abishek Chandrashekar1*, Jinyan Liu1*, Amanda J. Martinot1,2*, Katherine McMahan1*, infection in rhesus macaques
Noe B. Mercado1*, Lauren Peter1*, Lisa H. Tostanoski1*, Jingyou Yu1*, Zoltan Maliga3,
Michael Nekorchuk4, Kathleen Busman-Sahay4, Margaret Terry4, Linda M. Wrijil2, Sarah Ducat2, We inoculated nine adult rhesus macaques
David R. Martinez5, Caroline Atyeo3,6, Stephanie Fischinger6, John S. Burke6, Matthew D. Slein6, (6 to 12 years of age) with a total of 1.1 × 106
Laurent Pessaint7, Alex Van Ry7, Jack Greenhouse7, Tammy Taylor7, Kelvin Blade7, Anthony Cook7, plaque-forming units (PFU) (Group 1; N = 3),
Brad Finneyfrock7, Renita Brown7, Elyse Teow7, Jason Velasco7, Roland Zahn8, Frank Wegmann8, 1.1 × 105 PFU (Group 2; N = 3), or 1.1 × 104
Peter Abbink1, Esther A. Bondzie1, Gabriel Dagotto1,3, Makda S. Gebre1,3, Xuan He1, PFU (Group 3; N = 3) of SARS-CoV-2 admin-
Catherine Jacob-Dolan1,3, Nicole Kordana1, Zhenfeng Li1, Michelle A. Lifton1, Shant H. Mahrokhian1, istered as 1 ml by the intranasal (IN) route and
Lori F. Maxfield1, Ramya Nityanandam1, Joseph P. Nkolola1, Aaron G. Schmidt6,9, Andrew D. Miller10, 1 ml by the intratracheal (IT) route. After viral
Ralph S. Baric5, Galit Alter6,9, Peter K. Sorger3, Jacob D. Estes4, Hanne Andersen7, challenge, we assessed viral RNA levels by re-
Mark G. Lewis7, Dan H. Barouch1,6,9† verse transcription polymerase chain reaction
(RT-PCR) in multiple anatomic compartments.
An understanding of protective immunity to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is We observed high levels of viral RNA in bron-
critical for vaccine and public health strategies aimed at ending the global coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) choalveolar lavage (BAL) (Fig. 1A) and nasal
pandemic. A key unanswered question is whether infection with SARS-CoV-2 results in protective immunity swabs (NS) (Fig. 1B), with a median peak of
against reexposure. We developed a rhesus macaque model of SARS-CoV-2 infection and observed that 6.56 (range 5.32 to 8.97) log10 RNA copies/ml
macaques had high viral loads in the upper and lower respiratory tract, humoral and cellular immune responses, in BAL and a median peak of 7.00 (range 5.06
and pathologic evidence of viral pneumonia. After the initial viral clearance, animals were rechallenged with to 8.55) log10 RNA copies/swab in NS. Viral
SARS-CoV-2 and showed 5 log10 reductions in median viral loads in bronchoalveolar lavage and nasal mucosa RNA in NS increased in all animals from day 1
compared with after the primary infection. Anamnestic immune responses after rechallenge suggested that to day 2, suggesting viral replication. Viral
protection was mediated by immunologic control. These data show that SARS-CoV-2 infection induced RNA peaked on day 2 and typically resolved
protective immunity against reexposure in nonhuman primates. by day 10 to day 14 in BAL and by day 21 to
day 28 in NS. After day 2, viral loads in BAL
T he explosive spread of the coronavirus limited. In particular, it is not yet known and NS appeared comparable in all groups
disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has whether SARS-CoV-2 infection induces natu- regardless of dose. Viral RNA was undetec-
made the development of countermeasures ral immunity that protects against reexposure table in plasma (fig. S1). Animals exhibited
an urgent global priority (1–8). However, in humans. Such information is critical for modestly decreased appetite and responsive-
our understanding of the immunopatho- vaccine strategies, epidemiologic modeling, ness suggestive of mild clinical disease (fig. S2),
genesis of severe acute respiratory syndrome and public health approaches. To explore this as well as mild transient neutropenia and lym-
coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is currently very question, we developed a rhesus macaque mod- phopenia in the high-dose group (fig. S3), but
fever, weight loss, respiratory distress, and mor-
tality were not observed.

Fig. 1. Viral loads in SARS-CoV-2–challenged A Log RNA Copies / ml Log RNA Copies / ml Log RNA Copies / ml
rhesus macaques. Rhesus macaques were
inoculated by the IN and IT routes with
1.1 × 106 PFU (Group 1; N = 3), 1.1 × 105 PFU 777
(Group 2; N = 3), or 1.1 × 104 PFU (Group 3;
N = 3) of SARS-CoV-2. (A) Log10 viral RNA 555
copies/ml (limit 50 copies/ml) were assessed
in BAL at multiple time points after challenge. 333

(B and C) Log10 viral RNA copies/swab (B) 1 2 4 7 10 14 21 1 2 4 7 10 14 21 1 2 4 7 10 14 21
and log10 sgmRNA copies/swab (limit 50 copies/
swab) (C) were assessed in NS at multiple B
time points after challenge. Red horizontal bars
99 9
reflect median viral loads. Log RNA Copies / Swab Log RNA Copies / Swab Log RNA Copies / Swab
77 7

55 5

33 3

0 1 2 4 7 10 14 21 28 35 0 1 2 4 7 10 14 21 28 35 0 1 2 4 7 10 14 21 28 35


Log sgmRNA Copies / Swab 999 Log sgmRNA Copies / Swab Log sgmRNA Copies / Swab




1247 1247 1247

Chandrashekar et al., Science 369, 812–817 (2020) 14 August 2020 1 of 7


To help differentiate input challenge virus ing virus in cells (9). Compared with total viral We next evaluated SARS-CoV-2–specific hu-
from newly replicating virus, we developed RNA (Fig. 1B), sgmRNA levels were lower in moral and cellular immune responses in these
an RT-PCR assay to assess E gene subgenomic NS on day 1, with a median of 5.11 (range <1.70 animals. All nine macaques developed binding
mRNA (sgmRNA), which reflects viral replica- to 5.94) log10 sgmRNA copies/swab, but then antibody responses to the SARS-CoV-2 spike
tion cellular intermediates that are not packaged increased by day 2 to a median of 6.50 (range (S) protein by ELISA (Fig. 2A) and neutralizing
into virions and thus represent putative replicat- 4.16 to 7.81) log10 sgmRNA copies/swab (Fig. 1C). antibody (NAb) responses using both a pseu-

A ELISA Titer Group 1 ELISA Titer 10000 Group 2 ELISA Titer 10000 Group 3 IgG1D 1000000 ADCD 200000
10000 1000 1000 150000
1000 0 35 100 0 35 100 0 35 100000 100000
100 10 10 10000
10 Group 1 50000

B 1000 RBD S N 0 RBD S N
15000 40000
IgG2 10000 ADCP 30000
5000 20000

Pseudovirus NAb Titer 0 RBD S N 0 RBD S N
20000 30000
Pseudovirus NAb Titer Group 2 Pseudovirus NAb Titer Group 3 IgG3 15000 ADNP 20000
10000 10000
1000 1000

100 100 100 0 RBD S N 0
15000 RBD
10000 8
10 10 10 IgA NK CD107a
1000 1000 5000 6
C 0 35 0 35 0 35
1000 Group 1 Group 2 Group 3

0 RBD S N 0 S N
150000 RBD


Virus NAb Titer FcR2A IgM 100000 NK MIP1β 10

Virus NAb Titer Virus NAb Titer 50000 5

100 100 100 0 RBD S N 0
10 14 35 10 14 35 10 0 14 35 2500000 NK IFNγ 2.0 S N
0 0 1000 2000000 1.5 S N
Group 3 1500000 1.0
E 1000000 0.5
1000 0.0

Group 1 Group 2


SFC / 106 PBMC 100 100 SFC / 106 PBMC SFC / 106 PBMC 100

10 0 35 10 10 0 35
0 35
F Group 1 Group 3
% IFN+ / CD8+ CD3+ T Cells % IFN+ / CD4+ CD3+ T Cells % IFN+ / CD8+ CD3+ T Cells % IFN+ / CD4+ CD3+ T Cells Group 2 % IFN+ / CD8+ CD3+ T Cells % IFN+ / CD4+ CD3+ T Cells 0.5 Fig. 2. Immune responses in SARS-CoV-2–challenged rhesus
0.5 0 35 0.4 0 35 macaques. (A to D) Humoral immune responses were assessed
0.4 0.5 0.3 after challenge by binding antibody ELISA (A), pseudovirus
0.3 0 35 0.2 0 35 neutralization assays (B), live virus neutralization assays (C),
0.2 0.4 0.1 and systems serology profiles (D) including antibody subclasses
0.1 0.0 and effector functions to RBD, soluble S ectodomain, and N
0.0 0.3 proteins on day 35. Antibody-dependent complement deposition,
antibody-dependent cellular phagocytosis, antibody-dependent
0.5 0.2 neutrophil phagocytosis, and NK CD107a and cytokine secretion
0.4 (NK MIP1b, NK IFNg) are shown. (E and F) Cellular immune
0.3 0.1 responses were also assessed after challenge by IFNg ELISPOT
0.2 assays (E) and multiparameter intracellular cytokine-staining
0.1 0.0 35 assays (F) in response to pooled S peptides. Red horizontal bars
0.0 0 reflect mean responses.

0.5 0.5

0.4 0.4

0.3 0.3

0.2 0.2

0.1 0.1

0.0 0.0
0 35

Days Following Challenge

1Center for Virology and Vaccine Research, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA 02215, USA. 2Tufts University Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine,
North Grafton, MA 01536, USA. 3Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA 02115, USA. 4Oregon Health & Sciences University, Beaverton, OR 97006, USA. 5University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill,
NC 27599, USA. 6Ragon Institute of MGH, MIT, and Harvard, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. 7Bioqual, Rockville, MD 20852, USA. 8Janssen Vaccines & Prevention BV, Leiden, Netherlands.
9Massachusetts Consortium on Pathogen Readiness, Boston, MA 02215, USA. 10Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine, Ithaca, NY 14853, USA.

*These authors contributed equally to this work.

†Corresponding author. Email: [email protected]

Chandrashekar et al., Science 369, 812–817 (2020) 14 August 2020 2 of 7




Fig. 3. SARS-CoV-2 induces acute viral interstitial pneumonia. (A to interstitial spaces, including a viral syncytial cell within the lumen (G) and virus-
F) Hematoxylin and eosin–stained sections of fixed lung tissue from SARS-CoV-2– infected alveolar lining cells (H). (I) Inflammatory infiltrate showing multiple cells
infected rhesus macaques 2 days after challenge showing interstitial edema and containing SARS-CoV-2 RNA by RNAscope in situ hybridization. (J to L) Bronchial
regional lung consolidation (A), intra-alveolar edema and infiltrates of neutrophils respiratory epithelium showing inflammation within the submucosa and transmigra-
(B), bronchiolar epithelial sloughing and necrosis [(C) and (D)], bronchiolar tion of inflammatory cells into the ciliated columnar respiratory epithelium of a
epithelial syncytial cell formation (E), and hyaline membranes within alveolar septa bronchus (J), SARS-CoV-2 RNA (K), and SARS-N (L). Scale bars: (A), 200 mm; (C), (I),
(F). (G and H) Immunohistochemistry for SARS-N showing virus-infected cells within (K), and (L), 100 mm; (G), 50 mm; (B), (D), (E), (F), and (J), 20 mm; (H), 10 mm.

dovirus neutralization assay (10) (Fig. 2B) and says demonstrated induction of both S-specific Upper airway mucosae, trachea, and lungs
a live virus neutralization assay (11, 12) (Fig. 2C). CD8+ and CD4+ T cell responses (Fig. 2F). were paraformaldehyde fixed, paraffin embed-
NAb titers of ~100 were observed in all animals ded, and evaluated by histopathology. On day 2
on day 35 regardless of dose group (range 83 SARS CoV-2 infection induces acute viral after challenge, both necropsied animals dem-
to 197 by the pseudovirus neutralization assay interstitial pneumonia in rhesus macaques onstrated multifocal regions of inflammation
and 35 to 326 by the live virus neutralization and evidence of viral pneumonia, including ex-
assay). Antibody responses of multiple sub- Only limited pathology data from SARS-CoV- pansion of alveolar septae with mononuclear
classes were observed against the receptor 2–infected humans are currently available. To cell infiltrates, consolidation, and edema (Fig. 3,
binding domain (RBD), the prefusion S ecto- assess the pathologic characteristics of SARS- A and B). Regions with edema also contained
domain (S), and the nucleocapsid (N), and CoV-2 infection in rhesus macaques, we ino- numerous polymorphonuclear cells, predomi-
antibodies exhibited diverse effector functions, culated four animals with 1.1 × 105 PFU of virus by nantly neutrophils. Terminal bronchiolar epi-
including antibody-dependent complement the IN and IT routes as above and necropsied thelium was necrotic and sloughed with clumps
deposition, antibody-dependent cellular phago- them on day 2 (N = 2) and day 4 (N = 2) after of epithelial cells detected within airways and
cytosis, antibody-dependent neutrophil phago- challenge. Multiple regions of the upper respira- distally within alveolar spaces (Fig. 3, C and
cytosis, and antibody-dependent natural killer tory tract, lower respiratory tract, gastrointestinal D), with formation of occasional bronchiolar
(NK) cell degranulation (NK CD107a) and cyto- tract, lymph nodes, and other organs were epithelial syncytial cells (Fig. 3E). Hyaline mem-
kine secretion [NK macrophage inflammatory harvested for virologic and pathologic analyses. branes were occasionally observed within alveo-
protein 1b (MIP1b), NK interferon g (IFNg)] (13) High levels of viral RNA were observed in all lar septa, consistent with damage to type I and
(Fig. 2D). Cellular immune responses to pooled nasal mucosa, pharynx, trachea, and lung tissues, type II pneumocytes (Fig. 3F). Diffusely reac-
S peptides were observed in most animals by and lower levels of virus were found in the tive alveolar macrophages filled alveoli, and
IFNg ELISPOT assays on day 35, with a trend gastrointestinal tract, liver, and kidney (fig. S4). some were multinucleated and labeled posi-
toward lower responses in the lower-dose groups Viral RNA was readily detected in paratracheal tive for nucleocapsid by immunohistochemis-
(Fig. 2E). Intracellular cytokine-staining as- lymph nodes but was only sporadically found try (Fig. 3G). Alveolar lining cells (pneumocytes)
in distal lymph nodes and spleen (fig. S4).

Chandrashekar et al., Science 369, 812–817 (2020) 14 August 2020 3 of 7


5000 µm 1000 µm F 200 µm 20 µm SARS-N


CD68 Iba-1 CD206

200 µm 50 µm

Fig. 4. SARS-CoV-2 infects alveolar epithelial cells in rhesus macaques. Shown magnification image of inset box in (B) showing SARS-N (green) and cell nuclei (blue).
is CyCIF staining of fixed lung tissue from SARS-CoV-2–infected rhesus macaques (D) Bright-field immunohistochemistry for SARS-N from corresponding lung region
2 days after challenge. (A) Whole-slide image of a lung stained with Hoechst 33342 depicted in (C). (E to K) CyCIF staining for DNA (all panels, blue) and SARS-N [(E), (F),
to visualize cell nuclei (grayscale); regions of nuclear consolidation (arrows) and and (H) to (K), green], CD206 [(E) and (K), magenta], pan-CK [(G) and (H), red],
foci of viral replication (box) are highlighted. (B) Higher-magnification image of inset CD68 [(I), yellow], or Iba-1 [(J), grayscale] showing virus-infected epithelial cells and
box in (A) showing staining for SARS-N (green) and cell nuclei (grayscale). (C) Higher- macrophages near an infected epithelial cell. Scale bar for (F) to (K), 50 mm.

also prominently labeled positive for nucleo- transmigration of inflammatory cells into bron- cells were randomly dispersed throughout the
capsid (Fig. 3H). chiole lumen (Fig. 3J). Ciliated epithelial cells lung and were variably associated with inflam-
also stained positive for both SARS-CoV-2 RNA matory infiltrates (Fig. 4, A to D). Some areas
Multifocal clusters of virus-infected cells were (Fig. 3K) and SARS nucleocapsid (SARS-N) of parenchymal consolidation and inflamma-
present throughout the lung parenchyma, as (Fig. 3L). By day 4 after infection, the extent of tion contained little to no virus (Fig. 4A, ar-
detected by immunohistochemistry and in situ inflammation and viral pneumonia had di- rows, and fig. S8). Virus-infected cells frequently
RNA hybridization (RNAscope) (14, 15) (Fig. 3I). minished, but virus was still detected in lung costained with pan-cytokeratin (Fig. 4, E to H),
Both positive-sense and negative-sense viral parenchyma, and neutrophil infiltration and suggesting that they were alveolar epithelial
RNA were observed by RNAscope (fig. S5), type 1 IFN responses persisted (fig. S7). cells (pneumocytes). Uninfected Iba-1+ CD68+
suggesting viral replication in lung tissue. CD206+ activated macrophages were also fre-
The dense inflammatory infiltrates included To further characterize infected tissues, we quently detected adjacent to virally infected
polymorphonuclear cells detected by endogenous performed cyclic immunofluorescence (CyCIF) epithelial cells (Fig. 4, E and I to K). These data
myeloperoxidase staining, CD68+ and CD163+ imaging, a method for multiplex immunophe- demonstrate that SARS-CoV-2 induced multi-
macrophages, CD4+ and CD8+ T lymphocytes, notyping of paraformaldehyde-fixed tissue spe- focal areas of acute inflammation and viral
and diffuse up-regulation of the type 1 IFN cimens (16). Tissues were stained for SARS-N, pneumonia involving infected pneumocytes,
gene MX1 (fig. S6). SARS-CoV-2 infection led pan-cytokeratin (to identify epithelial cells), ciliated bronchial epithelial cells, and likely
to a significant increase in polymorphonuclear Iba-1 (ionized calcium-binding adaptor as a other cell types.
cell infiltration of lung alveoli compared with pan-macrophage marker), CD68 (monocyte and
uninfected animals (P = 0.0286), as well as macrophage marker), and CD206 (macrophage Protective efficacy against rechallenge with
extensive MX1 staining in ~30% of total lung marker), in addition to a panel of markers to SARS-CoV-2 in rhesus macaques
tissue (P = 0.0286) (fig. S7). Inflammatory identify other immune cells and anatomical
infiltrates were also detected in the respiratory structures (table S1) and counterstaining for On day 35 after initial viral infection (Figs. 1 and
epithelial submucosa of larger airways, with DNA to label all nuclei. Foci of virus-infected 2), all nine rhesus macaques were rechallenged

Chandrashekar et al., Science 369, 812–817 (2020) 14 August 2020 4 of 7

RESEARCH | RESEARCH ARTICLE Fig. 5. Viral loads after SARS-CoV-2 rechallenge in
Chandrashekar et al., Science 369, 812–817 (2020) 14 August 2020 rhesus macaques. On day 35 after the initial infection
(Fig. 1), rhesus macaques were rechallenged by
the IN and IT routes with 1.1 × 106 PFU (Group 1;
N = 3), 1.1 × 105 PFU (Group 2; N = 3), or 1.1 × 104
PFU (Group 3; N = 3) of SARS-CoV-2. Three naïve
animals were included as a positive control in the
rechallenge experiment. (A) Log10 viral RNA copies/ml
(limit 50 copies/ml) were assessed in BAL at
multiple time points after rechallenge. One of the
naïve animals could not be lavaged. (B) Comparison
of viral RNA in BAL after primary challenge and
rechallenge. (C and E) Log10 viral RNA copies/ml (C)
and log10 sgmRNA copies/swab (limit 50 copies/ml)
(E) were assessed in NS at multiple time points
after rechallenge. (D and F) Comparison of viral RNA
(D) and sgmRNA (F) in NS after primary challenge and
rechallenge. Red horizontal bars reflect median viral
loads. P values reflect two-sided Mann-Whitney tests.

with the same doses of SARS-CoV-2 that were
used for the primary infection, namely 1.1 × 106
PFU (Group 1; N = 3), 1.1 × 105 PFU (Group 2;
N = 3), or 1.1 × 104 PFU (Group 3; N = 3). Three
naïve animals were included as positive con-
trols in the rechallenge experiment. Very lim-
ited viral RNA was observed in BAL on day 1
after rechallenge in two Group 1 animals and
in one Group 2 animal, with no viral RNA
detected at subsequent time points (Fig. 5A).
By contrast, high levels of viral RNA were
observed in the concurrently challenged naïve
animals (Fig. 5A), as expected. Median peak
viral loads in BAL were >5.1 log10 lower after
rechallenge compared with after the primary
challenge (P < 0.0001, two-sided Mann-Whitney
test; Fig. 5B). After rechallenge, viral RNA was
higher in NS compared with BAL but exhib-
ited dose dependence and rapid decline (Fig.
5C), and median peak viral loads in NS were
still >1.7 log10 compared with after the primary
challenge (P = 0.0011, two-sided Mann-Whitney
test; Fig. 5D).

We speculated that most of the virus de-
tected in NS after rechallenge was input chal-
lenge virus, so sgmRNA levels in NS were
assessed. Low but detectable levels of sgmRNA
were still observed in four of nine animals in
NS on day 1 after rechallenge, but sgmRNA
levels declined quickly (Fig. 5E) and median
peak sgmRNA levels in NS were >4.8 log10
lower after rechallenge compared with after
the primary challenge (P = 0.0003, two-sided
Mann-Whitney test; Fig. 5F). Consistent with
these data, plaque assays in BAL and NS sam-
ples after rechallenge showed no recoverable
virus and plaque levels were lower than those
after the primary infection (P = 0.009 and P =
0.002, respectively, two-sided Mann-Whitney
tests; fig. S9). Moreover, little or no clinical

5 of 7


Fig. 6. Anamnestic immune responses after SARS-CoV-2 rechallenge in rhesus macaques. Results of ficacy against SARS-CoV-2 rechallenge. These
binding antibody ELISAs, pseudovirus neutralization assays, live virus neutralization assays, and IFNg data raise the possibility that immunologic ap-
ELISPOT assays are depicted before and 7 days after SARS-CoV-2 rechallenge. Red lines reflect mean proaches to the prevention and treatment of
responses. P values reflect two-sided Mann-Whitney tests. SARS-CoV-2 infection may in fact be possible.
However, it is critical to emphasize that there
disease was observed in the animals after re- upper and lower respiratory tract (Fig. 1) and are important differences between SARS-CoV-2
challenge (fig. S10). clear pathologic evidence of viral pneumonia infection in macaques and humans, with many
(Figs. 3 and 4). Histopathology, immunohisto- parameters still yet to be defined in both spe-
After SARS-CoV-2 rechallenge, animals ex- chemistry, RNAscope, and CyCIF imaging de- cies, so our data should be interpreted cautious-
hibited rapid anamnestic immune responses, monstrated multifocal clusters of virus-infected ly. Rigorous clinical studies will be required to
including increased virus-specific ELISA titers cells in areas of acute inflammation, with evi- determine whether SARS-CoV-2 infection ef-
(P = 0.0034, two-sided Mann-Whitney test), dence for virus infection of alveolar pneumo- fectively protects against SARS-CoV-2 reexpo-
pseudovirus NAb titers (P = 0.0003), and live cytes and ciliated bronchial epithelial cells. These sure in humans.
virus NAb titers (P = 0.0003), as well as a trend data suggest the utility of rhesus macaques as
toward increased IFN-g ELISPOT responses a model for testing vaccines and therapeu- REFERENCES AND NOTES
(P = 0.1837) by day 7 after rechallenge (Fig. 6). tics and for studying the immunopathogene-
In particular, NAb titers were markedly higher sis of SARS-CoV-2 infection, and our findings 1. F. Wu et al., Nature 579, 265–269 (2020).
on day 14 after rechallenge compared with complement and extend recently published 2. P. Zhou et al., Nature 579, 270–273 (2020).
day 14 after the primary challenge (P < 0.0001, data in cynomolgus macaques (20). However, 3. M. L. Holshue et al., N. Engl. J. Med. 382, 929–936 (2020).
two-sided Mann-Whitney test) (fig. S11). All neither nonhuman primate model led to respi- 4. Q. Li et al., N. Engl. J. Med. 382, 1199–1207 (2020).
animals developed anamnestic antibody re- ratory failure or mortality, so further research 5. N. Zhu et al., N. Engl. J. Med. 382, 727–733 (2020).
sponses after rechallenge regardless of the will be required to develop a model of severe 6. N. Chen et al., Lancet 395, 507–513 (2020).
presence or absence of residual viral RNA or COVID-19 disease. 7. C. Huang et al., Lancet 395, 497–506 (2020).
sgmRNA in BAL or NS, so we speculate that 8. J. F. Chan et al., Lancet 395, 514–523 (2020).
the protective efficacy against rechallenge was SARS-CoV-2 infection in rhesus macaques 9. R. Wölfel et al., Nature 581, 465–469 (2020).
mediated by rapid immunologic control. led to humoral and cellular immune responses 10. Z. Y. Yang et al., Nature 428, 561–564 (2004).
(Fig. 2) and provided protection against re- 11. T. Scobey et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 110, 16157–16162
Discussion challenge (Fig. 5). Residual low levels of sub-
genomic mRNA in nasal swabs in a subset of (2013).
Individuals who recover from certain viral in- animals (Fig. 5) and anamnestic immune re- 12. B. Yount et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 100, 12995–13000
fections typically develop virus-specific anti- sponses in all animals (Fig. 6) after SARS-CoV-2
body responses that provide robust protective rechallenge suggest that protection was medi- (2003).
immunity against reexposure, but some viruses, ated by immunologic control and likely was 13. A. W. Chung et al., Cell 163, 988–998 (2015).
such as HIV-1 (17), do not generate protective not sterilizing. 14. C. Deleage et al., JCI Insight 1, e87065 (2016).
natural immunity. Human challenge studies 15. C. Deleage et al., Pathog. Immun. 1, 68–106 (2016).
for the common cold coronavirus 229E have Given the near-complete protection in all 16. J. R. Lin et al., eLife 7, e31657 (2018).
suggested that there may be partial natural animals after SARS-CoV-2 rechallenge, we were 17. M. Altfeld et al., Nature 420, 434–439 (2002).
immunity (18). However, there are currently unable to determine immune correlates of pro- 18. K. A. Callow, H. F. Parry, M. Sergeant, D. A. Tyrrell, Epidemiol.
no data on whether humans who have recov- tection in this study. SARS-CoV-2 infection in
ered from SARS-CoV-2 infection are protected rhesus monkeys resulted in the induction of Infect. 105, 435–446 (1990).
from reexposure (19). This is a critical issue neutralizing antibody titers of ~100 as measured 19. World Health Organization, ‘Immunity passports’ in the context
with profound implications for vaccine devel- by both a pseudovirus neutralization assay and
opment, public health strategies, antibody- a live virus neutralization assay, but the relative of COVID-19, Scientific Brief, 24 April 2020; https://www.who.
based therapeutics, and epidemiologic modeling importance of neutralizing antibodies, other int/news-room/commentaries/detail/immunity-passports-in-
of herd immunity. In this study, we have de- functional antibodies, cellular immunity, and the-context-of-covid-19.
monstrated that SARS-CoV-2 infection in rhesus innate immunity to protective efficacy against 20. B. Rockx et al., Science 368, 1012–1015 (2020).
macaques provides protective efficacy against SARS-CoV-2 remains to be determined. More-
SARS-CoV-2 rechallenge. over, additional research will be required to ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
define the durability of natural immunity.
We developed a rhesus macaque model of We thank B. Walker, A. Chakraborty, K. Reeves, B. Chen,
SARS-CoV-2 infection that recapitulates many In summary, SARS-CoV-2 infection in rhesus J. Feldman, B. Hauser, T. Caradonna, S. Bondoc, C. Starke,
aspects of human SARS-CoV-2 infection, in- macaques induced humoral and cellular im- C. Jacobson, D. O’Connor, S. O’Connor, N. Thornburg, E. Borducchi,
cluding high levels of viral replication in the mune responses and provided protective ef- M. Silva, A. Richardson, C. Caron, and J. Cwiak for generous advice,
assistance, and reagents. Funding: We acknowledge support
from the Ragon Institute of MGH, MIT, and Harvard, Mark and
Lisa Schwartz Foundation, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center,
Massachusetts Consortium on Pathogen Readiness (MassCPR),
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (INV-006131), Janssen Vaccines &
Prevention BV, and the National Institutes of Health (OD024917,
AI129797, AI124377, AI128751, AI126603 to D.H.B.; AI135098 to
A.J.M.; AI007387 to L.H.T.; AI007151 to D.R.M.; AI146779 to A.G.S.;
272201700036I-0-759301900131-1, AI100625, AI110700, AI132178,
AI149644, AI108197 to R.S.B.; CA225088 to P.K.S.; and OD011092,
OD025002 to J.D.E.). We also acknowledge a Fast Grant, Emergent
Ventures, from the Mercatus Center at George Mason University, to
A.J.M. and a Burroughs Wellcome Fund Postdoctoral Enrichment
Program Award to D.R.M. Author contributions: D.H.B., H.A., and
M.G.L. designed the study. A.C., J.L., K.M., N.B.M., L.P., L.H.T., J.Y.,
P.A., E.A.B., G.D., M.S.G., X.H., C.J.-D., N.K., Z.L., M.A.L., L.F.M., and
J.P.N. performed the immunologic and virologic assays. A.J.M.,
Z.M., M.N., K.B.-S., M.T. L.M.W., S.D., A.D.M., P.K.S., and J.D.E.
performed the pathology studies. D.R.M. and R.S.B. performed the
live virus neutralization assays. C.A., S.F., J.S.B., M.D.S., and G.A.
performed the antibody phenotyping. L.P., A.V.R., J.G., T.T., K.B.,
A.C., B.F., R.B., E.T., J.V., H.A., and M.G.L. led the clinical care of
the animals and performed the virologic assays. R.Z. and F.W.
participated in study design and interpretation of data. A.G.S.
provided purified proteins. D.H.B. wrote the paper with input from
all authors. Competing interests: The authors declare no
competing financial interests. G.A. is an inventor on patent application
WO 2017/184733 A1 submitted by Massachusetts General
Hospital that covers systems serology. R.Z. and F.W. are
employees of Janssen Vaccines & Prevention BV. Data and
materials availability: All data are available in the manuscript

Chandrashekar et al., Science 369, 812–817 (2020) 14 August 2020 6 of 7


or the supplementary material. Virus stocks are available from other content included in the article that is credited to a third Table S1
D.H.B. under a material transfer agreement with Beth Israel party; obtain authorization from the rights holder before using Figs. S1 to S11
Deaconess Medical Center. This work is licensed under a Creative such material. References
Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS View/request a protocol for this paper from Bio-protocol.
medium, provided the original work is properly cited. To view a
copy of this license, visit Materials and Methods 26 April 2020; accepted 16 May 2020
by/4.0/. This license does not apply to figures, photos, artwork, or Published online 20 May 2020

Chandrashekar et al., Science 369, 812–817 (2020) 14 August 2020 7 of 7


◥ [WBC, (3.5 to 9.5) × 109/liter], lymphocyte
counts [LYMP, (1.1 to 3.4) × 109/liter], and
REPORT neutrophil counts [NEUT, (1.8 to 6.4) × 109/
liter] fluctuated within normal ranges. Com-
CORONAVIRUS pared with the baseline, a slight but significant
reduction in WBC and LYMP was observed
Primary exposure to SARS-CoV-2 protects against after the primary infection (Fig. 2F). On radio-
reinfection in rhesus macaques logical examination, bilateral obscured dia-
phragmatic surface and decreased transparency
Wei Deng1*, Linlin Bao1*, Jiangning Liu1*, Chong Xiao1*, Jiayi Liu2*, Jing Xue1*, Qi Lv1*, Feifei Qi1, of lung fields with a small patch shadow in the
Hong Gao1, Pin Yu1, Yanfeng Xu1, Yajin Qu1, Fengdi Li1, Zhiguang Xiang1, Haisheng Yu1, Shuran Gong1, left lower lobe were detected, indicating mild-
Mingya Liu1, Guanpeng Wang1, Shunyi Wang1, Zhiqi Song1, Ying Liu1, Wenjie Zhao1, Yunlin Han1, to-moderate interstitial infiltration in mon-
Linna Zhao1, Xing Liu1, Qiang Wei1, Chuan Qin1† keys with pneumonia (represented by M4 and
M6, Fig. 2G). Using necropsy specimens, we
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), which is caused by infection with the severe acute respiratory detected viral RNA copies in the M0 monkey
syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), has become a global pandemic. It is unclear whether at 5 dpi and the M1 monkey at 7 dpi in the
convalescing patients have a risk of reinfection. We generated a rhesus macaque model of SARS-CoV-2 nose (106 to 108 copies/ml), pharynx (104 to 106
infection that was characterized by interstitial pneumonia and systemic viral dissemination mainly in copies/ml), lung (103 to 107 copies/ml), and gut
the respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts. Rhesus macaques reinfected with the identical SARS-CoV-2 (104 to 106 copies/ml) (Fig. 3A, left panel). Hema-
strain during the early recovery phase of the initial SARS-CoV-2 infection did not show detectable toxylin and eosin (H&E) staining revealed a
viral dissemination, clinical manifestations of viral disease, or histopathological changes. Comparing the mild-to-moderate interstitial pneumonia char-
humoral and cellular immunity between primary infection and rechallenge revealed notably enhanced acterized by widened alveolar septa, increased
neutralizing antibody and immune responses. Our results suggest that primary SARS-CoV-2 exposure alveolar macrophages and lymphocytes in the
protects against subsequent reinfection in rhesus macaques. alveolar interstitium, and degenerated alveo-
lar epithelia; moreover, infiltrated inflamma-
C oronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), which the SARS-CoV-2 strain at 28 days post–initial tory cells were detected in the lungs of monkeys
is caused by the severe acute respiratory challenge (dpi). The remaining two monkeys with primary infection. Collagen fiber could also
syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), (M1 and M2) with primary infection were not be observed in the thickened alveolar intersti-
emerged in China and spread through- rechallenged and were used as the negative tium in M0 and M1 monkeys using modified
out the world, causing a global pandemic control of the rechallenge group. A healthy Masson’s trichrome stain at 5 or 7 dpi (Fig. 3B).
(1, 2). Some patients who were discharged with monkey (M0) was given an initial challenge as Furthermore, the trachea, tonsils, pulmonary
undetectable SARS-CoV-2 have reportedly had a model control of the second challenge. The lymph nodes, jejunum, and colon of the M0
a positive result upon subsequent tests (3–5). pathological changes with viral-dependent dis- and M1 monkeys exhibited inflammatory cell
Recently, SARS-CoV-2–specific neutralizing anti- tribution were compared using necropsy speci- infiltrations (fig. S1, left panel), as well as
bodies (NAbs) were detected around 10 to mens between two monkeys that underwent infiltration with abundant CD4+ T cells, CD8+
15 days after the onset of COVID-19 (6–8). The only the initial challenge (M0 at 5 dpi and M1 T cells, B cells, macrophages, and plasma cells
possibility that patients have a risk of “relapse” at 7 dpi) and two monkeys that underwent in lungs, as assessed using immunohisto-
or “reinfection” after recovery from the initial challenge–rechallenge (M3 and M5) at 5 days chemistry (IHC) (fig. S2). Viral-infected cells
infection has raised concern. In this study, we post-rechallenge (dpr, 33 dpi). Body weight, were mainly found in alveolar epithelia and
therefore used nonhuman primates to longi- rectal temperature, nasal/throat/anal swabs, macrophages by IHC on sequential sections
tudinally track the short-term infectious status hematological measurement, chest x-ray, virus (Fig. 3C), as well as in the trachea, tonsils,
from primary SARS-CoV-2 infection to rein- distribution, pathological changes, and the pulmonary lymph nodes, jejunum, and colon
fection by the same viral strain. analysis of immunocytes and binding and (fig. S1), confirming that SARS-CoV-2 caused
neutralizing antibodies were examined at COVID-19 in rhesus monkeys. Collectively,
Seven adult Chinese-origin rhesus macaques the designated time points (Fig. 1). Weight these data demonstrated that all seven mon-
(M0 to M6, 3 to 5 kg, 3 to 5 years of age) were loss ranging from 200 to 400 g was found in keys were successfully infected with SARS-
modeled for challenge–rechallenge observa- four monkeys that underwent the initial chal- CoV-2 and that the pathogenicity in monkeys
tions. Six monkeys (M1 to M6) were intra- lenge (4 of 7: M0, M1, M2, and M4) (Fig. 2A), is similar to that reported in recent studies
tracheally challenged with SARS-CoV-2 at 1 × whereas the rectal temperature was not in- (9–14).
106 50% tissue-culture infectious doses (TCID50). creased in any of the monkeys (0 of 7) (Fig. 2B).
After undergoing a mild-to-moderate course Reduced appetite and/or increased respira- By 15 dpi, the body weight of infected
of SARS-CoV-2 infection, and transitioning tion were common (6 of 7, with the exception monkeys (M2 to M6) had gradually increased
into the recovery stage from the primary infec- of M4) but emerged transiently and exhib- into the normal range (4 of 5, with the ex-
tion, four monkeys (M3 to M6) were rechal- ited a very short duration. Regarding viral ception of M4, Fig. 2A), and their rectal tem-
lenged intratracheally with the same dose of dissemination, the peak viral load (6.5 log10 perature was maintained within the normal
RNA copies/ml) in nasal swabs and pharyn- range (Fig. 2B). Moreover, the viral loads were
1Beijing Key Laboratory for Animal Models of Emerging and geal swabs was detected at 3 dpi, followed by negative in all nasopharyngeal and anal swabs
Remerging Infectious Diseases, NHC Key Laboratory of Human a gradual decline (Fig. 2, C and D). The peak (5 of 5, Fig. 2, C to E). As shown in Fig. 2F, the
Disease Comparative Medicine, Institute of Laboratory Animal viral load (5 log10 RNA copies/ml) in anal hematological changes remained relatively
Science, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and swabs was observed at 3 dpi, followed by a stable within the normal range. Chest x-rays
Comparative Medicine Center, Peking Union Medical College, linear decline to reach undetectable amounts returned to normal manifestation at 28 dpi
Beijing, China. 2Department of Radiology, Beijing Anzhen at 14 dpi (Fig. 2E). In all monkeys that received (represented by M4 and M6, Fig. 2G). These
Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing, China. the initial challenge, white blood cell count traits were similar to the hospital discharge
*These authors contributed equally to this work. criteria used for patients with COVID-19, includ-
†Corresponding author. Email: [email protected] ing absence of clinical symptoms, radiological

Deng et al., Science 369, 818–823 (2020) 14 August 2020 1 of 6


M1 M2 M3 M4

M3 M4 M5 M6 Euthanasia

SARS-CoV-2 M0 M5 M6 M0 M2
Initial Challenge M4
Initial Challenge Rechallenge

0 7 14 21 28 33 35 42 dpi (M1/M2/M3/M4/M5/M6)

Body weight 05 dpi (M0)
Body temperature
Nasal/Throat/Anal swabs 0 5 77 14 dpr (M3/M4/M5/M6)
Hematological changes

Virus distribution

Immunocytes detection

Anti-spike IgG titer
Neutralizing antibody titer

Fig. 1. Experimental design and sample collection. Seven adult Chinese- distribution and histopathological changes between the initially infected
origin rhesus macaques (M0 to M6) were enrolled in the current study. At the monkeys and the reinfected monkeys, two monkeys per group (M0 and M1
outset of this experiment, six monkeys (M1 to M6) were challenged in the initial infection group, M3 and M5 in the reinfection group) were
intratracheally with SARS-CoV-2 at 1 × 106 TCID50. After all the experimentally euthanized and necropsied at 5 dpi (M0), 7 dpi (M1), and 5 days post-
infected monkeys had recovered from the primary infection, four infected rechallenge (dpr) (M3 and M5), respectively. Body weight, body temperature,
monkeys (M3 to M6) were intratracheally rechallenged at 28 days post–initial nasal/throat/anal swabs, hematological changes, immunocytes, and specific
challenge (dpi) with the same dose of the SARS-CoV-2 strain, to ascertain the antibodies were measured over the short-term observation period. Two
possibility of reinfection. In addition, an uninfected monkey (M0) was also measurements of virus distribution and histopathology (H&E and IHC staining)
treated with SARS-CoV-2 as the model control of the second challenge, and were carried out at 5 dpi (M0), 7 dpi (M1), and 5 dpr (M3 and M5). Chest
a previously infected monkey (M2) was untreated in the rechallenge experiment x-ray and neutralizing antibody titers against SARS-CoV-2 were examined at
and was continuously monitored as the control animal. To compare the virus the indicated time points.

abnormalities, and twice-negative reverse E). Peripheral blood measurements revealed traits that comprehensively reflected the virus–
transcription–quantitative polymerase chain no significant fluctuation during the rechal- host interaction between the primary-challenge
reaction (RT-qPCR) results (15). Taken together, lenge stage (Fig. 2F). Moreover, we did not
our results suggest that monkeys that under- detect abnormalities by x-ray in the M4 and stage and the rechallenge stage in four mon-
went initial SARS-CoV-2 infection required M6 monkeys at 33 dpi (5 dpr, Fig. 2G). In
about 2 weeks to transition into the recovery necropsy specimens of the lungs and extra- keys (M3 to M6). First, the viral loads in naso-
stage (10, 16). pulmonary tissues of rechallenged monkeys
(M3 and M5 at 5 dpr), we found no detectable pharyngeal and anal swabs were much higher
At 28 dpi, four monkeys (M3 to M6) that viral RNA (Fig. 3A, right panel), no notable
underwent primary infection and recovery were pathological lesions (Fig. 3B and fig. S1, right at 5 or 7 dpi than they were at 5 or 7 dpr (Fig. 2,
rechallenged intratracheally with the same panel), no viral-infected cells (Fig. 3C and fig.
dose of an identical SARS-CoV-2 strain. The S1, right panel), and no immune cell infiltra- C to E, right panels). An increased WBC and
clinical tracking of the reinfection included tion (fig. S2). Therefore, the rhesus monkeys
examination of weight loss (Fig. 2A) and rec- that initially developed primary SARS-CoV-2 neutrophils were observed at 14 dpr compared
tal temperature (Fig. 2B). The rechallenged infection did not appear to be reinfected with
monkeys exhibited a transient increase in the identical SARS-CoV-2 strain during their with 14 dpi (Fig. 2F, right panel). Second, T and
temperature, which was not observed during early recovery stage. B cells from peripheral blood, including CD4+ T
the primary infection. Viral loads remained subsets [naïve CD4+ T cells (CD4+ TNaïve), cen-
negative over a 2-week intensive detection of To interpret the challenge–rechallenge dis- tral memory CD4+ T cells (CD4+ TCM), and
the virus in nasopharyngeal and anal swabs parity, we performed a comparison of the clin- effective memory CD4+ T cells (CD4+ TEM)],
after rechallenge with SARS-CoV-2 (Fig. 2, C to ical, pathological, viral, and immunological CD8+ T subsets (CD8+ TNaïve, CD8+ TCM, and
CD8+ TEM), memory B cells, and plasma cells
were relatively stable during the challenge–
rechallenge infectious stage. However, an in-
creased percentage of activated CD8+ T cells

from peripheral blood was observed at 14 dpi,

which was also found at 0 dpr compared with

Deng et al., Science 369, 818–823 (2020) 14 August 2020 2 of 6


M0 M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 ns dpi dpr ns
Rechallenge (28 dpi) 400
A Initial challenge Initial challenge ns ns 14 dpi/dpr
200 ns

Body Weight 0 0 200
(g) -200 -200 0

Clinical signs -200

-400 -400 -400

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 0 5 7

B Initial challenge Initial challenge Rechallenge (28 dpi) ns ns ns
40 40

Body temperature 39 39 39
38 38 38

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 0 5 7 14 dpi/dpr
*** *** ns
C Initial challenge Initial challenge Rechallenge (28 dpi) ns
10 10
Viral loads in nasal swabs 10
(log10 copies/mL)
88 8

66 6

44 4

22 2

Nasal/Throat/Anal swabs 00 0

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 0 5 7 14 dpi/dpr

D Initial challenge Initial challenge Rechallenge (28 dpi) ns *** *** ns
10 10
Viral loads in throat swabs 10
(log10 copies/mL)
88 8

66 6

44 4

22 2

00 0

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 0 5 7 14 dpi/dpr

E Initial challenge Initial challenge Rechallenge (28 dpi) ns ns ** ns
10 10
Viral loads in anal swabs 10
(log10 copies/mL)





0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 0 5 7 14 dpi/dpr

Hematological changes F Initial challenge Initial challenge Rechallenge (28 dpi) ns ns *** ** ** ns ns ns *
12 12
Cell Counts 10 WBC 12 WBC 10
(109 cells/L) 8 LYMP LYMP
6# NEUT 10 NEUT 8



2 2 2
# # 0

0 0

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 0 7 14 0 7 14 0 7 14 dpi/dpr

Days post-initial challenge (dpi) Days post-initial challenge (dpi) WBC LYMP NEUT

G M4 M6 33 dpi (5 dpr )
0 7 dpi 28 dpi 33 dpi (5 dpr) 0 7 dpi 28 dpi

Radiological changes

Deng et al., Science 369, 818–823 (2020) 14 August 2020 3 of 6


Fig. 2. Longitudinal tracking of clinical signs, viral replication, hematolog- (red circles, areas of interstitial infiltration and exudative lesion; red arrows,
ical changes, and radiological changes. (A and B) Clinical signs in each obscured diaphragmatic surface; blue circles and arrows, areas that have
monkey. Monkeys were examined daily for changes in body weight and rectal recovered from pneumonia). Four monkeys (M3 to M6) were rechallenged at
temperature over the observation period after the initial infection, followed 28 dpi (dotted line and shaded areas), and the results of the initial infection
by virus rechallenge. The changes in weight are expressed as body weight loss and rechallenge were compared in bar graphs. The bars represent the average
after primary infection. (C to E) Detection of viral RNA in nasal, throat, of four rechallenged animals at the indicated time points. The viral RNA
and anal swabs. The SARS-CoV-2 RNA was detected by quantitative RT–PCR in loads in nasal, throat, and anal swabs of rechallenged animals were significantly
the swabs from seven monkeys at the indicated time points. (F) Hematological lower than those of the initial infection, and significant hematological changes
changes, including WBC, LYMP, and NEUT counts in the peripheral blood, were observed between the primary and second challenges (unpaired t test,
were monitored. (G) Chest x-rays of animals at 0, 7, 28, and 33 dpi (5 dpr) dpi versus dpr, *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001; #P < 0.05 0 dpi versus
were examined, and representative images of M4 and M6 are shown 7 dpi). ns, not significant.

A M0 (5 dpi) M1 (7 dpi) M3 (5 dpr) M5 (5 dpr)

10 10
6Viral loads in tissues Viral loads in tissues 8
4 (log10 copies/mL) (log10 copies/mL)
2 6



Brain Eye Nose Pharynx Lung Gut Brain Eye Nose Pharynx Lung Gut
M0 (5 dpi) M5 (5 dpr ) M0 (5 dpi) M5 (5 dpr )
B Control C M0 (5 dpi)

H&E 100 Spike protein IHC 400 Spike protein IHC 400 Spike protein IHC 400

M0 (5 dpi) M0 (5 dpi) Control

H&E 400 CK7 IHC 400 CD68 IHC 400 Spike protein IHC 400

Masson 200

Fig. 3. Comparison of virus distribution and pathological changes between lesion including markedly widened alveolar septa and massive infiltrated
the primary challenge and rechallenge stages. (A) Detection of viral RNA in inflammatory cells was observed using H&E staining. A mild fibrosis was
the indicated organs (brain, eye, nose, pharynx, lung, and gut. Compared with clearly detected within widened alveolar septa using Masson staining. (C) IHC
M0 and M1 (at 5 or 7 dpi; primary infection stage), viral replication tested against the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 (7D2, gray frame), macrophages
negative in the indicated tissues from M3 and M5 (at 5 dpr; virus rechallenge (CD68, blue frame), or alveolar epithelial cells (CK7, green frame) are
stage). Using 10 copy equivalents of viral RNA as the limits of detection for visualized in parallel. The spike-positive cells overlapped with either alveolar
SARS-CoV-2, we detected tissues from 49 anatomical parts for qualifying epithelial cells or macrophages showing diffused interstitial pneumonia
virus-infected positivity. Fourteen tissues from the respiratory tract, three affected by SARS-CoV-2 invasion. In M5 (5 dpr), no marked pathological
tissues from the gut, and heart exhibited SARS-CoV-2–positive cells in both changes and virus distribution were detected by H&E staining, Masson
M0 and M1. SARS-CoV-2–positive cells were only observed in the left lower staining, or IHC, indicating that the interstitial lesions had completely
lung from M0 or in the right upper lung, upper accessory lung, skeletal recovered from the SARS-CoV-2 primary infection and were intact to
muscle, duodenum, and bladder from M1. The remaining tissues from 29 reinfection. The red rectangles indicate the areas of magnification. Scale bar
anatomical parts did not show SARS-CoV-2–positive cells, indicating that at 100× or 200× indicates 100 mm. Scale bar at 400× indicates 50 mm. Data
these tissues were intact from viral invasion. (B) In M0 (5 dpi), an interstitial are representative of three independent experiments.

Deng et al., Science 369, 818–823 (2020) 14 August 2020 4 of 6


0 dpi (Fig. 4A, rightmost panel). Regarding the 28 dpi or 0 dpr (Fig. 4C). Moreover, the specific peared that an increased number of neutral-
izing antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 were
immune responses from lymph nodes, an in- antibody titers were much higher at 14 dpr induced by cellular or humoral immunity fa-
creased percentage of CD4+ TCM cells and de- compared to 14 dpi (Fig. 4C, right panel). As cilitated by the primary infection, which might
creased percentage of CD4+ TNaive cells and have protected the same nonhuman primates
memory B cells from lymph nodes were ob- shown in Fig. 4D, the average titers of neu- against reinfection in the short term. However,
tralizing antibodies exhibited a linear enhance- factors that are directly correlated to protection
served at 5 dpr compared with 5 dpi (Fig. 4B). are yet to be fully elucidated. Further studies
ment at the time of rechallenge (28 dpi; range, of passive transfer of convalescent sera from
Third, the specific antibody titers against the 1:8 to 1:20 in all monkeys). We observed an this model to a naïve macaque, or CD8+ T cell
enhanced activation of CD8+ T cells from pe-
SARS-CoV-2 spike increased gradually, lead- ripheral blood, and changes in CD4+ TCM cells
and memory B cells from lymph nodes. It ap-
ing to a significantly higher titer at 21 dpi than

at 3 dpi and 42 dpi (14 dpr) compared with

A CD4+ TNaïve CD4+ TNaïve CD8+ TNaïve CD8+ TNaïve Memory B Memory B HLA-DR+CD38+ HLA-DR+CD38+
CD4+ TCM dpi CD4+ TCM dpr CD8+ TCM dpi CD8+ TCM dpr dpi dpr HLA-DR+CD38+PD-1+ dpi HLA-DR+CD38+PD-1+ dpr
Plasma cells Plasma cells 30 #
60 80
Peripheral blood CD8+ T Cell Subsets (%) Memory B/Plasma cells (%) 80 Activated CD8+ T cells (%)
CD4+ T Cell Subsets (%) ns ns 60 ns
ns ns
ns 40 ns 20
ns * ns ns
0 ns
40 ns ns 05 ns 42 (dpi) 4 ns ns ns 10 ns
ns ns 14 (dpr) ns
2 0
20 ns ns 05 28 33
ns ns 0 05
0 14 ns ns ns 14 05 14 28 33 42 (dpi) ## ns
05 28 33 05 14 (dpr)
28 33 42 (dpi) 05 14 42 (dpi)
05 14 (dpr) 14 (dpr)

B ** ns ns ns ns ** ns ns ns
80 30 50
* CD8+ T Cell Subsets (%) Memory B/Plasma cells (%) Activated CD8+ T cells (%)
Lymph nodes
CD4+ T Cell Subsets (%) 60 60 40

20 30

40 40


20 20 10

0 0 5 33 (dpi) 0 5 33 (dpi) 0 5 33 (dpi)
5 33 5 33 5 (dpr) 5 (dpr) 5 5 (dpr)
5 5 33 5 33 (dpi) 5 5 33 5 33 33
5 5 (dpr) 5 CD8+ TEM 5 Plasma cells 5 HLA-DR+CD38+PD-1+
CD4+ TNaïve CD8+ TNaïve
CD4+ TCM CD4+ TEM CD8+ TCM Memory B HLA-DR+CD38+
Initial challenge
120000 Rechallenge (28 dpi) ** Primary challenge Re-challenge
33 dpi (5 dpr) 42 dpi (14 dpr)
80000 # 120000 Animal ID
80000 n/a n/a
40000 40000 21 dpi 28 dpi n/a n/a

Anti-spike IgG titer ns Anti-spike IgG titer M0a n/a n/a

M1b n/a n/a

8000 # 8000 M2 1:16 1:16 1:12 1:10
4000 n/a
4000 ns M3c 1:8 1:8 1:8 1:160
ns 0 n/a
0 7 14 21 28 33 42 (dpi) M4 1:16 1:16 1:40 1:320
0 5 14 (dpr) M5c 1:20 1:16 1:32

14 dpi 14 dpr M6 1:32 1:20 1:40

Notes: a M0 was euthanized and necropsied at 5 dpi.
b M1 was euthanized and necropsied at 7 dpi.
c M3 and M5 were euthanized and necropsied at 33 dpi (5 dpr).
n/a, not applicable.

Fig. 4. Comparison of cellular and humoral immunity between primary increased compared with the baseline (unpaired t test, #P < 0.05, ##P < 0.01),
and increased numbers of CD8+ CD38+ HLA-DR+ T cells were also observed at
challenge and rechallenge stages in macaques. Four macaques (M3 to M6)
28 dpi (unpaired t test, 0 dpi versus 0 dpr, *P < 0.05). (B) Percentages of memory
were rechallenged at 28 dpi (dotted line and shaded areas), and the results of CD4+/CD8+ T cell subsets, memory B cells, plasma cells, or activated CD8+

the initial infection and rechallenge were compared at the same time points after T cells from lymph nodes between 5 dpi and 5 dpr. An increased percentage of
the challenge and after the rechallenge. (A) Percentages of memory CD4+/CD8+ CD4+ TCM cells and decreased percentage of CD4+ TNaïve cells and memory B cells
T cell subsets, memory B cells, plasma cells, or activated CD8+ T cells from from lymph nodes were found in the dot plots (unpaired t test, *P < 0.05,

peripheral blood for the challenge–rechallenge experiments. Compared with 0, 5, **P < 0.01). (C) Specific IgG titers against the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 in
or 14 dpi, there were no significant differences on the percentage of naive CD4+/
CD8+ T cells (CD4+/CD8+ TNaïve, CD3+ CD4+/CD8+ CCR7+ CD45RA+), central four rechallenged monkeys. The titers of antigen-specific IgG from each monkey
memory CD4+/CD8+ T cells (CD4+/CD8+ TCM, CD3+ CD4+/CD8+ CCR7+ CD45RA−),
effective memory T cells (CD4+/CD8+ TEM, CD3+ CD4+/CD8+ CCR7- CD45RA−), were detected at 3, 7, 14, 21, 28, 33, and 42 dpi. Significantly increased
memory B cells (CD3− CD20+ CD27+), and plasma cells (CD3− CD20+ CD43+) from
titers of IgG were observed between the primary and second challenges
peripheral blood at 0, 5, and 14 dpr (unpaired t test, ns, P > 0.05). The activation (unpaired t test, **P < 0.01, 14 dpi versus 14 dpr; #P < 0.05, 3 dpi versus
of CD8+ T cells (CD8+ CD38+ HLA-DR+ or CD8+ CD38+ HLA-DR+ PD-1+) at 14 dpi was
21 dpi, 28 dpi versus 42 dpi). (D) Neutralizing antibody titers for protection

of SARS-CoV-2-infected monkeys against reinfection.

Deng et al., Science 369, 818–823 (2020) 14 August 2020 5 of 6


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than 6 months) between the primary chal- infection rechallenge macaque model provides ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
lenge and the rechallenge is needed to track insightful information for vaccination research,
longitudinally the host–virus interaction and therapy of convalescent sera, and prognosis of Funding: This work was supported by the CAMS initiative for
elucidate the protective mechanism against COVID-19. Innovative Medicine of China (grant No. 2016-I2M-2-006),
SARS-CoV-2 in primates. Moreover, all in- National Mega projects of China for Major Infectious Diseases
fected monkeys exhibited relative mild-to- REFERENCES AND NOTES (2017ZX10304402), and National Key Research and Development
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relieved some level of concern regarding the patients with re-detectable positive RNA test. medRxiv supplementary materials. This work is licensed under a Creative
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ment (ADE). In addition, mucosal immunity, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction
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includes both the respiratory and intestinal a COVID-19 recovered patient cohort and their implications. view a copy of this license, visit
mucosa and local lymph nodes, might con- medRxiv 2020.03.30.20047365 [Preprint]. 20 April 2020; licenses/by/4.0/. This license does not apply to figures/
tribute substantially to the viral rechallenge photos/artwork or other content included in the article that is
response. Thus, future studies are required to 7. N. M. A. Okba et al., Emerg. Infect. Dis. 26, 1478–1488 (2020). credited to a third party; obtain authorization from the rights
examine experimentally the mucosal antibody 8. K. K. To et al., Lancet Infect. Dis. 20, 565–574 (2020). holder before using such material.
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12. B. N. Williamson et al., Clinical benefit of remdesivir View/request a protocol for this paper from Bio-protocol.
in rhesus macaques infected with SARS-CoV-2.
29 April 2020; accepted 24 June 2020
Published online 2 July 2020

Deng et al., Science 369, 818–823 (2020) 14 August 2020 6 of 6


IMMUNOLOGY membrane and appears to critically rely on
the function of BAF.
BAF restricts cGAS on nuclear DNA to prevent innate
immune activation To explore the mechanism by which BAF
restricts cGAS activity, we considered BAF’s
Baptiste Guey1*, Marilena Wischnewski1*, Alexiane Decout1, Kristina Makasheva2, Murat Kaynak3, functional properties to bind dsDNA and to
Mahmut S. Sakar3, Beat Fierz2, Andrea Ablasser1† interact with inner nuclear membrane pro-
teins through its LEM (Lap2/Emerin/Man1)
The appearance of DNA in the cytosol is perceived as a danger signal that stimulates potent immune domain (16). Reconstitution of BAF-KD cells
responses through cyclic guanosine monophosphate–adenosine monophosphate synthase (cGAS). How with a mutant defective in LEM-domain bind-
cells regulate the activity of cGAS toward self-DNA and guard against potentially damaging ing, BAF L58R (16), or the combined deple-
autoinflammatory responses is a fundamental biological question. Here, we identify barrier-to- tion of LEM-domain proteins had no effect.
autointegration factor 1 (BAF) as a natural opponent of cGAS activity on genomic self-DNA. We show that By contrast, reconstitution with a BAF mu-
BAF dynamically outcompetes cGAS for DNA binding, hence prohibiting the formation of DNA-cGAS tant compromised in DNA binding, BAF G47E
complexes that are essential for enzymatic activity. Upon acute loss of nuclear membrane integrity, (20), induced ISG up-regulation (Fig. 3A and
BAF is necessary to restrict cGAS activity on exposed DNA. Our observations reveal a safeguard fig. S6, A to D). We therefore hypothesized
mechanism, distinct from physical separation, by which cells protect themselves against aberrant that BAF may prevent cGAS activity by com-
immune responses toward genomic DNA. peting for DNA binding. Using purified
components, we determined that WT BAF,
T he enzyme cGAS is a universal innate (Fig. 1A). Furthermore, suppression of BAF but not BAF G47E, reduced cGAS binding
sensor for double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) resulted in cGAMP production and activa- to both chromatin and dsDNA in a dose-
(1, 2). On binding dsDNA, cGAS synthe- tion of TBK1 (Fig. 1, B and C). Similar results dependent manner. (Fig. 3B and fig. S6, E
sizes the second messenger cyclic guano- were obtained in mouse embryonic fibro- and F). Moreover, BAF robustly inhibited
sine monophosphate (GMP)–adenosine blasts and human fibroblasts (fig. S1, B to F). DNA-dependent cGAMP synthesis in vitro,
monophosphate (AMP) (cGAMP) (3–7). cGAMP, Thus, BAF appears to exert an important reg- whereas BAF G47E had no such effect (Fig. 3,
in turn, activates STING (Stimulator of interferon ulatory function over cGAS, and defects in BAF C and D). We next used single-molecule total
genes) to initiate a downstream signaling can trigger innate immune activation. internal reflection fluorescence (smTIRF) mi-
cascade that culminates in the production croscopy to visualize in real time the binding
of type I interferons and other inflamma- BAF is a chromatin-binding protein that of individual cGAS molecules to dsDNA (fig.
tory mediators (8). is essential for nuclear membrane reforma- S7, A to C). Single-molecule traces revealed
tion at the end of mitosis (13–16). However, that cGAS engaged in very transient [dwell
The physical separation between nuclear arresting cells in which BAF was knocked time (toff,1) = 1.4 ± 0.5 s] and occasionally
DNA and cytoplasmic cGAS by the nuclear down (BAF-KD cells) in S phase of the cell longer (toff,2 = 15 ± 5 s) interactions with
envelope (NE) is viewed as a crucial regulatory cycle had no effect on the induced ISG re- dsDNA (Fig. 3, E and H, and fig. S7D). When
strategy to avoid aberrant innate immune sponse (fig. S2A). Moreover, ISG up-regulation BAF was added, there was no change in the
activation (9). However, transient loss of was not accompanied by a detectable increase binding rate (kon) of cGAS on dsDNA. In-
nuclear integrity can occur during normal in micronuclei or by the appearance of cy- stead, WT BAF, but not BAF G47E, led to the
physiological processes, likely requiring an tosolic chromatin fragments (fig. S2, B to rapid dissociation of cGAS from dsDNA, as
“immunologically silent” resolution and re- E). Instead, BAF-KD cells showed repetitive indicated by a marked reduction of the average
pair process (10–12). At present, it remains NE rupture events, which were strongly cor- dwell times (toff,1, toff,2) (Fig. 3, F to H, and fig.
unclear how cGAS is controlled during tran- related with the accumulation of cGAS within S7D). Thus, rather than passively interfering
sient openings of the NE. discrete intranuclear foci (Fig. 1, D to F, and with cGAS activity by blocking DNA binding
fig. S3, A to D). Live-cell imaging confirmed sites, BAF dynamically displaces transiently
To investigate cGAS responses toward dis- that cytosolic cGAS was recruited toward bound cGAS monomers from dsDNA.
rupted nucleo-cytoplasmic compartmentali- the nucleus interior after loss of NE integrity
zation, we reduced the levels of key factors (Fig. 1G and movie S1). Stabilizing the NE The above data suggest a model in which
known to support NE assembly at the end of with the myosin II inhibitor blebbistatin not BAF outcompetes cGAS on DNA, preventing
mitosis with short interfering RNAs (siRNAs) only prevented NE ruptures after BAF sup- the formation of oligomeric DNA-cGAS assem-
and monitored levels of interferon-stimulated pression but also completely abrogated cGAS blies, which is required for enzymatic activity
genes (ISGs) as a surrogate readout for cGAS activity (Fig. 1H and fig. S3E). NE integrity could (21). Under this model, cGAS should form
activity in HeLa cells (13). We found that also be disrupted through either alterations larger and more stable complexes, with DNA
down-regulation of barrier-to-autointegration in the nuclear lamina by suppressing lamin exposed at the site of NE rupture if BAF was
factor 1 (BAF), encoded by BANF1, triggered A (LMNA) or through mechanical compres- absent. Monitoring cGAS intracellular local-
a robust ISG response, whereas suppression sion (17–19). Despite cGAS nuclear translocation, ization at a given moment in time revealed
of other relevant genes had no effect (Fig. neither approach induced an ISG response that a large fraction of BAF-KD cells accumu-
1A and fig. S1A). The induction of ISGs was in wild-type (WT) cells (Fig. 2, A and B, and lated cytosolic cGAS in the nucleus (Fig. 4A).
completely abrogated in cGAS-deficient cells figs. S4 and S5). By contrast, in BAF-KD cells, By contrast, only few LMNA-KD cells showed
mechanical compression elicited cGAS-STING intranuclear cGAS accumulation (Fig. 4A).
1Global Health Institute, Swiss Federal Institute of pathway activation, as revealed by robust In addition, for those nuclei that accumu-
Technology Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland. 2Institute of IRF3 activation (Fig. 2, C and D). Thus, the lated cGAS, the intranuclear volume covered
Chemical Sciences and Engineering, EPFL, Switzerland. control of cGAS activity against nuclear self- by cGAS was larger when BAF was down-
3Institute of Mechanical Engineering, EPFL, Switzerland. DNA depends on more than just the nuclear regulated (Fig. 4, A inset, B, and C). Using
*These authors contributed equally to this work. fluorescence recovery after photobleaching
†Corresponding author. Email: [email protected] (FRAP), we also found that cGAS was less
mobile on chromatin in BAF-KD cells versus
LMNA-KD cells or control cells, respectively

Guey et al., Science 369, 823–828 (2020) 14 August 2020 1 of 6


A IFI 44 mRNA (Fold) WT CGAS −/− WT CGAS −/− B *** C
siCtrl 30 ***
8 siBAF.1* ns ns 0.4 p-TBK1
6 siBAF.2*ns * ns 0.3 TBK1
4 siCtrl 0.2
2 siBAF.120 0.1 β-Actin
0 siBAF.2 0.0
ISG15 mRNA (Fold)

cGAMP (pg/µg of protein)


D DAPI cGAS Lamin A Merge Zoom

E 0 min NE Rupture 10 min Cells with NE rupture (%)15F 1.0 ****
G siCtrl
NLS-GFP siBAF** 0.8
NE intact 0.6
GFP (Cytosol)/10 0.4
GFP (Nucleus) 0.2
cGAMP (pg/µg of protein)50.0

0 +
Nuclear cGAS foci
0 min Rupture Repair siCtrl dsDNA
10 min 30 min 45 min H siBAF
0.6 *
0.2 ns


cGAS translocation NLS-GFP Intranuclear cGAS

Zoom 0
NE intact
NE disrupted

Fig. 1. BAF depletion causes NE rupture and cGAS activation on chromatin. treatment with a control siRNA or one targeting BAF (n = 3 independent
(A) ISG (ISG15, IFI44) induction in WT and CGAS−/− HeLa cells treated with a experiments). A complete image sequence is available in fig. S3B. Scale bar,
control siRNA (siCtrl) or siRNAs against BAF (siBAF.1 and siBAF.2) (n = 6 20 mm. Student’s t test was used. (F) NLS-GFP fluorescence ratio cytosol/
independent experiments). One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) with post nucleus in BAF-depleted HeLa cells exhibiting or not cGAS nuclear foci
hoc Tukey multiple comparison test was used. (B) 2′3′-cGAMP quantification [n = 19 cells without cGAS nuclear foci (–), n = 38 cells with cGAS nuclear
in HeLa cells treated with siCtrl or siBAF or transfected with 90-nucleotide foci (+)]. Student’s t test was used. (G) Representative image sequence of a
oligomer dsDNA (dsDNA) (n = 6 independent experiments). One-way ANOVA BAF-depleted HeLa cell exhibiting a NE rupture event (NLS-GFP escape;
with post hoc Dunnett multiple comparison test was used. (C) Phosphorylation green) accompanied by cGAS-Halo (orange) intranuclear accumulation
of TBK1 in HeLa cells after BAF knockdown (representative of three independent (representative of three independent experiments) (movie S1). Asterisk indicates
experiments). (D) Representative confocal fluorescence microscopy images cGAS in a micronucleus. Scale bar, 20 mm or (inset) 5 mm. (H) 2′3′-cGAMP
of BAF-KD HeLa cells stained with antibodies against cGAS (green) and lamin A quantification in HeLa cells pretreated or not with blebbistatin and treated with
(red). 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) is shown in blue (representative of siCtrl or siBAF or transfected with 90-nucleotide oligomer DNA (dsDNA)
three independent experiments). Scale bar, 20 mm or (inset) 5 mm. (E) (Left) (n = 5 independent experiments). One-way ANOVA with post hoc Dunnett
Representative fluorescence microscopy images showing a NE rupture event multiple comparison test was used. Error bars indicate SEM. *P < 0.05;
(NLS-GFP escape; green). (Right) Incidence of NE ruptures in HeLa cells upon **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001; ****P < 0.0001; ns, not significant.

Guey et al., Science 369, 823–828 (2020) 14 August 2020 2 of 6


A Cells with NE rupture (%)*B ns C ** Fig. 2. Loss of nuclear integrity is
siCtrl* not uniformly linked to cGAS activity.
25 siBAF40** 100 (A) Incidence of NE ruptures in HeLa cells
20 siLMNA 80 treated with siCtrl, siBAF, or siLMNA (n =
15 30 60 3 independent experiments). Multiple t test
10 ISG15 mRNA (Fold) 40 was used. (B) ISG15 mRNA expression levels
siCtrl20 20 in HeLa cells treated with siCtrl, siBAF, or
5 siBAF 0 siLMNA (n = 6 independent experiments).
0 siLMNA10 One-way ANOVA with post hoc Dunnett
multiple comparison test was used.
% of IRF3-translocated cells0 (C) Quantification of cells with cGAS-positive
(/cGAS positive) nuclei showing GFP-IRF3 nuclear translocation
after confinement of HeLa treated with
siCtrl blebbistatin (20 mM) and siCtrl or siBAF,
siBAF respectively (n = 4 independent experiments).
Student’s t test was used. (D) Representative
D IRF3-GFP cGAS-Halo Merge image of HeLa cells stably expressing
GFP-IRF3 (green) and cGAS-Halo (red),
siCtrl treated with blebbistatin (20 mM) and siCtrl
or siBAF and subjected to 3-mm confinement
for 1 min. Image was acquired 5 hours
after confinement (representative of three
independent experiments). Scale bar,
40 mm. Error bars indicate SEM. *P < 0.05;
**P < 0.01; ****P < 0.0001; ns, not significant.


(Fig. 4D; fig. S8, A, B and C; and movie S2). the nuclear pool of cGAS appears function- Using the cGAS–nuclear localization signal
Critically, the frequency of rupture events as ally inactive through strong binding to (NLS) experimental system, we found that
well as the overall rate of NE repair was similar compared with several other architectural
between BAF-KD and LMNA-KD cells (fig. chromatin and is considered to not partici- chromatin proteins, the suppression of BAF
S8D). Thus, in living cells, BAF limits cGAS pate in DNA sensing and activation (23, 24). had by far the strongest effect on both cGAMP
associations with chromatin after NE rup- To understand the relationship between the production and ISG up-regulation (fig. S11, A
ture, which is consistent with the competition to C). Moreover, the decondensation of chro-
for DNA binding. inhibitory effect of chromatin versus BAF matin by treating cells with the histone
for cGAS regulation, we used two distinct deacetylase inhibitors valproic acid (VA) and
BAF has been implicated in the recognition CGAS mutants, CGAS R236A and R255A, trichostatin A (TSA) did not trigger cGAS-
of exogenous dsDNA in the cytosol (22). Vis- that are defective in nuclear tethering (23). NLS activity. Chromatin decompaction through
ualizing the recruitment of BAF and cGAS to Consistent with prior work (23), cells ex- overexpression of HMGN5 in HeLa cells sim-
transfected DNA revealed a negative correla- pressing either mutant showed spontaneous ilarly had no effect on this pathway (fig. S11, D
tion between DNA foci that were targeted by and E) (26). Thus, although the precise role of
cGAS versus BAF, and overexpression of BAF cGAMP synthesis, presumably as a result chromatin architecture and chromatin itself
enhanced this effect (fig. S9A). We also mea- of nuclear DNA sensing. Suppression of requires further study, our experimental find-
sured cGAMP production and ISG transcripts BAF markedly enhanced the overall level ings provide strong evidence that BAF acts as
and found that BAF overexpression resulted of cGAMP production from both CGAS- a critical regulatory factor over cGAS on nu-
in compromised cGAS activation at least in mutant cells, whereas overexpression of BAF clear DNA.
part (fig. S9B). Competition for DNA binding reduced cGAMP synthesis (fig. S10, A and B).
between cGAS and BAF can therefore also This study identifies a safeguard mecha-
occur in the cytosol, albeit with lower overall We also generated cells that selectively ex- nism that restricts cGAS activity on genomic
efficacy. press cGAS inside the nucleus (GFP-NLS- self-DNA: Upon loss of nuclear compartmen-
CGAS) to lower the threshold of intranuclear talization, cytosolic cGAS accumulates on
Although the activation of cGAS by DNA cGAS activation (19). Suppression of BAF in chromatin at the nuclear periphery. Its en-
typically occurs within the cytosol, a consid- this experimental system led to prominent zymatic activity is prevented, however, by
erable fraction of cGAS resides within the cGAS activity, even in the absence of NE rup- BAF, which dynamically outcompetes cGAS
nucleus at steady state (19, 23). However,
tures (Fig. 4E). Last, we investigated whether
other chromatin organizing factors exert
similar regulatory function over cGAS (25).

Guey et al., Science 369, 823–828 (2020) 14 August 2020 3 of 6

RESEARCH | REPORT siCtrl B 0.6 cGAS intensity **** Free chromatin
siBAF on chromatin particles (a.u.) 1 pmol BAF
A ns ISG15 mRNA (Fold) 0.4 2.5 pmol BAF
0.2 10 pmol BAF
6 ** *



0 0.0

D 1.5 BAF BAF G47E

cGAMP Ratio cGAMP 1.0 * ** *** ***

BAF BAF 0.0 5 10 15 20 25
cGAS + dsDNA G47E 0 BAF equivalent

cGAS + dsDNA

E tdark tbright 300 H

1500 fluorescence counts (n) cGAS
1000 (counts)
200 cGAS + BAF
0 100
F 50 100 150 200 250 0 20 40 60 80 off,1(s)
time (s) 0 tbright (s) **
1000 tdark tbright 300 2

500 1
0 counts (n) 0

fluorescenceG cGAS 200 25 * **
(counts) BAF cGAS
100 BAF

50 100 150 200 250 0 20 40 60 80 off,2(s) 15
time (s) 0 tbright (s) 10

tdark tbright 300 5

fluorescence 1500 cGAS counts (n) 200
(counts) 1000 BAF G47E cGAS

500 50 100 150 200 250 100 BAF G47E
0 time (s)
0 0 20 40 60 80
t (s)


Fig. 3. Molecular mechanism of cGAS inhibition by BAF. (A) ISG15 mRNA in vitro 2′3′-cGAMP synthesis between cGAS stimulated with dsDNA precom-
expression levels of HeLa cells (Ctrl) and siRNA-resistant WT BAF– and BAF plexed with WT BAF or BAF G47E, and free dsDNA (n = 3 independent
G47E–expressing HeLa cells depleted or not for BAF (n = 5 independent experiments). Multiple t test was used. (E to G) Extracted single-molecule (sm)
experiments). One-way ANOVA with post hoc Dunnett multiple comparison fluorescence time trace (left) and corresponding dwell-time histograms for (E)
test was used. (B) Labeled-cGAS intensity obtained by means of confocal cGAS in the absence of BAF, (F) cGAS in the presence of WT BAF, and (G)
microscopy of chromatin particles preincubated or not with BAF (n = 3 cGAS in the presence of BAF G47E, showing stochastic binding events. (H) Dwell
independent experiments). One-way ANOVA with post hoc Dunnett multiple times (toff,1; toff,2) for cGAS, cGAS + WT BAF, and cGAS + BAF G47E. n = 4
comparison test was used. (C) In vitro analysis of 2′3′-cGAMP synthesis by (cGAS), n = 3 (cGAS + BAF WT), and n = 4 (cGAS + BAF G47E) independent
means of dsDNA-stimulated cGAS and addition of (left) WT BAF or (right) experiments. Two-tailed Student’s t test was used. Error bars indicate SEM.
BAF G47E (representative of three independent experiments). (D) Ratio of *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001; ****P < 0.0001; ns, not significant.

Guey et al., Science 369, 823–828 (2020) 14 August 2020 4 of 6

25 ****
A siCtrl
DRAQ5 Nuclei positive for cGAS (%)
siCtrl 20
cGAS siBAF 15


Merge a c a bc d
1.0 *
B cGAS Merge C 0.8 *

30 ** 0.6
20 0.4
10 0.2
siBAF 0cGAS nuclear volume (a.u.)

cGAS immobile fraction

cGAMP (pg/µg of protein)E WT CGAS –/– GFP-NLS-CGAS

4000 ns siCtrl *
1000 siBAF *
+ dsDNA
800 **




0 – –+–+

Fig. 4. BAF outcompetes cGAS from DNA in living cells. (A) (Left) three independent experiments). Scale bar, 5 mm. (D) cGAS-GFP immobile
Representative fluorescence microscopy images of HeLa cells treated with siCtrl, fraction obtained after photobleaching of cGAS-GFP nuclear foci in HeLa cells
siBAF, or siLMNA for 3 days and stained for cGAS (green) and DNA (DRAQ5, treated with siCtrl, siBAF, or siLMNA (representative of three independent
red). Scale bar, 20 mm. (Top right) Quantification of nuclei exhibiting cGAS experiments). One-way ANOVA with post hoc Dunnett multiple comparison test
nuclear foci for each condition as indicated (n = 3 independent experiments). was used. (E) 2′3′-cGAMP levels from WT HeLa, CGAS−/− HeLa, or CGAS−/−
One-way ANOVA with post hoc Dunnett multiple comparison test. (Bottom right) HeLa cells overexpressing NLS-cGAS (GFP-NLS-CGAS) and treated with siCtrl or
Enlargement of indicated nuclei. (B and C) Representative high-resolution siBAF or transfected with 90-nucelotide oligomer DNA (dsDNA) (n = 5
confocal fluorescence microscopy images of cGAS nuclear foci and measurement independent experiments). Two-way ANOVA with post hoc Dunnett multiple
of cGAS nuclear volume in HeLa cells treated for 3 days with siBAF or siLMNA. comparison test was used. Error bars indicate SEM. *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01;
Cells were stained for cGAS (green) and DNA (DRAQ5, red) (representative of ***P < 0.001; ns, not significant.

Guey et al., Science 369, 823–828 (2020) 14 August 2020 5 of 6


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simple physical separation. We propose that the NCCR Chemical Biology. M.S.S. is supported by the ERC
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with routine operations occurring within a study. Competing interests: A.A. is a member of the scientific
living cell. M. Piel, Methods Cell Biol. 121, 213–229 (2014). advisory board of IFM Therapeutics and scientific cofounder
19. M. Gentili et al., Cell Rep. 26, 3798 (2019). of IFM Due. All other authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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We thank N. Jordan and J. Ricci for technical assistance and
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Guey et al., Science 369, 823–828 (2020) 14 August 2020 6 of 6


TROPHIC RESILIENCE reinforces prey population control and main-

Trophic pyramids reorganize when food web tains energy flow (15, 20).
architecture fails to adjust to ocean change Rising CO2 levels challenge the adapta-

bility of ecosystems (21). Although ocean
acidification can threaten calcifiers (22) and

impair animal behaviors (7), primary pro-

Ivan Nagelkerken1*†, Silvan U. Goldenberg1,2†, Camilo M. Ferreira1, Hadayet Ullah1, Sean D. Connell1 ducers may use the excess CO2 as a nutrient
to fuel growth (23). Similarly, climate warm-

As human activities intensify, the structures of ecosystems and their food webs often reorganize. ing causes metabolic stress in species near
Through the study of mesocosms harboring a diverse benthic coastal community, we reveal their upper thermal limits (24), whereas
that food web architecture can be inflexible under ocean warming and acidification and others may gain from the increased scope
unable to compensate for the decline or proliferation of taxa. Key stabilizing processes, for physiological performance (6, 25) and ex-
including functional redundancy, trophic compensation, and species substitution, were largely pand their populations (26, 27). However, it
absent under future climate conditions. A trophic pyramid emerged in which biomass is not species richness or community struc-
expanded at the base and top but contracted in the center. This structure may characterize a ture but ecosystem functions that provide
transitionary state before collapse into shortened, bottom-heavy food webs that characterize natural resources and services (17, 19, 28).
ecosystems subject to persistent abiotic stress. We show that where food web architecture lacks We must therefore ask whether fundamen-
adjustability, the adaptive capacity of ecosystems to global change is weak and ecosystem tal ecosystem properties can persist into the
degradation likely. future via stabilizing processes in the face of
community reorganization.

In this study, we tested whether food web

architecture can adjust to climatic stress by

H umanity is sustained by complex and covery of life on Earth after mass extinctions countering shifts in community composi-
inherently adaptive systems that can (14). Revealing the internal dynamics of food tion and productivity (Fig. 1). Because climate
provide goods and services in a con- webs is a critical step toward understand- change often advantages weedy primary pro-
tinuously changing world (1). These self- ing ecosystem vulnerability. ducers, we anticipate that food webs will ad-
organizing networks are recognized in just in three ways: (i) functional replacement
The adaptive capacity of trophic archi-

medicine and economics. Immune systems tecture is embedded in the flexible behav- of sensitive herbivores by those more resil-

maintain health against novel pathogens via ior of consumers (15) (Fig. 1). Consumers ient to climate change, (ii) greater reliance of

millions of specialized cells that communi- tend to forage for resources that are plen- secondary consumers on omnivory as pri-

cate and rearrange. Economies meet an ever- tiful (16) and therefore play a critical role mary production increases but secondary

changing demand as individual businesses in the regulation of proliferating resources production decreases (6), and (iii) loss of

constantly emerge, fail, or adjust. Although and the recovery of rare resources (11). Adap- secondary consumers that cannot switch

similar adaptive principles have been applied tive capacity is further enhanced through to omnivory.

to ecosystems (2), the preservation of their redundancy among functionally similar In 1800-liter mesocosms, we exposed a

services into the future is threatened by the consumers (17); for instance, the loss of benthic community to simulated ocean acid-

overwhelming pressure of human activities sensitive species can be compensated for ification (elevated partial pressure of CO2:

(3–6). through niche expansion and density sub- 910 matm) and ocean warming (elevated tem-

As humans alter the environment, ecolog- stitution by less sensitive species now li- perature: +2.8°C) for 4.5 months, according

ical processes can accelerate or counter berated from competition (18). Such adaptive to end-of-century projections under a high-

ecosystem degradation (7). Degradation capacity may be limited and highly varia- emission scenario (Representative Concentra-

may be accelerated by the unrestrained ex- ble (19) but is considered key to the resist- tion Pathway 8.5). We assessed the performance

pansion of species whose modified func- ance and resilience of ecosystems because it of functional groups at different trophic levels

tions destabilize food webs (8) and cascade

through the ecosystem (9, 10). Degradation

may be buffered, though, by the complex net-

work of consumer interactions (i.e., trophic

architecture) that maintain the functioning

of food webs (11). Food web modifications

are commonly studied using trophic py-

ramids, as they convey information on food

web health as well as underlying ecological

processes (12). For example, trophic py-

ramids can reveal the inverted state of coral Fig. 1. Adaptive trophic architecture. (A) We define trophic architecture as a network of feeding

reefs due to overfishing (13), forecast pri- interactions (blue arrows) between organisms (nodes) that propagate energy through food webs (11). The

mary consumer dominance through species trophic niches of consumers (position within the architecture) reflect the origin of energy (horizontal axis;

invasions (5), and explain the stepwise re- d13C used as a proxy) and the number of trophic levels (vertical axis; d15N used as a proxy). Flexibility

in these links may allow trophic architecture to adjust to changes in community composition driven

1Southern Seas Ecology Laboratories, School of Biological by abiotic change (11, 15, 16). (B to D) Potential consumer responses (black arrows) and modified energy
Sciences and The Environment Institute, DX 650 418, The flows (thick blue arrows) resulting from altered biomass of other community members (red arrows), leading
University of Adelaide, Adelaide, SA 5005, Australia. to a shift in the trophic position of consumers. (B) Overexpansion of a 1° producer is buffered by higher
2GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, consumption throughout the food web. (C) Overexpansion of a 1° producer is buffered by a 2° consumer that
Düsternbrooker Weg 20, Kiel 24105, Germany. switches to omnivory, shortening the architecture. (D) A lost 1° consumer is replaced by a competitor
(functional redundancy).
*Corresponding author. Email: [email protected]

†These authors contributed equally to this work.

Nagelkerken et al., Science 369, 829–832 (2020) 14 August 2020 1 of 4

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