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Published by Colin Davis, 2019-05-22 11:20:02


my colonial ebook from 2019



Table of Contents

Welcome to the 13 Colonies!

The 13 colonies were what is now America.
The King of England owned all of the
colonies. Colonies are kind of like states. It
was hard back then because people had little
money. People couldn't, afford food. Back
then people had to hunt for food and kill
animals. People traded food, toys, tools and


In my village you will find an apothecary . An apothecary
would sell medicines and spices to people. Blacksmiths in our
town made tools from metal and iron. Post offices would sell
newspapers. Colonial men went to a wheelwright to buy
wheels for their wagons, carriages and stagecoaches. Back in
the colonial times there was a governor that owned a few
buildings. Many buildings were made out of wood, and a few
were made of brick.

My wonderful clothing

In the colonial times girls wore dresses that went down to their knees. and elbows.
boys wore knee length pants . When it was cold the men wore socks They used
buttons instead of zippers. Also wealthy people bought clothing from Europe. Rich
boys dressed up like their fathers. Back in the day , clothing was heavy and thick.
Cloth was made from sheep’s wool.

Steps for Making Cloth:

● Step 1: Cut off sheep wool
● Step 2: Make into thread
● Step 3: Make it into cloth


Before school I must help by gathering all of the eggs from the chickens and
also feed the chickens. I must help by cleaning all the pens for the farm and
after school I must help by spreading fresh hay around the pens for the cows
,pigs ,horses and sheep. Also after school, I milk the cows. My sister liked
most of the girls in her school She made butter for are family and it took a
few hours to make the butter also girls had to cook for their family also boys
had to hunt and build for their family and also the girls cooked every night for
their family. That’s what you would do if you were a colonial child


Hi i am Degory . I’d love to tell you all about my school. Come on in. Let me show
you. My school is one room and we have one teacher, named Miss Daniels. In school,
we learn math, reading, writing and sometimes science. My brother John always talks
during the school lesson. I always mention this to him but he keeps on talking.
Teacher gets upset with John and he has to sit in the corner. and I say pray pardon
me which stands for excuse me and he just says leave but i'm just happy that my little
brother john didn't get whipped or in trouble. And i degory don't like music or
dancing but everyone around me does it so i do it.

Fun and games

Games Colonial people played with stilts in the
summer with their friends or family . Also for fun
and games they would play ring toss ,sack races ,
flying kites ,marbles, bowling, blinds man buff, or
spinning a top, For toys they would play with toy
soldiers, metal pistols ,dolls, kites and marbles and
fake houses.


I hope you enjoyed learning about the colonist. they are really interesting learn about I
mean their clothing their food their vehicles houses the general store their school
chores. there is just so much stuff to be Learning about i hope you learned so much
from this topic. and I hope you will tell your friends and just that you enjoyed my
colonial slide hope you enjoyed.

The 13 colonies map and video!

These videos and maps will help you learn about the colonies.

Taxes that were issues back then in the colonial times...

Click to watch!!!!

You will watch a video about how the
colonial people did not like the taxes and
how people fighted about having taxes or
not having taxes..


Apothecary - a place where medicine is sold.

Blacksmith - person who makes tools out of metal and iron
veterinarians are people that take care of people animals that or sick or in pain


Isaacs, Sally Senzell. Life in a Colonial Town. Heinemann Library, 2001.
Kalman, Bobbie. A Visual Dictionary of a Colonial Community. Crabtree Pub. Co., 2008.
Kalman, Bobbie. The General Store. Crabtree Pub., 1997.

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